200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(1) [發明所屬之技術領域] 本發明,係關於在特別係如機車等的車輛被裝備之燃 料槽的吹製成型體,把各種吹製成型熔接之成型方法。 [習知技術] 近年來,大部份車輛裝載的燃料槽係被採用以吹製成 型被製造之樹脂製者,把將成原料的熔融樹脂以擠壓機可 塑化將型胚擠出,完成閥模後,在吹製成型機之鋼模內空 窩把空氣吹入型胚而成形爲所希望之形狀。其後,隔著適 當的冷卻時間後離模,進行去毛邊等修飾而做爲製品。 在如此之燃料槽的槽本體,被設有固定在車體框安裝 用之托架,將燃料的汽油注入而使之充滿的筒形之給油口, 以及將汽油強制地吐出至引擎而送入用的排出閥安裝之油 出口的排出閥安裝座之幾個零件。做爲把此等各零件設在 槽本體的一般性製造手段,被進行把各零件與槽本體以吹 製成型一體地成形之成形方法。 可是,在如此地在槽本體各種零件一體地同時被吹製 成型的燃料槽,在與零件之境界部的型胚之展開情況,容 易產生厚度厚的部份與薄之部份。因此,由於長期使用而 劣化等時,將發生厚度薄的部份破斷或裂縫等,有燃料將 從此處向外部滲出或漏出之虞。即使同樣的燃料槽類,如 果係在一般家庭所使用之燈油槽等,燃料多少有漏出有時 將無大礙。可是特別係在車輛爲絕不容許的麻煩,做爲此 種之製品精確度將被嚴格地要求。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) I----.--.--裝-- (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁)200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (1) [Technical field to which the invention belongs] The present invention relates to a blow-molded body in a fuel tank equipped with a vehicle such as a locomotive, etc. Molding method. [Knowledge technology] In recent years, most of the fuel tanks loaded on vehicles are made of resin made by blow molding. The molten resin that is the raw material is plasticized by an extruder to extrude the parison. After completing the valve mold, air is blown into the parison in the cavity of the steel mold of the blow molding machine to form the desired shape. After that, the mold is removed from the mold after an appropriate cooling time, and trimming and the like are performed to make the product. The tank body of such a fuel tank is provided with a bracket fixed to a vehicle body frame for mounting, a cylindrical fuel inlet for injecting fuel to fill it, and forcibly discharging the gasoline to the engine for feeding. Several parts of the discharge valve mounting seat for the oil outlet installed with the discharge valve. As a general manufacturing method for arranging these parts in the groove body, a molding method in which each part and the groove body are integrally formed by blow molding is performed. However, in the case where the fuel tank in which the various parts of the tank body are integrally blown and molded at the same time, the thick part and the thin part are likely to be generated in the development of the parison with the boundary part of the part. Therefore, if it is deteriorated due to long-term use, a thin portion may be broken or cracked, and the fuel may leak or leak from here. Even if the same fuel tanks are used in the lamp oil tanks used by ordinary households, the leakage of fuel may not be a problem. However, it is particularly troublesome in vehicles, and the accuracy of products made for this purpose is strictly required. This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) I ----.--.-- packing-- (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page)
、1T 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 -5- 200302771 A7 B7 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(2) 關於車輛裝載用的燃料槽,係如前述地在槽本體備有 吐出閥安裝座,可是在其吐出閥安裝座需要事先設置將吐 出閥以螺栓結合用之螺母埋入而設置。因如此的埋入螺母 係金屬製,有與槽本體無法進行由一體的同時吹製成型之 情況。 做爲解除以上的各問題點之製造方法,將被進行事先 準備如吐出閥安裝座的附有金屬製埋入螺栓之零件,以及 把上述給油口或托架等的零件事先由射出成型做爲嵌入零 件準備,在本工程從定位在吹製成型模具內空窩之所定位 置後,分別推入在槽本體的吹製成型時使之膨脹之型胚熔 接的嵌入零件熔接成形方法。 [發明所要解決之課題] 然而,在嵌入零件熔接成型方法,也有應解決的以下 之問題點。 圖5,係做爲吹製成型體例在機車等車輛裝載用的燃料 槽,做爲嵌入零件之1個顯示爲了安裝在車體框用的托架2 熔接在槽本體1之狀態的斷面圖。托架2係有車體安裝用之 螺栓孔3,在下部爲了提高對吹製成型中的槽本體1之熔接 時的咬合性和結合力,有護緣狀之熔接座4以數段被設置。 如將該熔接座4埋入地推入吹製成型中的槽本體之型胚,熔 接而一體化成形。 在如此的吹製成型中,如圖中之擴大部份所示,因熔 接座4的角部4a成爲略垂直之角度,將成爲在吹製成型中膨 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) •裝. 訂 % 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -6 - 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(3) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 脹而逐漸展開的型胚在其垂直之角度的角部4b破裂,或其 部份b之槽本體1的厚度變薄而成爲厚度薄5,將成爲其四周 之強度降低的原因。強度之降低將容易在與熔接座4的角部 4b之境界部份的界面引起微細之裂痕或破斷。雖然暫時能 夠使用可是在長期使用劣化等時,有從如此的微細裂痕汽 油將以毛細管現象滲出到外部等之缺點。並且,除了如此 的現象之外,也有空氣未完全脫氣,而發生密接不均6、7 的情況。 本發明之目的,係在提供防止如機車用燃料槽之槽本 體的吹製成型體,和附屬於此之安裝托架,給油口,燃料 噴射用的排出供給口等與被獨立成形之嵌入零件的熔接界 面之燃料滲出或漏出的嵌入零件熔接成型方法。 [爲了解決課題之手段] 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 爲了達成上述目的,關於本發明之申請專利範圍第1項 的對吹製成型體的嵌入零件熔接成型方法,其特徵係在吹 製成型體之所定位置將嵌入零件熔接時,藉由將在嵌入零 件的熔接部位設成護緣狀之熔接座的周緣端部以傾斜角度 形成倒角,使其熔接座在吹製成型體之成形時密接在展開 中之型胚而熔接。 根據以上,由於將嵌入零件的熔接座之角部倒角,與 型胚的咬合將提高而密接度將更成爲堅固,並且能防止在 型胚產生厚度薄部份而防止熔接部四周之強度降低。 而且,申請專利範圍第2項的對吹製成型體之嵌入零件 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(4) 熔接成型方法,其特徵爲前述熔接座的周緣端部之倒角角 度爲 30± 10° 。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 根據以上,做爲設在嵌入零件的熔接座之周緣端部的 表面修飾角度之具體例爲30± 10° ,由於和型胚的咬合之密 接,熔接性將會提高。 而且,申請專利範圍第3項的對吹製成型體之嵌入零件 熔接成型方法,其特徵爲將使用結晶性熱可塑性樹脂的嵌 入零件熔接成型方法,係將使用結晶性熱可塑性樹脂之嵌 入零件以1〇〇± 5 °c的溫度預熱後,在吹製成型模具內之空 窩壁面的所定位置定位使之保持,以其定位狀態把型胚擠 出成型由於推壓在各嵌入零件而熔接。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 根據以上,在被吹製成型的本體把多數之嵌入零件熔 接時,如果嵌入零件未被預熱則嵌入零件將以冷的狀態被 設定,熔融之型胚接觸在嵌入零件的時刻型胚將冷卻,固 化,嵌入零件雖將不會充份密接(接著),可是由於把此等 嵌入零件以事先被適當地被設定的預熱溫度預熱,與被擠 出在吹製成型模具之空窩內而展開中的型胚之密接性將會 提高,將提高熔接強度而能得到精確度高且高品質者。 並且,申請專利範圍第4項的對吹製成型體之嵌入零件 熔接成型方法,其特徵爲從設在嵌入零件的熔接座之透氣 孔,在前述吹製成型體的成形時使與展開中的型胚之間的 空氣透氣。 根據上述,由於從嵌入零件的透氣孔使殘存在與展開 中的型胚之間的滯留之空氣透氣,嵌入零件與型胚的密接 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -8 - 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(5) 性將會提高,而能得到精確度高且高品質者。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 而且,申請專利範圍第5項的對吹製成型體之嵌入零件 熔接成型方法,其中前述吹製成型體爲車輛裝載用之燃料 槽,且是:將被熔接在該槽本體之嵌入零件爲筒形狀的給 油口、對車體框之安裝用的托架或是成爲供安裝將汽油供 給至引擎之吐出閥用的油出口之吐出閥安裝座。 根據上述,做爲吹製成型體的具體例最適合如機車之 車輛裝載用的燃料槽之嵌入零件熔接成型,做爲其他的具 體例也最適合將藥品或洗劑充塡而收容之槽。做爲嵌入零 件的具體例有筒狀之給油口、車體框安裝用托架、吐出閥 安裝座等,能夠進行將此等各嵌入零件在槽本體強度性和 品質性皆能滿足之熔接,特別係在強度面和品質面被要求 嚴格的車輛裝載用之燃料汽油的槽最適合。 [發明之實施形態] 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 以下,將有關本發明的對吹製成型體的嵌入零件熔接 成型方法之實施形態,參照圖面詳細地說明。圖1,係顯示 被適用本成形方法的機車用之燃料槽10的斜視圖。 在槽本體11之上下方向的上部有使汽油充滿在槽內給 油用的筒形之給油口 20被突設,成爲在其本體21設置的蓋 螺紋22能使未圖示之蓋自由裝卸地螺著而將蓋開閉。並且, 將槽本體11安裝在車體框固定用的托架31,此時以2個一對 被突設。該托架31有以螺栓結合在車體框用之螺栓孔32。 更且,被設有將汽油吐出而送入引擎供給用的在後述圖4顯 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -9- 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(6) 不之吐出閥固定的吐出閥安裝座40。 —----.--·---- (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 此等給油口 20、托架30、及吐出閥安裝座40係分別被 射出成形之單體零件,將做爲在吹製成型模具在槽本體11 的吹製成型時,推入型胚被一體熔接之嵌入零件被準備。 圖2,係顯示將其嵌入零件的1個給油口 20熔接在槽本 體11的狀態之斷面圖。全體筒形的給油口 20係在該本體21 外周被形成蓋螺紋22,而在筒下部被設有護緣形狀之熔接 座23。熔接座23係在周緣端部面臨槽本體11之側成鈍角地, 做爲例如30± 10°,以3〇± 5°爲理想的角度使之傾斜的倒角 部23a被形成。設定成此以上之角度時,由咬著的密接性將 會較差。一方面,在此以下之角度,則周緣端部的厚度太 薄,在成形時樹脂將不會流入至端部,或在周緣端部引起 彎曲或波浪,密接性會差。給油口 20將以射出成型機被成 形爲如此的形狀,以備與下一之本工程的槽本體11之同時 吹製成型。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 並且,圖3係同樣地顯示將嵌入零件的托架3 0熔接在槽 本體11之狀態的斷面圖。托架30係在本體31之中央部被設 有螺栓孔32,在本體31下部有熔接座33大一圈地設成護緣狀 。熔接座33係做爲在周緣部面臨槽本體11之側成鈍角地, 例如30± 10°,以30± 5°爲理想的角度使之傾斜的倒角部 33a被形成。如此之形狀地托架30係以射出成形機被成形而 準備,準備與下一主工程的與槽本體11之同時吹製成型。 可是,在將空氣吹入將成槽本體的型胚內時,爲了防止其 空氣殘留在與熔接座33之間而成爲空氣集中處,在熔接座 本纸張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -10- 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(7) 33事先被設有多數個通氣孔34。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 而且,圖4係顯示同樣地將嵌入零件的汽油吐出閥安裝 而固定用之吐出閥安裝座40熔接在槽本體11的狀態之斷面 圖。該吐出閥安裝座40,係有橢圓形等形狀的座本體41,在 座本體41之背面側有2個鼓出部42, 42排成小形狀被設置。 從如此的座本體41之平滑表面向背面側的2個鼓出部42, 42 有2個金屬螺帽43, 43以被埋設的形態被以射出成形機成形 而準備,以備接下來之主要工程的對槽本體Η之同時吹製 成型。 再者,關於槽本體11,和嵌入零件的上述給油口 20,托 架30及吐出閥安裝座40等之材質雖未被特別限定,可是通 常將被使用結晶性熱可塑性樹脂的融點1 20〜140 °C的高密 度乙烯,融點115〜140 t之聚丙烯等結晶性聚烯烴系樹脂 或融點220〜240 °C之聚醯胺樹脂等。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 接著,在槽本體11的吹製成型工程,被準備之給油口 20,托架30及吐出閥安裝座40的各嵌入零件,將事先在加熱 槽以比此等之融點低的預熱溫度,例如以100± 5 °C預熱30 分鐘以上再定位於吹製成型模具內之空窩壁面的所定位置 設定,以備型胚之擠出成形。將各嵌入預熱的理由,係爲 了將對擠出中之型胚的熔接有效率地進行。 接著,型胚被推入吹製模具內之空窩時,將被進行關 模,由吹入空氣等將其型胚在空窩內使之膨脹而展開。型 胚將分別被推壓在空窩壁面所設的給油口 20、托架30、和 吐出閥安裝座40。此時,積存在各嵌入零件與展開中的型 1紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) " -11- 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(8) 胚之間的空氣,特別係托架30時將從設在熔接座33之透氣 孔34被透氣。由充滿型胚的膨脹之展開,成爲做爲槽本體 11的定形時,各嵌入零件將以密接狀態被堅固地熔接,經 由冷卻工程,離模工程被成形爲如圖1所示之燃料槽10。 如此地被吹製成型的燃料槽10,離模後將如圖2所示, 在給油口 20被熔接部位之槽本體11、貫通孔12被由機械加 工穿孔而被開口。並且,如圖4所示,在吐出閥安裝座40也 在被熔接部位的槽本體11、貫通孔13將由機械加工等被穿 孔而開□。該貫通孔13將備以把從吐出閥45之閥本體垂下 的吸引管48插入槽本體11之內部。在吸引管48的下端,被安 裝有過濾器48a。而且,在吐出閥45也備有調整汽油的吐出 量等之切換桿46。 並且,在此等給油口 20、托架30、吐出閥安裝座40,將 別係給油口 20和托架30因設在此等的熔接座23、33之倒角部 23a、33a及抽氣孔24、34,在與槽本體11的境界部咬合性將 提高,以界面堅固地密接之狀態被熔接。