US622520A - mcconnell - Google Patents

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US622520A US622520DA US622520A US 622520 A US622520 A US 622520A US 622520D A US622520D A US 622520DA US 622520 A US622520 A US 622520A
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    • G06M3/00Counters with additional facilities
    • G06M3/12Counters with additional facilities for preventing incorrect actuation, e.g. for preventing falsification


  • My improvement relates to voting apparatus; and the invention consists in the combination and arrangement of parts hereinafter described, and embodied in the claims.
  • Figure 1 is a front elevation of the apparatus, a part of the casing be ing broken away.
  • Fig. 2 is a horizontal section of the casing and a plan view of the operating mechanism.
  • Fig. 3 is a cross-section on the line 3 y of Fig. 2 and also shows in side view the connections of the releasing mechanism with the door or gate.
  • Fig. 4 is a vertical cross-section on line as a; of Fig. 2.
  • Fig. 5 is a front elevation, on an enlarged scale, of the apparatus for operating the registers.
  • Fig. 6 is a cross-section of the two shafts of the apparatus.
  • Fig. 7 is an enlarged face view of the slides for controlling the movements of the operating-levers.
  • Fig. 1 is a front elevation of the apparatus, a part of the casing be ing broken away.
  • Fig. 2 is a horizontal section of the casing and a plan view of the operating mechanism.
  • Fig. 3 is a cross-section
  • Fig. 8 is a face view of one of the registers with the outer plate removed.
  • Fig. 9 is a cross-- section of the same with the front plate in place.
  • Fig. 10 is a face view of the registerwheels, showing the dog engaging with the deep notches to give movement to all the wheels at once.
  • A indicates the casing which incloses the mechanism, the same being of ordinary construction and provided with a hinged cover J, which is secured at one or both ends by a look a.
  • B is a individual support-s attached to the hollow shaft 13. These supports are adapted to hold shin No. azazzz. (No model.)
  • the registers and are movable to bring the names of candidates opposite apertures d d of the casing, also to bring the registers 1n position to be operated by suitable mechanism.
  • the names come over the registers and both come opposite the apertures; but this is not absolutely necessary, as the registers themselves may be obviously placed out of line with the apertures.
  • a greater or less number of these individual supports may be used as necessity may require; but in fact these supports are only integral portions of a single circular or polygonal support in the main part of the apparatus. Hence all the series of registers or the number of series thereof fixed on one support move simultaneously.
  • the movable supports consist of wheels which turn within the casing, five being attached to the main shaft B and two to the hollow shaft B.
  • Each of the wheels 1 2 3 4 5 on the main shaft is the representative of a political'party.
  • O O C are a series of registers on each of these, each register being for one of the candidates.
  • the registers of each Wheel are arranged in order one after another, so as to be successively brought into position, as hereinafter described, and the registers on all the wheels on a shaft form plural series, each wheel having a series of its own.
  • each register in one series has a corresponding register in each of the other series,and the corresponding registers of all the wheels lie in line,so that when the shaft is turned to bring the name of a given candidate on any one of the wheels down to position opposite the aperture the name of the corresponding candidate on all the other wheels will also be brought down in line in the same manner, and the names of all the preceding candidates will also be turned down below the aperture.
  • These plural series of registers are so arranged that each register in one series has a corresponding register in each of the other series.
  • the wheels 6 7, which are attached to the independent shaft B, are the representatives of questions to be answered yes or no, or other special matter, and require each only a single register where but one question is to be answered. Where there are a greater number of questions, the registers are correspondingly increased in number. They are arranged in successive order and in line the same as those before described.
  • each register may be of any suitable construction. As shown in the drawings, each register consists of a case 0, inclosing aset of three register-wheels (Zfg, Figs. 8, 9, and 10. These register-wheels turn on a common center, but are of grad ually-decreasing diameter, and each is provided .with a series of ten notches h h 7L, with which engages a dog 6. One of these notches, 7t, in the two largest wheels is cut to the same depth as the notches of the smallest wheel, as shown in Fig. 10. The dog engaging with the notches of the largest wheel falls into its deep notch at the tenth movement and engages with the notch of the next wheel and moves it one notch forward.
  • the dog falls into the deep notches of both the first and second wheels and into one of the notches of the smallest wheel and moves the latter one notch forward.
  • the first wheel makes ten movements to one of the second wheel and one hundred movements to one of-the third wheel.
  • the notches of each of the wheels are marked by numerals .from 1 to 9, inclusive, and the remaining notch by O, as shown.
  • the largest wheel will register up to nine, the first and second wheels up to ninety-nine, and the first, second, and third up to nine hundred and ninety-nine.
  • the number of register-wheels may be increased as desired, operating in the same manner and registering into thousands.
  • the dog is pivoted to the end of a plunger j, whose stem j protrudes from the case and is operated by a cam, as will presently be described.
  • the plunger is pressed outward by a spring 7s.
  • the register-wheels are kept in position at every movement and prevented from slipping out of place by springs Z Z Z, which strike into the notches of the wheels on the opposite side from the dog.
  • D D D are a set of levers by which the wheels are rotated and the registers operated. They turn freely on the shaft and extend out through slots on m in a stationary guard-plate E at the front of the case, so as to be seized and operated by the voters. They have a given movement up and down, regulated by the length of the slots. At the rear ends they have counterweights n n, by which they are thrown up at the front when not in use. An extra lever D is used fora purpose presently to be explained.
