TW201139788A - Slope stabilization system - Google Patents

Slope stabilization system Download PDF


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TW201139788A TW100107661A TW100107661A TW201139788A TW 201139788 A TW201139788 A TW 201139788A TW 100107661 A TW100107661 A TW 100107661A TW 100107661 A TW100107661 A TW 100107661A TW 201139788 A TW201139788 A TW 201139788A
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stabilization system
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TWI540238B (en
Naoto Iwasa
Takeo Ikeda
Hikamitsu Ohmiya
Masashi Iwata
Original Assignee
Nipponn Steel & Amp Sumikin Metal Products Co Ltd
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Application filed by Nipponn Steel & Amp Sumikin Metal Products Co Ltd filed Critical Nipponn Steel & Amp Sumikin Metal Products Co Ltd
Publication of TW201139788A publication Critical patent/TW201139788A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI540238B publication Critical patent/TWI540238B/en



  • Pit Excavations, Shoring, Fill Or Stabilisation Of Slopes (AREA)
  • Testing Or Calibration Of Command Recording Devices (AREA)
  • Piles And Underground Anchors (AREA)
  • Length Measuring Devices With Unspecified Measuring Means (AREA)
  • Emergency Alarm Devices (AREA)


Proposed is a slope stabilization system for stabilizing a structural body in slope construction sites that is capable of resisting and reducing the degree of unstable mud sliding under a security factor Fs of a construction site fixed within over 1.0 and less than 1.2. The system includes installing a displacement sensor in a slope stabilization unit that constitutes the slop stabilization structural body for detecting mud sliding; and transmitting the detected signals of danger by a signal transmission device to a signal receiving device, and receiving the signal for detecting the degree of danger of mud sliding in the construction site accordingly.


201139788 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關一種斜面安定化系統’即使利用斜面安 定化之簡易應對施工法,也可將發生斜面崩塌時的受害減 少至最低,且在發生斜面崩塌的可能性高時,可讓居民能 事先採取適當措施。 【先前技術】 一般而言,對於斜面崩塌之斜面對策,係以對現有之 斜面安全係數Fs提高20%至50%之目的下規定其基準。將 現有之斜面安全係數Fs提高2〇%至5〇%,因可確保充分之 高安全性,故在安全性上雖是好事,但是施工費用也會變 付極叩貴。因此對於有可能產生斜面崩塌之斜面,即使崩 %之可此性不尚之斜面也要全面作斜面安定化處理,確實 也有困難。 但=對住在斜面下之居民而言,雖說崩塌的可能性極 低仁也7C種不安’還是希望能有斜面安定化工法之施工, 而且政府相_構對放置不理感到不安的情形也很多。 因此乂往除了補強斜面之措施之外,以斜面對策之 而°肖有在斜面裝設感測器以檢測斜面之動態變化, 而進打觀測斜面之狀況且預測斜面崩塌。 此等以往之斜面觀測系統,一般都是在發現斜面有某 些異狀時始會裝設感測ϋ之系統。 又、,以往之斜面觀測系統,一般係將感測器所檢測之 貝訊傳遞至政府相關機構,但並未納人對居民的傳遞措 322826 3 201139788 施,對居民的傳遞措施是靠防災無線廣播、擴音器或傳閱 信息等傳遞方式,以致如遇下雨時感測器所檢測之消息常 無法立即通知居民而延誤傳達。 又’以往之斜面觀測系統,感測器一般多點狀性或局 部性地裝設在斜面,故難於掌握目標斜面整體之危機判斷。 又’在曰本特開平10-185633號公報’記載有對山區 之山體及填土等之狀況觀測之計測業務用的測量之地下移 位的測量法。 地下移位測量法,有差動變壓方式或應變儀方式之將 複數個地下移位儀隔開間隔插入配置在鑽孔内,根據地下 移位儀所測量之移位,運算出角度移位而獲知地下移位。 又’於日本特開2006-252128公報,係根據監視對象 斜面之降雨量加以分析,求得降雨時之水頭(落差)變化, 並比較存儲在坍塌安全係數曲面數據庫之安全係數曲面與 降雨時之水頭’進行監視對象面之坍塌安定係數FS的坪、 定。亦即預測斜面之坍塌。 另’日本特開2000-39342號公報,係將測量探針 (Probe)裝設在山腰多數個測量地點者,而此測量探針備有 加速度感測器,可在受到規定之加速度時用無線傳送有關 移位方向與速度之數據,由觀測基地台之接收裝置接收, 數據,可檢測土石流之發生,同時也可檢測土石流之方: 及速度等而發出預警。 ° 【發明内容】 (發明欲解決之問題) 322826 4 201139788 當斜面有發生某些異狀時,才要裝設感測器之以在之 系統’有因應過慢之虞。 又,因無對居民裝設傳遞裝置之系統,遇降大雨時也 不能對居民立即傳輸檢測訊息,而使傳遞太慢。 又,在斜面定點或局部裝設感測器之系統,則有無法 掌握作為對象的整體斜面作危機判斷。 如上述以往之斜面觀測系統,都非為加強斜面本身之 措施’因此,和可防止斜面讲塌之直接措施相比,碟實無 法令人滿意。 上述斜面觀測系統之斜面措施’如為已施工有斜面安 定化工法後之對策者,則當可放心’但是需花費昂貴建設 費用而在投資效益可謂不佳。 另一方面,由上述斜面觀測系統進行之斜面措施,於 屬於未施工斜面安定化工法者之對策時,雖藉由斜面狀況 觀測或預測斜面坍塌,而發出警報,誘導避難得以儘量減 少災害雖然有某些效果,但是在檢測可能發生斜面坍塌而 發出警報的時間點,到實際發生斜面㈣或将塌規模擴大 之時間短促,難言能減少災害至最低。 本發明之斜面安定化系統為針對上述問題而完成者, 視現有斜面之狀況作簡易措施之施工,儘量減少斜㈣塌 之可能,遇發生斜面_時也可減少災害至最低,並在斜 面坍塌之可能性昇高時能讓居民及時因應。 (解決問題之方法) 為解決上述問題本發明之第1種態樣為,—種斜面安 322826 5 201139788 定化系統’其對斜面施工之斜面安定化構造體,可隨土塊 之移動發揮抗力❿減少斜面中不安定土塊之移動程度;在 構成該斜面安定化構造體之斜面安定化構件裝設移位感測 器°又置^該斜面之土塊移動時’根據上述移位感測器所 檢測之信號而發出危險度訊號的危險度訊號傳送裝置;另 裝設危險度接收裝置,可接收該危險度訊號傳送裝置之傳 送資訊。 於上述斜面安定化系統中,亦可將斜面安定化構造贌, 以滿足斜面之安全係數Fs為超過1.0且未達1.2之基率裴 設在斜面。 於上述斜面安定化系統,其斜面安定化構造體,邡< 由·多數個錨栓裝設在斜面深入達地基之不動層;錨定板 裝設在各錨栓頭部;及視需要在斜面裝設之有助於斜面安 定化之其他斜面安定化構件。 本發明之第2態樣為,一種斜面安定化系統,除捧用 由多數個錨检裝設在斜面深入達地基之不動層,並將麵定 板裝設在各錨栓頭部,及視需要使用有助於斜面安定彳匕之 其他斜面安定化構件而構築斜面安定化構造體之斜面安定 化工法,同時在該斜面裝設感測器可傳輸斜面之危險度, 而在施工上述斜面安定化工法時,施工為能滿足斜面之安 全係數Fs為超過ίο而未達12之基準,並在選自上述錨 栓、錨定板、及其他斜面安定化構件中之一種或多種之斜 面女定化構件,安裝感測器,可在斜面發生異狀時檢剜此 異狀,並裝设危險度訊號傳送裝置,係於斜面發生異狀待 322826 6 201139788 依據U上述斜面安定化構件之上述感測器 號:出二險度訊號’另裝設危險度訊號接收裝置,传接: 該危險度訊號傳送裝置之傳送資訊。 S係接收 於上述斜面安定化系統,其感測器可 移動之移位感測器。 種檢叫土塊 於上述斜面安疋化系統,上述銷栓亦可一 ”中^插人有拉讀,隸伸狀_端以在;;检材的 =二=端二二端通過錫栓地表部透過移位感測器固定 :田疋 a有相栓之土塊移動時,移位感測器可 檢測到土塊之移動並檢測錄變料之對拉伸材所產生之 拉伸力。 於上述斜面安定化系統’上述其他的斜面安定化構件, 亦可為連結錨栓頭部間之線狀體,或敷設在斜面之金屬製 或樹脂製之網·,且在線狀體或網之一方或雙方安裝移位感 測器,當斜面之一部分土塊移動時,移位感測器能檢測^ 未移動土塊與移動土塊之間存在之上述線狀體或網之一方 或雙方的延伸並檢測土塊移動量。 於上述斜面安定化系統,感測器亦可為土壌水分减測 器,或溫度感測器之一方或其雙方。 於上述斜面安定化系統,所用錨栓可由中空材所構成, 且為在中空部安裝有土壤水分感測器及溫度感測器中之任 一種或兩種,且亦可為在錨栓的土中前端由多孔質材所覆 蓋之附有感測器之錨栓。 4 於上述斜面安定化系統,錨栓為由一種表面有多數個 322826 7 201139788 器及溫成,亡為,中空部安裝有土壌水分感測 端由多孔曾任種或兩種,且為在錯栓之土中前 知由夕孔料所覆蓋之附有 鑽孔之後向讀錯⑻ ❻之錄纟且在對斜面 可灌入透水性^ 的上述銷栓與鑽孔壁之間隙,亦 地基^::安^化系統’灌聚之透水係數,可為周邊 '、數之1倍至1/1〇倍。 化李斜面,亦可—併施I上述第1態樣之斜面安定 系=、與切第2態樣之斜面安定化系統。 值…^料面安定化祕,危險度訊號料1置,亦可 ^㈣移位感測器所檢叙相應於土塊移動量之多種危 險度專級之不同危險度訊號。 於上述斜面安定化系統,危險度訊號傳送裝置,亦可 據移位感測器所檢測之土塊移動量算出的土塊移動速 度’包含在設定上述危險度等級之基準内。 於上述斜面安定化系統,危險度訊號傳送裝置,亦可 傳送上述土壤水分感測器或溫度感測器中之一方或其雙方 所檢測之對應土壞水分量或溫度中之一方或其雙方之多種 危險度等級的危險度訊號。 於上述斜面安定化系統,危險度訊號傳送裝置,亦可 將依據土壞水分感測器或溫度感測器之一方或其雙方所檢 測之土壌水分量或溫度之一方或其雙方所算出之土壞水分 量或溫度之變化速度,包含在設定上述危險度等級之基準。 於上述斜面安定化系統’為滿足上述安全係數Fs為超 8 322826 201139788 過1. 〇而未達1. 2之規格之斜面安定化工法施工辨法,可 調整錫检之間隔。 於上述斜面安定化系統,錨栓之間隔亦可在斜面之下 方側較窄小,而在上方侧較寬大。 於上述斜面安定化系統,其錫定板之面積,在斜面之 下方侧可較寬廣,而在上方侧可較窄小。 於上述斜面安定化系統,其危險度訊號接收裝置,可 裝設在斜面下方之工廠、個人住宅、公寓,並且設置在政 府相關機構及/或斜面危險度判斷專家等處,用以建構玎確 保連絡、加強、避難體制之防災警報系統。 (發明之效果) 依據本發明之第1態樣的斜面安定化系統,係對斜面 作簡易措施之施工,故即使和正式斜面安定化工法比較並 不完整,卻也可獲得較現狀為佳之斜面安定化效果。因此 對於當地居民而言,不同於僅裝設斜面觀測系統,而可獲 得實質上之安心感。 不同於在發生某些異狀後才裝設感測器之系統,自施 工時起即隨時在感測,由危險度訊號傳送褒置,傳送依據 移位感測器所檢測訊號之危險度訊號,可對當地居民傳遞 狀況訊息,故不致延誤居民之因應措施。 因此斜面坍塌之可能性較高時,居民可適時因應,並 且發生斜面姆塌時也可減少災害至最低。 而且,與正式斜面安定化工法比較,確是一種簡易措 施工法,施工費用較低廉而經濟效益良好之系統。 9 322826 201139788 如此,本發明之斜面安定化系統,雖非充分的斜面安 此但是對斜面施加隨土塊之移動能發揮抗力之某 7錢化構造體’岐可活用麵雨或發生地震等時, 至>、可延緩土塊移動之職,又“—種易於引進之簡易 措施工法,可將發生斜面科塌時之炎害降至最低,或在斜 面游知之可⑽性增冋時’居民也來得及採取適當因應措 施,可說是一種經濟效益良好的系統。 於本發明之第2態樣的斜面安定化系統,其斜面安定 化構造體可說是-種能充分確保安全率Fs之一般斜面安 定化工法所做之斜面安定化構造體之簡化版,但是所施工 為安全率Fs超過1.G未達1.2(1.()<Fs<1.2)之斜面安定 化工法,乃可獲得超越現狀之斜面安定化效果。因此對於 附近居民而言,非同於僅裝設斜面觀測系統的情形,是可 獲得實質上有安全感之系統。 而且,若與安全率Fs為1.2至丨.5之以往之一般斜面 安定化工法比較,則較為簡易’施工費用低廉,經濟 更優的系統。 又斜面安定化工法之施工材料本身即為相應措施之一 部分且是感測器,故能感測到整體對象斜面。因此和以往 之僅在斜面定點、局部裝設感測器來檢測之方式比較,即 可掌握作為對象的整體斜面進行危機判斷。也可對居民帶 來較高之安全感。 不同於斜面發生某些狀況後才來安裝感測器之系統, 施工時起即開始不斷在感測,故少有延誤因應狀況之情形 322826 10 201139788 又’在個人住宅等設置危險度訊號接收裝置,並且在 政府相關機構設置,而建構成可確保連絡、加強、避難體 制之警報系統。例如降雨時等,可對居民迅速傳遞檢測資 訊,可防止因應延誤。 若為已有施工斜面安定化工法之斜面,則只要購置危 險度訊號傳送裝置(手段)及危險度訊號接收裝置,剛藉由在 錨栓、錨定板、線索(線狀體)、網等安裝感測器,即可建構 包含斜面觀測系統之本發明斜面安定化系統,故是一種較 為簡易之施工方法,即使並不是特殊專家亦可達成施工。 又’如採用此簡易斜面安定化工法,視情形亦可由附 近居民自己動手施工斜面安定化工法。 如疋,就斜面安定化措施而言,可建立一種體制,由 居民自己施工,能立即對居民傳遞檢測資訊,由居民自己 判斷有無避難之需要。 如上所述’構成一種可傳送多種危機等級之危險度訊 號之斜面安定化系統,則政府相關機構以及居民,可視危 機等級採取適當之因應措置。 如上述,若將土塊移動速度、土壤水分量,或溫度變 化速度等,包含於制定上述危機等級基準,則可提高危險 度訊號傳钟置傳敎危險度等級的精確度。 【實施方式】 以下’參照第1A圖至第12圖說明本發明之斜面安定 化系統之實施例。 實施例1 11 322826 201139788 於本發明之斜面安定化系統,係對斜面施工一種斜面 安定化構造體,能隨土塊之移動發揮抗力,減少斜面的不 安定土塊之移動等級。此斜面安定化構造體會因土塊之移 動而發揮其抗力。 於此實施例,藉由如第1A圖至第2B圖所示之斜面安 定化工法施工斜面安定化構造體。並在斜面安定化構件安 裝移位感測器。再構成如第3圖所示之系統。於此實施例’ 第3圖的感測器為移位感測器。即裝設危險度訊號傳送裝 置’在該斜面之土塊移動時,能依據移位感測器所檢測之 訊號傳送危險度訊號,並裝設危險度訊號接收裝置,可接 收此危險度訊號傳送裝置之傳送資訊,用以構成斜面安定 化系統。 如第1A圖與第1B圖所示,本實施例係採用斜面安定 化工法施行,其中,斜面安定化構造體係對斜面裝設多數 錫检1到達地基1 〇之不動層1 〇a,在各錫栓1之頭部安裝 錨定板2,更視需要使用有助於斜面安定化之其他斜面安 定化構件使斜面能更安定。於本實施例,其他斜面安定化 構件,係採用連結錯栓頭部間之鋼索(線狀體)3。即,以装 設在斜面之錨栓1、錨定板2及鋼索3構成斜面安定化構 造體9。以其他之斜面安定化構件而言,可為金屬製或樹 脂製之網等。 第2A圖為第1A圖中之1處錨栓丨之部分放大圖,第 2B圖為其剖面圖。 圖示例之錨定板2構造為,約略呈三角形之底板4, 322826 12 201139788 其頂點部設有倒角而在中心部打孔4a,配合該孔4a焊接 固定圓筒5,並在圓筒三邊焊接固定有補強肋片6。在補強 肋片6開設有穿通鋼索之孔6a。 錨栓1之前端埋入地基之不動層,在錨栓1之形成有 螺紋之頭部係通過錨定板2之底板4之孔4a及圓筒内而突 出,在突出部套上墊圈7,由螺帽8旋入錨栓1之螺紋部 而緊固,在錨栓1之頭部卡合錨定板2。由此,在緊固螺 帽8時,以作用於錨栓1之張力使錨定板2推壓地基而有 助於地基之安定化。 再者,施工此斜面安定化構造體時,雖亦可不必特別 考慮到後述之安全係數Fs的概念,但是從本發明最大優點 之經濟效益觀點,實際上係以滿足安全係數Fs為超過1. 0 而未達1.2(1.0<Fs<l.2)之規格(施工内容)施工。 第1A圖至第2B圖所示之斜面安定化構造體9能對土 塊之移動發揮其抗力而能至少緩慢土塊之移動,活用此現 象即為本實施例之斜面安定化系統。亦即,構成第1A圖至 第2B圖所示斜面安定化構造體9之各斜面安定化構件, 即為錯栓1、錯定板2、鋼索3均能對土塊之移動發揮其抗 力,對下雨或發生地震時有至少緩慢土塊移動之作用。而 且,在此等斜面安定化構件安裝移位感測器。 當例如說明檢測錨栓1伸長之移位感測器安裝在錨栓 1時的移位感測器時,有如第3圖之感測器11之情形,並 設有危險度訊號傳送裝置(危險度訊號傳送手段)12,在斜 面之土塊移動時,依據安裝在錨栓11之感測器(移位感測 13 322826 201139788 器)ιι所檢測之訊號,傳送危險度訊號,且在多處°又有危 險度訊號接收裝置(危險度接收手段)13,接收該危險度訊 號傳送裝置12所傳送之危險度訊號。 又,以危險度訊號接收裝置12而言,可按移位感測器 所檢測之土塊移動量而傳送多階段之危險度等級,例如勸 告注意的階段之危險度等級,勤告需要避難等有危險的階 段之危險度等級之2段階危險度訊號(參照第4圖)° 又,以危險度訊號接收裝置12而言’可將依據移位感 測器所檢測之土塊移動量算出的土塊移動速度’包含在決 定上述危險度等級之基準(參照第4圖)。 裝設危險度訊號接收裝置13之場所’可為對象斜面 下之工作場所,個人住宅,公共住宅’相關政府機構,或 斜面危險度判定專家所在處等。 由此,例如下雨時,發生土塊移動而對錨栓1有彎曲 作用力時,感測器11檢測其彎曲應變,依據此彎曲應變, 由危險度訊號傳送裝置12判定危險度等級,並於危機等級 超過一定等級時、將危險度訊號向各危險度訊號接收裝置 13傳送。例如於第4圖之流程圖,由移位感測器測量土塊 的移動量與時間的相關關係(於此實施例為不檢測土壞水 分與溫度之情形)’且將移位感測器所檢測之土塊移動量、 與由此移動量與時間之關係所算出的土塊移動速度作為基 礎數據’以設定斜面符塌之危險度等級。而且,例如當該 危險度等級雖然未到需躱避之等級但是需充分注意之等級 的閾值時’可傳送注意資訊。更且,如危險度增加達需縣 14 322826 201139788 避等級之閾值時、則傳送危險資訊。 於第3圖,自危險度訊號傳送裝置12向危險度訊號接 收裝置13傳遞訊號可採用無線電,當然亦可採用有線電。 如是,斜面之危險度,可迅速直接傳遞至可能受到災 害的居民等,同時也傳遞至相關政府機構及專家,可不致 延誤處理時機,確保連絡、加強、避難之體制。 根據本發明之斜面安定化系統,可對斜面施工簡易措 施,因此即使與正式之斜面安定化工法比較有些遜色,但 是至少可獲得較佳於現狀以上之斜面安定化效果。因此對 於當地居民而言,與僅裝設斜面觀測系統時比較,可感受 到有實質上之安心感。 不同於發現斜面有異狀才安裝感測器之系統,自施工 開始就恆常在感測,藉由危險度訊號傳送裝置,傳送依據 移位感測器所檢測之訊號的危險度訊號,而可對當地居民 傳遞現況故避免延誤因應處理。 因此,一旦有斜面坍塌之危機可能時,居民即可採取 適當因應處理,並可在真正發生斜面坍塌時,減少災難至 最低。 與正式之斜面安定化工法作比較,是為一種簡易相應 工法,故施工經費低廉,且經濟效益優良的系統。 如是,本發明之斜面安定化系統雖未必是完整的斜面 安定化工法,但如果是一種活用某些斜面安定化構造體施 工於斜面,得以對伴隨土塊之移動發揮其抗力,而遇下雨 或發生地震等時,至少可延緩土塊移動之進行現象,且是 15 322826 201139788 易於引進之簡易相應工法,可將發生斜面坍塌時的受害減 少至最低,又在斜面坍塌之可能性升高時,居民也可及時 採取適當因應措施,這可說是一種經濟效益優越的系統。 又,構成斜面安定化構造體之斜面安定化構件為相應 工法之一部分,同時也是感測器,因此同等於在感測整體 標的斜面。因此和僅在點或局部於斜面裝設感測器來檢測 之以往方法比較,可掌握為對象的整體斜面來判定危險 度。對當地居民可增加安心感。 不同於斜面有某些異狀發生才裝設感測器之系統,施 工開始即恆常在感測,不致於延誤採取因應措施。 只要是己施工有斜面安定化構造體之斜面,僅購置危 險度訊號傳送裝置(手段)及危險度訊號接收裝置(手段), 則在錨栓、錨定板、鋼索(線狀體)或網等斜面安定化構件 安裝感測器、即玎建構成含有斜面觀測系統之斜面安定化 系統,是為比較簡單之施工方法,無需特定專家也可施工。 又如採用此簡易斜面安定化構造體,視情形亦有可能 由當地居民自己動手施工斜面安定化工法。 因此,作為一種斜面安定化相應措施,可建立居民自 己施工,立即傳遞檢測資訊給居民,居民自己判斷是否需 避難之體制。 上述斜面安定化系統與以往的一般斜面安定化系統作 比較時’較如上所述之採取安全係數以為12至15之以 往一般斜面安定化工法,更為簡易且費用低廉,因此以經 濟效益而言本發明之斜面安定化系統甚為有利,因此對於 322826 16 201139788 .斜面坍塌之可能性不大之斜面亦可施工本發明之斜面安定 . 化構造體,則自加強斜面與觀測斜面之雙方而言,能對當 地居民賦與實質上之安心感。 虽在上述斜面安定化系統與無採取相應措施之情形作 比較時,如上所述,藉由本發明則能及時確保連繫、加強、 避難之體制,用圖標示此情形則如第5圖,横軸取時間, 縱轴取土塊移動量。