M367120 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係涉及一種自行車用車牌結構,尤指一種可具 有燈光顯示之警示功用,以即可使該自行車具有個人專屬 以供辨識功能之自行車用車牌結構。 _ 【先前技術】 • 隨著油價的高漲,環保意識的抬頭,自行車不再只是 公園運動的器材,越來越多人將自行車視作為上班的交通 工具,取代了傳統使用汽車或騎乘機車來上班的方式,因 此,某些都市的市府單位甚至替自行車開拓了專屬車道, 讓這些利用自行車上班的人可以有更安全的騎乘空間,亦 不用騎上人行道與行人爭道。 但是,開拓專屬自行車車道事關路線規劃、道路拓寬 或原車道縮減等問題,在協調與執行上曠日廢時,導致拓 • 闢自行車專屬車道跟不上騎乘自行車的人口成長的速 度,使得自行車大部分情況仍與汽機車爭道行駛,除了自 行車騎士本身的安全堪慮,汽機車與自行車彼此間的速度 差,亦會破壞道路行駛的通暢程度,容易發生因自行車突 然轉彎,導致後方車輛反應不及而發生車禍,另外,在夜 間或是視線不良時,尤其在許多鄉間道路上,汽機車車速 快且路燈少的情況下,亦會影響自行車騎士的安全。 再者,自行車的普及化,造就四處可見自行車往來穿 梭的盛況,路旁或空地也停滿了一排排的自行車,這無形 3 M367120 中也衍生出一個新的問題’畢竟自行車不若摩托車有屬於 該車的車牌以資識別,如果忘記了自己停車位置,停車場 中又不乏與自己愛車同款的車型,那麼想在為數眾多的腳 踏車陣中找出羑車,就猶如大海撈針般費時費力了;再 者,白日時還可清楚環目四顧尋找辨認,但黑夜時視線不 佳,就非得一輛輛摸索打探,煞是辛苦。 • 除了 一般民眾有此困擾外’在自行車路線經營自行車 •出租的業者也常陷於類似窘況’同一路線上的數家競爭業 者所出祖的自行車,常因遊客半途受車道外景致所吸引想 趨前一觀,又覺得牽車同行顯得累贅,便將車停靠而徒步 探索,或者是自行車發生爆胎、掉鍊等故障,而被迫停於 路旁’這時閒置的自行車就常被不肖業者或者行經此地的 其他遊人在四下無人情況下順手牽車,即便業者適時發 現,也常因自行車上未標有顯著的辨識記號而無法據理力 爭,以致於蒙受不白之損失。 【新型内容】 • 有鑑於此’本創作提供一種可具有燈光顯示之警示功 用,以即可使該自行車具有個人專屬以供辨識工能之自行 車用車牌結構。 為達上述目的,本創作之車牌係裝設於自行車上,該 产牌係設有一朝外側之顯示區域以及一固定於自行車之 固定區域,該顯示區域係設有燈光顯示部,該燈光顯示部 可以為剎車燈及/或方向燈及/或警示燈,藉由該燈光顯示 4 M367120 警f之功用’且該顯示區域並可設有標示部,該 不不σ卩上可設置個人化之圖樣,以供辨識之用。 【實施方式】 ㈣查委員清楚本創作之結構組成,以及整 體運作方式,茲配合圖式說明如下: —本創作「自行車用車牌結構」,如第一圖及第二圖所 不’該車牌1係裝設於自行車2上,該車牌1 #、設有一朝 外狀顯示區域11以及—固定於自行車2之固定區域 1—2,該車牌之固定區域12與自行車2間進—步設有一固 定組件3’該固定組件3設有與該車牌丨固定之第一固定 部31 ’以及與自行車2車體固定之第二固定部32,使該 車牌1藉由該固定組件3固定於自行車2上。 本案之重點在於:該顯示區域u係設有燈光顯示 部,該燈光顯示部可以為剎車燈及/或方向燈及/或警示 燈,如圖所示之實施例中該燈光顯示部可以為剎車燈'11 及方向燈112及警雜113,各燈光顯示部係設有複數發 光二極體18,而該剎車燈iU中各發光二極體18可排 成文字之圖形,例如「stop」,或者方向燈112中各發光 二極體18可排列成左轉箭頭或右轉箭頭之圖形,且該顯 示區域並可進一步設有標示部17,該標示部17上可設置 個人化之圖樣或者自行車廠牌名稱,以供辨識之用;當 然’ 5¾顯不&域11上之米丨車燈111、方向燈112、邀示燈 113或標示部17亦可以形成不同位置、形狀區塊之排列。 M367120 番姑其該車牌進一步設有與燈光顯示部連接之控制裝 或尊^f置設㈣核控㈣及/或額燈控制件及/ ;3 :::丨:制件,如第三圖所示之實施例中,該控制裝置 4 σ又有求丨1車燈控制件⑶及方向燈控制件132及警示产 空制件133,該剎車燈控制件13卜端係與刹車燈⑴^ =ι =端則與自行車之刹車線21連接,該方向燈控制 向燈112連接,另端則與—方向感測器 綠士〇1、口、感測器係設於自行車上’用以感測自行車之旋 β或方向控制鈕(該方向控制鈕係設於自行車上) 接’該警示燈控制件133 一端係與警祕113連接, 端自行車之警雜齡24連接,心㈣該燈光顯 光與否或發光狀態,例如當使用者拉動剎車線進行 市1日、,该剎車線21則控制該剎車燈控制件131 (該 車燈控制件係設於自行車上,該剎車燈控制件可為一感應 裔)’進而該刹車燈控制件131令該刹車燈Ui之各發^ 二極體發光’以警示後方車輛;當然該控制裝置可控^該 成不同之發光狀態,例如持續發光或閃蝶發 光等不同發光狀態。 一再者,該燈光顯示部外進一步罩設有燈罩,如第四 所不’該剎車燈111及方向燈112及警示燈113外係#由 固定件(可以為螺絲14或卡合結構)罩設有燈罩15,曰使 該燈罩15得以固定於車牌1±,而該燈罩15不僅可 各發光二極體,更可於^燈罩表面進-步形成不同之微〆 構,以形成不同之光源表現。 。 6 M367120 另外,該車牌1進一步設有電源供應組件16,如第 三圖所示,該電源供應組件16係與燈光顯示部連接,以 提供各發光二極體之電源來源,而該電源供應組件16可 以為電池,亦可以設有太陽能板以及蓄電池,藉由太陽能 轉換為電力儲存於蓄電池中,而供應電力來源。 值得一提的是,本創作相較於習有係具有下列優點: 1、 本創作具有不同功能之燈光顯示部,使該自行車 行駛於道路上時,可具有燈光顯示之警示功用,以提高行 車安全。 2、 該車牌並可設計成具有個人專屬風格之圖樣或外 型,不僅可提供辨識功能,更具有美觀之效果。 如上所述,本創作提供一較佳可行之自行車用車牌結 構,爰依法提呈新型專利之申請;惟,以上之實施說明及 圖式所示,係本創作較佳實施例之一者,並非以此偶限本 創作,是以,舉凡與本創作之構造、裝置、特徵等近似、 雷同者,均應屬本創作之創設目的及申請專利範圍之内。 .【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係為本創作中燈光顯示部之結構示意圖。 第二圖係為本創作中自行車用車牌與自行車之結構分解 圖。 第三圖係為本創作中燈光顯示部與控制裝置之結構示意 圖。 第四圖係為本創作中自行車用車牌裝設燈罩之結構示意 M367120M367120 V. New description: [New technical field] This creation relates to a bicycle license plate structure, especially a bicycle that can have the warning function of light display, so that the bicycle can be used for personal identification for bicycles. License plate structure. _ [Previous technology] • With the rise of oil prices and the rise of environmental awareness, bicycles are no longer just equipment for park sports. More and more people regard bicycles as vehicles for work, instead of using traditional