200831161 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明與運動健身器材有關,特別是關於一種踏板行 程可隨著使用者運動時的出力大小而即時改變的擴圓運 動機(Elliptical)。 【先前技術】 t橢圓運動機是近年新興的一種腿部運動器材,一般泛 指各種能導引左、右二踏板沿著近似橢圓形的執跡運動, 猎以供使用者輯_走路、跑料腿部運動的裝置。 =板軌跡大多是呈現前後較寬、上下較窄的扁長形封閉 「。而其中的長軸長度一般即稱為「步幅(stride)」或 Y」可心而知,較長/較知·的踏板行程會對應較大/ ==運動量,而且-般來說比較適合身高較高/較 的橢圓運動機的踏板軌跡幾乎都是固定不變 地亦:所有使用者均必須牽就既定的運動行程。相對 ’亦有>、部份的習知橢圓運動機,例 ’ 電動了,冓件空間關係而適度地調或 程可隨著使用者運動時的出力大二 動機。 丨訏改變的橢圓運 5 200831161 【發明内容】 本發明的主要目的在於提供一種橢圓運動機,它的踏· 板運動行程可隨著使用者運動時的出力大小而即時改 變,藉此,使用者無需在運動前或運動中進行機構調整, 即可自然獲得長度適當的踏板運動行程,使用上較為便 利;而且,使用者在運動過程中可隨意地改變邁步動作的 出力大小,機動性地增大或減小當時的運動量。 _ 為了達成前述目的,在本發明的一較佳實施例中,橢 圓運動機包含有:一骨架;一導引裝置,設在骨架上,具 有可沿一封閉軌跡運動的二迴繞接點;二支撐桿,各概呈 前後延伸,且分別是由可概沿長軸向相對運動的一前段件 及一後段件相接而成;各支撐桿上具有一第一部位、一第 二部位及一踩踏部位,其中,第一部位對應地枢接在前述 導引裝置的一迴繞接點,第二部位可相對於骨架前後運 動,踩踏部位用以支撐使用者的腳部;各支撐桿上的前述 • 三部位,其中至少一者位在前段件上,且至少一者位在後 段件上;藉此,使用者邁步時的腿部出力會即時帶動支撐 桿伸長或縮短,而讓踩踏部位的運動軌跡及其行程長度對 應改變。 在本發明的另一較佳實施例中,橢圓運動機包含有: 一骨架;一導引裝置,結構同前;二中介元件,各具有一 第一接點及一第二接點,其中,第一接點對應地枢接在導 引裝置的一迴繞接點,第二接點可相對於第一接點前後偏 200831161 轉;二支撐桿,各概呈前後延伸,且分別具有一第一部位、 -第二部位及-踩踏部位’其中’第_部位對應地枢接在 一中介元件的第二接點,第一部位可相對於骨架前後運* 動;藉此’使用者邁步時的腿部出力會即時帶動中介元件, 相對於迴繞接點前後偏移’而讓踩踏部位的運動軌跡及其 行程長度對應改變。 S本發明的另一較佳實施例中,橢圓運動機包含有: 一骨架…導引裝置,結構同前;二支撐桿,各概呈前後 • 延伸,且分別具有一第一部位及一第二部位,豆中,第一 部位對應地樞接在前述導引裝置的一迴繞接點,第二部位 可減於骨架在-預定轨跡上前後運動;二踏板,分別μ 在前述二支撐桿上,各可沿切桿的長軸向滑移;二ς f ’各概呈縱向延伸’且分別是由可沿長軸向相對運動的 -上段件及-下段件相接而成;各擺臂的頂端樞接在骨 架’底端對應地樞接在-踏板;藉此,使用者邁步時的腿 部出力會即時帶動踏板相對於支擇桿前後偏移,而讓踏板 9 的運動轨跡及其行程長度對應改變。 纟本發明的另-較佳實施例中,橢圓運動機包含有: 一骨架;-導引裳置’結構同前;二支撐桿,各概呈前後 延伸,各具有一第一部位、一第二部位及一第三部位,其 :第邛位對應地樞接在前述導引裝置的一迴繞接點, 第-部值可相對於骨架前後運動;二擺臂,各概呈縱向延 =地樞接在喊骨架,底端可前後擺盪;二滑桿,各概呈 前後延伸’桿身可對應地在一支撐桿的第三部位上前後滑 200831161 移,而立其中-端對應地樞接在 其中一端對應地樞接在一支斤^曰^ ,一連# t > ffn-a.te^®i-T4牙干上,另一端對應地柩接在 -擺臂上而且_點可概沿擺臂上下運動。在一變化型 態中下運動的方式樞接 述擺臂,但丽述滑桿樞接在擺臂庶山 接料概沿擺臂上下運動。1底令而的所述其中一端,枢 在本發一較佳實施例中,橢圓運動機包含有: 一骨架;丨衣置,具有可各自相對於骨架前後運動的 二基準點,=可分別相對於其中—基準點沿―封閉軌跡 ,動的二迴4點;二支撐桿,各概呈前後延伸,具有一 第一部位、H位及—踩踏部位,其中 位 應地樞接在前料引裝置的—魏m部^相 於骨架前後運動;藉此,使用者邁步時的腿部出力合即日ί 帶動導引裝置相對於骨架前後偏移,而部二動 執跡及其行程長度對應改變。 曰Η位自1建動 【實施方式】 首先請參閱第-圖所示的本發明第—較佳實施例 (註:圖面内容為簡單示意圖;後同),本實施例的擴圓運 動機(100)包含有可穩定設置在地板上的〜骨架(11,$ 架(110)前端(即圖中左侧)設有—導引襄置‘),前述二 引裝置(120)在本實施例中為一曲柄機構,主要包含橫向 樞設在骨架⑴。)上的一轉軸(121),以及固上:二 (m)左、右二端的相對二曲柄⑽)’各曲柄(_外 8 200831161 繞接點(123)’如此,導引裝置(l2G)的二迴繞 毛3)忐以左右延伸的前述轉軸(121)為軸心,在一圓 的直、,執跡(T1)上進行彼此反向的迴繞運動。在本發明 貫施例中(圖中未示),前述導引裝置可能採用某些 ^的習知機構,提供出能繞著橢圓形、卵形或其他類 、、軌跡運動的迴繞接點。此外,導引裝置(12〇)可與 2衣置連接(圖中未不),使得迴繞接點(123)必須抵 日謂且力進行迴轉’但此部分為習知技術,而且與本發 明關聯不大。 =運動機⑽)的左、右二側各具有_概呈前後延 一部‘彳干(130)’丽述二支撐桿(130)的前端各形成一第 ^=(133),分別樞接在導引裝置(12〇)的二迴繞接點 a ,亦即被限制在前述圓形軌跡(T1)上運動。橢圓運 = = 的左、右二侧還各具有_概呈縱向延伸的擺臂 各擺臂(140)分別將中間區段的一預定部位(以下 稱柩接部)(141)樞接在骨架⑽)上,使得頂端及底端能 以樞接部(14ι)為軸心彼此反向地前後錢。前述二擺臂 ⑽)的_分卿成-可供使用者左手及料捉握的握 把(142),底端(以下稱擺盪部)(143)分別樞接在前述二支 撐桿(130)上的位在中間偏後位置的一第二部位(134),藉 此導引支禮桿⑽)的第二部位(134)在前述擺盪部⑽) 的圓弧軌跡上前後運動。各支撐桿(13G)的後端形成一踩 踏部位(g卩踏板)(135),H踩踏部位(1⑹分別用以 支撐使用者的左腳及右腳。 9 200831161 藉由上述基礎結構’大體上’當使用者將雙腳分別踩 站在前述二朗部位⑽)上,並且將雙手分敝握在前 速二握把(142)上’然後以雙腳及雙手施力帶動支樓桿 (130) 及擺臂(140)運動時,使用者的腳部將會隨著左、右 二踩踏部位(135)保持相對地在一近似橢圓“軌例 如第-圖中❾T2)上運動,手部也會隨著左、右二握把 (14 2)彼此反向地在一弧線軌跡上前後往復運動。 本實施例的橢圓運動機(1〇〇)的結構特徵在於,各支 撐桿(130)是由一桿狀前段件(131)及一桿狀後段件(]°32) 接合而成,二者(131)(132)可大致沿著支撐桿(13〇)的長 軸向相對運動,在本實施例中,前段件(131)及後段件 (132)的接合部份是利用類似伸縮桿的結構同軸套接,而 且其間設有一維持裝置(圖中未示),前述維持裝置可使前 丰又件(131)及後段件(132)具有維持一預設相對關係(亦即 使支撐桿維持一預定長度)的趨勢,當彼此要脫離前述關 係’包含相對靠近(亦即支撐桿縮短)以及相對遠離(亦即 支撐桿伸長)時,必須抵抗前述維持裝置所施加的預定阻 力。舉例而言,各維持裝置可以採用二組彈簀達成上述功 效’前述二彈簧各自連接在前段件(131)及後段件(132) 之間,但二者裝設方向相反,其中一者之伸張彈力會將前 段件(131)相對往前推,另一者之伸張彈力卻會將前段件 (131) 相對往後推,使得前段件(131)相對於後段件(132) 具有保持在一預設位置的趨勢,換言之,當施予足夠外力 (瓖其中一彈簧壓縮、另一彈簧拉伸)時,前段件(131)及 200831161 後段件(132)會產生對應的相對靠近或相對遠離,當外力 消失或減少時,前段件(131)及後段件(132)又會傾向恢復 前述預設關係。 在本實施例中,前述各擺臂(140)的擺盪部(143)是樞 接在支撐桿(130)的後段件(132)偏前方處,換言之,各支 撐桿(130)上的前述第一部位(133)及第二部位(134)是分 別位在前段件(131)及後段件(132)上。200831161 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to sports fitness equipment, and more particularly to an Elliptical that can be changed in real time as the pedal travels as the user moves. [Prior Art] The t-elliptical exercise machine is a kind of leg exercise equipment that has emerged in recent years. Generally speaking, it refers to various kinds of obstruction movements that can guide the left and right pedals along an approximate ellipse. Hunting for users to play _ walk and run A device for moving the legs. = Most of the plate trajectories are flat and long-shaped closed before and after the width and the upper and lower sides are narrower. The length of the long axis is generally called "stride" or Y". · The pedal stroke will correspond to the larger / == movement amount, and in general, the pedal trajectory that is more suitable for the taller/higher elliptical exercise machine is almost always fixed: all users must hold the established Exercise schedule. Relatively, there are also some conventional elliptical exercise machines, which are electrically powered, and the median relationship between the components is moderately adjusted or the motivation can be used as the user moves.