TW201143625A - Green tea fermentation broth and manufacturing method thereof - Google Patents

Green tea fermentation broth and manufacturing method thereof Download PDF


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TW201143625A TW99119268A TW99119268A TW201143625A TW 201143625 A TW201143625 A TW 201143625A TW 99119268 A TW99119268 A TW 99119268A TW 99119268 A TW99119268 A TW 99119268A TW 201143625 A TW201143625 A TW 201143625A
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green tea
fermentation broth
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Sheng-Shi Wang
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We Win Applied Bio Tech Co Ltd
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Publication of TW201143625A publication Critical patent/TW201143625A/en



  • Tea And Coffee (AREA)
  • Medicines Containing Plant Substances (AREA)


Disclosed are a green tea fermentation broth and a manufacturing method thereof. The manufacturing method of green tea fermentation broth comprises the following steps: (a) heating fresh tea leaves with a high temperature to proceed with blanching in order to remove the activity of polyphenol oxidase of fresh tea leaves; (b) soaking the blanched fresh tea leaves in sterilized water to make a tea water; (c) adding sugar materials in the tea water to make a sugared tea water; (d) adding yeasts in the sugared tea water to form a fermented embryo liquid; and (e) carrying out fermentation for a given period of time in an environment of a predetermined temperature to make a green tea fermentation broth. The arrangement of fermentation of a mixture of the blanched fresh green tea, sugar materials, and yeasts, besides helping releasing the components that are good for human health from the tea leaves, make the green tea fermentation broth so produced containing an intergradient of alcohol so as to serve as a novel drink of alcohol and tea.


