TW453102B - Measurement method of the relative position of the scanning head and transmission light source in scanning system - Google Patents

Measurement method of the relative position of the scanning head and transmission light source in scanning system Download PDF


Publication number
TW453102B TW88111555A TW88111555A TW453102B TW 453102 B TW453102 B TW 453102B TW 88111555 A TW88111555 A TW 88111555A TW 88111555 A TW88111555 A TW 88111555A TW 453102 B TW453102 B TW 453102B
Prior art keywords
light source
relative position
scanning head
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Chinese (zh)
Chuei-Guei Chiou
Original Assignee
Umax Data Systems Inc
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Application filed by Umax Data Systems Inc filed Critical Umax Data Systems Inc
Priority to TW88111555A priority Critical patent/TW453102B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TW453102B publication Critical patent/TW453102B/en



  • Facsimile Scanning Arrangements (AREA)


The present invention provides a measurement method of the relative position of the scanning head and transmission light source in scanning system, which can provide the reference data of high accuracy of various characteristics concerning the design, operating characteristics, positioning and alignment of the scanning head and transmission light source for the reference of improving the design and production processes, and raising the yield rate. The measurement of the relative position of the present invention may comprise the following steps: first, move the light source to the first detection point in the scanning region of the scanning system; and move the scanning head to pass the first detection point under the condition that the light source is fixed to the first detection point; next, record the scanned image in the process of moving the scanning head to pass through the first detection point, so as to generate the information concerning the scanning head and light source.


經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 453102 A7 _ B7 五、發明說明() 發明領域: 本發明係與一種掃瞄頭與光源相對位置測量之方法有 關,特別是有關於一種應用透射式之透明原稿之掃瞄系統 内、掃瞄頭與透射式光源相對位置測量之方法。 發明背景: 隨著電子工業的進步及電子科技應用的快速發展,電 子工業已成為廿世紀中最重要的工業之一,隨著多種計算 系統及處理系統效能上的提昇,已有越來越多的電子產 品,如電腦、通訊、以及各項消費性電子產品等,被頻繁 的應用於曰常生活中。在近年來,由於處理器及電腦等產 品在處理速度及資料儲存與交換能力上的增強,圊形處理 的效能大為增加,使影像處理系統有更為頻繁的使用,而 在影像擷取、處理、傳遞、及輸出等的應用上扮演極為重 要的角色- 一般而言,大多數的影像讀取系統可以分為兩類,第 一類為讀取裝置靜止式的系統,在此類系統之中,影像讀 取裝置或是讀取頭係於文件讀取時保持靜止不動,並藉由 移動原稿經過影像讀取裝置或是讀取頭前方的方式,完成 整份原稿文件的讀取,此類的設計經常可見於傳真機及饋 紙式(sheet-feed)的掃瞄器之中 >並由於其設計簡化的特 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210x 297公釐) — — — — — — — — 111, '1111111 » — — — — — — (請先閱讀背面之汰意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 4 53 1 Ο 2 Α7 _Β7_ 五、發明說明() 性,可減少系統的零件數目及縮小整體系統所佔的體積。 相對於讀取裝置靜止式的系統,另一類的影像讀取系 統即是所謂的移動式讀取裝置的系統,在此類系統之中, 係驅動影像讀取裝置或是讀取頭平行移動,而以逐線讀取 的方式通過被讀取物或是被讀取文件的前方,並完成整個 掃瞄過程。此類設計較常被應用於較高品質的掃瞄系統之 中,例如傳統的平台式掃瞄器等,以提供較佳的影像品質 及穩定性。 在上述兩類掃瞄器的任一類系統之中,大多使用一整 個陣列或直線列的影像感測器、藉由光源的照明來讀取影 像。一般而言*常使用的光源可包含如螢光燈管(fluorescent lamp)或陰極射線管類的小型曰光燈管、或是使用單一個或 多個的發光二極體等,以提供所需的照明,將被掃瞄物的 影像反射至影像感測器。 而在上述第二類的掃瞄系統、也就移動式讀取裝置的 系統之中,多數的設計係應用於非透明原稿的影像讀取之 用。第一圖所顯示的系統,則為主要設計來做為透明原稿 影像讀取之用的掃瞄系統,以應用於如幻燈片或投影片等 透明原稿1 〇的影像讀取,並藉由背面的光源12由透明原 稿 10的後方提供所需之照明光源;影像讀取頭、或稱掃 瞄頭 1 4,則放置於透明原稿 1 0前方的相對應位置,以讀 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) ----------- --------訂--------- (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印制衣 453 ί Ο 2 Α7 __Β7_ 五、發明說明() 取影像。在傳統的平台式掃瞄系統之中,背面的光源12 大多會設置於掃瞄器的上蓋之内,而掃瞄頭 14則設置於 用以放置原稿的玻璃承板下方。 在上述透明原稿 10的掃瞄系統中,係同時驅動背面 光源 1 2及掃瞄頭 14,以讀取整份原稿。在理想的狀態之 中,背面光源1 2及掃瞄頭1 4會準確的對準於相對應的位 置上,並分別在系統的驅動之下使兩者一同進行平行的移 動,以於掃瞄過程之中提供持續而穩定的照明。 然而,在實際的狀況之中,掃瞄系統多由許多可移動 的元件所组成*即使在大量的工業化生產下,各個元件本 身在尺寸上即與原設計有誤差,而在元件組裝之後,亦會 產生組裝的誤差,此外亦可能會有系統驅動或操作上的誤 差,這些誤差的累積,很容易造成掃瞄時驅動光源12及 掃瞄頭 14在定位、對準、以及運動上的誤差,並進一步 造成如影像變形、偏斜、掃瞄到可用區域以外之黑邊、及 影像亮度不一致等問題,而使影像掃瞄的品質大為下降。 除此之外,由於光源12及掃瞄頭14在進行掃瞄時, 必須以完全同步的方式運動,因此在驅動的控制上亦會有 較多的問題。但是在傳統的設計之中,並無可用以量測光 源1 2及掃瞄頭14之間相對位置關係的較佳方法,而使兩 者間對位不良的問題,導致光源照明的不均勻性,並使掃 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS) A4規格(210 X 297公g ) _ - ' H ]. ί n 1 ϋ .1. 一-5Ji n a— n 1 n n - I (請先閒讀背面之泫意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印 4 53102 B7 五、發明說明() 瞄影像產生亮度不均的問題。而在傳統的設計之中,這些 問題僅能藉由掃瞄所得的影像品質做概略的判斷,而無法 確實了解光源12及掃瞄頭14的相對位置、位置寬容度等 的詳細數據,因此亦無法在系統設計時提供改良上的較佳 參考。 發明目的及概述: 本發明的目的為提供一種掃瞄系統中,掃瞄頭與光源 相對位置的測量方法。 本發明的另一目的為提供一種掃瞄頭與透射式光源相 對位置的測量方法,以應用於透明原稿的掃瞄系統中。 本發明的另一目的為提供一種測量方法,可提供有關 掃瞄頭與透射式光源在設計、操作特性、定位及對位上各 項特性準確性的參考數據,以做為改進設計、改良生產製 程、以及提升良率之參考。 本發明中相對位置測量之方法可包含以下步驟:首先 將光源移至掃瞄系統之掃瞄區域中的第一偵測點;並在光 源固定於第一偵測點的狀況下,移動掃瞄頭穿越第一偵測 點;接著在移動掃瞄頭穿越第一偵測點的過程之中,記錄 所掃瞄之影像;最後並處理掃瞄影像,以產生有關掃瞄頭 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) ----------- --------* 1 ------- (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智葸財產局員工消費合作社印製 4531 Ο 2 Α7 Β7五、發明説明() 與光源之資訊β 以較佳實施例而言,在上述之移動掃瞄頭及上述之記 錄掃瞄影像的步驟之中,可放置一透明原稿於掃瞄頭與光 源之間,且光源係為一由透明原稿背面提供照明之光源, 以藉由掃瞄影像之處理提供量化的參考數據= 除此之外,在第一偵測點處有關掃瞄頭與光源的各項 資訊皆已取得之後,可進一步針對掃瞄系統之掃瞄區域中 的其他位置,加入另一偵測點,以了解掃瞄頭與光源在不 同位置上的特性差異。其測量操作同樣可包含:先將光源 移至掃瞄系統之掃瞄區域中的第二偵測點;以及進行移動 掃瞄頭穿越第二偵測點、記錄掃瞄影像、以及處理掃瞄影 像等之步驟等。 明 說 單 簡 式 圊 第 圖 示 、 顯統 傳 由 式 件 元 要 主 其 系 描 掃 的 稿。 原圖 明意 透示 於視 用侧 應之 ί - 1Λ±衣 訂 線 (請先閎讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 第 圖 圖 三 第 於示 用視 應側 ’ 的 時件 法元 方要 量主 測之 之統 中系 明描 發掃 本的 行稿 進原。 示明圊 顯透意 圖 考 參 的 上 稿 原 明 透 於 用 使。 中子 明例 發個 本兩 示的 顧案 本紙乐尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4見格(210X297公釐) ^ 53 1 Ο 2 Α7 Β7 五、發明說明( 第四圊 第五圊 第六圊 第七圖 第八圖 顯示本發明中相對位置測量方法的流程示 意圊。 顯示本發明中未使用具圖案之透明原稿 時,以相對位置測量方法所掃得影像的一 例。 顯示本發明中在使用具方格圖案之透明原 稿時,以相對位置測量方法所掃得之理想 影像的示意圖。 顯示本發明中在使用具方格圖案之透明原 稿時,以相對位置測量方法所掃得之影像 之可能狀況的一例。 顯示本發明中在使用具方格圖案之透明原 稿時,以相對位置測量方法所掃得之影像 之可能狀況的另一例。 經濟邹智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 發明詳細說明: 本發明中提供一種掃瞄系統中掃瞄頭與光源相對位置 的測量方法,以應用於透明原稿的掃瞄系統中。利用對掃 瞄頭與透射式光源的分別驅動,可在固定其中之一(例如透 射式光源)的狀況下,移動另一單元(例如掃瞄頭),以得到 有關兩者位置、相對關係、對位、以及驅動特性等方面的 詳細資料,並可針對掃瞄區域内不同位置處分別進行測 量,提供有關掃瞄頭與透射式光源設計、操作特性、定位 ^--------訂---------'^』 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 4 53 1 0 2 A/ _ B7五、發明說明() 及對位上各項準確的參考數據,以做為改進設計、改良生 產製程、以及提升良率之參考。 參見第二圖所示,即為進行本發明中之測量方法時, 應用於透明原稿的掃描系統之主要元件的侧視示意圖。在 不限制本發明之精神及應用範圍之下,以下即以一般的平 台式掃描系統為一較佳實施例,介紹掃瞄頭與光源相對位 置的測量方法。 