200820543 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關一種具備永備電力供應匯流排之電器設備,尤指一種可 於電器設備關機狀態下仍供應直流電力予該匯流排之設計。 【先前技術】200820543 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to an electrical appliance having a permanent power supply busbar, and more particularly to a design that can supply DC power to the busbar while the electrical appliance is turned off. [Prior Art]
目前市面上許多電器設備之電源供應器可將外來交流電源供應源轉換 為直流電力,該電源供應器包含一將該直流電力驅動該電器設備運作之主 電力系統,以及一將該直流電力驅動開關機訊號之常備電力系統。該常備 電力系統於無淪於開關機狀態下皆能提供一微弱電流之常駐電力,相較於 主要輸以驅動該電ϋ設備運作電力之主電力緣,該常備電力綠主要係 利用該常駐電力以達成遠端遙控以及自動開關機之目的。 以電腦主機為例,以目前所配備之主機板ATX(Advanced Technd〇gy extended)規格之設計架構而言,其特點之一係將電源供應器除了採用一體 成型之ΰ又计並於電腦開機時提供多種直流電源(3.3V、5V、l2v···)以外, 更具備不論電關機、關機時皆能提供電齡機啟動電力之常備電力系 統。或者如其他電器設備,如電視或媒體播放器等,亦備有該常備電力系 統,可於遠端進行開關機或者定時進行開關機之功能。 除此之外,現今電器設備之應用技術,尚發展出許多可於關機狀態下 使用常備電力系統而單獨運作之外部電子裝置,例如:、靜八、小夜燈 用光碟機面板直接播放音樂CD、等裝置,或是觀察裝設於機殼上之小型液 晶螢幕所·之溫度、濕度、時_魏,献欣#具有發光效果之 機殼^,凡賴·,皆餘铜錄態下即可單财作。細為 於更廣泛之電綠備,-般常備電力_供 所需要之電力,料致綠之電力無法善加细4料日 念Γ ^意!f漸備受重視,對於能源之要求除了發展替姐“綠色: 以外,亦強調能源運用之效率,,以減少能源浪費。 ’、 由電腦領域發產㈣匯流排裝置,財聰(lwsal y)。由於〜、有❻度之便利性亦廣泛細於各種電器設備上,而其衍生 5 200820543 出大量外接電子裝置,舉凡滑鼠、鍵盤、遊戲桿或其他資料傳輸之裝置。 除作為資料傳輸用途外,本身亦提供微量之直流電力,因此亦發展出許多 不需資料傳輸僅接受該電力傳輸之裝置,包含照明裝置、加熱裝置、小型 液晶顯示器以及電子器材充電器等,由於該匯流排電力來源係來自該主電 力系統’因此在電腦主機關機後,電力傳輸部分也隨之中止。另一方面, 若欲單獨使用上述諸多匯流排外接電子裝置,必須將具備有匯流排之電器 設備呈開機狀態,如此才能透過匯流排進行電子器材充電等功能,此時, 該主電力系統仍輸入大量直流電力供該電器設備正常運作,造成更大量之 能量浪費。 因此若能利用原有之USB (或IEEE-1394匯流排),提供一種電力架構, 使電細主機上之匯流排無論在電腦開機或關機下皆可提供直流電力,則外 部電子裝置設有相匹配之USB或IEEE-1394匯流排接頭便能直接利用主機 上之USB《IEEE-1394 ®流排取得直流電源,而提升電力使用之便利性以 及利用性,並能避免前述能源浪費等缺失。 【發明内容】 本發明之主要目的,在提供一種具備永備電力供應匯流排之電器設 備,、該電器設備包含並不限定一電腦主機、一電視、一電腦或電視用遊戲 ,或:媒體播放器等,本發明可於電器賴職或關機狀態下,電源供應 器之常備電力系統皆能供電予該匯流排。 ,實現上述目的,本發明揭露之較佳實施例包含:—魏供應器以及 :電乳連接該電源供應H之主機板,該親供應器具備—主電力系統與一 系備電力系、4 備電力系統輸出之直流電力則用以驅動—電力啟閉單 口70 ·’且该電力啟閉單元係輸出—電器設備職訊號及—電綠備關機訊 號;該主機板具有糖運算電路,以及與_部電子裝置電性連接之資料 傳輸埠,制電器設備表面設有至少一匯流排,該匯流排可為腦或是 IEEE-1394等,該匯流排可同時具有一電力傳輸端子以及一資料傳輸端子, 或僅有Γί力傳輸端子,蹄料傳輸端子係與主誠板之資料傳輸埠電性 該電力傳輸端子職氣連猶常備電力系統,親流排可直接利用 -私乳傳輸線或轉接於該主機板與該電源供應器相連。藉此,設於電器設 6 200820543 僅減:備電力系統提供之電力,任何具有相匹配接頭之外 皆可取得所需匯流排,在電器設備任何狀態下(特別是關機時) 備二二ΪΓ具備ΐ備電力供應匯流排之電器設備,解決-般電器設 ,恐因其常備電力系統持續供應過量電流而造成能源之浪 機狀獨使龍"ιι排作為電力輸㈣,則必須使輯11設備呈開 。細輸狀謝議設備之任何 t ’錄人魏辦狀電力(制是雜電力系統 所k供之電力)能充分利用,提高能量之使用效率。 【實施方式】 有關本侧之詳細·及技術内容,職配合圖式說明如下: 電哭二二第3圖』’係本發明具備永備電力供應匯流排之 又備#x佳貝關的結_及電路方侧,如圖卿:本實 器没備為一電腦主機10,該電腦主機1〇包含有: -電源供魅30,該魏絲器3G —職 可為市直《力之主電力_31,以及—與魅電 聯該外口嶋源2〇並轉換為直流電力之常備電力系統32,該主電 31輸出之直流電力制以驅·少—畴電子裝置4()(例如 硬碑 } 32 二才且“電力啓閉早兀8G係用以輸出一電腦開機訊號及一電腦 態下主電力系㈣有直流電 電力供應UTX規格下常備電力系統32仍然持續供電)。、則中辦 -電氣連接齡電力紐M对備電力祕%之主 50與電源供應H 30之電氣連接主要鱗過魏供應㈣上之電力 與主機板5〇上之插接座Μ相互插接以傳輪電力訊號(包含穴’ 機板5〇具有邏輯運算電路,以及與其他内部電子裝置4 = 傳輸埠(即-般所稱I/O,圖恤示出與匯流排6〇連接 料(係包含-資料傳輸淳52a與一電力傳輸蜂雖硬碟機 7 200820543 ' 子裝置4G透過資料傳輸埠52a與主機板5()傳輸資料訊號,並由邏 運斤電路進行處理,此外,該主機板%肖具有一啟動電力傳輸谭Μ,藉 ‘ ^機板50上之電路,該啟動電力傳輸埠53具有常備電力系統32輸出之 机電力’電力啓閉單元8〇之電力傳輪線81即插接該啟動電力傳輸埠幻 而與該常備電力系統32形成電氣連接。 於該電1自域1G表面対11流排6〇,該麟排的可為但不限於通用 串列匯流排(咖)或ΙΕ腿394匯流排,且該多麵流排6〇可整合至一介 ,座該匯流排6〇所具備之端子可區分為電力傳輸端子撕以及資料傳輸 端子602 ’其中,資料傳輸端子602係與主機板5〇或其他内部電子裝置4〇 _ 電= 接以傳輸資料訊號,電力傳輸端子6〇1則電氣連接該常備電力系統 32取得直流電力,使該匯流排6〇於該電腦主機ι〇開機或關機狀態下皆可 接收該常備電力系統32輸出之直流電力。 在本較佳實施例中,該匯流排60係以一電力/訊號傳輸線61 (係整合 了第3圖之電力傳輸線612與訊號傳輸線611)連接至該主機板5〇,並透 過該主機板50之龍/電力傳鮮52與該常備電力祕32電氣連接,於電 腦主機ίο開機狀態下可插接例如滑鼠、鍵盤等外部電子裝置71 (須作電力 及二料訊號傳輸,見『第3圖』);而於電腦主機1〇關機狀態下,由於仍接 收常備電力系統32之直流電力,故可插接例如:小夜燈、手機充電器…等 • 等外部電子裝置72作電力訊號輸出。 、而另-實細請频『第2圖』,其中麵鱗6〇射—訊號傳輸線 611連接至該主機板50之資料傳輸埠52a作為資料訊號傳輸用途,並有一 電力傳輸線612連接至電源供應器30與該常備電力系統32形成電氣連接, 亦可達成與前-實施例相同之功效。