201143625 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是有關於一種發酵液與發酵液之製造 別是指一種以綠茶葉製成之發酵液與綠茶發酵= 特 。 製造方法 【先前技術】 雖然自古以來,除了水之外,茶葉是人_最 飲料,但直到近幾年,茶才開始才被廣泛的研究迎的 進健康的飲料,也陸續有許多相關研究報=為可促 可用以預防慢性疾病和癌症等,而一般所謂的苓、彳!如 指藉由熱水或沸水沖、泡製成的茶湯。根據茶二:常是 造過程,茶葉依其氧化發酵程度可分成無發酵了部八殊製 與全發酵茶,而所謂的發酵是指茶葉内的多酚被發酵 之多酚氧化酶氧化的作用,這種氧化作用會改變^的 、滋味、水色及茶葉的外觀色澤,但同時也會破壞多齡。礼 多酚含量為茶品質之一重要的指標,大約佔新鮮苓葉 乾重的30%和茶湯可溶物之4〇〜5〇%。所指多酚可分類為 黃烷醇類(flavanols)、黃酮醇(flav〇n〇ls)、無色花青素類 (leucoanthocyanins)、酚酸(phen〇lic acids)與氧化聚合化人 物(oxidative condensed compounds)。其中,以黃烷醇類所 屬的兒茶素類(Catechins)含量最多,兒茶素類為一強抗氧化 劑,約佔茶多酚總量的80%,兒茶素類主要包括兒茶素 (catechin,C)、表兒茶素(epicatechin,EC)、沒食子兒茶素 (gallocatechin ’ GC)、表沒食子兒茶素(epigaUocatechin, 201143625 EGC)、表兒茶素沒食子酸(epicatechin gallate,ECG)與表沒 食子兒茶素沒食子酸(6卩丨§3丨1〇〇3〖6(;11丨11§311316,£〇€0)。 由目前世界上已研究發表的論文資料可知,兒茶素類 和其氧化物有顯著的生理活性,如抗菌、抗病毒、抗真菌 、抗氧化力、抗發炎、抑制腫瘤、預防心血管疾病、預防 胃腸失調、預防巴金森式疾病…等效用。 兒茶素類濃度尚低和茶葉發酵方式品種有絕大關係, 一般分為發酵茶與非發酵茶,其中,白茶和綠茶等非發酵 余中含之兒茶素類濃度最高,但在紅茶和黑茶等完全發酵 茶中的兒茶素類濃度則明顯較少,非發酵茶之所以會含有 較高的兒茶素類濃度,主要是因為非發酵茶製作時,會在 茶葉由茶樹採菁後即進行殺青處理,也就是先以熱去除氧 化轉活J·生,終止氧化_氧化茶多盼的過程,藉以保留茶葉 中絕大部分的多盼。 此外,自古以來,酒液廣泛參與了人類飲食與社交文 化,經研究發現,紅酒經由酵母菌發酵修飾後的多酚化合 物具有較佳的生物相等性(biGavailabi丨ity),適度飲用酒有 助於增加高密度膽固_igh如sity Hpoprotein cholesterol) 和抑制血小板的凝集(Platdet aggregati〇n),可減少心血管 疾病的致死率。 過去在食品技術領域中,大多數是將外源性微生物運 用在P…發酵的添加上,此種技術主要是用以製造酒液或 醋液,但傳統茶葉之發酵與食品發料完全不同,本案發 明人即是思考如何保留茶葉中最大量之有益物質並衍生出 201143625 可被大眾所接受之產物,故 母菌發酵製成酒液或·等^將畐έ多紛的綠茶經由酵 高綠茶之價值,且酵液飲品’勢必可進-步提 【發明内容】 ’、-種全新的綠茶飲品。 因此,本發明之目的,艮 發酵製造綠茶發酵液的製造方^在提供一種以綠茶和酵母菌 本發明之另-目的,在/提供 製成的綠茶發酵液。 〃種綠余和酵母菌發酵 於是,本發明轉發_的 Τ將新鮮茶葉高溫加熱進行殺青處理’,去: = 之氧化酶的活性;(b)將步 除新鮮余葉中 菌水中,製成茶水;⑷於茶水二二“:茶葉浸泡於滅 含糖茶水,.⑷於含糖茶水〜 液;及⑷將發酵胚液於預定 =酵胚 製成綠茶發酵液。 兄預定時間, 於是,本發明綠茶發酵液為 發酵液。 裂&方法製成之綠茶 本發明之功效:透過將„& 與酵母菌混合進行發酵的設計,除了有助Μ古質 人體有益之成分的釋出量外,還能夠使所製;=:對 酵液含有乙醇成分,而可用以做為-種新式酒發 品。 1八/酉液與佘類飲 【實施方式】 有關本發明之前述及其他技術内容、特點與功效,在 5 201143625 以下配合參考圖式之一個較佳實施例的詳細說明中,將可 清楚的呈現。 參閱圖1,本發明綠茶發酵液的製造方法之較佳實施例 ’是以新鮮綠茶與酵母+纽合進行長期發酵,此製造方法 所製成之綠茶發酵液可以是含有乙醇(酒精)成分之酒液、或 者是不含乙醇(酒精)成分之醋液。 該綠茶發酵液的製造方法包含以下步驟: 步驟(一)殺青處理。將剛摘自茶樹之新鮮茶烘 (圖未示)中,在115t環境中加熱處理約丨5小時(9〇分鐘) ,進行殺青處理,將新鮮茶葉製成已殺青茶葉去 茶葉中之多酚氧化酶的活性’以保留茶葉中的大部分多酚 成分。 在本實施例中,所使用之新鮮茶葉是產自南投鹿谷鄉 ,其品種為清心烏龍,但實施時’新鮮茶葉的來源與品種 皆不以此為限。此外’由於殺青處理的目的在於去除多酚 氧化酶活性’且一般製茶過程中的殺青處理溫度範圍約在 _。(:〜50(TC間’處理時間約在5分鐘至12〇分鐘,所以 實施時’所採用之殺青處理溫度與處理時間可依茶葉種類 與氣候...等參數進行調整。因殺青處理為習知技術,因此不 再詳述。 步驟(二)製作茶水。將預定重量的已殺青茶葉浸泡於預 定體積之滅菌水中,使已殺青茶葉在滅菌水中展開,而製 成茶水。在本實施例中’是將25 g已殺青茶葉與750 mI的 滅菌水先後置入1_ ml的無菌發酵容器中,使已殺青茶葉 201143625 能夠完全浸泡在滅菌水中而展開。但實施時,茶水中的已 殺青茶葉含量不以此為限’可依據所使用之茶葉品 調整。 订 步驟(三)製作含糖茶水。將預定重量的糖類物質加入步 驟(一)製成之茶水中,並使添加之糖類物質溶解混人於 茶水中’而製成含糖茶水。在本實施例中,依據添加:糖 類物質含量’將含㈣水分為五組,並準備—份未 類物質之茶水,各個有添加糖類物質的茶水中: 量分別為 5wt%、10 哪、〜t%、20wt%與 25wt%/ 一本實施例所採用之糖類物質是蔗糖,屬於固態糖,所 «糖粉-乳糖、異η:種類之固態糖,例如 、果糖、半乳糖等二:二:或者是單糖’例如葡萄糖 。 4田然也可採用液態糖,例如麥芽糖等 無:(=!^。:=三)—水與 茶發酵液的發酵胚液,所製 製成心發酵成綠 菌含量為2Χ Η)、Γ :種發酵胚液中的酵母 Μ上。本貫施例所#用夕_ η m 以如 母菌為 是賭買自食品發展工業研究所。 CRC 22049), 步驟(五)進行發酵。 作後,便可將該等分別六 。驟(四)之發酵胚液的製 陰涼通風處,於室的容器密封,並置於 十週。 進仃發酵作業’整個發酵過程為期 7 201143625 在上述發酵過程期間,為確認各個發酵時期的綠茶發 酵液成分變化,每隔一星期即取出15 ml的綠茶發酵液分析 測定成分’連續取樣十週,且綠茶發酵液取用前,需先均 勻搖動整個容器後,再進行取樣。分析測試的項目分別如 下說明: (一) 、酵母菌生長情況 取 1 ml 綠茶發酵液置於 Spectrometer U-2001 (Hitachi instrument,Inc·,USA)測試其 OD6〇Q 值。 (二) 、綠茶發酵液pH值 取15 ml的綠茶發酵液以3500 rpm離心30分鐘,以 pH meter (SUNTEX,SP-2200)量測離心上清液 pH。 (三) 、總多紛(Total polyphenolics) 採用 Folin-Ciocalteau (FC) (Sigma Chemical Corp.)法測 定。將2 ml的綠茶發酵液適當的以95%酒精稀釋後,以 3500 rpm離心10分鐘《取2 ml離心上清液混合1 ml 95% 酒精、5 ml去離子水與〇·5 ml的50% FC試劑,製成反應 混合物後,在35°C環境下反應5分鐘。然後,取1 ml的 5% Na2C03加入前述反應混合物,並於無光環境中放置60 分鐘。 接著,取將前述反應混合物置於光譜儀(BioRad,5560) ,設定725 nm測試其吸光度。總多酚濃度是以沒食子酸 :gallic acid,Sigma Chemical Corp.)為標準品的標準曲線計算 得來,其單位是以 mg gallic acid equivalents/ml extract 表達 。每個實驗組的綠茶發酵液皆重複分析三次取平均。 201143625 (四) 總類黃酮(TotalFlavonoids)201143625 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to the production of a fermentation broth and a fermentation broth, and refers to a fermentation broth made of green tea leaves and green tea fermentation = special. Manufacturing method [Prior technology] Although tea has been the most popular beverage since ancient times, it has not been until recently that tea has been widely studied and welcomed into healthy beverages. There are also many related research reports. = It can be used to prevent chronic diseases and cancer, etc., and the so-called 苓, 彳! For example, a tea soup made by boiling or boiling water with hot water or boiling water. According to the tea 2: often the process of production, tea can be divided into non-fermented eight-species and whole-fermented tea according to the degree of oxidative fermentation, and the so-called fermentation refers to the oxidation of polyphenols in the tea by the fermentation of polyphenol oxidase. This oxidation will change the appearance, taste, color and appearance of the tea, but it will also destroy many years. Polyphenol content is an important indicator of tea quality, accounting for about 30% of the dry weight of fresh eucalyptus leaves and 4〇~5〇% of tea soup solubles. The polyphenols referred to can be classified into flavanols, flavos n〇ls, leucoanthocyanins, phen〇lic acids, and oxidative condensed characters. Compound). Among them, the catechins (Catechins) belonging to the flavanols are the most abundant, the catechins are a strong antioxidant, accounting for about 80% of the total amount of tea polyphenols, and the catechins mainly include catechins. Catechin, C), epicatechin (EC), gallocatechin 'GC, epigalus catechin (epigaUocatechin, 201143625 EGC), epicatechin gallate ( Epicatechin gallate (ECG) and epigallocatechin gallate (6卩丨§3丨1〇〇3〖6(;11丨11§311316, £〇€0). It has been studied in the world. According to the published papers, catechins and their oxides have significant physiological activities such as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, prevent cardiovascular diseases, prevent gastrointestinal disorders, and prevent Ba Jin. Sen-type disease...equivalent use. The concentration of catechins is still very low and has a great relationship with the varieties of tea fermentation. It is generally divided into fermented tea and non-fermented tea. Among them, non-fermented catechins such as white tea and green tea contain catechins. The highest concentration, but in the fully fermented tea such as black tea and black tea The concentration of non-fermented tea is obviously higher. The reason why non-fermented tea contains higher concentration of catechins is mainly because when non-fermented tea is produced, it will be treated after the tea leaves are picked from tea trees, that is, the heat is first Removal of oxidative transactivation J.sheng, termination of the process of oxidation_oxidation tea, in order to retain most of the hope of tea. In addition, since ancient times, wine has been widely involved in human diet and social culture, research found that red wine Polyphenolic compounds modified by yeast fermentation have better bio-equivalence (biGavailabi丨ity), moderate drinking alcohol helps to increase high-density cholesterol, and inhibits platelet aggregation (Platdet aggregati〇) n) can reduce the mortality rate