TARIFNAME KALITELI DOLUM YAPAN OTOMATIK TÜTÜN DOLUM MAKINESI Teknik Alan Bulus, sünger filtreli, silindirik bos kagit tüplerin (makaron) ve benzeri ürünlerin içine tütün dolumunun yapilmasini saglayan tütün dolum makinesi ile ilgilidir. Bulus özellikle, islenmis tütünün bir hazne içerisinde tesviyesi yapildiktan sonra uygun formda kesilmesini ve kasik üzerine yerlestirilerek, kagit tüp içerisine girip çikmasi ile forma girmis tütünün makaron içerisine birakilarak doldurulmasini ve dolan kagit tüpün kasigin bos halde ikinci bir hareketi ile atilmasini saglayarak kaliteli bir dolum islemi gerçeklestiren otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ile ilgilidir. Teknigin Bilinen Durumu Günümüzde sünger filtreli, silindirik bos kagit tüplerin (makaron) içerisine tütün ürünlerinin doldurulmasi için manuel çalisan el tipi pnömatik ve elektrik motorlu makineler mevcuttur. Mevcut teknikte kullanilan manuel el tipi, pnömatik ve elektrik motorlu makineler makaronun dip kismini tam dolduramamaktadir. Pnömatik sistemle çalisan makineler, sistemin çalisabilmesi için ek olarak kompresör ihtiyaci dogurmaktadir. Bu da ek maliyete ve kompresör sesinden olusan ek gürültüye sebebiyet vermektedir. Söz konusu makinelerde ses seviyesi 70-90 db seviyelerindedir. Ayni zamanda manuel el tipi pnömatik makinelerin boyutunun yüksek olmasi sebebiyle de tasinmasi ve kullanilacak alana yerlesiminin yapilmasi zordur. Elektrik motorlu makineler genel yapi itibariyle hareket aktarimi için elektrik motoruna sahiptir. Güç aktarimini saglayan elektrik motorlarinin, mekanik anlamda dogru sekilde yataklanip konumlandirilmamalari nedeniyle kisa süre içerisinde parça kirilmalari ve ariza yasanmasi söz konusu olmaktadir. Ayni zamanda daginik yerlesim ve modüler olmayan montaj mantigi sebebiyle teknik servis/destek çok zor ve maliyetli olmaktadir. Kullanilan malzemelerin kalitesiz ve ucuz ürün gruplarindan seçilmesi de arizayi tetiklemektedir. Makine boyutlarinin fazla olmasi sebebiyle tasinmasi da zordur. Ayrica, seri çalismada verimli ve hizli olmayan bu makineler, üretilen makaronlarin uçlarinda saçak birakmaktadir. Literatürde yapilan arastirmada teknigin bilinen durumuna bir örnek olarak EP2871981 numarali doküman gösterilebilir. Bahsi geçen doküman, farkli doldurma boslugu uzunluklarina adapte edilebilen bir doldurma cihazina iliskindir. Söz konusu bulusta, manuel el tipi bir cihazdan bahsedilmektedir. Bahsedilen cihaz ile üç farkli sigara tüpünün doldurulmasi saglanabilmektedir. Ancak doldurma islemi tamamen manuel sekilde gerçeklestirildiginden söz konusu cihaz ile seri ve verimli sekilde çalisilmasi mümkün olmamaktadir. Sonuç olarak yukaridaki problemlerin varligi ve mevcut çözümlerin yetersizligi, ilgili teknik alanda bir gelistirme yapmayi zorunlu kilmistir. Bulusun Amaci Mevcut bulus yukarida bahsedilen dezavantajlari ortadan kaldiran ve ilgili teknik alana yeni avantajlar getiren kaliteli dolum yapan otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ile Bulusun ana amaci, makaronun dip kisminin tamamen doldurulmasini saglayan, uçlarda saçak birakmayan ve saçak kalmasi durumunda saçagi engelleyecek ayarlara sahip bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun amaci, dolum isleminin hizli ve verimli bir sekilde gerçeklestirilmesini saglayan bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun amaci, hareket sisteminin modüler yapida olmasi sayesinde montaj kolayligi saglayan ve olasi ariza durumunda parça degisimleri rahatlikla yapilabilen bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, alüminyum malzemeden mamul alt tablanin fikstürlü yapiya sahip olmasi sayesinde daha kolay ve ayar gerektirmeden montaj olanagi saglayan ve teknik servis gereksinimini %70 azaltan bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, biçak sistemindeki açili parça ile makaslama ve otomatik toz tahliyesi yapabilen ve bunun yaninda kesim islemini daha saglikli yapabilen ve toz tahliyesi için ek bir islem gerektirmeyen yataklama sistemine sahip bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, tesviye sisteminde darbeli vuran ve sesli çalisan selenoid veya Pnömatik piston yerine motorlu ve yüksek hatveli mille çalisan hareket sistemi sayesinde daha sessiz daha kaliteli ve daha uzun ömürlü bir yapiya sahip bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, makaron/ambalaj haznesinde olusan statiklenmeyi önleyen galvaniz sacli ve Ptfe kumas kapli yapiya sahip bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, makaron/ambalaj haznesinde yer alan altigen karistirici ile bos kagit tüplerin(makaron) sürekli yeri degistirilerek ürün akisinin daha düzgün ve Bulusun bir diger amaci, biçak mekanizmasinda uygulanan özel isil islem ve kaplama teknikleri ile yapismanin %35 azaltilan ve asinmaya karsi dayanimi üç kat arttirilan bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, kasik sisteminde kullanilan fikstürlü yapi ve yataklama sayesinde direkt motordan tahrik verilen ve bu sayede hareket ederken olusacak olasi sapmalarin önüne geçen bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, kasik sisteminde servis destegi ihtiyaci azaltilan bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, pleksi haznelerin Ptfe yüzey kaplamasi sayesinde %50 daha fazla verime sahip olan bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, yazilima uzaktan baglanti ve ayar imkani saglayan bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, ideal boyutlarda ve hafif yapiya sahip olan bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, ses seviyesi 55db seviyesinde olan ve bu sayede sessiz çalisan bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Bulusun bir diger amaci, mevcut teknikteki dolum makinelerine göre %30 daha kaliteli dolum yapabilme kapasitesine sahip bir otomatik tütün dolum makinesi ortaya koymaktir. Yukarida belirtilen ve detayli anlatimdan çikabilecek tüm amaçlari yerine getirebilmek üzere bulus; sünger filtreli, silindirik bos kagit tüplerin (makaron) ve benzeri ürünlerin içine tütün dolumunun yapilmasini saglayan ve zemine konumlandirilmis alt tabla üzerinde yer alan ve ön yüzeyinde ön kapak yan yüzeyinde yan kapak bulunan dis kabin, dis kabin üzerinde yer alan ve dolumu yapilacak ürünün depolandigi modüler yapida ürün haznesi, ürün haznesinde depolanan ürünün otomatik tütün sarma makinesi içerisine aktarilmasini saglayan ürün geçis haznesi içeren otomatik tütün sarma makinesi olup, - dis kabin üzerinde yer alan ve otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin kullanici tarafindan hiz ve ayarlarinin yapilarak kumanda edilmesini saglayan dokunmatik HDI ekran, - ürün haznesinde depolanan ürünün dolum isleminden sonra tesviye edilmesini saglayan ve tesviye step motoru vasitasiyla her dolumda ileri geri hareket ederek tesviye yapan tesviye ayar kolu vasitasiyla uzunluk ve genisligi ayarlanabilen ve hava kanallari ile donatilarak dolumu yapilacak ürünün akisini saglayan ürün tesviye haznesine sahip olan tesviye mekanizmasi, - ambalaj veya makaronlarin dolum esnasinda siraya sokulmasini saglayan ve ambalaj ve makaronlarin siralama ve akisinin düzenli bir sekilde saglayan ve DC motor vasitasiyla tahrik(titresim) edilen galvaniz sac malzemeden mamul, ve siraya girmesi gereken bölümdeki kestamid mamül altigen karistiriciya sahip olan ambalaj ve makaron haznesi, - ambalaj veya makaronlarin ambalaj ve makaron haznesine düzgün sekilde yerlestirilmesini saglayan kürek, - ambalaj ve makaron haznesi