200834445 九、發明說明:& 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種新的金流系統整合系統,並能整合資訊流系統或物 流系統的處理方法(以下泛稱本處理方法),本處理方法係包含一種新的金 流系統整合資訊流系統的處理方法、一種新的金流表統整合物流系統的處 理方法、或一種新的金流系統整合資訊流系統及物流系統的處理方法。本 處理方法係以一非固定或可攜式設備,結合支付工具之扣款功能,結合多 • 媒體設備的整合性應用工具,並利用通訊傳輸機制,達到即時資料傳輸、 顯示、匯整及運用的目的。 本發明所屬的技術領域為新的行動金流、資訊流或物流之整合應用平 台設計,其中的資訊流以使用無線資料傳輸方式;金流以智慧卡付款機制 的方式作整合運用;碰整合可攜式的扣款設備。主要改良侧用-非固 疋或可攜式的智慧型絲^設備,以其本身具備之扣款、通訊傳輸及多媒體 資訊處理功能,結合互動式多媒體視聽服務或娛樂,提供廣告消費、網路 籲交易、電視交易、電視育樂等服務,或整合其他感測元件或週邊設備以提 供即時或有價資訊取得之服務…等等功能,並再結合其内建之智慧卡扣款 (或加值)模組,以離線或連線方式驗證交易,以使客戶在使用本設,所提 供之服務後可以此付款機制完成支付作業。若是以鱗線參證及交易方式, 其結帳付雜:欠結算料,透過錢勒魏外接之軌傳誠制,將未 結帳之交易紀錄傳送至結算中心端,以進行清算作業。 【先前技術】 7 200834445 現今的電視購物及網路購物有其侷限性,電視購物必須在家中或固定 場所的顯示設備的節目播放中,以電話call-in或傳真或網路的方式方可 進行交易,網路購物則必須上網選擇付款方式,以信用卡、ATM轉帳、便利 商店付款或貨到付款等方式,以進行消費。因此,習知的電視購物和網路 購物,均有交易上的限制,無法在戶外或公共場所或交通運輸工具或行動 中進行消費交易,帶給消費者的便利性仍然不足。且無法達到「一手付錢 一手父貨」及「貨到付錢」之安全交易服矛务,因此嚴重阻礙此類活動的發 展。 此外,對於交通運輸工具的使用效益上,因習知部分交通運輸工具如: 捷運及公車雖有廣告播放之電子媒體,提供廣告主單方向的媒體播放平 台,且現今的資訊廣播媒體平台為單向傳播資訊,僅能由終端設備傳達資 訊給消費者,卻無法讓觀看者當下與影音媒體設備作資料輸入即時與遠端 之即時資訊中心或影爭服務中心作溝通及使用互動式服務或交易,進行消 費,對於廣告主而言,由單方向的媒體播放所帶來的廣告效益有限,無法 立即產生交易收益。 ‘合上述可知,習知的電視購物、網路購物及交通運輸工具的資訊平 台使用效益尚有諸多改,對目前講求鱗、效㈣資訊化社會來 說’已不符合現代化城市建設的趨勢^ Λ系; 、如今智慧卡或歸㈣g卩智慧卡如預付卡、提款卡、現金卡等,已成 為現代人日巾生活的_部分,幾乎每個人身上都會錢張瓣貨幣工具作 為肖費的付狀工具’智慧卡付款也是一項極為便利且安全的付款工具。所 200834445 以’如果能將智慧卡扣值機變化為一可攜式的設備,並得整合在移動式之 多媒體平台上,對消費者而言,是極為方便的,同時亦能提升交通運輸工 具之政益及貝買方的交易效益’使消費者能在利用多媒體平台所傳達之訊 息後,能立即進行消費服務,甚至付費使用多媒體功能,可達到廣告或服 務與消費付款作業具#連貫性使用模式;消費者亦能在利用行動金流結合 物流平台在不假第三人的情形下提供一種「一手付錢一手交貨」及「貨到 付錢」之安全交易的整合性服務,不但可提昇消費者在交通運輸工具上時、 在行動期間、在進行網路交易時及在電視交易時,使用本處理方法之整合 性金流、資訊流或物流之服務的便利性,擴大交通運輸服務市場、創造多 種新興商機。本案發明人有鑑於傳統金流、資訊流與物流未能作消費者行 動整合之種種缺點,乃亟思加以研究,終能構思一良善的解決方案,期能 增加消費者行細物付款之方舰,錢交通運輸玉狀個效益,並兼 顧涇s者脱爭力之提半,以提供消費者更方便的交通、購物、育樂環境, 並域讓交通運輸業者、廣告商、網路交㈣者、電視交易業者及其他經 呂者提升營收的一種新的金流、資訊流及物流整合的處理方法。 【發明内容】 本發明係||於-種新的金t镇,並能整合資訊流祕或物流系施的 ’理方法(以下泛稱本處理方法),本處理方法係包含一_的金流系統整 合資訊流魏的處理綠⑽下簡稱撼―)一麵的金赫統整合物流 ”統的處理方法(以下簡稱方法二)、或—觀的金流祕整合資訊流系統 物机系統的處理方法(以下簡稱方法三)。本發明主要係以一具備智慧卡 9 200834445 扣款及無線通訊之可移動式或可攜式之智慧型設備、一資訊朋^務中心、一 清其中心、一物流系統,一支付工具所構成。其中,此可移動或可攜式之 多功能設備硬體平台主要功能是提供資料顯示、接受使用者輸入資料、多 媒體影音處理與顯示、雙向資料通訊功能及以智慧卡支付消費的扣款功 能。此可移動式或可攜式之多功能設備上所呈現之即時或動態數位資料是 由資訊朋^務中心所提供;在以智慧卡付款時,若需即時連線清算中心方式, 或是以離線驗證交易,批次結算交易的方式,都是以無線傳輸機制(例如·· 以 WiFi、WiMAX、GPRS、GSM、3G 等)來達成。 【實施方式】 請參閱第一圖所示,係為本發明之一具備智慧卡扣款及無線通訊之可 移動或可攜式的設備1、一資訊朋^務中心2、一清算中心3及一物流系統18 所構成之系統架構示意圖。 1- 可移動式多功能設傷係為一可攜式或可移動式之多功能設備 硬體平台,主要功能是提供資料顯示、接受使用者輸入資料、 多媒體影音處理與顯示、整合具備附加功能之其他模組以及智 慧卡扣款功能。 2- 資訊服務中心係為一可提供數位資訊服務之網路服務中心^,特 •4· .:〒.·,* 別是動態或即時的資訊,或是其他用戶意|^#。 3- 清算中心係為一可提供透過網路或通訊接收前端之設備上傳 之交易資料,並加以驗證及進行結算或清算之結帳中心。 200834445 4-物流系統18係為一可提供貨物運輸服務的機制,買賣雙方利 用此系統將貨物以運輸工具1〇如··汽車、貨車、捷運、火車、 高鐵、巴士、公車、空中緵車、地上電纜車、機車、腳踏車、 飛機、飛行器、船舶送至買方或其指定之收受者。 本可移動式多功能設備1係由以下之主要元件所構成·· 用戶輸入/輸出介面模組Μ ··包含可以提供使用者在人機介面之輸入/ 輸出作業之互動式操作介面,以及文字、影像、聲音或其他多媒體 數位内容輸出。 無線通訊模組1-2:依本設備應用之需要配置單向或是雙向之無線通訊 模組’以提供無線傳輸之功能。例如以WiFi、WiMAX、GPRS、GSM、 3G等電i無線通訊模組做為雙向無線通訊的元件,透過其對應的無 線通訊系統,费遠端之資訊服務中心2或是清算中心3連線作雙向 ^料傳輸;或是以RDS (Radio Data System)射頻模組做為單向廣 播之無線通訊元件,透過其對應的無線射頻廣播系統,接收由遠端 之資訊服務中心2或是清算中心3所廣播傳送之媒體數位内容資料。 全球衛星定位模組1-3 :依本設備應用之需要配置本模組,以提供本 可移動式多功能設備之全球衛星定位功能,透過漁缚位置測定系統 (GPS; Global Positioning System)將目前本設備所在的位置經由 衛星定位後,得以取得其所在位置之座標。 W卡付款模組1—4 ·•依本設備應用之需要配置所需之lc卡付款模組 11 200834445 1 -4 ’ 1C卡係可為預付卡、儲值卡、轉帳卡、現金卡或信用卡···。 1C卡付款模組包含卡片交易之金鑰認證、交易條件檢核(例如應拒 絕父易之黑名早的檢核)、扣款、紀錄父#相關資料等功能。ic卡 付款模組1-4並可與無線通訊模組1-2整合以完成透過無線通訊方 式上傳交易紀錄作批次交易結算的功能。 印表機模組1-5 ·本模組亦可結合印表機模組1—5達到列印交易收據戋 交易歷史紀錄或其他資料之功能。 物流系統係為18 ··可提供貨物運輸服務的機制,買賣雙方利用此系統 將貨物以運輸工具10如:汽車、貨車、捷運、火車、高鐵、巴士、公 車、空中窺車、地上電窥車、機車、腳踏車、飛機、飛行器、船舶送 至買方或其指定之收受者。 支付工具(町或縣智計)發行單位5發行可作Μ貨付款的智 慧卡4給消費者7 ’顧有能對此智慧卡4進行扣款行搞設備i上進行 交易或扣款行為。 本發月所包3 撕的錢纽整合資减系統的處理方法 (方法一)中’廣告業者及多媒體内容業者或資訊服務提供商可透過單 向無線傳輸(例如RDS、廣播)或雙向無線傳輸如卿、肩、%、 甽、WiMAX等)方式,將資料傳送至本發 設備平台可作為播放或處理。 夕1此 本發明所包含之—種新的金流魏整合資訊《統的處理方法(方 12 200834445 L e卡持卡人哗卡片在本發明之交通卫具使用之多功能設備 平台的交易,可以透過無線傳輪方式,將交易資料直接或間接送達清算 中心,輯异持卡人消費之金额及服務摘品提供的賣方應獲得的營業 收入0 x 、本發崎包含之―騎的金流纽整合資域纽的處理方法(方 法)’本發明之交通工具使用之多功能設備平台可作為交通運輸工具派 遣系、’先可包S客服呼叫中心(Call Center)或派遣邏輯處理系統,與 付款整合用途之設備。 ' 、本發月所包3之—種新的金流系統整合資訊流系統的處理方法(方 法),本發明之交通工具使用之多功能設備平台可作為單向無線傳輸200834445 IX. INSTRUCTIONS: & [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a new gold flow system integration system, and can integrate a processing method of an information flow system or a logistics system (hereinafter referred to as the present processing method), and the present processing The method includes a new processing method of the integrated flow system of the gold flow system, a new processing method of the integrated flow system of the gold flow system, or a new processing method of integrating the information flow system and the logistics system of the golden flow system. The processing method is a non-fixed or portable device, combined with the debit function of the payment instrument, combined with the integrated application tool of the multi-media device, and utilizes the communication transmission mechanism to achieve real-time data transmission, display, integration and application. the goal of. The technical field to which the present invention pertains is a new integrated application platform for action flow, information flow or logistics, wherein the information flow uses wireless data transmission mode; the golden flow is integrated by smart card payment mechanism; Carry-on