TW198739B - Shock-proof construction and structure - Google Patents

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TW198739B TW80108621A TW80108621A TW198739B TW 198739 B TW198739 B TW 198739B TW 80108621 A TW80108621 A TW 80108621A TW 80108621 A TW80108621 A TW 80108621A TW 198739 B TW198739 B TW 198739B
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Chyuan-Jong Wu
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Chyuan-Jong Wu
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Priority to TW80108621A priority Critical patent/TW198739B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TW198739B publication Critical patent/TW198739B/en



  • Buildings Adapted To Withstand Abnormal External Influences (AREA)
  • Vibration Prevention Devices (AREA)


A shock-proof construction and structure separating building and ground by providing a plurality of rolling balls among supporting and separating layers between building and ground, characterized in: placing supporting and separating layers between building and ground, displacing a plurality of rolling balls or ball bearings among supporting and separating layers; in which the shock of earthquake is diminished from the ground to the building gradually in order to protect the building without moving.


198739 Α6 Β6 五、發明說明⑴ 經濟部中央標準局W工消費合作社印製 請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) •計· .線· 根據吾人所知,吾人所居住之地殼,其厚度僅有薄薄 的幾十公里,其下則爲接近液態之熾熱岩漿,由於地殼板 塊之漂移運動,或互相·擠壓,造成激烈磨擦,或互相錯動 ,產生斷層現象,皆會釋出龐大之能量,傳至地表,卽造 成地震現象,此種大自然災害對建築物所帶來之巨大摧毁 力量,自古以來,卽深爲吾人所畏懼,而其造成之慘重災 害,更是史不絕書。(如曰本關東大地震、墨西哥大地震 、中國大陸唐山大地震……等)。時至今日,儘管建築技 術與建築材料已極爲發達進步,然而建築物在對抗地震方 法上,卻仍僅停留於耐震階段,鮮能於建築設計思想上, 作一革命性之創新突破。按目前一般傳統性之建築,無論 是高樓大廈或是普通房屋,均是將建築物固定於地盤上, 其間如有對抗地震之考慮時,再於設計或施工上加強其結 構,期能於地震時,由建築物接受地震動能後,再由建築 物把這些動能吸收起來。發明人認爲,以此種傳統建築方 法對抗地震,實爲一不高明之辦法。依據牛頓運動力學之 慣性定律一(一物體如不受外力影響,其動者恆動,靜者 恆靜),吾人可由此理論得知以下之情況:一個固定於地 盤上之建築物,如無外力影響(指地震所加之動能)絕不 會自行由靜變動,再如無外力影響(指地震停止,動能來 源斷絕)亦絕不會由動變靜,此種建築物由靜而動,再由 動而靜,全隨地殼之擺佈支配,其主要原因,乃是建築物 本來就固定於地殼上,其勢不得不然!而如果地震威力強 大,地面擺動劇烈,,建築物本身抗震結構不足以吸收其動能 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)HM规格(2】()χ297公楚)一 3 — 198739 A6 B6 經濟部中央櫺準局W工消费合作社印5i -i、發明說明⑵ 時,則倒塌傾頹亦是必然之結局,此亦爲地震對紐築物造 成破壞之主要原因。由以上之論述,吾人可得知欲使建築 物免於受地震之破壞,^最有效之方法乃是使建築物不_!; 接受地盤之影響,並設法斷絕地震加諸建築物之動能,亦 «II IMM., ........................... 、 一 ____* ...... -I' pi in ............. 卽設法使建築物在地震發生時仍能處於恆靜或接近恆靜之 狀態。至於利用何種方法,以下說明卽爲本發明之實施例 (在本發明之前已有相關但不相同之技術公開,請參閱附 件所示)。 首先請參閱第1團,本發明中之建築物免震結構係築 設在建築物⑷及地盤⑴上的建築地基⑵之間。在地基⑵上 舖設有多數個滾球軸承⑶或滾球裝置(如第4圖),各該 滾球軸承⑶上又設置有一滾球⑹。滾球⑹的上面則再舖設 —層上下表面皆具有凹曲面球座⑸的g撑隔絕層(SO,使 該滾球⑹壓觸於其下表面之凹曲面球座⑸內。同理,在其 上表面之凹曲面球座⑸內,再置入滾球⑹,然後可按同樣 方法依序舖設支撐隔絕層(S2),(S3)。支撐隔絕層(S3) 與建築物底部之間則固設有適當數目之連桿避震器(L) ’藉 此,支撐隔絕層(S〇及其上面之建築物⑷與隔絕層(&) ,(S1 )和地基⑵之間卽可全部處於可滑動之接觸狀態,而 皆可作水平方向的相對位移。 另外,地基⑵係構築於地基線⑺以下的凹坑⑻內,並 與凹坑⑻之側壁⑼保持適當的間隔。在側壁⑼上裝設有緩 衝橡膠⑽(或其他弾性緩衝裝置’如彈餐或輪胎等),以 .丨f為建樂物⑷與地基⑵之間珀通.1立移過大時之緩衝安全裝 本紙張尺度適/t]中国國家標準(CNSMM规格 請先閱讀背面.之注意事項再填寫本頁) ♦裝· •4®·· •綠· 198739 A6 B6 五、發明說明⑶ 濟 部 屮 央 標 準 局 Μ 工 消 if 合 作 社 印 %ί 置。 同時,爲了防止雨水流入凹坑⑻而汚染銹蝕滾球軸承(3) 等設施,在凹坑(8)之周阐及內部分別設有排水渠㈣及⑼, 以充分排除大量之雨水。 至於位處颳風或颶風帶之較輕型建築採用本免震結_ 時,爲了防止遭受強風吹襲而搖幌過度,可在建築物⑷附 近之地盤或地基上構築若干地錨,並以纜索或鐵錬將建築 物與地錨相箄.精,但須能容許建築物與地基作安全限度內 的相對位移。又,建築物⑷與地盤⑴間所設之管路(如電 線、水管等)均可採用具有伸縮性之軟管或S形之彈性管 ,以避免地震時,因建築物與地基之相對位移所造成的管 路斷裂。 請參閱第3圓及第4圏,前述滾球軸承⑶及滾球⑹以 及凹曲面球座⑸、(5a)及(5b)等皆由極具剛性材料製成 ,而其表面弧度極爲精密、平滑,因此其彼此間的滾動摩 擦係數趨近於零,也就是說,縱使在地震時地基⑵產生水 平振動,透過此種幾近零摩擦的滾動作用,支撐隔絕層 (SO (S2)及(S〇幾乎完全不受地基⑵水平振動之影響, 而卽使存在些微影響,其程度亦由下而上逐層依等比級數 衰減,因此,傳至建築物之震動能量已微乎其微而可以忽 略,藉此卽達免震的效果。 如第2圓所示,在建築物下万可以平均佈設多組滾球 軸承⑶或滾球裝置(如第4圖),藉以平均承載建築物的 重量。 請先聞讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) •装· •打_ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNSHM规格(210x297公犮)5 經濟部屮央標準鈞只工消费合作社卬製 198739 A6 Ββ 五、發明說明⑷ 請再參閱第3威,其爲第1圖中滾球軸承⑶之放大剖 面圖。其包含一滾球座⑽及設於座中的小滾球04)。滾球⑹則 置於小滾球⑽上而受小滾球(M)之支承,其間之摩擦係數極 小。球座⑸具有內凹之曲面,當平時無地震作用'時,滾球 ⑹之頂點必然與曲面之中央點(MO接觸,使得其上的建 築物⑷位於最低、最穩定的位置。同樣的,第4固顯示的 是夾壓於上下兩內凹曲面球座(5a)及(5b)間的滾球⑹。 在平時,滾球⑹之最高點及最低點必然分別與上球座(5 a) 之曲面最高點(Μ»)及下球座(5 b)之曲面最低點(Μ 2)接 觸。而發生地震時,若地盤發生水平運動,圓3及圓4中 的接觸淸形會有所改變。滾球⑹將沿著球座⑸,(5a)及 (5 b)的曲面作幾近零摩擦的滾動而滾向曲面側邊,此時茭 撐隔絕層由於幾乎未遭受任何水平摩擦推力’因此對地球 球心而言,其水平相對位置亦幾乎保持不動狀態,卽使其 位置稍有移動,但在地震結束後’滾球⑹又會囘到原中心 接觸點而形成自動歸位作用。 