201208646 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域1 [0001] 本發明為一可攜式診斷量測裝置,利用非侵入式的 方式可以記錄人體至少一個生理參數。 【先前技術】 [0002] 目前人口當中有越來越多的覺悟與意願,為了希望 平時可以獨立地監測自身的健康,並且可以持續清楚地 了解自已在預防疾病的健康狀態。近年來,利用血壓量 測裝置、體溫計以量測是否發燒,以及所謂量測身體肥 胖比例的體脂計等,已經常為一般人所使用。 因此,可攜式診斷量測裝置,已經傾向於適合在家 中使用與操作,而沒有空間使用上的限制。 例如D E 6 01 0 8 6 7 3 T 2相關的量測裝置之專利為例, 此專利係可量測人體的某一生理參數。如使用電極來監 測身體肥胖,此方法為將手拇指放置於量測的前電極, 將其餘手指放置於提供電源端的後電極之量測裝置。 〇 【發明内容】 [0003] 相反地,本發明裝置即是提供一個具可攜式診斷量 測裝置,可以非侵入式的方式可以記錄人體至少一個生 理參數。 此份發明工作將分別由其獨具特徵的的專利要件所 完成。較佳之專利具體内容將由底下之專利要件一一說 明。 較特別的是一可攜式診斷量測裝置,可以以非侵入 100126833 表單編號A0101 第3頁/共27頁 1003375088-0 201208646 式的方式至少記錄人體至少一個生理參數。因為該裝置 包含一個整合感測器,可以記錄生理參數;一個整合評 估單元,可以評估該生理參數、完成參數的估測計算並 且將此數值顯示出來。該裝置同時具有一個基座與一個 護蓋,護蓋為一個可動的,作為與基座間之關與閉動作 的旋轉。而護蓋與基座都有一個放置的表層用以放置人 的手指,同時在放置的表層有至少一個感測器;得以將 手指放在護蓋與基座之間的關閉位置,因此生理參數就 在該關閉位置完成生理參數的紀錄動作。 本發明裝置的優點為可以將手指固定置放於護蓋與 基座之間,如此可以重覆性的進行人體生理參數的量測 。也因為如此,在手指放置的表層,有一停止的標誌, 引導手指可以在關上護蓋時,確認手指是往那個方向, 同時也確認固定在測試的置放位置。 當將手指置放下於所謂的凹處區,手指也因此固定 與凹處區的延長面相互垂直,於此設計後,之前擔心手 心無法準確地與感測器接觸,也因此解決。另一方面, 由於此設計,因此所測試人的手指可以重覆性的在同一 位置進行量測’所以即便測試的時間不同,同樣的人還 是可以很可靠地量測他自己的生理參數,在不同時間内 記錄其生理參數。 根據本發明,所謂的各凹處區是一個半圓柱長方形 狀,凹處區至少一處,且分別平行於基座的表面。該凹 處區幾何組態相當於手指相反的體積面,使手指可以較 佳地固定在凹處區。舉例而言,當該裝置放在桌面的平 100126833 面處’手指只須放入凹處區然後就可將護蓋關閉 表單編號A0101 第4頁/共27頁 因此 1003375088-0 201208646 之前裝置設計需要利用兩支手繁瑣將此裝置進行固定, 以及需要利用壓力的方式將手指變動的位置壓制於感測 器上,都可一一避免掉。 在此必須說明,該凹處區的型狀也可以是橢圓形的 截面。 本發明裝置的護蓋包含第一鉸鍊,得以將護蓋與基 座間進行開與關之動作,而護蓋也可以包含第二個鉸鍊 ,其優點在於讓第一鉸鍊與第二鉸鍊間彼此平行運作, 得以讓不同直徑的手指尺寸還是可以固定在護蓋與基座 Ο 之間。此外,護蓋與基座係利用簡單的機械組裝而成, 兩者連接一起,而不會因為護蓋與基座的傾斜而產生量 測的誤動作,也增加該裝置的使用性。 在此必需指出,有許多可行的方法將護蓋與基座繫 牢在一起,同時兩者可以一起移動。例如一個導引機構 ,其軸與基座相互垂直,致使讓護蓋在垂直方向得以與 基座相對運動。特別的是如望遠鏡伸縮型態的護蓋導引 於基座上也是一特別的設計。單一或是雙鉸鍊(一個接一 〇 個串接或是一個個平行並列)也是可以使用。再者,護蓋 與基座繫牢或是鉸鍊結構,可以彈性元件或是扣件進行 固定與分開的動作。特別的設計是,當護蓋打開時,會 緩缓地回復到與基座關閉的位置。這就不同於先前技術 ,使本發明裝置因此可以很舒適地為個人所使用。也就 是使用者打開護蓋,將至少將一支手指放置於基座表面 上的感測器,待護蓋缓緩闔上於關閉位置,就可以開始 量測及紀錄的過程。可以重覆性地使用,而且當蓋上護 蓋時,量測的程序也可以自動地開始。 100126833 表單編號A0101 第5頁/共27頁 1003375088-0 201208646 根據本發明,本發明裝置的顯示單元就安置於護蓋 的一端,背對著基座,因此當關上護蓋時,使用者就可 以讀取顯示單元。如果該顯示單元可以是觸控螢幕,使 用者可以在實際的程序中選擇不同的量測參數。需要的 話亦可以決定不同的生理參數,用不同的感測器。 舉例而言,所使用的生理參數係包含心電圖資料、 溫度資料、血壓資料、血含氧量及組織對氧耗氣量,甚 至可以量測企糖。 本發明裝置之基座可由電池提供電力於本裝置,也 同時因為電池於基座的重量因素,可以較佳地穩固在如 桌面的平面上,不會不經意而傾倒該裝置。 本發明裝置係包含類比與數量元件,其中該類比元 件設於基底座,該數位元件設於護蓋處,反之亦然。因 為類比與數位元件在空間設計中分開,所以彼此不受干 擾,得以進行較靈敏的生理參數量測及記錄,尤其是在 進行數位處理運算時而沒有任何風險。因此,整個量測 的品質提升,本發明的裝置的準確度及靈敏度亦相對提 高,而外在干擾或是擾動也相對地降低。 本發明裝置係包含一通訊界面,可以是近場通訊界 面,如藍牙或是遠紅外線界面或是USB界面。此一通訊界 面係用來傳遞本發明裝置所記錄的資料到外部裝置。如 此,本發明裝置可以利用USB界面與家用電腦相互連接。 因此,病患可以將複雜的量測藉由適當的評估軟體,以 了解及評估自己的生理資料。同時此通訊方式也可以利 用藍牙的方式,利用手機的方式將資料傳遞到外面的健 康服務中心,以利提供此服務中心可以進行評估此資訊 100126833 表單編號A0101 第6頁/共27頁 1003375088-0 201208646 以及使用所量測到的資料。 同時,具有GPS的功能可以整合在本發明裝置的無線 通訊單元。在緊急的醫療狀況,本發明裝置可以將所需 要的訊息與位置傳遞到救護單位,並緊急通知救護。 本發明裝置還包括凹處區之防光的設計,當手指放 在基座的放置的表面上,護蓋蓋上時可以避免外部光源 侵入凹處區。該凹處區之防光對於量測的優點在於阻絕 外部的光源入侵,不會影響到内部以光感測方式的量測 。此防光目的為因為在量測人體的生理參數時,某些自 Ο 然光的波長會與測量的光譜相近。例如,在診斷脈波氧 計測值,所使用的感測器就具有兩種光源,一種為放射 可見光,另外一種則為近紅光的不同波長的光打到人體 的組織。光由人體組織散射到出來,是可以由適當的光 感測器所感知,如光二極體。利用光感測器的強度來定 論在血中的含氧量。在此需要說明的是,不同的感測器 都可以應該在此測量的目的。除了光二極體與電極之外 ,感測器也可以是整個陣列式的感測器,允許置放後及 〇 過了些許時間後就能進行生理參數的量測。所以,以動 態方式來記錄離子訊息是可行的,如鈉/鉀資訊,可以以 此量測的技術來進行。 如上所述,感測元件可以在護蓋或是基座上,藉以 收集所擷取到的資料。 根據本發明裝置,其遮避的外罩是可以透氣的,亦 就是當手指放在凹處區時,避免會流汗。不同於先前設 計,皮膚表面的潮濕,會造成不可預期的量測參數數據 ,致使量測的結果不易產生。 100126833 表單編號A0101 第7頁/共27頁 1003375088-0 201208646 根據本發明裝置,其遮避的外罩係為一密封狀的嘴 般,另外一方面,該外罩也可以由上方的護蓋或是下方 的基座的豎起來的突出物所完成,例如合成纖維的密封 狀嘴。 根據本發明裝置,其可以與外部的心電圖(ECG)電 極或是光學量測感測器連接。如果因為使用者特殊的生 理機能,由手放置在感測器表面而使心電圖(ECG)的電 極資料處理無法進行時,則需使用心電圖(ECG)的外部電 極。 本發明最好的實施例為置放兩支手指,也就是左右 手各一支,其便利在於可以同時量測兩支手,可以近距 離地取心電圖(ECG)測量訊號。 該裝置較佳的組成的整合型的感測器,係包含:至少 一光傳輸器以照射置放在基座上人體手指的組織;至少 一光感測器以感測照射後所散射的光;一電極可以記錄 心電圖或是生物阻抗訊號;及一個溫度或是熱感測器。 本發明裝置具有各種不同量測模式,可以將人體的 健康狀態作一全面性的分析。更細部的資料擷取與評估 感測器的訊號,在專利W0 2007/01 7263 A2,W0 2007/017266 A2, ,WO 2007/028570 A2, WO 2008/061788 A卜 WO 2009/033624 Al , WO 200 9/033625 A1 及W0201 0/099969 A1 中已經揭露。 本發明裝置其中較特別的是在脈波氧計量、心電圖、溫 度、熱及生物電阻抗等量測的優勢。藉由該裝置的整合 評估單元,所有的量測訊號可以用適合的演算法則,以 檢測人體的新陳代謝。藉由不同量測的模式,高效率與 100126833 表單編號A0101 第8頁/共27頁 1003375088-0 201208646 高可靠度以偵測人體的病理警訊是可以達成的,所有的 參數可以成功有效地整合成一個综合的指標,此指標可 以詮釋使用者得一般性的健康狀態。本發明裝置所有的 生理參數的組合,也提供一更有利、有效的非侵入式、 非直接的可行性量測裝置,如葡萄糖濃度或是血液中含 葡萄糖程度,比先前發表著作可行性更佳。 本發明裝置的另一實施例係為有一壓力感測器,可 以施與壓力於一手指,此手指乃置放於基座表面上,當 此壓力於手指上將由整合的感測器傳送出訊號。此壓力 感知,可以確保施加在手指上的壓力,如果此壓迫力超 過所允許的容許範圍,該裝置將傳送出一個警告訊息。 另外一方面,所需要要壓迫力,同時可以用來修正感知 的訊號或是用來評估是否與壓力影響一致。 本發明裝置較佳的為至少一個感測器,是以彈簧組 裝方式在上方的護蓋或是下方的基座上,如此才不至於 會有太大的壓力施於手指上,因此可以避免攙雜不良的 量測結果與發現。 