M322374 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關於一種救生裝備,尤其是種隱藏的腕 式、臂式錶型緊急水上救生裝備。 【先前技術】 從事各種與水有關的任何活動都是相當危險了,每年 都有無以計數的人,因從事水上活動或作業時,不幸發生 悲惨的溺水事故而身亡。 在游泳池内嬉水有救生員安全嗎?絕對不安全,資料 顯示全世界每年仍有不少人,又以年青人居多在有救生人 員看護下的游泳池内溺水身亡,或因搶救慢的一點,缺氧 過久而變成植物人。 ' 要知道在偌大而人多吵雜的游泳池内,嬉水者有因身 體不適、手腳抽筋、或玩伴之間嬉鬧溺水者,需要救生員 而被救起時算幸運了,因救生員疏忽未察覺而遇溺者,則 每年都有發生。 在游泳室内游泳者沒有人願穿著救生衣,因爲無法暢 快的享受游泳的樂趣,試問當一個嬉水者在游泳池遇到危 險時尚:,完全依賴救生員,在遼闊深遠開放海灘的海 中,遙遂厗上的救生員還能讓發生溺水危險的人所依賴 馬·更何況那些沒有救生員在場,河川上的晨泳人士、海 港内的夜/永人士、岸上、海上的垂釣人士、船舶上的從業 員牛凡各種從事與水有關的人員,無法穿戴或不願穿 戴救生衣’當發生意外有溺水危險時,也只能自救或聽天 M322374 由命,或者不小心把一個見義勇爲卻無水上救生常識的人 一起拖下水吧。 【新型内容】 本創作的目的在於克服現有技術存在的缺點,提供一 種隱藏的腕式、臂式錶型緊急水上救生裝備。 " 爲達到上述目的,本創作採取了如下技術方案: 隱藏的腕式、臂式錶型緊急水上救生裝備,包括錶帶 及錶型主體,錶帶裝在錶型主體的兩侧;其特徵在於錶型 主體爲灌模而成,一體成型無縫不漏氣;在錶型主體内裝 設有微型壓縮氣、充氣開關及氣囊;域開關與微型壓縮 氣瓶的瓶口相接觸;啓動充氣開關時,充氣開關可刺破微 型壓縮氣瓶的瓶口,可將微型壓縮氣瓶的氣體充入氣囊 中0 上述技術方案中,在錶型主體上嵌設有一錶型上層主 體’錶型上層主體上有帛口;_型上層主體上所開之:與 氣囊的充氣口之間無縫連接。 〜 所述的氣囊在未充氣時收藏在錶型主體内,充氣時 有素光橙色球體,在水中可承戴人體。以達溺水救人的功 ,爲上述,術方案的改進,在錶型上層主體上所開之 口及氣囊上覆蓋有錶層可破裂彈性薄膜。 防止水、塵進 錶層可破裂彈性薄膜的主要功能在於: M322374 入f σσ内部,當氣囊充氣時,錶層可破裂彈性薄膜即彈開 讓氣囊從錶也主體内部釋放出來。 作爲上述技術方案的改進,在錶層可破裂彈性薄膜及 錶型上層主體中間設有隔離橡圈。 、 隔離橡圈的功能在於··爲錶層可破裂彈性薄膜及錶型 ^層f體二者中間的粘合功能;可防止水、塵進入產品内 口p ’乳t充氣時爲錶層彳破裂彈十生薄膜提供分離錶型上声 主體彈跳的部份動力。 上述技術方案的另一種改冑,所冑的充氣開關由 啓動桿自動開動裝置構成;啓動桿自動開動 動裝mrr;充氣啓動桿的内件與啓動桿自動開 並位於錶型主體内,充氣啓動杠的外件 爲弧ί述=案中,充氣啓動桿伸出錶型主體外的外件 槽。y 主體外㈣有與該弧形部分相配合的凹 田个別1卞爽於備用狀態時,只 外件壓入與之相配合的凹槽中,即可保持本2桿的弧形 體外部的光滑平整。使用本創作的産品時,則口:錶型主 壓充氣啓動桿的弧形部分,並使其從凹槽中彈力按 作爲上述技術方案的改進,在啓動 上:有氣瓶頂針,氣瓶頂針的針開動裝置 相接觸。 細軋脱的瓶口 可刺 啓動桿自動開動裝置啓動後,氣瓶頂針的針頭便 M322374 破微型壓縮氣瓶的瓶口,微型壓縮氣瓶釋放出氣體,並 氣囊進行充氣。 作爲上述技術方案的進一步改進,在錶型主體與充氣 啓動桿的内件結合處設有氣體防漏膜。 、 氣體防漏膜的主要功能:防止微型壓縮氣瓶的氣體釋 放後從錶型主體與充氣啓動桿的内件結合處的空間中漏 漏出去’及防止外間的水、塵進入錶型主體内。 所述的氣體防漏膜爲三層。 作爲上述技術方案的進一步改進,在錶型主體内,微 型壓縮氣瓶的側旁開有氣體壓力緩充孔。 氣體壓力緩充孔的功能:緩充微型壓縮氣瓶的氣體釋 放時産生的壓力。 與現有技術相比,本創作具有如下有益效果·· 1、 本創作是一種簡易快速的水上救生裝備,可佩戴 在手腕上、手臂上,而又不妨礙佩戴者從事各種水上活 動,例如晨泳者、室内游泳者、海邊游泳者、釣魚人士、 各種船上工作或活動者; 2、 佩戴本創作,就如佩戴一隻手錶而已,既美觀又 可確實保護佩戴者,萬一發生意外,在短暫無法獲得他人 救援時。可即時啟動救生裝置,本裝置錶面即會瞬間爆出 一螢光橙色的充氣球體(如汽車的安全汽囊)使佩戴本産 品的溺水者有如救生衣般獲得保護,得以在緊急的危險 中’使溺水者心理上及身體上得到適當的休息,在自救中 M322374 也有充裕的時間等待旁人的救援; 3、本創作的螢光橙色的充氣球體,能使未察覺溺水 者處於危機中的旁人或救生人員,以目視就能從遙遠的距 離憑者顯示的充氣球體和顏色判斷出,有人發生溺水情況 需要救援。讓溺水者不用以喊叫和掙扎的方式來求救,就 可以將求救訊息傳達到目視所及的範圍,讓溺水者安全和 快速的得到他人的幫助。 • 【實施方式】 以下結合說明書附圖來對本創作作進一步的描述,但 本創作所要求保護的範圍並不局限於實施方式所描述之 範圍。 圖1爲本創作的結構分解圖;且圖2爲本創作的氣囊 充氣後的結構示意圖。 如圖1與圖2所示,本發明的隱藏型腕式、臂式錶型 緊急水上救生裝備,包括錶帶1及錶型主體2。錶帶i安 裝在錶型主體2的兩側。其特徵在於錶型主體2爲灌模而 成,一體成型無縫不漏氣。在錶型主體内裝設有微型壓縮 氣瓶3、充氣開關4及氣囊5 ;充氣開關4與微型壓縮氣 瓶的瓶口 31相接觸。啓動充氣開關時,充氣開關可刺破 微型壓縮氣瓶的瓶口,可將微型壓縮氣瓶的氣體充入氣囊 中。 上述技術方案中,在錶型主體上嵌設有一錶型上層主 體21,錶型上層主體上開有口 211。錶型上層主體上所 M322374 開之口 211與氣囊的充氣口 51之間無縫連接。 所述的氣囊在未充氣時收藏在錶型主體内,充氣時爲 有螢光橙色球體’在水中可承戴人體。以達溺水救人的功 能。 作爲上/技術方案的改進,在錶型上層主體上所開之 211及氣囊5上覆蓋有錶層可破裂彈性薄膜6。 錄層可破裂彈性薄膜的主要功能在於:防止水、塵進 入産品内部。當簸量右·名Λ. _ 充《I時,錶層可破裂彈性薄膜即彈開 讓氣囊從錶型主體内部釋放出來。 作爲上述技術方案的改進,在錶層可破裂彈性薄膜6 及錶型上層主體21中間設有隔離橡圈7。 專膜6 隔離橡圈的功能在协· 、.爲錶層可破裂彈性薄膜及錶型 部9氣=I:合功能:可防止水、塵進入産品内 :二 錶層可破裂彈性薄膜提供分離錶型上層 主體彈跳的部份動力。 作爲上述技術方案的另一 由充氣啓動桿4i及戍動所述的充氣開關4 桿_動裝置二 =啓二自動開動裝置的-端二== 内,充氣啓動桿的外件412則伸出錶型主體外。 4爲爲本創作的充氣啓動桿處於備用時的狀態圖;圖 U本創作的充氣啓動桿處於使用時 '圖, 氣啓動桿自動閉鎖裝置圖。 " 爲充M322374 VIII. New description: [New technical field] This creation department is about a kind of life-saving equipment, especially a hidden wrist and arm type emergency water rescue equipment. [Prior Art] It is quite dangerous to engage in any kind of water-related activities. Every year, there are countless people who die because of tragic drowning accidents during water activities or homework. Is lifeguard safe in the pool? Absolutely unsafe, the information shows that there are still many people in the world every year, and most of the young people are drowning in swimming pools under the care of life-saving personnel, or become vegetative because of the slowness of rescue and the lack of oxygen. 'Be aware that in a large and crowded swimming pool, the splashers are lucky because of physical discomfort, cramps in their hands and feet, or playful water between playmates. They need to be rescued when they are rescued, because lifeguards are negligent. If you are undetected and you are met, it will happen every year. In the swimming room, no one is willing to wear a life jacket, because you can't enjoy the swimming pleasure. When a splasher encounters dangerous fashion in the swimming pool: rely entirely on lifeguards, in the sea of vast and far-reaching open beaches. The lifeguards on the water can also rely on the horses who are at risk of drowning, not to mention the absence of lifeguards, morning swimmers on the river, night/eternal people in the harbour, fishing people on shore, at sea, on ships. Practitioner Niu Fan, who is engaged in water-related personnel, cannot wear or refuse to wear a life jacket. When there is a danger of drowning in an accident, he can only save himself or listen to the life of M322374, or accidentally put a sense of bravery but no water. People with common sense drag the water together. [New content] The purpose of this creation is to overcome the shortcomings of the prior art and to provide a hidden wrist and arm type emergency water rescue equipment. " In order to achieve the above objectives, the author adopted the following technical solutions: Hidden wrist and arm phenotype emergency water rescue equipment, including the strap and phenotype body, the strap is mounted on both sides of the phenotype body; The phenotype body is made by filling the mold, and the integrated molding is seamless and airtight; the micro-compressed gas, the air-filling switch and the air bag are installed in the phenotype main body; the domain switch is in contact with the bottle mouth of the micro-compressed gas cylinder; When the switch is turned on, the gas-filled switch can pierce the bottle mouth of the micro-compressed gas cylinder, and the gas of the micro-compressed gas cylinder can be filled into the airbag. In the above technical solution, a phenotype upper-layer main body phenotype upper layer is embedded in the phenotype main body. There is a mouth on the main body; the upper part of the _ type upper layer is opened: and the air inlet of the air bag is seamlessly connected. ~ The airbag is stored in the phenotype body when it is not inflated. When inflated, it has a plain orange sphere, which can be worn in the water. In order to save the people's work, for the above, the improvement of the surgical scheme, the mouth and the airbag opened on the upper body of the phenotype are covered with a surface rupturable elastic film. The main function of preventing the water and dust from entering the surface of the rupturable elastic film is: M322374 is inside the f σσ. When the airbag is inflated, the elastic