201221051 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係一種寵物餵食監控系統,詳而言之係一種以伺服電腦透過網 際網路連結遠端電腦作為操控餵食機構的平台,並在伺服電腦建置諸多模 組’並透過操作介面以模組控制餵食機構遠端照料寵物的系統。 【先前技術】 養寵物具有許多好處,例如在貓、狗的相伴與互動下,可以放鬆身心、 抒解壓力、療癒傷痛及調劑生活。 為因應飼主因故(例如出差公幹或外出旅行而數日未歸)未能按時假養 照料寵物,寵物用具相關業者提出了中華民國公告號131號「可即時 監控的寵物籠」做改善,其結構主要由—獸蘢、複數個感應器、以及一處 理模組所組成,該練是由複數個結構體構成足以容納寵物的空間,並至 少設置有一餵食皿盤、一飲用水孔、一排泄容器; 複數個感應器至少被安裝在食物落下口所連接的食物儲存槽、傲食皿 盤、飲用水孔所連接的水槽、酶物容器巾、以及絲在㈣儀板上溫度 感知裝置,用以_食物儲存槽、飯食皿盤、飲用水孔所連接的水槽、排 泄物容器的目前狀態與環境溫度自動監控; 該處it模組則依據相關的感應器所侧到的狀態,透過有線或益線網 際網路傳侧嫩術#,續肋_繼猶理,並透 過網路树設定,直接交由職舰純代飼主進行寵物相__照料 然而,此種寵物籠仍存有以下缺點: 201221051 一 '食物儲存概齡_水轉·能_與齡是否足夠的狀態 (足夠或不足夠),由於到何種程度才是足夠或不足夠並不明確,所以飼主 無法確實掌握飲水與飼料的實際狀態。 二、 寵物動態影像監視係使用IP網路攝影機,不但構造複雜價格昂貴, 且需要-_ IP位址’與網路Ip位址不同,因此,若非專業人員難以 加以設錢用,且其操控晝面是社的魏,並無絲人糊—網路監控 真上操作時必/頁同時開啟二個系統,而造成操作上諸多不便。 三、 各項功能的設定及調整是透過多個分散式的網路頁面進行,設定 及調整必須重複往返於不同網頁之間,除了必須等待網頁的傳輸與存取 外,若網路連線巾_會造賴料流失,導致·籠無法正常運作。 〜四、寵物若胁料顿㈣,必翻縣上無縣地台找達成無線 通il周路的力& ’複雜的基地台設定造成無線網際網路顧的麻煩。 由此可知’目前可即時監㈣寵物籠仍存有諸多問題,實有加以改善 的必要。 【發明内容】 本發明係提供-魏触食監控线,透過本n模組設^,操控 傲食機構自動_、補絲物飼料,以及減寵物的視訊f彡像,使飼主可 適時掌握寵物動態’鱗決無暇或無法親自餵食的問題。 為了達成前述目的,本發明係以一祠服電腦透過有線或無線網際網路 連結至少-遠端電腦作_控—餵食機構的平台,本系統係、於該伺服電腦 建置有: 一權限管理模組,供伺服或遠端Μ設定至少-操作本紐的使用授 201221051 權; 飯艮控sfe組’供伺服或遠端電腦設定至少一包含銀食時間及饒食 里的飯艮排a I雜食排程係加以儲存並可自由讀取、修改或刪除,該 餵倾管模組於本系統啟動時係自動載入前次使用的餵食排程,且該傲食 控管模組可關_食排程,讓飼主_手動傲食; —存糧監控额,胁伺服或遠端電議_食機躲水、飼料的剩 餘量,以及其館食器皿内有無飲水、飼料; 一動態監看模組’係透過網際網路紐食機構接魏物的即時視訊, 該伺服或翻電齡龍食機卿健㈣綠做調整; -資料庫’肋存取各賴組由健或遠端電腦設定或更新的資料; 八#作’丨面’係彙整前賴_魏独_化顯示,係直接在操作 "面進订權限管理省食控f、存糧監控及動態監看等功能; 該館食機構係接收從赌或遠端電腦以操作介面發出的控制,進行對 應的餵食與監控作業。 本系統基於上述架構,係進一步包括·· —、於該值電腦係進-步建置控制模組,係透過有線或益線 網際網路龍食機構觀_啟亮度,該操作介面㈣整該昭明 控制模組的功能並加以圖形化顯示。 、、 旦二、該操作介面對應該存糧監控模組係具有一飲水健量表及一飼料儲 里表’用以線賴示飲水、侧_餘量;對應該動態監看模組則具有— 視訊窗格,用以顯示寵物的即時視訊。 三、本系統可在概或遠端電腦不預期斷線時自動連線,該權限管理 201221051 模組之使用權限係為IP位置或註冊帳號任一者。 藉由上述架構,本系統具有以下功能特點: 透過飯食控管模組自由設定或調整多次餵食時間與餵食量的多 寡’本系統啟動時係自域入前次使用的餵食排程,省下重複設定之麻煩, 亦可載入另外驗食排程,以適合家中不同寵物或不同咖的需求,所有 餵食排程均可讀取、修改、刪除_存,在設定和調整上極為方便。 -、透過存糧監賊㈣㈣繼水、鑛關餘量,飲水、飼料的 剩餘量將由飲水儲量表及飼料儲量表線性顯示,讓飼主更容易掌握飲水、 飼料的實際儲量。 二 '透過動態監看模組接收寵物的㈣視減對靴監㈣方位麵 整’便於監控寵物的動態’而視訊畫面由視訊窗格整合在操作介面中,可 直接開啟或關’且所有模_功能均顧—畫面下進行設定無需切換 使用介面,操作方便。 四、 無論词服電腦或是遠端電腦所設定或儲存的資料均直接存於飼服 電腦之資辦巾,俾湘職腦與麵設定同步更新及資料備份。 五、 僅允許授獅IP或註冊帳號進人本系統,以防火牆的設計防止他 人任意更動或操作本系統’維護系統安全,且本系統會在伺服或遠端電腦 不預期斷線時自動連線,可確保正常運作。 六、 本系統可應用無線RS232模組與單晶片控制器可達到遠距離無線 通訊的能力,無需進行複雜的基地台設定。 因此’本發明誠可謂-種相當具有實用性及進步性之發明,值得產業 界大力推廣’並公諸於社會大眾。 201221051 【實施方式】 本發明係有關於一種寵物餵食監控系統,係以一伺服電腦透過有線或 無線網際鱗連結至少-遠端電難為難—餵食機構的平台,本系統可 在伺服或遠端電腦不預期斷線時自動連線。 晴參閱第-圖至與第二圖所示,於本實補巾,舰電腦與遠端電腦 係應用無線RS232模組與單晶片控制器達到無線通訊,並操控傲食機構, 本系統係於該伺服電腦建置有: • —觀管理模組’供舰或遠端電腦設定至少-操作本純的使用授 權’該權限管《組之使用概係為Ip位置或珊帳號任一者; -银食控官歡’供條或遠端電腦設定至少—包含齡時間及飯食 量的傲Μ條’各德食排程係加以健存並可自由讀取、修改或刪除,該 餵食控管模組於本系統啟動時係自動载入前次使用的傲食排程,且該館食 控管模組可關閉餵食排程,讓飼主改採手動餵食; 一存糧監控模組’係於舰或遠端f腦顯示齡機構飲水、飼料的剩 _ 餘量’以及其顧食器皿内有無飲水、飼料; -動態監看模組’係透過網際網路從飯食機構接收寵物的即時視訊, 該伺服或遠端電腦可對健食機構影像監控的方位做調整; -照明控纏組,係透過有線或無__路_食機構做照明的啟閉 及亮度調整; 貝料庫’肋存取各該模組由舰或遠端電腦設定或更新的資料; 一#作介面,係彙整前賴組的魏並以_化顯示,係直接在操作 介面進行權限管理、儀食控管、存糧監控及動態監看等功能; 201221051 該飯食機_接收從舰或遠端電腦簡作介面發㈣控制,進行對 應的餵食與監控作業。 續請配合參照第三圖所示’該嶋為本發明之操作介面示賴,於本 實施例中’該操作介面對應權限管理模組具有供使用者輸入㈣「登錄者」 攔位’輸入㈣「建立連線」紐,若通過權限驗證即可登入系統,當操作」 元後按「中斷連線」紐則從系統登出; 其次,該操作介面對應假食控管模組具有「設定排程」搁位,供使用 者依時/分自行鍵讀食日嫌«大/中/小的餵食量之後,按「儲存」紐 即可於資料庫增加-雜食排程,亦可按「刪除」紐將傲食排程逐筆刪除, 或按「清除記錄」钮全數删除,而「設轉程」攔位上方則具有系統時間 與目前套驗食排程_容,按「載人排程」紐可選取其健食排程,^ 擇後按「更新」紐則系統切換成新的飯食排程並顯示其内容,按「修改排 程」紐可對餵食排程内容進行修改,修改後同樣按「更新」紐即可將修改 内容覆蓋於銀食排程,若使用者想由自己親自絲寵物,則可按「手動銀 食」紐停止飯食排程; 再者,該操作介面對應存糧監控模組係具有一「飲水儲量表」及—「飼 ;斗健量表」用以線性顯讀水、飼料輔餘量,並具有「餵食器皿」燈號, 以燈號_滅顯秘食器皿㈣無飲水、侧; i 此外該操作介面對應動態監看模組具有一「視訊窗格」,按「即時視 ^」紐可開啟齡機構的攝影機對寵物進行影像監控,按視訊窗格的四個 「方向箭頭」可聰縣㈣施做調整; 最後’該操作介面對應照明控制模組具有「照明開關」紐,依按壓次 201221051 . 