一般的平台式掃描系統之十,尤其是應用於透明原稿 的掃描系統中,大多皆屬於如發明背景中所述之移動式讀 取裝置的系統,平台式掃描系統中主要可包含第二圊t所 示之掃瞄頭20'光源22、以及透明原稿24。 一般而言,光源22可使用螢光燈管或陰極射線管等 類的長條型燈管,以提供長條狀的照明區域,照亮掃瞄線 所在區域,以 A4尺寸的平台式掃描系統而言,燈管的長 度即約在2 1 0公厘以上;本例中的光源22可置於平台式掃 描系统中的上蓋之内,並由相配合的馬達及驅動電路加以 驅動。 (諳先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) i n «ί It n 一,OJf 1 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 掃瞄頭 20多數會採用具有感光能力的電荷耦合元件 (charged coupled device; CCD),並配合相關的反射鏡片組、 成像透鏡組、以及濾色片或是分色用的三稜鏡等,以组成 本纸張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210^297公釐) 45310 2 Α7 Β7 經濟部智慧財產局具工消費合作社印製 五、發明說明( 其完整之結構。以讀取彩色影像而言,電荷耦合元件即疋 呈陣列狀排列’以由不同列的感應單元分別感測不同顏色 的影像,例如紅、綠、藍(R G B)三色等。此外,在不同的 設計之中,掃瞄頭20亦可直接使用接觸式齡像感應(contact image sensor; CIS)模組,而由單—模組同時提供光源、影 像感測器、以及部分的控制電路等。在較新近的設計之中, 亦可使用以互補式金氧半導體(complementary metal oxide semiconductor; CMOS)元件組成的感光單元來取代上述的 電荷耦合元件(CCD)。 以取得有關掃瞄頭20及光源22對準上的基本特性資 料而言,不見得一定須使用到具有圖案的透明原稿24。而 在較佳實施例之中,由於必須取得掃瞄頭20及光源22各 項參數上的量化數據’則可使用具有參考圖案的透明原稿 2 4 ’以進行較細節的比較及判斷,以本例而言,透明原稿 24上可具有規則性的重複圖案,例如第三圖中所示的方格 圖案30或是等距的格點圖案32等。 參見第四圊所示’即為本發明中之相對位置測量方法 的操作流程示意圖,在進行相對位置的測量之前,通常掃 猫頭20及光源22會停留在掃描區域之外的一啟始位置上, 例如圖中所示之基準點0,或是停留在掃瞄區域更前方的 其他點上。在第四圖中所進行的第一個步驟40,即是將光 源22移至掃猫系統之掃睹區域中的第一備測點22a,如第 9 本紙張尺度適用中國囡家標準(ClNiS)A4規格(210 χ 297公釐) — — ———— —II^* I —11·· — — — — 1." (請先閱讀背面之江意事項再填寫本頁) Α7 Λ531 Ο 2 Β7 五、發明說明() 二圖中所示;第一偵測點 2 2 a可為掃瞄區域中需取得相關 資訊的任意點,而在實際相對位置測量方法的應用上,可 視不同的設計或調整需要,在掃瞄區域中選取3點、5點、 1 0點、甚至2 0點的偵測點,以取得足夠的參考資訊。 在第四圊的步驟42中,即是在光源22固定於第一偵 測點2 2 a的狀況下,移動掃瞄頭2 0穿越第一偵測點2 0 a ; 並同時進行另一步驟 44,以於移動掃瞄頭 20穿越第一偵 測點 2 0 a的過程之中,記錄在不同的相對位置下掃瞄所得 之影像。 掃瞄頭20在上述的步驟42及步驟44中的運動範圍, 可視掃瞄頭2 0之光開口大小、掃瞄系統之解析度、以及所 需要的資訊種類等多項不同的因素而定。以本例而言,掃 瞄頭20於第一偵測點20a前後分別移動之距離範圍約為 -35公厘至+35公厘之間,若以解析度為每英吋600點(dots per inch; DPI)的掃瞄系統,約等於- 827至+ 827個像素單 位(pixel units) ° 以未使用具有圖案的透明原稿2 4的賁施例而言,掃瞄 頭20在移動過程中所記錄的圊案之一例可如第五圖所示。 由於掃瞄頭20的光開口係為一定寬度的有限值,因此所掃 得的影像在光開口的可視區域之外即會出現黑色或暗色區 域*如圖中之區域E1及E2。相對於非可視區域E1及E2, 10 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) (請先閉讀背面之泫意事項再填寫本頁) * - - - - - - ----^1 n 訂--------- 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 4 5310 2 A7 _B7_ 五、發明說明() 園中之可視區域即為 A,並可於光源的強度及分布的均勻 度最佳處得到一個理論對位點D。 在第四圖的步驟44中,即針對所得到的掃瞄影像做進 一步的分析處理,以產生有關掃瞄頭2 0與光源2 2的各項 參考資訊。以本例而言,此一處理動作可由與掃瞄系統相 連結的處理單元,例如電腦等等具處理能力的設備,藉由 計算及比較等的動作來加以進行。在處理之後,即可得到 光源22之強度、分布均勻度,以及掃瞄頭20與光源22在 對位上的參考資訊。 若需進一步得到有關掃瞄頭20與光源22在位置、對 位、及運動特性上等的詳細參考資訊,可使用如第三圖中 所示的具有方格圖案30或是等距的格點圊案32等的透明 原稿24,放置於掃瞄頭20與光源22之間,如第二圖所示。 在應用具有方格圖案 30之透明原稿 24的實施例之 中,以相對位置測量方法所掃得之理想影像的示意圊應如 第六圖所示,其同樣於可視區域的上下緣具有無法取得影 像的黑色或暗色區域E1及E2。而在此一理想狀況之中, 所得到的應為準確而無任何變形的方格圊案。 然而,在實際的狀況之中,所掃得的影像大多會有變 形、位置偏移、及放大率改變等的問題,如第七圊中即為 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) ----------- t --------訂·--------'" {請先閱讀背面之庄意事項再填寫本頁) Α7 4531 Ο 2 Β7 五、發明說明() 所掃得之影像之可能狀況的一例。在掃瞄系統初期設計及 組裝的過程之中,會出現較多的影像品質誤差的問題,由 所掃得的影像之中,可取得許多量化的參考數據,例如各 個方向上的放大率、光強度分布、影像的偏斜、圖案在各 個方向上的偏移等等。第八圊則為在多數設計的問題皆已 校正之後,所掃得之影像之可能狀況的另一例》以應用於 更進一步的細節分析,以改善如組裝製程或是掃瞄頭2 0與 光源2 2之控制方法。 在第七圖及第八圊中所掃得影像資料的提供下,可藉 由進一步的分析來取得有關掃瞄頭20與光源22的參考資 訊,在本例之中,藉由分析取得之資訊可包含:掃瞄頭 20 之偏斜量、光源22之偏斜量' 兩者對位點之平移量、理論 對位點.與光開口上下端距離、光源可用之範圍、光開口可 用高度 '放大倍率、光源22之左右偏移、掃瞄頭20之左 右偏移、不同掃瞄區域的各測量值等等。 在第一偵測點處有關掃瞄頭20與光源22的各項資訊 皆已取得之後,可進一步針對掃瞄系统之掃瞄區域中的其 他位置,例如第二圖中所示之第二偵測點 20b及對應的 22b,了解掃瞄頭20與光源22在不同位置上的特性差異。 並可進行同樣的測量操作,包含:先將光源22移至掃瞄系 統之掃瞄區域中的第二偵測點22b;以及進行移動掃瞄頭20 穿越第二偵測點 2 0 b、記錄掃瞄影像 '以及處理掃瞄影像 12 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210x 297公釐) ------------ '衣--------訂.--------線. (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印制农 4 53 1 Ο 2 Α7 _ Β7_ 五、發明說明() 等之步驟等。 除了上述的較佳實施例中的方法之外,本發明中的測 量方法,亦可加入或使用另一種方式,改變掃瞄頭20與光 源2 2兩者間相對的運動模式,而以固定掃瞄頭 2 0、移動 光源22的方式加以進行之;簡而言之,其步驟即可包含: 將掃瞄頭20移至掃瞄系統之掃瞄區域中的第一偵測點;在 掃瞄頭20固定於第一偵測點20a的狀況下,移動光源22 穿越第一偵測點2 2 a : 在移動光源2 2穿越第一偵測點2 2 a 的過程之中,記錄所掃瞄之影像;以及處理掃瞄影像,以 產生有關掃瞄頭與掃瞄頭之資訊。並可同樣應用此方法於 掃瞄區域中的不同位置,以取得所需的參考資訊。 本發明以較佳實施例說明如上,僅用於藉以幫助了解 本發明之實施,非用以限定本發明之精神,而熟悉此領域 技藝者於領悟本發明之精神後,在不脫離本發明之精神範 圍内,當可作些許更動潤飾及等同之變化替換,其專利保 護範圍當視後附之申請專利範圍及其等同領域而定11 ------------ --------^ ---------姨 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印*'1衣 本紙張尺度適用中因國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 x 297公釐)Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 453102 A7 _ B7 V. Description of the invention () Field of the invention: The present invention relates to a method for measuring the relative position of a scanning head and a light source, and in particular, to a transparent application method. Method for measuring the relative position of the scanning head and the transmissive light source in the original scanning system. Background of the Invention: With the advancement of the electronics industry and the rapid development of electronic technology applications, the electronics industry has become one of the most important industries in the 21st century. With the improvement of the efficiency of various computing systems and processing systems, more and more Electronic products, such as computers, communications, and consumer electronics, are frequently used in everyday life. In recent years, due to enhancements in processing speed and data storage and exchange capabilities of processors and computers, the efficiency of the cymbal processing has increased, making image processing systems more frequently used. Processing, transmission, and output applications play an extremely important role-Generally speaking, most image reading systems can be divided into two categories. The first type is a stationary system of reading devices. In the process, the image reading device or the reading head is kept still while the document is being read, and the entire original document is read by moving the original past the image reading device or the reading head. This type of design is often found in fax machines and sheet-feed scanners, and because of its simplified design, the special paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210x 297 mm) — — — — — — — — 111, '1111111 »— — — — — (Please read the notice on the back before filling out this page) Printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Consumer Cooperatives 4 53 1 Ο 2 7 _Β7_ V. invention is described in (), can reduce the number of parts of the system and reduce the volume occupied by the entire system. Compared with the stationary system of the reading device, another type of image reading system is a