M4431.33 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於一種照明燈具之設計,特別是關於一 種低眩光的平板燈具。 【先前技術】 在曰常生活中,無論是室内或戶外,常會使用到燈 具來照明。並且,隨著科技的發展,從早期的白炙燈、 熒光燈、到後來的LED,燈具所使用的光源的發光效率 愈來愈高。 然而在光源之亮度、位置、大小等配置不當的情況 下,容易因光線直射人眼而產生眩光(glare)。眩光會影 響視覺功效,並刺激眼睛造成不適,使眼睛疲勞,從而 導致工作效率降低。特別像是車内照明,若眼睛在駕駛 途中受到刺激,則很有可能釀成意外。 【新型内容】 本創作所欲解決之技術問題 鑒於以上所述,照明燈具的照明效果影響人們至 深,若設計不良則有造成不適甚或引起意外之隱憂。 緣此,本創作之目的即是提供一種平板燈具,以提 供較為柔和舒適光線之照明。 本創作解決問題之技術手段 本創作為解決習知技術之問題所採用之技術手段 係提供一種平板燈具,包含:一主結構體,具有一底板 及連接在底板相對側緣之二結合側板;一導光板,具有 一上出光面及一侧入光面,導光板設置在主結構體之二 結合側板之間且上出光面背向於底板;以及一發光模 4 M443.133 組,設置於結合側板,並且發光模組之光源面對於導光 板之側入光面。 在本創作之一實施例中,二結合侧板分別具有一沿 著底板之相對側緣之長度方向延伸的滑置部,導光板滑 置結合於二結合側板之滑置部之間。 在本創作之一實施例中,平板燈具更包括一磁吸構 件,設置於主結構體。 在本創作之一實施例中,主結構體具有一結合滑 槽,磁吸構件滑置結合於結合滑槽。 在本創作之一實施例中,磁吸構件設置於主結構體 之底板。 在本創作之一實施例中,磁吸構件設置於主結構體 之結合側板。 在本創作之一實施例中,平板燈具更包括一透光蓋 板,蓋設在導光板之上。 在本創作之一實施例中,導光板之底面具有一反光 層。 在本創作之一實施例中,平板燈具更包括一旋轉機 構,結合於主結構體。 在本創作之一實施例中,平板燈具更包括一防水墊 片,設置於主結構體之端部。 在本創作之一實施例中,平板燈具更包括一上框 體,結合於主結構體。 在本創作之一實施例中,導光板與底板之間相隔有 一空間。 在本創作之一實施例中,主結構體為一鋁合金結構 體。 在本創作之一實施例中,發光模組之光源為發光二 5 本創作對照先前技術之功效 經由本創作所採用之技術手段,平板燈具能夠提供 優質的照明’其光線均勻且柔和,不會產生眩光。此種 舒適的光線無論是應用於室内或戶外的照明都非常適 合。 再者’在較佳實施例中,磁吸構件的設置使平板燈 具能夠三邊磁力吸附安裝在機台及車頂等磁性或金屬 物體上’省去安裝的麻煩,更便利於使用。並且,平板 燈具之光源、主要可採發光二極體,再配合主結構體的散 熱設計’使其擁有較好的發光效率及使用壽命。 本創作所採用的具體實施例,將藉由以下之實施例 及附呈圖式作進一步之說明。 【實施方式】 請參閱第1圖、第2圖、及第3圖,第1圖係顯示 依據本創作之一實施例的一平板燈具的立體圖,第2圖 係顯示依據本創作之實施例的平板燈具的剖視圖,以及 第3圖係顯示依據本創作之另一實施例的平板燈具的 剖視圖。 ' 如圖所示,依據本創作之一實施例的一平板燈具 100包括一主結構體1、一導光板2、及二個發光模組 3a、3b。 主結構體1具有一底板Π及連接在底板11相對側 緣之·一結合侧板12a、12b,而使主結構體1略呈一 U 字構形。在本實施例中,主結構體1為一鋁合金結構 體’材質較輕且導熱效果佳,當然也可以採其它材質製 成。 M443133 此外,主結構體1還具有一中板13,橫向設置在 二結合側板12a、12b之間。中板13與底板11相隔一 間距,而在中板13與底板11之間形成一空間14。此 空間14可作為散熱通道以及設置平板燈具1〇〇之其它 零件之用。 導光板2具有二側入光面21a、21b及一上出光面 22,使投射於導光板2之光線自側入光面21a、21b導 引至上出光面22而出光。導光板2設置在主結構體1 之二結合側板12a、12b之間’且上出光面22背向於底 板11。細部結構中’結合侧板12a具有一滑置部121a, 結合側板12b具有一滑置部121b。滑置部121a、121b 較佳地為滑槽,分別沿著底板11之相對側緣之長度方 向延伸。導光板2滑置結合於二結合側板12a、12b之 滑置部121a、121b之間’而便於組裝、抽換。 發光模組3a設置於結合侧板12a,發光模組3a之 光源31a面對於導光板2之側入光面21a。發光模組3b 設置於結合侧板12b ’發光模組3b之光源31b面對於 導光板2之側入先面21b。藉此’光源31a、31b所發 出的光線經由導光板2之導光而均勻地由上出光面22 出光,從而不容易產生眩光。在詳細結構中,結合侧板 12a之内侧設有一容槽122a ’發光模組3a容置於容槽 122a中且與結合側板12a熱接觸。結合側板12b之内侧 設有一容槽122b ’發光模組3b容置於容槽122b中且 與結合側板l2b熱接觸。藉此’便於發光模組3a、3b 固定於主結構體1 ’且光源31a、31b發光時所產生的 熱量可分別經由結合側板12a、12b傳遞而散出。 本實施例中,為了提高平板燈具100之照明強度, 在導光板2之底面還具有一反光層23,輔助光線向上 7 =射。另外’冑光板2之上出光面22可設置或印刷具 _圖形或㈣的遮板或圖層’使光線藉此映射出圖案。 發光权組3a、3b之光源31a、31七在本實施例中為 聲光二《,以擁有較佳的發光效率。當然,本創作並 不限於此:可制其它元件作為光源。 發光&組3a、3b之發光在本實施例中是由一控制 電路板32所控制。在詳細結構中,底板U具有朝空間 4凸伸的固定凸緣112,控制電路板32藉由固定凸緣 12而固定於底板u,使控制電路板32可經由底板讥 而散熱。 此外,在本實施例中,平板燈具1〇〇還包括三個磁 〇及構件41、42、43。磁吸構件41、42、43之磁吸件411、 21 431可為磁鐵。在詳細結構中,主結構體1之底 =^提供有一結合滑槽lu,結合側板12a提供有一結 合滑槽123a,結合侧板12b提供有一結合滑槽123b。 趟吸構件41滑置結合於主結構體1之底板11之結合滑 槽H1,磁吸構件42滑置結合於主結構體1之結合側板 之結合滑槽123a,以及磁吸構件43滑置結合於主 ,構體1之結合側板12b之結合滑槽123b。從而,磁 °及構件41、42、43可於結合滑槽111、123a、123b滑 動’而調整磁吸構件41、42、43的位置。並且,在結 ,滑槽111、123a、123b中可視情況改為設置複數個磁 ,構件。藉此,使平板燈具1〇〇可吸附在機台 '天花板、 或牆壁等磁性或金屬物體上,例如,平板燈具100吸附 於車頂以作為車内照明使用。 導光板2之上還蓋設有一透光蓋板5。透光蓋板5 在本實例中為玻璃板,其二端緣分別接合於結合側板 l2a之一接合槽124a與結合侧板12b之一接合槽n4b。 透光蓋板5可防止灰塵及水侵入主結構體1内’以及避 免導光板2及發光模組3a、3b受損。此外,透光蓋板 5之表面可印刷圖形或字符,或者透光蓋板5本身亦可 帶有色彩,以使經由透光蓋板5透出的光線更富變化。 另外,透光蓋板5之上還可設置有一上框體6。上 框體6結合於主結構體1,並且其在導光板2之上出光 面22對應處具有一透光開口 61。以及,上框體6之側 緣真有多個固定孔62,以作為固定之用。 此外,在主結構體1之端部可分別設置防水墊片 7a、7b。防水墊片7a、7b密合於底板11與二結合側板 12a、12b,以防止水氣及灰塵侵入主結構體1。防水墊 片7a、7b外側則以封板8a、8b固定。 請參閱第4圖及第5圖,第4圖係顯示依據本創作 之另一實施例的平板燈具的剖視圖,以及第5圖係顯示 依據本創作之另一實施例的平板燈具的侧視圖。 在本實施例的平板燈具l〇〇a中,防水墊片7a、7b 之外側進一步設置有L型的封板8a、8b,封板8a、8b 用於使防水墊片7a、7b固定於主結構體1,以及用於 防止防水墊片7a、7b與外界接觸而受損。