第5周所示爲另一種自動歸位之設計。兩球座(5a)及 (5b)爲平面狀,但滾球⑹則呈橢圓體,其長軸爲⑻,短軸 爲(b),當地震結束後,滾球⑹之短軸⑹上下兩端點(Nl )及 (N〇必然分別與球座(5a)及(5b)接觸。 以上的三種自動歸位設計均能使建築物在地震結束後 自動囘歸至最低及婊穩定的位置。當球座⑸,(5a)及(5b) 等之曲面曲率越大時,其對滾球⑹之滾動阻力也愈大,但 其自動歸位及定位的作用亦愈有效及正確。吾人可在設計 本紙张尺度適用中S國家標準(CNS) Ψ4規格(21ΠΧ297&^) 6 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再蜞鸾本頁)198739 Α6 Β6 V. Description of invention (1) Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, W Industrial and Consumer Cooperatives, please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) • Meter ·. Line · According to my knowledge, the crust in which I live, its thickness Only a few tens of kilometers thin, and below it is a hot magma that is close to liquid. Due to the drifting movement of the crustal plates, or squeezing each other, causing intense friction, or staggering each other, resulting in faults, all will release huge The energy spreads to the surface and causes earthquakes. The huge destruction power of such natural disasters on buildings has been feared by us since ancient times, and the terrible disasters caused by it are even more enduring. book. (Such as the Great Kanto Earthquake, the Great Mexico Earthquake, the Tangshan Earthquake in Mainland China, etc.). Today, although building technology and building materials have been extremely developed and advanced, buildings are still only at the earthquake-resistant stage in the method of resisting earthquakes, and they rarely make a revolutionary innovation breakthrough in architectural design ideas. According to the current general traditional architecture, whether it is a high-rise building or an ordinary house, the building is fixed to the site. If there is consideration of anti-earthquake, then the structure will be strengthened in design or construction. During an earthquake, after the building receives the ground motion energy, the building absorbs the kinetic energy. The inventor believes that this traditional method of building against earthquakes is really a clever method. According to Newton's law of inertia 1 (if an object is not affected by external forces, its mover is constantly moving, and the static one is static), we can learn the following from this theory: a building fixed on the ground, if there is no The influence of external forces (referring to the kinetic energy added by the earthquake) will never change by itself. If there is no external force (referring to the cessation of the earthquake and the source of kinetic energy is cut off), it will never change from dynamic to static. The main reason is that the movement is static, and it is completely controlled by the crustal arrangement. The main reason is that the building is originally fixed to the crust, and it must be! If the earthquake is powerful and the ground is oscillating violently, the seismic structure of the building itself is not enough to absorb its kinetic energy. The paper scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) HM specification (2) () χ297 Gongchu) 1 — 198739 A6 B6 Ministry of Economic Affairs When the Central Bureau of Precision Engineering, W Industrial and Consumer Cooperative printed 5i-i and the description of invention ⑵, collapse and collapse were also the inevitable ending, which was also the main reason for the damage to the buildings caused by the earthquake. From the above discussion, we can know that we want to protect the building from the damage of the earthquake, ^ the most effective way is to make the building not _ !; accept the influence of the site, and try to cut off the kinetic energy added to the building by the earthquake, Also «II IMM., ..........................., a ____ * ...... -I 'pi in. ............ In order to make the building still or close to the static state when the earthquake occurs. As for which method is used, the following description is an embodiment of the present invention (relevant but different technical disclosures have been disclosed before the present invention, please refer to the appendix). First, please refer to the first group. The earthquake-free structure of the present invention is built between the building ⑷ and the building foundation ⑵ on the site ⑴. A plurality of ball bearings ⑶ or ball devices (as shown in Figure 4) are laid on the foundation ⑵, and a ball ⑹ is provided on each of the ball bearings ⑶. The top of the rolling ball ⑹ is then laid-the upper and lower surfaces of the layer have a g-shaped support layer (SO) with concave curved ball seats ⑸, so that the rolling ball ⑹ is pressed into the concave curved ball seats ⑸ on its lower surface. Similarly, in In the concave surface ball seat ⑸ on the upper surface, put the rolling ball ⑹, and then lay the support insulation layer (S2), (S3) in the same way in sequence. Between the support insulation layer (S3) and the bottom of the building An appropriate number of connecting rod shock absorbers (L) are fixedly installed to support the insulation layer (S〇 and the buildings above it ⑷ and the insulation layer (S1)) and the foundation ⑵. It is in a sliding contact state, and all can be relatively displaced in the horizontal direction. In addition, the foundation ⑵ is built in the pit ⑻ below the ground baseline ⑺, and maintains an appropriate distance from the side wall ⑼ of the pit ⑻. On the side wall ⑼ The top is equipped with buffer rubber ⑽ (or other flexible cushioning devices such as bullet meals or tires, etc.), with .f as the pass-through between the building object ⑷ and the foundation ⑵. Standard / t] China National Standards (Please read the back of the CNSMM specifications first. Then fill in the matters needing attention Page) ♦ Installation · • 4® ·· • Green · 198739 A6 B6 V. Description of the invention ⑶ Printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Industry, and the Cooperative Society. At the same time, in order to prevent rainwater from flowing into the pit ⑻, pollution and corrosion roll Ball bearings (3) and other facilities are provided with drainage channels (∣ and ⑼) in the surrounding area of the pit (8) and inside respectively to fully exclude a large amount of rainwater. As for the lighter buildings in the windy or hurricane zone, this exemption is adopted At the time of earthquake _, in order to prevent the strong wind from overshadowing, a number of ground anchors can be built on the site or foundation near the building ⑷, and the building and the ground anchor can be tied to each other by cable or iron. It must be able to allow the relative displacement of the building and the foundation within the safety limits. In addition, the pipes (such as electrical wires, water pipes, etc.) between the building ⑷ and the site ⑴ can use flexible hoses or S-shaped elastics To prevent the pipeline from breaking due to the relative displacement of the building and the foundation during an earthquake. Please refer to the third and fourth circles, the aforementioned ball bearings (3) and the ball (7), and the concave curved ball seat (5a), (5a ) And (5b) are made of extremely rigid materials The surface arc is extremely precise and smooth, so the rolling friction coefficient between them tends to zero, that is to say, even if the foundation ⑵ produces horizontal vibration during an earthquake, the nearly zero friction rolling effect supports the insulation layer. (SO (S2) and (S〇 are almost completely unaffected by the horizontal vibration of the foundation ⑵, and there is a slight influence, and the degree is also attenuated by a proportional series from floor to floor. Therefore, it is transmitted to the building The vibration energy is negligible and can be ignored, so as to achieve the effect of avoiding vibration. As shown in the second circle, under the building, multiple sets of ball bearings (3) or ball devices (as shown in Figure 4) can be evenly arranged. The average weight of the building. Please read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page. Consumer Cooperative