US1512994A - Printing machine - Google Patents

Printing machine Download PDF


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US1512994A US541896A US54189622A US1512994A US 1512994 A US1512994 A US 1512994A US 541896 A US541896 A US 541896A US 54189622 A US54189622 A US 54189622A US 1512994 A US1512994 A US 1512994A
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Frank C Marquardt
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American Bank Note Co
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American Bank Note Co
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Application filed by American Bank Note Co filed Critical American Bank Note Co
Priority to US541896A priority Critical patent/US1512994A/en
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Publication of US1512994A publication Critical patent/US1512994A/en
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Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




    • B41F13/00Common details of rotary presses or machines
    • B41F13/08Cylinders
    • B41F13/10Forme cylinders


  • FRANK C MABQUARDT, or BROOKLYN, ivnw ronn; As ard-mo annmcn'itnanx' No'i'E confirm, or my .Y orur, I
  • y invention relatesto printing machines,- and more particularly to the plate cylinder construction of a" multicolor printing machine of a type-adapted toproduce'an imprint'fi'n' a plurality ofgcolors upon a' single 1mptegsioh 's1 Q 'j Inmachinesfof-the typeto which my invention relatesji-a plurality of form or: plate cylinders' each i hav'in -associat'ed a therewith 0 its own inking' -'mec anism,'---are.-.:grouped about a planogra hie cylinder rhaving an offset printing sur ace 'orsurfaces, the-plates u n each-of said 1 plate cylinders" 5 being ag pt'e'dy with each rotation-of said impression cylinderfi to -.-transfer-;'com p1en 1entary portions *of c -complete" design in different colors to the plano a
  • the plate cylinder is adapted to receive two plates, one of which is adapted to have thereon a plurality of similar designs or portions of designs, to be impressed upon one side of the sheet, and the other of which is adapted to receive a platehaving formed thereon a plurality ofsimilar designs or portions of designs for the reverse side of the sheet, said plates being capable of registering adjustment with relation to each other so as to bring the designs upon the difi'erent. platesin absolute register' one with the other.
  • I provide a plate cylinder consisting of a plurality "of sections, one section beingcapable of adj ust-. ment both axially and circumferentially of the Cylinder entirelyindependently of the other, so as to :permit relative,aegistering adjustment of the plates carried hyltheidlffi ferent-sections.
  • a ⁇ Vhile-said sections are capable-of.indee pendent adjustment asidescribed, tlieicon- "machine;
  • struction is such that when.registcriof-ithe different plates is once secured, the cylinder in its entirety-may:- be adjusted circtunfen; entially or axially thereof to securexregise ter ofthe: designs or 1- portionseof-designs upon the respective'plates, with. designs :or portions of designs upon plates. upon 5. diffferentlplate cylinders witho ut- .disturbingithe adjustment ofi'the difi'erent :sectiOnssripon each cylinder.- This?
  • the invention consists primarily ina printing machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having a plurality of independently movable sections, means carried by each of said sections whereby a platerna-y be-se cured" thereto, (to-operating members carried by and connecting adjacent sections to cause them to rotate in unison, one of said members including therein means whereby it may be actuated to impart to-one of said sections circumferential movement in relation to the adjoining section to cause'said section to be adjusted circuinferentially of the axis of the cylinder entirely independently of another, and means whereby all of said sections may be s'imultaneouslyrotated; and in such other novel features of construction and, combination of parts as are hereinafter set forth and described, and more particularly pointed out in the'claims hereto appended.
  • Fig; 1 is a d'agrammatic view "of amulticolor printing machine towhich my invention is particularly adaptable;
  • a Fig. 2 is a side'view-partly broken away, of one of the plate cylinders of'a printing
  • Fig. 3 is a plan view ofthe coiis'tructi'o'nshown in Fig. 2;
  • FIG. 4 is a section on the line l of Fig.2; .zI f- Pg. 5 is a section on the line 55 of -2;... .c
  • The-plate cylinder 15 has associated'gthere with an inking mechanismw.D including therein theink founts D :andwD and distributing and'inkingmollers D
  • the impression cylinder.l1. has.associated therewith-a plate-cylinder: -16,"in'ked through the 'medium of .an inking mechanism E which includes the ink founts -E' :and' E and the distributingancl inkingcrollers ER.
  • the cylinder 16' and its associated inking mechanism E is providedso as to' permit, a portion of azdesign in inkto be a plieddirectly to thevcylin'der 11"if':it be' es'iredto use-the machine in s'emiper-fecting workfor i when-it is-desiredto increasethe range of color work, orhave ⁇ a "portion ofthe designduplicated upon hothsidesiof a printed eat; U
  • the cylinder 10 is'provided with afplurality of blankets so as to be capable o makin twoimpressions with each rotation of-said cylinder, the impression: cylinder 11. having two. revolutions with, ,each fall, revolutr oi i lat cr .;p.a ul. r y;. to t e i t uct on of fthefivariousplate cylinders by, whiclrfia pluralityof.
  • the constructionaof'the plate cylinder - is such that while ajplurality of plate carry.- ing sections are-employed, all of Sfild sections will. be rotated f;rom.;a ,s ingle source of power so as to enS lreaccuracyin the timing ofithe cylinder as a wholelwith relation tothe ofi'setplanQgraphic cylinder 10. While various designs ofcylinders may be made .Which will ,securegthe. result, I preferablyzconstruct t e zcylinder as shown in the accompanying.- drawings, reference wbeing had particularly to Figs. 2- to! of the draw- 111 S.
  • inderhavin I employ a cyl- ;.two sections, 17 and 18, one of which, as 4 is provided with a reduced bearing ⁇ portion -.19.. adaptedto have idly mounted thereon the spur gear20, which is in mesh witha spur gear ;21.carried by the .cylinder 10.
  • ,Ayp iiOn of-the sect1on. 17 is recessed-as indicated at 22, the rest of the surfacebeing truly cylindrical, as shown proper backing for the zinc, ,aluminum, or other plate to be carried byv thecylinder. ;Within the re- ;necessary- "the, reduced portion 25, connected therewith. and
  • I provide suitable plate clamps24 adapted to. engage the opposite ends of the. plate or sheet, this recessedportion .also receiving the mechanism by means of whichcircumferential adjustment ot the cylinder ;ivith.
  • Thesection .18 is provided with a recessed portion 31 corresponding with the recessed portion 22 and a truly cylindrical portion 32 corresponding'with the cylindrical p012 tion 2' of said section 17, and within the recessed. portion 31 are plate clamps-ISL corresponding with the clamps 24-.
  • the sections 17 and 18, as to their outside dimensions and plate clamp construction, are identical one with the other, thus facilitating the makeready of the press to secure equally strongimpressions from both cylinder sections.