丨訏 的 的 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 It is convenient to use the pedal movement stroke with proper length without the need to adjust the mechanism before or during the exercise. Moreover, the user can freely change the output of the step movement during the movement, and the mobility is increased. Or reduce the amount of exercise at the time. In order to achieve the foregoing objective, in a preferred embodiment of the present invention, an elliptical exercise machine includes: a skeleton; a guiding device disposed on the skeleton and having two returning points movable along a closed trajectory; The support rods are respectively extended forward and backward, and are respectively formed by a front piece and a rear piece which are relatively movable along the long axial direction; each support rod has a first part, a second part and a a stepping portion, wherein the first portion is correspondingly pivotally connected to a rewinding point of the guiding device, the second portion is movable back and forth with respect to the skeleton, and the treading portion is for supporting the user's foot; the foregoing on each supporting rod • Three parts, at least one of which is located on the front piece, and at least one of which is located on the rear piece; thereby, the leg output of the user when moving forward will immediately drive the support bar to elongate or shorten, and allow the movement of the tread part The trajectory and its stroke length change accordingly. In another preferred embodiment of the present invention, the elliptical exercise machine includes: a skeleton; a guiding device having the same structure as the front; and two intermediate components each having a first contact and a second contact, wherein The first contact is correspondingly pivotally connected to a rewinding point of the guiding device, and the second contact is opposite to the first contact by 2831161; the two supporting rods are respectively extended forward and backward, and each has a first a portion, a second portion, and a treading portion, wherein the 'the _th portion is correspondingly pivotally connected to a second joint of the intermediate member, and the first portion is movable forward and backward with respect to the skeleton; thereby The leg output will immediately drive the intermediate component, and the movement track of the treading portion and the stroke length thereof are changed correspondingly with respect to the offset of the rewinding contact. In another preferred embodiment of the present invention, the elliptical exercise machine comprises: a skeleton guiding device having the same structure as the front; and two supporting rods each extending forward and backward, and each having a first portion and a first portion In the second part, in the bean, the first part is pivotally connected to a rewinding point of the guiding device, the second part can be moved back and forth on the pre-determined trajectory of the skeleton; the second pedal is respectively in the two supporting rods Each of the two can be slid along the long axis of the cutting rod; the two ς f 'each are longitudinally extending' and are respectively formed by the upper-stage and the lower-stage pieces which are relatively movable along the long axis; The top end of the arm is pivotally connected to the bottom of the skeleton at the bottom end correspondingly to the pedal; thereby, the leg output when the user steps forward will immediately shift the pedal forward and backward relative to the support rod, and let the pedal 9 move the trajectory The length of its stroke changes accordingly. In another preferred embodiment of the present invention, the elliptical exercise machine comprises: a skeleton; a guiding skirt having the same structure as the front; and two supporting rods each extending forward and backward, each having a first portion and a first portion a second portion and a third portion, wherein: the third position is pivotally connected to a rewinding point of the guiding device, the first value can be moved back and forth relative to the skeleton; and the second swing arm is longitudinally extended to ground The pivoting is in the shouting skeleton, and the bottom end can swing forward and backward; the two sliding rods are