  • F F F are a set of ratehets attached fast to the main shaft, corresponding to the number of levers and near thereto. Each of these ratchets has teeth corresponding in number with the number of registers on each wheel. Each of the levers has a pawl 0, pivoted thereto in the rear of the shaft and engaging with the teeth of its own ratchet. At each movement of any one of the levers by a voter the pawl engaging with the ratchet rotates all of the wheels 011 the shaft a distance equal to the distance from the proper operative position of one register to that of the next, the pawls of the other levers simply slipping over the notches of their ratchets. At one end of the case (at the right in Fig.
  • anextra ratchet G is attach ed fast to the shaft,having the same number of teeth as each of the others, with which last-named ratchet engages an independent pawl p, pivoted to the frame, the same serving to simply catch the teeth and hold the shaft and wheels against backward action when the same are turned forward.
  • a similar ratchet G and pawl 12 are used at the opposite end of the case, connected with the independent shaft 13 for holding it and its wheels 0 '7 against backward action. It will be understood that the levers and the ratchets connected with the independent shaft and the wheels 6 7 act independently of the main shaft and the other wheels.
  • H H are two pulleys attached rigidly to the main shaft 13 and independent shaft 13, respectively, and I I are elastic cords attached to the pulleys at one end and to the case or some other stationary part at the other, as shown at q. As the wheels rotate forward the cords are wound on the pulleys and put under tension, and their tendencyis to cause the shaft and wheels to turn backward all the series of registers to theinitial position again when released.
  • crank-arm K is a rock-shaft extending longitudinally through the case under all the wheels, and r r r are a set of crank-arms attached fixedly thereto extending inward. From these crank-arms connecting-rods s s s extend upward and connect at their upper ends with the several pawls 0 o 0 and 171 in the rear of their pivots. lVhen the crankarms are thrown downward by the turning of the shaft K,the connecting-rods are all driven down and the pawls are all released from their ratchets, and the wheels are then all free to be thrown back by the elastic cords I I, as before described. This action resets the wheels after one person has voted, ready for another.
  • crankarm f On the reverse side of the shaft K and at one end of the case is a single crankarm f, which extends out through a slot in the back of the case and is connected by a rod 5 with a slide r having on its face a knuckle or head I), provided with twofriction-rollers, between which passes a spiral-shaped cam u, attached to the door or gate L of the booth or apartment in which the apparatus is located.
  • the spiral cam raises the outer end of the crank-armf, thereby depressing all the other crank-arms 'r '2' r and releasing all the pawls from their ratchets, as before described, and allowing the whole to be reset.
  • the upper ends of the connecting-rods S are slotted, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4:.
  • a cam for operating the registers This is shown most clearly in Fig. 5. It consists of an upright standard or arm attached to the lever and provided with a pivoted and swinging cam w. The cam is pressed back byaspring e, in which case its face to rides outside the projecting stemsj' of the plungersj, while its heel r0 inclines backward outside the standard. Below the cam is located a frictionroller (t attached to a fixed arm 0 This mechanism operates one register at a time. When the lever is drawn down, the rear inclined end of the cam strikes the roller,which forces the cam inward, and its face striking the projecting stem of the plunger -forces it inward and operates the register, as before described. The two positions of the cam are shown by the full and dotted lines in Fig. 5.
  • the names preferably inscribed on rein ovable name-plates, of the series of candidates of a particular party
  • Each of the outside holding-ratchets G G is provided with a set of holes k k k as shown in Fig. 4.
  • pins m m which in the rotation of the wheels forward and back strike stops on the frame and limit the movement of the wheels. This is to adapt the movements of the wheels to the number of registers to be operated, which, of course, is the number of candidates to be voted for.
  • the number of registers do not always need to occupy the whole periphery of the wheels.
  • the stops enable the movements of the wheels to be gaged exactly to the number of candidates represented by the registers on the wheels.
  • the voter seizes one of the levers, opens the slides, and forces the lever down, thereby locking out all the other levers.
  • the pawl engaging with the ratchet rotates the wheel a distance equal to the distance from the proper operative position of one resistor to that of the next, and the cam on the lever operates a register. This completes the vote for one candidate.
  • the lever is raised and forced down again to bring the next register down, and so on for all the candidates of a given party; but if after voting for one candidate of one party the voter wishes to vote for the next candidate of another party he releases the lever he has already operated and takes another and operates it in the same way. If.
  • the wheels (3 7, which represent simply questions to be answered yes or no or other special matter, are operated entirely distinctly from the other wheels, although of the same general construction.
  • the name-plates bearing the names of candidates or of questions to be answeret yes or no,'or bearing any other subject-matter for which avote is to be cast are simply indicators which determine the register which is to be operated in order to vote for the particular subject-matter which is displayed through an aperture in the casing.
  • stop-pins 072 which are capable of adjustment in the holes so as to permit a revolution of the support bearing the registers through an are which is determined by the distance of the stop-pins from each other, and thus to permit voting for only one candidate or for only one question or for any further number of candidates or questions up to the capacity of the supports. If these stop-pins are set for voting for a single candidate or question, the register-actuator is depressed, a stop-pin 022 comes against its abutment, the register is actuated, and the support cannot be further operated.
  • the stop pins therefore are retainers for holding the support when operated, either when operated to vote for only one candidate or question or upon completion of the movement of the support.
