TWM337637U - An intelligent ventilating fan - Google Patents

An intelligent ventilating fan Download PDF


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TWM337637U TW97203021U TW97203021U TWM337637U TW M337637 U TWM337637 U TW M337637U TW 97203021 U TW97203021 U TW 97203021U TW 97203021 U TW97203021 U TW 97203021U TW M337637 U TWM337637 U TW M337637U
Prior art keywords
exhaust fan
sensing component
detecting unit
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Chinese (zh)
Mei-Li Su
Original Assignee
Power Circling Co Ltd
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Application filed by Power Circling Co Ltd filed Critical Power Circling Co Ltd
Priority to TW97203021U priority Critical patent/TWM337637U/en
Publication of TWM337637U publication Critical patent/TWM337637U/en



  • Control Of Positive-Displacement Air Blowers (AREA)
  • Air Conditioning Control Device (AREA)


M337637 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關一種結合直流無刷馬達使用之大型排風扇,尤指一 種具多種偵測功能之智慧型直流無刷馬達排風扇。 【先前技術】 按,國内經濟快速成長帶來較佳之生活品質,更對於仰以維生之 農產品如蔬采、水果等’做出必需為有機種植,同時更不能用使用有 害人體健康之農藥,為此,國内勤勞克苦之農民朋友,遂研發出符合 上述要求之溫室栽種技術。 以有機栽種、無施用藥農為訴求之溫室栽種技術,所種植出來之 蔬、果價格,實較一般戶外土地栽貴上數倍,原因在於溫室栽重為達 無農藥施用,則需藉由鋼架搭棚並覆蓋網體,成本上自然較高,再者, 為讓溫室内栽種之蔬果品質一致,夏天時則需開啟排風扇,冬日時為 防止植物被寒害則需配合溫度控制器增溫,諸如此類之高成本科技產 品運用,以致溫室栽種之蔬果價格高居不下。 但是,就吾人所知,由於直流無刷馬達不會產生轉子二次損耗、 回授信號與設定快速、以及穩定之驅動速度等優勢,近年來溫室使用 最為頻繁之大型排風扇’亦多半結合運轉更穩定之直流無刷馬達使 用;然而,現行大型排風扇之控制,係仰賴直流無刷馬達内含之控制 器,對排風扇進行正轉送入外界冷空氣,逆轉時將室内之熱空氣抽出 室外之正、逆轉控制功能,控制器即無控制其他結構之效用。 同樣的,對於溫室栽種必需辅以使用之其他科技產品,諸如濕度 M337637 監視器、溫度監視器、風速監視器等,則需各別購置、安裝於溫室之 棚架周邊預設處,再額外購置一整套控制設備,統一針對上述設備進 行控制,額外購買一套控制設備實已造成農友之經濟負擔,乃非一理 想之解決方案,痛實有已以改進之必要。 【新型内容】 本創作主要係提供一種可溫室内之溫、濕度等植物所需生長要素 偵測,並依偵測到之訊號傳輸給直流無刷馬達之控制器,並由控制器 • 内之中央處理器對大型排風扇做出正、逆轉及轉速快、慢控制,以平 衡溫室内之植物生長要素。 本創作主要目的乃提供一種不用另外購置整套控制設備,即可統 一達到各種功能屬性設備指令下達、執行之智慧型排風扇。 為達到上述目的所用採用之智慧型排風扇,主要於排風扇之直流 無刷馬達内設有一馬達運轉感測元件,以及内含有一中央處理器(c Ρϋ)之控制器,該中央處理器另延伸有連接一環境偵測單元,該環 籲境偵測單元則可包含有二氧化碳濃度感測元件、溫度感測元件、濕度 感測元件、風速感測元件、流量感測元件、排氣率感測元件及一雨天 感測元件,俾利,溫室環境中影響植物生長之某種危安因素,超出對 應功效感測元件預設值時,則會由直流無刷馬達既有之控制器接收訊 號後,透過控制器内含之中央處理器統一下達,啟動直流無刷馬達設 定在適當轉速,或者其他如加熱、除濕、水霧等設備之啟動控制,以 利最短時間内將造成溫室栽種危險因素排除者。 至於,本創作智慧型排風扇詳細技術手段,以及較佳之實施結構 6 M337637 形態,茲輔以一較佳實施例說明如后。 【實施方式】 本創作係有關-種智_排風扇合直流無綱達之智慧型 排風扇,該賊扇整體空間形態與市場之習知排風扇並無岐異,主要 包括有-機箱’機箱_設有-伽上之輕,該扇刺透過機箱内 之直流無’達控制正、逆轉,至於,排風扇運用之場合相當廣泛, 諸如··大型室内空間、工廠或溫室栽種場合等,本創作則單:例:溫 #室做為結構實施例敘述,並就詳細之智慧型排風扇主要改良部位予: 重點式論述: 其中,排風扇1内部適當處設置之直流無刷馬達i 〇,内部裝載 有一馬達轉動感測元件11,以及一控制器12,其中,馬達轉動感 測元件11負責直流無刷馬達速度偵測,控制器i 2則内含寫入預設 功能程式之中央處理器1 2 2 (CPU),該中央處理器1 22則可接 收馬達轉動感測元件11偵測到之直流無刷馬達目前之轉速訊號,進 ❿而控制直流無刷馬達1〇之設定在適當轉速,令直流無刷馬達之轉逮 提昇或下降控制之用; 另外,上述控制器12之中央處理器12 2,延伸有一供一警報 裝置(如蜂鳴器)2 0電性連結,有供一加熱裝置3 〇連結;另外, 中央處理器12 2延伸之有供一環境偵測單元4 0電性連結,且環境 偵侧單元4 0另和警報裝置2 0亦電性連結關係,俾利,環境摘測單 元4 0之侧偵訊號於預設時間未獲得處理,則會透過觸發該警報裝置 2 0發出之響聲,提醒使用者前往觀查響聲之現況。至於,上述之環 7 M337637 境偵測單元4 0,主要包括有: 二氧化碳濃度感測元件4 1,乃蔬、果仰以生長之主要元素之一, 若溫室内二氧化碳C 02濃度過高,則會影響植物之生長,此時,二氧 化碳濃度感測元件41偵測到之訊號,則會傳輸給直流無刷馬達1〇 之控制器12,藉控制器12内含之中央處理器122對直流無刷馬 達調整設定在適當轉速下,並控制百葉扇葉片開啟,以加速排風扇1 將溫室内之二氧化碳C〇2抽至室外,以達溫室内之二氧化碳匚〇2濃 鲁度值界於正常範圍。 一溫度感測元件4 2,溫度對於溫室内種植之蔬果、花卉而言, 溫度過高則會產生焦爛現象,溫度過低則會造成葉片等寒害,故,得 於直流無刷馬達設一溫度感測元件4 2,再於控制器12内之中央處 理器12 2寫入控制程式即可,藉直流無刷馬達丄〇之中央處理器工 2 2 ’進行直流無刷馬達正轉或、逆轉之轉速提昇,以加速溫室内之 南溫排出;至於溫度過低情況者,則可控制百葉扇葉片局部閉合或完 ⑩全閉合,以防止室内溫度外流,同時,啟動有一連結之加熱裝置3〇, 藉加熱裝置3 0達到溫室内之溫度上昇至預設值;反之,溫度過高則 同樣藉由接收到摘測參數之控制器,透過中央處理器12 2將百葉扇 葉片完全開啟,並自動控制降溫裝置5 〇啟動,以快速達到溫室内回 復調整設定在適當溫度。 一濕度感測元件4 3 ,濕度和上述之溫度,係植物於溫室或戶外 栽種之成長二大重要因素,_於直流無刷馬達設置濕絲測元件4 3,則可配合溫度感測元件適時監控,若濕度過高時則經控制器之中 M337637 央處器啟動棑風扇1 Ο ’將溫室内之水氣迅速排出,以維持調整設定 在適當之濕度,反之若濕度過低則逆向啟動排風扇i Q,將室外之水 氣抽入,以防止溫室内之濕度不足,造成植物生長過程不順利;當然 濕度之控制亦得增設濕氣提昇用之水霧裝置6〇,以及濕氣降低用之 除濕裝置7 0,該水霧裝置6 0及除濕裝置γ 〇,同樣係透過直流無 刷馬達控制器12進行控制,控制訊號則預設寫入中央處理器12 2 之控制程式中,以達單一控制器多工控制功效。 