TWI270832B - System and method for collection of advertising fee - Google Patents

System and method for collection of advertising fee Download PDF


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TWI270832B TW94118092A TW94118092A TWI270832B TW I270832 B TWI270832 B TW I270832B TW 94118092 A TW94118092 A TW 94118092A TW 94118092 A TW94118092 A TW 94118092A TW I270832 B TWI270832 B TW I270832B
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Ching Kuan
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Systex Corp
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Publication of TW200641743A publication Critical patent/TW200641743A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI270832B publication Critical patent/TWI270832B/en



  • Management, Administration, Business Operations System, And Electronic Commerce (AREA)


The present invention relates to a system and method for collection of advertising fee. This method according to an actual sales and a store customer's data of an advertisement in a shop/location to build up the different fee collection methods to provide the advertising consignor for reference, evaluating and choosing broadcasting condition of advertisement. The system comprises a database, an analysis module, an operation interface module and a calculating module.


1270832 • 九、發明說明: - 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於一種廣告收費系統的技術領域,尤其係特別 有關於可依據廣告所在商店/地點的實際銷售及來店客戶資料,建 立不同收費計算方式,提供廣告委託者參考、評估及選擇廣告託 播條件後再據以收費的技術領域。 【先前技術】 g 在多媒體的分取頻道糸統中’經常在多個不同商店/地點設置 多個顯示裝置,如電視、電腦螢幕、投影設備、光電顯示螢幕、 或是其他顯示器等,每個顯示裝置可視為一頻道,依據不同的播 放排程來分別播放不同的多媒體内容,如表演節目、新聞、廣告 Η 、宣導片或教學課程等。由於其使得多媒體的播放更有變化性、 1 更能因地制宜、以及能分別符合不同商店/地點的需求,此類系統 特別適合應用在店内廣告系統、公共資訊提供系統或是電子廣告 看板系統等。 _ 舉例來說,當其應用在一店内廣告系統時,由於不同商店的 主打商品、客戶層、行銷策略可能會有所不同,且每一個商店在 不同時間内,其來店客戶的年齡、性別、消費偏好可能也會所不 同,甚至在同一商店内所分別設置的複數個顯示裝置,也都會有 不同的條件及需求。對於欲託播廣告的廣告委託者來說,如果能 夠依據各商店、各時段的不同銷售狀況,選擇適合的商店及時段 來播放廣告,以符合廣告當時、當地店内客戶的喜好,進而促成 客戶消費,將使得該廣告獲得最佳效益。 通常在廣告委託者或是廣告代理業者在託播廣告時,無論是 5 1270832 電視廣告、廣播廣告、平面廣告、網路廣告或是其他通路廣告, 多是以「有效觸及率」來估算其廣告效益,亦即是預估播放廣告 後會有多少百分比的人次真正瀏覽到該廣告、對該廣告有印象。 而一般廣告委託者或廣告代理業者在擬定廣告策略、評估採用何 種廣告方式時,也經常會先設定其所欲達成的有效觸及率、預備 的經費等,再來選擇如何進行廣告,因此廣告的有效觸及率對於 廣告業界來說中實是一種相當重要的資訊。 然而,在多媒體的分眾頻道播放廣告時,因為各顯示裝置( 亦即是各頻道)分別設置在不同的商店/地點且數量龐大,而各商店 /地點的人數各不相同、差異甚大,因此不易估算廣告的有效觸及 率以供客戶評估其廣告效益,也難以提出一種客觀的收費計算方 式讓客戶容易明瞭及接受。倘若能夠整合各商店/地點的實際銷售 及來店客戶的資料,並提供客觀有效的計費方式以供客戶參考, 以供其擬定廣告策略及評估廣告效益,將可使得廣告交易的資訊 更加透明化,廣告託播作業更加迅速有效率。 此外,通常有效觸及率越高的廣告方式,因其廣告成本高、 廣告效益佳,其相對的廣告費用也就越高,往往使廣告委託者的 負擔相當沉重。而廣告有效觸及率的計算方式,通常是以一般廣 泛大眾為基礎來估算,但許多商品的銷售對象其實是特定的消費 族群或具有特定消費習慣的消費者,廣告委託者很可能花費了大 筆廣告費用獲得了某種程度的有效觸及率,但實際上商品的預定 銷售對象卻只是其中的一小部分,因此所達到廣告的效益實際上 並不是那麼理想。如果能夠針對不同商店/地點的實際銷售和來店 客戶的資料進行分析,讓廣告委託者可以依據廣告的需求,挑選 其消費族群最多、或是該類商品銷售量最多的商店及時段來播放 6 1270832 廣告,將可使得廣告的效果更佳,而廣告委託者再無須為了追求 較高的有效觸及率,花費昂貴的廣告費用進行廣泛宣傳,其經由 選擇符合需求的廣告商店/地點、時段來宣傳,即可達到預定的廣 告效果,並大幅節省廣告費用。 經由電腦系統及網路通訊來託播廣告及計算廣費用已是相當 習知的技術,其具有可讓廣告委託者快速完成委託、線上傳送廣 告檔案以及便利付費的多種優點,然而對於上述提及的問題,並 無法提出有效的解決方案。前案如中華民國專利公告第499662號 「數位廣告託播系統」,其提出了一種數位廣告託播系統,廣告廠 商可經由網際網路,將其廣告片傳送到戲院的廣告播放系統,以 便在戲院多處設置的「影院主機」播放其廣告片;戲院的廣告播 放系統更包含有一效益評估單元以供評估其效益,以及一計時計 費單元以依據該廣告效益來進行計費。 另一前案如中華民國專利第1222813號「提供廣告資訊之資 料通訊裝置及計算廣告費用之資料通訊電腦」,其係為一種適用於 有線電視網路的廣告系統,在使用者的住宅設置一廣告伺服器電 腦以及一數據機,該數據機用以接收來自該廣告伺服器的廣告資 料,並且經由一顯示器來顯示廣告;該廣告伺服器電腦除了提供 廣告外,還可依據使用者所收看的廣告數量來計算使用者的收看 廣告費用,該筆收看廣告費用可以用來折抵使用者應付的通訊費 或有線電視費用。 習知技術中雖提出了線上自動託播廣告的技術及收費方式, 然而,其相關費率或是收費的計算方式並未詳細揭露,依據一般 習慣,通常是由廣告系統的管理人員隨意設定,或是廣告系統自 動訂出,廣告委託者並無法知悉各商店、各時段的相關資訊,亦 1270832 無法了解該廣告㈣是否合理。此外,這些廣衫統在廣告委託 者託播廣告之前,無法算出廣告的有效觸及率,也無法判斷收看 到廣告的對象是否為其預定的銷售對象,因此難以評估廣告效益 ;另-方面,由於未能提供足夠的上述資訊,讓廣告委託者可以 在託播廣告前客觀地了解所需費収評估效益,故往往不易吸引 廣告委託者來主動託播廣告。 因此’為了能為解決上述問題,發明人經過潛心研究,提出 一種廣告收費祕及方法,可依據各廣告商店/地點的實際銷售及 • 來店客戶等資料,提供廣告委託者參考、設定廣告託播條件、以 及作為計算廣告費用的相關依據,使得廣告收費方式更為客觀易 於被廣告委託者接受,並可於讓廣告委託者在託㈣告之前,獲 、 得所需要的資訊以評估其效益。 【發明内容】 本發明之-目的係在於提出_種廣告收費系統及方法可依 據各廣告播放點的銷售及客戶相關資料,建立在各廣錢放點並 • 各時㈣㈣計算料’減給廣告魏者參考及狀廣告託播 條件,再依據該廣告託播條件及㈣計算方式,計算所需的廣主 費用。 口 一本發明之另-目的係在祕由本發明㈣駭方法其更進 「步可將各廣讀放點_#及客戶相關詩,依據特定的條件 進行分析並顯示其分析結果,以提供廣告委託者選擇所需要的廣 告播放點及時段。 /、 〜本^之另-目的係在於經由本發㈣系統及方法其更進 -步可提供—操作介面’讓廣告委託者於設定所需條件後,再依 8 1270832 據各廣告點的銷售及玄e ^1 心 客戶的相關資料,產生符合條件的廣告託播 方案,提供廣告委託者選擇。 、據本毛月之4寺色,本發明所提出的廣告收費系統,應用 於複數個廣告點之間,該複數個廣告點分別設置有至卜廣告顯 不,置彳接收至少_廣告委託者的廣告託播以播放廣告,其中, 該=統包含有一資料庫,用以儲存該複數個廣告點的廣告點評 :、;'、77析模組’用以依據特定的計費條件及該複數個廣告 點的廣告點評估資料,訂出各廣告點於各時段的廣告計費方式; 知作介面权組,提供_操作介面,以供該廣告委託者設定欲記 播的廣ί條件;以及—計算模組,依據該廣告託播條件及該廣告 、十算方式汁算其廣告費用並經由該操作介面予以顯示。 ’ …依據本發明之另—特色,本發明所提出的廣告收費系統中, 、 該# =介面更包含藉由提供-智慧型選項,以供該廣告委託者選 =其師選條件·’該計算模組更包含用以依據該複數個廣告點之廣 口:平估貝料及該_選條件,_選出符合_選條件的廣告點及時段 作為師選結果;以及,該操作介面更包含用以顯示該篩選結果, • 以供該廣告委託者選擇作為廣告託播條件。 …依據本發明之另-特色,本發明所提出的廣告收費系統中, =操作&quot;面更包含藉由提供_智慧型選項,以供該廣告委託者設 疋其廣告效益條件;該計算模組更包含用以依據該複數個廣告點 評估資料及該廣告效祕件,產生符合該廣告效益條件的 廣告託播方案;以及,該操作介面更包含用以顯示該至少 廣口託播方案,以供該廣告委託者選擇其中之一作為廣告託 條件。 依據本發明之另-特色,本發明所提出的廣告收費系統中 9 1270832 ,其中,該計算模組更包含用以於該廣告委託者正式託播廣告之 前,依據該廣告託播條件、該廣告收費計算方式及該廣告點評估 資料,預估其廣告費用、廣告效益/有效觸及率等資訊,經由該操 作介面予以顯示。 依據本發明之另一特色,本發明所提出的廣告收費系統中, 更包含有一廣告排程模組以及一廣告效益評估模組,用以依據該 廣告委託者的廣告託播條件,產生廣告播放排程,然後依據該廣 告播放排程及廣告委託者所提供的廣告檔案,於託播的廣告點及 時段在其廣告顯示裝置上進行廣告播放;以及,用以紀錄在該複 數個廣告點中的銷售資料,並依據廣告效益評估的各項評估條件 來進行統計、分析,產生一效益分析報告。 依據本發明之又一特色,本發明所提出的廣告收費方法,應 用於複數個廣告點之間,該複數個廣告點分別設置有至少一廣告 顯示裝置,可接收至少一廣告委託者的廣告託播以播放廣告,其 中,該方法包含的步驟有:儲存該複數個廣告點的廣告點評估資 料;依據特定的計費條件及該複數個廣告點的廣告點評估資料, 訂出各廣告點於各時段的廣告計費方式;提供一操作介面,以供 該廣告委託者設定欲託播的廣告條件;以及依據該廣告託播條件 及該廣告收費計算方式,計算其廣告費用並經由該操作介面予以 顯示。 為使貴審查委員能進一步瞭解本發明之架構、特徵及功能 ,茲附以圖式及其具體實施方式詳細說明如後。 【實施方式】 本發明之目的、優點和特色由以下實施例之詳細說明及圖式 1270832 乃本卷明,而非用以限定本發明。 來店適合㈣限定)㈣在™其物態資料及 ===:的店—經由結合商店的實際銷1270832 • Nine, invention description: - [Technical field to which the invention pertains] The present invention relates to the technical field of an advertisement charging system, and in particular to the establishment of an actual sales and customer information according to the store/place where the advertisement is located. Different charging calculation methods provide the technical field for the advertiser to refer to, evaluate and select the advertising conditions. [Prior Art] g In the multimedia distribution channel system, 'multiple display devices are often set up in a plurality of different stores/sites, such as televisions, computer screens, projection devices, photoelectric display screens, or other displays, each of which The display device can be regarded as a channel, and different multimedia contents, such as performance programs, news, advertisements, promotional films or teaching courses, are respectively played according to different playback schedules. Because of the variability in multimedia playback, the ability to adapt to local conditions, and the ability to accommodate different stores/locations, such systems are particularly well-suited for use in in-store advertising systems, public information delivery systems, or electronic billboard systems. _ For example, when it is applied to an in-store advertising system, the main products, customer layers, and marketing strategies of different stores may be different, and each store has different ages, the age and gender of its customers. Consumer preferences may also vary, and even multiple display devices installed in the same store will have different conditions and needs. For the advertising consignor who wants to advertise the advertisement, if it is possible to select the appropriate store and time slot to play the advertisement according to the different sales conditions of each store and each time period, in order to meet the preferences of the customer at the time of the advertisement and the local store, thereby facilitating the customer's consumption. Will make this ad the best. Usually, when an advertising commissioner or an advertising agency is advertising an advertisement, whether it is 5 1270832 TV commercials, radio advertisements, print advertisements, online advertisements or other advertisements, most of them use "effective reach" to estimate their advertisements. The benefit, that is, the percentage of people who actually play the advertisement will actually browse the advertisement and have an impression on the advertisement. When a general advertising commissioner or an advertising agency develops an advertising strategy and evaluates which advertising method to use, it often sets the effective reach rate, the prepared funds, etc., and then chooses how to advertise, so the advertisement The effective reach is a very important piece of information for the advertising industry. However, when an advertisement is played on a multimedia channel, since each display device (that is, each channel) is set in a different store/place and the number is large, and the number of people in each store/place is different and the difference is large, it is not easy. Estimate the