deduction equipment. Mainly improved side-use - non-solid or portable smart wire device, with its own deduction, communication transmission and multimedia information processing functions, combined with interactive multimedia audio-visual services or entertainment, providing advertising consumption, network Call for services such as trading, TV trading, TV entertainment, or integrating other sensing components or peripherals to provide instant or valuable information, etc., combined with its built-in smart card debit (or added value) The module validates the transaction offline or online, so that the customer can use the payment mechanism to complete the payment operation after using the service provided by the user. If it is based on the scales and the transaction method, the checkout will be complicated: the settlement of the debts will be transmitted through the Qianle Wei external route, and the unrecorded transaction records will be transmitted to the settlement center for liquidation. [Prior Art] 7 200834445 Today's TV shopping and online shopping have their limitations. TV shopping must be performed at the home or in a fixed-place display device, by phone call-in or fax or network. For transactions, online shopping requires an online payment method, which can be used for credit card, ATM transfer, convenience store payment or cash on delivery. Therefore, the conventional TV shopping and online shopping have transaction restrictions, and it is impossible to conduct consumer transactions in outdoor or public places or transportation vehicles or actions, and the convenience to consumers is still insufficient. Moreover, it is impossible to achieve the security transaction service of “one-handedly paying one-handed parent goods” and “paying for goods”, thus seriously hindering the development of such activities. In addition, for the use efficiency of transportation vehicles, some of the transportation tools such as: MRT and bus have electronic media for advertising, providing a single-media media broadcasting platform for advertisers, and today's information broadcasting media platform is single. To disseminate information, the information can only be conveyed to the consumer by the terminal device, but the viewer cannot immediately input data with the audio-visual media device to communicate with the instant information center or the video service center at the remote end and use the interactive service or transaction. For consumption, for advertisers, the advertising benefits brought by one-way media playback are limited, and the transaction revenue cannot be immediately generated. 'As can be seen from the above, the benefits of the information platform for traditional TV shopping, online shopping and transportation tools have changed a lot. For the current information scale and effectiveness (4) Information society, 'has not met the trend of modern city construction^ Λ系; Nowadays, smart cards or (4) g卩 smart cards such as prepaid cards, ATM cards, cash cards, etc., have become part of the life of modern people's day towels, almost everyone will have money and money tools as Xiao Fei The payment tool 'Smart Card Payments' is also an extremely convenient and secure payment tool. 200834445, 'If you can change the smart card check-in machine to a portable device and integrate it on the mobile multimedia platform, it is very convenient for consumers, and it can also improve transportation tools. The benefits and benefits of the buyer's transaction enable consumers to use the multimedia platform to immediately deliver consumer services, even pay for multimedia features, to achieve consistent use of advertising or service and consumer payment operations. Mode; consumers can also provide an integrated service of “one-handed delivery” and “goods-to-pay” secure transactions by using the action flow combined with the logistics platform without a third party. Expanding transportation services by enhancing the convenience of integrated cash flow, information flow or logistics services using this process when consumers are on transportation, during operations, during online transactions, and during TV transactions Market, create a variety of new business opportunities. In view of the shortcomings of traditional gold flow, information flow and logistics that cannot be integrated into consumer action, the inventor of this case has researched and can finally conceive a good solution, which can increase the payment of fines by consumers. Fangfang, money transportation and jade-like benefits, and take care of the squatter to provide consumers with more convenient transportation, shopping, recreation environment, and the transportation industry, advertisers, networks A new approach to the processing of gold flow, information flow and logistics for the exchange of (4), TV traders and other developers. