561728 A7 B7 五、發明説明(1 ) 【技術領域】 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本發明是有關使用耳機之天線的切換裝置,例如適用 於以安裝於無線電接收機等無線機器的耳機線兼作天線使 用之裝置。 【技術背景】 攜帶型的無線電接收機並非只限於屋內,也有可能帶 至屋外在所期望的場所聽取無線電播放。主要使用於室內 的固定型無線電接收機,爲了接收無線電播放,大多是具 備專用的天線,但在攜帶型無線電接收機中,一般是以安 裝於無線電接收機本體的耳機線來兼作天線使用。 以往,大多只利用立體聲輸出用的兩條耳機線中的一 條來作爲天線使用。其中亦有經由阻流圈(choke coile )來 結合雙方的耳機線,以兩條的耳機線來作爲天線使用。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 但,若在屋外使用無線電接收機,則會因多路徑電波 反射(multipath )的關係(含直接傳送至無線電接收機的 直接波,及由周圍建築物或道路等反射而傳送的反射波等 ),而導致這些複數個的電波間會引起彼此干擾。 若直接波與反射波幾乎是以同相位來傳送至無線電接 收機,則訊號位準會超過所需以上,而導致會有雜音出現 。相反的,若直接波與反射波幾乎是以逆相位來傳送至無 線電接收機,則訊號位準會彼此抵消而變小,而造成收訊 感度會降低。又,若在移動狀態下使用無線電接收機,則 會因爲電場變動,而產生多餘的電動勢(electromotive 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -4 - 561728 A 7 B7 五、發明説明(2 ) force),因此而產生雜音。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本發明是供以解決上述問題者,其目的是在以耳機線 來兼用天線的無線機器中,可防止多路徑電波反射或電場 變動等因素而引起之雜訊的發生或收訊感度的降低。 【發明之揭示】 本發明之使用耳機之天線的切換裝置的特徵是在以會g 夠利用耳機線來作爲天線之方式而成的無線機器中具備: 一收訊不良檢出機構;該收訊不良檢出機構是供以檢 測出收訊不良的發生;及 一開關機構;該開關機構是供以在每次藉由上述收訊 不良檢出機構來檢測出收訊不良發生時,電氣性切換連接 至立體聲輸出用所設置的兩條耳機線的其中之一; 而使能夠進行選擇性切換上述兩條耳機線來作爲上述 天線使用之空間分集(diversity )。 又,本發明之其他態樣的特徵是在以能夠利用耳機線 來作爲天線之方式而成的無線機器中具備: 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 一 2系統的音聲處理機構;該2系統的音聲處理機構 是個別與立體聲輸出用所設置的兩條耳機線電氣性連接; 及 一收訊不良檢出機構;該收訊不良檢出機構是供以檢 測出收訊不良的發生;及 一開關機構;該開關機構是供以在每次藉由上述收訊 不良檢出機構來檢測出收訊不良發生時,電氣性切換連接 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) -5- 561728 A7 B7 五、發明説明(3 ) 至立體聲輸出用所設置的兩條耳機線的其中之一; (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 而使能夠進行選擇性切換處理上述2系統的音聲處理 機構之空間分集。 又,本發明之另一態樣的特徵是在以能夠利用耳機線 來作爲天線之方式而成的無線機器中具備: 一高頻放大機構;該高頻放大機構是供以放大所接收 後的高頻訊號;及 一中間頻率訊號產生機構;該中間頻率訊號產生機構 是供以從藉上述高頻放大機構而輸出的高頻訊號來產生中 間頻率訊號;及 一中間頻率放大機構;該中間頻率放大機構是供以放 大藉上述中間頻率訊號產生機構而輸出的中間頻率訊號; 及 一檢波機構;該檢波機構是供以解調藉上述中間頻率 放大機構而輸出的中間頻率訊號;及 一耳機放大機構;該耳機放大機構是供以放大上述檢 波機構的輸出訊號而輸出至耳機;及 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 一不良檢出機構;該不良檢出機構是供以利用上述中 間頻率放大機構,上述檢波機構,或上述耳機放大機構來 檢測出收訊不良的發生;及 一開關機構;該開關機構是供以在每次藉由上述不良 檢出機構來檢測出上述收訊不良發生時,電氣性切換連接 至立體聲輸出用所設置的兩條耳機線的其中之一,利用所 被切換的其中之一耳機線來將所接收後的高頻訊號供應給 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -6- 561728 A7 B7 五、發明説明(4 ) 上述高頻放大機構。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 又,本發明之其他態樣的特徵是使音聲處理機構具備 2系統,該音聲處理機構包含: 一高頻放大機構;該高頻放大機構是供以放大所接收 後的高頻訊號;及 一中間頻率訊號產生機構;該中間頻率訊號產生機構 是供以從藉上述高頻放大機構而輸出的高頻訊號來產生中 間頻率訊號;及 一中間頻率放大機構;該中間頻率放大機構是供以放 大藉上述中間頻率訊號產生機構而輸出的中間頻率訊號; 及 一檢波機構;該檢波機構是供以解調藉上述中間頻率 放大機構而輸出的中間頻率訊號; 使立體聲輸出用所設置的兩條耳機線能夠個別電氣性 連接於2系統的上述高頻放大機構的同時具備: 一不良檢出機構;該不良檢出機構是供以利用上述中 間頻率放大機構或上述檢波機構來檢測出收訊不良的發生 ;及 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 一開關機構;該開關機構是供以在每次藉由上述不良 檢出機構來檢測出上述收訊不良發生時,電氣性切換連接 至上述2系統的音聲處理機構的其中之一;及 一耳機放大機構;該耳機放大機構是供以放大從藉由 上述開關機構而切換的其中之一音聲處理機構內的上述檢 波機構輸出的訊號,然後輸出至耳機。 本纸張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) 561728 A7 B7 五、發明説明(5 ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 由於本發明是藉由上述技術手段來形成,因此當立體 聲輸出用所準備的兩條耳機線中的一條耳機線作爲天線使 用時發生雜音或收訊感度降低等的收訊不良時,可切換至 另外一條的耳機線。藉此,在發生收訊不良時的天線收訊 狀況(直接波與反射波的相位關係等)會起變化,進而使 能夠迴避收訊不良的發生。 本發明之另一特徵是具備一 2系統的音聲處理機構, 該機構並非只有因應收訊不良的發生而使用的天線會被切 換,就連所使用的音聲處理機構也會被切換。藉此,在收 訊不良發生時的收訊狀況會起較大的變化,而使能夠更爲 確實地迴避收訊不良的發生。 【供以實施發明的最佳形態】 以下,根據圖面來說明本發明之一實施形態。 (第1實施型態) 首先,針對本發明的第1實施形態來說明。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 第1圖是表示實施本發明之使用耳機之天線的切換裝 置之第1實施形態的無線電接收機的構成例。 如第1圖所示,第1實施形態的無線電接收機是具備 :R F放大器1,混頻器2,局部振盪器(〇s C ) 3, I F放大器4,檢波電路5 ,音頻放大器6,耳機端子7 ,天線開關8,收訊不良檢出部9及閂鎖電路1 〇。 R F放大器1是經由天線及天線開關8來接收F Μ或 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210X297公釐) -8 - 561728 A7 _B7 _ 五、發明説明(6 ) A Μ播放波頻的無線電訊號(高頻訊號),且予以放大。 在本實施形態中,是將連接於耳機端子7之耳機1 2的線 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 1 1兼作爲天線用。 混頻器2是藉由混合:自R F放大器1所輸出的高頻 訊號,及自局部振盪器3所輸出的局部振盪頻率的訊號, 而來產生中間頻率(I F )訊號,且予以輸出至下段的 I F放大器4。又,局部振盪器3會按照所設定之期望接 收的頻率,依據藉由未圖示的p L L ( Phase Locked Loop ) 電路而控制的局部振盪頻率來產生該頻率的訊號,然後供 應給混頻器2。 I F放大器4會針對自混頻器2輸出的I F訊號進行 放大等預定的處理,且予以輸出至下段的檢波電路5。檢 波電路5會針對自I F放大器4輸出的I F訊號進行檢波 ,並將其結果輸出至音頻放大器6。音頻放大器6會放大 來自檢波電路5的檢波輸出,當作立體聲訊號輸出。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 自音頻放大器6輸出的立體聲訊號會從喇叭(未圖示 )輸出。並且,在將耳機1 2連接於耳機端子7時,自音 頻放大器6輸出的立體聲訊號會經由供以輸出左右立體聲 而設置的兩條線1 1 a,1 1 b來從耳機1 2輸出。 耳機端子7具有:連接第1耳機線1 1 a的第1連接 部7 a,及連接第2線耳機1 1 b的第2連接部7 b。又 ,第1連接部7 a會經由電容器C 1來連接於天線開關8 的端子a側。又,第2連接部7 b會經由電容器C 2來連 接於天線開關8的端子b側。 ^氏張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐1 ~ -9 - 561728 A7 B7 五、發明説明(7 ) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 藉此,當天線開關8連接於端子a側時,第1耳機線 1 1 a會作爲天線用。