Society 198739 A6 Ββ V. Description of invention ⑷ Please refer to the third dimension, which is an enlarged cross-sectional view of the ball bearing ⑶ in Figure 1. It includes a rolling ball seat ⑽ and a small rolling ball set in the seat 04). The rolling ball ⑹ is placed on the small rolling ball ⑽ and supported by the small rolling ball (M), and the friction coefficient therebetween is extremely small. The ball seat ⑸ has a concave curved surface. When there is no earthquake action at ordinary times, the vertex of the rolling ball ⑹ must be in contact with the center point of the curved surface (MO, so that the building ⑷ on it is located at the lowest and most stable position. Similarly, The fourth solid shows the rolling ball ⑹ that is pressed between the upper and lower concave curved ball seats (5a) and (5b). In normal times, the highest point and the lowest point of the rolling ball ⑹ must be the same as the upper ball (5 a ) The highest point of the curved surface (Μ ») and the lowest point of the curved surface of the lower tee (5 b) (Μ 2). However, if an earthquake occurs, if the site moves horizontally, the contact shape in circle 3 and circle 4 will be Changed. The rolling ball ⑹ will roll along the surface of the ball seat ⑸, (5a) and (5 b) with almost zero friction and roll to the side of the curved surface. At this time, the bracing insulation layer has hardly suffered any horizontal friction "Thrust" therefore the horizontal relative position of the earth's sphere center remains almost immobile, but its position is slightly moved, but after the earthquake, the "rolling ball ⑹ will return to the original center contact point and form an automatic homing Function. Week 5 shows another design for automatic homing. The two tees (5a) and (5 b) It is flat, but the rolling ball ⑹ is an ellipsoid, its long axis is ⑻, and the short axis is (b). After the earthquake, the short axis ⑹ of the ball ⑹, the upper and lower ends (Nl) and (N 〇It must be in contact with the tees (5a) and (5b) respectively. The above three automatic homing designs can make the building automatically return to the lowest and stable position after the earthquake. When the tee ⑸, (5a) And (5b), the greater the curvature of the curved surface, the greater the rolling resistance of the rolling ball ⑹, but the more effective and correct the function of automatic homing and positioning. I can apply this standard in the design of this paper. Standard (CNS) Ψ4 specifications (21ΠΧ297 & ^) 6 (please read the precautions on the back before slurping this page)

St. •線· 198739 經濟部中央櫺伞局Μ工消费合作社印製 A6 Ββ 發明說明⑸ 時視實際需要作適當的選擇。如第5圖所示,富a與b之 差愈小時,阻力愈小,但歸泣也愈不準確。反之,a與b 之差愈大時’,則阻力亦愈大,但歸位愈準確。上述之方法 ,亦可運用於橋極之構築設計上,使橋面與橋墩之間孙呈 可滑動之接觸狀態,藉以隔絕地震水平動能對橋面之影響 ,以保護橋樑之安全。 請進一步參閱第_ 6圖、第6 — 1圆及第7圈。本發明 一震κϊι,包睡4下兩組四連桿,此兩組四連桿 各包括四條相同且互相垂直的連桿臂⑽,㈣及分別樞接該 連桿臂(15),⑽的樞接座⑽及樞接板(20')。上連桿臂⑽較下 連桿臂㈣爲長,而每一上連桿臂㈣及下連桿臂㈣之另一端 均樞接在滑塊⑽上,每兩個相對滑塊α7)又各穿設在一叉滑 桿(21)的兩端,並以可滑動的方式與一條固設在支撐隔絕層 (S3 )上而與滑桿⑻呈平行的滑軌⑽相接合,藉此,滑塊肋 卽可受滑桿⑵)及滑軌脚的引導而在其上滑動。滑塊a?)之前 端物係抵住於植桿⑽接近支點處,該植桿⑽之兩端分別抵 ^mmm同時槓桿⑽後方適當處設有止檔塊 ⑽,藉以防止楨桿⑽遭受太大的推力而導致弓形弹簧钧在 超過其安全負荷時遭到破壞。陶則爲介於止檔塊⑽與麵I板 ㈣間之弹性物質,用以緩衝槓桿⑽對止檔塊⑽之推力。 依以上的安排,當支撐隔絕層(S3 )與建築物⑷之間 雄廢(不論是因地震或其他因素而 引起),該連桿避震器(L)將經由連桿作用使相對滑塊(17)順 著滑桿⑻及滑軌㈣向外推擠槓桿⑽而塵迫緩衝彈簧⑽,藉 本紙張尺度適用中S國家標準(C.NSMM规格(以(以297公货)、 請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) .裝· •打· •缘· A6 B6 198739 五、發明說明⑹ 著彈簧钧對支點之力W大於滑塊肋對支點之力臂,卽可運 用槓桿原理使緩衝彈簧⑽以一定倍數比率吸收由滑塊⑼傳 來的巨大推力。 如龛1周及第s周所示,當地震造成地基⑵對支撐隔 絕層(so,(S*)及(so以及建築物⑷的水平相對位移時 ,地震傳向建築物之動能(水平振動動能)將透過每一層 滾球軸承或滾球之低摩擦滾動作用,以幾何級數作由下而 上的逐層衰減,其最後所能傳至建築物之水平振動動能將微 乎其微,因此上層之建築物⑷卽可受到最.佳,最可靠的免 震保護。該支撐隔絕層層數越多,其免震效果卽愈佳°另 外由於滾球軸承⑶或滾球⑹在凹曲面球座⑸,或(5a) (5b) 上滾動,所以原水平運動會轉換出垂直方向的運動’此垂 直方向的運動能量亦會由連桿避震器(L)轉換成滑塊⑸之水 平動能,再藉由槓桿作用’而由緩衝彈簧⑽吸收此動能並 轉變成其彈性位能,如此,建築物卽不會承受巨大動能的 衝擊而搖幌或塌裂,因而得以保障建築之安全。