TW321614B - The swaging method and devices for metal carved pipe - Google Patents

The swaging method and devices for metal carved pipe Download PDF


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TW321614B TW85108883A TW85108883A TW321614B TW 321614 B TW321614 B TW 321614B TW 85108883 A TW85108883 A TW 85108883A TW 85108883 A TW85108883 A TW 85108883A TW 321614 B TW321614 B TW 321614B
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Shaw-Chian Tzeng
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Asian Pacific Alloy Ind Co Ltd
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Publication of TW321614B publication Critical patent/TW321614B/en



  • Forging (AREA)


A swaging method for metal carved pipe includes a supporting pipe spread with meshes. Filling with the melting gelatin into the carved pipe and the supporting pipe forms a layer of soft solid gelatin after cooling. Such pipes are settled in a swager and swaged to form the embossed marking. Then, heating the pipes, melting the gelatin and detaching the inner core forms the final product.


經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印装 321614 A7 B7 五、發明説明_() 〔技術領域〕 本發明所提供之金鼷花管之單位凹飾的擠級方法及其 裝置,特別是針對一種金屬管壁間巳繹級塑成型有起伏輪 郝狀的花管,再次對其起伏管壁間進行非環周連貫性之獨 立單位的凹《飾紋的擠鍛加工運作者。 〔背景說明〕 在坊間,已存在有將金靨管«製成具有起伏弧曲輪肺 的搞鍛技術,其方式大多利用旋鍛摘歷(ROTARY SWAGER )、定位主軸式的搞級(STATIOHARY-SPIHDLE SWAGER)、 死動主岫式的擠锻(CREEPING-SPINDLE SWAGER)、交互式 擠锻(ALTERNATE-BLOW SWAGER)或鋼模封閉式摘锻(DIE-CIOSEING SWAGER) ...等等技術,經此等技術所漸進加工 製成的金屬管體,其表面所擠锻成型的起伏紋雅具有斑周 之連貫性,尤如圆一所示之A管,弧凸或弧凹的斷面形級 間皆環繞序列於管體的內外管壁周面間,因此我們通稱經 此等技術所加工製成的金羼管賊為"花管"。 經由从上擠锻技術所製成之金臑花管,其具有高抗應 強度,且通常被使用於一般樓梯扶手橘杆、金饜門閘管、 展示架管、桌或椅腳管等處所,同時該管賭的起伏輪廊亦 可依所需而利用上述擠鍛技術製成,惟該等越伏紋嫌皆具 環周之連貫性,為花管製成各起伏紋賵後之既定横態;基 於此因,如欲使該花管管«的起伏輪廓表面再為施加製作 出非連貫環鐃之單位凹陷部,在前述的坊間管體擠锻技術 中是無法達成的,尤如圖一所示之B管,其花管管體的表 一 2 _ 本紙張尺度逍用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注$項再填寫本頁) ,装. 訂 五、發明説明() 面依所規削的既定角度間,向內製成有各種單位規格之凹 陷部(即本發明所製成之凹飾),此凹陷部係随内管壁與 外管壁一起作凹顬之變化,然而前述習知濟緞技術係無法 製成的,唯有利用習知的金靥鏞造技術,或許能夠製成具 有非連貫性的單位凹飾花管形》:惟又知,捶用_造方式 所製成之金賵物件,其晶粒組镞較為鬆散,所Μ抗壓強度 不佳,且因所嫌成之金靥物件的表面較為粗槠,所以尚需 研磨加工,又因_物上常留有針孔,導致質慼甚差,因而 影響蕤術價值甚遽,且澳嫌時所補之棋體製棋及製砂心設 備與熔爐沸鏞等設備的成本又極高商,此理亦是為從事此 項技術者所热知,因此,如何運用擠緞方式而在金羼花管 的管壁上製作出高強度之單位規格的非連貫式凹飾,正是 為本發明之研創動機所在。 經濟部中失標準局貝工消费合作社印装 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本發明之主要目的為:提供一種由管壁外園向内圼環 周放射狀的施加所箱數道單位的袖向緞壓,促金牖花管之 受壓單位的管壁同步被擠鍛成數道獨立單位之凹飾的方法 ;其包含利用一種可吸收管壁各處單位鍛壓的棋心,以及 可校位管艘並調移各單位锻壓施加方向及角度的環锻裝置 ,藉此增強受锻凹飾管艘之強度,同時亦可利用環锻裝置 加工各款需求不同凹飾紋體及加工角度的花管使用,藉此 提振擠锻加工金屬管壁之技術範鞴。 為達上述之目的,本發明乃引用有后述之諸項技術特 點: 1.利用熱熔膠作為横心之可塑性填料,促其熔融時易 —3 - 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標率(CNS > Λ4规格(210X297公釐) ? 3216X4 Α7 Β7 五、發明説明() 於被灌入管孔間,充份垓滿花管管孔内之起伏榷壁,使能 在熱熔膠冷卻凝固後,充份承載接受鍛壓的單位管壁,進 而在擠鍛後易於接受微微熱溫之傅導,而促使熱熔膠能與 孔壁貼觸面間分離,Μ利於在不破壊凹飾管壁的前題下輕 易的取出横>L»、。 2. 利用一金靨製成的撐管作為棋心的支撐軸管,此撐 管的管壁上係缠製有網孔,各網孔皆與其撐管的中心管孔 相通,且播管外壁上貼覆有一靥膝紙腆,當熱熔膠填載在 撐管外管壁的膠紙膜至花管的孔壁間後,因熱熔膠的熔溫 促使膠紙膜與之熔合,並藉此膠紙膜而使熱熔膝於自然降 溫的凝固過程中不致經各網孔而流入中心管孔內,形成撐 管之中心管孔為圼現中空形態,便當花管的各單位管壁在 承受鍛壓時,該等已凝固但具軟性的固態熔膠能藉該等網 孔而排擠至擦管的中心管孔內,形成得Μ吸收锻應並消彌 於撐管中心管孔中的棋心形態。 經濟部中央橾準局負工消費合作社印製 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 3. 利用環鍛裝置之平台上開設滑道,於滑道雙側分別 活動套設定位座,使能視待锻花管之管體長度而自動調移 二定位座的簡距:同時亦提供藉由二定位座上所設有之油 歷夾頭,促使待鍛管髓能精確的被夾持定位於袖心線準位 處。 4. 利用環鍛裝置之濟道上的雙側定位座間,活動套設 適量組擠锻加工座,各加工座間保有可自動調整間距位置 的效用,且各加工座體上採等環周適當角度處圼放射狀的 架設有油壓姐及其姐桿頭端的所補形體捲頭,藉此供給較 -4 - 本紙張尺廋適用中國國家揉準(CNS ) Α4规格(210X297公釐) 經濟部中央樣準局貝工消費合作社印«. 3216“ A7 B7 五、發明説明() 大範園管徑規格之花管被穿套在各座S#檐頭間,施行擠锻 加工單位凹飾之蓮作。 5.利用擠鍛加工座上組置圼放射狀對内夾縮式擠鍛的 適麗組油壓榷頭,促使一但管體各單位壁面間承受鍛壓抵 觸時,皆能承受較為均等之正向鍛壓作用力;藉此遊免受 锻單位管壁周園之管«承受不必要的非正向分力胞加,杜 絕凹飾管壁周園發生不必要的變形,終而促逸各單位凹飾 管壁的輪廊間能圼現極具圆順的轉折曲度。 綜合上述目的及特點,玆將列舉實施圓例並詳加說明 本發明同步擠鍛管體上各單位凹飾的製法及其所運用的装 置形態如后述: 〔圖式簡單說明〕 圖一:係揭示本發明將傅統金靥花管製成花管上具有 單位凹飾的管«形態示意圖; 圖二:係揭示本發明在花管上擠锻實施第一款凹飾管 壁的C-C’放大剖示圓; 圖三:係揭示本發明在花管上擠鍛實施第二款凹飾管 ig的D-D’放大剖示圖; 圖四:係揭示本發明在花管的管孔内填載横心的立體 裝配示意圖; 圖五:係揭示本發明圓四填載棋心後之花管的剖示狀 I 屋I * 圖六:係揭示本發明瓖鍛裝置的立體架構圖; _七:係揭示本發明第一款單位凹飾管壁於接受環锻 —5 - 本纸張尺度適用中國國家揉準(CNS M4規格(210X297公釐) 人請先閲讀背面之注項再填寫本頁) -装. 訂 經濟部中央標準局貝工消费合作社印装 A7 B7 五、發明説明i:) 装置之油應檐頭擠锻時的局部放大剖示圖; 圖八:係掲示本發明第二款單位凹飾管壁於接受環鍛 裝置之油壓檐頭擠鍛時的局部放大剖示圓。 〔實施形態之詳细說明〕 為了更加詳述本發明,誧一面參照所附圖式並一面說 明Μ下之實施例: 如圃一所示,本發明係利用已擠鍛成型之花管(如A 管)作為工件,依其所需成型單位凹飾槽壁(B1或B 3 )形體的位置,能適時接受一班锻裝置2 (容後詳述)的 等位同步擠毅,而製成如B管所示之管賊凹陷榷壁形態者 ;其中本發明所列舉實施的第一款各獨立單位等距環繞的 凹飾槽壁B 1,係可從圖一及圓二對照之C-(T剖示圃面中 見悉,該每一單位的凹飾檐壁B 1,係在較窄小之半弧形 管壁B2上锻製而成,然而其周遭未受锻脑觸及的管壁B 2,係仍然維持其原有之弧壁曲度,顯而未受等間形成之 凹飾榷壁B1的鍛壓變形悬所影響,此為本發明后述之横 心1及環锻装置3所能相互搭配擠鍛而製成的效果;另觀 圖一及圖三對照所揭示的D-D’剖示圖面,係本發明第二款 各獨立單位等距環列的凹飾檐壁B3形態,其是在較寬大 之弧曲管壁B 4上锻製出長圓形弧凹狀的凹飾槽壁B 3所 成,然而其周遭未受锻歴觸及的管壁B4,亦未受周遭單 位鍛臛所影響,因此仍然維持原有之管壁曲度。 