TWM420300U - Supporting member for rotating mop - Google Patents

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TWM420300U TW100215722U TW100215722U TWM420300U TW M420300 U TWM420300 U TW M420300U TW 100215722 U TW100215722 U TW 100215722U TW 100215722 U TW100215722 U TW 100215722U TW M420300 U TWM420300 U TW M420300U
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Chinese (zh)
yi-dao Guo
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yi-dao Guo
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Application filed by yi-dao Guo filed Critical yi-dao Guo
Priority to TW100215722U priority Critical patent/TWM420300U/en
Publication of TWM420300U publication Critical patent/TWM420300U/en



  • Cleaning Implements For Floors, Carpets, Furniture, Walls, And The Like (AREA)


M420300 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作是_-馳域_支料,尤指_種絲使拖 把被-脫水藍帶紐射’簡雜拖把其 脫水籃的旋轉轴線上的支撐件。 ㈣口疋仟位於 【先前技術】 -般傳統拖把伽_要料減她上的树,利用微 濕的布材產生些許黏性’而將地面上細小物沾附於拖把的布材 上達到清潔效果,惟傳統拖把需要使用者以手擰乾布材水分的 作法使用上並不具備便利性,且用手扭轉拖把之布材通常很難 使布材的含水量降低至合理狀態,因此以傳統拖把拖地時,通 常地面上都會殘留過多的水分,在水分尚未完全乾之前地板變 的較濕滑而容易使人滑倒,且過多的水分乾了之後也容易在地 板上殘留水潰。 為此’遂有業者研發出一種脫水桶(例如好神拖之脫水 桶),這種脫水桶的水槽内設置有可以被驅動而旋轉的脫水 & ’且脫水桶位於水槽外安裝有可以驅動脫水籃旋轉的驅動機 構’並且將拖把的布材固定件設計成圓盤狀,當拖把置入脱水 籃時’拖把的布材固定件外周面與脫水籃内周面抵接,進一步 脫水籃旋轉時可以帶動拖把一起旋轉,進—步以旋轉時的離心 力作用甩乾布材中多餘的水分,如此使用者可以在不以手觸摸 =材的狀態下將多餘的水分快速甩乾,並且以離心力甩乾布材 多餘水分的方式,也可以避免布材殘留過多的水分,故於拖地 M420300 時地面只會沾附少許水分,因此糾也後的地面在很短的時間就 會變乾,進-步降低滑倒的機率並且也較不易殘留水潰於地面 上。 然而具有脫水S峨水桶設計並無法提供—般傳統拖把 使用,詳細地說’有-種傳_拖把具#大體上為半球狀的布 材固定件’條狀的複數布材係JU餘布材固定件上,由於這種 拖把的布材固定件之外徑遠小於脫水籃的内徑,因此將傳統拖 把置放在脫水籃内部時’布材固定件的外周圍與脫水藍的内表 面仍隔開-距離,當脫水藍帶動傳統拖把旋轉時,布材固定件 將因離心力作用在脫水籃内移動上,使拖把及布材固定件脫離 脫水籃的旋轉軸線而產生偏心旋轉現象,進一步軸脫水藍及 脫水桶震動而大幅降低脫水籃轉速,而當脫水籃轉速不足時, 脫水效果就大幅降低而無法達到預期脫水效果。 【新型内容】 為解決此問題,本創作提供一種「拖把旋轉用支樓件」, 其包括—本體,本有—續部,支#部包域開的一」上 端,以及較上端大的一下端,支標部進一步包括由下端端面朝 上端延神但與上端之端面隔開的間,本體進—步包括形成 在支樓部之上端端面上的一頸部,本體另包括形成在頸部之末 端面上的-套接部’套接部具有一末端,一套接孔由套接部之 末端端面延伸至空間’套接部外表面設置一貫通槽連通入套接 孔中,支撐件的聊縣接部轉齡設在—拖把具有的叶 4 M420300 部上’且難減賊树鱗拖她概雜線上不會產生 偏心的轉動,彈性定位地樞設於支撑件的套接部中的一定位夾 片’疋位夾>{包括-抵壓部、—按壓部以及在抵壓部與按壓部 之間延伸的一樞接部,定位夾片的抵壓部係位於貫通槽内,定 位夾片係可在夾持位置與脫離位置之間樞轉。 田疋位夾片位於夾持位置時,定位夾片的抵壓部係要被夾固 拖把的桿部’使支撐件定位於桿部上。 田疋位夾片位於脫離位置時,定位夾片的抵壓部係要被脫 離拖把的桿部,使支撐件順暢地沿桿部位移。 本創作的支#件在拖把需要脫水時,可以移動至靠近布材 口疋件處’並以定位夾片束緊支撐件,使拖把布材置入脫水藍 且轉動脫水籃時,讀件能維馳把在猶_線上,不會產 生偏〜的轉動’而當脫水完畢後,即可以按壓定位夾片之按壓 部’而能鬆開定位夹片對於支樓件的定位作用,使支撲件能位 移並與拖把的布材固定件隔開,使拖把拖地時支撐件的支樓部 不會摩擦或碰撞到地面或諸如傢俱等物品。 【實施方式】 以下所有圖式係僅便於轉本創作基本教導而已,圖式中 將對構成触實_之元件缝目、位置、廳、、及尺寸之延 伸將有所說明’在閱讀及了解本創作陳導後相關之變化實施 屬於業界技成。另外’在閱讀及了解本創作的敎導後,配合特 疋力量、重置、強度、及類似要求之精破尺寸及尺寸比例之改 5 變亦屬業界技能。 在不同圖式中係以相同標號來標示相同或類似元件;另外 請了解文中諸如“第一”、“第二’,、“上,,、“下”、 刖、後、“内,,、“外,,、“端,,、“部,,、“段”、 “水平”、“垂直,,、“向内,,、“向外,,、“寛度,,、“長 度、區、”周圍”、”側”、’,逕向’’、,,軸向,,等等及 類似用語健便於看目者參相憎造以及伽於幫助描述 本創作而已。 依據圖式所示的較佳實施例,本創作的支撐件3 i i係套 设於一拖把20(包括市售可得但不限於市售可得之拖把) 上’拖把2 0具有-桿部2 2,桿部2 2包括隔開的,第一端 24 (如第一圖所示)與一第二端26 (如第二圖所示),桿 部2 2進-步包括在第-及第二端2 4、2 6之間延伸的一周 園面2 3,桿部22的第-端24固設-鎖接件2 5(如第一 圖所示),鎖接件2 5包括具有螺牙的—鎖桿2 7。拖把2 〇 進一步包括可拆卸地螺接於鎖接件2 5上之—半球形殼狀的 布材固定件2 8,布材蚊件2 8包括隔開的-頂面3 〇盘一 底面3 2,以及在頂面3 〇與底面3 2之間延伸的一弧科周 面3 5’-套接部3 4凸出地形成於布材固定件2 8的頂 ^ 3 4峨触難件2 5之 2 7干螺* —鎖孔3 4β。桿部2 2以鎖接件2 5的鎖桿 螺设人布獅定件2 8的鎖孔3 4 B t,布制定件2 8 M420300 ==,數布材36由_件28的底 疋件2 8外侧,拖把2 〇另包括結合於桿 部2 2的第二端2 6上的提供使用者握持與懸掛的-_3 8。 本創作圖式進-步揭露設置於拖把2 =3:Γ第―),握把裝置= 括各自具有一外周面3 5 7的上下定位環川上 位環351進一步各自包括隔開的一第-端面353及一第 一如面3 5 5 ’上、下定位環3 51也各自包括由第 咖伸至第,55的-穿孔3 5 9,括二: ^另t自包括由第—端面3 5 3朝第二端面3奶延= 、化面3 5 5隔社靠近外周面3 5 7的—_槽3 7 穿孔=====槽371分別位於各自的 5 7沿直财缺 更;Γ各自外周面3 札各自與穿孔3 5 9關的二容置孔3 向分别tr至定穿包括由各自容置孔3 73沿直徑方 主穿孔3 5 9的二鎖孔3 7 5。 當布射固定件2 8由鎖接件2 5卸下時 =可―設於桿部22上:且使上定:: •第一端面353面對下定位環351的第—端面^ 掌的環^5 1相互隔開—段適當的距離(略大於手 的寬度)上、下定位環351分別以二顆螺絲各自螺接入 7 鎖孔3 7 5中’使各螺_末軌靠在桿部2 2的觸面2 3 上’以定位上、下定位環3 5 1各自在桿部2 2上的位置。依. 據圖式所示’握把裝置3 5 〇進一步包括樞設於上、下定位環 ^ 1之間管形的—旋轉握把3 7 7,旋轉握把3 7 7包括: 端部3 7 9,以及由其卜端部3 7 9之端面延伸至另一端部 3 7 9之端面的-通孔3 9 i。旋轉握把3 7 7的二端部打 9分別拖接在上、下定位環3 5工各自的樞接槽3 7工,桿部 γ 2係穿過旋#握把3 7 7的通孔3 9工,使用者的手握持在 旋轉握把3 7 7上’使馳把2 G與支撐件3 ! !可以順暢地 轉動。 依據圖式所示,於本創作較佳實施例中,支撐件311包 括可滑動地套設或定位於桿部2 2上的一本體3工〇,尤其是 本體3 1 Q能德把裝置3 5 Q與布材固定件2 8之間的桿 部2 2上滑動且定位於握把裝置3 5 〇與布材固定件2 8之 間的任意一位置。本體3 1 0包括概成半球殼狀的-支撐部3 φ 13 ’支撐部313包括隔開的-上端315及-下端3 1 7,下端317外徑大於上端315,支撐部313進一步包 括由下鈿317朝上端315延伸但與上端315之端面隔 開的-空間3 1 4°-頸部3 2 3凸出地形成於支樓部3 1 3 的上端3 1 5端面且位於本體3 i 〇的旋轉軸線(即通過支撐 部313中心且垂直於下端3工7端面之假想線)上。支撐部 313之下端317位於外表面形成一強化肋3 2 1,以及本 體310的支撐部3l3包括由下端317之端面朝上端3 15延伸但與上端315之端面隔開的複數缺槽31g,複數 缺槽3 1 9通過強化肋3 2 1,將強化肋3 2 1區隔為數個區 段’強化肋3 21係使被三個缺槽3丄9分隔為三個區塊的支 撐部313具有在未受擠壓的狀態下保持圓形的效果。 本體310另包括形成在頸部3 2 3端面上的一管狀套 接。P3 2 5,套接部3 2 5具有一外表面3 3 7以及一末端3 2 6 ’頸部323與套接部3 2 5中形成-套接孔3 2 7,如 第五圖、第六圖所示,套接孔3 2 7包括直孔狀的一第一孔段 3 2 9與直孔狀的-第二孔段3 3丄,且第一孔段3 2 9的内 徑小於第二孔段3 3 !,且第一孔段3 2 9延伸至套接部3 2 5的末端3 2 6端面但與空間3 χ 4隔開,第二孔段3 3丄係 在第-孔段3 2 9與空間3 1 4之間延伸,此外第-孔段3 2 9内徑略大於拖把2 〇桿部2 2外徑’使本體3 1 〇套接部3 2 5的第-孔段3 2 9套設於桿部2 2時,本體3 i 〇能順暢 地於桿部2 2周圍面2 3滑動。此外套接部3 2 5進-步包括 由外表面3 3 7延伸至套接孔3 2 7之第-孔段3 2 9的-貫通槽6 1,貫通槽6 1係位於套接部3 2 5之末端3 2 6與 碩邛3 2 3之間,套接部3 2 5進一步包括由貫通槽6 1之上 端面延伸至末端3 2 6的-第,凸部6 3以及由貫通槽61 之下端面延伸至頸部3 2 3的-第二凸部6 5 (即以第一圖為 方向’第-及第二凸部6 3、6 5隔開在貫通槽61的上下兩 側)。套接部3 2 5另包括由第一凸部6 3端面通過第二凸部 6 5與頸部3 2 3延伸至空間314的-定位孔6 6,且定位 孔6 6係與套接孔3 2 7隔開。此外,套接部3 2 5的外表面 3 3 7形成延伸至貫通槽6丄的第一嵌槽6 8與一第二嵌槽 7 〇,第一及第二嵌槽6 8、7 0係位於第一及第二凸部6 3、6 5之間且位於貫通槽61的一侧。 本創作的支撐件31 1進一步包括於樞設於套接部3 2 5上的一定位夹片7 2,如第一圖所示,定位夾片7 2包括一 弧形抵壓部8 〇、一弧形按壓部8 8以及在抵壓部8 〇與按壓 部8 8之間延伸的一樞接部7 4,定位夾片7 2進一步包括形 成於抵壓部8 0及按壓部8 8—侧圓弧形的一内彎弧面g -2,内彎弧面8 2且位於抵壓部8 〇處形成一·^槽8 3,内彎 弧面8 2且位於按壓部8 8處形成隔開的第一及第二凹槽8 9、9 1 ’ 一止滑墊8 6係透過諸如雙面膠構成的一黏膠層8 4結合於卡槽8 3上。定位夾片7 2進一步包括形成於樞接部 7 4上的一通孔槽7 6,此外樞接部7 4具有通過通孔槽7 6 的一穿孔7 8 ’穿孔7 8係平行於本體3 1 0的旋轉軸線且通 孔槽76與穿孔78相互垂直。 依據圖式所示’支撐件3 1 1也包括諸如扭力彈簧構成的 一彈簧9 〇,彈簧9 〇具有一第一端g 2及一第二端g 4。彈 箸9 0係置入定位夾片7 2的通孔槽76中,彈簧9 〇的第一 端9 2與第一凹槽8 9對齊且第二端9 4嵌入第二凹槽91 中。定位央片7 2與彈箬q λ μ Ί . 、 〇係一起安裝於本體31〇的貫通 =2二定位鎖96穿過本體310的定位_、定位 料72的穿孔78及彈箸9〇的_心(如第五圖所示) =;2勸地槐接在本趙3 1〇的第-及第二凸部 之間’使疋位夾片7 2的抵壓部8 Q位於貫通槽6 且内彎弧面8 2細向树3 1 G的第-赌3 2 9,以 及按壓则触貫輸W物弧面 ^=體31〇的外表面3 3 7隔開,此外^_7 第一衫二凹槽89、91係分別與本體31⑽第 ,、70對齊。如此彈菁9◦的第一端92係嵌林 體310的第一⑽68中,使彈簧9_ = W4偏壓定位夾片72軌壓部8◦朝本叫㈣第一 孔#又3 2 9 (如第四圖所示)。 田按壓疋位夹片7 2的按壓端8 8,按壓部8 8處的内彎 細8 2抵壓彈簧_第:端9 4,使抵壓部80朝遠離第 孔丰又3 2 9樞轉(如第七圖所示)。而定位炎片7 2的第一 ^第二凹槽8 9、91配合本體310的第-及第二嵌槽6 8二◦提供彈簧9 0的第-及第二端92、94容納的空 β詳細地說,當定位夾片72的抵壓部80朝遠離第一孔段 3 2 9位移時,按壓部8 8處的内彎弧面8 2係靠近本體3丄 2的外表面3 3 7移動’如此第-凹槽8 9g己合第—嵌槽6 8 提供彈簧9 0之第-端9 2容納的空間,第二凹槽Q工酉日己合第 mzmw 2槽70提供第二端叫容納的空間,進-步使彈簧90的 及第二端9 2、94不會干涉定位夾片72轉動。 9 ί:體3 ^ 〇套接部3 2 5的套接孔3 2 7套設在拖 于部22時’可先用手按敎位夾片72按屢部, 使抵屢部8 G朝遠離苐—孔段3 2 9位移至脫離位置(如第七 ΓΓΓ) ’使得本體31G的第—孔段3 2 9 _放而提供 把2◦之桿部2 2的第-端2 4及鎖接件2 5穿過’當桿部 2 2的第—端2 4及鎖接件2 5穿過本體3!〇的套接孔3 i 2 7後可以再將布材固定件2 8與鎖接件2 5鎖合。而當放開 2 __ 8 8後,_片7 2的域部8 〇被 =9 0偏麼樞轉至止滑塾8 6抵靠在桿部2 2的周圍面么 的夾持位置上,以利用止滑墊8 6的摩擦阻力定位本體3 10在桿部2 2上的位置。 依據圖式所示,支撐件3 1 1更包括三個_條狀的止滑 件1 ◦◦各止滑件1 ◦ ◦包括—嵌槽1 0 2與-外側邊工0 4。各止滑件1 〇 〇係嵌設於本體3 1 0的強化肋3 2 i上, 且各止滑件1〇 〇係分別位於相鄰的二缺槽31g之間。 配合參看第九圖、第十圖式所示,安裝有本創作支樓件3 1 1的拖把2 〇可以配合脫水桶5 6 (脫水桶為市售可得但不 限於市售可得之型式)鱗心力作用脫水,所述的脫水桶5 6 具有-桶體5 7 ’減5 7具有隔開的-水槽5 8與—安|槽 5 9 ’桶體57的水槽58内拖設—脫水藍,桶體57的 12 M420300 安裝槽5 9中設置一驅動機構6 〇,脫水籃6 4具有的一軸桿 與驅動機構6 0連動地結合,驅動機構具有一踏板, 使用者踩踏踏板6 2時能夠驅使驅動機構6 〇帶動脫水籃6 4快速旋轉。 