本發明裝置的另一態樣為當手指已經置放,可以靠 一感知自動將護蓋在打開的位置自動旋轉成關閉的位置 ,此動作可以以伺服馬達或是據有緩衝阻尼釋放的彈簧 為之。 本發明裝置的基座或是護蓋可以具有排氣功能的開 放空間,此排氣目的為可以正常讓手指放置的表層面積 與空氣進行冷卻,再者,不好的熱氣會致使裝置的電子 不良,因為手指置放區的表面一旦有熱的累積,會造成 量測攙雜不良的訊號。 100126833 表單編號A0101 第9頁/共27頁 1003375088-0 201208646 本發明裝置可以利料部的界面單元來獲取評估後 的資料。該評估單元可以由此界面進行程式化。此評估 早疋,好處在於可以將程式的動作與裝置的硬體分開來 作’-來也可具有軟體以包含重要的技術訊息此技術 °、利用77開不同的程式為之。也可也以利用軟體上傳 到該積體微電腦裝置的記憶區,讓該界面得以關閉或是 致使無法使用或是讀取到該軟體。 【實施方式】 [0004] 100126833 睛參閱第1圖所示,係為本發明診斷量測裝置(1 〇〇) 的立體外觀視圖,根據本發明診斷量測裝置(⑽)的幾何 尺寸配置係為長度小於12公分,寬度小於8公分,高度小 於3公分。因此,該診斷量測裝置(1〇〇)可為一可攜式的 量測設備。 考慮主要的元件,該診斷量測裝置(1〇〇)包含一個 基座(102)與一個護蓋(1〇4);在第!圖中,基座(1〇2) 與濩蓋(104)都有凹處區(1〇6),該凹處區(1〇6)有助於 可以調適人體的手指。如第i圖所示,該護蓋(1〇4)在打 開的位置時,人體的手指可以放在凹處區(1〇6〇,所預先 設計停放的最停滯區(116)。 該護蓋(104)可以藉由在基座(1〇2)之第一鉸鍊 (114)與第二鉸鍊(Π2)可以正雄地將第1圖的護蓋 (104)由打開的位置旋轉到關閉的位置。當護蓋(1〇4)至 關閉的位置時,手指將固定在凹處區(1〇6)。所以手指將 無法於凹處區(1〇6)内部的區域進行垂直的運動,同時在 停滯區(116)也無法活動。 當第一较鍊(114)、第二絞鍊(112)的旋轉轴彼此相 1003375088-0 表單編號A0101 第10頁/共27頁 201208646 互平行,所延伸的軸線可以依手指所置放的厚度而改變 基座(102)與護蓋(1〇4)的距離。 s玄#斷量測裝置(1〇〇)更包含一個評估單元(5〇〇)但 並沒有在第1圖中顯示’可以評估由感測器(108)所記錄 到的人體的生理參數,在護蓋(1〇4)内側的地方相對於基 座(102) ’有一顯示單元(11〇)以作為顯示評價資料。該 顯示單元(110)較佳為一觸碰式螢幕,可以操作觸碰的方 式選擇#斷量測裝置(1 〇 〇 )不同的功能,舉例而言,診斷 量測裝置(1 0 0 )可以各自獨立量測不同的生理參數。 再者,如第1圖所示的一界面(118),可供不同的外 部設備可以與之連接。該界面也可以是一個商用型式的 USB界面,或是特別的界面型式可以與外部的ECG裝置(如 LEMO連接)相連接’藉由該USB界面,有可以控制該裝 置,如讀出資料。 此外在該界面(118),一種讀卡機的型式也可以提 供其使用,如Micro SD,將所量到的資料傳送及寫入到 相關的記憶卡中。 Ο 請參閱第2A圖及第2B圖所示,係為可摺疊式護蓋 (104)的側視圖’該圖可很清楚地表示基座(1〇2)的護蓋 (104),可藉第一鉸鍊(114)及第二鉸鍊(ία)而將護蓋 (104)與基座(102)安排在一起;如第2A圖所式,係為該 診斷量測裝置(1 0 0 )在關閉的位置,而該第2B圖則為護蓋 (104)在打開的位置,藉由打開旋轉至關閉,如此方式可 以由非常多或是利用卡住的停止方式來完成。當使用_ 點動力方式將έ蔓蓋(104)要蓋上手指時,就可以利用卡住 的停止方式來元成,以致於手指可以較佳地置放在凹處 100126833 表單編號Α0101 第11頁/共27頁 1003375088-0 201208646 區(106)。 請參閱第3圖所示者,係為該診斷量測裝置(1 〇 〇 )完 全打開的護蓋(104)的圖式’可以清楚看到第1圖所標示 的整合感測器(1 0 8)。在該第3圖中,該診斷量測裝置 (100)在基座(102)上具備有光發射器(3〇2)(如發光二 級體LEDs) ’可以產生不同的光波長。適當的光檢知器 (303)、(310)可以記錄來自LED光發射器(302)的光, 以及手指置放在凹處區(106)和護蓋(1〇4)間所散射的光 訊號。 再參閱第3圖所示的另外一實施例,電極(3〇4)可以 έ己錄心電圖(ECG)電極以及生物的阻抗資料。其中生物的 阻抗資料可以由電極(3〇4)以及在凹處區(丨〇6)的電極 (308)相結合後再紀錄。 最後,該診斷量測裝置(1〇0)具有一個溫度的感測 器(306),當人體的手指置放時,與溫度相關的電阻就可 以進行人體溫度之記錄。 如前所述,該診斷量測裝置(1〇〇)在凹處區(1〇6)最 好是要具備可以防光的措施,得以不會有影響光敏感之 量測問題。在第3圖所示,相對於左側凹處區(1 〇 6)有一 個遮罩(300),該遮罩(300)的樣態係為一密封狀的嘴般 ,安置在護蓋(104)與基座(1〇2)間,同時可以將該凹處 區(106)整體包住。 例如該遮罩(3〇〇)可以選用較容易被壓縮且以彈性 橡膠為較佳,因為可以較佳方式方便被壓合,並可適應 手指所放置的外型,以至於可以讓凹處區(1〇6)會因為遮 罩( 300 )的設計而阻擋外來的光。在此同時,也可以防止 100126833 表早編波Α0101 第12頁/丘27頁 1003375088-0 201208646 診斷量測裝置(100)内部所發出光不致放射到外面。 凊參閲第4a圖及第4b圖所示者,係為基座(102)内 部圖示。在第4a圖與第4b圖中可一目了然其電子元件的 模組設計’除了電池(408)之外’基座(1〇2)的電子元件 的組成可以包含多種類模組,例如LED模組(400),心電 圖(ECG)模組(402),溫度記錄模組(404)或是生物阻抗 模組(406)。如第4a圖與第4b圖中,相關的模組可以以 適當地、多變地方式進行改變。可以想像的到的是,該 診斷量測裝置(1〇〇)可以是一個基本的版本,允許後續更 ^ 新得以與新的模組搭配。例如一開始僅有量測生物阻抗 與溫度,使用者可將該記錄與評估之資料與訊息,之後 可以與心電圖(ECG)模組進行結合。 如第5圖所示者,係為診斷量測裝置其護蓋 (1 040的上視圖。在這第5圖可以見到的是連接護蓋 (104)係透過第一鉸鍊(114)連結於基座(1〇2)(在該第5 圖中沒有顯示出來)。其觸碰式顯示單元(11〇),乃經由 、 在護蓋(104)上的整合評估單元(500 )所作的評價資料之 ^ 顯不功能。整合評估單元(5〇〇)就是將複數個感測器所傳 來相關的記錄參數資料進行評估評價,再將此這些資料 傳送到顯示單元(110)。 再者,也如上所述的觸碰式顯示單元(11〇)如同一 般的功能性控制,係用來當作使用者作特定的輸入資料 。這就可包含適宜的量測程式及輸入個人資訊等兩者的 選擇,例如個人自己所擁有的名?、年齡、姓別或是重 量。 1003375088-0 第6圖所示,本發明診斷量測裝置(100)的另外一個 100126833 表單編號A0101 第13頁/共27頁 201208646 立體視圖’考慮其主要構成元件,該診斷量測裝置(100) 係為基座102與護蓋104所構成,又該凹處區(106)反過 來’亦可容納人體的手指。 該凹處區(106)(或者是一般放置的表層106)係當在 關閉護蓋(104)時,在側向方向的邊上可以分別與護蓋 004)相結合’其中係以二維的槽形形狀(6〇〇)與相反對 稱的遮罩(3〇〇)相結合。也就是該遮罩(3〇〇)是跟護蓋 (104)相互垂直,因此側向方面的光入侵與本身内部防止 光會逃逸出的情形,都可以--避免。 該遮罩(3 0 0)可以穿洞或以其他組態的方式得以透 氣,供避免手指的流汗或其溫度的增加,以致破壞診斷 量測的進行。 且其構思想法未曾見於書刊或公開使用,誠符合發 明專利申請要件’懇請鈞局明鑑,早曰准予專利,至為 感禱。 需陳明者’以上所述乃是本發明之具體實施立即所 運用之技術原理,若依本發明之構想所作之改變,其所 產生之功能作用仍未超出說明書及圖式所涵蓋之精神時 ,均應在本發明之範圍内,合予陳明。 【圖式簡單說明】 [0005] 診斷量測裝置(1〇〇) 護蓋(104) 整合感測器(108) 第二鉸鍊(112) 停滯區(116) 遮蓋(300 ) 100126833 表單編號 A0101 第 14 基座(102) 凹處區(106) 顯示單元(11 0 ) 第一鉸鍊(114) 界面(118) 光發射器(302) /共27百 M 1003375088-0 201208646 光檢知器(303) 電極(304) 溫度感測器(3 0 6 ) 電極(3 0 8 ) 光檢知器(310) 模組(40 0) 模組(402) 模組(404) 模組(406) 電池(408) 評估單元(500) 凹處區(600) 【主要元件符號說明】 [0006]第1圖:係為本發明可攜式診斷量測裝置的立體外觀圖。