of cardiovascular disease. In the past, in the field of food technology, most of the exogenous microorganisms were used in the fermentation of P..., which is mainly used to make wine or vinegar, but the fermentation of traditional tea is completely different from that of food. The inventor of this case is thinking about how to retain the most beneficial substances in the tea and derive the products that can be accepted by the public in 201143625. Therefore, the mother bacteria are fermented into wine liquid or the like. The value, and the yeast drink "will be able to enter - step by step [invention]], a new type of green tea drink. Accordingly, for the purpose of the present invention, the production of a green tea fermentation broth by fermenting provides a green tea fermentation broth which is prepared/provided in the form of a green tea and a yeast. Fermentation of green leaves and yeast fermentation, the present invention forwards _ Τ Τ 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜 新鲜Tea; (4) in tea two or two ": tea leaves soaked in sugary tea, (4) in sugary tea ~ liquid; and (4) fermented embryos in the predetermined = fermented embryos into green tea fermentation broth. Brother scheduled time, then, this The green tea fermentation liquid is invented as a fermentation liquid. The green tea produced by the split & method has the effect of the invention: the design of the fermentation by mixing the & yeast with the yeast, in addition to the release amount of the beneficial ingredients of the ancient human body It can also be made; =: It contains ethanol in the yeast, and can be used as a new type of wine. 1 酉 酉 佘 佘 佘 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 Presented. Referring to Figure 1, a preferred embodiment of the method for producing a green tea fermentation broth of the present invention is a long-term fermentation using fresh green tea and yeast + conjugate. The green tea fermentation broth prepared by the production method may be an ethanol (alcohol)-containing component. A wine solution or a vinegar containing no alcohol (alcohol) ingredients. The method for producing the green tea fermentation broth comprises the following steps: Step (1) Greening treatment. The fresh tea freshly picked from the tea tree is baked (not shown), heat-treated in a 115t environment for about 5 hours (9 minutes), and the green tea is made into the green tea leaves to oxidize the polyphenols in the tea leaves. The activity of the enzyme 'to retain most of the polyphenolic components in the tea leaves. In the present embodiment, the fresh tea used is produced in Lugu Township, Nantou, and the variety is Qingxin Oolong, but the source and variety of fresh tea are not limited to this. Further, 'the purpose of the greening treatment is to remove the polyphenol oxidase activity' and the curing temperature in the general tea making process is about _. (: ~50 (the processing time of TC is about 5 minutes to 12 minutes, so the implementation temperature and processing time used in the implementation can be adjusted according to the tea type and climate... etc. The prior art is not described in detail. Step (2) Making tea water. The predetermined weight of the killed tea leaves are soaked in a predetermined volume of sterilized water, and the green tea leaves are spread in the sterilized water to prepare tea water. In the middle, 25 g of green tea leaves and 750 mI of sterilized water are placed in a 1_ml sterile fermentation vessel, so that the green tea leaves 201143625 can be completely immersed in the sterilized water. However, when implemented, the tea leaves have been killed. The content is not limited to this. It can be adjusted according to the tea product used. Step (3) Prepare sugary tea. Add the predetermined weight of sugar to the tea made in step (1), and dissolve the added sugar. Mixing sugar in tea water to make sugary tea. In this example, according to the addition: the content of sugar substance, the water containing (4) water is divided into five groups, and the tea of the unclassified substance is prepared. Water, tea with added saccharide content: 5wt%, 10%, 〜t%, 20wt% and 25wt%/ The saccharide used in this embodiment is sucrose, which is a solid sugar. - lactose, iso-η: a type of solid sugar, for example, fructose, galactose, etc. 2: 2: or a monosaccharide such as glucose. 4 Tianran can also use liquid sugar, such as maltose, etc. None: (=!^.: = 3) - Fermentation of the fermentation broth of water and tea fermentation broth, the content of the heart fermented into a green bacterium is 2 Χ Η), Γ: the yeast mash in the fermented embryo liquid. The present example of the use of eve _ η m is gambling from the Food Development Industry Research Institute as a mother. CRC 22049), step (5) for fermentation. After doing this, you can divide the six. The fermented embryo fluid of step (4) is sealed in a cool, ventilated place, and placed in a container of the chamber for ten weeks. Into the fermentation process, the whole fermentation process is 7 201143625 During the above fermentation process, in order to confirm the composition change of the green tea fermentation broth in each fermentation period, 15 ml of green tea fermentation broth is taken out every other week to analyze the measurement component 'continuous sampling for ten weeks. Before the green tea fermentation broth is taken, it is necessary to shake the entire container evenly before sampling. The items analyzed and tested are as follows: (1) Yeast growth 1 ml of green tea fermentation broth was placed in a Spectrometer U-2001 (Hitachi instrument, Inc., USA) to test its OD6〇Q value. (2) pH of green tea fermentation broth 15 ml of green tea fermentation broth was centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 30 minutes, and the pH of the supernatant was measured by pH meter (SUNTEX, SP-2200). (3) Total polyphenolics was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteau (FC) (Sigma Chemical Corp.) method. 2 ml of green tea broth was diluted with 95% alcohol and centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 10 minutes. Take 2 ml of the supernatant and mix 1 ml of 95% alcohol, 5 ml of deionized water and 50% of 5·5 ml. The FC reagent was prepared into a reaction mixture, and then reacted at 35 ° C for 5 minutes. Then, 1 ml of 5% Na2C03 was added to the above reaction mixture, and allowed to stand in a light-free environment for 60 minutes. Next, the reaction mixture was placed in a spectrometer (BioRad, 5560) and the absorbance was tested at 725 nm. The total polyphenol concentration was calculated from a standard curve of gallic acid, Sigma Chemical Corp. as a standard, and the unit was expressed in mg gallic acid equivalents/ml extract. The green tea fermentation broth of each experimental group was analyzed repeatedly three times for averaging. 201143625 (4) Total Flavonoids (TotalFlavonoids)