  • the reduced portion 25 is provided with a plurality of circumferential grooves 36. adapted to receive set screws 37 which also serve as -bearing caps for introducing oil betweensaid reduced portion 25 and the the,u sua-l, and ordinary construction so cylinder section 18, said grooves- 36'having suiiicicnt width to permit movement of the section 18 axially of the portion-25'
  • the cylinder section 17 and its appurtenances are connected with tl1e-geai"20 by means of studs 38 and'39 carried 'by'said gear and passing through elongated openings in the end plate 28.
  • a low pitched screw 40 Carried by the cylinder section 17 within the-reces's "22 thereof, is a low pitched screw 40, the op: posite ends of whichare tapered at'41and 42 as shown, this screw beingof a length to 1 constantly engage the'ftapered end 41 with the stud 38,"and"the tapered end 42 with the stud 39, t liescrew 40 'being 'adjustably mounted in a screw-threaded block 43 carried by the cylinder'section 17.
  • --Tl 1e' screw 40 is provided with a portion 44 adapted to receive a spannerwrenchfor other suitable toolfor actuating said screw. This, however, is 'a' mere deta1l,"sinceany desired means may be provided to facilitate the application of power to said-screw? f
  • the end plate 29 is provided with studs 45 and 46 similar to the studs 38and'39, co-
  • a gear wheel 52in mesh with a gear wheel 53upon the cylinder 10, this gear 52 having no, operative relation to the plate cylinder but serving to transmit power from said cylinder 10 to the inking mechanisms associated with' said cylinder.
  • the bolts referred to are shown at54 and 55 respectively andmerely serve to ensureexactitude in the centering of the plate cylinder with relation tosaid gears.
  • connections above referred to consist of a link"5 6 having a screw-threaded end mounted'in a screw-threaded block 57 in-one of said sections, as 18', the otherend'of which grooved head 58 entering an elon ted' segment al "slot infa'b'lock- 59 carried y'the other-section, as 17', said link being provided with -a portion as 'the'ihexagonal-section 60 by means of which it may be engaged by a suitable tool.
  • the parts 67 are merely dust'rings.
  • The' opeiation' of the herein described mechanism is substantially'as follows Anacid etched plate containing a design or a complementary port'ionofa design, or a repetition of such,tlielinesthereof being cameo lines 'when used with amultiple cylinder multicolorpresgi's mounted by means of the clamps 24 upon 'the cylinder "section 17, said clamps 24 beingnse'd to accurately position this plate upon said "section's; The design, or'p'ortions' thereof upon thisplate are to appear upon one sidebf a printed sheet only. "When this plate has been proper ly mounted.
  • a similar plate bearing a design, or a'complementary portion of a design, or a repetition o'fsuch' is mounted by meansof the clamps 33 upon'the'c'yli'nder section 18; and the plate accurately positioned upon said section by means of the clamps.
  • the designs upon the plate'mountedupon the section 18 are. to appear upon thereverse side of a completed sheet.
  • the section 18 may-be moved-toward or from the section 17 by means of the screw-threaded link 56, itbeing essential" to exercise considerable skill iii actuating'this link, since the sole reducing'mechanism is the screw threads'thereon co-operating with the screw-threaded blockl57.
  • the set s'crews'37 may be tightened to check any tendency of vibration'lnterfering with the adjustment of said section '18,failthough the likelihood of such occurring is very"r'emote when the connectionbetweenzthe cylinder section 18 and the section 17 consists of the double pointed screwco-oper'ating with the studs -45- 46'carried by the'flend plate 29;
  • the adjustmentfor longitudinal regist er has'been secured'by means of the'link 56, the tightening of the 'loclr'nut 61 will preserve 'this'relation.
  • the cylinder section 18 will be firmly'secured to, and will thereafter rotate with, the "section 17 thus causing both sections'o'f the cylinder to act as a unit.
  • the plates upon one section thereof bear a designor a 'complemen'tary portion or portions of a design for the imprint upon one'side ofthe' sheet, and the plates upon the other section thereof bear a design or a complementary portion or portions of a design for theimprint on the reverse side of the sheet, both of whichimprints will be made at a single impression so'that' by merely turning the sheet and feeding it again through the press, the front designs will be impressed in exactmegister with the previously impressed back designs upon one portion of the sheet and the backdesigns previously impressed' designs for the front of the sheet.
  • the plates upon the cylinders 12, 13, Y14 and 15 may bear complementary portions of the same design, the plates upon each cylinder are adjusted for ,register in the-manner above described, and when proper register has once been secured ..between plates upon the same cylinder, the respective cylinders 12 to15 may beadjusted circumferentially of the machine byumeans of the screw 40 co-operating with the studs 38 and 39, thisadjustment being with relation to the gear 20 which, has a, .fixed relation to the gear'21 carried by the cylinder 10.
  • the essential characteristic of the invention resides in a construction by which, at a single impression, a back design and a front design, will be simultaneously impressed upon difi'erent portions of a sheet in such relation to each other that upon reversing the sheet, similar impressions will be made upondifi'erent parts of the sheet, all of the designs, irrespective of their dissimilitude, being in exact register, so that when a repetition of designs is provided on each plate, the cutting of the sheet in the finishing room, will result in an even margin being present upon both sides of the sheet, thus mal'ing counterfeiting of all security paper more difficult, and detection thereof easy, because of a readily discernible absence of register in the designs upon opposite sides of the sheet.
  • Aprinting machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having a plurality of independently movable sections. means carried by eachof said sections whereby "a plate maybe-secured thereto, co-operating mem bers carried by and, connecting adjacent sections to cause..tl1em to rotate in unison, one of said membersincluding therein means wherebyit may be actuatedto impart to one of saidsections circumferential movement in relation to the adjoining section to cause said section to be adjusted circumferentiallyof. the-axis of the cylinder cntirely independently of another, and oneans whereby all of said sections maybe simultaneously rotated.
  • a printing machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having a plurality of independently movable sections. means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, cooperating members carried by and connecting adjacent sections to cause them to rotate in unison, one of said members including therein means whereby it may be actuated to impart to Ill) , fer'entially of the axis of the'cylinder entirely independently"of .a'nother, means one said sect-ions circumferential movement in relation".
  • et ihprinting machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having a plurality of il'idependently m'oyable section's, means carried by each of s'aidse'ctions whereby a plate may besecured theretoameans whereby one ofsaid sections maybe adj usted'circumfercntially 'of ith'e axis of the' cylinder entirely independently ofijanother, ;means whereby all of saidsections' may be simultaneously rotated," and means w hereby all" 'otis'aid sections 'may' be simultaneously. and similarly adjusted'ted','axially thereofg" A.
  • a printing machine embodying: therein a plate cylinder havinga section provided with a reduced bearing portion. a second cylinder section loosely mounted upon said bearing portion, co'operatin;1 means carried by said sections whereby said second section may be rotated with, or circumferentially adjusted independently of, said other section, means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, operative connections between said sections whereby the section mounted upon said bearing portion may be adjusted toward or from said other section, and means whereby power may be, applied to said first named section to rotate said cylinder in its entirety.