film on the surface can be ruptured to release the airbag from the inside of the watch body. As an improvement of the above technical solution, an insulating rubber ring is provided between the surface layer rupturable elastic film and the phenotype upper layer main body. The function of the isolation rubber ring is that the adhesion function between the surface rupturable elastic film and the phenotype layer f body can prevent the water and dust from entering the inner mouth of the product. The rupture bomb tenth film provides some of the power to bounce off the sound body on the phenotype. According to another modification of the above technical solution, the activated gas switch is composed of an automatic starting device of the starting lever; the starting lever automatically starts the moving device mrr; the inner member of the inflatable starting lever and the starting lever are automatically opened and located in the phenotype body, and the inflation is started. The outer part of the bar is an arc. In the case, the inflatable starting lever extends out of the outer groove of the stylus body. y Outside the main body (4) There is a concave field in the matching part of the curved part. When the outer part is pressed in the standby state, only the outer part is pressed into the groove matched with it, so that the outer part of the arc of the two rods can be maintained. Smooth and flat. When using the product of this creation, the mouth is: the embossed main pressure inflates the curved part of the starting rod, and makes the elastic force from the groove as the improvement of the above technical scheme. On the start: there is a gas cylinder thimble, the gas cylinder thimble The needle actuation device is in contact. Fine-rolled bottle mouth can be stabbed After the starter automatic starter is activated, the needle of the gas cylinder thimble breaks the bottle mouth of the micro-compressed gas cylinder, the micro-compressed gas cylinder releases gas, and the air bag is inflated. As a further improvement of the above technical solution, a gas leakage preventing film is provided at the joint of the phenotype main body and the inner member of the inflation starting lever. The main function of the gas leakage prevention membrane is to prevent the leakage of the gas from the micro-compressed gas cylinder from the space where the phenotype main body and the inner portion of the inflatable activation rod are combined, and to prevent the external water and dust from entering the phenotype main body. . The gas leakage preventing film is three layers. As a further improvement of the above technical solution, in the phenotype body, a gas pressure relief hole is opened at the side of the micro-compressed gas cylinder. The function of the gas pressure relief hole is to relieve the pressure generated when the gas of the micro-compressed gas cylinder is released. Compared with the prior art, the creation has the following beneficial effects. 