TW201101218A - Network transaction system and method using intermediate platform - Google Patents

Network transaction system and method using intermediate platform Download PDF


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TW201101218A TW98122108A TW98122108A TW201101218A TW 201101218 A TW201101218 A TW 201101218A TW 98122108 A TW98122108 A TW 98122108A TW 98122108 A TW98122108 A TW 98122108A TW 201101218 A TW201101218 A TW 201101218A
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Shan-Fa Li
Xu-Fang Kong
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Alibaba Group Holding Ltd
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Application filed by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd filed Critical Alibaba Group Holding Ltd
Priority to TW98122108A priority Critical patent/TW201101218A/en
Publication of TW201101218A publication Critical patent/TW201101218A/en



  • Financial Or Insurance-Related Operations Such As Payment And Settlement (AREA)


This invention discloses a network transaction system and method using intermediate platform. It is to set up an intermediate platform, which is loaded with information of discounted commodities of various vendors. The purchase requests of clients are received through the intermediate platform and linked to the corresponding vendors. The vendors establish purchase order sheet, and the transaction is completed through payment platform. This invention also provides a transaction method in which a direct purchase order sheet is established through the intermediate platform, and the transaction is completed through a payment platform. The purchase request is completed through the registered client's name of the payment platform so that client can complete the logging in and the purchase without registration when purchasing through the intermediate platform. Moreover, the intermediate platform can also negotiate the profit-sharing ratio with the payment platform in advance, enabling the payment to regularly complete the profit-sharing ratio with each intermediate platform.


201101218 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】201101218 VI. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention belongs]