為了方便說明’係假設支撐件311位於靠近布材固定件 2 8的位置上(如第五、六圖所示),此時定位失片γ 2位於 夾持位置(如第四圖所示),止滑墊8 6貼靠在桿部2 2的周 圍面2 3上’使得支撐件3 1 1被摩擦阻力定位而不易沿桿部 2 2滑動。又假設拖把2 0的布材固定件2 8.及複數布材3 6 置入脫水監6 4内,此時支撐件3 1 1的三個止滑件1 〇 〇各 自的外側邊1 0 4係抵靠在脫水籃6 4的内表面(如第十騎 示)’利用三個止滑件1 0 〇相對於脫水籃6 4產生的摩擦阻 力能夠輔助定位夾片7 2使支撐件311更不易沿桿部2 2 朝遠離脫水籃64的方向移動,因此拖把2 〇被脫水籃6 4帶 動旋轉脫树,域件3 1 1係確實地雜拖把2 Q位於脫水 籃6 4的旋轉轴線上,以獲得較佳的脫水效果。當脫水作業完 成後,要進行拖地_,係先定位夾片7 2的按壓部8 8而 使之轉至脫離位置(如第七圖所示),如此止滑墊8 6脫離 桿部2 2的周圍面2 3使得支撐件311可輕易地沿桿部2 2朝遠離布材固定件2 8滑動(如第八圖所示),當讀件3 1 1與布龍定件2 8_的距離不會影響拖地作業的進行 時,就再蝴從夾片7 2使之復位至夾持位置,而將支標 13 M420300 件31 1摩擦定位在布材固定件2 8與握把裝置3 5 〇之間 的任意一適當位置上。 本創作本體310的支撐部313上設置複數缺槽3工 9設計,使得支撐部313能夠產生彈性變形,因此當脫水籃 6 4的内徑略小於支撐部3 1 3的最大外徑時,複數缺槽3 χ 9提供了支偉部3 1 3向中央收縮變小的空間,使讀部3工 3的下端317仍然可以伸入脫水籃6 4内’進-步維持拖把 保持在旋轉軸線上轉動。 本$作揭露的支擇件311在拖把20需要脫水時可以 移動至靠近布材©定件2 8處,使得拖把2⑽動時支樓件3 1 1維持拖把2 Q在轉動的軸線上,不會產生細的轉動,會 7水完畢後,支揮件3 1 1能位移與布材固定件2 8隔開,使 付拖把2 0拖地時支撑件3 2 i的支禮部3 i 3不會摩擦或 碰撞到地面或諸如傢俱等物品。 本創作利用將本體31〇之套接孔3 2 7的第-孔段3 # 2 9設計的略大於桿部2 2之翻面2 3,配合定位失片7 2 夾持。又。十田疋位失片7 2位於脫離位置時,支撐件3 1 1沿 桿部2 2滑動時的雜阻力彳M、,因此^在桿部2 2表㈣ 下摩擦後的痕跡,而當定位夹片7 2位於夾持位置時,係配合 止'月塾8 6抵靠在桿部2 2的周圍面2 3上產生強力的摩擦 々力使支揮件3 1 1不易滑動,且配合各止滑件丄〇 〇與脫水 6 4接觸產生的摩擦阻力,在進行脫水作業時能確實地使支 牛3 1 1不易朝遠離脫水籃6 4的方向位移,以確保拖把2 〇被脫水Μ6 4帶動旋轉時係保持在脫水籃6 4的旋轉轴線 上。 本創作的基本教導已加以說明,對具有本領域通常技能的 而σ許夕延伸和變化將是顯而易知者。舉例言之,支撐部 3 1 3的複數缺槽3 1 9是可以被移除的,支樓部3 1 3在缺 少缺槽3 1 9的狀態下只是無法置人陳,]、於支撐部3 ! 3 下端3 1 7之外徑的脫水籃6 4中’但只要脫水籃6 4的内徑 略大於支#部3 1 3的下端3 1 7之外徑,本創作的支樓件3 11仍然可以配合脫水籃6 4在拖把2 〇轉動時保持在旋轉 軸心上。或支撐部3 1 3的強度也能由增加支撐部3 1,3本身. 的厚度來強化。此外,本體3 i 〇可不包括第_及第二嵌槽6 8、7 0,如此只要定位夾片7 2之按壓部8 8處的内彎弧面 8 2與本體31〇的外表面3 37隔開足夠的距離,仍然可以 提供彈簧9 0之第一及第二端9 2、9 4容納的空間且不會干 涉疋位夾片7 2在央持位置與脫離位置之間樞轉。又,定位夾 片7 2係可不包括第一及第二凹槽8 9、9 1,如此只要定位 失片7 2之按壓部8 8處的内彎弧面8 2與本體31〇的外 表面3 3 7隔開足夠的距離,仍然可以提供彈簧9 〇之第一及 第—端9 2、9 4谷納的空間且不會干涉定位失片7 2在夹持 位置與脫離位置之間樞轉。又,定位夾片7 2可不包括卡槽8 3,如此止滑墊8 6仍然可以利用黏膠層8 4黏固在抵壓部8 15 〇的内¥弧面8 2 i。再者,支刪11括三個止滑 件1 0 〇,如此當支稽件311置入脫水籃6 4時,支標件3 11的強化肋3 21係抵靠在脫水藍6 4的内表面,而支撐件 3 1 1係依靠定位以72上的止滑墊8 6定位,這樣仍铁足 以保持拖把2㈣龍树姻件3 i i不料雜脫水藍 6 4方向移動。或者,定位夾片7 2可不包括正滑整8 6,如 此定位夾片72本身可以諸如橡膠材質射出成形,使得定位夾 片7 2的内f弧面8 2本身即具有良好的摩擦阻力,當定位夾 片72位於夾持位置時同樣能定位支擇件31 1使之不易> 桿部2 2位移。此外,彈簧9 〇可以是非扭力彈簧,例如採用 壓縮彈簧作為彈簧9 Q時,係將壓縮彈簧安裝於定位夾片7 2 之按壓部8 8處的内f弧面8 2與本體3 i 〇的外表面3 3 ^間’如此魏彈簧健可偏壓定位爽片7 2使止滑塾8 6 抵靠在桿部2 2的周圍面2 3以定位支揮件3工工。 最後,支撐件3 1 1的定位夹片7 2除了減成定位失片 ^2之樞轉軸線與套接部3 2 5平行外,定位失片7 2也能樞 叹成與定位夹片7 2之轉軸線與套接部3 2 5垂直,如此第 及第一凸部6 3、6 5係以第-圖為方向隔開在貫通槽6丄 的左、右兩侧:以及第-及第二嵌槽6 8、7 〇形成在夹持部 3 2 5之外展面3 3 7且靠近貫通槽6工的下侧處(以第一圖 方向)’使疋位夾片7 2的旋轉方向係垂直套接部3 2 5 d 與支標件3 1 1的旋轉方向垂直)’定位夾片72仍然具有連 M420300 動止滑塾8 6相於桿部2 2之周圍面2 3產生足夠摩擦阻 力的效果。 由於說明書揭示的本創作可在未脫離本卿精神或大體 特徵的其它特定形絲實施,且這些歡形式的―些形式已經 被指出,所以,說明書揭示的實施例應視為舉例說明而非限 制。本創作的範圍是由所附的申請專利範圍界定,而不是由上 述說明所界定’對於落入申請專利範圍的均等意義與範圍的所 有改變仍將包含在其範圍之内。 17 M420300 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖顯示本創作立體分解圖。 ^圖顯杉歸握把裝置與本猶切件之拖把立體外觀 第三圖係第二圖的握把裝置之局部剖視圖。 ,四圖顯示第二圖中4_4剖面線所示之局部剖視圖。 ^五圖顯示第_巾5-5麻線所示之局部剖視圖。 第六圖顯示第四圖中6_6剖面線所示之局部刮視圖。 第^圖顯秘找减諸㈣他壓部斜貫通孔之 不忍圖。 第八圖顯示第七圖中8_8剖面線所示之局部剖視圖。 第九圖係絲雜把裝置與讀件的拖把配合拖水桶拖水之 立體外觀圖。 第十圖係第九圖的支撐件位於脫水籃處的局部剖視圖。. 【主要元件符號說明】 2 0拖把 2 4第一端 2 7鎖桿 3 2底面 2 2桿部 2 5鎖接件 2 8布材固定件 3 4套接部 2 3周圍面 2 6第二端 3 0頂面 3 4 A上端面 3 4 B鎖孔 3 5外周面 3 8握柄 5 8水槽 5 6脫水桶 3 6布材 5 7桶體 5 9安裝槽 6 0驅動機構 6 1貫通槽 6 3第一凸部 6 8第一嵌槽 6 2踏板 6 5第二凸部 70第二嵌槽 6 4脫水籃 6 6定位孔 7 2定位夾片 M420300M420300 V. New description: [New technical field] This creation is _-Chi domain_support, especially _ kind of silk makes the mop--dehydrated blue belt lacing' simple mop on the rotation axis of the dehydration basket supporting item. (4) The sputum is located in [previous technology] - the traditional traditional mop gamma is to reduce the tree on her, use a slightly damp cloth to produce some stickiness' and attach the fine objects on the ground to the mop cloth to clean The effect is that the traditional mop requires the user to loosen the moisture of the cloth by hand. It is not convenient to use, and it is often difficult to reduce the water content of the cloth to a reasonable state by twisting the cloth of the mop by hand, so the conventional mop is used. When mopping the floor, usually too much water remains on the ground. Before the water is completely dry, the floor becomes slippery and slippery, and it is easy to slip when the excess water is dried. For this reason, a manufacturer has developed a dewatering bucket (for example, a dehydration bucket that is dragged by a good god). The sink of the dewatering bucket is provided with a dehydration & 'which can be driven and rotated. The dewatering bucket is installed outside the sink and can be driven. The driving mechanism for rotating the dewatering basket' and designing the cloth fixing member of the mop to be a disk shape, when the mop is placed in the dewatering basket, the outer peripheral surface of the cloth fixing member of the mop abuts against the inner circumferential surface of the dewatering basket, and further dewatering basket rotation When the mop can be rotated together, the centrifugal force of the rotation can be used to dry the excess moisture in the cloth, so that the user can quickly dry the excess water without touching the material with the hand, and centrifuge with centrifugal force. The method of excess moisture in the dry cloth can also avoid excessive moisture in the cloth. Therefore, when the M420300 is mopped, the ground will only have a little water, so the ground after the correction will dry out in a short time. Reduces the chance of slipping and is also less prone to residual water on the ground. However, the design of the dewatering S峨 bucket is not able to provide the traditional use of the mop. In detail, the 'has a kind of _ _ mop with a hemisphere-like cloth fixing piece' strip-shaped multiple cloth material JU Yubu material On the fixing member, since the outer diameter of the cloth fixing member of the mop is much smaller than the inner diameter of the dewatering basket, when the conventional mop is placed inside the dewatering basket, the outer periphery of the cloth fixing member and the inner surface of the dehydrated blue are still Separation-distance, when the dehydrated blue drives the traditional mop to rotate, the cloth fixing member will move in the dehydration basket due to the centrifugal force, and the mop and the cloth fixing member are separated from the rotation axis of the dehydration basket to generate an eccentric rotation phenomenon, and further the shaft Dehydration blue and dewatering barrel vibration greatly reduce the rotation speed of the dewatering basket, and when the rotation speed of the dewatering basket is insufficient, the dewatering effect is greatly reduced and the desired dewatering effect cannot be achieved. [New content] In order to solve this problem, the present invention provides a "trailer rotation support member", which includes a body, a continuation, an upper end of the branch, and a larger one. The end portion of the support portion further includes a space extending from the lower end surface toward the upper end but spaced apart from the end surface of the upper end, the body step further comprising a neck formed on the end surface of the upper end of the branch portion, the body further comprising a neck formed The socket portion of the end portion of the portion has a distal end, and a set of connecting holes extend from the end end surface of the socket portion to the space. The outer surface of the socket portion is provided with a through groove communicating with the socket hole, and supporting The Liaoxian junction of the piece is set at the age of the mop with the leaf 4 M420300 on the part of the mop, and it is difficult to reduce the thief tree scale to drag her on the line without eccentric rotation, and the elastic positioning is pivoted on the sleeve of the support member. A positioning clip 'clamping clip' in the middle includes a pressing portion, a pressing portion, and a pivoting portion extending between the pressing portion and the pressing portion, and the pressing portion of the positioning clip is located in the through slot Inside, the positioning clip can be pivoted between the clamping position and the disengaged position turn. When the field clamp is in the gripping position, the abutment portion of the positioning clip is to be clamped to the stem portion of the mop to position the support member on the stem portion. When the field clamp is in the disengaged position, the pressing portion of the positioning clip is to be disengaged from the rod portion of the mop, so that the support member is smoothly displaced along the rod portion. When the mop needs to be dehydrated, it can be moved to the vicinity of the cloth mouth and the support piece is tightened by the positioning clip, so that the mop cloth is placed in the dehydrated blue and the dewatering basket is rotated, the reading piece can Weichi puts the rotation on the line of Jue, and does not produce the rotation of the deviation~, and when the dehydration is completed, the pressing portion of the positioning clip can be pressed to release the positioning function of the positioning clip for the branch member, so that the branch The piece can be displaced and separated from the cloth fixing member of the mop so that the branch portion of the support does not rub or collide with the ground or items such as furniture when the mop is mopped. [Embodiment] All the following drawings are only convenient for the basic teaching of the original creation. The drawings will explain the extension of the component, position, hall, and size of the component. The implementation of the changes related to this creation is an industry skill. In addition, after reading and understanding the creation of this creation, the changes in the size and size ratio of the special strength, replacement, strength, and similar requirements are also industry skills. In the different figures, the same reference numerals are used to designate the same or similar elements; in addition, please refer to the text such as "first", "second", "up,", "down", "刖,", "内,,, "External,," "end,", "part,", "segment", "horizontal", "vertical,", "inward,", "outward,", "twist,", "length, zone , "around", "side", ', radial'',,, axial, and so on, and similar terms are used to facilitate the creation of the target and to help describe the creation. In a preferred embodiment, the support member 3 ii of the present invention is sleeved on a mop 20 (including a commercially available mop, but not limited to a commercially available mop). The mop 20 has a stem portion 2 2 and a stem portion. 2 2 includes spaced apart, first end 24 (as shown in the first figure) and a second end 26 (as shown in the second figure), the rod portion 2 2 is further included in the first and second ends 2 4, 2 6 extends between the circumferential surface 2 3, the first end 24 of the rod 22 is fixed - the locking member 25 (as shown in the first figure), and the locking member 25 includes a threaded tooth - Lock lever 2 7. Mop 2 The 〇 further includes a semi-spherical shell-shaped cloth fixing member 2 detachably screwed to the locking member 25, and the cloth mosquito member 28 includes a spaced-top surface 3, a bottom surface 3 2, And an arc-shaped peripheral surface 3 5'-the sleeve portion 3 4 extending between the top surface 3 〇 and the bottom surface 3 2 is convexly formed on the top surface of the cloth material fixing member 28, and the contact portion 2 5 2 7 dry screw * - lock hole 3 4β. The rod portion 2 2 is locked with the lock rod of the lock member 2 5 . The lock hole of the human lion seal member 2 8 3 B B t, cloth preparation member 2 8 M420300 == The number of cloths 36 is the outer side of the bottom piece 28 of the piece 28, and the mop 2 〇 further includes a -_3 8 which is attached to the second end 26 of the rod portion 2 2 to provide the user's grip and suspension. The figure is further disclosed in the mop 2 = 3: Γ ─ ─, the grip device = the upper and lower positioning ring upper ring 351 each having an outer peripheral surface 3 5 7 further each including a spaced apart first end surface 353 And a first surface 3 5 5 'upper and lower positioning rings 3 51 also each include a first extension to the first, 55 - perforation 3 5 9, including two: ^ another t from the first end face 3 5 3 To the second end face 3 milk extension =, the face 3 5 5 the agency close to the outer face 3 5 7 -_ 3 7 perforation ===== slot 371 is located in the respective 5 7 along the straight fortune; Γ each outer peripheral surface 3 扎 each with a perforation 3 5 9 closed two accommodating holes 3 respectively to the fixed wear including by each The accommodating hole 3 73 has two locking holes 375 along the diameter main hole 3 5.9. When the detaching fixing member 28 is detached by the locking member 25, it can be disposed on the shank portion 22: The first end face 353 faces the first end face of the lower positioning ring 351. The ring ^5 1 of the palm is separated from each other by an appropriate distance (slightly larger than the width of the hand). The upper and lower positioning rings 351 are respectively two. The screws are respectively screwed into the 7 keyholes 3 7 5 'to make the respective screw_last rails abut on the contact surface 2 3 of the rod portion 2 2 ' to position the upper and lower positioning rings 3 5 1 on the rod portion 2 2 position. According to the drawing, the 'grip device 35 5 〇 further includes a tubular shape pivoted