同時,封板 8a、8b作成L型也能夠用於將平板燈具100a固定在其 他物件上。 此外’平板燈具100a更包括二旋轉機構9,分別 結合於主結構體1之二端。旋轉機構9包括一内支座 91與一外支座92 ’二者藉由一樞軸93而相互樞接,使 内支座91與外支座92可相對旋轉。外支座92具有一 固定孔921以藉此固定於機台或牆壁等處。 在角度調節方面,旋轉機構9之内支座91具有一 定位凸部911(例’凸塊),外支座92具有多數個定位凹 部922(例,通孔)。定位凸部911可與任一定位凹部奶 相定位’贿外支座92相對於内支座91而固定於任音 選定角度。藉此,能夠調整平板燈具驗的設置角度。 由以上之實施财知,本創作所提供之平板燈具確 具產業上之利用價值’故本創作業已符合於專利之要 件。惟以上之敘述僅為本創作之較佳實施例說明,凡精 於此項技藝者當可依據上述之說明而作其它種種之改 良准這些改變仍屬於本創作之創作精神及以下所界定 之專利範圍中。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係顯示依據本創作之_實施例的—平板燈具的立體圖; ^弟2圖係顯示依據摘作之實施_平板燈具關視圖; f 3圖係顯碰據本創作之實施觸平板燈具的另-剖視圖; =4圖係顯示依據本創作之另一實施例的平板燈具的剖視圖; ,5圖係顯示依據本創作之另一實施例的平板燈具的側視圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 100 平板燈具 100a 平板燈具 1 主結構體 11 底板 111 結合滑槽 112 固定凸緣 12a 結合侧板 121a 滑置部 122a 容槽 M443.133M4431.33 V. New Description: [New Technology Field] This creation is about the design of a lighting fixture, especially for a low-glare flat panel. [Prior Art] In normal life, whether indoors or outdoors, lamps are often used to illuminate. Moreover, with the development of technology, from the early white lamps, fluorescent lamps, and later LEDs, the luminous efficiency of the light source used in the lamps has become higher and higher. However, in the case where the brightness, position, size, and the like of the light source are improperly arranged, it is easy to generate glare due to direct light to the human eye. Glare can affect visual effects and irritate the eyes, causing eye strain and resulting in reduced work efficiency. Especially like interior lighting, if the eyes are stimulated while driving, it is likely to cause an accident. [New content] Technical problems to be solved by this creative work In view of the above, the lighting effect of lighting fixtures affects people's depth, and if the design is bad, it may cause discomfort or even cause accidents. Therefore, the purpose of this creation is to provide a flat panel light to provide a softer and more comfortable lighting. The technical means for solving the problem in the present invention provides a flat panel lamp for solving the problems of the prior art, comprising: a main structure body having a bottom plate and two combined side plates connected to opposite side edges of the bottom plate; The light guide plate has an upper light emitting surface and a side light incident surface, the light guide plate is disposed between the two combined side plates of the main structure body and the upper light emitting surface faces away from the bottom plate; and a light emitting mold 4 M443.133 group is disposed in the combination The side plate, and the light source surface of the light emitting module is opposite to the light incident surface of the light guide plate. In an embodiment of the present invention, the two joint side plates respectively have a sliding portion extending along the longitudinal direction of the opposite side edges of the bottom plate, and the light guide plate is slidably coupled between the sliding portions of the two joined side plates. In one embodiment of the present invention, the flat panel light fixture further includes a magnetic attraction member disposed on the main structural body. In one embodiment of the present invention, the main structural body has a coupling chute, and the magnetic member is slidably coupled to the coupling chute. In an embodiment of the present invention, the magnetic