US952592A - Dish-washing machine. - Google Patents

Dish-washing machine. Download PDF


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US952592A US48976009A US1909489760A US952592A US 952592 A US952592 A US 952592A US 48976009 A US48976009 A US 48976009A US 1909489760 A US1909489760 A US 1909489760A US 952592 A US952592 A US 952592A
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Egidio Villani
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    • A47L15/00Washing or rinsing machines for crockery or tableware
    • A47L15/37Washing or rinsing machines for crockery or tableware with crockery cleaned by brushes
    • A47L15/39Washing or rinsing machines for crockery or tableware with crockery cleaned by brushes with brushes on movable supports


  • My invention relates to washing appara tus, and has for its object the. cleaning of dishes and glass ware, as Well as other table articles in a convenient, etiicient and hy git-nic manner, both as regards the Condit-ion of the articles cleaned and the prevention of injury to the hands of the user, thoroughly scrubbing and rinsing the articles and avoiding the necessity of putting the bauds into the. hot soapy water, as is ordinarily required.
  • My invention consists in the combination of a basin, a plurality of separately mounted and independently moving juxtapositcd brushes rotatable in thc basin adapted to ilnpinge upon articles placed between them, means for rotating the articles between the brushes, and means :whereby said articles may be removably supported and guided during their rotation.
  • M v invention also consists in the parts and in the details of construction and arrangement ot' parts as will hereinafter be more fully described und claimed.
  • Figure. 1 is a side elevation of a device. embodying my invention.
  • Fig. 2 is a partial rear elevation of the same.
  • Fig. 2l is a sectional detail View, enlar ed, on a line corresponding to the line. .'c-.r il ustrating the construction of the brushes.
  • Fig. l is a detail pers )active view, enlarged,'of the two twisted plates fo ming the shaft of a brush, as l prefer to construct it in my improved device, having a flexible shaft.
  • Fig. 5 is a view of an auxiliary cleaning attachmeut.
  • F ig. (3 is a section on the line y-y of Fig. 1.
  • 't' is a detail view. enlarged, in section on a line corresponding to the line s-z of Fig. 6, illustrating the construction of the yieldable support for the supporting and rotating shaft.
  • Fig. 8 is a similar View illustrating the construction of the detachable rotating mechanism for the supporting und rotating shaft. as I prefer to construct it in my improved device.
  • Fig. 9 is a detail View. enlarged, on a line corresponding to the line a/-g/ of Fig. 1, illustrating the construction of the yieldable support en each of the brush shafts.
  • the basin 1 is supported by two laterally disposed frame meinbers 2 and 3, hold in their proper spaed apart positions by tie transversely exten ing rods #L15 and G, t e rods and 5 extend ing along the upper' the rod (i extending thereunder. Said rods are rigidly attached to the frame members by nuts 7 screwed onto the rods against the sides of the frame members.
  • the front of the basin, at its top, is flared forwardly, and the frame members 2 and 3 are inclined forwardly to conform to the basin and extend upward above the upper edge thereof, the transversely extending rod 4 being secured to these frame members near their extreme ides of the basinand i upper ends where they extend above the basin.
  • each of the frame members 2 and 3 has a rearward extension 2 and 3', respectively, in which are formed bearings for a transversely extending .shaft 8, through which the power for operating the machine is transmitted.
  • this shaft 8 extends a considerable distance past each side of the machine, and it will be undelstood that any suitable driving up params may be properly connected Wit-h this shaft at, this int for driving the machine.
  • This driving apparatus may be a crank for operating the machine by hand, or it may be any suitable motor, such as an electric motor or a hydraulic motor.
  • a yoke 9 has arms 10 and 11 taking over the transversely extending rod l at the front of the niaeliine, and the shaft t5 also passes through these urnas, this oke being thereby so positioned that it inc ines downwardly into the basin with a transversely extending part 9 extending parallel to the shaft 8 at about. the height of the u per edge of the basin l.
  • This transverse y extending part 9 of the yoke 9 carries bearings for a series of sprocket Wheels l2, 12, 12b, 12, 12d and. 12.
  • the sprocket wheel 12 is mounted on a shaft. 13 at the side of the yoke adjacent.
  • the sprocket wheel 12* and the sprocket wheel 12 are mounted on a common shaft 13'.
  • the sprocket wheel 12c and the sprocket wheel 12 are mounted on a common shaft 13".
  • the sprocket. wheel 12e is mounted on la shaft 14.
  • a bevel pinion 15 is mounted on the shaft 13 which the sprocket. wheel 12 is mounted ou, at the side of the yoke.
  • the sprocket cie manner of mounting which will a so 'fieles cleaned.
  • a bevelgear 17, ri mounted on the shaft 8, is in mesh witl:L the Y esasea wheels 12 and 12* have a sprocket chain 16 passin f around them.
  • the sprocketwheels 152 an IQQ have a sprocket chain 16', and the sprocket Wheels 12d and 12e have a sprocket chain 16" passing around them.
  • the sprocket Wheels and their :bains are all mounted behind the transvers.; part- 9 of the.
  • a shaft Q0 extending transversely of the basin, the s hereinafter be more fully described.
  • This shaft has, ri idly mounted on it to rotate therewith, wieels 21, :'21l and 21", having grooved peripheries.
