Jan. 21, 1964 R. G. HUGHES 3,118,589
DIVIDED CONTAINER Filed June 7, 1960 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 3 Sheets-Sheet 2 Jan. 21, 1964 R. G. HUGHES DIVIDED CONTAINER Filed June 7, 1960 Jan. 21, 1964 R. G. HUGHES DIVIDED CONTAINER 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 Filed June 7, 1960 Q mw 17700215," R0554? G. HUG/IE6 United States Patent 3,118,589 DIVIDED CONTAENER Robert G. Hughes, Toronto, Gntario, Canada, assignor to Continental Can Company of Canada Limited, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Filed June 7, 196%), Ser. No. 34,586 Claims priority, application Canada Dec. 9, 1959 7 Claims. (Cl. 229-27) This invention relates to a carton and more particularly to a carton with upstanding longitudinal and lateral partitions dividing it into a number of compartments.
A number of different proposals have been made for constructing cartons of this type out of a single blank of material. The blank is provided with sections which include wall-forming panels and extensions of the panels adapted to form the floor and the upstanding partitions.
The present invention provides a structure along these same general lines but of an improved construction which is easy and economical to manufacture, convenient to assemble and effective in use. In accordance with the applicants structure, the blank includes two similar pairs of different connected section. A first section of each pair has a rectangular wall-forrning panel having a rectangular floor-forming flap hingedly connected to it and, hingedly connected to the floor-forming flap, a transverse partitionforming flap. The second section of the pair has a rectangular wall-forming panel and a floor-forming fiap hingedly connected to it. This flap is of regular trapezoidal formation tapering to a narrow side adapted to lie along the centerline of the container. To the tapered side of the flap is hingedly connected a partition-forming extension made up of a narrow rectangular panel, a fin connected to this panel near its extremity and extending laterally therefrom and separated from it by a tapered slot and a connecting flap hingedly connected to the side of the rectangular panel. The fin has an inner edge parallel to the hinged edge of the rectangular panel. The narrow rectangular panel and fin form part of the longitudinal partition, the slot giving passage to one of the transverse partitions. The transverse partition preferably has one half higher than the slot and the other half lower. The lower half can thus pass through the slot to allow the higher half to abut against the longitudinal partition. The connecting flap is adapted to be bent at right angles to the rectangular partition and to abut and be adhesively secured to a lateral partition. Top flaps are hingedly connected to the wall-forming panels.
The blank is assembled into a container in a manner which will be readily understood by those skilled in the art from the operation of analogous devices.
The invention has been generally described and it will now be referred to in more detail by reference to the accompanying drawings illustrating a preferred container and preferred blank for making it, in which FIGURE 1 is a top plan view of the assembled container before it is filled with bottles.
FIGURE 2 is a perspective view of the container shown in FIGURE 1 with part of the walls cut away to show the partitioning.
FIGURE 3 is a vertical cross-section along the line 3-3 of FIGURE 1.
FIGURE 4 is a vertical cross-section along the line 44 of FIGURE 1.
FIGURE 5 is a plan view of a blank suitable for makthe container of the previous figures.
Referring more particularly to the drawings, the container is preferably made from a single blank A of material the reverse side of which is shown in FIGURE 5. The blank will first be described for facility in understanding the invention, but the numbers given to the parts of the blank will also be given to the parts of the container 3.,ll3,53 Patented Jan. Zl, 1964 "ice made from the blank. The blank is die-cut and scored to form (looking at the reverse side of the blank right side up as in FIGURE 5) in sequence, an end wall-forming panel 15 hinged to a side wall-forming panel 17 which is in turn hinged to an end wall-forming panel 1-9 which is in turn hinged to a side wall-forming panel 21.
The respective panels are provided with top flaps hinged thereto as follows; to the panel 15, the flap 23; to the panel 17, the flap 25; to the panel 19, the flap 27; to the panel 21, the flap 29'.
In accordance with the invention, appendages of the wall-forming panels form the floor of the container and longitudinal and laterally extending interlocking partitions which project upwardly from the floor of the container. With this in mind, the panel 15 is provided with a floorforming flap 3d. The bottom flap 3 1 is hinged to a flap 33 which forms one of the laterally extending partitions. The flap 33 has an outer margin of the form shown including a straight edge 33a, inwardly-extending center edge 33b terminating in a shallow slot 54, and a curved edge 33c extending from the other side of the slot 34.