數調整可啟閉餵食機構的照明或調整亮度,其狀態係以燈號明滅及亮度做 顯示。 由上所述者僅用以解釋本發明之較佳實施例,並非企圖具以對本發明 作任何形式上之限制,是以,凡有在相同之發明精神下所做有關本發明之 任何修飾或變更者,皆仍應包括在本發明意圖保護之範疇内。 综上所述,本發明「寵物餵食監控系統」其實用性及成本效益上確201221051 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a pet feeding monitoring system, which is a platform for controlling a feeding mechanism by using a servo computer to connect a remote computer through an Internet, and is in a servo computer. A system for building a number of modules' and controlling the feeding mechanism to remotely care for pets through a user interface. [Prior Art] There are many benefits to keeping a pet. For example, in the presence and interaction of cats and dogs, you can relax, relieve stress, heal pain and adjust your life. In response to the failure of the owner to take care of the pet on time due to reasons such as a business trip (such as a business trip or a trip abroad), the pet related equipment company proposed the Republic of China Bulletin No. 131 "Pet Cage that can be monitored immediately" for improvement. The structure is mainly composed of a beast, a plurality of sensors, and a processing module. The training consists of a plurality of structures forming a space sufficient for accommodating a pet, and at least one feeding dish, a drinking water hole, and a Excretion container; a plurality of sensors are installed at least in a food storage tank connected to the food drop port, a proud dish plate, a water tank connected to the drinking water hole, an enzyme container towel, and a temperature sensing device on the (4) plate. The current state and ambient temperature of the water storage tank, the rice dish tray, the water tank connected to the drinking water hole, and the waste container are automatically monitored; the it module is wired according to the state of the relevant sensor. Or the benefits of the Internet to pass the side of the tender surgery #, continued rib _ follow the jurisprudence, and through the network tree settings, directly handed over to the naval ship pure generation of the owner of the pet phase __ care, however, this pet There are still the following shortcomings in the cage: 201221051 A 'food storage age _ water rotation · energy _ and the state of sufficient age (sufficient or not enough), because to what extent is sufficient or not enough is not clear, so the owner It is impossible to know the actual state of drinking water and feed. Second, the pet dynamic image monitoring system uses IP network camera, which is not only complicated and expensive, but also requires -_IP address to be different from the network Ip address. Therefore, if it is difficult for non-professionals to set up money, and its operation昼The face is the Wei of the society, there is no trace of it - the network monitoring will actually open the two systems at the same time, which will cause a lot of inconvenience in operation. Third, the setting and adjustment of various functions are carried out through a plurality of decentralized web pages. The settings and adjustments must be repeated between different web pages, in addition to waiting for the transmission and access of the web pages, if the network connection towel _ will cause the loss of materials, resulting in the cage can not function properly. ~ 4, pets if the threat of food (four), will be turned over to the county without a county platform to find a wireless pass il week road force & 'complex base station settings cause wireless Internet trouble. From this, we can see that there are still many problems in the pet cages that can be immediately monitored (4), and it is necessary to improve them. