US2436569A - Tabernacle safe having a revoluble inner casing - Google Patents

Tabernacle safe having a revoluble inner casing Download PDF


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US2436569A US557985A US55798544A US2436569A US 2436569 A US2436569 A US 2436569A US 557985 A US557985 A US 557985A US 55798544 A US55798544 A US 55798544A US 2436569 A US2436569 A US 2436569A
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inner casing
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Ellen F Halter
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    • A47G33/00Religious or ritual equipment in dwelling or for general use
    • A47G33/02Altars; Religious shrines; Fonts for holy water; Crucifixes


  • a still further object is toprovide'a' self lock to'providea-shoulderedseatforreception of the" ing arrangement for the taberna'clein'which tiie iower' edge" of the cylindrical body member" [6' key for the lockserves only to' unlockthe revosuitablyformed ofshet m'etal'or the like.
  • azpiuralit'y of circumferentially spaced cap bolts lends itselfadinirablyto the application*of-ex--- Z- I, theshanlis of whichthreadedly engage tapped ternal ornamentation and furnishings" such aswashers 22 which are brazed or otherwise sear'e typical in aitar'tabernacles.
  • the cylindrical body of the inner drum so formed being fitted with a extending portion 4
  • the ceiling board 32 of the internal drum may be similarly provided with a radially extending portion to bridge the gap between the inner and outer cylindrical shells of the tabernacle.
  • the lower plate 29 of the internal drum assembly i I is provided adjacent its marginal edge with a top closure plate 28 and a bottom closure plate 29.
  • These latter plates are respectively provided with annular flanges 30-3l which snugly fit within the interior of the cylindrical shell of the internal drum H and are suitably secured thereto as by brazing or otherwise.
  • the inner surfaces of the top and bottom closure plates 28 and 29 of the internal drum are preferably respectively provided with upper and lower surface boards 32 and 33 secured in place by the screws 34.
  • the top closure plate 28 of the inner drum assembly is centrally provided with an apertured boss 35 within which is non-rotatably fitted a vertically extending bearing pin or shaft 36.
  • the bottom closure plate 29 is centrally provided with an apertured boss 31 within which is non-rotatably fitted a bearing pin or shaft 33 extending in opposite direction from, but in axial alinement with the upper pin 36.
  • the internal drum ll constitutes the actual receptacle for the sacred vessels and the like which are to be stored within the tabernacle safe, the board 33 serving as the floor of this inner receptacle.
  • this floor board 33 is provided with a radially extend ing portion 4! which snugly fits within the space provided between the vertically extending edges 23 and 21 of the inner drum shell and extends outwardly therethrough into close proximity with the internal surface of the shell I 6 of the external casing ID.
  • the fioor board 33 is in the form of a circular arc, the diameter of which is only slightly less than that of the external shell It, in consequence of which thesaid radially plurality of circumferentially spaced apertures or recesses 42 into any one of which is adapted to be projected the bolt 43 (see Figure 5) of a lock mechanism designated generally by the reference numeral 44.
  • This lock mechanism 44 is preferably of that conventional type in which the bolt 43 is normally spring-pressed into its locking position, as shown in Figure 5,- the bolt being adapted for retraction by means of a suitable key (not shown) fitted into the keyhole 45 of the tumbler cylinder 46 suitably fitted in the annular wall of the supporting base l2 of the tabernacle structure.
  • the lock mechanism 44 is located centrally below the door opening, as shown in Figure 1, although, of course, it may be located at any other suitable point about the circumference of the supporting base I2. It will be understood that the locking arrangement is such that upon insertion of the key into the lock and operation thereof, the bolt 43 may be retracted against the action of the biasing spring 41 to thereby withdraw it from the particular aperture or recess 42 in the base of the internal drum withwhich it may have been engaged, the internal drum being then free for rotation about its vertical axis. Upon release of the key or upon withdrawal thereof from the lock, the lock bolt 43 is imme-' diately urged into locking position under the influence of the biasing spring 4'!
  • the lock bolt 43 is shown in engagement with that one of the recesses (designated 42) for locking the internal drum in a position wherein the opening in the wall of the internal drum assembly is in registry with the opening 25 of the external drum, the tabernacle safe being then open foraccess to the interior thereof.
  • the lock is actuated to retract the spring-pressed bolt 43, following which the internal drum is manuallyrotated about its vertical axis to present one or the other of the remaining bolt recesses 42 in registry with the bolt. To effect this rotation, it is merely necessary to engage and exert pressure against whatever portion of the drum is available through the access opening 25 in the outer casing l0.
  • the internal drum ll may assume any one of three different safe locking positions, each of these positions being determined, of course, by the particular one of the bolt engaging recesses 42 which is engaged by the bolt 43.
  • This arrangement makes it possible to present to view through the opening 25 in the wall of the external shell Ill of the tabernacle different ornamented panels, each of which, of course, serves the primary function of sealing the interior of the tabernacle to unauthorized access thereto.
  • These ornamental panels may be directly embossed in the external surface of the inner drum II or they may be detachably secured thereto in the form of suitably inscribed sheets 38 represented by the dotted lines in Figures 3 and 4 suitably held in position between pairs of vertically extending ribs 49 formed upon or carried by the internal drum ll.
  • These ornamental panels greatly enhance the attractiveness of the tabernacle inasmuch as a different suitably ornamented panel may be presented to View through the opening 25 in the outer shell of the tabernacle as the occasion Warrants.
  • the exposed surfaces of the tabernacle as constructed in accordance with the principles of the present invention may be covered or draped with any suitable materials in keeping with the ecclesiastical surroundings for the tabernacle, without in any way affecting its primary utilitarian function as a safe.
  • the top or dome of the tabernacle may be suitably ornamented as desired, as is illustrated by way of example in the drawings wherein a cross is shown secured to the top of the dome. In the construction illustrated, the cross is provided with a shank or stem 49 which threadedly engages, as at 50, the upper bearing support 39.


