200911210 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明關於一種吸收性物品,更詳而言,是關於一種 外觀上對裝用者不會造成心理上的不舒適感,且可提昇裝 用感的吸收性物品。 【先前技術】 過去作爲吸收體液等排泄物用的吸收性物品,可使用 例如生理用衛生棉、衛生護墊、尿墊等。該等吸收性物品 ,具有:吸收體液等並予以保持的吸收體;覆蓋此吸收體 的肌膚抵接面側的表面的透液性的表面薄片;以及覆蓋相 當於吸收體的穿衣側之非肌膚抵接面側的裏面的不透液性 的裏面薄片。 如生理用衛生棉,固定在內衣的褲襠布使用的吸收性 物品,即使在裝用者的動作中,也容易因腳的動作產生變 形。爲了防止此變形的側漏,有在吸收體側緣部設置側部 薄片的吸收性物品。此側部薄片是層積配置在表面或裏面 薄片的狀態下,藉由熱密封或熱壓花等的接合手段接合。 並揭示有與此相關之將接合上述薄片或吸收體的接合 部分連續地設在吸收性物品的MD方向(長方向)’使該 接合部的寬度具有細的部分與寬的部分的生理用衛生棉( 例如參閱專利文獻1 )。 可是,開示在專利文獻1的生理用衛生棉’接合部以 直線狀連續地被形成在MD方向。因此’沿著身體的彎曲 200911210 彎折生理用衛生棉用的彎折起點並不存在,且會有不規則 彎曲的情形。因此,生理用衛生棉與身體的間隙增加,會 發生經血等的排泄物漏出的情況。又,在接合部的寬度寬 的部分,當剝離強度提昇時,堅硬性也增加,所以生理用 衛生棉會有沿著身體的彎曲不易變形的情形。再者,由於 接合部爲直線無組織,所以外觀上會對裝用者造成心理上 的不舒適感。 相對於此,爲了防止接合部變的堅硬,而開示有藉由 在側部薄片形成曲線狀的具體壓花圖案來提昇柔軟性的吸 收性物品(例如參閱專利文獻2 )。 可是’由於壓花圖案實質上還是朝長方向連續的設置 ’所以需要更加柔軟的變形。又,專利文獻2的具體壓花 圖案’其配置上不具規則性。因此,整體欠缺統~感,所 以外觀上還是會對裝用者造成心理上的不舒適感。 〔專利文獻1〕日本特開2003-243834號公報 〔專利文獻2〕日本特開2005— 323904好公報 【發明內容】 〔發明所欲解決之課題〕 如上所述’在考量到對裝用著造成心理上的不舒適感 的情況’因此必須使用具有創意性的壓花圖案,但由於壓 花圖案的賦予根本上還是會增加了剛硬性,所以對於所謂 的彎折性或表面的裝用感的點來說,反而容易造成功能的 降低。因此’習知的吸收性物品,並不具有可改善對裝用 -6- 200911210 者造成心理上不舒適感的創意性,並且在不能進行彎折性 或表面裝用感也佳的壓花圖案的賦予。 本發明的目的在提供一種關於上述的壓花部,整體是 具有創意上的統一感,對裝用者不會產生外觀上心裡的不 舒適感’而是兼具可積極促進裝用的創意性、和所謂彎折 性或防漏性的維持功能的吸收性物品。 〔用以解決課題的手段〕 具體而言,本發明是提供以下的吸收性物品。 (1 ) 一種具備有:至少一部分爲透液性的表面薄片 :不透液性的裏面薄片;配置在前述表面薄片與前述裏面 薄片之間的液體保持性的吸收體;配置在前述吸收體的兩 側,且至少一部分被配置成覆蓋著前述表面薄片的一對側 部薄片;以及具有分別沿著前述一對側部薄片所形成的複 數個壓縮部的壓花部之縱長狀的吸收性物品,其特徵爲: 前述複數個壓縮部分別彼此分開,前述壓花部,具有:由 形成在該吸收性物品長方向端部的前緣側及後緣側的複數 個第1壓縮部所構成的第1壓花部;與由形成在前述長方 向中央部的複數個第2壓縮部所構成的第2壓花部,前述 第1壓花部是比前述第2壓花部在與前述長方向正交的寬 方向更寬廣,前述第1壓縮部與前述第2壓縮部是彼此具 有關連性的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀的組合’前述第1壓 縮部的排列與前述第2壓縮部的排列分別爲規則性的排列 -7- 200911210 根據本發明,由於是將第1壓縮部與前述第2壓縮部 做成彼此具關連性的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀的組合,且 做成規則性的排列,所以,裝用者不會產生外觀上心裡的 不舒適感,可安心使用吸收性物品。而且,由於第1壓花 部比第2壓花部在寬方向更寬廣,並將複數個壓縮部分別 分開配置,所以吸收性物品中央部的吸收面積可以較廣, 且彎折性或表面的裝用感也佳。 通常重視創意性的情況,如專利文獻2,在中央部的 第2壓花部也設置寬廣的壓花部。但是,如上述,考慮到 彎折性或表面的裝用感等的功能面時,最好第2壓花部的 寬度窄,且第2壓縮部分開。本發明是解決此矛盾的發明 ’在第1壓縮部與第2壓縮部改變圖樣形狀及/或文字形 狀,且做成彼此具有關連性的形狀,而構成兼具上述創意 性與功能性的物品。 更具體的陳述,藉由選擇比第1壓縮部單純,簡化的 東西(即使寬度窄,也不會損害其創意性和與第1壓縮部 的統一感)作爲第2壓縮部的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀, 維持整體創意上的統一感的點爲本發明的特徵。又,藉由 如此的方式,也有可容易進行第2壓縮部的壓花加工的技 術性特徵。狹幅的壓花加工,其形狀複雜的話,則加工會 變的困難,並且纖維等容易塞在壓花部,但根據本發明, 由於第2壓縮部被單純化且簡化,所以壓花加工性不會有 降低的情形。 此外’本發明的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀也可是彼此 -8 - 200911210 具關連性的圖案彼此、文字彼此、圖案與文字的組合的任 一種’圖案是指:含有圖紋、模樣、和色彩的圖案。 又,本發明的第1壓縮部或第2壓縮部可分別由1或 兩種類以上的壓縮部所構成。 (2 )如(1 )記載的吸收性物品,其中,構成前述第 2壓縮部的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀是朝前述長方向延伸的 縱長形狀。 根據此態樣,藉由壓花部可獲得壓接側部薄片與表面 薄片時穩定的強度。此時的縱長形狀的圖樣形狀及/或文 字形狀是指:例如並不侷限於如新月形或I文字這種本質 上爲縱長形狀的形狀,也包含運用創意將本質上非縱長的 形狀拉伸成縱長的形狀。 (3 )如(1 )或(2 )記載的吸收性物品,其中,構 成前述第1壓縮部的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀是進一步由 複數片的壓縮部片所構成。 根據此態樣,增加創意性的自由度提昇所謂創意性的 視覺效果,並且藉由分散壓花部’可同時獲得所謂降低剛 性維持柔軟性的技術效果。此外’藉由複數壓縮部片所構 成的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀可舉出例如由複數的花瓣( 壓縮部片)所構成的花(圖樣形狀)° (4 )如(1 )至(3 )任一記載的吸收性物品,其中 ,相對於構成前述第2壓縮部的重複單位的圖樣形狀及/ 或文字形狀的面積,構成前述第1壓縮部的重複單位的圖 樣形狀及/或文字形狀的面積比例在1 ·5倍至5倍的範圍內 -9- 200911210 根據此態樣,不斷發揮上述的創意性’也不會損及彎 折性等的裝用感。於此,構成壓縮部的重複單位的圖樣形 狀及/或文字形狀的面積是指:各壓縮部是由複數種類的 壓縮部所構成時、或由上述壓縮部片所構成時’以規則性 的重複單位的合計面積予以表示。 (5 )如(1 )至(4 )任一記載的吸收性物品,其中 ,與前述第1壓縮部的深度相較’前述第2壓縮部的深度 較深。 同時對第1壓花部與第2壓花部進行壓花加工時,由 於施加在個別壓縮部的壓力是取決於其面積,所以壓縮部 的面積少的中央部會比壓縮部面積大的前方部或後方部的 壓花壓力還高。結果,以壓縮深度來說,第2壓縮部比第 1壓縮部的壓縮深度深。藉此,可得3次元的視覺效果, 藉由狹寬的第2壓花部的深度的增加,可獲得所謂謀求創 意性強調的顯著效果。同時,與上述(2 )相同,藉由第2 壓花部壓接側部薄片與表面薄片之際,即使是狹寬的第2 壓花部也可獲得所謂穩定強度的技術性的效果。此外,第 1壓縮部的深度是0 · 1 mm至2.0 mm爲理想,第2壓縮部的 深度是〇.3mm至3.0mm爲理想。 (6 )如(1 )至(5 )任一記載的吸收性物品,其中 ’至少即述第2壓縮部分別具有從前述寬方向觀看,彼此 比鄰的壓縮部與重複的區域。 根據此態樣,由於可維持表面薄片與側部薄片的接合 -10- 200911210 強度’且壓縮部是非連續性的存在,所以不會損及柔軟性 。亦即’可謀求到強度的維持與柔軟性的維持的兩立。 (7 )如(1 )至(6 )任一記載的吸收性物品,其中 ’前述第2壓花部的前述寬方向內側緣在前述寬方向比前 述第1壓花部的前述寬方向內側緣還形成在外側。 根據此態樣’第2壓花部設置的中央部的可吸收部分 的面積比第1壓花部設置的前方部及後方部還廣。因此, 在中央部可擴大可吸收的部分。 (8 )如(1 )至(7 )任一記載的吸收性物品’其中 ’前述彼此具關連性的圖樣形狀的組合是可產生觀念上統 一的組合。 (9 )如(1 )至(8 )任一記載的吸收性物品,其中 ,前述彼此具關連性的圖樣形狀的組合,可由下述(A ) 至(D )的其中選擇1種。 (A )由花、花瓣、葉子選擇兩種以上的組合 (B) 由星、太陽、月亮選擇兩種以上的組合 (C) 音値不同的音符組合 (D) 鳥和羽毛的組合 (8 ) 、 ( 9 )的態樣’是由彼此具關連性的圖樣形狀 及/或文字形狀的組合具體的表示。由花、花瓣、葉子選 擇兩種以上的組合,可舉出第1壓縮部是花,第2壓縮部 是花瓣或葉子的組合。由星、太陽、月亮選擇兩種以上的 組合,可舉出第1壓縮部是星或太陽,第2壓縮部是新月 的組合。音値不同的苜符組合’可舉出第1壓縮部爲8分 -11 - 200911210 音符’第2壓縮部爲4分音符的組合。 〔發明的效果〕 根據本發明,可提供一種整體具有創意上的統一感, 不會讓裝用者產生外觀上心裡的不舒適感,可賦予放鬆感 ’還兼具彎折性或所謂防漏性的維持功能性的吸收性物品 【實施方式】 〔實施發明用的形態〕 以下’一邊參照圖面一邊就本發明的實施形態進行說 明。此外,本發明的實施形態,並不侷限於下述的實施形 態,且本發明的技術性範圍並不侷限於此。 又,本發明的吸收性物品是以吸收從身體排泄出的經 血、尿 '排出物等爲目的被裝用在身體的胯間部,但以下 的實施形態,主要是以吸收從女性的膣口排泄出的經血爲 目的的生理用衛生棉的例子進行說明。又,將吸收性物品 的兩個表面之中,朝向排泄部的一方側作爲肌膚抵接面, 並將相反側的另一方側,無論是否有穿用衣物皆作爲非肌 膚抵接面。 圖1爲本發明第1實施形態的生理用衛生棉的俯視圖 。圖2爲圖1X — X的剖視圖。圖3爲第1實施形態的生 理用衛生棉的第1壓花部附近的部分放大圖。圖4爲第1 實施形態的生理用衛生棉的第2壓花部的部分放大圖。圖 -12- 200911210 5爲第2實施形態的生理用衛生棉的俯視圖。 〔1〕第1實施形態 使用本發明第1實施形態的生理用衛生棉1,針對 發明的吸收性物品的整體構造進行說明。 〔1.1〕整體 如圖1所示’生理用衛生棉1形成縱長狀。生理用 生棉〗的前緣51及後緣52是朝長方向的外方呈凸狀彎 的曲線形狀。本說明書中,裝用有生理用衛生棉1時, 配置在裝用者腹側的端部作爲前緣5 1,以配置在背側的 部作爲後緣5 2。將位於生理用衛生棉1腹側的部分稱爲 方部A ’位於背側的部分稱爲後方部C,並將位於與裝 者的排泄部對向的腳口的部分稱爲中央部B。生理用衛 棉1的長方向的長度,可舉出例如100mm至500mm, 想爲150mm至3 5 0mm。寬方向的長度例如30〜200mm 理想,4 0〜1 8 0mm爲理想。 如圖2所示,生理用衛生棉1,具備有:液體保持 的吸收體4 ;配置在吸收體4厚度方向一方側的肌膚抵 面側的透液性的表面薄片2 ;以及配置在吸收體4厚度 向的另一方側的非肌膚抵接面側的不透液性的裏面薄片 。吸收體4與表面薄片2之間配置有中間薄片5等的透 性構件。且,生理用衛生棉1具備有兩片配置在吸收體 長方向兩側部的側部薄片。側部薄片6a、6b的至少一 本 衛 曲 以 端 -> Λ, 刖 用 生 理 爲 性 接 方 3 液 4 部 -13- 200911210 分被配置成覆蓋著表面薄片2。而且,該等構件是可適當 使用習知的構件,並沒特別的限定。 如圖1所示,側部薄片6a、6b具備有沿著側部薄片 6a、6b的長方向LD,形成複數個壓縮部31A、32A、41B 、42B、31C、32C的壓花部20。壓花部20包含第1壓花 部21與第2壓花部24。第1壓花部,是由:形成在生理 用衛生棉1前方部A的前方壓花部22、與形成在後方部C 的後方壓花部23所形成。第2壓花部24形成在生理用衛 生棉的中央部B。 前方壓花部22與後方壓花部23比第2壓花部24還 寬。又,構成壓花部20的各壓縮部31A、32A、41B、42B 、3 1 C、32C彼此分開,非連續性形成。 生理用衛生棉1具備延伸在生理用衛生棉1寬方向的 側翼部F 1、F2。於側翼部F 1、F2,在其非肌膚抵接面側 設有黏著部(無圖示),將側翼部F1、F2朝非肌膚抵接 面側翻折,例如藉由卡止在內衣的褲襠部外面的方式,生 理用衛生棉1被安裝在內衣。又,於生理用衛生棉1的寬 方向中央區域的裏面薄片3的非肌膚抵接面側,設有在長 方向延伸的黏著部(無圖示),生理用衛生棉1是利用此 黏著部與裝用者內衣的褲襠部內面卡止。 從排泄部排泄出的經血等的排泄物,透過表面薄片2 ,在吸收體4被吸收。配置在非肌膚抵接面側的裏面薄片 3,由於爲不透液性,所以,排泄物在非肌膚抵接面側不 會透過,保持在被吸收體4吸收的狀態。 -14 - 200911210 〔1·2〕表面薄片 表面薄片2在裝用時,配置在裝用者的身體側,並且 與排泄部抵接。表面薄片2也可全面透液性,也可一部分 透液性。又,也可由一片薄片構件構成,也可接合複數的 薄片構件而構成。本實施形態,表面薄片2在生理用衛生 棉1寬方向的大致中央部具備透液區域,寬方向的端部側 被不透液性的側部薄片6 a、6 b覆蓋著。 此外,在表面薄片2與吸收體4之間,可適當配置透 液性構件的中間薄片5。中間薄片5是使透過表面薄片2 的排泄物透過吸收體4 ’並發揮作爲使用時緩衝的功用。 作爲中間薄片5,例如可使用與表面薄片2同樣的薄片構 件等習知的構件。 〔1 . 3〕吸收體 吸收體4被薄紙包覆著,吸收保持透過表面薄片2及 中間薄片5的經血等的排泄物。吸收體4可使用例如以薄 紙包覆著在粉碎的針葉樹牛皮紙漿混入1 0 %的高吸收聚合 物的吸收體。吸收體4例如可使用基重400g/m2的吸收體 。又,作爲包含吸收體4的薄紙,可使用基重1 8 g/m2的 薄紙。此外’本實施形態,薄紙在肌膚抵接面側形成有朝 生理用衛生棉1的長方向長長地延伸貫穿生理用衛生棉1 厚度方向的複數個開孔。 〔1.4〕裏面薄片 -15- 200911210 裏面薄片3由於是使用不透液性的薄片構件,所以可 防止吸收體4保持的排泄物等漏出到裝用者的非肌膚抵接 面側。裏面薄片3例如可使用基重2 7 g/m2的不透液性的 聚乙烯薄膜。 〔1 . 5〕側部薄片 側部薄片6a、6b是沿著吸收體4長方向的兩側緣配 置兩個,其至少一部分被配置成覆蓋著表面薄片2。作爲 側部薄片6a、6b,例如可使用氣流不織布或聚丙烯紡黏不 織布(PPSB )。側部薄片6a、6b是以其內側緣6c、6d作 爲翻折端進行翻折,肌膚抵接面側的一端延出到生理用衛 生棉1的外緣5 3,非抵接面側的一端配置成與表面薄片2 重疊。此外,本實施形態,雖是以朝表面薄片側折疊的狀 態作爲例示,但也可不折疊直接以一片的狀態貼合。此外 ,本發明的側部薄片是如圖2所示,朝表面薄片側折疊時 ,也可在側部薄片折縫間塗布接著劑。如此,塗布有接著 劑時,對側部薄片與表面薄片同時熱壓花後,由於接著劑 會滲入表面薄片側,所以會增加側部薄片與表面薄片的剝 離強度,防止裝用中破損的情形。 如圖2所示,中央部B的側部薄片6a、6b的寬方向 內側緣6c、6d被配置呈可從表面薄片2分開。側部薄片 6a、6b,配置在吸收體4的兩側緣,且至少其一部分覆蓋 著表面薄片2,並接合在表面薄片2上。側部薄片6a、6b 與表面薄片2的接合是藉由熱壓花等的壓縮手段以壓縮的 -16 - 200911210 方式進行。 中央部B的側部薄片6 a、6 b的寬方向內側緣6 c、6 d 是與表面薄片2分開的方式接合著。因此,側部薄片6a、 6b的寬方向內側緣6c、6d是當裝用生理用衛生棉1,因 裝用者腳的活動使生理用衛生棉1的中央部B變形時,會 以壓縮部30爲起點彎折。藉此,中央部B的側部薄片6a 、6b會立起在肌膚抵接面側,發揮防漏壁的功用。 又,即使經血的量多,在生理用衛生棉1的中央部, 經血擴散到整個表面薄片時,由於側部薄片6 a、6 b與表 面薄片2分開,所以可防止經血滲到側部薄片6a、6b。 