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a Wei-Feeling Monitoring Line, through which the n-module is set, the automatic feeding mechanism is controlled, the silk feeding material, and the video of the pet are reduced, so that the owner can grasp the pet at the right time. Dynamic 'scales are innocent or unable to feed in person. In order to achieve the foregoing object, the present invention is a platform for connecting at least a remote computer to a control-feeding mechanism through a wired or wireless Internet. The system is provided with: Module, for servo or remote Μ setting at least - the operation of this button is used to grant 201221051; the rice cooker control sfe group 'for the servo or remote computer to set at least one rice meal time and food in the rice cooker row a I The omnivorous meal schedule is stored and can be freely read, modified or deleted. The feed tilting tube module automatically loads the previous feeding schedule when the system is started, and the espresso control module can be closed _ Food scheduling, let the owner _ manual arrogant; - food monitoring amount, threat servo or remote power _ food machine hiding water, the remaining amount of feed, and whether there is drinking water, feed in its food containers; a dynamic monitoring mode The group's access to the real-time video of the Weiwu through the Internet New Zealand food service, the servo or the power-aged food machine Qing Jian (4) green to make adjustments; - the database 'rib access access to each group set by the health or remote computer Or updated information; Before the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Control, carry out the corresponding feeding and monitoring operations. The system is based on the above-mentioned architecture, and further includes, in the computer system, the control module is built in step by step, and the brightness is controlled by the wired or the benefit network, and the operation interface (4) The functions of the control module are displayed graphically. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The video pane is used to display the instant video of the pet. Third, the system can be automatically connected when the remote computer or the remote computer is not expected to be disconnected. The rights management 201221051 module usage rights are either IP location or registered account. With the above structure, the system has the following features: Freely set or adjust the feeding time and feeding amount through the rice control module. 'This system is started from the previous feeding schedule, and saves the feeding schedule. Repeat the setting trouble, you can also load another inspection schedule to suit the needs of different pets or different coffee in the family. All feeding schedules can be read, modified, deleted, and saved in setting and adjustment. - Through the storage of food thieves (4) (4) Subsequent water and mine clearance, the remaining amount of drinking water and feed will be displayed linearly by the drinking water reserve table and the feed reserve table, making it easier for the owner to grasp the actual reserves of drinking water and feed. Secondly, the dynamic monitoring module receives the pet's (four) visual reduction of the boots (four) azimuth plane 'easy to monitor the pet's dynamic' and the video screen is integrated into the operation interface by the video pane, which can be directly turned on or off' and all modes _Functions are all in mind - setting under the screen does not need to switch the interface, and the operation is convenient. 