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is a new type of gold town, and can integrate the information flow or the logistics system (hereinafter referred to as the processing method), and the processing method includes a gold flow. System integration information flow Wei processing green (10) 撼 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Method (hereinafter referred to as method three). The present invention mainly adopts a portable or portable intelligent device with smart card 9 200834445 deduction and wireless communication, an information service center, a clear center, and a The logistics system is composed of a payment tool. Among them, the main function of the removable or portable multi-function device hardware platform is to provide data display, accept user input data, multimedia audio-visual processing and display, two-way data communication function and Smart card payment deduction function. The real-time or dynamic digital data presented on this portable or portable multi-function device is provided by the information center; in the smart card At the time of payment, if you need to instantly connect to the clearing center, or to verify the transaction offline, the way of batch settlement transactions is achieved by wireless transmission mechanism (for example, WiFi, WiMAX, GPRS, GSM, 3G, etc.). [Embodiment] Please refer to the first figure, which is a portable or portable device with smart card charging and wireless communication, and an information service center 2, a clearing center 3 And a schematic diagram of the system architecture formed by a logistics system 18. 1- Mobile multi-function injury system is a portable or portable multi-function device hardware platform, the main function is to provide data display, accept user input Data, multimedia audio and video processing and display, integration of other modules with additional functions and smart card deduction function. 2- Information Service Center is a network service center that provides digital information services ^, special 4· ..〒 .·,* Don't be dynamic or instant information, or other user's intentions|^#. 3- Clearing Center is a transaction data that can be uploaded by the device that receives the front end through the network or communication, and is verified and verified. Bank settlement or clearing settlement center. 200834445 4-Logistics system 18 is a mechanism for providing cargo transportation services. Buyers and sellers use this system to transport goods to vehicles such as cars, trucks, MRT, trains, etc. High-speed rail, bus, bus, air brake, ground cable car, locomotive, bicycle, aircraft, aircraft, ship to the buyer or its designated recipient. This portable multi-function device 1 is composed of the following main components · User input/output interface module Μ ··························································································· 2: Configure one-way or two-way wireless communication module to provide wireless transmission function according to the needs of this device application. For example, WiFi, WiMAX, GPRS, GSM, 3G, etc., as the two-way wireless communication component, through the corresponding wireless communication system, the remote information service center 2 or the clearing center 3 connection Bidirectional data transmission; or RDS (Radio Data System) RF module as a one-way broadcast wireless communication component, through its corresponding radio frequency broadcasting system, receiving remote information service center 2 or clearing center 3 Media digital content data broadcasted. Global Positioning System Module 1-3: This module is configured according to the needs of this equipment application to provide the global satellite positioning function of the mobile multi-function device, which will be currently adopted by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Once the location of the device is located via satellite, the coordinates of its location can be obtained. W card payment module 1-4 ·• Configure the required lc card payment module according to the needs of this device application. 200834445 1 -4 ' 1C card can be prepaid card, stored value card, debit card, cash card or credit card ···. The 1C card payment module includes the key authentication of the card transaction, the check of the transaction condition (for example, the check of the black name of the father should be rejected), the deduction, and the record of the parent # related information. The ic card payment module 1-4 can be integrated with the wireless communication module 1-2 to complete the function of uploading transaction records through wireless communication for batch transaction settlement. Printer Module 1-5 · This module can also be used in conjunction with Printer Module 1-5 to print transaction receipts, transaction history records or other data. The logistics system is a mechanism that provides cargo transportation services. Buyers and sellers use this system to transport goods to vehicles 10 such as: cars, trucks, MRT, trains, high-speed rail, buses, buses, aerial vehicles, and electric ground. Cars, locomotives, bicycles, airplanes, aircraft, ships are delivered to the buyer or their designated recipients. The payment instrument (machi or county wisdom meter) issuance unit 5 issues a smart card 4 that can be used for payment of goods to the consumer 7 ‘Gu You can debit the smart card 4 to engage in the transaction or deduction. In the processing method (method 1) of the money-and-contracting credit reduction system (method 1), the advertisers and multimedia content providers or information service providers can transmit wirelessly through one-way wireless transmission (such as RDS, broadcast) or two-way wireless transmission. Such as Qing, shoulder, %, 甽, WiMAX, etc., the data can be transmitted to the local device platform for playback or processing.