  • a printing machine embodying therein a plate c 'linde'r l 1avin, a plurality ofindependently movable sections, means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, ro-o-perating members carried by and comic ting adjacent sections to cause them to rotate in unison, one of said members including therein means whereby it may be actuated to impart. to one of said sections circumferential movement in relation to the adjoining section to cause said section to be adjusted circumferentially of the axis of the cylinder entirely independently of another.
  • a printing machine embodying-therein a plate cylinderhavi'nga plurality of independently movable/sections, means carried by each of said sections whereby a'plate may be secured thereto, means whereby one of said sections may be adjusted eircumferentially of the axis of the cylinder entirely independentlyof another, a driving gear, operative connections between s'aid gearand said cylinder, and means whereby said cylinder in its entirety may lie-adjusted axially thereof.
  • a printing machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having aplurality of'in dependently movable sections,-means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, means wherebyone of said 'seetion 'may be, adjusted circumferentiallyof t-he axis of the-cylinder entirely independently of another,a driving gear, op-
  • n edt wi on fiv t ii iept d e y, 9 l n e s ,1 n tletr s tm i i b ed upon said bearing portlon, a serew .haying s pp s e e d ap dmndm9e tsd Iii; a screw-threaded block, carried;
  • a driving gear-idly mountedin relation tosaid cylinder studs carriedther'eby, ascrew, having its opposite ends ta ered; and a bearing block carried by l sai named section in which saidse'rew'ismounted with itstapered endseng'aging said.
  • studs sp c e n w e e y P W myee' pl il through saidfirst named section to said .cyl inderin its entirety and saidf cylinder may be circumferentially, adjusted, with relation to saiddnivinggear.
  • a printing machine embodyingtherein a platecylinder having a plurality of independently movable sections, .me ans carrred by each of said sections wherebya platemay be secured thereto, means whereby one, of said sections maybe adjusted circurnferentially of the axis of, the cylinderentirely independently.
  • said second section is I operat yelyconnected with 'saidjfirst named tiofi,:'., but'.,rnayl be circumferentially adjustable'ted ndently thereof, means carried by eac'hio .tsaidqsections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, a screw-threaded block carried by one of said sections, a slotted block carried'byl'the other of said sections, a screw threaded link adjustably mountedin said first named block and having a grooyed head co-operating with said slottedf'block, whereby said, adjustable section may, ,haye t'axiahmovement imparted thereto toward or'lfron'i the other section, the slot "in said block being elongated to permit said circumferential movement, set screws carried. section mounted upon said bearing portion, and adapted to
  • a printing machine embodying therein a printing couple including therein a cylinder having an offset planographic surface thereon, a plurality of late cylinders grouped about said cylinder havmg the planographic offset surface, each of said cylinders embodying therein a plurality of sections, means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be mounted thereon, and means whereby one of said sections may be adjusted with relation to the other to bring the designs upon each of said plates in register with the designs upon the other plate, a gear carried by said cylinder havmg the planographic offset surface, a gear idly mounted in relation to each of said cylinders and meshing with said first named gear, operative connections between each of permitting the plates upon each of said.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Manufacture Or Reproduction Of Printing Formes (AREA)


Oct. 28. 1924.
F. C. MARQUARDT PRINTING MACHINE Filed March 8, 1922 3 Sheets-Sheet l V7 v BYQ IN V TOR Z4 ATTORNEY,
BetentedOct, 28, 1924. I p
FRANK C. MABQUARDT, or BROOKLYN, ivnw ronn; As ard-mo annmcn'itnanx' No'i'E confirm, or my .Y orur, I
To'all'whgm z't-may concern: 'Be' 'it'known' that I, FRANK CfiManquannrr, a citizen-90 i the =United statesy'residin c at theiboroughofjBrooklyn; in the ca s-BTW 5 York, county =ofKings, and State-of. New
York, have m'vented' certain new-'and'usefu1 U Im rovements j. ins-Printing; Machines; :o'f which the following" is a 'specififationyref erence beinghad therein to the a'ccompanyin -drawings, which forma'part.thereof.-. ,y invention relatesto printing machines,- and more particularly to the plate cylinder construction of a" multicolor printing machine of a type-adapted toproduce'an imprint'fi'n' a plurality ofgcolors upon a' single 1mptegsioh 's1 Q 'j Inmachinesfof-the typeto which my invention relatesji-a plurality of form or: plate cylinders' each i hav'in -associat'ed a therewith 0 its own inking' -'mec anism,'---are.-.:grouped about a planogra hie cylinder rhaving an offset printing sur ace 'orsurfaces, the-plates u n each-of said 1 plate cylinders" 5 being ag pt'e'dy with each rotation-of said impression cylinderfi to -.-transfer-;'com p1en 1entary portions *of c -complete" design in different colors to the plano aphic surface or surfaces thereon- Sai planographic cylinder has associated therewith animp-ression cyl-.
0 inde'r; so thatf' withi each rotation ot the plano aphic .cylinder,"the completedv design 1n di erent colors is impressed. upon the sheetbeing fed. B this construction, which broadly considered forms-' no part of my 5 present invention absolute-register .of all portionsof'the design in different colors is assuredand absolute-identity in different im ressions is secured, since register of the 'dilierent 'color plates is dependent upon 0 mechanisms 'inthe machine and not upon accuracyz-inithefeed of the sheet with relation =to-the printing-couple.
In Itherconstructmnof machines of a the type abdve referred to,-- as heretofore used, [6 absolute re ister of different. portions of the design-mad e at a singleaimpression, has been possible, but inzlnon-perfecting work great difiiculty has been experienced in securing sufficiently accurate register of a design ;upon one :side of .the sheet with the design upon the reverse side, particularly when the plates used. upon themachine have considerable width and bear repetitions of the. same de- Sign The difiiculty of securing register of the designs "upon' the front. andtherbackrof a sheet, whiclr heretofore had been .believedto be insurmountable, results from the fact that a plurality of designsyeach of which is a duplicate of the 'other, has been produced upon a plate of -:zinc, aluminum, or: other similar ma ter'ial used graved plates, i it being necessary to impress each design upon? the plate'photographicall priortolthei acid=etchingzof the plate. arge number of such' designsare ordinarily produced upon: each plate,- wide,:and whilelittle difiiculty has been experienced? 'in-aaccura'tel'y positioning in lateral and longitudinal alinement, the designs upon apla'tefor making an. imprint on one in making photo 'en- I which is fairly side ofwazxsheet, when making the plate' for a the reverse side'zof the sheet, it was necessary tosecureregister ofthedesigns upon opposite SldBSEOf a :sheet, that the designs upon the lastrnax'ned plate be placed identically with the :designsupon the plate from which the other'sid'eof the sheet wasprinted, .since no adjustment of the machine was provided for, which-c0uld .correct slight imperfections due-to the improper pla'cingof the designs upon the different-printing plates.