so-called mobile reading device system. In this type of system, the image reading device or the reading head is driven to move in parallel. The line-by-line reading mode passes through the front of the object or file being read, and completes the entire scanning process. This type of design is more commonly used in higher-quality scanning systems, such as traditional flatbed scanners, to provide better image quality and stability. In either type of the above two types of scanners, most use an entire array or linear image sensor, and the image is read by the illumination of the light source. Generally speaking, the most commonly used light sources can include small fluorescent lamps such as fluorescent lamps or cathode ray tubes, or the use of a single or multiple light emitting diodes to provide the required The reflected light reflects the image of the scanned object to the image sensor. Among the above-mentioned scanning systems of the second type, i.e., systems of mobile reading devices, most of the designs are applied to image reading of non-transparent originals. The system shown in the first figure is a scanning system mainly designed to read transparent manuscript images. It is applied to the reading of transparent manuscripts such as slides or slides. The light source 12 is provided by the rear of the transparent original 10, and the image reading head, or scanning head 14 is placed at the corresponding position in front of the transparent original 10, and the Chinese standard is applied to the paper size. (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) ----------- -------- Order --------- (Please read the precautions on the back before (Fill in this page) Printed clothing by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 453 ί Ο 2 Α7 __Β7_ V. Description of the invention () Take an image. In the conventional flatbed scanning system, the light source 12 on the back is mostly disposed in the upper cover of the scanner, and the scanning head 14 is disposed under the glass plate for placing originals. In the scanning system of the transparent original 10 described above, the rear light source 12 and the scanning head 14 are driven simultaneously to read the entire original. In an ideal state, the back light source 12 and the scanning head 14 will be accurately aligned at the corresponding positions, and driven by the system to move the two together in parallel for scanning. Provide continuous and stable lighting during the process. However, in the actual situation, the scanning system is mostly composed of many movable components. * Even in a large number of industrialized production, the individual components themselves have errors in size from the original design. After the components are assembled, There will be assembly errors, and there may also be system drive or operation errors. The accumulation of these errors can easily cause errors in the positioning, alignment, and movement of the driving light source 12 and the scanning head 14 during scanning. And it further causes problems such as image distortion, skew, black edges scanned beyond the usable area, and inconsistent image brightness, which greatly reduces the quality of image scanning. In addition, since the light source 12 and the scanning head 14 must move in a completely synchronous manner during scanning, there will be more problems in driving control. However, in the traditional design, there is no better method for measuring the relative positional relationship between the light source 12 and the scanning head 14, and the problem of poor alignment between the two causes the unevenness of the light source illumination. And make the paper size of the scanned paper applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 g) _-'H]. Ί n 1 ϋ .1. -5Ji na— n 1 nn-I Read the intentions on the back and fill out this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 4 53102 B7 V. Description of the invention () The problem of uneven brightness caused by the image. In the traditional design, these problems can only be roughly judged by the image quality obtained by scanning. It is not possible to know the detailed data of the relative positions, position tolerances, etc. of the light source 12 and the scanning head 14, and therefore Can not provide a better reference for improvement in system design. Object and Summary of the Invention The object of the present invention is to provide a method for measuring the relative position of a scanning head and a light source in a scanning system. Another object of the present invention is to provide a method for measuring the relative position of a scanning head and a transmissive light source, which is applied to a scanning system for transparent originals. Another object of the present invention is to provide a measurement method, which can provide reference data about the accuracy of various characteristics of the scanning head and the transmissive light source in design, operation characteristics, positioning, and alignment for improving design and improving production. Process and reference for improving yield. The method of relative position measurement in the present invention may include the following steps: first moving the light source to a first detection point in a scanning area of the scanning system; and moving the scan under the condition that the light source is fixed at the first detection point The head passes through the first detection point; then, during the process of moving the scanning head through the first detection point, the scanned image is recorded; finally, the scanned image is processed to generate the relevant scanning head. The paper size is suitable for China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) ----------- -------- * 1 ------- (Please read the precautions on the back first (Fill in this page again) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 4531 Ο 2 Α7 Β7 V. Description of the invention () and the information of the light source β In a preferred embodiment, the above-mentioned mobile scanning head and the above-mentioned In the step of recording the scanned image, a transparent