  • These wheels are ⁇ for supporting articles such as plates and saucers, the entres of the articles resting in the grooves oft their "cripheries, utside the basin, a sprocket w eel 22 is provided to operatively engage with the shaft 20, and the shaft 8 has a sprocket wheel Q3 in alinement therewith.
  • sprocket wheels 22 and 23 have a sprocket chain 24 passing,r around them, so that the shaft 8 may canse the shaft 20 to rotate.
  • a series of rollers 25. 25'* and 25D are provided, each being jonrnaled in an extension romlthe forward Wall of the basin, each of Vthese extensions being carried downwardly' and rearwardly in the form of a trough 16 supported at its lower and rearward end ou the bottom of the basin.
  • tie shaft '2o Rearwardly of the basin.
  • rollers 27, 2T and 27 are ournaled 1n forks 27', mount/ed on flexible supports E28 which are attached to part. of the basin near its rear.
  • the rollers E25 and 27 are in alineyxnent" with'A the roller 21 on the .shaft 2li. i While"the:1'ollers 25a and 27* are in alinement'with the roller 2l and the rollers 25" and 27"' are in alinement with the roller 2lb.
  • an article to be cleaned such as a plate 29, may be in- """serted cdgewise downwardly into the brin sir/with its periphery resting upon the wheel 2l below and supported and'guided bythe rollers 25 und .'L'i above.. in which-position the impingiug material of the adjacent' brushes muy act upon its sides while it is rotated, due tao its beingr inserted uion the wheel 2l which is being rotated n the shaft 2li.
  • ull parts of the article are brought into posiion for ContactV with the brushes. and the brushes being,r rapidly roated. will, with the use. of water introduced into the basin through a suitable inlet 30, thoroughly clean the urtirle.
  • the rollers 27, 27'l and 27h are mounted on the Horrible supports so that they may adjust tomarions sized artieies, such as plates :nul
  • lt. will be. understood that the water introduced through the inlet 3G may be. Projected with any desired degree of torre into the basin so that a thorough washing and rinsing action is obtained in conjunrtion with the' scrubbinr action of the brushes, as above referred to ⁇ the basin being supplied with soap as required.
  • rl ⁇ he basin l has u suitable outlet ill at its bottom at one side.
  • the. brushes have their iinpinging material disposed in the form of a' helix extending on Bauli brush in 'such direetion with respect to its direction of rotation that, the substance removed from the articles will be forced downwardly olf of the article.
  • This helical formation of the brushes is also useful in moreetieiently directing the water against the articles, since the water entering near one end of each brush is carried approximately longitudinaliof the ln'ushes along the article being washed.
  • the shaft of each brush is eomposed of two twisted plates 32 and 32, as is best illustrated in Fig. l of the drawings.
  • the shafts of the brushes are removably supported therein.
  • these shafts are ure provided, ut. their forward upper ends, with hubs 34 having arevryieldable longitudinally, being mounted l on helical springs 40 in the recesses. as is heet illustrated in Fig. 9 of the drawings.
  • shaiit 20 enters the socket 46- in va liuh ona sha-ft 48, which extend-s through the wall' of the, basin and is provided with a suitable stalling box 4S', upon which sha t't the sprocket wheel 92 is mounted toimpart rotation t-o the sliaftit Q0. and the shaft 2O has radial-ly eri-tending pegs 50 to enter slots in the hub 4G of the shaft.
  • the shaft 20-the sprocket wl'i'eel Q2 and; its chain E24 need not be distuabed'.
  • the sleeve l'i' is adapteditio be rapidly rotatedon (he pointed 5l'V and may receive asuitable brush for cleaning the insides of the cups 4or tumblers, suehabrush andv the above, de-
  • This brush is helical 1n formation and construct.
  • the brushes 1S, 1S, 182 and 18, interiorly of the basin are preferably constructed in the same manner.
  • the impinging,r material consists in rubber tubing clamped between the twisted plates 32 and 32', which forms a most elticient device for impinginf,r upon and cleaning the surfaces of the. articles.
  • any material usually eiuplojed in the construction of brushes, such as fiber or bristles, may be used for the impinging material in these helical brushes.
  • These shafts 67 and GS are provided with iinpiuging material 71 and 72, and 72% and 105 741. respectively, which may consist in bers or bristles such as brushes are usuall.' nimh ⁇ of and which may. be provided with any dcsirctl general' formation.
  • iinpiugingl materials T1 and T2 11i near the outer ends of the shafts (i8 are straight and parallel. but slightly separated at T5, and into the space between them such articles as knives andt forks may be ,inserted to be cleaned by the rapidly rotating brushes 1 15 thus constituted.
  • the flexible shaft such as the brush illustrated in Fi 5 of the drawings, the flexible shaft consisting in helical springs TT und '(8 coiled in opposits directions and one contained within the other, attached :it one end to hub 79, with a socket to receive the sleeve on the stud 5l, thit. ⁇ hub being provided with a set screw to clam it the sleeve.
  • the other end of the exible shat is connected to a suitable brush 81 with its inipingiug nniterial extending parallel with the length of the shaft, and a handle 82 has a ring 83 taking around the erihle shaft so that the brush may be presented in any desired :iirection by flexing the shaft and will he rapidly rotated while thus presented, diie to thevbub 79 beingsecured to the rf-tnting sleeve 52.
  • auxiliary cleaning devices at the side of tiie ifiacbine are especiall desirable when tie machine is operate by .poweig leaving the hands of the usci' free to a ply the articles to be cleaned to the brushes or to insert such articles into the basin between theiuxtaposited brushes there in, es may required in the course of handlin the articles to be cleaned.