cars or riding locomotives. The way to go to work, therefore, the city units of some cities have even opened up exclusive lanes for bicycles, so that those who use bicycles to work can have safer riding space, and do not have to ride on the sidewalk to compete with pedestrians. However, the development of exclusive bicycle lanes, route planning, road widening or reduction of the original lanes, when the coordination and implementation of the day-to-day exhaustion, led to the speed of the extension of the bicycle exclusive lane can not keep up with the speed of the bicycle riding population, making Most of the bicycles still compete with the steam locomotives. In addition to the safety of the bicycle riders themselves, the speed difference between the steam locomotives and the bicycles will also impair the smoothness of the roads. It is prone to sudden turn of the bicycles, resulting in rear vehicles. In the event of a car accident, it is not possible to react to the car accident. In addition, at night or when the line of sight is bad, especially on many country roads, the speed of the motor locomotive is fast and the number of street lights is small, which will also affect the safety of the cyclist. In addition, the popularization of bicycles has made it possible to see the bicycles moving around, and the roadside or open space is also full of rows of bicycles. This invisible 3 M367120 also has a new problem. There are license plates belonging to the car to identify. If you forget your parking position, there is no shortage of cars in your parking lot. If you want to find a car in a large number of bicycles, it will be as time-consuming and labor-intensive as finding a needle in a haystack; In addition, in the daytime, you can clearly look around and look for identification, but when the night is not good, you have to find a car to explore, it is hard work. • In addition to the general public's troubles, 'operating bicycles on bicycle routes. • Rental operators are often trapped in similar situations. The bicycles of several competitors on the same route are often attracted by tourists who are halfway through the scenery outside the driveway. In the previous view, I felt that the car was cumbersome, and I parked the car and explored on foot, or the bicycle was experiencing a puncture, a broken chain, etc., and was forced to stop at the roadside. At this time, the bicycles that were idle were often left unscrupulous or Other tourists who traveled through this place were able to take care of the car in the absence of four people. Even if the operator found it in time, it was often impossible to reasonably argue because the bicycle was not marked with a distinctive identification mark, so that it suffered a loss. [New content] • In view of this, this creation provides a self-propelled license plate structure that can have a warning function for light display so that the bicycle can be customized for identification. In order to achieve the above object, the license plate of the present invention is mounted on a bicycle, and the production card has a display area facing outward and a fixed area fixed to the bicycle, the display area is provided with a light display portion, the light display portion It can be a brake light and/or a directional light and/or a warning light, and