總類黃酮含量測定是採用些微修飾之氯化鋁顏色分析 法(aluminum chloride colorimetric assay)。將 2 ml 綠茶發酵 液適當的以95%酒精稀釋後,以3500 rpm離心10分鐘。接 著,將2 ml的離心上清液與0.5ml的10% A1C13、0.5ml的 1M CH3COONa和2 ml去離子水混合成反應混合物,於 35°C無光環境反應40分鐘,接著,取反應後之反應混合物 於光譜儀(BioRad, 5560)測試其415 nm的吸光度。總類黃 酮濃度由以懈皮素(quercetin, Sigma Chemical Corp.)為標準 品的標準曲線計算得來,並以mg quercetin equivalents/ml extract表達,每個實驗組之綠茶發酵液皆重複測試三次取 平均。 (五) DPPH 自由基清除能力(DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity) 自由基清除能力是以些微修飾之DPPH自由基清除能力 測定法測試。取1 ml綠茶發酵液以1〇〇%曱醇稀釋125倍後 ,以3500 rpm離心10分鐘。取4 ml離心上清液與新鮮製 備的1 ml的1 mM DPPH甲醇溶液完全混合後,於無光室溫 環境下反應30分鐘。然後,於光譜儀(BioRad,5560)測試其 490 nm吸光度。自由基清除能力是由Trolox (SIGMA-ALDRICH)為標準品的標準曲線計算得來。結果以mg Trolox equivalents/ml extract表達。每個實驗組的綠茶發酵 液皆重複測試三次取平均。 (六) 還原力測定(Reducing Power Test) 201143625 還原力活性是以還原赤血鹽(K3Fe(CN)6)成為黃金鹽 (K4Fe(CN)6)來測定。將1 ml的綠茶發酵液以1〇〇%曱醇稀 釋20倍,然後以3500 rpm離心10 min。取2 ml的離心上 清液與 2 ml 的 0·2 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 6.6)和 2 ml的1% K3Fe(CN)6於試管混合製成反應混合物後,在 50°C環境中反應 20 min,接著,將2 ml 10 % trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 加入上述反應混合物,然後以 3000 rpm離心10 min。接著,取2 ml上清液、2 ml蒸飽水 和 0.4 ml 的 0.1% ferric chloride (FeCl3)混合後反應 10 min _ 。最後,於光譜儀(BioRad,5560)測試其700 nm吸光度。反 應混合物之吸光度增加表示還原力增加。還原能力是以 BHT(SIGMA-ALDRICH)為標準品的標準曲線計算得來,分 析結果以mg BHT equivalents /ml extract表達。每個實驗重 複測試三次取平均。 (七)甲醇、乙醇與醋酸之測定 以氣相層析分析系統(gas chromatography, GC,Thermo Finnigan,Thermo Quest Italia S.P.A.,Italy)抽驗分析綠茶發 籲 酵液是否具有甲醇、乙醇與醋酸。將1 ml茶發酵液以 12,000 rpm離心10分鐘,以孔隙為0.22 μηι之濾膜過濾離 心上清液後,將1 μι的過濾、液注入Chromatography Rt-Q PLOT 管柱(30mx〇.32mm,RESTEK,USA),使用火焰型離子 4貞測器(Flame Ionization Detector, FID)來進行氣相層析分析 。由於曱醇、乙醇與醋酸之測定為習知技術,因此不再詳 述0 10 201143625 (八)HPLC 分析(HPLC analysis) 比照實驗組之茶水調配方式,配製出一組不含糖與菌 之茶水,然後於27°C條件下,以超音波震盪萃取1小時, 並經由0.22 μηι濾膜過濾,得到無菌發酵的超音波震盪萃取 過濾液。另外,將已發酵十週之綠茶發酵液1 ml以12,000 rpm離心1 〇分鐘,再以〇·22 μιη濾膜過濾上清液,取得過 濾液。分別取出上述兩種經過0.22 μιη濾膜的過濾液1〇 μΐ 運用至 SunFireTM C18 Column (5μηι,4.6x125 mm,Waters)進 行 HPLC 分析。Waters HPLC 系統配置一 Waters 2996 photodiode array detector。以 1 ml/min 流速,於 280 nm 積 測吸光度。移動相包含0.6% H3P04 (A),CH3CN (B) and Methanol (C),使用階梯式的移動相:0〜5 min A/B/C (0.88/0.11/0.01),5〜9 min A/B/C (0.817/0.173/0.01), 9〜15 min A/B/C (0.807/0.183/0.01), 15-30 min A/B/C (0.69/0.30/0.01) (九)統計分析(Statistics) 上述各項分析測定,例如總多紛、總類黃酮、DPP Η自 由基清除能力與還原力等,為區別蔗糖添加組和無蔗糖添 加組的顯著差異,是採用Student's t-test測試,且;?<0.05 視為顯著差異。 接著針對上述各項分析測試之結果進行說明: (一)酵母菌生長情況 參閱圖2,經由OD6()()測試,酵母菌經第一週發酵後已 經達到生長穩定期(stationary phase)。總體而言,有添加嚴 201143625 糖之綠茶發酵液的酵母菌 制組,〇%蔗糖),辦士 . 頌阿於無蔗糖綠茶發酵液(控 in λ #添蔗糖之實驗·彡日& rm 】.〇,分別介於! 心耳驗組的〇D刚全高於 and 0.8。 曰’而控制組的〇D600則介於〇 5 (二)pH值測試結果 麥閲圖 …添加蔗糖之綠茶發醏 „ nn 3 _ 添加蔗糖之綠茶發酵 、 的PH月顯尚於习 ^ 發酵液。在發酵初期,所有實驗组的〇 ^ 約為6·5,然後逐漸降低,最後…斤有貫驗組的PH, 加斧糖的坪X淼祕 最後至某種程度穩定下來。無汚The total flavonoid content was determined using a slightly modified aluminum chloride colorimetric assay. 2 ml of the green tea fermentation broth was diluted with 95% alcohol and centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 10 minutes. Next, 2 ml of the supernatant was mixed with 0.5 ml of 10% A1C13, 0.5 ml of 1 M CH3COONa and 2 ml of deionized water to form a reaction mixture, which was reacted in a light-free environment at 35 ° C for 40 minutes, and then, after the reaction. The reaction mixture was tested for absorbance at 415 nm on a spectrometer (BioRad, 5560). The total flavonoid concentration was calculated from the standard curve of quercetin (Sigma Chemical Corp.) and expressed in mg quercetin equivalents/ml extract. The green tea fermentation broth of each experimental group was repeatedly tested three times. average. (5) DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity The free radical scavenging ability is tested by slightly modified DPPH free radical scavenging ability. After 1 ml of green tea fermentation broth was diluted 125 times with 1% sterol, it was centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 10 minutes. 4 ml of the supernatant was thoroughly mixed with freshly prepared 1 ml of 1 mM DPPH methanol solution, and then reacted for 30 minutes in the absence of light at room temperature. Then, the absorbance at 490 nm was measured on a spectrometer (BioRad, 5560). The free radical scavenging capacity is calculated from the standard curve of Trolox (SIGMA-ALDRICH) as a standard. Results are expressed in mg Trolox equivalents/ml extract. The green tea fermentation broth of each experimental group was repeated three times for averaging. (6) Reducing Power Test 201143625 The reducing power activity is determined by reducing red blood salt (K3Fe(CN)6) into a gold salt (K4Fe(CN)6). 1 ml of green tea fermentation broth was diluted 20-fold with 1% sterol and then centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 10 min. 2 ml of the supernatant was mixed with 2 ml of 0·2 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 6.6) and 2 ml of 1% K3Fe(CN)6 in a test tube to prepare a reaction mixture, and then reacted at 50 ° C. After 20 min, 2 ml of 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) was added to the above reaction mixture, followed by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min. Next, 2 ml of the supernatant, 2 ml of distilled water and 0.4 ml of 0.1% ferric chloride (FeCl3) were mixed and reacted for 10 min _. Finally, the 700 nm absorbance was tested on a spectrometer (BioRad, 5560). An increase in the absorbance of the reaction mixture indicates an increase in the reducing power. The reducing power was calculated from a standard curve of BHT (SIGMA-ALDRICH) as a standard, and the analysis results were expressed in mg BHT equivalents / ml extract. Each experiment was repeated three times to average. (VII) Determination of Methanol, Ethanol and Acetic Acid A gas chromatography analysis system (gas chromatography, GC, Thermo Finnigan, Thermo Quest Italia S.P.A., Italy) was used to analyze whether the green tea cells had methanol, ethanol and acetic acid. 1 ml of tea fermentation broth was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 10 minutes, and the supernatant was filtered through a 0.22 μηη filter. Then, 1 μιη of the filtered solution was injected into a Chromatography Rt-Q PLOT column (30 mx 〇.32 mm, RESTEK). , USA), gas chromatography analysis using a Flame Ionization Detector (FID). Since the determination of sterol, ethanol and acetic acid is a conventional technique, it will not be described in detail. 0 10 201143625 (8) HPLC analysis According to the tea composition of the experimental group, a set of tea without sugar and bacteria is prepared. Then, it was extracted by ultrasonic vibration at 27 ° C for 1 hour, and filtered through a 0.22 μηι filter to obtain a sterile fermented ultrasonic shock extraction filtrate. Further, 1 ml of the green tea fermentation broth which had been fermented for ten weeks was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 1 minute, and the supernatant was filtered through a 〇22 μιη filter to obtain a filtrate. The above two filters of 0.22 μηη filter were removed and applied to SunFireTM C18 Column (5μηι, 4.6×125 mm, Waters) for HPLC analysis. The Waters HPLC system is configured with a Waters 2996 photodiode array detector. The absorbance was measured at 280 nm at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The mobile phase consists of 0.6% H3P04 (A), CH3CN (B) and Methanol (C), using a stepped mobile phase: 0~5 min A/B/C (0.88/0.11/0.01), 5~9 min A/ B/C (0.817/0.173/0.01), 9~15 min A/B/C (0.807/0.183/0.01), 15-30 min A/B/C (0.69/0.30/0.01) (9) Statistical analysis ( Statistics) The above analysis, for example, total flavonoids, total flavonoids, DPP Η free radical scavenging ability and reducing power, etc., is a significant difference between the sucrose addition group and the sucrose-free addition group, which is tested by Student's t-test. And ??<0.05 is considered a significant difference. Next, the results of the above analysis tests are described: (1) Yeast growth condition Referring to Fig. 2, the yeast has reached the stationary phase after the first week of fermentation by the OD6()() test. In general, there is a yeast group with strict 201143625 sugar green tea fermentation broth, 〇% sucrose), shanghai. 颂阿于 蔗糖 绿茶 绿茶 绿茶 绿茶 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添 添】.〇, respectively! The 〇D of the heart-ear test group is just higher than 0.8. 曰' and the control group's 〇D600 is between 〇5 (2) pH test results Mai reading... Adding sugar green tea hairpin „ nn 3 _ The addition of sucrose to the green tea fermentation, the PH month is still in the fermentation broth. At the beginning of the fermentation, the 〇^ of all the experimental groups is about 6.5, then gradually decrease, and finally... jin has the PH of the test group The axe of the axe sugar is finally stabilized to some extent.