即,曲線A為無採取任何斜面措施時, 曲線B為採取安全係數!^為超過1〇未達12之斜面措施 時(雖然本發明在施工時並不明定安全係數Fs,但是實際 上疋如此施工,因此實質上即相當於本發明之情形),曲線 c為採取以往一般之安全係數以為12至15之斜面相應 =¼之情形。安全係數Fs愈大,則土塊移動開始時間愈 慢’且土塊移動量也變小。 如不採取斜面相應措施時,土塊開始移動即在短時間 内土塊移動量急速增大以致導至坍塌,而來不及確保連 繫、加強、避難之體制。 相對於此,於本發明之斜面安定化系統,當土塊移動 開始’例如錨拴之彎曲抗力等對抗移動使移動速度減慢, 知'以在斜面坍塌之前有時間容許確保連繫、加強、避難之 體制。到達第5圖之虛線所示之土塊移動量時則為危檢狀 態’而與毫無措施之情形比較’則尚有時間t之寬餘可因應。 再者,以往之一般安全係數Fs採=1· 2至1. 5之斜面 措施,當然可更加緩慢土塊移動,也可較本發明為連繫、 加強、避難,爭取到更多時間寬餘,但是本發明的想法是, 322826 17 201139788 施工要比以往之一般方法簡易,且以感測器檢測土塊移動 來加強,並就經濟效益而言,未必要確保過多寬餘時間’ 只要有充分時間能減少受災至最低即可行的,也就是說, 能實施斜面安定化措施總比對有可能發生斜面坍塌之斜面 放置不管是好的觀點。 也就是說,雖非完美的斜面安定化工法,但只要對斜 面施工能隨土塊移動發揮抗力的某些斜面安定化構造體, 能活用在下雨或發生地震時,至少能減慢土塊移動之現 象’易於弓丨進之相應工法,可使發生斜面坍塌時之受災減 少至最低,並在斜面坍塌之可能性增高時,居民也能及時 適當因應’就是經濟效益良好的系統。 實施例2 於上述實施例,如第1A圖至第2B圖所示,係活用斜 面安定化構造體9對土塊之移動發揮抗力而多少也可減慢 土塊移動之現象,但是下述實施例則雖同為一種斜面安定 化構造體9,卻以斜面安全係數Fs作為危險度等級之基 準、而建構危險度訊號傳送裝置與危險度訊號接收裝置 者。將安全係數Fs作為基準時,可就因土塊之移動所致之 斜面異狀,及因土壤水分與溫度的變動所致之斜面異狀(未 發生土塊移動狀態之異狀)之兩者來判斷危險度等級。 此時在施工斜面安定化工法時,採取明定安全係數Fs 之設計。即,例如由調整錨栓之襞設間隔等,以滿足安全 係數Fs為超過1· 〇而未達丨.2(丨.〇<Fs<1.2)之規格(較當 前斜面之安全係數Fs約略提高超過〇%未達2〇%之規格)來 18 322826 201139788 . 施工。 一般對於斜面坍塌之斜面相應措施,係將當前斜面之 安全係數Fs能提高20至50%為目的決定其規格,採取錨 栓與錨定板之上述斜面安定化工法亦相同,但是此時之安 全係數Fs則如前所述,採安全係數Fs為超過1. 0而未達 1. 2施工之。 安全係數Fs為對土塊之作用力與土塊之抗力有關之 指標,其公式如下所示。 (1) 基本式 安全係數Fs=(土塊受下雨或地震之影響後仍在抗拒之 抗力)/(土塊因下雨或地震之滑動力) (2) 考慮斜面内之地下水位之斜面安全係數之評定式 安全係數 Fs=(C · L+(W · cos0 )tand>)/(W · sin(9 ) μ :孔隙水壓 L:滑動面長度 C :黏著力 Φ :抗剪角 0:斜面坡度 (3) 考慮變形之斜面安全係數之評定式 安全係數= (C’ · L+W · cos0 · )/(W · sin0 ) C’ :某移動量時之黏著力 Φ’ :某移動量時之抗剪角 實施例3 第7圖為說明檢測土塊移動進而檢測斜面異狀之斜面 19 322826 201139788 安定化系統之原理。 錨栓1係插入地基10貫穿移動層(第7圖之在滑動面 S上之土層)10b與不動層(滑動面S下之土層)10a。 當移動層之土塊移動時,所移動土塊中之錫检1雖會 受到變形,但是在不動層部分之錨栓1則幾乎不變形。於 該圖,實線為土塊移動前之狀態、虛線為土塊移動後之地 表面,及錨栓與錨定板之狀態。 此時,錨栓之變形概略為,以滑動面S與錨栓1之交 差點P為中心,且以移動層10b内之錨栓長度L為半徑, 有如繪出圓弧之旋轉狀變形,因此,錨定板2會下陷。 此時之舉動,即錨栓1之彎曲與伸張,以及錨定板2 之下陷現象,作為錨栓1與錨定板2之移位,直接或隨其 等現象之其他斜面安定化構件之移位,由移位感測器測 量,即為檢測土塊移動進而檢測斜面之異狀之斜面安定化 系統之原理。 斜面安定化工法,要以安全係數Fs為超過1.0而未達 1. 2來施工之方法,可有諸多種方法。 首先有調整錨栓之裝設間隔之方法。如調整錨栓之斜 面縱向上下方向之間隔,或調整斜面横向左右之間隔。 此時,一般情形是,斜面下部側較上部側之不安定的 狀況較多,因此,対整體斜面不限於設置成同間隔,可如 第6圖所示,錨栓1之裝設間隔,斜面下部側之間隔較狹 窄,而斜面上部側之間隔較寬大。 另有調整錨栓材剛性之方法。在此情形時,可於斜面 20 322826 201139788 下部側使用剛性較高之錨栓 低之錯检。 而於斜面上部側使用 剛性較 面 較狹窄之錨 下二面積之方法。在此情形時也可於斜 使用較寬大之錯定板,於上部側則使用 定板。 另也有連結·頭部間之鋼索3,是否要裝設之選擇, 或改變鋼索之拉伸強度之方法也可。 又,也有要不要舖設網之選擇,也可由網之規格(網材 之拉伸強度,或網眼間隔等)調整。 實施例4 第8圖為在銷栓i安裝移位感測器用以檢測土塊移動 八體實把例。々圖為發生土塊移動後之狀態,錯定板2 有下陷,錨定板2之下陷量以h標示。 圖示之錨栓為中空,而在其中空部插入有鋼索等拉伸 構件21。該拉伸構件21之一端(下端)固定在位於不動層 中之錯栓前端’另-端固定在錯栓i之上端,而在上端附 近女裝有可檢測拉伸構件21伸張之應變儀(移位感測器) 22。設拉伸構件21對錨栓下端之固定部為2ia,對上端之 固定部為21b。對上端之固定部21b,在圖示例為旋入錨检 1上端所覆蓋之蓋子24之内面。 而將應變儀22連接於應變儀輸出接收裝置23,由此 應變儀輸出接收裝置23向外部之危險度訊號傳送裝置12 傳送檢測訊號等之構成,乃得以將應變儀22之檢測訊號傳 送至危險度訊號傳送裝置12。 322826 201139788 再者’應變儀輸出接收裝置23可有各種裝露。例如可 利用ic標簽。亦可將應變儀22直接組入於^梯發,將附 有應變儀之1C標簽安裝在拉伸構件21。 因土塊之移動而錨栓1變形時,錨定板2承受自錨定 板下地基之反作用力,因此錨栓丨内之拉伸構件21發生拉 伸應變。隨著土塊之移動量愈大錨定板2之下陷下量也愈 大’拉伸構件23之拉伸應變也大,即伸張量也加大。此時, 安裝在拉伸構件2之應變儀22之應變檢測訊號,經過上述 1C標簽23等傳送至危險度訊號傳送裝置12,而彳檢測土 塊之移動狀況。 如此’藉由測量插入在錨栓1中空部之拉伸構件21 之伸張量,即可判定土塊移動狀況。 實施例5 第9圖所示之實施例也是在錦栓1安裝移位感測器之情 形,但是於此實施例之移位感測器係利用超音波感測器25。 於該圖’實線所示之地表面lc為土塊移動前之地表 面、虛線所示地表面lc’為土塊移動後之地表面。再者, 於同圖之錨栓1之變形様式為一種示意性者。 此錨栓1也是中空,在其中空部下端位置裝設上述超 音波感測器25。此超音波感測器25係傳送超音波並接收 其反射波,運算到達反射位置之距離用以檢測者。 而且,將超音波感測器25所檢測之距離訊號,連接於 超音波感測器輸出接收裝置33,且自此超音波感測器輪出 接收裝置33向外部之危險度訊號傳送裝置12傳送檢測訊 22 322826 201139788 •號。由此等構成方能將超音波感測器25之檢測訊號傳送至 、危險度訊號傳送裝置12。 剛襄設好銷栓1時的錯栓1筆直的,自超音波感測器 之超音波在㈣之上端位置反射,反射至超音波感 ^ °接收此反射超音波而檢測到達反射位置之距離。 此時之檢測距離為到達錨栓上端之距離L1。 田發生土塊移動,隨著該土塊移動而錨栓1彎曲時, 在此“检1彎曲狀態下’超音波感測H 25所傳送之超音波 位置將移動至下方。因此超音波感測器25檢測之距 _‘、、、乂短之L2。由超音波感測器25所檢測之距離變化可 得知土塊移動量。 者“栓為筆直時超音波感測器π所檢測之距離係 湘^短之超音波的直進性之距離,在圖种m依據鋪 2上端面之有明確的反射面,但是在!苗检彎曲狀態下,超 曰^^測器所檢測之距離,並非依據明確反射面之距離。 仁=可利用波長較長之超音波的散射特性,即可檢測錨栓 之#曲狀_。gp ’散射系之超音波,在管内之壁面也會反 射故藉由在牆壁内面反射之散射系超音波之反射波,即 可檢測4苗检管之彎曲狀態。 實施例6 第10圖為於連結錨栓1頭部間之鋼索(線狀體)3安裝 -變儀(移位❹⑻32,域移動之實施例。 ;圖不例為’在連結鄰接錨栓間之鋼索3之所有錨栓 間女裝有應變儀(移位感測器)32之情形。 23 322826 201139788 ^ ^ 刀斜面不安定而有一部分銷检1移動時,自安 移動⑽1,連接至不安定部之移動後的鋪栓1 之應變儀〜到此伸張。 鋼索3 此狀况如回# n ^ 』第8圖之實施例的情況,應變儀32之檢測 Λ號可傳送至外部之危險度訊號接收裝置12。 應變儀32忠:壯 之鋼索中間如裝於鋼索3之方法’可在連結錨栓頭部間 ' ^ 有轉動帶扣(turnbuckle)之連結部時,可將 應變儀安裝在此轉動帶扣上。 實施例7 11圖為垅明檢測地基之土壤水分或溫 斜面之異狀之斜面安定化系統原理圖。進而制 "▲之枬塌原因主要因下雨引起者,因此如能掌握地 基之土壌水分量之變化,或隨其變化之溫度變化, 雙方’即可檢測斜面之異常狀態。 斜面係如第1A圖至第2B圖所說明之斜面安定化工 =,以安全係數Fs超過1.0未滿L2下施工。在此斜面安 定化工法之斜面安定化構件裝設土壌水分感測 器或溫度感 測H此等感測II有如上述第3圖,連接於危險度訊號傳 送裝置12°於同圖,w為施卫時之地下水水位。 於圖不例,土壤水分感測器42係安裝在各錨栓1之下 端^與中間部之2處°設下端部之感測器為42a,中間部 之感測器為42b。 在緊接著施斜面安定化工法後,斜面下部側之猫检 24 322826 201139788 A、B之下端部之感測器42a有檢測到地下水,但是因有施 工斜面安定化工法,而能確保安全係數Fs為超過1· 〇而未 達 1. 2。 隨著下雨等之地下水位之上弃,在斜面上部側之錨栓 感測器也逐漸能檢測到地下水位。例如地下水上昇到W’ 附近時,在錨栓C、D下端部之感測器42a能感測到地下水 之同時,錨栓A、B、C之中間部之感測器42b也能感測到 地下水。 藉由事先考慮到對象斜面的地下水飽和度之安定分 析,決定地下水位之需注意等級。例如在危險度訊號傳送 裝置12設定錨栓C中間部之感測器42b若檢測到地下水時 即判定為需注意。此時,錨栓C之中間部感測器42b檢測 地下水時,危險度訊號傳送裝置12即向外部(危險度訊號 接收裝置13)傳送需注意警報(危險度訊號)。又,錨栓D 下端部之感測器42a感測時,可判定為到達危險區域而傳 送避難警報(危險度訊號)。 實施例8 第12圖為檢測土壤水分或溫度進而檢測斜面之異狀 之斜面安定化系統之具體實施例,且在錯检1安裝土壤水 分感測器及溫度感測器之實施例。 該錨栓1為中空體’是一種在其中空部之麵栓丁端部 與中間部,例如安裝土壤水分感測器52之所謂附有感測器 之錨栓。設下端部之土壤水分感測器為52a,中間部之土 壤水分感測器為52b。 322826 25 201139788 中空錄51之下端面由多孔質材54所覆蓋。在此多 孔質材54上面裝設上述土壤水分感測器^。 在錫检52之中間部壁面形成1條或數條狹縫51a,在 此狹縫仙附近肢中間部之土壤水分感測器52b。 又此4苗检51,係在斜面鑽孔之後,插入於該鑽孔55 者,而且在錯检51與鑽孔壁55a之間隙灌入透水性灌毁… 採用上述錦栓1施工斜面安定化工法。並將土壤水分 感測器52a、52b連接於水分感測器輸出接收裝置53,由 此水刀感測器輸出接收裝置53肖外部之危險度訊號傳送 裝置12傳送檢測訊號,使其能對各危險度訊號接收裝置 13傳送。 由此,如第11圖之說明,在下雨時等地下水位上昇而 斜面呈不安定時,i:*水分感卿52料檢測該水位,而 傳送需注意警報(危險度訊號)或避難訊號(危險度訊號), 可控制災難至最低。 於上係說明布置土壤水分感測器之情形’也可裝設土 壤水分感測器與溫度感測器之雙方,也有可能由溫度變化 可檢測土壤水分之異狀而僅裝設溫度感測器。 實施例9 在上述各實施例’係使用錨栓、錨定板、鋼索之施工 作一般性斜面安定化工法之斜面安定化構造體為例之說 明。再者,也有使用其他斜面安定化構件者,或僅使用錨 松與錨定板者,更有單獨僅使用錨栓者也均能適用。又可 如樹脂製土工布膜(geotextile)以層狀舖設於土中之所謂 26 322826 201139788 土木布膜工法,其他各種工法均可適用為斜面安定化構造 體。惟不適用於如框格護坡工法之未設想斜面會逐漸變形 之事態的工法之斜面安定化構造體。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1A圖及第1B圖為說明採用本發明之斜面安定化系 統之斜面安定化工法,第1A圖為施工實施例的斜面安定化 工法之斜面之示意性平面圖,第1B圖為縱向剖面圖。 第2A圖及第2B圖為在第1A圖之1處錨栓部分之詳 細構造,第2A圖為平面圖(由第2B圖之自A-A剖面所看之 平面圖),第2B圖為縱向剖面圖。 第3圖為本發明之斜面安定化系統整體構成之方塊圖。 第4圖為第3圖之斜面安定化系統整體構成之由資訊 流程作說明之流程表 第5圖為說明本發明斜面安定化系統之有效性之圖。 横軸為時間,縱軸為土塊移動量,在無實施斜面措施時、 與以往之一般性斜面措施、及本發明之斜面安定化系統作 比較之圖。 第6圖為在上述斜面安定化系統中,說明在斜面上部 側與下部側之錨栓間隔有不同之實施例。 第7圖為說明檢測土塊移動來檢測斜面之異狀之斜面 安定化系統原理。 第8圖為在第7圖之斜面安定化系統之土塊移動檢測 裝置之具體實施例,係說明在錨栓進行安裝應變儀之方法。 第9圖為在第7圖之斜面安定化系統之土塊移動檢測 27 322826 201139788 裝置之另一具體實施例,係說明在錨栓進行安裝超音波感 測器之方法。 第1〇圖為在第7圖之斜面安定化系統之土塊移動檢 測裝置之再/具體實施例’係說明在鋼索進行安裝應變儀 之方法。 第11圖為說明檢測土壌水分或溫度用以檢測斜面之 異狀之斜面安定化系統之原理。 第12圖為顯示檢測土壌水分或溫度而檢測斜面之異 狀之斜面安定化系統之具體實施例’為安裝有土壌水分感 測器及溫度感測器之錫栓圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 1苗检 2 錨定板 3 鋼索(線狀體) 4 底板 10 地基 10a (地基之)不動層 10b (地基之)移動層 11 感測器 12 危險度訊號傳送裝置(危險度訊號傳送裝置) 13 危險度訊號接收裝置(危險度訊號接收裝置) 21 拉伸材 21a (拉伸材21向錨下端之)固定部 21a (拉伸材21向錫上端之)固定部 22、32應變儀 23 應變儀輸出接收裝置 25 超音波感測器 33 超音波感測器輸出接收裝置 52 土壌水分感測器(或溫度感測器) 322826 201139788 53 水分感測器輸出接收裝置 54 多孔質材 55 鑽孔 56 灌漿 L 錫栓長度 P 交差點 S 滑動面 W 地下水位 29 322826201139788 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a bevel stabilization system that minimizes damage to a bevel collapse even when a slope is used to stabilize the construction method. When the possibility of a slope collapse is high, the residents can take appropriate measures in advance. [Prior Art] In general, the slope countermeasure against the slope collapse is defined by the purpose of increasing the existing slope safety factor Fs by 20% to 50%. Increasing the existing slope safety factor Fs by 2% to 5〇%, because it ensures sufficient safety, it is a good thing in terms of safety, but the construction cost will be extremely expensive. Therefore, for a slope which is likely to cause a slope collapse, even if the slope of the collapse is not sufficient, the slope is to be completely stabilized, and it is indeed difficult. However, for residents living under the slope, although the possibility of collapse is extremely low, Ren is also 7C kind of uneasy. 'I still hope that there will be a construction of the slope stability chemical law, and the government will feel uneasy about the placement. . Therefore, in addition to the measures for reinforcing the slope, the slope is provided with a sensor to detect the dynamic change of the slope, and the condition of the slope is observed and the slope collapse is predicted. In the past, the bevel observation system generally installed a system for sensing the flaws when it was found that the slopes had some irregularities. In addition, in the past, the bevel observation system generally transmitted the Beixun detected by the sensor to the relevant government agencies, but did not pass the transfer measures to the residents. 322826 3 201139788, the transmission measures for the residents were based on disaster prevention radio broadcasting. Transmission methods such as loudspeakers or circulated information, so that in the event of rain, the information detected by the sensor is often unable to notify the residents immediately and delay the communication. Further, in the conventional bevel observation system, the sensor is generally multi-pointed or partially mounted on the inclined surface, so that it is difficult to grasp the crisis judgment of the entire target slope. The method of measuring the underground displacement of the measurement for the measurement business of the mountain mountain and the filling of the mountain is described in the Japanese Patent Publication No. Hei 10-185633. The underground displacement measurement method, which has a differential pressure transformation method or a strain gauge method, inserts a plurality of underground shifters into the borehole at intervals, and calculates an angular shift according to the displacement measured by the underground shift meter. And know the underground shift. In addition, the Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. 