201006421 « 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明涉及一種電子相框,特別涉及一種自動進入與 切換工作模式的電子相框及方法。 <【先前技術】 ."目前,隨著電子技術的飛速發展,電子相框已為普通 消費者所熟悉。電子相框的功能越來越強大,不僅具有圖 •片顯示、音樂播放及視頻播放等功能,一些電子相框還具 •有電視接收功能,能夠獨立地接收和播放電視節目。 目剛,人們通常通過電視報提供的電視節目時間表或 電子節目導引(electronic pn)gl:am guide,EpG )取得電視 節目時間資訊。可惜的是’許多人會因為各種原因而忘記 喜好的電視節目的播放時間。此外,目前具電視接枚功能 的電子相框不能根據用戶的意願使電子相框自動進入電視 模式或電子相框模式,以及自動進行電子相框模式和電視 模式的切換。而用戶通常將電子相框的常規模式設置為電 子相框模式,其觀看電視節目時必須通過切換鍵來手動進 行從電子相框模式到電視模式的切換,而當用戶由於各種 原因忘記喜好的電視節目的播放時間時,由於目前的 視接收功能的電子相框不能進行自動切換,往往使用戶錯 過吾好的電視節目。 【發明内容】 本發明的目的是提供一種自動進入與切換工作模式的 電子相框及方法,以解決習知技術中能播放電視的電子相 7 201006421 4. 框不能根據用戶的意願使該電子相框自動進入電子相框楛 式或者是電視模式,及自動進 、 -的問題。 式及自動進仃電子相框和電視模式切換 « .工二=述技術問題,本發明提供的自動進入與切換 作模=電子相框,包括—處理器、—電視信號接 .體用播放模組、一記憶體及-時鐘模組,該記憶 ,存儲多媒_,該時鐘模組用於提供其所記錄之當 二二二:電子相框具有通過該多媒體播放模組播放該記 ==的多媒體播的電子相框模式,及播放該電視信 旎接收模組所接收電視頻道的電視節目的電視模式, 憶體還用於存儲至少__雷滿銘Β主 、 7電視郎目表,其中該電視節目表包 枯至〆一電視節目名稱,备一 ^ iS ^ a jt 日_ 卩日石稱母電視郎目名稱對應的電視節 2時間以及播放該電視節目的電視台的標識;該處理器包 Ϊ:^電視節目表獲取模組,用於從該記憶體獲取該電視 參 二表資汛;一時鐘獲取模組,用於獲取該時鐘模組提供 二刖時間;-比較模組’用於根據該電視節目表資訊判 斷备則時間是否有電視節目即將或正在播放;一模式控制 模組,用於在該比較模組得出當前時間有電視節目即將或 正在播放時,控制該電視信號接收模組接收電視信號,使 該電子相框自動進入電視模式或將該電子相框自動從電子 相框模式切換到電㈣式;以及一頻道控制模组,用於在 電視模式下控制该電視信號接收模組將當前頻道切換為即 將或正在播放的電視節目對應的電視頻道。 該自動進入與切換工作模式方法,提供一電子相框, 8 201006421 其具播放一記憶體内存儲的多媒體檔的電子相框模式,及 播放一電視信號接收模組所接收電視頻道的電視節目的電 視模式,該電子相框可執行如下步驟:獲取一電視節目表 的資訊,該電視節目表的資訊包括至少一電視節目名稱, .每-電視節目名稱對應的電視節目時間以及播放該電視節 .目的電視台的標識;獲取當前時間;判斷當前時間是否有 電視節目即將或正在播放;當前時間有電視節目即將或正 ,在播放,、自動進入電視模式或自動從電子相框模式切換到 粵電視模式,以及將當前頻道切換到該電視節目對應的電視 頻道。 相較現有技術,本發明提供的電子相框及方法,在者 前時間有電視節目即將或正在播放時,使該電子相框^ 進入,視模式或自動進行從電子相框模式到電視模式的切 換,这樣用戶既不需要通過切換鍵手動進行電子相框模式 和電視模式的切換,也不會因為忘記喜好的電視節目的播 ❼放時間而錯過喜好的電視節目。 【實施方式】 請參考圖1,係本發明一優選實施方式下自動進入與切 換工作模式的電子相框的方框圖。 孩電子相框包括一處理器10,該處理器分別與一電 視k號接收模組11、一多媒體播放模組12、一記憶體14及 一顯示模組18相連’對該等模組進行控制和參數的調整。 本發明的電子相框具有電子相框模式及電視模式。該 電子相框處於電子相框模式時,該處理器1〇從該記憶體Μ 9 201006421 中獲取所存儲的多媒體檔140,並通過該多媒體播放模組i2 播放該多媒體檔140;該電子相框處於電視模式時,該處理 .器10控制該電視信號接收模組u接收電視節目的信號,並 通過該多媒體播放模組12播放所接收的電視節目。該多媒 .體播放模組12連接有聲音輸出模組13 (如揚聲器)及該顯 .不模組18’該多媒體播放模組12將該多媒體檔⑽或該電視 .節目的音頻部分通過該聲音輸出模組13輸出、而影像部分 通過㈣不模組18輸出。在本發明中該多媒體檔⑽可以為 ❹各種格式的圖片、音頻或視頻檔等。 ’ 該》己隐體14還存儲有一個或多個電視節目表⑷。該 =見::表141可以為參考-電子節目導引而產生,也; 裁i㈣手動輸入而產生。該電子節目導引可從網路下 載,再傳輸至該電子相框的該記 目表…包括至少一電視節目名稱,每一= •其中,該電視節目時間==的電視台的標識。 參節目時開始時間,另外,該電視 二!包括郎目結束時間及/或節目時長等。_ 台的標識可為電視台名稱或 4 j電視 頻道铲犛。典兮带馬用戶編輯的電視台所在的 =道當5亥電視台的標識為電視台名稱時,需要事先 進仃電視頻道參數與該電視節目表工 而要事先 視頻道參數和電視台名之間建立聯繫。應没置,在電 該電子相框還包括一紅外控 遙控器的紅外控制作號, 、’”,用於接收外部 串列信號後送到該處“10:=外控制信號處理為數位 ㈣该處理器10接受該數位串列 201006421 之當相框還包括—時鐘模組16,用於提供其所記錄 e f電子相棍還包括_用戶制模組17,用於偵測 :::在。該用戶偵測模組17可為紅外線感應器,、 φ 圍内_用戶停留的=:可通過在其可偵測範 1柃留的時間來判斷用戶是否存在。例如,若 :疋用戶停留時間的最低值為3〇秒,當該用戶偵測模组17 在可偵測範圍内偵測到用戶停留時間小於3〇秒時,該用戶 ^模組17判斷用戶不存在;當該用戶偵測模組17在可偵 測耗圍内债測到用戶停留時間等於或大於30秒時,該用戶 偵測模組17判斷用戶存在。 該處理器10包括一多媒體檔讀取模組101、一電視節目 表獲取模組102、一時鐘獲取模組1〇3、一比較模組1〇4、一 模式控制模組105和一頻道控制模組1〇6,各模組的具體功 月巨結合圖2、圖3及圖4進行說明。 請參閲圖2,係本發明一優選實施方式下電子相框開機 時自動進入電視模式或電子相框模式的方法流程圖。 步驟S201中,該電視節目表獲取模組1〇2從該記憶體 14中獲取該電視節目表141上記載的資訊。 步驟S202,該時鐘獲取模組103從該時鐘模組16處獲 取當前時間。 步驟S203,該比較模組1〇4根據該電視節目表141判斷 11 201006421 電視節目即將或正在播放,如果當前時間 , P P將或正在播放’執行步驟S206,如果當前 .時間有電視節目即將或正在播放時,執行步驟纏。 其中如果该比較模組104判斷當前時間還未到達節目 -2始時間’但當前時間處於節目開始時間前的—第一預交 -時間段内’則判斷當前時間有電視節目即將播放;若該比 :杈組104判斷該電視節目表141中的一電視節目已經開始 ^仍在播放’關斷當前時間有電視節目正在播放。在 ^施方式中,該比較模組104通過該電視節目表141申的 1目開始時間與節目結束時間來判斷電視節目是否正在播 在其他實施方式中,該比較模組1()何通過該電視節目 表γι中的節目開始時間與節目時長來判斷,也可通過該電 視節目表141中的節目開始時間與一第二預設時間段來判 斷’即判斷當前時間是否處於節目開始時間後的該第二預 叹時間&内,例如,若該第二預設時間段設為十五分鐘, ❹則在電視即目開始後的十五分鐘内該比較模組1〇4均判斷 為該電視節目正在播放。其中,用於判斷電視節目是否即 將播放的該第-預設時間段與判斷電視節目是否正在播放 的該第二預設時間段可為同樣的預設時間段,也可為不同 的預設時間段。該第-預設時間段與該第二預設時間段可 由用戶設定或為缺省設置。當該比較模組1〇4判斷當前時間 有多個電視節目即將或正在播放時,該比較模組1〇4可進一 步判斷節目開始時間與當前時間的時間間隔最短的為唯一 即將或正在播放的電視節目。或者,該比較模組1〇4進一步 12 201006421 根據該電視節目表141的順序判斷排在最前的為唯一即將 或j播放的電視_目。g者,·|亥比較模組1〇4進一步根據 用戶喜好情況判斷多個電視節目中的喜好頻道/喜好節目 為唯-即將或正在播放的電視節目。若當前時間有多個即 j或在播放吾好頻道/吾好節目時,該比較模組1〇4還可 :斷節目開始時間與當前時間的時間間隔最短的或根據該 電視郎目表141的順序判斷排在最前的為唯—即將 播放的電視節目。 