〔1 . 5 . 1〕壓花部 如圖1所示,壓花部20包含第1壓花部21與第2壓 花部24。第1壓花部21包含形成在前方部A的前方壓花 部22與形成在後方部C的後方壓花部23。壓花部20在 沿著側部薄片6a、6b所形成的前方部A,第1壓縮部3 1 A 、第1輔助壓縮部32A交互配置著,接著,在中央部b, 第2壓縮部41B、42B交互配置著,接著,在後方部c, 第1壓縮部31C、第1輔助壓縮部32C交互配置著。並且 形成有與該等壓縮部交互配置的非壓縮部。如上所述,壓 花部20是壓縮部與非壓縮部交互所形成,且是延伸在生 理用衛生棉的長方向的區域。整體來說,雖是形成直線的 但其寬度是第2壓花部24比第1壓花部21窄,該實施形 態中,前方壓花部22與後方壓花部23的寬度實質上是相 -17- 200911210 同的。而且,在壓花部20,側部薄片6a、6b與表面薄片 2被壓縮接合。此外,使用具有開孔的表面薄片2時’側 部薄片6a、6b與中間薄片5也有藉由壓花部接合的情況 〇 圖3是圖1左上的前方壓花部22附近的放大圖。如 圖3所示,構成作爲第1壓花部21的前方壓花部22的複 數個各壓縮部31A、32A的寬方向(WD方向)的長度W1 比構成第2壓花部24的複數個各壓縮部4 1 B、UB的寬方 向的長度W2還長。亦即,圖3是形成W2<W1。具體而 言,第1壓花部21的寬方向的尺寸是3.至15mm的 範圍爲理想,更理想的是5.0mm至1 〇mm的範圍。第2壓 花部2 4的寬方向尺寸是1 . 0mm至1 〇mm的範圍爲理想, 更理想的是2.0mm至7.0mm的範圍。此外,本發明的壓 花部的寬度是指:構成複數個壓縮部的最大寬度。具體而 言,此實施形態中,由第1壓縮部31A的寬度(無圖示) 與第1輔助壓縮部32A的寬度(W3 )所形成的最大寬度 成爲第1壓花部21寬方向的長度W1。同樣的’由第2壓 縮部41B與42B所形成的最大寬度成爲第2壓花部23A 寬方向的長度W2。 如圖3所示,第2壓花部24寬方向的內側緣是比成 爲第1壓花部21的前方壓花部22寬方向的內側緣還形成 在寬方向外側。藉此,形成第2壓花部24的中央部B的 吸收體可吸收部分的面積比形成第1壓花部2 1的前方部 A及後方部C的可吸收部分的面積還廣。此外,「內側」 -18- 200911210 是指:生理用衛生棉1寬方向的中心側(以圖3的1 s表 示的一側),「外側」是指:生理用衛生棉1的側緣側( 以圖3的0 S表示的一側)。 壓花部20接合側部薄片6a、6b與表面薄片2,成爲 側部薄片6a、6b彎折的起點。如後述,在第2壓花部24 ,側部薄片6a、6b彎折的部分比作爲第1壓花部2 1的前 方壓花部2 2、後方壓花部2 3,側部薄片6 a、6 b彎折的部 分在寬方向外側更彎曲。側部薄片6 a、6 b的內側緣6 c、 6 d因爲與表面薄片分開,所以,因裝用者的腳的活動承受 變形的力量時,內側緣6c、6d立起在厚度方向。藉此, 防止側漏。第2壓花部2 4設置的中央部B是裝用者排泄 部抵接的位置,可吸收比設有第1壓花部21的前方部A 及後方部C更多量的經血等的體液。 此外,前方壓花部22與後方壓花部23的長方向尺寸 可依生理用衛生棉的用途適當變更。例如若製品爲適於經 血量是月經期間中之平均量的情況時,壓花部22與後方 壓花部2 3的長方向的尺寸也可以沒有很大的差異。相反 的,就寢時,躺臥時用時、或月經期間中較平均還排出更 多的經血的期間用的製品中,於臀部接觸的後方壓花部23 尺寸亦可較前方壓花部22的尺寸還長。 〔1 . 5.2〕壓縮部 作爲第1壓花部2 1的前方壓花部2 2之壓縮部及後方 壓花部23之壓縮部的平均單位面積比第2壓花部24之壓 -19- 200911210 縮部的平均單位面積還大。這裡’壓縮部的平均單位 是指:構成重複單位的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀的全 積。具體而言,圖3中,構成第1壓縮部重複單位的 形狀及/或文字形狀的面積是指:弟1壓縮部3 1 A與 輔助壓縮部32A的合計面積P ’構成第2壓縮部的重 位的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀的面積是指:第2壓縮部 與4 2 B的合計面積Q。相對於此合計面積Q和P的比 P/Q )是1 .5以上5以下爲理想’ 2以上4以下則更理 比例超過5時,第1壓花部的壓縮部的面積變廣’結 有產生裝用中的不舒適感之虞。 第1壓縮部31A、第1輔助壓縮部32A、第2壓 41B、42B各自的長方向尺寸是l.〇mm至15mm的範 理想,更理想的是 1 _ 5 m m至 7.0 m m的範圍。超過 1 時,因壓縮部的剛性變的不易彎折,由於不易順著身 以不理想。又,超過1 5 mm時’寬方向的力量施加在 壓花部而造成破損時,會有連續發生破損的可能性。 構成作爲第1壓花部21的前方壓花部22、後方 部2 3的壓縮部3 1 A、3 2 A、3 1 C、3 2 C分別比構成第 花部23的各壓縮部4 1 B、42B還低剛性。這是因爲以 力對圖1的壓花部20進行壓花處理的製造方法時’ 在個別壓縮部的壓力是取決於其面積。亦即’壓縮部 少的生理用衛生棉1的中央部B比壓縮部面積大的前 A、後方部C之壓花壓力還高。其結果’就壓縮深度 ,中央部B的壓縮部4 1 B、42 B比前方部A、後方部 面積 部面 圖樣 第1 複單 4 1 B 例( 想。 果會 縮部 圍爲 5 mm 體所 第1 壓花 2壓 定壓 施加 面積 方部 來說 C的 -20- 200911210 壓縮部31A、32A、31C、32C之壓縮深度深(大)。 壓花部20的各壓縮部,由於是沿著側部薄片6a、 的長方向彼此分開形成,所以在壓縮部與壓縮部之間形 有沒被壓縮的非壓縮部。亦即,壓縮部與非壓縮部在寬 向,一部分重複且互相並列。壓縮部的剛性由於比非壓 部的剛性還高,所以生理用衛生棉1會以非壓縮部作爲 衝區域,可柔軟地彎折。 第1壓縮部31A、31C及第1輔助壓縮部32A、32C 可分別爲被壓縮的壓縮部片31a的集合單元,且並不一 要是連續的面。 如上述,寬度不同的第1壓縮部31A、31C與第1 助壓縮部32A、32C交互配置的方式,非壓縮部的面積 廣,所以可更柔軟地彎曲。又,將第1壓縮部3 1A、3 作爲壓縮部片3 1 a的集合單元的方式,可形成非連續的 縮部,且生理用衛生棉1可在長方向(LD方向)柔軟 彎折。 如圖4所示,構成第2壓花部2 4的複數個壓縮 41 B和42B,分別從寬方向觀看,具有與互相比鄰的壓 部 4 2 B、4 1 B重複的重複區域 S 1。此重複區域 S 1 0.5 mm以上7 · 0 mm以下爲理想。又相互比鄰的壓縮部4 與4 2 B彼此的距離雖可由其形狀或配置適當選擇,但以 最短距離來規定的話在〇 . 5 m m以上5 · 0 m m以下爲理想 在1 _ 0 m m以上2 · 5 m m以下則更理想。 如上述,構成第2壓縮部重複單位的合計面積Q雖 6b 成 方 縮 緩 定 輔 變 1C 壓 地 部 縮 在 I B 其 比 -21 - 200911210 構成第1壓縮部的重複單位的合計面積p還少,但藉由具 有這種重複區域的配置可維持表面薄片2與側部薄片6a、 6b的接合強度。另一方面,由於壓縮部41B、42B非連續 性的存在,所以不會損及柔軟性。此外,上述重複區域不 僅形成在第2壓花部24,在第1壓花部21A也有形成爲 理想。具體而言,在圖3的第1壓縮部3 1A與第1輔助壓 縮部32A之間也形成有重複區域S2,可獲得與上述第2 壓花部24同樣的效果。 壓縮部片3 1 a的集合單元是形成以具有5片花瓣的花 作爲主構想之圖案的第1壓縮部31A、31C,第1輔助壓 縮部32A、32C是形成以葉子作爲主構想的圖案。一片花 瓣是形成略橢圓形或淚滴形狀。該橢圓或淚滴形狀的長軸 是以放射狀排列形成大致五角形,而構成中心有空間的花 的形狀。葉子的主構想是形成略橢圓形或淚滴形狀,該橢 圓或淚滴形狀的長方向是形成實質上沿著生理用衛生棉的 長方向。圖案只要寬度不同的第1壓縮部31A、31C與第 1輔助壓縮部32A、32C交互形成的話並不侷限於此,第1 輔助壓縮部32A、32C也可形成爲其他壓縮部片集合的單 元。又,本發明中’各壓縮部或壓縮部片的每一個剖面形 狀(如圖2 ’從剖面方向看到的形狀)並沒有特別限定的 形狀。例如’也可壓縮一個壓縮部或壓縮部片全部,也可 只壓縮周圍,內部形成非壓縮。再者,集合的單元,例如 壓縮部片3 1的5片的花瓣也可每片剖面形狀不同。 圖案是形成圖1、2所示的這種細小的壓縮部片的集 -22- 200911210 合單元,所以壓縮部片間隙的非壓縮部可吸收朝向 衛生棉1彎折之際的各方向的力量。藉此,可各柔 折。 又,根據此實施形態的模式,形成葉子狀的第 壓縮部32A、32C,形成在側部薄片6a、6b的內緣 側。生理用衛生棉前方部A及後方部C的側部薄, 6b是接合呈不會與表面薄片2分開。因此,即使因 的活動承受變形的力量時,可藉由葉子狀的第1輔 部3 2 A、3 2 C,防止側部薄片的內側緣6 c、6 d從表 2剝離的情形。 再者,月經期間的裝用者會感受到身體狀態的 且在更換生理用衛生棉1之際,會因看見經血感受 適。於此,壓花部20A是形成可喚起花與葉子等清 的主構想,所以裝用者在更換之際,可獲得更換漂 用衛生棉1 A的安心感。 如上所述,非連續性形成壓花部20的壓縮部 ,生理用衛生棉1可在MD (長)方向柔軟地彎折 因爲,生理用衛生棉1順著身體的彎曲變形時,由 性部的壓縮部、與低剛性部的非壓縮部的邊界區域 折的起點,使低剛性部的非壓縮部成爲緩衝區域, 花部20柔軟地變形。尤其是裝用生理用衛生棉1 央部B比腹側或背側受到腳的動作的變形力還大。 第2壓花部24容易緩和地變形,所以也可減少對 不適感。此外,本發明中,也可僅中央部B的第2 生理用 軟地彎 1輔助 6c、6 d τ 6a ' 裝用中 助壓縮 面薄片 失調, 到不舒 爽印象 亮生理 的方式 。追是 於高剛 成爲彎 順著壓 時,中 因此, 身體的 壓縮部 -23- 200911210 24非連續性的形成。 一般來說,將壓花部連續配置在不織布的話,壓花部 的纖維密度會變高。在纖維密度高的區域有經血等的體液 附著時,藉由毛細管現象血液容易擴散。這一點,本實施 形態中,壓花部的纖維密度,由於高的區域爲非連續的, 所以即使經血附著,也不會因毛細管現象而擴散,可防止 大面積的擴散。因此,從外觀上也不會賦予裝用者所謂產 生浅漏的觀感。 生理用衛生棉等安裝在內衣的吸收性物品會因步行或 站著、坐著的動作承受變形的力量。這之中,沿著臀部的 部分,因座著的動作承受反覆的壓力,並承受將接合剝離 的力量。爲了對抗該力量,第1壓花部21最好比第2壓 花部24更堅固地接合。第1壓花部21比第2壓花部24 還寬,第1壓花部2 1比第2壓花部24的平均單位面積的 面積還廣。因此,表面薄片2與側部薄片6a、6b的接合 ,在第1壓花部可確保更多的強度。結果,可防止裝用中 的破損,而且,可防止來自破損部分的體液洩漏。 再者,使第1壓花部21的平均單位面積形成比第2 壓花部24的平均單位的面積還廣,在寬度Wl、W2產生 差異,將第2壓花部2 4形成在比第1壓花部21還要位於 寬方向外側的方式,使設有第2壓花部24的中央部B的 可吸收部分的面積形成比設有第1壓花部21的前方部A 及後方部c還廣。 -24- 200911210 〔2〕第2實施形態 圖5是本發明第2實施形態的生理用衛 。而以下實施形態中,沒有特別說明的部分I 態同樣,且標示在圖面的號碼也與第1實施 賦予相同的號碼。 此生理用衛生棉1 0 0中,構成壓縮部之 的圖樣形狀及/或文字形狀的組合不同的點是 形態不同。亦即,複數個第1壓縮部3 1 0 A、 星形形狀,第2壓縮部41 0B在長方向形成 狀。如此,使用所謂星與月亮的主構想,可 統一。 本發明彼此具關連性的圖樣形狀及/或:: 合,是如上述第1實施形態或此第2實施形 念上的統一爲理想。觀念上的統一是指:除 有習慣性的統一以外,還包含在故事性等, 有關連的印象,藉此而被認爲具有統一的情 言,可例舉:由花、花瓣、葉子選擇兩種以 第1壓縮部爲花,第2壓縮部爲花瓣或葉子 、太陽、月亮選擇兩種以上的組合是指:第 或太陽,第2壓縮部爲新月的組合’音値不 合是指:第1壓縮部爲8分音符’第2壓縮 的組合。 該等組合皆爲第1壓花部比第2壓花部 向變寬的組合,尤其’第2壓花部的第2壓 生棉的俯視圖 辱第1實施形 形態同樣時, 彼此具關連性 :與第1實施 3 20C是形成 縱長的新月形 謀求觀念上的 δ;字形狀的組 態爲可謀求觀 了被認爲是具 賦予觀念上具 形。更具體而 上的組合是指 的組合’由星 1壓縮部爲星 同的音符的組 部爲4分音符 還容易朝寬方 縮部爲花瓣或 -25- 200911210 葉子、月亮(新月)、羽毛等的時候,由於其形狀單純且 適合縱長形狀,所以作爲本發明的第2壓縮部特別適合使 用。 【圖式簡單說明】 〔圖1〕第1實施形態的生理用衛生棉的俯視圖。 〔圖2〕圖1 X 一 X的剖視圖。 〔圖3〕第1實施形態的生理用衛生棉的第1壓花部 附近的部分放大圖。 〔圖4〕第1實施形態的生理用衛生棉的第2壓花部 的部分放大圖。 〔圖5〕第2實施形態的生理用衛生棉的俯視圖。 -26-200911210 IX. Description of the Invention [Technical Field] The present invention relates to an absorbent article, and more particularly to an appearance that does not cause psychological discomfort to the wearer and enhances the sense of use. Absorbent items. [Prior Art] In the past, as an absorbent article for absorbing excrement such as body fluid, for example, a sanitary napkin, a sanitary pad, a urine pad or the like can be used. The absorbent article includes: an absorbent body that absorbs a body fluid or the like; a liquid-permeable surface sheet covering the surface of the absorbent body on the skin contact surface side; and a covering surface corresponding to the absorbent body The liquid-impermeable inner sheet on the inner side of the skin abutting surface. For example, the sanitary napkin, the absorbent article used for the crotch cloth attached to the underwear, is easily deformed by the movement of the foot even in the movement of the wearer. In order to prevent the side leakage of this deformation, there is an absorbent article in which a side sheet is provided on the side edge portion of the absorbent body. This side sheet is joined by a bonding means such as heat sealing or hot embossing in a state in which the side sheets are laminated on the front surface or the inner sheet. It is also disclosed that there is a physiological hygiene in which the joint portion for joining the sheet or the absorbent body is continuously provided in the MD direction (long direction) of the absorbent article such that