2006-252128 analyzes the rainfall of the slope of the monitored object to determine the change in the head (fall) during rainfall, and compares the safety factor surface stored in the collapse safety factor surface database with rainfall. The head of the water head is used to monitor the surface stability of the target surface FS. That is to say, the collapse of the slope is predicted. Further, Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2000-39342 discloses that a measuring probe (Probe) is mounted on a plurality of measurement sites on the mountainside, and the measuring probe is provided with an acceleration sensor for wirelessly receiving a prescribed acceleration. The data about the direction and speed of the transmission is transmitted, and the data is received by the receiving device of the observation base station, and the data can detect the occurrence of the earth-rock flow, and can also detect the earth flow: the speed and the like to issue an early warning. ° [Summary of the Invention] (The problem to be solved by the invention) 322826 4 201139788 When some abnormality occurs in the inclined surface, the sensor is installed in the system. Moreover, since there is no system for installing transmission devices for residents, it is impossible to immediately transmit detection messages to residents when the rain falls, and the transmission is too slow. Further, in the system in which the sensor is fixed or partially mounted on the slope, it is impossible to grasp the overall slope as the object for crisis judgment. As in the above conventional bevel observation system, it is not a measure to strengthen the slope itself. Therefore, the dish is not satisfactory as compared with the direct measure for preventing the slope from collapsing. The beveling measures of the above-mentioned bevel observation system, if it is a countermeasure after the construction of the slope-stabilized chemical method, can be assured, but it is costly to construct and the investment efficiency is not good. On the other hand, the slope measures carried out by the above-mentioned inclined surface observation system, when the countermeasures belong to the unconstructed slope stability chemical law, the alarm is detected by observing or predicting the slope collapse, and the induction of asylum is minimized. Some effects, but at the point in time when it is detected that a slope collapses and an alarm is issued, it is difficult to reduce the disaster to a minimum when the actual occurrence of the slope (4) or the expansion of the scale is short. The bevel stabilization system of the present invention is completed for the above problems, and the construction of the existing slope is made as a simple measure to minimize the possibility of slanting (four) collapse, and the occurrence of the slope _ can also reduce the disaster to a minimum and collapse on the slope When the possibility increases, the residents can respond in time. (Means for Solving the Problem) In order to solve the above problems, the first aspect of the present invention is a slanting surface 322826 5 201139788 Qualification system's slope-stabilizing structure for inclined surface construction, which can exert resistance against the movement of the soil block. Reducing the degree of movement of the unstable soil block in the inclined surface; installing the displacement sensor on the slope stability member constituting the slope stability structure; and placing the soil block of the slope when moving] 'Detected according to the above displacement sensor The signal transmission device transmits a risk signal of the danger signal; and the risk receiving device is installed to receive the transmission information of the risk signal transmitting device. In the above-described bevel stabilization system, the bevel may be stabilized to satisfy the bevel of the safety factor Fs of the bevel exceeding 1.0 and not reaching 1.2. In the above-mentioned bevel stabilization system, the bevel stabilizes the structure, < A plurality of anchor bolts are installed on the inclined surface to reach the fixed layer of the foundation; the anchoring plates are installed on the heads of the anchor bolts; and other slopes that are installed on the inclined surface to assist the slope stability are stabilized member. According to a second aspect of the present invention, a bevel stabilization system is provided with a plurality of anchors mounted on a sloped surface to reach a stationary layer of the foundation, and the face plate is mounted on each anchor head, and It is necessary to use a beveled stable chemical method for constructing a bevel-stabilized structure using other bevel-stabilizing members that are inclined to stabilize the crucible, and to install a sensor on the bevel to transmit the risk of the bevel, and to stabilize the bevel in the construction In the chemical engineering method, the construction is to meet the safety factor Fs of the slope and exceeds 12, and is selected from one or more of the above-mentioned anchor bolts, anchor plates, and other bevel stabilizers. The component is installed with a sensor, which can detect the abnormality when the inclined surface is abnormal, and install a dangerous signal transmission device, which is abnormal on the inclined surface. 322826 6 201139788 According to the above-mentioned feeling of the above-mentioned inclined surface stabilizer member Detector No.: The second risk signal is additionally equipped with a risk signal receiving device, and the transmission information of the risk signal transmitting device is transmitted. The S system is received by the above-described ramp stabilization system, and the sensor is movable to shift the sensor. The kind of inspection is called the clod block in the above-mentioned inclined surface ampouling system, and the above-mentioned pin can also be inserted in the middle of the insertion, and the extension is formed at the end; the second=end and the second end of the sample are passed through the tin The part is fixed by the displacement sensor: when the mound of the field has a phase block, the displacement sensor can detect the movement of the clod and detect the tensile force generated by the recording material on the tensile material. The bevel stabilization system 'the other bevel stabilizers may be a linear body connecting the heads of the anchors, or a metal or resin mesh laid on the inclined surface, and one of the linear bodies or the nets or The displacement sensor is installed on both sides, and when one of the inclined blocks moves, the displacement sensor can detect the extension of one or both of the above-mentioned linear bodies or nets between the unmoved soil block and the moving soil block and detect the movement of the soil block. In the above-mentioned bevel stabilization system, the sensor may also be a soil moisture reducer, or one of the temperature sensors or both of them. In the above-mentioned bevel stabilization system, the anchor bolt may be composed of a hollow material, and a soil moisture sensor is installed in the hollow portion and Any one or two of the temperature sensors, and may also be a sensor-attached anchor bolt covered by a porous material at the front end of the anchor bolt. 4 In the above-mentioned slope stabilization system, the anchor bolt is There are a number of 322826 7 201139788 devices on one surface and the temperature is reduced. The hollow part is installed with the soil moisture sensing end. It is made of porous or any kind, and it is known in the soil of the wrong plug. Covering the gap between the above-mentioned pin and the borehole wall after the drilling is recorded to the wrong reading (8) and can be filled with water permeability on the inclined surface, and also the grounding of the system: The coefficient can be from the periphery ', the number is 1 to 1/1 。. The slanting surface of the stalk can also be used to apply the slant stability system of the first aspect of the above aspect and the slope stability system of the second aspect. Value...^Material stability, the danger signal 1 is set, and ^(4) The displacement sensor detects the different danger signals corresponding to the various dangerous levels of the movement of the clods. The system, the danger signal transmission device, and the clod shift calculated according to the movement amount of the clod detected by the displacement sensor The moving speed 'is included in the benchmark for setting the above-mentioned risk level. In the above-mentioned slope stabilization system, the danger signal transmitting device may also transmit one of the soil moisture sensors or the temperature sensors or both of them. A risk signal corresponding to one or both of the bad water content or temperature of the soil. In the above-mentioned slope stabilization system, the risk signal transmission device may also be based on the soil moisture sensor or temperature sensing. The rate of change of the amount of soil moisture or temperature calculated by one or both of the soil moisture or temperature detected by either or both of the devices is included in the benchmark for setting the risk level. Satisfy the above-mentioned safety factor Fs is over 8 322826 201139788 over 1. 〇 and not up to 1.2 specifications of the slope stability and chemical method construction method, can adjust the interval between tin inspection. In the above-mentioned bevel stabilization system, the spacing of the anchor bolts may be narrower on the side below the slope and wider on the upper side. In the above-mentioned bevel stabilization system, the area of the tin plate can be wider on the lower side of the slope and narrower on the upper side. In the above-mentioned bevel stabilization system, the danger signal receiving device can be installed in a factory, a personal residence, an apartment below the slope, and is installed in a government-related institution and/or a slope risk judging expert to construct and ensure Disaster prevention and alarm system for contact, reinforcement, and evacuation systems. (Effect of the Invention) The bevel stabilization system according to the first aspect of the present invention is a simple measure for the construction of the inclined surface, so that even if it is incomplete compared with the formal bevel stability chemical method, it is possible to obtain a bevel which is better than the current situation. Settling effect. Therefore, for the local residents, it is different from installing only the bevel observation system, and a substantial sense of security can be obtained. Different from the system in which the sensor is installed after some abnormality occurs, it is sensed at any time since the construction, and the danger signal is transmitted from the danger signal to transmit the danger signal according to the signal detected by the displacement sensor. It can transmit status information to local residents, so it will not delay the residents' response measures. Therefore, when the possibility of collapse of the slope is high, the residents can respond in a timely manner, and the occurrence of the slope can also reduce the disaster to a minimum. Moreover, compared with the formal bevel stability chemical method, it is indeed a simple construction method, a system with low construction cost and good economic benefits. 