-- To-correctthe above conditions, I so construct the printing press-that the plate cylinder is adapted to receive two plates, one of which is adapted to have thereon a plurality of similar designs or portions of designs, to be impressed upon one side of the sheet, and the other of which is adapted to receive a platehaving formed thereon a plurality ofsimilar designs or portions of designs for the reverse side of the sheet, said plates being capable of registering adjustment with relation to each other so as to bring the designs upon the difi'erent. platesin absolute register' one with the other. In this manner a sheet upon one impression will receive upon one-half thereof, imprints for the front of 'the completed design,- while upon the other half thereof it will receive imprints for the reverse side of the sheet, so that b merely turning the sheet upon the SUOCQGG. ing impression, the portion of the sheet having the front design thereon will havethe back or reverse desi impressed thereon in exact register with .t e front design and the portion of the sheet having the back design thereon will have impressed thereon t e of the sheet is determined by the mechanisms of the machine, it is, apparent. that absolute register of the designs upon opposite sides of the sheet is assured;
In securing the desired result, I provide a plate cylinder consisting of a plurality "of sections, one section beingcapable of adj ust-. ment both axially and circumferentially of the Cylinder entirelyindependently of the other, so as to :permit relative,aegistering adjustment of the plates carried hyltheidlffi ferent-sections. A \Vhile-said sections are capable-of.indee pendent adjustment asidescribed, tlieicon- "machine;
struction is such that when.registcriof-ithe different plates is once secured, the cylinder in its entirety-may:- be adjusted circtunfen; entially or axially thereof to securexregise ter ofthe: designs or 1- portionseof-designs upon the respective'plates, with. designs :or portions of designs upon plates. upon 5. diffferentlplate cylinders witho ut- .disturbingithe adjustment ofi'the difi'erent :sectiOnssripon each cylinder.- This? condition is particular ly desirable with printing machines 1 of the multicolor type employing I aplurality-a of plate cylinders, since during the :makeready of a press it "is not only essential th'atthe different plates upon' each cylinder who brought in accurate relation with eachother, but that'the plates upon each 'cylinder may be brought' into register with-the plates uponother cylinders. v a
The invention consists primarily ina printing machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having a plurality of independently movable sections, means carried by each of said sections whereby a platerna-y be-se cured" thereto, (to-operating members carried by and connecting adjacent sections to cause them to rotate in unison, one of said members including therein means whereby it may be actuated to impart to-one of said sections circumferential movement in relation to the adjoining section to cause'said section to be adjusted circuinferentially of the axis of the cylinder entirely independently of another, and means whereby all of said sections may be s'imultaneouslyrotated; and in such other novel features of construction and, combination of parts as are hereinafter set forth and described, and more particularly pointed out in the'claims hereto appended.
' Referring to the drawings, Fig; 1 is a d'agrammatic view "of amulticolor printing machine towhich my invention is particularly adaptable;
a Fig. 2 is a side'view-partly broken away, of one of the plate cylinders of'a printing Fig. 3 is a plan view ofthe coiis'tructi'o'nshown in Fig. 2;
,Fig, 4-. is a section on the line l of Fig.2; .zI f- Pg. 5 is a section on the line 55 of -2;... .c
a section on the line 7-7 of Fi" 2. fake numerals re fer to like parts throughout the several views.
In the embodiment of lnyiinvention-Shown in thetaccompanying' drawings, I; have 7 illustrated-'-=diagrammatically in Eig t 1, an embodiment of; my, i nyentio1r{employing4a single'iprinting couple consistingmfian offset planographicee 1 i11 1erj,-.1o haying associated therewith. an-io I set ,planlographic impression cylinder :11? Grouped abofut -thei cylinder 10 are four :platei cylinders 12 113,; 14. and. 15,
each having; associated t'herjewith an-inking said iountseis rworkedtand applied,into the 1 plates nponsaid-cylinden.12,at;Af. 1.;
'- -i'l.he inkingiicmechamsm; associated .qwit thou-plate: cylinder .13 1' is {indicated a133,, the plates :upon said cylinder-beingyserved by three'inkT-founts B, B and B :througliu th e medium of the distributing and inking, roll,- eIS B; I f I it: I i 1' 1', The inking-mechanism associated withtthe cylinder 14 sz'indicated at .G, iwhichmechanism includes three inkifo'untsiGl", C? and :C
and the :distributingand inkingrollers C-.=
The-plate cylinder 15 has associated'gthere with an inking mechanismw.D including therein theink founts D :andwD and distributing and'inkingmollers D The impression cylinder.l1.has.associated therewith-a plate-cylinder: -16,"in'ked through the 'medium of .an inking mechanism E which includes the ink founts -E' :and' E and the distributingancl inkingcrollers ER.
The cylinder 16' and its associated inking mechanism E is providedso as to' permit, a portion of azdesign in inkto be a plieddirectly to thevcylin'der 11"if':it be' es'iredto use-the machine in s'emiper-fecting workfor i when-it is-desiredto increasethe range of color work, orhave {a "portion ofthe designduplicated upon hothsidesiof a printed eat; U
In the type of'machine shown -in-F.ig.:"l, "the cylinder 10 is'provided with afplurality of blankets so as to be capable o makin twoimpressions with each rotation of-said cylinder, the impression: cylinder 11. having two. revolutions with, ,each fall, revolutr oi i lat cr .;p.a ul. r y;. to t e i t uct on of fthefivariousplate cylinders by, whiclrfia pluralityof. independent; plates may be used .uponeach-of said cylinders and the designs upe ai p a asters-e 11 y e y be brought into .registeronewith-the other entirely independently of theg-other,plate.cylinat 23, so as to fornua ders, the construction being 'such, .-however, that I after register of difierent plates ,upon sa dicylin rtl-hasabeen sec re t e pl t ther nrmayy e; br ght ain er g s -;w h plates upon different cylinders; without -d1,s urbi ther g steri ga'ea Qa' -t Pl t p nt am cy nder;-
. :-;.-S 1.1ce he con tru ion if; echap a y n- "der l2 t =16 is#idei1tic wi h ha v y other, --a': de a :;;des ripti us.e u e o these cylinders.onlye;isf-necessary,-.-
.',- 1 Broadlyconsidered notwithstanding the particular. adaptability of *theinvention to printing machines employing a Y plural ty of plate;cylin ders-, :thedetailed construct on of ithecylinder iadapts itg-for use upon a machine .employingbut-one. plate cylinder. 3;-
