US1447227A - Automatic train-control device - Google Patents

Automatic train-control device Download PDF


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US1447227A US506444A US50644421A US1447227A US 1447227 A US1447227 A US 1447227A US 506444 A US506444 A US 506444A US 50644421 A US50644421 A US 50644421A US 1447227 A US1447227 A US 1447227A
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exhaust valve
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George H Sanborn
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Publication of US1447227A publication Critical patent/US1447227A/en
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    • B61L3/00Devices along the route for controlling devices on the vehicle or train, e.g. to release brake or to operate a warning signal
    • B61L3/16Continuous control along the route
    • B61L3/22Continuous control along the route using magnetic or electrostatic induction; using electromagnetic radiation
    • B61L3/221Continuous control along the route using magnetic or electrostatic induction; using electromagnetic radiation using track circuits


  • Patented Mer. 5, 1223. omiten tiene kGeenen. n. sensoniv, on note, iiiesseoiiosn'ris... f
  • This invention relates to improvements in an apparatus-for. controlling railway trains or other vehicles of a similar character.
  • the object of the invent-ion is to provide an electrically' operated mechanism so as-v ⁇ sociated with the usual ⁇ fluid pressure' or air brake system of'a train that it any oif the common :indivell known tralic conditions arise within predetermined length oi' ⁇ track known as a block which to: insure safety calls for aieduction ot'speed orthe complete stopping ot' the train that the sameniay be accomplished'by the automatic sett-ingof the brakes provided upon said train.
  • Tlie invention consists in the combination and arrangement of parts whereby the aboveobjectsand certain other objects hereinafter appearing' may be attained asset forth iii the following specification' and 'particularly pointed out in the claims thereof.v
  • Figure 1 is a diagrammatic representation of a device embodying the invention.
  • the rail S' consists of'live sect-ions 10 Which be ofanjv desired length aiid'shoit cutv lout sections 11, preterablyoiie railleneth or even less which' are' insulated from the live sections 10 atr12.
  • vThe rail 9 consisting of li'vevsectioiis 13 equal'iii length of the sections 1.0y and shortl cut-out sections lei' equal iii length to the sections 11'7 said. sections and 14- being' insulated from eachother at 15.' Feedwire'sl and "i7 connectedfivith a suitable source otelectric supply asijfor example', a storage battery VZ'extend along.
  • 'A switch mechanism is provided for eachV cut# out sect-ion 1'1aiid an entire block consisting oi a live section lOand a cut-out section 1l' intervene between thev end of the section kl1Y tol which the Wires 20and 21.' are attachedV and the cut-out section which ⁇ iscontrolled by the sivitch mechanism to which said Wires 20 and 21'- extendl in Fig'. 1 of the drawL ings portions oii'three live sections are illusti'ated at A'.
  • the sii/*itch-mechanlsin switch mechac or (lf Vas it lmay be either, comprises the' electro-magnet 22 previously mentioned and an arm 23'coiisisting of suitable electric con-j ductingl material pivotedf at 2e lupon va base-25 ot insulating ⁇ material.
  • locov aid Wires 207and 21 extend'to theelectro;vvk .gnet the electric circuitn throughl f he se 41.
  • ntact members. 2.4i'V ⁇ and 297 complis are shoes 3l and 82 which contact with the rails 8 and i) respectively ot the railway track, said shoes being utilized when the locomotive is running ahead, while a similar set of shoes 83 and 84 are mounted upon the tender of the locomotive just for-- mounted through the medium of pins 85 upon a bracket 36 which is insulated from a suitable post 37 either forming a part of or secured to the locomotive in any suitable manner.
  • the shoe 8l is connected by a'wire 89 with a terminal 40 ot a knife switch 4l located in the-cab of the locomotive. Another terminal 42 of the switch 4l is connected by wire 43 with an electro-magnet 44 also conveniently located in the cab of the locomotive.
  • a wire 45 connects the electromagnet 44 with a storage battery 46 'from which another wire 47 extends to another terminal 48 ot the switch 4l.
  • the shoe 82 is connected directlyby a wire 49 with a terminal 50 of the switch 4l.
  • An electric light bulb 5l constituting a visible signal is connected with the wire 47.
  • the shoe is connected by a wire 53 with a terminal oi the switch 43, while a wire 55 connects the shoe 84 with a terminal 56 ol said switch.
  • An electric light bulb 57 alsofconstituting a visible si ⁇ Arnal is connected with the wire 55.
  • the electro-magnet 44 previously meii tioned is mounted upon a ⁇ casing' 58 in a position to attract an armature V9 which is slidably mounted therein ⁇
  • the armature 5f has a. stem 60 projecting downwardly therefrom and adapted to slide in a bearing 61 termed in the casing 58.
  • the armature 59 also has a pair of oppositely disposed arms 62 and 68 which project through slots 64 provided. in the casing 58.
  • Springs 65 and G6 interposed between the top of the casing 58 and the arms 62 and 68 respectivel)T act lo hold the armature 59 in the position illus lrated in dotted lines in l at such times as the electro-magnet is not energized.
  • the arm 62 is connected by a link 67 with a handle 68 of an exhaust valve 69 located in a pipe 70 and connecting with a train pipe 7l, Aforming-r a part of the air brake equipment of the train, and which is well known to those skilled in the art.
  • the electromagnet 45 When the electromagnet 45 is energized and attracts the armature 59 the exhaust valve 69 is held closed.
  • the electroanaejnet is deenergized, the springs 65 and 66 will push inzit/,227
  • a pipe 77 leads from the reservoir 75 to a valve 78 located in the cab et the locomotive. said valve beingprovided with an operating handle 78.