庶糖的綠命發醇液之 綠茶發酵液的PH於第三週由:/:2:5·“1。有添加嚴糖次 四週後趨於穩定,主要是右.減少至3.6〜4·2,並於第 更多的碳㈣提料利^加隸之料發酵液有 .. '酵母菌生長,致使綠茶發酵液中有更多 、有機酸生成,所以綠茶發酵液的pH較低。 (二)總多酴(Total p〇lyphenc)lies) +參閱圖4’所有綠茶發酵液的總多齡在發酵期間都有顯 者的含量,分別介於2.45〜3.12 mg G仙c addThe pH of the green tea fermentation broth of the green sugar alcohol in the third week is: /: 2:5 · "1. There is a strong sugar added four weeks after the stabilization, mainly right. Reduced to 3.6~4·2 And in the first carbon (four) extraction material, plus the material fermentation broth.. 'Yeast bacteria growth, resulting in more green tea fermentation broth, organic acid production, so the green tea fermentation broth has a lower pH. 2) Total p〇lyphenclies) + Refer to Figure 4 for the total age of all green tea fermentation broths during the fermentation period, which are between 2.45 and 3.12 mg G.

㈣valents/mi。儘f總多盼量出現明顯的震錢動,但是 蔗糖添加量分別為2〇wt% and 25wt%之實驗組的總多酚量明 顯高於無添加蔬糖之控制組,且於第六週後,實驗組與控 制組的總多酚含量差距更加明顯。 (四)總類黃酮(Total flavonoids) 參閱圖5,所有綠茶發酵液皆具有顯著的總類黃酮含量 約介於0.15~0.23 111名()1^。61:丨116911^161118/1111,但所有綠 茶發酵液之總類黃酮皆呈上下震盪之表現。於發酵過程的 12 201143625 前九週期間,實驗組與控制組間的總類黃酮並沒有明顯差 別的傾向’但於第切發酵結束時,蔗糖添加量分別為 20wt%與25wt%的實驗組比控制組具有更多總類黃嗣。 .(五)DPPH 自由基清除能力(DPPH radical scavenging activity) 〆閱圖6 ’所有綠茶發酵液皆有很強的DPPH自由基清 除月b力’約介於 2·19〜2·33 mg Tr〇l〇x equivalents/mI 間,在(4) valents/mi. The total amount of polyphenols in the experimental group with sucrose addition of 2〇wt% and 25wt% was significantly higher than that of the control group without added vegetable sugar, and in the sixth week. After that, the difference in total polyphenol content between the experimental group and the control group was more obvious. (IV) Total flavonoids Referring to Figure 5, all green tea fermentation broths have significant total flavonoid content of about 0.15~0.23 111 (1). 61: 丨116911^161118/1111, but the total flavonoids of all green tea fermentation broths are up and down. During the first nine weeks of the 2011-0425 fermentation process, there was no significant difference in the total flavonoids between the experimental group and the control group. However, at the end of the first-cut fermentation, the sucrose addition was 20 wt% and 25 wt%, respectively. The control group has more total jaundice. (5) DPPH radical scavenging activity See Figure 6 'All green tea fermentation broths have strong DPPH free radical scavenging monthly b force' about 2·19~2·33 mg Tr〇 L〇x equivalents/mI, in