  • the devices for preventing the backward rotation of the support are the pawl p or p, acting upon the ratchetwheel G or G.
  • the combined device consisting of the wheel G, stop-pin m and pawl p, or wheel G, stop-pin m and pawl 22, prevents movement of the support or retation of the wheel in either direction and in holding the support prevents the registeractuators (the levers D) from further operative movements.
  • the elastic band I is arranged for automatically rotating the support in one directionthat is, backwardwhen the retaining devices are released.
  • Each register-actuator bears a pawl o,which operates upon a ratchet -wheel I A full movement of this register-actuator moves one of the supports C one step to operate a register and returns to position ready to operate another register; but if upon the operation of the first register the retaining devices above mentioned have come into action the pawl or retainer 0 is held stationary, the actuator cannot be operated, and the retainer is therefore held after its motion just described when moved in an attempt to actuate a register, and any further movement of the support is arrested or prevented.
  • the releasing devices for disengaging the various retaining devices above mentioned are the rods .9, crankarms 7*, rock shaft K, and the connections mentioned for actuating the same by means of the door to release the wheels upon the shaft B and a similar set of devices for releasing the wheels upon the sleeve 13.
  • I provide a retainer for the register-actuator, whereby to arrest the further rotation of the support, capable of being set for any degree of motion, which is determined by the number of candidates or questions to be voted for, which number may be one or more, and that as soon as the pin on has come against the abutment in the casing there is no further operative motion of any part of the device, and that the dropping of the pawl back into another tooth of the ratchetwheel locks the device against movement in either direction, and that there can be no further operative movement of any part of the device for counting purposes or for the exhibition of any other indicator.
  • the register-Wheels (Z f have a hole 1: through each. By inserting a pin from the outside till it passes through all of them the whole can be reset to zero as the startingpoint for the apparatus.
  • IVhat Iclaim is- 1.
  • a revoluble support provided with a series of registers and a carrier having mechanism to actuate the registers on said support and to move said support step by step.
  • a voting-machine the combination with a casing having a sightaperture, of a movable support bearing a series of indicators, each capable of being displayed through said aperture, a series of registers carried by said support and corresponding respectively to the said indicators, actuating devices for moving said support, step by step, to display said indicators successively through said apertu re, means for actuating the register corresponding to the indicator displayed, means for returning the support to an initial position, and means for preventing a second ac tuation of the register so actuated until the support has returned to an initial position.
  • a votinganachine the combination with a casing having a sight-aperture, of a movable support bearing a series of indicators, each capable of being displayed through said aperture, a series of registers carried by said support and corresponding respectively to the said indicators, actuating devices for moving said support, step by step, to display said indicators successively through said aperture, means for actuating the register corresponding to the indicator displayed, devices for retaining said support against backward rotation, means for releasing said support, means for automatically returning the support to an initial position, and means for preventing a second actuation of the register so actuated until the support has returned to the initial position.
  • a voting apparatus a support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, devices for operating any of said registers, and mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time.
  • a voting apparatus a support, plural series of corresponding registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, devices for operating any of said registers, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register in a series at a time, and apparatus for preventing the operation of the corresponding register of any other series.
  • a voting apparatus In a voting apparatus, a'movable support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving said support, devices for operating any of said registers, and mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time.
  • a voting apparatus a movable support, plural series of corresponding registers on said support, means for moving said support, devices for operating any of said registers, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one -register in a series at a time, and apparatus for preventing the operation of the corresponding register of any other series.
  • a voting apparatus a support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, devices for operating any of said registers, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time, and apparatus for returning all the series of registers to aninitial position.
  • a voting apparatus a movable support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving said support, devices for operating any of said registers, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time, and apparatus for returning the support to an initial position.
  • a voting apparatus a door or gate, a support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, mechanism for operating only one register at a time, and apparatus cooperating with said door or gate for returning all the registers to an initial position.
  • a support plural series of registers on said support, a series of operating mechanisms for moving the support, one for each series of registers, and a device cooperating with each of said operating mechanisms for actuating only one of said registers at a time.
  • a support attached to a revoluble shaft, plural series of registers thereon, means for moving said support, devices for operating any of said registers, and mechanism forpreventing the operation of more than one register at a time.
  • a support attached to a revoluble shaft, plural series of registers thereon, means for moving said support, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time, devices for operating any of said registers, and appa ratus for returning the support to an initial position.
  • a voting apparatus In a voting apparatus, a support attached to a revoluble shaft, plural series of corresponding registers thereon, means for moving said support, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register in a series at a time, apparatus for returning the support to an initial positiomdevices for.
  • a support plural series of corresponding registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, devices for operating any of said registers, and mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one of the corresponding registers at a time.
  • a voting apparatus a door or gate, a movable support, plural series of registers on said support, means, as a series of levers, one for each series of registers, and each engaging said support for moving the same, and mechanisms respectively cooperating with said levers for operating a register consequent upon the movement of a single lever, connections between the door and the support and mechanism cooperating therewith for return" ing the support to an initial position, and apparatus for preventing the operation of more than one lever at a time.
  • a voting apparatus the combination of a casing having one or more apertures, a movable support therein, plural series of registers on the support, means for imparting motion to the support, and means for operat ing a register simultaneously with the move ment of the support.
  • a voting apparatus the combination of a casing provided with an aperture, a mov able support therein, a set of registers mounted on the support, and means with connec tions so arranged as to operate the support and a register both at the same movement.