effective reach of advertising for customers to evaluate their advertising effectiveness, and it is difficult to propose an objective charging calculation method that makes it easy for customers to understand and accept. If you can integrate the actual sales of each store/location and the information of the customers who come to the store, and provide objective and effective billing methods for customers to refer to, in order to formulate advertising strategies and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising, it will make the information of advertising transactions more transparent. The advertising and broadcasting operations are more efficient and efficient. In addition, the higher the effective access rate, the higher the advertising cost and the better the advertising efficiency, the higher the relative advertising cost, which often makes the burden of the advertising consignor quite heavy. The calculation of the effective rate of advertising is usually based on the general public. However, many of the products are sold to specific consumers or consumers with specific consumption habits. The advertisers are likely to spend a lot of money. Advertising costs have achieved a certain degree of effective reach, but in fact the intended sales target of the product is only a small part of it, so the benefits of the achieved advertising are actually not ideal. If you can analyze the actual sales of different stores/locations and the data of the customers who come to the store, the advertisers can select the stores and time slots with the largest number of consumer groups or the most sales of the products according to the needs of the advertisements. 1270832 ads will make the ads better, and the advertisers no longer need to promote the high effective reach and costly advertising costs, which are promoted by selecting the corresponding advertising stores/locations and time slots. To achieve the desired ad performance and significantly reduce advertising costs. It is a well-known technology to broadcast advertisements and calculate wide fees through computer systems and network communication. It has many advantages for the advertising commissioner to quickly complete the commissioning, online transmission of advertising files and convenient payment, but for the above mentioned The problem and the inability to come up with an effective solution. Former case, such as the Republic of China Patent Bulletin No. 499662 "Digital Advertising System", which proposes a digital advertising system that allows advertisers to transmit their commercials to the theater's advertising system via the Internet. The "cinema host" set up in many places in the theater plays its commercials; the cinema's advertisement playing system further includes a benefit evaluation unit for evaluating its benefits, and a time-based billing unit to charge according to the advertising benefit. Another predecessor is the Republic of China Patent No. 1222813, "Information Communication Device for Advertising Information and Data Communication Computer for Calculating Advertising Expenses", which is an advertising system for cable television networks. An advertisement server computer and a data machine for receiving advertisement data from the advertisement server and displaying an advertisement via a display; the advertisement server computer can be displayed according to the user in addition to the advertisement The number of advertisements is used to calculate the user's viewing advertisement fee, which can be used to offset the communication fee or cable TV fee payable by the user. Although the technology and charging method of online automatic trailer advertisement are proposed in the prior art, the relevant rate or the calculation method of the fee is not disclosed in detail. According to the general habit, it is usually set by the management system of the advertisement system. Or the advertising system automatically sets out, the advertising consignor is not aware of the relevant information of each store and each time period, and 1270832 cannot know whether the advertisement (4) is reasonable. In addition, these wide-shirts cannot calculate the effective reach of the advertisement before the advertisement commissioner broadcasts the advertisement, nor can it judge whether the object of the advertisement is the intended sales target, so it is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertisement; Failure to provide sufficient information to allow the advertising consignor to objectively understand the benefits of the assessment before the advertisement is placed, it is often difficult to attract the advertising consignor to actively advertise the advertisement. Therefore, in order to solve the above problems, the inventor has deliberately researched and proposed a secret method of advertising charges, which can provide advertising commissioner reference and set advertisements according to the actual sales of each advertising store/site and the information of the customers. The broadcasting conditions and the relevant basis for calculating the advertising expenses make the advertising charging method more objective and easy to be accepted by the advertising consignor, and the advertising consignor can obtain the required information to evaluate the benefits before the (4) report. . SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The object of the present invention is to provide an advertising charging system and method that can be based on the sales of each advertising play point and customer related information, and is established in each of the various money distribution points and at each time (four) (four) calculation material 'reduction to advertising Wei Refer to the condition of the advertisement and the conditions of the advertisement, and then calculate the required fee for the owner according to the conditions of the advertisement and the calculation method of (4). The other purpose of the present invention is to provide an advertisement by analyzing the results of the analysis according to specific conditions and displaying the analysis results according to the method of the present invention (4). The delegator selects the required ad play point and time period. /, ~ This ^ is another purpose - the purpose is to provide further operation through the (4) system and method - the operation interface 'let the advertising consignor set the required conditions After that, according to the sales of each advertising point and the relevant information of Xuan e ^1 heart customers, an eligible advertising and broadcasting program will be generated to provide the advertiser's choice. According to the color of the 4th color of the month, the present invention The proposed advertising charging system is applied between a plurality of advertising points, and the plurality of advertising points are respectively provided with an advertisement advertisement, and the advertisement advertisement is received by at least the advertisement commissioner to play the advertisement, wherein the = The system includes a database for storing the advertisement comments of the plurality of advertisement points: ,; ', 77 analysis module' is used to determine the data according to the specific charging conditions and the advertisement point evaluation information of the plurality of advertisement points. Advertises the advertising billing method at each time slot; knows the interface right group, provides the _ operation interface for the advertising commissioner to set the wide-ranging conditions to be recorded; and - the computing module, according to the advertising conditions and The advertisement and the ten-calculation method calculate the advertising fee and display it through the operation interface. '... According to another feature of the present invention, in the advertisement charging system proposed by the present invention, the #=interface is further included by providing - Wisdom option for the advertiser to choose = its teacher selection conditions · 'The calculation module also includes a wide range of advertising points based on the multiple: the flat estimate and the _ selection criteria, _ select the match _ election The conditional advertising point and time period are selected as the result of the teacher; and the operation interface further includes to display the screening result, and is used for the advertisement commissioner to select as the advertisement towing condition. ... According to