201105560 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是涉及搬運具極性之晶片型電子零件等工件的 工件搬運裝置及工件搬運方法,特別是在搬運中判定工件 的極性,可容易且確實地判定極性爲相反時使工件的方向 反轉的工件搬運裝置及工件搬運方法。 【先前技術】 進行電容器或二極管等具極性的晶片型電子零件(以 下稱工件)的特性測定的裝置,或將該等的工件收納於載 體帶的傳動帶元件裝配裝置中,會有產生必須使工件的極 性一致的場合。爲此,該等的裝置具備有搬運工件時使極 性一致的極性反向機構。 從以往具有工件極性反向機構的工件搬運裝置即已爲 人所知(參閱例如專利文獻1)。第9圖是表示具有上述 以往之工件極性反向機構的工件搬運裝置。如第9圖表示 ,藉饋送器2 1以1列搬運的工件w是個別被收容在配置 於逆時鐘方向(箭頭F方向)間歇轉動之搬運台22外圍 部的工件收納孔23。並且,藉著未圖示的極性判定部來 判定工件W的極性,判定極性相反的工件在工件收納部 23到達與形成在反轉部24的反轉軌道25的入口相對的 位置23a時,藉著設置在位置23a附近的未圖示的噴出手 段送出至反轉軌道25內’以反轉軌道25內的未圖示之感 測器檢測出將工件W1送出至反轉軌道25內之後,調整 -5- 201105560 噴氣的時機和搬運台22的轉動時機。藉以使收納有上述 工件W 1的工件收納孔2 3到達與反轉軌道2 5的出口相對 的位置時,工件W1會在極性反轉的狀態下再次收納於該 工件收納孔2 3 (第9圖的箭頭Η )。 但是第9圖表示習知的工件搬運裝置中,有須配合反 轉軌道2 5內的工件W 1到達出口的時機和收納著工件w1 的工件收納孔23到達與反轉軌道23的出口相對的位置 23b的時機的必要。此時,有檢測通過反轉軌道25內的 工件W1的速度和搬運台22之轉動速度的比較,控制搬 運台22的轉動速度來配合上述時機的必要,但是如上述 配合時機的場合,會導致裝置的複雜化造成成本上的提升 〇 也可考慮調整將工件W1送出至反轉軌道25內之噴 出手段的噴氣力使工件W 1的速度達到最佳化的方法,但 是該方法也並非容易。即,噴氣力大時會增大工件W1的 速度,會使得工件W到達反轉軌道25的出口比收納有工 件W1的工件收納孔23到達與反轉軌道23的出口相對的 位置2 3 b還早。此時,與收納有工件w 1的工件收納孔2 3 不同的工件收納孔23是位在與反轉軌道23的出口相對的 位置23b ’並且另外的工件W2 —旦被收納於該工件收納 孔23時’如第9圖表示工件W1會與工件W2衝突而損傷 到各工件。並且,搬運台2 2的外圍部位於此位置2 3 b時 ’工件W 1會與搬運台22的外圍部衝突而損傷到該等的 各部或工件W1。 -6- 201105560 另一方面,上述噴氣力小時會降低工件1的速度,使 得工件1在反轉軌道2 5內停止不能到達出口。如上述, 噴氣力大的場合及小的場合,未收納於工件收納孔的工件 W1都會殘留在反轉軌道25內,而有停止裝置須以人手除 去該工件的必要,導致裝置的運轉率的降低。 [先前技術文獻] [專利文獻] [專利文獻1 ]日本特開平1 0 - 1 3 9 1 3 6號 【發明內容】 [發明所欲解決的課題] 本發明是考慮以上的點所硏創而成,提供可使極性相 反的工件確實地收納於已收納有該工件的工件收納孔,且 不會損傷工件,構造更爲簡單的工件搬運裝置及工件搬運 方法爲目的。 [解決課題用的手段] 本發明的工件搬運裝置,其特徵爲,具備:設有收納 具極性之工件的複數個工件收納孔,搬運工件的搬運體; 對於工件收納孔內的工件判定極性正反的極性判定部;與 搬運體相對而設置,具有入口與出口的圓弧形的反轉軌道 ;將工件收納孔內的工件送出至反轉軌道內的工件送出手 段;使藉著工件送出手段送出至反轉軌道的工件減速的工 201105560 件減速手段;及將反轉軌道內藉著工件減速手段所減速的 工件朝工件收納孔內噴出而返回的工件噴出手段。 本發明的工件搬運裝置,其特徵爲:反轉軌道是經由 反轉軌道上游側的上游側氣體通路與反轉軌道下游側的下 游側氣體通路連接在氣體儲存部,該氣體儲存部可自由切 換地連接於真空產生源及氣體供應源,氣體儲存部連接於 真空產生源的場合,下游側氣體通路具有作爲工件減速手 段的功能,氣體儲存部連接在氣體供應源的場合,下游側 氣體通路則具有作爲工件噴出手段的功能。 本發明的工件搬運裝置,其特徵爲:在反轉軌道的下 游側氣體通路的更下游側設置大氣開放孔》 本發明的工件搬運裝置,其特徵爲:工件送出手段是 被設置在搬運體側,使工件收納孔內的工件朝向反轉軌道 的入口噴出的壓縮氣體噴出手段所構成。 本發明的工件搬運裝置,其特徵爲:在反轉軌道的入 口附近設有入口側感測器,可檢測從工件收納孔將工件送 出至反轉軌道的入口。 本發明的工件搬運裝置,其特徵爲:在反轉軌道的出 口附近設有出口側感測器,可檢測從反轉軌道的出口將工 件朝著工件收納孔的噴出。 本發明的工件搬運裝置,其特徵爲:在與搬運體側的 反轉軌道的出口相對的部份,設有工件收納孔內未正常收 納著工件的場合,使該工件收納孔內的工件返回到反轉軌 道的出口的壓縮氣體回流手段。 -8- •201105560 本發明的工件搬運方法,其特徵爲,具備:藉著具有 收納具極性之工件的複數個工件收納孔的搬運體來搬運的 步驟;對於工件收納孔內的工件,藉極性判定部來判定其 極性的正反的步驟;藉著工件送出手段將以極性判定部判 定極性爲相反之搬運體的工件收納孔內的工件朝著與搬運 體相對而設置的圓弧形反轉軌道的入口送出的步驟;將由 反轉軌道的入口送出至反轉軌道的工件藉著工件減速手段 在反轉軌道內減速的步驟;及將反轉軌道內所減速的工件 藉工件噴出手段噴出至搬運體的工件收納孔內而返回的步 驟。 本發明的工件搬運方法,其特徵爲:反轉軌道是經由 反轉軌道上游側的上游側氣體通路與反轉軌道下游側的下 游側氣體通路連接於氣體儲存部,該氣體儲存部可自由切 換地連接於真空產生源及氣體供應源,氣體儲存部連接於 真空產生源的場合,下游側氣體通路具有作爲工件減速手 段的功能,氣體儲存部連接於氣體供應源的場合,下游側 氣體通路具有作爲工件噴出手段的功能。 本發明的工件搬運方法,其特徵爲··在反轉軌道的下 ' 游側氣體通路的更下游側設有大氣開放孔。 本發明的工件搬運方法,其特徵爲:工件送出手段是 由被設置在搬運體側,將工件收納孔內的工件朝著反轉軌 道的入口噴出的壓縮氣體噴出手段所構成。 本發明的工件搬運方法,其特徵爲:在反轉軌道的入 口附近,設置可檢測從工件收納孔送出工件至反轉軌道$ -9 * 201105560 入口的入口側感測器。 本發明的工件搬運方法,其特徵爲:在反 口附近,設置可檢測從反轉軌道的出口將工件 收納孔的出口側感測器。 本發明的工件搬運方法,其特徵爲:在與 反轉軌道的出口相對的部份,設置工件未正常 收納孔內的場合,使該工件收納孔內的工件返 道的出口的壓縮氣體回流手段。 [發明效果] 如以上說明根據本發明,藉極性判定部判 反的工件是從搬運體的供件收納孔藉工件送出 反轉軌道內。反轉軌道內的工件隨後藉著工件 以減速或停止,接著藉工件噴出手段噴出至工 返回。此時,配合搬運體的搬運速度使工件噴 ’可容易且確實地將反轉軌道內的工件噴出至 內返回,也不會損傷工件或搬運體。 【實施方式】 以下,參閱圖示針對本發明的實施形態說 至第8圖是表示本發明所涉及工件搬運裝置及 法之一實施形態的圖》 如第1圖及第8圖表示,工件搬運裝置 收納具極性的工件W之外圍設有複數個工件形 轉軌道的出 噴出至工件 搬運體側的 收納於工件 回至反轉軌 定極性爲相 手段送出至 減速手段予 件收納孔內 出手段動作 工件收內孔 明。第1圖 工件搬運方 3〇,具備: :納孔4、4 a -10- 201105560 、4b而被配置在垂直方向的搬運台(搬運體)3;對於搬 運台3的工件收納孔4、4a ' 4b的工件W判定極性的正 反的極性判定部6;及與搬運台3對應設置,包含入口 8a 與出口 8b並具有接受工件W使其反轉的反轉軌道8的反 轉部7。 並且,搬運台3是在垂直方向所配置的台座可自 由轉動地被保持在中心軸2的周圍。此外,作爲搬運體也 可考慮使用帶狀的搬運帶來取替搬運台3。 如上述,在搬運台3的外圍部收納著工件的工件收,納 孔4、4a、4b是以貫穿搬運台3的厚度方向等間隔設置。 工件W的形狀爲長方體,具極性。圖中,爲容易明瞭在 工件W長方向的一端標著黑色的標記,藉以表示極性。 K際的工件W中,不具以上的標記,也有以其他的方法 表示極性。 第8圖中,從饋送器5所供應的工件W是使長方向 配合搬運台3的厚度方向個別收納於工件收納孔4,搬運 提3是藉著未圖示的驅動部的作用朝著順時鐘方向在中心 軸2的周圍間歇轉動(第8圖的箭頭G)。並且,收納於 工件收納孔4、4a、4b的工件W在藉著極性判定部6判 定極性之後到達反轉部7。 將工件搬運裝置30的反轉部7的上視圖(第8圖的 箭頭方向放大圖)表示於第1圖。並將第1圖中的A-A 剖視圖表示於第2圖,第1圖中的B-B剖視圖表示於第6 圖,第1圖中的C剖視圖表示於第5圖。 -11 - 201105560 如第1圖及第2圖表示,反轉部7具有塊體9及覆蓋 塊體9的蓋10,反轉部7和搬運台3的表面被以些微的 間隙固定配置。 上述的反轉軌道8是呈圓弧性貫穿塊體9內所形成, 反轉軌道8的入口 8a與出口 8b是沿著搬運台3的轉動路 徑僅分開工件收納孔1的1間距量。反轉軌道8的入口 8a附近設置有檢測工件W通過反轉軌道8的入口 8a的入 口側感測器S1。同樣地,在反轉軌道8的出口 8 b附近設 置有檢測工件通過反轉軌道8的出口 8 b的出口側感測器 S2 ° 第1圖是例示,工件收納孔4 a停止在與反轉軌道8 的入口 8 a相對的位置,工件收納孔4b停止在與反轉軌道 8的出口 8b相對的位置的樣子。塊體9內反轉軌道8連 接有4條空氣槽(氣體通路)16a、16b、16c、16d,空氣 槽16a、16b、16c、16d是通過形成在反轉軌道8的圓弧 的大致中心部下方的空氣儲存部(氣體儲存部)1 5。此時 ,上游側的空氣槽1 6 a、1 6 b是形成上游側空氣槽,下游 側的空氣槽1 6c、1 6d是形成下游側空氣槽。 如第5圖表示,空氣儲存部15是經由連通孔17連通 於配管連接口 18,配管連接口 18是被連接於切換閥31。 並根據需要使切換閥31動作,可切換使得空氣儲存部1 5 自由地連接於真空產生源3 2及空氣供應源(氣體供應源 )33。配管連接口 18的空氣流動是在連接於真空產生源 32時形成第5圖的箭頭S的方向,連接於空氣供應源33 -12- 201105560 時是形成第5圖的箭頭T的方向。 並且,如第1圖表示’空氣槽16a、16b、16c、I6d 與反轉軌道8連接處所成的角度在從空氣儲存部15經由 空氣槽16a、16b、16c、16d至反轉軌道8爲止供應壓縮 空氣時,該壓縮空氣是以其狀態朝著反轉軌道的出口 8b 〇 如上述,藉著空氣槽16a、16b、16c、16d與反轉軌 道8的連接’利用切換閥31的作用將空氣儲存部15連接 在真空產生源32時,從反轉軌道的出口 8b朝著入口 8a 側進行真空吸引,藉著切換閥31的作用將空氣儲存部15 連接在空氣供應源33時,從反轉軌道的入口 8a朝著出口 8b側進行空氣噴出。在此,反轉軌道8內未存在有工件 W時,空氣儲存部15會藉著切換閥31的作用連接在真空 產生源3 2。 此外’反轉軌道8在比空氣槽16a、16b、16c、16d 與反轉軌道8的連接處更下游側,即接近反轉軌道的出口 8b —側的蓋1 〇 ’開設位於反轉軌道8的兩側並且與大氣 連通的大氣開放孔1 9。該大氣開放孔1 9是從形成在塊體 9的大氣開放槽20連通於反轉軌道8。 再者’第1圖中,以反轉軌道8開始設置在塊體9內 的各構件是標記可經由蓋1 〇目視,但是蓋1 〇是由透明材 料所成的場合。除了實施本發明之外,蓋10並非一定須 爲透明。 接著’將由反轉部7附近的台座1的相反側顯示搬運 -13- 201105560 台3的透視圖(第1圖中的Y箭頭方向透視圖)表示於 第3圖,將第3圖的D-D剖視圖表示於第4圖。第3圖 中,在較搬運台3接近紙面跟前側雖定位有反轉部7,但 並未圖示。 第3圖及第4圖中,面向台座1的搬運台3的一側形 成有環狀負壓槽11,連接於未圖示的真空產生源。並且 ,在搬運台3面向台座1的一側設有從工件收納孔4連通 於環狀負壓槽11的锪孔(spot facing) 12與吸引孔13, 可將工件W真空吸附保持在工件收納孔4內。並在台座1 中,在對應於和反轉軌道的入口 8a相對的工件收納孔4a 的位置上設有朝向反轉軌道的入口 8a的空氣噴出孔(壓 縮氣體噴出手段)1心,該空氣噴出孔14a是被連接在空 氣供應源1 4c。另外,台座1中,在對應於和反轉軌道的 出口 8 b相對的工件收納孔4b的位置上設有朝向反轉軌道 的出口 8b的空氣噴出孔(壓縮氣體回流手段)14b,該空 氣噴出孔1 4 b是被連接在空氣供應源1 4 c。