US1888789A - Rerolling bunch former - Google Patents

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US1888789A US587426A US58742632A US1888789A US 1888789 A US1888789 A US 1888789A US 587426 A US587426 A US 587426A US 58742632 A US58742632 A US 58742632A US 1888789 A US1888789 A US 1888789A
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Clausen Sigurd
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International Cigar Machinery Co
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International Cigar Machinery Co
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Application filed by International Cigar Machinery Co filed Critical International Cigar Machinery Co
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Publication of US1888789A publication Critical patent/US1888789A/en
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    • A24C1/00Elements of cigar manufacture
    • A24C1/08Making tobacco bunches
    • A24C1/10Bunch-making machines with aprons and tables for wrapping


  • This invention relates to an improvement incigar making machlnes and in particular to the bunch rolling mechanism of the same;
  • ri is another plan new in enlarged Fig. 1 is an end elevation of the improved ":45 cigar bunch rolling mechanism
  • Fig. 5 is a detail side elevation, partly in: I Wing the constituent parts ofthebunchrolling mechanism.
  • the chianti belt, 13 rests on'abight 95 ment of which ,actuates thesarne'; Bight y 1 a 1 a; l 1 forming roller 17 is mou'nted in aLbrac'ket-"IS & Fig.3 is a plan'view of-the improved bunch i i forming roller or rolling pin 17; the; movefastened to' a slide, 19 supported by?
  • a-hightgforming roller supported hy saidf v slide-,- and means, connected to s'aidslide to advan'ce said bight formingrolleriacrossfsaid 1 table," said means-beingconstructed;tofgive.
  • cam i V having ja camtrackiinzwhlch-lsaid-camroller r "ea nse"reverseginovernents of the night forme ing roller, dnringi-the': early portion of its advance; os -th rol ing-table; gtd m pl 2 late; th'e bun'ch before the d Iiioll hon h seme V a 1115* Y .-i Q1QZC QK b h l' mg J'I QQhQn m, [i r oinbinationwith a r011ing,tab1e'; or i "p fq a e ifch tii elti x n ingibvr aid 7 f i e 6 table and.
  • a bunch rolling mechanism the combination With a rolling table, of a chianti belt extending over said table, a bight forming'roller acting on said belt and means for advancing said bight formingroller to roll a filler charge into a binder on said chianti belt to form a bunch, said means including mechanism for giving to said bight forming roller a series of backwardgmovements during its advance across the table, all of said backward movements being confined to the r rolling operation on the first half-of the binder whereby the second piece of a two.
  • a bunchrolling mecha'nism the com-, bination with a rolling table, of a chianti" belt extending over said table, a bight forming roller acting on said belt, and means operating said bight forming roller to roll filler into a binder on said 'chianti belt to form a bunch
  • said means including mecha nism for giving to said bight forming roller a series of backward movements during its advance across the table, witheach backward movement terminating at a point in advance of the 'prevlous backward movement to progressively give maximum manipulation to the filler charge at a series of spaced positions about its periphery.


  • Preliminary Treatment Of Fibers (AREA)