the width of the joint portion has a thin portion and a wide portion. Cotton (for example, see Patent Document 1). However, the joint portion of the sanitary napkin shown in Patent Document 1 is continuously formed in the MD direction in a straight line. Therefore, the bending along the body 200911210 does not exist for bending the physiological cotton for bending, and there is a case of irregular bending. Therefore, the gap between the sanitary napkin and the body is increased, and excretion such as menstrual blood may leak. Further, in the portion where the width of the joint portion is wide, when the peel strength is increased, the hardness is also increased, so that the sanitary napkin has a tendency to be not easily deformed along the curvature of the body. Furthermore, since the joint portion is straight and unstructured, the appearance of the user is psychologically uncomfortable. On the other hand, in order to prevent the joint portion from becoming hard, an absorbent article in which the flexibility is improved by forming a curved specific embossed pattern on the side sheet is disclosed (for example, see Patent Document 2). However, since the embossed pattern is substantially continuous in the longitudinal direction, a more flexible deformation is required. Further, the specific embossed pattern ' in Patent Document 2 is not regular in its arrangement. Therefore, the overall lack of sense of unity, so the appearance will still cause psychological discomfort to the installer. [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2003-243834 (Patent Document 2) Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2005-323904-A. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] As described above, The situation of psychological discomfort 'Therefore, it is necessary to use a creative embossing pattern, but since the embossing pattern is basically added to the rigidity, the so-called bending property or the feeling of the surface is attached. In other words, it is easy to cause a decrease in functionality. Therefore, the conventional absorbent article does not have an embossing pattern which can improve the psychological discomfort of the person who wears -6-200911210, and which is not good in bending or surface feeling. Empowerment. An object of the present invention is to provide an embossed portion as described above, which has a creative sense of unity and does not cause an uncomfortable feeling in the appearance of the wearer, but has a creative effect of actively promoting the use of the embossing portion. And an absorbent article that is a function of maintaining the bending or leakproof property. [Means for Solving the Problem] Specifically, the present invention provides the following absorbent article. (1) A surface sheet comprising: at least a portion of a liquid permeable surface sheet; a liquid impermeable inner sheet; a liquid retaining absorbent body disposed between the surface sheet and the inner sheet; and disposed in the absorbent body a pair of side sheets disposed on both sides and at least partially disposed to cover the surface sheet; and an elongated absorption of the embossed portions having a plurality of compression portions respectively formed along the pair of side sheets In the article, the plurality of compression portions are separated from each other, and the embossed portion includes a plurality of first compression portions formed on a leading edge side and a trailing edge side of the end portion in the longitudinal direction of the absorbent article. a first embossed portion; and a second embossed portion formed by a plurality of second compressed portions formed in the longitudinal center portion, wherein the first embossed portion is longer than the second embossed portion The direction in which the directions are orthogonal to each other is wider, and the first compression portion and the second compression portion are a combination of a pattern shape and/or a character shape having a relationship between the first compression portion and the second compression portion. row According to the present invention, the first compressed portion and the second compressed portion are combined with each other in a pattern shape and/or a character shape, and are formed in a regular manner. Arranged, so the wearer does not feel uncomfortable in the appearance of the heart, and can use absorbent articles with peace of mind. Further, since the first embossed portion is wider than the second embossed portion in the width direction and the plurality of compressed portions are separately disposed, the absorption area of the central portion of the absorbent article can be wide, and the bending property or the surface is large. The sense of loading is also good. In general, in the case of creativity, as in Patent Document 2, a wide embossed portion is also provided in the second embossed portion of the center portion. However, as described above, in consideration of a functional surface such as a bending property or a feeling of mounting on the surface, it is preferable that the width of the second embossed portion is narrow and the second compressed portion is opened. According to the present invention, the first compression unit and the second compression unit change the pattern shape and/or the character shape to form a shape that is related to each other, and constitute an article having both the above-described creativity and functionality. . More specifically, by selecting a simpler one than the first compression unit, even if the width is narrow, the creativity and the sense of unity with the first compression portion are not impaired as the pattern shape of the second compression portion and/or Or a character shape, a point that maintains a sense of unity in the overall creativity is a feature of the present invention. Further, in such a manner, there is a technical feature that the embossing of the second compression portion can be easily performed. In the case of a narrow embossing process, the shape is complicated, the processing becomes difficult, and the fiber or the like is easily plugged in the embossed portion. However, according to the present invention, since the second compressed portion is simplistic and simplified, embossing workability is obtained. There will be no reductions. In addition, the pattern shape and/or the character shape of the present invention may be any one of -8 - 200911210 related patterns, characters, and combinations of patterns and characters. The pattern refers to: containing patterns, patterns, and colors. picture of. Further, the first compression unit or the second compression unit of the present invention may be composed of one or two or more types of compression units. (2) The absorbent article according to the above aspect, wherein the pattern shape and/or the character shape constituting the second compressed portion is a vertically long shape extending in the longitudinal direction. According to this aspect, the embossed portion can obtain a stable strength when the side sheet and the surface sheet are crimped. The pattern shape and/or the character shape of the vertically long shape at this time