201208646 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field 1 of the Invention] [0001] The present invention is a portable diagnostic measuring device capable of recording at least one physiological parameter of a human body in a non-invasive manner. [Prior Art] [0002] There is a growing awareness and willingness in the current population. In order to hope that we can monitor our own health independently, we can continue to clearly understand the health status of our own disease prevention. In recent years, blood pressure measuring devices and thermometers have been used to measure whether or not there is fever, and so-called body fat meters which measure the proportion of body fat and fat, etc., have been frequently used by ordinary people. Therefore, portable diagnostic measuring devices have tended to be suitable for use and operation at home without restrictions on space usage. For example, the patent of the D E 6 01 0 8 6 7 3 T 2 related measuring device can measure a certain physiological parameter of the human body. If electrodes are used to monitor body obesity, this method is to place the thumb on the front electrode of the measurement and place the remaining fingers on the measurement device that provides the back electrode of the power supply end. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0003] Conversely, the device of the present invention provides a portable diagnostic measuring device that can record at least one physiological parameter of a human body in a non-invasive manner. This invention will be completed by its unique patent requirements. The details of the preferred patent will be explained by the patent elements below. More particularly, a portable diagnostic measuring device can record at least one physiological parameter of the human body in a manner of non-invasive 100126833 Form No. A0101 Page 3 / Total 27 pages 1003375088-0 201208646. Because the device includes an integrated sensor, physiological parameters can be recorded; an integrated evaluation unit can evaluate the physiological parameters, estimate the calculated parameters, and display the values. The device has a base and a cover at the same time, and the cover is movable to rotate as a closing and closing action with the base. The cover and the base have a surface layer for placing the human finger, and at least one sensor is placed on the surface layer; the finger can be placed in the closed position between the cover and the base, so the physiological parameters The recording action of the physiological parameter is completed at the closed position. The device of the present invention has the advantage that the finger can be fixedly placed between the cover and the base, so that the measurement of the physiological parameters of the human body can be repeated. Because of this, on the surface of the finger, there is a stop sign, and the guiding finger can confirm that the finger is in the direction when the cover is closed, and also confirms that it is fixed in the test placement position. When the finger is placed in the so-called recessed area, the finger is thus fixed perpendicular to the extended surface of the recessed area. After this design, it is previously feared that the palm cannot be accurately contacted with the sensor, and thus is solved. On the other hand, due to this design, the finger of the person being tested can be measured repeatedly at the same position. Therefore, even if the test time is different, the same person can reliably measure his own physiological parameters. Record physiological parameters at different times. According to the invention, the so-called recessed areas are a semi-cylindrical rectangular shape with at least one recessed area and respectively parallel to the surface of the base. The geometry of the recessed area corresponds to the opposite volume of the finger so that the finger can be better secured in the recessed area. For example, when the device is placed on the flat surface of the desktop 100126833, the finger only needs to be placed in the recessed area and then the cover can be closed. Form number A0101 Page 4 / Total 27 pages Therefore 1003375088-0 201208646 Before the device design needs The device can be fixed by using two hands cumbersomely, and the position where the finger is changed can be pressed onto the sensor by means of pressure, and can be avoided one by one. It must be stated here that the shape of the recessed area can also be an elliptical cross section. The cover of the device of the present invention comprises a first hinge for opening and closing the cover and the base, and the cover may also comprise a second hinge, which has the advantage that the first hinge and the second hinge are parallel to each other The operation allows the finger diameters of different diameters to be fixed between the cover and the