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部屮央標準局只工消費合作社印奴St. • Line · 198739 Printed A6 Ββ Description of Invention by the Mongong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ⑸ When making appropriate choices according to actual needs. As shown in Figure 5, the smaller the difference between rich a and b, the smaller the resistance, but the less accurate it is. Conversely, the greater the difference between a and b, the greater the resistance, but the more accurate the homing. The above method can also be applied to the design of bridge poles, so that the sun between the bridge deck and the pier is in a slidable contact state, so as to isolate the impact of seismic horizontal kinetic energy on the bridge deck to protect the safety of the bridge. Please refer to figure_6, circle 6-1 and circle 7 further. The invention is shocked κϊι, including four sets of four connecting rods under four sleepers. The two sets of four connecting rods each include four identical and perpendicular connecting rod arms ⑽, ㈣ and the connecting rod arms (15), ⑽ respectively Pivot joint seat ⑽ and pivot joint plate (20 '). The upper link arm ⑽ is longer than the lower link arm ㈣, and the other end of each upper link arm ㈣ and lower link arm ㈣ are pivotally connected to the slider ⑽, and each two relative sliders α7) The two ends of a fork slide bar (21) are slidably connected to a slide rail ⑽ which is fixed on the supporting insulation layer (S3) and parallel to the slide bar ⑻, thereby sliding The block ribs can slide on it under the guidance of the slide bar (2) and the slide rail feet. Slider a?) The front end is pressed against the implant rod ⑽ near the fulcrum, the two ends of the implant rod ⑽ are respectively ^ mmm, and the lever ⑽ is provided with a stop block ⑽ at an appropriate place behind it to prevent the stalk ⑽ from being too The large thrust force causes the bow spring to break when it exceeds its safety load. Tao is an elastic substance between the stop block ⑽ and the surface I plate ㈣, which is used to buffer the thrust of the lever ⑽ against the stop block ⑽. According to the above arrangement, when the supporting insulation layer (S3) and the building ⑷ are worn out (whether caused by an earthquake or other factors), the connecting rod shock absorber (L) will make the relative slider through the action of the connecting rod (17) Follow the slide bar ⑻ and slide rail (iv) to push the lever ⑽ and dust the buffer spring ⑽, apply the national standard of China S (C.NSMM specifications (with (public goods as 297)), please first Read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page). Install · • Hit · • Edge · A6 B6 198739 5. Description of invention ⑹ The force W of the spring junction against the fulcrum W is greater than the force arm of the slider rib against the fulcrum, and the principle of leverage can be used Make the buffer spring ⑽ absorb the huge thrust force from the slider ⑼ at a certain multiple ratio. As shown in the niches 1 and s week, when the earthquake causes the foundation ⑵ to support the isolation layer (so, (S *) and (so and When the horizontal relative displacement of the building ⑷, the kinetic energy transmitted by the earthquake to the building (horizontal vibration kinetic energy) will pass through the low-friction rolling effect of each layer of ball bearings or balls, and the layer will be attenuated layer by layer with the geometric series. , The final horizontal vibrational kinetic energy that can be transmitted to the building will be almost Micro, so the upper building ⑷ can receive the best and most reliable earthquake-free protection. The more layers of the supporting insulation layer, the better the earthquake-proof effect is. ° In addition, due to the ball bearing ⑶ or ball ⑹ in The concave curved ball seat ⑸, or (5a) (5b) rolls up, so the original horizontal motion will be converted into vertical motion. This vertical motion energy will also be converted from the link shock absorber (L) to the slider ⑸ The horizontal kinetic energy is absorbed by the buffer spring ⑽ and converted into its elastic potential energy by lever action. In this way, the building will not withstand the impact of huge kinetic energy and shake or collapse, thus ensuring the safety of the building (Please read the precautions on the back first and then fill out this page) The Ministry of Economic Affairs Bureau of Standards Bureau of the Workers and Consumers Cooperative Indies