由此,在實機裝 備而經過時間使用後也能保持所要的品質,解除汽油之滲 出和洩漏等缺點,特別係在如機車等被要求品質上高精確 度的車輛裝載用之燃料槽的成形方法,將發揮最適切之效 而且,將槽本體11在車體框以托架30固定後,吐出閥45 使基座47由螺栓49使之螺合在吐出閥安裝座40側的埋入螺 帽43被固定。固定後,被儲存在槽本體11內之燃料汽油將 由吐出閥45從吸引管48被吸起,而供給引擎。 本紙張尺度適用中周國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210 X 297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) •裝· -訂 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 -12- 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(9) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 再者,雖然做爲本實施形態,把儲存汽油的燃料槽做 爲前提進行說明,可是當然也能適用在對內容漏出等嚴格 要求高精確度之密封性的收容藥品和洗劑等之槽的成形方 法。 [發明之效果] 如以上所述,關於本發明的申請專利範圍第1項之對吹 製成型體的嵌入零件熔接成型方法,係由於把嵌入零件的 熔接座之角部形成倒角,與型胚的咬合性將提高而密接度 將成爲更堅固,而且能夠防止在型胚產生薄壁部降低熔接 部四周之強度。 並且,申請專利範圍第2項之對吹製成型體的嵌入零件 熔接成型方法,係做爲設在嵌入零件的熔接座之周緣端部 的倒角角度之具體例由於做爲3 0± 1 〇°,由於與型胚的咬合 之密接,熔接性將會提高。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 而且,申請專利範圍第3項之對吹製成型體的嵌入零件 熔接成型方法,係在被吹製成型之本體把嵌入零件熔接時, 由於將嵌入零件事先以被設定爲理想的預熱溫度預熱,與 被擠出在吹製成型模具之空窩內展開中的型胚之密接性將 提高,增加熔接強度而能得到精確度高且品質優異者。 並且,申請專利範圍第4項之對吹製成型體的嵌入零件 熔接成型方法,係由於從嵌入零件之抽氣孔使殘存或滯留 在與展開中的型胚之間的空氣,能提高嵌入零件與型胚之 密接性,提高熔接強度而得到精確度高且高品質者。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) -13- 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(1$) I----^--·--0—^-- (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 更且,申請專利範圍第5項之對吹製成形體的嵌入零件 熔接成形方法,係最適合做爲吹製成型體之具體例,如機 車的車輛裝載用之燃料槽之嵌入零件熔接成型,做爲其他 具體例也最適合將藥品和洗劑等充塡而收容之槽。做爲嵌 入零件的具體例有筒狀之給油口,車體框安裝用托架、吐 出閥安裝座等,最適合能夠將此等各嵌入零件在槽本體進 行在強度性及品質性皆能滿足的熔接,特別係在強度面與 品質面被嚴格要求之車輛裝載用的燃料汽油之槽。 [圖面之簡單說明] [圖1] 係顯示以關於本發明的嵌入零件熔接成型方法所成形 之機車裝載的燃料槽之斜視圖。 [圖2] 係顯示熔接安裝在其燃料槽的槽本體之嵌入零件的給 油口之斷面圖。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 [圖3] 係顯示同樣地熔接安裝在燃料槽的槽本體之嵌入零件 的托架之斷面圖。 [圖4] 係顯示同樣地熔接安裝在燃料槽的槽本體之吐出閥安 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -14- 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(1)1 裝座和在此被螺栓結合的汽油吐出閥之結合關体& 卞的〜部份 斷面之分解圖。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) [圖5] 係顯示熔接在燃料槽的槽本體被安裝之嵌入零件的習 知例托架之斷面圖。 [圖號說明] 10燃料槽 11槽本體 12給油口之貫通孔 13吐出閥安裝座之貫通孔 20給油口 23熔接座 23a倒角部 24通氣孔 30托架 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 33熔接座 33a倒角部 34通氣孔 40吐出閥安裝座 43金屬製之埋入螺栓 45吐出閥 48汽油吸引管 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -15- 200302771 A7 B7 五、發明説明(1灸49固定螺栓 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝· 訂 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -16-Printed by 1T Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs -5- 200302771 A7 B7 Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of the invention (2) The fuel tank for vehicle loading is as described above in the tank body A discharge valve mounting seat is provided. However, the discharge valve mounting seat needs to be provided in advance, and the discharge valve is embedded with a nut for bolt connection and installed. Due to the fact that the embedded nut is made of metal, it may not be possible to perform simultaneous blow molding with the groove body. As a manufacturing method for resolving the above problems, parts such as metal valve bolts with ejector valve mounts are prepared in advance, and parts such as the oil filler or bracket are injection molded in advance. Preparation of insert parts. After the project is positioned from the predetermined position in the cavity of the blow molding die, the insert parts are welded into the molding method of insert parts that are expanded during the blow molding of the groove body. [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] However, there are also the following problems to be solved in the fusion molding method of insert parts. FIG. 5 is a cross section showing a state where a bracket 2 for mounting on a vehicle body frame is welded to a tank body 1 as a fuel tank for loading a vehicle such as a locomotive as a blow molding system. Illustration. The bracket 2 is provided with bolt holes 3 for vehicle body installation. In order to improve the engagement and bonding force when welding the grooved body 1 in the blow molding, a flange-shaped welding seat 4 is provided in several stages. Settings. For example, the welding base 4 is pushed into the grooved body of the blow-molded body, and welded to form