9 322826 201139788 As described above, the bevel stabilization system of the present invention does not have a sufficient slope, but applies a 7-characteristic structure that can resist the movement of the clods to the slope, and can use surface rain or earthquakes. To the >, can delay the movement of clods, and "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a system with good economic benefits to take appropriate measures. In the slope stability system of the second aspect of the present invention, the slope stability structure can be said to be a general slope capable of sufficiently ensuring the safety rate Fs. A simplified version of the bevel stabilized structure made by the Anding Chemical Law, but the safety rate Fs exceeds 1.G and does not reach 1.2 (1.() <Fs <1.2) Slope stability The chemical method is to obtain a slope stability effect that goes beyond the status quo. Therefore, for the nearby residents, it is not the same as installing only the slope observing system, which is a system that can obtain a substantial sense of security. Moreover, if it is compared with the conventional general bevel stability chemical law with a safety factor Fs of 1.2 to 5.5, it is relatively simple, a system with low construction cost and better economy. The construction material of the beveled stability chemical method itself is part of the corresponding measure and is a sensor, so the overall object slope can be sensed. Therefore, compared with the conventional method of detecting the spot on the slope and mounting the sensor locally, it is possible to grasp the overall slope as the object for crisis determination. It also gives residents a higher level of security. Unlike the system in which the sensor is installed after the slope has occurred, the sensor is constantly being sensed from the time of construction, so there is little delay in responding to the situation. 322826 10 201139788 In addition, the danger signal receiving device is set up in a personal residence. And it is set up in the relevant government agencies, and it is constructed to ensure an alarm system for contact, reinforcement, and evacuation systems. For example, when the rain falls, the inspection information can be quickly transmitted to the residents, and the delay can be prevented. If it is a slope of the existing construction slope stability chemical method, as long as the risk signal transmission device (means) and the danger signal receiving device are purchased, just by anchor bolts, anchor plates, clues (linear bodies), nets, etc. By installing the sensor, the bevel stabilization system of the present invention including the bevel observation system can be constructed, so that it is a relatively simple construction method, and construction can be achieved even if it is not a special expert. In addition, if this simple slope stability chemical method is adopted, it is also possible to construct the slope stability chemical law by the residents themselves. Rugao, in terms of the slope stabilization measures, a system can be established, which is constructed by the residents themselves and can immediately transmit test information to the residents. The residents themselves judge whether there is a need for refuge. As described above, the sloping stability system that can transmit the risk signals of various crisis levels, the relevant government agencies and residents, can take appropriate measures according to the level of the crisis. As described above, if the clodging speed, the soil moisture content, or the temperature change rate is included in the above-mentioned crisis level reference, the accuracy of the risk signal transmission level can be improved. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, an embodiment of a bevel stabilization system of the present invention will be described with reference to Figs. 1A to 12 . Embodiment 1 11 322826 201139788 In the bevel stabilization system of the present invention, a beveled stability structure is constructed for the inclined surface, which can exert resistance against the movement of the soil block and reduce the movement level of the unstable soil block of the slope. This beveled stabilized structure exerts its resistance due to the movement of the clods. In this embodiment, the bevel stabilized structure is stabilized by the chemical method as shown in Figs. 1A to 2B. The displacement sensor is mounted on the bevel stabilizer. The system as shown in Fig. 3 is constructed. The sensor of this embodiment 'Fig. 3 is a shift sensor. That is, the hazard signal transmitting device can transmit the hazard signal according to the signal detected by the shift sensor and move the hazard signal receiving device to receive the hazard signal transmitting device. The information is transmitted to form a bevel stabilization system. As shown in Fig. 1A and Fig. 1B, the present embodiment is carried out by the bevel stability chemical method, wherein the bevel stability system is provided with a plurality of tin inspections 1 to reach the ground 1 and the stationary layer 1 〇a. The anchor plate 2 is mounted on the head of the tin plug 1, and the other bevel stabilizers which contribute to the bevel stabilization are used as needed to make the slope more stable. In the present embodiment, the other bevel-stabilizing members are steel cables (linear bodies) 3 which are connected between the staggered heads. Namely, the inclined anchor stabilized structure 9 is constituted by the anchor bolt 1, the anchoring plate 2, and the wire rope 3 which are provided on the inclined surface. In the case of other bevel stabilizers, it may be a metal or a resin mesh. Fig. 2A is a partially enlarged view of the anchor bolt 1 in Fig. 1A, and Fig. 2B is a cross-sectional view thereof. The anchoring plate 2 of the illustrated example is constructed as a substantially triangular base plate 4, 322826 12 201139788 having a chamfered portion at its apex portion and a hole 4a at the center portion, and the fixing cylinder 5 is welded to the hole 4a, and is in the cylinder The reinforcing ribs 6 are fixed to the three sides. A hole 6a through which the wire is passed is formed in the reinforcing rib 6. The front end of the anchor bolt 1 is embedded in the stationary layer of the foundation, and the threaded head of the anchor bolt 1 protrudes through the hole 4a of the bottom plate 4 of the anchoring plate 2 and the cylinder, and the gasket 7 is placed on the protruding portion. The nut 8 is screwed into the threaded portion of the anchor 1 to be fastened, and the anchoring plate 2 is engaged at the head of the anchor 1. Thereby, when the nut 8 is tightened, the anchoring plate 2 is pressed against the ground by the tension acting on the anchor 1, which contributes to the stability of the foundation. Further, in the case of constructing the bevel-stabilized structure, it is not necessary to particularly consider the concept of the safety factor Fs to be described later, but from the viewpoint of the economic benefit of the greatest advantage of the present invention, the safety factor Fs is actually more than 1. 0 and not up to 1.2 (1.0 <Fs <l.2) Specifications (construction content) construction. The slope-stabilizing structure 9 shown in Figs. 1A to 2B can exert at least a slow movement of the soil block against the movement of the soil block, and the present embodiment is the slope stabilization system of the present embodiment. That is, each of the slope-stabilizing members constituting the slope-stabilizing structure 9 shown in Figs. 1A to 2B, that is, the mis-plug 1, the wrong plate 2, and the cable 3 can exert their resistance to the movement of the clod, There is at least a slow movement of clods when it rains or when an earthquake occurs. Moreover, a displacement sensor is mounted on the bevel stabilizer. When, for example, the displacement sensor for detecting the extension of the anchor 1 by the displacement sensor is mounted on the anchor 1 , there is a case of the sensor 11 as shown in FIG. 3, and a danger signal transmission device is provided (dangerous The signal transmission means 12, when the clods of the inclined surface move, according to the signal detected by the sensor mounted on the anchor 11 (shift sensing 13 322826 201139788), the danger signal is transmitted, and in multiple places ° Further, there is a risk signal receiving means (risk receiving means) 13 for receiving the risk signal transmitted by the risk signal transmitting means 12. Moreover, in the risk signal receiving device 12, the multi-stage risk level can be transmitted according to the amount of movement of the clods detected by the displacement sensor, for example, the risk level of the stage of the caution is paid, and the diligence requires evacuation, etc. The risk level of the dangerous stage of the dangerous stage (refer to Figure 4) ° Further, with the risk signal receiving device 12, the clods can be calculated based on the amount of clod movement detected by the displacement sensor. The speed 'includes the benchmark for determining the above risk level (see Figure 4). The place where the risk signal receiving device 13 is installed may be a workplace under the slope of the object, a personal residence, a public residence, a government agency, or a