  • Sheet Holders (AREA)


Feb. 24, 1948. E HALTER 2,436,569
ELLEN F. HALTER Feb. 24, 1948.
E; F..HALTER 2,436,569
ELLEN F. HALTER BY g a XM4W- theinterior ofthe'tabemacle; Iii-mounted asrevoiuble drum-like member H for Still another'object'of' the present-invention rotation about; the c'entral'vertical axis of the is to' provide a construction of tabernacle safe" tabernacle:v ksmost clea y'app s i res havin a single opening t -theinteri ra or e 1-- and 2, the external relatively stationar cas- Patented Feb. 24, 194s a I 2,436,569
Application'fictober'lfl, 1944*, Serial No;'55.7,9'85;
1' Glaimz (Cl. siz -33;);
1 2 Thisinventiorrrelates generally to altar taber Figure 3 is' a horizontal sectional view taken nacles for-'the'safe storage ofthe'various sacred" on thedineS -S-of Figure-1; vessels r and other altar"appointment's'-'are Figure" 4 is a horizontal" sectional view also periodically employed"inconnection"with-church" taken-on" the-=line'-3"-3 ofFi'gure 1, but showing services; and more particularly to' arr improved the interior thereof rotat'ed 'intoposition to proconstruction ofa-tab'erna'cle safe which lendsitvide access into the interior of the tabernacle; self to" all rubricalandl'iturgical requirements; and" I Among'the principalobjects' ofthe present in- Figure 5is' a partial viewshown in section on" vention is to provide afreestanding tabernacle anenlarged scalewaken on the line 5-5 of Figsafe having'a revoluble interiorwhich is adapted I'll ure4lto be locked in'any'one-ofseveral differentclosed Referring now'to-the drawings, it will be obpositions to thereby selectively'present"to'view' servedthatthe-tabernacle of the present invendifferently ornamented panels; each of which tion-essenti'ally consists'ofa freestanding exterlatter serves toclose a single access opening to nal casing l0 withinsthei interior of which is said'which'is adapted'to be-positively'and"auto-- ing l0 includes" a generally circular supporting: matically'locked against unauthorized accessto" base lZhavihganzannular' flange l3 extending the valuables*containedin thetab'emaclemerely" upwardly-"from the-marginal edge of'the central upon rotation of the'interior'memher into any part M of said supporting member, This anoneof'itsseveralclosed'positions. nularfiange 13 1s internall rabbeted. as at l5, A still further object is toprovide'a' self lock to'providea-shoulderedseatforreception of the" ing arrangement for the taberna'clein'which tiie iower' edge" of the cylindrical body member" [6' key for the lockserves only to' unlockthe revosuitablyformed ofshet m'etal'or the like.
luble inner" member for rotation into' a selected Fitted. to-- tliecupperr edge of this cylindrical closed or open position, self locking' of the said body-member lfi isan annularmember I? of the inner member in" said position beingeffected cros =s c ion= s shown n Fi's r 2- to provide automatically upon releaseoriremova1of the-key: adpelldinge portioni l8; an upwardly extending from it's-lock; portion 19' and an inwardly extending radial:
Still =-other objects are-toprovide asimple; in flange portion 202 The" depending portion l8 of expensive and yet exceedingly efiective taber=- thefring memher"l'l close1y embraces the upper na'clesafeconstruction; theseveralparts ofwhich edgeof thecylindricaibody member l6 and is are adapted to" be easily fabricated" and readily: secured thereto" anysuitable manner, as by assembled" in the form of a complete unit which. azpiuralit'y of circumferentially spaced" cap bolts lends itselfadinirablyto the application*of-ex--- Z- I, theshanlis of whichthreadedly engage tapped ternal ornamentation and furnishings" such aswashers 22 which are brazed or otherwise sear'e typical in aitar'tabernacles. curedi'tb the 'inner surface of'the body member Other objects: andadvanta'ges of"the'=present- 401: I6: Theelwenedgeof tiiis hody member is sim'-- invention will' appear'm'ore fully hereinafter: it; ilarlysec'uredto -the annular'fiange130i the base being understood =that the'present invention cone or-: supporting memh'er" [2i sists substantialIrin the combination; construc=- Fitted within-the upper section cfthe annu ar' tion", location and'relativ arrangement ofparts'; ring! is=a:-'dome'-oi"canopy=2'3having an annular all as will' be described in detail hereinafter; as cylindricaii= portion 24% which is secured to theshown in the accompanying" drawingsand as upwardl'y extending' portion ISof'the ring-memfinally pointed'out'in the appendedclaim'; bent! by a plurality ofcircumferentiallyspacedv In'thesaid'accompanyingdrawings, which-are oap bol ts-2f with its" lower-edge resting upon illustrative of -"a-' preferred form and 'construction'-' the radial" flange or-"rib' ililof said ring member;