means that, for example, it is not limited to a shape such as a crescent shape or an I-character which is substantially a vertically long shape, and the use of the creative idea is not essential in length. The shape is stretched into a vertically long shape. (3) The absorbent article according to the above aspect, wherein the pattern shape and/or the character shape of the first compressed portion are further composed of a plurality of compressed partial sheets. According to this aspect, the degree of freedom of creativity is increased to enhance the so-called creative visual effect, and the technical effect of reducing the rigidity of the rigidity can be simultaneously obtained by dispersing the embossed portion. Further, 'the shape of the pattern and/or the shape of the character formed by the plurality of compressed portions may be, for example, a flower (pattern shape) composed of a plurality of petals (compressed portions) (4) such as (1) to (3) The absorbent article according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the pattern shape and/or the character shape of the repeating unit of the first compressing unit are formed with respect to an image shape and/or a shape of a character shape of a repeating unit constituting the second compressing unit. The area ratio is in the range of 1-5 times to 5 times -9- 200911210 According to this aspect, the above-mentioned creativeness is constantly exerted, and the feeling of wearing such as bending is not impaired. Here, the pattern shape and/or the area of the character shape of the repeating unit constituting the compression unit means that each of the compression units is formed of a plurality of types of compression units or is composed of the compression unit sheets. The total area of the repeating unit is indicated. (5) The absorbent article according to any one of (1) to (4), wherein a depth of the second compressed portion is deeper than a depth of the first compressed portion. At the same time, when the first embossed portion and the second embossed portion are embossed, the pressure applied to the individual compressed portions depends on the area thereof, so that the central portion where the area of the compressed portion is small is larger than the area of the compressed portion. The embossing pressure at the front or rear is also high. As a result, the second compression portion is deeper than the compression depth of the first compression portion in terms of the compression depth. Thereby, a three-dimensional visual effect can be obtained, and by the increase in the depth of the narrow second embossed portion, a remarkable effect of seeking creative emphasis can be obtained. At the same time, in the same manner as in the above (2), when the second embossing portion is pressed against the side sheet and the surface sheet, a technical effect of the so-called stable strength can be obtained even in the narrow second embossed portion. Further, the depth of the first compressed portion is preferably from 0. 1 mm to 2.0 mm, and the depth of the second compressed portion is preferably from 〇3 mm to 3.0 mm. (6) The absorbent article according to any one of (1) to (5), wherein at least the second compressed portion has a compressed portion and a repeated region which are adjacent to each other as viewed from the width direction. According to this aspect, since the bonding of the surface sheet and the side sheet -10-200911210 can be maintained and the compression portion is discontinuous, the flexibility is not impaired. In other words, it is possible to achieve the maintenance of strength and the maintenance of softness. The absorbent article according to any one of the above aspects, wherein the widthwise inner edge of the second embossed portion is wider than the widthwise inner edge of the first embossed portion in the width direction Also formed on the outside. According to this aspect, the area of the absorbable portion at the center portion of the second embossed portion is wider than the front portion and the rear portion of the first embossed portion. Therefore, the absorbable portion can be enlarged at the center portion. (8) The combination of the pattern of the absorbent articles of any one of (1) to (7), wherein the aforementioned patterns are related to each other, is a conceptually uniform combination. (9) The absorbent article according to any one of (1) to (8), wherein the combination of the pattern shapes which are related to each other may be selected from one of the following (A) to (D). (A) Choose two or more combinations of flowers, petals, and leaves (B) Choose two or more combinations of stars, sun, and moon (C) Different notes of sounds (D) Combination of birds and feathers (8) The (9) aspect is a concrete representation of a combination of pattern shapes and/or text shapes that are related to each other. A combination of two or more kinds of flowers, petals, and leaves may be used, and the first compressed portion is a flower, and the second compressed portion is a combination of petals or leaves. A combination of two or more types of stars, the sun, and the moon may be a combination of the first compression unit being a star or the sun, and the second compression unit being a new moon. The combination of the notes of different sounds is a combination of the first compression unit being 8 points -11 - 200911210 notes and the second compression unit being 4th notes. [Effect of the Invention] According to the present invention, it is possible to provide a sense of unity as a whole, which does not cause an uncomfortable feeling in the appearance of the wearer, and can give a sense of relaxation 'also has a bending property or a so-called leakproof [Embodiment] The present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. Further, the embodiment of the present invention is not limited to the embodiment described below, and the technical scope of the present invention is not limited thereto. Moreover, the absorbent article of the present invention is applied to the intercondyal portion of the body for the purpose of absorbing menstrual blood, urine, and the like discharged from the body. However, the following embodiments mainly absorb the mouth of the woman from the mouth. An example of a physiological sanitary napkin for excretion of menstrual blood is described. Further, of the two surfaces of the absorbent article, one side toward the excretion portion is referred to as a skin abutting surface, and the other side on the opposite side is a non-muscle abutting surface regardless of whether or not the wearing garment is present. Fig. 1 is a plan view showing a sanitary napkin according to a first embodiment of the present invention. Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view of Figure 1X-X. Fig. 3 is a partial enlarged view of the vicinity of a first embossed portion of the sanitary napkin of the first embodiment. Fig. 4 is a partially enlarged view showing a second embossed portion of the sanitary napkin of the first embodiment. Fig. -12 - 200911210 5 is a plan view of the sanitary napkin of the second embodiment. [1] First embodiment The sanitary napkin 1 according to the first embodiment of the present invention will be described with respect to the overall structure of the absorbent article of the invention. [1.1] Overall As shown in Fig. 1, the sanitary napkin 1 is formed into a longitudinal shape. The leading edge 51 and the trailing edge 52 of the physiological cotton sheet have a curved shape which is convexly curved outward in the longitudinal direction. In the present specification, when the sanitary napkin 1 is used, the end portion disposed on the front side of the wearer is used as the leading edge 51, and the portion disposed on the back side is the trailing edge 52. The portion on the ventral side of the sanitary napkin 1 is referred to as the portion on the back side of the square portion A' as the rear portion C, and the portion on the side of the foot facing the excretion portion of the occupant is referred to as the central portion B. The length of the physiological cotton 1 in the longitudinal direction is, for example, 100 mm to 500 mm, and is intended to be 150 mm to 350 mm. The length in the width direction is, for example, 30 to 200 mm, and ideally, 40 to 180 mm. As shown in Fig. 2, the sanitary napkin 1 includes a liquid-absorbent absorbent body 4, a liquid-permeable surface sheet 2 disposed on the skin-facing side of one side in the thickness direction of the absorbent body 4, and an absorbent body. The liquid-impermeable back sheet on the other side of the non-skin contact surface on the other side of the thickness. A transmissive member such as the intermediate sheet 5 is disposed between the absorber 4 and the surface sheet 2. Further, the sanitary napkin 1 is provided with two side sheets which are disposed on both side portions in the longitudinal direction of the absorbent body. At least one of the side sheets 6a, 6b is configured to cover the surface sheet 2 with the end -> Λ, 刖 using the physiological connection 3 liquid - 4 - 13 - 200911210 minutes. Further, the members are appropriately used members, and are not particularly limited. As shown in Fig. 1, the side sheets 6a, 6b are provided with embossed portions 20 which form a plurality of compressed portions 31A, 32A, 41B, 42B, 31C, 32C along the longitudinal direction LD of the side sheets 6a, 6b. The embossed portion 20 includes a first embossed portion 21 and a second embossed portion 24. The first embossed portion is formed by a front embossed portion 22 formed in the front portion A of the sanitary napkin 1 and a rear embossed portion 23 formed in the rear portion C. The second embossed portion 24 is formed in the central portion B of the sanitary napkin. The front embossed portion 22 and the rear embossed portion 23 are wider than the second embossed portion 24. Further, the respective compression portions 31A, 32A, 41B, 42B, 3 1 C, and 32C constituting the embossed portion 20 are separated from each other and formed discontinuously. The sanitary napkin 1 is provided with side flap portions F1 and F2 extending in the width direction of the sanitary napkin 1. The side flap portions F 1 and F2 are provided with an adhesive portion (not shown) on the non-skin contact surface side, and the side flap portions F1 and F2 are folded toward the non-skin contact surface side, for example, by being locked in the underwear. In the way of the outer part of the crotch, the sanitary napkin 1 is installed in the underwear. In addition, an adhesive portion (not shown) extending in the longitudinal direction is provided on the non-skin contact surface side of the inner sheet 3 in the central portion of the sanitary napkin 1 in the width direction, and the sanitary napkin 1 uses the adhesive portion. The inner surface of the crotch portion of the wearer's underwear is locked. Excrement such as menstrual blood excreted from the excretory portion is transmitted through the surface sheet 2 and absorbed in the absorbent body 4. Since the inner sheet 3 disposed on the non-skin contact surface side is liquid-impermeable, the excrement does not permeate on the non-skin contact surface side and remains in the state of being absorbed by the absorber 4. -14 - 200911210 [1·2] Surface sheet The surface sheet 2 is placed on the body side of the wearer when it is used, and is in contact with the excretion portion. The surface sheet 2 may also be completely liquid permeable or partially liquid permeable. Further, it may be composed of a single sheet member or a plurality of sheet members. In the present embodiment, the surface sheet 2 is provided with a liquid-permeable region at a substantially central portion in the width direction of the sanitary napkin 1, and the end portion in the width direction is covered with the liquid-impermeable side sheets 6a and 6b. Further, between the surface sheet 2 and the absorbent body 4, the intermediate sheet 5 of the liquid-permeable member can be appropriately disposed. The intermediate sheet 5 transmits the excrement that has passed through the surface sheet 2 through the absorber 4' and functions as a buffer for use. As the intermediate sheet 5, for example, a conventional member such as a sheet member similar to the surface sheet 2 can be used. [1.3] Absorber The absorber 4 is covered with a tissue, and absorbs excrement such as menstrual blood that has passed through the surface sheet 2 and the intermediate sheet 5. As the absorbent body 4, for example, an absorbent body in which 10% of the superabsorbent polymer is mixed in the pulverized conifer kraft pulp is coated with a thin paper. As the absorber 4, for example, an absorber having a basis weight of 400 g/m 2 can be used. Further, as the tissue containing the absorbent body 4, a tissue having a basis weight of 18 g/m2 can be used. In the present embodiment, the thin paper is formed with a plurality of openings extending in the longitudinal direction of the sanitary napkin 1 in the longitudinal direction of the sanitary napkin 1 on the skin contact surface side. [1.4] Inner sheet -15- 200911210 The inner sheet 3 is made of a liquid-impermeable sheet member, so that the excrement or the like held by the absorber 4 can be prevented from leaking to the non-skin contact surface side of the wearer. For the inner sheet 3, for example, a liquid-impermeable polyethylene film having a basis weight of 27 g/m2 can be used. [1.5] Side Sheet The side sheets 6a, 6b are disposed along both side edges in the longitudinal direction of the absorbent body 4, and at least a part thereof is disposed to cover the surface sheet 2. As the side sheets 6a, 6b, for example, an air flow non-woven fabric or a polypropylene spunbonded nonwoven fabric (PPSB) can be used. The side sheets 6a and 6b are folded at their inner edges 6c and 6d as fold ends, and one end of the skin contact surface side is extended to the outer edge 53 of the sanitary napkin 1 and the end of the non-contact surface side. It is configured to overlap with the surface sheet 2. Further, in the present embodiment, the state in which it is folded toward the surface sheet side is exemplified, but it may be directly bonded in a state without being folded. Further, when the side sheet of the present invention is folded toward the surface sheet side as