又,當天線開關8連接於端子b側 時,第2耳機線1 1 b會作爲天線用。 收訊不良檢出部9是在於檢測出多路徑電波反射或電 場變動等因素而產生之雜音或收訊感度降低等的收訊不良 。具體而言,會經常監視自I F放大器4所輸出之I F訊 號的位準,當超過第1臨界値時,則判斷成有雜音發生。 當小於第2臨界値時,則判斷成收訊感度會降低。在如此 檢測出收訊不良時,會啓動閂鎖電路1 〇,來閂鎖不良檢 出訊號。 天線開關8是在每次問鎖電路1 0中不良檢出訊號被 閂鎖時,交替切換連接於端子a側及端子b側。亦即,當 連接於端子a側,而以第1耳機線1 1 a來作爲天線使用 時,若藉由收訊不良檢出部9來檢測出收訊不良,且不良 檢出訊號被閂鎖於閂鎖電路1 0的話,則天線開關8的連 接會被切換至端子b側。藉此,往後會以第2耳機線1 1 b來作爲天線使用。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 又,當連接於端子b側,而以第2耳機線1 1 b來作 爲天線使用時,若藉由收訊不良檢出部9來檢測出收訊不 良,且不良檢出訊號被閂鎖於閂鎖電路1 0的話,則天線 開關8的連接會被切換至端子a側。藉此,往後會以第1 耳機線1 1 a來作爲天線使用。 如以上所述,在本實施形態中是利用立體聲輸出用所 設置的左右兩條耳機線來作爲天線使用,當其中的一條耳 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -10- 561728 A7 B7_ 五、發明説明(8 ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 機線作爲天線使用時發生收訊不良時,可切換至另外一條 的耳機線來作爲天線使用。如此一來,可藉由切換所使用 的天線來使發生收訊不良時的天線收訊狀況起變化,而來 即時迴避收訊不良的發生。 特別是在接收F Μ無線訊號之類波長較短的電波時, 只要由一方的耳機線切換至另一方的耳機線,亦即只要以 左右耳的些微距離來使天線的位置移動,便可改變直接波 與反射波的相位關係,進而能夠充分地迴避收訊不良的發 生。 又,上述實施形態中,雖是利用自I F放大器4輸出 的I F訊號來檢測出收訊不良的發生,但亦可利用檢波電 路5的輸出訊號或音頻放大器6的輸出訊號來檢測出收訊 不良的發生。無論是哪種情況,皆可藉由比較適當預定的 臨界値與經常監視的訊號位準來檢測出收訊不良的發生。 (第2實施型態) 其次,針對本發明的第2實施形態來說明。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 第2圖是表示實施本發明之使用耳機之天線的切換裝 置之第2實施形態的無線電接收機的構成例。 如第2圖所示,第2實施形態的無線電接收機是具備 2系統的音聲處理電路,亦即具備R F放大器1 a, lb ,混頻器2a, 2b, IF放大器4a, 4b及檢波電路561728 A7 B7 V. Description of the Invention (1) [Technical Field] (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) The present invention relates to a switching device using an antenna of a headset, for example, suitable for installation in a wireless receiver such as a radio receiver. The earphone cable of the machine doubles as an antenna. [Technical Background] Portable radio receivers are not limited to indoors, but may also be taken outside to listen to radio broadcasts at desired places. Fixed radio receivers are mainly used indoors. In order to receive radio broadcasts, most of them have dedicated antennas. However, in portable radio receivers, an earphone cable installed on the body of the radio receiver is also used as an antenna. In the past, only one of the two headphone lines for stereo output was used as an antenna. Among them, a choke coile is used to combine the earphone wires of both sides, and two earphone wires are used as antennas. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. However, if a radio receiver is used outside the house, it will be affected by multipath (including direct waves transmitted directly to the radio receiver, Reflected waves transmitted by roads, etc.), and these multiple radio waves cause interference with each other. If the direct wave and the reflected wave are transmitted to the radio receiver in almost the same phase, the signal level will exceed the required level, resulting in noise. On the contrary, if the direct wave and the reflected wave are transmitted to the radio receiver in almost the opposite phase, the signal levels will cancel each other out and become smaller, resulting in a decrease in reception sensitivity. In addition, if the radio receiver is used in a mobile state, excess electromotive force will be generated due to the change in the electric field. (The paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -4-561728 A 7 B7. 5 (2) force), so noise is generated. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page.) The present invention is intended to solve the above problems. The purpose of the present invention is to prevent the reflection of multi-path radio waves or electric field fluctuations in wireless devices that also use antennas as headphone lines. Occurrence of noise or reduction of reception sensitivity. [Disclosure of the invention] The switching device of the antenna using the earphone of the present invention is characterized in that the wireless device formed by using the earphone cable as an antenna is provided with: a reception failure detection mechanism; the reception The defective detection mechanism is used to detect the occurrence of poor reception; and a switch mechanism; the switch mechanism is used to electrically switch each time when the occurrence of the poor reception is detected by the aforementioned poor detection mechanism. It is connected to one of the two earphone cables provided for the stereo output; and it is possible to selectively switch the two earphone cables as the diversity of the antennas. In addition, another