US1708019A - Placard - Google Patents

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US1708019A US221076A US22107627A US1708019A US 1708019 A US1708019 A US 1708019A US 221076 A US221076 A US 221076A US 22107627 A US22107627 A US 22107627A US 1708019 A US1708019 A US 1708019A
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    • G09F1/00Cardboard or like show-cards of foldable or flexible material
    • G09F1/04Folded cards


  • My invention relates to advertising posters, placards and the like, such as are used especially as coverings for the rear walls ot store windows, showcases and similar spaces.
  • ot corrugated sheets of pasteboard offers the advantage that the term ot' said coverings may be easily adapted to the various forms of the backgrounds of storewindows, show-cases and the like, yet providing sufficient rigidity tor the body of the poster or placard in vertical direction in order to prevent the same from collapsing.
  • the several fields or sections ot the advertising poster or placard are preferably turther subdivided into stripes of smaller width which likewise extend in vertical direction to the vertical or standing-up edges or transversely to the longitudinal direction of the sheet ot pasteboard forming the poster or placard.
  • This further subdivision ot the fields or sections may likewise bev accomplished by means et creases, in-V cisions or the like which preferably do not weakenl the material at these places to the same extent as the score-lines, creases or in cisions which separate the several elds or sections ot the poster or placard.
  • Fig. l being a diagrammatical front view ot the new placard
  • Fig. 2 a top view taken on the placard ot' l in properly bent condition
  • FIG. 4 a top view taken on the placard ot Fig. 8 in properly bent condition
  • Fig. 5 an enlarged horizontal section through two adjacent'tields or sections ot the placard as shown in Figs. 3 and/l.
  • the body l ot the placard is supposed to bc cut ofil from a continuous sheet oi" pasteboard or carton of some greater length, said body l consisting ot Vfive fields or sections 1il which are separated from each other by a proper number of vertically directed score-lines, creases or incisions Q which serve as a hingey or pivotal connection between adjacent fields or sections la.
  • the score-lines, creases or incisions 2 are worked into the body l oi' the placard alternately 'from the one and the other side in order to permit a bending or swinging oitl the several fields or sections l towards either side, so that the placard as a whole may be itolded together and put up within a space of relatively limited dimensions. ly reason ot this subdivision ot the body 1 ont the placard into a greater number et fields or sections the placard may be easily made to follow the corners and walls et' a display window, show-case or the like, using the score-lines Q for properly bending the placard so that the several lields or sections l. may be placed in any desired angle with respect to each other in order to follow the conformation of the walls of a store-window, show-case or the like.
  • the modified form of the placard as shown in Figs. 3 and the adaptability of the placard to different formsof ⁇ backgrounds will further be enhanced by having the several fields or sections l further subdivided into a plurality of stripes 3 of relatively small Width, which besides the score-lines or creases ⁇ 2 may be made by incisions 3 worked into the rearsurface of thefbody l of the placard in such a manner that said incisions will extend not to the full depth of the material.
  • ln contradistinction to the arrangement .shown in Figs. 8 and 4 the vfront surface of the placard vwill in this case be of entirely smooth conformation asmay be seen from Fi 5.
  • the height of the placard that is the dimension of the same in vertical direction, or what is the same in the direct-ion ofthe score-lines or creases 2 and the incisions 3, is preferably chosen in accordance with'the average height of the rear Wall ofthe store-window, show case or the like for which the placard is intended to serve as a covering.
  • the material which is used for making the placard is ordinarily supplied in form of relatively short pieces by the pasteboard er carton factories. rlhese pieces of pasteboard or carton may be pasted according to my invention one onto the other in the placard factory, where also the score-lines, creases or incisions are applied and the impressions made on the front surface of the placard. in order to avoid bulks at 'the places, where the several pieces are united with each other by pasting, the edges Aof the respective pieces are sharpened or cut obliquely, or the bulks caused by two overlapping edges of adjacent pieces of pas'eboard or carton may be remedied by applying a proper pressure thereto so that they ⁇ will practically disappear by being sn'iootl'iened ont. Y c
  • the placard according to my invention may serve in essentially the same manner as is possible with the known placards which are made of corrugated pasteboard by means of which proj ecting aswell as recessed parts of store-Windows or show-cases as Well as arched parts, columns or similar curved surfaces may conveniently be decorated, Without, however, endangering the goed appearance ofthe placard or of the inscription orpictures-thereonfby ruptures,gaps,dents, or other mutilations of the surface.
  • li ⁇ urthermore a placard Which is made according to Figs. 8 to ⁇ 5, even if it consists of rigid material, may easily and conveniently be rolled up.
  • the placard may'also bel folded together along the score-lines er creases 2 which Vs-eparate the adjacent fields or sections l,thusreducing its volume, which may be desirable for shipping.
  • An advertising placard serving especially as a covering and a background for storewindows, show-boxes and the like comprisingv a sheet being subdivided into a plurality of sections by means of score-lines which are directed transversely toV the longitudinal direction ofthe placard, the several sections being'further subdivided into narrow stripes by means of secondary score-lines.
  • An advertising placard serving especially as a covering and a background for storewindows, show-boxes and the like comprising a sheet being subdivided-into a plurality of sections by means of score-lines which are directed transversely to the longitudinal direction of the placard and pressed into the said sheet alternatively'from the one and the other side of the said placard, ⁇ the several sections being further subdivided into'narrow stripes by means ofy secondary score-lines.
  • S. A. placard comprisinga sheet being subdivided by means of score-lines into alplurality of sections which are provided With adlli) vertising matt-erk and with incisions beingarranged parallel to the said score lines and subdividing each of said sections into a plurality oi narrow stripes.
  • a placard comprising a sheet being subdivided into a plurality of sections by means of score-lines which are directed transversely to the longitudinal direction of the placard, the said sections being provided with advertising' mattei on their front sides and with incisions on their rear sides subdividing said sections into narrow stripes.
  • said secondary score-lines beingl less pronouncedly applied than the score-lines which subdivide the sheet into the sections.
  • a placard comprising a sheet being ⁇ subdivided by means of score-lines presenting ⁇ themselves as elevations, each oi' said sections being subdivided by means of secondary score-lines into a plurality of narrow stri pes.
  • a placard comprising' a sheet being subdivided into aplurality oi sections by means or' score-lines presentingl themselves as elevations, each of said sections being provided with advertising mattei' on its liront side and with incisions on its rear side, such incisions subdividing each section into a plurality of narrow stripes.