  • a voting apparatus the combination of a shaft, a set of wheels attached thereto so as to receive simultaneous movement, a set of registers mounted on each wheel, each set being arranged in line with those of the other wheels, so that each line is turned forward by a movement of the wheels, a set of ratchets on the shaft, and a set of levers with pawls that engage with the ratchets whereby by opera-ting any one of the levers all the wheels are operated.
  • a voting apparatus the combination of a shaft, a set of wheels attached thereto so as to receive simultaneous forward movement, a set of ratchets on the shaft, a corresponding set of levers provided with pawls engaging with the ratchets for imparting the forward movement to the wheels, and a disengaging attachment connected with all the pawls whereby the latter are disconnected from the ratchcts by a single movement.
  • a voting apparatus the combination of a shaft, a set of wheels attached thereto, a set of ratehets on the shaft, a corresponding set of levers provided with pawls engaging with the ratchets, a rock-shaft, a set of crankarms connected with said rock-shaft, and a corresponding set of rods connecting the crank-arms with the pawls, for disengaging thepawls from the ratchets.
  • a voting apparatus the combination of a shaft, a set of wheels attached thereto, another set of wheels attached to a shaft independent of the other shaft, a set of registers on each wheel arranged in successive order and in the same relative position on all the wheels, a set of ratchets on each of the shafts, a corresponding set of lovers provided with pawls engaging with the ratchets, the whole so arrangedthat either set of wheels can be operated independently of the other set, and means for operating a register when a lever is operated.
  • the combination with a movable support, of registers mounted thereon provided with projecting stems, a lever provided with a cam resting in line with any one of the stems when brought into position, and means for throwing the cam to opcrate the stem when the lever is thrown.
  • a voting apparatus the combination of a series of individual supporting devices each bearing a series of names of candidates, means for moving said individual supporting devices to exhibit simultaneously the names of all the candidates for an otlice, mechanism for separately registering the number of votes for each candidate, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register relating to the names simultaneously exhibited, and devices for operating any one of the registering mechanisms corresponding to the names simultaneously exhibited.
  • a voting apparatus the combination of a support bearing plural series of names of candidates, means for moving said support to exhibit simultaneously the names of all the candidates for an oflice, mechanism for scparately registering the number of votes I or each candidate,mechanism for preventin the operation of more than one register relating to the names simultaneously exhibited, and devices for operating any one 01. the registering mechanisms corresponding to the names simultaneously exhibited.
  • I11 a voting apparatus, plural series of corresponding registers, an individual revoluble support for each series, means for moving all the individual supports simultaneously, mechanism for operating any of said registers, and means for preventing the operation of more than one of the correspomling registers at a time.
  • a series of. individual supporting devices each bearing a series of names of candidates for separate oi flees, means for moving said individual supporting devices to exhibit simultaneously the names of all the candidates for an ollice, means, as an apertured casing, for concealing all the names except those of the candt dates for an offiee, mechanism for separately registering the number of votes for each candidate, and devices for operating only one of the registers corresponding to the names simultaneously exhibited.


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No. 622,520. PatentedApr. 4, I899. L. Y. MOCONNELL.
(Application filed Oct. 17, 1894.)
Z; glyhouel.) 2 Sheets-Sheof I.
M I "1 Ht 171% Z02? f 524 AW W$7aw M f Patented Apr. 4, I899.
(Application filed Ont. 17, 1894.)
2 Sheets-Sheet 2.
(No Model.)
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 622,520, dated April 4, 1899.
Application filed October 17, 1894.
To all whom "it may concern.-
Be it known that I, LOUIS Y. McCoNNELL, of- Rochester, in the county of Monroe and State of New York, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in Voting Apparatus; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the same, reference being had to the drawings accompanying this application.
My improvement relates to voting apparatus; and the invention consists in the combination and arrangement of parts hereinafter described, and embodied in the claims.
In the drawings, Figure 1 is a front elevation of the apparatus, a part of the casing be ing broken away. Fig. 2 is a horizontal section of the casing and a plan view of the operating mechanism. Fig. 3 is a cross-section on the line 3 y of Fig. 2 and also shows in side view the connections of the releasing mechanism with the door or gate. Fig. 4 is a vertical cross-section on line as a; of Fig. 2. Fig. 5 is a front elevation, on an enlarged scale, of the apparatus for operating the registers. Fig. 6 is a cross-section of the two shafts of the apparatus. Fig. 7 is an enlarged face view of the slides for controlling the movements of the operating-levers. Fig. 8 is a face view of one of the registers with the outer plate removed. Fig. 9 is a cross-- section of the same with the front plate in place. Fig. 10 is a face view of the registerwheels, showing the dog engaging with the deep notches to give movement to all the wheels at once.
A indicates the casing which incloses the mechanism, the same being of ordinary construction and provided with a hinged cover J, which is secured at one or both ends by a look a.
13 is a revoluble main shaft which extends longitudinally through the casing, and B is a individual support-s attached to the hollow shaft 13. These supports are adapted to hold shin No. azazzz. (No model.)
the registers and are movable to bring the names of candidates opposite apertures d d of the casing, also to bring the registers 1n position to be operated by suitable mechanism. In the drawings the names come over the registers and both come opposite the apertures; but this is not absolutely necessary, as the registers themselves may be obviously placed out of line with the apertures. A greater or less number of these individual supports may be used as necessity may require; but in fact these supports are only integral portions of a single circular or polygonal support in the main part of the apparatus. Hence all the series of registers or the number of series thereof fixed on one support move simultaneously.
