US632716A - Controlling and regulating mechanism for engines. - Google Patents

Controlling and regulating mechanism for engines. Download PDF


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US632716A US71161095A US1895711610A US632716A US 632716 A US632716 A US 632716A US 71161095 A US71161095 A US 71161095A US 1895711610 A US1895711610 A US 1895711610A US 632716 A US632716 A US 632716A
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Thomas H Hicks
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    • H02P9/00Arrangements for controlling electric generators for the purpose of obtaining a desired output
    • H02P9/04Control effected upon non-electric prime mover and dependent upon electric output value of the generator


  • This invention relates to new and useful improvements in controlling and regulating parts of engines, and more particularly of gas-engines for driving electric generators.
  • gas-engine I include all engines which are operated by explosive mixtures for producing power.
  • My invention is especiallyintended to produce a gas-engine which will be automatic in its regulation and at the same time be suitable for driving either constant-potential or constant-current electric generators.
  • My invention admits of and includes certain modifications to suit both constant-potential and constant-current systems of electrical generation and electrical andelectrocentrifugal governors, and that, too, without departing from the spirit of the invention.
  • I illustrate the application of my invention to both constant-current and constant-potential systems, and I also illustrate both electrical and electrocentrifugal governors.
  • the engine will maintain constant speed up to its maximum power, and in another application the speed of the engine will vary with the load on the electric generator. This latter application is especially suitable for arc-lamp systems of electric lighting; but it will also prove to be equally useful in application to constant-potential systems where the field-magnets of the generators are only shunt-wound-t'. 8., not compound wound.
  • the constructive parts embodied in my invention may also be changed to suit engines having either one, two, or any number of explosions of gas to each cycle of the enginevalves B and B being shown in section.
  • FIG. 2 is also a diagam view showing a modification of some parts of Fig. 1, together with piston, and also to suit engines having either one, two, or any number of separate cylin ders and their pistons.
  • My scheme may also be applied to steam-engines, and the various parts may also be changed in form to suit various conditions, which will be readily understood by any person skilled in this art.
  • Figure 1 is a view in diagram showing in combination an engine, electrical generator, and my con trolling and operating devices as applied to a constant-potential system, the case of the Fig.
  • FIG. 3 is a diagram view showing parts of Fig. 1 and the application of my scheme to aconstant-current system. Parts of the engine and electrical generator are shown to be cut away in this figure.
  • Fig. 4c is a view, partly in diagram, showinga modification of a part of my invention which may be applied to engines operating either system of lighting.
  • Fig. 5 is a diagram view showing parts in section. This figure shows also a modification in whichI use an electro centrifugal governor as a means of regulation instead of solenoids, as shown in Fig. 1, 2, and 3.
  • Fig. 6 is a perspective view of a short-eircuiting commutator, which is shown also in a different view in Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 5.
  • Fig. 7 is a detail view in section, showing the rings Q Q, in section upon the shaft P.
  • A indicates one cylinder-head of a gas-engine.
  • I I r A is the explosion-chamber for the engine.
  • A is a support, preferably cast with the cylinder, for supporting a hinged arm A which is actuated in its movements by a rotatable cam A".
  • A indicates the top of the crank-shaft of the engine.
  • A is the engines drive-wheel.
  • I3 is a starting -valve which is operated through the plunger 3.
  • This valve Bis only intended to be in use until the electric generatorB becomes generative of sufficienteleetrie pressure, after which the valve is thrown out of commission, which I further explain hereinafter.
  • 13 is a similar kind of valve to 13; but instead of being operated by electromagnetic means which may be varied in the form of construction, as I showin Figs. 1 and 5, the valve. B is provided with a plunger B, carrying a valve-disk I) for opening and closing a valve-seat Z).
  • I3 is a lever fulcrumed intermediate its ends, having a counter-pulling weight I3 attached to one of its ends.
  • 0 is an electromagnet for operating the valve I3 D and D
  • Fig. 2 are solenoid-governors for actuating the movements of the valve B through its electromagnets N N.
  • D Fig. 5 is an electrocentrifu gal governor for performing the same function as the solenoids D and D.
  • the solenoid-governors D and D are constructed alike in Figs. 1, 2, and 3; but they operate differently.