The constructionaof'the plate cylinder -is such that while ajplurality of plate carry.- ing sections are-employed, all of Sfild sections will. be rotated f;rom.;a ,s ingle source of power so as to enS lreaccuracyin the timing ofithe cylinder as a wholelwith relation tothe ofi'setplanQgraphic cylinder 10. While various designs ofcylinders may be made .Which will ,securegthe. result, I preferablyzconstruct t e zcylinder as shown in the accompanying.- drawings, reference wbeing had particularly to Figs. 2- to! of the draw- 111 S. 1 21", ;a %n the construction shown, inderhavin I employ a cyl- ;.two sections, 17 and 18, one of which, as 4 is provided with a reduced bearing {portion -.19.. adaptedto have idly mounted thereon the spur gear20, which is in mesh witha spur gear ;21.carried by the .cylinder 10. ,Ayp iiOn of-the sect1on. 17 is recessed-as indicated at 22, the rest of the surfacebeing truly cylindrical, as shown proper backing for the zinc, ,aluminum, or other plate to be carried byv thecylinder. ;Within the re- ;necessary- "the, reduced portion 25, connected therewith. and
while. at the same ccssed portion22, I provide suitable plate clamps24 adapted to. engage the opposite ends of the. plate or sheet, this recessedportion .also receiving the mechanism by means of whichcircumferential adjustment ot the cylinder ;ivith. .relation to thegear efiected, This; adjusting mechanism, which will be moreparticularly referred to hereinafter, constitutes the sole means for trans mitting power to the cylinder through the gears-'i20and 21., The'portious22 and 23 extend forsubstantially oncdialf the length of the entire cylinder, the remaining portion of the, cylinder being reducedas shown 'at forma bearing-for the other cylinder sect-ion,.l8,.the reduced bearing portion, 25 heingprovidedwith oil grooves as shown. although..,if desired such may be dispensed with, and other JHCZIIIS of lubrication, :pro-
vided,;- w =The opposite ends of the cylinder. are provided withreduced arbors 26 and .27 mountedin suitable bearings in-the side fii ame of the machine, which bearings'are v.o
that a detailed description thereof is un- .,Securedin relation to, and;so-as-to rotate -with,- ,-the cylinder section. 17 and the reduced portion ..25 are circular'cndplates 28 The section 18 .is loosely mounted upon being. operatively with the section 17 ;in.a manner-to permit adjustment of the section;.l8 withrelation to the section 17 both circumferentially and axially thereof,
time ensuring simultaneous rotation of both cylinder sections with .perfect timing as to each, through thegears 20; and2l. V
Thesection .18 is provided with a recessed portion 31 corresponding with the recessed portion 22 and a truly cylindrical portion 32 corresponding'with the cylindrical p012 tion 2' of said section 17, and within the recessed. portion 31 are plate clamps-ISL corresponding with the clamps 24-. In tat-t the sections 17 and 18, as to their outside dimensions and plate clamp construction, are identical one with the other, thus facilitating the makeready of the press to secure equally strongimpressions from both cylinder sections.
Extending about theend of the section 17 throughout the cylindrical portion thereof is a'recess 34 adapted to receive a bearing portion 35 carried by the section 18 to assist in securing. and maintaining the alinement of the. two sections 17 and 18.-v
The reduced portion 25 is provided with a plurality of circumferential grooves 36. adapted to receive set screws 37 which also serve as -bearing caps for introducing oil betweensaid reduced portion 25 and the the,u sua-l, and ordinary construction so cylinder section 18, said grooves- 36'having suiiicicnt width to permit movement of the section 18 axially of the portion-25' The cylinder section 17 and its appurtenances are connected with tl1e-geai"20 by means of studs 38 and'39 carried 'by'said gear and passing through elongated openings in the end plate 28. Carried by the cylinder section 17 within the-reces's "22 thereof, is a low pitched screw 40, the op: posite ends of whichare tapered at'41and 42 as shown, this screw beingof a length to 1 constantly engage the'ftapered end 41 with the stud 38,"and"the tapered end 42 with the stud 39, t liescrew 40 'being 'adjustably mounted in a screw-threaded block 43 carried by the cylinder'section 17. --Tl 1e' screw 40 is provided with a portion 44 adapted to receive a spannerwrenchfor other suitable toolfor actuating said screw. This, however, is 'a' mere deta1l,"sinceany desired means may be provided to facilitate the application of power to said-screw? f The end plate 29 is provided with studs 45 and 46 similar to the studs 38and'39, co-
operating'wlth which is a screw47 having tapered ends 48 and 49 engaging-thestuds 45 and 46 in the same manner as the tajwlred ends 41 and 42 engage the studs 38 -and39, the screw 47 being mounted in screwthreaded block 50 smilarto the block-43,1a'nd having a portion '51 corresponding with-the portion 44 of the screw 40." Inthis manner the cylinder section-18 is operatively'connected with the cylinder section 17 and therethrough with! the gear 20, andisfyet capable of circumferential adjustment independently of said section 17 and-said'gear. The set screws 37 are amere precautionary expedient to'av-oid possible loss of adjustment when the cylinder section 18 has once been set for register with thesection 17.
Idly mounted upon a reduced bearing adjacent the arbor 27 is a gear wheel 52in mesh with a gear wheel 53upon the cylinder 10, this gear 52 having no, operative relation to the plate cylinder but serving to transmit power from said cylinder 10 to the inking mechanisms associated with' said cylinder.
While the bolts for securing the end plates 28 and 29 to thecylinder section 17 and its reduced portion 25 pass through the gears 20 and 52 respectively, elongated "segmental slots are provided in these-gears to receive said bolts so that no movement is transmitted to the cylinder through said bolts.
The bolts referred to are shown at54 and 55 respectively andmerely serve to ensureexactitude in the centering of the plate cylinder with relation tosaid gears. I
It must be borne in mind that in mounting the plates upon the cylinder, it is always possible to obtain fairly accurate register, andthat the mechanisms for adjusting the plate lateral 'register 0f thep is provided with a? so that-the movement of these sections"re-' quired when adjusting for register, is very minute," requiring merely a slight clearance between said bolt'sandthe gears, whicli'condition applies to clearance provided in other tar /s of'tlie mechanism. j I have heretofore mechanisms by meansof Which'the section1-7 maybe circumferentially' adjusted, and the section 18 may be circumferentially adjusted inde endently'of, but with relation tosaid cylinder section 17.-The"first, named mechanism is used exclusively for registering theplates upon one plate cylinder *withthe plates upon other plate cylinders, and": i11- result-in a similar actuationof both sections 17 and 18, while the latter mechanism is used exclusively for -'adjustingthe section "18 for register with relation" to' theection -17, this] adand to provide means: which will simultaneou sl move both sections 17 and 18 axially o'f t e cylinderfor the purpose of effecting ates upon both sections 'with'plates uponother cylinders. To perm1t axial adjustment for register of the section 18 with relation to the section 17, it is necessary that these-sections' be spaced apart slightly :ait (their adj acen't "ends,- and that these-sections' be connected in a manner WhlCh w ll not interfere with circumferential movement of the section 18-with relation to the section 17, whichconnection-maybe so actuated as to move said section 17 axially thereof-toward or from saidsection 17.