在此,工件收 納孔4 a、4 b都是表不同一的工件收納孔,工件收納孔來 到與入口 8a相對的位置時形成工件收納孔4a,來到與出 口 8b相對的位置時則是形成工件收納孔4b。此外,上述 各構成構件是藉控制部3 0a進行驅動控制。 接著針對以上構成所成本實施形態的作用說明如下。 首先收納於搬運台3的工件收納孔4、4a、4b內工件W 是隨著搬運台3的轉動被搬運,在極性判定部6中判定工 件W的極性。 -14 - 201105560 接著使搬運台3迴轉’將藉著極性判定部6判定極性 爲相反時的工件W 1收納於工件收納孔4a的狀態下到達 反轉軌道的入口 8a附近,使搬運台3停止。接著工件收 納孔4a內的工件W1被送入到反轉軌道8藉著反轉軌道8 反轉,收納於和出口 8b相對的工件收納孔4b。 亦即,收納在搬運台3的工件收納孔4a的工件W是 藉極性判定部6來判定極性。此時,判定極性爲相反時的 工件W1 —旦到達反轉軌道的入口 8a附近時,使搬運台3 停止,根據極性判定部6的判定結果,根據控制部3 0a的 指令從空氣噴出孔14a噴出空氣(第4圖的箭頭P)將工 件W1送入反轉軌道8。另一方面,對於極性正確的工件 ,即使到達反轉軌道的入口 8a也不會從空氣噴出控14a 噴出空氣,可在收納於工件收納孔4 a的狀態下進行搬運 〇 將極性相反的工件W1送入反轉軌道8隨後的樣子表 示於第7 (a)圖。藉來自空氣噴出孔i4a的空氣噴出, 將工件W1送入到反轉軌道8時,入口側感測器S1可檢 測通過反轉軌道8的入口 8 a的工件W1。 在其間,空氣儲存部15被連接在真空產生源32,從 反轉軌道8的出口 8b側朝向入口 8a側進行真空吸引(第 7(a)圖的箭頭】)。此時空氣的流動,包含:從反轉軌 道8的入口 8a流入空氣槽16a、16b、16c、16d的空氣的 流動’及藉著真空吸引從大氣開放孔i 9流入空氣槽1 6a 、16b、16c、16d的空氣流動的2種類空氣的流動。在此 -15- 201105560 ,爲了讓送入到反轉軌道8的工件W1可確實停止在反轉 軌道8內,對於上述2種類的空氣流動爲使得來自大氣開 放孔19的空氣流動的一側大於來自反轉軌道8的入口 8a 之空氣的流動,而將大氣開放孔1 9的開放面積及大氣開 放槽20的剖面積形成大於反轉軌道8的剖面積。 再者,第7(a)圖中,在與反轉軌道8的出口 8b相 對的工件收納孔4b收納著工件,因此反轉軌道8內空氣 的流動雖有上述的2種類,但是工件收納孔4b未收納有 工件的場合,藉作用於工件收納孔4b內的吸引孔1 3的真 空吸引,也會從大氣開放孔1 9產生朝著工件收納孔4b的 另一空氣的流動。其中任一的場合,反轉軌道8內的空氣 流動都會被大氣開放孔1 9所分離。如上述,藉著大氣開 放孔1 9所分離的空氣流動,反轉軌道8內的工件W1不 致到達出口 8b而會減速,使得最上游側的空氣槽1 6a在 連接反轉軌道8之處與大氣開放孔19之間的其中之一位 置停止。此狀態表示於第7(b)圖。 工件W1在停止於反轉軌道8內的時刻,停止從空氣 噴出孔14a的空氣噴出,將空氣儲存部15連接於真空產 生源32,從反轉軌道的出口 8b側朝著入口 8a側進行真 空吸引(第7(b)圖的箭頭J)。 此一期間,在沿著搬運台3的轉動路徑所設置的極性 判定部6、反轉部7及未圖示的檢測部及分類排出部等’ 搬運台3的停止中執行各個預定的步驟,該等之中最耗費 時間的步驟在執行完成後,搬運台3會再度開始轉動(第 -16 - 201105560 7 ( b )圖的箭頭L )。並且,收納工件W1後的工件收納 孔4a是朝著與反轉軌道的出口 8b相對的位置移動。 接著使收納有工件W 1的工件收納孔4a僅移動工件 收納孔的間距量,到達與反轉軌道的出口 8b相對的位置 而形成工件收納孔4b,使搬運台3停止(第7 ( c )圖) 。此時’將表示搬運台3停止後的停止訊號送訊至控制部 3 0a ’根據來自控制部30a的指令,使切換閥31動作將空 氣儲存部15連接於空氣供應源33。並且,藉著4條空氣 槽16a、16b、16c、16d從反轉軌道8的入口 8a朝著出口 8b側進行空氣噴出(第7(c)圖的箭頭κ),噴出後的 空氣被從大氣開放口 19排出到外方。藉此,使反轉軌道 8內停止的工件W1朝向反轉軌道8的出口 8b移動,到達 大氣開放孔19的位置。從空氣槽16a、16b、16c、16d噴 出後的空氣雖是從大氣開放孔1 9排出,但是一部份的空 氣是朝向反轉軌道8的出口 8b,因此工件W1會通過大氣 開放孔1 9的位置,到達與反轉軌道8的出口 8b相對的工 件收納孔4b。並且,工件W丨是藉著工件收納孔4b內的 吸引孔1 3進行真空吸引在使得極性相反的狀態下收納於 工件收納孔4b,當工件W1通過工件收納孔4b的出口 一 旦爲出口側感測器S2檢測出時,可再度轉動搬運台3, 使搬運台3的轉動再度開始。此時根據來自控制部3 〇 a的 指令,使切換閥3 1動作將空氣儲存部1 5連接於真空產生 源32,從反轉軌道8的出口 8b朝向入口 8a側進行真空 吸引’將接著的工件W送入至反轉軌道8。 •17- 201105560 再者’工件W1未被正確地收納於工件收納孔4b的 場合,藉出口側感測器S2,檢測出工件W 1未被正確地收 納於工件收納孔4b內。此時,從設置在台座1之中對應 於工件收納孔4b位置的空氣噴出口 1 4b噴出空氣使工件 W1 —旦回到反轉軌道8內。接著,藉朝向反轉軌道8的 出口 8b側的空氣噴出,再度將工件w 1收納於工件收納 孔4b。 如上述根據本實施形態,在搬運台3停止後,將以極 性判定部6判定極性爲相反的工件W 1從工件收納孔4a 送出至反轉軌道8內之後,可以使該工件W1在反轉軌道 8內減速後停止。隨後使得搬運台3僅迴轉工件收納孔的 1間距量後停止。接著,可使反轉軌道8內的工件W1藉 著壓縮空氣返回到搬運台3的工件收納孔4b。因此,可 容易使搬運台3的移動時機和使工件W 1返回到搬運台3 的工件收納孔4b的時機一致,不致造成工件W1與搬運 台3的衝突而損傷工件W1S搬運台3。_ 再者上述實施形態中,在反轉軌道8內停止送出到反 轉軌道8內的工件W 1,使得應收納該工件W1的工件收 納孔4b到達與反轉軌道8的出口 8b相對的位置爲止後停 止’在工件收納孔4b到達與反轉軌道8的出口 8b相對的 位置後使該工件W1加速而引導至出口 8b,但是,當搬運 台3的轉速大,應收納該工件w 1的工件收納孔4b到達 與反轉軌道8的出口 8b相對的位置爲止的時間短的場合 ’該工件W1也可以未能使其停止的速度減速,在工件收 -18- 201105560 納孔4b到達與出口 8 b相對的位置之後使該工件W 1加速 而引導至出口 8b。 並且,針對在反轉軌道8以連接4條空氣槽16a、 16b' 16c、16d爲例已作說明。但是爲可確實且迅速在反 轉軌道8內進行工件W1的停止與再移動,藉著工件W1 的尺寸與重量或搬運台3的轉速等,空氣槽的數量不限於 4條’可設定最適當的條數。 又’本實施形態中,針對相同空氣槽1 6a、1 6b、1 6c 、16d藉著切換閥31的切換而具有真空吸引和空氣噴出 功能的場合已作說明,但是空氣槽16a、16b、16c、16d 之中’其中之一的空氣槽具有真空吸引功能,其餘的空氣 槽也可以具有空氣噴出功能。 並在第1圖中,已針對從反轉軌道8的入口 8a藉著 空氣噴出使工件W1送出到反轉軌道8內的例加以表示, 但是也可以從入口 8 a藉著從反轉軌道8側的空氣吸引將 工件W1送出至反轉軌道8內。並也可以將工件wi與空 氣吸引和空氣噴出組合送出到反轉軌道8內。 另外本實施形態中,雖表示藉著空氣噴出來噴出工件 W之機構的例’但是不限於空氣噴出也可以使用其他氣體 的氣體噴出’例如可使用不影響人體或工件的惰性氣體來 噴出工件W。 並且’本實施形態中,雖針對在貫穿搬運台3的厚度 方向所設置的工件收納孔4內收納工件W加以搬運,並 將反轉軌道8設置在搬運台3~方側的場合已作說明,但 -19- 201105560 是也可將搬運台3成水平配置’在該搬運台3的外圍形成 工件收納孔4 ’對該工件收納孔4收納工件w 1而搬運的 同時’將反轉軌道8設置在較搬運台3的更外側。 並且,也可以水平設置或傾斜設置搬運台3。 並且’雖表示以轉動的搬運台3的例作爲搬運體,但 也可以環形帶等的帶狀體搬運工件。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖是表示本發明所涉及工件搬運裝置之一實施形 態的放大上視圖。 第2圖是表示工件搬運裝置的詳細之第1圖的a-A 剖視圖。 第3圖是表示工件搬運裝置的搬運台的前視圖。 第4圖是表示工件搬運裝置的搬運台之第3圖的d-D 剖視圖。 第5圖是表示工件搬運裝置的空氣儲存部之第丨圖的 C剖視圖。 第6圖是表示工件搬運裝置的反轉軌道之第1圖的 B _ B剖視圖。 第7(a) ( b ) (c)圖是表示根據本發明的工件搬 運裝置作用的圖。 第8圖是表示根據本發明的工件搬運裝置整體的槪略 圖。 第9圖是表示習知工件搬運裝置的上視圖》 -20- 201105560 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :台座 2 :中心軸 3 :搬運台 4、4 a、4 b :工件收納孔 6 :極性判定部 7 .反轉部 8 :反轉軌道 8 a :反轉軌道的入口 8b :反轉軌道的出口 9 :塊體 10 ··蓋 14a、14b :空氣噴出孔 15 :空氣儲存部 16a、 16b > 16c、 16d :空氣槽 1 9 :大氣開放孔 3 0 :工件搬運裝置 3 1 :切換閥 3 2 :真空產生源 3 3 :空氣供應源 W、W1、W 2 :工件 S 1 :入口側感測器 S2 :出口側感測器 -21 -[Technical Field] The present invention relates to a workpiece transport device and a workpiece transport method for transporting a workpiece such as a wafer-type electronic component having a polarity, and in particular, it is easy and reliable to determine the polarity of the workpiece during transport. The workpiece conveying device and the workpiece conveying method for reversing the direction of the workpiece when the polarity is reversed are determined. [Prior Art] A device for measuring the characteristics of a wafer-type electronic component (hereinafter referred to as a workpiece) having a polarity such as a capacitor or a diode, or storing the workpiece in a belt assembly device of the carrier tape, may cause the workpiece to be produced. The occasion of the polarity is consistent. For this reason, these devices are provided with a polarity reversing mechanism that makes the poles uniform when the workpiece is conveyed. A workpiece transfer device having a workpiece polarity reversal mechanism has been known (see, for example, Patent Document 1). Fig. 9 is a view showing a workpiece conveying device having the above-described conventional workpiece polarity reversing mechanism. As shown in Fig. 9, the workpiece w conveyed in one row by the feeder 2 is a workpiece