another feature of the present invention, the present invention In the proposed advertising charging system, the = operation &quot; face further includes providing a smart option for the advertising commissioner to set its advertising benefit condition; the computing module further includes a plurality of advertising point evaluation materials and the advertising effect secrets, generating an advertisement hosting plan that meets the advertising benefit condition; and the operation interface further comprises displaying the at least wide-mouth charging scheme for the advertising commissioner to select In accordance with another feature of the present invention, the advertising charging system of the present invention is 9 1270832, wherein the computing module further includes a basis for the advertising commissioner to officially broadcast the advertisement. The advertisement consignment condition, the advertisement charging calculation method and the advertisement point evaluation data, and the information such as the advertisement cost, the advertisement benefit/effective expiration rate, and the like are estimated to be displayed through the operation interface. According to another feature of the present invention, the present invention The proposed advertisement charging system further comprises an advertisement scheduling module and an advertisement benefit evaluation module, which are configured to generate an advertisement playing schedule according to the advertising commissioning condition of the advertising commissioner, and then play the scheduling according to the advertisement. And the advertisement file provided by the advertisement consignor to advertise on the advertisement display device at the advertisement point and time slot of the broadcast Release; and to record sales data in the complex several ad points, and based on the assessment of the conditions to evaluate advertising effectiveness statistics, analysis, resulting in a benefit analysis. According to still another feature of the present invention, the advertising charging method of the present invention is applied between a plurality of advertising points, wherein the plurality of advertising points are respectively provided with at least one advertisement display device, and can receive at least one advertisement requester's advertisement support Broadcasting to play the advertisement, wherein the method comprises the steps of: storing the advertisement point evaluation data of the plurality of advertisement points; and formulating each advertisement point according to the specific charging condition and the advertisement point evaluation data of the plurality of advertisement points An advertising billing method for each time period; providing an operation interface for the advertisement commissioner to set an advertisement condition to be broadcasted; and calculating an advertisement fee according to the advertisement tray condition and the calculation method of the advertisement fee, and calculating the advertisement fee through the operation interface Show it. In order to enable the reviewing committee to further understand the structure, features and functions of the present invention, the drawings and their specific embodiments are described in detail below. The objects, advantages and features of the present invention are set forth in the Detailed Description of the <RTIgt; Come to the store for (4) limited) (4) in TM its physical information and ===: store - through the actual sales of the combined store

汀出在各_料各較㈣告㈣方式,以 =:委託,擇適合的商店及時段來進行廣二= 效益二:及條:後’可計算所需的廣”用、預估廣告 以下係以可在複數個商店内播放廣告 施例來進行料細_,職_告點(,、=作為= 可分別設置-個以上的顯示裝置,各_示裝^個商店)内 放排程來播放不同的多媒體内容及廣告。在許多商;中康= 收銀糸統及客戶資料庫,t客戶結帳時,可以依據會貞 =,:錄該客戶所購買的商品進行結帳,錚= ^費曰期、時間等相關資料,本發明的廣告收 錄有該 合、分析各個廣告點的收銀系統、客戶、^、,_)可經由整 告點評估資料,以決定其廣告計費方式貝❺資料以作為廣 ,系統(ίο)的架構請參考第一圖,主:勺,提供廣告委託者參考 分析模組_)、-操作介面模組(二3有二料庫 中各模組之功能及特徵,將分別詳細說明如下轉核組⑽)’其 資料庫(102)係用以儲存該複數 。 ,其中,該複數個廣告點可叹1=告點的廣告費評估資料 車站、醫院或廣場等公共場合,該廣連鎖商店、大賣場、 的商品銷售資料、收人金額、客戶資估資料可以是各商店 貝枓或進出人次/人潮等,而其 11 1270832 許:Γ原可?自於該各廣告點的收銀系統、客戶資料庫、人數統 Ί #以實施例來說’系統(1G)可經由通訊網路及通訊裝 售、σ 一商店的收銀系統及客戶資料庫,以接收所需要的鎖 _ =貝料或經由統計、分析後作為廣告點評估資料;而另 種實施方式亦可採用,由各商店利用—儲存裝置來儲存一段時 二内的鎖售及客戶資料,再將贿存裝置送到系 碩取出該資料。 來兒由於複數個商店的銷售、客戶資料相當多,且每 ρ二决速累積新的資料,如果將這些資料全部儲存,就必須設 θ田大的貝料庫’相當不經濟。由於資料庫(102)儲存資料的目 了提供特定的資㈣供計算廣告費用,或是提供廣告委託 多及烀估,因此,資料庫(102)並無必要儲存所有的銷隹及客 戶資料,較佳的香# 口 、也方式,是依據廣告委託者及系統(10)計算廣告 買用的需求,撼令# r^ 疋其爲要儲存的資料内容,然後依據該複數個商 :料銷=戶、資料來進行統計、分析後,再予以儲存所需要的 ^ 牛彳&quot;說,廣告委託者可能想要知道某一種類的商品在各 各銷售狀況’而廣告費用計算方式可能是依據各商店 m ά⑽客戶總人數來決定,因此,資料 枓,可經由一眘姐絲从 乂 丁 W貝 、枓轉換模組(第一圖中未顯示)依據商品的種類(如 、商Ο口刀成艮品、清口 ^ Q 战 性(如性別、年齡、:二…文具、廚具……等^來店客戶的特 及客戶資料料的·^金額、喜好等)等,將各商店收銀系統 、貝料,以一個小時段(如一個鐘頭)作單位,轉換 來店客二各種商品數量、金額、或是各娜^ 商店在聰年χ ^,以作為廣告點評估:_儲存。例如,A 平X月X日,早上8:〇〇至9:00’食品類銷售的金額 12 1270832 1270832 為4萬凡、清潔用品銷售的金額為2萬元......,來店 數有2千人,其中男性為8百人、女性為 : 有3百人……等。 百人,130歲的 分析模組(1〇4)係用以將資料庫(搬)的資料來進行八 ’依據特定的計費條件’決定各廣告點、各時段的廣°二 的 =上的條件,例如各商店在各時段中其來店客 、或疋各商店在各時段的銷售』里 單位時_計費單價@ n切以是決定一 來店客戶數量越r銷通常來說, 費單價可依據來店客戶數量▲ “費早^也就越高,計 _設定或是^衫理者來^。、另_種數值=彳’㈣、統⑽ 疋-預定總收入之廣 種實轭方式,是可先決 其對應的來店客戶、&quot;、依據可以廣告的商店及時段、 攤到各商店、各時/f金額等&amp;費條件,將總收人廣告費用分 此外,除了依r再決定出各時段的計費單價。 還可再考量其他^素的計費條件來訂定計費單價之外, 段、或者是否位在特定:點c末假曰、特別節曰、尖峰時 單價。 ”、,來調整各廣告點、各時段的計費 時或每個整點的:二擇:月、每週、早午晚、每二個小 的時間間格越大,* / 。’來將時間分段,—般來說,時段 〜八 如~個月,兮/L h 每 明顯 個時段的區隔特㈣衫料算方式較為簡單,但其每 母-小時,狀及計算方式就較時=時間間隔越小’如 種可實施的折fΜ 但其區隔特性就可較為 顯 &quot; 採用時間間格為中等程度且可 13 * 1270832 ,出其區隔特性的範圍,例如可將—天分成4〜8個時段,而其中 每個寺&amp;並不P艮制必須為相同長度的時間,可由系統管理者來做 彈性的設定。 操作;I面杈組(106)可提供一操作介面,以供廣告委託者來瀏 覽貝。點、各時段的廣告評估資料及其廣告計費方式,例如各 商店於各個時段的客戶數量、销售金額、是否仍有空檔可託播廣 ^以及其託播廣告的單位時間、計f單價等。#廣告委託者欲 成疋所而要的廣告託播條件時,該操作介面可提供便利的操作選 項土例如選擇託播廣告—段期間、哪些時段、哪些廣告點、每次 廣口的播放長度、播放:欠數等,可讓廣告委託者可快速地完成設 定。 為了便利廣纟委託者能夠依據其所需要的特定條件來設定其 所=要的廣告託播條件’該操作介面更可以提供—智慧型的選項 ,提供廣σ委託者選擇其要貞帛選的條件,如設定其銷售對象的特 徵、設定廣告商品所屬的類別、某類商品的銷t金額等,例如, 廣告委託者可以設定其銷售對象為姐且2G歲以上以及/或是 銷售服飾商品之金額在3萬元以上等篩選條件。廣告委託者經由 該操作介面所設定的篩選條件,經由分析模組(綱)依據資料庫 ⑽)中的資料,依據該篩選條件篩選出符合的廣告點及時段經由 該操作介面顯示,以供廣告委託者選擇。 該操作介面亦可提供另一種智慧型的選項,讓廣告委託者設 定其所需要的廣告效益/有效觸及率、以及廣告經f等廣告效益^ 件,然後該分析模組(104)依據資料庫(102)中的資料進行分析:產 生符合該廣告效益條件的廣告託播方案’經由該操作介面予以顯 示,提供給廣告委託者選擇,作為廣告託播條件。再更進一步時 14 1270832 ’當廣告委託者選擇其中之-廣告方案作為廣告託播條件時,該 操作介面更可提供廣告委託者,調整或更換其中部分的内容,= 產生更新的廣告託播條件,讓該廣告託播條件完全符合該廣告委 託者的需要。 该計算模組(108)係用以依據廣告委託者所設定的廣告託播 條件及廣告計費方式,計算出所需的廣告費用,經由該操作介面 予以顯示。較佳的實施方式,係於該廣告委託者尚未正式託播廣 告之前,先依據廣告託播條件計算出所需的廣告費用、預估達^ φ 的廣告效盈/有效觸及率、甚至包含其廣告託播的預定排程等相關 貧訊,經由該操作介面予以顯示,以供廣告委託者能夠先行評估 後再確認是否正式託播該廣告。其中,該廣告校益/有效觸及率之 • 資料,係依據各廣告點、各時段的廣告點評估資料,例如託播廣 , 告的廣告點、時段的客戶數量、銷售金額等資料,來進行估算/ 此外,當廣告委託者尚未正式託播廣告之前,變更廣告託播 條件時,該計算模組(108)均可依據該變更後的廣告託播條重 新計算該廣告費用、預估達到的廣告效益/有效觸及率等,並麫由 ® 該操作介面重新顯示。更進一步時,該操作介面可以同時顯示有 複數個廣告託播條件及對應的廣告費用、廣告效益/有效觸及率等 ’以供廣告委託者進行比較及參考,選擇其所需要的廣告託播條 件。 '、 為了能夠便利廣告費用的收費作業,系統(10)更可包含有_ 收費模組(第一圖中未顯示),當廣告委託者確認正式託播該廣主時 ’可依據該計算模組(108)所計算出來的廣告費用,向該廣主委託 者收費,或是經由通訊網路及通訊裝置與一外部的銀行系統/收費 系統相連結,採用線上帳戶轉帳、信用卡線上刷卡、電子錢包/點 15 1270832 數等多種方式來進行收費。由於此部八仏&amp; 匕π分均為習知技術,在此不詳 加贅述。 此外,系統(ίο)更可包含有一瘩生 檢告排程模組(第一圖中未顯 )’用以依據廣告委託者的廣告託播條件,產生廣告播放排程,块 後依據該廣告《雜及廣告委託者所提供的廣告餘,在其^ 播廣告點及時段時,在廣告顯示裝罟μ^ 罝上進行廣告播放。廣告委託 者可經由通訊網路及通訊裝置,以線κ禮、、〜 緣上傳迗檔案的方式來提供廣 告檔案,或是以傳統的方式將廣告梓查⑶u 八 ϋ镝案/影片儲存在儲存媒體中再 送到廣告系統所在之處,由於此部公介备 刀亦為驾知技術,在此不再重 複贅述。 系統(1〇)更可包含有一 0 JL·玲2 如, ,、σ政显砰估模組(第一圖中未顯示) ,用以在一段特定時間内,紀錄該 β丨丨^ w /、σ两口口在該複數個廣告點中 的銷售資料’或是競爭商品的銷售眘 ^ ^ ^ 害貝枓荨,並依據廣告效益評估 的各項評估條件來進行統計、分批 ^ i ^ 斤,產生一效益分析報告。例如 县太戽止乂銘眭店其廣告商品的銷售量,或 此:欠:二:久二,廣告商品與競爭商品的銷售量等,由於這 二=點的實際銷售狀況資料,將可提供準確的數據 供廣告K者來評估其廣告效益。 第二圖係為本發明廇告 pe ” σ收費方法的流程圖,應用於複數個廣 點之間,該複數個廣告點分 接收廣告委託者的廣告託播以播廣告心裝置’可 , 爾从播敌廣告,且該複數個廣告點各自 具有其廣告點評估資料,財法包含的步驟有: =驟⑽,儲存該複數個廣告點的廣告點評估資料; 呼估〜 I據特疋的計費條件及該複數個廣告點的廣告點 平估- 貝料’訂出各廣告點、各時段的廣告計費方式; 16 1270832 步驟S206,提供一操作介面,以供廣告委託者設定其廣告託 播條件;以及 步驟S208,依據廣告委託者的廣告託播條件及廣告收費計算 方式,計算其廣告費用並經由該操作介面予以顯示。 該步驟S202中,可經由一資料庫來儲存該複數個廣告點的 廣告點評估資料,其中,該廣告點評估資料可經由通訊網路及通 訊裝置,連結到該複數個廣告點以接收及下載所需資料,或是該 複數個廣告點經由一儲存裝置予以儲存其廣告點評估資料,將該 儲存裝置送到該資料庫所在之處以讀取儲存該廣告點評估資料。 該步驟S202中,該廣告點評估資料係依據廣告委託者及計 算廣告費用的需求,擬定其需要儲存的資料内容,然後依據該複 數個廣告點的實際相關資料來進行統計、分析後,再予以儲存所 需要的資料;其中,該複數個廣告點可以是一般商店、連鎖商店 、大賣場、車站、醫院或廣場等公共場合,該廣告費評估資料可 以是上述該公共場合的商品銷售資料、收入金額、客戶資料或進 出人次/人潮等經過統計、分析後的資料。 該步驟S204中,該計費條件係指可評估其廣告效益、據以 訂出其對應費用的一個以上的條件,而該計費方式可以是決定一 單位時間的計費單價,然後乘以廣告的時間來計算;且其中,該 計費條件可經由系統來自動設定或是由系統管理者來決定。 該步驟S204中,該計費條件的另一種實施方式,為先決定 一預定總收入之廣告費用後,再依據各種計費條件,將總收入廣 告費用分攤到各廣告點、各時段,據以決定出各廣告點、各時段 的計費單價;且其中,該計費條件更可考量其他因素,另調整各 廣告點、各時段的計費單價。 17 1270832 該步驟S2〇6中’該操作介面係可供廣告委託者來 告點、各時段的廣告評估資料及其廣料f方式;以及當廣^ 託者欲所需要的廣告託播條件時’可提供便利的操作 讓廣告委託者可快速地完成設定。 、、, 該步驟S206中,該操作介面更包含有一智慧型選項 廣告委託者選擇其篩選條件,以依據該複數個廣告點之廣估 資料,篩選出符合_條件的廣Μ及時段,經由該操作^面顯 不以供廣告委託者選擇,作為廣♦託播條件。