如上所述,本發明係於電腦主機1〇開 機或關機狀態下,電源供應器30之常備電力系統32皆供電予該匯流與纟6〇, 藉此,設於電腦主機10上之匯流排60僅接收常備電力系統32提供之直流 電力,任何具有相匹配接頭(USB或IEEE-1394)之外部電子裝置71、72 即ΊΓ利用鈾述匯流排60’在電腦主機1〇開機或關機狀態下取得所需直流電 源’以提升電力運用之便利性。 此外,請參閱『第4圖』及『第6圖』,係本發明具有電力傳輸匯流排 8 200820543 。該匯流排_不限用於 产排L僅呈^94匯/暑且該多個匯流排60亦可整合至一介面座。該匯 ㈣、有該電力傳輸端子6〇1而無資料傳輪端子602,該電力傳輸端 排= 於該»主機關機或關機狀態下皆可接收該常備電力系統%輸出 力。該匯流排60之電力傳輸端子鑛僅以一電力傳輸線612連接 至社機板50之電力傳輸相b,並與該f備電力系統32成電氣連接。於 另-貫施例中該匯流排60與該電源供應器3G直接連接時,如『第5圖』 所示,該匯流排60係與-電力傳輸線犯連接至該電源供應器3〇之常備 電力糸統32並形就氣連接_,亦達到電力輪出之功效。At present, a power supply of many electrical equipment on the market can convert an external AC power supply source into DC power, the power supply includes a main power system that drives the DC power to operate the electrical equipment, and a DC power drive switch The standing power system of the machine signal. The standing power system can provide a weak current resident power in the state of no power switch, and the standing power green mainly utilizes the resident power compared to the main power edge that is mainly driven to drive the power of the power device. In order to achieve remote control and automatic switch machine. Taking the computer host as an example, one of the characteristics of the current design of the ATX (Advanced Technd〇gy extended) specification is that the power supply is not only integrated but also when the computer is turned on. In addition to a variety of DC power supplies (3.3V, 5V, l2v · · ·), it also has a standing power system that can provide power to start the power of the computer regardless of power shutdown or shutdown. Or, if other electrical equipment, such as a television or a media player, is also provided with the standing power system, the power can be turned on or off at a remote location or periodically. In addition, the application technology of today's electrical equipment has developed many external electronic devices that can be operated separately using the standing power system in the off state, for example: static eight, night light, CD player panel directly playing music CD, Wait for the device, or observe the temperature, humidity, and time of the small LCD screen mounted on the case._Wei, Xianxin# The case with the luminous effect ^, Fan Lai, all of them can be recorded under the copper Single fortune. Finely for a wider range of electric green equipment, the general standing power _ for the power required, the green power can not be fine 4 materials Γ Γ ^ meaning! f gradually pay attention to, in addition to the development of energy requirements For the sister "green: in addition, it also emphasizes the efficiency of energy use, in order to reduce energy waste. ', produced by the computer field (four) bus device, Cai Cong (lwsal y). Because of the convenience of a wide range of convenience It is more detailed on various electrical equipments, and its derivative 5 200820543 has a large number of external electronic devices, such as a mouse, keyboard, joystick or other means of data transmission. In addition to being used for data transmission, it also provides trace amounts of DC power. Developed a number of devices that do not require data transmission and only accept the power transmission, including lighting devices, heating devices, small liquid crystal displays, and electronic device chargers. Since the bus power source