  • the plunger D of the solenoid throws the electromagnet G into action when the plungers ascend far enough to make contact between the contact-points E and E, which closes the circuit through the electromagnet C; but in Fig. 3 the plunger performs the same function when it descends far enough to make contact between the points E E.
  • the movements of the plungers in the two cases are in reverse directions to perform the same function.
  • F, F, F, and F are four metallic pieces forming a frame-support for the plunger D of the solenoid.
  • F' is a spring for supporting the solenoidplunger.
  • F is a binding-post in metallic contact with the frame of the solenoid.
  • Gr is an armature of the dynamo 13 its commutator.
  • G and G are brushes.
  • J, Fig. 1 is a constant-potential work-circuit
  • K, Fig. 3 is a constant-current workcircuit.
  • the valve L is a closing-circuit commutator for causing the electromagnet O to become operative in opening the valve 13 when the piston of the engine is in a favorable position for receivingan explosion of gas.
  • the valve 13 therefore, is a timing-valve and operated conjointly by the commutator L and solenoid D, or solenoids D and D, if two explosions are to occur instead of one.
  • the commutator L as shown in Fig. 6, consists of three seg- G is ments 1, 2, and 3. There are two brushes M and M, forming sliding contacts on the commutator L; but current only flows from one brush to the other when the two brushes are on the segment marked 3.
  • the valve B is only open to admit gas to the engine while the brushes M and M are on the segment 3.
  • N and N in Fig. 2 are two sets of electromagnets for operating the valve B electromagnetieally. hen these magnets N and N are used, then the valve B will not be necessary.
  • the engine will operate the valve 1; by the cam A until the dynamo picks up. Then by suitable means the cam can be released from acting upon the plunger of the valve B and the latter thereafter be operated by the solenoidsD and D, Fig. 2, the solenoid D controlling gas for one end of the cylinder and the solenoid I) controlling gas for the other end of the cylinder or for two separate cylinders.
  • N is a bar of iron attached to the plunger B of the valve 13 for lifting the plunger through the influence of the magnets N N; but instead of using these electromagnets N and N for said purpose they may be used for the purpose of holding the valve 13 open after the dynamo picks up.
  • Fig. i where the magnets are connected in a closed circuit with the generator B
  • these eleetromagnets N N would simply take the place of the nut 0 upon the plunger B, Figs. 1 and 3, which is for the same purpose of holding the valve 1 open after the valve 13 begins to work, by screwing the nut 0 down so as to lift theplunger B and arm A up above the action of the cam Aflas I show in Fig. 3.
  • the plunger is thus held up, the valveB is out of com mission; but instead of arranging the magnets N N in a closed circuit with the dynamo for the purpose of lifting the valve B automatically as soon as the valve B begins to become operative the circuit may be closed manually by the switch 6.
  • Figs. 1, 3, and a I show the valve B for use in starting the engine only. Thereafter the valve B becomes the timing and only operating valve to control the supply of gas for the engine.
  • Fig. 5 I show what I designatean e1ec trocentrifugal governor D Any suitable kind of a centrifugal governor can take the place of the one I show. So long as the circuit through the electromagnet O is opened and closed by the centrifugal action, to take the place of the solenoid D, then the spirit of this part of my invention is manifest.
  • This governor D consists of a, rotatable shaft divided into two portions P I the two parts being insulated from each other, as I show at P Upon the shaft P are two rings Q. Q, Q,
  • R is a mercury-cup, and It indicates mercury.
  • T is the insulation for separating the two named parts of the cup.
  • the cover of the cup S' is connected to the ring Q by the conductor T.
  • Du ringrotation of the governor the mercury recedes from the center of the cup when the speed is suflicient, and thereby breaks the circuit between the lower end of the screw S and the mercury, and when the speed slows down sulliciently the circuit is again closed in a manner which will be readily understood.
  • a governor of this kind has no other work to perform than to simply make and break contact through the mercury, and it is therefore very sensitive as compared with a centrifugal governor which would be required to operate the valve B direetly.
  • Fig. 5 I show a dilferent kind of electromagnet O for operating the valve B to that shown in Fig. 1,in Fig. 5 it being a combination of a solenoid and an electromagnet, the plunger B being divided into two portions, B being a fixed portion thereof and the coil being shown in section.