base Ο. In addition, the cover and the base are assembled by simple mechanical means, and the two are connected together without any measurement malfunction due to the inclination of the cover and the base, and the usability of the device is also increased. It must be noted here that there are many possible ways to tie the cover to the base while the two can move together. For example, a guiding mechanism whose axis and the base are perpendicular to each other causes the cover to move relative to the base in the vertical direction. In particular, the cover of the telescopic telescopic type is also a special design for guiding it to the base. Single or double hinges (one after the other or one parallel) can also be used. Furthermore, the cover and the base are fastened or hinged, and the elastic member or the fastener can be fixed and separated. A special design is that when the cover is opened, it will slowly return to the position where the base is closed. This is different from the prior art, so that the device of the invention can therefore be used comfortably for the individual. That is, the user opens the cover and places at least one finger on the surface of the base. When the cover is slowly placed in the closed position, the measurement and recording process can be started. It can be used repeatedly, and the measurement procedure can be started automatically when the cover is closed. 100126833 Form No. A0101 Page 5 of 27 1003375088-0 201208646 According to the present invention, the display unit of the device of the present invention is disposed at one end of the cover, facing away from the base, so that when the cover is closed, the user can Read the display unit. If the display unit can be a touch screen, the user can select different measurement parameters in the actual program. Different physiological parameters can also be determined if needed, using different sensors. For example, the physiological parameters used include ECG data, temperature data, blood pressure data, blood oxygen content, and tissue oxygen consumption, and can even measure sugar. The pedestal of the device of the present invention can be powered by the battery to the device, and at the same time because the weight of the battery on the pedestal can be better stabilized on a flat surface such as a table top without inadvertently dumping the device. The device of the present invention comprises an analogous and quantitative component, wherein the analog component is disposed on a base, the digital component being disposed at the cover and vice versa. Because the analog and digital components are separated in the spatial design, they are not disturbed by each other, enabling more sensitive physiological parameter measurement and recording, especially when performing digital processing operations without any risk. Therefore, the quality of the entire measurement is improved, the accuracy and sensitivity of the device of the present invention are relatively increased, and the external disturbance or disturbance is relatively reduced. The device of the present invention comprises a communication interface, which may be a near field communication interface, such as a Bluetooth or far infrared interface or a USB interface. This communication interface is used to transfer the data recorded by the apparatus of the present invention to an external device. Thus, the device of the present invention can be interconnected with a home computer using a USB interface. Therefore, patients can use complex assessment software to understand and evaluate their physiological data. At the same time, this communication method can also use Bluetooth to transmit data to the outside health service center by means of mobile phone, so as to provide this service center, the information can be evaluated. 