前述花管A在被本發明所利用前,係必須在其管孔A 1中載置棋心1,如圖四所本發明所利用之横心1係 -6 - 本纸張尺度遄用中國國家揉準(CNS ) Α4规格(210X297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) =裝·Printed by the Beigong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 321614 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention _ () [Technical Field] The method and device for squeezing the unit embossment of the gold flower tube provided by the present invention, especially for a The metal tube walls are sculpted and molded with undulating wheel Hao-shaped flower tubes, and once again, the non-circular continuity of independent units of the concave "decorative forging and forging processing operator" is carried out between the undulating tube walls. 〔Background Explanation〕 In the workshop, there is already a forging technology that makes the gold tube «to make a curved curved lung. Most of its methods use rotary forging (ROTARY SWAGER), positioning spindle type (STATIOHARY-SPIHDLE) SWAGER), CREEPING-SPINDLE SWAGER, ALTERNATE-BLOW SWAGER or DIE-CIOSEING SWAGER ... and so on. The metal pipe body made by the progressive processing of other technologies has the undulations on the surface extruded and formed with continuity of spots, especially like the A pipe shown in circle 1, the arc-shaped convex or concave cross-section They all surround the sequence between the inner and outer tube wall peripheral surfaces of the tube body, so we generally call the Jinyi tube thief processed by these technologies as "quoted flower tube". The golden flower tube made by squeezing from above has high resistance strength, and is usually used in general stair handrail orange poles, golden door gate tubes, display rack tubes, tables or chair leg tubes, etc. At the same time, the undulating porch of the tube gamble can also be made by the above-mentioned squeeze forging technology according to the needs, but these undulating lines are all with the continuity of the circumference, and the undulation of the tube is made after each undulation Transverse state; for this reason, if you want to make the undulating contour surface of the flower tube tube to make a unit depression of a non-coherent ring, it is impossible to achieve in the aforementioned forging tube body forging technology, especially The B-tube shown in Figure 1 is shown in Table 1 of the floral tube body _ This paper size uses the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297mm) (please read the $ item on the back and fill in this page) , 装. Binding V. Description of the invention () In accordance with the predetermined angle cut by the surface, there are indents of various unit specifications (ie, the intaglio made by the present invention), which is accompanied by the inner tube The wall and the outer tube wall are made together with the change of concave yam, but the aforementioned conventional satin technology cannot be made , Only by using the conventional gold tungsten manufacturing technology, it may be possible to make a non-coherent unit concave flower tube shape ": but also know that the hammers made by the _ manufacturing method of gold metamorphosis, its grain group Relatively loose, the compressive strength of the M is not good, and because the surface of the suspected gold lute object is relatively rough, it still needs to be ground, and because the pin holes are often left on the object, the quality is very poor, so Affecting the value of the technique is very large, and the cost of the chess system and the equipment for making sand cores and furnace boiling yin, which is supplemented by Australia, is very high. This is also known by those who are engaged in this technology, so How to use the satin squeeze method to produce high-strength non-continuous concave decoration of unit specifications on the wall of the Jinyu flower tube is precisely the motivation for the research and creation of the present invention. Printed by the Beigong Consumer Cooperative of the Bureau of Loss of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) The main purpose of the present invention is to provide a number of boxes that are radially applied from the outer wall of the pipe wall to the inner circumference The sleeve of the Dao unit is pressed toward the satin, and the wall of the compressed unit of the gold flower tube is simultaneously squeezed into several concavities of independent units; it includes the use of a chess heart that can absorb the forging of the units on the wall, And a ring forging device that can calibrate the tube and shift the forging pressure application direction and angle of each unit, thereby enhancing the strength of the forged concave decorative tube, and can also use the ring forging device to process various concave decorative patterns And the use of flower tubes with processing angles, thereby boosting the technical scope of the metal pipe wall for extrusion and forging. In order to achieve the above purpose, the present invention refers to the following technical features: 1. Use hot melt adhesive as a transverse plastic filler to promote its easy melting-3-This paper scale is applicable to China ’s national standard rate (CNS > Λ4 specification (210X297mm)? 