The connections above referred to consist of a link"5 6 having a screw-threaded end mounted'in a screw-threaded block 57 in-one of said sections, as 18', the otherend'of which grooved head 58 entering an elon ted' segment al "slot infa'b'lock- 59 carried y'the other-section, as 17', said link being provided with -a portion as 'the'ihexagonal-section 60 by means of which it may be engaged by a suitable tool. I preferably provide the link 56=with a reduced screwthreaded end adapted to receive a lock nut61. v
To permit simultaneous axial adjustment of both sections 17 and 18, clearancebetween the cylinder and theiside frame ofthe machine. is provided, and means are provided whereby movement-may be imparted to the cylinder to the extent of this clearance and axially of the cylinder? This meanscomprises in the formof the invention shown, an adjusting screw 62 carried by the bracket 63"entendiug across the arbor 27 of the cylinder, and bearing against the end of this arbor. Theend of the arbor 26 is reduced at 64, said reduced end passing through .a bracket 65, a coiled spring 66 bearing against said bracket, and the end of thearbor 26, being provided to normally thrust the cylinder in its entirety toward the adjusting screw 62. Said spring 66 encircles the reducedcnd of the arbor as shown more particularly in Fig. 2 of the drawings. V A detail construction of the clamp mocha nisms 24:and 33 is immaterial to the present invention, which relates "more particularly to a construction by which adjustment for register may gbe had entirelyindependently of this 'clainp 'mechanism;
. The parts 67 are merely dust'rings. The' opeiation' of the herein described mechanism" is substantially'as follows Anacid etched plate containing a design or a complementary port'ionofa design, or a repetition of such,tlielinesthereof being cameo lines 'when used with amultiple cylinder multicolorpresgi's mounted by means of the clamps 24 upon 'the cylinder "section 17, said clamps 24 beingnse'd to accurately position this plate upon said "section's; The design, or'p'ortions' thereof upon thisplate are to appear upon one sidebf a printed sheet only. "When this plate has been proper ly mounted. .up on the "cylinder section, a similar plate bearing a design, or a'complementary portion of a design, or a repetition o'fsuch', is mounted by meansof the clamps 33 upon'the'c'yli'nder section 18; and the plate accurately positioned upon said section by means of the clamps. The designs upon the plate'mountedupon the section 18 are. to appear upon thereverse side of a completed sheet.
\Vhen'these plates have been-thus mounted upon the' cylinder, 'a waste sheet is run through the press to make an imprint first on one side and then on the other side thereof, this waste sheet being carefully inspected to see that'the back and front designs are in exact'register one with the other. If it be found that the designs are out of register, the screw 41 is turned one way or the other to correctany such imperfections in register as can be corrected by circumferential adjustment of the plate, theturning of this screw through the engagement of the tapered points48-49 thereof with the studs 45- 16 imparting rotary movement to the section 18 about the cylindrical portion 25*ofthe section 17 in a direction determined by the direction in which said screw is turned:
' By using a low pitched thread upon the screw 47, and a fairly high pitch of the tapered ends4849, a micrometrical adjustment of said cylinder sect on may be secured, as this construction provides a reducing efs'tuds45'46.
If the loss of register be axially of the cylinder, the section 18 may-be moved-toward or from the section 17 by means of the screw-threaded link 56, itbeing essential" to exercise considerable skill iii actuating'this link, since the sole reducing'mechanism is the screw threads'thereon co-operating with the screw-threaded blockl57.
When the cylinder section "18 has been so adjusted as to absolutely register the design or designs thereon with the design or designs upon'the plateupon' the cylinder section 17, the set s'crews'37 may be tightened to check any tendency of vibration'lnterfering with the adjustment of said section '18,failthough the likelihood of such occurring is very"r'emote when the connectionbetweenzthe cylinder section 18 and the section 17 consists of the double pointed screwco-oper'ating with the studs -45- 46'carried by the'flend plate 29; When the adjustmentfor longitudinal regist er has'been secured'by means of the'link 56, the tightening of the 'loclr'nut 61 will preserve 'this'relation. 'j As heretofore pointed out, the elongated slots in the block 59and in'jthe gear 52 will permit circumferential movement to that feet in the wedging ac ion' cxerted upon the smallextent necessary t0corre'ct =imperfect register." When the p a1'ts"-have'-once been adjusted and set as'de'scribed, the cylinder section 18 will be firmly'secured to, and will thereafter rotate with, the "section 17 thus causing both sections'o'f the cylinder to act as a unit. The plates upon one section thereof bear a designor a 'complemen'tary portion or portions of a design for the imprint upon one'side ofthe' sheet, and the plates upon the other section thereof bear a design or a complementary portion or portions of a design for theimprint on the reverse side of the sheet, both of whichimprints will be made at a single impression so'that' by merely turning the sheet and feeding it again through the press, the front designs will be impressed in exactmegister with the previously impressed back designs upon one portion of the sheet and the backdesigns previously impressed' designs for the front of the sheet.
By using two plates, one bearing the design for the front of a completed sheet, and the other bearing a design for the back of the completed sheet, 'and'by mounting both these plates upon thesame cylinder, absolute register of the back and front designs may be secured through a comparative adjustment ofthe plates upon the cylinder. In this manner accuracy of "register is secured through mechanisms in the machine, as dis tinguished from the old methods wherein a high degree of skill'was required to accurately position. the designs upon the different plates and adjustment for register can be secured onlyby shifting a plate in its entirety upon the cylinder by means of the plate clamp s. v
lVhile, in adjusting the cylinder section 18 an imprint may be relied upon, it is apparentthat actual measurements may also be made to secure accuracy" in the relative positioning of designsupon diiferent plates;
'II1 multicolor pressesin which the plates upon the cylinders 12, 13, Y14 and 15 may bear complementary portions of the same design, the plates upon each cylinder are adjusted for ,register in the-manner above described, and when proper register has once been secured ..between plates upon the same cylinder, the respective cylinders 12 to15 may beadjusted circumferentially of the machine byumeans of the screw 40 co-operating with the studs 38 and 39, thisadjustment being with relation to the gear 20 which, has a, .fixed relation to the gear'21 carried by the cylinder 10. Adjustment by means of the screw; ddwill cause similar circumferential.adjustment of both sections 1:Z and 18, -it.being essential that said sections shall b'ecapable of uniform similar adjustment-for securingmegister ofnplates upon difi'erent cylinders.
If it is necessary to adjust any plate cylinder' axially thereof to. secure register, this is done by means of the adjusting screw 62 which acts against the. tension of the. spring 66, this adjustmentjbeing ofthecylinder in its entirety. 1
By constructin allot the cylinders in the manner describe ,absoluteregister-of the back and front designsma-y be secured by a comparative adjustment of two plates bearing said designs-respectively, and making impressions from-said plates sin'iultaneously, and complementary portions of each. design upon different platesmay also-be brought into absolute register by .an adj usting mechanism actingsimilarly and simultaneously upon both plates upon each cylinder.