夕1This is a new processing method of the Golden Flow Wei integration information contained in the present invention (Part 12 200834445 L e card holder card in the transaction of the multi-function device platform used in the traffic aid of the present invention, The transaction data can be directly or indirectly transferred to the clearing center through the wireless transfer method. The amount of the cardholder's consumption and the service revenue provided by the seller are 0 x. New integrated processing method (method) 'The multi-functional device platform used in the vehicle of the present invention can be used as a transportation dispatching system, a 'first callable S call center call center (Call Center) or a dispatch logic processing system, and The device for the purpose of payment integration. ', the method of processing the information flow system of the new gold flow system integrated in the package of the present month, the multi-function device platform used by the vehicle of the invention can be used as the one-way wireless transmission
(例如RDS、廣播)或雙向無線傳輸(如:GSM、GPRS、3G、刪、職AX 等)與付款整合用途之設備。 本發明所錄之-種新的金流祕整合資訊流純的處理方法 (方法)本發明之父通工具使用之多功能設備平台可作為 全球位置測定系統(GPS)與付款整合用途之設備。 本發明所包含之一種新的金流系統整合物流系統的處理方法(方 法二),本發明之交通工具使用之多功能設備平台可作為物流 業者之送貨相關資訊處理與付款整合用途条_。 本發明所包含之一種新的金流系統整合資訊流系統及物流系統的 處理方法(方法三),本發明之交通工具使用之多功能設備平 台可作為綜合上述之資訊及物流處理等功能與付款功能等用 13 200834445 途之整合設備。 本發明之具有多種應用方式。依照不同之應用需要具有不同的使 用方式。以下針對幾種不同的應用所對應之使用模式實施案 例加以說明。 第一個應用實施案例: 本發明之一種新的金流系統整合資訊流系統及物流系統18的處理方 法,其一種應用是使用交通工具使用之多功能設備平台1作廣告(或數位 内容、多媒體内容)的下載及播放、消費(如:車實、育樂、購物)、交易 資料處理與列印、清算。其使用之程序如下所述(包含廣告内容下載及播 放、消費、付款、資料處理、清算等程序): a·廣告(或數拉内容、多媒體内容)下載:將廣告内容由資訊服務 中心2下載至父通運輸工具ι〇(如:車子)上的用多功能設備平台 1 +。資訊服務中心2端可由廣告業者或其他廣告系統平台經營 業者(或稱廣告商15)所經營,朗或以其他合作方式使用其資 料儲存,更新或下載之服務。 b.廣告(或數位内容、多媒體内容)播放:賴通工具上使用的 多功能設備平台1作廣告内容之播放,行鎖產品或服務予車上乘 客。 C·購物消費或内容資訊(如數位或多媒體)服務消費: 1·購物消費:消費者或持卡人7看到欲消費的商品11或服務, 輸入或選擇購買項次相關資料並執行購買作業,請參閱第一 圖之流程(步驟a-1〜q)。此種交通運輸工具上購物消費服務屬 於本發明之本發明之金流系統整合資訊流系統及物流系統18 之處理方法的應用。 ii·資訊内容(如數位或多媒體)服務消費:由資訊服務 中心2下載消費者或持卡人7所消費的資月艮務至交通運輸工具 上的多功能設備平台1中,請參閱第二圖之流程(步驟a〜k)。 此種交通運輸工具上資訊内容(如數位或多媒體)服務消費屬 於本發明之金流系統整合資訊流系統之處理方法的應用。 扣款:消費者或持卡人7若是使用需付費之多媒體内容資訊服 務,則於交通運輸工具上的多功能設備平台1上以智慧卡4進行 付款作業。械費者絲卡人7若是在规運輸卫具上的多功能 没備平台1上使用購買物品或服務的功能,則依照商業模式的付 款規劃,可即時以交通運輸工具上之多功能設備平台1上以智慧 卡4進行付款作業,或是務後當物流業者ig貨物配送給消費者 或持卡人7紋之地點時,以「貨騎款」方式完成錄的支付。 提供服務魏制印:顧客朗交通運輸^柄乡功能設備平 口1硬體播放或整合運用付冑所取得之資訊内容或軟體程式。 消費者或持卡人7若是在交通運輪工具上的多功能設備平台u 使用購買物品或服務,且使用「貨到付款」方式時,#物流業者 200834445 19接獲賣方12之貨物配送之指示後,將其訂購貨物11送至消費 者或持卡人7所指定的地點給收貨人後,物流業者19使用本發 明之交通運輸工具上用多功能設備平台1,可接受消費者或持卡 人7以智慧卡4完成付款作業。 g·交通運輸工具上的多功能設備平台1匯整於其設備上所作的交易 紀錄,以批次或即時方式傳送到清算中心3之系統中,並驗證 交易為合法有效後,送到支付工具發行單位5,由支付工具發行 單位5依照各項交易應當核撥給資訊服務中心2(其對象主要是 多媒體内容業者或資訊月艮務提供商13),賣方(或稱販售商)12, 及物流業者19(亦可能是間接付款方式,例如由販售商付給物流 業者19)等對象應獲得的交易應得費用。若消費者或持卡人7使 用的智慧卡4為預付卡,其在使用此卡消費前,必須已經先經 過付費程序以加值其智慧卡中的電子錢金額;若消費者或持卡人 7使用的智慧卡4為信用卡,則由支付工具發行單位於其消費後 定期通知其繳納消費金額。 第二個應用實施案例: 拇明之-麵的金流系統整合資訊流系統的處理_,其一種應用 疋以本發明之交通運輸工具上的多功能設備平台i作為交通工具團隊(如 計程轉)轉撕款整合崎之賴。運財設紅絲定赠統之功 月匕可對仃控派遣中心8端回報位置,中心端亦可主動以數位資訊傳輸或 200834445 語音傳輸方式與本設備作通訊,本設備亦可提供為晶片卡付款之驗卡設 儀,並可作收據列印。其使用之程序如下所述: 1. 位置定位:以交通工具使用之多功能設備平台i中之全球定位 系統模組1-3與多顆衛星通訊時間計算本 置。 2. 位置顯示:依照本設備之全球定赠統模組卜3測得之經緯度 位置,顯示於本設備之用戶輸出介面模組設備1一〗上。設備上亦 可搭配將電子地圖顯示於其輸出介面模組Μ(如LCD)之電子地 圖軟體,便於交通運輸工具上人員辨識其所在之地理位置。 3. 位置回報·將本没備之全球定位,系統模組卜3測得之經緯度位 置,透過本設備所配備之無線通訊模組卜2,傳送給行控派遣中 心8端,魏減行祕翁所纽[,並作域統運輸工具 派遣調度安排之參考依據。 4. 交通運輸工具派遣:透過本設備所配備之無線通訊模組卜2,由 行控派遣巾d通知交通膽q上人料行交通職工具之調 度與派遣。 5. 智慧卡付費及結算:交通運輸工具上的消費者或持卡人7需要作 付款時,可使用本設備之智慧卡付款模組%_本設備作為 接觸式智慧卡或非接觸式智慧卡之付款設備。刷卡後,其交易紀 錄相關資料會記騎本設備之記憶體中。當需作結算時,再透過 17 200834445 本設備所配備之無線通訊模組1-2,將未結算之交易紀錄相關資 料送到結算中心3進行清算,撥款等作業。 6.提供服務或收據列印:顧客使用交通工具使用之多功能設備平台 1硬體作智慧卡4付款後,可以印表機模組列印付費之收據。 7·清算作業:隨後由此交通工具使用之多功能設備平台1中讀出 未結算之交易紀錄,送到清算中心3進行清算之後,通知收取消 費者或持卡人7現金(可為預付或是後付的方式)之銀行,作請 求撥款的作業。 上一個應用實施案例中,亦可延伸將本發明之交通運輸工具上的多功 能設備平台1作為人身保全設備之使用。消費者或持卡人7上交通運輸工 具後’可使用本設備之智慧卡付款模組1—4,作接觸式智慧卡或非接觸式智 慧卡之付款設備作讀卡及驗卡之操作,以確認持卡者身分,並將此卡片用 戶身分資料透過本設備之無線通訊模組丨一2傳出至人身保全監控中心9或 行控派遣中心8。若本設備有配備全球定位系統模組卜3,亦可搭配運用其 全球定位系統之功能,可對人身保全監控中心9或是行控派遣中心8回報 位置’中心端可由監控到此持卡者已經在何時,何地搭上交通運輸^具, 並由先前已建立的設備,交通運輸工具及司機等資料專赤;,推斷持卡者乘 坐的交通運輸工具,亦可知道此持卡人7搭乘此交通運輸工具行經路線, 到達地點,經過時間,對於持卡人7之搭乘交通運輸工具後的行蹤充分掌 握及監控’可對於持卡人7搭乘交通運輸工具的安全更有保障。 18 200834445 此外,上個應用實施案例中,亦可延伸將本發明之交通工具使用之多 功能設備平台1與交通運輸工具紀錄如行輪錄旨)或里程計量或計費 整合為-。行車紀錄器是一種安·車輛上,用來記錄行車途中,車輛行 馱過程、引擎、機械設備運轉相關狀況的設備,能夠記錄、儲存、顯示、 列印車輛運行速度、_、里程及有關車輛運行安全他雜資訊的數 位式電子賴裝置。能_記騎車狀況、紀錄資料無法重複及無法改寫 是記錄行車資制三魏本制。本發備可整合_般行輪錄器或里 程計之里料算功能,使用於絲車輛之里糾費,並將其車資透過介面 與用戶輸入/輸出介面模組^及智慧卡付款模組整合。本設備之全球定 位系統模組卜3可提供與行車紀錄器之行車路線及位置紀錄,作為以批次方 式荒集、查證或稽核車輛行驶路線歷史紀錄資料之依據。 第三個應用實施案例: 本發明之一種新以金流系統整合物流系統18的處理方法,其一種應用 是使甩本發8月之交通工具使狀多功能設備平台i,提供消費者做為收貨後 支付設備之肖。在驗業者19之送狀M將衫12之聽運送至指定地 點’待買方6驗貨後’以本發明多功能設備平台的智慧卡付款模組η進 t · οι β r < η 丄» 》ι 〜 —卜.