between the upper and lower positioning rings ^ 1 - the rotary grip 3 7 7 , the rotary grip 3 7 7 comprises: the end 3 7 9, and a through hole 3 9 i extending from the end face of the end portion 379 to the end face of the other end portion 379. The two end portions 9 of the rotating grips 3 7 7 are respectively dragged to the upper and lower positioning rings 3, and the respective pivoting grooves 3 are engaged, and the rod portion γ 2 is passed through the through holes of the screw # grip 7 7 7 3 9 work, the user's hand is held on the rotating grip 3 7 7 'The handle 2 G and the support 3 ! ! can be smoothly rotated. According to the drawings, in the preferred embodiment of the present invention, the support member 311 includes a body 3 slidably sleeved or positioned on the shank portion 2 2 , in particular, the body 3 1 Q can handle the device 3 5 Q slides on the rod portion 2 2 between the cloth fixing member 28 and is positioned at any position between the grip device 3 5 〇 and the cloth fixing member 28. The body 310 includes a hemispherical shell-support portion 3 φ 13 'the support portion 313 includes a spaced-upper end 315 and a lower end 3 177. The lower end 317 has an outer diameter greater than the upper end 315, and the support portion 313 further includes a lower portion. The space 317 extends toward the upper end 315 but is spaced apart from the end surface of the upper end 315. The space 3 1 4°-the neck portion 3 2 3 is convexly formed on the end surface of the upper end 3 1 5 of the branch portion 3 1 3 and located at the body 3 i 〇 The axis of rotation (i.e., the imaginary line passing through the center of the support portion 313 and perpendicular to the end face of the lower end 3). The lower end 317 of the support portion 313 is formed on the outer surface to form a reinforcing rib 31, and the support portion 313 of the body 310 includes a plurality of notches 31g extending from the end surface of the lower end 317 toward the upper end 3 15 but spaced apart from the end surface of the upper end 315. The plurality of notches 3 1 9 are partitioned into a plurality of sections by the reinforcing ribs 3 2 1 , and the reinforcing ribs 3 21 are arranged to be divided into three blocks by the three notches 3丄9. It has the effect of maintaining a circular shape in an uncompressed state. The body 310 further includes a tubular sleeve formed on the end surface of the neck portion 33. P3 2 5, the socket portion 3 2 5 has an outer surface 3 3 7 and an end portion 3 2 6 'the neck portion 323 and the socket portion 3 25 form a sleeve hole 3 2 7, as shown in the fifth figure, the first As shown in the sixth figure, the socket hole 3 27 includes a first hole section 3 29 and a straight hole-shaped second hole section 3 3 丄, and the inner diameter of the first hole section 3 29 is smaller than The second hole segment 3 3 !, and the first hole segment 3 2 9 extends to the end face of the socket portion 3 2 5 3 6 but is spaced apart from the space 3 χ 4, and the second hole segment 3 3 is tied at the first The hole section 3 2 9 extends between the space 3 1 4 and the inner diameter of the first hole section 3 2 9 is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the mop 2 the mast portion 2 2 so that the body 3 1 〇 the socket portion 3 2 5 - When the hole portion 3 29 is set on the rod portion 2 2 , the body 3 i 滑动 can smoothly slide on the surface 2 3 around the rod portion 2 2 . In addition, the socket portion 3 25 includes a through-groove 6 extending from the outer surface 3 3 7 to the first-hole portion 3 29 of the socket hole 3 27, and the through-groove 6 1 is located at the socket portion 3 Between the end 3 2 6 of the 2 5 and the 邛 3 2 3 , the ferrule 3 2 5 further includes a -th, a convex portion 63 and a through-groove extending from the upper end surface of the through-groove 6 1 to the end 3 26 61. The lower end surface extends to the second convex portion 6 5 of the neck portion 3 2 3 (ie, the first and second convex portions 6 3, 65 in the direction of the first figure are spaced apart from the upper and lower sides of the through groove 61 ). The socket portion 3 2 5 further includes a positioning hole 66 6 extending from the end surface of the first convex portion 63 through the second convex portion 65 and the neck portion 3 2 to the space 314, and the positioning hole 6 6 is connected with the socket hole 3 2 7 separated. In addition, the outer surface 337 of the socket portion 325 forms a first recess 68 and a second recess 7 延伸 extending to the through slot 6丄, and the first and second slots 6 8 and 7 0 are It is located between the first and second convex portions 6 3 and 65 and is located on one side of the through groove 61. The support member 31 1 of the present invention further includes a positioning clip 7 2 pivotally disposed on the socket portion 3 25 . As shown in the first figure, the positioning clip 7 2 includes an arc-shaped pressing portion 8 . An arc-shaped pressing portion 8 8 and a pivoting portion 7 4 extending between the pressing portion 8 〇 and the pressing portion 8 8 , the positioning clip 7 2 further includes a pressing portion 80 and a pressing portion 8 8 - An inner curved curved surface g -2 of the side circular arc shape, an inner curved curved surface 8 2 and a groove 8 3 formed at the pressing portion 8 ,, the inner curved curved surface 8 2 and formed at the pressing portion 8 8 The spaced apart first and second recesses 8 9 , 9 1 ′ are joined to the card slot 8 by an adhesive layer 8 4 such as a double-sided tape. The positioning clips 7 2 further include a through hole slot 7 6 formed in the pivoting portion 74. The pivoting portion 7 4 has a through hole 7 8 through the through hole slot 76. The through hole 7 8 is parallel to the body 3 1 . The axis of rotation of 0 and the through hole slot 76 and the through hole 78 are perpendicular to each other. The support member 3 1 1 also includes a spring 9 诸如 such as a torsion spring having a first end g 2 and a second end g 4 as shown in the drawings. The magazine 90 is placed in the through slot 76 of the positioning clip 7 2, the first end 92 of the spring 9 对齐 is aligned with the first recess 899 and the second end 94 is embedded in the second recess 91. Positioning the central piece 7 2 with the magazine q λ μ Ί . , the 〇 is mounted on the body 31 贯通 through the = 2 position lock 96 through the positioning of the body 310 _, the perforation 78 of the positioning material 72 and the magazine 9 〇 _ heart (as shown in the fifth figure) =; 2 persuasion to connect between the first and second convex portions of the Zhao 3 1 ' 'to make the pressing portion 8 Q of the clamping