original can be placed between the scanning head and the light source, and the light source is a light source provided by the back of the transparent original to provide quantitative reference data through the processing of the scanned image = In addition, all items related to the scanning head and light source at the first detection point After obtaining information have switched, may be further directed to another location in the scanning region of the scanning system, adding a further detection point, and the light source for scanning the head in different positions on the difference in characteristics. The measurement operation can also include: first moving the light source to the second detection point in the scanning area of the scanning system; and moving the scanning head through the second detection point, recording the scanning image, and processing the scanning image Wait for the steps. The plain-simplified form is shown in the figure, and the unambiguous transmission is mainly based on the scanned documents. The original image is clearly displayed on the visual application side of the Λ-1Λ ± clothing thread (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). Fang Yaoqing, the master of the system of measurement, clearly traced the manuscript into the original. The previous manuscript showing the explicit intention of the original reference was clearly used. The neutron issued a copy of the paper and the paper. The paper music scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Α4. (210X297 mm) ^ 53 1 Ο 2 Α7 Β7 5. Description of the invention (fourth, fifth, sixth)圊 Seventh figure Eighth figure shows a schematic flow chart of the relative position measurement method in the present invention. 显示 An example of an image scanned by the relative position measurement method when a transparent original with a pattern is not used in the present invention is shown. Schematic diagram of the ideal image scanned by the relative position measurement method when using a transparent original with a checkered pattern. Shows the image of the image scanned by the relative position measurement method when using a transparent original with a checkered pattern. An example of the possible situation. Another example showing the possible situation of the image scanned by the relative position measurement method when using a transparent manuscript with a checkered pattern in the present invention. Economic Zou Intellectual Property Bureau Staff Consumer Cooperative Co., Ltd. Detailed description of the invention printed : The present invention provides a method for measuring the relative position of a scanning head and a light source in a scanning system, which is applied to the scanning system of transparent originals. Medium. With the separate driving of the scanning head and the transmissive light source, the other unit (such as the scanning head) can be moved while one of them is fixed (such as a transmissive light source) to obtain the position and relative position of the two. Detailed information on the relationship, alignment, and driving characteristics, and can be measured at different positions in the scanning area, providing design, operating characteristics, positioning of the scanning head and transmissive light source ^ ------ --Order --------- '^ 』(Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm) 4 53 1 0 2 A / _ B7 V. The description of the invention () and accurate reference data on the alignment, as a reference for improving the design, improving the production process, and improving the yield. See the second figure for the process In the measurement method of the present invention, a schematic side view of the main components of a scanning system applied to transparent originals. Without limiting the spirit and scope of the present invention, the general platform scanning system is a preferred implementation. Example, introduce scan Measurement method of relative position with light source. Ten of general platform scanning systems, especially those applied to transparent original scanning systems, mostly belong to the mobile reading device system and platform scanning system described in the background of the invention. The light source 22 may include a scanning head 20 ′ shown in the second light source 22 and a transparent original 24. Generally, the light source 22 may be a long-type lamp tube such as a fluorescent tube or a cathode ray tube. Provide a long-shaped illumination area to illuminate the area where the scanning line is located. For the A4 size flatbed scanning system, the length of the lamp tube is approximately more than 210 mm; the light source 22 in this example can be placed Within the upper cover of the platform scanning system, it is driven by a matching motor and driving circuit. (谙 Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) in «ί It n 1, OJf 1 Most of the printed heads printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs will use charge-coupled devices with photosensitivity. CCD), and cooperate with the related reflection lens group, imaging lens group, and color filter or color filter for color separation, etc., to compose this paper standard applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 ^ 297 (Mm) 45310 2 Α7 Β7 Printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industrial and Consumer Cooperative, V. Description of the invention (its complete structure. For reading color images, the charge-coupled elements are arranged in an array. The sensing unit respectively senses images of different colors, such as red, green, and blue (RGB). In addition, in different designs, the scanning head 20 can also directly use contact image sensor (contact image sensor) CIS) module, and a single module provides both the light source, image sensor, and some control circuits. In more recent designs, complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor ( A complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) element is used to replace the charge-coupled element (CCD) described above. In order to obtain basic characteristics of the alignment of the scanning head 20 and the light source 22, it