US1258909A - Automatic winding mechanism. - Google Patents

Automatic winding mechanism. Download PDF


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US1258909A US17159917A US17159917A US1258909A US 1258909 A US1258909 A US 1258909A US 17159917 A US17159917 A US 17159917A US 17159917 A US17159917 A US 17159917A US 1258909 A US1258909 A US 1258909A
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George E King
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    • F03G3/00Other motors, e.g. gravity or inertia motors


  • This invention relates to automatic winding devices, it being particularly Vapplicable to weight-driven mechanisms, whereby the weight, when lowered to a predetermined position, will be automatically lifted and restored to initial position.
  • a winding-device is of great. value in connection with automatic repeaters which are employed in iire alarm telegraph systems, 'for the reason that it is of the utmost importance that they shall be kept Wound and in service ready for immediate response at all times. it is understood, however, that the winding-device may be associated with other apparatus.
  • Such mechanism may comprise a weight and an endless chain connecting said weight with the driving-shaft of the mechanism to be actuated, and winding-means connected with said chain .for lifting the weight, said parts being so arranged that a portion of the chain is movable in one direction by the falling weight to rotate the driving-shaft, while another portion of the chain with which the winding-means is connected may remainy stationary, and a.
  • portion of the vchain with which the windinguneans is connected is moved by said winding-means to litt the weight while the portion of the chain connected with the driving-shaft may be in motion or remain stationary, and an electric motor is provided for driving thc windingmeans.
  • This invention has 'for an object the provision of a novel means consisting of an aut nnatic device goveri'ied by parts operated simu taneousiy with the weight to cause the ystarting of the winding-mech* anisrn when the weight falls, and tocause the winding-mechanism to cease operating when said weight has been properly raised.
  • Another object of the invention wis the provision of a circuit-controller for the circuit of the electric-motor, and means for controlling said circuit-controller upon both the rising and falling movements of the weight, thereby to close said circuit-controller when the weight 'falls to a predetei ⁇ mined position and to open the same when the weight rises to a predetermined position.
  • Another object of the invention is the provision of a novel circuit-controller for an alarm circuit adapted to be controlled by means operated upon both thev rising and falling movements vof the weight, but arranged to close the circuit to cause the alarm only when the weight falls beyond the posi" tion where it should cause the operation of the electric-motor, so that in case the elec-V Another object of the invention is the.
  • Another object is in the provision oi' a normally closedv switch in the motor circuit in series with the motor controlling switch that is adapted to be positively opened by engagement with a moving part of the winding-device during the operation ot winding, and upon failure of the motorcontrolling switch, to open thecircuit, to protect the Winding mechanism and motor trom 4possible consequent damage.
  • V ⁇ inother obi ect is the provison ot' a inotorcontrolling switch that is-so arranged as to' open quickly and to close quickiy to prerent destructive arcing at the contacts thereof and to prevent injury to the motor or motor circuit; that has a simple, positive,
  • Another lobject of this invention is the provision oi a safety switch in the circuit to l the motor, which is automatically opened by direct engagement ot the Weight, it Wound manually or otherwise beyond'the position Where the automatic switch lirst referred to should hayeopened said circuit.
  • Figure'l is a side elevation ot an automatic Winding-ineclianisin embodying this invention.
  • - Fig. 2 is horizontal section ol the saine, taken on the line 2-2.
  • sprocket- Whecl mounted thereon and tasttliereto.
  • An endless Ysprocket-chain 52 passes 'over said sprocket-Wheel 5l, Whichis arrangedwith the two depending loop-portions l'and lil-"2A Weight l7-is suspendedtrom the loop-por- 1 ⁇ tion lei, it having, ⁇ a swii'cled yoke'l@ -coii-A nected ⁇ Witli it which supportsa pulley 15,V ⁇ around which the chain passes.
  • rlhat portion ot the chain 521Which forms the outer side otV the loopV 14, is'arranged vertically, tangentially With respect to the pulley Yl5, and the sprocket-Wheel 5l.
  • rllhat ⁇ portion of the chain 52 between the two loop-portions flll andV 145 passes under a sprocket-Wheel 19 andoyer a sprocket-'Wheel i8' and idle pulleyy Q2, said wheel l8- and pulley 522A being arranged, respectivelyyat oppositesides ot sprocket-Wheel 19, andthe "adjacent sides 'ot' said loeig-portions lare verarranged y andf disposed tangential ect ⁇ *to "the f perip'lieries i "of said lessees vsprocket 18 and pulley 22.