comes from the main power system, it is shut down in the computer. After that, the power transmission part is also suspended. On the other hand, if you want to use the above-mentioned many busbar external electronic devices separately, you must have a confluence. The electrical equipment of the row is turned on, so that the electronic equipment can be charged through the busbar. At this time, the main power system still inputs a large amount of DC power for the electrical equipment to operate normally, resulting in a greater amount of energy wasted. The original USB (or IEEE-1394 bus) provides a power architecture that allows the bus on the sub-host to provide DC power whether the computer is turned on or off, and the external electronics are equipped with a matching USB or The IEEE-1394 busbar connector can directly use the USB "IEEE-1394® busbar on the host computer to obtain DC power supply, thereby improving the convenience and usability of power use, and avoiding the aforementioned waste of energy and the like. [Invention content] The main object of the invention is to provide an electrical device having a permanent power supply busbar, the electrical device including or not including a computer host, a television, a computer or a television game, or a media player, etc., the present invention The power supply system of the power supply can supply power to the busbar when the appliance is in the service or turned off. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the present invention includes: a Wei supplier and a motherboard connected to the power supply H, the pro-supplier having a main power system and a series of power systems, and a standby power system The output DC power is used to drive - the power opening and closing unit 70 · ' and the power opening and closing unit is output - the electrical equipment job signal and the electric green standby signal; the motherboard has a sugar operation circuit, and the The device is electrically connected to the data transmission device. The surface of the electrical device is provided with at least one bus bar. The bus bar can be a brain or an IEEE-1394 device. The bus bar can have both a power transmission terminal and a data transmission terminal, or Only Γί force transmission terminal, hoof material transmission terminal system and main board data transmission 埠 electrical power transmission terminal occupation gas is still equipped with power system, the pro-flow can be directly used - private milk transmission line or transfer to the host The board is connected to the power supply. Therefore, it is located in the electrical equipment set 6 200820543 only to reduce the power provided by the standby power system, and any required matching bus can obtain the required bus bar, and in any state of the electrical equipment (especially when the machine is turned off) The electrical equipment with the power supply busbar is equipped to solve the general electrical equipment. It is feared that the power supply system will continue to supply excessive current and the energy wave will be used as the power transmission (4). 