slope risk determination expert. Therefore, for example, when the soil block moves and the bending force is applied to the anchor 1 when it is raining, the sensor 11 detects the bending strain, and based on the bending strain, the risk signal transmission device 12 determines the risk level, and When the crisis level exceeds a certain level, the risk signal is transmitted to each of the risk signal receiving devices 13. For example, in the flowchart of FIG. 4, the displacement sensor measures the correlation between the amount of movement of the clod and time (in this embodiment, the case where the soil moisture and temperature are not detected) and the shift sensor is The clodging movement speed calculated from the relationship between the amount of movement of the clod and the amount of movement and the time of the movement is used as the basic data to set the risk level of the slope. Moreover, for example, when the risk level is not up to the level to be avoided but the threshold of the level to be sufficiently noticed, the attention information can be transmitted. Moreover, if the risk is increased to reach the threshold of 14 322826 201139788 avoidance level, the dangerous information will be transmitted. In Fig. 3, the signal can be transmitted from the risk signal transmitting device 12 to the risk signal receiving device 13 by radio, and of course, wired power can also be used. If so, the risk of the slope can be quickly and directly transmitted to residents who may be affected by the disaster, and also transmitted to relevant government agencies and experts, so as not to delay the processing time and ensure the system of contact, reinforcement and evacuation. According to the bevel stabilization system of the present invention, the slope construction can be easily implemented, and therefore, even if it is somewhat inferior to the formal bevel stability chemical method, at least the bevel stabilization effect which is better than the current state can be obtained. Therefore, for local residents, a sense of security can be felt compared to when only a bevel observation system is installed. Different from the system that finds that the slope is abnormal, the sensor is installed, and it is always sensing from the beginning of construction. By the danger signal transmission device, the danger signal according to the signal detected by the displacement sensor is transmitted, and The current situation can be communicated to the local residents so that delays should be avoided. Therefore, once there is a crisis of collapse of the slope, the residents can take appropriate measures and reduce the disaster to a minimum when the slope collapses. Compared with the formal sloped stability chemical method, it is a simple and corresponding construction method, so the construction cost is low and the economic benefit is excellent. If the slope stabilization system of the present invention is not necessarily a complete slope stability chemical method, if it is a kind of slope-stabilized structure applied to the slope, it can exert its resistance to the movement of the accompanying soil block, and it may rain or In the event of an earthquake, etc., at least the movement of the clods can be delayed, and it is 15 322826 201139788 Easy-to-introducing simple and corresponding method, which can reduce the damage when the slope collapses to a minimum, and when the possibility of collapse of the slope increases, the residents It is also possible to take appropriate response measures in a timely manner, which can be said to be a system with superior economic benefits. Further, the bevel-stabilizing member constituting the bevel-stabilized structure is a part of the corresponding method, and is also a sensor, and thus is equivalent to the bevel of the sensing overall. Therefore, it is possible to grasp the overall slope of the object to determine the degree of danger as compared with the conventional method of detecting the sensor by simply mounting the sensor at a point or a part of the slope. It can increase the sense of security for local residents. Unlike systems where the slope has some irregularities before the sensor is installed, the sensor is always sensing at the beginning of the construction and will not delay the response. As long as the slope of the sloped stability structure has been constructed, only the risk signal transmission device (means) and the danger signal receiving device (means) are purchased, and the anchor bolt, the anchor plate, the steel cable (linear body) or the net The equal-slope stabilized component mounting sensor, that is, the sloping surface stabilization system including the inclined surface observation system, is a relatively simple construction method and can be constructed without a specific expert. In addition, if this simple slope stabilized structure is used, it may be possible for the local residents to construct the slope stability chemical method by themselves. Therefore, as a corresponding measure for the stability of the slope, it is possible to establish a self-construction of the residents themselves, and immediately transmit the test information to the residents, and the residents themselves judge whether or not they need to evacuate. When comparing the above-mentioned bevel stabilization system with the conventional general bevel stabilization system, it is easier and cheaper to adopt a conventional safety method with a safety factor of 12 to 15 as described above, which is more economical and economical. The bevel stabilization system of the present invention is very advantageous. Therefore, for the slanting surface of the present invention, the slanting surface of the present invention can be applied to the slanting surface of the slab. It can give the local residents a sense of security. Although the above-described bevel stabilization system is compared with the case where no corresponding measures are taken, as described above, the system can ensure the system of connection, reinforcement, and evacuation in time, and the icon is shown as the fifth figure. The shaft takes time, and the vertical axis takes the amount of movement of the soil block. That is, the curve A is when no slope measures are taken, and the curve B is a safety factor! ^ is a slope measure that exceeds 1 〇 and does not reach 12 (although the invention does not specify the safety factor Fs during construction, but actually The construction is therefore substantially equivalent to the case of the present invention, and the curve c is a case where the conventional general safety factor is adopted so that the slopes of 12 to 15 correspond to each other. The larger the safety factor Fs, the slower the movement time of the clods is and the amount of movement of the clods becomes smaller. If the corresponding measures of the slope are not taken, the movement of the clods will increase rapidly in a short period of time, leading to collapse, and it is too late to ensure the system of connection, reinforcement and evacuation. On the other hand, in the bevel stabilization system of the present invention, when the clod movement starts, for example, the bending resistance of the anchor, etc., the movement speed is slowed down, and it is known to allow time to ensure connection, reinforcement, and evacuation before the slope collapses. The system. When the amount of movement of the clod shown in the broken line of Fig. 5 is reached, it is a dangerous state, and compared with the case without any measure, then there is still a time period of tolerance. In addition, the conventional general safety factor Fs adopts the slope measure of 1.2 to 1.5, which of course can move the clods more slowly, and can also achieve more time allowance than the invention, which is connected, strengthened, and evacuated, but The idea of the present invention is that 322826 17 201139788 construction is simpler than the conventional method, and the sensor detects the movement of the clods to strengthen, and in terms of economic efficiency, it is not necessary to ensure excessive spare time' as long as there is sufficient time to reduce the disaster At the lowest level, that is, the implementation of the bevel stabilization measures is always better than the slope placement where the slope collapse is likely to occur. That is to say, although the imperfect slope is stable chemical method, as long as some slope-stabilized structures that can resist the movement of the clods can be used for rain or earthquakes, at least the movement of the clods can be slowed down. The corresponding method of easy bowing can minimize the damage caused by the collapse of the slope, and when the possibility of collapse of the slope increases, the residents can respond appropriately in time to the system that is economically sound. [Embodiment 2] In the above-described embodiment, as shown in Figs. 1A to 2B, the behavior of the movable bevel stabilization structure 9 exerting resistance against the movement of the clods may slow down the movement of the clods, but the following embodiments are Although it is a kind of inclined stability structure 9, the risk signal transmission device and the danger signal receiving device are constructed with the slope safety factor Fs as the reference of the risk level. When the safety factor Fs is used as a reference, it is possible to judge the slope irregularity caused by the movement of the soil block, and the slope irregularity due to the change of soil moisture and temperature (the abnormality of the movement state of the soil block does not occur). Risk rating. At this time, when the construction slope is stabilized in the chemical method, the design of the safety factor Fs is adopted. That is, for example, by adjusting the spacing of the anchor bolts, etc., to satisfy the safety factor Fs of more than 1·〇 and not reaching 丨.2 (丨.