4. The data set or stored by the word service computer or the remote computer is directly stored in the feeding machine of the feeding machine, and the Xiaoyang brain and face settings are synchronized and the data is backed up. 5. Only allow the lion IP or registered account to enter the system. The firewall is designed to prevent others from arbitrarily changing or operating the system's maintenance system security, and the system will automatically connect when the servo or remote computer is not expected to be disconnected. To ensure proper operation. Sixth, the system can apply wireless RS232 module and single-chip controller to achieve long-distance wireless communication capability without complex base station settings. Therefore, the invention can be described as a kind of invention which is quite practical and progressive, and is worthy of promotion by the industry and is publicized to the public. 201221051 [Embodiment] The present invention relates to a pet feeding monitoring system, which is a platform for a servo computer to connect at least a remote hard-difficult-feeding mechanism through a wired or wireless network scale. The system can be used in a servo or remote computer. It is not expected to automatically connect when disconnected. Clearly, as shown in the figure - to the second figure, in this real package, the ship computer and the remote computer system use wireless RS232 module and single-chip controller to achieve wireless communication, and control the arrogant mechanism, the system is The servo computer is built with: • Viewing management module 'Installation of the ship or remote computer at least - operating the pure use authorization'. The authority of the group is the use of the Ip location or the Shan account; Silver Food Control Officer's 'stipulations for strips or remote computers' at least—the arrogant strips containing age and food intake' are stored and can be freely read, modified or deleted. The feeding control model The group automatically loads the previous use of the food schedule at the start of the system, and the food control tube module of the museum can close the feeding schedule, allowing the owner to manually feed; the stock monitoring module is tied to the ship or The remote f-brain shows the drinking water of the aged body, the remaining amount of the feed _ and the presence or absence of drinking water and feed in the food container; - the dynamic monitoring module receives the instant video of the pet from the feeding institution via the Internet, the servo Or remote computer can monitor the image of the health food organization Orientation adjustment; - Lighting control group, lighting and opening and closing and brightness adjustment through wired or no __ road_food mechanism; The information of a # interface is the result of the integration of the former Lai group Wei and the _ display, directly in the operation interface for authority management, instrument control, food monitoring and dynamic monitoring; 201221051 The meal machine _ receiving From the ship or the remote computer, the interface is controlled (4) to carry out the corresponding feeding and monitoring operations. Please refer to the third figure for the operation interface of the present invention. In this