member is disposed on the bottom plate of the main structural body. In an embodiment of the present invention, the magnetic attraction member is disposed on the combined side panel of the main structural body. In an embodiment of the present invention, the flat panel lamp further includes a light transmissive cover plate disposed on the light guide plate. In one embodiment of the present invention, the bottom surface of the light guide plate has a reflective layer. In one embodiment of the present invention, the flat panel light fixture further includes a rotating mechanism coupled to the main structural body. In one embodiment of the present invention, the flat panel light fixture further includes a waterproof gasket disposed at an end of the main structural body. In one embodiment of the present invention, the flat panel light fixture further includes an upper frame body coupled to the main structure body. In one embodiment of the present invention, there is a space between the light guide plate and the bottom plate. In one embodiment of the present invention, the primary structure is an aluminum alloy structure. In one embodiment of the present invention, the light source of the light-emitting module is a light-emitting device. The creation of the light-emitting device is based on the technical means adopted by the present invention. The flat-panel light fixture can provide high-quality illumination, and the light is uniform and soft, and will not Produces glare. This comfortable light is perfect for indoor or outdoor lighting. Further, in the preferred embodiment, the arrangement of the magnetic member enables the flat panel lamp to be magnetically attracted to the magnetic or metallic objects such as the machine table and the roof, thereby eliminating the trouble of installation and facilitating the use. Moreover, the light source of the flat lamp, the main light-emitting diode, and the heat dissipation design of the main structure make it have better luminous efficiency and service life. Specific embodiments of the present invention will be further illustrated by the following examples and the accompanying drawings. [Embodiment] Please refer to FIG. 1 , FIG. 2 , and FIG. 3 . FIG. 1 is a perspective view showing a flat panel lamp according to an embodiment of the present invention, and FIG. 2 is a view showing an embodiment according to the present invention. A cross-sectional view of a flat panel light fixture, and a third panel showing a cross-sectional view of a flat panel light fixture in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention. As shown, a flat panel lamp 100 according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a main structure 1, a light guide plate 2, and two light-emitting modules 3a, 3b. The main structural body 1 has a bottom plate and a joint side plate 12a, 12b connected to the opposite side edges of the bottom plate 11, so that the main structure 1 has a U-shaped configuration. In the present embodiment, the main structural body 1 is an aluminum alloy structure. The material is light in weight and has good heat conduction effect. Of course, it can also be made of other materials. M443133 Further, the main structural body 1 further has a middle plate 13 which is disposed laterally between the two joined side plates 12a, 12b. The intermediate plate 13 is spaced apart from the bottom plate 11 by a space 14 