aspect of the present invention is characterized in that a wireless device in which a headphone line can be used as an antenna is provided with: a two-system sound processing mechanism printed by an employee consumer cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs; The sound processing mechanism of the 2 system is electrically connected to the two earphone wires provided for the stereo output; and a poor reception detection mechanism; the poor reception detection mechanism is used to detect the occurrence of poor reception. ; And a switch mechanism; the switch mechanism is used to electrically switch the connection to the paper standard in accordance with the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification ( 210X 297mm) -5- 561728 A7 B7 5. Description of the invention (3) One of the two earphone cables provided for stereo output; (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) to enable Selective switching processing is performed for the spatial diversity of the sound processing mechanisms of the above two systems. Furthermore, another aspect of the present invention is characterized in that a wireless device in which a headphone line can be used as an antenna is provided with: a high-frequency amplification mechanism; the high-frequency amplification mechanism is configured to amplify a received signal. A high-frequency signal; and an intermediate-frequency signal generating mechanism; the intermediate-frequency signal generating mechanism is configured to generate an intermediate-frequency signal from a high-frequency signal output by the high-frequency amplification mechanism; and an intermediate-frequency amplification mechanism; the intermediate frequency The amplifying mechanism is for amplifying the intermediate frequency signal outputted by the intermediate frequency signal generating mechanism; and a detection mechanism; the detecting mechanism is for demodulating the intermediate frequency signal outputted by the intermediate frequency amplification mechanism; and a headphone amplifier The headphone amplification mechanism is used to amplify the output signal of the above-mentioned detection mechanism and output to the headphone; and the employee consumer cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs prints a non-detection mechanism; the non-detection mechanism is used to use the above-mentioned intermediate frequency Amplifying mechanism, the detection mechanism, or the headphone amplification mechanism to detect poor reception Occurs; and a switch mechanism; the switch mechanism is used to electrically switch one of the two earphone cables provided for stereo output each time the reception failure is detected by the failure detection mechanism. One, use one of the switched headphone cables to supply the received high-frequency signal to this paper. The standard of the paper is Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) -6-561728 A7 B7 V. Invention Explanation (4) The above-mentioned high-frequency amplification mechanism. (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page.) Another aspect of the present invention is that the sound processing mechanism is equipped with 2 systems. The sound processing mechanism includes: a high frequency amplification mechanism; the high frequency amplification A mechanism for amplifying the received high-frequency signal; and an intermediate-frequency signal generating mechanism; the intermediate-frequency signal generating mechanism is for generating an intermediate-frequency signal from the high-frequency signal output by the high-frequency amplifying mechanism; and An intermediate frequency amplifying mechanism; the intermediate frequency amplifying mechanism is used to amplify the intermediate frequency signal output by the intermediate frequency signal generating mechanism; and a detection mechanism; the detecting mechanism is used to demodulate and output by the intermediate frequency amplification mechanism Intermediate frequency signal; the two headphone cables provided for stereo output can be individually and electrically connected to the above-mentioned high-frequency amplifying mechanism of system 2 and simultaneously provided with: a defect detection mechanism; the defect detection mechanism is provided for utilizing the above Intermediate frequency amplification mechanism