is not necessary to use Patterned transparent manuscript 24. In the preferred embodiment, since the quantitative data on the parameters of the scanning head 20 and the light source 22 must be obtained, a transparent manuscript 2 4 'with a reference pattern can be used for more detailed For comparison and judgment, in this example, the transparent original 24 may have regular repeating patterns, such as the checkered pattern 30 or the equidistant grid point pattern 32 shown in the third figure. Show 'is the schematic diagram of the operation flow of the relative position measurement method in the present invention. Before the relative position measurement is performed, the cat head 20 and the light source 22 usually stay at a starting position outside the scanning area, for example, as shown in the figure. The reference point 0 is shown, or stays at other points further in front of the scanning area. The first step 40 in the fourth figure is to move the light source 22 to the cat scanning system. See the first test point 22a in the area, such as the ninth paper standard applicable to the Chinese standard (ClNiS) A4 (210 χ 297 mm) — — — — — — II ^ * I —11 ·· — — — — 1. " (Please read the Jiang Yi matters on the back before filling out this page) Α7 Λ531 Ο 2 Β7 V. Description of the invention () As shown in the second figure; the first detection point 2 2 a can be scanned Any point in the area where relevant information needs to be obtained. In the application of the actual relative position measurement method, depending on different design or adjustment needs, select 3 points, 5 points, 10 points, or even 20 points in the scanning area. Detect points to get enough reference information. In step 42 of the fourth step, when the light source 22 is fixed at the first detection point 2 2 a, the scanning head 20 is moved through the first detection point 20 a; and another step is performed at the same time. 44. In the process of moving the scanning head 20 through the first detection point 20a, the images obtained by scanning at different relative positions are recorded. The moving range of the scanning head 20 in the above steps 42 and 44 is determined by a number of different factors such as the size of the light opening of the scanning head 20, the resolution of the scanning system, and the type of information required. In this example, the scanning head 20 moves back and forth from the first detection point 20a to a distance of approximately -35 mm to +35 mm. If the resolution is 600 points per inch (dots per inch) inch; DPI) scanning system, approximately equal to -827 to +827 pixel units (pixel units) ° In the case where the transparent original 2 with a pattern is not used, the scanning head 20 is in the process of moving An example of the recorded case is shown in Figure 5. Since the light opening of the scanning head 20 is a finite value of a certain width, the scanned image will have black or dark areas outside the visible area of the light opening * as shown in the areas E1 and E2 in the figure. Relative to the non-visible areas E1 and E2, 10 This paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) (Please close the intention on the back before filling out this page) *----- ----- ^ 1 n Order --------- Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 4 5310 2 A7 _B7_ V. Description of the Invention () Park The visible area in A is A, and a theoretical point D can be obtained at the place where the intensity and uniformity of the light source are the best. In step 44 of the fourth figure, a further analysis process is performed on the obtained scan image to generate various reference information about the scan head 20 and the light source 22. In this example, this processing action can be performed by a processing unit connected to the scanning system, such as a computer and other equipment with processing capabilities, through calculations and comparisons. After processing, the intensity and distribution uniformity of the light source 22 and the reference information of the alignment of the scanning head 20 and the light source 22 can be obtained. For further detailed reference information on the position, alignment, and movement characteristics of the scanning head 20 and the light source 22, you can use a grid pattern with a grid pattern 30 or equidistant grid points as shown in the third figure A transparent original 24 such as the case 32 is placed between the scanning head 20 and the light source 22, as shown in the second figure. In the embodiment in which the transparent manuscript 24 with the checkered pattern 30 is applied, the schematic image of the ideal image scanned by the relative position measurement method should be as shown in the sixth figure, which is similar to the upper and lower edges of the visible area. Black or dark areas E1 and E2 of the image. In this ideal situation, the resulting grid should be accurate without any distortion. However, in the actual situation, most of the scanned images will have problems such as distortion, position shift, and change of magnification. For example, the seventh national standard applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 standard for the paper size. (210 X 297 mm) ----------- t -------- Order · -------- '" {Please read the solemn matters on the back before (Fill in this page) Α7 4531 Ο 2 Β7 V. Description of the invention () An example of the possible condition of the scanned image. During the initial design and assembly of the scanning system, there will be more image quality error problems. From the scanned images, many quantitative reference data can be obtained, such as magnification in various directions, light Intensity distribution, image skew, pattern shift in various directions, and more. The eighth step is another example of the possible situation of the scanned image after most of the design problems have been corrected "to apply further detailed analysis to improve such as assembly process or scanning head 20 and light source 2 2 Control methods. With the provision of the scanned image data in Figures 7 and 8, the reference information about the scanning head 20 