鲁一風速感測元件4 4,主要係針對室外風速強、弱之偵測控制, 假若室外風速過大,則易連帶吹起粉塵帶入溫室,並對栽種之植物產 生危害,同時亦會快速帶走溫室内之水分,影響溫室之濕度及造成溫 度降低;相反的,風速過小則會造成溫室内之濕度、溫度過高,解決 方式則透過直流無刷馬達控制器,接收風速感測元件4 4訊號後,則 透過中央處理器12 2啟動排風扇表面之百葉扇葉片(類似百葉窗形 態),藉控制百葉扇葉片之啟、閉,以調節溫室内之循環對流,同時 ⑩可阻斷室外過猛風勢帶來之負面影響,讓溫室内之溫度及濕度維持在 設定之在適當範圍。 一流量感測元件4 5,主要係替換空氣中二氧化碳含量·避免風速 太快造成植物傷害·維持導入溫室内之空氣溫度及濕度。 一雨天感測元件4 7,主要係針對室外之氣候變化偵測,一但氣 候為下雨天時,室外之溫度下降、濕度上昇,此時,直流無刷馬達1 0控制器内之中央處理器12 2,則會對百葉扇葉片下達做出關閉指 令,直至室外由雨天轉為陰天或晴天狀態下,再透過控制器12内之 9 M337637 中央處理器122,自動將百葉扇葉片開啟,以保持溫室内之氣流循 環正常功效。· 經上述可發現,本創作與習知結構最大之差異在於,直流無刷馬 達額外增設一環境偵測單元4 0,該一環境偵測單元4 0並設不同功 能屬性連接之感測元件,再將該功能屬性不同之感測元件預期發揮之 功能'感測預設值程度寫入控制器既有之中央處理器12 2内,令原 本控制器内之中央處理器12 2,除接收既有馬達轉動感測元件之轉 _速功效,以改變直流無刷馬達轉速快、慢功效外,亦能依接收環境偵 測單元内之各個預設功能之感測元件之訊號,如二氧化碳濃度感測元 件,一但偵測到溫室内之二氧化碳濃度超出預設值時,中央處理器 1 2 2則會先依馬達轉動感測元件彳貞測到之轉子轉速,自行判斷並驅 動直流無刷馬達之轉速,提昇至設定之適當轉速,令室内之二氧化碳 得快速排出室外,以免影響植物之生長;二氧化碳被排至室外之量低 於二氧化碳濃度感測元件41預設值時,中央處理器則會降低直流無 畚刷馬達轉速’並回復到原本之設定值,令直流無刷馬達維持在設定值 内之最佳轉速内。 同理,環境偵測單元内其他諸如:二氧化碳濃度感測元件、一溫 度感測元件、,一濕度感測元件、一風速感測元件、一流量感測元件、 一雨天感測元件,皆如上述二氧化碳濃度感測元件般,若溫室環境超 出對應感測元件之預設值時,控制器之中央處理器則會自動驅動直流 無刷馬達轉速,提昇至設定之適當轉速,將危害溫室内植物之危險因 素排除’或者控制設置在溫室内之加熱裝置、增加濕度之水霧裝置, M3 3 763 7 : 置U出因應動作,令排風扇得依目前之環境狀況,做出最理 想之外在因素排出功效。 上述不同雜舰之装置、設備,親設置在直流無刷馬 達之連結撕應魏屬性_元件,餘環境中變化參數,再回傳給 直流無刷馬達控制器内之中央處理器12 2下達作動指令,不僅不會 造成排風扇結構組裝困難度,更可免除另外購置整套控制設備之昂貴 •成本優勢,實可大幅提昇了直流無刷馬達排風扇之附加功能及價值。 【圖式簡單說明】 第-圖係本創作智慧麵風扇之内部結構方框示意圖 【主要元件符號說明】 1 Ο 一一直流無刷馬達 1 1 -- 〜馬達轉動感測元件 Ι 2 ~ —控制器 122- 一中央處理器 2 0 ~ 一一警報裝置 3 0~ ~ 〜加熱裝置 40- _一環境偵測單元 4 1 一〜 一二氧化碳濃度感測元件 4 2- —溫度感測元件 43 〜濕度感測元件 4 4 ~ —風速感測元件 45 一流量感測元件 47- ---雨天感測件 鲁 5 0 -〜 〜降溫裝置 6 0 — ---水霧裝置 7 0 一除濕裝置 11M337637 VIII. New Description: [New Technology Field] This creation is about a large exhaust fan used in combination with DC brushless motors, especially a smart DC brushless motor exhaust fan with multiple detection functions. [Previous technology] According to the rapid growth of the domestic economy, it will bring about better quality of life, and it is necessary to make organic cultivation for the agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits that are used for survival, and at the same time, it is even more difficult to use pesticides that are harmful to human health. To this end, domestic hard-working farmers and friends have developed a greenhouse planting technology that meets the above requirements. The greenhouse planting technique, which is based on organic planting and no application of pesticides, is more expensive than the average outdoor land planting because the greenhouse planting weight is no pesticide application. Covering and covering the net body, the cost is naturally higher. In addition, in order to make the quality of the fruits and vegetables planted in the greenhouse uniform, the exhaust fan needs to be turned on in the summer, and the temperature controller should be warmed in the winter to prevent the plants from being damaged by the temperature. The use of such high-cost technology products has led to high prices for fruits and vegetables grown in greenhouses. However, as far as we know, because DC brushless motors do not have the advantages of secondary loss of rotor, fast feedback signal and fast setting, and stable driving speed, in recent years, the most frequently used large exhaust fans in greenhouses have combined to operate more. The stable DC brushless motor is used; however, the control of the current large exhaust fan relies on the controller contained in the DC brushless motor, and the exhaust fan is forwardly sent to the outside cold air, and the hot