TR2023017061A2 - MARBLE BLOCK SEPARATING SHEET - Google Patents



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TR2023017061A2 TR2023/017061 TR2023017061A2 TR 2023017061 A2 TR2023017061 A2 TR 2023017061A2 TR 2023/017061 TR2023/017061 TR 2023/017061 TR 2023017061 A2 TR2023017061 A2 TR 2023017061A2
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folded sheet
folding edge
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Ankara Agrega Üreti̇m Maki̇na Ve Eki̇pmanlari Sanayi̇ Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇
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Application filed by Ankara Agrega Üreti̇m Maki̇na Ve Eki̇pmanlari Sanayi̇ Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇ filed Critical Ankara Agrega Üreti̇m Maki̇na Ve Eki̇pmanlari Sanayi̇ Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇
Publication of TR2023017061A2 publication Critical patent/TR2023017061A2/en



Buluş, mermer ocaklarında kesilen mermer blokların birbirinden ayrılmasında destek ürün olarak kullanılan mermer blok ayırma sacı olan katlanmış sac (10) üretimi ve yöntemi ile ilgilidir. Buluş özellikle, bir adet katlanma kenarı (11) ve bu katlanma kenarı (11) üzerine konumlandırılan, katlanmış saca (10) basınçlı suyun verildiği, bağlantı elemanı ile katlanma kenarına (11) montajlanan bir nozul (20) içeren katlanmış sac (10) ile ilgilidir.The invention is related to the production and method of folded sheet (10), which is a marble block separation sheet used as a support product in separating marble blocks cut in marble quarries. In particular, the invention is made with a folded sheet (10) containing a folding edge (11) and a nozzle (20) positioned on this folding edge (11), through which pressurized water is supplied to the folded sheet (10), and mounted on the folding edge (11) with a fastener. It is relevant.