alt tarafina konumlandirilan ve makaronun makaron itici step motor ve kam vasitasiyla hareket eden makaron itici parça vasitasiyla itilmesini saglayan makaron ve ambalaj itici ve yataklama sistemi, - alt tabla üzerine irtibatli kizak , - makaron ve ambalaj itici ve yataklama sisteminden itilen bos ambalaj veya makaronlarin emzik vasitasiyla doluma hazir hale getirilmesini ve darbeli çalismaya dayanikli olan bosaltma ve temizleme kanallarina sahip 2379 malzemeden mamul biçak vasitasiyla kesilmesini saglayan kesim dolum mekanizmasi, - dolumu yapilacak ürünün kasik vasitasiyla makaron veya ambalaj içine itilmesini saglayan ve lineer hareket ederek kasik milini tasiyan kasik mili arabasi, kasik milini yataklayan kasik mili ön yatak, kasigin mili ayarini sabitleyen kasik mili sikistirma parçasi, kasik milini kasik mili arabasi üzerine irtibatlayan imalat çeliginden mamul kasik mili baglanti parçasi, kasik milindeki güç aktarimini saglayan kasik servo motoruna sahip kasik mekanizmasi, - kasik mekanizmasi vasitasiyla doldurulan ambalaj veya makaronun içerisine dolumu yapilan ürünün baski ile preslenmesini saglayan pres mekanizmasi, - üzerinde ambalaj boyutlari ölçüsünde oyuklar bulunan ve dolum tamamlandiginda rulet step motor vasitasiyla dönerek bitmis ürünün bitmis ürün haznesine düsmesini ve ürün haznesinden titresimle düsen ambalaj veya makaronun yeni dolum için hazirlanmasini saglayan rulet, - otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin çalisma rejiminin kontrol ve kumanda edilmesini ve ayni zamanda uzaktan baglanti ile çalismasini saglayan servo motor sürücü içermesi ile ilgilidir. Bulusun yapisal ve karakteristik özellikleri ve tüm avantajlari asagida verilen sekiller ve bu sekillere atiflar yapilmak suretiyle yazilan detayli açiklama sayesinde daha net olarak anlasilacaktir. Bu nedenle degerlendirmenin de bu sekiller ve detayli açiklama göz önüne alinarak yapilmasi gerekmektedir. Bulusun Anlasilmasina Yardimci Olacak Sekiller Sekil 1: Bulus konusu otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin genel görünümüdür. Sekil 2: Bulus konusu otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin iç detay görünümüdür. Parça Referanslarinin Açiklanmasi . Alt tabla20. . Alt tabla destek ayagi Dis kabin Dokunmatik HMI ekran Acil stop butonu Ürün haznesi Ürün haznesi tutucu ayak Ürün geçis haznesi Tesviye mekanizmasi Ürün tesviye haznesi Ürün tesviye haznesi braketi Tesviye ayar kolu Tesviye mekanizmasi üst parçasi Tesviye motoru tasima parçasi Tesviye motoru mili yataklama aparati Tesviye step motoru Vidali mil disi karsiligi Ambalaj ve makaron haznesi DC motor Makaron ve ambalaj itici ve yataklama sistemi Makaron itici parça Makaron itici step motor Makaron itici sensörü Makaron itici baglanti eksantrik parçasi Makaron ve ambalaj tutucu plastigi Kesim dolum mekanizmasi Emzik tutucu plaka Biçak alt yatak tutucu ayagi Biçak üstü kestamit parça Kesim ve dolum alt yatagi Ön yatak içi açili kesim plakasi 148. Kesim mekanizmasi yan braketi 150. Kasik mekanizmasi 151. Kasik 152. Kasik mili arabasi 153. Kasik mili ön yatak 154. Kasik mili sikistirma parçasi 155. Kasik mili baglanti parçasi 156. Kasik servo motoru tasiyicisi 157. Kasik servo motoru tasiyici ayak 158. Kasik sensör braketi 159. Kasik sensörü 1510. Kasik servo motoru 1511. Kasik motoru ve sürücü bölme parçasi 160. Pres mekanizmasi 161. Pres mekanizmasi servo motoru 162. Helis disli ve krameyer 163. Pres motor destek ayagi 164. Pres motor tasiyicisi 165. Pres motoru destek ve koruma parçasi 166. Pres mekanizmasi hareket iletim parçasi 167. Pres mekanizmasi biçak sensörü 168. Motor koruma kapagi 170. Rulet 171. Rulet step motor 172. Rulet sensör dislisi 180. Bitmis ürün haznesi 190. Servo