To the bottom of the side panel 17 is hinged a floorforrning regular trapezoidal flap 35 which in turn has hinged to one diagonal side the triangular flap 37. The flaps 35 and 47 form a part of the fioor of the container. Hinged to the narrow side of the flap 35 is a rectangular flap 39, to the right hand side of which is hinged the flap 41 which is separated from the flap 37 by the cut 43. To the side of the flap 39 near its bottom edge is laterally connected through a narrow connecting part 47a, a fm 4-5. The fin 45 has an inclined inner side 45a separated from the flap 39 by a tapered slot 4-7. The top edge 45b of the flap 45 is in line with the hinge between the flaps 3-5 and 59 The end panel 19 sirnilarly to the end wall-forming panel '15, is provided with a hinged flap 51 which in turn is hinged to a flap 53. The flap 55 has an outer margin similar to that of the flap 33 including a straight portion 53a, an inwardly extending margin 53b ending in a slot 54 and a curved portion 530.
The section containing the panel 21 and the flap 29 is similar to the section containing the panel 17 and the flap 25. T o the panel 21 is hingedly connected a regular trapezoidal flap 55 to one side of which is hingedly connected a triangular flap 57. To the short side of the trapezoidal flap 55 is connected a narrow rectangular panel 5?. To the right-hand side of this panel is connected a flap 6 which is separated from the flap 57 by a cut 63. A fin 65 is connected to the panel 59 by a narrow adjoining portion 6% and extends inward separated from the panel 59 by a slot 69. The fin 65 has an edge 65:: parallel to the score line 55:; between the flaps 55 and 59.
To the panel 21 is hingedly connected a laterally extending narrow long flap 22 which serves as a gluing strip for connecting the wall panel 21 to the wall panel 15 when the container is assembled.
Assembly The manner of assembly of the container will be clear to one skilled in the art. As seen in FIGURE 2, the panels 15, 17, 19 and 21 of the blank form the side and end walls. The panels 35 and 55 are bent inwards to form part of the floor, and the panels 31 and 51 bent inwards to overlie the panels 35 and 55 respectively. The panels 33 and 53 are bent upwards to form transverse partitions. The parts 39 and 45 and 59 and 65 respectively combine to form the longitudinal partition. The parts 41 and 61 are bent laterally to be adhesively secured to the parts 33 and 53 respectively fulfilling the dual function of reinforcing the transverse partitions and connecting the longitudinal and transverse partitions. The panels 33 and 53 are received by the slots 47 and 69 allowing the longitudinal and transverse partitions to intersect. The flap 37 is folded over on top of the flap 35 and adhesively secured to the underside of the area 37a of the part 31 shown by the shading on FIGURE 5. Likewise, the flap 57 is folded on top of the fiap 55 and adhesively secured to the underside of the area 57a of the part 51.
I claim:
1. A paperboard blank cut and scored for forming a carton having four sides, a floor, and a longitudinal and two transverse partitions extending upwardly from the fioor to provide compartments, the blank having two connected pairs of adjacent identical sections, each section of each pair having a rectangular panel forming one of the side walls, a first flap hingeably connected to one panel of a first pair of sections forming a portion of the fioor and a second flap hingeably connected to the first flap to form part of one of the transverse partitions, the second pair of sections having a tapering floor-forming flap having its long side hingeably connected to the said second section wall panel and its short side remote therefrom and adapted to lie centrally of the floor of the container, a longitudinal panel-forming flap hinged to the short side of the tapering flap, a lateral fin connected to one side of the longitudinal panel-forming flap by a narrow ligament adapted to bridge the transverse partition, said fin extending laterally along an edge which is an extension of that of the longitudinal panel-forming flap and inwardly towards the tapering flap to an edge parallel to the inner edge of the rectangular panel to which it is connected, the fin thus defiinng with the panelforming flap a slot widening in the direction of the tapering fiap adapted to receive one of the transverse partitions of the first section, said longitudinal panel-forming flap having hinged to its other edge a flap adapted to be bent at right angles to it and to be juxtaposed to one of the transverse partitions, said second flap being longer at one side than the other so as to provide a part adapted to extend above the level of said slot in the longitudinal panel and a part adapted to terminate substantially at the upper end of said slot, and said blank having a flaphinged to an outside rectangular panel for connection with the margin of the outside panel on the other end of the blank.