TARIFNAME MERMER BLOK AYIRMA SACI TEKNIK ALAN Bulus, mermer ocaklarinda kesilen mermer bloklarin birbirinden ayrilmasinda destek ürün olarak kullanilan mermer blok ayirma saci olan katlanmis sac üretimi ve yöntemi ile ilgilidir. Bulus özellikle, bir adet katlanma kenari ve bu katlanma kenari üzerine konumlandirilan, katlanmis saca basinçli suyun verildigi, baglanti elemani ile katlanma kenarina montajlanan bir nozul içeren katlanmis sac ile ilgilidir. ÖNCEKI TEKNIK Mermer ocaklarinda kesilen mermer bloklarin birbirinden ayrilmasi için mermer blok ayirma saclari kullanilmaktadir. Mermer blok ayirma saclari kesilen mermer bloklari arasinda yerlestirilmekte ve içerisine basinçli su verilerek sisirilmektedir. Sisen su balonu kesilen mermer blogunu iterek mermer bloklarinin birbirinden ayrilmasini kolaylastirmaktadir. Mevcut teknikte kullanilan mermer blok ayirma saclari: iki adet sac malzemenin karsilikli olarak kaynak dikis makinesinde dört tarafindan birlestirilmesiyle olusturulmaktadir. Bu sekilde üretilen mermer blok ayirma saclarindan kaynaklanan problemler oldukça fazladir. Mevcut teknikte kullanilan mermer blok ayirma saclarinin dört tarafinda da kaynak olmasi bu malzemedeki mukavemeti düsürmektedir. Bilindigi gibi her kaynak bir kusurlu alan/zayif yüzey demektir. Mermer bloklarinin birbirinden ayrilmasi esnasinda da bu kaynakli olan parçalar birlesim (kaynakli) yüzeylerinden kolayca kirilmaktadir. Bu durum mermer blok ayirma saclarinin islevlerini yerine getirememesine sebep olmaktadir. Yine mermer bloklarinin ayriminda problem olusmasiyla ciddi zaman kaybi ortaya çikmaktadir. Mevcut teknikte kullanilan mermer blok ayirma saclarindaki bir diger problemde basinçli su dolumunun yapildigi nozuldur. Bu nozul halihazirda mecburen dikisli kenarlarin arasindan atmakta ve nozulun sacdan ayrilmasi gibi sorunlara neden olmaktadir. Yapilan bu dört yüzey kaynagi ve nozul lehimleme islemleri ekstradan bir malzeme, isçilik maliyeti ve zaman kaybina neden olmaktadir. BULUSUN AMACI Bulusun amaci kullanilan mermer blok ayirma saclarinin: tek parça sac malzemenin bükülmesiyle meydana gelmesini saglamasidir. Sac malzemenin bükülmesiyle kaynak dikis makinesinde dört tarafin degil üç tarafin birlestirilmesiyle üretilmektedir. Bu sekilde üretilen mermer blok ayirma saclarindan kaynaktan ortaya çikan problem ve kaynak malzemesi sarfiyati %25 azaltilmaktadir ve mukavemet artirilmaktadir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, kaynakli alan sayisinin azaltilmasiyla kusurlu alan/zayif yüzey alanin azaltilmasi, mermer blok ayirma saclarinin islevlerini yerine getirmesi esnasinda mukavemet artirildigi için daha az problem yasanmasidir. Bulusun diger bir amaci da basinçli su dolumunun yapildigi nozulun, bükme sonucu ortaya çikan kenara tasinmasini saglamasidir. Bu sayede lehim vb. birlestirme olmadigi için kullanim esnasinda gelen basinçli suyun etkisine mukavemet göstermesi ve nozulun sacdan ayrilmasini önlemesidir. Bulusun bir diger önemli amaci üretim maliyeti yüksek olan mermer ayirma saclarinda hem dikisli kaynak kenarini azaltmasi hem de nozulun lehiminden feragat ettirmesiyle adet olarak ciddi sayida kullanilan saclarda üretim maliyetini düsürmesi ve böylece ekonomiye ciddi katki saglamasidir. REFERANS NUMARALARI . Katlanmis Sac 11. Katlanma Kenari . Nozul BULUSUN ANLASILMASINA YARDIMCI OLACAK SEKILLER Sekil-1: Bulus konusu mermer blok ayirma sacini katlanmadan önce önden ve perspektif gösteren çizimdir. Sekil-2: Bulus konusu mermer blok ayirma sacinin katlandiktan ve üç tarafi dikis kaynagi ile birlestirildikten sonra ortaya çikardigi katlanmis saci önden ve perspektif gösteren çizimdir. BULUSUN DETAYLI AÇIKLAMASI Bulus mermer ocaklarinda kesilen mermer bloklarin birbirinden ayrilmasinda destek ürün olarak kullanilan mermer blok ayirma saci olan katlanmis sac (10) ürünüdür. Bulusta bir adet katlanma kenari (11) ve bu katlanma kenari (11) üzerine konumlandirilan, katlanmis saca (10) basinçli suyun verildigi, baglanti elemani ile katlanma kenarina (11) montajlanan bir nozul (20) bulunmaktadir. Bu nozul (20) katlanmis sacdaki (10) katlanma sonucu ortaya çikan katlanma kenari (11) bölgesinde bulunmaktadir. Bulusta Sekil-1' de gösterilen iki sac büyüklügündeki tek parça bir mermer blok ayirma saci ikiye katlamakta ve üç tarafi dikis kaynagi ile birlestirilmis Sekil-2' de gösterilen bir katlanmis sac (10) olusturulmaktadir. Sekil-2' de gösterildigi gibi kaynakli kenarlardan biri ortadan kaldirilmakta ve katlanmis sacda (10) bir adet katlanma kenari (11) bulunmaktadir. Böylece katlanma kenari (11) sayesinde kaynakli yüzeylerden biri ortadan kaldirilmakta ve kendinden baglanti elemanlari bulunan nozul (20) bu kaynaksiz katlanma kenarina (11) baglanmaktadir. Sac malzemesi katlanmaya uygun ve yaklasik %40 oraninda esneme yapan bir malzeme oldugu için katlanma kenari (11), hem kaynakla birlikte gelen kirilma gibi olaylara karsi riski azaltmis olmakta hem de kaynakli olan kenardan daha fonksiyonel bir hal almis olarak nozul (20) için kullanim alani yaratmaktadir. Bulusta basinçli suyun verildigi nozulun (20) konumunu bu katlanma kenarinda (11) bulunmaktadir. Nozul (20) somunlu bir baglanti elemani içerir ve Sekil-1' de gösterildigi gibi dikdörtgen mermer blok ayirma saci katlanmadan önce bu sacin her iki tarafindan baglanarak montajlanmaktadir. Bulus konusu katlanmis sacin (10) üç tarafi kaynatilmakta ve mermer ocaklarinda kullanilmaktadir. Belirli bir seviyeye kadar kesilen mermer bloklarini birbirinden ayirmaktadir ve katlanmis sac (10) belirli bir seviyeye kadar kesilen iki mermer blogunun arasina yerlestirilir. Katlanma kenarina (11) konumlanmis nozuldan (20) basinçli su verilerek katlanmis sac (10) sisirilir. Sisen katlanmis sac (10) mermer bloklarini birbirinden uzaklastirir ve ayrilmasini kolaylastirir. Bulusun üretim yönteminde; o belirli ebatlarda dikdörtgen formda bir adet sac malzemesinin ortadan nozul (20) büyüklügünde delinmesi ve kendinden somunlari ve baglanti elemanlari olan nozulun (20) saca baglanmasi, o daha sonra dikdörtgen sacin uzun kenarindan esit iki parçaya denk gelecek sekilde katlanmasi ve kisa kenarlarinin birbirine temasinin saglanmasi, o katlanma sonrasi dikis kaynaksiz katlanma kenarinin (11) ortaya çikmasi, o katlanmis sacdaki (10) açik kalan üç kenarin dikis kaynagi ile kaynatilmasi, o nozulun (20) katlanmis sacdaki (10) dikis kaynaksiz katlanma kenarina (11) baglanmis olmasi, o katlanmis sacin (10) üretiminin tamamlanmasi, islem adimlari izlenmektedir. TR TR TR TR TR TRDESCRIPTION MARBLE BLOCK SEPARATION SHEET TECHNICAL FIELD The invention relates to the