air in the room is taken out of the room when the engine is reversed. By reversing the control function, the controller has no control over the effects of other structures. Similarly, other technology products that must be used in greenhouse cultivation, such as humidity M337637 monitors, temperature monitors, wind speed monitors, etc., need to be purchased and installed in the greenhouse pre-sets around the greenhouse, and then purchased separately. A complete set of control equipment, unified control of the above equipment, the purchase of a set of control equipment has already caused the economic burden of farmers, is not an ideal solution, the pain has been necessary to improve. [New content] This creation mainly provides a controller that can detect the growth factors required by plants such as temperature and humidity in the greenhouse, and transmits the signal to the DC brushless motor according to the detected signal, and is controlled by the controller. The central processor performs positive, reverse, and fast, slow control of large exhaust fans to balance plant growth factors in the greenhouse. The main purpose of this creation is to provide a smart exhaust fan that can be uniformly executed and executed without the purchase of a complete set of control devices. The intelligent exhaust fan used for the above purpose is mainly provided with a motor running sensing component in the DC brushless motor of the exhaust fan, and a controller including a central processing unit (c Ρϋ), the central processor further extending Connecting an environment detecting unit, the ring detecting unit may include a carbon dioxide concentration sensing component, a temperature sensing component, a humidity sensing component, a wind speed sensing component, a flow sensing component, and an exhaust rate sensing component. And a rainy day sensing component, a profit, a certain risk factor affecting plant growth in the greenhouse environment, when the preset value of the corresponding power sensing component is exceeded, the signal is received by the controller of the DC brushless motor. Through the central processor included in the controller, the DC brushless motor is set to start at the appropriate speed, or other equipment such as heating, dehumidification, water mist, etc., so as to eliminate the risk factors for greenhouse planting in the shortest time. . As for the detailed technical means of the creative intelligent exhaust fan, and the preferred embodiment 6 M337637, it will be described with reference to a preferred embodiment. [Embodiment] This creative department is related to the wisdom fan of the fan-type fan and the DC-free fan. The overall space shape of the thief fan is not different from the conventional fan of the market, including the chassis-chassis_ - The lightness of the glare is that the spurs pass through the DC in the chassis without control, and the exhaust fan is used in a wide range of applications, such as large indoor spaces, factories or greenhouses, etc. Example: The temperature # room is described as a structural example, and the main improvement parts of the detailed intelligent exhaust fan are: Key discussion: Among them, the DC brushless motor i 适当 is set inside the exhaust fan 1 internally, and the internal loading has a sense of motor rotation. The measuring component 11 and a controller 12, wherein the motor rotation sensing component 11 is responsible for the DC brushless motor speed detection, and the controller i 2 includes a central processing unit 1 2 