(eg RDS, broadcast) or two-way wireless transmission (eg GSM, GPRS, 3G, delete, job AX, etc.) and payment integration equipment. The novel processing method of the present invention is a purely integrated processing method (method). The multi-function device platform used by the parent utility tool of the present invention can be used as a device for global location measurement system (GPS) and payment integration. The invention relates to a new processing method of the integrated flow system of the gold flow system (method 2), and the multifunctional equipment platform used by the vehicle of the invention can be used as a delivery related information processing and payment integration use article of the logistics industry. The invention relates to a new gold flow system integrated information flow system and a processing method of a logistics system (method 3), and the multifunctional equipment platform used by the vehicle of the invention can be used as a comprehensive information and logistics processing function and payment Function and other use of 13 200834445 integration of the device. The invention has a variety of applications. It has different usage methods depending on the application. The following is a description of the usage pattern implementation examples for several different applications. The first application implementation case: a new golden stream system integrated information flow system and a processing method of the logistics system 18 of the present invention, one application of which is to use the multi-function device platform 1 used by the vehicle for advertising (or digital content, multimedia) Content) download and play, consumption (such as: car, entertainment, shopping), transaction data processing and printing, clearing. The procedures for its use are as follows (including the download and playback of advertising content, consumption, payment, data processing, clearing, etc.): a. Advertising (or digital content, multimedia content) download: download the advertising content from the information service center 2 To the parent transport vehicle ι〇 (eg: car) on the multi-function device platform 1 +. The information service center 2 can be operated by an advertiser or other advertising system platform operator (or advertiser 15), or use other materials to store, update or download the services. b. Advertising (or digital content, multimedia content) playback: The multi-function device platform 1 used on the Laitong tool is used for the playback of advertising content, and the product or service is locked to the passengers on the bus. C·Shopping consumption or content information (such as digital or multimedia) service consumption: 1. Shopping consumption: Consumers or cardholders 7 see the goods 11 or services they want to consume, enter or select the relevant items of purchase and execute the purchase Please refer to the flow of the first figure (steps a-1 to q). Such a shopping vehicle shopping service is an application of the processing method of the gold flow system integrated information flow system and the logistics system 18 of the present invention. Ii·Information content (such as digital or multimedia) service consumption: download the consumer or cardholder 7 from the information service center 2 to the multi-function device platform 1 on the transportation vehicle, please refer to the second The flow of the diagram (steps a to k). The consumption of information content (such as digital or multimedia) services on such transportation vehicles belongs to the processing method of the integrated flow information system of the golden flow system of the present invention. Deduction: If the consumer or cardholder 7 uses the multimedia content information service that needs to be paid, the payment operation is performed by the smart card 4 on the multi-function device platform 1 on the transportation vehicle. If the silk card person 7 uses the function of purchasing goods or services on the multi-functional platform 1 on the transport guard, according to the payment plan of the business model, the multi-function device platform on the transportation tool can be instantly used. 1 The payment operation is carried out with the smart card 4, or when the logistics provider ig delivers the goods to the consumer or the cardholder's 7-line location, the payment is completed by the "cargo ride" method. Providing services Weiyin Printing: Customer Lang Transportation, Handle Township Functional Equipment, Pingkou 1 Hardware Play or integrate the information content or software program obtained by Fuyu. If the consumer or cardholder 7 uses the purchased goods or services on the multi-functional equipment platform on the traffic wheel tool and uses the "cash on delivery" method, #物流商者200834445 19 receives the instructions of the seller 12 for the delivery of the goods. After the order goods 11 are sent to the place specified by the consumer or the cardholder 7 to the consignee, the logistics company 19 uses the multi-function device platform 1 of the transportation vehicle of the present invention, and can accept the consumer or hold The card person 7 completes the payment operation with the smart card 4. g·Multi-function equipment platform on the