or the above detection mechanism to detect the occurrence of poor reception; and Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs The industrial and consumer cooperatives printed a switch mechanism; the switch mechanism is used to electrically switch one of the sound processing mechanisms connected to the two systems each time the poor reception is detected by the poor detection mechanism. One; and an earphone amplification mechanism; the earphone amplification mechanism is configured to amplify a signal output from the detection mechanism in one of the sound processing mechanisms switched by the switch mechanism, and then output the signal to the earphone. This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm) 561728 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (5) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Because the invention is based on the above technology When the stereo output uses one of the two earphone cables prepared as an antenna, and there is a poor reception such as noise or reduced reception sensitivity, you can switch to the other earphone cable. As a result, the reception condition of the antenna (phase relationship between the direct wave and the reflected wave, etc.) when the reception failure occurs will be changed, and the occurrence of reception failure can be avoided. Another feature of the present invention is a sound processing mechanism with a 2 system. This mechanism is not only that the antenna used in response to the occurrence of poor reception can be switched, even the sound processing mechanism used can be switched. As a result, the reception situation when the reception failure occurs will change greatly, and the occurrence of reception failure can be avoided more reliably. [Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention] An embodiment of the present invention will be described below with reference to the drawings. (First Embodiment) First, a first embodiment of the present invention will be described. Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. FIG. 1 is a diagram showing a configuration example of a radio receiver according to the first embodiment of the antenna switching device using an earphone. As shown in FIG. 1, the radio receiver of the first embodiment includes: an RF amplifier 1, a mixer 2, a local oscillator (0sC) 3, an IF amplifier 4, a detection circuit 5, an audio amplifier 6, and a headphone. Terminal 7, antenna switch 8, reception failure detection unit 9, and latch circuit 10. RF amplifier 1 receives F Μ through antenna and antenna switch 8 or this paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -8-561728 A7 _B7 _ V. Description of invention (6) A Μ broadcast wave High-frequency radio signals (high-frequency signals) and amplified. In this embodiment, the cord connected to the earphone 12 of the earphone terminal 7 (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) 11 is also used as an antenna. The mixer 2 generates an intermediate frequency (IF) signal by mixing the high-frequency signal output from the RF amplifier 1 and the signal of the local oscillation frequency output from the local oscillator 3, and outputs it to the next stage. IF amplifier 4. In addition, the local oscillator 3 generates a signal of the frequency according to the set desired receiving frequency and a local oscillation frequency controlled by a p LL (Phase Locked Loop) circuit (not shown), and then supplies the signal to the mixer. 2. The IF amplifier 4 performs predetermined processing such as amplification on the IF signal output from the mixer 2, and outputs the IF signal to the detection circuit 5 in the lower stage. The detection circuit 5 detects the IF signal output from the IF amplifier 4 and outputs the result to the audio amplifier 6. The audio amplifier 6 amplifies the detection output from the detection circuit 5 as a stereo signal output. The stereo signal printed from the audio amplifier 6 output by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs will be output from the speaker (not shown). When the earphone 12 is connected to the earphone terminal 7, the stereo signal output from the audio amplifier 6 is output from the earphone 12 through two lines 1 1 a and 1 1 b provided for outputting left and right stereo sound. The earphone terminal 7 includes a first connection