each extending forward and backward. The shaft can be correspondingly moved back and forth on the third part of the supporting rod, and the middle end is correspondingly pivoted. One end is pivotally connected to one jin ^ 曰 ^ , one connected # t > ffn-a.te^®i-T4 on the trunk, the other end is correspondingly connected to the - swing arm and _ point can be The swing arm moves up and down. In a variant mode, the lower arm is pivotally connected to the swing arm, but the Lie slider is pivotally connected to the swing arm of the swing arm. The one end of the system is pivoted. In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, the elliptical exercise machine comprises: a skeleton; a garment having two reference points which are respectively movable back and forth with respect to the skeleton, = respectively Relative to the - reference point along the "closed trajectory, moving two times back to 4 points; two support rods, each extending forward and backward, with a first part, H position and - stepping part, where the position should be pivoted in the forehead The Wei-m part of the guiding device moves forward and backward of the skeleton; thereby, the leg output force of the user when stepping is ί, and the guiding device is offset relative to the skeleton, and the second motion and its stroke length correspond to change.曰Η 自 自 建 实施 实施 实施 实施 实施 实施 实施 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 (100) includes a skeleton (11, $ (110) front end (ie, left side in the figure) is provided with a guiding device'), and the second guiding device (120) is in the present embodiment. In the example, a crank mechanism mainly includes a laterally pivoted frame (1). ) a shaft (121), and solid: two (m) left and right ends of the opposite two cranks (10) 'the cranks (_ outer 8 200831161 wrap points (123)' so, guide device (l2G) The two rewinding hairs 3) are pivoted with the aforementioned rotating shaft (121) extending left and right as an axis, and a rewinding motion opposite to each other is performed on a straight straight, on the trace (T1). In a preferred embodiment of the invention (not shown), the aforementioned guiding means may employ a conventional mechanism to provide a wraparound joint that can move around an elliptical, oval or other type of trajectory. In addition, the guiding device (12〇) can be connected to the 2 garments (not shown in the figure), so that the rewinding joint (123) must be turned into a force and force to rotate 'but this part is a conventional technique, and the present invention The association is not big. = The left and right sides of the exercise machine (10) each have a _most forward and a long section, and the front ends of the two support rods (130) each form a ^=(133), respectively pivoted The two windings a of the guiding device (12 〇) are moved, that is, restricted to the aforementioned circular trajectory (T1). The left and right sides of the ellipse == each have a longitudinally extending swing arm. Each swing arm (140) pivots a predetermined portion (hereinafter referred to as a splicing portion) (141) of the intermediate section to the skeleton. (10)), so that the top end and the bottom end can be opposite to each other with the pivot portion (14 ι) as the axis. The second swing arm (10) is slid into a grip (142) for the left hand and the user to grasp, and the bottom end (hereinafter referred to as a swing portion) (143) is pivotally connected to the two support rods (130), respectively. The upper portion is at a second portion (134) of the intermediate rearward position, whereby the second portion (134) of the guiding rod (10) is guided to move back and forth on the circular path of the aforementioned oscillating portion (10). The rear end of each support rod (13G) forms a stepping portion (g pedal) (135), and the H stepping portion (1 (6) is used to support the left and right feet of the user respectively. 