Filed Jan'. 18, 1952 2 Sheets-Sheet l INVENTO gw m TTORNEY Nov. 22, 1 932. s. CLAUSEN' REROLLING BUNCH FORMER Filed Jan. 18, 1932 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 u .1. Fl P I 1-1-1-;11
lNVENT TORNEY Patented Nov. 22, 1932 i i V TED'Is-Q E srqimn craosnn or nnboknizn, n'nwgyonnnssmnon; r mmmwmomn ems monnrikrennncnronnnni np ncauonmea'r nuarg 18,1932; Serial "no. 587,42
This invention relates to an improvement incigar making machlnes and in particular to the bunch rolling mechanism of the same;
its main object beingito providefimproved -'5 means'for rolling the'filler or charge of a cigar bunch back and forth in diflerent po'si-i tions' aboutits periphery during the early portion of the rolling operation before much; of'the binder is rolled around'tlie charge,
thereby gaining the advantage that the major portion ofaone-piece binder, or the second part of a two-piece binder, is left completely,
undisturbed while the high spots and flat portions in the filler are softened and distributed, the binder as a whole'being com pletely rolled around the charge'only'after,
the latter has been rolledand re-rolled" a number of times, thereby insuring a softand perfectly round bunch-upon the completion of the rolling operation. l with this and other objects not specifically mentioned in view, the invention (5911815138 111 certain construction's hereinafter fullyv escribed and then specifically set forth in} the claims. j The bunch rolling'in a" cigar making-ma chine'is performed on arolling table by a chianti belt which'is actuated by albight forming roller or rollingpin. The binder. is
' laid on thechianti belt near the forwardend of the same; which extends across the'rolling table when the bi ght forming roller is? in its 3 IBarm or starting osition: Thef fillercharge isplaced in .9 100]) formed in the rear end of the chinatibelt, between-"the. rolling table and the bight formingroller." As vthe latter movesforward acrossjthe rolling table,
the charge is firstrolled by itself-inthe chianti belt and is then rolled into the binder which is held flat on=the rolling apron by 7 means of suction provided of the cigar machine; I I V In the accompanying idrawingsz by a suction fan Fig. 2 is-a side elevation of the sa rolling mechanism;
ri is another plan new in enlarged Fig. 1 is an end elevation of the improved ":45 cigar bunch rolling mechanism;
scale showing diagrammatically the forward} and-reverse motion of the rolling-pin; and Fig. 5 is a detail side elevation, partly in: I Wing the constituent parts ofthebunchrolling mechanism.
cross-section, sh
bight forming roller or rolling pinsupportverse or backward movements-during .itsadi ed by a slide,wand means connected to the slide to advance the bightforming roller 7 v across therolling table, said'meansbeing constructed to give the bight forming roller jrea vanceoiacross the table tomanipulateythe bunch, pIn the preferredformfofeconstruce tion, said meansincludes a rock leverQcon-f v nected'to the slide, a cam lever connected to said rock lever jandprovided with a cam roll- 1 er, and a cam having a ;cam track in which v said cam roller is disposed, the cam track be: ing shaped to causereverse movements ofthe bight'formingroller during the} early 'por- V tion of its advance across. the rollingv table to rnanipulatethe ,bunchbefore the" binder is completelyrolled about the same These various-means and parts may be widely varied in construction within the scope of the claims for the: particular device selected to" i'll'use V trate the invention 1 is but one, of many pos- 1 sible con creteenibodirnents ofthesame; The invention, therefore-,j is motto be' restricted to [the specific. construction shown v and [decigar bunch rolling mechanism-consists of} a rolling table. lQfsupported by a pedestal 1 1.