本發明係關於網路領域,尤其關於一種關於購物CPS (Cost Per Sales,銷售成功交付傭金)平台的網上電子 商務交易系統及網上交易方法。 【先前技術】 0 隨著網際網路的發展和數位簽名等加密技術的成熟, 電子商務在世界範圍內蓬勃興起,出現了例如亞馬遜、阿 里巴巴等一大批成熟的以電子商務爲主的營運方式的成功 範例。 這種交易的方式徹底改變了現有的交易模式。請參閱 圖1,其爲現有的一種常見的網上交易系統原理結構示意 圖。它包括商家1、中間平台2、支付平台3和用戶4。 用戶4欲購買商家1的商品,利用支付平台3進行網上支 Q 付。商家1透過郵寄或其他方式將商品交於用戶4。商家 1與支付平台3定期進行對賬劃賬處理。當然,支付平台 3完成的功能也可以集成到中間平台2上。 支付平台3以支付寶爲例,用戶4完全可以在支付寶 上開設一帳戶,並在帳戶上直接儲存或充値方式儲存若干 金額,這樣,用戶4欲購買商家1的商品時’只需要透 過支付寶進行扣款處理即可。並且透過上述方式’商家1 只需定期完成與支付寶的對張劃賬工作即可。 中間平台2以淘寶網爲例,用戶4透過淘寶網購買商 -5- 201101218 家1的商品。中間平台2上至少設置有一伺服器中心1 1 和一資料庫12。伺服器中心n用於處理每一交易請求。 資料庫12用於即時記錄每—筆交易。 透過上述網上交易可知,商家1和用戶4透過中間平 台2進行交易,大大提高了交易的安全性。對於用戶而言 ’由於商家1屬於網上的一虛擬商家,無法判定其真實性 ,對於購買物件也無法判定其品質問題,透過支付平台進 行支付,省去了此類擔憂。對於商家1而言,透過中間平 台2建立與用戶4的信任,能降低用戶的不信任感,提高 銷售量。這種交易模式做到商家1、用戶4和中間平台2 共贏的模式,目前已得到了迅猛發展。 請參閱圖2,其爲現有的另一種比較常見的網上交易 系統原理結構示意圖。用戶4透過登錄到各個中間平台( 如第一中間平台5 ...第N中間平台6 )來購買商品,並透 過支付平台3來進行支付。支付平台3可以與中間平台進 行清算,後由中間平台與各個商家1進行清算。支付平台 3也可以直接與各個商家1進行清算。用戶4也可以直接 登錄到與支付平台3簽約的商家網站7來購買商品’若用 戶透過支付平台3來進行支付的話’商家網站7直接與支 付平台3進行清算。 爲了吸引用戶來購買商品’商家有時會採用推出折扣 商品的方式。商家可以將折扣商品的資訊放置在本端上’ 爲了增加銷售的管道,商家還會將折扣商品的資訊放在中 間平台上。但是,現有的交易模式中容易存在商家網站上 -6- 201101218 的折扣商品資訊與中間平台上設置的折扣商品資訊不一致 等情況,影響交易,甚至影響商家信譽。從網路的角度來 說,主要存在以下的缺陷: 其一:現有交易方式下通常存在以下問題:商家爲了 提高折扣商品的銷售額,通常會將折扣商品資訊在很多網 站進行鏈結,當折扣商品資訊出現變更時,不能及時更新 對應網站上商品的折扣資訊,由此造成交易過程中存在很 0 多變故,對於整個網路而言,增加了網路資料傳輸的負擔 ,同時也浪費了網站中的資料儲存空間。 其二:在進行網上交易時,存在各個網站有不同的註 冊名和密碼,導致網站的資料儲存空間的大量浪費,並且 浪費大量的人力和物力去維護。通常情況下,放置折扣商 品資訊的交易網站有它的用戶名和密碼、交易平台有它的 用戶名和密碼,有時甚至商家也有其用戶名和密碼,使得 用戶需要記憶大量的用戶名和密碼,容易遺忘引起交易受 Q 阻,對於網站來說,佔用了大量的資料儲存空間,需要專 人去維護,造成成本上升。 其三:用戶對價格存在敏感性,希望能購買到性能價 格比優的商品,特別希望能購買到品牌折扣商品,但是現 實生活中存在地域受限、消息來源受限等問題,不能如願 實現。網際網路存在資訊透明,淡化地域等優點,但是目 前也沒有一種適合折扣商品的網上交易方式的網上平台。 【發明內容】 201101218 本申請案的目的在於提供一種利用中間平台進行網上 父易的系統,以適用針對折扣商品的網上交易方式。 本申請案的另一目的在於提供一種利用中間平台進行 網上父易的方法,以適用針對折扣商品的網上交易方式。 爲了達到上述的目的’本申請案包括一種利用中間平 台進行網上交易的系統,用戶、支付平台和商家透過網際 網路進行連接,系統還包括用於提供商家折扣商品資訊 的中間平台’所述中間平台連接至網際網路,其進一步包 括中間平台伺服器和中間平台資料庫, 中間平台伺服器進一步包括: 同步處理單元:用於接收商家上傳或修改本商家提供 的折扣商品資訊,並將所述商家的折扣商品資訊在預設的 鏈結位置進行顯示; 交易請求處理單元:用於接收用戶購買折扣商品的交 易請求,把所述交易請求發送至折扣商品對應的每一商家 ,接收返回的交易結果; 互動單元:用於建立與包括商家及用戶在內的外部設 備的互動; 所述中間平台資料庫進一步包括: 商家資訊儲存單元:用於儲存鏈結到商家的商家位址 資訊、該商家的折扣商品資訊與商家的對應關係; 交易資訊儲存單元:用於儲存每次交易的交易資訊’ 包括交易的商家資訊'用戶資訊'商@胃$及交易結果:胃 訊; -8 - 201101218 所述商家還進一步包括交易請求接收單元:用於接收 中間平台發送的交易請求,從中獲得用戶需購買的商品資 訊及用戶資訊,並將所述交易發送至支付平台,從支付平 台返回的交易結果來完成後續的發貨處理。 所述支付平台進一步包括支付平台伺服器和支付平台 資料庫,所述支付平台伺服器至少包括用戶處理單元:用 於接收包括用戶註冊及用戶登錄在內的用戶身份請求,所 0 述支付平台資料庫至少包括用戶資訊儲存單元,用於保存 包括用戶註冊的用戶名、密碼、用戶身份資訊、用戶位址 、用戶的支付帳戶在內的各項用戶屬性資訊之間的對應關 係; 所述中間平台的中間平台伺服器還包括,支付平台註 冊用戶處理單元:用於接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶名的 方式登錄至所述中間平台的請求:接收用戶以支付平台註 冊用戶名的方式請求登錄,並將所述請求發送至支付平台 〇 ’由支付平台認證通過後允許其登錄。 所述商家還包括支付平台註冊用戶交易處理單元,連 接所述交易請求接收單元,用於將交易請求接收單元中解 析出的支付平台註冊用戶資訊,鏈結至所述支付平台獲得 對應的用戶屬性資訊。 中間平台伺服器還進一步包括支付平台處理單元,其 連接交易請求處理單元’用於將交易請求資訊發送至支付 平台,並接收支付平台返回的支付回應; 所述支付平台伺服器還進一步包括:中間平台交易請 -9- 201101218 求處理單兀’用於接收中間平台的父易請求,透過交易流 水號來識別出從商家處發送的同一交易請求,並將交易結 果透過商家發送至中間平台或直接由支付平台伺服器發送 至中間平台。 所述支付平台伺服器還進一步包括分潤單元,用於按 照預先的分潤設置定期完成與各個中間平台的分成結算。 本申請案還提供一種利用中間平台進行網上交易的方 法,該方法適用於用戶、支付平台和商家透過網際網路進 行連接的網上交易平台中,包括以下步驟: (1) 設置中間平台,建立與中間平台簽約的商家或中 間平台的鏈結; (2) 商家或中間平台將本端的折扣商品資訊同步至中 間平台’中間平台將所述商家的折扣商品資訊在預設的鏈 結位置進行顯示; (3 )當接收到用戶的交易請求時,中間平台將該用戶 的交易請求資訊及用戶資訊發送至每一對應的商家; (4) 商家建立購物訂單,並將所述訂單發送至支付平 台; (5) 支付平台完成用戶的支付,並將支付結果返回至 商家’透過商家或直接將支付結果返回至中間平台; (6) 商家根據返回的支付結果完成付貨處理。 當接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶名的方式登錄至所述 Φ間平台的請求時,中間平台將所述請求發送至支付平台 ’由支付平台認證通過後允許其登錄;中間平台在向對應 -10- 201101218 的商家發送交易請求時,包括該用戶的支付平台註冊用戶 名資訊;商家接收到交易請求時,還包括從中解析並保存 支付平台註冊用戶名資訊作爲本商家的用戶資訊,商家建 立購物訂單時訂單中包括支付平台註冊用戶名資訊;商家 接收到支付結果時,從中獲得包括用戶的送貨位址在內的 用戶資訊,以完成送貨。 本申請案還包括:當中間平台向商家發送交易請求時 0 ,所述交易請求中包括交易流水號;中間平台還向支付平 台發送交易請求,所述交易請求包括交易流水號;支付平 台根據所述交易流水號確定同一交易資訊,並將該交易的 支付結果分別發送至商家和中間平台;支付平台根據分潤 比例完成與中間平台的分成結算。 本發明提供第二種利用中間平台進行網上交易的系統 ’用戶、支付平台和商家透過網際網路進行連接,所述系 統還包括用於提供客戶折扣商品資訊的中間平台,所述中 Q 間平台連接至網際網路,其進一步包括中間平台伺服器和 中間平台資料庫, 所述中間平台伺服器進一步包括: 同步處理單元:用於接收商家上傳或修改本商家提供 的折扣商品資訊,並將所述商家的折扣商品資訊在預設的 鏈結位置進行顯示;交易請求處理單元:用於接收用戶購 買折扣商品的父易請求,建立購物訂單;支付平台處理單 元,用於將購物訂單發送至支付平台,接收支付平台返回 的支付結果;商家處理單元:連接支付平台處理單元,用 -11 - 201101218 於將支付成功的交易資訊發送至商家,由商家完成交貨處 理:互動單元:用於建立與包括商家及用戶在內的外部設 備的互動; 所述中間平台資料庫進一步包括:商家資訊儲存單元 :用於儲存鏈結到商家的商家位址資訊、該商家的折扣商 品資訊及商家的對應關係;交易資訊儲存單元:用於儲存 每次交易的交易資訊,包括交易的商家資訊、用戶資訊、 商品資訊及交易結果資訊;所述商家還進一步包括交易請 求接收單元:用於接收中間平台發送支付成功的交易資訊 ,從中獲得用戶需購買的商品資訊及用戶資訊,完成後續 的發貨處理。 所述支付平台進一步包括支付平台伺服器和支付平台 資料庫,所述支付平台伺服器至少包括用戶處理單元:用 於接收包括用戶註冊及用戶登錄在內的用戶身份請求,所 述支付平台資料庫至少包括用戶資訊儲存單元,用於保存 包括用戶註冊的用戶名、密碼、用戶身份資訊、用戶位址 、用戶的支付帳戶在內的各項用戶屬性資訊之間的對應關 係;所述中間平台的中間平台伺服器還包括,支付平台註 冊用戶處理單元:用於接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶名的 方式登錄至所述中間平台:接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶 名的方式請求登錄,並將所述請求發送至支付平台,由支 付平台認證通過後允許其登錄。 所述支付平台伺服器還進一步包括分潤單元,用於按 照預先的分潤設置定期完成與各個中間平台的分成結算。 -12- 201101218 對應地,本申請案還提供第二種利用中間平台進行網 上交易的方法’該方法適用於用戶、支付平台和商家透過 網際網路進行連接的網上交易平台中,其特徵在於,包括 以下步驟:(1)設置中間平台,建立與中間平台簽約的商 家或中間平台的鏈結;(2)商家或中間平台將本端的折扣 商品資訊同步至中間平台,中間平台將所述商家的折扣商 品資訊在預設的鏈結位置進行顯示;(3 )當接收到用戶的 0 交易請求時’中間平台將該用戶的交易請求資訊及用戶資 訊建立購物訂單,並將所述訂單發送至支付平台;(4)支 付平台完成用戶的支付,並將支付結果返回至中間平台; (5)中間平台將支付成功的交易資訊返回至對應的商家, 商家根據返回的支付結果完成付貨處理。 本申請案能夠提供一種基於中間平台的網上交易方式 ,方便用戶的網上購物,並且對於商家來說,也增加了一 種銷售的管道。 Q 從技術的角度來說,本申請案存在以下的優勢: 其一:本申請案提供了一個中間平台,商家定期或事 件觸發式地將折扣商品資訊放置在中間平台上,保證了中 間平台折扣商品資訊的即時性,用戶只需要登錄中間平台 即可獲得大量新鮮的折扣資訊。對於整個網路來說,有效 地管理各種折扣資訊,爲用戶和商家提供了方便,也避免 大量資料儲存空間的浪費,同時提高了資料交易的成功性 〇 其二:本申請案提供了兩種交易模式,一種是中間平 -13- 201101218 台僅是一個展示平台,另 ,還是一個交易平台,不 網際網路來說,有效地進 其三:本申請案只需 碼即可實現中間平台,或 項操作,整合了支付平台 用戶名和密碼的問題。 當然,實施本發明的 上所述的所有優點。 【實施方式】 以下結合附圖,具體 本申請案的核心在於 上用於放置各種商家的商 可以鏈結至對應的商家, 間平台直接透過支付平台 透過支付平台的註冊用戶 中間平台進行購物時,用 外’中間平台也可以預先 支付平台定期完成與各個 間平台也可稱爲C P S平 平台,即購物網站的一部 網站的另一中間平台。 請參閱圖3,其爲本 一種中間平台即是一個展示平台 論採用哪一種交易模式’從整個 行了資源分配和資源利用。 要用一個支付平台的用戶名和密 中間平台和商家網站的登錄和各 的資源,減少用戶需要記憶大量 任一產品不一定需要同時達到以 說明本申請案。 ,設置一個中間平台,中間平台 品資訊,接收用戶的購買請求, 完成交易。本申請案還可以由中 完成交易。並且,本申請案可以 名來完成購買請求,這樣,透過 戶免註冊即可完成登錄購貿。另 和支付平台協商好分潤比例,由 中間平台的分潤比例。通常,中 今。CPS平台可以是現有的中間 分’也可以是一個獨立現有購物 申請案提供的第一種利用中間平 -14- 201101218 台進行網上交易的系統的原理結構示意圖。該系統包括用 戶24、支付平台23和商家21透過網際網路進行連接。 系統還包括用於提供客戶折扣商品資訊的中間平台 22。中間平台22類似一個網際網路的節點,用戶24可以 訪問該中間平台22,中間平台22可以是一個局域網,也 可以僅是一台終端電腦。中間平台22可以是支付平台23 提供的,也可以是其他平台提供的。中間平台22可以是 0 類似一個商家網站。 中間平台22連接至網際網路,其進一步包括中間平 台伺服器221和中間平台資料庫222, 所述中間平台伺服器22 1進一步包括: 同步處理單元2D:用於接收商家21定期或事件觸 發式地上傳或修改本商家21提供的折扣商品資訊,並將 商家2 1的折扣商品資訊在預設的鏈結位置進行顯示。 交易請求處理單元224:用於接收用戶24購買折扣 Q 商品的交易請求,把交易請求發送至折扣商品對應的每一 商家21,接收返回的交易結果。 互動單元225:用於建立與包括商家21及用戶24在 內的外部設備的互動。 中間平台資料庫222進一步包括: 商家資訊儲存單元226:用於儲存鏈結到商家21的 商家位址資訊、該商家的折扣商品資訊及商家的對應關係 交易資訊儲存單元227:用於儲存每次交易的交易資 -15- i 201101218 訊,包括交易的商家資訊、用戶資訊、商品資訊及交易結 果資訊。 同步處理單元223、交易請求處理單元224通常是邏 輯單元,透過軟體來實現。硬體上透過一伺服器或透過伺 服器上的一處理器來實現。 商家21是在現有的商家21的基礎上,安裝一中間平 台處理軟體。它通常是在現有的處理器上設置軟體,從邏 輯的角度來說其還包括交易請求接收單元211:用於接收 中間平台22發送的交易請求,從中獲得用戶24需購買的 商品資訊及用戶資訊,並將所述交易發送至支付平台23 ,從支付平台23返回的交易結果來完成後續的發貨處理 〇 在現有的支付平台23上可以直接完成本申請案的交 易,也可以在現有的支付平台23上進行軟體上的改進來 完成基於中間平台的網上交易。 本申請案還可以實現用戶利用支付平台的註冊資訊來 完成整個網上交易,免去用戶在中間平台22上和商家網 站2 1的註冊。支付平台23包括支付平台伺服器和支付平 台資料庫,支付平台伺服器至少包括用戶處理單元:用於 接收包括用戶註冊及用戶登錄在內的用戶身份請求。支付 平台資料庫至少包括用戶資訊儲存單元,用於保存包括用 戶註冊的用戶名、密碼、用戶身份資訊、用戶位址、用戶 的支付帳戶在內的各項用戶屬性資訊之間的對應關係。用 戶處理單元和用戶資訊儲存單元是現有已存在的單元,用 -16- 201101218 戶處理單元通常是用軟體來實現的,用戶資訊儲存單元是 資料庫中的一個儲存單元,該儲存單元是從邏輯上進行劃 分的,並不一定是物理上的一個完整的儲存單元,也就是 說根據現有的儲存技術,用戶資訊儲存單元可以是資料庫 中一片連續的儲存空間,也可以是不連接的儲存空間。同 理,本申請案對資料庫的儲存單元的劃分都是指邏輯上的 劃分,而不一定限定在物理上對儲存空間的劃分。中間平 q 台的中間平台伺服器221還包括支付平台註冊用戶處理單 元:用於接收用戶24以支付平台註冊用戶名的方式登錄 至中間平台22的請求:接收用戶24以支付平台註冊用戶 名的方式請求登錄,並將所述請求發送至支付平台23, 由支付平台23認證通過後允許其登錄。商家21還包括支 付平台註冊用戶交易處理單元212,連接所述交易請求接 收單元2 1 1,用於將交易請求接收單元2 1 1中解析出的支 付平台註冊用戶資訊,鏈結至所述支付平台23獲得對應 Q 的用戶屬性資訊。 需要說明的是,商家21、中間平台22也可以有自身 獨立的註冊用戶體系,也就是說,當用戶24登錄至中間 平台22時需先註冊爲中間平台22的註冊用戶,當中間平 台22將交易請求資訊發送至對應的商家21時,商家21 先判斷所述用戶24是否是本商家21的註冊用戶,若是’ 則商家21處理該交易請求資訊,若否,則商家21先進行 該用戶24註冊爲該商家21的註冊用戶的步驟。上述在中 間平台伺服器221設置支付平台註冊用戶處理單元’商家 -17- 201101218 21上設置支付平台註冊用戶交易處理單元212,是本申請 案的一個較佳實施例。 中間平台伺服器221還進一步包括支付平台處理單元 22 8,其連接交易請求處理單元224,用於將交易請求資 訊發送至支付平台23,並接收支付平台23返回的支付回 應。支付平台伺服器還進一步包括中間平台交易請求處理 單元23 1,用於接收中間平台22的交易請求,透過交易 流水號來識別出從商家24處發送的同一交易請求,並將 交易結果透過商家發送至中間平台22或直接由支付平台 伺服器發送至中間平台22。支付平台處理單元228發送 的交易請求資訊中包含交易流水號,中間平台交易請求處 理單兀231透過該父易流水號來確定是否是同一交易請求 。並且交易流水號可以是中間平台22和支付平台23預先 進行約定的,比如,交易流水號共有N1位,前N2位元 約定中間平台的屬性號碼,第N3至第N4位元約定交易 時間等交易屬性。中間平台交易請求處理單元2 3 1可以按 照不同的中間平台22及不同的時間週期將透過中間平台 22的交易資訊進行保存。支付平台伺服器還進一步包括 分潤單元232,用於按照預先的分潤設置定期完成與各個 中間平台22的分成結算。 請參閱圖4 ’其爲本申請案第一種利用中間平台進行 網上交易的方法的流程圖,該方法適用於用戶、支付平台 和商家透過網際網路進行連接的網上交易平台中,包括以 下步驟: -18- 201101218 S110:設置中間平台,建立與中間平台簽約的商家或 中間平台的鏈結。預先設定一類似商家網站的中間平台, 該中間平台是網際網路中的一節點。本申請案一個較佳的 實施方式爲,中間平台是由支付平台來提供,這樣,中間 平台即可利用現有的支付平台既有的資源,比如客戶資源 。本申請案還可以提供另一種較佳實施方式爲,中間平台 由中間平台(如類似於淘寶網或當當網之類的平台)來提 0 供’如此’中間平台即可利用現有的中間平台既有的資源 ,比如商家資源。 S120:商家或中間平台將本端的折扣商品資訊同步至 中間平台,中間平台將所述商家的折扣商品資訊在預設的 鏈結位置進行顯示。 商家或中間平台可以與中間平台進行簽約,中間平台 記錄商家或中間平台的資訊,若中間平台是由支付平台提 供的’則商家或中間平台可以是支付平台的簽約用戶,約 Q 定包括分潤比例在內的交易資訊。 商家或中間平台定期來更新中間平台上的本端折扣商 品’比如每天、每週等。商家或中間平台也可以事件觸發 式地更新中間平台上的本端折扣商品,比如,出現新的折 扣商品時及時更新。商家或中間平台可以將本端的折扣商 品資訊發送至中間平台,以便做到商家或中間平台的折扣 商品在中間平台是最新的,中間平台將該些折扣商品資訊 按照預設的鏈結位置進行顯示,以便用戶能夠訪問到。中 間平台可以將該些折扣商品放置與商家約定的網頁位址, -19- 201101218 也可以是根據本平台中商品的儲存順序等將折扣商品放置 在預設的網頁地址。上述提及到的商家或中間平台將本端 的折扣商品資訊同步至中間平台中的“同步”包括新增和 修改’折扣商品資訊包括商品名、商品的價格、折扣的起 止時間等。 S130:當接收到用戶的交易請求時,中間平台將該用 戶的交易請求資訊及用戶資訊發送至每一對應的商家。 透過用戶登錄至中間平台,需要先註冊成中間平台的 註冊用戶。本申請案中中間平台的用戶可以是本端的註冊 用戶’也可是支付平台的註冊用戶。若是支付平台的註冊 用戶’則中間平台接收到用戶以支付平台註冊用戶的身份 進行登錄時,將註冊資訊發送至對應的支付平台,由支付 平台驗證其用戶的身份資訊後’才允許該用戶登錄至中間 平台。 當用戶要求購買選中的商品時,中間平台將對應的交 易請求資訊發送至商品對應的每一商家。比如,該用戶在 中間平台發出購買兩種折扣商品的請求,若這兩個折扣商 品屬於同一家商家,則該中間平台將該交易資訊發送至對 應該家商家,交易資訊包括需要購買的這個折扣商品的資 訊(如商品編碼、價格等)及用戶資訊。比如該用戶是支 付平台的註冊用戶,則將該用戶的註冊名等資訊連同折扣 商品的資訊一起發送至對應的商家,若這兩個折扣商品是 屬於兩家不同的商家,則該中間平台將對應的交易資訊分 別發送至對應的商家。同樣,該用戶資訊也是分別發送至 -20- 201101218 對應的商家。 S1 40:商家建立購物訂單,並將所述訂單發送至支付 平台。 商家接收到交易請求資訊時,建立購物訂單,並將訂 單發送至支付平台。購物訂單包括用戶資訊、購物資訊。 S150:支付平台完成用戶的支付,並將支付結果返回 至商家,透過商家或直接將支付結果返回至中間平台。 Q 支付平台接收到一購物訂單時,解析出用戶資訊,若 用戶是支付平台的註冊用戶,則從本端的支付平台資料庫 中獲得該用戶的資訊(如用戶的身份資訊、用戶以前的交 貨位址、用戶的消費記錄及支付記錄),進行支付過程。 若用戶的帳戶中夠付消費金額的話,進行支付,若不夠, 則提示用戶進行充値付費後進行支付。由於支付過程是一 個非常常見的過程,在此就不再贅述。 支付平台會將支付結果返回至商家,比如,支付平台 Q 將支付成功的資訊返回至商家,商家依據上述的發貨位址 進行發貨。本申請案中可以由支付平台將支付結果返回至 中間平台,也可以由商家將支付結果返回至中間平台。 S160:商家根據返回的支付結果完成付貨處理。 以下說明一下關於用戶登錄情況。 用戶可以在中間平台重新註冊一個用戶名,也可以是 利用支付平台的註冊用戶名在中間平台上登錄。用戶在商 家上可以重新註冊一個用戶名,也可以是利用支付平台的 註冊用戶名登錄,也可以是利用中間平台的註冊用戶名登 -21 - 201101218 錄本端商家。本實施例中可以採用中間平台採用支付平台 的註冊用戶名進行登錄,並採用在各個商家上採用支付平 台的註冊用戶名進行登錄,透過這種方式,即可實現用戶 免註冊即可登錄的好處,方便用戶使用,也減少了大量儲 存空間的浪費,提高了網上交易的安全性。 也就是說,本申請案採用了以下的方式來處理用戶登 錄: 當接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶名的方式登錄至所述 中間平台的請求時,中間平台將所述請求發送至支付平台 ,由支付平台認證通過後允許其登錄;中間平台在向對應 的商家發送交易請求時,該交易請求中包括該用戶的支付 平台註冊用戶名資訊;商家接收到交易請求時,還包括從 中解析並保存支付平台註冊用戶名資訊作爲本商家的用戶 資訊,商家建立購物訂單時訂單中包括支付平台註冊用戶 名資訊;商家接收到支付結果時,從中獲得包括用戶的送 貨位址在內的用戶資訊,以完成送貨。 在本申請案中,中間平台可以直接和各個商家聯繫, 與各個中間平台直接談好分潤比例,而不直接與支付平台 連接。中間平台也可以直接和支付平台連接,與支付平台 談好分潤比例。當中間平台向商家發送交易請求時,所述 交易請求中包括交易流水號;中間平台同時向支付平台發 送交易請求,所述交易請求包括交易流水號;支付平台根 據所述交易流水號確定同一交易資訊,並將該交易的支付 結果分別發送至商家和中間平台;支付平台根據分潤比例 -22- 201101218 完成與中間平台的分成結算。 上述公開的方式是中間平台僅提供類似一個展示作用 的商家,中間平台不參與交易。本申請案還可以提供另一 種實施例,即在中間平台上直接進行交易。 請參閱圖5,其爲本申請案第二種利用中間平台進行 網上交易的系統的原理結構示意圖。它包括用戶34、支 付平台33和商家31,並且用戶34、支付平台33和商家 0 31都是透過網際網路進行連接。 系統還包括用於提供客戶折扣商品資訊的中間平台 32。中間平台32連接至網際網路,其進一步包括中間平 台伺服器3 2 1和中間平台資料庫3 22。 中間平台伺服器321進一步包括: 同步處理單元323:用於接收商家31定期或事件觸 發式地上傳或修改本商家31提供的折扣商品資訊,並將 商家31的折扣商品資訊在預設的鏈結位置進行顯示; Q 交易請求處理單元3 24:用於接收用戶32購買折扣 商品的交易請求,建立購物訂單; 支付平台處理單元3 25,用於將購物訂單發送至支付 平台33,接收支付平台33返回的支付結果; 商家處理單元326:連接支付平台處理單元3 25,用 於將支付成功的交易資訊發送至商家31,由商家31完成 交貨處理; 互動單元327:用於建立與包括商家31及用戶34在 內的外部設備的互動; -23- 201101218 所述中間平台資料庫322進一步包括: 商家資訊儲存單元328:用於儲存鏈結到商家31的 商家位址資訊、該商家3 1的折扣商品資訊及商家的對應 關係; 交易資訊儲存單元329:用於儲存每次交易的交易資 訊,包括交易的商家資訊、用戶資訊、商品資訊及交易結 果資訊; 商家31還進一步包括交易請求接收單元311:用於 接收中間平台32發送支付成功的交易資訊,從中獲得用 戶3 4需購買的商品資訊及用戶資訊,完成後續的發貨處 理。 支付平台33進一步包括支付平台伺服器和支付平台 資料庫。支付平台伺服器至少包括用戶處理單元:用於接 收包括用戶註冊及用戶登錄在內的用戶身份請求。支付平 台資料庫至少包括用戶資訊儲存單元,用於保存包括用戶 註冊的用戶名、密碼、用戶身份資訊、用戶位址、用戶的 支付帳戶在內的各項用戶屬性資訊之間的對應關係。中間 平台32的中間平台伺服器321還包括支付平台註冊用戶 處理單元:用於接收用戶34以支付平台註冊用戶名的方 式登錄至中間平台32的請求:接收用戶34以支付平台註 冊用戶名的方式請求登錄,並將所述請求發送至支付平台 3 3 ’由支付平台3 3認證通過後允許其登錄。 支付平台伺服器還進一步包括分潤單元,用於按照預 先的分潤設置定期完成與各個中間平台32的分成結算。 -24- 201101218 請參閱圖6’其爲第二種利用中間平台進行網上交易 的方法的流程圖。該方法適用於用戶、支付平台和商家透 過網際網路進行連接的網上交易平台中,其特徵在於,包 括以下步驟: S210:設置中間平台,建立與中間平台簽約的商家或 中間平台的鏈結; S220 :商家或中間平台定期或事件觸發式地將本端的 0 折扣商品資訊同步至中間平台,中間平台將所述商家的折 扣商品資訊在預設的鏈結位置進行顯示; S230 :當接收到用戶的交易請求時,中間平台根據該 用戶的交易請求資訊及用戶資訊來建立購物訂單,並將所 述訂單發送至支付平台; S240 :支付平台完成用戶的支付,並將支付結果返回 至中間平台; S250:中間平台將支付成功的交易資訊返回至對應的 Q 商家,商家根據返回的支付結果完成發貨處理。 