  • the sprocket Wheel Y 19 is connected through a Vratchet Wheel and pawl With and forms a component ypart oitthe automatic Winding-means to lbe ldescribed.
  • Asprocket-Wheell is provided fitli a. ratchet Wheel Which-is engaged and held by a pawl fastened to the traiiie,-aiid when so held the rintein'iediate port-ion ot the chainv 52, being tliat'iportion between the loop-portions 'll and lila, is held by it.
  • the Weight is adapted to be lifted by rotation of the sprocketfwheel 19, and consequent' .movement ket the intermediate lporti on of the chainQ, independently ci the outer portion et the chain; the .latter may or may not beheld yat restV during ⁇ such. time 'depend- 'ing upon Whether oi' not theinechanisin to bel driven by thefweiglit is at rest erin operation, butit itis at rest, the shaft tlwill also be at"rest,fwhereiiponthe 'loop l Will then' be shortened and the loop .14:T corre spondin'gly' lengthened.
  • the sprocket-wheel is secured Yto a shaft 20l'iaving itsbeai'ing in arportion' 2l oi 'thevtraine and having vsecured to it a ratchet-'Wheel 38, which engages a paWl 39,.borne by a .toothed gear ⁇ 3Z,'Which is loosely mounted oiithejsliaft 20, and which engages a pinion 3G, secured to ashatt 35, bearing.
  • itl comprises a pair of contactmembers 42, a pivoted member 4201, arranged for engagement therewith, and controlled by a spring 42h, a sliding member 42 havingV a slot, a pivoted member 42d having a pin arranged to workin said slot and controlling the spring 42", andV a plunger 48 pivotally connected with said member 42, lall arranged in a housing 40 and supported by a block of insulation 47 secured to a metalface plate 49, the plunger 48 projecting through a hole in said plate.
  • ll] hen pressure is applied to the plunger 4S to press ing-means for this circuitcontroller, one ⁇ member of which consists of an arm 44, pivoted at 54, and having its upper end-portion with or without a roll thereon, extended over the outer end of the plunger of this switch, for engagement therewith, and said arm has a projection 55, with or without a roll thereon, arranged for engagement with the adjustable taveling-ineinbers and 56, to be hereinafter described.
  • controlling members 45 and 56 which members consist of cylindrical blocks arranged on a worm 4G and held thereon against rotation by a pin 57 engaging slots therein, but by temporarily removing the pin, either may be revolved on the shaft for relative adjustment thereon, and the block 45 has a recess 'in it" side towarl the member so that said member 56 may pass within said recess to give latitude for their relative adjustment,
  • vThe worm 4G l which moves the traveling members along has secured to it a sprocket-wheel 60, which is engaged by the Y flexible connection (i2, between the two loops 14 and 141 of the chain 52.
  • said flexible connection 62 is corr spondingly moved and the sprocket-wheel 60 rotated to in turn correspondingly rotate the worm.
  • the connection 62 is moved in the direction so that the travelinganembers will be moved along on the .worm as above de scribed until the circuit-controller is closed.
  • the member first passes beneath and thrusts aside the lever 44 and thereby partially depresses the j ilunger 4S, but not enough to cause opening of the switch contacts, said contacts will, therefore, stay closed until the large diameter traveling-ineinber 45 passes beneath vthe rollV on lever 44 which further inores said lever to depress the plunger until the switch contacts will be caused to open ⁇ and disconneet the current from the motor to thereby stop its further winding.
  • This motor switch is preferably of the snap variety which moves quickly when opened to prevent maintenance of an are destructive to vthe contacts, and its operations are, therefore,y directly caused by a spring. lf, for any reason, thisv spring or switch should fail at this critical time to open. the circuit,then the motor could continue to wind until something gave way, or
  • vhave providedas part ofthe combination a second normally-closed switch, which is con- ⁇ iiect'ed'infseries witlrthe snap switch first mentioned, and this* normally-closed switch Y "has, anveXtension directly in the path ofnietioii of the weight yto be engaged through an insulator thereon and directlyand positively moved therebyto open its'contacts and thus yinsure that no current can thereafter ⁇ oass to the motor while said weight is in such eX- #path ot-motionof ⁇ said yswitch or allow said tremely wound position, andthe cooperating parts are further-so arra'i'igedthat no further winding-of the weight even by hand thereafter fcan' remove the Y weight out of switch tol be closed'until'the weight has again dropped below its position for operating said switch.