clip 7 2 in the through slot 6 and the inner curved surface 8 2 the fine tree 3 1 G the first - gambling 3 2 9, and the pressing is the transgressive W object arc surface ^ = the body 31 〇 the outer surface 3 3 7 separated, in addition ^_7 The one-shirt two grooves 89, 91 are respectively aligned with the bodies 31, 10, and 70. Thus, the first end 92 of the elastic lining 9 is embedded in the first (10) 68 of the forest body 310, so that the spring 9_=W4 biases the positioning clip 72 to the rail pressure portion 8 toward the original (four) first hole #3 3 9 ( As shown in the fourth figure). The field presses the pressing end 8 of the clamping clip 7 2 , and the inner curved portion 8 2 at the pressing portion 8 8 presses the spring _ the end 9 4 , so that the pressing portion 80 faces away from the first hole and the 3 2 9 pivot Turn (as shown in Figure 7). The first and second recesses 890, 91 of the positioning slab 7 2 cooperate with the first and second slots 6 8 of the body 310 to provide the space accommodated by the first and second ends 92, 94 of the spring 90. In detail, when the pressing portion 80 of the positioning clip 72 is displaced away from the first hole segment 3 29, the inner curved surface 8 2 at the pressing portion 8 is close to the outer surface 3 3 of the body 3丄2. 7 moving 'so first-groove 8 9g hex-slot-slot 6 8 provides the space accommodated by the first end 9 2 of the spring 90, the second groove Q is the same as the mzmw 2 slot 70 provides the second The end is called the accommodating space, and the stepping of the spring 90 and the second end 9 2, 94 does not interfere with the rotation of the positioning clip 72. 9 ί: Body 3 ^ 〇 Socket part 3 2 5 Socket hole 3 2 7 set when dragged to the part 22 'You can first press the 夹 position clip 72 by hand, press the repeating part 8 G toward Move away from the 苐- hole segment 3 2 9 displacement to the disengaged position (such as the seventh ΓΓΓ) 'Let the first hole segment 3 2 9 _ of the body 31G to provide the second end of the shank 2 2 and the lock The connector 2 5 can pass through the first end 24 of the rod portion 2 2 and the locking member 25 through the sleeve hole 3 i 2 7 of the body 3! 可以, and then the cloth fixing member 28 and the lock can be further The connector 2 5 is locked. When the 2 __ 8 8 is released, the domain portion 8 _ of the _ piece 7 2 is pivoted by the yoke 90 to the clamping position of the sliding 塾 8 6 against the peripheral surface of the shank 2 2 , The position of the body 3 10 on the stem portion 2 2 is positioned by the frictional resistance of the anti-slip pad 86. According to the drawing, the support member 3 1 1 further comprises three strip-shaped anti-slip members 1 , and each of the anti-slip members 1 ◦ ◦ includes a recessed groove 1 0 2 and an outer side edge 0 4 . Each of the anti-slip members 1 〇 is embedded in the reinforcing ribs 3 2 i of the body 3 10 , and each of the anti-slip members 1 〇 is located between the adjacent two notches 31 g. Referring to the ninth and tenth drawings, the mop 2 安装 with the creative branch member 3 1 1 can be fitted with the dewatering bucket 56. (The dewatering bucket is commercially available but not limited to the commercially available type. Dehydration, the dewatering bucket 56 has a barrel 5 7 'minus 5 7 with a separate - sink 5 8 and - an | trough 5 9 ' barrel 57 in the trough 58 drag-dehydration Blue, the 12 M420300 mounting groove 59 of the barrel 57 is provided with a driving mechanism 6 〇. The shaft of the dewatering basket 6 4 is coupled with the driving mechanism 60, and the driving mechanism has a pedal. When the user steps on the pedal 6 2 It can drive the drive mechanism 6 〇 to drive the spin basket 64 to rotate rapidly. For convenience of explanation, it is assumed that the support member 311 is located close to the cloth fixing member 28 (as shown in FIGS. 5 and 6), and the positioning loss piece γ 2 is located at the clamping position (as shown in the fourth figure). The anti-slip pad 8 6 abuts against the peripheral surface 23 of the stem portion 2 2 so that the support member 31 is positioned by the frictional resistance and does not easily slide along the stem portion 2 2 . It is also assumed that the cloth fixing member 2 8. of the mop 20 and the plurality of cloth materials 3 6 are placed in the dewatering pipe 6 4, and at this time, the three outer sliding members 1 of the supporting member 3 1 1 are each outer side edge 10 The 4 series abuts against the inner surface of the dewatering basket 64 (such as the tenth riding). The frictional resistance generated by the three anti-slip members 10 〇 relative to the dewatering basket 64 can assist in positioning the clips 7 2 to support the members 311. It is more difficult to move along the rod portion 2 2 away from the dewatering basket 64, so that the mop 2 is driven to rotate off the tree by the dewatering basket 64, and the domain member 3 1 1 is surely the mop 2 Q is located at the rotation axis of the dewatering basket 64. Online to get better dehydration. When the dewatering operation is completed, the mowing _ is to be carried out, and the pressing portion 8 of the clip 7 2 is first positioned to be turned to the disengaged position (as shown in the seventh figure), so that the sliding pad 8 6 is separated from the rod portion 2 The peripheral surface 2 3 of 2 allows the support member 311 to be easily slid along the rod portion 2 2 away from the cloth fixing member 28 (as shown in the eighth figure), when the reading member 3 1 1 and the Bron fixing member 28_ When the distance does not affect the progress of the mopping operation, the clip 7 2 is again reset to the clamping position, and the 13 M420300 piece 31 1 is frictionally positioned on the cloth fixing member 28 and the grip device. 