  • Figs. 1, 4, and 5 I show the case of the valves B and B in section, so as to expose the interior of the valves.
  • the casings of two valves 13 and B can either be formed of one casting, as I show in Figs. 1 and 3, or they can be made of separate parts suitably connected together.
  • U and U indicate two field-magnet windings for the armature G, the coil U being a differential winding for demagnetizing the field-magnets when necessity demands it.
  • the differential coil U may be cutout of circuit by suitable contacts V and V, and the coil U maybe short-circuited, either in all or in part, as I indicate by the contacts V V and V V Having thus referred to the various parts shown in all of the figures, I will now explain the manner in which my scheme may be operated to suit both constant-potential and constant-current systems.
  • valve 13 which, however, is also diiferent from the scheme disclosed in the application referred to, inasmuch as in that case the valve 13 was operated by the engine, while in this case the valve is to be operated by electromagnetic means.
  • I show two sets of magnetic devices, one being for sensitiveness and the other for power, as I do in my present case; but in that case the solenoid, which was marked G in the drawings, closed the circuit through the second magnet when the potential of the electric cu rrent became sufficiently increased, while in this my present case the reverse occurs, the plunger of the solenoid closing the circuit of the magnet as it ascends by the potential of the current becoming weaker, and the valve K in that case (B in this case) was only out of commission when the circuit was closed by the governing solenoid.
  • valveB To start the engine, if the valveB has been held open by the nut O, as shown in Fig. 3, then the nut 0 must be turned toward the end of the plunger, so as to bring the arm A in a favorable position for being acted upon by the rotating cam A as I show in Fig. 1; but if the valve B be thrown out of use by elect-romagnets, which I show in Fig. at, then the engine will always be readyto start without requiring to first arrange the valve B. WVe will suppose that the engine is supplied with a proper ignition device.
  • valve 13 is then to be thrown out of use either by the magnets N N, or by the nut O, or in any other equivalent manner.
  • the valve B When starting the engine, the valve B mustbe held open until the magnet C becomes operative, after which the counterweight B and said m agnct will open and close the valve; but the time when the valve 13 must be opened to admit a charge of gas to the engine is governed by the act of theclosingcircuit commutator L, which of course operates in conjunction with the solenoid D, the solenoid-plunger D closing the circuit of the electromagnet C by the contact-points E E when the voltage of the generator-l3 has fallen sufficiently to allow the plunger to rise far enough to bring the contact-points together.
  • the contact-points are always together when the current is off from the solenoid D, so as to be ready for operation when the current is turned on.
  • the solenoid D By properly constructing the solenoid D it will open and close the circuit of the eleetromagnet 0 whenever the current rises in pressure one-fourth of a volt. I am thereby enabled bythis combination scheme to hold the voltage of the work-circuit J within a very small electric pressure variation, and if the dynamo 13 be compound-wound the speed of the engine will then remain practically constant.
  • the current of the work-circuit K flows through the coil of the governing-solenoid D, thereby causing the solenoid D to be operated by variations in the volume of current instead of by variations in the currentpressure.
  • the circuit of the electromagnet C is always closed, except when it is opened by the timing closing-circuit commutator L, the current being only diverted from the said magnet by a by-pass. shunt J Fig. 3.
  • The. speed of the engine will vary inversely proportional to the variations of potential in a constant-potential system; but in a constant-current system the speed of the engine will vary inversely proportional to any variations in the volume of current. This is due to the fact that in either case of increase the valve B will always become closed and thereby eut off the supply of gas from the engine. Changing the speed of the engine to suit the electric pressure of the work-circuit is therefore a novel feature and constitutes an important feature of my invention.
  • Figs. 1 and 3 I have shown the magnet C to be operated by a solenoid D; but in Fig. 5 I show how the solenoid may be dispensed with and a centrifugal governor be used in place thereof. If the centrifugal governor be used, then the current would flow through the governing parts as follows: From the brush G to the brush 9 to ring Q, thence through conductor T, cover S, screw S, mercury R, shaft P, ring Q, brush g, brush M, segment 3, brush M, helix of magnet O, thence to dynamo G" in the direction of the arrow-head. In the system shown in Fig.


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N0. 632,7!6. Patented Sept. l2, I899.