between the intermediate plate 13 and the bottom plate 11. This space 14 can be used as a heat sink and for other parts of the flat panel fixture. The light guide plate 2 has two side light incident surfaces 21a and 21b and an upper light exiting surface 22, and the light projected on the light guide plate 2 is guided from the side light incident surfaces 21a and 21b to the upper light exiting surface 22 to emit light. The light guide plate 2 is disposed between the two joined side panels 12a, 12b of the main structural body 1 and the upper light exiting surface 22 faces away from the bottom plate 11. In the detailed structure, the joint side panel 12a has a sliding portion 121a, and the joint side panel 12b has a sliding portion 121b. The sliding portions 121a, 121b are preferably chutes extending along the length of the opposite side edges of the bottom plate 11, respectively. The light guide plate 2 is slidably coupled between the sliding portions 121a and 121b of the second joining side plates 12a and 12b to facilitate assembly and exchange. The light-emitting module 3a is disposed on the side plate 12a, and the light source 31a of the light-emitting module 3a faces the light-incident surface 21a of the light guide plate 2. The light-emitting module 3b is disposed on the side of the light source 31b of the light-emitting module 3b that is coupled to the side plate 12b', and faces the front surface 21b of the light guide plate 2. Thereby, the light emitted from the light sources 31a and 31b is uniformly emitted from the upper light-emitting surface 22 via the light guide of the light guide plate 2, so that glare is less likely to occur. In the detailed structure, a cavity 122a is disposed on the inner side of the side plate 12a. The light-emitting module 3a is housed in the cavity 122a and is in thermal contact with the bonding side plate 12a. The inner side of the side plate 12b is provided with a cavity 122b. The light-emitting module 3b is received in the cavity 122b and is in thermal contact with the bonding side plate 12b. Thereby, the heat generated by the light-emitting modules 3a, 3b is fixed to the main structure 1' and the heat generated when the light sources 31a, 31b emit light can be transmitted through the joint side plates 12a, 12b, respectively. In this embodiment, in order to improve the illumination intensity of the flat panel lamp 100, a light reflecting layer 23 is further disposed on the bottom surface of the light guide plate 2, and the auxiliary light rays are directed upwards. In addition, the illuminating surface 22 above the glazing panel 2 can be provided with or printed with a visor or layer of _ graphics or (d) such that light is thereby mapped out of the pattern. The light sources 31a, 31 of the light-emitting groups 3a, 3b are in the present embodiment, sound and light, to have better luminous efficiency. Of course, this creation is not limited to this: other components can be made as a light source. The illumination of the illumination & groups 3a, 3b is controlled by a control circuit board 32 in this embodiment. In the detailed structure, the bottom plate U has a fixing flange 112 projecting toward the space 4, and the control circuit board 32 is fixed to the bottom plate u by the fixing flange 12, so that the control circuit board 32 can be dissipated via the bottom plate. Further, in the present embodiment, the