3 5 〇 anywhere in the appropriate position. The support portion 313 of the present invention body 310 is provided with a plurality of slots 3 design, so that the support portion 313 can be elastically deformed, so when the inner diameter of the dewatering basket 64 is slightly smaller than the maximum outer diameter of the support portion 3 1 3 , the plural The lack of slot 3 χ 9 provides a space for the branch of the branch 3 3 3 to shrink toward the center, so that the lower end 317 of the read section 3 can still extend into the dehydration basket 6 4 'to maintain the mop on the axis of rotation Turn. The disclosed optional member 311 can be moved to the vicinity of the cloth member fixing member 28 when the mop 20 needs to be dehydrated, so that the mop 2 (10) moves the supporting member 3 1 1 to maintain the mop 2 Q on the axis of rotation, A fine rotation will occur, and after the 7 water is completed, the support member 3 1 1 can be displaced from the cloth fixing member 28 to make the support portion 3 2 i of the support member 3 2 i when the mop 20 is mopped. Do not rub or bump into the ground or items such as furniture. The present invention utilizes the first hole segment 3 # 2 9 of the sleeve hole 3 2 7 of the body 31〇 to be slightly larger than the face surface 2 3 of the rod portion 2 2 , and is clamped with the positioning piece piece 7 2 . also. When the Shimano positional piece 7 2 is in the disengaged position, the mismatch resistance 彳M when the support member 3 1 1 slides along the rod portion 2 2 , and thus the trace after rubbing under the table ( 4 ) of the rod portion 2 2 , while positioning When the clip 7 2 is in the clamping position, a strong frictional force is generated on the peripheral surface 23 of the rod portion 2 2 against the end of the rod portion 6 2 so that the flap member 31 is not easily slid, and The frictional resistance generated by the contact between the slipper member 脱水 and the dewatering unit 6 can surely prevent the ox 3 1 1 from being displaced away from the dewatering basket 64 in the dewatering operation to ensure that the mop 2 is dehydrated Μ 6 4 The rotation is maintained on the axis of rotation of the dewatering basket 64. The basic teachings of this creation have been described, and it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the extensions and variations will be apparent. For example, the plurality of slots 3 1 9 of the support portion 3 1 3 can be removed, and the branch portion 3 1 3 is only unable to be placed in the state lacking the slot 3 1 9 ,] 3 ! 3 The outer diameter of the lower end of the 3 1 7 dewatering basket 6 4 'but as long as the inner diameter of the dewatering basket 6 4 is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the lower end 3 1 7 of the branch # 3 3 3 , the branch building 3 of the present creation 11 can still be used with the dewatering basket 6 4 to remain on the rotating shaft while the mop 2 〇 is rotated. Alternatively, the strength of the support portion 3 1 3 can be enhanced by increasing the thickness of the support portion 31, 3 itself. In addition, the body 3 i 〇 may not include the first and second slots 6 8 , 70 , so as long as the inner curved surface 8 2 at the pressing portion 8 8 of the clip 7 2 and the outer surface 3 37 of the body 31 定位 are positioned. Separating a sufficient distance, the space accommodated by the first and second ends 9 2, 9 4 of the spring 90 can still be provided without interfering with the clamping of the clamping jaws 7 2 between the central and disengaged positions. Moreover, the positioning clips 7 2 may not include the first and second recesses 8 9 , 9 1 , so as long as the inner curved surface 8 2 at the pressing portion 8 8 of the missing piece 7 2 and the outer surface of the body 31〇 are located. 3 3 7 is separated by a sufficient distance, and the space of the first and the first ends of the spring 9 9 9 2, 9 4 can be provided without interfering with the positioning of the missing piece 7 2 between the clamping position and the disengaged position turn. Moreover, the positioning clips 7 2 may not include the card slots 83, so that the sliding pads 86 can still be adhered to the inner arc surface 8 2 i of the pressing portion 8 15 利用 by the adhesive layer 8 4 . Furthermore, the support 11 includes three anti-slip members 10 0, such that when the sub-assembly member 311 is placed in the dewatering basket 64, the reinforcing ribs 3 21 of the support member 3 11 are abutted against the dehydrated blue 6 4 The surface, while the support member 3 1 1 is positioned by the positioning of the anti-slip pad 86 on the 72, so that the iron is still sufficient to keep the mop 2 (four) dragon tree member 3 ii unreasonable dehydrated blue 6 4 direction movement. Alternatively, the positioning clips 7 2 may not include positive sliding 8 6 such that the positioning clips 72 themselves may be injection molded, such as rubber, such that the inner f-arc surface 8 2 of the positioning clips 7 2 itself has good frictional resistance. When the positioning clip 72 is in the clamping position, the retaining member 31 1 can also be positioned to make it difficult to displace the stem portion 2 2 . In addition, the spring 9 〇 may be a non-torque spring. For example, when a compression spring is used as the spring 9 Q, the compression spring is mounted on the inner f-arc surface 8 2 of the positioning clip 7 2 and the body 3 i 〇 The outer surface 3 3 ^ 'such that the spring spring can be biased to position the cooling sheet 7 2 so that the anti-slip 塾 8 6 abuts against the peripheral surface 23 of the rod portion 2 2 to position the support member 3 to work. Finally, the positioning clip 7 2 of the support member 31 is not parallel to the pivot axis of the positioning piece 2 and the sleeve portion 3 2 5 is parallel, and the positioning piece 7 2 can also be slid into the positioning clip 7 The rotation axis of 2 is perpendicular to the socket portion 3 2 5 , such that the first and first convex portions 6 3 and 6 5 are spaced apart from each other on the left and right sides of the through groove 6丄 in the direction of the first figure: and the first and The second recessed groove 6 8 , 7 〇 is formed on the outer surface of the grooving portion 3 2 5 and close to the lower side of the through-groove 6 (in the first drawing direction) to make the clamping clip 7 2 The direction of rotation is the vertical sleeve portion 3 2 5 d is perpendicular to the direction of rotation of the support member 3 1 1) 'the positioning clip 72 still has the M420300 moving stop slider 8 6 phase generated on the peripheral surface 23 of the rod portion 2 2 The effect of sufficient frictional resistance. Since the present disclosure disclosed in the specification can be implemented in other specific shapes without departing from the spirit or general features of the present invention, and the forms of these forms have been pointed out, the embodiments disclosed in the specification should be considered as illustrative and not limiting. . The scope of the present invention is defined by the scope of the appended claims, and is not intended to be limited by the scope of the invention. 