Ting out in each _ material comparison (four) sue (four) way, =: commission, choose the appropriate store and time to carry out the second two = benefit two: and the following: after the 'calculation of the required wide use, estimated advertising below In order to play the advertisements in a plurality of stores, the details are _, the job _ 告 ( (, , = = can be set separately - more than one display device, each _ display ^ store) To play different multimedia content and advertisements. In many businesses; Zhongkang = Cashier system and customer database, when customers check out, they can check the goods according to the meeting , =,: record the goods purchased by the customer, 铮 = ^Relevant period, time and other related information, the advertisement of the present invention includes the cash collection system for analyzing and analyzing each advertisement point, the customer, ^,, _) can evaluate the data through the verification point to determine the advertising billing mode. ❺ 以 ❺ , , 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统The function and characteristics will be described in detail in the following transfer group (10)) 'the database (102) In order to store the plural number, wherein the plurality of advertisement points are sighable 1= the advertisement fee evaluation information of the advertisement point, the public place such as the station, the hospital or the square, the sales information of the wide chain store, the hypermarket, the product, the amount of the income, The client's appraisal information can be the store's beggars or the number of visitors/persons/populations, etc., and its 11 1270832 can be: the original cashier system, the customer database, and the number of people from the various advertising sites. 'System (1G) can be loaded and sold via communication network and communication, σ a store's cash register system and customer database to receive the required locks _ = bedding or through statistics, analysis and evaluation as an advertising point; The embodiment may also be implemented by using a storage device to store the lock sales and customer data for a period of time, and then sending the bribe storage device to the system for taking out the data. The sales and customer data of the plurality of stores Quite a lot, and every new data is accumulated at the speed of ρ, and if all of these materials are stored, it is necessary to set up the tiantianda's shell library 'which is quite uneconomical. Because the database (102) stores the data. Providing specific funds (4) for calculating advertising costs, or providing more advertising commissions and estimates, therefore, it is not necessary for the database (102) to store all sales and customer information, preferably the best port, and the way. According to the advertisement consignor and the system (10), the demand for the advertisement purchase is calculated, and the order is #r^, which is the content of the data to be stored, and then according to the plurality of businesses: the salesperson=household, the data is used for statistics and analysis. , and then store the required ^ 彳 彳 &quot; said that the advertising commissioner may want to know a certain type of goods in each sales situation 'and the advertising cost calculation method may be based on the total number of customers in each store m ά (10), Therefore, the data can be changed from the Kenting W and the 枓 conversion module (not shown in the first figure) according to the type of the product (eg, Ο Ο 艮 艮 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 (such as gender, age,: two... stationery, kitchen utensils, etc. ^ customers and customers' information, etc., amount, preferences, etc.), etc., each store cash register system, shell material, in one hour (such as One hour) as a unit, turn To store all kinds of passenger and two goods number, amount, or each store in Cong Na ^ χ ^, as an advertising point assessment: _ storage. For example, A Ping X month X, 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning, the amount of food sales 12 1270832 1270832 is 40,000, the amount of cleaning supplies is 20,000 yuan..., come to the store There are 2,000 people, including 800 men and women: 300 people...etc. The 100-person, 130-year-old analysis module (1〇4) is used to carry out the data of the database (moving) to determine the number of advertisements and the time of each time. Conditions, for example, when each store comes to the store in each time slot, or when the store is in the sales period of each store, the billing unit price is determined by the number of customers. The unit price can be based on the number of customers who come to the store ▲ "The fee is early ^ will be higher, the meter _ set or ^ shirt to come to ^., another _ kind of value = 彳 ' (four), system (10) 疋 - the total amount of scheduled total income The yoke method is to pre-require the corresponding shop customers, &quot;, according to the store and time period that can be advertised, to the stores, the time/f amount, etc. According to r, the billing unit price of each period is determined. It is also possible to consider the billing conditions of other units to determine the billing unit price, the segment, or whether it is in the specific: point c, false, special, thrifty, The unit price at the peak. ",, to adjust the advertising points, billing time of each period or each hour: two choices: month Weekly, BLD, each between two small time frame larger * /. 'To segment the time, in general, the period ~ eight as long ~ month, 兮 / L h every obvious period of time interval (four) shirt calculation method is relatively simple, but its mother-hour, shape and calculation The mode is shorter = the smaller the time interval, the more the interval can be implemented, but the segmentation characteristic can be more obvious. The time interval is medium and can be 13 * 1270832, out of the range of the segmentation characteristics, for example The day can be divided into 4 to 8 time periods, and each of the temples &amp; does not have to be the same length of time, which can be flexibly set by the system administrator. The operation; the I-face group (106) provides an operation interface for the advertisement commissioner to browse the shell. Point, the evaluation data of each period of time and its advertising billing method, such as the number of customers in each period of each store, the amount of sales, whether there is still a gap can be broadcast wide ^ and the unit time of its broadcast advertising, the unit price of f Wait. #广告代理者 wants to become the desired advertising conditions, the operation interface can provide convenient operation options, such as selecting the trailer advertisement - during the period, which time period, which advertising points, the length of each wide mouth , play: owed, etc., allows the advertising commissioner to complete the setup quickly. In order to facilitate the wide-ranging commissioner to set the required advertising conditions according to the specific conditions required by the user, the operating interface can be provided as a smart-type option, and the broad-based querier can choose the one to be selected. Conditions such as setting the characteristics of the sales target, setting the category to which the advertisement product belongs, the sales amount of a certain type of product, etc., for example, the advertisement requester can set the sales target to be a sister and 2G or older and/or sell the apparel product. The screening amount is more than 30,000 yuan. The advertisement commissioner selects the corresponding advertisement point and time period according to the screening condition set by the operation interface according to the data in the database (10) according to the screening condition, and displays the advertisement point and the time period according to the screening interface for the advertisement. The consignor chooses. The operation interface can also provide another smart option for the advertising commissioner to set the required advertising effectiveness/effective reach rate and the advertising effectiveness of the advertisement, and then the analysis module (104) is based on the database. The data in (102) is analyzed: an advertisement trailer scheme that generates a condition that meets the advertisement benefit condition is displayed through the operation interface, and is provided to the advertisement commissioner for selection as an advertisement trailer condition. Further, when 14 1470832 'when the advertising commissioner selects one of them - the advertising scheme as the advertising conditions, the operation interface can provide the advertising commissioner to adjust or replace