flat panel lamp 1A further includes three magnets and members 41, 42, 43. The magnetic members 411, 21 431 of the magnetic members 41, 42, 43 may be magnets. In the detailed structure, the bottom of the main structure body 1 is provided with a coupling chute lu, the joint side plate 12a is provided with a joint chute 123a, and the joint side plate 12b is provided with a joint chute 123b. The sucking member 41 is slidably coupled to the joint chute H1 of the bottom plate 11 of the main structural body 1, the magnetic member 42 is slidably coupled to the joint chute 123a of the joint side plate of the main structural body 1, and the magnetic member 43 is slidably coupled In the main body, the combined side plate 12b of the structure 1 is combined with the chute 123b. Therefore, the magnetic members and the members 41, 42, 43 can adjust the positions of the magnetic members 41, 42, 43 by sliding the combined grooves 111, 123a, 123b. Further, in the knots, the chutes 111, 123a, and 123b, a plurality of magnetic members and members may be replaced as appropriate. Thereby, the flat panel lamp 1 can be adsorbed on a magnetic or metal object such as a ceiling or a wall of the machine. For example, the flat panel lamp 100 is adsorbed to the roof for use as interior lighting. A light-transmissive cover 5 is further disposed on the light guide plate 2. The light transmissive cover 5 is a glass plate in this example, and its two end edges are respectively joined to one of the engaging groove 124a of the joining side plate l2a and one of the engaging side plates 12b to engage the groove n4b. The light-transmissive cover 5 prevents dust and water from intruding into the main structure 1 and avoids damage to the light guide plate 2 and the light-emitting modules 3a and 3b. Further, the surface of the light-transmissive cover 5 can be printed with graphics or characters, or the transparent cover 5 itself can be colored to make the light transmitted through the transparent cover 5 more varied. In addition, an upper frame 6 may be disposed on the transparent cover 5 . The upper frame 6 is bonded to the main structural body 1, and has a light-transmitting opening 61 corresponding to the light-emitting surface 22 above the light guide plate 2. Further, the side edges of the upper frame 6 have a plurality of fixing holes 62 for fixing. Further, waterproof gaskets 7a, 7b may be provided at the ends of the main structural body 1, respectively. The waterproof gaskets 7a, 7b are in close contact with the bottom plate 11 and the second joint side plates 12a, 12b to prevent moisture and dust from intruding into the main structural body 1. The outer sides of the waterproof pads 7a, 7b are fixed by the sealing plates 8a, 8b. 4 and 5, FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view showing a flat panel lamp according to another embodiment of the present invention, and FIG. 5 is a side view showing a panel lamp according to another embodiment of the present invention. In the flat panel lamp 100a of the present embodiment, the outer sides of the waterproof pads 7a, 7b are further provided with L-shaped sealing plates 8a, 8b for fixing the waterproof pads 7a, 7b to the main The structure 1 and the structure for preventing the waterproof pads 7a, 7b from coming into contact with the outside are damaged. At the same time, the L-shaped closure plates 8a, 8b can also