the light can be used to display the function of the 4 M367120 alarm f and the display area can be provided with a marking portion, and the personalized pattern can be set on the σ 卩For identification purposes. [Embodiment] (4) The members of the investigation are aware of the structural composition of the creation and the overall operation mode. The following is a description of the following: - The creation of the "bicycle license plate structure", as shown in the first and second figures. The bicycle is mounted on the bicycle 2, and the license plate 1# is provided with an outwardly-shaped display area 11 and a fixed area 1-2 fixed to the bicycle 2. The fixed area 12 of the license plate and the bicycle 2 are fixed together. The fixing assembly 3 is provided with a first fixing portion 31 ′ fixed to the license plate 以及 and a second fixing portion 32 fixed to the bicycle body of the bicycle 2 , so that the license plate 1 is fixed to the bicycle 2 by the fixing assembly 3 . . The focus of the present invention is that the display area u is provided with a light display portion, and the light display portion may be a brake light and/or a directional light and/or a warning light. In the embodiment shown in the figure, the light display portion may be a brake. The light '11 and the direction light 112 and the police 113, each of the light display portions is provided with a plurality of light-emitting diodes 18, and the light-emitting diodes 18 of the brake light iU can be arranged in a pattern of characters, such as "stop". Alternatively, each of the light-emitting diodes 18 in the directional light 112 may be arranged in a left-turning arrow or a right-turning arrow, and the display area may further be provided with a marking portion 17 on which a personalized pattern or bicycle may be disposed. The name of the label for identification purposes; of course, the headlights 111, the direction lights 112, the inviting lamps 113 or the indicator portion 17 on the field 11 can also be arranged in different positions and shapes. . M367120 The license plate of the priest is further equipped with a control device or a luminaire connected to the light display unit. (4) Nuclear control (4) and/or forelight control and /; 3 :::丨: parts, as shown in the third figure In the illustrated embodiment, the control device 4 σ further includes a lamp control unit (3), a direction lamp control unit 132, and a warning air production unit 133. The brake lamp control unit 13 and the brake lamp (1) ^ =ι = end is connected to the bicycle brake line 21, the direction light control is connected to the lamp 112, and the other end is connected with the - direction sensor Greens, 1, and the sensor on the bicycle. Sense the rotation of the bicycle β or the direction control button (the direction control button is set on the bicycle). The one end of the warning light control member 133 is connected with the police 113, the end of the bicycle is connected with the police 24, and the heart (4) the light Whether the light is illuminating or not, for example, when the user pulls the brake wire for 1 day, the brake wire 21 controls the brake light control member 131 (the light control member is attached to the bicycle, and the brake light control member The brake light control member 131 causes the brake light