17 M420300 [Simple description of the drawing] The first figure shows the exploded view of the creation. ^The visual appearance of the mop handle device and the mop of the present heel piece. The third figure is a partial cross-sectional view of the grip device of the second figure. The four figures show a partial cross-sectional view of the 4_4 section line in the second figure. ^The five figures show a partial cross-sectional view of the ninth towel 5-5. The sixth figure shows a partial scratch view of the 6_6 hatching in the fourth figure. The first picture shows the secret reduction (4). The eighth figure shows a partial cross-sectional view taken along line 8-8 of the seventh figure. The ninth picture is a three-dimensional appearance of the wire-wound device and the mop of the reading piece in combination with the tow bucket. Figure 11 is a partial cross-sectional view of the support member of the ninth diagram at the dewatering basket. [Main component symbol description] 2 0 mop 2 4 first end 2 7 lock lever 3 2 bottom surface 2 2 rod portion 2 5 lock member 2 8 cloth material fixing member 3 4 socket portion 2 3 peripheral surface 2 6 second End 3 0 Top surface 3 4 A Upper end face 3 4 B Locking hole 3 5 Outer peripheral surface 3 8 Handle 5 8 Sink 5 6 Dewatering bucket 3 6 Cloth material 5 7 Barrel 5 9 Mounting groove 6 0 Drive mechanism 6 1 Through slot 6 3 first convex portion 6 8 first recessed groove 6 2 pedal 6 5 second convex portion 70 second recessed groove 6 4 dehydration basket 6 6 positioning hole 7 2 positioning clip M420300

7 4樞接部 7 6通孔槽 7 8穿孔 8 0抵壓部 8 2内彎弧面 8 3卡槽 8 4黏膠層 8 6止滑墊 8 8按壓部 8 9第一凹槽 9 0彈簧 91第二凹槽 9 2第一端 9 4第二端 9 6定位銷 10 0止滑件 1 0 2嵌槽 10 4外側邊 3 1 0本體 311支撐件 313支撐部 3 1 4空間 3 1 5上端 3 1 7下端 3 1 9缺槽 3 21強化肋 3 2 3頸部 3 2 5套接部 3 2 6末端 3 2 7套接孔 3 2 9第一孔段 3 31第二孔段 3 3 7外表面 3 5 0握把裝置 3 51上、下定位環3 5 3第一端面 3 5 5第二端面 3 5 7外周面 3 5 9穿孔 3 71樞接槽 3 7 3容置孔 3 7 5鎖孔 3 7 7旋轉握把 3 7 9端部 3 9 1通孔7 4 pivoting portion 7 6 through hole slot 7 8 perforation 8 0 pressing portion 8 2 inner curved surface 8 3 card slot 8 4 adhesive layer 8 6 slip pad 8 8 pressing portion 8 9 first groove 9 0 Spring 91 second groove 9 2 first end 9 4 second end 9 6 positioning pin 10 0 stop slider 1 0 2 slot 10 4 outer side 3 1 0 body 311 support 313 support 3 1 4 space 3 1 5 upper end 3 1 7 lower end 3 1 9 notch 3 21 reinforcing rib 3 2 3 neck 3 2 5 socket 3 2 6 end 3 2 7 socket 3 2 9 first hole 3 31 second hole 3 3 7 outer surface 3 50 grip device 3 51 upper and lower positioning ring 3 5 3 first end face 3 5 5 second end face 3 5 7 outer peripheral surface 3 5 9 perforation 3 71 pivoting groove 3 7 3 receiving hole 3 7 5 keyhole 3 7 7 rotating grip 3 7 9 end 3 9 1 through hole

Claims (1)

M4203M4203 六、申請專利範圍: 1、一種拖把旋轉用支撐件,包括: 一本體(3 1 0),本體(3 1 0 )具有一支撐部(3 1 3 ), 支撐部(3 1 3 )包括隔開的一上端(3 1 5 ),以及較上端(3 1 5 )大的一下端(3 1 7 ),支撐部(3 1 3 )進一步包括由 下端(3 1 7)端面朝上端(3 1 5 )延伸但與上端(3 1 5 ) 之端面隔開的一空間(314),本體(310)進一步包括形 成在支撐部(3 1 3 )之上端(3 1 5 )端面上的一頸部(3 · 2 3 )’本體(3 1 0 )另包括形成在頸部(3 2 3 )之末端面 上的一套接部(3 2 5 ),套接部(3 2 5 )具有一末端(3 2 6 ) ’ 一套接孔(3 2 7)由套接部(3 2 5)之末端(3 2 6) 端面延伸至空間(3 1 4 )’套接部(3 2 5 )外表面(3 3 7 ) 形成延伸至套接孔(3 2 7 )的一貫通槽(6 1 ),本體(3 1 〇)的頸部(3 2 3)及套接部(3 2 5)係要被套設在一拖 把(2 0)具有的一桿部(2 2 )上,且於拖把(2 0)旋轉籲 脫水時保持拖把(2 0 )位於旋轉軸線上不會產生偏心的轉動; 一定位夾片(7 2 ),係彈性定位地樞設於本體(3 1 〇 ) 的套接部(3 2 5 ) ’定位夾片(7 2 )包括一抵壓部(8 0 )、 一按壓部(8 8)以及在抵壓部(8 0)與按壓部(8 8)之 間延伸的一樞接部(7 4 ),定位夾片(7 2 )的抵壓部(8 0 ) 係位於貫通槽(61)内,定位夾片(7 2 )係可在夾持位置 與脫離位置之間樞轉; 20 M420300 當定位夾片(7 2)位於夾持位置時,定位夾片(7 2)的 抵壓部(8 0 )係要被夾固拖把(2 〇 )的桿部(2 2 ),使支 撐件(311)定位於桿部(2 2)上, 當定位夾片(7 2)位於脫離位置時,定位夾片(7 2)的 抵壓部(8 0 )係要被脫離拖把(2 〇 )的桿部(2 2 ),使支 撐件(311)順暢地沿桿部(2 2)位移。 2、如申請專利範圍第1項所述拖把旋轉用支樓件,其中定 位夾片(7 2)包括形成在極接部(7 4)上的一通孔槽(7 6 ),且定位夾片(7 2)進一步包括一内彎弧面(8 2),一 第一凹槽(8 9)及一第二凹槽(91)形成於按壓部(8 8) 處的内f弧面(8 2 )上,本體(3Ί α)的外表面.(3:3 7 ). 形成一第一嵌槽(β 8 )與一第二嵌槽(7 〇 ),第一及第二嵌 槽(6 8、7 0 )係延伸至貫通槽(6丄),第一凹槽(8 g ) 與第-嵌槽(6 8)對齊’第二凹槽(9!)係與第二嵌槽(7 〇)對齊,支撐件(3 1 1)包括: 彈簧(9 0 )’彈簧(9 〇 )係由扭轉彈簧所構成,且彈 簧(9 0 )具有-第—端(9 2 )與—第二端(9 4 ),彈菁(9 〇)係安裝於定位夾片(7 2)的通孔槽(7 6)中,且第一 端(9 2)肷合在第一喪槽(6 8)中,第二端(9 4)嵌合 在第一凹槽(91)中’彈簧(9 Q)係偏壓抵壓部(8 〇) 朝向套接孔(3 2 7)而彈性地保持在夾持位置; 菖疋位夾片(7 2)位於脫離位置時,第—凹槽(8 9)配 M420300 合第一嵌槽(6 8)提供容納彈簧(g 0)之第一端(9 2) 的空間,第二凹槽(9 1 )配合第二嵌槽(7 〇 )提供容納彈 蒉(9 0)之第二端(9 4)的空間。 3、如申請專利範圍第2項所述拖把旋轉用支樓件,其中定 位夾片(7 2)位於抵壓部(8 0)處的内彎弧面(8 2)形 成一卡槽(8 3 ),支撐件(3 1 1 )進一步包括: 一止滑墊(8 6 ),係由摩擦阻力大的材料所製成,止滑墊 (8 6)係固設於定位夾片(7 2)的卡槽(8 3)中; 當定位夾片(7 2)位於夾持位置時,止滑墊(8 6)係要 被抵靠在拖把(2 〇)之桿部(2 2)上以磨擦力定位支撐件 (311), 當定位夾片(7 2)位於脫離位置時,止滑墊(8 6)係要 被與拖把(2 0 )之桿部(2 2 )’使支撐件(3 1 1)能沿桿 部(2 2)移動。 4、如申請專利範圍第1項所述拖把旋轉用支撐件,支撐件 (311)進一步包括: 一止滑件(1 0 0 ),止滑件(1 〇 〇 )包括一嵌槽(工〇 2 )與一外側邊(1〇4),本體(310)的下端(3 1 7 ) 係嵌設於止滑件(1〇 〇)的嵌槽(i 〇 2)内,止滑件(工 0 0)的外侧邊(1〇 4)係要被於拖把(2 〇)置入一脫水 桶(5 6)具有的一脫水籃(6 4 )内時,止滑件(1〇 〇) 的外側邊(1〇 4)係抵靠在脫水籃(64)的内表面,利用 22 M420300 止滑件(1 Ο Ο)姆脫水籃(6 4)產生的摩擦阻力使支標 件(311)位於脫水藍(6 4)内時不易沿桿部(2 2)往 遠離脫水籃(64)的方向位移。 5、 如申请專利範圍第1項所述拖把旋轉用支樓件其中, 套接孔(3 2 7)包括形成在套接部(3 2 5 )中直孔狀的第 一孔段(3 2 9 ) ’以及形成在頸部(3 2 3 )内且分別與第一 孔段(3 2 9 )及空間(314)連通成直孔狀的一第二孔段 (3 3 1 ),苐一孔段(3 2 9 )内徑小於第二孔段(3 3 1 ) 内技’且第一孔段(3 2 9 )内徑略大於拖把(2 〇)桿部(2 2)外徑,使定位夾片(7 2)鬆開對於拖把(2 〇)桿部(2 2 )夾持定位時,支撐件(3 Γ1 )能在桿部.(2 2 );上滑動τ 以調整設置位置。 6、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述拖把旋轉用支撐件,其中, 本體(31〇)的支撐部(313)包括由下端(317)之 端面朝上端(315)延伸但與上端(315)之端面隔開的 複數缺槽(3 1 9 ),各缺槽(3 1 9 )分別延伸至空間(3 1 4 )’支撐件(3 1 1)的支撐部(3 1 3 )係要被與一脫水桶 (5 6)具有的一可轉動之脫水籃(6 4)可脫離地套接; 當支撐件(3 1 1)定位在靠近拖把(2 0 )所具有的複數 布材(3 6)且脫水籃(6 4)轉動時,支撐件(311)的 支樓部(313)之下端(317)係貼靠在脫水籃(6 4) 内表面’以維持拖把(2 0)被脫水籃(6 4)帶動旋轉時維 23 M420300 持在旋轉轴線上不會形成偏心地轉動。 7、如申請專利範圍第3項所述拖把旋轉用支撐件,其中, 支撐部(313)之下端(317)位於外表面形成一強化肋 (3 2 1),複數缺槽(319)係通過強化肋(3 21),將 強化肋(3 21)區隔為數個區段。 24Sixth, the scope of application for patents: 1. A support for mop rotation, comprising: a body (3 1 0), the body (3 1 0 ) has a support portion (3 1 3 ), and the support portion (3 1 3 ) includes a partition An upper end (3 1 5 ) of the opening, and a lower end (3 1 7 ) larger than the upper end (3 1 5 ), the support portion (3 1 3 ) further includes an end face (3 1 7) facing from the lower end (3) 1 5) a space (314) extending but spaced apart from an end surface of the upper end (3 15), the body (310) further comprising a neck formed on an end surface of the upper end (3 1 5 ) of the support portion (3 1 3 ) The portion (3 · 2 3 ) 'body (3 1 0 ) further includes a set of joints (3 2 5 ) formed on the end face of the neck portion (3 2 3 ), and the socket portion (3 2 5 ) has a End (3 2 6 ) ' A set of holes (3 2 7) extends from the end (3 2 6) end of the socket (3 2 5) to the space (3 1 4 ) 'sleeve (3 2 5 ) The outer surface (3 3 7 ) forms a through groove (6 1 ) extending to the socket hole (3 27), the neck portion (3 2 3) of the body (3 1 〇), and the socket portion (3 2 5) The system is to be placed on a pole (2 2 ) of a mop (20), and on the mop (2 0) When the dehydration is turned off, the mop (20) is kept on the rotation axis without eccentric rotation; a positioning clip (72) is elastically positioned and pivoted on the sleeve of the body (3 1 〇) (3 2 5) 'The positioning clip (7 2 ) includes a pressing portion (80), a pressing portion (8 8), and a pivotal connection extending between the pressing portion (80) and the pressing portion (8 8) a portion (7 4 ), a pressing portion (80) of the positioning clip (72) is located in the through groove (61), and the positioning clip (72) is pivotable between the clamping position and the disengaging position 20 M420300 When the positioning clip (7 2) is in the clamping position, the pressing portion (80) of the positioning clip (72) is the rod portion (2 2) to be clamped by the mop (2 〇), The support member (311) is positioned on the rod portion (22), and when the positioning clip (72) is in the disengaged position, the pressing portion (80) of the positioning clip (72) is to be disengaged from the mop ( The rod portion (2 2 ) of 2 〇) causes the support member (311) to be smoothly displaced along the rod portion (22). 