衫週發酵期間,DPPH自由基清除能力是呈慢慢的增加之 狀·% ’於發酵五週後便穩定下來,且呈現高低震盈的現象 ’但顯示綠茶發酵液的DppH自由基清除能力明顯不受嚴糖 添加量影響。 〇、)還原力活性 Reducing Power Activity 參閱圖7,所有綠茶發酵液皆有很強的還原力活性,介 ;.98〜U·15 mg BHT equivalent /ml間。於整個發酵期間 蔗糖添加量分別為5重量%和1〇重量%之實驗組的還原 力活眭,疋呈上下震盪的趨勢,但於第五週或第六週後, ;蔗糖添加量為15重量%,20重量%和25重量%之實驗組 的還原力活性明顯有增加的趨勢,所有實驗組皆比控制組 具有更向的還原力活性。 (七)甲醇、乙醇與醋酸測定 >閱圖8、9,以GC分析,有添加蔗糖之實驗組只有 個付a乙醇滯流時間的波峰。20%簾糖添加量的綠茶During the period of peri-shirt fermentation, DPPH free radical scavenging ability is slowly increasing. % 'It stabilizes after five weeks of fermentation, and exhibits high and low seismic phenomena', but shows that DppH free radical scavenging ability of green tea fermentation broth is obvious. Not affected by the amount of strict sugar added. 〇,) Reducing Power Activity Reducing Power Activity Referring to Figure 7, all green tea fermentation broths have strong reducing power activity, between .98~U·15 mg BHT equivalent /ml. The reducing power of the experimental group with sucrose addition amount of 5% by weight and 1% by weight during the whole fermentation period showed a tendency to oscillate up and down, but after the fifth or sixth week, the amount of sucrose added was 15 The reducing power activities of the experimental groups of % by weight, 20% by weight and 25% by weight were significantly increased, and all of the experimental groups had more reducing activity than the control group. (VII) Determination of methanol, ethanol and acetic acid > Read Figures 8 and 9 for GC analysis. There was only one peak in the experimental group with sucrose addition. 20% curtain sugar added amount of green tea

發酵液在第—週、第五週與第十週皆只有一個乙醇滯流時 严 1 'll·· J a ’波峰。但無添加蔗糖之控制組於發酵後第十週後,綠The fermentation broth has only one alcohol stagnation during the first week, the fifth week and the tenth week, and the 1 'll·· J a ' peak. However, the control group without added sucrose was green after the tenth week after fermentation.