100126833 Form No. A0101 Page 6 of 27 1003375088-0 201208646 and the use of measured data. At the same time, the functionality with GPS can be integrated into the wireless communication unit of the device of the present invention. In an emergency medical condition, the device of the present invention can deliver the desired message and location to the ambulance unit and urgently notify the ambulance. The apparatus of the present invention also includes a light-proof design of the recessed area, which prevents the external light source from intruding into the recessed area when the finger is placed on the surface of the base. The advantage of the light-proofing of the recessed area is that it prevents the external light source from invading, and does not affect the internal measurement by light sensing. The purpose of this light protection is that the wavelength of some self-luminous light will be close to the measured spectrum when measuring the physiological parameters of the human body. For example, in diagnosing pulse oximeter measurements, the sensor used has two sources, one for radiated visible light and the other for near-red light of different wavelengths of light hitting the body's tissues. Light is scattered from human tissue and can be perceived by a suitable light sensor, such as a photodiode. The intensity of the light sensor is used to determine the oxygen content in the blood. It should be noted here that different sensors should be used for the purpose of this measurement. In addition to the photodiodes and electrodes, the sensor can also be a full array of sensors that allow for the measurement of physiological parameters after placement and after a short period of time. Therefore, it is feasible to record ion information in a dynamic manner, such as sodium/potassium information, which can be performed using this measurement technique. As described above, the sensing element can be on the cover or the base to collect the captured material. According to the device of the present invention, the shield that is occluded is breathable, that is, when the finger is placed in the recessed area, it is prevented from sweating. Unlike previous designs, the wetness of the skin surface can cause unpredictable measurement parameter data, making the measurement results less likely to occur. 100126833 Form No. A0101 Page 7 of 27 1003375088-0 201208646 According to the device of the present invention, the cover that is occluded is a sealed mouth, and on the other hand, the cover can also be covered by the upper cover or below. The raised protrusions of the pedestal are completed, such as a sealed mouth of synthetic fibers. According to the device of the invention, it can be connected to an external electrocardiogram (ECG) electrode or an optical metrology sensor. An electrocardiogram (ECG) external electrode is required if the electrocardiographic (ECG) electrode data processing cannot be performed by placing the hand on the surface of the sensor due to the user's special biological function. The preferred embodiment of the present invention provides for the placement of two fingers, i.e., one for each of the right and left hands, which facilitates the simultaneous measurement of two hands and the ability to take an electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement signal at close range. The integrated sensor of the device preferably comprises: at least one optical transmitter for illuminating the tissue of the human finger placed on the base; and at least one light sensor for sensing the light scattered after the illumination An electrode can record an electrocardiogram or bioimpedance signal; and a temperature or thermal sensor. The device of the invention has various measurement modes, and can comprehensively analyze the health state of the human body. A more detailed data capture and evaluation sensor signal, in the patent WO 2007/01 7263 A2, WO 2007/017266 A2, WO 2007/028570 A2, WO 2008/061788 A, WO 2009/033624 Al, WO 200 It has been disclosed in 9/033625 A1 and W0201 0/099969 A1. Among the devices of the present invention, the advantages of pulse wave oxygen metering, electrocardiogram, temperature, heat, and bioelectrical impedance are measured. With the integrated evaluation unit of the device, all measurement signals can be detected using a suitable algorithm to detect the body's metabolism. With different measurement modes, high efficiency and 100126833 Form No. A0101 Page 8 / Total 27 pages 1003375088-0 201208646 High reliability to detect human pathological warnings is achievable, all parameters can be successfully and effectively integrated Into a comprehensive indicator, this indicator can explain the general health of the user. The combination of all physiological parameters of the device of the present invention also provides a more advantageous and effective