TR2023001242U5 - INNOVATION IN QUARTZ SAND HEATER - Google Patents



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TR2023001242U5 TR2023/001242 TR2023001242U5 TR 2023001242 U5 TR2023001242 U5 TR 2023001242U5 TR 2023/001242 TR2023/001242 TR 2023/001242 TR 2023001242 U5 TR2023001242 U5 TR 2023001242U5
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quartz sand
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Turkish (tr)
Meli̇k Ah İmran
Meli̇k Ah Esmanur
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Meli̇kşahlar Diş Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇
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Application filed by Meli̇kşahlar Diş Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇ filed Critical Meli̇kşahlar Diş Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇
Publication of TR2023001242U5 publication Critical patent/TR2023001242U5/en



Buluş, ev, ofis, atölye konteyner seralar hastaneler ve endüstriyel tesislerde kullanılmak üzere, ısı ayarı yapılabilen çimento ve kuvars kumundan mamul ısıtıcı taşı ile elektrik tasarrufu sağlayan bir portatif monolitik kuvars kumlu ısıtıcı ile ilgilidir.The invention relates to a portable monolithic quartz sand heater that saves electricity with a heat-adjustable heater stone made of cement and quartz sand, for use in homes, offices, workshops, container greenhouses, hospitals and industrial facilities.


TARIFNAME Teknik Alan Bulus, ev, ofis, atölye konteyner seralar hastaneler ve endüstriyel tesislerde kullanilmak üzere, isi ayari yapilabilen çimento ve kuvars kumundan mamul isitici tasi ile elektrik tasarrufu saglayan bir portatif monolitik kuvars kumlu isitici ile ilgilidir. Teknigin Bilinen Durumu Günümüzde kuvars isitici denilince : bunla dökme monolitik olanlar ve bir cam tüp içine yerlestirilmis spiral bir isitici olmak üzere iki tip cihaz anlasilmaktadir. Kuvars adi, her iki durumda da üretimde özel bir kum- kuvars kullanilmasi gerçegiyle açiklanmaktadir. Cam tüplü isiticilarda cam tüpler kuvarstan mamuldür. Monolitik (monolithic) olanlarinda dolgusu kuvars kumu içermektedir. Her iki tip cihazda dogrudan isitma cihazlaridir. Elektrik enerjisi aninda isiya dönüsür. Bu, sogutma sivisinin ilk önce isitildigi ve halihazirda çevredeki havaya enerji vererek radyatörlerde sogudugu kazanlardan farkli olup, bu radyatörlere göre avantajlidir. Söyle ki teknikte quartz kumu ve tas bir soba oldugu ve isinmanin akabinde tas geç sogudugu için enerji tasarrufu saglamaktadir. Ürün fise takildiginda gelen elektrikle birlikte içerideki rezistans isinmakta ve isi tasa yansimaktadir. Tasin (kuvars içerikli) isi tutma derecesi yüksek oldugu için enerji tasarrufu saglanmakta ve ayni zamanda saglik açisindan da yararlari bulunmaktadir. Özellikle astim hastalarinin bulundugu odalarda kullanimda kuvars kumundan yapilan tas havayi kurutmadigi için hasta rahat nefes almaktadir. Monolitik kuvars isiticinin kuvars cam tüplü isiticilara göre de avanajlari bulunmaktadir. Monolitik isiticilarda yüksek sicakliklarda dahi yangin güvenligi üst düzeydedir, çalistirilan odadaki havayi kurutmazlar. Ayrica böyle bir isiticinin çalismasindan sonra, toz yakmamasi nedeniyle hava taze kalmaktadir. Kuvars kum isiticilari yapi olarak farklilik göstermektedir. Havanin isitma elemanina erisiminin olmamasi ve böylelikle cihazin oksidasyon olasiligini ortadan kaldirilmasi önemli avantajlarindandir. Ancak teknikte kullanilan kuvars kumlu isiticilar kurulduktan sonra tasinamamaktadir. Ayrica mevcut kuvars kumlu isiticilar termostat içermemekte ve isi seviyesi istenilen düzeyde ayarlanamamaktadir. Literatürde yapilan arastirmada rastlanan RU206588U1 numarali faydali model elektrikli isiticilar ile ilgilidir. Söz konusu basvuruda monolitik kuvars isiticinin, nikrom telden yapilmis bir isitma elemaninin zikzak seklinde yerlestirildigi ve uçlari bir kiIif içine alinmis bir elektrik besleme telinin iki çekirdegine rijit bir sekilde baglanan, yalitkan malzemeden yapilmis yekpare dikdörtgen yapida olmasi açiklanmaktadir. Ancak doküman tasinabilir olma ve isi ayarinin yapilabilmesine dair bilgi içermemektedir. Sonuç olarak yukaridaki problemlerin varligi ve mevcut çözümlerin yetersizligi, ilgili teknik alanda bir gelistirme yapmayi zorunlu kilmistir. Bulusun Amaci Mevcut bulus yukarida bahsedilen dezavantajlari ortadan kaldiran ve ilgili teknik alana yeni avantajlar getiren monolitik kuvars kumlu isitici ile ilgilidir. Bulusun ana amaci, tasinabilen (portatif) böylelikle yer ve mekân fark etmeksizin her yerde kullanilabilen, kuvars