an integrated body. In such a blow molding, as shown in the enlarged part in the figure, because the corner portion 4a of the welding seat 4 becomes a slightly vertical angle, it will expand in the blow molding (please read the precautions on the back first) (Fill in this page again) • Binding. Order% This paper size applies to Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -6-200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of invention (3) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling (This page) The swelled and gradually expanded parison is broken at the corner 4b at a vertical angle, or the thickness of the groove body 1 of the part b becomes thinner and becomes thinner 5, which will cause the strength around it to decrease. The decrease in strength easily causes fine cracks or breaks at the interface with the boundary portion of the corner portion 4b of the welding seat 4. Although it can be used temporarily, when it is used for a long period of time, there is a disadvantage that such fine cracks will leak out to the outside due to capillary phenomenon. In addition to this phenomenon, there may be cases where the air is not completely degassed and uneven adhesion 6 or 7 occurs. The object of the present invention is to provide a blow-molded body that prevents a tank body such as a fuel tank for a locomotive, and a mounting bracket attached thereto, a fuel supply port, a fuel supply discharge port, and the like, and an insert that is formed separately. A method for fusion molding of embedded parts where fuel leaks or leaks from the welding interface of the part. [Means to solve the problem] Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs To achieve the above-mentioned purpose, the method for welding embedded parts of blow-molded bodies according to the first patent application scope of the present invention is characterized by When the embedded part is welded at a predetermined position of the blow-molded body, the peripheral end of the welding seat provided with a flange shape at the welding part of the embedded part is chamfered at an inclined angle, so that the welding seat is blow-molded. When the body is formed, it is tightly welded to the unfolded parison and welded. According to the above, because the corners of the welding seat of the embedded part are chamfered, the engagement with the parison will be improved, and the tightness will be stronger, and it can prevent the thickness of the parison from being thin and prevent the strength around the welded portion from decreasing. . Moreover, for the embedded parts of blow-molded bodies in the second scope of the patent application, the paper size of this paper applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) 200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (4) Welding molding method, which It is characterized in that the chamfered angle of the peripheral end of the welding seat is 30 ± 10 °. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page.) Based on the above, the specific example of the surface modification angle set at the peripheral edge of the welding seat of the embedded part is 30 ± 10 °, due to the close contact with the bite. , The weldability will be improved. Furthermore, the method for fusion molding of insert parts for blow-molded bodies according to item 3 of the patent application is characterized by the fusion molding method of insert parts using crystalline thermoplastic resin, which is an insert part using crystalline thermoplastic resin. After preheating at 100 ± 5 ° c, it is positioned and maintained at a predetermined position on the wall surface of the cavity in the blow mold, and the parison is extruded and molded into each embedded part in its positioning state. While welding. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. According to the above, when the majority of the embedded parts are welded in the blow-molded body, if the embedded parts are not preheated, the embedded parts will be set in a cold state and the melted type. When the embryo contacts the embedded part, the mold will cool and solidify, and although the embedded part will not be fully adhered (continued), the embedded part is preheated at a preheating temperature appropriately set in advance, and the The tightness of the preform that is extruded in the cavity of the blow-molded mold and developed will be improved, and the welding strength will be improved to obtain a high-precision and high-quality one. In addition, the method for fusion molding insert parts of a blow molded body according to item 4 of the patent application is characterized in that, from the ventilation holes of the welding seat provided in the insert parts, the blow molding is formed and unfolded during the forming of the blow molded body. The air between the parisons is breathable. According to the above, since the trapped air between the remaining and unfolded parisons is allowed to breathe through the ventilation holes of the embedded parts, the tight contact between the embedded parts and the parisons is based on the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm ) -8-200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (5) The property will be improved, and high accuracy and high quality can be obtained. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page.) Furthermore, the method for welding the insert parts of blow-molded bodies in the scope of patent application No. 5 is applied, wherein the blow-molded bodies are fuel tanks for vehicle loading. In addition, the insert part welded to the groove body is a cylinder-shaped oil supply port, a bracket for mounting the vehicle body frame, or a discharge valve for an oil outlet for installing a discharge valve for supplying gasoline to an engine. Mount. According to the above, a specific example of a blow-molded body is most suitable for fusion molding of embedded parts such as a fuel tank for loading a locomotive vehicle, and other specific examples are also most suitable for a tank filled with medicine or lotion. . As specific examples of the embedded parts, there are a cylindrical oil supply port, a bracket for mounting a vehicle body frame, and an outlet valve mounting seat. The welding of each of these embedded parts in the groove body strength and quality can be performed. In particular, the tanks for fuel gasoline for vehicles with strict requirements in terms of strength and quality are most suitable. [Embodiment of the invention] Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs The embodiment of the method for fusion-molding a blow-molded insert part according to the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the drawings. Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing a fuel tank 10 for a locomotive to which the forming method is applied. On the upper part of the tank body 11 in the upper and lower direction, a cylindrical oil supply port 20 for filling gasoline in the tank for fueling is protruded, and a cap thread 22 provided on the main body 21 enables a cap (not shown) to be freely attached and detached. Open and close the cover. In addition, the groove body 11 is attached to the bracket 31 for fixing the frame of the vehicle body, and at this time, two pairs are projected. The bracket 31 has bolt holes 32 for bolting to the body frame. In addition, it is provided for discharging gasoline into the engine and supplying it to the engine. Figure 4 below shows that the paper size is in accordance with Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) -9- 200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (6 ) The discharge valve mounting seat 40 where the discharge valve is fixed. —----.