  • Another pipe 79 extends from the valve 78 to a pressure reducing valve 8O preferably set at about ten pounds pressure, and from the latter a pipe 8l extends to a valve 82.
  • the valve. 82 is operated by a handle 83. which rests loosely upon the end ot the arm 68 oit the arma-ture 59.
  • a com pression spring- 84 suitably positioned and supported upon the easing 58 acts to push aga-inst the handle 88 and open the valve 82 when said valve is not held in its released position b v the arm 63 of the armature 59 as illustrated in Fig. l. It for any reason that portion ot the handle 83 which rests upon the arm 63 of the armature should be-v tast therein arranged to slide in a bearing OO 'formed 'in the casingr 58, and a spring; v 91.
  • Tn order that a graduated application ot the brakes throughout the train may he made when the exhaust valve 69 is opene l. regard less ol' the position ot the automatic brake valve located in the cab ot the locomotive valve 95 is provided attached to the end et the branch pipe 70 below the exhaust valve 69.
  • This valve 95 is illustrated in detail in Fig. 4 and comprises a cylindrical cylinder.
  • the Ypiston 88 has a stem 89' -der side of the piston 88.
  • The-air in the train' ⁇ .pipe*7l' maynow escape forcing the piston 9710i v the valve 9 5 downwardlyand'gradu ally increasing-:the ⁇ areaofthe'opening's '101- through'. which said .air gradually escapes' tov the ⁇ atmosphere with the ⁇ result 'thatthev brakes' of the "train *iwi-ll'v immediatelybe applied 'and the train brought to a stop'.
  • valve 7 8 Through themedium ⁇ of the opera-ting handle ⁇ 78 vthereof-and al# lowingv compressed "air to pass from'the reservoir 'through the pipe 177 valve 78, pipe 79.y reducing valve 80,' Where the pressurek of the air i's reducedavalve 82, which 1s now'A open, pipe 86'to the cylinderfBT vbeneath .the piston 88.
  • a 'train control device liayinggl in conibination, a niain source of electic energy, an electro-magnet upon said train iii electric circuit with said inainsoiirce oflfelectric energy, an au 'liary source of electric energy upon said train and alSo electric circuit with said electro-magnet, a train pipe, an exhaust Valve for ⁇ said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said exhaust valve and adapted to be attracted by said electro-magnet to close said exhaust Yalve,lnieans rendered el'lectiv'eby the breaking' ⁇ of said electric circuit to open said exhaust valve and ineens to gradually exhaust trie fluid escaping through said exhaust valve.
  • y l l 6 A train control devicehaving, ⁇ in conibination, a inain ⁇ source of. ⁇ electric energy,
  • said train pille ,an (armature operatively connectedl withifsaid electro-magnet to close said nexhaustr valve, means tov ,force 4said armature.awayfroni said magnet: when the electric circuit vto the .latter is open and thereby open said eiiliaustyalvaa cylinder, a piston located Withinsaid cylinder, ay Huid pressurereservoir connected With said train pipe and ineaiisvto conductfpressure fluid from said reservoir-to ⁇ said cylinderbeneatli said p'iston to.liftsaidarinature and again close said exhaustyalve.. l i Y il); litrain controldevice-haying, in comf bination,"a main source ofjlelectric energy,
  • a train control device having, in combination, a main source of electric energy, an electro-magnet upon said train in electric circuit with said main source otl electric en ergy, an auxiliary source ot electric energy upon said train and also in electric circuit with said electro-magisch,v a train pipe, a discharge cylinder connected with said train pipe, and provided with discharge ports therein, a spring actuated iiston within said cylinder, an exhaust valve located between said cylinder and said train pipe, an armature operatively ⁇ connected with said exhaust valve and means rendered effective by the breaking of said electric circuit to force sait armature away from said magnet andthere by open said exhaust valve whereby a fluid within said train pipe is .admitted to said kdischarge cylinder depressing said piston,
  • said fluid being NVgradually discharged through the ports of said cylinder.
  • a train control Adevice having, in combination, aY main source of electric energy
  • A. train control device having, in combination, a main source of electric energy, an electro-magnet upon said train in electric circuit with said main source of' electric energy, a storage battery upon said train and also in electric circuit with said electromagnet, a train pipe, an exhaust valve for said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said electro-magnet to close said exhaust valve, means to force said armature away from said magnet when the electric circuit to the latter is open and thereby open said exhaust valve, a cylinder, a piston locircuit with said main source of electric energy, a storage battery upon saidtrain and also in electric circuit with said electromagnet, avtrain pipe, an exhaust valve for said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said electro-magnet to close said exhaust valve, means to force said armature away from said magnet when the electric circuit to the latter is open and thereby open said exhaust valve, a cylinder, a piston located within said cylinder, a fluid pressure reservoir connected with said train pipe, means to conduct pressure fluid from said reservoir to said
  • ./-li train control device having, in combination, a main source of electric energy, an electro-magnet upon said train in electriccircuit with said main source ot electric energy, a storage battery upon said train and also in electric circuit with said electromagnet, va train pipe, an exhaust valve for said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said electro-magnet to close said exhaust valve, means to force said armature away from said magnet when the electric circuit to the latter is open and thereby open said exhaust valve, a cylinder, a piston located within said cylinder, a fluid pressure reservoir connected with said train pipe.
  • a traincontrol device having, in combination, a main source of electric energy, an
  • a train control device havinginconi binatioma main source of electric energy, an
  • train control device having, vin com-' hination, amain source of electric energy, lan electro-niagnet upon said train in electric circuit with said main lsource of electric ⁇ energy, an auxiliary source of velectric energy upon said train and also inl electric circuit with f said electro-magnet, a lpair ofy contacty shoes uponsaid train in'electric circuit With said electro-magnet and auxiliary.