9 200831161 By the above-mentioned basic structure 'When the user steps his feet on the aforementioned Erlang part (10)), and puts his hands on the front speed two grips (142), then pushes the support rods with both feet and hands. (130) and when the swing arm (140) is moved, the user's foot will move relative to the left and right two stepping portions (135) in an approximately elliptical "track, for example, ❾T2 in the figure", the hand The part also reciprocates back and forth along an arc track in reverse with the left and right grips (14 2). The elliptical exerciser (1〇〇) of this embodiment is characterized in that each support rod (130) ) is formed by joining a rod-shaped front piece (131) and a rod-shaped rear piece (]°32), and the two (131) (132) can move substantially along the long axial direction of the support rod (13〇). In this embodiment, the joint portion of the front piece (131) and the rear piece (132) is coaxially sleeved by a structure similar to a telescopic rod, and There is provided a maintaining device (not shown), and the foregoing maintaining device has a tendency to maintain a predetermined relative relationship between the front and rear members (131) and the rear member (132) even if the support rod is maintained for a predetermined length. When each other is to be separated from the aforementioned relationship 'including relatively close (ie, the support rod is shortened) and relatively far away (ie, the support rod is elongated), it is necessary to resist the predetermined resistance applied by the aforementioned maintaining means. For example, each of the maintaining means may employ two The group of magazines achieves the above-mentioned effects. The two springs are respectively connected between the front section (131) and the rear section (132), but the two are installed in opposite directions, and one of the tensions of the springs will be opposite to the front section (131). Pushing forward, the stretch of the other will push the front piece (131) relatively backward, so that the front piece (131) has a tendency to remain at a preset position relative to the rear piece (132), in other words, when When sufficient external force (one of the springs is compressed and the other spring is stretched), the front section (131) and the 200831161 rear section (132) will be correspondingly relatively close or relatively far apart, when the external force disappears or When the reduction is made, the front section (131) and the rear section (132) are inclined to restore the aforementioned preset relationship. In this embodiment, the swinging portion (143) of each of the swing arms (140) is pivotally connected to the support rod (130). The rear section (132) is forwardly positioned, in other words, the first portion (133) and the second portion (134) on each of the support rods (130) are located at the front section (131) and the rear section (132), respectively. on.
藉由上述結構特徵,當使用者在使用本實施例的橢圓 運動機(100)時,腿部邁步動作或手部推拉動作的力量大 」 纟使支接彳干(130)後端的踩踏部位(135)及擺臂(140) 頂端的握把(142)的運動執跡(尤其是前後方向上的長度) 即時改變。舉例而言,請比較第一圖及第二圖:假設第一 圖中的構件所承受的使用者施力在預定程度以下,使得在 運作過程中,各支撐桿(130)的前段件(l3i)及後段件 (132)大致維持在前述預定相對_,而讓此狀態下的踩 踏部位(135)的運動軌跡如圖中所示的T2;如果使用者的 乍加大鉍力增強,例如在圖中所示的曲柄(⑵)角度 使用者的左腳加大出力將踩踏部位⑽)更加往前 (及/或左手加大出力將握把⑽)往後拉),同時,使 聊也對稱地加大出力往後帶動(及/或右手加大 支〜=得左側的支撐桿⑽)對應縮短、右側的 幅)。 弟一圖中所示的Τ2,,具有更長的行程(步 200831161 時,無需在運動=本:明的上揭橢圓運動機_ 地開展運動’即可獲得配合其身高及=肢體自然 程,不會有侷限或過度的感覺,使用上便;的運動行 且,使用者在運動過程中可 =推拉動作的出力大小’機動性地増大或減With the above structural features, when the user uses the elliptical exerciser (100) of the present embodiment, the force of the leg stepping action or the hand pushing and pulling action is large, so that the stepping portion of the rear end of the branch (130) is supported ( 135) and the movement of the grip (142) at the top of the swing arm (140) (especially the length in the front-rear direction) changes instantaneously. For example, please compare the first figure and the second figure: It is assumed that the user's force applied by the member in the first figure is below a predetermined level, so that the front piece of each support rod (130) during operation (l3i) And the rear member (132) is substantially maintained in the aforementioned predetermined relative _, and the trajectory of the stepping portion (135) in this state is as shown in the figure T2; if the user's squat is increased, for example, The crank ((2)) angle shown in the figure increases the user's left foot to increase the force to push the pedaling part (10) forward (and/or the left hand increases the force to pull the grip (10) back), and at the same time makes the chat symmetrical Increase the output to drive backwards (and / or the right hand to increase the support ~ = to the left of the support rod (10)) corresponding to the shortened, right side of the frame). The Τ2 shown in the picture of the younger brother has a longer stroke (in the case of step 200831161, it is not necessary to exercise in the exercise = Ben: the elliptical exercise machine _ the ground movement can be obtained with the height and = limb natural course, There will be no limitation or excessive feeling, and the movement will be used. The user can press the force of the push-pull action during the movement.