1. The creation is a simple and fast water rescue equipment that can be worn on the wrist and the arm without hindering the wearer from engaging in various water activities, such as a morning swimmer. , indoor swimmers, seaside swimmers, anglers, all kinds of work or activities on board; 2, wearing this creation, just like wearing a watch, both beautiful and can indeed protect the wearer, in case of an accident, in a short time When getting someone else's rescue. The life-saving device can be activated immediately, and a fluorescent orange-shaped inflatable ball (such as a safety balloon of the car) will be instantly exposed on the surface of the device, so that the drowning person wearing the product can be protected like a life jacket, so that it can be made in an emergency The drowning person gets proper rest in psychology and body. In self-help, M322374 also has plenty of time to wait for the rescue of others. 3. The fluorescent orange inflatable sphere of this creation can make the undetected drowning person in crisis or save the life. The personnel can visually judge from the inflated sphere and color displayed by the remote distance, and some people need to rescue the drowning situation. Allowing drowning people to ask for help without shouting and struggling can convey the message of help to the extent that they can see, so that the drowning person can get help from others safely and quickly. [Embodiment] The present invention will be further described below in conjunction with the drawings, but the scope of the present invention is not limited to the scope described in the embodiments. Fig. 1 is a structural exploded view of the present invention; and Fig. 2 is a schematic structural view of the airbag after the creation of the airbag. As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the hidden wrist and arm type emergency water rescue equipment of the present invention includes a watch band 1 and a stylus body 2. The strap i is mounted on both sides of the phenotype body 2. The utility model is characterized in that the phenotype main body 2 is formed by filling a mold, and the integrated molding is seamless and airtight. A micro-compressed gas cylinder 3, an inflation switch 4, and an air bag 5 are mounted in the phenotype body; the gas-filled switch 4 is in contact with the bottle opening 31 of the micro-compressed gas cylinder. When the air-inflating switch is activated, the air-filling switch can pierce the bottle opening of the micro-compressed gas cylinder, and the gas of the micro-compressed gas cylinder can be filled into the airbag. In the above technical solution, a phenotype upper layer main body 21 is embedded in the phenotype main body, and a 211 is formed in the phenotype upper layer main body. The M322374 open port 211 on the upper body of the phenotype is seamlessly connected to the inflation port 51 of the air bag. The airbag is housed in the phenotype body when not inflated, and has a fluorescent orange sphere when inflated'. The human body can be worn in water. In order to save people's functions. As an improvement of the above/technical solution, the 211 and the airbag 5 which are opened on the upper body of the phenotype are covered with the surface rupturable elastic film 6. The main function of the rupturable elastic film of the recording layer is to prevent water and dust from entering the inside of the product. When the volume is right, the name is Λ. _ When filling the I, the surface rupturable elastic film is bounced to release the airbag from