Claims (1)

81.12. li 公告本I 137 C7 D7 A?-消央彷準AM工消泞公作 六 '中緒專刊範SJ (Vi#本)0三;:大) 1. ~種隔絕地震動能之免震建築法,係將建築物妈地基分 離,並在建築物與地基之間介設多數個滾球’使建築物 可對上述地基作水平方向之相對位移; ' 該免震建築法之特: 在建築物與地基之間加隔絕層,並在相鄰的兩支 撐隔絕層之間,及支撐隔絕層與地基之間介設多數個滾 球或滾球軸承,以便在地震發生時,利用隔絕層間及隔 絕層與地基間之滾球或滾球軸承對各隔絕層之極低滾動 摩擦推力,將來自地基之水平地震動能依等比級數作由 下而上之逐層衰減,使其蟥後所能傳至建築物之水平震 動動能達到微乎其微之效果,而能使建築物保持幾乎不 動之狀態。 2. 依據申請專利範圍第1項所述之免震建築法’進一步在 建築物與支撐隔絕層之間介設連桿避震器,藉由該連桿 避震器將地基對建築物所施加之垂直方向動能轉變成連 桿避震器之強性位能,以達成垂直方冋之免麗效来。 3. —種隔絕地震動能之免溴建榮結構,該結構係構榮於建 築物底部及地基之間; 其特徵在於: 建築物與地基之間具丨福絕層,|梢絕層之下表 面或上下表面設置有多數個球座; 多數個滾球,該等滾球係對應並佈設塑觸於前述隔 絕層之下表面或上下表面\之球座中,而能作幾近零摩擦 的滾動,使地震傳來之水平振動動目纟幾乎無法傳遞至上 I (½先閲¾背面之注意事項再填穷本W) 經濟部中央標準局印裝 B7--9^87¾¾ ____D7___ 六、申請專利範面 述支撑隔絕層及建築物;及 多數設置於支撐隔絕層及建築物底邰之間的連桿避 { . 震器,該連桿避震器具有連桿臂及樞接該連桿臂的樞接 j 座及滑塊,以及引導該滑塊滑動的装置,滑塊進一步抵 住一種槓桿裝置,該槓桿兩端又抵住著緩衝彈餐,藉著i 運桿臂的連桿作用可將垂直方向的振動動能轉換成滑塊 的水平運動動能,再藉由槓桿作用、,由緩衝彈簧以—定 倍數比率吸收此滑塊之水平運動動能'並轉變成其彈性位j 能。 4. 種如申請專利範阖第3項所述之免震建築結構,其中 該滾球爲高度精確之圓球形,而球座則爲極光滑之內凹 曲面β 5. „~植如申請專利範園第3項或第4項所述之免震建築結 擒,進一步包括多敏滾球軸承,在該滾球軸承上可置入 i 滾球,然後將其連同滾球佈設在地基上而使滾球壓觸在 支撐隔絕if之球座內,或佈設在支撞隔絕層與支撐隔絕 層之間,利用滾球與滾球軸承及球座間的極低滾動摩擦 力的特性,卽可隔絕由地基傳來的地震水平振動動能’ 由下向上逐層依等比級數衰減,使支撐摘絕層上面之建 築物保持幾乎靜止不動。 6.—種如申請專利範圍第3項所述之免震建築結構’其中丨 該滾球設計成橢圓球形,而球座設計成平面形’在地震 結束後,其橢圓形滾球之短軸會囘歸至垂直狀態’其短 軸之兩端將與平面形球座接觸,而使建築物在地震後自 {請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填窝本頁) •訂. 甲 4(210X297公发) 10 B7 C7 D7 198739 六、申請專利範面 動囘到原來最低最穩定之位置。 7. —種如申請專利範圍第3項所述之免震建築結構,其中 該滾球設計成橢圓球形,而球座設計成內凹曲面,在地 震結束後,其橢圓形滾球之短軸會囘歸至垂直狀態’其 短軸之兩端將與兩內凹曲面形球座之婧低點接觸,而使 建築物在地震後自動囘到其原來最低最檍定之位置。 8. —種如申請專利範圍第3項所述之免遽建築結構’其中 該連桿避震器包括上下兩組四連桿,此兩組四連桿各包 括四條相同且互相垂直的連桿臂及分別樞接該連桿臂的 樞接座及樞接板,·每一上連桿臂及下連桿臂之另—端均 樞接在滑塊上,每阽個相對滑琬又各穿設在—支滑桿的 兩端,亚以司滑動的方式與—條設在支撑隔絕層上的滑 軌相接合,藉此,滑塊卽可受滑桿及滑軌的引導而在其 上滑動》滑塊之前端係抵住於槓桿接近支點處’該槓桿 之兩端則分別抵住兩緩衝逋簧,9同時在槓桿後方適當處 設有止擋塊,以避免槓桿因遭受過大之推力而導致弓形 彈簧超過其安全負荷,藉此,由地基傳來的地震垂直振 動動能可經由連桿作用轉換成滑塊在滑桿及滑軌上的水 平滑動動能,再藉著槓桿作用,卽可由該緩衝彈簧吸收 . ! 巨大的滑塊滑動動能,並將之轉變成彈性位能0 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填窝本頁) < 經 濟 部 中 央I 標 準 Μ 印 9.—種如申請專利範圍第8項所述之免震建築結稱,其中 該緩衝彈簧與槓桿支點的力臂長度遠大於滑塊與槓桿支: 點的距離,所以依據槓桿定律,緩衝彈簧可以吸收遠大 於其負荷限度的滑塊滑動力。 甲 4 (210X297 公犮) 11 b7 C7 D7 198739 六、申請4利範圍 JO.—種如申請專利範圍第3項所述之建築物免震結構,其 中該緩衝彈餐係一種弓形彈餐。 (請先閣¾背面之注意事項再填驾本頁 λ3τ 經浒部屮央橾準局貝工消费合作社印製 .綠. 本纸張尺度適用中S®家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210父297公釐) /281.12. Li Announcement I 137 C7 D7 A? -Xiaoyang imitation quasi-AM Gongxiaoluo Gongzuo 6 'Zhongxu Special Issue Fan SJ (Vi # 本) 0 三;: 大) 1. ~ Seismic isolation of ground motion energy The construction method is to separate the foundation of the building and install a number of rolling balls between the building and the foundation, so that the building can make a relative displacement in the horizontal direction of the above foundation; An insulation layer is added between the building and the foundation, and a plurality of roller balls or ball bearings are interposed between the two adjacent support insulation layers and between the support insulation layer and the foundation, so that the insulation layer can be used when an earthquake occurs And the extremely low rolling friction thrust of the ball or ball bearing between the insulation layer and the foundation to each insulation layer will attenuate the horizontal ground motion energy from the foundation from layer to layer layer by layer based on the proportional series, making it back The horizontal vibration kinetic energy that can be transmitted to the building achieves very little effect, and can keep the building almost motionless. 2. According to the “earthquake-free construction method” described in item 1 of the scope of the patent application, a connecting rod shock absorber is further interposed between the building and the supporting insulation layer, and the ground is applied to the building by the connecting rod shock absorber The vertical kinetic energy is transformed into the strong potential energy of the link shock absorber, so as to achieve the effect of avoiding the vertical direction. 