and the light source 22 can be obtained by further analysis. In this example, the information obtained by analysis It can include: the amount of deflection of the scanning head 20, the amount of deflection of the light source 22 'the amount of translation of the two positions, the theoretical position. The distance from the upper and lower ends of the light opening, the available range of the light source, the available height of the light opening' Magnification, left-to-right offset of the light source 22, left-to-right offset of the scanning head 20, various measured values of different scanning areas, and so on. After all the information about the scanning head 20 and the light source 22 at the first detection point has been obtained, it can be further targeted at other positions in the scanning area of the scanning system, such as the second detection shown in the second figure. Measure the point 20b and the corresponding 22b to understand the difference in characteristics between the scanning head 20 and the light source 22 at different positions. The same measurement operations can be performed, including: first moving the light source 22 to the second detection point 22b in the scanning area of the scanning system; and moving the scanning head 20 to pass through the second detection point 20b, recording Scanned image 'and processed scan image 12 This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210x 297 mm) ------------' 衣 -------- Order. -------- Line. (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economy 4 53 1 Ο 2 Α7 _ Β7_ V. Description of the invention () Wait for the steps. In addition to the method in the preferred embodiment described above, the measurement method in the present invention can also add or use another method to change the relative movement mode between the scanning head 20 and the light source 22, and use a fixed scanning method. The scanning of the scanning head 20 and the light source 22 is performed. In short, the steps may include: moving the scanning head 20 to the first detection point in the scanning area of the scanning system; When the head 20 is fixed at the first detection point 20a, the mobile light source 22 passes through the first detection point 2 2 a: During the process of the mobile light source 2 2 passing through the first detection point 2 2 a, the scan is recorded Image; and processing the scan image to generate information about the scan head and scan head. This method can also be applied to different positions in the scanning area to obtain the required reference information. The present invention has been described above with reference to the preferred embodiments, and is only used to help understand the implementation of the present invention. It is not intended to limit the spirit of the present invention. Those skilled in the art will not depart from the spirit of the present invention after understanding the spirit of the invention. Within the scope of the spirit, when it is possible to make a few changes and retouching and equivalent changes, the scope of patent protection depends on the scope of the attached patent application and its equivalent field. 11 ------------ --- ----- ^ --------- Aunt (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs * '1 Applicable to national standards (CNS) A4 size (210 x 297 mm)

Claims (1)

d 53 1 Ο 2 A8 B8 C8 D8d 53 1 Ο 2 A8 B8 C8 D8 經濟部智慧財4-局8工消費合作社印製 申請專利範圍 1. 一種相對位置測量之方法,用以測量掃瞄系統中、 掃瞄頭與光源相對位置,該相對位置測量方法至少包含以 下步驟: - 將該光源移至該掃猫系統之掃瞄區域中的第一偵測 點; 在光源固定於該第一偵測點的狀況下,移動該掃竭頭 穿越該第一偵測點; 在移動該掃瞄頭穿越該第一偵測點的過程之中,記錄 所掃瞄之影像;以及 處理該掃瞄影像,以產生有關該掃瞄頭與該光源之資 2. 如申請專利範圍第1項之相對位置測量方法,更包 含以下步驟: 將該光源移至該掃瞄系統之掃瞄區域中的第二偵測 點;以及 進行移動該掃瞄頭穿越該第二偵測點、記錄掃瞄影像、 以及處理該掃瞄影像之步驟。 3 .如申請專利範圍第1項之相對位置測量方法,其中 於上述之移動該掃瞄頭及上述之記錄該掃瞄影像的步驟之 中,係放置一透明原稿於該掃瞄頭與該光源之間,且該光 源係為一由該透明原稿背面提供照明之光源。 14 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標率(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) I—-II------- -- n I __ τ 、y5 (請先閱讀背rH之注意事項再填寫本頁) ,45310 A8 B8 C8 D8 六、申請專利範園 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 4.如申請專利範圍第3項之相對位置測量方法,其中 上述之透明原稿係具有方格圖案。 5. 如申請專利範圍第3項之相對位置測量方法,其中 上述之透明原稿係具有等距之格點圖案。 6. 如申請專利範圍第1項之相對位置測量方法,其中 上述之有關該掃瞄頭與該光源之資訊至少包含下列資訊之 一或其組合: 該掃瞄頭之偏斜量、 '該光源之偏斜量、 對位點平移量、 理論對位點與光開口上下端距離、 該光源可用之範圍、 光開口可用高度、 放大倍率、 該光源之左右偏移、 該掃瞄頭之左右偏移、 經濟.邓智慧时1局員工消費合作钍印製 不同掃瞎區域的各測量值。 7. 如申請專利範圍第1項之相對位置測量方法,其中 上述之該掃瞄頭於該第一偵測點前後移動之範圍約為 -35公厘至+35公厘。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準< CNS )八4说格(210X297公釐) 4 53 1 Ο 2 Α8 BS C8 D8 々、申請專利範圍 8. 如申請專利範圍第1項之相對位置測量方法,其中 上述之掃瞄系統係為一平台式掃瞄系統。 9. 一種相對位置測量之方法,用以測量掃瞄系統中、 光源與掃瞄頭相對位置,該相對位置測量方法至少包含以 下步驟: 將該掃瞄頭移至該掃瞄系統之掃瞄區域中的第一偵測 點; 在掃瞄頭固定於該第一偵測點的狀況下,移動該光源 穿越該第一偵測點; 在移動該光源穿越該第一偵測點的過程之中,記錄所 掃瞄之影像;以及 處理該掃瞄影像,以產生有關該掃瞄頭與該掃瞄頭之 資訊。 --- - ---il - »1 . It fj n _ I: . _ 丁 43. ,-° (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 更 法 方 量 測 置 位 對 相 之 項 9 第 圍 範 VMMJ- 專 請 測 偵二 .第 的 中 域 區 瞄 掃 之 統 系 瞄 掃 該 至 移 頭 申驟瞄 如步掃 .下.該 10以:將 含 包( 經-部智慧財4-局员工消費合作社印製 像 影 瞄 掃 錄 記 、 點 測二 第。 該 驟 越步 穿之 源像 光影 該瞄 動掃 移該 及行理 以進處 ; 及 點 以 其 法 方 量 測 置 位 對 相 之 項 9 第 圍 範 利 專 請 申 如 本紙張尺度適用ΐ國國家標準(CNS > A4規格(210X297公釐) 4 53 1 Ο 2 Α8 Β8 C8 D8 六、申請專利範圍 之掃 驟該 步且 的.-像間 影之 瞄頭 掃瞄 該掃 錄該 記與 之源 述光 上該 及於 源稿 光原 該明透 動透該 移 一 由 之置一 述放為 上係係 於,頭 中:中瞄 頭 瞄 掃 之 明 照 供 提 面 背 稿 原 明 圖 1格 第方 圍有 範具 利係 專稿 請原 申明 如透 之 12述 上 中 其 法 方 量 測 置 位 對 相 之 項 案 其 法 方 量 測 置 0 位 Η案 對 3 圖 目 4點 之4 格 項d 之 1距 第等 圍有 範具 利係 專稿 請原 申明 如透 .之 13述 上 中 .之其.光掃位論 14述或該該對理 上Γ 中之' 其訊 ’ 資 法列 方下 量含 測包 置少 位至 對訊 相資 之之 項頭 9 瞄 第掃 圍談 範與 利源 專光 請該: 申關合 如有組· ' 量 量斜· 斜偏量與 偏之移點 之頭平位 源¾點對 離 距 端 下 上、 口 圍 開範、 光之度 用高 可用 頭 瞄 掃 該 (請先閱讀背"之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝 訂 經濟部智慧財產局負工消費合作社印製 可率 口倍 開大 光放 值 、 量 移、測 偏移各 右偏的 左右域 之左區 頭之瞄 瞄源掃 掃光同 該該不 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準{ CNS ) A4現格(210 X 297公釐) 4 經濟部智慧时·4局員工消費合作社印製 . C8 DS 六、申請專利範圍 1 5 .如申請專利範圍第9項之相對位置測量方法,其 中上述之該光源於該第一偵測點前後移動之範圍約為-3 5 公厘至+ 35公厘。 16.如申請專利範園第9項之相對位置測量方法,其 中上述之掃瞄系統係為一平台式掃瞄系統。 1 7. —種相對位置測量之方法,用以測量掃瞄系統中、 ' . · .. .. 掃瞄頭與光源相對位置,該掃瞄系統係為一平台式掃瞄系 統,該相對位置測量方法至少包含以下步驟: 放置一透明原稿於該掃瞄頭與該光源之間,且該光源 係為一由該透明原稿背面提供照明之光源; 將該光源移至該掃瞄系統之掃瞄區域中的第一偵測 點; 在光源固定於該第一偵測點的狀況下,移動該掃瞄頭 穿越該第一偵測點; 在移動該掃瞄頭穿越該第一偵測點的過程之中,記錄 所掃瞄之影像;以及 處理該掃瞄影像,以產生有關該掃瞄頭與該光源之資 訊。 1 8.