the inside of the phenotype body. As a modification of the above technical solution, the insulating rubber ring 7 is provided between the surface layer rupturable elastic film 6 and the phenotype upper layer main body 21. Special film 6 The function of the isolation rubber ring is in the surface, the rupturable elastic film and the surface part of the surface 9 gas = I: function: can prevent water and dust from entering the product: the two surface layer can be broken and the elastic film provides separation Part of the kinetics of the upper body of the phenotype. As the other embodiment of the above technical solution, the inflating start lever 4i and the inflating switch 4 rod_moving device 2=open two automatic actuating device-end two==, the outer member 412 of the inflating starting rod extends out Outside the main body. 4 is the state diagram of the created inflatable starter lever when it is in standby; Figure U is the inflated starter lever of the present invention when it is in use, the figure shows the air release lever automatic locking device. " for charging
< S 10 M322374 如圖3,圖4及圖6所示,上述技術方案中, =出錶型主體外的外件412爲弧形,在錶型主體外: 開有與該弧形外件相配合的凹槽8。 當本創作處於備用狀態時,只需將充氣啓動桿的 外件4 1 2壓入與之相配合的凹槽8中,即可保持 = 的錶型主體外部的光滑平整。使用本創作的産品時,只需 ^力按Μ充氣啓動桿的弧形部分,並使其從凹槽中彈出即 圖, 圖 爲氣瓶頂針與微型壓縮氣瓶的瓶口的接觸 示意 自動二5:二’作爲上述技術方案的改進’在啓動桿 :動開動裝置42上設有氣瓶頂針411 ’氣瓶頂針的 與微型壓縮氣瓶的瓶口 3 1相接觸。 啓動桿自動開動裝置啓動後,氣瓶頂針的針頭 破微型壓縮氣瓶的觀π ’微龍縮氣瓶釋放出氣體 氣囊進行充氣。 _ 圖 圖 爲本創作的氣體遷力緩釋孔及氣體防漏膜示意 如圖7所示,作爲上述技術方案的進一步改 型主體2與充氣啓動桿的内件 膜9。 、"口 ^ °又有軋體防漏 氣體防漏膜的主要从能兔 , 越妨4〜姓丨 要力月匕為防止微型壓縮氣瓶的氣體 釋放後從錶型主體與充氣啓動 、體 茂漏出去。及防止外間的水、鹿、# U的空間中 丨万止外間的水、塵進入錶型主體内 11 M322374 氣體防漏膜爲三層。 作爲上述技術方案的進一步改進,在錶型主體内,微 型壓縮氣瓶的侧旁開有氣體壓力緩充孔1 〇。 氣體壓力緩充孔的功能:緩充微型壓縮氣瓶的氣體釋 放時産生的壓力。 圖8爲本創作的使用狀態參考圖。 如圖8所不,本創作在使用時只需將其佩戴在手腕或 手臂上,如發生意外,在短暫無法獲得他人救援時,可即 時啟動救生裝置,本裝置錶面即會瞬間爆出一螢光橙色的 充氣球體(如汽車的安全汽囊)使佩戴本産品的溺水者有 如救生衣般獲得保護,得以在緊急的危險中,使溺水者心 理上及身體上得到適當的休息,纟自救中也有充裕的 等待旁人的救援;<S 10 M322374 As shown in Fig. 3, Fig. 4 and Fig. 6, in the above technical solution, the outer member 412 outside the phenotype body is curved, outside the phenotype body: the curved outer member is opened Cooperating grooves 8. When the creation is in the standby state, it is only necessary to press the outer member 4 1 2 of the inflation starting lever into the groove 8 which is matched with it, thereby maintaining the smoothness and smoothness of the exterior of the phenotype body of the =. When using the product of this creation, simply press the curved part of the inflatable starter lever and push it out of the groove. The picture shows the contact between the gas cylinder thimble and the bottle mouth of the micro-compressed gas cylinder. 5: 2' as an improvement of the above technical solution 'on the actuating lever: the movable ejector 42 is provided with a gas cylinder thimble 411 'the gas cylinder thimble is in contact with the bottle opening 31 of the micro-compressed gas cylinder. After the starter automatic start device is activated, the needle of the gas cylinder thimble breaks the view of the micro-compressed gas cylinder, and the gas balloon is inflated. _ Fig. Fig. 7 shows a schematic diagram of the gas migration retarding hole and the gas leakage preventing film of the present invention. As shown in Fig. 7, as a further modification of the main body 2 and the inner