步驟S204中,在當前時間有電視節目即將或正在播放 時’該模式控制模組1()5控制該電視信號接收模組^接收電 視佗號’該電子相框進入電視模式。 步驟娜中’在進人電視模式後,該頻道控制模組雇 工制該電視信號接收模組⑽當前頻道切換為即將或正在 =的電視節目對應的電視頻道,所接收的電視節目通過 该多媒體播放模組12進行播放。 ❹ 步驟S206 ’在當前時間沒有電視節目即將或正在播放 時,該電子相框進入電子相框模式,該處理器附的該多 媒體檔讀取模組101從該存儲模組14,讀取該多媒體檔 =,該處理器1〇將該讀取的多媒體檔14〇傳輸至該多媒體田 播放模組12進行播放。 睛參閱® 3’係本發明—優選實施方式下電子相框從電 子相框模式切換到電視模式的方法流程囷。 首先,步驟S301中,該電子相框進入並停留於電子相 匡板式中’該電子相框進入並停留於電子相框模式包 13 201006421 括開機進入’即開機時經由 子相框模式,或者該電子相扩白“電子相框進入電 m子相框㈣以電子相框模式,也 包括開機後正常運行的過鉬由 ^ ^ ^ 、八也 咬仃的過耘中,用戶手動或者電子相框 動從電視模式切換至電子相括 、王电于相框模式。在進入電子相框模 後’該處理器10十的該客拔妙 夕媒體檔讀取模組101從該存儲模組 14中讀取該多媒體檔14〇,兮牵 '、 码i4U該處理崙10將該讀取的多媒體檐 140傳輸至該多媒體播放模組12進行播放。 參 步驟s302中,該電視節目表獲取模組1〇3每隔-第三 預設時間段從該記,_14中獲取該電視節目表141上記載 的資訊。該第三預設時間段可由用戶設定或為缺省設置。 步驟S303中’該時鐘獲取模組皿從該時鐘模組16處 獲取當前時間。 步驟S304中,該比較模組1〇4根據該電視節目表ΐ4ι判 斷當前時間是否有電視節目即將或正在播放,如果當前時 間沒有電視節目即將或正在播放時,重複執行步驟83〇2, φ如果當前時間有電視節目即將或正在播放時,執行步驟 S305。其中’判斷當前時間是否有電視節目即將或正在播 放的方式同前述電子相框開機時自動進入電視模式流程所 揭露’在此不再累述。 步驟S305中,該處理器1〇將電子相框模式進程自動保 存於該§己憶體14中。此處所指進程為播放圖片與/或運行其 他程式的進程。 在另一實施方式下’在執行步驟S305之前,該用戶偵 測模組17先偵測用戶是否存在’當用戶存在時,才執行步 201006421 驟S305,若用戶不存在,返回步驛S3〇2。 步驟S306中,該模式控制模組1〇5控制該電視信號接 收模組11接收電視信號,將該電子相框從電子相框模式切 •換到電視模式。 ' 步驟S307中,該電子相框進入電視模式,該頻道控制 •模組1〇6控制該電視信號接收模組n將當前頻道切換為即 將或正在播放的電視節目對應的電視頻道,所接收的電視 •節目通過該多媒體播放模組12進行播放。。 ® 請參閱圖4,係本發明一優選實施方式下電子相框從電 視模式切換到電子相框模式的方法流程圖。 步驟S401,該電子相框進入電視模式,播放該電視節 目表141中一當前時間即將或正在播放的電視節目。 步驟S402中,該時鐘獲取模組1〇2每隔一第四預設時 間段從該時鐘模組16處獲取當前時間。該第四預設時間段 可由用戶設定或為缺省設置。 ❹ 步驟S403中,該比較模組104判斷當前正播放的電視 即目是否結束,如果當前正播放的電視節目仍在播放,則 重複執行步驟S402,如果當前正播放的電視節目已經結 束,執行步驟S404。 γ驟S404中,s亥比較模組1〇4根據當前時間判斷該電 視節目表141 +是否還有即將或正在播放的其他電視節 目,如果當前時間還有即將或正在播放的其他電視節目, 則重複執行步驟S401 ;如果當前時間沒有即將或正在播放 的電視節目,執行步驟S405。其中,判斷當前時間是否有 15 201006421 即將或正在播放的電視節目方式同前述電子相框開機時自 動進入電視模式流程所揭露,在此不再累述。 “步驟S4G5中,該模式控制模組1()3控制該電視信號接 =拉、’且lljT止接收電視信號,將該電子相框從電視模式切 換到電子相框模式。 - 步驟S406中’該處理器10讀取該記憶體14中存儲 • 相健式進程,恢復到從電子相框模式切換到電 :„子相框模式所處的進程。此處所指電子相框 :=為該電子相框從電子相框模式切換到電視 ^射㈣電子相㈣式進程,並依該絲繼續執行相 關功此。 ❹ 模係本發明的電子相框也可具有用於無效 :式組功能的裝置,如手控開關51的實施例所 位署工開關51可以在開關通道内旋轉到三個不同的 =手Γ相框位置52、自動位置53以及電視位置w 有效。當胃時’模式切換功能 ,切械 處於該電子相框位置52時,模 力能遮罩,該電子相框會-直處於電子相框I; 式 不作模式切換。卷兮车祕 、 時,槿彳+ # 、田。"手控開關51處於電視位置54 f 模式切換功能遮罩,嗜雷早i日t a 士占 式,不作模式切換。在另二==會一直處於電視模 :ΓΓ子相框模式、自動模式及電視模式的選擇, -功*:ΓΓ該電子相框開機時,該顯示模組18顯示 力月b表’供用戶在三種模式之間選擇-模式。 16 201006421 請參閱圖6,係本發明一優選實施方式下電子相框 的外觀示意圖。該電子相框61主要包括電源鍵Μ、向 上切換鍵63、向下切換鍵64及模式切換鍵65。該電源 ,62用於開啟和關閉該電子相框6ι。在該電子相框μ 處於電子相框模式下,該向上切換鍵63用於控制圖片 的上翻’該向下切換鍵64用於控制圖片的下翻。在該 電子相框61處於電視模式下,該向上切換鍵〇及該 向下切換鍵64用於控制電視頻道的減加。該模式切換 鍵65用於手動進行電子相框模式和電視模式的切換。 上述按鍵也可集成於一遙控器上。當用戶通過該遙控器 上^按鍵對該電子相框進行操作時,該紅外控制模組 收該遙控器發射的紅外控制信號,並將該紅外控制 4處理為數位串列信號後送到該處理器ι〇,該處理器忉 ^該數位串列信號後,把控制指令發送到需要控制的模 、且從而進行各種控制、操作和參數調整。201006421 « IX. INSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION: TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to an electronic photo frame, and more particularly to an electronic photo frame and method for automatically entering and switching a working mode. <[Prior Art] ." At present, with the rapid development of electronic technology, electronic photo frames have become familiar to ordinary consumers. The function of the electronic photo frame is more and more powerful, not only has the functions of graphic display, music playing and video playing, but also some electronic photo frames have the function of receiving TV and can receive and play TV programs independently. As a result, people usually obtain TV program time information through the TV program schedule provided by the TV newspaper or electronic program guide (electronic pn) gl:am guide, EpG. It is a pity that many people forget the broadcast time of their favorite TV programs for various reasons. In addition, the current electronic photo frame with the TV access function cannot automatically enter the TV mode or the electronic photo frame mode according to the user's wishes, and automatically