如申請專利範圍第1 7項之相對位置測量方法’更 包含以下步驟: 將該光源移至該掃瞄系統之掃瞄區域中的第二偵測 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A<f規格(210Χ297公釐) i - I ------- - , ---- I— . . __ _ςτ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 453 1 Ο 2 Α8 Β8 C8 D8 六、申請專利範圍 點;以及 -----------^------、17 (讀先閱讀背面之;1意事項再填寫本頁) 進行移動該掃瞄頭穿越該第二偵測點、記錄掃瞄影像、 以及處理該掃瞄影像之步驟。 . . 1 9.如申請專利範圍第1 7項之相對位置測量方法,其 中上述之透明原稿係具有方格圊案。 20.如申請專利範圍第1 7項之相對位置測量方法,其 中上述之透明原稿係具有等距之格點圖案。 2 1.如申請專利範圍第1 7項之相對位置測量方法,其 中上述之有關該掃瞄頭與該光源之資訊至少包含下列資訊 之一或其組合: 該掃瞄頭之偏斜量、 該光源之偏斜量、 對位點平移量、 理論對位點與光開口上下端距離、 該光源可用之範圍、 光開口可用高度、 經濟部智慧时產局員工消費合作社印製 放大倍率、 該光源之左右偏移、 該掃瞄頭之左右偏移、 不同掃瞎區域的各測量值。 19 本紙張尺度適用中國國家捸準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) /153 102 g C8 D8 六、申請專利範圍 ,, , 22.如申請專利範圍第1 7項之相對位置到量方法,其 中上述之該掃瞄頭於該第一偵測點前後移動之範圍約為-3 5 公厘至+ 3 5公厘。 1^1 - --- I n^i —^^1 - — - 1 - I - I I if ^^^1 TJ 牙 .V- t請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局Μ工消費合作社印製 20 本紙張尺度適用中國國家樣準(CNS > A4現格(2!〇Χ 297公釐)Printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Intellectual Property 4- Bureau, 8 Industrial Cooperative Cooperative Patent. 1. A relative position measurement method for measuring the relative position of the scanning head and the light source in the scanning system. The relative position measurement method includes at least the following steps. :-Move the light source to the first detection point in the scanning area of the cat scanning system; under the condition that the light source is fixed at the first detection point, move the scan head through the first detection point; In the process of moving the scanning head through the first detection point, recording the scanned image; and processing the scanning image to generate information about the scanning head and the light source 2. If the scope of patent application The relative position measurement method of item 1 further includes the following steps: moving the light source to a second detection point in a scanning area of the scanning system; and moving the scanning head through the second detection point, Record the scanned image, and process the scanned image. 3. The relative position measurement method according to item 1 of the scope of patent application, wherein in the above-mentioned steps of moving the scanning head and the above-mentioned step of recording the scanning image, a transparent original is placed on the scanning head and the light source And the light source is a light source provided with illumination from the back of the transparent original. 14 This paper size applies to China National Standards (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) I—-II --------n I __ τ, y5 (please read the precautions of rH before filling in this Page), 45310 A8 B8 C8 D8 VI. Patent application park (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) 4. For the relative position measurement method of item 3 in the scope of patent application, the above-mentioned transparent manuscript is Grid pattern. 5. The relative position measurement method according to item 3 of the scope of patent application, wherein the above-mentioned transparent manuscripts have an equidistant grid pattern. 6. If the relative position measurement method of item 1 of the patent application scope, wherein the above-mentioned information about the scanning head and the light source includes at least one or a combination of the following information: the amount of deflection of the scanning head, 'the light source The amount of skew, the amount of alignment shift, the distance between the theoretical alignment point and the upper and lower ends of the light opening, the available range of the light source, the available height of the light opening, magnification, the left and right offset of the light source, the left and right offset of the scanning head Mobile, economy. Deng Zhishi, the consumer co-operation of 1 bureau, printed various measured values in different illiteracy areas. 7. The relative position measurement method as described in item 1 of the patent application range, wherein the range in which the scanning head moves back and forth around the first detection point is about -35 mm to +35 mm. This paper scale applies Chinese National Standards < CNS) 8 4 cells (210X297 mm) 4 53 1 〇 2 Α8 BS C8 D8 々, patent application range 8. If the relative position measurement method of item 1 of the patent application range, where The above-mentioned scanning system is a platform scanning system. 9. A relative position measurement method for measuring the relative position of a light source and a scanning head in a scanning system. The relative position measurement method includes at least the following steps: moving the scanning head to a scanning area of the scanning system The first detection point in the motion; when the scanning head is fixed to the first detection point, moving the light source through the first detection point; in the process of moving the light source through the first detection point , Recording the scanned image; and processing the scanned image to generate information about the scanning head and the scanning head. ------- il-»1. It fj n _ I:. _ Ding 43.,-° (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). 9 Section Fan VMMJ- Special Survey and Detection II. The system of the first mid-range area scanning system should scan to the moving head and scan as if it were a step scan. The 10 is based on the following: 4- Bureau employee consumer cooperative prints image scanning scans and points. The source image of the stepping step is light and shadow. The scanning and scanning should be performed and the progress should be made. Set the opposite item 9 Fan Li specially requested to apply the national standard of this paper (CNS > A4 specification (210X297 mm) 4 53 1 〇 2 Α8 Β8 C8 D8 6. Scanning the scope of patent application Step this step and-. Scan the image of the head of the image and scan the record with the source and the light and the source and the original light should be transparent and transparent, and then move to one and put it into the system. Tied to, in the head: the photo of the middle-scanning head to scan for the back of the original manuscript of the original picture