2 (CPU) for writing the preset function program. The central processing unit 1 22 can receive the current rotational speed signal of the DC brushless motor detected by the motor rotation sensing component 11, and control the setting of the DC brushless motor 1〇 in an appropriate rotation. The speed of the DC brushless motor is used for the lifting or lowering control; in addition, the central processing unit 12 of the controller 12 extends for one alarm device (such as a buzzer) to be electrically connected. A heating device 3 is connected; in addition, the central processing unit 12 2 is electrically connected to an environment detecting unit 40, and the environmental detecting unit 40 and the alarm device 20 are also electrically connected. The side detection signal of the environment picking unit 40 is not processed at the preset time, and the user is prompted to go to the current state of the sound by triggering the sound of the alarm device 20 to sound. As for the above-mentioned ring 7 M337637 environment detecting unit 40, mainly includes: a carbon dioxide concentration sensing element 4 1, one of the main elements of growth of vegetables and fruits, if the concentration of carbon dioxide C 02 in the greenhouse is too high, The growth of the plant will be affected. At this time, the signal detected by the carbon dioxide concentration sensing component 41 is transmitted to the controller 12 of the DC brushless motor 1 , and the central processor 122 included in the controller 12 has no DC. The brush motor is set at an appropriate speed and controls the opening of the louver blades to accelerate the exhaust fan 1 to pump the carbon dioxide C 〇 2 in the greenhouse to the outside, so as to reach the normal range of the carbon dioxide 浓 2 concentration in the greenhouse. A temperature sensing element 42, the temperature for the fruits and vegetables and flowers grown in the greenhouse, the temperature is too high will produce coke phenomenon, the temperature is too low will cause the blade and other cold damage, it is necessary to set a brushless DC motor The temperature sensing component 42 can be written into the control program by the central processing unit 12 2 in the controller 12, and the DC brushless motor can be forwarded by the DC processor of the DC brushless motor. The reversal speed is increased to accelerate the south temperature discharge in the greenhouse; as for the low temperature condition, the louver fan blade may be partially closed or fully closed to prevent the indoor temperature from flowing out, and at the same time, a connected heating device is activated. 〇, the temperature in the greenhouse is raised to a preset value by the heating device 30; conversely, if the temperature is too high, the louver blade is completely opened through the central processor 12 2 by receiving the controller of the measured parameters. The automatic control of the cooling device 5 〇 starts to quickly reach the response within the greenhouse and adjust to the appropriate temperature. The humidity sensing element 4 3 , the humidity and the above temperature are two important factors for the growth of the plant in the greenhouse or outdoor planting. _ The DC brushless motor is provided with the wet wire measuring component 4 3 , and the temperature sensing component can be matched with the time. Monitoring, if the humidity is too high, the fan is started by the M337637 central controller in the controller. Ο 'The water in the greenhouse is quickly discharged to maintain the