receiving hole 23 which is individually housed in the peripheral portion of the transfer table 22 which is intermittently rotated in the counterclockwise direction (arrow F direction). In addition, the polarity determination unit (not shown) determines the polarity of the workpiece W, and determines that the workpiece having the opposite polarity is borrowed when the workpiece storage unit 23 reaches the position 23a facing the entrance of the reverse rail 25 formed in the reverse unit 24. The discharge means (not shown) provided in the vicinity of the position 23a is sent to the reverse rail 25. After the sensor W (not shown) in the reverse rail 25 detects that the workpiece W1 is sent to the reverse rail 25, the adjustment is performed. -5- 201105560 The timing of the jet and the timing of the turning of the pallet 22. When the workpiece receiving hole 23 in which the workpiece W 1 is accommodated reaches a position facing the outlet of the reverse rail 25, the workpiece W1 is again stored in the workpiece receiving hole 2 3 in the state in which the polarity is reversed (9th Figure arrow Η). However, Fig. 9 shows a conventional workpiece transporting apparatus in which the timing at which the workpiece W1 in the reverse rail 25 reaches the exit and the workpiece receiving hole 23 in which the workpiece w1 is accommodated are opposed to the outlet of the reverse rail 23. The timing of position 23b is necessary. At this time, it is necessary to detect the speed of the conveyance table 22 by the comparison between the speed of the workpiece W1 in the reverse rail 25 and the rotation speed of the conveyance table 22, and it is necessary to control the timing of the conveyance table 22, but the above timing may cause The complication of the apparatus causes a cost increase. It is also conceivable to adjust the speed of the workpiece W 1 by adjusting the jet force of the discharge means for feeding the workpiece W1 to the reverse rail 25, but this method is not easy. That is, when the jet force is large, the speed of the workpiece W1 is increased, and the exit of the workpiece W to the reverse rail 25 is made to reach the position 2 3 b opposite to the outlet of the reverse rail 23 than the workpiece receiving hole 23 in which the workpiece W1 is accommodated. early. At this time, the workpiece accommodation hole 23 which is different from the workpiece accommodation hole 2 3 in which the workpiece w 1 is housed is located at a position 23b ' opposed to the outlet of the reverse rail 23 and the other workpiece W2 is housed in the workpiece accommodation hole. At 23 o'clock, as shown in Fig. 9, it is shown that the workpiece W1 collides with the workpiece W2 and is damaged to each workpiece. Further, when the peripheral portion of the transfer table 2 2 is at the position 2 3 b, the workpiece W 1 collides with the outer peripheral portion of the transfer table 22 to damage the respective portions or the workpiece W1. -6- 201105560 On the other hand, the above-mentioned jet force hour lowers the speed of the workpiece 1, so that the workpiece 1 stops in the reverse rail 25 and cannot reach the outlet. As described above, when the jet force is large or small, the workpiece W1 that is not stored in the workpiece receiving hole remains in the reverse rail 25, and the stopping device must remove the workpiece by hand, resulting in the operating rate of the device. reduce. [Prior Art] [Patent Document 1] [Patent Document 1] Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Hei 10 - 1 3 9 1 3 6 [Description of the Invention] [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] The present invention has been made in consideration of the above points. In order to provide a workpiece transfer device and a workpiece transfer method which are simple in structure, the workpiece having the opposite polarity can be reliably stored in the workpiece storage hole in which the workpiece is accommodated without damaging the workpiece. [Means for Solving the Problem] The workpiece transfer device according to the present invention includes: a plurality of workpiece storage holes for storing a workpiece having a polarity, and a carrier for transporting the workpiece; and determining a polarity of the workpiece in the workpiece storage hole a reverse polarity determining unit; an arc-shaped reverse rail having an inlet and an outlet, and a workpiece feeding means for feeding the workpiece in the workpiece receiving hole to the reverse rail; and means for sending the workpiece by means of the workpiece The workpiece deceleration means for decelerating the workpiece sent to the reverse rail; and the workpiece ejecting means for returning the workpiece decelerated by the workpiece deceleration means in the reverse rail to the workpiece receiving hole and returning. In the workpiece transfer device of the present invention, the reverse rail is connected to the gas storage portion via the upstream side gas passage on the upstream side of the reverse rail and the downstream side gas passage on the downstream side of the reverse rail, and the gas storage portion is freely switchable. When the gas storage unit is connected to the vacuum generation source and the gas storage unit is connected to the vacuum generation source, the downstream side gas passage has a function as a workpiece deceleration means. When the gas storage unit is connected to the gas supply source, the downstream side