  • the operator of the machina may be continuously employed in the inserting and renioiY ⁇ ing of the articles, since sufficient time elapses for the thorough cleaning of the first article inserted by the time the subsequent articles have been inserted, so that the duty of the operator becomes merely that of inserting and removing the articles successively from one side ofthe machine to the other.
  • the number of brushes thus arranged in the basin may be onlv two in number arranged side by side wit the proper means between them for supportin and guidin and rotatin the article.
  • the wheel on the shaft adapted to receive and support and rotate the article to be cleaned, the article to he cleaned being adapted to l'e inserted between the brushes onto the wheel, a roller or-recciving and guiding the article and another roller flexibly niouiited to admit the article and to engage therewith to guide it, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
  • e dish washing machine the combination with a basin, of juxtaposited brushes therein, a shaft within the basin, a wheel on the shaft adapted to receive and su sport and rotatel the article. to be cleaned, tlie article being,r adapted to be inserted between the brush onto the wheel, a roller t0 sup Jort and guide the article and a trough in a inenient with the roller and with the wheel, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
  • a dish Washing machine the combination with a basin, oi ,iuxtaposited brushes within thc basin, a shaft within the basin, a wheel on the shaft -to receive and support and rotate the article to be cleaned, a roller adapted to support and guide the article, another roller flexibly mounted to admit the article and to engage with it to guide it and a trough in alincment with the rollers,4
  • a dish washing apparatus In a dish washing apparatus, the combination with abbasin, arin f forwardly frame members at the sides of t e basin supporting it, rods connecting the frame meniers and rigidly secured thereto, a driving shaft journaled transversely in the. frame members, a yoke attached to one of the rods and supported by the driving shaft, brushes in the basin, rotating mechanism for the brushes mounted on the yoke, engaging means whereby the driving shaft drives the rotating mechanism for the brushes and means for supporting articles within the basin to be cleaned by 'the brushes, substantiall as and for thepurposes herein set 8.
  • a dish Washi apparatus In a dish Washi apparatus, a basin, ailurality of Vseparate y mounted andinde- .pendentlymoving ⁇ juxtaposited brushes therein, means for rotating the brushes, a shaftin' thefbasin, wheels on the shaft, means for supporting and guiding articles on the wheels on the shaft to be cleaned by the brushes, rotating mechanism .for the shaft, and means for detachably mounting Afthe shaft in operative engagement with the rotating mechanism, substantially as and for -the purposes herein set forth.
  • a dish washing apparatus a basin, a plurality of separately mounted and indenendently moving juxtaposited brushes in the basin, and means for rotating ⁇ the brushes, a shaft in the basin extending transversely of and below the brushes, a wheel on the shaft to support and guide and ,'rotate articles between the brushes to be cleaned t ereby, rotating mechanism for the shaft.
  • a gish washing apparatus a basin, I brushes therein rotatable upon axes,l inclined down from the front to the rear' of ⁇ the basin, said brushes being helical iin foration and so disposed with respect to Q-tlieir normal direction of rotation as to di- 'tirent water down from the front to the rear ,of the basin during said rotation, means for supporting articles to be .leaned by the 'brushes 'within the basin, and a Water inlet tito the basin near its upper forward side,
  • a dish washing machine the con binatioii with a basin. of juxtaposited brushes therein, means for supporting and guiding and rotating articles between said brushes to be cleaned thereby, a brush shaft for each brush, a rotating shaft for each brush shaft, ine-ans for engagement between each brush shaft and its rotating shaft dis- 7 engageable longitudinally of the shafts, and supporting means for the brush shafts y'ieldable longitudinally thereof, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
  • a dish washing machine the conibination with a basin, a volge having a part extendinv' transversely of the basin near the upper side thereof, a driving shaft'exteidin r transversely of the basin adjacent to the yo e, sprocket wheels, shafts on which the sprocket wheels are mounted journaled in the 'transversely e. ⁇ :tending part of the yoke at right angles to the driving shaft, sprocket chains connecting the sprocket wheels, a bevel pinion on one of the shafts on which one of the sprocket wheels is mounted, a bevel gear on the driving shaft in mesh with the bevel pinion, brushes in the basin juxtaposited in a series extending transversely of the basin and rotatable upon axes extending in an inclined position down from the front to the rear thereof, brush shafts forming the 'axes of the brushes, means for engagement between the brush shafts and tiie shafts on which
  • the sockets in the hubs on the shafts of the brushes being adapted receive the pins whereby said brushes are removably mounted in the basin for rotation therein. and means for supporting articles between the brushes in the basin to be cleaned by said brushes, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
  • rollers located forwardly o the basin near the upper sigle thereof with grooved peripherles and in by articles inserted between the brushes may be supported by said rollers forwardly ond rearwardly of the basin, the rollers journaled in the i'orlts on the flexible supports being adapted to yield rearwardly to allow the insertion of the articles, substantially es and for the purposes herein set forth.
  • each other t rotate on parallel axes parallel to the axis of the shaft, and means for operatively connecting the shaft, the helical brush and the brushes mounted adjacent to each other, whereby they may be rotated i 75 isimultaneously with the actuation of the alinenient with the wheels on the shult.