some of the content, = generate updated advertising conditions , so that the advertising conditions are fully in line with the needs of the advertiser. The computing module (108) is configured to calculate a required advertising fee according to the advertising conditions and the advertising charging method set by the advertising requester, and display the displayed advertising cost through the operation interface. In a preferred embodiment, before the advertisement commissioner has not officially advertised the advertisement, the required advertisement fee, the estimated advertisement profit/effective reach rate of the estimated φ, and even the Relevant information such as the scheduled schedule of the advertisement trailer is displayed through the operation interface, so that the advertisement commissioner can first evaluate and then confirm whether the advertisement is officially broadcasted. Among them, the information of the advertisement benefit/effective touch rate is based on the advertisement point evaluation data of each advertisement point and each time period, such as the broadcast broadcast, the advertisement point of the advertisement, the number of customers in the time period, the sales amount and the like. Estimate/ In addition, when the advertisement commissioner has not yet officially advertised the advertisement, the computing module (108) can recalculate the advertising fee according to the changed advertising bracket, and the estimated cost is reached. Advertising effectiveness / effective reach, etc., and re-displayed by the ® operation interface. Further, the operation interface can simultaneously display a plurality of advertisement hosting conditions and corresponding advertising costs, advertising effectiveness/effective access rate, etc. for comparison and reference by the advertising commissioner, and selecting the required advertising conditions for the advertisement. . In order to facilitate the charging operation of the advertising fee, the system (10) may further include a charging module (not shown in the first figure), and when the advertising commissioner confirms that the public owner is officially broadcasted, the computing module may be used. The advertising fee calculated by the group (108) is charged to the owner or connected to an external banking system/toll system via a communication network and communication device, using online account transfer, credit card online credit card, electronic wallet / Point 15 1270832 Several ways to charge. Since this part of the gossip &amp; 匕 π points are well-known techniques, they are not described here. In addition, the system (ίο) may further include a health check scheduling module (not shown in the first figure) for generating an advertisement play schedule according to the advertisement consignment condition of the advertisement consignor, and the block is based on the advertisement. The advertisements provided by the miscellaneous and advertising consignors are displayed on the advertisement display device at the time of the advertisement and the time slot. The advertising commissioner can provide the advertisement file by means of the communication network and the communication device by uploading the file, or storing the advertisement in the traditional way (3) u gossip case/movie in the storage medium. It is sent to the place where the advertising system is located. Since this part of the public preparation tool is also a driving knowledge technology, it will not be repeated here. The system (1〇) may further comprise a 0 JL·玲2, , , σ Zhengxian evaluation module (not shown in the first figure) for recording the β丨丨^ w / for a certain period of time σ 两 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ Generate a benefit analysis report. For example, the sales volume of advertising products of the county Taiji Zhiming Mingdian store, or this: owed: two: long two, the sales volume of advertising products and competitive goods, etc., due to the actual sales status data of these two points, will be available Accurate data is used by advertisers to evaluate their advertising effectiveness. The second figure is a flow chart of the method for charging σ pe σ of the present invention, which is applied between a plurality of wide points, and the plurality of advertisement points receive the advertisement of the advertisement commissioner to broadcast the advertisement device. From the broadcast of the enemy advertisement, and the plurality of advertisement points each have their advertisement point evaluation data, the steps included in the financial method are: = (10), the advertisement point evaluation data storing the plurality of advertisement points; the call estimate ~ I according to the special The billing condition and the advertising point flat evaluation of the plurality of advertising points - the billing material 'orders the advertising bills of each advertising point and each time period; 16 1270832 step S206, providing an operation interface for the advertising consignor to set the advertisement And the step of the vouchers; and the step S208, calculating the advertisement fee according to the advertisement commissioning condition of the advertisement commissioner and the calculation method of the advertisement fee, and displaying the advertisement fee through the operation interface. In the step S202, the plurality of the plurality of storage units may be stored through a database. An advertisement point evaluation data of an advertisement point, wherein the advertisement point evaluation data can be connected to the plurality of advertisement points via a communication network and a communication device to receive and download the required information. Or the plurality of advertisement points store the advertisement point evaluation data through a storage device, and send the storage device to the place where the database is located to read and store the advertisement point evaluation data. In step S202, the advertisement point evaluation data According to the requirements of the advertising commissioner and the calculation of the advertising cost, the data content that needs to be stored is prepared, and then the statistics and analysis are performed according to the actual relevant data of the plurality of advertising points, and then the required data is stored; wherein, the plural The advertising point may be a public place such as a general store, a chain store, a hypermarket, a station, a hospital or a plaza, and the advertising fee evaluation information may be the sales information of the public place, the amount of income, the customer data, or the number of people entering or leaving the crowd/personality. The statistically analyzed data. In the step S204, the charging condition refers to one or more conditions that can evaluate the advertising benefit and determine the corresponding cost, and the charging method may be to determine a unit time. The billing unit price is then calculated by multiplying the time of the advertisement; and wherein the billing condition is The system is automatically set or determined by the system administrator. In the step S204, another implementation manner of the charging condition is to determine the total advertising revenue of a predetermined total income, and then to calculate the total revenue according to various charging conditions. The advertising cost is distributed to each advertising point and each time period, and the billing unit price of each advertising point and each time period is determined according to the billing condition; and wherein the billing condition can further consider other factors, and adjust the billing of each advertising point and each time period. Unit price. 17 1270832 In the step S2〇6, the operation interface is used by the advertising consignor to report the advertisement evaluation information of each time period and the method of the material f; and the advertisement consignment required by the public In the case of a condition, a convenient operation can be provided for the advertisement commissioner to complete the setting quickly. In the step S206, the operation interface further includes a smart option advertisement commissioner to select a filter condition according to the plurality of advertisement points. The wide-ranging data is used to screen out the vast areas and time periods that meet the _ conditions, and the operation is not selected by the advertising consignor as a wide-laying condition.