  • Switch arm 74 is provided with a spring V8l so connected between the switcharm and thestationary switch member 76 that, in the closed position o'the'switch arm, it exerts insiiihcient force upon said arinto open the switch, bat'upon a movenientoic said arm Sfdue'to the' engagement therewith bythe mov- ⁇ ing 'insulating sleeve 80V oil-the weight, the
  • This wmember-il has arranged thereon a stud l-1 .1oiinsulating'material, which, lin suchr'case,
  • the sprocket ⁇ 18' is loosely mounted on a manually winding-shaft, and has, in addition to the ratchetA wheel at one side, which engages a holding pawlon the'frame,
  • an automatic winding mechanism the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chaiiroperably connecting said weight with said shaft, a sprocketwheel engaging said chain, an electric-motor, ⁇
  • said chain having ⁇ two loop-portions, one of which supports the weight, the loop supporting the weight being adapted to lengthen ,and the other loop to shoiten, as the 'eight falls, winding-means connected with the chain arranged to shorten the weight ported loop to lift the weight and to lengrion the other loop when opeatcd, an electric-motor for the winding means, a circuit-co* ti ller for thecircuit ot the mot-or, and nnans connected with the ends of the loops of the chain and movable back and forhto operate said circuiti-,on- 'troller to open and close the circuit.
  • an automatic wading mechanism the ia'nnbination with a shaft to be driven, of a .i'eight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, said c' 'n having two loop-portions, one of which supports the weight, the loop ⁇ supporting the weight being acapted to lengthen and the other loop to shorten, as the weight falls, windingineans connected with the chain arranged shorten the 'weight-snpported loo i to lift the weight, and to lengthen the other loop, when operated, an electric-motor for the windingmeans, a circuit-controller for the circuit of the motor, reciprocating actuating-means for said circuit-controller including a chain connecting the ends of the aforesaid loops.
  • an automatic winding mechanism the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, said chain having two loop-portions, one of which supports the weight, the loop supporting the weight being ⁇ adapted to lengthen and the other loop to shorten, as the weight falls, windingmeans connected with the chain arranged to shorten the weightsupported loop, to lift the weight, and to lengthen the other loop, when operated, an electric-motor for the winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of the motor, reciprocating actuatingmeans for said circuit-controller including a pivoted actuating-member, a travelingmember controlling said actuating member, a rotating-member for said traveling member, by which it is moved, and a chain connecting the ends of the aforesaid loops.
  • T In an automatic winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, winding-means for the chain, an. clectric-motorfor said winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, an actuatingfmember for said ⁇ circuit-'controller, a traveling-member controlling said actuatiiig-member, and means to move said traveliiig-member, which is associated with the chain.
  • an automatic winding mechanism the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, winding-means for the chain, an electric-motor for said winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, an actuating-member for said circuit-controller, a stepped traveling-member engaged by said actuatingmember, it having two successive steps, thereby to hold the actuating-member in two different positions, and means to move said traveling-member which is connected with the chain.
  • An automatic winding mechanism including a weight, a chain from which the weight is suspended, and means connected between two points of said chain and operated by a. predetermined relative movement therebetween to cause the operation of the winding means.
  • An automatic winding mechanism including a weight, an endless chain from which the weight is suspended, said chain having two loop-portions, and means connected between said loop portions and operated by a predetermined relative movement therebetween to cause the operation of the winding means.
  • an automatic winding mechanism the combination with a shaft to be driven, of weight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, winding-means for the chain, an electric-motor for saidwinding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, an alarm-circuit, a crcuit-controller for said alarm circuit, .and means operated by the chain adapted to con trol the operation of both circuit-controllers.
  • an automatic Winding mechanism the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a Weight, an endless chain connecting said Weight With said shaft, Winding-means 4for the chain, an electricemotor for said Winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, 'an alarm circuit, a circuitcontroller for said alarmcircuit, an actuatinganember for hot-h said circuitcontrollers, a traveling-member for said ac# tuating-member, and means connected With the chain to move said traveling-member.
  • an automatic Winding mechanism the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connecting said Weight with said shaft, Winding-means for the chain, an electric-motor for said Winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, an alarm-circuit, a circuit-controller for said alarm circuit, an actuating-member for both said circuitcontrollers, a traveling-member controlling actuating-member for both said circuit ⁇ controllers, a traveling-member controlling, ⁇ v
  • said actuating-member consisting ⁇ of a stepped block having ⁇ arranged thereon tivo steps, a rotating-member for said travelingniemher and means to rotate said member which is connected With the chain.
  • Genies @E this patent may be obtained for ve cents each, by addressing the Gommissioner of latents,


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Operating, Guiding And Securing Of Roll- Type Closing Members (AREA)


1925899090 APPLICATION .FILED MAY 2B. 19H. 12,
APPLICATION FILED MAY 28, 19I7 Patnted Maar. 12, NIS. y
Specification of Letters Patent. Patented likt?, 12, 191.8.