  • rollers to the reni.' of the basin near are iournalefl mounted on tlexible. supports ,1


  • Brushes (AREA)
  • Cleaning In General (AREA)


Patented m5111910.
2 SHEETS-SHEET 1` Z5/f, v en 507* 64 zum@ Orne-y B. VILLANI.
Patented Mar. 22, 1916.
fai/enter f f r zfforn/ y nesses:
Specification of Letters Patent. Patented M31'. 22,1919.
Application filed April 14. 1809. Serial No. 489,760.
To all whom it may concern.'
Be it. known that I, Eoinio Vinum, a subject of the King of Italy, residing at Cincinnati. in the county of Hamilton and State of Ohio, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Dish-lvashing Mtb chinrs, of `which the, following is a specification.
My invention relates to washing appara tus, and has for its object the. cleaning of dishes and glass ware, as Well as other table articles in a convenient, etiicient and hy git-nic manner, both as regards the Condit-ion of the articles cleaned and the prevention of injury to the hands of the user, thoroughly scrubbing and rinsing the articles and avoiding the necessity of putting the bauds into the. hot soapy water, as is ordinarily required.
My invention consists in the combination of a basin, a plurality of separately mounted and independently moving juxtapositcd brushes rotatable in thc basin adapted to ilnpinge upon articles placed between them, means for rotating the articles between the brushes, and means :whereby said articles may be removably supported and guided during their rotation.
M v invention also consists in the parts and in the details of construction and arrangement ot' parts as will hereinafter be more fully described und claimed.
lu the drawings: Figure. 1 is a side elevation of a device. embodying my invention. Fig. 2 is a partial rear elevation of the same. Fig. 2l is a sectional detail View, enlar ed, on a line corresponding to the line. .'c-.r il ustrating the construction of the brushes. Fig. l is a detail pers )active view, enlarged,'of the two twisted plates fo ming the shaft of a brush, as l prefer to construct it in my improved device, having a flexible shaft. Fig. 5 is a view of an auxiliary cleaning attachmeut. F ig. (3 is a section on the line y-y of Fig. 1. Fig. 't' is a detail view. enlarged, in section on a line corresponding to the line s-z of Fig. 6, illustrating the construction of the yieldable support for the supporting and rotating shaft. Fig. 8 is a similar View illustrating the construction of the detachable rotating mechanism for the supporting und rotating shaft. as I prefer to construct it in my improved device. Fig. 9 is a detail View. enlarged, on a line corresponding to the line a/-g/ of Fig. 1, illustrating the construction of the yieldable support en each of the brush shafts.
Constructed as illustrated, and as I prefer to embody my invention, the basin 1 is supported by two laterally disposed frame meinbers 2 and 3, hold in their proper spaed apart positions by tie transversely exten ing rods #L15 and G, t e rods and 5 extend ing along the upper' the rod (i extending thereunder. Said rods are rigidly attached to the frame members by nuts 7 screwed onto the rods against the sides of the frame members. The front of the basin, at its top, is flared forwardly, and the frame members 2 and 3 are inclined forwardly to conform to the basin and extend upward above the upper edge thereof, the transversely extending rod 4 being secured to these frame members near their extreme ides of the basinand i upper ends where they extend above the basin. each of the frame members 2 and 3 has a rearward extension 2 and 3', respectively, in which are formed bearings for a transversely extending .shaft 8, through which the power for operating the machine is transmitted. As shown in the drawings, this shaft 8 extends a considerable distance past each side of the machine, and it will be undelstood that any suitable driving up params may be properly connected Wit-h this shaft at, this int for driving the machine. This driving apparatus may be a crank for operating the machine by hand, or it may be any suitable motor, such as an electric motor or a hydraulic motor.
As shown, a yoke 9 has arms 10 and 11 taking over the transversely extending rod l at the front of the niaeliine, and the shaft t5 also passes through these urnas, this oke being thereby so positioned that it inc ines downwardly into the basin with a transversely extending part 9 extending parallel to the shaft 8 at about. the height of the u per edge of the basin l. This transverse y extending part 9 of the yoke 9 carries bearings for a series of sprocket Wheels l2, 12, 12b, 12, 12d and. 12. The sprocket wheel 12 is mounted on a shaft. 13 at the side of the yoke adjacent. to the part of the shaft 8l to which the power is applied. The sprocket wheel 12* and the sprocket wheel 12 are mounted on a common shaft 13'. The sprocket wheel 12c and the sprocket wheel 12 are mounted on a common shaft 13". The sprocket. wheel 12e is mounted on la shaft 14. A bevel pinion 15 is mounted on the shaft 13 which the sprocket. wheel 12 is mounted ou, at the side of the yoke. The sprocket cie manner of mounting which will a so 'fieles cleaned. A bevelgear 17, ri mounted on the shaft 8, is in mesh witl:L the Y esasea wheels 12 and 12* have a sprocket chain 16 passin f around them. The sprocketwheels 152 an IQQ have a sprocket chain 16', and the sprocket Wheels 12d and 12e have a sprocket chain 16" passing around them. The sprocket Wheels and their :bains are all mounted behind the transvers.; part- 9 of the. yoke 9, and are thus protected from the etfects of the substances removed from the aro'idlv pinion l5, and thus when the shaft 8 is rotatedthe Shafts 13, 13', 13" and i4 will all be rotated, and thus provided and spaced transversely of the machine at suitable intervals, they form rotating means for the helical brushes 18, 18, 18b and 18, respectively, whieh'comprise suitable impf'nginT material mounted in shaft-s 19, 19, 13" anc 19, respectively, extendi. in an inclined direction downwardly ant rearwardly ot' the basin where their other ends are suitably rotatably mounted, as will hereinafter be more fully referredto.