switch between the electronic photo frame mode and the television mode. The user usually sets the normal mode of the electronic photo frame to the electronic photo frame mode. When watching the television program, the user must manually switch from the electronic photo frame mode to the television mode by switching the button, and when the user forgets the favorite television program for various reasons, At the time of time, since the current electronic photo frame of the receiving function cannot be automatically switched, the user often misses my good TV program. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide an electronic photo frame and method for automatically entering and switching a working mode to solve an electronic phase capable of playing a television in the prior art. 7 201006421 4. The frame cannot be automatically made according to the user's wishes. Enter the electronic photo frame 或者 or TV mode, and automatically enter, - the problem. And automatic switching electronic photo frame and TV mode switching « . 2 = technical problems, the invention provides automatic entry and switching mode = electronic photo frame, including - processor, - TV signal connection, body playback module, a memory and - clock module, the memory, storing multimedia _, the clock module is used to provide the recorded 222: the electronic photo frame has the multimedia broadcast played by the multimedia playing module === The electronic photo frame mode, and the television mode of playing the television program of the television channel received by the television signal receiving module, the memory is also used to store at least __Ray Man Ming Β main, 7 TV lang watch, wherein the television program The package includes the name of the TV program, and the number of the TV program is ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 称 称 称 称 称 称 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视 电视a television program list acquisition module for acquiring the television data from the memory; a clock acquisition module for obtaining the clock module to provide two time periods; and a comparison module 'for TV show The information is judged whether there is a television program to be or is being played; a mode control module is configured to control the television signal receiving module to receive the television signal when the comparison module obtains that the television program is about to be or is being played at the current time. , the electronic photo frame automatically enters the television mode or automatically switches the electronic photo frame from the electronic photo frame mode to the electric (four) type; and a channel control module is configured to control the television signal receiving module to switch the current channel to the television mode in the television mode to The TV channel corresponding to the TV program that is about to be played or is being played. The automatic entering and switching working mode method provides an electronic photo frame, 8 201006421, an electronic photo frame mode for playing a multimedia file stored in a memory, and a television mode for playing a television program of a television channel received by a television signal receiving module. The electronic photo frame may perform the following steps: acquiring information of a television program schedule, the information of the television program schedule includes at least one television program name, a television program time corresponding to the name of the television program, and a television station that plays the television festival. Identify the current time; determine whether there is a TV program coming or playing at the current time; the current time has a TV program coming or