shown in Fig. 2, an adhesive may be applied between the side sheet creases. When the adhesive is applied, the side sheet and the surface sheet are simultaneously heat-embossed, and since the adhesive penetrates into the surface sheet side, the peeling strength of the side sheet and the surface sheet is increased to prevent breakage during use. . As shown in Fig. 2, the widthwise inner edges 6c, 6d of the side sheets 6a, 6b of the center portion B are disposed to be separable from the surface sheet 2. The side sheets 6a, 6b are disposed on both side edges of the absorbent body 4, and at least a part thereof covers the surface sheet 2 and is joined to the surface sheet 2. The joining of the side sheets 6a, 6b to the surface sheet 2 is carried out by a compression means such as hot embossing in a compressed -16 - 200911210 manner. The widthwise inner side edges 6c, 6d of the side sheets 6a, 6b of the center portion B are joined to the surface sheet 2 so as to be separated from each other. Therefore, when the sanitary napkin 1 is attached to the widthwise inner side edges 6c and 6d of the side sheets 6a and 6b, the central portion B of the sanitary napkin 1 is deformed by the movement of the wearer's foot, and the compression portion is formed. 30 is the starting point for bending. Thereby, the side sheets 6a and 6b of the center part B stand up on the skin contact surface side, and it functions as a leakproof wall. Further, even if the amount of menstrual blood is large, when the menstrual blood is diffused to the entire surface sheet in the central portion of the sanitary napkin 1, since the side sheets 6a, 6b are separated from the surface sheet 2, the menstrual blood can be prevented from infiltrating into the side sheets. 6a, 6b. [1.5.1] The embossed portion As shown in Fig. 1, the embossed portion 20 includes the first embossed portion 21 and the second embossed portion 24. The first embossed portion 21 includes a front embossed portion 22 formed in the front portion A and a rear embossed portion 23 formed in the rear portion C. The embossed portion 20 is alternately disposed along the front portion A formed by the side sheets 6a and 6b, the first compressed portion 3 1 A and the first auxiliary compressed portion 32A, and then the central portion b and the second compressed portion 41B. 42B is alternately arranged, and then, in the rear portion c, the first compression unit 31C and the first auxiliary compression unit 32C are alternately arranged. Further, an uncompressed portion that is alternately arranged with the compression portions is formed. As described above, the embossed portion 20 is formed by the interaction between the compressed portion and the non-compressed portion, and extends in the longitudinal direction of the sanitary napkin. In general, although the width is such that the second embossed portion 24 is narrower than the first embossed portion 21, the width of the front embossed portion 22 and the rear embossed portion 23 is substantially the same. -17- 200911210 The same. Further, in the embossed portion 20, the side sheets 6a, 6b and the surface sheet 2 are compression-bonded. Further, when the surface sheet 2 having the opening is used, the side sheets 6a, 6b and the intermediate sheet 5 are also joined by the embossed portion. Fig. 3 is an enlarged view of the vicinity of the front embossed portion 22 on the upper left side of Fig. 1. As shown in FIG. 3, the length W1 in the width direction (WD direction) of the plurality of compressed portions 31A and 32A constituting the front embossed portion 22 as the first embossed portion 21 is larger than the plurality of the second embossed portions 24 The length W2 in the width direction of each of the compression portions 4 1 B and UB is also long. That is, Figure 3 is to form W2 <W1. Specifically, the dimension of the first embossed portion 21 in the width direction is preferably in the range of 3. to 15 mm, and more preferably in the range of 5.0 mm to 1 mm. The width direction of the second embossed portion 24 is from 1.0 mm to 1 mm, and more desirably from 2.0 mm to 7.0 mm. Further, the width of the embossed portion of the present invention means the maximum width of the plurality of compressed portions. Specifically, in this embodiment, the maximum width formed by the width (not shown) of the first compression portion 31A and the width (W3) of the first auxiliary compression portion 32A is the length in the width direction of the first embossed portion 21. W1. Similarly, the maximum width formed by the second compression portions 41B and 42B is the length W2 in the width direction of the second embossed portion 23A. As shown in Fig. 3, the inner edge of the second embossed portion 24 in the width direction is formed on the outer side in the width direction from the inner edge in the width direction of the front embossed portion 22 of the first embossed portion 21. Thereby, the area of the absorbent body absorbable portion of the central portion B of the second embossed portion 24 is wider than the area of the absorbable portion of the front portion A and the rear portion C where the first embossed portion 21 is formed. In addition, the "inside" -18-200911210 is the center side of the sanitary napkin 1 in the width direction (the side indicated by 1 s in Fig. 3), and the "outside" means the side edge side of the sanitary napkin 1 (the side indicated by 0 S in Fig. 3). The embossed portion 20 joins the side sheets 6a, 6b and the surface sheet 2, and serves as a starting point for bending the side sheets 6a, 6b. As will be described later, in the second embossed portion 24, the portion bent by the side sheets 6a, 6b is larger than the front embossed portion 2 as the first embossed portion 21, the rear embossed portion 23, and the side sheet 6a. The portion bent by 6 b is more curved on the outer side in the width direction. Since the inner edges 6c, 6d of the side sheets 6a, 6b are separated from the surface sheets, the inner edges 6c, 6d rise in the thickness direction when the action of the wearer's foot is subjected to deformation. Thereby, side leakage is prevented. The central portion B provided in the second embossed portion 24 is a position at which the user's excretion portion abuts, and can absorb a larger amount of body fluid such as menstrual blood than the front portion A and the rear portion C of the first embossed portion 21. . Further, the longitudinal dimension of the front embossed portion 22 and the rear embossed portion 23 can be appropriately changed depending on the use of the sanitary napkin. For example, if the product is suitable for the case where the blood volume is an average amount in the menstrual period, the size of the embossed portion 22 and the rear embossed portion 23 in the longitudinal direction may not be greatly different. On the other hand, in the case of sleeping, when lying down, or during the menstrual period, the embossed portion 23 at the rear of the buttocks may be smaller than the front embossed portion 22 in the product for which the menstrual blood is discharged more evenly during the menstrual period. The size is still long. [1. 