gas passage is connected. It has a function as a workpiece ejection means. The workpiece transfer device of the present invention is characterized in that an atmosphere opening hole is provided on the downstream side of the downstream side gas passage of the reverse rail. The workpiece conveying device according to the present invention is characterized in that the workpiece feeding means is provided on the carrier side. The compressed gas discharge means for ejecting the workpiece in the workpiece receiving hole toward the inlet of the reverse rail. In the workpiece transfer device of the present invention, an inlet side sensor is provided in the vicinity of the inlet of the reverse rail, and an inlet for feeding the workpiece from the workpiece receiving hole to the reverse rail can be detected. According to the workpiece transfer device of the present invention, an outlet side sensor is provided in the vicinity of the outlet of the reverse rail, and the discharge of the workpiece toward the workpiece receiving hole from the outlet of the reverse rail can be detected. In the workpiece transfer device according to the present invention, when the workpiece is not normally housed in the workpiece receiving hole in a portion facing the outlet of the reverse rail on the side of the carrier, the workpiece in the workpiece receiving hole is returned. Compressed gas return means to the exit of the reverse track. -8--201105560 The method of conveying a workpiece according to the present invention includes a step of transporting a carrier having a plurality of workpiece storage holes for storing a workpiece having a polarity, and a polarity for a workpiece in the workpiece storage hole The determination unit determines the forward and reverse polarity of the workpiece, and the workpiece in the workpiece storage hole of the carrier having the opposite polarity determined by the polarity determination unit is reversed toward the circular shape provided to the carrier. a step of feeding the entrance of the track; a step of decelerating the workpiece fed from the entrance of the reverse track to the reverse track in the reverse track by the workpiece deceleration means; and ejecting the workpiece decelerated in the reverse track by the workpiece ejection means to The step of returning the inside of the workpiece storage hole of the carrier. In the workpiece conveying method of the present invention, the reverse rail is connected to the gas storage portion via the upstream side gas passage on the upstream side of the reverse rail and the downstream side gas passage on the downstream side of the reverse rail, and the gas storage portion is freely switchable. When the gas storage unit is connected to the vacuum generation source and the gas storage unit is connected to the vacuum generation source, the downstream side gas passage has a function as a workpiece deceleration means, and when the gas storage unit is connected to the gas supply source, the downstream side gas passage has As a function of the workpiece ejection means. In the workpiece conveying method of the present invention, the air opening hole is provided on the downstream side of the lower side of the reverse side rail. In the workpiece conveying method of the present invention, the workpiece feeding means is constituted by a compressed gas discharging means provided on the side of the carrier and discharging the workpiece in the workpiece receiving hole toward the inlet of the reverse rail. The workpiece carrying method of the present invention is characterized in that an inlet side sensor capable of detecting the feeding of the workpiece from the workpiece receiving hole to the reverse rail $ -9 * 201105560 is provided in the vicinity of the entrance of the reverse rail. In the workpiece transport method of the present invention, an outlet side sensor capable of detecting a workpiece receiving hole from an exit of the reverse rail is provided in the vicinity of the reverse port. In the workpiece transport method of the present invention, the compressed gas return means for returning the workpiece to the exit of the workpiece in the workpiece receiving hole when the workpiece is not normally accommodated in the portion facing the outlet of the reverse rail . [Effect of the Invention] As described above, according to the present invention, the workpiece which is determined by the polarity determining unit is fed from the supply receiving hole of the carrier to the reverse rail. The workpiece in the reverse track is then decelerated or stopped by the workpiece, and then ejected by the workpiece ejection means to return. At this time, by the conveyance speed of the carrier, the workpiece spray can easily and surely eject the workpiece in the reverse rail to the inside, without damaging the workpiece or the carrier. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. FIG. 8 is a view showing an embodiment of a workpiece conveying device and a method according to the present invention. FIG. 1 and FIG. The periphery of the workpiece W having the polarity of the device housing is provided with a plurality of workpiece-shaped rotating rails discharged to the workpiece carrier side. The workpiece is returned to the reverse rail. The polarity is determined by the phase means to be sent to the deceleration means. The workpiece receives the inner hole. In the first embodiment, the workpiece conveyance side is provided with a hole 4, 4 a -10- 201105560, 4b, and a transfer table (transport body) 3 arranged in the vertical direction; and a workpiece storage hole 4, 4a for the transfer table 3 The workpiece W of '4b' determines the polarity of the polarity determination unit 6; and the reversing unit 7 including the inlet 8a and the outlet 8b and including the reverse rail 8 that receives the workpiece W and reverses it, and is provided corresponding to the conveyance table 3. Further, the transfer table 3 is pedestal disposed in the vertical direction and is rotatably held around the center shaft 2. Further, as the carrier, it is also conceivable to replace the transport table 3 with a belt-shaped transport belt. As described above, the workpiece is stored in the outer peripheral portion of the transfer table 3, and the via holes 4, 4a, 4b are provided at equal intervals in the thickness direction of the transfer table 3. The shape of the workpiece W is a rectangular parallelepiped having a polarity. In the figure, it is easy to understand that the black mark is marked on one end in the longitudinal direction of the workpiece W to indicate the polarity. In the workpiece W of the K, the above marks are not included, and the polarity is expressed by other methods. In the eighth drawing, the workpiece W supplied from the feeder 5 is individually housed in the workpiece storage hole 4 in the thickness direction of the long-direction conveyance table 3, and the conveyance 3 is oriented toward the drive unit (not shown). The clock direction is intermittently rotated around the center axis 2 (arrow G in Fig. 8). Then, the workpiece W accommodated in the workpiece receiving holes 4, 4a, 4b reaches the inverting portion 7 after determining the polarity by the polarity determining portion 6. The upper view (enlarged view in the direction of the arrow in Fig. 8) of the inverting portion 7 of the workpiece conveying device 30 is shown in Fig. 1 . The A-A cross-sectional view in Fig. 1 is shown in Fig. 2, and the B-B cross-sectional view in Fig. 1 is shown in Fig. 6, and the C cross-sectional view in Fig. 1 is shown in Fig. 5. -11 - 201105560 As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the inverting portion 7 has a block 9 and a cover 10 covering the block 9, and the surfaces of the inverting portion 7 and the transfer table 3 are fixedly arranged with a slight gap. The above-described reverse rail 8 is formed in a circular arc penetrating block body 9, and the inlet 8a and the outlet port 8b of the reverse rail 8 are separated by a distance of only 1 from the workpiece receiving hole 1 along the turning path of the transport table 3. An inlet side sensor S1 for detecting that the workpiece W passes through the inlet 8a of the reverse rail 8 is provided in the vicinity of the inlet 8a of the reverse rail 8. Similarly, an outlet side sensor S2 for detecting the passage of the workpiece through the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8 is provided in the vicinity of the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8. The first figure is an illustration, and the workpiece receiving hole 4a is stopped and reversed. At a position where the inlet 8a of the rail 8 is opposed, the workpiece receiving hole 4b is stopped at a position opposed to the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8. Four air grooves (gas passages) 16a, 16b, 16c, and 16d are connected to the reverse rail 8 in the block 9, and the air grooves 16a, 16b, 16c, and 16d are formed under the substantially central portion of the arc of the reverse rail 8. Square air storage unit (gas storage unit) 15. At this time, the upstream air grooves 16a and 16b form the upstream air grooves, and the downstream air grooves 16c and 16d form the downstream air grooves. As shown in Fig. 5, the air storage portion 15 communicates with the pipe connection port 18 via the communication hole 17, and the pipe connection port 18 is connected to the switching valve 31. The switching valve 31 is operated as needed, and the air storage unit 15 is freely connected to the vacuum generating source 3 2 and the air supply source (gas supply source) 33. The air flow of the pipe connection port 18 is a direction in which the arrow S of Fig. 5 is formed when connected to the vacuum generating source 32, and is connected to the air supply source 33 -12 to 201105560 in the direction of the arrow T of Fig. 5. Further, as shown in Fig. 1, the angle formed by the connection of the air grooves 16a, 16b, 16c, and I6d and the reverse rail 8 is supplied from the air storage portion 15 to the reverse rail 8 via the air grooves 16a, 16b, 16c, and 16d. When the air is compressed, the compressed air is in its state toward the outlet 8b of the reverse rail, as described above, and the air is connected to the reverse rail 8 by the air tanks 16a, 16b, 16c, 16d. When the storage unit 15 is connected to the vacuum generation source 32, vacuum suction is performed from the outlet 8b of the reverse rail toward the inlet 8a side, and when the air storage unit 15 is connected to the air supply source 33 by the action of the switching valve 31, the reverse direction is reversed. The inlet 8a of the rail is ejected toward the outlet 8b side. Here, when the workpiece W is not present in the reverse rail 8, the air storage portion 15 is connected to the vacuum generating source 32 by the action of the switching valve 31. Further, the 'reverse rail 