〇 <Fs <1.2) The specification (the safety factor Fs of the current bevel is increased slightly more than 〇% less than 2〇%) 18 322826 201139788 . Construction. Generally, the corresponding measures for the slope of the slope collapse are determined by the purpose of increasing the safety factor Fs of the current slope by 20 to 50%. The above-mentioned slope stability of the anchor bolt and the anchor plate is the same, but the safety is safe at this time. 5进行进行。 The coefficient Fs is as described above, the safety factor Fs is more than 1.0 and not reached 1. 2 construction. The safety factor Fs is an indicator of the force acting on the clod and the resistance of the clod. The formula is as follows. (1) Basic safety factor Fs = (resistance that is still resisting after the block is affected by rain or earthquake) / (sliding force of the block due to rain or earthquake) (2) Consider the safety factor of the slope of the groundwater level in the slope The evaluation safety factor Fs=(C · L+(W · cos0 )tand>)/(W · sin(9 ) μ : pore water pressure L: sliding surface length C: adhesion force Φ: shear angle 0: slope slope (3) The evaluation safety factor of the slope safety factor considering deformation = (C' · L+W · cos0 · ) / (W · sin0 ) C' : the adhesion force Φ' of a certain amount of movement: when a certain amount of movement Shear angle embodiment 3 Figure 7 is a diagram illustrating the detection of the movement of the clod and the detection of the bevel of the bevel 19 322826 201139788 The principle of the stabilization system. The anchor 1 is inserted into the foundation 10 through the moving layer (Fig. 7 on the sliding surface S) 10b and the immobile layer (the soil layer under the sliding surface S) 10a. When the clods of the moving layer move, the tin inspection 1 in the moving clod is deformed, but the anchor 1 in the stationary layer is Almost no deformation. In this figure, the solid line is the state before the clods move, and the dotted line is the surface of the clods after the clods move. And the state of the anchor bolt and the anchoring plate. At this time, the deformation of the anchor bolt is roughly centered on the intersection P of the sliding surface S and the anchor bolt 1 and the length L of the anchor bolt in the moving layer 10b is a radius. The rotation deformation of the circular arc is drawn, and therefore, the anchoring plate 2 will sink. At this time, the movement, that is, the bending and extension of the anchor 1 and the depression of the anchoring plate 2, as the anchor 1 and the anchoring plate 2 Displacement, directly or with the displacement of other slope-stabilizing members of the phenomenon, measured by the displacement sensor, is the principle of the slope stabilization system for detecting the movement of the clod and detecting the irregularity of the bevel. The method, the safety factor Fs is more than 1.0 and less than 1.2 to the construction method, there are various methods. First, there is a method of adjusting the installation interval of the anchor bolt, such as adjusting the vertical and vertical spacing of the slope of the anchor bolt Or, the interval between the left and right sides of the inclined surface is adjusted. In this case, in general, the lower side of the inclined surface is more unstable than the upper side. Therefore, the entire inclined surface of the inclined surface is not limited to being disposed at the same interval, as shown in Fig. 6, Anchor bolt 1 installation interval, bevel The interval between the sides is narrower, and the interval between the sides of the inclined face is wider. There is also a method of adjusting the rigidity of the anchor bolt. In this case, the lower side of the slope 20 322826 201139788 can be used for the lower detection of the anchor with lower rigidity. On the upper side of the inclined surface, the method of using the second area of the anchor with a narrower rigidity is used. In this case, a wider fixed plate can also be used obliquely, and a fixed plate can be used on the upper side. Between the cable 3, whether it is necessary to install, or change the tensile strength of the cable. Also, there is a choice of whether to lay the net, or the size of the net (the tensile strength of the mesh, or the mesh) Interval, etc.) adjustment. Embodiment 4 Fig. 8 is a view showing an example in which a displacement sensor is mounted on a pin i for detecting a movement of a clod. The map shows the state after the movement of the clods, the wrong plate 2 has a depression, and the amount of depression of the anchor plate 2 is indicated by h. The illustrated anchor bolt is hollow, and a tensile member 21 such as a steel cord is inserted into the hollow portion. One end (lower end) of the tensile member 21 is fixed to the front end of the wrong plug in the fixed layer, and the other end is fixed at the upper end of the wrong plug i, and near the upper end, the strain gauge for detecting the extension of the tensile member 21 is worn. Shift sensor) 22. The tension member 21 is provided with a fixing portion for the lower end of the anchor 2ia, and a fixing portion for the upper end is 21b. The upper end fixing portion 21b is exemplified by the inner surface of the cover 24 which is screwed into the upper end of the anchor inspection 1. The strain gauge 22 is connected to the strain gauge output receiving device 23, whereby the strain gauge output receiving device 23 transmits a detection signal or the like to the external risk signal transmitting device 12, thereby transmitting the detection signal of the strain gauge 22 to danger. Signal transmission device 12. 322826 201139788 Furthermore, the strain gauge output receiving device 23 can have various types of exposure. For example, an ic tag can be used. The strain gauge 22 can also be directly incorporated into the ladder, and the 1C label with the strain gauge can be attached to the tensile member 21. When the anchor bolt 1 is deformed due to the movement of the soil block, the anchoring plate 2 is subjected to the reaction force from the foundation under the anchoring plate, so that the tensile member 21 in the anchor bolt has tensile strain. As the amount of movement of the clods increases, the amount of depression below the anchoring plate 2 is also larger. The tensile strain of the tensile member 23 is also large, that is, the amount of stretching is also increased. At this time, the strain detecting signal of the strain gauge 22 attached to the tensile member 2 is transmitted to the risk signal transmitting device 12 via the 1C tag 23 or the like, and the movement condition of the soil block is detected. Thus, by measuring the amount of stretch of the tensile member 21 inserted into the hollow portion of the anchor 1, the movement of the clod can be determined. Embodiment 5 The embodiment shown in Fig. 9 is also in the case where the displacement sensor is mounted on the plug 1, but the displacement sensor of this embodiment utilizes the ultrasonic sensor 25. The ground surface lc shown by the solid line in the figure is the ground surface before the movement of the clod, and the surface lc' shown by the broken line is the surface of the ground after the clod is moved. Furthermore, the deformation of the anchor 1 of the same figure is an illustration. The anchor 1 is also hollow, and the above-described ultrasonic sensor 25 is installed at the lower end of the hollow portion. The ultrasonic sensor 25 transmits the ultrasonic wave and receives its reflected wave, and the distance to the reflected position is calculated for the detector. Moreover, the distance signal detected by the ultrasonic sensor 25 is connected to the ultrasonic sensor output receiving device 33, and the ultrasonic sensor is taken out from the receiving device 33 to the external risk signal transmitting device 12. Detection News 22 322826 201139788 • No. With this configuration, the detection signal of the ultrasonic sensor 25 can be transmitted to the risk signal transmitting device 12. When the pin 1 is set, the wrong plug 1 is straight, and the ultrasonic wave from the ultrasonic sensor is reflected at the upper end position of (4), reflected to the ultrasonic sense ^ ° receiving the reflected ultrasonic wave and detecting the distance to the reflection position . The detection distance at this time is the distance L1 reaching the upper end of the anchor. When the clod 1 moves, the position of the ultrasonic wave transmitted by the ultrasonic sensing H 25 will move to the lower side. Therefore, the ultrasonic sensor 25 is moved as the clod 1 is bent. The detection distance is _', , and 乂 is short L2. The distance change detected by the ultrasonic sensor 25 can be used to know the amount of movement of the clod. "The distance detected by the ultrasonic sensor π when the pin is straight is Xiang Xiang ^The distance of the straightness of the short ultrasonic wave, in the figure m, according to the upper end surface of the paving 2 has a clear reflecting surface, but in the bending state of the seedling inspection, the distance detected by the super-detector is not based on the clear The distance from the reflecting surface. Ren = can use the scattering characteristics of the ultrasonic wave with a longer wavelength to detect the #曲__ of the anchor. The ultrasonic wave of the gp' scattering system is also reflected on the wall surface inside the tube, so that the reflected state of the ultrasonic wave reflected by the scattering system on the inner surface of the wall can detect the bending state of the 4-shot tube. Embodiment 6 Fig. 10 is a view showing an installation of a steel cable (linear body) 3 between the heads of the anchor bolts 1 (shifting ❹ (8) 32, domain movement. Illustrative example is 'connecting adjacent anchor bolts All the anchors of the steel cable 3 have the condition of the strain gauge (shift sensor) 32. 