並且’支付平台根據預先設定的分潤定期完成與各個 中間平台的分潤。 當接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶名的方式登錄至所述 中間平台時,中間平台將所述請求發送至支付平台,由支 付平台認證通過後允許其登錄;中間平台在向支付平台發 送購物訂單請求時,包括該用戶的支付平台註冊用戶名資 訊;商家接收到支付結果時,從中獲得包括用戶的送貨位 址在內的用戶資訊,以完成送貨。 -25- 201101218 以上公開的僅爲本申請案 請案並非局限於此,任何本領 ,都應落在本申請案的保護範 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1爲現有的一種常見的 圖; 圖2爲現有的另一種比較 構示意圖: 圖3爲本申請案第一種利 系統的原理結構示意圖; 圖4爲本申請案第一種利 法的流程圖; 圖5爲本申請案第二種手 的系統的原理結構示意圖; 圖6爲本申請案第二種利 方法的流程圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :商家 2 :中間平台 3 :支付平台 4 :用戶 5 :第一中間平台 的幾個具體實施例,但本申 域的技術人員能思之的變化 圍內。 網上交易系統原理結構示意 常見的網上交易系統原理結 用中間平台進行網上交易的 用中間平台進行網上交易方 |用CPS平中進行網上交易 用中間平台中進行網上交易 ❹ -26- 201101218 6 :第N中間平台 7 :商家網站 1 1 :服務器中心 1 2 :資料庫 21 :商家 22 :中間平台 23 :支付平台 24 :用戶 3 1 :商家 3 2 :中間平台 3 3 :支付平台 34 :用戶 2 1 1 =交易請求接收單元 212:支付平台註冊用戶交易處理單元 221 :中間平台伺服器 222 :中間平台資料庫 223 :同步處理單元 224 :交易請求處理單元 225 :互動單元 226 :商家資訊儲存單元 227 :交易資訊儲存單元 228 :支付平台處理單元 23 1 :中間平台交易請求處理單元 23 2 :分潤單元 -27- 201101218 3 2 1 :中間平台伺服器 3 2 2 :中間平台資料庫 3 23 :同步處理單元 3 24 :交易請求處理單元 325:支付平台處理單元 326:商家處理單元 32 7 :互動單元 328:商家資訊儲存單元 329 :交易資訊儲存單元 3 1 1 :交易請求接收單元 -28-The present invention relates to the field of networking, and more particularly to an online electronic business transaction system and online transaction method for a shopping CPS (Cost Per Sales) platform. [Prior Art] 0 With the development of the Internet and the maturity of encryption technologies such as digital signatures, e-commerce has flourished around the world, and a large number of mature e-commerce-based operations such as Amazon and Alibaba have emerged. The success of the example. This way of trading has completely changed the existing trading model. Please refer to FIG. 1 , which is a schematic diagram of the structure of a conventional online transaction system. It includes a merchant 1, an intermediate platform 2, a payment platform 3, and a user 4. The user 4 wants to purchase the merchandise of the merchant 1 and uses the payment platform 3 to pay for the online payment. Merchant 1 delivers the product to User 4 by mail or other means. The merchant 1 and the payment platform 3 periodically perform reconciliation and debit processing. Of course, the functions completed by the payment platform 3 can also be integrated into the intermediate platform 2. The payment platform 3 takes Alipay as an example. The user 4 can open an account on the Alipay and store a certain amount directly on the account or in a chargeable manner. Thus, when the user 4 wants to purchase the goods of the merchant 1 , the user only needs to use the Alipay. The charge can be processed. And through the above method, Merchant 1 only needs to complete the work of paying the bill with Alipay on a regular basis. The intermediate platform 2 takes Taobao as an example, and the user 4 through the Taobao purchaser -5-201101218 home 1 product. At least one server center 1 1 and one database 12 are disposed on the intermediate platform 2. The server center n is used to process each transaction request. The database 12 is used to record each transaction in real time. According to the above online transaction, the transaction between the merchant 1 and the user 4 through the intermediate platform 2 greatly improves the security of the transaction. For the user, because the merchant 1 belongs to a virtual merchant on the Internet, it is impossible to determine its authenticity, and it is impossible to determine the quality problem for the purchased object, and the payment is made through the payment platform, thereby eliminating such concerns. For the merchant 1, the trust with the user 4 is established through the intermediate platform 2, which can reduce the distrust of the user and increase the sales volume. This trading model has achieved a win-win model for merchant 1, user 4 and intermediate platform 2, and has now developed rapidly. Please refer to FIG. 2 , which is a schematic diagram of the structure of another common online trading system. User 4 logs in to each intermediate platform (such as the first intermediate platform 5). . . The Nth intermediate platform 6) to purchase goods, Payment is made through the payment platform 3. The payment platform 3 can be liquidated with the intermediate platform. After the middle platform and each merchant 1 for liquidation. The payment platform 3 can also be liquidated directly with each merchant 1. The user 4 can also directly log in to the merchant website 7 contracted with the payment platform 3 to purchase the product. If the user makes a payment via the payment platform 3, the merchant website 7 directly performs the clearing with the payment platform 3.  In order to attract users to buy goods, merchants sometimes use the method of launching discounted products. Merchants can place information on discounted items on the local end. Merchants also place information on discounted items on the intermediate platform. but, In the existing transaction mode, it is easy to exist that the discount product information on the merchant website -6- 201101218 is inconsistent with the discount product information set on the intermediate platform, Affecting transactions, Even affect the reputation of the business. From the perspective of the Internet, There are mainly the following defects:  One: The following problems usually exist in existing trading methods: In order to increase sales of discounted goods, merchants Discounted product information is often linked on many websites. When the discount product information changes, Cannot update the discount information of the products on the corresponding website in time. As a result, there are many changes in the transaction process. For the entire network, Increased the burden of network data transmission, It also wastes data storage space on the website.  Second: When conducting online transactions, There are different registration names and passwords for each website. Lead to a lot of waste in the data storage space of the website, And a lot of manpower and material resources are wasted to maintain. usually, The trading website that places discounted merchandise information has its username and password. The trading platform has its username and password. Sometimes even merchants have their username and password. This allows users to remember a large number of usernames and passwords. It is easy to forget that the transaction is blocked by Q. For the website, Take up a lot of data storage space, Need someone to maintain, Caused costs to rise.  Third: Users are sensitive to price, I hope that I can purchase products with better performance and price. I especially hope to buy brand discount products. However, there are geographical limitations in real life. Problems such as limited sources, Can not be achieved as expected. The Internet has information transparency. Desalination of the region, However, there is currently no online platform for online trading methods for discounted goods.  SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 201101218 The purpose of the present application is to provide a system for using the intermediate platform for online parenting. To apply online trading methods for discounted goods.  Another object of the present application is to provide a method for utilizing an intermediate platform for online parenting. To apply online trading methods for discounted goods.  In order to achieve the above objectives, the present application includes a system for conducting online transactions using an intermediate platform. user, The payment platform and merchants connect via the Internet. The system also includes an intermediate platform for providing merchant discounted merchandise information. The intermediate platform is connected to the internet. It further includes an intermediate platform server and an intermediate platform database.  The intermediate platform server further includes:  Synchronous processing unit: Used to receive merchants to upload or modify discounted merchandise information provided by the merchant. And displaying the discounted product information of the merchant in a preset link position;  Transaction request processing unit: Used to receive a transaction request from a user to purchase a discounted item, Sending the transaction request to each merchant corresponding to the discounted item, Receive the returned transaction result;  Interactive unit: Used to establish interaction with external devices, including merchants and users;  The intermediate platform database further includes:  Business information storage unit: Used to store the business address of the link to the merchant. The correspondence between the merchant's discount product information and the merchant;  Trading Information Storage Unit: Used to store transaction information for each transaction' including merchant information for the transaction 'user information' quotient @胃$ and transaction results: Stomach  -8 - 201101218 The merchant further includes a transaction request receiving unit: Used to receive transaction requests sent by the intermediate platform, Obtain the product information and user information that the user needs to purchase. And send the transaction to the payment platform, Subsequent shipment processing is completed from the transaction results returned by the payment platform.  The payment platform further includes a payment platform server and a payment platform database. The payment platform server includes at least a user processing unit: Used to receive user identity requests including user registration and user login. The payment platform database includes at least a user information storage unit. Used to save the username including the user registration, password, User identity information, User address, Correspondence between various user attribute information including the user's payment account;  The intermediate platform server of the intermediate platform further includes Payment platform registered user processing unit: A request to receive a login to the intermediate platform by the user in the manner of a payment platform registered username: The receiving user requests login by paying the platform to register the user name. And the request is sent to the payment platform 〇 'allowed by the payment platform to pass the authentication.  The merchant also includes a payment platform registered user transaction processing unit. Connecting the transaction request receiving unit, Used to register user information for the payment platform that is parsed in the transaction request receiving unit, Linking to the payment platform obtains corresponding user attribute information.  The intermediate platform server further includes a payment platform processing unit, Its connection transaction request processing unit 'for transmitting transaction request information to the payment platform, And receiving a payment response returned by the payment platform;  The payment platform server further includes: Intermediate platform transaction -9- 201101218 request processing 兀' is used to receive the parent platform request of the intermediate platform, Identify the same transaction request sent from the merchant through the transaction serial number. The transaction results are sent to the intermediate platform via the merchant or directly to the intermediary platform by the payment platform server.  The payment platform server further includes a distribution unit, It is used to complete the settlement of each intermediate platform on a regular basis according to the pre-separation setting.  