11 equipment is open. Anything that is neglected by the device can be fully utilized to improve the efficiency of energy use. [Embodiment] For the details and technical contents of this side, the description of the job cooperation diagram is as follows: Electric crying twenty-two, the third figure, "The invention is equipped with the permanent power supply busbar. #克佳贝关的结结_ and circuit side, as shown in Figure: This real device is not prepared as a computer host 10, the computer host 1〇 contains: - power supply for charm 30, the Weisi 3G - job can be the city's "power of the main power _31, and the standby power system 32, which is converted into DC power, and the DC power output of the main power 31 is driven by a small-domain electronic device 4 (for example, hard) Monument} 32 Two talents and "Power is turned on and off early 8G to output a computer boot signal and a computer state under the main power system (four) have DC power supply UTX specifications under the standing power system 32 is still continuously powered). -Electrical connection age power New M to the power of the secret% of the main 50 and the power supply H 30 electrical connection main scales Wei supply (four) on the power and the motherboard 5 on the plug socket to plug in each other to transmit power Signal (including the hole 'board 5 〇 has logic operation circuit, and other Electronic device 4 = transmission 埠 (ie, the so-called I/O, the shirt shows the connection with the bus 6 ( (included - data transmission 淳 52a and a power transmission bee hard disk machine 7 200820543 ' sub-device 4G transmits the data signal through the data transmission 埠52a and the motherboard 5(), and is processed by the logic circuit. In addition, the motherboard has a start-up power transmission, and the circuit on the board 50 is used. The startup power transmission port 53 has the machine power output from the standby power system 32. The power transmission line 81 of the power opening and closing unit 8 is electrically connected to the standby power system 32 to form an electrical connection with the standby power system 32. The electric 1 is discharged from the 1G surface of the 1G surface, and the row can be, but not limited to, a universal serial bus (cafe) or a leg 394 bus, and the multi-side stream 6 can be integrated into one. The terminal of the bus bar 6 可 can be divided into a power transmission terminal tearing and a data transmission terminal 602 ′ where the data transmission terminal 602 is connected to the motherboard 5 〇 or other internal electronic devices 4 〇 _ _ = to transmit data signals , the power transmission terminal 6〇1 is electrically connected to the The backup power system 32 obtains DC power, so that the bus bar 6 can receive the DC power output by the standing power system 32 when the computer host is turned on or off. In the preferred embodiment, the bus bar 60 Connected to the motherboard 5 by a power/signal transmission line 61 (which integrates the power transmission line 612 and the signal transmission line 611 of FIG. 3), and through the motherboard 50, the dragon/power transmission 52 and the standing power secret 32 electrical connection, in the computer host ίο can be plugged in, such as mouse, keyboard and other external electronic devices 71 (for power and two signal transmission, see "Figure 3"); and the computer host 1 〇 shutdown state In the meantime, since the DC power of the standby power system 32 is still received, external electronic devices 72 such as a night light, a