embodiment, the operation interface corresponds to the rights management module for the user to input (4) "Login" block input (4) "Set up connection" button, if you can verify the system by login, you can log out of the system by pressing "Disconnect" after the operation. Secondly, the operation interface corresponds to the fake food control module with "Settings". """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" New Zealand will delete the food schedule one by one, or delete it by pressing the "Clear Record" button, and the system time and current set of food inspection schedules will be set above the "Set Transfer" block. New can choose its food schedule, ^ press "Update" button to switch to a new meal schedule and display its contents, press "Modify Schedule" button to modify the feed schedule content, after modification Also press "Update" button to overwrite the modified content to the silver platter. If the user wants to have a pet by himself, he can stop the meal scheduling by pressing the "Manual Silver Food" button. In addition, the operation interface corresponding to the grain monitoring module has a "drinking water reserve table" and "feeding; "Drunk Health Scale" is used to linearly read water and feed allowances, and has a "feeding vessel" light signal. The light signal _ is used to show the secret food utensils (4) no drinking water, side; i in addition, the operation interface corresponds to dynamic monitoring The module has a "video pane". Press the "immediate view" button to open the camera of the ageing agency to monitor the pets. According to the four "directional arrows" of the video pane, Kecong County (4) will make adjustments; The operation interface corresponding lighting control module has a "lighting switch" button, according to the number of pressing 201221051. The number of adjustments can be used to open and close the lighting of the feeding mechanism or adjust the brightness, and the state is displayed by the light source and the brightness. The above description is only intended to explain the preferred embodiments of the present invention, and is not intended to limit the invention in any way. The changer should still be included in the scope of the intention of the present invention. In summary, the "pet feeding monitoring system" of the present invention is practical and cost-effective.
實是完全符合產業上發展所需,且所揭露之結構發明亦是具有前所未有的 創新構造’所以其具有「新穎性」應無疑慮,又本發明可較制之沾構更 具功效之增進,因《具有「進步性」,其完全符合細專·有_明專 利之申睛要件的規定’乃依法提起專利申請,並敬請釣局早 給予肯定。 —’並 【圖式簡單說明】 遠端電腦與餵食機構的連線 第-圖係為本翻寵_食監控緣之饲服、 機制示意圖。 第—圖係為本翻之系統架構。 第三圖係為本發明操作介面之示意圖 【主要元件符號說明】 M.It is in full compliance with the needs of industrial development, and the disclosed structural invention is also an unprecedented innovative structure. Therefore, its "novelty" should be undoubtedly considered, and the invention can be more effective in promoting the construction. Because of the "progressiveness", it is in full compliance with the requirements of the special requirements of the patents of the patents. It is a patent application in accordance with the law, and the fishing bureau is required to give affirmation. —’ and [Simple description of the diagram] The connection between the remote computer and the feeding mechanism The first picture is a schematic diagram of the feeding service and mechanism of the food monitoring edge. The first figure is the system architecture of the system. The third figure is a schematic diagram of the operation interface of the present invention.