The application also provides a method for online trading using an intermediate platform. This method is suitable for users, In an online trading platform where payment platforms and merchants connect via the Internet, Includes the following steps:  (1) Set up the intermediate platform, Establish a chain of merchants or intermediate platforms contracted with the intermediate platform;  (2) The merchant or the intermediate platform synchronizes the discounted product information of the local end to the intermediate platform. The intermediate platform displays the discounted product information of the merchant at a preset link position;  (3) When receiving a transaction request from the user, The intermediate platform sends the user's transaction request information and user information to each corresponding merchant;  (4) The merchant establishes a shopping order, And send the order to the payment platform;  (5) The payment platform completes the user's payment, Return the payment result to the merchant's return to the intermediate platform through the merchant or directly to the payment result;  (6) The merchant completes the payment processing according to the returned payment result.  When receiving a request for the user to log in to the inter-module platform by way of a payment platform registration user name, The intermediate platform sends the request to the payment platform ‘allowing the user to log in after being authenticated by the payment platform; When the intermediate platform sends a transaction request to the merchant corresponding to -10- 201101218, Including the user's payment platform registration user name information; When the merchant receives a transaction request, It also includes parsing and saving the payment platform registration username information as the user information of the merchant. When the merchant establishes a purchase order, the order includes the payment platform registration user name information; When the merchant receives the payment result, Obtain user information including the user's shipping address. To complete the delivery.  This application also includes: When the intermediate platform sends a transaction request to the merchant 0, The transaction request includes a transaction serial number; The intermediate platform also sends a transaction request to the payment platform. The transaction request includes a transaction serial number; The payment platform determines the same transaction information based on the transaction serial number. And send the payment result of the transaction to the merchant and the intermediate platform separately; The payment platform completes the settlement with the intermediate platform according to the proportion of the distribution.  The present invention provides a second system for online transactions using an intermediate platform, The payment platform and merchants connect via the Internet. The system also includes an intermediate platform for providing customer discounted merchandise information. The medium-Q platform is connected to the Internet. It further includes an intermediate platform server and an intermediate platform database.  The intermediate platform server further includes:  Synchronous processing unit: Used to receive merchants to upload or modify discounted merchandise information provided by the merchant. And displaying the discounted product information of the merchant in a preset link position; Transaction request processing unit: A parent-friendly request to receive a user's purchase of a discounted item, Create a purchase order; Payment platform processing unit, Used to send a purchase order to the payment platform. Receiving payment results returned by the payment platform; Merchant Processing Unit: Connect to the payment platform processing unit, Use -11 - 201101218 to send the transaction information for successful payment to the merchant. Delivery processing by the merchant: Interactive unit: Used to establish interaction with external devices, including merchants and users;  The intermediate platform database further includes: Business information storage unit: Used to store the business address information of the link to the merchant, The merchant's discounted merchandise information and the correspondence of the merchant; Trading Information Storage Unit: Used to store transaction information for each transaction, Business information including transactions, User information,  Product information and transaction result information; The merchant further includes a transaction request receiving unit: Used to receive transaction information that the intermediate platform sends the payment successfully. Obtain the product information and user information that the user needs to purchase. Complete subsequent shipment processing.  The payment platform further includes a payment platform server and a payment platform database. The payment platform server includes at least a user processing unit: Used to receive user identity requests including user registration and user login. The payment platform database includes at least a user information storage unit. Used to save the username including the user registration, password, User identity information, User address, Correspondence between various user attribute information including the user's payment account; The intermediate platform server of the intermediate platform further includes Payment platform registered user processing unit: For receiving the user to log in to the intermediate platform by means of a payment platform registered user name: The receiving user requests login by means of the payment platform registered user name. And sending the request to the payment platform, It is allowed to log in after being approved by the payment platform.  The payment platform server further includes a distribution unit, It is used to complete the settlement of each intermediate platform on a regular basis according to the pre-separation setting.  -12- 201101218 Correspondingly, The present application also provides a second method for utilizing an intermediate platform for online transactions. The method is applicable to users, In an online trading platform where payment platforms and merchants connect via the Internet, It is characterized in that Includes the following steps: (1) Set up the intermediate platform, Establish a chain of merchants or intermediate platforms contracted with the intermediate platform; (2) The merchant or the intermediate platform synchronizes the discounted product information of the local end to the intermediate platform. The intermediate platform displays the discounted merchandise information of the merchant at a preset link position; (3) When receiving the user's 0 transaction request, the intermediate platform establishes a purchase order for the user's transaction request information and user information. And sending the order to the payment platform; (4) The payment platform completes the user's payment, Return the payment result to the intermediate platform;  (5) The intermediate platform returns the transaction information for successful payment to the corresponding merchant.  The merchant completes the payment processing according to the returned payment result.  The application can provide an online trading method based on an intermediate platform. User-friendly online shopping, And for the merchant, A pipeline for sales has also been added.  Q from a technical point of view, This application has the following advantages:  One: This application provides an intermediate platform. The merchant periodically or evently triggers the discounted merchandise information on the intermediate platform. Guarantee the immediacy of discount information on the intermediate platform, Users only need to log in to the intermediate platform to get a lot of fresh discount information. For the entire network, Effectively manage various discount information, Providing convenience for users and businesses. Also avoiding the waste of a large amount of data storage space, At the same time, it has improved the success of data transactions. This application provides two trading modes. One is the middle level -13- 201101218 The station is only a display platform. Another, Still a trading platform, Not for the Internet, Effectively enter three: This application can realize the intermediate platform with only code. Or operation, The problem of integrating the payment platform username and password.  of course, All of the advantages described above of the present invention are implemented.  [Embodiment] Hereinafter, with reference to the accompanying drawings, The core of the present application is that the merchants for placing various merchants can be linked to the corresponding merchants.  When the platform is directly used to make purchases through the payment platform, through the registered platform of the payment platform, The external platform can also be used to pre-pay the platform on a regular basis and the platform can also be called the C P S platform. That is, another intermediate platform of a website of a shopping website.  Please refer to Figure 3, It is an intermediate platform that is a display platform that uses a trading model to 'resource allocation and resource utilization from the whole.  To use the username and password of a payment platform and the login and resources of the merchant website, Reducing the need for users to memorize a large number of products does not necessarily need to be reached at the same time to illustrate this application.  , Set up an intermediate platform, Intermediate platform product information, Receiving a purchase request from a user,  Seal the deal. This application can also be completed by the transaction. and, This application can be used to complete the purchase request. such, You can complete the login and purchase trade through the free registration of the user. In addition, negotiate the distribution ratio with the payment platform. The proportion of the distribution by the intermediate platform. usually, China and today. The CPS platform can be an existing intermediate point or a schematic diagram of the first principle of a system for online transactions using the intermediate level -14-201101218. The system includes users 24, The payment platform 23 and the merchant 21 are connected via the Internet.  The system also includes an intermediate platform 22 for providing customer discounted merchandise information. The intermediate platform 22 is similar to a node of the Internet. User 24 can access the intermediate platform 22, The intermediate platform 22 can be a local area network. It can also be just a terminal computer. The intermediate platform 22 can be provided by the payment platform 23. It can also be provided by other platforms. The intermediate platform 22 can be 0 similar to a merchant website.  The intermediate platform 22 is connected to the internet. It further includes an intermediate platform server 221 and an intermediate platform database 222,  The intermediate platform server 22 1 further includes:  Synchronization processing unit 2D: The receiving merchant 21 periodically uploads or modifies the discounted merchandise information provided by the merchant 21, or periodically. The discounted product information of the merchant 2 1 is displayed at a preset link position.  Transaction request processing unit 224: Used to receive a transaction request from the user 24 to purchase a discounted Q item, Sending a transaction request to each merchant 21 corresponding to the discounted item, Receive the returned transaction results.  Interactive unit 225: Used to establish interaction with external devices including merchant 21 and user 24.  The intermediate platform database 222 further includes:  Business information storage unit 226: Used to store the business address information of the link to the merchant 21, The merchant's discount product information and the merchant's correspondence transaction information storage unit 227: Used to store the transaction amount of each transaction -15-i 201101218, Business information including transactions, User information, Product information and transaction result information.  