2. A container made from a single blank of material by scoring and cutting the blank, the container having four side Walls and a floor of the collapsible type, the four side walls each being provided with floor-forming flaps extending transversely part-way toward the opposite side wall to form the floor of the container and extensions of said flaps extending inwardly to form longitudinal and interlocking transverse panels, a pair of opposed side walls each being provided with upper floor-forming flaps extending part-way towards the other side and connecting to the floor-forming flap an upstanding flap constituting a transverse panel, the floor-forming flaps of the other two opposed side walls of the container being tapered and having their long side hinged to the wall-forming panel and their short side lying halfway across the fioor of the container, a narrow partition-forming panel connected to said short side and having hinged to one side a connecting flap juxtaposed and adhesively secured to a transverse panel and connected to it at the other side a fin lying adjacent to the narrow panel, but separated from it by a transverse panel-receiving slot accommodating one of the transverse panels whereby the companion partitionforming flaps and fins combine to form the longitudinal partition, the fin being connected to its partition-forming panel by a narrow ligament bridging the transverse panel in said slot, the partition-forming flaps being juxtaposed at the center portion of the panel and the fins forming respectively the opposite outside portions of the central panel, each upstanding flap constituting a transverse panel having a short side extending substantially to the top of the slot and a long side extending above the slot and lying adjacent to said ligament, a securing flap hinged to a side edge of said tapering flap adapted to be juxtaposed to the tapering flap and adhesively secured to said first flap of the said one panel thereby to hold these parts in place at the bottom of the container.
3. A container made from a single blank or" material by scoring and cutting the blank, the container having four side walls and a floor of the collapsible type, the four side walls each being provided with floor-forming flaps extending transversely part-way toward the opposite side wall to form the door of the container and extensions of said flaps extending inwardly to form longitudinal and interlocking transverse panels, a pair of opposed side walls each being provided with upper floor-forming flaps extending part-way towards the other side and connecting to he floor-forming flap an upstanding flap constituting a transverse panel, the floor-forming flaps of the other two opposed side walls of the container being tapered and having their long side hinged to the wall-forming panel and their short side lying halfway across the floor of the container, a narrow partition-forming panel connected to said short side and having hinged to one side a connecting fiap juxtaposed and adhesively secured to a transverse panel and connected to it at the other side a fin lying adjacent to the narrow panel, but separated from it by a transverse panel-receiving slot accommodating one of the transverse panels whereby the companion partition-forming flaps and fins combine to form the longitudinal partition, the fin being connected to its partition-forming panel by a narrow ligament bridging the transverse panel in said slot, the partition-forming flaps being juxtaposed at the center portion of the panel and the fins forming respectively the opposite outside porions of the central panel, each upstanding flap constituting a transverse panel having a short side extending substantially to the top of the slot and a long side extending above the slot lying adjacent to said ligament, the taperedfloor-forming fiaps each having a flap hingedly connected to one side thereof and turned over into juxtaposed position thereof and adhesively connected to the bottom of said floor-forming flaps.
4. A container made from a single blank of material by scoring and cutting the blank, the container having four side walls, a floor and longitudinal and transverse parti tions extending inwardly from the fioor, opposed sides of the container each having two extensions forming an upper layer of the floor and an upwardly extending trans verse partition spaced from the transverse partition of the other wall, each of the other pair of opposed walls having a tapering flap forming a part of the floor and meeting at the centerline of the container and having a further upstanding flap forming juxtaposed to the corresponding flap of the opposed wall a central part of the longitudinal partition between the transverse partitions and having a laterally extending flap bent at right angles to said central fiap and abutting one of he transverse partitions, and a fin partition separated from the central panel by a slot giving passage to a transverse partition and forming a part of the longitudinal partition between the transverse partition and the wall of the container, said longitudinal partition bridging said lateral partitions, the tapering flap being provided with a side flap in juxtaposition therewith and adhesively secured to the said extensions which form the upper layer of the floor.