going, playing, automatically entering the TV mode or automatically switching from the electronic photo frame mode to the Cantonese TV mode, and the current The channel switches to the TV channel corresponding to the TV program. Compared with the prior art, the electronic photo frame and method provided by the present invention enable the electronic photo frame to enter when the television program is about to be played or is being played, and the mode is switched from the electronic photo frame mode to the television mode automatically. The user does not need to manually switch between the electronic photo frame mode and the television mode by using the switch button, and does not miss the favorite TV program because he forgets the broadcast time of the favorite TV program. [Embodiment] Referring to Figure 1, a block diagram of an electronic photo frame that automatically enters and switches a working mode in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The child electronic photo frame includes a processor 10, which is respectively connected to a television k number receiving module 11, a multimedia playing module 12, a memory 14 and a display module 18 to control the modules. Adjustment of parameters. The electronic photo frame of the present invention has an electronic photo frame mode and a television mode. When the electronic photo frame is in the electronic photo frame mode, the processor 1 obtains the stored multimedia file 140 from the memory Μ 9 201006421, and plays the multimedia file 140 through the multimedia playing module i2; the electronic photo frame is in the television mode The processor 10 controls the television signal receiving module u to receive the signal of the television program, and plays the received television program through the multimedia playing module 12. The multimedia player module 12 is connected with a sound output module 13 (such as a speaker) and the display module. The multimedia player module 12 passes the multimedia file (10) or the audio portion of the television program. The sound output module 13 outputs, and the image portion is output through the (4) non-module 18. In the present invention, the multimedia file (10) can be a picture, audio or video file of various formats. The "hidden" 14 also stores one or more television program listings (4). The = see:: table 141 can be generated for the reference - electronic program guide, also; cut i (four) manually input. The electronic program guide can be downloaded from the network, and then transmitted to the entry list of the electronic photo frame... including at least one television program name, each = wherein the television program time == the identification of the television station. The time to start the program, in addition, the TV II! Including the end of Lange and / or the duration of the show. _ The logo of the station can be the name of the TV station or the shovel of the 4 j TV channel. The TV station where the code is edited by the user of the horse is the name of the TV station. When the TV station name is the name of the TV station, it is necessary to enter the TV channel parameters and the TV program to establish the connection between the video channel parameters and the TV station name. Should not be set, the electronic photo frame also includes an infrared control remote control of the infrared control remote control, '', used to receive the external serial signal and sent to the place "10: = external control signal processing is digital (four) The processor 10 accepts the digital string 201006421. The photo frame further includes a clock module 16 for providing the recorded ef electronic phase stick and a user interface module 17 for detecting :::. The user detection module 17 can