、必須補充說明的是,從本發明的目的及卷兄 m㈣第—部位(亦即可循環繞轉的部位)n z =:r的部位)及踩踏部位,三者的前二: 不)支技桿的其中一端形成與導引裝置連接的第 :部位’另-端形成可在骨架上前後滑移的第二部位,而 踩踏部位則是介在第—部位及第二部位之間^無論是 在前段件上或後段件上均可。當然,即使第一部位與第二 部位同時位在前段件或後段件上,只要踩踏部位設在另一 物件上,亦可達成本發明的上述功效。 以下將再列舉若干本發明的其他較佳實施例,各實施 例均矸遠成類似功效,後文中不再就此部份重覆描述。 讀參聞第三圖所示的本發明第二較佳實施例,本實施 例的橢圓速動機(200)主要包含有: / 骨架(210)。 /導引裝置(220),設在骨架(21〇)前端,與前例相 同,實質上為一曲柄機構,具有一轉軸(221)、二曲柄(222) 12 200831161 及二迴繞接點(223)。 二中介元件(230),各為一概呈縱向延伸的桿狀 物,頂端及底端分別形成一第一接點(231)及一第二接點 (232)。别述二中介元件(230)的第一接點(231)分別樞接 在導引裝置(220)的二迴繞接點(223),使得下方的第二接 點(232)可前後擺盪。 二支撐桿(240),分別位在左、右二侧,而且大致 呈現前後延伸,前端形成一第一部位(241)樞接在對應的 中介元件(230)底端(即第二接點)(232),後端形成一踩踏 部位(243)。 二擺臂(250),分別位在左、 右二側,而且大致呈 現縱向延伸,以中間區段的一枢接部(251)樞接在骨架 (210)上,使得頂端及底端可前後搖擺。各擺臂(250)的底 端枢接在對應的支撐桿(240)上的一第二部位(242),藉此 導引該部位(242)在一弧線軌跡上前後位移。此外,各擺 臂(250)的底端與對應的支撐桿(240)之間設有一維持裝 置(註··圖中以一彈簧(260)簡單示意),前述維持裝置使 得擺臂(2 5 0 )與支拉桿(2 4 0)在相對角度欲超過某預設範 圍時,必須抵抗預設阻力。各擺臂(250)的頂端形成一握 把(252)。 請配合參閱第四圖,藉由上述結構,使用者若對踩踏 部位(243)在前後方向上施予更大的力量,即可如第四圖 相對於第三圖一般,使得踩踏部位(243)的運動軌跡能夠 延伸至更前方及更後方,亦即獲得更長的行程及更大的運 13 200831161 動ΐ^之亦然。在本實施例中,前述維持裝置的阻力機 制還可選擇或增加裝設在中介元件(230)與支撐桿(24〇) =了介元件⑽)與曲柄⑽)之間、及/或:; 與骨架(210)之間。 —接著請參閱第五圖所示的本發明第三較佳實施例,本 實施例的橢圓運動機(300)主要包含有: 一骨架(310) 〇It must be added that, from the purpose of the present invention, the first part of the body (m), the part (which can be circulated around), and the stepping part, the first two of the three: no) One end of the rod forms a first portion connected to the guiding device: the other end forms a second portion that can slide back and forth on the skeleton, and the stepping portion is interposed between the first portion and the second portion. The front section or the back section can be used. Of course, even if the first portion and the second portion are simultaneously positioned on the front or rear member, the above-described effects of the present invention can be achieved as long as the tread portion is provided on the other member. In the following, a number of other preferred embodiments of the present invention will be enumerated, and each embodiment will be similarly far-reaching, and will not be repeatedly described in the following. Referring to the second preferred embodiment of the present invention shown in the third figure, the elliptical speed engine (200) of the present embodiment mainly comprises: / skeleton (210). The guiding device (220) is disposed at the front end of the skeleton (21〇), which is substantially the same as the previous example, and is substantially a crank mechanism having a rotating shaft (221), two cranks (222) 12 200831161 and two rewinding contacts (223). . The two interposing elements (230) are each a longitudinally extending rod, and the top end and the bottom end respectively form a first contact (231) and a second contact (232). The first contacts (231) of the two interposing elements (230) are respectively pivotally connected to the two wrap points (223) of the guiding device (220), so that the lower second contact (232) can swing back and forth. Two support rods (240) are respectively located on the left and right sides, and extend substantially forward and backward, and the front end forms a first portion (241) pivotally connected to the bottom end of the corresponding intermediate member (230) (ie, the second contact) (232), the rear end forms a stepping portion (243). The two swing arms (250) are respectively located on the left and right sides, and extend substantially in the longitudinal direction, and are pivotally connected to the skeleton (210) by a pivoting portion (251) of the intermediate section, so that the top end and the bottom end can be front and rear swing. The bottom end of each swing arm (250) is pivotally connected to a second portion (242) on the corresponding support rod (240), thereby guiding the portion (242) to be displaced back and forth on an arc track. In addition, a maintaining device is disposed between the bottom end of each swing arm (250) and the corresponding support rod (240) (Note: a simple spring (260) is illustrated in the figure), and the aforementioned maintaining device makes the swing arm (25) 0) When the relative angle of the lever (240) exceeds a certain range, it must resist the preset resistance. The top end of each swing arm (250) forms a grip (252). Please refer to the fourth figure. With the above structure, if the user applies more force to the treading portion (243) in the front-rear direction, the treading portion can be made as shown in the fourth figure with respect to the third figure. The trajectory of the movement can be extended to the front and the rear, that is, to obtain a longer stroke and a larger transport 13 200831161. In this embodiment, the resistance mechanism of the foregoing maintaining device may also be selected or added between the intermediate member (230) and the support rod (24〇) = the dielectric member (10) and the crank (10), and/or: Between the skeleton (210). - Referring to the third preferred embodiment of the present invention shown in the fifth figure, the elliptical exercise machine (300) of the present embodiment mainly comprises: a skeleton (310) 〇
