USD100925S - Design for a skein holder - Google Patents

Design for a skein holder Download PDF


Publication number
USD100925S US D100925 S USD100925 S US D100925S
United States
Prior art keywords
skein holder
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Application number
Harry Reom
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18, 1936. H REQM, JR Des. 100,925
SKE'IN HOLDER Filed June 24, 1936 IN VEN TOR. HHRRY Ram, JR.
BY 71. g
Patented Aug. 18, 1936 D UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A SKEIN HOLDER Harry Reom, Jr., Oakland, Calif.
. Application June 24, 1936, Serial No. 63,455
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a perspective view of a. skein holder Be it known that I, Harry Reom, Jr., a citizen embodying the design of my invention and in of the United States and a resident of Oakland, condition for use.
in the county of Alameda and State of California, Figure 2 is a plan view of the skein holder.
have invented a new, original, and ornamental I claim:
Design for a Skein Holder, of which the following The ornamental design for a skein holder, subis a specification, reference being had to the stantially as shown.
accompanying drawing, forming part thereof, HARRY REOM, JR.



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