non-invasive, indirect feasible measuring device, such as glucose concentration or glucose in blood, which is more feasible than previously published works. . Another embodiment of the device of the present invention has a pressure sensor that can apply pressure to a finger that is placed on the surface of the base. When the pressure is applied to the finger, the integrated sensor transmits the signal. . This pressure sensing ensures the pressure applied to the finger and if the pressure exceeds the allowable allowable range, the device will send a warning message. On the other hand, it requires stress and can be used to correct the perceived signal or to assess whether it is consistent with the effects of stress. Preferably, the device of the present invention is at least one sensor, which is spring-assembled on the upper cover or the lower base, so that there is not too much pressure applied to the finger, thereby avoiding noisy Bad measurement results and findings. Another aspect of the device of the present invention is that when the finger has been placed, the cover can be automatically rotated into the closed position by the sensing, and the action can be performed by a servo motor or a spring with a damping release. It. The base or the cover of the device of the present invention may have an open space for exhausting functions, and the purpose of the exhausting is to cool the surface area of the finger and the air, and the bad heat may cause the electronic device to be defective. Because the surface of the finger placement area accumulates heat, it will cause a bad signal. 100126833 Form No. A0101 Page 9 of 27 1003375088-0 201208646 The device of the present invention can obtain the evaluated data by the interface unit of the material department. The evaluation unit can be programmed from this interface. This evaluation is early, the advantage is that you can separate the action of the program from the hardware of the device. It can also have software to contain important technical information. This technology uses 77 different programs. It can also be uploaded to the memory area of the integrated microcomputer device by using the software, so that the interface can be closed or the software cannot be used or read. [Embodiment] [0004] 100126833 The eye is a stereoscopic appearance view of the diagnostic measuring device (1 〇〇) according to the present invention. The geometrical configuration of the diagnostic measuring device ((10)) according to the present invention is The length is less than 12 cm, the width is less than 8 cm, and the height is less than 3 cm. Therefore, the diagnostic measuring device (1〇〇) can be a portable measuring device. Considering the main components, the diagnostic measuring device (1〇〇) contains a base (102) and a cover (1〇4); at the first! In the figure, the base (1〇2) and the lid (104) have recessed areas (1〇6), which help to adjust the fingers of the human body. As shown in Figure i, when the cover (1〇4) is in the open position, the fingers of the human body can be placed in the recessed area (1〇6〇, the most stagnant area (116) pre-designed for parking. The cover (104) can rotate the cover (104) of the first figure from the open position to the closed position by the first hinge (114) and the second hinge (Π2) of the base (1〇2). Position. When the cover (1〇4) is in the closed position, the finger will be fixed in the recessed area (1〇6), so the finger will not be able to move vertically in the area inside the recessed area (1〇6). At the same time, it is also unable to move in the stagnation zone (116). When the rotation axes of the first chain (114) and the second chain (112) are mutually 1003375088-0, the form number A0101 is 10 pages/total 27 pages 201208646. The axis of the extension can change the distance between the base (102) and the cover (1〇4) according to the thickness of the finger. The s-Xuan measurement device (1〇〇) further includes an evaluation unit (5〇〇). ) but not shown in Figure 1 'The physiological parameters of the human body recorded by the sensor (108) can be evaluated, relative to the inside of the cover (1〇4) The pedestal (102) has a display unit (11 〇) as the display evaluation data. The display unit (110) is preferably a touch screen, and the touch measurement method can be selected to select the #断量装置 (1 〇〇 