(Application filed Oct. 21, 1895. Renewed Apr. 3, 1899.]
2 Sheets-Sheet I,
(No Model.)
UVVEWTO? By I - lllllllllllmml fillf IVHWE'SS Patented Sept; 12, I899. T. H. HICKS.
(Application fild Oct. 21, 1895. Renewed Apr. 8, 1899.) 4 (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 2,
'' %%ZM. wy/
THE Nunms sevens cu.. Pno'rqumo WASNINGTON. u c.
CONTROLLING AND REGULATING MECHANISM FOR ENGINES SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 632,716, dated September 12, 1899.
Application filed October 21, 1895- Renewed April 3, 1899. Serial No. 711,610. (No model.)
To all it'll/072i zit may concern.-
Be it known that I, THOMAS H. HICKS, a subject of the Queen of Great Britain, residing at Fort Wayne, county of Allen, State of Indiana, have invented a certain new and useful Improvementin Controlling and Regulating Mechanism for Engines; and I declare the following to be a full, clear, and exact description of the invention,snchas will enable others skilled in the art to which it appertains to make and use the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, which form a part of this specification.
This invention relates to new and useful improvements in controlling and regulating parts of engines, and more particularly of gas-engines for driving electric generators. By the term gas-engine I include all engines which are operated by explosive mixtures for producing power.
My invention is especiallyintended to produce a gas-engine which will be automatic in its regulation and at the same time be suitable for driving either constant-potential or constant-current electric generators.
My invention admits of and includes certain modifications to suit both constant-potential and constant-current systems of electrical generation and electrical andelectrocentrifugal governors, and that, too, without departing from the spirit of the invention. In the drawings I illustrate the application of my invention to both constant-current and constant-potential systems, and I also illustrate both electrical and electrocentrifugal governors. In one application of my invention the engine will maintain constant speed up to its maximum power, and in another application the speed of the engine will vary with the load on the electric generator. This latter application is especially suitable for arc-lamp systems of electric lighting; but it will also prove to be equally useful in application to constant-potential systems where the field-magnets of the generators are only shunt-wound-t'. 8., not compound wound. The constructive parts embodied in my invention may also be changed to suit engines having either one, two, or any number of explosions of gas to each cycle of the enginevalves B and B being shown in section.
2 is also a diagam view showing a modification of some parts of Fig. 1, together with piston, and also to suit engines having either one, two, or any number of separate cylin ders and their pistons. My scheme may also be applied to steam-engines, and the various parts may also be changed in form to suit various conditions, which will be readily understood by any person skilled in this art.
. To these ends myinvention consists of the construction, combination, arrangement, and application of the various parts which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings, and hereinafter described and claimed.
The drawings are largely diagrammatic, various part notembodied in my invention and unnecessary to the full understanding thereof being omitted-such, for example,as brushholders, journal-bearings, &c.; but they will be readily understood by persons skilled in these lines of art.
In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a view in diagram showing in combination an engine, electrical generator, and my con trolling and operating devices as applied to a constant-potential system, the case of the Fig.
other parts. Fig. 3 is a diagram view showing parts of Fig. 1 and the application of my scheme to aconstant-current system. Parts of the engine and electrical generator are shown to be cut away in this figure. Fig. 4c is a view, partly in diagram, showinga modification of a part of my invention which may be applied to engines operating either system of lighting. Fig. 5 is a diagram view showing parts in section. This figure shows also a modification in whichI use an electro centrifugal governor as a means of regulation instead of solenoids, as shown in Fig. 1, 2, and 3. Fig. 6 is a perspective view of a short-eircuiting commutator, which is shown also in a different view in Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 5. Fig. 7 is a detail view in section, showing the rings Q Q, in section upon the shaft P.
The parts in detail are indicated as follows: A indicates one cylinder-head of a gas-engine. I I r A is the explosion-chamber for the engine. A is a support, preferably cast with the cylinder, for supporting a hinged arm A which is actuated in its movements by a rotatable cam A".
A indicates the top of the crank-shaft of the engine.
A is the engines drive-wheel.