3216X4 Α7 Β7 V. Description of the invention () Filled into the hole of the tube, it is full of undulating walls in the tube hole of the flower tube, so that after the hot melt adhesive is cooled and solidified, Fully bear the unit tube wall that is subjected to forging, and then easily accept the slight heat temperature guide after squeezing, which promotes the separation of the hot melt adhesive from the hole wall contact surface, which is beneficial to the front of the tube wall without breaking the groove Under the title, easily remove the horizontal> L ». 2. Use a brace tube made of gold as a support shaft tube for the chessboard. The brace tube wall is wrapped with meshes, each of which is related to the mesh. The center tube hole of the support tube is connected, and there is a knee paper on the outer wall of the broadcast tube. When the hot melt adhesive is loaded between the adhesive film on the outer tube wall of the support tube and the hole wall of the flower tube, the hot melt adhesive The melting temperature promotes the fusion of the adhesive film and the adhesive film makes the hot-melt knee in the process of natural cooling and solidification It does not flow into the center tube hole through each mesh, the center tube hole forming the support tube is hollow, so that when the unit tube wall of the flower tube is subjected to forging pressure, these solidified but soft solid melts can By using these mesh holes to squeeze into the central tube hole of the wiper tube, a chess heart shape is formed that absorbs the forging stress and dissipates in the central tube hole of the support tube. Printed by the Consumer Labor Cooperative of the Central Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ( Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) 3. Use the ring forging device to set up the slideway, and set the seats on the two sides of the slideway respectively, so that it can be automatically adjusted according to the length of the tube body to be forged Adjust the short distance of the two positioning seats: At the same time, it also provides the oil calendar chuck provided on the two positioning seats, so that the tube to be forged can be accurately clamped and positioned at the sleeve core line position. The double-side positioning seats on the economical path of the ring forging device are equipped with a suitable amount of squeeze forging processing seats, each of the processing seats has the effect of automatically adjusting the position of the spacing, and each processing seat body is radiated at an appropriate angle around the circumference. The erection of the hydraulic sister and the head end of the sister is supplemented by The shape of the roll head, so as to provide a comparison of -4-This paper size is suitable for China National Standardization (CNS) Α4 specifications (210X297 mm) Printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Central Bureau of Standards, Beigong Consumer Cooperative «. 3216" A7 B7 V. Invention Description () The flower tube with the diameter specification of Dafanyuan is inserted between the S # eaves of each seat, and the lotus work of the forging processing unit is performed. 