  • a train control device ⁇ compi-is ing a railway track embody-ing therein a plu- 'ialityof live sections and a plurality'of cutout sections insulated trom 'said live sections, an electriccircu-it including an electro-magnet Jfor eachlive section, an electric circuit including an electric. switchfor leach cutf'out section, the switch oi' each cut-outsection besaid train pipe, an electric circuit including the rails of said railway track and extendingy to and including a storageV battery and an Jing.
  • a train control comprising a railway track embodying tliei'ein a plurality of live Sections and a plurality ot cut-out sections insulated fro-ni said live sections, an electric circuit including an electro-magnet for eacli live section, an electric circuit including an electric switch 'tor each cut-out section, the vswitch of a cut-out section being ⁇ opearted by tlie electro-magnet ot a live section, train pipe, an enliaust valve for said train pipe, an electric circuit includingtlie rails ot railway track and extending to and includinn' a storage battery and an electroinagnet located upon said train, an arinaturc opeartively connected ivitli said ei;- lieust -valve and adapted to be attracted by said last-named electroinaonet tovclose said cfi
  • train control device comprising a rally ay track embodying therein a. plurality ot ll sections and aplurality otcut-out sections insu1 ated troni said live sections, an electric circuA .in :ludi iii an electro-inagnet for each live section, an electric circuit including ⁇ an electric switch for eacli cut-out section, the sivitcli of a cut-out section being operated by tlie elect-r -niagnet oiga ⁇ live section1 a train pipe, an exhaust valve 'for said train pipe, an electric circuit inclu ding tlie rails ot said railway track and extending' to and including a storage battery and an electro-magnet located upon said ltra-in, an armature operatively connected with said exhaust valve and adapted to be attracted by said last-nanied electro-magnet to close said kexhaust valve, means to torce 'sa-id armature awa-y li
  • i train controlv device comprising a railway track enibodying tlierein a plurality ot live sections and a plurality of cut-out sections insulated troni said live sections, au
  • an electric circuit including an electro-mag net v 'lor eacii live section, an electric cir cuit including an electric svvitcii ter cacli' cut-out ⁇ section, tlie svvitcli oi a cutcircuit including tlie rails said railway 'track and extendng to and including; ⁇ a storage battery yand an electro-magnet located upon said trani, an armature operatively connected -with said exhaust valve and adapted to be attracted by said last-named electro-inagiiet to close said exhaust valve, means to torce said armature away 'from said magnet when' the' electric circuit to tlielatter is open and'tliereby open said exhaust valve, a cylinder, a piston located Within said cylinder and ineens to operate said piston to lift said armature and again close said eziliaust valve.


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Electromagnetism (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Magnetically Actuated Valves (AREA)


Patented Mer. 5, 1223. omiten tiene kGeenen. n. sensoniv, on nennen, iiiesseoiiosn'ris... f
enroiiieric TRAIN-CONTROL nnvion.
Application filed October 8, 192].. Serial No. 506,444.
To all 'w 7mm it may concern'.-
Be it flinoivn that I, Geenen H. SANBORN, a citizen oi" the United States, residing` at Malden; in the county lofi liliddlesezz `and State ot ivlassachusetts, have inif'e'nted new and useful improvements in A utoniatic Train-Control Devices, .of which the olloiv ine; Ais a specification. I
Y This invention relates to improvements in an apparatus-for. controlling railway trains or other vehicles of a similar character.
The object of the invent-ion is to provide an electrically' operated mechanism so as-v` sociated with the usual `fluid pressure' or air brake system of'a train that it any oif the common :indivell known tralic conditions arise within predetermined length oi' `track known as a block which to: insure safety calls for aieduction ot'speed orthe complete stopping ot' the train that the sameniay be accomplished'by the automatic sett-ingof the brakes provided upon said train.-
Tlie invention consists in the combination and arrangement of parts whereby the aboveobjectsand certain other objects hereinafter appearing' may be attained asset forth iii the following specification' and 'particularly pointed out in the claims thereof.v
.Referring to the drawings: a
Figure 1 is a diagrammatic representation of a device embodying the invention.
construction which is divided into sections of" predetermined"length vknown as blocis. The rail S'consists of'live sect-ions 10 Which be ofanjv desired length aiid'shoit cutv lout sections 11, preterablyoiie railleneth or even less which' are' insulated from the live sections 10 atr12. vThe rail 9 consisting of li'vevsectioiis 13 equal'iii length of the sections 1.0y and shortl cut-out sections lei' equal iii length to the sections 11'7 said. sections and 14- being' insulated from eachother at 15.' Feedwire'sl and "i7 connectedfivith a suitable source otelectric supply asijfor example', a storage battery VZ'extend along.
the railway track and at one end of each live sectioii'lOof the rail'S'saidsectionis connected by a Wire as 18 to a feed Wire as 146. T he. live sections'lfoffthe railft) are' in like manner connected? at one end ot each section by a Wire as 1'9`ivith` a feejdwii'e such :is-17. l*separate set of` electric feed Wires 1G and 17 is provided "for each block and.'