I3 is a starting -valve which is operated through the plunger 3. This valve Bis only intended to be in use until the electric generatorB becomes generative of sufficienteleetrie pressure, after which the valve is thrown out of commission, which I further explain hereinafter. 13 is a similar kind of valve to 13; but instead of being operated by electromagnetic means which may be varied in the form of construction, as I showin Figs. 1 and 5, the valve. B is provided with a plunger B, carrying a valve-disk I) for opening and closing a valve-seat Z).
I3 is a lever fulcrumed intermediate its ends, having a counter-pulling weight I3 attached to one of its ends.
0 is an electromagnet for operating the valve I3 D and D, Fig. 2, are solenoid-governors for actuating the movements of the valve B through its electromagnets N N. D Fig. 5, is an electrocentrifu gal governor for performing the same function as the solenoids D and D. The solenoid-governors D and D are constructed alike in Figs. 1, 2, and 3; but they operate differently. In Figs. 1 and 2 the plunger D of the solenoid throws the electromagnet G into action when the plungers ascend far enough to make contact between the contact-points E and E, which closes the circuit through the electromagnet C; but in Fig. 3 the plunger performs the same function when it descends far enough to make contact between the points E E. Thus the movements of the plungers in the two cases are in reverse directions to perform the same function.
F, F, F, and F are four metallic pieces forming a frame-support for the plunger D of the solenoid.
F' is a spring for supporting the solenoidplunger.
F is a binding-post in metallic contact with the frame of the solenoid.
Gr is an armature of the dynamo 13 its commutator.
G and G are brushes.
II is a driving-belt.
J, Fig. 1, is a constant-potential work-circuit, and K, Fig. 3, is a constant-current workcircuit.
L is a closing-circuit commutator for causing the electromagnet O to become operative in opening the valve 13 when the piston of the engine is in a favorable position for receivingan explosion of gas. The valve 13 therefore, is a timing-valve and operated conjointly by the commutator L and solenoid D, or solenoids D and D, if two explosions are to occur instead of one. The commutator L, as shown in Fig. 6, consists of three seg- G is ments 1, 2, and 3. There are two brushes M and M, forming sliding contacts on the commutator L; but current only flows from one brush to the other when the two brushes are on the segment marked 3. The valve B is only open to admit gas to the engine while the brushes M and M are on the segment 3.
N and N in Fig. 2 are two sets of electromagnets for operating the valve B electromagnetieally. hen these magnets N and N are used, then the valve B will not be necessary. The engine will operate the valve 1; by the cam A until the dynamo picks up. Then by suitable means the cam can be released from acting upon the plunger of the valve B and the latter thereafter be operated by the solenoidsD and D, Fig. 2, the solenoid D controlling gas for one end of the cylinder and the solenoid I) controlling gas for the other end of the cylinder or for two separate cylinders.
N is a bar of iron attached to the plunger B of the valve 13 for lifting the plunger through the influence of the magnets N N; but instead of using these electromagnets N and N for said purpose they may be used for the purpose of holding the valve 13 open after the dynamo picks up. I show this arrangement in Fig. i, where the magnets are connected in a closed circuit with the generator B In such a case these eleetromagnets N N would simply take the place of the nut 0 upon the plunger B, Figs. 1 and 3, which is for the same purpose of holding the valve 1 open after the valve 13 begins to work, by screwing the nut 0 down so as to lift theplunger B and arm A up above the action of the cam Aflas I show in Fig. 3. \Vhen the plunger is thus held up, the valveB is out of com mission; but instead of arranging the magnets N N in a closed circuit with the dynamo for the purpose of lifting the valve B automatically as soon as the valve B begins to become operative the circuit may be closed manually by the switch 6.
In Figs. 1, 3, and a I show the valve B for use in starting the engine only. Thereafter the valve B becomes the timing and only operating valve to control the supply of gas for the engine.
In Fig. 5 I show what I designatean e1ec trocentrifugal governor D Any suitable kind of a centrifugal governor can take the place of the one I show. So long as the circuit through the electromagnet O is opened and closed by the centrifugal action, to take the place of the solenoid D, then the spirit of this part of my invention is manifest. This governor D consists of a, rotatable shaft divided into two portions P I the two parts being insulated from each other, as I show at P Upon the shaft P are two rings Q. Q, Q,
being in metallic contact with the shaft P; but Q, is insulated therefrom, as shown in Fig. 7.
R is a mercury-cup, and It indicates mercury.