mobile phone charger, etc. can be plugged in for power signal output. And the other is a fine frequency "Fig. 2", wherein the scale 6 transmission-signal transmission line 611 is connected to the data transmission port 52a of the motherboard 50 for data signal transmission purposes, and a power transmission line 612 is connected to the power supply. The device 30 is electrically connected to the standing power system 32, and can achieve the same effects as the previous embodiment. As described above, the present invention is in a state in which the computer main unit 1 is turned on or off, and the standing power system 32 of the power supply 30 supplies power to the sink and the port, whereby the bus 60 disposed on the host computer 10 is provided. Receiving only the DC power provided by the standing power system 32, any external electronic device 71, 72 having a matching connector (USB or IEEE-1394) is obtained by using the uranium bus bar 60' in the state of being turned on or off by the computer host 1 The required DC power supply 'to improve the convenience of power utilization. In addition, please refer to "Fig. 4" and "Fig. 6", which is a power transmission busbar 8 200820543. The bus bar _ is not limited to the production row L. It is only a 94/sink and the plurality of bus bars 60 can be integrated into one interface seat. The sink (4) has the power transmission terminal 6〇1 and no data transmission terminal 602. The power transmission terminal row can receive the standby power system % output force when the host is turned off or turned off. The power transmission terminal mine of the bus bar 60 is connected to the power transmission phase b of the social machine board 50 by a power transmission line 612, and is electrically connected to the power backup system 32. In another embodiment, when the bus bar 60 is directly connected to the power supply 3G, as shown in FIG. 5, the bus bar 60 is connected to the power supply line and connected to the power supply unit. The power system 32 is shaped like a gas connection _, which also achieves the effect of power rotation.
而本發明具備永備電力供應匯流排之電器設備亦可使用於不同之電器 口又備上如第7圖』、『第8圖』及『第9圖』所示,分別應用於包含但 概定-電視9卜-«或電棚_機92(如ps3或_及—媒_放 器93(如DVD播放器)上,於各電器設備之表面皆設有至少一匯流排⑼,該 匯流排60利用與該電力傳輸端子6〇1相連之電力傳輸線612和該主機板% 或該電源供應ϋ 30之常備電力系統32相接,以達顺職機狀態下 皆=獲得直流電力之功效。綜上所述,本發明具備永備電力供舰流排之 電器設備之ffi流排60係與該電雜應器Μ之常備電力系統%以直接或間 接方式呈電器連接關係,因此可於任何狀態下,利用該常備電力系統32所 提供之直流電力,且於關機狀態下,不需重新開機即可以該匯流排6〇作為 電力輸出源,大幅提升電力能源之利用效率,並減少能源浪費或閒置之; 以上僅為本發明的較佳實施例而已,並非用來限定本發明之實施範 圍,即凡依本發明申請專利範圍之内容所為的等效變化與修飾,皆應為本 發明之技術範嘴。 _ 9 200820543 【圖式簡單說明】 係本發明中較隹實施例之結構圖 第2圖,係本發明中另—每 汽轭例之結構圖 第3圖,係第i圖與第 y 乐2圖灵靶例之電路方塊圖 …係本發明中具有電力傳輸匯流排與該電源供應器間接連接實 施例之結構圖 第5圖係本發明中具有電力傳輸匯流排與該電源供應器直接連接實 施例之結構圖 ,6圖’係第4圖與第5圖實施例之電路方塊圖The electrical equipment of the present invention having the permanent power supply busbar can also be used in different electrical outlets as shown in Fig. 7, "Fig. 8" and "Fig. 9", respectively. On the surface of each electrical device, at least one busbar (9) is provided on the surface of each electrical device, such as a singapore-single-single-machine 92 (such as a ps3 or _ and a mediator 93 (such as a DVD player). The row 60 is connected to the power supply line 612 connected to the power transmission terminal 6-1 and the standby power system 32 of the power supply unit 30 to achieve the effect of