kumundan yapilan isitici tas ile kolaylikla isinan ve isisini uzun süre koruyan bir ürün ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir amaci, ayarlanan isi saglandiginda elektrik akimini kesen, soguma oldugunda otomatik olarak devreye girerek akim veren kuvars kumundan yapilan isitici tasa uygulanarak isi ayarlanmasi saglayan termostat içeren bir ürün ortaya koymakti r. Bulusun diger amaci, isi tutma derecesi yüksek olan, kuvars kumundan yapilan isitici tas ile enerji tasarrufu saglamaktir. Bulusun diger bir amaci kuvars kumundan isitici tasi saglik açisindan yararli bir ürün ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, toz yakmama, havayi kurutmama özelligiyle rahat nefes almayi saglayan özellik astim hastalari tarafindan da kullanilabilir bir ürün saglamaktir. Yukarida anlatilan amaçlarin yerine getirilmesi için bulus konusu, isinin kontrolüne ve ayarlamasina imkân portatif bir kuvars kumlu isitici olup, kuvars kumu ve çimento karisimindan mamul isitici tas, isitici tasin yerlestirildigi gövde, isitici tasin gövdeye sabitlenmesini saglayan ön kapak, cihazin kolaylikla tasinabilmesini saglayan en az iki alt teker ayaklari, isinin ayarlanabilmesini ve kontrol edilmesini saglayan termostati içeren güç kutusu , isi dolasimini saglayan rezistans ihtiva etmektedir. Bulus konusu kuvars kumlu isitici ayrica istenilen alana sabitlenmesini / monte edilmesini saglamak üzere sabitleme aparati ihtiva etmektedir. Bulus konusu kuvars kumlu isitici ayrica alt teker ayaklarinin korunmasini saglayan en az iki alt tekerlek ayak kapagi ihtiva etmektedir. Bulus konusu kuvars kumlu isitici ayrica bahsedilen güç kutusunun cihazin açilip kapanmasini saglayan güç dügmesi ihtiva etmektedir. Bulus konusu kuvars kumlu isitici ayrica güç kutusunu dis etkenlere karsi koruyan güç kutusu kapagi ihtiva etmektedir. Bulusun yapisal ve karakteristik özellikleri ve tüm avantajlari asagida verilen sekiller ve bu sekillere atiflar yapilmak suretiyle yazilan detayli açiklama sayesinde daha net olarak anlasilacaktir. Bu nedenle degerlendirmenin de bu sekiller ve detayli açiklama göz önüne alinarak yapilmasi gerekmektedir. Bulusun Anlasilmasina Yardimci Olacak Sekiller Sekil 1: Bulus konusu quartz kumlu isiticinin ön ve yan profil görünümleridir. Sekil 2: Bulus konusu quartz kumlu isitici örnek bir görünümüdür. Parça Referanslarinin Açiklanmasi Ön Kapak Sabitleme Aparati AIt tekerlek ayaklari AIt tekerlek ayak kapagi Güç kutusu Güç kutusu kapagi Rezistans Bulusun Detayli Açiklamasi Bu detayli açiklamada, bulus konusu monolitik isitici tercih edilen alternatifleri, sadece konunun daha iyi anIasiImasina yönelik olarak ve hiçbir sinirlayici etki olusturmayacak sekilde açiklanmaktadir. Sekil 1 de ön ve yan profil görünümleri verilen bulus konusu isinin kontrol edilmesi ve ayarinin yapilmasini saglayan portatif bir kuvars kumlu isitici, kuvars kumu ve çimento karisimindan mamul isitici tas (2), isitici tasin (2) yerlestirildigi gövde (3), isitici tasin (2) gövdeye (3) sabitIenmesini saglayan ön kapak (1), cihazin kolaylikla tasinabilmesini saglayan en az iki alt teker ayaklari (5), isinin ayarlanabilmesini ve kontrol edilmesini saglayan termostati içeren güç kutusu (7), isi dolasimini saglayan rezistans (9) içermektedir. Bulus konusu cihaz ek olarak istenilen alana sabitIenmesini / monte edilmesini saglamak üzere sabitIeme aparati (4) içermektedir. Bulus konusu quartz kuqu isiticinin örnek bir görünümü Sekil 2 de verilmektedir. Bulus konusu isitici örnek bir yapilanmaya göre; tercihen toz halinde ufaItiImis kuvars kumu ve beyaz çimentonun jel oranda karisimindan mamul isitici tas (2), isitici tasin (2) yerlestirildigi gövde/arka kapak (3), isitici tasin (2) gövdeye (3) sabitIenmesini saglayan ön kapak (1), tercihen duvara monte için sabitIeme aparati (4), cihazin kolaylikla tasinabilmesini (portatifIigi) saglayan en az iki alt teker ayaklari (5), bahsedilen aIt teker ayaklarinin (5) korunmasini saglayan en az iki alt tekerlek ayak kapagi (6) isinin ayarlanabilmesini ve kontrol edilmesini saglayan termostat ve cihazin açilip kapanmasini saglayan güç dügmesi ve bu termostat ve güç dügmesini içeren güç kutusu (7), bahsedilen güç kutusunu (7) dis etkenlere karsi koruyan güç kutusu kapagi (8) isi dolasimini saglayan rezistans (9) içermektedir. Bulus konusu cihaz fisinin prize takilmasiyla elektrik akimi saglanmakta ve gelen eIektrikIe birIikte içerideki rezistans (9) isinmaktadir. Isinan rezistans (9) isi dolasimini saglayarak isiyi isitici tasa (2) yansitmaktadir. BahsediIen kuvars kumu ve çimento