Sis an adjustable screw passing through the cover S, which latter is insulated from the lower part of the cup R.
T is the insulation for separating the two named parts of the cup.
The cover of the cup S'is connected to the ring Q by the conductor T. Du ringrotation of the governor the mercury recedes from the center of the cup when the speed is suflicient, and thereby breaks the circuit between the lower end of the screw S and the mercury, and when the speed slows down sulliciently the circuit is again closed in a manner which will be readily understood. A governor of this kind has no other work to perform than to simply make and break contact through the mercury, and it is therefore very sensitive as compared with a centrifugal governor which would be required to operate the valve B direetly.
In Fig. 5 I show a dilferent kind of electromagnet O for operating the valve B to that shown in Fig. 1,in Fig. 5 it being a combination of a solenoid and an electromagnet, the plunger B being divided into two portions, B being a fixed portion thereof and the coil being shown in section.
In Figs. 1, 4, and 5 I show the case of the valves B and B in section, so as to expose the interior of the valves. The casings of two valves 13 and B can either be formed of one casting, as I show in Figs. 1 and 3, or they can be made of separate parts suitably connected together.
In Fig. 3, U and U indicate two field-magnet windings for the armature G, the coil U being a differential winding for demagnetizing the field-magnets when necessity demands it. The differential coil U may be cutout of circuit by suitable contacts V and V, and the coil U maybe short-circuited, either in all or in part, as I indicate by the contacts V V and V V Having thus referred to the various parts shown in all of the figures, I will now explain the manner in which my scheme may be operated to suit both constant-potential and constant-current systems.
In an application for United States Letters Patent filed by me September 13, 1895, Serial No. 562,370, I disclosed a scheme for throwing a valve similar in function to my pres ent valve B out of commission to prevent gas-explosions in the engine. In that case I operated the valve by throwing the plunger of the valve in or out of connection with the arm operated by the cam; but in this my present case I throw both the plunger B and the arm A out of action together when I wish to throw the valve B out of commission for the purpose of having the valve B3 0011- trol the supply of gas thereafter. It may which I disclose in Fig. 2, which, however, is also diiferent from the scheme disclosed in the application referred to, inasmuch as in that case the valve 13 was operated by the engine, while in this case the valve is to be operated by electromagnetic means. In that case, also, I show two sets of magnetic devices, one being for sensitiveness and the other for power, as I do in my present case; but in that case the solenoid, which was marked G in the drawings, closed the circuit through the second magnet when the potential of the electric cu rrent became sufficiently increased, while in this my present case the reverse occurs, the plunger of the solenoid closing the circuit of the magnet as it ascends by the potential of the current becoming weaker, and the valve K in that case (B in this case) was only out of commission when the circuit was closed by the governing solenoid. Therefore it anything went wrong, so as to throw the dynamo out of use, the engine would then receive the maximum number of explosive charges, which would cause the engine to begin at once to race, and damage to the engine would also be likely to result. Of course the former scheme could be supplemented with extra devices to cut oif the gas in case the current gave out; but that means trouble and expense. New from what has been said the constant-potential system which I show in Fig. 1 will be readily understood from the following description:
To start the engine, if the valveB has been held open by the nut O, as shown in Fig. 3, then the nut 0 must be turned toward the end of the plunger, so as to bring the arm A in a favorable position for being acted upon by the rotating cam A as I show in Fig. 1; but if the valve B be thrown out of use by elect-romagnets, which I show in Fig. at, then the engine will always be readyto start without requiring to first arrange the valve B. WVe will suppose that the engine is supplied with a proper ignition device. Then when a charge of gas and air has been forced into the ignition-chamber by turning the drive-wheel A, which will open the valve at the proper moment for admitting gas to the engine, an explosion will occur, which will start the engine running by its own power, and explosions will then continue to occur at every proper cycle of the engine-piston until the dynamo B gives out suiiicient pressure to operate the solenoid D, after which the solenoid will throw the eleetromagnet G into use, so as to open the valve B automatically by the current and also allow it to become closed by the counter-pulling weight B when the speed of the engine has increased sufiiciently. The valve 13 is then to be thrown out of use either by the magnets N N, or by the nut O, or in any other equivalent manner. When starting the engine, the valve B mustbe held open until the magnet C becomes operative, after which the counterweight B and said m agnct will open and close the valve; but the time when the valve 13 must be opened to admit a charge of gas to the engine is governed by the act of theclosingcircuit commutator L, which of course operates in conjunction with the solenoid D, the solenoid-plunger D closing the circuit of the electromagnet C by the contact-points E E when the voltage of the generator-l3 has fallen sufficiently to allow the plunger to rise far enough to bring the contact-points together. Of course the contact-points are always together when the current is off from the solenoid D, so as to be ready for operation when the current is turned on. By properly constructing the solenoid D it will open and close the circuit of the eleetromagnet 0 whenever the current rises in pressure one-fourth of a volt. I am thereby enabled bythis combination scheme to hold the voltage of the work-circuit J within a very small electric pressure variation, and if the dynamo 13 be compound-wound the speed of the engine will then remain practically constant.