motor sürücü Bulusun Detayli Açiklamasi Bu detayli açiklamada, bulus konusu otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin tercih edilen alternatifleri, sadece konunun daha iyi anlasilmasina yönelik olarak ve hiçbir sinirlayici etki olusturmayacak sekilde açiklanmaktadir. Sekil 1'de bulusa konu baglanti otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin genel görünümü verilmistir. Buna göre otomatik tütün sarma makinesi en temel halinde; zemine konumlandirilmis alt tabla (10) üzerinde yer alan ve ön yüzeyinde ön kapak (30) yan yüzeyinde yan kapak (40) bulunan dis kabin (20), dis kabin (20) üzerinde yer alan ve otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin kullanici tarafindan hiz ve ayarlarinin yapilarak kumanda edilmesini saglayan dokunmatik HDI ekran (50), otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin acil durumda durdurulmasini saglayan acil stop butonu (60), dis kabin (20) üzerinde yer alan ve dolumu yapilacak ürünün depolandigi modüler yapida ürün haznesi (70), ürün haznesinde (60) depolanan ürünün otomatik tütün sarma makinesi içerisine aktarilmasini saglayan ürün geçis haznesi (80), ürün haznesinde (60) depolanan ürünün dolum isleminden sonra tesviye edilmesini saglayan tesviye mekanizmasi (90), ambalaj veya makaronlarin dolum esnasinda siraya sokulmasini saglayan ambalaj ve makaron haznesi (100), ambalaj veya makaronlarin ambalaj ve makaron haznesine (100) düzgün sekilde alinmasini (yerlestirilmesini) saglayan kürek (110), ambalaj ve makaron haznesi (100) alt tarafina konumlandirilan ve makaronun itilmesini saglayan makaron ve ambalaj itici ve yataklama sistemi (120), alt tabla (10) üzerine irtibatli kizak (130), makaron ve ambalaj itici ve yataklama sisteminden (120) itilen bos ambalaj veya makaronlarin emzik (141) vasitasiyla doluma hazir hale getirilmesini ve biçak (143) vasitasiyla kesilmesini saglayan kesim dolum mekanizmasi (140), dolumu yapilacak ürünün kasik (151) vasitasiyla makaron veya ambalaj içine itilmesini saglayan kasik mekanizmasi (150), kasik mekanizmasi (150) vasitasiyla doldurulan ambalaj veya makaronun içerisine dolumu yapilan ürünün baski ile preslenmesini saglayan pres mekanizmasi (160), üzerinde ambalaj boyutlari ölçüsünde oyuklar bulunan ve dolum tamamlandiginda rulet step motor (171) vasitasiyla dönerek bitmis ürünün bitmis ürün haznesine (180) düsmesini ve ürün haznesinden (70) titresimle düsen ambalaj veya makaronun yeni dolum için hazirlanmasini saglayan rulet (170), otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin çalisma rejiminin kontrol ve kumanda edilmesini ve ayni zamanda uzaktan baglanti ile çalismasini saglayan servo motor sürücü (190) içermektedir. Bulusa konu tütün sarma makinesi alt tabla (10) üzerinde yer alan ve ön yüzeyinde ön kapak (30) yan yüzeyinde yan kapak (40) bulunan dis kabine (20) sahiptir. Dis kabin (20) üzerinde, otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin kullanici tarafindan hiz ve ayarlarinin yapilarak kumanda edilmesini saglayan dokunmatik HDI ekran (50) bulunmaktadir. Ayni zamanda dis kabin (20) üzerinde otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin acil durumda durdurulmasini saglayan acil stop butonu (60) bulunmaktadir. Alt tabla (10) alt yüzeyinde, alt tablanin (10) yüksekligini ve statik mukavemetini arttiran 6083 alüminyum malzemeden mamul alt tabla destek ayaklari (11) bulunmaktadir. Alt tabla destek ayaklari (11), alt tabla (10) ile birlestirilerek esneme gibi durumlarin önüne geçmektedir. Dis kabin (20) üzerine, ürün haznesi tutucu ayak (71) vasitasiyla ürün haznesi (70) irtibatlanmistir. Ürün haznesi (70), dolumu yapilacak ürünün depolandigi ürün haznesi (70) bulunmaktadir. Ürün haznesi (70), pleksi malzemeden