Synchronization processing unit 223, Transaction request processing unit 224 is typically a logical unit. It is achieved through software. Hardware is implemented through a server or through a processor on the servo.  The merchant 21 is based on the existing merchant 21, Install an intermediate platform to process the software. It usually sets up software on an existing processor. From a logical point of view, it also includes a transaction request receiving unit 211: Used to receive a transaction request sent by the intermediate platform 22, Obtaining product information and user information that the user 24 needs to purchase, And sending the transaction to the payment platform 23, The subsequent shipment processing is completed from the transaction result returned by the payment platform 23 〇 The transaction of the present application can be directly completed on the existing payment platform 23, It is also possible to perform software improvements on the existing payment platform 23 to complete an online transaction based on the intermediate platform.  The application can also realize that the user completes the entire online transaction by using the registration information of the payment platform. The registration of the user on the intermediate platform 22 and the merchant website 21 is eliminated. The payment platform 23 includes a payment platform server and a payment platform database. The payment platform server includes at least a user processing unit: Used to receive user identity requests including user registration and user login. The payment platform database includes at least a user information storage unit. Used to save the username including user registration, password, User identity information, User address, The correspondence between various user attribute information including the user's payment account. The user processing unit and the user information storage unit are existing existing units. With -16- 201101218, the processing unit is usually implemented in software. The user information storage unit is a storage unit in the database. The storage unit is logically divided. Not necessarily a physical storage unit, That is to say, according to the existing storage technology, The user information storage unit can be a continuous storage space in the database. It can also be a storage space that is not connected. Similarly, The division of the storage unit of the database in this application refers to a logical division. It is not necessarily limited to physically dividing the storage space. The intermediate platform server 221 of the intermediate platform also includes a payment platform registered user processing unit: A request to receive a user 24 to log in to the intermediate platform 22 in a manner that pays for the platform registration username: The receiving user 24 requests login by way of payment platform registered user name. And sending the request to the payment platform 23,  It is allowed to log in after being approved by the payment platform 23. The merchant 21 also includes a payment platform registered user transaction processing unit 212, Connecting the transaction request receiving unit 2 1 1 Used to register user information with the payment platform parsed in the transaction request receiving unit 2 1 1 , Linking to the payment platform 23 obtains user attribute information corresponding to Q.  It should be noted, Merchant 21, The intermediate platform 22 can also have its own independent registered user system. That is, When the user 24 logs in to the intermediate platform 22, it is required to register as a registered user of the intermediate platform 22 first. When the intermediate platform 22 transmits the transaction request information to the corresponding merchant 21, The merchant 21 first determines whether the user 24 is a registered user of the merchant 21, If yes, then the merchant 21 processes the transaction request information, If not, The merchant 21 first performs the step of registering the user 24 as a registered user of the merchant 21. The payment platform registered user transaction processing unit 212 is set up on the intermediate platform server 221 to set the payment platform registered user processing unit 'Business -17- 201101218 21, It is a preferred embodiment of the present application.  The intermediate platform server 221 further includes a payment platform processing unit 22 8 It connects to the transaction request processing unit 224, Used to send transaction request information to the payment platform 23, And receiving the payment response returned by the payment platform 23. The payment platform server further includes an intermediate platform transaction request processing unit 23 1 a transaction request for receiving the intermediate platform 22, Identify the same transaction request sent from merchant 24 through the transaction serial number. The transaction results are sent to the intermediate platform 22 via the merchant or directly to the intermediate platform 22 by the payment platform server. The transaction request information sent by the payment platform processing unit 228 includes a transaction serial number. The intermediate platform transaction request processing unit 231 determines whether it is the same transaction request through the parent flow number. And the transaction serial number can be pre-agreed by the intermediate platform 22 and the payment platform 23, such as, The transaction serial number has a total of N1. The first N2 bit stipulates the attribute number of the intermediate platform, The N3th to Nthth bits agree on trading attributes such as trading time. The intermediate platform transaction request processing unit 213 can save the transaction information through the intermediate platform 22 according to different intermediate platforms 22 and different time periods. The payment platform server further includes a distribution unit 232, It is used to periodically complete the settlement of each intermediate platform 22 in accordance with the pre-separation setting.  Please refer to FIG. 4', which is a flowchart of the first method for online transaction using an intermediate platform. This method is suitable for users, Payment platform and online trading platform where merchants connect through the Internet, The following steps are included:  -18- 201101218 S110: Set up the intermediate platform, Establish a link to the merchant or intermediate platform that is contracted with the intermediary platform. Pre-set an intermediate platform similar to a merchant website,  The intermediate platform is a node in the Internet. A preferred embodiment of the present application is The intermediate platform is provided by the payment platform. such, The intermediate platform can take advantage of the existing resources of the existing payment platform. Such as customer resources. Another preferred embodiment of the present application may also provide The intermediate platform is provided by an intermediate platform (such as a platform similar to Taobao or Dangdang). The [such] intermediate platform can utilize the existing resources of the existing intermediate platform. Such as merchant resources.  S120: The merchant or the intermediate platform synchronizes the discounted product information of the local end to the intermediate platform. The intermediate platform displays the discounted merchandise information of the merchant at a preset link location.  The merchant or intermediate platform can sign up with the intermediate platform. Intermediate platform to record information about the business or intermediate platform, If the intermediate platform is provided by the payment platform, then the merchant or intermediate platform may be the signing user of the payment platform. The transaction information including the proportion of the distribution is determined.  The merchant or the intermediate platform regularly updates the local discount merchandise on the intermediate platform, such as daily, Waiting every week. The merchant or the intermediate platform can also event-triggly update the local discount items on the intermediate platform. such as, Update as soon as new discounted items appear. The merchant or the intermediate platform can send the local discount product information to the intermediate platform. In order to achieve discounts on merchants or intermediate platforms, the products are up-to-date in the middle platform. The intermediate platform displays the discounted product information according to the preset link position. So that users can access it. The intermediate platform can place the discounted items on the web address agreed by the merchant.  -19- 201101218 It is also possible to place discounted items at a preset web page address according to the order in which the items in the platform are stored. The merchant or intermediate platform mentioned above synchronizes the discounted product information of the local end to the "synchronization" in the intermediate platform, including adding and modifying the discounted product information including the product name, The price of the goods, The start time of the discount, etc.  S130: When receiving a user's transaction request, The intermediate platform sends the user's transaction request information and user information to each corresponding merchant.  Log in to the intermediate platform through the user. Registered users who need to register as an intermediate platform first. The user of the intermediate platform in this application may be the registered user of the local end or the registered user of the payment platform. In the case of a registered user of the payment platform, the intermediate platform receives the user's identity as the registered user of the payment platform, Send registration information to the corresponding payment platform, The user is allowed to log in to the intermediate platform after the payment platform verifies the identity information of its user.  When the user asks to purchase the selected item, The intermediate platform sends the corresponding transaction request information to each merchant corresponding to the product. such as, The user issues a request to purchase two discounted items on the intermediate platform. If the two discounted goods belong to the same business, Then the intermediary platform sends the transaction information to the corresponding merchant, The transaction information includes the information of the discounted item that needs to be purchased (such as the product code, Price, etc.) and user information. For example, the user is a registered user of the payment platform. Then, the information such as the registered name of the user is sent to the corresponding merchant together with the information of the discounted product. If the two discounted items belong to two different businesses, Then, the intermediate platform sends corresponding transaction information to the corresponding merchants. same, The user information is also sent to the corresponding merchants of -20- 201101218.  S1 40: Merchants create purchase orders, And send the order to the payment platform.  When the merchant receives the transaction request information, Create a shopping order, Send the order to the payment platform. Shopping orders include user information, Shopping information.  S150: The payment platform completes the payment of the user, Return the payment result to the merchant. Return the payment results to the intermediate platform through the merchant or directly.  Q When the payment platform receives a purchase order, Parsing out user information, If the user is a registered user of the payment platform, Obtaining the user's information (such as the user's identity information, from the local payment platform database, The user’s previous delivery address, User's consumption record and payment record), Carry out the payment process.  