obtaining DC power. In summary, the ffi flow row 60 of the electrical equipment having the permanent power supply for the ship flow row and the standing power system of the electric hybrid device are electrically connected in a direct or indirect manner, and thus can be used in any In the state, the DC power provided by the standing power system 32 is utilized, and in the off state, the bus 6 can be used as a power output source without restarting, thereby greatly improving the utilization efficiency of the power energy and reducing energy waste or Idle; the above is only the invention The preferred embodiments are not intended to limit the scope of the present invention, and the equivalent variations and modifications of the present invention are intended to be the technical scope of the present invention. _ 9 200820543 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 2 is a structural diagram of a second embodiment of the present invention, and is a circuit diagram of an ith yoke and a yoke 2 turing target example. FIG. 5 is a structural diagram of an embodiment in which the power transmission bus bar is directly connected to the power supply in the present invention. FIG. 5 is a structural diagram of an embodiment in which the power transmission bus bar is directly connected to the power supply in the present invention, 6 Figure ' is a circuit block diagram of the fourth and fifth embodiments
第7圖,係本發明具備永備電力供應匯流排之電器設備應用於電視上 之結構圖 第8圖’係本發明具備永備電力供應匯流排之電器設備應用於電腦或 電視用遊戲H上之結構圖 第9圖,係本發明具備永備電力供應匯流排之電器設備應用媒體播放 器上之結構圖 【主要元件符號說明】 10 • · ·.......電腦主機· 20 · 30 · 301 31 · 32 · 40 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 52a 52b 53 · 外部電力源 電源供應器 •電力線 主電力糸統 常備電力系統 内部電子裝置 主機板 插接座 資料/電力傳輸埠 •資料傳輸埠 •電力傳輸埠 啟動電力傳輸埠 200820543 60 ......... · · ••匯流排 601 · · · · .........電力傳輸端子 602 .............資料傳輸端子 61 ·············電力/訊號傳輸線 611 .............訊號傳輸線 612 .............電力傳輸線 71 .............外部電子裝置 72 · · · .......· · · ·外部電子裝置 80 .......... · · ·電力啟閉單元 81 .............電力傳輸線Figure 7 is a structural diagram of an electrical device having a permanent power supply busbar applied to a television. Figure 8 is an electrical device having a permanent power supply busbar for use in a computer or television game H. FIG. 9 is a structural diagram of an application device for an electrical device having a permanent power supply busbar according to the present invention. [Main component symbol description] 10 • · ·....... Computer host · 20 · 30 · 301 31 · 32 · 40 · 50 · 51 · 52 · 52a 52b 53 · External power source power supply • Power line main power system standing power system internal electronic device motherboard board socket information / power transmission 埠 • data transmission埠•Power transmission埠Starting power transmission埠200820543 60 ......... ·•• Busbar 601 · · · · ......... Power transmission terminal 602 ...... .......data transmission terminal 61 ··················································· ........Power transmission line 71 .............External electronic device 72 · · · · · · · · · External electronic device 80 .... .. .... · · · Power opening and closing unit 81 .............Power transmission line
91 · · · ...... · · ·電視 92 ...........••電腦或電視用遊戲機 93 ·············媒體播放器91 · · · ...... · · · TV 92 ...........•Computer or TV game console 93 ·············Media playback Device