As shown in the drawings,the movable supports consist of wheels which turn within the casing, five being attached to the main shaft B and two to the hollow shaft B. Each of the wheels 1 2 3 4 5 on the main shaft is the representative of a political'party. O O C are a series of registers on each of these, each register being for one of the candidates. The registers of each Wheel are arranged in order one after another, so as to be successively brought into position, as hereinafter described, and the registers on all the wheels on a shaft form plural series, each wheel having a series of its own. These plural series of registers are so arranged that each register in one series has a corresponding register in each of the other series,and the corresponding registers of all the wheels lie in line,so that when the shaft is turned to bring the name of a given candidate on any one of the wheels down to position opposite the aperture the name of the corresponding candidate on all the other wheels will also be brought down in line in the same manner, and the names of all the preceding candidates will also be turned down below the aperture. These plural series of registers are so arranged that each register in one series has a corresponding register in each of the other series.
The wheels 6 7, which are attached to the independent shaft B, are the representatives of questions to be answered yes or no, or other special matter, and require each only a single register where but one question is to be answered. Where there are a greater number of questions, the registers are correspondingly increased in number. They are arranged in successive order and in line the same as those before described.
The registers may be of any suitable construction. As shown in the drawings, each register consists of a case 0, inclosing aset of three register-wheels (Zfg, Figs. 8, 9, and 10. These register-wheels turn on a common center, but are of grad ually-decreasing diameter, and each is provided .with a series of ten notches h h 7L, with which engages a dog 6. One of these notches, 7t, in the two largest wheels is cut to the same depth as the notches of the smallest wheel, as shown in Fig. 10. The dog engaging with the notches of the largest wheel falls into its deep notch at the tenth movement and engages with the notch of the next wheel and moves it one notch forward. At every tenth movement of the second wheel the dog falls into the deep notches of both the first and second wheels and into one of the notches of the smallest wheel and moves the latter one notch forward. Thus the first wheel makes ten movements to one of the second wheel and one hundred movements to one of-the third wheel. The notches of each of the wheels are marked by numerals .from 1 to 9, inclusive, and the remaining notch by O, as shown. By the means above described the largest wheel will register up to nine, the first and second wheels up to ninety-nine, and the first, second, and third up to nine hundred and ninety-nine. The number of register-wheels may be increased as desired, operating in the same manner and registering into thousands.
The dog is pivoted to the end of a plunger j, whose stem j protrudes from the case and is operated by a cam, as will presently be described. The plunger is pressed outward by a spring 7s. The register-wheels are kept in position at every movement and prevented from slipping out of place by springs Z Z Z, which strike into the notches of the wheels on the opposite side from the dog.
D D D are a set of levers by which the wheels are rotated and the registers operated. They turn freely on the shaft and extend out through slots on m in a stationary guard-plate E at the front of the case, so as to be seized and operated by the voters. They have a given movement up and down, regulated by the length of the slots. At the rear ends they have counterweights n n, by which they are thrown up at the front when not in use. An extra lever D is used fora purpose presently to be explained.
F F F are a set of ratehets attached fast to the main shaft, corresponding to the number of levers and near thereto. Each of these ratchets has teeth corresponding in number with the number of registers on each wheel. Each of the levers has a pawl 0, pivoted thereto in the rear of the shaft and engaging with the teeth of its own ratchet. At each movement of any one of the levers by a voter the pawl engaging with the ratchet rotates all of the wheels 011 the shaft a distance equal to the distance from the proper operative position of one register to that of the next, the pawls of the other levers simply slipping over the notches of their ratchets. At one end of the case (at the right in Fig. 9) anextra ratchet G is attach ed fast to the shaft,having the same number of teeth as each of the others, with which last-named ratchet engages an independent pawl p, pivoted to the frame, the same serving to simply catch the teeth and hold the shaft and wheels against backward action when the same are turned forward. A similar ratchet G and pawl 12 are used at the opposite end of the case, connected with the independent shaft 13 for holding it and its wheels 0 '7 against backward action. It will be understood that the levers and the ratchets connected with the independent shaft and the wheels 6 7 act independently of the main shaft and the other wheels.
H H are two pulleys attached rigidly to the main shaft 13 and independent shaft 13, respectively, and I I are elastic cords attached to the pulleys at one end and to the case or some other stationary part at the other, as shown at q. As the wheels rotate forward the cords are wound on the pulleys and put under tension, and their tendencyis to cause the shaft and wheels to turn backward all the series of registers to theinitial position again when released.
K, Figs. 2 and 3, is a rock-shaft extending longitudinally through the case under all the wheels, and r r r are a set of crank-arms attached fixedly thereto extending inward. From these crank-arms connecting-rods s s s extend upward and connect at their upper ends with the several pawls 0 o 0 and 171 in the rear of their pivots. lVhen the crankarms are thrown downward by the turning of the shaft K,the connecting-rods are all driven down and the pawls are all released from their ratchets, and the wheels are then all free to be thrown back by the elastic cords I I, as before described. This action resets the wheels after one person has voted, ready for another. On the reverse side of the shaft K and at one end of the case is a single crankarm f, which extends out through a slot in the back of the case and is connected by a rod 5 with a slide r having on its face a knuckle or head I), provided with twofriction-rollers, between which passes a spiral-shaped cam u, attached to the door or gate L of the booth or apartment in which the apparatus is located. \Vhen the door or gate is opened to admit another voter, the spiral cam raises the outer end of the crank-armf, thereby depressing all the other crank-arms 'r '2' r and releasing all the pawls from their ratchets, as before described, and allowing the whole to be reset. In order that the pawls maybe worked by the levers to draw the wheels forward, the upper ends of the connecting-rods S are slotted, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4:.