YNear the bottom of the basin below the brushes, which are juxtaposited in a series transversely of the basin, is a shaft Q0 extending transversely of the basin, the s hereinafter be more fully described. This shaft has, ri idly mounted on it to rotate therewith, wieels 21, :'21l and 21", having grooved peripheries. These wheels are`for supporting articles such as plates and saucers, the entres of the articles resting in the grooves oft their "cripheries, utside the basin, a sprocket w eel 22 is provided to operatively engage with the shaft 20, and the shaft 8 has a sprocket wheel Q3 in alinement therewith. These' sprocket wheels 22 and 23, have a sprocket chain 24 passing,r around them, so that the shaft 8 may canse the shaft 20 to rotate. Forwardly of the basin in the upper part thereof, near the transversely extending part 9' of the yoke 9, a series of rollers 25. 25'* and 25D are provided, each being jonrnaled in an extension romlthe forward Wall of the basin, each of Vthese extensions being carried downwardly' and rearwardly in the form of a trough 16 supported at its lower and rearward end ou the bottom of the basin. near tie shaft '2o. Rearwardly of the basin. near its top, other rollers 27, 2T and 27 are ournaled 1n forks 27', mount/ed on flexible supports E28 which are attached to part. of the basin near its rear. The rollers E25 and 27 are in alineyxnent" with'A the roller 21 on the .shaft 2li. i While"the:1'ollers 25a and 27* are in alinement'with the roller 2l and the rollers 25" and 27"' are in alinement with the roller 2lb. It will thus be seen that an article to be cleaned, such as a plate 29, may be in- """serted cdgewise downwardly into the brin sir/with its periphery resting upon the wheel 2l below and supported and'guided bythe rollers 25 und .'L'i above.. in which-position the impingiug material of the adjacent' brushes muy act upon its sides while it is rotated, due tao its beingr inserted uion the wheel 2l which is being rotated n the shaft 2li. Thus, ull parts of the article are brought into posiion for ContactV with the brushes. and the brushes being,r rapidly roated. will, with the use. of water introduced into the basin through a suitable inlet 30, thoroughly clean the urtirle. The rollers 27, 27'l and 27h are mounted on the Horrible supports so that they may adjust tomarions sized artieies, such as plates :nul
saucers, as they are inserted into the basin.
lt. will be. understood that the water introduced through the inlet 3G may be. Projected with any desired degree of torre into the basin so that a thorough washing and rinsing action is obtained in conjunrtion with the' scrubbinr action of the brushes, as above referred to` the basin being supplied with soap as required. rl`he basin l has u suitable outlet ill at its bottom at one side.
` As here shown, the. brushes have their iinpinging material disposed in the form of a' helix extending on Bauli brush in 'such direetion with respect to its direction of rotation that, the substance removed from the articles will be forced downwardly olf of the article. This helical formation of the brushes is also useful in moreetieiently directing the water against the articles, since the water entering near one end of each brush is carried approximately longitudinaliof the ln'ushes along the article being washed. For constructing' the brushes in u helical form, the shaft of each brush is eomposed of two twisted plates 32 and 32, as is best illustrated in Fig. l of the drawings. These plates, before being brought togtther, hare the impihging material 3ft llitl between them, as may be seen in Fig. 3 of the drawings, a ter which the plates are riveted or screwed together. These plates 2?-2 and 3Q muy be twisted either before or after the impinging material has been inserted between them und they are secured to; fether.Y Thus constructed, the impingingj -nmterial will be caused to extend radially from the shaft in constantly varying diret-.tion along the shaft. At the same time the material may be'cut to such length as may be desired to give the proper general formation to the brush and cause it to conform most :iccurately to the article inserted between the brushes, if required.
In order to enable the thorough cleaning of the interior of the basin in a most convenient manner, the shafts of the brushes, as Well as th'.l transversely extending,r shaft 20, are removably supported therein. For :"movably 'supporting the shafts of the brushes these shafts ure provided, ut. their forward upper ends, with hubs 34 having arevryieldable longitudinally, being mounted l on helical springs 40 in the recesses. as is heet illustrated in Fig. 9 of the drawings.
It will be seen that. when it is desired to remove the brushes the shafts may he dee. d downwardly and rearwardly longitudinally, withdrawing their hubs 34 from the sockets in the. shafts of the sprocket wheels. this dlepn-ssion being allowed by thc yieldab-le pins on which the other ends of the brush shafts are supported. At the same time, when the wheels are in position they are held to rota-te. with the sprocketwheels. The transverse rotating and supporting sliailit ie rendered removable in a similar marmer,l being;e supported a-t one side of the machine on a pin l1 entering' a socket in ahub 4.' with which this end of the shaft is rovided, this pinll" being pressed toward in' ai case-44 mounted on a bracket 45 secured te the bottom or the basin. The other end of the: shaiit 20 enters the socket 46- in va liuh ona sha-ft 48, which extend-s through the wall' of the, basin and is provided with a suitable stalling box 4S', upon which sha t't the sprocket wheel 92 is mounted toimpart rotation t-o the sliaftit Q0. and the shaft 2O has radial-ly eri-tending pegs 50 to enter slots in the hub 4G of the shaft. Thus when it isdesired to-remove the shaft 20-the sprocket wl'i'eel Q2 and; its chain E24 need not be distuabed'.