8' is located on the downstream side of the joint of the air grooves 16a, 16b, 16c, 16d and the reverse rail 8, that is, the cover 1 〇' on the side close to the outlet 8b of the reverse rail is located at the reverse rail 8 Open air holes 9 9 on both sides and connected to the atmosphere. The atmospheric open hole 19 is connected to the reverse rail 8 from the atmospheric open groove 20 formed in the block 9. Further, in the first drawing, each member provided in the block 9 starting from the reverse rail 8 is a mark which can be visually observed through the cover 1, but the cover 1 is formed of a transparent material. The cover 10 does not necessarily have to be transparent except for the practice of the present invention. Next, the perspective view (the Y-arrow direction perspective view in FIG. 1) of the table 13 on the opposite side of the pedestal 1 in the vicinity of the inversion portion 7 is shown in Fig. 3, and the DD cross-sectional view of Fig. 3 is shown. Shown in Figure 4. In Fig. 3, the reversing portion 7 is positioned closer to the front side of the sheet than the sheet 3, but is not shown. In Figs. 3 and 4, an annular negative pressure groove 11 is formed on one side of the transfer table 3 facing the pedestal 1, and is connected to a vacuum generating source (not shown). Further, a spot facing portion 12 and a suction hole 13 that communicate with the annular negative pressure groove 11 from the workpiece receiving hole 4 are provided on the side of the transfer table 3 facing the pedestal 1, and the workpiece W can be vacuum-sucked and held in the workpiece storage. Inside the hole 4. In the pedestal 1, a position of the air ejection hole (compressed gas ejection means) 1 toward the inlet 8a of the reverse rail is provided at a position corresponding to the workpiece receiving hole 4a opposed to the inlet 8a of the reverse rail, and the air is ejected. The hole 14a is connected to the air supply source 14c. Further, in the pedestal 1, an air ejection hole (compressed gas return means) 14b that faces the outlet 8b of the reverse rail is provided at a position corresponding to the workpiece receiving hole 4b opposed to the outlet 8b of the reverse rail, and the air is ejected. The hole 1 4 b is connected to the air supply source 1 4 c. Here, the workpiece receiving holes 4a and 4b are different workpiece receiving holes, and when the workpiece receiving hole comes to a position facing the inlet 8a, the workpiece receiving hole 4a is formed, and when it comes to the position opposite to the outlet 8b, it is The workpiece receiving hole 4b is formed. Further, each of the above-described constituent members is driven and controlled by the control unit 30a. Next, the action of the cost configuration of the above configuration will be described below. First, the workpiece W stored in the workpiece storage holes 4, 4a, 4b of the transfer table 3 is conveyed in accordance with the rotation of the transfer table 3, and the polarity determination unit 6 determines the polarity of the workpiece W. -14 - 201105560 Next, the conveyance table 3 is rotated, and the workpiece W1 when the polarity determination unit 6 determines that the polarity is reversed is stored in the workpiece storage hole 4a, and reaches the vicinity of the inlet 8a of the reverse rail, and the conveyance table 3 is stopped. . Then, the workpiece W1 in the workpiece receiving hole 4a is fed to the reverse rail 8 by the reverse rail 8, and is housed in the workpiece receiving hole 4b opposed to the outlet 8b. In other words, the workpiece W accommodated in the workpiece receiving hole 4a of the transfer table 3 is determined by the polarity determining unit 6 to determine the polarity. At this time, when it is determined that the workpiece W1 having the opposite polarity reaches the vicinity of the inlet 8a of the reverse rail, the transport table 3 is stopped, and based on the determination result of the polarity determining unit 6, the air ejection hole 14a is ejected from the air according to the command of the control unit 30a. The ejection air (arrow P in Fig. 4) feeds the workpiece W1 to the reverse rail 8. On the other hand, in the case of the workpiece having the correct polarity, even if the inlet 8a that reaches the reverse rail does not eject air from the air ejection control 14a, the workpiece W1 can be transported while being stored in the workpiece receiving hole 4a. The subsequent appearance of the inversion track 8 is shown in Fig. 7(a). When the air from the air ejection hole i4a is ejected and the workpiece W1 is fed to the reverse rail 8, the inlet side sensor S1 can detect the workpiece W1 passing through the inlet 8a of the reverse rail 8. In the meantime, the air storage unit 15 is connected to the vacuum generation source 32, and vacuum suction is performed from the outlet 8b side of the reverse rail 8 toward the inlet 8a side (arrow of Fig. 7(a)). At this time, the flow of the air includes: the flow of air flowing into the air grooves 16a, 16b, 16c, and 16d from the inlet 8a of the reverse rail 8 and the flow into the air grooves 16a and 16b from the atmosphere opening hole i9 by vacuum suction. The flow of two types of air flowing in the air of 16c, 16d. In this -15-201105560, in order to allow the workpiece W1 fed to the reverse rail 8 to be surely stopped in the reverse rail 8, the two types of air flow are such that the side of the air flowing from the