karisimindan mamul isitici tas (2) cihazin bulundugu alani isitmaya baslamaktadir. Bulus konusu isiticinin içerdigi termostat iIe isi seviyesi istenilen seviyeye ayarlanabilmekte ve kolaylikla kontroI ediIebiImektedir. Örnegin 80 (C ayarlanan termostat sayesinde isi saglandiginda elektrik akimi durmaktadir. Soguma oldugunda tekrardan akim verilmektedir. Bahsedilen isitici tasin (2) isi tutma derecesi yüksek oldugundan enerji tasarrufu saglanmakta ve ayni zamanda saglik açisindan yararlari bulunmaktadir. Kuvars kumundan yapilan tas havayi kurutmadigi için hasta rahat nefes almaktadir. Bu nedenle hastalarin özellikle astim hastalarinin bulundugu odalarda güvenle kullanilabilmektedir. Ancak teknikte bulunan cihazlar tasinamadigindan odadan odaya aktarmak hizlica mümkün olamamaktadir. Bulus konusu portatif kuvars kumlu isitici ile bu sorun asinmis, kolaylikla tasinabilen bir ürün saglanmistir. Bu sayede basta hastaneler olmak üzere astim vb havanin önem tasidigi hastaliklari bulunan hastalarin ve hava kalitesine ve enerji tasarrufuna önem veren herkesin ev, ofis, atölye konteyner seralar ve endüstriyel tesisler gibi her yerde kullanabilecegi bir ürün saglanmistir. Bulusumuz içerdigi termostat sicaklik derecesine göre isiticinin derecesini ayarlamaktadir. Ayrica tekerlekleri sayesinde portatif bir sekilde tasinma imkâni sunulmaktadir. TR TR TR TR DESCRIPTION Technical Field The invention relates to a portable monolithic quartz sand heater that saves electricity with a heater stone made of cement and quartz sand that can be adjusted for temperature, for use in homes, offices, workshops, container greenhouses, hospitals and industrial facilities. State of the Art Today, when quartz heater is mentioned, two types of devices are understood: cast monolithic ones and a spiral heater placed in a glass tube. The name quartz is explained by the fact that in both cases a special sand-quartz is used in production. In glass tube heaters, the glass tubes are made of quartz. The filling of monolithic ones contains quartz sand. Both types of devices are direct heating devices. Electrical energy instantly turns into heat. This differs from boilers in which the coolant is first heated and cooled in radiators, already energizing the surrounding air, which has an advantage over radiators. In other words, since the technique uses a quartz sand and stone stove and the stone cools down slowly after heating, it saves energy. When the product is plugged in, the resistance inside heats up with the incoming electricity and the heat is reflected on the stone. Since stone (containing quartz) has a high degree of heat retention, energy savings are achieved and it also has health benefits. Especially when used in rooms with asthma patients, the patient can breathe easily because the stone made of quartz sand does not dry the air. Monolithic quartz heaters also have advantages over quartz glass tube heaters. Monolithic heaters have a high level of fire safety even at high temperatures, and they do not dry the air in the room where they are operated. In addition, after the operation of such a heater, the air remains fresh due to the fact that it does not burn dust. Quartz sand heaters differ in structure. One of its important advantages is that air does not have access to the heating element, thus eliminating the possibility of oxidation of the device. However, the quartz sand heaters used in the technique cannot be moved after they are installed. In addition, existing quartz sand heaters do not contain a thermostat and the heat level cannot be adjusted to the desired level. The useful model numbered RU206588U1, found in the research in the literature, is related to electric heaters. In the application in question, it is explained that the monolithic quartz heater has a monolithic rectangular structure made of insulating material, in which a heating element made of nichrome wire is placed in a zigzag pattern and its ends are rigidly connected to two cores of an electrical supply wire enclosed in a sheath. However, the document does not contain information about being portable and adjusting the temperature. As a result, the existence of the above problems and the inadequacy of existing solutions necessitated a development in the relevant technical field. Purpose of the Invention The present invention is about a monolithic quartz sand heater that eliminates the disadvantages mentioned above and brings new advantages to the relevant technical field. The main purpose of the invention is to produce a product that