Application ledvMay 28, 1917. Serial No. 171,599.
To all whom t may concern:
Be it known that I, Geenen E. KING, a citizen of the' UnitedV States, residing at ieivton, in the county of Middlesex and `State ot Massachusetts, have invented an Improvment in Automatic iinding Mechanisms, of which the following is a specification.
This invention relates to automatic winding devices, it being particularly Vapplicable to weight-driven mechanisms, whereby the weight, when lowered to a predetermined position, will be automatically lifted and restored to initial position. Such a winding-device is of great. value in connection with automatic repeaters which are employed in iire alarm telegraph systems, 'for the reason that it is of the utmost importance that they shall be kept Wound and in service ready for immediate response at all times. it is understood, however, that the winding-device may be associated with other apparatus.
it is particularly applicable for use in connection with means for winding up the weight at any time without possibility of interfering with the simultaneous operation oi" the mechanism to be driven thereby. Such mechanism may comprise a weight and an endless chain connecting said weight with the driving-shaft of the mechanism to be actuated, and winding-means connected with said chain .for lifting the weight, said parts being so arranged that a portion of the chain is movable in one direction by the falling weight to rotate the driving-shaft, while another portion of the chain with which the winding-means is connected may remainy stationary, and a. portion of the vchain with which the windinguneans is connected is moved by said winding-means to litt the weight while the portion of the chain connected with the driving-shaft may be in motion or remain stationary, and an electric motor is provided for driving thc windingmeans.
This invention has 'for an object the provision of a novel means consisting of an aut nnatic device goveri'ied by parts operated simu taneousiy with the weight to cause the ystarting of the winding-mech* anisrn when the weight falls, and tocause the winding-mechanism to cease operating when said weight has been properly raised. Another object of the inventionwis the provision of a circuit-controller for the circuit of the electric-motor, and means for controlling said circuit-controller upon both the rising and falling movements of the weight, thereby to close said circuit-controller when the weight 'falls to a predetei` mined position and to open the same when the weight rises to a predetermined position.
Another object of the inventionis the provision of a novel circuit-controller for an alarm circuit adapted to be controlled by means operated upon both thev rising and falling movements vof the weight, but arranged to close the circuit to cause the alarm only when the weight falls beyond the posi" tion where it should cause the operation of the electric-motor, so that in case the elec-V Another object of the invention is the.
provision of a single actuating-member for both circuit-controllers, and means arranged for movement by the rising and falling of the weight to operate said actuatingmember.
Another object is in the provision oi' a normally closedv switch in the motor circuit in series with the motor controlling switch that is adapted to be positively opened by engagement with a moving part of the winding-device during the operation ot winding, and upon failure of the motorcontrolling switch, to open thecircuit, to protect the Winding mechanism and motor trom 4possible consequent damage.
V`inother obi ect is the provison ot' a inotorcontrolling switch that is-so arranged as to' open quickly and to close quickiy to prerent destructive arcing at the contacts thereof and to prevent injury to the motor or motor circuit; that has a simple, positive,
and convenient adjusting means for deter-V mining the operation of the switch relative.
to the motion orv position ot the weight; that admits of a construction not liable to change after adjustment or to weaken any CII that admits .of suitable connection with a.
conduit 'tor the protection 'of the circuit Wires.
Another lobject of this invention is the provision oi a safety switch in the circuit to l the motor, which is automatically opened by direct engagement ot the Weight, it Wound manually or otherwise beyond'the position Where the automatic switch lirst referred to should hayeopened said circuit.
Figure'l is a side elevation ot an automatic Winding-ineclianisin embodying this invention. l
- Fig. 2 is horizontal section ol the saine, taken on the line 2-2.
` F Sis a plan View ot tliefcircuit-con- VVftrollers which are controlled bythe operation ot the Weight.