5.2] The compressed portion is the average unit area of the compressed portion of the front embossed portion 22 of the first embossed portion 2 1 and the compressed portion of the rear embossed portion 23 is smaller than the pressure of the second embossed portion 24 - 19 - 200911210 The average unit area of the constriction is still large. Here, the average unit of the compressed portion means the total of the pattern shape and/or the character shape constituting the repeating unit. Specifically, in FIG. 3, the area constituting the shape of the first compression unit and/or the shape of the character shape means that the total area P′ of the compression unit 3 1 A and the auxiliary compression unit 32A constitutes the second compression unit. The area of the pattern of the weight and/or the area of the character shape means the total area Q of the second compression unit and the 4 2 B. The ratio P/Q of the total area Q and P is 1.5 or more and 5 or less is ideal '2 or more and 4 or less. When the ratio exceeds 5, the area of the compressed portion of the first embossed portion becomes wider. There is a feeling of discomfort in the installation. Each of the first compression portion 31A, the first auxiliary compression portion 32A, and the second pressures 41B and 42B has a dimension in the longitudinal direction of 1. 〇 mm to 15 mm, and more preferably in the range of 1 _ 5 m to 7.0 m. When it exceeds 1, the rigidity of the compression portion becomes difficult to bend, and it is not preferable because it is difficult to follow the body. Further, when the force in the width direction exceeds 15 mm and is applied to the embossed portion to cause breakage, there is a possibility that damage may occur continuously. The compression portions 3 1 A, 3 2 A, 3 1 C, and 3 2 C constituting the front embossed portion 22 and the rear portion 23 of the first embossed portion 21 are respectively smaller than the respective compression portions 4 1 constituting the first flower portion 23 B and 42B are also low in rigidity. This is because the manufacturing method of embossing the embossed portion 20 of Fig. 1 by force is based on the area of the pressure in the individual compression portion. In other words, the center portion B of the sanitary napkin 1 having a small compression portion is higher than the embossing pressure of the front A and rear portions C having a larger area of the compression portion. As a result, in terms of the compression depth, the compression portions 4 1 B and 42 B of the center portion B are smaller than the front portion A and the rear portion area surface pattern first copy 4 1 B (thinking, the contraction is 5 mm body) In the first embossing 2 pressure constant pressing application area, the compression depths of the -20-200911210 compression portions 31A, 32A, 31C, and 32C of C are deep (large). The respective compression portions of the embossing portion 20 are Since the longitudinal direction of the side sheets 6a is formed apart from each other, an uncompressed portion that is not compressed is formed between the compressed portion and the compressed portion. That is, the compressed portion and the non-compressed portion are wide, partially overlapping, and juxtaposed to each other. Since the rigidity of the compression portion is higher than the rigidity of the non-pressure portion, the sanitary napkin 1 has a non-compressed portion as a punching region and can be flexibly bent. The first compression portions 31A and 31C and the first auxiliary compression portion 32A 32C may be a collection unit of the compressed compressed portion 31a, and not necessarily a continuous surface. As described above, the first compression units 31A and 31C having different widths are alternately arranged with the first auxiliary compression units 32A and 32C. In a way, the non-compressed portion has a wide area, so it can be bent more flexibly Further, the first compression portions 3 1A and 3 can be formed as a collection unit of the compression portion piece 3 1 a so that a discontinuous portion can be formed, and the sanitary napkin 1 can be flexibly bent in the longitudinal direction (LD direction). As shown in Fig. 4, the plurality of compressions 41 B and 42B constituting the second embossing portion 24 are viewed from the width direction, and have overlapping regions S 1 overlapping the mutually adjacent pressing portions 4 2 B and 4 1 B. The repeating region S 1 is preferably 0.5 mm or more and 7 mm or less. The distance between the compressed portions 4 and 4 2 B which are adjacent to each other may be appropriately selected by the shape or arrangement thereof, but is defined by the shortest distance. It is more preferable that it is more than 5 mm and not more than 1 mm and not more than 2 · 5 mm. As described above, the total area Q of the repeating unit constituting the second compressed portion is 6b, and the fixed portion 1C is pressed. In the case of IB, the total area p of the repeating unit constituting the first compressing portion is smaller than that of the period from 21 to 200911210, but the joint strength between the surface sheet 2 and the side sheets 6a and 6b can be maintained by the arrangement having such a repeating region. On the other hand, since the compression portions 41B, 42B are discontinuous In addition, the repeating region is formed not only in the second embossed portion 24 but also in the first embossed portion 21A. Specifically, the first compressed portion 3 in Fig. 3 is formed. The overlap region S2 is also formed between the 1A and the first auxiliary compression portion 32A, and the same effect as the second embossed portion 24 can be obtained. The collection unit of the compression portion 3 1 a is formed by a flower having five petals. In the first compression portions 31A and 31C of the main concept, the first auxiliary compression portions 32A and 32C are formed with a leaf as a main concept. A flower petal is formed into a slightly elliptical or teardrop shape. The long axis of the ellipse or teardrop shape is formed in a radial arrangement to form a substantially pentagon shape, and constitutes a shape of a flower having a space at the center. The main idea of the leaves is to form a slightly elliptical or teardrop shape whose long direction is formed substantially along the long direction of the sanitary napkin. The pattern is not limited to the first compression units 31A and 31C having different widths and the first auxiliary compression units 32A and 32C. The first auxiliary compression units 32A and 32C may be formed as a unit of another compression unit. Further, in the present invention, the shape of each of the compressed portions or the compressed portion pieces (the shape seen from the cross-sectional direction in Fig. 2') is not particularly limited. For example, it is also possible to compress all of the compressed portion or the compressed portion, or it is possible to compress only the periphery and form an uncompressed interior. Further, the unit of the collection, for example, the petals of the five sheets of the compressed portion 3 1 may have different cross-sectional shapes. The pattern is a set -22-200911210 which forms