5. Use the forging processing seat to assemble the radial radial inside The squeezing-type forging hydraulic head of the Suli Group promotes that even when the forging pressure of each unit wall of the pipe body is in conflict, it can withstand a more equal positive forging force; thereby avoiding the perimeter of the forging unit wall The garden of the tube «withstands unnecessary non-positive component force addition to prevent unnecessary deformation of the peripheral wall of the concave tube wall, and finally promotes the smoothness of the corridor of the concave tube wall of each unit. The degree of twist. Based on the above-mentioned objectives and features, we will enumerate practical examples and explain in detail the manufacturing method of the unit embossment on the synchronous extrusion forging pipe body of the present invention and the form of the device used as follows: [Simple description of drawings] Figure 1: It reveals that the present invention makes Fu Tongjin's flower tube into a tube with unit decoration on the flower tube. Fig. 2: It shows that the invention squeezes on the flower tube to implement the first CC wall of the decoration tube Enlarged cross-sectional circle; Figure 3: It shows the enlarged cross-sectional view of the DD 'of the second embossed tube ig of the present invention on the flower tube; Figure 4: shows the invention in the tube hole of the flower tube The schematic diagram of the three-dimensional assembly filled with the transverse center; FIG. 5: It is a sectional view showing the flower tube of the present invention after the round four is filled with the chessboard I house I * FIG. 6: It is a three-dimensional structural diagram showing the wrought forging device of the invention; _ Seven: It is revealed that the first unit concave tube wall of the present invention is subject to ring forging-5-This paper size is suitable for China National Standard (CNS M4 specification (210X297 mm). Please read the notes on the back before filling in this Page)-Packing. Ordered by the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Beigong Consumer Cooperative Printed A7 B7 5 Description of the invention i :) A partially enlarged cross-sectional view of the oil of the device when the eaves are squeezed; Figure 8: shows the wall of the second unit of the present invention when the wall of the concave decoration is squeezed by the hydraulic eaves of the ring forging device Partially enlarged cross-section circle. [Detailed Description of Embodiments] In order to describe the present invention in more detail, the following examples will be described with reference to the attached drawings: As shown in Garden 1, the present invention utilizes a forged flower tube (such as A tube) as a work piece, according to the position of the shape of the concave groove wall (B1 or B 3) of the required molding unit, it can be timely accepted by the isochronous simultaneous extrusion of a forging device 2 (to be described later) As shown in the B tube, the pipe thief has a concave wall shape; the first engraved groove wall B 1 of each independent unit enumerated by the present invention is shown in Figure 1 and Circle 2. (It is seen in the section of the T section that the concave eaves wall B 1 of each unit is forged on the narrower semi-arc tube wall B2, but the surrounding tube is not touched by the forging brain. The wall B 2, which still maintains its original arc wall curvature, is obviously not affected by the forging deformation and suspension of the concave wall B1 formed in equal intervals. This is the transverse center 1 and the ring forging device described later in the invention 3. The effect that can be made by squeezing and forging with each other; another view of the DD 'cross-sectional view disclosed by comparison of Figure 1 and Figure 3 is the second paragraph of the present invention. The shape of the concave eaves wall B3 in the equidistant ring row is formed by forging an oblong concave groove wall B 3 on the wider arc curved pipe wall B 4, but its surroundings are not affected. The tube wall B4 touched by the forging is not affected by the surrounding unit forging, so the original tube wall curvature is still maintained. Before the flower tube A is used by the present invention, it must be in its tube hole A 1 Place chess heart 1, as shown in Figure 4. The horizontal center 1 series-6 used by the present invention-This paper size adopts China National Standard (CNS) Α4 specification (210X297mm) (please read the notes on the back first (Fill in this page again) = installed