be an infrared sensor, and φ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For example, if the minimum value of the user's dwell time is 3 sec., when the user detection module 17 detects that the user's dwell time is less than 3 sec seconds within the detectable range, the user module 17 determines the user. The user detection module 17 determines that the user exists when the user detection module 17 detects that the user stay time is equal to or greater than 30 seconds in the detectable cost. The processor 10 includes a multimedia file reading module 101, a television program list acquisition module 102, a clock acquisition module 1-3, a comparison module 1-4, a mode control module 105, and a channel control. Modules 1〇6, the specific power of each module is described in conjunction with FIG. 2, FIG. 3 and FIG. Please refer to FIG. 2, which is a flow chart of a method for automatically entering a television mode or an electronic photo frame mode when the electronic photo frame is powered on according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention. In step S201, the television program list acquisition module 1〇2 acquires the information recorded on the television program table 141 from the memory 14. In step S202, the clock acquisition module 103 obtains the current time from the clock module 16. Step S203, the comparison module 1-4 determines, according to the television program table 141, that the 11 201006421 television program is about to be or is being played. If the current time, the PP will or is playing 'execution step S206, if the current time has a television program coming or is being When playing, the steps are wrapped. If the comparison module 104 determines that the current time has not reached the program-2 start time 'but the current time is before the program start time - the first pre-intersection - time period', it is judged that the current time has a television program to be played; if Ratio: The group 104 determines that a television program in the television program list 141 has started to be still playing 'turning off the current time when a television program is being played. In the implementation mode, the comparison module 104 determines whether the television program is being broadcasted in other embodiments by using the 1 start time and the program end time of the TV program table 141, and the comparison module 1() The program start time in the TV program list γι is judged by the program duration, and can also be judged by the program start time and the second preset time period in the TV program table 141, that is, whether the current time is after the program start time is determined. In the second pre-sighing time & for example, if the second preset time period is set to fifteen minutes, then the comparison module 1〇4 is judged as being within fifteen minutes after the start of the television The TV show is playing. The first preset time period for determining whether the television program is about to be played and the second preset time period for determining whether the television program is being played may be the same preset time period, or may be different preset time periods. segment. The first preset time period and the second preset time period may be set by a user or set by default. When the comparison module 1〇4 determines that a plurality of television programs are about to be or are being played at the current time, the comparison module 1〇4 may further determine that the time interval between the program start time and the current time is the shortest to be played or being played. TV show. Alternatively, the comparison module 1 〇 4 further 12 201006421 judges the topmost television number that is to be played or j played in