2. The mop rotating branch member according to claim 1, wherein the positioning clip (72) comprises a through hole groove (76) formed on the pole portion (74), and the positioning clip (7 2) further comprising an inner curved surface (82), a first recess (8 9) and a second recess (91) formed on the inner f-arc surface at the pressing portion (8 8) (8) 2) upper surface of the body (3Ία). (3:3 7 ). Form a first recess (β 8 ) and a second recess (7 〇), first and second slots (6) 8, 7 0 ) extends to the through slot (6丄), the first groove (8 g ) is aligned with the first groove (6 8), the second groove (9!) and the second groove (7) 〇) Alignment, the support (3 1 1) includes: a spring (9 0 ) 'spring (9 〇) is composed of a torsion spring, and the spring (90) has a - end (9 2 ) and - second The end (9 4 ), the elastic cyanine (9 〇) is mounted in the through hole groove (76) of the positioning clip (72), and the first end (92) is coupled to the first sulcus (6 8) The second end (9 4) is fitted in the first groove (91). The spring (9 Q) biases the pressing portion (8 〇) toward the socket hole (3 27) and is elastic. Keeping in the clamping position; when the clamping clip (72) is in the disengaged position, the first groove (8 9) is equipped with the M420300 and the first groove (68) to provide the first end of the receiving spring (g 0) The space of (9 2), the second recess (9 1 ) cooperates with the second recess (7 〇) to provide a space for receiving the second end (94) of the magazine (90). 3. The mop rotating branch member according to item 2 of the patent application scope, wherein the positioning clip (72) is located at the inner curved surface (82) of the pressing portion (80) to form a card slot (8) 3) The support member (3 1 1 ) further comprises: a stop pad (8 6 ) made of a material having a large frictional resistance, and the anti-slip pad (86) is fixed to the positioning clip (7 2 In the card slot (83); when the positioning clip (72) is in the clamping position, the anti-slip pad (86) is to be abutted on the shank (2 2) of the mop (2 〇) The support member (311) is positioned by friction force. When the positioning clip (72) is in the disengaged position, the anti-slip pad (86) is to be supported by the rod portion (2 2 ) of the mop (20). (3 1 1) can move along the rod (2 2). 4. The support member for rotating the mop according to item 1 of the patent application scope, the support member (311) further comprising: a sliding member (1 0 0 ), the sliding member (1 〇〇) comprising a slot (work 〇) 2) with an outer side (1〇4), the lower end (3 1 7) of the body (310) is embedded in the recess (i 〇 2) of the sliding member (1〇〇), and the sliding member ( The outer side (1〇4) of the work 0 0) is to be placed in a dewatering basket (6 4 ) of a dewatering bucket (56) when the mop (2 〇) is placed in the dewatering basket (6 4 ). The outer side (1〇4) is abutted against the inner surface of the dewatering basket (64), and the frictional resistance generated by the 22 M420300 anti-sliding member (1 Ο Ο) dehydration basket (6 4) is used to make the support member (311). When located in dehydrated blue (6 4), it is not easy to displace along the rod (2 2) away from the dewatering basket (64). 5. The mop rotating branch member according to Item 1 of the patent application, wherein the socket hole (3 27) comprises a first hole section formed in a straight hole shape in the socket portion (3 2 5 ) (3 2 9) 'and a second hole segment (3 3 1 ) formed in the neck portion (3 2 3 ) and communicating with the first hole segment (3 2 9 ) and the space (314) in a straight hole shape, respectively The inner diameter of the hole section (3 2 9 ) is smaller than that of the second hole section (3 3 1 ) and the inner diameter of the first hole section (3 2 9 ) is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the mop (2 〇) rod portion (2 2 ), When the positioning clip (7 2) is loosened and the holder (2 2 ) is clamped and positioned, the support member (3 Γ 1 ) can slide τ on the rod portion (2 2 ); to adjust the setting position. . 6. The support for mop rotation according to claim 1, wherein the support portion (313) of the body (31) includes an end surface extending from the lower end (317) toward the upper end (315) but with the upper end (315). The end face is separated by a plurality of vacancies (3 1 9 ), and each vacant groove (3 1 9 ) extends to the support portion (3 1 3 ) of the space (3 1 4 )' support member (3 1 1) It is detachably sleeved by a rotatable dewatering basket (6 4) provided with a dewatering bucket (56); when the support member (31) is positioned adjacent to the plurality of sheets of the mop (20) 3 6) When the dewatering basket (6 4) is rotated, the lower end (317) of the branch portion (313) of the support member (311) is placed against the inner surface of the dewatering basket (6 4) to maintain the mop (2 0) When the spin basket (6 4) is rotated, the dimension 23 M420300 is held on the axis of rotation without eccentric rotation. 7. The mop rotating support member according to claim 3, wherein the lower end (317) of the support portion (313) is located on the outer surface to form a reinforcing rib (3 2 1), and the plurality of missing grooves (319) are passed through The reinforcing ribs (3 21) partition the reinforcing ribs (3 21) into a plurality of sections. twenty four
TW100215722U 2011-08-23 2011-08-23 Supporting member for rotating mop TWM420300U (en)

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP3090670A1 (en) 2015-04-30 2016-11-09 Jiaxing Jackson Travel Products Co., Ltd. Self-wringing flat mop

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP3090670A1 (en) 2015-04-30 2016-11-09 Jiaxing Jackson Travel Products Co., Ltd. Self-wringing flat mop
US9962056B2 (en) 2015-04-30 2018-05-08 Jiaxing Jackson Travel Products Co., Ltd. Self-wringing flat mop

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