.ST 321614 Α7 Β7 經濟部中央標準局貝工消费合作社印製 五、發明説明() 取用热熔膠1 1及一金靥製成的播管12所構成,其中該 撐管1 2的管體上缠設有諸多網孔1 2 1 ,各網孔1 2 1 皆與播管1 2的中心管孔1 2 2相通,配合圓四及五所示 ,在填製横心1前須先於播管外圃包覆一靥膠紙膜1 2 3 ,後將稱包覆有膠紙膜1 2 3的撐管1 2穿入花管A的管 孔A 1內,次再將熱熔膝1 1以其熔點熱溫(約在70至80 左右)熔融成膠液狀,並灌入花管A的起伏吠孔壁A 2 内,促充份填滿於擦管1 2之外管壁1 2 Ο上的膠紙膜1 23至花管A的起伏孔壁A2間,並藉此熔合該靥膝紙膜 1 2 3而覆蓋所有網孔1 2 1 ,藉此促使熔融的热熔膠1 1不致於灌入時流入網孔1 2 1中,進而預留揮管1 2的 中心管孔1 2 2使之呈現中空狀態,待熱熔膝1 1冷凝後 ,成為管孔A 1内具有極佳展伸變形塑性的花管横心1内 載填料者。 該横心1中的熱熔膠11填料内亦可視需求之抗壓強 度而混入砂砂、繊砂或粒度較網孔孔徑小的網珠作為添加 物1 1 Ο, Μ便提昇該熱熔膠1 1凝結成固態後能包容該 等添加物1 1 Ο,形成具有較高抗壓強度之横心填料者。 如圖六所示,該已經填載有横心1的花管Α,係必須 經由一環鍛裝置2的擠锻加工,方能製成管《上的各單位 凹飾槽壁Β 1及Β 3形態;此環锻裝置2係可實施製成在 一平台21上開設滑道22,在濟道22的雙側分別活動 嵌設定位座3及3 0,並在雙側定位座3及3 0之間的濟 道2 2上再予活動嵌設通量組擠锻加工座4及4 Ο及4 Ο _ 7 一 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度逋用中國國家榡率(CNS ) Α4规格(210X297公釐) :荔/ :荔/ 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印装 A7 B7 五、發明说明() 1及40 2及40 3,其濟道2 2間可設立渦桿或油®赶 (臞習知定位傅動方式組構•故未加治圃敷述),作為控 制二定位座3及3 Ο間夾持各款花管A之管«長度時之調 位使用,同時並藉此定位傅動手段控制各組摘鍛加工座4 ,40, 401, 402· 403間調移所需加工擠級之 相對間距位置; 其間,Μ—側之定位座3為例說明其架構組成,即是 將定位座3之底部製成可嵌設於滑道2 2内的濟座3 1狀 態,此滑座31及滑道22係可製成本實施形態之鳩尾槽 的滑褰配合狀態,或為其它方形或矩形槽及座的滑套配合 形鱅;該定位座3的座賊上係形成有一環部3 2 ,在此環 部3 2的環周適當處架設有數只由外向環心内里放射狀夾 縮的油歷夾頭3 3,藉此形成可夾持各款花管Α管徑規格 的管體精確的定位於軸心線準位處的雙側定位座3及3 Ο 者; 其間,另以一組擠鍛加工座4為例說明其架構組成, 該擠鍛加工座4的底部亦是製成可嵌設於滑道2 2内的滑 座4 1形態,’此滑座4 1及滑道2 2係可製成本實皰形態 之鳩尾槽的滑套配合狀態,或為其它方形或矩形榷及座的 濟套配合形態;此擠鍛加工座4的座體上亦設有一環體4 2,在此環體42的損周通當處架設有數只由外向環心内 呈放射狀夾縮的油腔赶4 3 ,各油壓赶桿4 3 1之頭端可 視所欲擠锻成型凹飾槽壁B 1或B 3的形狀而配設等型之 椅頭44及4 5,藉此形成可經由各油應姐4 3的同步挺 —8 一 本纸張尺度適用中國國家揉準(CNS ) A4规格(210X297公釐) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 .—L. 經濟部中央揉準局貝工消费合作社印装 A7 B7__ 五、發明説明丨) 壓而擠緞製成具有多處獨立單位之凹飾榷壁B 1及B 3的 成型凹飾花管B者。 當在將已經填載有棋心1的花管A置於一環鍛裝置2 内時,係預先調移雙側定位座3及3 0至可夾縮花管A的 間距處,並藉其油壓夾頭33共同夾縮該花管A的雙側管 口端嫌,促待鍛花管A即刻的被校正至準位狀態;此刻花 管A的欲锻管嫌部位皆為裸露在各組擠鍛加工座4, 4 0 ,401, 402, 403間,得立即調移各擠锻加工座 對準所欲擠锻夾締的管嫌部位,如圖七所示狀態中花管A 的管體環結之管壁B 2處,可為圃六所示之加工座4或4 〇1或403所對應,並藉其適當角度處所組置之向環心 内放射挺伸的各只油應姐桿431顗端組置適當型級的檐 頭45,以便將管壁B2擠锻成單位凹飾的檑壁B1狀態 :相對的豳八配合圖六中所示之加工座4 0, 40 2中的 油壓姐桿43 1上,亦組配所需型雜的檐頭44, Μ便對 應花管Α之管壁Β4處,而下應擠锻出如圖八所示之單位 凹飾的榷壁B 3形態;其間係須先得知各段管雅所需成型 之凹飾槽壁B1及B3的數量及設置角度,而於濟道2 2 内組換設置所需的摘锻加工座4, 4 0 1, 4 0 3或4 0 ,40 2,逸而從中組配所需型體的缸桿樓頭44及45 挺進,讓各單位管壁承受同歩的軸向锻應,產生擠锻所成 各款需求形態之凹飾榷壁B 1及B 3者;該巳被癀級成型 之各處單位凹飾槽壁B 1及B 3內的固態熔膠1 1 ,係因 分別承受該單位的擠锻歷力,而使其較底層的固態熔膠1 -9 - 本纸張尺度適用中國國家揉率(CNS ) A4规格(210X297公釐) (請先閱绩背面之注意ί項再填寫本頁) 裝· 訂 321614 五、發明説明() 1因而經由播管12的網孔121排擠至播管12的中空 管孔12 2內•箱此充份吸收該單位凹飾管壁的内應力, 並輔以撐固該凹飾榷壁B1及B3與其端緣管壁間的強度 ,避免随凹飾檐壁的凹陷而產生相對不正常的速帶變形; 其次推縮各組油歷檐頭44及4 並退縮定位座3及3 Ο中的油腔夾頭3 3,使能卸下已鍛製成型的花管B,並 Μ熱熔膠11溶點溫度微微加熱該成型花管内的熱熔膠1 1 ,促成型管孔內壁間的熱熔膠徐熔且孔壁分離,進而藉 由抽拉樓管12而一同取出模心1者,以便展露成型花管 Β中的孔壁凹飾紋雅者,進而完成本發明將金屬花管上擠 鍛出所需處所及形狀之單位凹飾形艘的製程。 利用本發明上述製法,亦可經由組換椿頭之型體,而 在金靥花管上擠锻製成具有獨立單位之竹節、樹皮或龜甲 殻紋等凹體飾紋者,藉Μ達到摘锻製成具有高強度及精緻 蕤術價值兼備的金靥管體。 (請先閲靖背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) ~1束. 訂 -31. 經濟部中央標率局貝工消費合作社印裝 -10 - 本纸張尺度適用中國g家樣率(CNS ) Α4規搞^ ( 2丨0X297公釐).ST 321614 Α7 Β7 Printed by Beigong Consumer Cooperative of Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy V. Description of invention () It is made of hot-melt adhesive 11 and a broadcasting tube 12 made of a gold tulle, in which the support tube 12 is a tube There are many meshes 1 2 1 wrapped around the body, and each mesh 1 2 1 communicates with the central pipe hole 1 2 2 of the broadcast tube 1 2, as shown by circles 4 and 5, before filling the transverse center 1 The outer tube garden is covered with a plastic film 1 2 3, and then the support tube 12 covered with the plastic film 1 2 3 is inserted into the tube hole A 1 of the flower tube A, and then the knee is hot melted. 1 1 Melt into a glue liquid at its melting point heat temperature (about 70 to 80), and pour into the undulating bark wall A 2 of the flower tube A to promote the filling of the tube wall outside the tube 1 2 1 2 Ο on the adhesive film 1 23 to the undulating hole wall A2 of the flower tube A, and thereby fuse the thigh knee film 1 2 3 to cover all meshes 1 2 1, thereby promoting the molten hot melt adhesive 1 1 will not flow into the mesh hole 1 2 1 when pouring, and then the center tube hole 1 2 2 of the tube 12 is reserved to make it appear hollow. After the hot melt knee 1 1 is condensed, it becomes the tube hole A 1 The tube tube with excellent spreading deformation plasticity is filled with filler. The hot melt adhesive 11 in the transverse center 1 can also be mixed with sand, sand or net beads with a smaller particle size than the mesh pore diameter as an additive 1 1 Ο, Μ will enhance the hot melt adhesive according to the required compressive strength 1 1 Condensed into these solids after condensed into a solid state 1 1 Ο, forming a transverse filler with higher compressive strength. As shown in Fig. 6, the flower tube A which has been filled with the transverse center 1 must be squeezed and processed by a ring forging device 2 before it can be made into the unit groove grooves B 1 and B 3 on the tube Form; this ring forging device 2 can be implemented to set up a slideway 22 on a platform 21, on both sides of the jidao 22 to move and set position seats 3 and 30 respectively, and position the