production and method of folded sheet, which is a marble block separation sheet used as a support product in separating marble blocks cut in marble quarries. The invention particularly relates to folded sheet comprising a folding edge and a nozzle mounted on the folding edge with a connection element, through which pressurized water is supplied to the folded sheet, positioned on this folding edge. PREVIOUS TECHNIQUE Marble block separation sheets are used in marble quarries to separate marble blocks cut in marble. Marble block separation sheets are placed between the cut marble blocks and inflated by supplying pressurized water. The inflated water balloon pushes the cut marble block, facilitating the separation of marble blocks from each other. Marble block separation sheets used in the current technique: are formed by joining two sheets of sheet material on four sides in a welding sewing machine. The problems arising from marble block separation sheets produced in this way are quite high. The fact that there are welds on all four sides of the marble block separation sheets used in the current technique reduces the strength of this material. As it is known, each weld means a defective area/weak surface. During the separation of marble blocks from each other, these welded parts are easily broken from their joint (welded) surfaces. This situation causes the marble block separation sheets to fail to fulfill their functions. Again, serious time loss occurs due to problems in the separation of marble blocks. Another problem in the marble block separation sheets used in the current technique is the nozzle where pressurized water filling is done. This nozzle is already forced to throw between the seamed edges and causes problems such as the nozzle separating from the sheet. These four surface welding and nozzle soldering processes cause additional material, labor cost and time loss. PURPOSE OF THE INVENTION The purpose of the invention is to ensure that the marble block separation sheets used are formed by bending a single piece of sheet material. By bending the sheet material, it is produced by combining three sides instead of four sides in the welding sewing machine. In this way, the problem arising from welding and the welding material consumption are reduced by 25% and the strength is increased. Another purpose of the invention is to reduce the defective area/weak surface area by reducing the number of welded areas, and to experience fewer problems since the strength is increased while the marble block separation sheets fulfill their functions. Another purpose of the invention is to ensure that the nozzle, where the pressurized water filling is made, is carried to the edge that appears as a result of bending. In this way, since there is no soldering etc. joining, it resists the effect of the pressurized water during use and prevents the nozzle from separating from the sheet. Another important purpose of the invention is to both reduce the welded edge in marble separation sheets with high production costs and to reduce the production cost in sheets used in significant numbers by waiving the solder of the nozzle, thus making a significant contribution to the economy. REFERENCE NUMBERS . Folded Sheet 11. Folding Edge. Nozzle FIGURES THAT WILL HELP IN UNDERSTANDING THE INVENTION Figure-1: Drawing showing the front and perspective of the marble block separation sheet, which is the subject of the invention, before folding. Figure-2: Drawing showing the folded sheet, which is the subject of the invention, after being folded and three sides of the marble block separation sheet are joined by seam welding, from the front and perspective. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The invention is a folded sheet (10) product, which is a marble block separation sheet used as a support product in separating the marble blocks cut in marble quarries. In the invention, there is a folding edge (11) and a nozzle (20) positioned on this folding edge (11), where pressurized water is supplied to the folded sheet (10), and mounted to the folding edge (11) with a connection element. This nozzle (20) is located in the folding edge (11) region resulting from the folding of the folded sheet (10). In the invention, a single piece marble block separation sheet in the size of two sheets shown in Figure-1 is folded in half and a folded sheet (10) is formed as shown in Figure-2, which is joined by three-sided seam welding. As shown in Figure-2, one of the welded edges is eliminated and there is a folding edge (11) on the folded sheet (10). Thus, thanks to the folding edge (11), one of the welded surfaces is eliminated and the nozzle (20) with self-connecting elements is connected to this non-welded folding edge (11). Since the sheet material is a material suitable for folding and has a flexibility of approximately 40%, the folding edge (11) both reduces the risk of events such as breakage that come with welding and creates a usage area for the nozzle (20) by becoming more functional than the welded edge. In the invention, the location of the nozzle (20) to which the pressurized water is given is located on this folding edge (11). The nozzle (20) includes a nutted connection element and as shown in Figure-1, the rectangular marble block separation sheet is assembled by connecting it from both sides of this sheet before folding. The folded sheet metal (10) in question is welded on three sides and used in marble quarries. It separates the marble blocks cut to a certain level from each other and the folded sheet metal (10) is placed between two marble blocks cut to a certain level. The folded sheet metal (10) is inflated by giving pressurized water from the nozzle (20) positioned on the folding edge (11). The inflated folded sheet metal (10) separates the marble blocks from each other and facilitates their separation. In the production method of the invention; o Drilling a rectangular sheet material of certain dimensions in the middle in the size of the nozzle (20) and connecting the nozzle (20) with its own nuts and connecting elements to the sheet, o Then folding the rectangular sheet into two equal pieces from its long edge and ensuring that the short edges touch each other, o After folding, the non-seam-welded folding edge (11) emerges, o Welding the three open edges of the folded sheet (10) with seam welding, o Connecting the nozzle (20) to the non-seam-welded folding edge (11) of the folded sheet (10), o Completing the production of the folded sheet (10), the process steps are followed. TR TR TR TR TR TR