該步驟S206中,該操作介面亦可提供另一種智慧型的選項 讓廣。委託者叹疋其所需要的廣告效益/有效觸及率、以及廣主 經費等廣料益條件,以依據該複數個廣告點之廣告評估資Ζ 產生符合該廣告效益條件的廣告託播方案經由該操作介面予以 顯示,提供給廣告委託者選擇,作為廣告託減件;且其中,告 ^委託者選擇其中之-廣告方案作為廣告託播條件時,該操: 介面更可提供廣告委託者,調整或更換其中部分的内容, 更新的廣告託播條件。 該步驟S208中 一 匕3有於該廣告委託者尚未正式託播廣 口之前’先依據廣告託播條件計算出所需的廣告費用、預估達到 =廣告效益/有效觸及率等資訊,經由該操作介面予以顯示,以供 廣告委託錢触行評倾再相是否正式託觀廣告;且μ ,該廣告校^有效觸及率之㈣,係依據各廣告點、各時段的廣 告點評估資料來進行估算。 、 該方法更可包含-步驟咖(第二圖中未顯示),其經由通訊 :路及通«置與-遠魏㈣助連結,#廣告委託者確認正 式託播該廣告時,依據所計算出來的廣告_,向該廣告委 18 1270832 收費。 該方法更可包含-步驟5212(第二圖中未顯示), 託者的廣告託播條件’產生廣告播放排程,然後依據該2二委 排程及廣告委託者所提供的廣告檔案,在其託播卢主3。播放 ,在廣告顯示裝置上進行廣告播放。其/,、該廣^告點及時段時 通訊網路及通訊裝置,以線上傳送檔案的方^ 託者可經由 或是以傳統的方式將廣告檔案㈣儲存在儲存擋案’ 告系統所在之處。 、_中再送到廣In the step S206, the operation interface can also provide another smart option. The consignor sighs the advertising benefit/effective reach rate and the wide-ranging benefit conditions required by the advertiser, based on the advertising evaluation of the plurality of advertising spots, and generates an advertising and hosting plan that meets the advertising benefit conditions. The operation interface is displayed and provided to the advertisement consignor for selection as an advertisement reduction item; and wherein, when the consignor selects the advertisement scheme as the advertisement consignment condition, the operation: the interface can further provide the advertisement consignor, adjust Or replace some of the content, updated ad hosting conditions. In the step S208, the information about the required advertising cost, the estimated reach=advertising benefit/effective reach rate, etc. are calculated according to the advertising conditions before the advertising commissioner has not officially broadcasted the wide mouth. The operation interface is displayed, so that the advertisement entrusts the money to touch the evaluation and whether it is officially placed on the advertisement; and μ, the effective coverage rate of the advertisement school (4) is based on the advertisement point evaluation data of each advertisement point and each time period. Estimate. The method may further include a step coffee (not shown in the second figure), which is via the communication: road and communication «set and - far Wei (four) help link, # advertising commissioner confirms that the advertisement is officially broadcasted, according to the calculation The resulting advertisement _, charged to the advertising committee 18 1270832. The method may further include - step 5212 (not shown in the second figure), the advertiser's advertisement hosting condition 'generating an advertisement playing schedule, and then according to the 2nd second party scheduling and the advertising file provided by the advertising commissioner, It is anchored to Lu. Play, play the advertisement on the advertisement display device. The /, the communication network and the communication device at the time of the advertisement and the time zone, the party who transmits the file online can store the advertisement file (4) in the place where the storage file is located, or in a conventional manner . , _zhong and then sent to Guangzhou

段特定 ’或是 條件來 該方法更可包含-步驟S214(第二圖中未顯示卜在— 時間内’紀錄該廣告商品在該複數個廣告點中的銷售資 競爭商品的㈣資料等,並依據廣告效益評估的各項坪 進行統計、分析,產生一效益分析報告。 ^ ,上所述,藉由本發明所提出的系統及方法,可依據播 告所在各廣告點的㈣及客戶資料進行統計及分析,提供廣生主 託者選擇所需要的廣告點及時段,以及客觀有效的計f方式二 廣告委託者參考,讓廣告委託者可明確地擬定廣告策略及評估^ 告效益,使得廣告交易的資訊更加透明化,廣告託播作業更加^ 速有效率,收費方式更客觀且能被廣告委託者關,具有習 術中所缺乏的優點。 Χ &quot;本發日3無料目的、手段及功效,在在均顯示其優於習知技 術…月胃審查委員明察,早日賜准專利,俾嘉惠社會,實咸 德便。惟纽意的是,上述實施例僅為了便於說明之舉例而。 本發明所主張之權職圍自應以中請專利範圍所述為準,而非僅 限於上述實施例,大凡依據本發明所為之各種修飾與變化,或將 本發明之各·組或步驟進行整合m卜均減包含於本案之 19 1270832 申請專利範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖:本發明系統架構的示意圖。 第二圖:本發明方法的流程圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 ίο 廣告收費系統The segment specific 'or conditionally, the method may further include - step S214 (the second figure does not show the in-time - record the information of the advertising product in the plurality of advertising points (4), etc.) According to the statistics and analysis of each ping of the evaluation of advertising effectiveness, a benefit analysis report is generated. ^ , As described above, according to the system and method proposed by the present invention, statistics can be performed according to (4) and customer data of each advertising site where the advertisement is located. And analysis, providing the advertising points and time slots required for the selection of the Guangsheng Trustee, as well as the objective and effective reference method for the advertisers, so that the advertising commissioner can clearly formulate the advertising strategy and evaluate the benefits of the advertising, so that the advertising transaction The information is more transparent, and the advertising and broadcasting operations are more efficient and efficient. The charging method is more objective and can be closed by the advertising commissioner. It has the advantages that are lacking in the practice. Χ &quot;This day 3 has no purpose, means and effects, In the show, it is better than the conventional technology... The monthly stomach review committee clearly inspected and granted the patent as soon as possible, and the Jiahui society, the real salty virtue. But the new meaning is that the above The examples are for illustrative purposes only. The claims of the present invention are subject to the above-mentioned patent scope, and are not limited to the above embodiments, and various modifications and changes in accordance with the present invention, or The integration of each group or step of the present invention is included in the scope of the patent application No. 19 1270832. [Simplified Schematic] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of the system architecture of the present invention. Flow chart. [Main component symbol description] ίο Advertising charging system

102 資料庫 104 分析模組 106 操作介面模組 108 計算模組102 Database 104 Analysis Module 106 Operation Interface Module 108 Calculation Module

Claims (1)

1270832 l·、申請專利範圍: 廣告點分別設置有至少—廣個廣告點之間’該複數個 者的廣告託_放廣告七:該至少-廣告委託 :=庫,用以儲存該複數個廣告點的 ”析杈組,用以依據特定 貝枓, 廣告點評料料,告點的 一操作介面模組,提供_ ,、计費方式, 欲託播的廣告條件;以及’、〃,以供該廣告委託者設定 -計算模組’依據該廣告託 計算其廣告費用並經由該操作介㈣簡^廣。收費計算方式, 2. 如申請專利範圍第!項之系統,其中 :無線通訊網路及其對應的通訊裝置連結到該;數==有線 :收來自該複數個廣告點的廣告點評估資料,並儲心 3. 如申請專利範圍第】項之系統,其中 產生該廣告點評估資料,並儲存在該資料庫中。 斤之後 由-二:請專利範圍第1項之系統’其十,該複數個廣告點⑪ -料庙子、置來儲存其廣告點評估資料,並將該儲存裝置送至: 貝;所在,處,以將該廣告點評估資料儲存於該資料庫中。该 係依據該廣告2 =第:::二統’其中,該廣告點評估資料 委此者及計鼻廣告費用的需求’擬定其需要的廣告 21 1270832 19·如申請專利範圚笛 含用以於該廇止 項之系統,其中,该計算模組更包 Κ Ρ 5者正式託播廣告之前變更其廣告託播條件時 ^ t,. ΓΓΓ / 有效觸及料資訊,並經由_作介面賴顯示。 皿/ 20.如申睛專利範圍第19項之系統其中’該 含用以同咖示有複數個廣告託播條件及對應的廣告_ = 效益/有效觸及率等資訊,以供該廣告委託者選擇。 廣口1270832 l·, the scope of application for patents: Advertising points are respectively set at least - between a wide number of advertising points 'the advertising of the plurality of advertising _ advertising seven: the at least - advertising commission: = library for storing the plurality of ads The "analysis group" of the point is used to provide an _, a billing method, an advertising condition to be broadcasted according to a specific shell, an advertisement review material, and an operation interface module; and ', 〃, for The advertisement commissioner setting-calculating module calculates the advertising cost according to the advertising tray and via the operation (4), the charging calculation method, 2. the system of applying for the patent scope item: wherein: the wireless communication network and The corresponding communication device is connected to the number; = number == cable: receiving the advertisement point evaluation data from the plurality of advertisement points, and storing the heart 3. If the system of applying for the patent scope item is generated, the advertisement point evaluation data is generated, And stored in the database. After the jin by - two: please patent the scope of the system of the first item '10, the multiple advertising points 11 - material temple, set up to store its advertising point evaluation information, and will store Device Send to: Bei; where, at, to store the evaluation data of the advertisement point in the database. The system is based on the advertisement 2 = the::: 二统', where the advertisement point evaluates the information and counts the nose The demand for advertising expenses 'Development of the required advertisements 21 1270832 19 · If the patent application Fan Yidi contains the system for the termination, the calculation module is more than Ρ 者 5 people change the official advertisement before the advertisement When the conditions of the advertisement are broadcasted, ^ t,. ΓΓΓ / effective touch material information, and display through the interface. 