S 13 201143625 ::酵液第-波峰出現於滯流時間92論(甲醇)、第二波 :出=帶流時間u.2min(乙醇),而第三波蜂出現於滞流 ^叫醋酸)。由此顯示,有添加嚴糖之實驗組中並 =甲醇成分,確定實驗組成分就是所謂的酒液,所以 為飲⑽飲用,其中,該等實驗組的乙醇濃度分別 為 0.4/〇(第一週)、〇 5%〜2 5。"梦·^ •。(第五週)、1.5%〜14.〇5%(第十 :),目反的,控制組於發酵過程中會產生有害於人體的甲 斤以無添加簾糖之綠茶發酵液不適於飲用。 (八)綠茶多酚之HPLC測定 如+圖所示’以HpLC分析以超音波震衫取之益菌 ;命水與各綠茶發酵液之綠茶多酶於發酵期間的變化情 酚分佈,於,,第十週時’綠茶發酵液含有顯著量的茶多 继 J余夕齡的分佈量並不受到嚴糖添加量與發酵影 顯的綠茶發酵液的茶多齡吸收高度與面積都明 、.,.门、",、菌無糖茶水,因此,以微生物發酵確實可以# 有效率的將茶多齡萃取出來。 i物發酵確…更 由以上測试結果可知,將新錄綠父机主士 類物質及酵母人杜將悦.,彔木殺月處理後,與糖 的綠欠称 行發酵,可用以製成含有酒精成分 含量二ΓΓ:且,之綠茶發酵液皆具有很高的總多紛 血還ϋ ^时量,且具有極佳的DPPH自由基清除能力 之綠茶發酵液中:存有豐:效成份外’該等實驗㈣^ ! 24 1 〇7 有豐虽的蛋白質酶活性(活性範圍介於 14 201143625 圍介於0.98〜1631 u ϊΤ/ ^ U/ml)。也就是說,本發明綠茶發酵液 除了可使余葉中對人 m ^ > 避有益之有效成分大量釋出外,還會 因為含有酒精成分, 丄v 叫成為—種不同以往的全新茶類飲品 ,所以本發明綠茶發 n ^ 發酵液勢必會在市場上引發另一種茶飲 風潮。S 13 201143625 :: The first peak of the yeast solution appears in the stagnation time 92 (methanol), the second wave: out = the flow time u.2min (ethanol), and the third wave bee appears in the stagnation ^ called acetic acid) . It is shown that there is a methanol component added to the experimental group with added sugar, and the experimental component is determined to be a so-called liquor, so it is consumed by drinking (10), wherein the ethanol concentration of the experimental group is 0.4/〇, respectively (first Week), 〇 5%~2 5. "梦·^ •. (fifth week), 1.5%~14.〇5% (tenth:), the opposite, the control group will produce a harmful to the human body in the fermentation process, the green tea fermentation liquid without added curtain sugar is not suitable for drinking . (8) HPLC determination of green tea polyphenols as shown in the figure + 'HpLC analysis of the beneficial bacteria taken by ultrasonic shocking shirt; life water and green tea multi-enzyme of each green tea fermentation liquid during the fermentation period, At the tenth week, the green tea fermentation broth contains a significant amount of tea. The distribution of the amount of tea is not affected by the amount of sugar added and the green tea fermentation broth of the fermentation. ,., door, ", bacteria without sugar tea, therefore, microbial fermentation can indeed # efficiently extract tea ages. The fermentation of the substance is indeed... It is known from the above test results that the newly recorded green parent machine and the yeast person Du Yueyue, after the eucalyptus treatment, can be fermented with the green sugar of the sugar. The content of the alcohol-containing component is two: and the green tea fermentation broth has a high total amount of blood and sputum, and has excellent DPPH free radical scavenging ability in the green tea fermentation broth: In addition to the ingredients 'these experiments (four) ^ ! 24 1 〇7 has a protein activity of the protein (activity range is 14 201143625 surrounded by 0.98~1631 u ϊΤ / ^ U / ml). That is to say, the green tea fermentation broth of the present invention can release a large amount of active ingredients for avoiding beneficial substances in the leaves, and also contains alcoholic ingredients, and 丄v is called a new type of tea beverage. Therefore, the green tea produced by the present invention is inevitably triggered to cause another tea drink in the market.

此外,必需却BB ° 的疋,基於一般酵母菌發酵液之發酵 歷程,酒液再進—舟 你 、、、 夕發酵後’便可製成不含酒精成分之醋 ' 〔3乙醇成分之綠茶發酵液,可進一步發酵成 酉曰液^於酒㈣酵切液„知技術,因^再詳述。 母菌述1透過將殺青後之新鮮綠茶、糖類物質與酵 二仃考酵的設計’除了有助於提高茶葉中對人體 ^ 卜,還此夠使所製造出的綠茶發酵液 含有乙酵(酒精)成分,而 履 用乂做為一種新式酒液,除了能 夠提供飲用者綠茶之有兴忐 ’、 有飲.、…搞 有-成刀外’還能夠同時讓飲用者具 酉的樂趣,所以可大幅提高綠茶之價值,且可提供另 種全新的綠茶飲品,因此,確實可達到本發明之目的。 惟以上所述者,僅為本發明之較佳實施例而已, f以此限U發明實施之範圍,即大凡依本發明申請^ 乾圍及發明說明内容所作押 屈丄 ㈣之間早的荨效變化與修韩,皆伪 屬本發明專利涵蓋之範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 步驟=本發明綠茶發酵液之製造方法的較佳實施例之 圖2是該較佳實施例製成之綠茶發酵液中的酵母菌含 15 201143625 量變化曲線圖; 圖3是該較佳實施例製成之綠茶發 才赞酵液中的pH變化曲 線圖; 圖4是該較佳實施例製成之綠茶 赞酵液中的總多酚濃 度變化曲線圖; 圆5是該較佳實施例製成之綠茶 才、發酵液中的總類黃酮 濃度變化曲線圖; 圖6是該較佳實施例製成之綠苓 才、赞酵液中的自由基清In addition, it is necessary to BB °, based on the fermentation process of the general yeast fermentation broth, the wine is re-introduced - the boat, you, after the fermentation, can be made into vinegar without alcohol. The fermentation broth can be further fermented into sputum liquid (in the wine) (four) yeast cutting liquid „ know the technology, because ^ will be detailed. Mother bacterium 1 through the green tea, sugar and yeast after the green sorghum design In addition to helping to improve the body's body in the tea, it is enough to make the green tea fermentation broth containing the enzyme (alcohol), and the cockroach is used as a new type of liquor, in addition to providing the green tea for the drinker. Xingyu ', have a drink., ... have a - outside the knife' can also make the drinkers have fun, so it can greatly increase the value of green tea, and can provide a new type of green tea drink, so it can be achieved The object of the present invention is only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and f is limited to the scope of the implementation of the U invention, that is, the application of the invention and the description of the invention (4) Early effect And Xiuhan, all of which are within the scope of the present invention. [Simplified description of the drawings] Step = Figure 2 of the preferred embodiment of the method for producing green tea fermentation broth of the present invention is a green tea fermentation prepared by the preferred embodiment The yeast in the liquid contains a graph of the amount of change of 2011 20112525; FIG. 3 is a graph showing the pH change of the green tea made in the preferred embodiment; FIG. 4 is a green tea produced by the preferred embodiment. A graph showing the change in total polyphenol concentration in the fermentation broth; circle 5 is a graph showing the change in total flavonoid concentration in the green tea produced in the preferred embodiment; FIG. 6 is green in the preferred embodiment. Radicals in the broth