such a small compressed portion shown in Figs. 1 and 2, so that the non-compressed portion of the compressed portion gap can absorb the force in each direction toward the bending of the sanitary napkin 1. . In this way, each can be folded. Further, according to the mode of this embodiment, the leaf-shaped first compressed portions 32A and 32C are formed on the inner edge side of the side sheets 6a and 6b. The side portions of the front portion A and the rear portion C of the sanitary napkin are thin, and 6b is joined so as not to be separated from the surface sheet 2. Therefore, even if the activity is subjected to the deformation force, the inner edges 6 c and 6 d of the side sheets can be prevented from being peeled off from the table 2 by the leaf-shaped first auxiliary portions 3 2 A and 3 2 C. Furthermore, the wearer during the menstrual period will feel the state of the body and will feel the menstrual blood when changing the sanitary napkin 1 . Here, the embossed portion 20A is formed as a main idea for evoking flowers and leaves, so that the wearer can obtain a feeling of relief in replacing the sanitary napkin 1 A when the user replaces it. As described above, the compression portion of the embossed portion 20 is discontinuously formed, and the sanitary napkin 1 can be flexibly bent in the MD (long) direction because the physiological sanitary napkin 1 is deformed along the bending of the body. The starting portion of the compressed portion and the boundary portion of the non-compressed portion of the low-rigidity portion is such that the uncompressed portion of the low-rigidity portion serves as a buffer region, and the flower portion 20 is softly deformed. In particular, the deformation force for the action of the foot portion of the physiological sanitary napkin 1 is larger than that of the ventral side or the back side. Since the second embossed portion 24 is easily deformed gently, it is possible to reduce the feeling of discomfort. Further, in the present invention, only the second physiological soft-bend 1 of the central portion B may be used to assist the 6c, 6d, and τ 6a's in the middle of the assisted compression surface sheet to be unbalanced, and the image is unsmooth. Chasing is when Gao Gang becomes a bend, and when it is pressed, the body is compressed. -23- 200911210 24 The formation of discontinuity. In general, when the embossed portion is continuously placed on the non-woven fabric, the fiber density of the embossed portion becomes high. When there is a body fluid such as menstrual blood in a region where the fiber density is high, blood is easily diffused by capillary action. In this case, in the present embodiment, since the fiber density of the embossed portion is discontinuous, even if it is attached to the blood, it does not spread due to capillary action, and diffusion of a large area can be prevented. Therefore, the appearance of the so-called shallow leak is not given to the wearer. The absorbent article attached to the underwear such as sanitary napkins can withstand the deformation force by walking or standing and sitting. Among them, the part along the buttocks is subjected to repeated pressure due to the action of the seat, and is subjected to the force of peeling off the joint. In order to counter this force, the first embossed portion 21 is preferably joined more strongly than the second embossed portion 24. The first embossed portion 21 is wider than the second embossed portion 24, and the first embossed portion 21 is wider than the average unit area of the second embossed portion 24. Therefore, the joining of the surface sheet 2 and the side sheets 6a and 6b ensures more strength in the first embossed portion. As a result, breakage during loading can be prevented, and leakage of body fluid from the damaged portion can be prevented. In addition, the average unit area of the first embossed portion 21 is formed to be wider than the average unit area of the second embossed portion 24, and the difference between the widths W1 and W2 is different, and the second embossed portion 24 is formed in the second portion. The embossed portion 21 is also located outside the width direction, and the area of the absorbable portion of the central portion B where the second embossed portion 24 is provided is formed to be larger than the front portion A and the rear portion where the first embossed portion 21 is provided. c is also wide. -24- 200911210 [2] Second embodiment Fig. 5 shows a physiological guard according to a second embodiment of the present invention. In the following embodiments, the partial I state which is not particularly described is the same, and the number assigned to the drawing is also assigned the same number as the first embodiment. In the sanitary napkin 100, the combination of the pattern shape and/or the character shape constituting the compression portion is different in form. In other words, the plurality of first compressed portions 3 1 0 A and the star shape, and the second compressed portion 41 0B are formed in the longitudinal direction. In this way, the main idea of using the so-called star and moon can be unified. It is preferable that the pattern shape and/or the combination of the present invention is the same as the above-described first embodiment or the second embodiment. The unity of concept means that in addition to the habitual unity, it is also included in the story, etc., and the related impressions are considered to have a unified love, which can be exemplified by: flowers, petals, leaves Two combinations of the first compression unit, the second compression unit for the petals or leaves, and the sun and the moon are two or more combinations: the first or the sun, and the second compression unit is the combination of the new moon. : The first compression unit is a combination of 8th notes and 2nd compression. In the combination, the first embossed portion is wider than the second embossed portion, and in particular, the second embossed portion of the second embossed portion has the same relationship as the first embodiment, and is related to each other. : In the first embodiment, the 20C is a δ in the concept of forming a crescent moon; the configuration of the word shape is considered to be conceptually tangible. The more specific combination refers to the combination 'the part of the note with the star 1 compression part is the 4th note and it is easy to narrow the part to the petal or -25- 200911210 leaves, the moon (new moon), When a feather or the like is used, since it has a simple shape and is suitable for a vertically long shape, it is particularly suitable as the second compression portion of the present invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [Fig. 1] A plan view of a sanitary napkin according to a first embodiment. Fig. 2 is a cross-sectional view of Fig. 1 X - X. [Fig. 3] A partially enlarged view of the vicinity of the first embossed portion of the sanitary napkin of the first embodiment. Fig. 4 is a partially enlarged view showing a second embossed portion of the sanitary napkin of the first embodiment. Fig. 5 is a plan view of the sanitary napkin of the second embodiment. -26-