\Vhile I have referred herein to the work done asnon-perfecting work, I wish it to be understood that the samecondition applies where the impression cylinder 10 is used as a printing cylinder, since it is essential, even though impressions be made upon both sides of the sheet at the samef time, that each sheet be run twice through the machine to secure a completed perfected impression. V
The essential characteristic of the invention resides in a construction by which, at a single impression, a back design and a front design, will be simultaneously impressed upon difi'erent portions of a sheet in such relation to each other that upon reversing the sheet, similar impressions will be made upondifi'erent parts of the sheet, all of the designs, irrespective of their dissimilitude, being in exact register, so that when a repetition of designs is provided on each plate, the cutting of the sheet in the finishing room, will result in an even margin being present upon both sides of the sheet, thus mal'ing counterfeiting of all security paper more difficult, and detection thereof easy, because of a readily discernible absence of register in the designs upon opposite sides of the sheet. a
It isnot my intention to limit the invention to the precise details of construction shown in the accompanying drawings, it being. apparent that such maybe varied without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
Having described the invention, what I claim as new and desire to havefprotected by Letters Patent, is I a 1. Aprinting machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having a plurality of independently movable sections. means carried by eachof said sections whereby "a plate maybe-secured thereto, co-operating mem bers carried by and, connecting adjacent sections to cause..tl1em to rotate in unison, one of said membersincluding therein means wherebyit may be actuatedto impart to one of saidsections circumferential movement in relation to the adjoining section to cause said section to be adjusted circumferentiallyof. the-axis of the cylinder cntirely independently of another, and oneans whereby all of said sections maybe simultaneously rotated.
2.. .A- printing machine embodying therein a.- plate cylinder having a plurality of independently movable sertions. means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be secured thereto. (o-operating members carried by and connecting adjacent sections to cause them to rotate in unison. one ot said members including therein means whereby it may beactuated to impart to one of said sections circumi'erential morement-in relation to the adjoining section to cause said section to be adjusted circumferentially. of the axis of the cylinder entirely. independently of another. means whereby one of said sections may be adjusted axially of the cylinder toward or from the other section, and means whereby all of said sections may be simultaneously rotated.
3. A printing machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having a plurality of independently movable sections. means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, cooperating members carried by and connecting adjacent sections to cause them to rotate in unison, one of said members including therein means whereby it may be actuated to impart to Ill) , fer'entially of the axis of the'cylinder entirely independently"of .a'nother, means one said sect-ions circumferential movement in relation". to the adjoining sect-ion to cause Sitld SBQtlOl'l to be ad usted circumwhereby all ot'said sections may be simultaneously rotated, and means whereby all of said sections maybe simultaneously and similarly adjusted 'circ umterentiall'y of said last named means. I l
et ihprinting machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having a plurality of il'idependently m'oyable section's, means carried by each of s'aidse'ctions whereby a plate may besecured theretoameans whereby one ofsaid sections maybe adj usted'circumfercntially 'of ith'e axis of the' cylinder entirely independently ofijanother, ;means whereby all of saidsections' may be simultaneously rotated," and means w hereby all" 'otis'aid sections 'may' be simultaneously. and similarly adus'ted','axially thereofg" A. printing machine e'n'lbodying therein a plate cylinder "having 'a' section provided with a reduced, bearing portion, a second cylinder section "loosely inounted upon said bearing portion, (to-operating" means carried by.' saidsecti0ns whereby said second section 'nlayjb rotated with, or, circumferentiaflly'f adjiiistefd independently of, said other secti'on', means carried by each of said sections ivl'ie'rebyfaplate 'may be secured thereto; and stems whereby power may he applied to said first'na-med section to "ro tatef'said cylinder in its entirety.
6. A printing machine embodying: therein a plate cylinder havinga section provided with a reduced bearing portion. a second cylinder section loosely mounted upon said bearing portion, co'operatin;1 means carried by said sections whereby said second section may be rotated with, or circumferentially adjusted independently of, said other section, means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, operative connections between said sections whereby the section mounted upon said bearing portion may be adjusted toward or from said other section, and means whereby power may be, applied to said first named section to rotate said cylinder in its entirety.
7. A printing machine embodying therein a plate c 'linde'r l 1avin, a plurality ofindependently movable sections, means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, ro-o-perating members carried by and comic ting adjacent sections to cause them to rotate in unison, one of said members including therein means whereby it may be actuated to impart. to one of said sections circumferential movement in relation to the adjoining section to cause said section to be adjusted circumferentially of the axis of the cylinder entirely independently of another. a driving: gear, and operative connections between said gear and said cylinderi 1 i 8. A printingmachineembodying therein a plate cylinder having insertion provided with arreduced bearing-portion. a second cylinder section loosely mounted upon said bearing portion. co-operating means carried bysaid sections'wherehylsa id so: ond section may be-rotated uithi or circumferentially adjusted indepemlentlv of. said other section, means carried byeach of said sections "whereby "a plate may be secured thereto, a driving gear.and-operative runnectioris'"hetweensaid' gear and said cylinder: i
' 9. A printing machine embodyingr'therein a plate cylinder having a section {H'OVidQd with a"'reduced bearingportion,- awecund cylinder section densely mounted upoh said bearing portion,coeperatiflgnieaiis carried by said sections "whereby-- said s'econd section maybe irritated with. "or circiunferen-' tially adjusted independently of; said other section. means carried by "each of said sei tions whereby ,a, plate may be secured there to," operative canneeabns teeveea -said sections whereby ".tlie' secti'o tibun'tetb upon bearinq part-ion maybe-edits;eatoward or' aforesaid other! section!"a" driving gear, and op'erati've connectioiis between said gear and said cylinder; f" F 1 10. A printingmachineembodying therein a plate cylinder having-a plurality of independently movable'sec'tions', meanscarried by each of said'sectioris whereby plate may be secured thereto, means wherebyYone of said' sections may be adjusted circun'iferentially of the'aiiis' of the cylinder'entirely independently of another, a driving gear,- and operative. connections between said ear and said cylinder, including therein adjustable means whereby circumferential movement may be imparted to said cylinder indep'end ently of said gear. 4
11; A printing machine embodying-therein a plate cylinderhavi'nga plurality of independently movable/sections, means carried by each of said sections whereby a'plate may be secured thereto, means whereby one of said sections may be adjusted eircumferentially of the axis of the cylinder entirely independentlyof another, a driving gear, operative connections between s'aid gearand said cylinder, and means whereby said cylinder in its entirety may lie-adjusted axially thereof.