一導引装置(320),設在骨架(31〇)前端,實質上為 -曲柄機構,具有—轉軸(321)、二曲柄(322)及二迴繞接 點(323)(註:圖中僅繪示使用者左半側的部份;以下構件 亦同)。 二支擇桿⑽)’各支撐桿⑽)的前端樞接在對應 的迴繞接點(323)上’形成可沿Bj形執跡繞轉的第一部位 (33〇,後蜱則是枢設一滾輪搭放在骨架的滑執 (311)上,形成可前後位移的第二部位(332)。 —二踏板(340),用以支撐使用者的雙腳,分別設在 月i述-支h#(330)上’而且各踏板(34())可利用底部的滾 輪(34U在支撐桿⑽)上沿著支撐桿的錄向作有限度 的滑移。此外,各踏板(340)與對應的支撐桿(33〇)之間設 有-維持裝置,其可使踏板⑽)相對於支撐桿⑽)具有 維持在-預定位置的趨勢,圖中再度以—前—後反向推壓 踏板(340)的二組彈簧(360)作為範例。 二擺臂⑽),各擺臂⑽)大致呈現縱向延伸,而 且是由-上段件(352)及-下段件(353)相接而成,其中的 14 200831161 上段件(352)以一枢接部(351)樞接在骨架(310)上,項端 形成一握把(354);下段件(353)則是以可沿軸向滑移的方 式插接在上段件(352)底段,換言之,擺臂(350)在樞接部 (351)以下的區段可適度往下伸長或往上縮短。前述二擺 臂(350)的底端分別樞接在前述二踏板(34〇)上。 藉此,使用者運動時的施力可經由踏板(340)傳遞至 支撐桿(330),再帶動前端的曲柄(322)繞轉,使得支撐桿 (330)上的踏板(340)在一近似橢圓形的軌跡上運動。過程 中,擺臂(350)會對應地伸長或縮短。當使用者施力加大 而克服前述維持裝置的阻力時,踏板(340)即會相對於支 撐桿(330)前移或後移,使得整體的運動行程對應加長。 接著請參閱第六圖所示的本發明第四較佳實施例,本 實施例的橢圓運動機(4 〇 〇 )主要包含有: 一骨架(註:圖中省略)。 一導引裝置(410)’結構同前,具有枢設在前述骨 木上的一轉轴(411 ),以及利用曲柄而能環繞前述轉抽 (411)的相對二迴繞接點(413)。 二支撐桿(420),各支撐桿(420)的前端樞接在對應 的迴繞接點(413)上,形成一第一部位(421);後端設一滾 輪使可前後滑移,形成一第二部位(422)。此外,各支撐 桿(420)的約略中央位置上設有一第三部位(423),在本實 施例中是一可原地滾動的滑輪。 二擺臂(430),各以一枢接部(431)枢接在前述骨架 上,頂端形成一握把(432),底端形成一擺盪部。 15 2〇〇83li61 二滑桿(440),分別位在左、右二侧,各滑桿(440) 大致呈現前後延伸,前端樞接在對應的擺臂(430)底端, 後端形成一踩踏部位(441)。滑桿(440)的桿身可在對應的 支撐桿(420)的第三部位(滑輪)(423)上前後滑移。A guiding device (320) is disposed at the front end of the skeleton (31〇) and is substantially a crank mechanism having a rotating shaft (321), two cranks (322) and two winding contacts (323) (Note: only The part on the left side of the user is shown; the following components are also the same). The front end of each of the two support rods (10)) 'support rods (10) is pivotally connected to the corresponding rewinding joint (323) to form a first portion (33 〇, which is pivotable along the Bj shape). A roller is placed on the sliding handle (311) of the skeleton to form a second portion (332) that can be displaced forward and backward. - Two pedals (340) for supporting the user's feet, respectively, are set in the month h#(330)上' and each pedal (34()) can use the bottom roller (34U on the support rod (10)) to make a limited slip along the support rod. In addition, each pedal (340) and There is a maintaining device between the corresponding support rods (33〇), which can make the pedal (10)) have a tendency to maintain at a predetermined position with respect to the support rod (10), and the pedal is again pushed forward-backward in the figure. The two sets of springs (360) of (340) are taken as an example. The second swing arm (10)), each of the swing arms (10)) is substantially longitudinally extended, and is formed by the upper-stage member (352) and the lower-stage member (353), wherein the 14 200831161 upper-stage member (352) is pivotally connected. The portion (351) is pivotally connected to the skeleton (310), and the end portion forms a grip (354); the lower member (353) is inserted into the bottom portion of the upper member (352) in such a manner as to be axially slidable. In other words, the section of the swing arm (350) below the pivotal portion (351) can be appropriately extended downward or shortened. The bottom ends of the two swing arms (350) are respectively pivotally connected to the two pedals (34 前述). Thereby, the force applied by the user during movement can be transmitted to the support rod (330) via the pedal (340), and then the crank (322) of the front end is rotated, so that the pedal (340) on the support rod (330) is approximated. Movement on an elliptical trajectory. During the process, the swing arm (350) will correspondingly elongate or shorten. When the user exerts a large force to overcome the resistance of the aforementioned maintaining device, the pedal (340) is moved forward or backward relative to the supporting rod (330), so that the overall movement stroke is correspondingly lengthened. Next, referring to the fourth preferred embodiment of the present invention shown in the sixth embodiment, the elliptical exercise machine (4 〇 〇 ) of the present embodiment mainly comprises: a skeleton (note: omitted in the drawing). A guiding device (410) has the same structure as the front, has a rotating shaft (411) pivoted on the aforementioned bone, and a relative two-way connecting point (413) capable of surrounding the aforementioned pumping (411) by means of a crank. Two support rods (420), the front ends of the support rods (420) are pivotally connected to the corresponding rewinding contacts (413) to form a first portion (421); and a rear end is provided with a roller for sliding back and forth to form a The second part (422). Further, a third portion (423) is provided at approximately the center of each of the support rods (420), which in the present embodiment is an in-situ rolling pulley. The two swing arms (430) are pivotally connected to the skeleton by a pivoting portion (431), and the top end forms a grip (432), and the bottom end forms a swinging portion. 15 2〇〇83li61 Two sliding rods (440) are respectively located on the left and right sides. Each sliding rod (440) extends substantially forward and backward. The front end is pivotally connected to the bottom end of the corresponding swing arm (430), and the rear end forms a Step on the part (441). The shaft of the slide bar (440) is slidable back and forth on the third portion (pulley) (423) of the corresponding support bar (420).
