USD107540S - Design for a milk pail - Google Patents

Design for a milk pail Download PDF


Publication number
USD107540S US D107540 S USD107540 S US D107540S
United States
Prior art keywords
milk pail
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Application number
Thomas D. Mchale
Filing date
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Des. 107,540
Dec. 21, 1937.
T. D. M HALE MILK PAIL Filed Sept. '7, 1957 flew/w: a M' HILE IN VENTOR.
Patented Dec. 21, 1937 [De UNITED STATES EXTENT OFFIQE DESIGN FOR A MILK PAIL Thomas D. McHale, Los Angeles, Calif.
Application September '7, 1937, Serial No. 71,494
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. Be it known that I, Thomas D. McHale, a citi- The figure is a perspective view of a milk pail, zen of the United States, residing at Los Angeles, showing my new design. in the county of Los Angeles and State of Cali- I claim: fornia, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a milk pail, as mental Design for a Milk Pail, of which the folshown. lowing is a specification, reference being had to THOS. D. MCHALE.



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