On; the frame member 2' near the top of tthebasin is a, laterallyl extending stud 51 audi av sleeve 52 is mountedf thereon ha\'in,f y a= grooved pulley 53 around which passes a heit fltthis belt: also passing around a pulley 56A rigidiv mounted' 0n an extension of the shu'. S- past its-bearing inv the rearward extension `2 othe traine' member. Thus, the sleeve l'i'is adapteditio be rapidly rotatedon (he studi 5l'V and may receive asuitable brush for cleaning the insides of the cups 4or tumblers, suehabrush andv the above, de-
l scribed manner" ofmounting it being best illustrated in Fig. 2 of. the draw-ing. This brush is helical 1n formation and construct.-
cdl as hereinbefore described, the twistedv shaft being mounted on ahub 56 which lu.
at socket to receive` thesleeve 52 and a set Straw Si' for rigidly securing it thereon;
-liigsi'rnnd specifically illustrate the construction of this particular brush, but it will be understood that the brushes 1S, 1S, 182 and 18, interiorly of the basin, are preferably constructed in the same manner. As illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3 of the drawing, the impinging,r material consists in rubber tubing clamped between the twisted plates 32 and 32', which forms a most elticient device for impinginf,r upon and cleaning the surfaces of the. articles. However, it will be understood that any material usually eiuplojed in the construction of brushes, such as fiber or bristles, may be used for the impinging material in these helical brushes. 80 Lower down on the frame member 2, two more studs and 59 are mounted, these studs receivingr the sleeves and 6l, respeetivcly, which are n'ovided with pinions 62 and (Silv respectively, the studs being so 85 positioned relative to each other that these pinions Fr! and 6? ma)v mesh together. The :sleeve o1 is also provided with a grooved pulleyv 6l by the side of the pinion (i3 and the .sleeve 52 on the stud above is pro- 90 vided with an additional Q;roovctl pulle)` in alineinent with the pulley (34 below. Around these pulleys a belt Gti is passed so that the sleeve ll may be rotated by the sleeve' 52. Thus, it will be Seen that the g5 ,I sleeves and (il will rotate in opposite di the shat 20' by a` helical spring 48 inclosed rections due to the meshing of their pinions GL :nul lill, rcspecl'ivelv. ()'n these sleeves il() and Gl shafts (3T and US, respectively, may be mounted, being prm'ided with hubs GS) 100 and 70, respectively. havingV sockets to rcceive the sleeves and being provided with set screws to rigidly secure them thereon. These shafts 67 and GS are provided with iinpiuging material 71 and 72, and 72% and 105 741. respectively, which may consist in bers or bristles such as brushes are usuall.' nimh` of and which may. be provided with any dcsirctl general' formation. Thus. as illustrated in Fig. tht` iinpiugingl materials T1 and T2 11i, near the outer ends of the shafts (i8 are straight and parallel. but slightly separated at T5, and into the space between them such articles as knives andt forks may be ,inserted to be cleaned by the rapidly rotating brushes 1 15 thus constituted. T he materialV T2 on the shaft (37'. as shown, is convex, while the material 'T4 ou the shaft 68 is concave, so' that when they come adjacent they are curved and iarallel and slightly spared 12u apart at 7G. uit: this :pace Such articles as spoons may be inserted to be similarly cleaned. It will has be noted that the brushes being removable from the sleeve 5;! above andthe sleeves (l0 and 61 below they 125 maiy placed out of the wav when not in use or any other brushes of different shape but having the same. kind of hubs to fit on the sleeves may he supplied for use'on the unichiue.' M'y improvedC niacliiuc may also 133 be provided with a brush having a. flexible shaft, such as the brush illustrated in Fi 5 of the drawings, the flexible shaft consisting in helical springs TT und '(8 coiled in opposits directions and one contained within the other, attached :it one end to hub 79, with a socket to receive the sleeve on the stud 5l, thit.` hub being provided with a set screw to clam it the sleeve. The other end of the exible shat is connected to a suitable brush 81 with its inipingiug nniterial extending parallel with the length of the shaft, and a handle 82 has a ring 83 taking around the erihle shaft so that the brush may be presented in any desired :iirection by flexing the shaft and will he rapidly rotated while thus presented, diie to thevbub 79 beingsecured to the rf-tnting sleeve 52. These auxiliary cleaning devices at the side of tiie ifiacbine are especiall desirable when tie machine is operate by .poweig leaving the hands of the usci' free to a ply the articles to be cleaned to the brushes or to insert such articles into the basin between theiuxtaposited brushes there in, es may required in the course of handlin the articles to be cleaned.
y providing for the constantrotfition of the 'articles between the jnxtapositcd brushes intercrly of the basin under the action of water introduced therein, it will be seen that the insertion of the hands into the soapy water contained in the basin is unna-essai v,
it. only being quired to insert the articles and remove thein therefrom.