seats 3 and 3 0 on both sides Between the jidao 2 2 and the activities of the flux group extrusion forging processing seats 4 and 4 Ο and 4 Ο _ 7 1 (please read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page) This paper size uses the Chinese country Rate (CNS) Α4 specification (210X297mm): Li /: Li / Ministry of Economic Affairs Central Standards Bureau employee consumer cooperative printed A7 B7 V. Description of invention () 1 and 40 2 and 40 3, its Ji Road 2 2 It can be set up with a vortex rod or oil® drive (for the conventional positioning and positioning method, so it has not been described in the nursery), as a control for the two positioning seats 3 and 3 Ο to clamp the length of the tube A It is used for positioning, and at the same time, the positioning and moving means are used to control the relative spacing positions of the processing extrusion stages required for the shifting of each group of picking and forging processing seats 4, 40, 401, 402, and 403; The seat 3 is taken as an example to illustrate its structural composition, that is, the bottom of the positioning seat 3 is made into a state of the seat 31 that can be embedded in the slide 22, and the slide 31 and the slide 22 can be made into this embodiment. The sliding fit state of the dovetail groove, or other square or rectangular grooves and the sliding sleeve matching shape of the seat; the seat thief of the positioning seat 3 is formed with a ring portion 3 2, and the ring portion 3 2 There are a few oil calendar chucks 3 3 that are radially contracted from the outer ring center to the appropriate place, thereby forming a tube body that can hold various flower tubes A. The tube diameter specification is accurately positioned at the axis line level Double-sided positioning seats 3 and 3 Ο; meanwhile, another set of extruding forging seat 4 is taken as an example to illustrate its structural composition, the bottom of the extruding forging seat 4 is also made to be embedded in the slideway 2 2 The shape of the sliding seat 41, the sliding seat 41 and the sliding track 2 2 can be made into the sliding sleeve matching state of the dovetail groove of the real solid blister form, or other square or rectangular shape and the matching fitting form of the seat; this squeeze The seat body of the forging seat 4 is also provided with a ring body 4 2, and the oil of the ring body 42 is erected at the place where there are several oils radially contracted from the outer ring center Catch 4 3, the head end of each hydraulic drive rod 4 3 1 can be equipped with equal-shaped chair heads 44 and 4 5 according to the shape of the concave groove wall B 1 or B 3 to be swaged to form All oils should be synchronized with each other 4 3 -8 A paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). Printed and printed by the Ministry of Central Bureau of Industry and Commerce, Beigong Consumer Cooperative A7 B7__ V. Description of the invention 丨) Pressed and extruded satin to form a molded embossed floral tube B with multiple independent units of glazed walls B 1 and B 3. When placing the flower tube A that has been loaded with the chessboard 1 in a ring forging device 2, the two side positioning seats 3 and 30 are pre-adjusted to the distance where the flower tube A can be pinched, and borrow its oil The chuck 33 clamps the double-sided mouth end of the flower tube A together, urging the forged flower tube A to be immediately adjusted to the level state; at this moment, the suspected parts of the flower tube A are all exposed in each group Extrusion forging seats 4, 4, 0, 401, 402, 403, you must immediately adjust each extruding forging seat to the pipe suspected part of the forging clamp, as shown in Figure 7 in the state of the tube A The tube wall B 2 of the body annulus can correspond to the processing seat 4 or 4 〇1 or 403 shown in No.6, and each oil should be radiated and extended into the ring center by its proper angle. The elder pole 431 has a suitable type of eaves head 45 assembled in order to squeeze the pipe wall B2 into a unit-decorated sill wall B1 state: the opposite bin 8 cooperates with the processing seat shown in Figure 6 4 0, 40 2 In the middle of the hydraulic sister rod 43 1, the required type of eaves 44, M is also corresponding to the tube wall B4 of the flower tube A, and the unit decoration as shown in figure 8 should be extruded below Query wall B 3 form; during which the sections must be known first The number and setting angle