Different functions, for example, the diagnostic measuring device (1 0 0) can independently measure different physiological parameters. Furthermore, an interface (118) as shown in Fig. 1 can be used for different external devices. It can be connected to it. The interface can also be a commercial type USB interface, or a special interface type can be connected to an external ECG device (such as LEMO connection). With the USB interface, the device can be controlled, such as In addition to the interface (118), a type of card reader can also provide its use, such as Micro SD, to transfer and write the measured data to the relevant memory card. Ο See 2A Figure 2 and Figure 2B is a side view of the foldable cover (104). This figure clearly shows the cover (104) of the base (1〇2), which can be borrowed from the first hinge (114). And the second hinge (ία) and the cover (104) and the base (102) Together; as in Figure 2A, the diagnostic measuring device (100) is in the closed position, and the second drawing is in the open position of the cover (104), by opening and closing to the closed position. This way can be done by a very large number of stops or by using a stuck stop method. When using the _ point power method to cover the vine cover (104) with a finger, you can use the stuck stop method to make it The finger can preferably be placed in the recess 100126833 Form No. 101 0101 Page 11 / Total 27 Page 1003375088-0 201208646 Area (106). Referring to Figure 3, the figure of the cover (104) that is fully opened for the diagnostic measuring device (1 〇〇) can clearly see the integrated sensor indicated in Figure 1 (1 0 8). In this Fig. 3, the diagnostic measuring device (100) is provided with a light emitter (3〇2) (e.g., light-emitting diode LEDs) on the susceptor (102) to generate different wavelengths of light. Appropriate optical detectors (303), (310) can record light from the LED light emitter (302) and light scattered by the finger between the recessed area (106) and the cover (1〇4) Signal. Referring again to the other embodiment shown in Fig. 3, the electrode (3〇4) can record the electrocardiogram (ECG) electrode and the impedance data of the living body. The impedance data of the organism can be recorded by combining the electrode (3〇4) and the electrode (308) in the recessed area (丨〇6). Finally, the diagnostic measuring device (1〇0) has a temperature sensor (306) which records the temperature of the human body when the finger of the human body is placed. As mentioned above, it is preferable that the diagnostic measuring device (1〇〇) has a measure capable of preventing light in the recessed area (1〇6) so as not to affect the measurement problem of light sensitivity. As shown in Fig. 3, there is a mask (300) with respect to the left recessed area (1 〇 6), and the mask (300) is in the form of a sealed mouth and is placed on the cover (104). Between the base and the base (1〇2), the recessed area (106) can be entirely enclosed. For example, the mask (3〇〇) can be selected to be more easily compressed and preferably made of elastic rubber, because it can be easily pressed in a preferred manner, and can adapt to the shape of the finger, so that the recessed area can be made. (1〇6) will block the outside light because of the design of the mask (300). At the same time, it is also possible to prevent the light emitted from the inside of the diagnostic measuring device (100) from being radiated to the outside. 100126833 Table early wave Α 0101 Page 12 / Hill 27 page 1003375088-0 201208646凊 Refer to Figures 4a and 4b for the internal diagram of the base (102). In Figures 4a and 4b, the module design of the electronic component can be seen at a glance. In addition to the battery (408), the composition of the electronic component of the pedestal (1〇2) can include various types of modules, such as LED modules. (400), an electrocardiogram (ECG) module (402), a temperature recording module (404) or a bioimpedance module (406). As in Figures 4a and 4b, the associated modules can be changed in an appropriate and varied manner. It is conceivable that the diagnostic measuring device (1〇〇) can be a basic version, allowing subsequent updates to be matched with the new module. For example, at the beginning, only bioimpedance and temperature can be measured, and the user can record the information and