皿 / 20. Such as the application of the scope of the patent scope of the 19th system, which contains the same number of coffee Advertising conditions and corresponding advertising _ = benefits / effective reach and other information for the advertiser to choose. ^.如申請專利範圍第1項之系統,其中,該系統更包含有: ^ ㈣极組’用以依據該計算出來的廣告費用,向該廣告委 託者收費。 八口 、2 2.如申請專利範圍第1項之系統,其中,該系統係經由有線 或無線通A網路及其對應的通訊裝置連結到—外部收費;以 及 、 八中該系統更包含用以經由該外部收費系統,依據該計算 &amp;來的廣告費用’向該廣告委託者收f。 ^ 23·如申請專利範圍第1項之系統,其中,該系統更包含有·· 一廣告排程模組,用以依據該廣告委託者的廣告託播條件, 產生廣口播放排程,然後依據該廣告播放排程及廣告委託者所提 供的廣告稽案,⑥託播的廣告點及時段在其廣告顯示裝置上進行 廣告播放。 24·如申請專利範圍第23項之系統,其中,該廣告委託者係 經由有線或無線通訊網路及其對應的通訊裝置,以線上傳送檔案 的方式來提供該廣告檔案。 25·如申請專利範圍第1項之系統,其中,該系統更包含有: 廣告效ϋ評估模組,用以紀錄在該複數個廣告點中的銷售 24 資料,並依據廣告效益評估的各項 產生一效益分析報告。 條件來進行統計、分析, 26·如申請專利範圍帛25項 模組所紀錄m料,包 =、、、’其巾,該廣告效益評估 品的相關銷售資料。3 “ r告商品、競爭商品或同類商 27·—種廣告收費方法, 廣告點分職置有至少個廣告點之間,該複數個 廣ϋ顯不裴置,可接收至少一廣告委託 者的廣σ託播㈣放廣告,其中,财法包含的步驟有:^. The system of claim 1, wherein the system further comprises: ^ (4) The pole group is used to charge the advertising commissioner according to the calculated advertising fee. 8. The system of claim 1, wherein the system is connected to the external charging via a wired or wireless communication network and its corresponding communication device; and, the eighth system is further included. The advertisement commissioner is charged f according to the calculation &amp; based on the external charging system. ^23. The system of claim 1, wherein the system further comprises an advertisement scheduling module for generating a wide-mouth playback schedule according to the advertisement commissioning condition of the advertisement commissioner, and then generating a wide-mouth playback schedule, and then According to the advertisement play schedule and the advertisement audit file provided by the advertisement commissioner, the advertisement point and the time slot of the 6-telecast advertisement are played on the advertisement display device. 24. The system of claim 23, wherein the advertisement commissioner provides the advertisement file by means of a wired or wireless communication network and its corresponding communication device to transmit the file online. 25. The system of claim 1, wherein the system further comprises: an advertisement effect evaluation module for recording sales 24 data in the plurality of advertisement points, and evaluating the items according to the advertisement effectiveness Generate a benefit analysis report. Conditions for statistics and analysis, 26. If the scope of patent application is 25, the m material recorded by the module, package =, ,, 'the towel, the relevant sales data of the advertising benefit evaluation product. 3 “ r advertises goods, competing goods or similar businesses. 27·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wide σ to broadcast (four) to advertise, which, the steps included in the financial law are: 儲存該複數個廣告點的廣告點評估資料; 依據特定的4費條件及該複數個廣告點的廣告點評估資料, 訂出各廣告點於各時段的廣告計費方式; 提供一操作介面,以供該廣告委託者設定欲託播的廣告條件 ;以及 依據該廣告託播條件及該廣告收費計算方式,計算其廣告費 用並經由該操作介面予以顯示。 、 28·如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該複數個廣告點 的廣告點評估資料,係經由有線或無線通訊網路及其對應的通訊 裝置連結到該複數個廣告點,以接收來自該複數個廣告點的廣告 點評估資料並予以儲存。 29·如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該複數個廣告點 的廣告點評估資料,係經由有線或無線通訊網路及其對應的通訊 裝置連結到該複數個廣告點,依據該複數個廣告點的銷售、客戶 專=貝料’經由統計、分析之後所產生並予以儲存。 30·如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 25 1270832 該複數個廣告點先經由一儲存裝置來儲存其廣告點評估資料 ,再將該廣告點評估資料轉存於一資料庫中。 31. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該廣告點評估資 料係依據該廣告委託者及計算廣告費用的需求,擬定其需要的廣 告點評估項目,再依據該複數個廣告點的銷售、客戶資料及該廣 告點評估項目來進行統計、分析後,獲得該廣告點評估資料内容 予以儲存。 32. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該計費條件係為 可評估其廣告效益、據以訂出其對應費用的一個以上的條件。 33. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該計費方式係為 決定一單位時間的計費單價,然後乘以廣告的時間來計算。 34. 如申請專利範圍第33項之方法,其中,該計費條件係為 自動設定或是由一系統管理者決定。 35. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該計費條件係為 先決定一預定總收入之廣告費用後,再依據至少一計費條件,將 總收入廣告費用分攤到各廣告點、各時段,據以決定出各廣告點 於各時段的計費單價。 36. 如申請專利範圍第35項之方法,其中,該計費條件係更 可依據其他因素,來調整各廣告點於各時段的計費單價。 37. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 經由該操作介面提供該廣告委託者瀏覽各廣告點於各時段的 廣告評估資料及其廣告計費方式。 38. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該操作介面係藉 由提供複數個的操作選項,以供該廣告委託者欲設定所需要的廣 26 1270832 告託播條件。 39.如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 經由該操作介面提供一智慧型選項,以供該廣告委託者選擇 其篩選條件; 依據該複數個廣告點之廣告評估資料及該筛選條件,篩選出 符合篩選條件的廣告點、時段作為篩選結果;以及 經由該操作介面顯示該篩選結果,以供該廣告委託者選擇作 為廣告託播條件。 40·如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 經由該操作介面提供一智慧型選項,以供該廣告委託者設定 其廣告效益條件; 依據該複數個廣告點之廣告評估資料及該廣告效益條件,產 生符合該廣告效益條件的至少一廣告託播方案;以及 經由該操作介面顯示該至少一廣告託播方案,以供該廣告委 φ 託者選擇其中之一作為廣告託播條件。 41. 如申請專利範圍第40項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 當該廣告委託者選擇其中之一廣告方案作為該廣告託播條件 時,經由該操作介面提供該廣告委託者變更其中部分的内容,並 產生更新的廣告託播條件。 42. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 依據該廣告託播條件及該廣告費評估資料,預估達到的廣告 27 1270832 效益/有效觸及率等資訊,經由該操作介面予以顯示 43. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 於該廣告委託者正式託播廣告之前,依據該廣告託播條件、 該廣告收費計算方式及該廣告點評估資料,計算出預估的廣告費 用、廣告效益/有效觸及率等資訊,經由該操作介面予以顯示。 44. 如申請專利範圍第43項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 經由該操作介面提供一選項,以供該廣告委託者於瀏覽預估 的廣告費用、廣告效益/有效觸及率等資訊之後,確認是否正式託 播該廣告。 45. 如申請專利範圍第43項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 於該廣告委託者正式託播廣告之前變更其廣告託播條件時, 依據變更後的廣告託播條件,重新計算該廣告費用、預估達到的 廣告效益/有效觸及率等資訊,並經由該操作介面重新顯示。 46. 如申請專利範圍第45項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 經由該操作介面同時顯示複數個廣告託播條件及對應的廣告 費用、廣告效益/有效觸及率等資訊,以供該廣告委託者選擇。 47. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 依據該計算出來的廣告費用,向該廣告委託者收費。 48. 如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 28 1270832 經由有線或無線通訊網路及其對應的通訊裝置連結到一外部 收費糸統,以及 經由該外部收費系統,依據該計算出來的廣告費用,向該廣 告委託者收費。 49.如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 依據該廣告委託者的廣告託播條件,產生廣告播放排程,然 後依據該廣告播放排程及廣告委託者所提供的廣告檔案,在其託 播廣告的廣告點、時段上,於廣告顯示裝置上進行廣告播放。 50·如申請專利範圍第49項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 該廣告委託者係經由有線或無線通訊網路及其對應的通訊裝 置,以線上傳送檔案的方式來提供該廣告檔案。 51.如申請專利範圍第27項之方法,其中,該方法更包含的 步驟有: 紀錄在該複數個廣告點中的銷售資料,並依據廣告效益評估 的各項評估條件來進行統計、分析,產生一效益分析報告。 52·如申請專利範圍第51項之方法,其中,該廣告效益評估 模組所紀錄之銷售資料,包含有該廣告商品、競爭商品或同類商 品的相關銷售資料。 29Storing the advertising point evaluation data of the plurality of advertising points; determining the advertising charging mode of each advertising point in each time period according to the specific 4 fee conditions and the advertising point evaluation data of the plurality of advertising points; providing an operation interface to The advertisement commissioner sets an advertisement condition to be broadcasted; and calculates an advertisement fee according to the advertisement tray condition and the advertisement fee calculation method, and displays the advertisement fee through the operation interface. 28) The method of claim 27, wherein the plurality of advertising point evaluation points are linked to the plurality of advertising points via a wired or wireless communication network and corresponding communication devices to receive The advertising points of the plurality of advertising spots are evaluated and stored. The method of claim 27, wherein the plurality of advertising point evaluation points are linked to the plurality of advertising points via a wired or wireless communication network and corresponding communication devices, according to the plurality of advertising points Sales of advertising points, customer-specific materials, and materials are generated and stored through statistics and analysis. 