23 322826 201139788 ^ ^ The knife slope is not stable and there is a part of the inspection 1 when moving, the self-safe movement (10)1, connected to no The strain gauge of the paving bolt 1 after the movement of the stability section is stretched out. The cable 3 is in the condition of the embodiment of Fig. 8 , and the detection nickname of the strain gauge 32 can be transmitted to the outside. Degree signal receiving device 12. Strain gauge 32 loyalty: If the middle of the strong cable is installed in the cable 3, 'can be connected between the anchor heads' ^ When the joint of the rotating buckle (turnbuckle) is installed, the strain gauge can be installed. Here, the belt buckle is rotated. Embodiment 7 The figure shows the schematic diagram of the slope stability system for detecting the soil moisture or the warm slope of the foundation. The cause of the collapse of the system is mainly caused by the rain. Therefore, if you can grasp the change of the soil moisture content of the foundation, or change it with it. The temperature changes, both sides can detect the abnormal state of the slope. The slope is as shown in Figure 1A to Figure 2B. The slope is stable chemical, and the safety factor Fs is over 1.0 under L2. The slope is stable. The slope stability component is equipped with a soil moisture sensor or temperature sensing H. These sensing IIs are as shown in Figure 3 above, connected to the danger signal transmission device at 12° in the same figure, and w is the groundwater level during the maintenance. For example, the soil moisture sensor 42 is installed at the lower end of each anchor 1 and at the middle of the anchor portion. The sensor at the lower end is 42a, and the sensor at the middle portion is 42b. After the chemical method, the cat on the lower side of the slope 24 322826 201139788 A, the sensor 42a at the lower end of the B has detected groundwater, but because of the construction of the slope stability chemical law, can ensure the safety factor Fs is more than 1 〇 Not up to 1.2. With the abandonment of the groundwater level such as rain, the anchor sensor on the upper side of the slope can gradually detect the groundwater level. For example, when the groundwater rises to the vicinity of W', at the anchor C, The sensor 42a at the lower end of D can feel At the same time as the groundwater, the sensor 42b in the middle of the anchors A, B, and C can sense the groundwater. The level of attention of the groundwater level is determined by considering the stability analysis of the groundwater saturation of the slope of the object in advance. For example, when the sensor 42b in the middle portion of the anchor signal C is set in the risk signal transmitting device 12, it is determined that attention is required when the groundwater is detected. At this time, the middle portion sensor 42b of the anchor C detects the groundwater, and the danger signal is detected. The transmitting device 12 transmits an attention warning (risk signal) to the outside (the danger signal receiving device 13). Further, when the sensor 42a at the lower end of the anchor D senses, it can be determined that the danger zone is reached and the evacuation alarm is transmitted. (risk signal). Embodiment 8 Fig. 12 is a view showing a specific embodiment of a slope stabilization system for detecting soil moisture or temperature to detect irregularities of a slope, and an embodiment of installing a soil moisture sensor and a temperature sensor in the wrong inspection 1. The anchor 1 is a hollow body' which is a so-called sensor-attached anchor in which the end portion of the hollow portion is intermediate with the intermediate portion, for example, the soil moisture sensor 52 is attached. The soil moisture sensor at the lower end is 52a, and the soil moisture sensor at the middle portion is 52b. 322826 25 201139788 The lower end of the hollow record 51 is covered by a porous material 54. The soil moisture sensor ^ is mounted on the porous material 54. One or a plurality of slits 51a are formed in the wall portion of the intermediate portion of the tin inspection 52, and the soil moisture sensor 52b at the middle portion of the adjacent limb is slit. In addition, the 4 seedling inspection 51 is inserted into the borehole 55 after drilling the inclined surface, and is filled with the water-permeable filling in the gap between the wrong inspection 51 and the borehole wall 55a... The above-mentioned Jinshuan 1 construction slope is stable chemical industry law. The soil moisture sensors 52a, 52b are connected to the moisture sensor output receiving device 53, whereby the water knife sensor output receiving device 53 transmits the detection signal to the danger signal transmitting device 12, so that it can The danger signal receiving device 13 transmits. Therefore, as illustrated in Fig. 11, when the groundwater level rises and the slope is uneasy at the time of rain, i:* moisture sense 52 detects the water level, and the transmission needs attention alarm (risk signal) or refuge signal (danger) Degree signal), can control the disaster to a minimum. In the case of the description of the arrangement of the soil moisture sensor, it is also possible to install both the soil moisture sensor and the temperature sensor. It is also possible to detect the abnormality of the soil moisture by the temperature change and only install the temperature sensor. . [Embodiment 9] In each of the above embodiments, the construction of an anchor bolt, an anchor plate, and a steel cable is used as a slope stability stabilizer of the general slope stability chemical method. Furthermore, those who use other bevel stabilizers, or who only use anchors and anchor plates, can also apply to those who use only anchors alone. Further, the so-called 26 322826 201139788 civil cloth film method in which a geotextile made of a resin is layered in the soil can be applied to a beveled stabilized structure. However, it is not applicable to the bevel stabilization structure of the construction method which is not assumed to be gradually deformed as the sash slope protection method. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1A and FIG. 1B are schematic diagrams illustrating a bevel stability chemical process using the bevel stabilization system of the present invention, and FIG. 1A is a schematic plan view of a bevel of a bevel stability chemical process of the construction example, section 1B The picture shows a longitudinal section. Figs. 2A and 2B are detailed structures of the anchor portion at 1A of Fig. 1A, Fig. 2A is a plan view (a plan view seen from the A-A section of Fig. 2B), and Fig. 2B is a longitudinal sectional view. Figure 3 is a block diagram showing the overall configuration of the bevel stabilization system of the present invention. Fig. 4 is a flow chart showing the overall configuration of the bevel stabilization system of Fig. 3, which is illustrated by the information flow. Fig. 5 is a view for explaining the effectiveness of the bevel stabilization system of the present invention. The horizontal axis is time and the vertical axis is the amount of movement of the clods, and is compared with the conventional general beveling measures and the bevel stabilization system of the present invention when no slope measures are implemented. Fig. 6 is a view showing an embodiment in which the anchor spacing between the inclined side portion and the lower side portion is different in the above-described bevel stabilization system. Figure 7 is a diagram showing the principle of a bevel stabilization system for detecting the movement of a clod to detect the irregularity of the bevel. Fig. 8 is a view showing a concrete embodiment of the clodging movement detecting device of the bevel stabilization system of Fig. 7, which illustrates a method of installing a strain gauge in the anchor. Figure 9 is a block movement detection of the bevel stabilization system of Figure 7. Another embodiment of the device is described in the method of mounting an ultrasonic sensor on an anchor. Fig. 1 is a view showing a method of installing a strain gauge on a steel cable in the re-embodiment of the clodging movement detecting device of the bevel stabilization system of Fig. 7. Figure 11 is a diagram illustrating the principle of a bevel stabilization system for detecting soil moisture or temperature for detecting irregularities in the slope. Fig. 12 is a view showing a specific embodiment of a bevel stabilization system for detecting the irregularity of the bevel by detecting the moisture or temperature of the soil, which is a tin plug diagram in which the soil moisture sensor and the temperature sensor are mounted. [Main component symbol description] 1 1 seed inspection 2 anchor plate 3 steel cable (linear body) 4 bottom plate 10 foundation 10a (ground) fixed layer 10b (ground) moving layer 11 sensor 12 danger signal transmission device ( Dangerous signal transmission device) 13 Dangerous signal receiving device (risk signal receiving device) 21 Stretching material 21a (stretching material 21 to the lower end of the anchor) fixing portion 21a (stretching material 21 toward the upper end of the tin) fixing portion 22 32 strain gauge 23 strain gauge output receiving device 25 ultrasonic sensor 33 ultrasonic sensor output receiving device 52 soil moisture sensor (or temperature sensor) 322826 201139788 53 moisture sensor output receiving device 54 porous Material 55 Drilling 56 Grouting L Tin bolt length P Intersection point S Sliding surface W Groundwater level 29 322826

Claims (1)