-Figx lfisan enlarged? detail Viewotone of the circuit-controllers and f operating- `means therefor.
represents the driving-shaft 'ot the mechanism to be actuated, and 5l a. sprocket- Whecl mounted thereon and tasttliereto. An endless Ysprocket-chain 52 passes 'over said sprocket-Wheel 5l, Whichis arrangedwith the two depending loop-portions l'and lil-"2A Weight l7-is suspendedtrom the loop-por- 1` tion lei, it having,` a swii'cled yoke'l@ -coii-A nected `Witli it which supportsa pulley 15,V` around which the chain passes.
il pulley Qei is received in and su orted b 'i vthel loop- PP .l
portion-lea, .ylfiich'isv borne by al swiyeled yoke 25', connected, by a.l turn-buclle,-t7or adgustinent, and an eye and liiilnwithone 'end vot a flexible connection 62, which is ina-de a sprocket-chain. Said' chain Gir-passes over a sprocket-Wheel '60, borne vbythe shaft and also oyeran idle pulley 6G?, andfits l v l other` endis connected by a link lWitli the 1 lowerA end-portion et thewweight 17.
rlhat portion ot the chain 521Which forms the outer side otV the loopV 14, is'arranged vertically, tangentially With respect to the pulley Yl5, and the sprocket-Wheel 5l. rllhat `portion of the chain 52 between the two loop-portions flll andV 145 passes under a sprocket-Wheel 19 andoyer a sprocket-'Wheel i8' and idle pulleyy Q2, said wheel l8- and pulley 522A being arranged, respectivelyyat oppositesides ot sprocket-Wheel 19, andthe "adjacent sides 'ot' said loeig-portions lare verarranged y andf disposed tangential ect` *to "the f perip'lieries i "of said lessees vsprocket 18 and pulley 22. That portion ot the chain 52 bet-Ween the loop-portion le and the sprocket-'Wheel 5l passes over idle pulley 26 and under pulley 27 and the pulley 26 holds the chain withv the outer side ot the loop lll-a in Vertical position and in tangential relation with the peripheries ot the pulleys 24k and 26, and the pulley 27 holds the chain dellected and in tangential relatioiiwitli the peripheries of the pulleys 26, '27,' and sprocket 5l.
The sprocket Wheel Y 19 is connected through a Vratchet Wheel and pawl With and forms a component ypart oitthe automatic Winding-means to lbe ldescribed. The
Asprocket-Wheell is provided fitli a. ratchet Wheel Which-is engaged and held by a pawl fastened to the traiiie,-aiid when so held the rintein'iediate port-ion ot the chainv 52, being tliat'iportion between the loop-portions 'll and lila, is held by it. This permitsiinoyementoty thoseportionsof the chain, includ- "ing the outer sides ot' both loop-portions, in-
dependently of the intermediate portion.
Such independent motion of th'eoiiter portion of' the chainl 52 occurs when the sprocket-Wheel 51 is permitted torotate, and the Weight `to-fall. As the Weight "falls, and the'outer portion .ot the chain moves, the
4rloop le is lengthened and the loop ist is correspondingly shortened.
The Weight is adapted to be lifted by rotation of the sprocketfwheel 19, and consequent' .movement ket the intermediate lporti on of the chainQ, independently ci the outer portion et the chain; the .latter may or may not beheld yat restV during` such. time 'depend- 'ing upon Whether oi' not theinechanisin to bel driven by thefweiglit is at rest erin operation, butit itis at rest, the shaft tlwill also be at"rest,fwhereiiponthe 'loop l Will then' be shortened and the loop .14:T corre spondin'gly' lengthened.
-fl-o rotate the sprocket-Wheel 19, tricsiicfi'otor` isi employed, which, is Connected With-'said sprocltetyfheel by atrainiot ing.
is here 'sho-Wn the sprocket-wheel is secured Yto a shaft 20l'iaving itsbeai'ing in arportion' 2l oi 'thevtraine and having vsecured to it a ratchet-'Wheel 38, which engages a paWl 39,.borne by a .toothed gear `3Z,'Which is loosely mounted oiithejsliaft 20, and which engages a pinion 3G, secured to ashatt 35, bearing. a toothed `gear 34k, Whicha pinion 33, secured-'to a shat't 3l, bearing a ltoothed-gear 30, which engages a pinion 29, secured to 'a shaft :Sot an electric-motor kll,:illustrated conventionally, only, and is supported by the bracket 152 on the' frame.
Y.The circuit I ofthe electric-'motor fis .nor-
mallyopen, but is adapted to :be .closed by a ycircuitficontroller lwhich :is operated Abypor :when :the weight tails to a- .pi'edetei-mined 4elm/tation'for the purpose or causing theznioiio ieeeeoe when pressure upon its plunger is relieved.