transportation vehicle 1 collects the transaction records made on its equipment, transfers it to the clearing center 3 system in batch or instant mode, and verifies that the transaction is legal and valid, and then sends it to the payment instrument. The issuing unit 5, issued by the payment instrument 5, shall be allocated to the information service center 2 (the object is mainly the multimedia content provider or the information monthly service provider 13), the seller (or the seller) 12, in accordance with each transaction. And the logistics operator 19 (which may also be an indirect payment method, such as a vendor paying the logistics provider 19) and other objects that should be obtained for the transaction. If the smart card 4 used by the consumer or the cardholder 7 is a prepaid card, the consumer must first go through the payment procedure to add the amount of the electronic money in the smart card before using the card; if the consumer or the cardholder 7 If the smart card 4 used is a credit card, the issuing unit of the payment instrument periodically informs the user of the amount of the payment after the consumption. The second application implementation case: the processing of the information flow system of the golden flow system of the thumb-face--the application of the multi-function equipment platform i on the transportation vehicle of the invention is used as the transportation team (such as the meter transfer) ) Turn the tears to integrate the saga. Yuncai set the red silk to give the power of the month to the return of the dispatching center 8 end, the center can also actively communicate with the device by digital information transmission or 200834445 voice transmission, the device can also be provided as a chip The card payment checker can be printed on the receipt. The procedures used are as follows: 1. Positioning: The global positioning system module 1-3 in the multi-function device platform i used by the vehicle is used to calculate the communication time with multiple satellites. 2. Position display: The latitude and longitude position measured according to the global system of the device is displayed on the user output interface module device 1 of the device. The device can also be used with an electronic map software that displays an electronic map on its output interface module (such as LCD), so that people on the transportation vehicle can identify the geographical location. 3. Location return · The global positioning of the system is not prepared. The latitude and longitude position measured by the system module 3 is transmitted to the terminal of the line control dispatching center through the wireless communication module 2 equipped with the device. Weng Suey [, and as a reference for dispatching arrangements for the dispatch of transport vehicles. 4. Dispatching of transportation vehicles: Through the wireless communication module equipped with this equipment, the traffic control dispatched d to inform the traffic daring of the dispatching and dispatching of the traffic tools. 5. Smart Card Payment and Settlement: When the consumer or cardholder on the transportation vehicle needs to make payment, the smart card payment module of the device can be used. %_ This device is used as a contact smart card or contactless smart card. Payment device. After the card is swiped, the relevant information of the transaction history will be recorded in the memory of the device. When the settlement is required, the unsettled transaction record related information will be sent to the settlement center 3 for clearing, appropriation and other operations through the wireless communication module 1-2 equipped with this device. 6. Provide service or receipt printing: multi-function equipment platform used by customers to use the vehicle. 1 After the payment is made for the smart card 4, the printer module can print the receipt for payment. 7. Clearing operation: Then, the unsettled transaction record is read out from the multi-function device platform 1 used by the vehicle, and sent to the clearing center 3 for liquidation, and then notified to the consumer or the cardholder 7 cash (may be prepaid or It is the bank that pays the way, and the job of requesting the grant. In the previous application embodiment, the multi-function device platform 1 on the transportation vehicle of the present invention can also be extended to use as a personal security device. After the consumer or the cardholder 7 on the transportation vehicle, the smart card payment module 1-4 of the device can be used as a contact smart card or a non-contact smart card payment device for card reading and card checking operations. In order to confirm the identity of the cardholder, the card user identity data is transmitted to the personal security monitoring center 9 or the dispatching dispatch center 8 through the wireless communication module of the device. If the device is equipped with a Global Positioning System module, it can also be used with the function of its global positioning system. It can be used to monitor the location of the personal security monitoring center 9 or the dispatching center. When and where the transportation equipment has been put up, and the equipments, transportation vehicles and drivers have been established, and the information on the vehicles used by the cardholders can be inferred. By means of this transportation route, the route of arrival, the elapsed time, and the full control and monitoring of the whereabouts of the cardholder 7 after the transportation of the vehicle can be more secure for the safety of the cardholder 7 to take the transportation vehicle. 