201139788 七、申請專利範圍: 1. 一種斜面安定化系統,其對斜面施工之斜面安定化構造 體,可隨土塊之移動發揮抗力而減少斜面的不安定土瑰 之移動程度,並在構成該斜面安定化構造體之斜面安定 化構件裝設移位感測器,設置當該斜面之土塊移動時依 據上述移位感測器所檢測之訊號傳送危險度訊號之危 險度訊號傳送裝置,並裝設危險度訊號接收裝置,用以 接收該危險度訊號傳送裝置之傳送資訊。 2·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中, 將上述斜面安定化構造體以滿足斜面之安全係數Fs為 超過1· 0且未達1· 2之規格裝設在斜面。 3. 如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中, 上述斜面安定化構造體,係由下述構件構成··多數個錨 栓,叢設在斜面深入達地基之不動層;錨定板,裝設在 各錨栓頭部;及其他斜面安定化構件,可視需要裝設在 斜面之對斜面安定化有助者。 4. 一種斜面安定化系統’係採用由多數個錨栓裝設在斜面 深入達地基之不動層,並將錨定板裝設在各錨栓頭部, 且視需要使用有助於斜面安定化之其他斜面安定化構 件來構建斜面安定化構造體之斜面安定化工法,並在該 斜面裝設感測器可傳遞斜面之危險度,其中, ^在實施上述斜面安定化工法時,以滿足斜面之安全 係數Fs為超過1. 〇且未達丨· 2之規格進行施工, 並在選自上述錨拴、錨定板、及其他斜面安定化構 322826 1 201139788 . 件中之一種或多種之斜面安定化構件安裝感測器,可在 斜面發生異狀時檢測此異狀,並裝設危險度訊號傳送裝 置,可依據裝設在上述斜面安定化構件之上述感測器於 斜面發生異狀時所檢測之訊號傳送危險度訊號,另裝設 危險度訊號接收裝置,以接收該危險度訊號傳送裝置之 傳送資訊。 5. 如申請專利範圍第4項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中, 上述感測器為一種可檢測土塊移動之移位感測器。 6. 如申請專利範圍第5項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中, 上述錨栓為一種中空材,在該中空部插入有拉伸材,此 拉伸材之一端固定在錨栓的土中前端,另一端通過錨栓 地表部透過移位感測器固定在錨定板,當裝設有該錨栓 之土塊移動時’移位感測器可檢測到隨土塊之移動而錨 栓變形時所產生之拉伸材之拉伸力。 7. 如申請專利範圍第5項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中, 上述其他斜面安定化構件,為連結錨栓頭部間之線狀 體,或敷設在斜面之金屬製或樹脂製之網,在線狀體或 網之一方或雙方安裝移位感測器,當斜面之一部分土塊 移動時,移位感測器能檢測到未移動土塊與移動土塊之 間存在之上述線狀體或網之一方或雙方的延伸並檢測 土塊之移動量。 8·如申請專利範固苐4項所述之斜面安定化系統,其t, 上述感測器為土壤水分感測器或溫度感測器之一方或 雙方。 2 322826 201139788 9. 如申請專利範圍第8項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中’ 上述錨栓由中空材所構成,且為在中空部安裝有土壌水 · 分感測器及溫度感測器中之任一方或雙方,且錨栓的土 中前端為多孔質材所覆蓋之附有感測器之錨栓。 10. 如申請專利範圍第8項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中, 上述錨栓由表面具有多數狹縫之中空材所構成,且為在 中空部安裝有土壤水分感測器及溫度感測器中之任一 方或雙方,且錯栓之土中前端為多孔質材所覆蓋之附有 感測器之錨栓,並且在對斜面鑽孔之後向所鑽之孔插入 的上述錨栓與鑽孔壁之間隙灌入具有透水性的灌漿。 11. 如申請專利範圍第10項所述之斜面安定化系統,其 中,上述灌漿之透水係數,為周邊地基之透水係數之i 倍至1/10倍。 12. 一種斜面安定化系統,係在同一斜面,組合施工申請專 利範圍第5至7項中任1項所述之斜面安定化系統、及 申請專利範圍第8至11項中任1項所述之斜面安定化 系統。 13. 如申請專利範圍第1、2、3、5、6或7項所述之斜面安 定化系統,其中,上述危險度訊號傳送裝置,係可傳送 對應上述移位感測器所檢測之土塊移動量之多種危險 度等級之危險度訊號。 14. 如申請專利範圍第13項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中, 上述危險度訊號傳送裝置,可將依據上述移位感測器所 檢測之土塊移動量算出之土塊移動速度,包含在決定上 3 322826 201139788 述危險度等級之基準。 15·如申請專利範圍第8至11項中任1項所述之斜面安定 化系統’其中’上述危險度訊號傳送裝置,可傳送上述 土壌水分感測器或溫度感測器中之一方或其雙方所檢 測之對應土壌水分量或溫度中之一方或其雙方之多種 危險度等級之危險度訊號。 16.如申請專利範圍第項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中, 上述危險度訊號傳送裝置,係將依據土壌水分感測器或 溫度感測器之一方或其雙方所檢測之土壤水分量或溫 度之一方或其雙方所算出之土壤水分量或溫度之變化 速度’包含在決定上述多種危險度等級之基準。 17·如申請專利範圍第2至u項中任1項所述之斜面安定 化系統’其中’上述斜面安定化系統,係以滿足上述安 全係數Fs為超過1.0且未達1.2之規格之斜面安定化 工法作為施工辨法,調整錨栓之間隔。 18_如申清專利範圍第17項所述之斜面安定化系統,其中, 上述錯检之間隔係在斜面之下部侧為較短,而在上部側 為較長。 19. 如申明專利範圍第3至11項中任1項所述之斜面安定 化系統’其中’上述錨定板之面積,係在斜面之下部側 較寬,而在上部側較窄。 20. 如申°月專利圍第1至11項中任1項所述之斜面安定 化'系、统’其中’將上述危險度訊號接收裝置裝設在斜面 下方之工薇、個人住宅、公寓,並設置在政府相關機構 4 322826 201139788 以建構可確保連 及/或斜面危險度判斷專家等處, 絡、加強、避難體制之警報系統。 5 322826201139788 VII. Scope of application for patents: 1. A bevel stabilization system, which can be used to stabilize the inclined surface of the inclined surface to reduce the movement of the unstable surface of the inclined surface and to form the inclined surface. The slope stabilization member of the stability structure is provided with a displacement sensor, and the danger signal transmission device for transmitting the danger signal according to the signal detected by the displacement sensor when the soil block of the slope is moved is installed and installed The danger signal receiving device is configured to receive the transmission information of the risk signal transmitting device. 2. The bevel stabilization system according to claim 1, wherein the bevel stabilized structure satisfies the slope safety factor Fs of more than 1.0 and is less than 1.2. . 3. The bevel stabilization system according to the above aspect of the invention, wherein the bevel stabilization structure is composed of: a plurality of anchor bolts, which are disposed on a movable surface of the slope extending deep into the foundation; The anchoring plate is installed on each anchor head; and other beveling stabilizer members can be installed on the inclined surface to stabilize the inclined surface. 4. A bevel stabilization system uses a fixed layer of a plurality of anchors placed on the slope to reach the foundation, and the anchor plates are mounted on the heads of the anchors, and the slopes are stabilized as needed. The other bevel stabilizers are used to construct the bevel stability chemical method of the bevel stabilized structure, and the risk of the bevel can be transmitted by the sensor on the slope, wherein ^ when the above-mentioned slope stability chemical method is implemented, the slope is satisfied The safety factor Fs is more than 1. 未 and does not reach the specifications of 丨·2, and is selected from one or more of the above-mentioned anchors, anchor plates, and other beveled stables 322826 1 201139788. The stabilizer component mounting sensor can detect the abnormality when the inclined surface is abnormal, and install a risk signal transmitting device, which can be abnormal when the inclined surface is formed according to the sensor installed on the inclined surface stabilizer member The detected signal transmits a danger signal, and a risk signal receiving device is additionally installed to receive the transmission information of the risk signal transmitting device. 5. The bevel stabilization system of claim 4, wherein the sensor is a displacement sensor that detects movement of the clod. 6. The bevel stabilization system according to claim 5, wherein the anchor is a hollow material, and a tensile material is inserted into the hollow portion, and one end of the tensile material is fixed in the soil of the anchor The front end and the other end are fixed to the anchoring plate through the displacement sensor through the surface of the anchor bolt. When the clod with the anchor is moved, the displacement sensor can detect the deformation of the anchor bolt with the movement of the clods. The tensile force of the resulting tensile material. 7. The bevel stabilization system according to claim 5, wherein the other bevel stabilizer is a linear body connecting the heads of the anchors or a metal or resin mesh laid on the inclined surfaces. The displacement sensor is installed on one or both sides of the linear body or the net. When one of the inclined blocks moves, the displacement sensor can detect the above-mentioned linear body or mesh existing between the unmoved soil block and the moving soil block. The extension of one or both sides and the amount of movement of the clods. 8. The slope stabilization system described in claim 4, wherein the sensor is one or both of a soil moisture sensor or a temperature sensor. 2 322826 201139788 9. The bevel stabilization system according to claim 8, wherein the anchor bolt is composed of a hollow material, and the soil water sensor and the temperature sensor are installed in the hollow portion. One or both of the anchors, and the front end of the anchor is a sensor-attached anchor covered by a porous material. 10. The bevel stabilization system according to claim 8, wherein the anchor is composed of a hollow material having a plurality of slits on the surface, and a soil moisture sensor and temperature sensing are installed in the hollow portion. Either or both sides of the device, and the front end of the soil in the wrong plug is a sensor-attached anchor covered by the porous material, and the above-mentioned anchor and drill inserted into the drilled hole after drilling the inclined surface The gap between the walls of the holes is filled with a water-permeable grout. 11. The bevel stabilization system according to claim 10, wherein the permeation coefficient of the grouting is i times to 1/10 times the permeation coefficient of the surrounding foundation. 12. A bevel stabilization system according to any one of the items 5 to 7 of the patent application scope of claim 5, wherein the bevel stabilization system according to any one of claims 5 to 7 of the same application The bevel stabilization system. 13. The bevel stabilization system of claim 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 or 7 wherein the risk signal transmission device transmits a clod that is detected by the displacement sensor. The risk signal for multiple risk levels of the amount of movement. 14. The slope stabilization system according to claim 13, wherein the risk signal transmission device can determine the movement speed of the clod according to the movement amount of the clod detected by the displacement sensor. Upper 3 322826 201139788 The benchmark for the risk rating. The above-mentioned risk signal transmission device of the above-mentioned risk signal transmission device can transmit one of the above soil moisture sensors or temperature sensors or The risk signal of the multiple risk levels of one or both of the soil moisture or temperature detected by both parties. 16. The slope stabilization system according to claim 1, wherein the risk signal transmission device is based on soil moisture detected by one or both of the soil moisture sensor or the temperature sensor or The rate of change in soil moisture or temperature calculated by one or both of the temperatures is included in the criteria for determining the various risk levels described above. 17. The bevel stabilization system according to any one of claims 2 to 5, wherein the above-mentioned bevel stabilization system is configured to satisfy the above-mentioned safety factor Fs of a slope of more than 1.0 and not up to 1.2. The chemical industry method is used as a construction method to adjust the spacing of anchor bolts. The slanting stabilization system according to claim 17, wherein the interval of the misdetection is shorter on the lower side of the slope and longer on the upper side. 19. The bevel stabilization system of any one of claims 3 to 11 wherein the area of the anchoring plate is wider on the lower side of the bevel and narrower on the upper side. 20. For the slope stability test described in 1st to 11th of the patent period, the system of the above-mentioned risk signal receiving device is installed under the inclined surface of the work, personal residence, apartment And set up in the relevant government agencies 4 322826 201139788 to construct an alarm system that ensures the connection and/or slope risk assessment experts, network, reinforcement, and evacuation systems. 5 322826
TW100107661A 2010-03-10 2011-03-08 Slope stabilization system TWI540238B (en)

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI627611B (en) * 2014-08-21 2018-06-21 Nec Corp Slope monitoring system, slope safety analysis device and method, and computer-readable recording medium on which program is recorded

Families Citing this family (23)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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