mamul olup, modüler yapidadir. Ürün haznesi (70) elektronik kontrollü otomatik ürün atan hazne yapisinda olabilir. Ürün haznesi (70) yan tarafinda, ürün haznesinde (70) depolanan ürünün otomatik tütün sarma makinesi içerisine aktarilmasini saglayan pleksiden mamul ürün geçis haznesi (80) yer almaktadir. Ürün geçis haznesi (70) alt tarafina, ürün haznesinde (70) depolanan ürünün dolum isleminden sonra tesviye edilmesini saglayan tesviye mekanizmasi (90) yer almaktadir. Tesviye mekanizmasi (90) temel olarak uzunluk ve genisligi tesviye ayar kolu (93) vasitasiyla ayarlanabilen ve hava kanallari ile donatilarak dolumu yapilacak ürünün akisini saglayan ürün tesviye haznesine (91) sahiptir. Söz konusu ürün tesviye haznesi (91), ürün tesviye haznesi braketi (92) vasitasiyla irtibatlanmistir. Tesviye ayar kolu (93) üzerinde yer alan tesviye step motoru (97) vasitasiyla tesviye ayar kolu (93) her dolumda ileri geri hareket ederek tesviye yapmakta ve ürün tesviye haznesi (91), hassas bir sekilde daraltilip genisletilmektedir. Tesviye step motoru (97), tesviye mekanizmasi tasima parçasi (95) vasitasiyla tasinmakta ve tesviye hareketi mukavemetli sekilde yapilmaktadir. Tesviye mekanizmasinda (90) bulunan ayar mili, alüminyumdan mamul tesviye mekanizmasi üst parçasi (94) vasitasiyla montajlanmistir. Tesviye mekanizmasinda (90), tesviye step motorundan (97) gelen dairesel hareketin dogrusal harekete aktarilmasi için kestamitten mamul vidali mil kullanilmistir. Bahsi geçen vidali mil, alüminyumdan mamul yukari asagi ayarlanabilir tesviye motoru mili yataklama aparati (96) vasitasiyla yataklanarak hareket aktarimi saglanmistir. Ayni zamanda bahsi geçen vidali mil, bahsi geçen hareket aktarimini vidali mil karsiligi (98) vasitasiyla saglamaktadir. Ürün haznesinin (70) yan tarafinda, ambalaj veya makaronlarin dolum esnasinda siraya sokulmasini saglayan ambalaj ve makaron haznesi (100) bulunmaktadir. Ambalaj ve makaron haznesi (100) ambalaj ve makaronlarin siralama ve akisinin düzenli bir sekilde saglanmasi için galvaniz sac malzemeden mamul altigen karistiriciya sahiptir. Böylece hatali ya da farkli formlardaki ambalaj ve makaronlarin dahi akisinin daha düzenli olmasi saglanmistir. Altigen karistiricinin galvaniz sac malzemeden mamul olmasi sayesinde de statiklenmenin önüne geçilmistir. Ambalaj ve makaron haznesindeki (100) altigen karistirici, DC motor (101) vasitasiyla tahrik edilmektedir. Ambalaj ve makaron haznesi (100) üzerinde, ambalaj veya makaronlarin ambalaj ve makaron haznesine (100) düzgün sekilde alinmasini saglayan pleksi malzemeden mamul kürek (110) bulunmaktadir. Ambalaj ve makaron haznesi (100) alt tarafinda, ambalaj veya makaronun itilmesini saglayan makaron ve ambalaj itici ve yataklama sistemi (120) bulunmaktadir. Söz konusu makaron ve ambalaj itici ve yataklama sistemi (120) temel olarak ambalaj ve makaronlari, kesim dolum mekanizmasindaki (140) emzige (141) iten makaron itici parça (121), makaron itici parçanin (121) hareketini saglayan makaron itici step motor (122), makaron itici parçanin (121) konumunu belirleyen makaron itici sensörü (123), makaron itici step motorun (122) miline setskur vasitasiyla irtibatlanarak, içerisinde yer alan rulman sayesinde makaron itici step motordan (122) gelen hareketi, makaron itici parçaya (121) ileterek ambalaj veya makaronlarin emzige (141) geçirilmesini saglayan makaron itici baglanti eksantrik parçasi (124) ve ambalaj veya makaronlarin tutulmasini saglayan makaron ve ambalaj tutucu plastiginden (125) olusmaktadir. Makaron ve ambalaj itici ve yataklama sisteminden (120) itilen bos ambalaj veya makaronlar, kesim dolum mekanizmasindaki (140), emzik (141) vasitasiyla doluma hazir hale getirilmekte ve biçak (143) vasitasiyla