of thetabernacle of the present invention: 5 The ring-member" IT this serves to secure to- Figure 1 is a front-elevational viewoftheta'o' gather-"in" assembled relation the external cylinernacle'showing the opening-to'theinteriorthere drical body 'member hand the upper dome or of 'closed againstaccess therethrough; canopy 23; audit will further be observed that Figure'z is a vertical sectional view of'thes;tai)"'-- these-assembled":parts, together-with the base or ernaole; I 1 supporting memhen I2, provide a complete on The inner revoluble drum assembly I I essen-' tially consists of a sheet rolled into cylindrical form with the opposite vertical edges 26 and 2'! (see Figure 4) spaced from each other for a dis tance approximately equal to the width of the opening 25 in the outer shell, the cylindrical body of the inner drum so formed being fitted with a extending portion 4| of the floor board 33 bridges the space between the concentric shells l I and I6 and so precludes the possibility of any small article dropping into said space when the internal drum is rota-ted into the position shown in Figure 4 and in which position, of course, the safe is open for access to the interior thereof. If desired, the ceiling board 32 of the internal drum may be similarly provided with a radially extending portion to bridge the gap between the inner and outer cylindrical shells of the tabernacle.
As most clearly appears in Figures 1, 2 and 4,
' the lower plate 29 of the internal drum assembly i I is provided adjacent its marginal edge with a top closure plate 28 and a bottom closure plate 29. These latter plates are respectively provided with annular flanges 30-3l which snugly fit within the interior of the cylindrical shell of the internal drum H and are suitably secured thereto as by brazing or otherwise. The inner surfaces of the top and bottom closure plates 28 and 29 of the internal drum are preferably respectively provided with upper and lower surface boards 32 and 33 secured in place by the screws 34.
The top closure plate 28 of the inner drum assembly is centrally provided with an apertured boss 35 within which is non-rotatably fitted a vertically extending bearing pin or shaft 36. Similarly, the bottom closure plate 29 is centrally provided with an apertured boss 31 within which is non-rotatably fitted a bearing pin or shaft 33 extending in opposite direction from, but in axial alinement with the upper pin 36.
Suitably provided within the top of the dome 23 is an upper support or bearing 39 within which is received the free end of the bearing pin 36. This bearing support 39 may be formed as a separate element for rigid securement to the dome 23, as by brazing or by the use of suitably securing elements, or it may be cast as an integral part of the dome.
The base or supporting member id for the tabernacle is in turn centrally provided with an apertured boss 40 for reception of the lower hearing pin 38, it being noted in this connection, as most clearly appears in Figure 2, that the lower boss 31 of the inner drum assembly is in direct engagement with and rests upon the boss 40 of the supporting base, the axially alined bearing pins 36 and 38 serving to maintain the inner drum assembly coaxial with respect to the external body iii while permitting rotation of the inner drum with respect to said outer body. It will be noted further that the internal drum is of a diameter only slightly less than that of .the external body so that waste space therebetween is reduced to a minimum.