二連桿(450),分別位在左、右二侧,各連桿(450) 的後端(452)樞接在對應的支撐桿(420)上,前端(451)枢 接在對應的擺臂(430)上,而且該前端(451)可沿著擺臂 (43〇)的長軸向作有限度的上下位移。此外,連桿(45〇) 前端(451)與擺臂(430)之間,上下方各設有一彈簧 (460),用以使該前端(451)相對於擺臂(43〇)具有維持在 一預設位置的趨勢。 上述結構同樣可使踩踏部位(4 41)在一近似橢圓形的 軌跡上運動’而且’當使用者在前後方向±的施力超過某 程度時,連桿(45G)前端(451)在擺臂(430)上的位置將會 產生偏移(亦即其中-彈簧壓縮、另—彈簀拉伸),連帶^ ^骨桿(44G)與擺臂⑽)的相對夾角,使得滑桿⑽)後 令而的踩踏部位(441)得以更加往前或往後。 本實施例另外有-變化型態亦可達成相同功效,即, ^桿(_的前端(改成樞接在擺臂_上的預定 =二Γ上下偏移;相對地’各滑桿(侧)的前端改成 :夠=臂⑽)長軸向滑移的方式,樞接在咖^ 轨跡ίί彻如底端)上。如此,踩踏部位(441)的運動 改二讀長度’同樣會因應使用者的施力大小而即時 16 200831161 前述連桿(450)前端及滑桿(440)前端在擺臂(430)上 的位置,亦可能上下對調。 最後明參閱第八、九圖所示的本發明第五較佳實施 例,本實施例的橢圓運動機(5〇〇)主要包含有: 一骨架(510); 一導引裝置(520),請參閱第九圖,本實施例當中 的士引I置(520)具有左右併列的二移動架(521) (521 )’可各自利用底部的滾輪(522) (522,)在骨架(510) 上月il後滑移。各移動架(521)(521,)的頂端設有一基準點 (523)(523’)及一曲柄(524)(524,),曲柄(524)(524,)外 端形成一可環繞前述基準點(523)(523,)的迴繞接點 (525)(525 )。同時,左侧與右侧的二基準點(523)(523,) 之間連結一撓性軸筒(圖中未示),藉此,即使左、右二移 動架(521)(52Γ ) —前一後,前述二曲柄(524)(524,)仍能 透過換性軸筒相互帶動,維持180度的相位差。 二支撐桿(530),前端各形成一第一部位(531),分 別樞接在前述二迴繞接點(525)(525,)上,後端各形成一 踩踏部位(533),踩踏部位(533)與第一部位(531)之間具 有一第二部位(532) 〇 二擺臂(540),各以一樞接部(541)枢接在骨架 (510)上,底端樞接在對應的支撐桿(53〇)第二部位 (532),頂端形成一握把(542)。 藉此,在運動過程中,當使用者加大其邁步動作的步 幅及力量時,前述二移動架(521)(521,)即會對應地往前 17 200831161 或往後滑移(註:在自然動作下,當其中一側往前滑移時, 另一侧應該會等量地往後滑移),使得踩踏部位(533)更加 往前或往後,亦即腳部運動軌跡的行程長度加大,達到增 加運動量等目的。Two links (450) are respectively located on the left and right sides, and the rear end (452) of each link (450) is pivotally connected to the corresponding support rod (420), and the front end (451) is pivotally connected to the corresponding pendulum The arm (430) is mounted on the arm (430) with a limited up and down displacement along the long axis of the swing arm (43〇). In addition, a spring (460) is disposed between the front end (451) of the connecting rod (45〇) and the swing arm (430), so that the front end (451) is maintained relative to the swing arm (43〇). The trend of a preset position. The above structure also allows the tread portion (4 41) to move on an approximately elliptical trajectory 'and 'when the user applies a force in the front-rear direction ± more than a certain degree, the front end (451) of the connecting rod (45G) is at the swing arm The position on (430) will be offset (ie, where - spring compression, another - elastic stretch), with the relative angle between the ^ ^ bone rod (44G) and the swing arm (10), so that the slider (10)) The stepping part (441) can be made further forward or backward. In this embodiment, the other-variant type can also achieve the same effect, that is, the front end of the rod (the front end of the _ (the predetermined position of the pivoting arm on the swing arm _ is shifted up and down; oppositely the 'sliding rods (side) The front end is changed to: enough = arm (10)) long axial slip way, pivoted on the coffee ^ track ί ί ru ru bottom. In this way, the movement of the treading portion (441) to the second reading length 'is also responded to the user's exertion force. 16 200831161 The front end of the connecting rod (450) and the front end of the sliding rod (440) on the swing arm (430) It is also possible to reverse the up and down. Finally, referring to the fifth preferred embodiment of the present invention shown in the eighth and ninth embodiments, the elliptical exercise machine (5〇〇) of the present embodiment mainly comprises: a skeleton (510); a guiding device (520), Referring to the ninth figure, in the present embodiment, the taxi guide I (520) has two mobile racks (521) (521)' that are juxtaposed side by side, and each can utilize the bottom roller (522) (522,) in the skeleton (510). Sliding after il last month. The top end of each moving frame (521) (521,) is provided with a reference point (523) (523') and a crank (524) (524,), and the outer end of the crank (524) (524,) forms a circle around the aforementioned reference. The wraparound joint (525) (525) of point (523) (523,). At the same time, a flexible shaft tube (not shown) is connected between the left and right two reference points (523) (523,), whereby even the left and right two moving frames (521) (52Γ) are After the previous one, the two cranks (524) (524,) can still be driven by the reversing shaft cylinder to maintain a phase difference of 180 degrees. The two support rods (530) each form a first portion (531), which is respectively pivotally connected to the two rewinding points (525) (525), and each of the rear ends forms a stepping portion (533), and the stepping portion ( 533) has a second portion (532) and a second swing arm (540) between the first portion (531), each of which is pivotally connected to the skeleton (510) by a pivoting portion (541), and the bottom end is pivotally connected to Corresponding support rod (53 〇) second portion (532), the top end forms a grip (542). Therefore, during the movement, when the user increases the stride and strength of the stepping motion, the aforementioned two moving frames (521) (521,) will correspondingly slide forward to the next 17 200831161 or backward (note: Under natural motion, when one side slides forward, the other side should slide back in the same amount, so that the stepping part (533) is further forward or backward, that is, the stroke of the foot movement track. The length is increased to achieve the purpose of increasing the amount of exercise.