If the user’s account is sufficient to pay the amount spent, Make a payment, If not enough,  The user is prompted to pay after the payment is made. Since the payment process is a very common process, I won't go into details here.  The payment platform will return the payment result to the merchant. such as, The payment platform Q returns the information of the successful payment to the merchant. The merchant will ship according to the above shipping address. In this application, the payment platform can return the payment result to the intermediate platform. The payment result can also be returned to the intermediate platform by the merchant.  S160: The merchant completes the payment processing according to the returned payment result.  The following explains about user login.  Users can re-register a username on the intermediate platform. It is also possible to log in on the intermediate platform using the registered user name of the payment platform. The user can re-register a username at the merchant. You can also log in using the registered username of the payment platform. It can also be the registered user name of the intermediate platform - 21 - 201101218. In this embodiment, the intermediate platform may be registered by using the registered user name of the payment platform. And log in with the registered username of the payment platform on each merchant. In this way, You can realize the benefits of users logging in without registration. User-friendly, It also reduces the waste of a large amount of storage space. Improve the security of online transactions.  That is, This application uses the following methods to handle user logins:  When receiving a request for the user to log in to the intermediate platform by means of a payment platform registered user name, The intermediate platform sends the request to the payment platform, Allowed to log in after being approved by the payment platform; When the intermediate platform sends a transaction request to the corresponding merchant, The transaction request includes the user's payment platform registration username information; When the merchant receives a transaction request, It also includes parsing and saving the payment platform registration username information from the user information of the merchant. When the merchant establishes a shopping order, the order includes the information of the registered user name of the payment platform; When the merchant receives the payment result, Obtain user information including the user's delivery address. To complete the delivery.  In this application, The intermediate platform can directly contact each merchant.  Directly talk to each intermediate platform about the proportion of the distribution, It is not directly connected to the payment platform. The intermediate platform can also be directly connected to the payment platform. Talk to the payment platform about the proportion of the distribution. When the intermediate platform sends a transaction request to the merchant, The transaction request includes a transaction serial number; The intermediate platform simultaneously sends a transaction request to the payment platform. The transaction request includes a transaction serial number; The payment platform determines the same transaction information according to the transaction serial number. And send the payment result of the transaction to the merchant and the intermediate platform separately; The payment platform completes the settlement with the intermediate platform according to the distribution ratio -22- 201101218.  The above disclosed method is that the intermediate platform only provides a merchant similar to a display function. The intermediate platform does not participate in the transaction. Another embodiment can also be provided in the present application. That is, trading directly on the intermediate platform.  Please refer to Figure 5, It is a schematic structural diagram of the system for online transaction using the intermediate platform in the second application case. It includes the user 34, Payment platform 33 and merchant 31, And the user 34, Both the payment platform 33 and the merchant 0 31 are connected via the Internet.  The system also includes an intermediate platform 32 for providing customer discounted merchandise information. The intermediate platform 32 is connected to the internet. It further includes an intermediate platform server 321 and an intermediate platform database 322.  The intermediate platform server 321 further includes:  Synchronization processing unit 323: The receiving merchant 31 uploads or modifies the discount product information provided by the merchant 31 periodically or in an event triggered manner. And displaying the discounted product information of the merchant 31 in a preset link position;  Q Transaction Request Processing Unit 3 24: a transaction request for receiving a purchase discount item by the user 32, Create a purchase order;  Payment platform processing unit 3 25, Used to send a shopping order to the payment platform 33, Receiving the payment result returned by the payment platform 33;  Merchant processing unit 326: Connecting the payment platform processing unit 3 25, Sending transaction information for successful payment to the merchant 31, The delivery process is completed by the merchant 31;  Interactive unit 327: Used to establish interaction with external devices including merchant 31 and user 34;  -23- 201101218 The intermediate platform database 322 further includes:  Business information storage unit 328: Used to store the business address information of the link to the merchant 31, The merchant's 3 1 discount product information and the corresponding relationship of the merchant;  Transaction information storage unit 329: Used to store transaction information for each transaction, Business information including transactions, User information, Product information and transaction result information;  The merchant 31 further includes a transaction request receiving unit 311: Used for receiving the transaction information that the intermediate platform 32 sends the payment success. Obtain the product information and user information that the user 3 4 needs to purchase. Complete the subsequent shipping process.  The payment platform 33 further includes a payment platform server and a payment platform database. The payment platform server includes at least a user processing unit: Used to receive user identity requests including user registration and user login. The payment platform database includes at least a user information storage unit. Used to save the username including the user registration, password, User identity information, User address, The correspondence between various user attribute information including the user's payment account. The intermediate platform server 321 of the intermediate platform 32 also includes a payment platform registered user processing unit: A request to receive a user 34 to log in to the intermediate platform 32 in a manner that pays for the platform registration username: The receiving user 34 requests login by paying the platform to register the username. The request is sent to the payment platform 3 3 ' and allowed to log in after being authenticated by the payment platform 33.  The payment platform server further includes a distribution unit, It is used to periodically complete the settlement of each intermediate platform 32 in accordance with a predetermined distribution setting.  -24- 201101218 Please refer to Figure 6' for a flow chart of a second method of using the intermediate platform for online transactions. This method is suitable for users, In an online trading platform where payment platforms and merchants connect via the Internet, It is characterized in that It includes the following steps:  S210: Set up the intermediate platform, Establish a chain of merchants or intermediate platforms contracted with the intermediate platform;  S220: The merchant or the intermediate platform periodically or event-triggered to synchronize the local 0 discount product information to the intermediate platform. The intermediate platform displays the discounted product information of the merchant at a preset link position;  S230: When receiving a user's transaction request, The intermediate platform establishes a shopping order based on the user's transaction request information and user information. And sending the order to the payment platform;  S240: The payment platform completes the payment of the user, Return the payment result to the intermediate platform;  S250: The intermediate platform returns the successful transaction information to the corresponding Q merchant. The merchant completes the delivery process based on the returned payment result.  And the payment platform regularly completes the distribution with each intermediate platform according to the pre-set distribution.  When the receiving user logs in to the intermediate platform by way of the payment platform registration user name, The intermediate platform sends the request to the payment platform, Allowed to log in after being approved by the payment platform; When the intermediate platform sends a shopping order request to the payment platform, Including the user's payment platform registration user name information; When the merchant receives the payment result, Obtain user information including the user's shipping address. To complete the delivery.  -25- 201101218 The above disclosure is only for this application. The request is not limited to this. Any skill, All should fall within the protection scope of this application. [Simplified illustration of the drawing] Figure 1 is a common diagram of the existing one;  Figure 2 is another schematic diagram of the existing structure:  3 is a schematic structural diagram of the first advantageous system of the present application;  Figure 4 is a flow chart of the first method of the present application;  5 is a schematic structural diagram of a second hand system of the present application;  Figure 6 is a flow chart of the second method of the present application.  [Main component symbol description] 1 : Merchant 2 : Intermediate platform 3 : Payment platform 4 : User 5: Several specific embodiments of the first intermediate platform, However, the technicians in this field can think about the changes.  The principle structure of the online trading system indicates the principle of the common online trading system. The intermediate platform is used for online trading. The online platform is used for online trading. The online trading with CPS Pingzhong is used for online trading. 26- 201101218 6 : Nth intermediate platform 7 : Merchant Website 1 1 : Server Center 1 2 : Database 21 : Merchant 22 : Intermediate platform 23 : Payment platform 24 : User 3 1 : Merchant 3 2 : Intermediate platform 3 3 : Payment platform 34 : User 2 1 1 = Transaction Request Receiving Unit 212: Payment Platform Registered User Transaction Processing Unit 221 : Intermediate platform server 222: Intermediate Platform Database 223 : Synchronization processing unit 224: Transaction request processing unit 225: Interactive unit 226: Business Information Storage Unit 227 : Trading Information Storage Unit 228: Payment platform processing unit 23 1 : Intermediate platform transaction request processing unit 23 2 : Dividing unit -27- 201101218 3 2 1 : Intermediate platform server 3 2 2 : Intermediate Platform Database 3 23 : Synchronization processing unit 3 24 : Transaction request processing unit 325: Payment Platform Processing Unit 326: Merchant Processing Unit 32 7 : Interactive unit 328: Business Information Storage Unit 329 : Trading Information Storage Unit 3 1 1 : Transaction request receiving unit -28-