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  • Toys (AREA)


Patented Apr.. 9, lgz.
Application lcfl September 21, 1927Serial No. 221,075, and in Germany August 12, 1927.
My invention relates to advertising posters, placards and the like, such as are used especially as coverings for the rear walls ot store windows, showcases and similar spaces. lt vis known to provide such coverings in the torni oi' corrugated sheets ot pasteboard having an impression tor advertising purposes, whereby the corrugations ot said pasteboard are vertically directed. rlhe employment ot corrugated sheets of pasteboard for this purpose offers the advantage that the term ot' said coverings may be easily adapted to the various forms of the backgrounds of storewindows, show-cases and the like, yet providing sufficient rigidity tor the body of the poster or placard in vertical direction in order to prevent the same from collapsing.
Essentially the same effect may be obtained by using ordinary sheets of pasteboard, carton or a similar material ot suilicient rigidity, if the said material, which is preferably used in the form ot sheets of greater lengths obtainable on the market is subdivided by means of score-lines, creases, incisions or the like into numerous fields or sections which are hinged to each other along the said score-lines or the like. The size oit the several fields or sections may be chosen according` to the special advertising purpose. These fields or sections may thereby be either of the same or ot different widths, and the impressions may be made thereon either in such a manner that all fields or sections are provided with the same impression 0r that several fields or sections are provided in groups with impressions. The impressions made in this manner upon the several groups of fields o-r sections will then continuously repeat themselves in case ot' a continuous manufacture ot' the entire body of the poster, placard or the like. l rFhe upper edge ot the seve 'al fields or sections or ot the several groups ot fields or sections may be made ot plain or ornamental forni according to the special advertising purpose.
The several fields or sections ot the advertising poster or placard are preferably turther subdivided into stripes of smaller width which likewise extend in vertical direction to the vertical or standing-up edges or transversely to the longitudinal direction of the sheet ot pasteboard forming the poster or placard. This further subdivision ot the fields or sections may likewise bev accomplished by means et creases, in-V cisions or the like which preferably do not weakenl the material at these places to the same extent as the score-lines, creases or in cisions which separate the several elds or sections ot the poster or placard. By this the ellect will be obtained thaton the one hand the piece of pasteboard which is required tor a poster or placard for a special use may be more easily separated from the continuous sheet ot pasteboard and on the other hand the flexibilityot the several fields or sections as a whole will be essentially increased, so that the ent-ire sheet ot pasteboard may also be easily ro-lled up, preferably with the printed surface directed towards the inside. ln the accompanying drawing l' have represented eonstructional forms oi a posteror placard according to my invention,
Fig". l being a diagrammatical front view ot the new placard,
Fig. 2 a top view taken on the placard ot' l in properly bent condition,
F ig. 3 a ront view vot a modified torni ot placard,
, Fig. 4 a top view taken on the placard ot Fig. 8 in properly bent condition,
Fig. 5 an enlarged horizontal section through two adjacent'tields or sections ot the placard as shown in Figs. 3 and/l.
In the modification oit the placard as shown in Figs. l and 2 the body l ot the placard is supposed to bc cut ofil from a continuous sheet oi" pasteboard or carton of some greater length, said body l consisting ot Vfive fields or sections 1il which are separated from each other by a proper number of vertically directed score-lines, creases or incisions Q which serve as a hingey or pivotal connection between adjacent fields or sections la. The score-lines, creases or incisions 2 are worked into the body l oi' the placard alternately 'from the one and the other side in order to permit a bending or swinging oitl the several fields or sections l towards either side, so that the placard as a whole may be itolded together and put up within a space of relatively limited dimensions. ly reason ot this subdivision ot the body 1 ont the placard into a greater number et fields or sections the placard may be easily made to follow the corners and walls et' a display window, show-case or the like, using the score-lines Q for properly bending the placard so that the several lields or sections l. may be placed in any desired angle with respect to each other in order to follow the conformation of the walls of a store-window, show-case or the like.
ln the modified form of the placard as shown in Figs. 3 and the adaptability of the placard to different formsof `backgrounds will further be enhanced by having the several fields or sections l further subdivided into a plurality of stripes 3 of relatively small Width, which besides the score-lines or creases` 2 may be made by incisions 3 worked into the rearsurface of thefbody l of the placard in such a manner that said incisions will extend not to the full depth of the material. ln contradistinction to the arrangement .shown in Figs. 8 and 4 the vfront surface of the placard vwill in this case be of entirely smooth conformation asmay be seen from Fi 5. By subdivi din g the body l ofthe placard by means of the score-lines or creases 2 as shown in Figs. 2 and l the advantage is obtained that the several fields or sections l may be `folded or bent in either direction Whilethe incisions 3 as shown in 5 will solely serve to facilitate bending of the surfaces of the several fields or sections la in one direction. The fact that the score-lines