3. A kind of bromine-free Jianrong structure that isolates the ground motion energy, the structure is honored between the bottom of the building and the foundation; it is characterized by: a fusible barrier between the building and the foundation, under the tip barrier The surface or the upper and lower surfaces are provided with a plurality of ball seats; a plurality of roller balls corresponding to and arranged in the ball seats on the lower surface of the aforementioned insulation layer or the upper and lower surfaces \ can be used for almost zero friction Rolling makes the horizontal vibration from the earthquake almost impossible to transmit to the top I (½ first read ¾ notes on the back and then fill in the poor copy W) Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs B7--9 ^ 87 ¾ ____D7___ VI. Patent application The model describes the supporting insulation layer and the building; and most of the connecting rod avoidance between the supporting insulation layer and the bottom Tai of the building {. Shock absorber, the connecting rod shock absorber has a link arm and pivotally connects the link arm The pivotal j seat and the slider, as well as the device that guides the slider to slide, the slider further resists a lever device, and the two ends of the lever resist the buffer bomb meal, by the link of the lever arm Convert vertical vibrational kinetic energy into slider water The kinetic energy of motion, and then by leverage by a damper spring at ,, - absorbent predetermined multiple of the ratio of the kinetic energy of the horizontal movement of the slider 'and j bits into the elastic energy. 4. An earthquake-free building structure as described in item 3 of the patent application Fan Keng, in which the rolling ball is a highly accurate round sphere, and the ball seat is a very smooth concave concave surface β 5. „~ Zhiru apply for a patent The vibration-free construction joint described in Item 3 or Item 4 of Fanyuan further includes multi-sensitive ball bearings on which i-balls can be placed and then placed on the foundation together with the balls The ball is pressed into the ball seat of the supporting and insulating if, or is arranged between the supporting and insulating layer and the supporting and insulating layer. Using the characteristics of the extremely low rolling friction between the ball and the ball bearing and the ball seat, it can be isolated The seismic horizontal vibration kinetic energy transmitted from the foundation is attenuated by a proportional sequence from floor to floor, keeping the building above the supporting isolation layer almost stationary. 6.—As described in item 3 of the patent application scope "Earthquake-free building structure" where the ball is designed as an ellipse, and the ball seat is designed as a flat shape. "After the earthquake, the short axis of the elliptical ball will return to the vertical state." Contact with the flat ball seat, and make the building self {please Read the precautions on the back and fill in the nest page) • Order. A 4 (210X297 public issue) 10 B7 C7 D7 198739 6. The patent application scope has moved back to the original lowest and most stable position. 7.-Such as the scope of patent application Item 3 of the earthquake-free building structure, in which the ball is designed as an ellipse and the ball seat is designed as a concave curved surface. After the earthquake, the short axis of the elliptical ball will return to the vertical state. The two ends of the short axis will be in contact with the low points of the two concave curved spherical seats, so that the building will automatically return to its original lowest and most determined position after the earthquake. The said "supplementless building structure" wherein the connecting rod shock absorber includes upper and lower two groups of four connecting rods, and the two groups of four