adjustment to the appropriate humidity. If the humidity is too low, the exhaust fan is reversely activated. i Q, pumping in the outdoor water to prevent the humidity in the greenhouse from being insufficient, causing the plant growth process to be unsuccessful; of course, the humidity control has to be added to the water mist device for moisture lifting, and the humidity is reduced. The dehumidifying device 70, the water mist device 60 and the dehumidifying device γ 〇 are also controlled by the DC brushless motor controller 12, and the control signal is preset to be written into the control program of the central processing unit 12 2 to achieve a single Controller multiplex control effect. Luyi wind speed sensing component 4 4 is mainly for the detection and control of outdoor wind speed and weak. If the outdoor wind speed is too large, it will bring dust to the greenhouse and cause damage to the planted plants. Taking the moisture in the greenhouse, affecting the humidity of the greenhouse and causing the temperature to decrease; on the contrary, if the wind speed is too small, the humidity and temperature in the greenhouse will be too high, and the solution is to receive the wind speed sensing component through the DC brushless motor controller. After the signal, the louver fan blade (similar to the louver form) on the surface of the exhaust fan is activated through the central processing unit 12 2, and the convection convection in the greenhouse is controlled by controlling the opening and closing of the louver blade, and at the same time, 10 can block the excessive wind outside the wind. The negative impact is to keep the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse within the appropriate range. A flow sensing element 45 is mainly used to replace the carbon dioxide content in the air. Avoid wind speed. Plant damage is caused too quickly. Maintain the temperature and humidity of the air introduced into the greenhouse. A rainy day sensing component 4 7 is mainly for outdoor climate change detection. Once the weather is rainy, the outdoor temperature drops and the humidity rises. At this time, the DC processor of the DC brushless motor 10 controller 12 2, the closing command will be given to the louver blade, until the outdoor is changed from rainy to cloudy or sunny, and then through the 9 M337637 central processor 122 in the controller 12, the louver blades are automatically opened to Maintain normal circulation of airflow in the greenhouse. According to the above, the biggest difference between the present and the conventional structure is that the DC brushless motor additionally has an environment detecting unit 40, and the environment detecting unit 40 is provided with sensing elements connected with different functional attributes. Then, the function of the sensing element that is different in function attribute is expected to be written into the existing central processing unit 12 of the controller, so that the central processing unit 12 2 in the original controller receives the The rotation speed sensor of the motor rotates the sensing element to change the speed of the DC brushless motor, and can also change the signal of the sensing component of each preset function in the receiving environment, such as the concentration of carbon dioxide. After detecting the component, when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse exceeds the preset value, the central processing unit 12 first determines and drives the brushless DC motor according to the rotor speed