lith the use of a series of brushes arranged iis 'herein described, with means for automatically bringing different pui-ts of the article successively into position orniost eficient Contact of the brushes and' the water, the operator of the machina may be continuously employed in the inserting and renioiY` ing of the articles, since sufficient time elapses for the thorough cleaning of the first article inserted by the time the subsequent articles have been inserted, so that the duty of the operator becomes merely that of inserting and removing the articles successively from one side ofthe machine to the other. It will be understood that the number of brushes thus arranged in the basin may be onlv two in number arranged side by side wit the proper means between them for supportin and guidin and rotatin the article. ikewise, it. wi be underst. tlint the device, as herein shown and specitically described, is subject to considerable modification, with respect to the minor details of its construction and, therefore, I do not wish to 'ce understoodl as limiting myself recisely to the illustrations and description iercin contained, but
hat I claim as neu anddesire to secure by batters Patent is:
nation with e basin, of juxtaposited brushes rotatable on axes extending across the basin, a shaft within the basin extending below the brushes, a wheel on the shaft arranged in alineinent with a space between the brushes, and rollers also in alineinent with the space between the brushes, said wheel and the rollers being adapted to make contact with the 'periphery of the article to be cleaned, substantially as and tor the purnoses herein set.
.within the basin, a shaft within the basin, a
wheel on the shaft adapted to receive and support and rotate the article to be cleaned, the article to he cleaned being adapted to l'e inserted between the brushes onto the wheel, a roller or-recciving and guiding the article and another roller flexibly niouiited to admit the article and to engage therewith to guide it, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
1. In e dish washing machine, the combination with a basin, of juxtaposited brushes therein, a shaft within the basin, a wheel on the shaft adapted to receive and su sport and rotatel the article. to be cleaned, tlie article being,r adapted to be inserted between the brush onto the wheel, a roller t0 sup Jort and guide the article and a trough in a inenient with the roller and with the wheel, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
5. In a dish Washing machine, the combination with a basin, oi ,iuxtaposited brushes within thc basin, a shaft within the basin, a wheel on the shaft -to receive and support and rotate the article to be cleaned, a roller adapted to support and guide the article, another roller flexibly mounted to admit the article and to engage with it to guide it and a trough in alincment with the rollers,4
azi-l the wheel to guide the article during its insertion, said roliers and wheel being in alinenient with each other, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
G. ln u dish washing machine, the combination with a basiiu'of a driving shaft ex`A tending transveisely thereof, juxtaposited brushes within the basin mounted on brush shafts extending at right angles to the driving sha/ft, a yoke, sprociret wheels, shafts journaled in the yoke on which the sprocket wheels are mounted, sprocket chains connecting the sprocket wheels, a bevel pinion l. In a dish washing machine, the combii torotate with one of the scrocket wheels, a
- 'fuxta'posite bevel gear on the driving shaft in mesh with the bevel pinion, the shafts of the sprocket wheels being in engagement with the brush shafts to rotate the brushes` and means for supporting articles in the basin between the brushes to be cleaned thereby, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
' 7. In a dish washing apparatus, the combination with abbasin, arin f forwardly frame members at the sides of t e basin suporting it, rods connecting the frame meniers and rigidly secured thereto, a driving shaft journaled transversely in the. frame members, a yoke attached to one of the rods and supported by the driving shaft, brushes in the basin, rotating mechanism for the brushes mounted on the yoke, engaging means whereby the driving shaft drives the rotating mechanism for the brushes and means for supporting articles within the basin to be cleaned by 'the brushes, substantiall as and for thepurposes herein set 8. In a dish Washi apparatus, a basin, ailurality of Vseparate y mounted andinde- .pendentlymoving `juxtaposited brushes therein, means for rotating the brushes, a shaftin' thefbasin, wheels on the shaft, means for supporting and guiding articles on the wheels on the shaft to be cleaned by the brushes, rotating mechanism .for the shaft, and means for detachably mounting Afthe shaft in operative engagement with the rotating mechanism, substantially as and for -the purposes herein set forth.
9. In a dish washing apparatus, a basin, a plurality of separately mounted and indenendently moving juxtaposited brushes in the basin, and means for rotating `the brushes, a shaft in the basin extending transversely of and below the brushes, a wheel on the shaft to support and guide and ,'rotate articles between the brushes to be cleaned t ereby, rotating mechanism for the shaft. loc ted outside the basin, connecting means-between the shaft and its rotating mechanism, said connecting means extend- .ing through the side of the basin, a stuffing box around the connecting means where it extends through the side of the basin, and Ineans for detachably mounting said shaft `-V'lin operative engagement with said connect ting means, substantially as and for the pur- `A"poses `herein set forth.
ltlfln a gish washing apparatus, a basin, I brushes therein rotatable upon axes,l inclined down from the front to the rear' of\the basin, said brushes being helical iin foration and so disposed with respect to Q-tlieir normal direction of rotation as to di- 'tirent water down from the front to the rear ,of the basin during said rotation, means for supporting articles to be .leaned by the 'brushes 'within the basin, and a Water inlet tito the basin near its upper forward side,
vshaft consisting` of twro twisted ,o
whereby water may be directed toward the helical brushes and be gziided bv said brushes stated, substantially as :ind for the purposes herein set forth.
11. ln a dish washing machine, the con binatioii with a basin. of juxtaposited brushes therein, means for supporting and guiding and rotating articles between said brushes to be cleaned thereby, a brush shaft for each brush, a rotating shaft for each brush shaft, ine-ans for engagement between each brush shaft and its rotating shaft dis- 7 engageable longitudinally of the shafts, and supporting means for the brush shafts y'ieldable longitudinally thereof, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
l2. In a dish washing machine, the com-- bination with a basin having brushes for cleaning articles inserted therein,- n shaft,y
within the basin having -iucaus for supporting and guiding and rotating articles between said brushes to be cleaned thereby, rotating mechanism for the shaft, means for operhtive engagement between the shaft and its rotating mechanism disengageable longi-V tudinally of the shaft. and means for su portii U the shaft vieldable longitudinal y there i, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth.