connect withV a source of electric supply such as a. storage'b'attery 7. The opposite'end oil the live sectionslO and 13 of the rails-'8 and' 9 from that to Which the feed. Wires arie connected have Wires 2O and 21 `connected thereto whicl .extend along the track to an electri cally operated vswitch mechanism illustrated in detail in Fig. 2 located adjacent to one end of'theIciit-out section 11, said 'Wires being connected to an electro-magnet 22 forming apart of said switchmechanism. 'A switch mechanism is provided for eachV cut# out sect-ion 1'1aiid an entire block consisting oi a live section lOand a cut-out section 1l' intervene between thev end of the section kl1Y tol which the Wires 20and 21.' are attachedV and the cut-out section which `iscontrolled by the sivitch mechanism to which said Wires 20 and 21'- extendl in Fig'. 1 of the drawL ings portions oii'three live sections are illusti'ated at A'. B and C,` andtvvoiiitervening cut-ontsections o and (Zjwith iiismso and CZ for the latter; y Referring to Fig; 2, the sii/*itch-mechanlsin switch mechac or (lf Vas it lmay be either, comprises the' electro-magnet 22 previously mentioned and an arm 23'coiisisting of suitable electric con-j ductingl material pivotedf at 2e lupon va base-25 ot insulating` material.' A; iviref26 conne/ots the cut-out section l1 with the arm 23 at a point adjacent to tliepivot thereof. At its oiitei' end'tlhe a-rmf23 is providedffyvith va. contact'ineinber 27, While at 'anfiiit-erinedi' .ate position 'upon said'arm a'blocky 28 con.
stitutiiig an armature is secured. Another electric Contact member 29 is supportedfin a suitable manner" upon-the base 25faiidv is connected by a nire BO `with' the feed' WireV 16. llffflien. there is not sufficient electricity in the live sections v10 and 13 tromfivhich switch mechanisiir,niilnl'Y be b iolienfb'* aratio'iiV4 of the. c, Y y y .Y and the. electric circuit theretoietliiough the cut-out sectioiil-l'will be opened; VFasteiied. 'to the opposite. sides ofthe. locov aid Wires 207and 21 extend'to theelectro;vvk .gnet the electric circuitn throughl f he se 41. ntact members. 2.4i'V` and 297 truclis are shoes 3l and 82 which contact with the rails 8 and i) respectively ot the railway track, said shoes being utilized when the locomotive is running ahead, while a similar set of shoes 83 and 84 are mounted upon the tender of the locomotive just for-- mounted through the medium of pins 85 upon a bracket 36 which is insulated from a suitable post 37 either forming a part of or secured to the locomotive in any suitable manner. Springs 38 surrounding the pins 35 between the shoe 3l and the bracket 86 will act to force the shoe downwardly against the rail at about ten pounds pressure. The shoe 8l is connected by a'wire 89 with a terminal 40 ot a knife switch 4l located in the-cab of the locomotive. Another terminal 42 of the switch 4l is connected by wire 43 with an electro-magnet 44 also conveniently located in the cab of the locomotive. A wire 45 connects the electromagnet 44 with a storage battery 46 'from which another wire 47 extends to another terminal 48 ot the switch 4l. The shoe 82 is connected directlyby a wire 49 with a terminal 50 of the switch 4l. An electric light bulb 5l constituting a visible signal is connected with the wire 47. The shoe is connected by a wire 53 with a terminal oi the switch 43, while a wire 55 connects the shoe 84 with a terminal 56 ol said switch. An electric light bulb 57 alsofconstituting a visible si `Arnal is connected with the wire 55.
The electro-magnet 44 previously meii tioned is mounted upon a` casing' 58 in a position to attract an armature V9 which is slidably mounted therein` The armature 5f) has a. stem 60 projecting downwardly therefrom and adapted to slide in a bearing 61 termed in the casing 58. The armature 59 also has a pair of oppositely disposed arms 62 and 68 which project through slots 64 provided. in the casing 58. Springs 65 and G6 interposed between the top of the casing 58 and the arms 62 and 68 respectivel)T act lo hold the armature 59 in the position illus lrated in dotted lines in l at such times as the electro-magnet is not energized. The arm 62 is connected by a link 67 with a handle 68 of an exhaust valve 69 located in a pipe 70 and connecting with a train pipe 7l, Aforming-r a part of the air brake equipment of the train, and which is well known to those skilled in the art. When the electromagnet 45 is energized and attracts the armature 59 the exhaust valve 69 is held closed. When. however, the electroanaejnet is deenergized, the springs 65 and 66 will push inzit/,227
the armature 59 downwardly and open said exhaust valve. lf, lor any reason the handle 68 or linlr 67 should become broken or disconnected rom the arm 62 of the armature '59 the exhaust valve 69 will also be opened by a compression spring; 72 which pushes against an arm 7 8 formed integral with the pipe to enter the reservoir 75 but prevents i a return of said air to said train pipe. A pipe 77 leads from the reservoir 75 to a valve 78 located in the cab et the locomotive. said valve beingprovided with an operating handle 78. Another pipe 79 extends from the valve 78 to a pressure reducing valve 8O preferably set at about ten pounds pressure, and from the latter a pipe 8l extends to a valve 82. The valve. 82 is operated by a handle 83. which rests loosely upon the end ot the arm 68 oit the arma-ture 59. A com pression spring- 84 suitably positioned and supported upon the easing 58 acts to push aga-inst the handle 88 and open the valve 82 when said valve is not held in its released position b v the arm 63 of the armature 59 as illustrated in Fig. l. It for any reason that portion ot the handle 83 which rests upon the arm 63 of the armature should be-v tast therein arranged to slide in a bearing OO 'formed 'in the casingr 58, and a spring; v 91. oli-circles the spring,r 89 above the piston and acts to always .torce said piston downwardly when there is no pressure in the cylinder 87 beneath said piston. Small bleed openings 92 and v are provided in the casing` 58 connecting' wi th the cylinder 87 above and below thc pistou 88. A valve 94 normally closed is provided connected with the pipe 86 for use when it necessary to exhaust the air qniclrlv 'from said pipe and from the cylinder 87 beneath the piston 88.