12. A printing machine embodying therein a plate cylinder having aplurality of'in dependently movable sections,-means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, means wherebyone of said 'seetion 'may be, adjusted circumferentiallyof t-he axis of the-cylinder entirely independently of another,a driving gear, op-
erative connectionsbet veen said i and ju bl -1 .means. whereby circumferential; movement may. be imparted. t aid eylinder independsaid cylinder, including thereina ently of said gear-,;-a nd means .Where by isaid cylinder in itsentirety; may: be adjusted axlially thereof a :l A Pri ingni iej di i g in a plate, cylinderghaving asectlon proyided.
with a reducedbearing portion, antend; late for. said bearing portion, studscarr ledft erey, avsecond ylin r. ee e t oos lyf eunt l upon said bearingport-ibn, a scr cw. having its pp e; ends ep l;1 5 v mo n -t ently the o m nsa ahIi ibYieaQ 0 s id.
ens h eby. 1 z-p smeytbees re ere o, a d m mvh r a 99W?! meysbe pp ed t e t ameds stm {we said cylinder, in its} entirety. 1, an!" I: 2 A p in g mach em ties th re:
in p a ecylind the mg es st ee,rr v ded e c i eringipqr wmqewn a e for: said b ar n ip ttion, ted sais dtt fife:
= n edt wi on fiv t ii iept d e y, 9 l n e=s ,1 n tletr s tm i i b ed upon said bearing portlon, a serew .haying s pp s e e d ap dmndm9e tsd Iii; a screw-threaded block, carried;|by last B ld r sng g-s a dt studse,r 9 i e yflsei .s d Secti n .1 qperatiy ly connected-with said first; nagned section, {but may; be -cireumferentiallytadj us t'ed inde eiidg' t vhe t me rried by e tl p d sections whereby a plate may. secured thereto, a driving gear-idly mountedin relation tosaid cylinder, studs carriedther'eby, ascrew, having its opposite ends ta ered; and a bearing block carried by l sai named section in which saidse'rew'ismounted with itstapered endseng'aging said. studs sp c e n w e e y P W myee' pl il through saidfirst named section to said .cyl inderin its entirety and saidf cylinder ,may be circumferentially, adjusted, with relation to saiddnivinggear. a H l l5; 7 A printing machine embodyingtherein a platecylinder having a plurality of independently movable sections, .me ans carrred by each of said sections wherebya platemay be secured thereto, means whereby one, of said sections maybe adjusted circurnferentially of the axis of, the cylinderentirely independently. of another, {a screw-threaded block earriedby-one of said sections, a slot ted block carried by the, other of said sec tions', a 'screw -,threaded link .adjustalfly mounted in said first narned block and vhaying a grooved-head eo operati'ngj 'with said first nan'ied block, whereby said adjustable c a iiilhe e;i i il tl twtl mp 'f r toiwrd z xo af b' ft e???- seii the slot; in; said'block being elongated to. peri sa i-s reii ere el {m v ment n eans h eby 1 i i idf 'i i P y b simultaneously I rotat d v,
vided with a reduced baring portionyan end plate for said, .beaiiilgl p o'rtion, studs carr ed Qthereby, a second cylinder section e t in i i t d. i n isa d h rin P rt n;
a scr ewshaying E opposite ends tapered ed. bat-senses nam d se en "wi h t apered edsl'olt' aid A e-ea; en g id tud ..trespes t isl d ihr byi Said 1 saidl first iqnjisgeperat i ly'cdnh t lwithi I n e/wise tiditg u i., e: ircumierentjiauy dm 'tetlg ier g si stly' the eof, mew 1 ried byeach of said sectiq'ns'wherebjiaplate we?seaemhsea a s'ciiei T-t blOckgaflied byQpneQof sections; a slot- .941. 9 .9 ems s w ysx a se tweet (a tsm -it t e Hi1 adj ustaoly H t-ai $58.16
l mmt d in asp emth a edlil dark spec,tiv ely, ,whereby said second section is I operat yelyconnected with 'saidjfirst named tiofi,:'., but'.,rnayl be circumferentially adus'ted ndently thereof, means carried by eac'hio .tsaidqsections whereby a plate may be secured thereto, a screw-threaded block carried by one of said sections, a slotted block carried'byl'the other of said sections, a screw threaded link adjustably mountedin said first named block and having a grooyed head co-operating with said slottedf'block, whereby said, adjustable section may, ,haye t'axiahmovement imparted thereto toward or'lfron'i the other section, the slot "in said block being elongated to permit said circumferential movement, set screws carried. section mounted upon said bearing portion, and adapted toengage said bearing portion; andinea'ns whereby power may be applied to said first named section to rotate said cylinder in its entirety.
18. A printing machine embodying therein a printing couple including therein a cylinder having an offset planographic surface thereon, a plurality of late cylinders grouped about said cylinder havmg the planographic offset surface, each of said cylinders embodying therein a plurality of sections, means carried by each of said sections whereby a plate may be mounted thereon, and means whereby one of said sections may be adjusted with relation to the other to bring the designs upon each of said plates in register with the designs upon the other plate, a gear carried by said cylinder havmg the planographic offset surface, a gear idly mounted in relation to each of said cylinders and meshing with said first named gear, operative connections between each of permitting the plates upon each of said.
plate cylinders to be brou ht into register with the plates upon the ot er of said plate cylinders.
In witness whereof I have hereunto afiixed my signature, in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, this 27th day of February, 1922.
US541896A 1922-03-08 1922-03-08 Printing machine Expired - Lifetime US1512994A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US541896A US1512994A (en) 1922-03-08 1922-03-08 Printing machine

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US541896A US1512994A (en) 1922-03-08 1922-03-08 Printing machine

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US1512994A true US1512994A (en) 1924-10-28



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US541896A Expired - Lifetime US1512994A (en) 1922-03-08 1922-03-08 Printing machine

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US (1) US1512994A (en)

Cited By (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2570045A (en) * 1948-01-24 1951-10-02 Albert M Bojanower Means for effecting print roll register in multicolor printing presses
DE1238930B (en) * 1957-12-05 1967-04-20 Harris Intertype Corp Rotary printing machine for thin printing plates with low etching depth
JPS60259445A (en) * 1985-05-20 1985-12-21 Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho:Kk Plate cylinder driving device for rotary press
EP2774759A1 (en) * 2013-03-07 2014-09-10 KBA-NotaSys SA Forme cylinder of a sheet-fed rotary printing press for the production of banknotes and like securities

Cited By (7)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2570045A (en) * 1948-01-24 1951-10-02 Albert M Bojanower Means for effecting print roll register in multicolor printing presses
DE1238930B (en) * 1957-12-05 1967-04-20 Harris Intertype Corp Rotary printing machine for thin printing plates with low etching depth
US4207815A (en) * 1977-04-27 1980-06-17 Kabushiki Kaisha Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho Rotary press with means for adjusting the positions of printing plates on plate cylinders
JPS60259445A (en) * 1985-05-20 1985-12-21 Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho:Kk Plate cylinder driving device for rotary press
JPH0311622B2 (en) * 1985-05-20 1991-02-18 Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho Ltd
EP2774759A1 (en) * 2013-03-07 2014-09-10 KBA-NotaSys SA Forme cylinder of a sheet-fed rotary printing press for the production of banknotes and like securities

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