detected by the motor rotating sensing component. The speed is raised to the set appropriate speed, so that the indoor carbon dioxide can be quickly discharged outside, so as not to affect the growth of plants; the amount of carbon dioxide discharged to the outside is lower than the concentration of carbon dioxide. When measuring element 41 the preset value, the central processor will reduce the DC brush motor rotation speed No basket 'and returned to the original setting value, so that the DC brushless motor is maintained within the optimum rotation speed of the set value. Similarly, other components in the environment detecting unit such as: carbon dioxide concentration sensing component, a temperature sensing component, a humidity sensing component, a wind speed sensing component, a flow sensing component, and a rain sensing component are all Like the above-mentioned carbon dioxide concentration sensing element, if the greenhouse environment exceeds the preset value of the corresponding sensing element, the central processor of the controller will automatically drive the DC brushless motor speed to rise to the set appropriate speed, which will harm the plants in the greenhouse. The risk factors are excluded' or the heating device set in the greenhouse and the water mist device for increasing the humidity, M3 3 763 7 : The U-out action is taken, so that the exhaust fan can make the most optimal external factors according to the current environmental conditions. Discharge effect. The devices and equipments of the above-mentioned different miscellaneous ships are set in the connection of the DC brushless motor, and the parameters are changed in the remaining environment, and then transmitted to the central processing unit 12 in the DC brushless motor controller. The instruction will not only cause difficulty in the assembly of the exhaust fan structure, but also eliminate the cost and cost advantages of purchasing a complete set of control equipment, which can greatly enhance the additional functions and value of the DC brushless motor exhaust fan. [Simple description of the diagram] The first diagram is a schematic diagram of the internal structure of the creative wisdom fan. [Main component symbol description] 1 Ο A continuous brushless motor 1 1 -- ~ Motor rotation sensing component Ι 2 ~ — Controller 122 - a central processing unit 2 0 ~ one alarm device 3 0 ~ ~ ~ heating device 40 - _ an environmental detection unit 4 1 - a carbon dioxide concentration sensing element 4 2- temperature sensing element 43 ~ Humidity sensing element 4 4 ~ - wind speed sensing element 45 - flow sensing element 47 - -- rainy sensing element Lu 5 0 - ~ ~ cooling device 6 0 -- --- water mist device 7 0 a dehumidifying device 11

Claims (1)

M337637 九、申請專利範圍: 1種智慧型排風扇,其特徵在於排風扇本體内設有-直流叙 刷馬達,該直流無刷馬達内設有一控制器及一馬達運轉感測元件,該 控制器内並設有-控制馬達轉速之中姨理處器(c p U),且該中央 處理器另設有連結-個以上之-環境蝴單元者。 2、 如帽專利範圍第1項所述之域型排風扇 ,該控制器另結 •合有-警報單元、-降溫裝置、-加熱裝置、—水霧裝置、一除_ Φ置者。 3、 如申請專職圍第1猶述之智_排風扇 ,該控制器連結 有一警報單元者。 4、 如申4專利範圍第1酬述之智慧型排風扇 ,該控制器連結 有一降溫裝置者。 5、 如申請專利範圍帛1項所述之智慧型排風扇,該控制器連結 有一加熱裝置者。 • 6、如申請專利範圍第1項所述之智慧型排風扇,該控制器連結 有一水霧裝置者。 7、 如申請專利範圍第1項所述之智慧型排風扇,該控制器連結 有一除濕裝置者。 8、 如申請專利犯圍S1項或第2項所述之智慧型排風扇,該環 境偵測單元,包含二氧化碳濃度感測元件、一溫度感測元件、一濕度 感測元件、一風速感測元件、一流量感測元件、一雨天感測元件。 9、 如申請專利範圍第1項或第2項所述之智慧型排風扇,該環 12 M337637 境偵測單元,包含一二氧化碳濃度感測元件者。 10、 如申請專利範圍第1項或第2項所迷 ^ Q慧型排風扇,該 環境偵測單元,包含一溫度感測元件者。 11、 如申請專利範圍第1項或第2項所述之知# 智慧型排風扇,該 環境摘測單元,包含一濕度感測元件者。 12'如中請專利範圍第丄項或第2項所述之智慧型排風肩,該 環境偵測單元,包含一風速感測元件者。 13、如申請專利範圍第1項或第2項所述之智慧型排風扇,該 環境偵測單元,包含一流量感測元件者。 13、如申請專利範圍第1項或第2項所述之智慧型排風扇,該 環境偵測單元,包含一雨天感測元件者。 