of the concave groove walls B1 and B3 required to be molded, and the required forging and forging seats 4, 4 0 1, 4 0 3 or 4 0, 40 2 are assembled and replaced in Jidao 2 2 , And the cylinder heads 44 and 45 of the cylinder body with the required shape are advanced, allowing the unit wall to withstand the axial forging of the same step, resulting in the squeeze wall B 1 And B 3; the solid melts 1 1 in the concave groove walls B 1 and B 3 of the units formed by the Huang-level are subjected to the forging force of the unit, which makes it lower than the bottom layer Solid Melt Adhesive 1 -9-This paper scale is applicable to China National Crushing Rate (CNS) A4 specification (210X297mm) (please read the notes on the back of the performance first and then fill out this page) Binding · Order 321614 V. Description of invention ( ) 1 Therefore, it is squeezed out into the hollow tube hole 12 of the broadcast tube 12 through the mesh 121 of the broadcast tube 12 • The box fully absorbs the internal stress of the wall of the concave tube of the unit, and is supplemented by supporting the concave wall of the concave tube The strength between B1 and B3 and the wall of the end edge tube avoids the occurrence of relatively abnormal speed band deformation with the depression of the concave eaves wall; secondly, the groups of oil calendar eaves heads 44 and 4 are shrunk and the positioning seats 3 and 3 are retracted in Oil cavity chuck 3 3, enables to remove the forged flower tube B, and M hot melt adhesive 11 melting point temperature slightly heats the hot melt adhesive in the formed flower tube 1 1 to promote the shape of the tube wall The hot melt adhesive melts and the hole walls are separated, and then the mold core 1 is taken out by pulling the floor tube 12 together, so as to reveal the hole wall concave decoration in the shaped flower tube B, and then complete the present invention on the metal flower tube The process of squeezing and forging out the unit-concave ship of the required space and shape. By using the above-mentioned manufacturing method of the present invention, it is also possible to squeeze and forge the hollow body of the tufted flower tube to form the decorative patterns of the bamboo, bark or tortoise shell with independent units by assembling the shape of the head. Forged into a gold tube with high strength and exquisite value. (Please read the precautions on the back of Jing Jing before filling out this page) ~ 1 bundle. Order-31. Printed by the Beigong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standard Rating Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs -10-This paper standard applies to the Chinese sample rate (CNS) Α4 regulation ^ (2 丨 0X297mm)

Claims (1)

321614321614 3.修正〕 經濟部中央標率局負工消費合作社印*. 六、申請專利範圍 1. 一種金靥花管之單位凹飾的擠鍛方法,主要係針對 已摘锻成型具有起伏管壁的金靨花管,施行其管壁上之非 連首性單位凹飾榷壁的摘級加工,其方法係包括: Μ—管面上遍設有網孔的播管,作為一横心的支搏物 ,並Μ適最熔融的熱培腰作為該模心的填料; 先將上述播管表面包覆一曆膠紙横,而後將包覆有膠 紙横的撐管置入花管的管孔內,鑛將熔融之‘熱‘熔膠裝填進 入播管外壁的膝紙横面至花管内壁間圼飽實狀,促熱熔膠 溶覆該朦紙横,以便覆Μ所有網孔,促留下播管之中心管 孔,呈現中空狀態,待熱溶滕冷卻後,定型成具柔軟性的 固態熔朦; 將已填載上述棋心的花管架設於一瓌鍛裝置内,擠鍛 加工該等需求單位凹飾形嫌的管壁,製成所两各款單位凹 飾榷壁輪廊的成型花管; 績將巳擠鍛單位凹飾成型的花管,施予熱熔膠之熔點 熱溫,促管孔內壁間的固態熱熔滕因溶縮而與孔壁分離, 進而藉抽拉撐管而取出整個横心填料,展現巳擠鍛成型具 有各歎單位凹飾紋體的花管孔壁者,完成加工之製程。 2. 如申請専利範麵第1項中所述金靥花管之單位凹飾 的擠锻方法,其中該棋心中的熱熔膠填料內,亦可視所需 抗懕強度之提增,而適時混入矽砂、娥砂或粒度較撐管網 孔孔徑小的鋼珠,作為熱熔膠垓料中的添加物。 3. 如申請専利範圍第1項中所述金靥花管之單位凹飾 * 的擠緞方法,其中在單位管壁承受軸向锻壓作用力時,該 -11 - (锖先聞讀背面之注$項再填寫本頁) 本纸張尺度適用中國國家樑準(CNS ) Α4规格(210Χ297公釐) Α8 Β8 C8 D8 六、申請專利範圍 管壁內載之固態熔膝填料,係畲因連箱受力而經所在位的 網孔排擒至搏管的中心管孔內,形成吸收單位凹飾槽壁間 之正向鍛應作用力的摘毅用撗心者。 4. 一種金饜花管之軍位凹飾的擠鍛裝置,主要係針對 已擠鍛成型具有起伏管壁的金鼷花管,施行其管壁上之非 連貫性單位凹飾榷壁的濟锻加工,其裝置為: 利用一瓖鍛裝置,具有雙側定位座及適董組摘鍛加工 座,皆是滑套於一平台的濟道內,得Μ調整相對位移之間 距,且滑道上的適量組擠锻加工座,係濟設於雙側定位座 之間,同時雙側定位座上係設有萬向油歷夾頭,用Μ校位 並夾固待鍛的花管管體,適量組擠鍛加工座上皆具有一環 賊,環體的瓖周適當處架設有數只由外向壤心内圼放射狀 夾縮的油壓SE,各油歷赶桿之頭端可視所欲擠毅成型凹飾 權壁的形狀而配設等型之椿頭,形成可同步多向挺歷擠鍛 管壁的加工座體:賴此對巳填載棋心的花管管壁進行摘锻 加工,製成所需各款單位凹飾檣壁輪麻的成型花管者。 (請先Μ讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部中央揉率局男工消费合作社印裝 -12 - 本紙張尺度適用中國國家揲率(CNS ) Α4規格(210X297公釐)3. Amendment] Printed by the Consumer Labor Cooperative of the Central Standardization Bureau of the Ministry of Economy. The gold plumbum flower tube is used to carry out the subdivision processing of the non-continuous unit concave decoration on the wall of the tube. The method includes: Μ—A tube with mesh holes all over the tube surface as a horizontal support Strike, and use the most molten heat-cultivated waist as the filler of the mold core; first cover the surface of the above-mentioned broadcast tube with a horizontal tape, and then place the support tube covered with the horizontal tape into the tube of the flower tube In the hole, the ore fills the molten 'hot' melt glue into the cross section of the knee paper on the outer wall of the broadcast tube to the inner wall of the flower tube, and promotes the hot melt glue to dissolve the haze paper in order to cover all the mesh holes Promote leaving the center tube hole of the broadcast tube, showing a hollow state, after the hot melt is cooled, it is shaped into a soft solid melt; set the flower tube filled with the above chessboard in a forging device, squeeze Forging and processing the tube wall of the concave shape of these demanding units, and forming the molded flowers of the concave wall porches of the two units. The flower tube formed by the embossing of the forging unit is applied to the melting point and temperature of the hot melt adhesive to promote the separation of the solid hot melt between the inner wall of the tube hole and the wall of the hole due to shrinkage. The entire horizontal center filler shows the squeeze and forging of the wall of the flower tube hole with the concave embossed body of each unit, and the processing process is completed. 2. For the method of squeezing the unit decoration of the gold plumb tube as described in item 1 of the application profile, where the hot-melt adhesive filler in the chessboard can also be increased according to the increase of the required resistance strength, and in time It is mixed with silica sand, e sand or steel balls with a smaller particle size than the pore diameter of the support pipe network, as an additive in the hot melt adhesive. 3. The satin squeezing method of the unit decoration of the gold plumeria tube as described in item 1 of the scope of application, in which when the unit tube wall is subjected to an axial forging force, the -11-(锖 first read the back Note $ item and then fill out this page) This paper standard is applicable to China National Standards (CNS) Α4 specifications (210Χ297mm) Α8 Β8 C8 D8 VI. Patent application scope The solid molten knee filler contained in the wall of the pipe is the cause of the problem The force of the connecting box is discharged into the central tube hole of the trochanter through the mesh of the position, forming a heart-plucking person who absorbs the positive forging force between the concave groove walls of the unit. 4. A squeeze-forging device for the military gravure of the golden flower tube, mainly for the squeeze and forging of the gold-flower tube with the undulating tube wall, to implement the non-continuous unit concave decoration on the wall of the tube Forging processing, the device is: using a wrought forging device, which has a double-side positioning seat and a forging processing seat of the Shidong group, all of which are sliding sleeves on a platform, and the distance between the relative displacements can be adjusted by Μ, and the sliding path The proper amount of extrusion and forging processing seats are located between the two-side positioning seats. At the same time, the two-side positioning seats are equipped with a universal oil calendar chuck, which is used to correct the position and clamp the flower tube body to be forged. There are a ring of thieves on the proper amount of forging and processing seats. A number of oil pressure SEs are radiated and contracted radially from the outer to the inner core of the ring body. The head of each oil calendar can be squeezed as desired. Forming the shape of the concave decorative right wall and equating the shape of the head, forming a processing seat body that can simultaneously synchronously multiply the forging tube wall: relying on this to extract and forge the flower tube wall filled with chess hearts, The person who made the molded flower tube of the various units of the required decoration. (Please read the precautions on the back first and then fill out this page) Printed by the Male Workers ’Consumer Cooperative of the Central Rubbing Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs -12-This paper scale is applicable to China ’s National Atomic Rate (CNS) Α4 specification (210X297 mm)
TW85108883A 1996-07-22 1996-07-22 The swaging method and devices for metal carved pipe TW321614B (en)

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TW85108883A TW321614B (en) 1996-07-22 1996-07-22 The swaging method and devices for metal carved pipe

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