the order of the television program table 141. g,·|Hai comparison module 1〇4 further judges the favorite channel/favorite program among the plurality of television programs according to the user's preference as the only-to-be-played or currently playing television program. If there are more than one time in the current time, or when playing the channel/when the program is good, the comparison module 1〇4 may also: the time interval between the start time of the program and the current time is the shortest or according to the television eleme table 141. The order is judged at the top of the list - the upcoming TV show. In step S204, when the television program is about to be or is being played at the current time, the mode control module 1()5 controls the television signal receiving module to receive the television nickname'. The electronic photo frame enters the television mode. Step Nazhong' After entering the TV mode, the channel control module hires the TV signal receiving module (10) to switch the current channel to the TV channel corresponding to the TV program that is about or is being =, and the received TV program is played through the multimedia. The module 12 plays. ❹ Step S206: When no TV program is about to be played or is being played at the current time, the electronic photo frame enters the electronic photo frame mode, and the multimedia file reading module 101 attached to the processor reads the multimedia file from the storage module 14 The processor 1 transmits the read multimedia file 14 to the multimedia field playing module 12 for playing. The present invention is a method flow for switching an electronic photo frame from an electronic photo frame mode to a television mode in a preferred embodiment. First, in step S301, the electronic photo frame enters and stays in the electronic phase plate type. The electronic photo frame enters and stays in the electronic photo frame mode package 13 201006421, including booting into the boot mode, or via the sub-frame mode, or the electronic phase is expanded. “The electronic photo frame enters the electric m photo frame (4) in the electronic photo frame mode, and also includes the normal operation of the molybdenum after the booting. The ^ ^ ^ and the eight are also biting, the user manually or the electronic photo frame moves from the TV mode to the electronic phase. In the photo frame mode, after entering the electronic photo frame module, the processor 10 of the processor 10 reads the multimedia file 14 from the storage module 14 ', the code i4U the processing 10 transmits the read multimedia port 140 to the multimedia playing module 12 for playing. In step s302, the television program list obtaining module 1〇3 is every third preset time The segment obtains the information recorded on the television program table 141 from the record _14. The third preset time period can be set by the user or set as a default. In step S303, the clock acquires the module from the clock module. The current time is obtained at step 16. In step S304, the comparison module 1〇4 determines, according to the television program list ΐ4, whether there is a television program upcoming or currently being played at the current time, and if the current time has no television program coming or being played, repeating the steps. 