It will be understood, of course, that the internal drum ll constitutes the actual receptacle for the sacred vessels and the like which are to be stored within the tabernacle safe, the board 33 serving as the floor of this inner receptacle. As most clearly appears in Figures 3 and 4, this floor board 33 is provided with a radially extend ing portion 4! which snugly fits within the space provided between the vertically extending edges 23 and 21 of the inner drum shell and extends outwardly therethrough into close proximity with the internal surface of the shell I 6 of the external casing ID. The outer free edge of this radially extending portion 4! of the fioor board 33 is in the form of a circular arc, the diameter of which is only slightly less than that of the external shell It, in consequence of which thesaid radially plurality of circumferentially spaced apertures or recesses 42 into any one of which is adapted to be projected the bolt 43 (see Figure 5) of a lock mechanism designated generally by the reference numeral 44. This lock mechanism 44 is preferably of that conventional type in which the bolt 43 is normally spring-pressed into its locking position, as shown in Figure 5,- the bolt being adapted for retraction by means of a suitable key (not shown) fitted into the keyhole 45 of the tumbler cylinder 46 suitably fitted in the annular wall of the supporting base l2 of the tabernacle structure. Preferably, and for convenience, the lock mechanism 44 is located centrally below the door opening, as shown in Figure 1, although, of course, it may be located at any other suitable point about the circumference of the supporting base I2. It will be understood that the locking arrangement is such that upon insertion of the key into the lock and operation thereof, the bolt 43 may be retracted against the action of the biasing spring 41 to thereby withdraw it from the particular aperture or recess 42 in the base of the internal drum withwhich it may have been engaged, the internal drum being then free for rotation about its vertical axis. Upon release of the key or upon withdrawal thereof from the lock, the lock bolt 43 is imme-' diately urged into locking position under the influence of the biasing spring 4'! with the result that when the internal drum is rotated to present any one of the recesses 42 in registry with the bolt, the latter immediately enters such recess to lock the internal drum in the particular locked position determined by that one of the recesses which is so engaged by the bolt 43 of the lock.
As most clearly appears in Figure 4, the lock bolt 43 is shown in engagement with that one of the recesses (designated 42) for locking the internal drum in a position wherein the opening in the wall of the internal drum assembly is in registry with the opening 25 of the external drum, the tabernacle safe being then open foraccess to the interior thereof. In order to lock the tabernacle safe closed against such access, the lock is actuated to retract the spring-pressed bolt 43, following which the internal drum is manuallyrotated about its vertical axis to present one or the other of the remaining bolt recesses 42 in registry with the bolt. To effect this rotation, it is merely necessary to engage and exert pressure against whatever portion of the drum is available through the access opening 25 in the outer casing l0. Automatically, as a selected one of the remaining recesses 42 is brought into registry with the locking bolt 43, the latter snaps into engagement with such selected recess to lock the tabernacle in closed position, the wall of the internal drum I i being extended in such case across the opening 25 to close ofi the same, as shown in Figures 1 and 3.