portion 7a to which the first earphone line 1 1a is connected, and a second connection portion 7b to which the second earphone 1 1b is connected. The first connection portion 7 a is connected to the terminal a side of the antenna switch 8 via a capacitor C 1. The second connection portion 7b is connected to the terminal b side of the antenna switch 8 via a capacitor C2. ^ Zhang scale is applicable to Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specifications (210X297 mm 1 ~ -9-561728 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (7) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). When the switch 8 is connected to the terminal a side, the first earphone line 1 1 a is used as an antenna. When the antenna switch 8 is connected to the terminal b side, the second earphone line 1 1 b is used as an antenna. The output unit 9 detects poor reception such as noise or reduced reception sensitivity caused by factors such as multipath radio wave reflection or electric field fluctuations. Specifically, the level of the IF signal output from the IF amplifier 4 is constantly monitored. When it exceeds the first critical threshold, it is judged that noise occurs. When it is smaller than the second critical threshold, it is judged that the reception sensitivity will be reduced. When a poor reception is detected in this way, the latch circuit 1 will be activated. Detect the bad detection signal. The antenna switch 8 is alternately switched between the terminal a and the terminal b each time the defective detection signal is latched in the interlock circuit 10. That is, when it is connected to the terminal a Side, and use the first headphone cable 1 1 a as an antenna If the reception failure detection unit 9 detects a reception failure and the detection failure signal is latched to the latch circuit 10, the connection of the antenna switch 8 will be switched to the terminal b side. In the future, the second earphone line 1 1 b will be used as an antenna. It is printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. When it is connected to the terminal b side, the second earphone line 1 1 b is used as an antenna. If the reception failure detection unit 9 detects a reception failure and the detection failure signal is latched to the latch circuit 10, the connection of the antenna switch 8 will be switched to the terminal a side. In the future, the first earphone cable 1 1 a will be used as the antenna. As described above, in this embodiment, the left and right earphone cables provided for stereo output are used as the antenna. This paper size applies to Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -10- 561728 A7 B7_ V. Description of the invention (8) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) When the machine wire is used as an antenna When the reception is poor, you can switch to another The earphone cable is used as an antenna. In this way, you can change the antenna reception situation when a poor reception occurs by switching the used antenna, so as to avoid the occurrence of poor reception in real time. Especially when receiving F For short-wavelength radio waves such as Μ wireless signals, as long as one earphone cable is switched to the other earphone cable, that is, as long as the position of the antenna is moved by a small distance between the left and right ears, the direct wave and reflected wave can be changed. In addition, although the occurrence of reception failure is detected by the IF signal output from the IF amplifier 4 in the above embodiment, the occurrence of reception failure can be fully avoided. However, the detection circuit 5 can also be used. The output signal or the output signal of the audio amplifier 6 is used to detect the occurrence of poor reception. In either case, the occurrence of poor reception can be detected by comparing a suitably predetermined threshold and the signal level that is frequently monitored. (Second Embodiment Mode) Next, a second embodiment of the present invention will be described. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Fig. 2 is a diagram showing a configuration example of a radio receiver according to a second embodiment of a switching device for an antenna using a headset for implementing the present invention. As shown in FIG. 2, the radio receiver of the second embodiment is provided with two systems of sound processing circuits, that is, RF amplifiers 1a, lb, mixers 2a, 2b, IF amplifiers 4a, 4b, and detection circuits.