or creases 2 will present themselves as elevations on the front surface of the placard, as shown at three places in F ig. l, is no disadvantage of this'modified form ofthe placard, since these elevated lines Will in no Way disturb the good/appearance of the impressions or pictures on the front surface of the placard, especially if a `greater number of fields or sect-ions laL With uniform impressions or with impressions in a single color is employed. rlhese score-lines or creases will rather serve to provide a pleasing interruption of the entire surface of the picture orimpression. ,ln either case the lines orincisions 3a are of such conformation that they do not weaken the body of the placard to the same extent as the score-lines or creases 2 which separate the several fields or sections l of the placard. lt will also be possible, however, to provide incisions or cuts in the manner as shown at 3a in Fig. 5, at small distances from each other all over the length of the placard without providing'pronounced score-lines or creases as shown `at 2 in Figs. l to 41. The height of the placard, that is the dimension of the same in vertical direction, or what is the same in the direct-ion ofthe score-lines or creases 2 and the incisions 3, is preferably chosen in accordance with'the average height of the rear Wall ofthe store-window, show case or the like for which the placard is intended to serve as a covering. y
The material which is used for making the placard is ordinarily supplied in form of relatively short pieces by the pasteboard er carton factories. rlhese pieces of pasteboard or carton may be pasted according to my invention one onto the other in the placard factory, where also the score-lines, creases or incisions are applied and the impressions made on the front surface of the placard. in order to avoid bulks at 'the places, where the several pieces are united with each other by pasting, the edges Aof the respective pieces are sharpened or cut obliquely, or the bulks caused by two overlapping edges of adjacent pieces of pas'eboard or carton may be remedied by applying a proper pressure thereto so that they `will practically disappear by being sn'iootl'iened ont. Y c
ly providing the placard or wall covering in the form of a continuous sheet it` willbe possible 'to obtain the piece which is desired in order toV cover a store-window or showcase of given' dimensions, by a. meroperformance of cutting the same off aV continuous sheet ofpasteboard or the like, whereby the cut is preferably made along one of said score-lines, creases or incisions. The placard according to my invention may serve in essentially the same manner as is possible with the known placards which are made of corrugated pasteboard by means of which proj ecting aswell as recessed parts of store-Windows or show-cases as Well as arched parts, columns or similar curved surfaces may conveniently be decorated, Without, however, endangering the goed appearance ofthe placard or of the inscription orpictures-thereonfby ruptures,gaps,dents, or other mutilations of the surface. li`urthermore, a placard Which is made according to Figs. 8 to `5, even if it consists of rigid material, may easily and conveniently be rolled up. ln addition to this, the placard may'also bel folded together along the score-lines er creases 2 which Vs-eparate the adjacent fields or sections l,thusreducing its volume, which may be desirable for shipping. purposes,
l claim f l. An advertising placard serving especially as a covering and a background for storewindows, show-boxes and the like comprisingv a sheet being subdivided into a plurality of sections by means of score-lines which are directed transversely toV the longitudinal direction ofthe placard, the several sections being'further subdivided into narrow stripes by means of secondary score-lines.
2. An advertising placard serving especially as a covering and a background for storewindows, show-boxes and the like comprising a sheet being subdivided-into a plurality of sections by means of score-lines which are directed transversely to the longitudinal direction of the placard and pressed into the said sheet alternatively'from the one and the other side of the said placard,`the several sections being further subdivided into'narrow stripes by means ofy secondary score-lines.
S. A. placard comprisinga sheet being subdivided by means of score-lines into alplurality of sections which are provided With adlli) vertising matt-erk and with incisions beingarranged parallel to the said score lines and subdividing each of said sections into a plurality oi narrow stripes.
4i. A placard comprising a sheet being subdivided into a plurality of sections by means of score-lines which are directed transversely to the longitudinal direction of the placard, the said sections being provided with advertising' mattei on their front sides and with incisions on their rear sides subdividing said sections into narrow stripes.
5. A placard-comprising a sheet beingl subdivided into a plurality oi sections by means of score-lines which are directed transversely to the longitudinal direction of the placard, each section being' subdivided by means of secondary score-lines into narrow stripes,
said secondary score-lines beingl less pronouncedly applied than the score-lines which subdivide the sheet into the sections.
6. A placard comprising a sheet being` subdivided by means of score-lines presenting` themselves as elevations, each oi' said sections being subdivided by means of secondary score-lines into a plurality of narrow stri pes.
7. A placard comprising' a sheet being subdivided into aplurality oi sections by means or' score-lines presentingl themselves as elevations, each of said sections being provided with advertising mattei' on its liront side and with incisions on its rear side, such incisions subdividing each section into a plurality of narrow stripes.
In testimony whereof I a'iix my signature.
US221076A 1927-08-12 1927-09-21 Placard Expired - Lifetime US1708019A (en)