-- · ---- (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) These oil supply ports 20, bracket 30, and discharge valve mounting seat 40 are injection molded units. The part is prepared as an embedded part in which the insert parison is integrally welded when the blow mold is blow-molded in the groove body 11. Fig. 2 is a sectional view showing a state in which one oil supply port 20 embedded in the component is welded to the groove body 11; The entire cylindrical oil supply port 20 is formed with a cap thread 22 on the outer periphery of the main body 21, and a welding seat 23 in the shape of a flange is provided at the lower part of the cylinder. The welding seat 23 is formed at an obtuse angle on the side of the peripheral edge portion facing the groove body 11, and a chamfered portion 23a is formed, for example, at an angle of 30 ± 10 ° and inclined at an ideal angle of 30 ± 5 °. When the angle is set to more than this, the adhesion by biting will be poor. On the one hand, at angles below this, the thickness of the peripheral edge is too thin, and the resin will not flow into the end during molding, or cause bending or undulation at the peripheral edge, and the adhesion will be poor. The oil supply port 20 is formed into such a shape by an injection molding machine so as to be simultaneously blow-molded with the tank body 11 of the next process. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Also, FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view showing a state where the bracket 30 embedded in the component is welded to the groove body 11 in the same manner. The bracket 30 is provided with a bolt hole 32 in a central portion of the main body 31, and a welding seat 33 is provided at a lower portion of the main body 31 in a guarded shape. The welding seat 33 is formed as a chamfered portion 33a which is inclined at an obtuse angle on the side of the peripheral portion facing the groove body 11, for example, 30 ± 10 °, and is inclined at an ideal angle of 30 ± 5 °. The bracket 30 having such a shape is prepared by molding with an injection molding machine, and is prepared to be blow-molded simultaneously with the groove body 11 of the next main process. However, when blowing air into the preform that will form the groove body, in order to prevent its air from remaining between the welding seat 33 and becoming a concentrated place of air, the paper size of the welding seat applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 Specifications (210X297 mm) -10- 200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of Invention (7) 33 A plurality of vent holes 34 are provided in advance. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page.) Also, Fig. 4 is a cross-sectional view showing a state in which the gasoline discharge valve of the embedded part is installed and the fixed discharge valve mounting seat 40 is fused to the tank body 11. The discharge valve mounting seat 40 is provided with a seat body 41 having an elliptical shape or the like, and two bulging portions 42 and 42 are arranged in a small shape on the back side of the seat body 41. From the smooth surface of the seat body 41 to the two bulging portions 42 and 42 on the back side, there are two metal nuts 43 and 43 prepared by an injection molding machine in the form of being buried. The grooved body of the project is blown and molded at the same time. The material of the groove body 11 and the above-mentioned oil supply port 20, bracket 30, and discharge valve mounting seat 40 of the embedded component is not particularly limited, but a melting point 1 20 of a crystalline thermoplastic resin is usually used. High-density ethylene at ~ 140 ° C, crystalline polyolefin resins such as polypropylene with a melting point of 115 to 140 t, or polyamide resins with a melting point of 220 to 240 ° C. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Then, in the blow molding process of the tank body 11, the embedded parts of the oil inlet 20, the bracket 30 and the discharge valve mounting seat 40 will be prepared in advance in the heating tank. Preheating temperature lower than these melting points, for example, preheating at 100 ± 5 ° C for more than 30 minutes and then positioning at a predetermined position on the cavity wall surface in the blow mold to prepare for the extrusion molding of the parison . The reason for inserting each preheating is to efficiently perform welding of the parison during extrusion. Then, when the parison is pushed into the cavity in the blow mold, the mold is closed, and the parison is expanded and expanded by blowing in air or the like. The parison will be pushed against the oil supply port 20, the bracket 30, and the discharge valve mounting seat 40 provided on the cavity wall surface, respectively. At this time, the size of the paper that is embedded in each of the embedded parts and the expanded type 1 paper is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) " -11- 200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (8) Air between the embryos In particular, when the bracket 30 is used, air will be vented from the ventilation hole 34 provided in the welding seat 33. When expanding from the expansion filled with the parison to become the shape of the groove body 11, each embedded part will be firmly welded in a tight state. After cooling, the mold release process is formed into a fuel tank 10 as shown in FIG. . The fuel tank 10 thus blow-molded will be opened from the tank body 11 and the through hole 12 at the welded portion of the oil supply port 20 as shown in Fig. 2 after being released from the mold. Further, as shown in FIG. 4, the groove body 11 and the through hole 13 of the discharge valve mounting seat 40 also in the welded portion are opened by being machined or the like. This through-hole 13 is prepared to insert the suction pipe 48 hanging down from the valve body of the discharge valve 45 into the inside of the groove body 11. At the lower end of the suction pipe 48, a filter 48a is installed. The discharge valve 45 is also provided with a switching lever 46 for adjusting the amount of gasoline to be discharged. In addition, the oil supply port 20, the bracket 30, and the discharge valve mounting seat 40 are provided with the chamfered portions 23a, 33a and the air suction holes of the separate oil supply port 20 and the bracket 30 in the welding seats 23 and 33. 24 and 34, the engagement with the boundary portion of the groove body 11 will be improved, and the interface will be welded firmly. As a result, the required quality can be maintained even after using the machine for a period of time, and the shortcomings such as leakage and leakage of gasoline can be eliminated. It is particularly related to the formation of fuel tanks for high-accuracy vehicle loading such as locomotives, etc. The method will exert the most appropriate effect. After the groove body 11 is fixed to the vehicle body frame by the bracket 30, the discharge valve 45 is screwed to the base 47 by the bolt 49 on the embedded screw on the discharge valve mounting seat 40 side. The cap 43 is fixed. After fixing, the fuel gasoline stored in the tank body 11 is sucked up from the suction pipe 48 by the discharge valve 45 and is supplied to the engine. This paper size is applicable to Mid-week National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) -200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (9) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page.) Furthermore, although this embodiment is described with the premise of a fuel tank for storing gasoline, it can of course be used. This method is suitable for forming a tank for storing medicines, lotions, etc., where tightness is required, such as leakage of contents. [Effects of the Invention] As described above, the method for welding the insert parts of the blow-molded body with respect to item 1 of the scope of patent application of the present invention is because the corners of the weld base of the insert parts are chamfered, and The bite of the parison will be improved and the adhesion will be stronger, and it is possible to prevent the thin-walled portion of the parison from reducing the strength around the welded portion. In addition, the method for welding the insert part of the blow molded body according to the second patent application scope is a specific example of the chamfering angle provided at the peripheral end of the welding seat of the insert part, because it is 3 ± 1 〇 °, due to the close contact with the parison, the weldability will be improved. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Furthermore, the method for welding the embedded parts of the blow-molded body by applying the third scope of the patent application is based on the process of welding the embedded parts by the blow-molded body. The parts are pre-heated in advance at an ideal pre-heating temperature, and the tightness with the parison extruded in the cavity of the blow-molded mold will be improved, and the welding strength can be increased to obtain high accuracy and quality. Outstanding. In addition, the method for welding the insert part of the blow-molded body in the scope of the patent application No. 4 is because the air remaining from the exhaust hole of the insert part and the air between the unfolded parison can improve the insert part. Adhesiveness to the parison, improve the welding strength and get high accuracy and high quality. This paper size applies to Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm) -13- 200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (1 $) I ---- ^-· -0-^-(Please (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page.) Furthermore, the method of fusion molding of blow-molded embedded parts in the scope of patent application No. 5 is a specific example of the most suitable for blow-molded bodies, such as the locomotive The embedded parts of the fuel tank for vehicle loading are welded and formed. As other specific examples, it is also the most suitable tank for storing medicines and lotions. As specific examples of the embedded parts, there are a cylindrical oil supply port, a bracket for mounting a vehicle body frame, and an outlet valve mounting seat, etc., which are most suitable for being able to perform such insertion parts in the groove body in terms of strength and quality. The fusion welding is especially a fuel gasoline tank for vehicle loading where the strength and quality are strictly required. [Brief Description of Drawings] [FIG. 1] is a perspective view showing a fuel tank loaded on a locomotive formed by a method of fusion molding of an insert part according to the present invention. [Fig. 2] It is a sectional view showing the oil supply port of an insert part which is welded and installed in the tank body of the fuel tank. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs [Fig. 3] This is a cross-sectional view showing a bracket that is similarly welded to the embedded parts installed in the tank body of the fuel tank. [Fig. 4] It shows that the discharge valve of the tank body which is similarly welded and installed on the fuel tank is sized according to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) -14- 200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (1) 1 The exploded view of a part of the joint body & 〜 of the mounting seat and the gasoline outlet valve bolted together here. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) [Figure 5] This is a cross-sectional view of a conventional bracket showing the embedded parts welded to the tank body of the fuel tank. [Illustration of number] 10 fuel tank 11 tank body 12 through hole of oil supply port 13 through hole of valve installation seat 20 oil supply port 23 welding seat 23a chamfered part 24 air hole 30 bracket Ministry of Economic Affairs Intellectual Property Bureau employee consumer cooperative 33 welding seat 33a chamfered 34 vent hole 40 discharge valve mounting seat 43 metal embedded bolt 45 discharge valve 48 gasoline suction tube This paper applies the Chinese national standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -15- 200302771 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (1 moxibustion and 49 fixing bolts (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) Binding and ordering Printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau Staff Consumer Cooperatives of the Ministry of Economic Affairs This paper applies Chinese national standards (CNS) A4 Specifications (210X297 mm) -16-