13M337637 Nine, the scope of application for patent: 1 type of intelligent exhaust fan, which is characterized in that the exhaust fan body is provided with a DC brush motor, and the DC brushless motor is provided with a controller and a motor running sensing component, and the controller is There is a control unit (cp U) for controlling the motor speed, and the central processor is further provided with one or more - environment butterfly units. 2. The domain type exhaust fan according to item 1 of the patent scope of the cap, the controller is further provided with a - alarm unit, a cooling device, a heating device, a water mist device, and a _ Φ setting. 3. If you apply for the full-time first syllabus _ exhaust fan, the controller is connected to an alarm unit. 4. The intelligent exhaust fan of the first remuneration of the patent scope of claim 4, the controller is connected to a cooling device. 5. If the intelligent exhaust fan described in claim 1 is applied, the controller is connected to a heating device. • 6. For the smart exhaust fan described in claim 1, the controller is connected to a water mist device. 7. The intelligent exhaust fan according to claim 1, wherein the controller is connected to a dehumidification device. 8. The invention relates to a smart exhaust fan as claimed in claim S1 or 2, wherein the environment detecting unit comprises a carbon dioxide concentration sensing component, a temperature sensing component, a humidity sensing component, and a wind speed sensing component. , a flow sensing element, a rainy day sensing element. 9. If the intelligent exhaust fan mentioned in the first or second patent application scope is applied, the ring 12 M337637 environment detecting unit includes a carbon dioxide concentration sensing component. 10. For example, if the application is in the first or second category of the patent, the environmental detection unit includes a temperature sensing component. 11. If the invention relates to the intelligent exhaust fan described in item 1 or 2 of the patent scope, the environment extracting unit includes a humidity sensing component. 12' If the smart venting shoulder described in the scope of the patent or the second item is used, the environment detecting unit includes a wind speed sensing component. 13. The intelligent exhaust fan according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the environment detecting unit comprises a flow sensing component. 13. The intelligent exhaust fan according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the environment detecting unit comprises a rain sensing component. 13
TW97203021U 2008-02-21 2008-02-21 An intelligent ventilating fan TWM337637U (en)

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TW97203021U TWM337637U (en) 2008-02-21 2008-02-21 An intelligent ventilating fan

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TW97203021U TWM337637U (en) 2008-02-21 2008-02-21 An intelligent ventilating fan

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TW97203021U TWM337637U (en) 2008-02-21 2008-02-21 An intelligent ventilating fan

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI420060B (en) * 2010-09-28 2013-12-21 Nat Univ Chin Yi Technology Apparatus and method for cooling and regulating air in buildings

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI420060B (en) * 2010-09-28 2013-12-21 Nat Univ Chin Yi Technology Apparatus and method for cooling and regulating air in buildings

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