13. In a dish washing machine, the conibination with a basin, a volge having a part extendinv' transversely of the basin near the upper side thereof, a driving shaft'exteidin r transversely of the basin adjacent to the yo e, sprocket wheels, shafts on which the sprocket wheels are mounted journaled in the 'transversely e.\:tending part of the yoke at right angles to the driving shaft, sprocket chains connecting the sprocket wheels, a bevel pinion on one of the shafts on which one of the sprocket wheels is mounted, a bevel gear on the driving shaft in mesh with the bevel pinion, brushes in the basin juxtaposited in a series extending transversely of the basin and rotatable upon axes extending in an inclined position down from the front to the rear thereof, brush shafts forming the 'axes of the brushes, means for engagement between the brush shafts and tiie shafts on which thc-"sprocket wheels are mounted at the upper orWard ends of the brush shafts disengage ble longitudinally of the shafts, supporting means for the brush shafts at their lower rearward ends yieldable longitudinally of the shafts, said brush shafts being rotatable on said supporting means, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
14. In a dish washing machine, the o'om bination with n basin, of helical brushes juxtaposited therein, each brush coacrising a atea and impinging material between the plates. the plates being secured `together 'and said iinpinging material having a helical forni due to the twisting of said plates thus secured together/with Saul niaterie 'etweeu them, a hulrsecured to one end of each shaft consisting in the'two twisted pistes, pegs in Q one of the hubs, a socket in t-he other of the hubs, shafts coni rising parts of rotating mechanism for tlie brushes, each shaft having slots extending radiali).Y thereof to receii'e the pegs in the hubs of the shafts o`the brushes` the hubs on the other ends ofthe shafts having sockets, parts of the basin being provided with recesses, pins eX- tenrling into the recesses, springs in the 1ecesses viehiably supporting the pins. the sockets in the hubs on the shafts of the brushes being adapted receive the pins whereby said brushes are removably mounted in the basin for rotation therein. and means for supporting articles between the brushes in the basin to be cleaned by said brushes, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth.
15. In a dish Washing machine, the cou:- bination with a basin having juxtapositefl brushes therein in a series extending trans- .versely thereof and rotatable on axes extending across the basin und inclined down from the front to the rear thereof, a shaft extending transversely of the basin below the brushes, wheels on the shaft in alinement with the spaces between the brushes having! i grooved eripheries, rollers located forwardly o the basin near the upper sigle thereof with grooved peripherles and in by articles inserted between the brushes may be supported by said rollers forwardly ond rearwardly of the basin, the rollers journaled in the i'orlts on the flexible supports being adapted to yield rearwardly to allow the insertion of the articles, substantially es and for the purposes herein set forth.
1G. En e dish washing machine, the coinbination with a basin, of helical brushes juxtaposited therein, and means for receiving and supporting and rotating dishes between the juxtaposited brushes within the basin.V a shaft extending transversely of the basin to actuate the juxtnposited brushes` ind a helical brush adapted to rotate about .in axis parallel to the axis of the shaft and operatively conneeteti to seid shaft where it may be rotated sinuiltaneously with the actuation of the juxtaposited brushes, substantiallg,Y as and for the purposes herein set forth,
1T. In a dish washing machine, the c0111-, bination of a basin with helical brushes juxtapc-,sitetl therein` and a shaft extending transversely of the basin to actuate the juxtapositeil brushes, of a helical brush mount-- ed to rotate on an axis parallel to the of the shaft, brushes mounted adjacent to.
each other t rotate on parallel axes parallel to the axis of the shaft, and means for operatively connecting the shaft, the helical brush and the brushes mounted adjacent to each other, whereby they may be rotated i 75 isimultaneously with the actuation of the alinenient with the wheels on the shult.
other rollers to the reni.' of the basin near are iournalefl mounted on tlexible. supports ,1
consisting in iat springs which are .attached to part of the basin near its rear, said other 'rollers being in alineincnt with the roller-si in front and the wheels on the shaft, wherejuxtaposited brushes within the basin, subg stantinlly as anal for the purposes herein the top thereof, forks on which said rollers` forth.
US48976009A 1909-04-14 1909-04-14 Dish-washing machine. Expired - Lifetime US952592A (en)

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US48976009A US952592A (en) 1909-04-14 1909-04-14 Dish-washing machine.

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US48976009A US952592A (en) 1909-04-14 1909-04-14 Dish-washing machine.

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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US48976009A Expired - Lifetime US952592A (en) 1909-04-14 1909-04-14 Dish-washing machine.

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US (1) US952592A (en)

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2655674A (en) * 1946-09-30 1953-10-20 Donald P Grover Multiple rotary toothbrush with lip guard
US2671926A (en) * 1952-02-12 1954-03-16 Frederick K Minerley Vacuum operated venetian blind brush

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2655674A (en) * 1946-09-30 1953-10-20 Donald P Grover Multiple rotary toothbrush with lip guard
US2671926A (en) * 1952-02-12 1954-03-16 Frederick K Minerley Vacuum operated venetian blind brush

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