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DE1708019X 1927-08-12

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US221076A Expired - Lifetime US1708019A (en) 1927-08-12 1927-09-21 Placard

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Cited By (6)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4794712A (en) * 1985-11-12 1989-01-03 Showboard, Inc. Portable display device
US5911522A (en) * 1985-11-12 1999-06-15 Showboard, Inc. Portable display device
US6619541B2 (en) * 2001-09-26 2003-09-16 Mike Martin Mailbox advertising bonnet
US6772938B2 (en) 2001-09-26 2004-08-10 Mike Martin Mailbox advertisement bonnet
US20050086842A1 (en) * 2003-10-23 2005-04-28 Acco Brands, Inc. Portable display device
US20060048421A1 (en) * 2004-09-03 2006-03-09 Oleksak Mark W Display board with header

Cited By (6)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4794712A (en) * 1985-11-12 1989-01-03 Showboard, Inc. Portable display device
US5911522A (en) * 1985-11-12 1999-06-15 Showboard, Inc. Portable display device
US6619541B2 (en) * 2001-09-26 2003-09-16 Mike Martin Mailbox advertising bonnet
US6772938B2 (en) 2001-09-26 2004-08-10 Mike Martin Mailbox advertisement bonnet
US20050086842A1 (en) * 2003-10-23 2005-04-28 Acco Brands, Inc. Portable display device
US20060048421A1 (en) * 2004-09-03 2006-03-09 Oleksak Mark W Display board with header

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