film 9 of the inflation starting lever. , "口^ ° There is also a rolling body gas leakage prevention film mainly from the energy rabbit, the more you can 4~ the last name of the force to prevent the gas from the micro-compressed gas cylinder after the release of the phenotype body and the aeration start, The body leaked out. And to prevent the water, deer, and #U in the space outside. The water and dust from the outside enter the phenotype body. 11 M322374 The gas leakproof film is three layers. As a further improvement of the above technical solution, in the phenotype body, a gas pressure relief hole 1 开 is opened at the side of the micro-compressed gas cylinder. The function of the gas pressure relief hole is to relieve the pressure generated when the gas of the micro-compressed gas cylinder is released. Fig. 8 is a reference diagram of the use state of the present creation. As shown in Figure 8, this creation only needs to be worn on the wrist or arm when it is used. If an accident occurs, the rescue device can be activated immediately when the rescue is not available for a short time, and the surface of the device will instantly burst. The light orange inflatable sphere (such as the safety balloon of the car) allows the drowning person wearing the product to be protected like a life jacket, so that the drowning person can get a proper rest mentally and physically in an emergency, and there is also a self-help. Ample waiting for the rescue of others;
< S 12 M322374 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1爲本創作的結構分解圖。 圖2爲本創作的氣囊充氣後的結構示意圖。 圖3爲本創作的充氣啓動桿處於備用時的狀態圖。 圖4爲本創作的充氣啓動桿處於使用時的狀態圖。 圖5爲氣瓶頂針與微型壓縮氣瓶的瓶口的接觸示意 圖6爲充氣啓動桿自動閉鎖裝置圖。 圖7爲本創作的氣體壓力緩釋孔及氣體防漏膜示意 圖8爲本創作的使用狀態參考圖。 M322374< S 12 M322374 [Simple description of the drawing] Fig. 1 is an exploded view of the structure of the present invention. FIG. 2 is a schematic structural view of the airbag after the creation of the airbag. Fig. 3 is a view showing the state of the inflated start lever of the present invention when it is in standby. Fig. 4 is a view showing the state of the inflated starter lever of the present invention in use. Figure 5 is a schematic view of the contact between the cylinder thimble and the bottle mouth of the micro-compressed gas cylinder. Figure 6 is a diagram showing the automatic locking device of the pneumatic starting lever. Fig. 7 is a schematic diagram of the gas pressure relief hole and the gas leakage prevention film of the present invention. M322374
【主要元件符號說明】 1 錶帶 2 錶型主體 3 微型壓縮氣瓶 4 充氣開關 5 氣囊 6 錶層可破裂彈性薄膜 7 隔離橡圈 8 凹槽 9 氣體防漏膜 10 側旁開有氣體壓力緩充孔 21 錶型上層主體 31 瓶口 41 充氣啓動桿 42 啓動桿自動開動裝置 51 充氣口 21 1 開口 41 1 氣瓶頂針 412 充氣啓動杠的外件 421 啓動桿自動開動裝置的一端 423 充氣啓動桿的内件 14[Main component symbol description] 1 Strap 2 phenotype body 3 Miniature compressed gas cylinder 4 Inflator switch 5 Airbag 6 Surface rupturable elastic film 7 Isolation rubber ring 8 Groove 9 Gas leakproof film 10 Gas pressure relief on the side Charging hole 21 phenotype upper body 31 bottle mouth 41 inflating start lever 42 actuating lever automatic actuating device 51 inflating port 21 1 opening 41 1 cylinder ejector pin 412 inflating the outer member of the actuating lever 421 one end of the actuating lever automatic actuating device 423 inflating the starting lever Internals 14