It will be noted that in the construction shown, the internal drum ll may assume any one of three different safe locking positions, each of these positions being determined, of course, by the particular one of the bolt engaging recesses 42 which is engaged by the bolt 43. This arrangement makes it possible to present to view through the opening 25 in the wall of the external shell Ill of the tabernacle different ornamented panels, each of which, of course, serves the primary function of sealing the interior of the tabernacle to unauthorized access thereto. These ornamental panels may be directly embossed in the external surface of the inner drum II or they may be detachably secured thereto in the form of suitably inscribed sheets 38 represented by the dotted lines in Figures 3 and 4 suitably held in position between pairs of vertically extending ribs 49 formed upon or carried by the internal drum ll. These ornamental panels greatly enhance the attractiveness of the tabernacle inasmuch as a different suitably ornamented panel may be presented to View through the opening 25 in the outer shell of the tabernacle as the occasion Warrants.
It will be understood, of course, that all of the exposed surfaces of the tabernacle as constructed in accordance with the principles of the present invention, including the internal surfaces of the inner revoluble drum, may be covered or draped with any suitable materials in keeping with the ecclesiastical surroundings for the tabernacle, without in any way affecting its primary utilitarian function as a safe. Also, the top or dome of the tabernacle may be suitably ornamented as desired, as is illustrated by way of example in the drawings wherein a cross is shown secured to the top of the dome. In the construction illustrated, the cross is provided with a shank or stem 49 which threadedly engages, as at 50, the upper bearing support 39.
It will be understood, of course, that the present invention is susceptible of various changes and modifications which may be made from time to time without departing from the general principles or real spirit of the present invention, and it is accordingly intended to claim the same broadly, as well as specifically, as indicated in the appended claim.
What is claimed as new and useful is:
In a tabernacle safe, a stationary main outer casing of substantially cylindrical form having closed top and bottom ends and a rectangular opening in the side wall thereof, said top and bottom ends of said casing being respectively provided with coaxial journal bearings, a revoluble inner casing of cylindrical form disposed concentrically Within said outer casing and having oppositely extending trunnions respectively journalled in said bearings, said inner casing being closed at the top and bottom ends thereof and having an opening in the side wall thereof adapted to be brought into registry with said side Wall opening in the outer casing, said inner casing being further provided with a floor having an extension projecting radially outwardly of the side wall opening thereof into close proximity to the cylindrical wall of the main outer casing, a spring-pressed detent disposed between adjacent closed ends of said concentric casings, said detent being mounted upon one of said adjacent closed ends interiorly of said outer casing for automatic engagement with any one of several circumferentially spaced detent seats formed in the other of said adjacent closed ends whereby upon rotation of said casing said detent seats may be selectively engaged by said detent to lock the inner casing in a selected position relatively to said outer casing, and a key-operated lock mounted upon the side wall of the outer casing for retracting said detent from its engaged seat to permit rotation of the inner casing into a different position, the circumferential spacing of the detent seats being such as to close the interior of the safe against access thereto in all but one of said locked positions of the inner casing.
REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the file of this patent:
UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date 941,940 McCormick Nov. 30, 1909 1,226,301 Brexendorf May 15, 1917 2,209,294 Froelich July 23, 1940 1,956,958 Mertel May 1, 1934 632,649 Goldborg Sept. 5, 1899
US557985A 1944-10-10 1944-10-10 Tabernacle safe having a revoluble inner casing Expired - Lifetime US2436569A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US557985A US2436569A (en) 1944-10-10 1944-10-10 Tabernacle safe having a revoluble inner casing