5a, 5 b。這些構件的機能與第1實施形態所述之R F 放大器1,混頻器2, I F放大器4及檢波電路5的機能 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -11 - 561728 A7 ______B7 五、發明説明(9 ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 相同。以下,將R F放大器1 a,混頻器2 a, I F放大 器4 a及檢波電路5 a稱爲第1系統的音頻電路,以及將 將R F放大器1 b,混頻器2 b, I F放大器4 b及檢波 電路5 b稱爲第2系統的音頻電路。 在本實施形態中,局部振盪器(〇S C ) 3是針對2 系統的混頻器2 a,2 b共通設置。亦即,局部振盪器3 會產生所設定之期望接收頻率的訊號,並予以供應給兩個 混頻器2 a, 2 b。並且,在本實施形態中,會針對2系 統的I F放大器4 a,4 b設置兩個的收訊不良檢出部9 a,9 b 〇 又,收訊不良檢出部9 a,9 b會監視分別從對應的 1 F放大器4 a,4 b輸出的I F訊號的位準是否超過第 1臨界値,以及是否低於第2臨界値,藉此來檢測出多路 徑電波反射或電場變動等因素而產生的收訊不良。當檢測 出有收訊不良發生時,會將不良檢出訊號供應給比較電路 2 1。 比較電路2 1會監視收訊不良檢出部9 a, 9 b來比 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 較收訊不良的產生狀態,且按照其結果來控制開關2 2的 選擇動作。亦即,控制開關2 2,而使能夠選擇未發生收 訊不良的一方系統的音頻電路。並且,當任何系統皆未發 生收訊不良時,則維持目前爲止的選擇狀態。 又,開關2 2的端子a側是被連接於第1檢波電路5 a,端子b側是被連接於第2檢波電路5 b。並且,在開 關2 2的輸出段連接有音頻放大器6。藉此,從檢波電路 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -12- 561728 A7 -----B7__ 五、發明説明^〜— 5 a, 5 b輸出之2系統的訊號會藉開關2 2來選擇其中 之一,然後輸出至音頻放大器6。音頻放大器6會放=自 開關2 2輸入的訊號,當作立體聲訊號來輸出。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 自曰頻放大器6輸出的立體聲訊號會例如從耳機端子 7經由兩條的耳機線1 1 a, 1 1 b來從耳機]_ 2輸出。 在此耳機端子7中連接第1耳機線1 1 a的第1連接部7 a會經由電容器C 1來連接於第1 r ρ放大器丨a。又 連接第2耳機線1 1 b的第2連接部7 b會經由電容器 C 2來連接於第2RF放大器1 b。 藉此,當開關2 2連接於端子a側時,第1耳機線 1 1 a會作爲天線使用,同時第1系統的音頻電路會被使 用。又,當開關2 2連接於端子b側時,第2耳機線1 1 b會作爲天線使用,同時第2系統的音頻電路會被使用。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 又,開關2 2在每次比較電路2 1中被供給不良檢出 訊號時,會切換至端子a與端子b中未發生收訊不良的一 方(也有可能維持原狀)。亦即,當連接於端子a側,而 以第1耳機線1 1 a來作爲天線使用時,若藉由第1收訊 不良檢出部9 a來檢測出收訊不良,且不良檢出訊號被供 應給比較電路2 1的話,則開關2 2的連接會被切換至端 子b側。藉此,往後會以第2耳機線1 1 b來作爲天線使 又,當連接於端子b側,而以第2耳機線1 1 b來作 爲天線使用時,若藉由第2收訊不良檢出部9 b來檢測出 收訊不良,且不良檢出訊號被供應給比較電路2 1的話, 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210Χ;297公釐) -13- 561728 A7 B7 五、發明説明(11) 則開關2 2的連接會被切換至端子a側。藉此,往後會以 第1耳機線1 1 a來作爲天線使用。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 如以上所述,同樣在本實施形態中也是利用立體聲輸 出用所設置的左右兩條耳機線1 1 a, 1 1 b來作爲天線 使用,當其中的一條耳機線作爲天線使用時發生收訊不良 時,可切換至另外一條的耳機線來作爲天線使用。如此一 來,可藉由切換所使用的天線來使發生收訊不良時的天線 收訊狀況起變化,進而來即時迴避收訊不良的發生。 又,本實施形態中準備一 2系統的音頻電路,該構成 並非只有因應收訊不良的發生來切換所使用的天線,連所 使用的音頻電路也會切換,藉此使在收訊不良發生時的收 訊狀況能夠起更大的變化,進而能夠更爲確實地迴避收訊 不良的發生。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 又,上述第2實施形態中,雖是利用自I F放大器4 a,4 b輸出的I F訊號來檢測出收訊不良的發生,但亦 可利用檢波電路5 a,5 b的輸出訊號來檢測出收訊不良 的發生。同樣的此情況亦可藉由比較適當預定的臨界値與 訊號的位準來檢測出收訊不良的發生。 又,上述第1及第2實施形態中,雖是經由耳機端子 7來使耳機1 2能夠裝卸於無線電接收機,但亦可將耳機 1 2設置成與無線電接收機成一體(例如,可將耳機線 1 1 a,1 1 b捲繞收容於本體內)。 又’上述第1及第2實施形態中,雖是針對將本發明 適用於無線電接收機的例子來加以說明,但除此以外,亦 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -14 - 561728 A7 _ B7 五、發明説明(12) 可適用於其他的無線機器。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 又,上述各實施形態只不過是供以實施本發明時之一 具體例’並非藉以限定本發明的技術範圍。亦即,只要不 脫離本發明的主旨範圍,亦可實施其他各種的形態。 如以上所述,若利用本發明,則可在立體聲輸出用所 準備的兩條耳機線中的一條耳機線作爲天線使用時發生收 訊不良時,可切換至另外一條的耳機線,藉此來使發生收 訊不良時的天線收訊狀況起變化,而來迴避收訊不良的發 生。如此一來,在以耳機線來兼用天線的無線機器中,可 防止多路徑電波反射或電場變動等因素而引起之雜訊的發 生或收訊感度的降低。 〔產業上的利用可能性〕 本發明是在以耳機線來兼作天線的無線機器中 > 可有 效地防止多路徑電波反射或電場變動等因素而引起之雜音 的發生及收訊感度的降低。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 【圖面之簡單的說明】 第1圖是表示實施本發明之使用耳機之天線的切換裝 置之第1實施形態的無線電接收機的構成例。 第2圖是表示實施本發明之使用耳機之天線的切換裝 置之第2實施形態的無線電接收機的構成例。 【圖號之說明】 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -15- 561728 A7 B7 五、發明説明(13) 1 : R F放大器 2 :混頻器 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 3 :局部振盪器(OSC) 4 : I F放大器 5 :檢波電路 6 :音頻放大器 7 :耳機端子 8 :天線開關 9:收訊不良檢出部 1 0 :閂鎖電路 11a,1 1 b :耳機線 1 2 :耳機 la, 1 b : R F放大器 2a,2 b :混頻器 4 a,4 b : I F放大器 5a,5 b :檢波電路 9a,9 b :收訊不良檢出部 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 2 1 :比較電路 2 2 :開關 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) -16-5a, 5 b. The functions of these components are the same as the functions of the RF amplifier 1, mixer 2, IF amplifier 4, and detection circuit 5 described in the first embodiment. The paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -11- 561728 A7 ______B7 V. Description of Invention (9) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Same. Hereinafter, the RF amplifier 1 a, the mixer 2 a, the IF amplifier 4 a, and the detection circuit 5 a are referred to as an audio circuit of the first system, and the RF amplifier 1 b, the mixer 2 b, and the IF amplifier 4 b The detection circuit 5 b is referred to as an audio circuit of the second system. In this embodiment, the local