Claims (1)

1.STEMLER Bulus mermer ocaklarinda kesilen mermer bloklarin birbirinden ayrilmasinda destek ürün olarak kullanilan mermer blok ayirma saci olan katlanmis sac (10) üretim yöntemi olup, özelligi; belirli ebatlarda dikdörtgen formda bir adet sac malzemesinin ortadan nozul (20) büyüklügünde delinmesi ve kendinden somunlari ve baglanti elemanlari olan nozulun (20) saca baglanmasi, daha sonra dikdörtgen sacin uzun kenarindan esit iki parçaya denk gelecek sekilde katlanmasi ve kisa kenarlarinin birbirine temasinin saglanmasi, katlanma sonrasi dikis kaynaksiz katlanma kenarinin (11) ortaya çikmasi, katlanmis sacdaki (10) açik kalan üç kenarin dikis kaynagi ile kaynatilmasi, nozulun (20) katlanmis sacdaki (10) dikis kaynaksiz katlanma kenarina (11) baglanmis olmasi, katlanmis sacin (10) üretiminin tamamlanmasi, islem adimlari izlenmektedir. Bulus mermer ocaklarinda kesilen mermer bloklarin birbirinden ayrilmasinda destek ürün olarak kullanilan mermer blok ayirma saci olan katlanmis sac (10) olup, özelligi; bir adet katlanma kenari (11) ve bu katlanma kenari (11) üzerine konumlandirilan, katlanmis saca (10) basinçli suyun verildigi, baglanti elemani ile katlanma kenarina (11) montajlanan bir nozul (20) içermesi ile karakterize edilmesidir. Yukaridaki istemlerden herhangi birine uygun katlanmis sac (10) olup özelligi; bahsedilen nozulun (20) katlanmis sacdaki (10) katlanma sonucu ortaya çikan katlanma kenari (11) bölgesinde bulunmasiyla karakterize edilmesidir. TR TR TR TR TR TR1. SYSTEMS The invention is a production method for folded sheet metal (10), which is a marble block separation sheet metal used as a support product in separating the marble blocks cut in marble quarries, and its feature is; Drilling a rectangular sheet material of certain dimensions in the middle in the size of the nozzle (20) and connecting the nozzle (20) with its own nuts and connecting elements to the sheet, then folding the rectangular sheet into two equal pieces from its long edge and ensuring that the short edges touch each other, revealing the seam-free folding edge (11) after folding, welding the three open edges of the folded sheet (10) with seam welding, connecting the nozzle (20) to the seam-free folding edge (11) of the folded sheet (10), completing the production of the folded sheet (10), the process steps are followed. The invention is a folded sheet (10) which is a marble block separation sheet used as a support product in separating the marble blocks cut in marble quarries, and it is characterized by comprising a folding edge (11) and a nozzle (20) positioned on this folding edge (11), through which pressurized water is given to the folded sheet (10), and mounted to the folding edge (11) with a connection element. It is a folded sheet (10) in accordance with any of the above claims, and it is characterized by comprising the said nozzle (20) in the region of the folding edge (11) that emerges as a result of folding in the folded sheet (10). TR TR TR TR TR TR
TR2023/017061 2023-12-12 MARBLE BLOCK SEPARATING SHEET TR2023017061A2 (en)

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
TR2023017061A2 true TR2023017061A2 (en) 2024-01-22



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