which is mounted on the main'frame'12ofthe i cigar machine. oOneendi of the chianti-belt l 13 1s fastenedto the rolling table 'lO by means of'a bar ll while'the' otherendis clamped to a tension roller 15 of well known constructionequipped with tightener chain 16 which is operatedjfromthe main drive of the cigar machine. The chianti belt, 13 rests on'abight 95 ment of which ,actuates thesarne'; Bight y 1 a 1 a; l 1 forming roller 17 is mou'nted in aLbrac'ket-"IS & Fig.3 is a plan'view of-the improved bunch i i forming roller or rolling pin 17; the; movefastened to' a slide, 19 supported by? guide receives reciprocating motion from 1 a rock 5 Incarrying the invention-into efiect there is provided a rolling tableyaj chianti belt af 1e ver21i" connected to v slide '19 by ineans of-a QThe'binder'B v p g g I I I which?extendslacross Sti erolling table l when the rolling'pinl? is in its rearmo'stor 1 link 22. T :Lever 21: ispivoted on shaft'23 and. I 1 operated through a connecting rod 24 bya lever 25 mounted on a shaft 26 on which is I x of the rolling operation and beforemuch; ,if any; of ithe-binder rolled about. the] filler; soth'at the major-portion of the'binder is: left undisturbed and the high spots and flat.portionsin-the; filler are softened-pand f7 5 monnted'a cam lever 27 having a'cam 'ro-ller 28 g g Witha camtraek 29 oficarn 30 on e J haft 3 1 driven fr'om the main drive of' the cigar machine. l c 7 V .7 starting position, 'F-igs4 and 5; v:The binder B is held flaton thec-hi'anti belt 13'by means gof suction provided bya 'snction fan :32
"mounted on frame 12 and operated from the 9 niain drive of the Inachi ne'. The suction' passes, throngh a pipe :33 into channels 34;
- and 5, ofthe-rolli'ng table 10, and acts; onthe binderB' through holes35fF ig. 3; f
r 5 w t which apron 13' isiprovided. rhs c arge n or filler ,isplaced'jby a transfer arm, 5 not shown, into-a bight' m loop lsa for neld iby' the descent offthis arm in the rolling apron '1 3,*betWe'e:n the rollingtable'10 and the r011 in'g-pin- 17 Whic'hat that timefis in itsstart I ingpositiomas s'lmWn' in Fig; '53 7 When the ro-lliiig p in moves toward therolling table 3: 10,' 'the loop'13a'closes and tightens around-" 1 the filler -F-see position A in Fig. 5,Aand on its fi rther forward inotio'ni aeross the roll-' i ring table 10,"the-1binder--B ro1lsaround"the. ifiller Fl and'tliereby-forms'ajcigar bunch (l 'Whi'ch' is delivered to a-transfer finger 36 at ,ih'a s 'been: the experience, lthatfthere; .Willbe r highjspots' andfiflat'portions; particnlarly'at 1 40 7 formthech'argeywhiehoften reslilt's i'n un satisfactory bunches; ToovercometliisfdifliZ 'cillt y' the rollingtpin lf 'in the present i n Ye t i iven" i'n mb 1 I'rvrse mqvee I I t u i g h r y *pbr io bf t e r l 1 1g, ,7 very-fl' farj 't'into the jbi'nder. T
f inovements 'ofthe pin 1 7 arejeffeetedjbye nip pi git he tam trackj 29fwithi inumber o ide; "pressionsgitherebyiinpartingto thecam level V 27 a rocking mopipns lThusQiI when"roller 28 v i travels from lever position Lto'jLl in Fig. i 2,?ro11ing pin lff will move forward from R to R1 iIi Fig. 4.5 *When'theIrol'ler 28 then i V r firstdepression ,thepinl 17 is caused to move, r backward-from; R1 fto R2 :Asithero11er'28 y tr'avels fnrther to L3 "at tl-i'e topofthe second depressionpthe' 17 moves forward again 't 'o' 'R3,' "and; so on, the-1 positions L4, L 5, I36;
p the forward end oft-able 10; Rolling pin -17" i s'gnided a roll'er 37 engaging-Wither track i38Efastened'tofrolling table 10.} i 1 3 In makin cigar bunchesby Inachine,'-it
peration before ythe fillergihas ent re travels ffroni' El to L2 at thebottorn of the r 1,888,789-Q j laidlonthe chiantihelt fif I A v g V idistrib' ited before 'theibinder is eompletely These reverse forwardlo-nly, there. heing no niore thumps inthe cam: track 29; ;1 v
i It is most important rolled around the-samef as "only a I bunch soft and perfectly round. 7;
'Whatisiclaimed is is fasteneila slide,ffguide waysforfsaidesflide;
a-hightgforming roller supported hy saidf v slide-,- and means, connected to s'aidslide to advan'ce said bight formingrolleriacrossfsaid 1 table," said means-beingconstructed;tofgive.
"the bight forming irol'ler backward n ove-cl ments during' it'sadvance across the -tahle to 5 manipulate the bnnch;
belt extending: over, saidtable and i having roller to; which the other} end of. Tsaid-jbeltis fastened, a-s1ide',=;gi 1ide w'aysfork saids'lide,