oscillator (OSC) 3 is provided in common for the mixers 2a and 2b of the two systems. That is, the local oscillator 3 generates a signal of the set desired reception frequency and supplies it to the two mixers 2a, 2b. Furthermore, in this embodiment, two reception failure detection units 9 a, 9 b are provided for the IF amplifiers 4 a, 4 b of the two systems, and the reception failure detection units 9 a, 9 b are provided. Monitor whether the level of the IF signal output from the corresponding 1 F amplifier 4 a, 4 b exceeds the first critical threshold and whether it is lower than the second critical threshold, thereby detecting factors such as multi-path radio wave reflection or electric field variation The resulting poor reception. When a bad reception is detected, a bad detection signal is supplied to the comparison circuit 2 1. The comparison circuit 21 monitors the reception failure detection units 9 a and 9 b to print the status of the reception failure compared with that printed by the employee's consumer cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and controls the selection operation of the switch 2 2 according to the result. That is, the switch 22 is controlled so that the audio circuit of the system in which the reception failure does not occur can be selected. In addition, when no reception failure occurs in any system, the selected state is maintained so far. The terminal a side of the switch 22 is connected to the first detection circuit 5 a, and the terminal b side is connected to the second detection circuit 5 b. An audio amplifier 6 is connected to the output section of the switch 22. With this, the paper size of the detection circuit applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -12- 561728 A7 ----- B7__ V. Description of the invention ^ ~ — 5 a, 5 b output 2 system The signal is selected by switch 2 2 and output to audio amplifier 6. The audio amplifier 6 will put the signal input from the switch 2 2 and output it as a stereo signal. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page.) The stereo signal output from the audio amplifier 6 will be output from the headphone terminal 7 through the two headphone cables 1 1 a, 1 1 b, and 2). The first connection part 7 a connected to the first headphone line 1 1 a in the headphone terminal 7 is connected to the first r ρ amplifier 丨 a via the capacitor C 1. The second connection portion 7 b connected to the second headphone line 1 1 b is connected to the second RF amplifier 1 b via the capacitor C 2. Therefore, when the switch 2 2 is connected to the terminal a side, the first earphone line 1 1 a will be used as an antenna, and the audio circuit of the first system will be used at the same time. In addition, when the switch 2 2 is connected to the terminal b side, the second headphone line 1 1 b is used as an antenna, and the audio circuit of the second system is used. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Each time the switch 2 2 is supplied with a bad detection signal in the comparison circuit 21, it will switch to the terminal a and terminal b where no bad reception occurs. Leave it as it is). That is, when it is connected to the terminal a side and the first earphone cable 1 1 a is used as an antenna, if the first reception failure detection unit 9 a detects a reception failure, and the detection signal is bad When supplied to the comparison circuit 21, the connection of the switch 2 2 is switched to the terminal b side. Therefore, in the future, the second earphone line 1 1 b will be used as an antenna, and when it is connected to the terminal b side, and the second earphone line 1 1 b is used as an antenna, if the second reception is poor, If the detection unit 9 b detects a bad reception, and the bad detection signal is supplied to the comparison circuit 21, the paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 ×; 297 mm) -13- 561728 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (11) The connection of the switch 2 2 will be switched to the terminal a side. With this, the first headphone cable 1 1 a will be used as an antenna in the future. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page.) As mentioned above, in this embodiment, the two left and right earphone cables 1 1 a and 1 1 b are also used as antennas. When one of the earphone lines is used as an antenna and a poor reception occurs, the other earphone line can be switched to be used as an antenna. In this way, by switching the antenna used, the reception condition of the antenna when the reception failure occurs can be changed, and the occurrence of reception failure can be avoided in real time. In addition, in this embodiment, a two-system audio circuit is prepared. The configuration is not only to switch the antenna used in response to the occurrence of poor reception, but also to switch the used audio circuit, so that when a poor reception occurs The reception status of can be changed more, which can more reliably avoid the occurrence of poor reception. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. In the second embodiment described above, although the occurrence of poor reception is detected using the IF signals output from the IF amplifiers 4 a and 4 b, a detection circuit 5 can also be used. a, 5 b output signals to detect the occurrence of poor reception. In the same case, the occurrence of poor reception can also be detected by comparing the predetermined threshold and the signal level. In addition, in the first and second embodiments described above, although the earphones 12 can be attached to and detached from the radio receiver via the earphone terminal 7, the earphones 12 can be provided integrally with the radio receiver (for example, The headphone cords 1 1 a and 1 1 b are wound and stored in the body). Also, in the above-mentioned first and second embodiments, although the example in which the present invention is applied to a radio receiver has been described, in addition to this, the Chinese paper standard (CNS) A4 (210X297) (Centi) -14-561728 A7 _ B7 V. Description of the invention (12) Can be applied to other wireless devices. (Please read the precautions on the reverse side before filling out this page.) The above-mentioned embodiments are merely specific examples for implementing the present invention, and are not intended to limit the technical scope of the present invention. That is, various other forms can be implemented without departing from the scope of the gist of the present invention. As described above, if the present invention is used, when one of the two earphone lines prepared for stereo output is used as an antenna, and a poor reception occurs, the earphone line can be switched to another earphone line, thereby Change the receiving situation of the antenna when receiving bad reception, and avoid the occurrence of receiving bad back and forth. In this way, in a wireless device that also uses an antenna with a headphone line, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of noise caused by factors such as multi-path radio wave reflection and electric field fluctuation, or a reduction in reception sensitivity. [Industrial Applicability] The present invention can effectively prevent occurrence of noise caused by factors such as multi-path radio wave reflection and electric field fluctuation and reduction of reception sensitivity in a wireless device that also uses an earphone line as an antenna. Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economics [Simplified description of the drawing] Fig. 1 is a diagram showing a configuration example of a radio receiver according to a first embodiment of a switching device for an antenna using headphones according to the present invention. Fig. 2 is a diagram showing a configuration example of a radio receiver according to a second embodiment of an antenna switching device using an earphone according to the present invention. [Illustration of drawing number] This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -15- 561728 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (13) 1: RF amplifier 2: Mixer (please read the back first) Please fill in this page again) 3: Local oscillator (OSC) 4: IF amplifier 5: Detection circuit 6: Audio amplifier 7: Headphone terminal 8: Antenna switch 9: Poor reception detection unit 1 0: Latch circuit 11a, 1 1 b: headphone line 1 2: headphone la, 1 b: RF amplifier 2a, 2 b: mixer 4 a, 4 b: IF amplifier 5a, 5 b: detection circuit 9a, 9 b: poor reception Printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, printed by the Consumer Cooperative 2 1: Comparison circuit 2 2: Switch This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm) -16-