To each of the levers D is attacheda cam for operating the registers. This is shown most clearly in Fig. 5. It consists of an upright standard or arm attached to the lever and provided with a pivoted and swinging cam w. The cam is pressed back byaspring e, in which case its face to rides outside the projecting stemsj' of the plungersj, while its heel r0 inclines backward outside the standard. Below the cam is located a frictionroller (t attached to a fixed arm 0 This mechanism operates one register at a time. When the lever is drawn down, the rear inclined end of the cam strikes the roller,which forces the cam inward, and its face striking the projecting stem of the plunger -forces it inward and operates the register, as before described. The two positions of the cam are shown by the full and dotted lines in Fig. 5.
As above indicated, each one of the individual supports 1 2 3, &e., bears, in addition to the registers, the names, preferably inscribed on rein ovable name-plates, of the series of candidates of a particular party, and these names (indicated by the dot-ted lines in Fig. 2) are by the movements of the supports brought opposite the apertures (P. The
names of the candidates of the different parties for a particular olficeare arranged in line, so that all the ditferent candidates for any oflice are exhibited simultaneously through the series of apertures 01 and all other names except those presented for the particular vote are turned down or concealed by the casing, which is un perforated except at the points (1 It is obvious, however, that a single slot or aperture extending across the machine and covering the spaces occupied by the apertures (1 will in instances be suiiicient for the purpose of exhibiting the names and will be an equivalent for theseries of apertures. Corresponding to each name is a register for separately registering the votes cast for the candidate of that name. In the machine herein shown and described the name of the candidate appears on a tablet upon the register corresponding to that name; but this exact arrangement of such names is not necessary, as my invention covers any arrangement of such names with a register so adjusted and operated as to register the number of votes cast for any one of the candidates whose names are simultaneously exposed to view. By this means the voter isalways informed prior to voting of the exact candidates for an ollice and their names, so that with these facts before him he can vote without mistake. Only one ollice is presented to him at a time and all the candidates for that oiiice. Thus he cannot vote for the wrong office.
Beneath the lever and on the fixed guardplate E are arranged a set of slides f f f resting in suitable bearings, whereby they can be slid end wise. These slides are fitted end to end their whole length, except that sufficient space is left for the passage of one of the levers D between them when any two are separated to that extent; but in that case all the other spaces between the ends of the slides are closed, so that none of the other levers can be moved downward. By this means a voter can vote for a candidate for a particular office only once, all the other levers except the one he is operating being lock ed. Neither can he vote for two officers at the same time. The slides are operated by hand by seizing the knobs 72. k 72, thereon. This apparatusis for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time and, in combination with the mechanism described in the last paragraph, constitutes the mechanism for operating only one register or only one of a number of corresponding registers at a time.
Each of the outside holding-ratchets G G is provided with a set of holes k k k as shown in Fig. 4. In any of these holes are inserted pins m m which in the rotation of the wheels forward and back strike stops on the frame and limit the movement of the wheels. This is to adapt the movements of the wheels to the number of registers to be operated, which, of course, is the number of candidates to be voted for. The number of registers do not always need to occupy the whole periphery of the wheels. The stops enable the movements of the wheels to be gaged exactly to the number of candidates represented by the registers on the wheels.
In operating the apparatus the voter seizes one of the levers, opens the slides, and forces the lever down, thereby locking out all the other levers. The pawl engaging with the ratchet rotates the wheel a distance equal to the distance from the proper operative position of one resistor to that of the next, and the cam on the lever operates a register. This completes the vote for one candidate. To vote for the next candidate,the lever is raised and forced down again to bring the next register down, and so on for all the candidates of a given party; but if after voting for one candidate of one party the voter wishes to vote for the next candidate of another party he releases the lever he has already operated and takes another and operates it in the same way. If. he wishes to omit voting for any candidate and vote for others succeeding, he operates the extra lever D, which does not register. It will be noted that all the wheels representing the different parties are fast to the shaft and all rotate together by the operation of any one of the active levers. Hence a person voting, say, for governor cannot vote again for a candidate for the same office, because all the registers of the several Wheels or supports for that oflice will be turned down togetherout of the way. Neither can he, out of mere wantonness, vote twice at the same time for the same office, because only one lever can be operated at a time.
The wheels (3 7, which represent simply questions to be answered yes or no or other special matter, are operated entirely distinctly from the other wheels, although of the same general construction.
It is obvious that the name-plates bearing the names of candidates or of questions to be answeret yes or no,'or bearing any other subject-matter for which avote is to be cast, are simply indicators which determine the register which is to be operated in order to vote for the particular subject-matter which is displayed through an aperture in the casing.
On the wheels G and G are a series of pinholes 73, adapted to receive stop-pins 072 which are capable of adjustment in the holes so as to permit a revolution of the support bearing the registers through an are which is determined by the distance of the stop-pins from each other, and thus to permit voting for only one candidate or for only one question or for any further number of candidates or questions up to the capacity of the supports. If these stop-pins are set for voting for a single candidate or question, the register-actuator is depressed, a stop-pin 022 comes against its abutment, the register is actuated, and the support cannot be further operated.