lVhen operating an electric generator, the voltage will always drop proportionally to'the heat of the field-magnet windings, and this is where my scheme beautifully counteracts such a defect, for when the voltage drops the valve B will be kept open until the voltage rises to suit the adjustment of the solenoid D. Therefore my scheme is well adapted to operate electric generators which are only shunt wound when supplying constant-potential work-circuits or generators supplying arclamps where the potential rises proportionally to the number of lamps arranged in series. I show this latter application in Fig. In this case the current of the work-circuit K flows through the coil of the governing-solenoid D, thereby causing the solenoid D to be operated by variations in the volume of current instead of by variations in the currentpressure. In this case the circuit of the electromagnet C is always closed, except when it is opened by the timing closing-circuit commutator L, the current being only diverted from the said magnet by a by-pass. shunt J Fig. 3. When the volume of currentincreases, the solenoid-plunger D" is thereby drawn down, so as to make contact between the points E E, which diverts all the current principally through the shunt J In this way the said magnet is thrown out of use, so as to allow its plunger to descend, and thereby close the valve 13 In the application of my scheme to a system of arc-lighting in which the work-circuit is traversed by a current of ten amperes if only one lamp be turned on the engine will then run just fast enough to generate the needed pressure suitable for the one lamp. If, however, ten lamps be then thrown on, the speed of the engine will then increase enough to generate an electric pressure sufficient for the ten lamps, and in this way it will vary in speed to suit any number of lamps. It may therefore be seen that I need no other governing devices to operate a constant-current work-circuit than the solenoid D and magnet C. However, in case the work-circuit should become short-circuited I provide the field magnets with a differential coil U, which may be cut in or out of circuit by any suitable automatic device, or instead of using the coil U the exciting field-coil U may be cut out by suitable portions, as I indicate at V V and V" V V and V indicate where the differential coil U may be cut out or in circuit.
The. speed of the engine will vary inversely proportional to the variations of potential in a constant-potential system; but in a constant-current system the speed of the engine will vary inversely proportional to any variations in the volume of current. This is due to the fact that in either case of increase the valve B will always become closed and thereby eut off the supply of gas from the engine. Changing the speed of the engine to suit the electric pressure of the work-circuit is therefore a novel feature and constitutes an important feature of my invention.
In Figs. 1 and 3 I have shown the magnet C to be operated by a solenoid D; but in Fig. 5 I show how the solenoid may be dispensed with and a centrifugal governor be used in place thereof. If the centrifugal governor be used, then the current would flow through the governing parts as follows: From the brush G to the brush 9 to ring Q, thence through conductor T, cover S, screw S, mercury R, shaft P, ring Q, brush g, brush M, segment 3, brush M, helix of magnet O, thence to dynamo G" in the direction of the arrow-head. In the system shown in Fig. 1 the current flows as follows: From dynamo brush G through conductor 4, thence through the coil of solenoid D, conductor 5 to dynamo-brush Thisconstitutes the circuit of the solenoid D. Starting again at brush G3 the current flows through conductor 4-, thence through conductor 6, frame F and spring F, plunger D contact-points E E, conductor 7, thence through the coil of the electromagnet C, thence through conductor 8, brush M, seg ment 3, brush M, conductor 9, back to dynamo through brush G In Fig. 3 the current starts from brush G field-coil U, workcircuit K, thence through the helix of the solenoid D, and thence through either the conductor 7, helix of magnet C, conductor 8, brush M, segment 3, brush M, and back to dynamo through the brush G or else from the helix of D, through the contacts E E, spring F, frame F and F and conductor J to brush G to armature again. When my devices are used on an engine having two explosions to one cycle of the piston, as I show in Fig. 2, then the two solenoids D D are adjusted so that one of the solenoids does not begin to operate the contacts E E until after the other solenoid is doing its maximum amount of work.