Claims (1)

201101218 七、申請專利範圍: 1 · 一種利用中間平台進行網上交易的系統,用戶、支 付平台和商家透過網際網路進行連接, 該系統還包括用於提供商家折扣商品資訊的中間平台 ,該中間平台連接至網際網路,其進一步包括中間平台伺 服器和中間平台資料庫, 該中間平台伺服器進一步包括: 0 同步處理單元:用於接收商家上傳或修改該商家提供 的折扣商品資訊,並將該商家的折扣商品資訊在預設的鏈 結位置進行顯示; 交易請求處理單元:用於接收用戶購買折扣商品的交 易請求,把該交易請求發送至折扣商品對應的每一商家, 接收返回的交易結果; 互動單元:用於建立與包括商家及用戶在內的外部設 備的互動; Q 該中間平台資料庫進一步包括: 商家資訊儲存單元:用於儲存鏈結到商家的商家位址 資訊、該商家的折扣商品資訊與商家的對應關係; 交易資訊儲存單元:用於儲存每次交易的交易資訊, 包括交易的商家資訊、用戶資訊、商品資訊及交易結果資 訊; 該商家還進一步包括交易請求接收單元:用於接收中 間平台發送的交易請求,從中獲得用戶需購買的商品資訊 及用戶資訊,並將該交易發送至支付平台,從支付平台返 -29- 201101218 回的交易結果來完成後續的發貨處理。 2 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所述的利用中間平台進行網 上交易的系統,其中, 該支付平台進一步包括支付平台伺服器和支付平台資 料庫,該支付平台伺服器至少包括用戶處理單元:用於接 收包括用戶註冊及用戶登錄在內的用戸身份請求,該支付 平台資料庫至少包括用戶資訊儲存單元,用於保存包括用 戶註冊的用戶名、密碼、用戶身份資訊、用戶位址、用戶 的支付帳戶在內的各項用戶屬性資訊之間的對應關係; 該中間平台的中間平台伺服器還包括,支付平台註冊 用戶處理單元:用於接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶名的方 式登錄至該中間平台的請求:接收用戶以支付平台註冊用 戶名的方式請求登錄,並將該請求發送至支付平台,由支 付平台認證通過後允許其登錄。 3 ·如申請專利範圍第2項所述的利用中間平台進行網 上交易的系統,其中,該商家還包括支付平台註冊用戶交 易處理單元,連接該交易請求接收單元,用於將交易請求 接收單元中解析出的支付平台註冊用戶資訊,鏈結至該支 付平台獲得對應的用戶屬性資訊。 4.如申請專利範圍第1項所述的利用中間平台進行網 上交易的系統,其中, 中間平台伺服器還進一步包括支付平台處理單元,其 連接交易請求處理單元,用於將交易請求資訊發送至支付 平台,並接收支付平台返回的支付回應; -30- 201101218 該支付平台伺服器還進一步包括:中間平台交易請求 處理單元,用於接收中間平台的交易請求,透過交易流水 號來識別出從商家處發送的同一交易請求,並將交易結果 透過商家發送至中間平台或直接由支付平台伺服器發送至 中間平台。 5 -如申請專利範圍第1項所述的利用中間平台進行網 上交易的系統,其中,該支付平台伺服器還進一步包括分 0 潤單元,用於按照預先的分潤設置定期完成與各個中間平 台的分成結算。 6. —種利用中間平台進行網上交易的方法,該方法適 用於用戶、支付平台和商家透過網際網路進行連接的網上 交易平台中,其特徵在於,包含以下步驟: (1) 設置中間平台,建立與中間平台簽約的商家或中間 平台的鏈結; (2) 商家或中間平台將本端的折扣商品資訊同步至中間 〇 平台,中間平台將該商家的折扣商品資訊在預設的鏈結位 置進行顯示; (3) 當接收到用戶的交易請求時,中間平台將該用戶的 交易請求資訊及用戶資訊發送至每一對應的商家; (4) 商家建立購物訂單,並將該訂單發送至支付平台; (5) 支付平台完成用戶的支付,並將支付結果返回至商 家,透過商家或直接將支付結果返回至中間平台; (6) 商家根據返回的支付結果完成付貨處理。 7. 如申請專利範圍第6項所述的利用中間平台進行網 -31 - 201101218 上交易的方法,更包含: 當接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶名的方式登錄至該中 間平台的請求時,中間平台將該請求發送至支付平台,由 支付平台認證通過後允許其登錄; 中間平台在向對應的商家發送交易請求時,包括該用 戶的支付平台註冊用戶名資訊; 商家接收到交易請求時,還包括從中解析並保存支付 平台註冊用戶名資訊作爲本商家的用戶資訊,商家建立購 物訂單時訂單中包括支付平台註冊用戶名資訊; 商家接收到支付結果時,從中獲得包括用戶的送貨位 址在內的用戶資訊,以完成送貨。 8. 如申請專利範圍第6項所述的利用中間平台進行網 上交易的方法,其中,更包含: 當中間平台向商家發送交易請求時,該交易請求中包 括父易流水號; 中間平台還向支付平台發送交易請求,該交易請求包 括交易流水號; 支付平台根據該交易流水號確定同一交易資訊,並將 該交易的支付結果分別發送至商家和中間平台; 支付平台根據分潤比例完成與中間平台的分成結算。 9. 一種利用中間平台進行網上交易的系統,用戶、支 付平台和商家透過網際網路進行連接, 該系統還包括用於提供客戶折扣商品資訊的中間平台 ’該中間平台連接至網際網路,其進一步包括中間平台伺 -32- 201101218 服器和中間平台資料庫, 該中間平台伺服器進一步包括: 同步處理單元:用於接收商家上傳或修改該商家提供 的折扣商品資訊,並將該商家的折扣商品資訊在預設的鏈 結位置進行顯示; 交易請求處理單元:用於接收用戶購買折扣商品的交 易請求,建立購物訂單; Q 支付平台處理單元,用於將購物訂單發送至支付平台 ,接收支付平台返回的支付結果; 商家處理單元:連接支付平台處理單元,用於將支付 成功的交易資訊發送至商家,由商家完成交貨處理; 互動單元:用於建立與包括商家及用戶在內的外部設 備的互動; 該中間平台資料庫進一步包括: 商家資訊儲存單元:用於儲存鏈結到商家的商家位址 Q 資訊、該商家的折扣商品資訊與商家的對應關係; 交易資訊儲存單元:用於儲存每次交易的交易資訊, 包括交易的商家資訊、用戶資訊、商品資訊及交易結果資 =ττ · w\ J 該商家還進一步包括交易請求接收單元:用於接收中 間平台發送支付成功的交易資訊,從中獲得用戶需購買的 商品資訊及用戶資訊,完成後續的發貨處理。 1 0 ·如申請專利範圍第9項所述的利用中間平台進行 網上交易的系統,其中, -33- 201101218 該支付平台進一步包括支付平台伺服器和支付平台資 料庫,該支付平台伺服器至少包括用戶處理單元:用於接 收包括用戶註冊及用戶登錄在內的用戶身份請求,該支付 平台資料庫至少包括用戶資訊儲存單元,用於保存包括用 戶註冊的用戶名、密碼、用戶身份資訊、用戶位址、用戶 的支付帳戶在內的各項用戶屬性資訊之間的對應關係; 該中間平台的中間平台伺服器還包括,支付平台註冊 用戶處理單元:用於接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶名的方 式登錄至該中間平台的請求··接收用戶以支付平台註冊用 戶名的方式請求登錄,並將該請求發送至支付平台,由支 付平台認證通過後允許其登錄。 1 1 ·如申請專利範圍第9項所述的利用中間平台進行 網上交易的系統,其中,該支付平台伺服器還進一步包括 分潤單元,用於按照預先的分潤設置定期完成與各個中間 平台的分成結算。 12.—種利用中間平台進行網上交易的方法,該方法 適用於用戶、支付平台和商家透過網際網路進行連接的網 上交易平台中,包含以下步驟: (1) 設置中間平台,建立與中間平台簽約的商家或中間 平台的鏈結; (2) 商家或中間平台將本端的折扣商品資訊同步至中間 平台,中間平台將該商家的折扣商品資訊在預設的鏈結位 置進行顯示; (3) 當接收到用戶的交易請求時,中間平台將該用戶的 -34- 201101218 交易請求資訊和用戶資訊建立購物訂單,並將該訂單發送 至支付平台; (4) 支付平台完成用戶的支付,並將支付結果返回至 中間平台; (5) 中間平台將支付成功的交易資訊返回至對應的商 家’商家根據返回的支付結果完成發貨處理。 1 3 .如申請專利範圍第1 2項所述的利用中間平台進 0 行網上交易的方法,更包含:支付平台根據預先設定的分 潤定期完成與各個中間平台的分潤。 1 4.如申請專利範圍第1 2項所述的利用中間平台進 行網上交易的方法,更包含: 當接收用戶以支付平台註冊用戶名的方式登錄至該中 間平台的請求時,中間平台將該請求發送至支付平台,由 支付平台認證通過後允許其登錄; 中間平台在向支付平台發送購物訂單時,包括該用戶 〇 的支付平台註冊用戶名資訊; 商家接收到支付結果時,從中獲得包括用戶的送貨位 址在內的用戶資訊,以完成送貨。 -35-201101218 VII. Patent application scope: 1 · A system for online transaction using an intermediate platform, where users, payment platforms and merchants connect through the Internet, the system also includes an intermediate platform for providing merchant discount product information, the middle The platform is connected to the Internet, and further includes an intermediate platform server and an intermediate platform database, the intermediate platform server further comprising: 0 a synchronization processing unit: configured to receive a merchant to upload or modify the discount product information provided by the merchant, and The discount product information of the merchant is displayed at a preset link position; the transaction request processing unit is configured to receive a transaction request for the user to purchase the discounted commodity, send the transaction request to each merchant corresponding to the discounted commodity, and receive the returned transaction. Result: interaction unit: used to establish interaction with external devices including merchants and users; Q The intermediate platform database further includes: a merchant information storage unit: information for storing the business address of the link to the merchant, the merchant Discount product information and business pairs Corresponding relationship; transaction information storage unit: for storing transaction information of each transaction, including transaction business information, user information, product information and transaction result information; the merchant further includes a transaction request receiving unit: for receiving the intermediate platform to send The transaction request, obtain the product information and user information that the user needs to purchase, and send the transaction to the payment platform, and return the transaction result from the payment platform back to -29-201101218 to complete the subsequent delivery processing. 2. The system for online transaction using an intermediate platform according to claim 1, wherein the payment platform further comprises a payment platform server and a payment platform database, the payment platform server comprising at least a user processing unit: The utility model is configured to receive a user identity request including a user registration and a user login. The payment platform database includes at least a user information storage unit, configured to save a user name, a password, a user identity information, a user address, and a user including the user registration. The corresponding relationship between the user attribute information of the payment account; the intermediate platform server of the intermediate platform further includes: a payment platform registered user processing unit: configured to receive the user to register the user name by means of the payment platform The request of the intermediate platform: the receiving user requests the login by means of the payment platform registration username, and sends the request to the payment platform, and the login platform allows the login after the authentication is passed. 3. The system for online transaction using an intermediate platform according to claim 2, wherein the merchant further comprises a payment platform registered user transaction processing unit, connected to the transaction request receiving unit, for using the transaction request receiving unit The parsed payment platform registers user information, and links to the payment platform to obtain corresponding user attribute information. 4. The system for online transaction using an intermediate platform according to claim 1, wherein the intermediate platform server further comprises a payment platform processing unit connected to the transaction request processing unit for transmitting the transaction request information. To the payment platform, and receiving the payment response returned by the payment platform; -30- 201101218 The payment platform server further includes: an intermediate platform transaction request processing unit, configured to receive the transaction request of the intermediate platform, and identify the slave through the transaction serial number The same transaction request sent by the merchant, and the transaction result is sent to the intermediate platform through the merchant or directly sent to the intermediate platform by the payment platform server. 5 - The system for online transaction using the intermediate platform according to claim 1, wherein the payment platform server further comprises a 0-run unit for periodically completing and intermediate according to a pre-distribution setting. The platform is divided into settlements. 6. A method for online trading using an intermediate platform, which is applicable to an online trading platform in which a user, a payment platform, and a merchant connect through the Internet, and is characterized by the following steps: (1) setting the middle The platform establishes a chain of merchants or intermediate platforms contracted with the intermediate platform; (2) the merchant or the intermediate platform synchronizes the discounted goods information of the local end to the middle platform, and the intermediate platform links the discounted goods information of the merchant to the preset link. The location is displayed; (3) when receiving the transaction request of the user, the intermediate platform sends the transaction request information and user information of the user to each corresponding merchant; (4) the merchant establishes a shopping order and sends the order to The payment platform; (5) the payment platform completes the payment of the user, and returns the payment result to the merchant, and returns the payment result to the intermediate platform through the merchant or directly; (6) the merchant completes the payment processing according to the returned payment result. 7. The method for using the intermediate platform to perform the transaction on the network-31 - 201101218, as described in claim 6 of the patent application scope, further includes: when receiving the request of the user to log in to the intermediate platform by means of the payment platform registration user name, the middle The platform sends the request to the payment platform, which is allowed to log in after being authenticated by the payment platform; the intermediate platform includes the user's payment platform registration user name information when sending the transaction request to the corresponding merchant; when the merchant receives the transaction request, Including analyzing and saving the payment platform registration user name information as the user information of the merchant, the order includes the payment platform registration user name information when the merchant establishes the shopping order; when the merchant receives the payment result, the delivery address including the user is obtained from User information within to complete the delivery. 8. The method for using the intermediate platform to conduct online transactions according to claim 6, wherein the method further comprises: when the intermediate platform sends a transaction request to the merchant, the transaction request includes a parent flow number; the intermediate platform further Sending a transaction request to the payment platform, the transaction request includes a transaction serial number; the payment platform determines the same transaction information according to the transaction serial number, and sends the payment result of the transaction to the merchant and the intermediate platform respectively; the payment platform completes according to the distribution ratio The division of the intermediate platform is settled. 9. A system for online transactions using an intermediate platform, where users, payment platforms, and merchants connect via the Internet, the system also includes an intermediate platform for providing customer discounted product information. The intermediate platform is connected to the Internet. It further includes an intermediate platform server and an intermediate platform database, the intermediate platform server further comprising: a synchronization processing unit: configured to receive a merchant to upload or modify the discount product information provided by the merchant, and the merchant The discount product information is displayed at a preset link position; the transaction request processing unit is configured to receive a transaction request for the user to purchase the discounted item, and establish a shopping order; Q. A payment platform processing unit, configured to send the shopping order to the payment platform, and receive The payment result returned by the payment platform; the merchant processing unit: a connection payment platform processing unit, configured to send the transaction information of the successful payment to the merchant, and the delivery processing is completed by the merchant; the interaction unit: used to establish and include the merchant and the user External device interaction; the middle The platform database further includes: a merchant information storage unit: a store address Q information for storing the link to the merchant, a correspondence between the merchant's discount product information and the merchant; and a transaction information storage unit: for storing the transaction for each transaction Information, including transaction business information, user information, product information, and transaction result information = ττ · w\ J The merchant further includes a transaction request receiving unit: for receiving the transaction information of the intermediate platform to send the payment success, and obtaining the user to purchase Product information and user information to complete subsequent shipment processing. 1 0. The system for online trading using the intermediate platform as described in claim 9 of the patent application, wherein -33- 201101218 the payment platform further comprises a payment platform server and a payment platform database, the payment platform server at least The user processing unit is configured to receive a user identity request including a user registration and a user login, where the payment platform database includes at least a user information storage unit, configured to save a user name, a password, a user identity information, and a user including the user registration. The correspondence between the user attribute information of the address and the user's payment account; the intermediate platform server of the intermediate platform further includes: a payment platform registered user processing unit: for receiving the user to register the user name with the payment platform The method of logging in to the intermediate platform requesting the user to request login by means of the payment platform registration user name, and transmitting the request to the payment platform, and allowing the login by the payment platform after the authentication is passed. 1 1 The system for online transaction using an intermediate platform according to claim 9, wherein the payment platform server further comprises a distribution unit for periodically completing and intermediate according to a preset distribution setting. The platform is divided into settlements. 12. A method for online trading using an intermediate platform, which is applicable to an online trading platform in which a user, a payment platform, and a merchant connect through the Internet, and includes the following steps: (1) setting an intermediate platform, establishing and The link of the merchant or intermediate platform signed by the intermediate platform; (2) The merchant or the intermediate platform synchronizes the discounted commodity information of the local end to the intermediate platform, and the intermediate platform displays the discounted commodity information of the merchant in the preset link position; 3) When receiving the transaction request of the user, the intermediate platform establishes a shopping order for the user's transaction request information and user information, and sends the order to the payment platform; (4) the payment platform completes the payment of the user, And returning the payment result to the intermediate platform; (5) The intermediate platform returns the transaction information of the successful payment to the corresponding merchant' merchant to complete the delivery processing according to the returned payment result. 1 3. The method for using the intermediate platform to enter the online transaction as described in Item No. 12 of the patent application scope includes: the payment platform periodically completes the distribution with each intermediate platform according to the preset distribution. 1 4. The method for online transaction using the intermediate platform according to claim 12 of the patent application scope further includes: when receiving a request for the user to log in to the intermediate platform by means of a payment platform registered user name, the intermediate platform will The request is sent to the payment platform, and the payment platform is allowed to log in after being authenticated by the payment platform; when the intermediate platform sends the shopping order to the payment platform, the payment platform includes the user's payment platform to register the user name information; when the merchant receives the payment result, the merchant obtains the included User information including the user's shipping address to complete the delivery. -35-
TW98122108A 2009-06-30 2009-06-30 Network transaction system and method using intermediate platform TW201101218A (en)