Ui to emit two diodes. Light 'to warn the rear vehicle; of course, the control device can control different lighting states, such as continuous lighting or flashing light. Repeatedly, the light display portion is further covered with a lamp cover, such as the fourth non-the brake lamp 111 and the direction light 112 and the warning light 113 external system # is covered by a fixing member (which may be a screw 14 or a snap structure) There is a lamp cover 15 so that the lamp cover 15 can be fixed to the license plate 1±, and the lamp cover 15 can not only form the light-emitting diodes, but also can form different micro-structures on the surface of the lamp cover to form different light source performances. . . 6 M367120 In addition, the license plate 1 is further provided with a power supply component 16, as shown in the third figure, the power supply component 16 is connected to the light display portion to provide a power source for each of the light-emitting diodes, and the power supply component 16 may be a battery, or may be provided with a solar panel and a battery, which is converted into electricity by solar energy and stored in a battery to supply a power source. It is worth mentioning that this creation has the following advantages compared with Xiyou: 1. This creation has different functions of the light display part, so that when the bicycle is driving on the road, it can have the warning function of the light display to improve the driving. Safety. 2. The license plate can be designed to have a pattern or appearance of a personal style, which not only provides identification functions, but also has an aesthetic effect. As described above, the present invention provides a preferred and feasible bicycle license plate structure, and an application for a new patent is filed according to law; however, the above description and drawings are one of the preferred embodiments of the present invention, and This is limited to the creation of this creation, so that all the similarities, similarities, and similarities of the creation, installation, and features of this creation should be within the creation purpose of the creation and the scope of patent application. [Simplified description of the drawing] The first picture is a schematic diagram of the structure of the light display part in the creation. The second picture is an exploded view of the bicycle license plate and bicycle in this creation. The third figure is a schematic diagram of the structure of the light display unit and the control device in the present creation. The fourth picture shows the structure of the lampshade for bicycle license plates in this creation. M367120
【元件代表符號說明】 車牌1 燈罩15 顯示區域11 電源供應組件16 剎車燈111 標示部17 方向燈112 發光二極體18 警示燈113 自行車2 固定區域12 剎車線21 控制裝置13 方向感測器22 剎車燈控制件131 警示控制鈕24 方向燈控制件132 固定組件3 警示燈控制件133 第一固定部31 固定件14 第二固定部32[Description of component symbols] License plate 1 Lampshade 15 Display area 11 Power supply unit 16 Brake light 111 Marking part 17 Directional light 112 Light-emitting diode 18 Warning light 113 Bicycle 2 Fixed area 12 Brake line 21 Control device 13 Direction sensor 22 Brake light control unit 131 Warning control button 24 Directional light control member 132 Fixing assembly 3 Warning light control member 133 First fixing portion 31 Fixing member 14 Second fixing portion 32