atmosphere opening hole 19 is larger than The flow of air from the inlet 8a of the reverse rail 8 forms a cross-sectional area of the open area of the atmosphere opening 19 and the open area of the atmosphere opening groove 20 larger than the sectional area of the reverse rail 8. In addition, in the figure 7(a), the workpiece is accommodated in the workpiece receiving hole 4b facing the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8, and therefore the flow of air in the reverse rail 8 has the above-described two types, but the workpiece receiving hole When the workpiece is not accommodated in 4b, the vacuum suction of the suction hole 13 in the workpiece receiving hole 4b causes the other air to flow from the atmosphere opening hole 19 toward the workpiece receiving hole 4b. In either case, the air flow in the reverse rail 8 is separated by the open air opening 19. As described above, the air separated by the atmosphere opening hole 19 flows, and the workpiece W1 in the reverse rail 8 does not reach the outlet 8b and is decelerated, so that the most upstream side air groove 16a is connected to the reverse rail 8 One of the positions between the open air holes 19 is stopped. This state is shown in Figure 7(b). When the workpiece W1 is stopped in the reverse rail 8, the air from the air ejection hole 14a is stopped, the air storage unit 15 is connected to the vacuum generation source 32, and the vacuum is made from the outlet 8b side of the reverse rail toward the inlet 8a side. Attract (arrow J of Figure 7(b)). In this period, each predetermined step is executed in the stop of the conveyance table 3 such as the polarity determination unit 6 and the reversing unit 7 provided along the rotation path of the conveyance table 3, and the detection unit and the classification discharge unit (not shown). After the most time-consuming steps of these are completed, the transfer table 3 will start to rotate again (arrow L of Figure -16,05505560 (b)). Further, the workpiece storage hole 4a after the workpiece W1 is accommodated is moved toward a position facing the outlet 8b of the reverse rail. Then, the workpiece accommodation hole 4a in which the workpiece W1 is accommodated is moved only by the amount of the pitch of the workpiece accommodation hole, and reaches the position facing the outlet 8b of the reverse rail to form the workpiece accommodation hole 4b, and the conveyance table 3 is stopped (7 (c) Figure). At this time, the stop signal signal indicating that the conveyance table 3 has stopped is sent to the control unit 30a. The switching valve 31 is operated to connect the air storage unit 15 to the air supply source 33 in accordance with an instruction from the control unit 30a. Further, air is ejected from the inlet 8a of the reversing rail 8 toward the outlet 8b side by the four air grooves 16a, 16b, 16c, and 16d (the arrow κ in the seventh figure (c)), and the discharged air is taken from the atmosphere. The open port 19 is discharged to the outside. Thereby, the workpiece W1 stopped in the reverse rail 8 is moved toward the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8 to reach the position of the atmosphere opening hole 19. The air ejected from the air grooves 16a, 16b, 16c, and 16d is discharged from the atmosphere opening hole 19, but a part of the air is directed toward the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8, so that the workpiece W1 passes through the atmosphere opening hole 19 The position reaches the workpiece receiving hole 4b opposed to the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8. Further, the workpiece W is vacuum-sucked by the suction hole 13 in the workpiece receiving hole 4b, and is accommodated in the workpiece receiving hole 4b in a state in which the polarity is reversed. When the workpiece W1 passes through the outlet of the workpiece receiving hole 4b, the outlet side is sensed. When the detector S2 is detected, the conveyance table 3 can be rotated again, and the rotation of the conveyance table 3 can be started again. At this time, according to an instruction from the control unit 3A, the switching valve 31 is operated to connect the air storage unit 15 to the vacuum generation source 32, and vacuum suction is performed from the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8 toward the inlet 8a side. The workpiece W is fed to the reverse rail 8. 17-201105560 In the case where the workpiece W1 is not correctly stored in the workpiece receiving hole 4b, the exit side sensor S2 detects that the workpiece W1 is not correctly received in the workpiece receiving hole 4b. At this time, air is ejected from the air ejection port 14b provided in the pedestal 1 corresponding to the position of the workpiece receiving hole 4b, so that the workpiece W1 is returned to the reverse rail 8. Then, the air is ejected toward the outlet 8b side of the reversing rail 8, and the workpiece w1 is again accommodated in the workpiece receiving hole 4b. According to the present embodiment, after the conveyance table 3 is stopped, the workpiece W1 having the opposite polarity determined by the polarity determination unit 6 is sent out from the workpiece accommodation hole 4a to the reverse rail 8, and the workpiece W1 can be reversed. Stop after decelerating in the rail 8. Then, the conveyance table 3 is caused to rotate only by the amount of one pitch of the workpiece receiving hole. Then, the workpiece W1 in the