As regards the two clcctromagncts C C (shown in Figs. 1 and 5) I will add: The construction of the magnet C (shown in Fig. 5) requires no stuffing-box to be attached to the Valve for the plunger to pass through. Therefore this form of combination of the magnet G with the valve is decidedly better as regards friction with the stufling-box.
Having thus described my invention, and
in accordance therewith, I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent-- 1. In a system of power operation and regulation, the combination with a gas-engine provided with a gas-supply valve, of a magnetic device for controlling said valve, a source of electricity for supplying said magnetic device with current to operate said valve, and a centrifugal governor for throwing said magnetic device in and out of electrical circuit to operate said valve for controlling the speed of said engine, substantially as described.
2. In a system of gas-engine operation and regulation,the combination with a gas-engine, of two gas-valves,and electromagnetic means, one of said valves being operated by said electromagnetic means, said electromagnetic means being thrown out of action to check the speed of said gas-engine, the other of said valves being used to operate the engine until the valve, which is operated by electromagnetic means,becomcs operative, substantially as described.
3. In a system of power operation and regulation, the combination with a gas-engine provided with two gas-supply valves, one of said valves being used only to operate the engine until the second of said valves becomes automatically operative, of electrically-operated means for automatically throwing the starting-valve out of action when the second valve becomes operative,substantially as described.
4. In a system of gas-engine operation and regulation, the combination with a gas-engine and a source of electric supply, of avalve for controlling the amount of gas for said engine, an electromagnetic device for operating said valve to admit gas to said engine, a close-circuiting commutator for timing the action of said valve to suit the requirements of the engine, and means for supplying said electromagnetic device with a current of electricity in a manner suitable to the speed of the engine, substantially as described.
5. In a system of gas-engine operation and regulation, the combination with a gas-engine provided with a valve for regulating the supply of gas to operate said engine, and witha source of electric supply, of an electromagnetic device for opening said valve to admit gas to the engine, and mechanical means for closing the valve when the said electromagnetic device ceases to become effective, substantially as described.
6. In a system of gas-engine operation and regulation, the combination with a gas-engine and a source of electricity, of a valve B for controlling the supply of gas to operate said engine, an electromagnetic device to operate said Valve, and an electrocentrifugal governor for regulating the current of electricity from said source to operate said electromagnetic device, substantially as described.
7. In a system of gas-engine operation and regulation,the combination with a gas-engine, of a valve B for starting the engine into action, a valve B for operating the engine thereafter, and electromagnetic means for auto matically throwing the valve 13 out of use when the valve B becomes operative in a manner substantially as described.
8. In asystem of poweroperation and regulation, the combination with a power-engine, of a valve B an electromagnetic device to operate said valve, an electric generator for supplying said electromagnetic device with current, a by-pass circuit J and an electric device for throwing said electromagnetic device in and out of circuit by diverting the current through said by-pass circuit J substan tially as described.
9. In a system of power operation and regulation, the combination with a power-producing engine, of an engine-controlling valve B an electromagnetic device for operating said controlling-valve, an electric generator provided with field-magnet coils, means for cutting said coils in or out of circuit to control said electric generator, and means for cutting said electromagnetic device in and out of circuit to control the speed of said power-producing engine, said engine being causedto vary in speed according to the work it performs, substantially as described.
In testimony whereof I sign this specification in the presence of two witnesses.
US71161095A 1895-10-21 1895-10-21 Controlling and regulating mechanism for engines. Expired - Lifetime US632716A (en)

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US71161095A US632716A (en) 1895-10-21 1895-10-21 Controlling and regulating mechanism for engines.

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US71161095A US632716A (en) 1895-10-21 1895-10-21 Controlling and regulating mechanism for engines.

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US71161095A Expired - Lifetime US632716A (en) 1895-10-21 1895-10-21 Controlling and regulating mechanism for engines.

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