.The stop pins therefore are retainers for holding the support when operated, either when operated to vote for only one candidate or question or upon completion of the movement of the support. The devices for preventing the backward rotation of the support are the pawl p or p, acting upon the ratchetwheel G or G. As soon as the stop-pin m comes against its abutment and the further rotation of the support'is stopped the pawl p or 1) drops into a notch of the ratchet-wheel G or G and not only prevents backward rotation of the support, but the combined device, consisting of the wheel G, stop-pin m and pawl p, or wheel G, stop-pin m and pawl 22, prevents movement of the support or retation of the wheel in either direction and in holding the support prevents the registeractuators (the levers D) from further operative movements. The elastic band I is arranged for automatically rotating the support in one directionthat is, backwardwhen the retaining devices are released.
Each register-actuator bears a pawl o,which operates upon a ratchet -wheel I A full movement of this register-actuator moves one of the supports C one step to operate a register and returns to position ready to operate another register; but if upon the operation of the first register the retaining devices above mentioned have come into action the pawl or retainer 0 is held stationary, the actuator cannot be operated, and the retainer is therefore held after its motion just described when moved in an attempt to actuate a register, and any further movement of the support is arrested or prevented. The releasing devices for disengaging the various retaining devices above mentioned are the rods .9, crankarms 7*, rock shaft K, and the connections mentioned for actuating the same by means of the door to release the wheels upon the shaft B and a similar set of devices for releasing the wheels upon the sleeve 13. It is thus seen that I provide a retainer for the register-actuator, whereby to arrest the further rotation of the support, capable of being set for any degree of motion, which is determined by the number of candidates or questions to be voted for, which number may be one or more, and that as soon as the pin on has come against the abutment in the casing there is no further operative motion of any part of the device, and that the dropping of the pawl back into another tooth of the ratchetwheel locks the device against movement in either direction, and that there can be no further operative movement of any part of the device for counting purposes or for the exhibition of any other indicator.
The register-Wheels (Z f have a hole 1: through each. By inserting a pin from the outside till it passes through all of them the whole can be reset to zero as the startingpoint for the apparatus.
I believe that I am the first in this art to produce a voting-maching in which, among other novel features, plural series of registers are movable simultaneously or are placed upon a movable support or upon a series'of supports which move as one or in which one support moves the others and in which machine each series of registers represents or corresponds to a set of candidates for oilice.
My intention is to make my claims as bread as the absence of prior devices ofsimilar principle in this or an analogous art should permit and to obtain abroad application of the doctrine of the equivalency of mechanisms and combinations as to both the elements and combinations set forth in my claims.
I do not limit my claims to the mechanisms shown herein, and they are not restricted in scope more than their terms necessarily imply.
IVhat Iclaim is- 1. In a voting-machine, a revoluble support provided with a series of registers and a carrier having mechanism to actuate the registers on said support and to move said support step by step.
2. In a voting-machine, the combination with a casing having a sightaperture, of a movable support bearing a series of indicators, each capable of being displayed through said aperture, a series of registers carried by said support and corresponding respectively to the said indicators, actuating devices for moving said support, step by step, to display said indicators successively through said apertu re, means for actuating the register corresponding to the indicator displayed, means for returning the support to an initial position, and means for preventing a second ac tuation of the register so actuated until the support has returned to an initial position.
In a votinganachine, the combination with a casing having a sight-aperture, of a movable support bearing a series of indicators, each capable of being displayed through said aperture, a series of registers carried by said support and corresponding respectively to the said indicators, actuating devices for moving said support, step by step, to display said indicators successively through said aperture, means for actuating the register corresponding to the indicator displayed, devices for retaining said support against backward rotation, means for releasing said support, means for automatically returning the support to an initial position, and means for preventing a second actuation of the register so actuated until the support has returned to the initial position.
at. In a voting apparatus, a support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, devices for operating any of said registers, and mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time.
5. In a voting apparatus, a support, plural series of corresponding registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, devices for operating any of said registers, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register in a series at a time, and apparatus for preventing the operation of the corresponding register of any other series.
(5. In a voting apparatus, a'movable support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving said support, devices for operating any of said registers, and mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time.
7. In a voting apparatus, a movable support, plural series of corresponding registers on said support, means for moving said support, devices for operating any of said registers, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one -register in a series at a time, and apparatus for preventing the operation of the corresponding register of any other series.
8. In a voting apparatus, a support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, devices for operating any of said registers, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time, and apparatus for returning all the series of registers to aninitial position. i
9. In a voting apparatus, a movable support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving said support, devices for operating any of said registers, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time, and apparatus for returning the support to an initial position.
10. In a voting apparatus, a door or gate, a support, plural series of registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, mechanism for operating only one register at a time, and apparatus cooperating with said door or gate for returning all the registers to an initial position.
11. In a voting apparatus, a support, plural series of registers on said support, a series of operating mechanisms for moving the support, one for each series of registers, and a device cooperating with each of said operating mechanisms for actuating only one of said registers at a time.
12. In a voting apparatus, a support attached to a revoluble shaft, plural series of registers thereon, means for moving said support, devices for operating any of said registers, and mechanism forpreventing the operation of more than one register at a time.