Tn order that a graduated application ot the brakes throughout the train may he made when the exhaust valve 69 is opene l. regard less ol' the position ot the automatic brake valve located in the cab ot the locomotive valve 95 is provided attached to the end et the branch pipe 70 below the exhaust valve 69. This valve 95 is illustrated in detail in Fig. 4 and comprises a cylindrical cylinder. The Ypiston 88 has a stem 89' -der side of the piston 88.
ing 96 liu which a piston 97 is adapted to reciprocaterllhe piston 9T has a stern 98 )ro`ectin0' therefrom around which a s "rino" l l e, :D
99 is located and which acts to; always force the piston 9T upwardly. 'T he stem 98 isslid.-
ablyY mounted I 'in a bearing 100 provided 'in- .f D .L
the *casing 96. if shaped openings l101 are provided 1n the casing 9F. the narrow part increasing; 4the-`area ofthe `o eninofs .101* and resulting in a graduated'application of the' air brakes. y y I The general operationv of my improved au tomatic train control deviceA is yas 'follows':- Assuming there isatraiiiA withthe locomotive thereofrunning ahead located-'in the live section A, said trainy having .entered said section b v reason of' the fact that no train is located in the live section B which said first-mentioned train. is approaching, and notrain is located in thelive v'section C, or no other traiiic vcondition exists to break the electric circuits to the magnet '22 of the switch mechanism c said train upon enteringthe cut-'out .section c and finding the electricI circ-uit closed therein may pass therethrough Withoutl interruption. f At this time conditions uponthe locomotive of they train are as illustratedin Fig. 1*, the electro-magnet 44 being energized and attract! ing the armature 59 thereby'simultaneouslyk holding the train pipe exhaust valve 69 closed, and the application port through 'the valve 82 is closed but release ports therein are open allowing' the air tofesc-ape from the pipe 8l as 'far as the reducing valve 80, and
also from the pipe 86 connecting with the uncontrolling the passage of air uponV the air reservoir 75 is also closed and the piston 88 in its lowerinost position. I
It, on the. other hand there is a train in the livev section C, as soon as the shoes 3l and 32er the locomotive of said train' entered said sec-tion, the electricpower from' the rails following theline 'of least re.
sistance passed throught the forward wheels and, axle of said locomotive n short Aeircuiting the Velectric current to the ele*ctromagnet,v
S32 or' the switch mechanism-c releasing saidI Vswitch and breaking thek electric circuit through the eut-out section c formerly held closed by said electro-magnet. At such times the instant that the shoes 3l andBQ; of the locomotive oi the tra-in in the live section A Y ente-rs the cut-out section c finding no electric power in said' section or the lconnection brolren so that a complete circuit cannotbe completed to the electro-magnet L4 upon the locomotive, said magnet will immediately release the armature) and the springs V and 66 willv viminediately act to1 push` the The valve 78 armature 59 -*downwardly thereby rocking the handle`68`o'f the vexhaust vvali/'e 69 and opening-'said valve.
The-air in the train' `.pipe*7l' maynow escape forcing the piston 9710i v the valve 9 5 downwardlyand'gradu ally increasing-:the `areaofthe'opening's '101- through'. which said .air gradually escapes' tov the `atmosphere with the `result 'thatthev brakes' of the "train *iwi-ll'v immediatelybe applied 'and the train brought to a stop'. l -`i` Art the same time thatthe'-electroimagiietf' 4e' releases the armature 59 and lthelatter is forced downwardly by the springs jandl air krinay pass directly therethroughwhen applied bythe valve 78." Y l The instant the brakes vof thetrainfareapel'' plied, the engineer, if 'alert and not dis-vv abled in anymanner, is notitied bythe sudav den slowing down ofthe tra-in that there is an' obstruction upon the track ahead7 and that caution'must be'employed in the' 'opera-A tion of the tra-in thereafter. It, upon in vestigation, it is found safe 'to'proceed "a-t a reduced speed, the' engineer may'do so by operating the valve 7 8 through themedium` of the opera-ting handle` 78 vthereof-and al# lowingv compressed "air to pass from'the reservoir 'through the pipe 177 valve 78, pipe 79.y reducing valve 80,' Where the pressurek of the air i's reducedavalve 82, which 1s now'A open, pipe 86'to the cylinderfBT vbeneath .the piston 88. The piston88 will nowim# mediatelyv 'be forced upwardly against the j action ofth'e spring 9l'and the top of thef-vv stem 89V Willfkcontact with the lower 'fend 4 of the stem 60, forcing the armature'59 upwardly a sufficient distance to againelose the exhaust valve 69 'and again release the brakes; The
91 will' force the armature 59H and piston 884 respectively downwardly; the air beneath the piston exhausting through `the bleed opening 984,` and the brakes will again vhe applied .l
H5 lon the other'hand',fthe` train or'other obstruction ahead; and whichy has caused the breakin the electric circuit lto the' electroinagnet de has passedv on or been reinoyed thereby againcompleting the .circuit to said electromagnet 4A. when the l'eniggineen through the'l use of theyalye' 7 8 applies'thej air kitro'm the reservoir 75 beneathlthe piston 8S as previously described, 'and v'said piston forces the armature 59upwardly tothe eX` tent :of which is pos" sil:' le,` the electro-magi; net ef-'lbemgnow 'energizedand' Vreceiving engineer may, there? fore, gradually feel his way along the', v
ii 5 'i los:
y vacarrea? biiiation, a inain source o'lfvelectric energy, an electro-magnet upon said train kin electric Circuit with said main source of electric energy7 an auxiliary source oli electric energy upon said train and .also'in electric circuit with said electi'oniagnet,a train` pipe, an exhaust Valve t'oi'said train pipe, an armature operatively connected' lwith' v,fn-iid exhaust Valve and adapted to be attracted rby said elettro-magnet to close` said exhaust valve, n'ieans rendered eiifectire by the breakinO ot' said electric circuit Vto open said eX- liai t faire land ineansactuated by /iuid ure to lil't said armature and c said exhaust valye. i