reverse rail 8 can be returned to the workpiece receiving hole 4b of the transfer table 3 by the compressed air. Therefore, the timing of the movement of the conveyance table 3 and the timing of returning the workpiece W1 to the workpiece accommodation hole 4b of the conveyance table 3 can be easily matched, and the workpiece W1S conveyance table 3 can be damaged without causing a collision between the workpiece W1 and the conveyance table 3. Further, in the above embodiment, the workpiece W1 fed to the reverse rail 8 is stopped in the reverse rail 8, so that the workpiece receiving hole 4b for accommodating the workpiece W1 reaches the position opposite to the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8. After that, the workpiece W1 is accelerated and guided to the outlet 8b after the workpiece receiving hole 4b reaches the position facing the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8. However, when the rotation speed of the conveyance table 3 is large, the workpiece w1 should be accommodated. When the time until the workpiece receiving hole 4b reaches the position facing the outlet 8b of the reverse rail 8 is short, the workpiece W1 may be decelerated at a speed at which the workpiece W1 cannot be stopped, and the workpiece is received at the -18-201105560 nanohole 4b. The relative position of 8b then accelerates the workpiece W1 to the outlet 8b. Further, an example in which the four air grooves 16a, 16b' 16c, and 16d are connected to the reverse rail 8 has been described. However, in order to reliably and quickly perform the stop and re-movement of the workpiece W1 in the reverse rail 8, the number of air slots is not limited to four pieces, which can be set most appropriately, by the size and weight of the workpiece W1 or the rotational speed of the transport table 3. The number of articles. In the present embodiment, the case where the same air tanks 16a, 16b, 16c, and 16d have vacuum suction and air discharge functions by switching of the switching valve 31 has been described, but the air tanks 16a, 16b, and 16c Among the 16d, one of the air slots has a vacuum suction function, and the remaining air slots can also have an air ejection function. In the first drawing, the example in which the workpiece W1 is sent out from the inlet 8a of the reverse rail 8 to the reverse rail 8 by air ejection is shown, but it is also possible to pass the reverse rail 8 from the inlet 8a. The air suction on the side sends the workpiece W1 into the reverse rail 8. It is also possible to feed the workpiece wi into the reverse rail 8 in combination with air suction and air ejection. Further, in the present embodiment, the example of the mechanism for ejecting the workpiece W by the air is shown. However, it is not limited to the air ejection, and the gas can be ejected using other gases. For example, the inert gas can be ejected using the inert gas which does not affect the human body or the workpiece. . In the present embodiment, the workpiece W is stored in the workpiece storage hole 4 provided in the thickness direction of the conveyance table 3, and the reverse rail 8 is placed on the side of the conveyance table 3 to the side. However, in the case of -19-201105560, the conveyance table 3 may be disposed horizontally. The workpiece storage hole 4 is formed on the periphery of the conveyance table 3, and the workpiece w1 is stored in the workpiece storage hole 4, and the conveyance hole 4 is conveyed while the reverse rail 8 is reversed. It is disposed on the outer side of the transport platform 3. Further, the transport table 3 may be provided horizontally or obliquely. Further, although the example of the rotating conveyance table 3 is shown as a conveyance body, the workpiece may be conveyed by a belt-shaped body such as an endless belt. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is an enlarged plan view showing an embodiment of a workpiece conveying device according to the present invention. Fig. 2 is a cross-sectional view along line a-A showing a detailed view of the workpiece conveying device. Fig. 3 is a front view showing a conveyance table of the workpiece conveying device. Fig. 4 is a cross-sectional view taken along line d-D of Fig. 3 showing a conveyance table of the workpiece conveying device. Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view, taken along the line C of the air storage portion of the workpiece conveying device. Fig. 6 is a cross-sectional view taken along line B_B of Fig. 1 showing the reverse rail of the workpiece conveying device. Fig. 7(a), (b) and (c) are views showing the action of the workpiece transporting apparatus according to the present invention. Fig. 8 is a schematic view showing the entire workpiece conveying apparatus according to the present invention. Fig. 9 is a top view showing a conventional workpiece conveying device -20-201105560 [Description of main components] 1 : pedestal 2: central shaft 3: conveying table 4, 4 a, 4 b : workpiece receiving hole 6 : polarity determination Part 7. Inverting portion 8: Reverse rail 8a: Inverting rail entrance 8b: Reverse rail exit 9: Block 10 · Covers 14a, 14b: Air ejection holes 15: Air storage portions 16a, 16b > 16c, 16d: air tank 1 9 : atmosphere opening hole 3 0 : workpiece handling device 3 1 : switching valve 3 2 : vacuum generating source 3 3 : air supply source W, W1, W 2 : workpiece S 1 : inlet side feeling Detector S2: Outlet Side Sensor-21 -