in the first square of the box has a fan Please state that the item of the normal measurement setting and the relative item in the above description of 12 is set to 0 in the normal measurement and the case is 3 pairs of 4 points of 4 points of the grid. Fan Guli is a special manuscript, please declare the original as thoroughly as possible. The 13 is described in the above. It is. The optical scanning theory is described in the 14th or the corresponding theory. From the few to the top of the head of the newsletter 9 Fan and Liyuan, please ask: Shen Guanhe if there is a group · 'The amount of slope · The amount of skew and deviation Source ¾ point up and down from the end of the distance, open the mouth around the fan, the degree of light to scan with a high-available head (please read the precautions before filling in this page) Staples Consumer Cooperatives, Intellectual Property Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs Prints the scanning source of the left and right heads of the left and right areas of the left and right fields that can be magnified, measured, shifted, and measured to the right. The paper size should be in accordance with the Chinese national standard {CNS) A4. Present (210 X 297 mm) 4 Printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs • Consumer Bureau of the 4th Bureau. C8 DS VI. Patent application range 1 5. The relative position measurement method as described in item 9 of the patent application range, wherein the range in which the light source moves back and forth around the first detection point is about -3 5 mm to + 35 mm . 16. The relative position measurement method according to item 9 of the patent application park, wherein the above-mentioned scanning system is a platform scanning system. 1 7. —A relative position measurement method for measuring the relative position of the scanning head and the light source in the scanning system. The scanning system is a platform scanning system, and the relative position The measuring method includes at least the following steps: placing a transparent original between the scanning head and the light source, and the light source is a light source provided with illumination from the back of the transparent original; moving the light source to the scanning system for scanning The first detection point in the area; when the light source is fixed at the first detection point, moving the scanning head to cross the first detection point; when moving the scanning head to cross the first detection point In the process, the scanned image is recorded; and the scanned image is processed to generate information about the scanning head and the light source. 1 8. The relative position measurement method according to item 17 of the scope of patent application 'further includes the following steps: Move the light source to the second detection in the scanning area of the scanning system. The paper dimensions are applicable to Chinese national standards (CNS ) A < f specification (210 × 297 mm) i-I --------, ---- I—.. __ _ςτ (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) 453 1 Ο 2 Α8 Β8 C8 D8 6. The scope of application for patents; and ----------- ^ ------, 17 (read the back of the book first; fill in this page with 1 note) and move the scan The aiming point passes through the second detection point, records the scanned image, and processes the scanned image. .. 9. The relative position measurement method according to item 17 of the scope of patent application, wherein the above-mentioned transparent manuscript has a grid case. 20. The relative position measuring method according to item 17 of the scope of patent application, wherein the above-mentioned transparent manuscripts have a grid pattern with an equal distance. 2 1. The relative position measurement method according to item 17 of the scope of patent application, wherein the above-mentioned information about the scanning head and the light source includes at least one or a combination of the following information: the deflection amount of the scanning head, the The amount of light source skew, the amount of translation of the alignment point, the distance between the theoretical alignment point and the upper and lower ends of the light opening, the available range of the light source, the available height of the light opening, the printing magnification of the employee consumer cooperative of the Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the light source Left and right offset, left and right offset of the scanning head, and various measured values of different scanning regions. 19 This paper size applies to China National Standards (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) / 153 102 g C8 D8 VI. Patent application scope ,,, 22. If the relative position to quantity method of item 17 of the patent application scope, The range of the scanning head moving back and forth around the first detection point is about -35 mm to +35 mm. 1 ^ 1---- I n ^ i — ^^ 1-—-1-I-II if ^^^ 1 TJ teeth. V- t Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) Ministry of Economic Affairs Intellectual Property Printed by the Bureau of Industrial and Consumer Cooperatives 20 This paper size is applicable to Chinese national standards (CNS > A4 is now standard (2! 〇 × 297 mm)
TW88111555A 1999-07-07 1999-07-07 Measurement method of the relative position of the scanning head and transmission light source in scanning system TW453102B (en)

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TW88111555A TW453102B (en) 1999-07-07 1999-07-07 Measurement method of the relative position of the scanning head and transmission light source in scanning system

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TW88111555A TW453102B (en) 1999-07-07 1999-07-07 Measurement method of the relative position of the scanning head and transmission light source in scanning system

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TW88111555A TW453102B (en) 1999-07-07 1999-07-07 Measurement method of the relative position of the scanning head and transmission light source in scanning system

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