30. The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises the following steps: 25 1270832 The plurality of advertisement points first store the advertisement point evaluation data through a storage device, and then transfer the advertisement point evaluation data Stored in a database. 31. The method of claim 27, wherein the advertisement point evaluation data is based on the advertisement requester and the calculation of the advertisement fee, and the advertisement point evaluation item is required, and then the sale according to the plurality of advertisement points is performed. After the customer data and the advertising point evaluation project are used for statistics and analysis, the content of the evaluation information of the advertising point is obtained and stored. 32. The method of claim 27, wherein the billing condition is one or more conditions that can evaluate the effectiveness of the advertisement and determine the corresponding fee accordingly. 33. The method of claim 27, wherein the charging method is determined by determining a unit price for one unit of time and then multiplying by the time of the advertisement. 34. The method of claim 33, wherein the billing condition is automatically set or determined by a system administrator. 35. The method of claim 27, wherein the charging condition is that after determining an advertising fee for a predetermined total income, the total advertising cost is distributed to each advertising point according to at least one charging condition. At each time period, the unit price of the billing of each advertising point at each time period is determined. 36. The method of claim 35, wherein the billing condition further adjusts the billing unit price of each advertising point at each time period according to other factors. 37. The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises: providing, by the operation interface, the advertisement evaluation information of the advertisement commissioner browsing each advertisement point in each time period and the advertisement charging manner thereof. 38. The method of claim 27, wherein the operating interface provides a plurality of operational options for the advertising requestor to set the required broadcast conditions. 39. The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises: providing, via the operation interface, a smart option for the advertisement commissioner to select a screening condition; according to the plurality of advertising points The advertisement evaluation data and the screening condition are selected to select an advertisement point and a time period that meet the screening condition as a screening result; and the screening result is displayed through the operation interface for the advertisement commissioner to select as an advertisement trailer condition. 40. The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises: providing a smart option via the operation interface for the advertisement commissioner to set an advertisement benefit condition; according to the plurality of advertisement points And the advertising evaluation condition and the advertising benefit condition, generating at least one advertising and hosting plan that meets the advertising benefit condition; and displaying the at least one advertising and hosting plan via the operation interface, wherein the advertising agency selects one of the advertising plans As an advertising condition. 41. The method of claim 40, wherein the method further comprises the steps of: providing the advertisement requester via the operation interface when the advertisement commissioner selects one of the advertisement schemes as the advertisement advertisement condition Change some of the content and generate updated ad scheduling conditions. 42. The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises: estimating the benefit/effective reach of the advertisement 27 1270832 according to the advertisement condition and the advertisement evaluation data, The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises the following steps: before the advertisement commissioner officially broadcasts the advertisement, calculating the advertisement condition according to the advertisement and the advertisement fee The method and the evaluation information of the advertisement point are used to calculate the estimated advertisement cost, the advertisement benefit/effective reach rate, and the like, and the information is displayed through the operation interface. 44. The method of claim 43, wherein the method further comprises: providing an option via the operation interface for the advertisement commissioner to browse the estimated advertisement cost, advertisement benefit/effective reach rate After the information is confirmed, confirm whether the advertisement is officially broadcasted. 45. The method of claim 43, wherein the method further comprises: when the advertisement commissioner changes the advertisement condition of the advertisement before the advertisement is officially broadcasted, according to the changed advertisement condition Calculate the advertising cost, estimated advertising benefit/effective reach, and other information, and redisplay it through the operation interface. 46. The method of claim 45, wherein the method further comprises: displaying, by the operation interface, a plurality of advertisements and corresponding advertising costs, advertising effectiveness/effective reach, and the like, For the advertiser to choose. 47. The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises the step of: charging the advertiser according to the calculated advertising fee. 48. The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises the steps of: 28 1270832 connecting to an external charging system via a wired or wireless communication network and its corresponding communication device, and via the external charging system According to the calculated advertising fee, the advertising commissioner is charged. 49. The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises: generating an advertisement play schedule according to the advertisement consignment condition of the advertisement consignor, and then playing the schedule and the advertisement consignor according to the advertisement The provided advertisement file is played on the advertisement display device at the advertisement point and time slot of the broadcast advertisement. 50. The method of claim 49, wherein the method further comprises the step of: providing the advertisement by means of a wired or wireless communication network and its corresponding communication device to transmit the file online. file. 51. The method of claim 27, wherein the method further comprises: recording sales data in the plurality of advertising points, and performing statistics and analysis according to various evaluation conditions of the advertising benefit evaluation. Generate a benefit analysis report. 52. The method of claim 51, wherein the sales information recorded by the advertising benefit evaluation module includes relevant sales information of the advertising commodity, the competitive commodity or the similar commodity. 29
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TWI475503B (en) * 2012-06-14 2015-03-01 Acer Inc Advertising method and advertising system
TWI809210B (en) * 2018-12-25 2023-07-21 開曼群島商創新先進技術有限公司 Billing method, device and system for multimedia resources

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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TWI475503B (en) * 2012-06-14 2015-03-01 Acer Inc Advertising method and advertising system
TWI809210B (en) * 2018-12-25 2023-07-21 開曼群島商創新先進技術有限公司 Billing method, device and system for multimedia resources

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