5. A 'train control device liayinggl in conibination, a niain source of electic energy, an electro-magnet upon said train iii electric circuit with said inainsoiirce oflfelectric energy, an au 'liary source of electric energy upon said train and alSo electric circuit with said electro-magnet, a train pipe, an exhaust Valve for` said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said exhaust valve and adapted to be attracted by said electro-magnet to close said exhaust Yalve,lnieans rendered el'lectiv'eby the breaking'` of said electric circuit to open said exhaust valve and ineens to gradually exhaust trie fluid escaping through said exhaust valve. y l l 6. A train control devicehaving,` in conibination, a inain `source of.` electric energy,
an electro-magnet upon said train in ele tric circuit *i h'said niain, source o'l electricenergy, va storage battery uponvsaid train and also in electric circuit with said electro# inagneua train pipe,an exhaustyalve for said train pipe, a casing, an armature slidably niountedin said casing and adapted to be attracted by saidelectro-magnet, ineens to Voperatively connect'saidfarinature with said exhaust valve, means to positively force said armature away from said electro-niagnet when the electric circuit to the latter is open and thereby open vsaid exhaust Valve,
a cylinder, a piston locatedwitliin said-cylinder and means to operate said pistonto lift said armature and again close Said eX- haust yalve. i f
7. A train control dericeliayine D, inyco'nibination, a niain sourceo-electijic energy,
an electro-inagnetupon said train/in electric circuit with. said `main sourceoi electric energy, actora-ge batteryupon said train and also inelectric circuit with said electro?` magnet, a-train pipe, anverihaustyalvefor said train pipe, a casing, an ariniture-slid-v ably mounted in saidy yeasiiig',andl adapted to be attracted vby said electromagnet,i`
means to operatively connect SaidA armature with said exhaust valve, means' to positively force said armature away troni saide'lectroniagnet when the eleetriccirciiit to the latter is open and thereby open saidexhaust valve, v
ain close cylinder, apiston located ,witliinsaid' cylinder, nieans'to v'operate saidpiston toflii't said armature yand again lclose said exhaust 'valve andineaiisto automatically open said exhaust -`.f'alve it tlieflatterbecoines operatively disconnected frein said armature.
I A train controlk deyiceliaving, in'coin'- bination, a l main lsource ot electric energy,
an electromagnet 'upon saidtraiiiin electric ycircuit with said `main source of electric energy, a storage battery upon said train andy also in electric circuit rwith said electro- L train `pipe,lan armature' operatirely con'nected With` said. electro-fn'iagne't krto close said exhaust v'alye, ineans tov iorcepisaid armature away,fronisaid'niagnet when the electric circuit to the latter is open Land magnet, a train pipe', an exhaust Valve for .'tlierebyopen said exhaust valve,;a cylinder,
said train pille: ,an (armature operatively connectedl withifsaid electro-magnet to close said nexhaustr valve, means tov ,force 4said armature.awayfroni said magnet: when the electric circuit vto the .latter is open and thereby open said eiiliaustyalvaa cylinder, a piston located Withinsaid cylinder, ay Huid pressurereservoir connected With said train pipe and ineaiisvto conductfpressure fluid from said reservoir-to` said cylinderbeneatli said p'iston to.liftsaidarinature and again close said exhaustyalve.. l i Y il); litrain controldevice-haying, in comf bination,"a main source ofjlelectric energy,
an electro-,magnet upon said train-inelectrc vcircuit With saidjinain source-Hof"electric eiiergyga storage kbattery upon `said train and also in electric circuit with Saidelectro-` A iiiagnet, a train pipe,an exhaust valve for said train pipe, zin-armature operatively connected witlisaid electro-magnet togclofse said ,exhaust ,'yalve, nie-inserto force .said armature away troni said magnet when the electric circuit-'to the latter is openand into' y position yout y ofthe area ofhinfluenceo-f lsaid magnet, thereby opening-said exhaust valye anchmeans to 'liftsaid armature i to again close'said exhaustfvalye-- y 1,1. fA train controldevicehaying, in coinbiii'ation, afinaineoiircefof electric energy, electrofrnagnet upon said train in electr-ic circuit` with said -inain source 'offelectric energy, a'storageybattery,upon said train andalso in' electric circuit. with saidelectro ,mannen a train pipefaneXhaust yalvfe for said train pipe,l an arniature operatively con- 6 Laarne? nected with said electro-magnet to close said exhaust valve, means to force said armature away from said magnet when the electric circuit to the latter is open and into a position out of the area of influence of said magnet, thereby opening said exhaust ve, means to lift said armature to again close said exhaust valve and also to position said armature to again be attracted by said electromagnet when the electric circuit to the latter is again closed.
l2. A train control device having, in combination, a main source of electric energy, an electro-magnet upon said train in electric circuit with said main source otl electric en ergy, an auxiliary source ot electric energy upon said train and also in electric circuit with said electro-magisch,v a train pipe, a discharge cylinder connected with said train pipe, and provided with discharge ports therein, a spring actuated iiston within said cylinder, an exhaust valve located between said cylinder and said train pipe, an armature operatively `connected with said exhaust valve and means rendered effective by the breaking of said electric circuit to force sait armature away from said magnet andthere by open said exhaust valve whereby a fluid within said train pipe is .admitted to said kdischarge cylinder depressing said piston,
said fluid being NVgradually discharged through the ports of said cylinder.