is portable and can be used anywhere, regardless of place and place, that is easily heated with a heating stone made of quartz sand and maintains its heat for a long time. An aim of the invention is to produce a product containing a thermostat that cuts off the electrical current when the set temperature is achieved, and enables temperature adjustment by applying it to a heating stone made of quartz sand that automatically activates and provides current when it cools down. Another purpose of the invention is to save energy with a heating stone made of quartz sand, which has a high degree of heat retention. Another aim of the invention is to produce a heating stone made of quartz sand, a product that is beneficial for health. Another aim of the invention is to provide a product that can be used by asthma patients, allowing them to breathe comfortably by not burning dust or drying the air. In order to fulfill the purposes described above, the subject of the invention is a portable quartz sand heater that allows the control and adjustment of the heat, a heating stone made of a mixture of quartz sand and cement, a body in which the heating stone is placed, a front cover that allows the heating stone to be fixed to the body, at least two parts that allow the device to be easily carried. The lower wheel legs contain the power box containing the thermostat that allows the temperature to be adjusted and controlled, and the resistance that ensures heat circulation. The quartz sand heater that is the subject of the invention also includes a fixing apparatus to enable it to be fixed / mounted to the desired area. The quartz sand heater that is the subject of the invention also contains at least two lower wheel foot covers that provide protection of the lower wheel legs. The quartz sand heater that is the subject of the invention also contains a power button in the said power box that enables the device to be turned on and off. The quartz sand heater that is the subject of the invention also includes a power box cover that protects the power box against external factors. The structural and characteristic features and all the advantages of the invention will be understood more clearly thanks to the figures given below and the detailed explanation written by making references to these figures. For this reason, the evaluation should be made taking these figures and detailed explanation into consideration. Figures to Help Understand the Invention Figure 1: Front and side profile views of the quartz sand heater that is the subject of the invention. Figure 2: An example view of the quartz sand heater that is the subject of the invention. Explanation of Part References Front Cover Fixing Apparatus AIT wheel feet AIT wheel foot cover Power box Power box cover Resistor Detailed Description of the Invention In this detailed explanation, the preferred alternatives of the monolithic heater of the invention are explained only for a better understanding of the subject and in a way that does not create any limiting effect. The subject of the invention, front and side profile views of which are shown in Figure 1, is a portable quartz sand heater that allows controlling and adjusting the heat, the heating stone (2) made of a mixture of quartz sand and cement, the body (3) where the heating stone (2) is placed, the heating stone (3). 2) It contains the front cover (1) that allows it to be fixed to the body (3), at least two lower wheel legs (5) that allow the device to be carried easily, the power box (7) containing the thermostat that allows the temperature to be adjusted and controlled, and the resistance (9) that ensures heat circulation. . The device of the invention additionally includes a fixing apparatus (4) to enable it to be fixed/mounted to the desired area. An example view of the quartz kuqu heater that is the subject of the invention is given in Figure 2. According to an exemplary embodiment of the heater that is the subject of the invention; Heating stone (2), preferably made of a mixture of pulverized quartz sand and white cement in gel ratio, body/rear cover (3) where the heating stone (2) is placed, front cover (1) that allows the heating stone (2) to be fixed to the body (3), preferably a fixing apparatus (4) for wall mounting, at least two lower wheel legs (5) that enable the device to be easily carried (portability), at least two lower wheel foot covers (6) that ensure the protection of the said device's wheel feet (5) so that the heat can be adjusted and controlled. It contains the