18 200831161 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖是本發明第一較佳實施例的結構示意圖; 第二圖類似第一圖,示意踏板運動行程加大時的狀態; 第三圖是本發明第二較佳實施例的結構示意圖; 第四圖類似第三圖,示意踏板運動行程加大時的狀態; 第五圖是本發明第三較佳實施例的結構示意圖; 第六圖是本發明第四較佳實施例的結構示意圖; 第七圖類似第六圖,示意踏板運動行程加大時的狀態; _ 第八圖是本發明第五較佳實施例的結構示意圖;以及 第九圖類似第八圖,示意踏板運動行程加大時的狀態。 110骨架 121轉軸 123迴繞接點 131前段件 133第一部位 135踩踏部位 141樞接部 210骨架 221轉軸 223迴繞接點 231第一接點 【主要元件符號說明】 100橢圓運動機 ί20導引機構 122曲柄 130支撐桿 132後段件 134第二部位 140擺臂 142握把 200橢圓運動機 220導引機構 2 2 2曲柄 230中介元件 1918 200831161 [Simplified description of the drawings] The first figure is a schematic structural view of the first preferred embodiment of the present invention; the second figure is similar to the first figure, illustrating the state when the pedal motion stroke is increased; and the third figure is the second aspect of the present invention. 4 is a schematic view showing a state in which the pedal movement stroke is increased; FIG. 5 is a schematic structural view showing a third preferred embodiment of the present invention; 7 is a schematic view showing a state in which the pedal stroke is increased; _ eighth is a schematic structural view of a fifth preferred embodiment of the present invention; and ninth is similar to the eighth The figure shows the state when the pedal movement stroke is increased. 110 skeleton 121 rotating shaft 123 rewinding joint 131 front section 133 first part 135 treading part 141 pivoting part 210 skeleton 221 rotating shaft 223 rewinding joint 231 first contact [main component symbol description] 100 elliptical exercise machine ί20 guiding mechanism 122 Crank 130 support rod 132 rear section 134 second portion 140 swing arm 142 grip 200 elliptical exercise machine 220 guiding mechanism 2 2 2 crank 230 intermediate element 19
200831161 232第二接點 241第一部位 243踩踏部位 251樞接部 260彈簧 300橢圓運動機 311滑軌 321轉軸 323迴繞接點 331第一部位 340踏板 350擺臂 352上段件 354握把 400橢圓運動機 411轉軸 420支撐桿 422第二}部位 430擺臂 432握把 441踩踏部位 451第一端 460彈簧 500橢圓運動機 240支撐桿 242第二部位 250擺臂 252握把 310骨架 320導引機構 3 2 2曲柄 330支撐桿 332第二部位 341滾輪 351枢軸 353下段件 360彈簧 410導引機構 413迴繞接點 421第一部位 423第三部位 431枢軸 440滑桿 450連桿 452第二端 510骨架 20 200831161 520 導引機構 521 522 滚輪 523 524 曲柄 525 530 支撐桿 531 532 第二部位 533 移動架 基準點 迴繞接點 第一部位 踩踏部位200831161 232 second contact 241 first part 243 stepping part 251 pivoting part 260 spring 300 elliptical motion machine 311 slide rail 321 shaft 323 rewinding joint 331 first part 340 pedal 350 swing arm 352 upper section 354 grip 400 elliptical motion Machine 411 shaft 420 support rod 422 second} portion 430 swing arm 432 grip 441 stepping portion 451 first end 460 spring 500 elliptical motion machine 240 support rod 242 second portion 250 swing arm 252 grip 310 skeleton 320 guiding mechanism 3 2 2 crank 330 support rod 332 second part 341 roller 351 pivot 353 lower section 360 spring 410 guiding mechanism 413 rewinding joint 421 first part 423 third part 431 pivot 440 sliding rod 450 connecting rod 452 second end 510 skeleton 20 200831161 520 Guide mechanism 521 522 Roller 523 524 Crank 525 530 Support rod 531 532 Second part 533 Moving frame reference point Rewinding joint First part stepping part
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