18. A train control Adevice having, in combination, aY main source of electric energy,
an electro-magnet upon said train in electric circuit with said main source of electric energy, a storage battery upon said train and also in electric circuit with said electromagnet, a train pipe, an exhaust valve for said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said electro-magnet to close said exhaust valve, means to force said armature away from said magnet when the electric circuit to the latter isopen and thereby open said exhaust valve, a cylinder, a piston located within said cylinder, a fluid pressure reservoir connected with said train pipe, means to conduct pressure fluid from said reservoir to said cylinder beneath said piston to lift said armature and again close said exhaust valve and means to control the flow of fluid to said cylinder.,
ll. A. train control device having, in combination, a main source of electric energy, an electro-magnet upon said train in electric circuit with said main source of' electric energy, a storage battery upon said train and also in electric circuit with said electromagnet, a train pipe, an exhaust valve for said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said electro-magnet to close said exhaust valve, means to force said armature away from said magnet when the electric circuit to the latter is open and thereby open said exhaust valve, a cylinder, a piston locircuit with said main source of electric energy, a storage battery upon saidtrain and also in electric circuit with said electromagnet, avtrain pipe, an exhaust valve for said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said electro-magnet to close said exhaust valve, means to force said armature away from said magnet when the electric circuit to the latter is open and thereby open said exhaust valve, a cylinder, a piston located within said cylinder, a fluid pressure reservoir connected with said train pipe, means to conduct pressure fluid from said reservoir to said cylinder beneath said piston to lift said armature and again close said exhaust valve, means to control the flowfot' fluid to said cylinder, means to regulate the pressure of the fluid delivered to said cylinder and means to release the pressure within said cylinder beneath said piston.
16, ./-li train control device having, in combination, a main source of electric energy, an electro-magnet upon said train in electriccircuit with said main source ot electric energy, a storage battery upon said train and also in electric circuit with said electromagnet, va train pipe, an exhaust valve for said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said electro-magnet to close said exhaust valve, means to force said armature away from said magnet when the electric circuit to the latter is open and thereby open said exhaust valve, a cylinder, a piston located within said cylinder, a fluid pressure reservoir connected with said train pipe. means to conduct pressure vfluid from said reservoir to said cylinder beneath said piston to liit said armature and again close said exhaust valve, means'to control the flow ol: fluid to said cylinder, means to regulate the pressure of the fluid delivered to said cylinder and means controlled by the movement of said armature to release the pressure within said cylinder beneath said piston.
i7.' A traincontrol device having, in combination, a main source of electric energy, an
electro-magnet upon said `train in electric circuit with said main source of electric energy, a storage battery upon said train and also in electric circuit with said electro-mag net` a train pipe, an exhaust valve for said train pipe, an armature operatively connected with said electro-magnet to close said exhaust Clt Ailuid delivered to-said .cylinder and a valye located within saidiiuid pressureconducting means .and operatively connected with said armature and adapted to automatically release the pressure Within saidv cylinderbeneath said piston. Y i
18. A train control device havinginconi binatioma main source of electric energy, an
electro-magnet upon said train` in electric' circuit with saidmain source of electricenergy, a storage `battery uponisaidtrain and also inzelcctiiccircuit with said electroinag net, a train pipe, an exhaust valve for said rain pipe, an :armature operatively connected with said-electro-magnet-to fclose said exhaust valve, means to .ofrcesaid armature away from said magnet When theelec'tric circuit to the latter-is open and thereby open said exhaust valve, avcylinder, a piston located Within said cylinder,` a .Huid pressure reservoir lconnected wvith, said train pipe,` -means-tto conduct pressure iluid from said reservoir to ,said cylinder beneath -said piston to lift said armature and again. close said exhaust valve, means to ,control the flcvv of fluid to said cylinder, means to regulate ythe pressure of the luiddeliveredwtc, said cylinder and a. valve :located 4Withinsaid fluid pressure conducting means and. operatively connected with said armature adapted to automatically release the pressure -Within said cylinder beneath said piston and means independent of said armature to operate said last-named valve to open the .passage there-v through.
19. train control device having, vin com-' hination, amain source of electric energy, lan electro-niagnet upon said train in electric circuit with said main lsource of electric` energy, an auxiliary source of velectric energy upon said train and also inl electric circuit with f said electro-magnet, a lpair ofy contacty shoes uponsaid train in'electric circuit With said electro-magnet and auxiliary.
source of electric energy, a second pair of contact shoes upon said train connected'vvith said main sou 1ce of electric energy but disconnected fromv said electro-magnet and auX- iliary source'oic electric energy, an elec-tric.