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US557985A US2436569A (en) 1944-10-10 1944-10-10 Tabernacle safe having a revoluble inner casing

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
US2436569A true US2436569A (en) 1948-02-24



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US557985A Expired - Lifetime US2436569A (en) 1944-10-10 1944-10-10 Tabernacle safe having a revoluble inner casing

Country Status (1)

Country Link
US (1) US2436569A (en)

Cited By (9)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2558898A (en) * 1946-11-30 1951-07-03 James F Campbell Tabernacle
US3125384A (en) * 1964-03-17 Bauer
US4026066A (en) * 1975-09-18 1977-05-31 Lawrence L. Reiner Optical illusion-producing rotating toy
US4121523A (en) * 1975-08-07 1978-10-24 Hastings Otis Transaction security system and modular transaction processing center
US4449764A (en) * 1975-08-07 1984-05-22 Transaction Security, Inc. Data processing equipment enclosures
US4589712A (en) * 1977-08-25 1986-05-20 Hastings Otis Data processing equipment enclosures
US20110079170A1 (en) * 2009-10-01 2011-04-07 Abdullah Ali Al-Mutairi Security system for storing firearms
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FR2992302A1 (en) * 2012-06-21 2013-12-27 Solvpack Gds Device for packing and presenting e.g. bottle in paperboard box, has casing and support part equipped with complementary units for maintenance of support part in open and closed positions, where support part is rotatably mounted in casing

Citations (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US632649A (en) * 1898-01-03 1899-09-05 John N Goldborg Photograph-holder.
US941940A (en) * 1908-10-07 1909-11-30 James Scott Mccormick Revolving safe.
US1226301A (en) * 1916-03-14 1917-05-15 Alexander Max Brexendorf Record-cabinet.
US1956958A (en) * 1929-11-27 1934-05-01 Henry P Mertel Tabernacle safe
US2209294A (en) * 1938-03-24 1940-07-23 Hamilton Mfg Co Mobile dental unit

Patent Citations (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US632649A (en) * 1898-01-03 1899-09-05 John N Goldborg Photograph-holder.
US941940A (en) * 1908-10-07 1909-11-30 James Scott Mccormick Revolving safe.
US1226301A (en) * 1916-03-14 1917-05-15 Alexander Max Brexendorf Record-cabinet.
US1956958A (en) * 1929-11-27 1934-05-01 Henry P Mertel Tabernacle safe
US2209294A (en) * 1938-03-24 1940-07-23 Hamilton Mfg Co Mobile dental unit

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3125384A (en) * 1964-03-17 Bauer
US2558898A (en) * 1946-11-30 1951-07-03 James F Campbell Tabernacle
US4121523A (en) * 1975-08-07 1978-10-24 Hastings Otis Transaction security system and modular transaction processing center
US4449764A (en) * 1975-08-07 1984-05-22 Transaction Security, Inc. Data processing equipment enclosures
US4026066A (en) * 1975-09-18 1977-05-31 Lawrence L. Reiner Optical illusion-producing rotating toy
US4589712A (en) * 1977-08-25 1986-05-20 Hastings Otis Data processing equipment enclosures
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