be used to secure the flat panel fixture 100a to other objects. Further, the flat panel lamp 100a further includes two rotating mechanisms 9 which are respectively coupled to the two ends of the main structural body 1. The rotating mechanism 9 includes an inner support 91 and an outer support 92' which are pivotally connected to each other by a pivot 93 such that the inner support 91 and the outer support 92 are relatively rotatable. The outer holder 92 has a fixing hole 921 to thereby be fixed to a machine table or a wall or the like. In terms of angle adjustment, the inner support 91 of the rotary mechanism 9 has a positioning projection 911 (e.g., a bump), and the outer support 92 has a plurality of positioning recesses 922 (for example, through holes). The locating projection 911 can be positioned with any of the locating recesses. The brim support 92 is fixed at a selected angle relative to the inner support 91. Thereby, the setting angle of the flat panel lamp inspection can be adjusted. From the above implementation, the flat luminaires provided by this creation have industrial value. The original operation has been in compliance with the requirements of the patent. However, the above description is only for the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Anyone who is skilled in the art can make other improvements according to the above description. These changes still belong to the creative spirit of the creation and the patents defined below. In the scope. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing a flat panel lamp according to an embodiment of the present invention; ^2 is shown in accordance with the implementation of the drawing _ flat lamp close view; f 3 image is displayed according to the present Another cross-sectional view of the implementation of the touch panel luminaire; the Fig. 4 shows a cross-sectional view of the luminaire according to another embodiment of the present creation; and Fig. 5 shows a side view of the luminaire according to another embodiment of the present creation. [Main component symbol description] 100 Flat panel lamp 100a Flat panel lamp 1 Main structure body 11 Base plate 111 Combined with chute 112 Fixed flange 12a Combined side plate 121a Sliding portion 122a Cylinder M443.133
123a 結合滑槽 124a 接合槽 12b 結合側板 121b 滑置部 122b 容槽 123b 結合滑槽 124b 接合槽 13 中板 14 空間 2 導光板 21a 側入光面 21b 側入光面 22 上出光面 23 反光層 3a 發光模組 31a 光源 3b 發光模組 31b 光源 32 控制電路板 41 磁吸構件 411 磁吸件 42 磁吸構件 421 磁吸件 M443133123a joint groove 124a joint groove 12b joint side plate 121b slide portion 122b groove 123b joint groove 124b joint groove 13 middle plate 14 space 2 light guide plate 21a side light incident surface 21b side light incident surface 22 upper light exit surface 23 reflective layer 3a Light-emitting module 31a Light source 3b Light-emitting module 31b Light source 32 Control circuit board 41 Magnetic member 411 Magnetic member 42 Magnetic member 421 Magnetic member M443133
43 磁吸構件 431 磁吸件 5 透光蓋板 6 上框體 61 透光開口 62 固定孔 7a 防水墊片 7b 防水墊片 8a 封板 8b 封板 9 旋轉機構 91 内支座 911 定位凸部 92 外支座 921 固定孔 922 定位凹部 93 樞軸 1243 Magnetic member 431 Magnetic member 5 Transparent cover 6 Upper frame 61 Light-transmissive opening 62 Fixing hole 7a Waterproof gasket 7b Waterproof gasket 8a Sealing plate 8b Sealing plate 9 Rotating mechanism 91 Inner support 911 Positioning projection 92 Outer support 921 fixing hole 922 positioning recess 93 pivot 12