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TW98122108A TW201101218A (en) 2009-06-30 2009-06-30 Network transaction system and method using intermediate platform

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TW98122108A TW201101218A (en) 2009-06-30 2009-06-30 Network transaction system and method using intermediate platform

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TW201101218A true TW201101218A (en) 2011-01-01



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TW98122108A TW201101218A (en) 2009-06-30 2009-06-30 Network transaction system and method using intermediate platform

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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN104252672A (en) * 2013-06-25 2014-12-31 徐一弘 Payment transaction system integrating cloud service
CN105719174A (en) * 2016-01-22 2016-06-29 世纪禾光科技发展(北京)有限公司 Website platform docking system and method
CN113469691A (en) * 2021-07-23 2021-10-01 重庆世纪禾马科技有限公司 Payment and customer locking method, system, computer equipment and storage medium

Cited By (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN104252672A (en) * 2013-06-25 2014-12-31 徐一弘 Payment transaction system integrating cloud service
CN104252672B (en) * 2013-06-25 2018-01-02 徐一弘 Payment transaction system integrating cloud service
US10043165B2 (en) 2013-06-25 2018-08-07 Yi-Hong Hsu Cloud service integration pay trading system
CN105719174A (en) * 2016-01-22 2016-06-29 世纪禾光科技发展(北京)有限公司 Website platform docking system and method
CN113469691A (en) * 2021-07-23 2021-10-01 重庆世纪禾马科技有限公司 Payment and customer locking method, system, computer equipment and storage medium

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