83〇2, φ If there is a TV program coming or being played at the current time, step S305 is performed, where 'determine whether the current time has a TV program coming or being played in the same manner as the above-mentioned electronic photo frame is automatically turned into the TV mode process when exposed” In step S305, the processor 1 automatically saves the electronic photo frame mode process in the § memory 14. The process referred to here is a process of playing pictures and/or running other programs. In an embodiment, before the step S305 is performed, the user detection module 17 first detects whether the user exists. When the user exists, step 201006421 is performed. If the user does not exist, the process returns to step S3〇2. In S306, the mode control module 1〇5 controls the television signal receiving module 11 to receive a television signal, and the electronic photo frame is The electronic photo frame mode is switched to the TV mode. In step S307, the electronic photo frame enters the television mode, and the channel control module 1〇6 controls the television signal receiving module to switch the current channel to the upcoming or playing television. The television channel corresponding to the program, the received TV program is played by the multimedia playing module 12. Please refer to FIG. 4, which is a flow chart of the method for switching the electronic photo frame from the television mode to the electronic photo frame mode according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention. In step S401, the electronic photo frame enters a television mode, and plays a television program in the television program list 141 that is about to be or is currently being played. In step S402, the clock acquisition module 1〇2 is every fourth preset time. The segment acquires the current time from the clock module 16. The fourth preset time period can be set by the user or set as a default. In step S403, the comparison module 104 determines whether the currently playing TV is finished, and if the currently playing TV program is still playing, repeating step S402, if the currently playing television program has ended, performing steps S404. In the gamma step S404, the shai comparison module 1〇4 determines, according to the current time, whether the television program table 141+ has other television programs that are about to be or are being played, and if there are other television programs that are about to be played or are currently being played, Step S401 is repeatedly performed; if there is no TV program that is about to be or is being played at the current time, step S405 is performed. Among them, it is disclosed in the process of judging whether the current time has 15 201006421 that the television program to be played or being played is automatically entered into the TV mode when the electronic frame is turned on, and will not be described here. "In step S4G5, the mode control module 1()3 controls the television signal to be connected to pull, 'and lljT stops receiving the television signal, and switches the electronic photo frame from the television mode to the electronic photo frame mode. - 'S406 The device 10 reads the stored and synchronized process in the memory 14, and resumes switching from the electronic photo frame mode to the electric: the process in which the sub-picture frame mode is located. The electronic photo frame referred to here is = for the electronic photo frame to switch from the electronic photo frame mode to the television (four) electronic phase (four) process, and the relevant work is continued according to the wire.电子 Molding The electronic photo frame of the present invention may also have means for invalidating the group function, such as the embodiment of the manual switch 51, the station switch 51 can be rotated in the switch channel to three different = handcuff frames Position 52, automatic position 53 and television position w are valid. When the stomach is in the mode switching function, when the cutting device is in the position 52 of the electronic photo frame, the mold can be masked, and the electronic photo frame will be directly in the electronic photo frame I; Rolling