information of the evaluation, and then combine it with an electrocardiogram (ECG) module. As shown in Fig. 5, it is a top view of the diagnostic measuring device (1 040. It can be seen in Fig. 5 that the connecting cover (104) is connected to the first hinge (114) through the first hinge (114). Base (1〇2) (not shown in Figure 5). Its touch-type display unit (11〇) is evaluated by the integrated evaluation unit (500) on the cover (104). The data is not functional. The integrated evaluation unit (5〇〇) is to evaluate and evaluate the relevant recording parameter data sent by a plurality of sensors, and then transmit the data to the display unit (110). The touch display unit (11〇) as described above is used as a specific input data for the user as a general functional control. This can include both a suitable measurement program and input of personal information. The choice, such as the name, age, surname or weight owned by the individual. 1003375088-0 Figure 6 shows another 100126833 of the diagnostic measuring device (100) of the present invention. Form No. A0101 Page 13 / Total 27 pages 201208646 Stereo view 'considering its main components The diagnostic measuring device (100) is formed by the base 102 and the cover 104, and the recessed area (106), in turn, can also accommodate the fingers of the human body. The recessed area (106) (or is generally placed) The surface layer 106) can be combined with the cover 004) on the side in the lateral direction when the cover (104) is closed, wherein the two-dimensional groove shape (6〇〇) is oppositely symmetrical. The mask (3〇〇) is combined. That is, the mask (3〇〇) is perpendicular to the cover (104), so that lateral light intrusion and internal prevention of light escape can be avoided. The mask (300) can be vented through holes or in other configurations to avoid sweating of the fingers or an increase in temperature, which can disrupt diagnostic measurements. Moreover, his ideas have not been seen in books or public use, and he is in line with the requirements of the patent application for the invention, and he is pleased to grant a patent. The above description is the technical principle immediately applied to the specific implementation of the present invention. If the function of the present invention is changed, the functional function produced by the present invention does not exceed the spirit of the specification and the drawings. , should be within the scope of the invention, combined with Chen Ming. [Simple diagram] [0005] Diagnostic measuring device (1〇〇) Cover (104) Integrated sensor (108) Second hinge (112) Stagnant area (116) Cover (300) 100126833 Form number A0101 14 Base (102) Recessed area (106) Display unit (11 0 ) First hinge (114) Interface (118) Light emitter (302) / Total 27100 M 1003375088-0 201208646 Optical detector (303) Electrode (304) Temperature Sensor (3 0 6) Electrode (3 0 8) Optical Detector (310) Module (40 0) Module (402) Module (404) Module (406) Battery (408 Evaluation unit (500) Recessed area (600) [Description of main component symbols] [0006] Fig. 1 is a perspective view of the portable diagnostic measuring device of the present invention.
第2a圖:係為本發明可攜式診斷量測裝置的關閉狀態之侧 視圖。 第2b圖:係為本發明可攜式診斷量測裝置的打開狀態之侧 視圖。 第3圖:係為本發明可攜式診斷量測裝置打開護蓋的俯視 圖。 第4a圖:係為本發明可攜式診斷量測裳置的基座内部配置 圖。 第4b圖.係為本發明可攜式診斷量測裝置的基座内部配置 的另一態樣圖。 第5圖.係為本發明可攜式珍斷量測裝置顯示護蓋的上視 圖。 第6圖.係為本發明可攜式診斷量測裝置的另一實施例的 立體態樣圖。 100126833 表單编號A0101 第15頁/共27頁 1003375088-0Figure 2a is a side view of the closed state of the portable diagnostic measuring device of the present invention. Figure 2b is a side view of the open state of the portable diagnostic measuring device of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a plan view showing the cover of the portable diagnostic measuring device of the present invention. Figure 4a is a diagram showing the internal configuration of the susceptor of the portable diagnostic measuring device of the present invention. Figure 4b is another aspect of the internal configuration of the base of the portable diagnostic measuring device of the present invention. Fig. 5 is a top view showing the cover of the portable type measuring device of the present invention. Figure 6 is a perspective view of another embodiment of the portable diagnostic measuring device of the present invention. 100126833 Form No. A0101 Page 15 of 27 1003375088-0