The particular structure here shown is not, however, of my invention, and is in common use in electric circuits. Generally speaking, itl comprises a pair of contactmembers 42, a pivoted member 4201, arranged for engagement therewith, and controlled by a spring 42h, a sliding member 42 havingV a slot, a pivoted member 42d having a pin arranged to workin said slot and controlling the spring 42", andV a plunger 48 pivotally connected with said member 42, lall arranged in a housing 40 and supported by a block of insulation 47 secured to a metalface plate 49, the plunger 48 projecting through a hole in said plate. ll] hen pressure is applied to the plunger 4S to press ing-means for this circuitcontroller, one` member of which consists of an arm 44, pivoted at 54, and having its upper end-portion with or without a roll thereon, extended over the outer end of the plunger of this switch, for engagement therewith, and said arm has a projection 55, with or without a roll thereon, arranged for engagement with the adjustable taveling-ineinbers and 56, to be hereinafter described. llovement of the arm is controlled by these controlling members 45 and 56, which members consist of cylindrical blocks arranged on a worm 4G and held thereon against rotation by a pin 57 engaging slots therein, but by temporarily removing the pin, either may be revolved on the shaft for relative adjustment thereon, and the block 45 has a recess 'in it" side towarl the member so that said member 56 may pass within said recess to give latitude for their relative adjustment,
Vand when adjusted, the pin is replaced in thc slots to thereafter hold them as relalivelT7 adjusted.
These cylindrical blocks are here shown as having different diameters, to enable arm 44 which engages them to assume and he held .in different positions. lllhen engaging the first or largest diameter blocl; 45, the arm will then hold the plunger inward to cause opening of the circuit-controller, so that the circuit to the motor is then open. lJVhen the traveling-members are moved along in one direction, by rotation of the (..amage done to worin, the large diameter member 45 passes from beneath the roll on the projection 55,
and said arm is moved by spring pressure in. a. direction so that its roll will rest upon the smaller diameter member 56, and be held thereby from further operation until said portion is further moved, so thatits larger portion also passes from lbeneath said roll, and more or less revolutions of the worm 46 will be required from the beginningof its operation lin the direction above referred to, until the larger portion of the n'iember 5G can pass fronrbeneath said roll, depending upon how it is adjusted. vWhen this larger portion of the member 56 passes from beneath the roll, the plunger will thon be allowed to come farther` forward and the spring of its circuit-controller then operatesl to close the contact-members, and thereby close the circuit. of the motor. vThe worm 4G lwhich moves the traveling members along has secured to it a sprocket-wheel 60, which is engaged by the Y flexible connection (i2, between the two loops 14 and 141 of the chain 52. As these loops are respectively. lengthened and shortened, said flexible connection 62 is corr spondingly moved and the sprocket-wheel 60 rotated to in turn correspondingly rotate the worm. As the weight falls, the connection 62 is moved in the direction so that the travelinganembers will be moved along on the .worm as above de scribed until the circuit-controller is closed. rlhe operation of the electric-motor will then operate the winding-means, and the chainbemoved thereby to shorten the loop ill., and to lengthen the loop 14a. The flexible connection 62 is also moved in the opposite dircction to that above 'referred to and the sprocket-wheel and worin correspondingly .f reversely rotated and the travelingmembers caused to return. As the traielingmeinbei's return to their initial positions, the member first passes beneath and thrusts aside the lever 44 and thereby partially depresses the j ilunger 4S, but not enough to cause opening of the switch contacts, said contacts will, therefore, stay closed until the large diameter traveling-ineinber 45 passes beneath vthe rollV on lever 44 which further inores said lever to depress the plunger until the switch contacts will be caused to open `and disconneet the current from the motor to thereby stop its further winding.
This motor switch is preferably of the snap variety which moves quickly when opened to prevent maintenance of an are destructive to vthe contacts, and its operations are, therefore,y directly caused by a spring. lf, for any reason, thisv spring or switch should fail at this critical time to open. the circuit,then the motor could continue to wind until something gave way, or
disable the coperating parts of the motor, f
l. l. o
As a safeguard `to prevent such danger, I'
vhave providedas part ofthe combination a second normally-closed switch, which is con- `iiect'ed'infseries witlrthe snap switch first mentioned, and this* normally-closed switch Y "has, anveXtension directly in the path ofnietioii of the weight yto be engaged through an insulator thereon and directlyand positively moved therebyto open its'contacts and thus yinsure that no current can thereafter `oass to the motor while said weight is in such eX- #path ot-motionof `said yswitch or allow said tremely wound position, andthe cooperating parts are further-so arra'i'igedthat no further winding-of the weight even by hand thereafter fcan' remove the Y weight out of switch tol be closed'until'the weight has again dropped below its position for operating said switch.
' Said switcheoniprises an insulating` base "p'osed inthe pathoif-V movement of a part of the weight, and, as here shown, is adapted ltof-'be engaged by the insulating sleeve 8O carried on an extension ofthe aXle of the weight pulley 15, if, for any reason, the main lmotor control'switch' should'not operate and the motor continue to elevate ythe weight,
thus to positively moveswitch-arni Til to open position and interrupt the motor circuit and jreventffurther elevation of the wei ht.