car secret, time, 槿彳 + #, Tian. "The manual control switch 51 is in the TV position 54 f mode switching function mask, and the thunder is early and the day is not a mode switch. In the other two == will always be in the TV mode: dice photo frame mode, automatic mode and TV mode selection, - power *: When the electronic photo frame is turned on, the display module 18 displays the power month b table 'for the user in three Select between modes - mode. 16 201006421 Please refer to FIG. 6 , which is a schematic diagram of the appearance of an electronic photo frame according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The electronic photo frame 61 mainly includes a power button Μ, an up switch button 63, a down switch button 64, and a mode switch button 65. The power source 62 is used to turn the electronic photo frame 6ι on and off. When the electronic photo frame μ is in the electronic photo frame mode, the up switching key 63 is used to control the scrolling of the picture. The down switching key 64 is used to control the scrolling down of the picture. When the electronic photo frame 61 is in the television mode, the up switching key 〇 and the down switching key 64 are used to control the subtraction of the television channel. The mode switching key 65 is used to manually switch between the electronic photo frame mode and the television mode. The above buttons can also be integrated on a remote controller. When the user operates the electronic photo frame through the button on the remote controller, the infrared control module receives the infrared control signal emitted by the remote controller, and processes the infrared control 4 into a digital serial signal and sends the signal to the processor. After the processor serializes the signal, the control command is sent to the mode to be controlled, and various controls, operations, and parameter adjustments are performed.
【圖式簡單說明】 圖i係本發明一優選實施方式下自動進入與切換工作 模式的電子相框的方框圖。 、圖、2係本發明一優選實施方式下電子相框開機時 進入電視模式或電子相框模式的方法流程圖。 自動 模式切換了電子相框從電子相框 電視模式 圖4係本發明一優選實施方式下電子相框從 切換到電子相框模式的方法流程圖。 17 201006421 圖5係本發明一優選實施方式下具有用於無效模式切 換模組功能的裝置。 圖6係本發明一優選實施方式下電子相框的外觀示意 圖。 【主要元件符號說明】BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure i is a block diagram of an electronic photo frame that automatically enters and switches modes of operation in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 2 is a flow chart of a method for entering a television mode or an electronic photo frame mode when the electronic photo frame is powered on according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The automatic mode switches the electronic photo frame from the electronic photo frame. The television mode is a flow chart of the method for switching the electronic photo frame from the electronic photo frame mode in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. 17 201006421 Figure 5 is a diagram of a preferred embodiment of the present invention having means for functioning as an invalid mode switching module. Fig. 6 is a schematic view showing the appearance of an electronic photo frame in a preferred embodiment of the present invention. [Main component symbol description]
處理器 10 電視信號接收模組 11 多媒體播放模組 12 聲音輸出模組 13 記憶體 14 紅外控制模組 15 時鐘模組 16 用戶偵測模組 17 顯示模組 18 多媒體檔讀取模組 101 電視節目表獲取模組 102 時鐘獲取模組 103 比較模組 104 模式控制模組 105 頻道控制模組 106 多媒體檔 140 電視節目表 141 18Processor 10 TV signal receiving module 11 Multimedia playing module 12 Sound output module 13 Memory 14 Infrared control module 15 Clock module 16 User detection module 17 Display module 18 Multimedia file reading module 101 TV program Table acquisition module 102 clock acquisition module 103 comparison module 104 mode control module 105 channel control module 106 multimedia file 140 television program table 141 18