connecting rods each include four identical and perpendicular connecting rod arms and a pivot joint respectively pivoting the connecting rod arms Seat and pivot plate, the other end of each upper link arm and lower link arm are pivotally connected to the slider, and each relatively slippery arm is respectively worn at the two ends of the support rod, sub In the way of division sliding, it is combined with a slide rail provided on the supporting insulation layer, borrowing , The slider can be guided by the slide bar and the slide rail to slide on it "the front end of the slider is pressed against the lever close to the fulcrum." The two ends of the lever are respectively against two buffer springs, 9 at the same time on the lever There is a stop at a suitable place at the rear to prevent the lever from being subjected to excessive thrust and causing the arch spring to exceed its safety load. By this, the kinetic energy of seismic vertical vibration transmitted from the foundation can be converted into a slider on the slider through the action of the connecting rod And the horizontal sliding kinetic energy on the slide rail, and then by the lever action, can be absorbed by the buffer spring.! The huge slider sliding kinetic energy, and transform it into elastic potential energy 0 (please read the notes on the back before filling the nest (This page) < Central Standard I of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 印 印 9.-A kind of seismic-free construction as described in item 8 of the patent application scope, in which the length of the force arm of the buffer spring and lever fulcrum is much larger than the slider and lever support : The distance of the point, so according to the law of lever, the buffer spring can absorb the sliding force of the slider that is much larger than its load limit. A 4 (210X297 Gonglu) 11 b7 C7 D7 198739 VI. Application for 4 profit scope JO.—A seismic-free structure for buildings as described in item 3 of the patent application scope, in which the buffer bomb meal is a bow-shaped bomb meal. (Please pay attention to the precautions on the back and then fill in this page. Λ3τ Printed by the Beibei Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Green. This paper size applies to the S®Home Standard (CNS) Grade 4 specification (210 Father 297mm) / 2
TW80108621A 1989-03-30 1989-03-30 Shock-proof construction and structure TW198739B (en)

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TW80108621A TW198739B (en) 1989-03-30 1989-03-30 Shock-proof construction and structure

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TW80108621A TW198739B (en) 1989-03-30 1989-03-30 Shock-proof construction and structure

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Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN102296859A (en) * 2010-06-22 2011-12-28 吴全忠 Earthquake-proof building and its structure that can activate the earthquake-proof mechanism instantly
TWI397629B (en) * 2010-05-19 2013-06-01
TWI486532B (en) * 2012-04-19 2015-06-01 Chiuan Yan Technology Co Ltd Multi-directional drive control apparatus
TWI617724B (en) * 2015-03-27 2018-03-11 Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Sys Seismic-free chemical method for existing steel-braced support structures

Cited By (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI397629B (en) * 2010-05-19 2013-06-01
CN102296859A (en) * 2010-06-22 2011-12-28 吴全忠 Earthquake-proof building and its structure that can activate the earthquake-proof mechanism instantly
CN102296859B (en) * 2010-06-22 2013-07-17 吴全忠 Earthquake-proof building structure that can activate the earthquake-proof mechanism instantly
TWI486532B (en) * 2012-04-19 2015-06-01 Chiuan Yan Technology Co Ltd Multi-directional drive control apparatus
TWI617724B (en) * 2015-03-27 2018-03-11 Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Sys Seismic-free chemical method for existing steel-braced support structures

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