thermostat that enables the device to be turned on and off, the power button that enables the device to be turned on and off, and the power box (7) that contains this thermostat and the power button, the power box cover (8) that protects the said power box (7) against external factors, and the resistance (9) that ensures heat circulation. By inserting the plug of the device of the invention into the socket, electric current is provided and the resistance (9) inside heats up with the incoming electricity. The heated resistance (9) provides heat circulation and reflects the heat to the heating stone (2). The heating stone (2) made of the mentioned quartz sand and cement mixture starts to heat the area where the device is located. With the thermostat contained in the heater of the invention, the heat level can be adjusted to the desired level and can be easily controlled. For example, thanks to the thermostat set at 80 (C), the electric current stops when the heat is provided. When it cools down, the current is given again. Since the mentioned heating stone (2) has a high degree of heat retention, energy saving is achieved and it also has health benefits. Since the stone made of quartz sand does not dry the air, the patient is comfortable. For this reason, it can be used safely in rooms where patients, especially asthma patients, are present. However, since the devices available in the technique cannot be moved quickly, this problem has been eliminated with the portable quartz sand heater, which is the subject of the invention. In this way, an easily portable product is provided. A product that can be used by patients with diseases where air is important, etc., and anyone who cares about air quality and energy saving, can be used in homes, offices, workshops, container greenhouses and industrial facilities. Our invention adjusts the temperature of the heater according to the thermostat it contains. Additionally, thanks to its wheels, it is possible to carry it in a portable way. TR TR TR TR

Claims (5)

ISTEMLER 1. Bulus, isinin kontrolüne ve ayarlamasina imkân portatif bir kuvars kumlu isitici olup, özelligi; o kuvars kumu ve çimento karisimindan mamul isitici tas (2), . isitici tasin (2) yerlestirildigi gövde (3), o isitici tasin (2) gövdeye (3) sabitlenmesini saglayan ön kapak (1), o cihazin kolaylikla tasinabilmesini saglayan en az iki alt teker ayaklari o isinin ayarlanabilmesini ve kontrol edilmesini saglayan termostati içeren güç kutusu (7), o isi dolasimini saglayan rezistans (9) içermesidir.1. The invention is a portable quartz sand heater that allows heat control and adjustment, and its features are; o Heating stone (2), made of quartz sand and cement mixture. The body (3) in which the heating stone (2) is placed, o the front cover (1) that allows the heating stone (2) to be fixed to the body (3), o At least two lower wheel legs that enable the device to be carried easily, o Power that includes the thermostat that allows the temperature to be adjusted and controlled. The box (7) contains the resistance (9) that ensures heat circulation. 2. Istem 1,e uygun bir isitici olup, özelligi; isiticinin istenilen alana sabitlenmesini /monte edilmesini saglamak üzere sabitleme aparati (4) içermesidir.2. It is a heater in accordance with claim 1, and its feature is; It contains a fixing apparatus (4) to enable the heater to be fixed/mounted to the desired area. 3. Istem 1,e uygun bir isitici olup, özelligi; alt teker ayaklarinin (5) korunmasini saglayan en az iki alt tekerlek ayak kapagi (6) içermesidir.3. It is a heater in accordance with claim 1, and its feature is; It contains at least two lower wheel foot covers (6) that provide protection of the lower wheel legs (5). 4. Istem 1,e uygun bir isitici olup, özelligi; bahsedilen güç kutusunun (7) cihazin açilip kapanmasini saglayan güç dügmesi içermesidir.4. It is a heater in accordance with claim 1, and its feature is; The said power box (7) contains a power button that enables the device to be turned on and off. 5. Istem 1,e uygun bir isitici olup, özelligi; güç kutusunu (7) dis etkenlere karsi koruyan güç kutusu kapagi (8) içermesidir.5. It is a heater in accordance with claim 1, and its feature is; It contains a power box cover (8) that protects the power box (7) against external factors.
TR2023/001242 2023-02-02 INNOVATION IN QUARTZ SAND HEATER TR2023001242U5 (en)

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
TR2023001242U5 true TR2023001242U5 (en) 2023-02-21



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