5. A container made from a single blank of material by scoring and cutting the blank, the container having four side walls and a floor of the collapsible type, the four side walls each being provided with floor-forming flaps extending transversely part-way toward the opposite side wall to form the floor of the container and extensions of said flaps extending inwardly to form longitudinal and interlocking transverse panels, a pair of opposed side walls each being provided with upper floor-forming flaps extending part-way towards the other side and connecting to the floor-forming flap an upstanding flap constituting a transverse panel, the floor-forming flaps of the other two opposed side walls of the container being tapered and having their long side hinged to the Wall-forming panel and their short side lying h lfway across the door of the container, a narrow partition-forming panel connected to said short side and having hinged to one side a connecting flap juxtaposed and adhesively secured to a transverse panel and connected to it at the ther side a fin lying adjacent to the narrow panel, but separated from it by a transverse panel-receiving slot accommodating one of the transverse panels whereby the companion partition-forming flaps and fins combine to form the longitudinal partition, the tin being connectec to its partition-forming panel by a narrow ligament bridging the transverse panel in said slot, the partition-forming fiaps being juxtaposed at the center portion of the panel and the fins forming respectively the opposite outside portions of the central panel, each upstanding flap constituting a transverse panel having a short sid extending substantially to the top of the slot and a long side extending above the slot and lying adjacent to said ligament, the tape ed floor-forming flaps each having a flap connected to one side thereof and adhesively connected to the bottom of the non-tapered floor-forming flaps of the adjacent panel.
6. A container made from a single blank or" material by scoring and cutting the blank, the container having four side walls and a floor of the collapsible type, the our side Walls each being provided with floor-forming flaps extending transversely part-way toward the opposite side Wall to form the floor of the container and extensions of said flaps extending inwardly to form longitudinal and interlocking transverse panels, a pair of opposed side walls each being provided with upper fioor-torming flaps extending part-way towards the other side and connecting to the floor-forming flap an upstanding flap constituting a transverse panel, the floor-forming flaps of the other two opposed side walls of the container being tapered and having their long side hinged to the wall-forming panel and their short side lying halfway across the floor of the container, a narrow partition-forming panel connected to said short side and having hinged to one side a connecting flap juxtaposed and adhesively secured to a transverse panel and connected to it at the other side a fin lying adjacent to the narrow panel, but separated from it by a transverse panel receiving slot accommodating one of the transverse panels whereby the companion partition-forming flaps and fins combine to form the longi-v tudinal partition, the fin being connected to its partition forming panel by a narrow ligament bridging the transverse panel in said slot, the partition-forming flaps being juxtaposed at the center portion or" the panel and the fins forming respectively the opposite outside portions of the central panel, each upstanding flap constituting a transverse panel having a short side extending substantially to the top of the slot and a long side extending above the slot and lying adjacent to said ligament, the said long side of the transverse panel bearing against said ligament thereby to limit entry into said slot of the transverse panel and to give the ligament and transverse panel mutual support at the top.
7. A container made from a single blank of material by scoring and cutting the blank, the container having four side walls, a floor and longitudinal and transverse .artitions extending inwardly from the floor, opposed sides f the container each having two extensions forming an upper layer or" the floor and an upwardly extending transverse partition spaced from the transverse partition of the oil er wall, each of the other pair of opposed Walls having a tapering flap forming a part of the floor and meeting at the centerline of the container and having a further upstanding flap forming juxtaposed to the corresponding flap of the opposed wall a central part of the longitudinal partition between the transverse partitions and having a laterally extending flap bent at right angles to said central flap and abutting one of the transverse partitions, and a fin partition separated from the central panel by a slot giving passage to a transverse partition and forming a part of the longitudinal partition between the transverse partition and the wall of the container, said longitudinal partition bridging said lateral partition, each transverse partition having a central short downwardly extending locking slot to receive a portion of the longitudinal panel immediately above said slot therein.
References Cited in the file of this patent UNITED STATES PATENTS 2,574,461 Bolding Nov. 13, 1951 2,712,832 Buttery et al July 12, 1955 2,785,844 Metzger Mar. 19, 1957 FOREIGN PATENTS 573,451 Canada Apr. 7, 1959