18 200834445 In addition, in the previous application implementation case, it is also possible to integrate the multi-function device platform 1 used by the vehicle of the present invention with a vehicle record such as a track record or mileage metering or billing. The driving recorder is a kind of equipment used on the vehicle to record the running conditions of the vehicle, the operation process of the engine, the engine and the mechanical equipment. It can record, store, display and print the running speed of the vehicle, _, mileage and related vehicles. A digital electronic device that runs safe and confusing information. Can _ record the cycling situation, record data can not be repeated and can not be rewritten is to record the driving system of the three Wei system. This product can be integrated into the lining of the traversing recorder or odometer, used in the wire vehicle to charge, and the vehicle through the interface and user input / output interface module ^ and smart card payment module Integration. The Global Positioning System Module 3 of this equipment provides the driving route and location record of the driving recorder as the basis for batching, verifying or auditing the historical data of the driving route of the vehicle. A third application example: a new processing method for integrating the logistics system 18 with the gold flow system of the present invention, one application of which is to enable the consumer to make a multi-functional device platform i in August, providing consumers as Pay for the equipment after receiving the goods. In the case of the inspector 19, the delivery of the shirt 12 is transported to the designated place 'after the buyer 6 is inspected', with the smart card payment module of the multifunctional device platform of the present invention, into the t · οι β r < η 丄» 》 〜 ~ - Bu.
^ 其使用之程序如下 的整 介, 能設 所述: 19 200834445 1. 購物及消費: 消費者或持卡人7透過電視、網路廣告或其他管道知道中意的商品 U,以電話、傳真、網路或其他方式進行購物及消費。 2. 位K位及監控:賣方12匯整客戶訂貨資訊,通知物流業者… 至取貨地點(如:貨倉庫或工廠)’並將貨物運送至各個買方6指 定之送貨地址。以本發明的用多功能設備平台i中之全球定位系統 模組1-3計算本設備所在之經緯度位置,並將本設備之全球定位系 統模組卜3所測得之經緯度位置,透過本設備所配備之無線通訊模 ^ 組1-2,傳送給行物流業者19之行控派遣中心8,以監控及掌握其 釦運交通運輸工具行進路線及所在位置,以即時追蹤貨物運送之時 間及地點。 3·位置及交通運輸工具行鱗線顯示:在物流貨運交通運輸工具 中’使用本設、之全球定位系統模組卜3測得之經緯度位置,可顯 不於本設備之用戶輸出介面模组Η上。設備上若可整合搭配電子 地圖軟體,將電子地圖顯示於其輸出介面模组Η(如· lcd、⑽、 φ 貨及其他顯示H),就更便於规運輸玉具上人_識其所在之地 理位置,記錄多個送貨地點位置以及最佳行進路線及送貨順序之建 議。 =-.•‘鑄、:^ The procedures used are as follows: 19 200834445 1. Shopping and consumption: Consumers or cardholders 7 know the favorite goods U through TV, online advertising or other channels, by telephone, fax, Shopping and spending online or otherwise. 2. Position K and monitoring: The seller 12 collects the customer order information, notifies the logistics provider... to the pick-up location (eg cargo warehouse or factory) and delivers the goods to the delivery address specified by each buyer. The latitude and longitude position of the device is calculated by the global positioning system module 1-3 in the multi-function device platform i of the present invention, and the latitude and longitude position measured by the global positioning system module of the device is transmitted through the device. The equipped wireless communication module 1-2 is transmitted to the dispatching center 8 of the logistics company 19 to monitor and master the route and location of the deducted transportation vehicle to instantly track the time and place of the cargo transportation. . 3. Location and transportation line scale display: In the logistics freight transportation vehicle, the position of the latitude and longitude measured by the global positioning system module 3 can not be displayed in the user output interface module of the device. Η上. If the device can be integrated with the electronic map software, and the electronic map is displayed on its output interface module (such as · lcd, (10), φ goods and other display H), it is easier to transport the jade to the person. Location, a record of multiple delivery locations, and recommendations for the best route and delivery order. =-.•‘cast,:
A •即時通話:利用本交通運輸工具上的多功能設備平台j之無線通訊 拉組1〜2 ’與物流業者19之行控派遣中心8做即時通話或資料傳 20 200834445 輪或與别往送貨之訂貨客戶(即買方6)間聯繫通話,確認送收 貨物之確切時間及地點等訊息。 5.收貨付款:物流業者19將貨物配送給訂貨消費者或持卡人7時, 、鴦到付#欠」方式完成貨款的支付。物流業者19使用本發明之 乂通運輸工具上的多功能設備平台i之智慧卡付款模組卜4,可接 又消費者或持卡人7以智慧卡4完成付款作業。 提供服務或收據列印:可使用本交通運輸工具上的多功能設備平 台1之印表機模組1-5所提供之列印功能將貨物收據列印給消費者 或持卡人7。 7·清算作業:隨後由此交通運輸工具上的多功能設備平台j中讀出 未結算之交易紀錄,送到清算中心3進行清算之後,通知收取消費 者或持卡人7現金(可為預付或是後付的方式)之支付工具發行單 位5(如銀行奪),作請求撥款的作業。支付工具發行單位5撥款的 對象主要是販售商(即賣方)12,物流業者19(亦可能是間接付款 方式,例如由販售商付給物流業者41)。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖··貨物及服務商品之廣告内容下載及播放、消費、付^、金 流及物流配送等及本發明之可移動每攜式多功能設 備 第二圖··多媒體或資訊服務結合本發明之可移動式或可攜式多功能 設備 21 200834445 【主要元件符號說明】 1-可移動式或可攜式多功能設備 1-1-用戶輸入/輸出介面模組 1-2-無線通訊模組 1-3-全球衛星定位模組 1 -4-智慧卡付款模組 1-5-印表機模組 I - 資訊服務中心 3 - 清算中心:如銀行、智慧卡票證公司 4 -支付工具(亦稱為1C卡或智慧卡) 5 - 支付工具發行單位:如銀行、智慧卡票證公司 6 -買方(或稱消費者) 7 -持卡人 8 -行控派遣中心 9 - 人身保全監控中心 10 -交通運輸工具:包含如汽車(如計程車、貨車)、捷運、高鐵、火車、 巴士、公車、空中纜車、地上電纜車、機車、腳踏車、飛機、飛#器、 =.μ 二·:. • 1 - -¾. f 船舶等 … II -商品:即貨物或服務 12 -賣方:即販售商品者 13 -多媒體内容業者或資訊服務提供商 22 200834445 14 -廣告主 15 -廣飾:即廣告平台業者_告^ 16 -數位内容業者 17 -多媒體平台業者 18 -物流系統 19 -物流業者:即從事運輪業者或執行者 20 -電信通訊業者 十、申請專利範圍: 1·本發明偏齡-種新的金H紐合H絲整合倾流祕或物流系 統的處理綠(町輯核財法),核砂絲包含-麵的金流 系統整合資訊流系統的處理方法、一種新的金流系統整合物流系統的處 理方法、或-撕齡流祕整合資紐祕及物H制處理方法。 本處理方法細—細定或可攜式賴(町簡稱本發明設備) ,結合支 付工具之扣款魏’結合?舰賴的整合性應狂具,並细通訊傳 輸機制,達到即時資料傳輸、顯*、匯整及運用的目的。本發明設備可 包括: a·用戶輸人/_介面齡^含可喊供制销祕相之g入/ 輪出作業之互動式操作介面,以及文字、影像n其他多媒體 數位内容輪出。、 b. 無線通訊模組:依本設備應用之需要配置單向或是雙向之無線、甬訊 模組,以提供無線傳輸之功能及方式如τ·· 23A • Instant call: use the multi-function device platform j on the transportation device to pull the group 1~2' with the logistics operator 19 to control the dispatch center 8 to make an instant call or data transmission 20 200834445 round or send The ordering customer (ie buyer 6) contacts the call and confirms the exact time and place of the delivery of the goods. 5. Receipt payment: The logistics company 19 will deliver the goods to the ordering consumer or cardholder 7 when they arrive at the payment. The logistics provider 19 uses the smart card payment module 4 of the multi-function device platform i on the transportation vehicle of the present invention, and the consumer or cardholder 7 can complete the payment operation with the smart card 4. Service or receipt printing: The goods receipt can be printed to the consumer or cardholder 7 using the printing function provided by the printer module 1-5 of the multi-function device platform 1 on this vehicle. 7. Liquidation operation: Then read the unsettled transaction record from the multi-function equipment platform j on the transportation vehicle, send it to the clearing center 3 for liquidation, and notify the consumer or cardholder 7 cash (may be prepaid) Or the payment method of the payment instrument issuing unit 5 (such as the bank), for the assignment of the request. The payment instrument issuance unit 5 is mainly targeted at the seller (ie the seller)12 and the logistics operator19 (which may also be an indirect payment method, for example, paid to the logistics operator by the vendor 41). [Simplified description of the drawings] The first picture·················································································· Multimedia or information service combined with the movable or portable multi-function device 21 of the present invention 200834445 [Main component symbol description] 1-portable or portable multi-function device 1-1-user input/output interface module 1 -2-Wireless Communication Module 1-3-Global Satellite Positioning Module 1 -4-Smart Card Payment Module 1-5-Printer Module I - Information Service Center 3 - Clearing Center: Bank, Smart Card Ticket Company 4 - Payment Tools (also known as 1C Card or Smart Card) 5 - Payment Tools Issuer: Bank, Smart Card Ticket Company 6 - Buyer (or Consumer) 7 - Cardholder 8 - Controlling Dispatch Center 9 - Personal Security Monitoring Center 10 - Transportation: Contains such as cars (such as taxis, trucks), MRT, high-speed rail, trains, buses, buses, aerial trams, ground cable cars, locomotives, bicycles, airplanes, flying #器, = .μ二·:. • 1 - -3⁄4 f Ships etc... II - Commodities: ie goods or services 12 - Sellers: ie sellers 13 - Multimedia content providers or information service providers 22 200834445 14 - Advertisers 15 - Widely decorated: advertising platform operators _ sue ^ 16 - Digital Content Provider 17 - Multimedia Platform Provider 18 - Logistics System 19 - Logistics Provider: That is, Engaged in Ship Operators or Executors 20 - Telecommunications Carriers X. Patent Application Range: 1. The invention is biased - a new type of gold H New H-wire integrated dumping secret or logistics system processing green (chore management nuclear method), nuclear sand wire containing-face gold flow system integrated information flow system processing method, a new gold flow system integrated logistics system Treatment method, or - tearing the flow of the secret integration of the new secrets and material H processing methods. This processing method is fine-detailed or portable (Liao is referred to as the device of the present invention), and the deduction of the payment tool is combined with Wei's? The integration of Ship Lai should be mad, and the fine communication transmission mechanism achieves the purpose of real-time data transmission, display*, consolidation and operation. The device of the present invention may include: a·user input/_ interface age^ including an interactive operation interface for g-in/roll-out operations, and text, video, and other multimedia digital content rotation. b. Wireless communication module: configure one-way or two-way wireless and wireless modules according to the needs of the application of this device to provide wireless transmission functions and methods such as τ·· 23