Switch arm 74 is provided with a spring V8l so connected between the switcharm and thestationary switch member 76 that, in the closed position o'the'switch arm, it exerts insiiihcient force upon said arinto open the switch, bat'upon a movenientoic said arm Sfdue'to the' engagement therewith bythe mov- `ing 'insulating sleeve 80V oil-the weight, the
spring exerts'- su'liicient force, y dueto the vgreater advantage in leverage, tol cause lthe `ou'iieltseparation of theswitch contacts.
WhenLthe-weight runs down', and in case I the circuit-controllerfails to close the circuit Y oftheinotor, or the motor fails to respond, or,` `for some reason, they winding means fails to operate,'the weight will, in such case, con- Y tinue to move and `-rallbelow the position to lcause closing of the motor switch. lcontinuingto move,vthe connection 62 and -associatedfpartsand the traveling-members "When so will be moved V'further along on the worm,
' and as the-small diameter partei" member 56 passes thus" further froml beneath the v`roll, itf'pern'iits vfurther lateral movement ofthe iinember eta, actuatedvby a spring 58. This wmember-il has arranged thereon a stud l-1 .1oiinsulating'material, which, lin suchr'case,
will then engage one member off a pair of contacts.
Lessines contact-members 53 and will actto close said Thesev contact-members 53 are mounted on a block 53a of insulating ina- Vterial secured to the' frame f and are includedin an -alarm circuit 70, vandfwhen closed, will close said circuit, and 'cause a bell 7l, or other means connected'insaid circuit, to respond. Thus it will VbeI observed that, in case 4'the winding mechanisni fails to operate when the 'weight/'has italien lto a predetermined elevation, an alarm will be sounded thereby to 'cal-l attention to such fact. lniorder to prevent the ii'eXible chain member 62 from ever becoming disena guard-6l', so arranged lasto holdisaid chain in engagement without 'regard' to how slack it may become or beatfany time that itniay always positively xand properly operate' said sprocket. The sprocket `18'is loosely mounted on a manually winding-shaft, and has, in addition to the ratchetA wheel at one side, which engages a holding pawlon the'frame,
another ratchet wheel on thelopposite side,
which is engaged byv a winding-pawl on a disk mounted on'and'fastened tothe 4said manually windingshaft, so that the weight rmay bemanually wound in case of any emergency as when the motor-or current thereto fails.
"i claim zl. lin an automatic 'winding-meeha-nisni, combination with a shaft to be driven, of eight, an endlesschainoperably connecting ha 0 two loop-portions, in' one of which the weight is arranged, winding-means connected with said chain between the two' 'loopportions, which., when at rest, holds the chain the adjacent-sides et the loops andrper- Vn'iits movement' fof those portions of the chain at the opposite sides of the yloopsfby he telling of the weight, that portion et the chain at oppositesidesol the loops being comiected with the driven-shaft, Vand when the winding-means operates, that portion or' the chain at the adjacent sides or' the loops is niovel to lift'tlie weight,- and vautomatic means disposed between the loops arranged to cause operation or' said winding-means.Y Y
2. ln an automatic winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chaiiroperably connecting said weight with said shaft, a sprocketwheel engaging said chain, an electric-motor,`
gearing connecting the* motor-shaft with said sprocket-wheel, a circuit-controllerfor the circuit of said motor, and .means arranged between two points oi the-chain and Vadapted to close said circuit-controller when vthe weight'talls to predetermined elevation-and too'peii said circiiit-controller when weight rises to a predetermined 'el Ival"agedfrom thesproclret 60, l have provided said weight with said shaft, said chain iso Y thecombination with a. shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft. said chain having` two loop-portions, one of which supports the weight, the loop supporting the weight being adapted to lengthen ,and the other loop to shoiten, as the 'eight falls, winding-means connected with the chain arranged to shorten the weight ported loop to lift the weight and to lengrion the other loop when opeatcd, an electric-motor for the winding means, a circuit-co* ti ller for thecircuit ot the mot-or, and nnans connected with the ends of the loops of the chain and movable back and forhto operate said circuiti-,on- 'troller to open and close the circuit.
i. ln an automatic wading mechanism, the ia'nnbination with a shaft to be driven, of a .i'eight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, said c' 'n having two loop-portions, one of which supports the weight, the loop` supporting the weight being acapted to lengthen and the other loop to shorten, as the weight falls, windingineans connected with the chain arranged shorten the 'weight-snpported loo i to lift the weight, and to lengthen the other loop, when operated, an electric-motor for the windingmeans, a circuit-controller for the circuit of the motor, reciprocating actuating-means for said circuit-controller including a chain connecting the ends of the aforesaid loops.