除能力的曲線圖; 圖7是該較佳實施例製成之綠 性的曲線圖; *發酵液中的還原力活 、’杂命發酵液中的乙醇、甲 条余發酵液中的乙醇濃度 圖8是該較佳實施例製成之 醇與醋酸之GC測試圖; 圖9是該較佳實施例製成之 曲線圖;及 圖10是該較佳實施例製成之綠茶發酵 含量的HPLC分析結果。 4 的綠茶多酚Figure 7 is a graph showing the greenness of the preferred embodiment; *Reducing power in the fermentation broth, ethanol in the fermentation broth, ethanol concentration in the fermentation broth Figure 8 is a GC test chart of the alcohol and acetic acid produced in the preferred embodiment; Figure 9 is a graph of the preferred embodiment; and Figure 10 is the HPLC of the fermentation content of the green tea prepared in the preferred embodiment. Analysis results. 4 green tea polyphenols

16 201143625 【主要元件符號說明】 無16 201143625 [Explanation of main component symbols]


Claims (1)

201143625 七、申请專利範圍: 1· 一種綠茶發酵液的製造方法,包含以下步驟: (a) 將新鮮茶葉高溫加熱進行殺青處理,去除新鮮茶 葉中之多酚氧化酶的活性; 製 (b) 將步驟U)處理過之新鮮茶葉浸泡於滅菌水中, 成茶水; (c) 於命水中混合加入糖類物質’製成含糖茶水; (d) 於含糖茶水中混合加入酵母菌,製成發酵胚液. 及 ’* (e) 將發酵胚液於預定溫度環境下發酵一預定時間, 製成綠茶發酵液。 2·根據巾請專利範圍第1項所述之綠茶發酵液的製造方法 ,其中,步驟(c)含糖茶水中的糖類物質含量大於等於 wt% 。 、 ' 3. 根據申請專利範圍第2項所述之綠茶發酵液的製造方法 wt ,其中’步驟⑷含糖茶水中的糖類物質含量小於% % 〇 、 4. 根據申請專利範圍第1、2 製 2χ 拌Π η 連之綠余發酵液的 '方法,其令,步驟⑷發酵胚液中酵母菌含量高於 10 〇 、 5·根據tft㈣侧第丨韻収綠茶發酵 ,其中,步驟⑷之殺青處理是將新鮮茶葉於製'方法 5〇o°c環境下加熱5分鐘至12〇分鐘。 、:〇c〜 6.根據W專利錢第1項所述之綠茶發酵“製造方法 18 201143625 酒Γ’步驟(e)發酵製成之綠茶發酵液為含有乙醇之 7 _根據申請專利笳囹 ,其中,步j 項所述之綠茶發酵液的製造方法 0.4%〜15%。 綠茶發酵液之乙醇濃度範圍介於 8. 根據申請專利筋图货 ,其中,^圍項所述之綠茶發酵液的製造方法 ’ ' (e)發酵製成之綠茶發酵液為 9. -種以申請專利範圍 為醋液。 法製成之綠茶發酵液。 、,表命發酵液的製造方 其中,綠 1〇.=申請專利範圍第9項所述之綠茶 命發酵液為含有乙醇之酒液。 液 其中,綠 U.:據申請專利範圍第10項所述之綠茶發酵液 I發酵液之乙醇濃度範圍介於0.4%~15%。 其中,綠 12·根據申請專利範圍第9項所述之綠茶發酵 茶發酵液為醋液。 酵液201143625 VII. Patent application scope: 1. A method for manufacturing green tea fermentation broth, comprising the following steps: (a) heating the fresh tea leaves at a high temperature to remove the activity of polyphenol oxidase in fresh tea leaves; Step U) The fresh tea leaves treated are immersed in the sterilized water to form tea water; (c) the sugar substance is mixed and added to the water to make the sugary tea; (d) the yeast is mixed and added to the sugary tea water to prepare the fermented embryo. Liquid and '* (e) Fermenting the fermentation broth at a predetermined temperature for a predetermined period of time to prepare a green tea fermentation broth. The method for producing a green tea fermentation broth according to the invention of claim 1, wherein the content of the saccharide in the sugar-containing tea in the step (c) is greater than or equal to wt%. , ' 3. The method for producing green tea fermentation broth according to item 2 of the patent application scope, wherein the content of the saccharide in the sugary tea water in the step (4) is less than % % 4., 4. According to the scope of the patent application No. 1, 2 2χ Mixing Π 连 连 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿 绿The fresh tea leaves are heated in the environment of the method 5 ° ° ° ° for 5 minutes to 12 minutes. 〇: 〇 c~ 6. According to the patent of the W patent, the green tea fermentation "manufacturing method 18 201143625 wine cellar" step (e) fermented green tea fermentation broth is containing ethanol 7 _ according to the patent application, The method for producing the green tea fermentation liquid described in the step j is 0.4% to 15%. The ethanol concentration of the green tea fermentation liquid is in the range of 8. According to the patent application, the green tea fermentation liquid according to the enclosure [Manufacturing method ' ' (e) Fermented green tea fermentation broth is 9. - The patent application scope is vinegar liquid. The green tea fermentation liquid prepared by the method.,, the production of the fat fermentation liquid, among them, green 1 〇. = The green tea fermentation broth described in item 9 of the patent application is a liquor containing ethanol. Among them, green U.: The concentration of ethanol in the fermentation broth of green tea fermentation liquid I according to claim 10 is between 0.4%~15%. Among them, Green 12·The green tea fermented tea fermentation liquid according to item 9 of the patent application scope is vinegar. 1919
TW99119268A 2010-06-14 2010-06-14 Green tea fermentation broth and manufacturing method thereof TW201143625A (en)

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TW99119268A TW201143625A (en) 2010-06-14 2010-06-14 Green tea fermentation broth and manufacturing method thereof

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TW99119268A TW201143625A (en) 2010-06-14 2010-06-14 Green tea fermentation broth and manufacturing method thereof

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TW99119268A TW201143625A (en) 2010-06-14 2010-06-14 Green tea fermentation broth and manufacturing method thereof

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN109694886A (en) * 2017-10-19 2019-04-30 安琪酵母股份有限公司 A kind of green tea fermentation filtrate and its preparation method and application

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN109694886A (en) * 2017-10-19 2019-04-30 安琪酵母股份有限公司 A kind of green tea fermentation filtrate and its preparation method and application
CN109694886B (en) * 2017-10-19 2022-07-01 安琪纽特股份有限公司 Green tea fermentation filtrate and preparation method and application thereof

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