v a bight'v forming -ro'ller; supported said slide; and meanszeonnectedto said? slide to advanceisaid bightjforining roller across said table, said. :ineans being constructed to 2 give ments during fits dwa'nc 5 across the? table to j-manipulatethe bunch; said means including thathQe roi1isg f; N of the-bunch; is performed in the early part he Ina-bunch roll-ingineehanism, thecom -r Bination "Witha rolling tableyof a fchi'anti beltextending over said" table "and; having" I one sens: ends fastened theretpfa. ;.-tjension r f rol1er--to "which" the; other. endf ofi saidibelt in abunfch rollingainechanisin ,ithecorne :'bination with .a' rolling table/pf"a'gchianti one of its ends fasteiidi thereto; a I tension i a rook "lever connected toejsaid ksli'de, a cam is disposed; said's cani fQtrack beingeshaped to levri'connected to;said-rock lever-andhavingl af acain roller mofunted fthereonj {and a. cam i V having ja camtrackiinzwhlch-lsaid-camroller r "ea nse"reverseginovernents of the night forme ing roller, dnringi-the': early portion of its advance; os -th rol ing-table; gtd m pl 2 late; th'e bun'ch before the d Iiioll hon h seme V a 1115* Y .-i Q1QZC QK b h l' mg J'I QQhQn m, [i r oinbinationwith a r011ing,tab1e'; or i "p fq a e ifch tii elti x n ingibvr aid 7 f i e 6 table and. having onej ofgits ends ffastiied to said table; eatension, roller to whichthe other Q end of said belt [is fastened,y;snction1 means i V l acting through "thej perforations-- of said el toi-i t a b i uid -l y JfQr S3! hfbinderithereOnQaQslide; f, g V I :e1i-de,: 1brae e carried by'said slide; a j big'ht formingroller arranged. V to-(aiigagethg"nnderiiside of saidibeltandfi' having one end mountedf in saidc bracket',*a guide roller onthei oth'er vjendfof said' bightc j ing mechanism connected to said slide to" advance said bight forming roller across said table, said means being constructed to give the bight forming roller successive backward movements during its advance across the table to manipulate thebunch;
4. In a bunch rolling mechanism, the combination With a rolling table, of a chianti belt extending over said table, a bight forming'roller acting on said belt and means for advancing said bight formingroller to roll a filler charge into a binder on said chianti belt to form a bunch, said means including mechanism for giving to said bight forming roller a series of backwardgmovements during its advance across the table, all of said backward movements being confined to the r rolling operation on the first half-of the binder whereby the second piece of a two.
piece binder will not be displaced.
5. In a bunchrolling mecha'nism,the com-, bination with a rolling table, of a chianti" belt extending over said table, a bight forming roller acting on said belt, and means operating said bight forming roller to roll filler into a binder on said 'chianti belt to form a bunch, said means including mecha nism for giving to said bight forming roller a series of backward movements during its advance across the table, witheach backward movement terminating at a point in advance of the 'prevlous backward movement to progressively give maximum manipulation to the filler charge at a series of spaced positions about its periphery.
In testimony whereof, I have signedlmy v v name to this specification.
siennn omnsniv.
US587426A 1932-01-18 1932-01-18 Rerolling bunch former Expired - Lifetime US1888789A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US587426A US1888789A (en) 1932-01-18 1932-01-18 Rerolling bunch former

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US587426A US1888789A (en) 1932-01-18 1932-01-18 Rerolling bunch former

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
US1888789A true US1888789A (en) 1932-11-22



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US587426A Expired - Lifetime US1888789A (en) 1932-01-18 1932-01-18 Rerolling bunch former

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US (1) US1888789A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3244181A (en) * 1964-04-30 1966-04-05 American Mach & Foundry Rolling table

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3244181A (en) * 1964-04-30 1966-04-05 American Mach & Foundry Rolling table

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