5. ln an automatic winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, said chain having two loop-portions, one of which supports the weight, the loop supporting the weight being` adapted to lengthen and the other loop to shorten, as the weight falls, windingmeans connected with the chain arranged to shorten the weightsupported loop, to lift the weight, and to lengthen the other loop, when operated, an electric-motor for the winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of the motor, reciprocating actuatingmeans for said circuit-controller including a pivoted actuating-member, a travelingmember controlling said actuating member, a rotating-member for said traveling member, by which it is moved, and a chain connecting the ends of the aforesaid loops.
6. In an automatic winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connectingl said weight with said shaft, winding-means for the chain, an electric-motor for said winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, and reciprocating actuating-means for said circuit-controller operated by a movement of said chain.
T. In an automatic winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, winding-means for the chain, an. clectric-motorfor said winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, an actuatingfmember for said` circuit-'controller, a traveling-member controlling said actuatiiig-member, and means to move said traveliiig-member, which is associated with the chain. Y
8. ln an automatic winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven,
of a weight, an endless chain ,connecting` said wei( it with said shaft, winding-means for .the chain, an electric-motor for Vsaid winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, an actuating-member for said circuit-controller, a stepped travel-- ing-member controlling said actuatingn'iember, and means to move' said traveling member which is connected with a chain.
10. ln an automatic winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, winding-means for the chain, an electric-motor for said winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, an actuating-member for said circuit-controller, a stepped traveling-member engaged by said actuatingmember, it having two successive steps, thereby to hold the actuating-member in two different positions, and means to move said traveling-member which is connected with the chain.
ll. An automatic winding mechanism including a weight, a chain from which the weight is suspended, and means connected between two points of said chain and operated by a. predetermined relative movement therebetween to cause the operation of the winding means.
12. An automatic winding mechanism including a weight, an endless chain from which the weight is suspended, said chain having two loop-portions, and means connected between said loop portions and operated by a predetermined relative movement therebetween to cause the operation of the winding means.
13. ln an automatic winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven, of weight, an endless chain connecting said weight with said shaft, winding-means for the chain, an electric-motor for saidwinding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, an alarm-circuit, a crcuit-controller for said alarm circuit, .and means operated by the chain adapted to con trol the operation of both circuit-controllers. Y
14. In an automatic Winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a Weight, an endless chain connecting said Weight With said shaft, Winding-means 4for the chain, an electricemotor for said Winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, 'an alarm circuit, a circuitcontroller for said alarmcircuit, an actuatinganember for hot-h said circuitcontrollers, a traveling-member for said ac# tuating-member, and means connected With the chain to move said traveling-member.
l5. In an automatic Winding mechanism, the combination with a shaft to be driven, of a weight, an endless chain connecting said Weight with said shaft, Winding-means for the chain, an electric-motor for said Winding-means, a circuit-controller for the circuit of said motor, an alarm-circuit, a circuit-controller for said alarm circuit, an actuating-member for both said circuitcontrollers, a traveling-member controlling actuating-member for both said circuit` controllers, a traveling-member controlling,`v
said actuating-member, consisting` of a stepped block having` arranged thereon tivo steps, a rotating-member for said travelingniemher and means to rotate said member which is connected With the chain.
ln testimonyT Whereo, l have signed my .name to this specification, in the presence of ltivo subscribing Witnesses.
Genies @E this patent may be obtained for ve cents each, by addressing the Gommissioner of latents,
"Washington, E. G.
US17159917A 1917-05-28 1917-05-28 Automatic winding mechanism. Expired - Lifetime US1258909A (en)

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US17159917A US1258909A (en) 1917-05-28 1917-05-28 Automatic winding mechanism.

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US17159917A US1258909A (en) 1917-05-28 1917-05-28 Automatic winding mechanism.

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US10315460B1 (en) 2018-03-09 2019-06-11 Essam Abdelrahman Ammar Apparatus and methods for a spherical assembly
US10518628B2 (en) 2018-03-09 2019-12-31 Essam Abdelrahman Ammar Apparatus and methods for a spherical assembly

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US10315460B1 (en) 2018-03-09 2019-06-11 Essam Abdelrahman Ammar Apparatus and methods for a spherical assembly
US10518628B2 (en) 2018-03-09 2019-12-31 Essam Abdelrahman Ammar Apparatus and methods for a spherical assembly

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