13. In a voting apparatus, a support attached to a revoluble shaft, plural series of registers thereon, means for moving said support, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register at a time, devices for operating any of said registers, and appa ratus for returning the support to an initial position.
14:. In a voting apparatus,a support attached to a revoluble shaft, plural series of corresponding registers thereon, means for moving said support, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register in a series at a time, apparatus for returning the support to an initial positiomdevices for.
operating any of said registers, and means for preventing the operation of the corresponding register of any other series.
15. In a voting apparatus, a support, plural series of corresponding registers on said support, means for moving the series of registers simultaneously, devices for operating any of said registers, and mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one of the corresponding registers at a time.
16. In a voting apparatus, a door or gate, a movable support, plural series of registers on said support, means, as a series of levers, one for each series of registers, and each engaging said support for moving the same, and mechanisms respectively cooperating with said levers for operating a register consequent upon the movement of a single lever, connections between the door and the support and mechanism cooperating therewith for return" ing the support to an initial position, and apparatus for preventing the operation of more than one lever at a time.
17. In a voting apparatus, the combination of a casing having one or more apertures, a movable support therein, plural series of registers on the support, means for imparting motion to the support, and means for operat ing a register simultaneously with the move ment of the support.
18. In a voting apparatus, the combination of a casing provided with an aperture, a mov able support therein, a set of registers mounted on the support, and means with connec tions so arranged as to operate the support and a register both at the same movement.
'19. In a voting apparatus, the combination of a shaft, a set of wheels attached thereto so as to receive simultaneous movement, a set of registers mounted on each wheel, each set being arranged in line with those of the other wheels, so that each line is turned forward by a movement of the wheels, a set of ratchets on the shaft, and a set of levers with pawls that engage with the ratchets whereby by opera-ting any one of the levers all the wheels are operated.
20. In a voting apparatus, the combination of a shaft, a set of wheels attached thereto so as to receive simultaneous forward movement, a set of ratchets on the shaft, a corresponding set of levers provided with pawls engaging with the ratchets for imparting the forward movement to the wheels, and a disengaging attachment connected with all the pawls whereby the latter are disconnected from the ratchcts by a single movement.
21. In a voting apparatus, the combination of a shaft, a set of wheels attached thereto, a set of ratehets on the shaft, a corresponding set of levers provided with pawls engaging with the ratchets, a rock-shaft, a set of crankarms connected with said rock-shaft, and a corresponding set of rods connecting the crank-arms with the pawls, for disengaging thepawls from the ratchets.
92. I11 a voting apparatus, the combination of a shaft, a set of wheels attached thereto, another set of wheels attached to a shaft independent of the other shaft, a set of registers on each wheel arranged in successive order and in the same relative position on all the wheels, a set of ratchets on each of the shafts, a corresponding set of lovers provided with pawls engaging with the ratchets, the whole so arrangedthat either set of wheels can be operated independently of the other set, and means for operating a register when a lever is operated.
23. In a voting apparatus, the combination, with a movable support, of registers mounted thereon provided with projecting stems, a lever provided with a cam resting in line with any one of the stems when brought into position, and means for throwing the cam to opcrate the stem when the lever is thrown.
2i. In a voting apparatus, the combination of a series of individual supporting devices each bearing a series of names of candidates, means for moving said individual supporting devices to exhibit simultaneously the names of all the candidates for an otlice, mechanism for separately registering the number of votes for each candidate, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register relating to the names simultaneously exhibited, and devices for operating any one of the registering mechanisms corresponding to the names simultaneously exhibited.
25. In a voting apparatus, the combination of a series of individual supporting devices,
series of indicators upon said supporting de vices, means for moving said indicators to exhibit simultaneously the names of all the candidates for an ol'lice, mechanism for separately registering the number 01: votes for each candidate, mechanism for preventing the operation of more than one register relating to the names simultaneously exhibited and devices for operating any one of the registering mechanisms corresponding to the indicators simultaneously exhibited.
26. In a voting apparatus, the combination of a support bearing plural series of names of candidates, means for moving said support to exhibit simultaneously the names of all the candidates for an oflice, mechanism for scparately registering the number of votes I or each candidate,mechanism for preventin the operation of more than one register relating to the names simultaneously exhibited, and devices for operating any one 01. the registering mechanisms corresponding to the names simultaneously exhibited.
27. I11 a voting apparatus, plural series of corresponding registers, an individual revoluble support for each series, means for moving all the individual supports simultaneously, mechanism for operating any of said registers, and means for preventing the operation of more than one of the correspomling registers at a time.
28. In a voting apparatus, plural series of registers, suitable supporting devices there-- for, means for moving said series of registers simultaneously, a series of name-plates movable in correspondence with the registers, means for concealing all the name-plates except those of the candidates for an ollice and for exhibit-ing all the names of the candidates for that ollice, mechanism lorseparatcly registering the number of votes for each candidate, and devices for operating any one of the registers corresponding to the names simultaneously exhibited.
20. In a voting apparatus, a series of. individual supporting devices, each bearing a series of names of candidates for separate oi flees, means for moving said individual supporting devices to exhibit simultaneously the names of all the candidates for an ollice, means, as an apertured casing, for concealing all the names except those of the candt dates for an offiee, mechanism for separately registering the number of votes for each candidate, and devices for operating only one of the registers corresponding to the names simultaneously exhibited.
In witness whereof I have hereunto signed my name in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.
R. F. Oscoon, Wu. J. McPimnsoN.
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