switch upon said train in :electric circuit vwith said electro-magnet andkauxiliary sourcev ot electric 'energy whereby the main sourcek et electric energy maybe received by the electro-magnet from either ofsaid pair oi v railway,`r tr sections net 'for .breaking ,of s
Contact slices@ train pipe, exhaust valve for said. train pipe, an.arinatuiie operatively connected 'With-said exhaust valve and adapted-to ybeattracted by said electro-mag f' a lV exhaust valve .and means tro-,magnet VWhen-the .electriccircuit to the latter yiaopen and thereby vopen said lexhaust v 20."A train y.conti-olidevice comprising a ackeinbodying ,therein a plurality of live secncnsrand a 4plurality `of cut-out sulated. lfrom saidflive sections, "Lv icluding an `electrciiiag each live. section, an Aelectric [cir-v cuit including an electric switch for each -cutan electr,
out section', thee vitch of each cut-out sec tion being operated 'by the; eleCtro-magri'et'` section, ajtrain pipe, exhaust valvefforsaidtrain pipe, an electric circuit of a live includingA thevrailsjoi"2 said ,railway track andl 'extending to andfincludinga storage-battery andan electro-magnet locatedupon'said train and means ,rendere'deiifective by "the V `aid last-.named electric circuit .toopen'said eirhau stvalve 21, Af.traincontiol device comprising a lrailnfa'y ti'ackemboclying therein a plurality ofk liveuseetions andl afplurality ot cut-out f .sections insulated fromsaidlive sections, an
electriccircuit including an electro-magnet for each livesection, an electric circuitinclud? atrainpipaan egrhaustyalve for said train ing"an.electpcsviitclilfor each` cut-out section, ythe switchof each cut-ont section being ,0p-
erated bytheelectro-magnet oa'-live section, 100 i pipe, an elect-ricrircuit including thel rails f of lsaid .railway track., and extending to and? includingl a storage lbattery and an electromagnet lccated uponksaid train, means rendered e'e'ctire by the breakingfof said lastnamed electric circuit to open saidgexhaust valve and means to gradually exhaust the fluid escaping through said exhaust valve.
422. A train control device {compi-is ing a railway track embody-ing therein a plu- 'ialityof live sections and a plurality'of cutout sections insulated trom 'said live sections, an electriccircu-it including an electro-magnet Jfor eachlive section, an electric circuit including an electric. switchfor leach cutf'out section, the switch oi' each cut-outsection besaid train pipe, an electric circuit including the rails of said railway track and extendingy to and including a storageV battery and an Jing. operated by theelectro-,magnet of a livel l section, a train pipe, an exhaust valve for electro-magnet located upon said train, van' armature operatively ,connected With said' ex- -liaust valve and adapted to be attracted by said last-namedv electro*magnet to `close said exhaustyalve and means to force said armatriccircuitto'tlie latter is broken and there-` bf @Pen Sflilexhaist valve. f
ture away from said magnet whenv the elec- 7,0 ure;away'ronisaid elecf 23. A train control comprising a railway track embodying tliei'ein a plurality of live Sections and a plurality ot cut-out sections insulated fro-ni said live sections, an electric circuit including an electro-magnet for eacli live section, an electric circuit including an electric switch 'tor each cut-out section, the vswitch of a cut-out section being` opearted by tlie electro-magnet ot a live section, train pipe, an enliaust valve for said train pipe, an electric circuit includingtlie rails ot railway track and extending to and includinn' a storage battery and an electroinagnet located upon said train, an arinaturc opeartively connected ivitli said ei;- lieust -valve and adapted to be attracted by said last-named electroinaonet tovclose said cfiaust' valve, means to force said armature lfi'oiu said magnet when tlie electric circuit 'to tlie latter is broken and thereby4 open said exhaust valve and ineens independent off said last-named'electro-magnet to again close said exhaust valve.
Q4. train control device comprising a rally ay track embodying therein a. plurality ot ll sections and aplurality otcut-out sections insu1 ated troni said live sections, an electric circuA .in :ludi iii an electro-inagnet for each live section, an electric circuit including` an electric switch for eacli cut-out section, the sivitcli of a cut-out section being operated by tlie elect-r -niagnet oiga` live section1 a train pipe, an exhaust valve 'for said train pipe, an electric circuit inclu ding tlie rails ot said railway track and extending' to and including a storage battery and an electro-magnet located upon said ltra-in, an armature operatively connected with said exhaust valve and adapted to be attracted by said last-nanied electro-magnet to close said kexhaust valve, means to torce 'sa-id armature awa-y liroin saidinagnet When the electric circuit to the latter is broken and tliereb-y open said exhaust valve and means actuated by tluid pressure to again close said exhaust valve.
25. i train controlv device comprising a railway track enibodying tlierein a plurality ot live sections and a plurality of cut-out sections insulated troni said live sections, au
electric circuit including an electro-mag net v 'lor eacii live section, an electric cir cuit including an electric svvitcii ter cacli' cut-out` section, tlie svvitcli oi a cutcircuit including tlie rails said railway 'track and extendng to and including;` a storage battery yand an electro-magnet located upon said trani, an armature operatively connected -with said exhaust valve and adapted to be attracted by said last-named electro-inagiiet to close said exhaust valve, means to torce said armature away 'from said magnet when' the' electric circuit to tlielatter is open and'tliereby open said exhaust valve, a cylinder, a piston located Within said cylinder and ineens to operate said piston to lift said armature and again close said eziliaust valve.
ln testimony whereof l have hereunto set iny lia-ud in presence oifftivo subscribing vivitH FRANKLIN E. Low, liii'rinYN M. JOYCE,
US506444A 1921-10-08 1921-10-08 Automatic train-control device Expired - Lifetime US1447227A (en)

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US506444A US1447227A (en) 1921-10-08 1921-10-08 Automatic train-control device

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US506444A US1447227A (en) 1921-10-08 1921-10-08 Automatic train-control device

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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US506444A Expired - Lifetime US1447227A (en) 1921-10-08 1921-10-08 Automatic train-control device

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US (1) US1447227A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3244269A (en) * 1963-10-14 1966-04-05 Sr Cornelius Gray Conveyor system and means

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3244269A (en) * 1963-10-14 1966-04-05 Sr Cornelius Gray Conveyor system and means

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