kesilmektedir. Söz konusu kesim dolum mekanizmasi (140) temel olarak bos ambalaj veya makaronlarin doluma hazir hale gelmek üzere itildigi emzik (141), emzigi (141) alt tablaya (10) irtibatlayan emzik tutucu plaka (142), ambalaj veya makaronun kesilmesini saglayan ve darbeli çalismaya dayanikli yapida 2379 malzemeden mamul olan bosaltma ve temizleme mamul biçak alt yatak tutucu ayagi (144), biçagi (143) yataklayan ve biçagi (143) baskilayan biçak üstü kestamit parça (145), kesim dolum mekanizmasini (140) yataklayan ve biçak (143) ile karsilikli temizleme kanallarina sahip kesim ve dolum alt yatagi (146), biçagin (143) karsisinda yer alan ve biçagin (143) makaslayarak kesim yapmasini saglayan takilip çikarilabilir yapida ön yatak içi açili kesim plakasi (147), biçagin (143) her iki tarafina karsilikli olarak irtibatlanan ve biçagin (143) sürtünmesine karsi dayanikli CK-75 malzemeden mamul kesim mekanizmasi yan braketinden (148) olusmaktadir. Kesim dolum mekanizmasi (140), ürünün kasik (151) vasitasiyla makaron veya ambalaj içine itilmesini saglayan kasik mekanizmasi (150) ile iliskilendirilmistir. Söz konusu kasik mekanizmasi (150) temel olarak dolumu yapilacak ürünün makaron veya ambalaj içerisine iten kasik (151), lineer hareket ederek kasik (151) milini tasiyan kasik mili arabasi (152), kasik (151) milini yataklayan kasik mili ön yatak (153), kasigin (151) mili ayarini sabitleyen kasik mili sikistirma parçasi (154), kasik (151) milini kasik mili arabasi (152) üzerine irtibatlayan imalat çeliginden mamul kasik mili baglanti parçasi (155), kasik (151) milindeki güç aktarimini saglayan kasik servo motoru (1510), kasik servo motorunun (1510) irtibatlanmasini saglayan kasik servo motoru tasiyici ayak (157), kasik servo motoru tasiyici ayak (157) üzerine kasik sensör braketi (158) vasitasiyla irtibatlanarak kasik servo motorunun (1510) konumunun ayarlanmasini saglayan kasik sensörü (159), kesim dolum mekanizmasindan (140) disariya toz ve yag geçisini engelleyen kasik motoru ve sürücü bölme parçasindan (1511) olusmaktadir. Ambalaj ve makaron haznesinin (100) yan tarafinda, kasik mekanizmasi (150) vasitasiyla doldurulan ambalaj veya makaronun içerisine dolumu yapilan ürünün baski ile preslenmesini saglayan pres mekanizmasi (160) bulunmaktadir. Pres mekanizmasi (160) temel olarak pres mekanizmasindaki (160) pres biçaginin hareketini saglayan pres mekanizmasi servo motoru (161), pres mekanizmasi servo motoruna (161) irtibatlanarak hareket aktarimi saglayan ve bunun için dairesel hareketi dogrusal harekete çeviren helis disli ve krameyer (162), pres mekanizmasi servo motoruna (161) esnemesini ve kasilmasini engelleyen kestamit malzemeden mamul pres motor destek ayagi (163), pres mekanizmasi servo motoru (161) tasiyan 6083 alüminyum malzemeden mamul pres motor tasiyicisi (164), helis disli ve krameyere (162) toz ve yabanci maddelerin geçmesini engelleyen pres motoru destek ve koruma parçasi (165), pres mekanizmasindaki (160) hareketi pres biçagina aktaran saglayan pres mekanizmasi hareket iletim parçasi (166), pres mekanizmasindaki (160) pres biçaginin konumunun ayarlanmasini saglayan pres mekanizmasi biçak sensörü (167), pres mekanizmasi servo motoru (161) üzerine kapatilan motor koruma kapagindan (168) olusmaktadir. Kesim dolum mekanizmasi (150) ön tarafina, üzerinde ambalaj boyutlari ölçüsünde oyuklar bulunan ve dolum tamamlandiginda rulet step motor (171) vasitasiyla dönerek bitmis ürünün bitmis ürün haznesine (180) düsmesini saglayan rulet (170) yerlestirilmistir. Söz konusu rulet (130), her dönme hareketinde hassas bir sekilde konumunu ayarlayabilmesi için arka kisminda yer alan bir sensör ile donatilmis olup, bas kismina rulet sensör dislisi (172) montajlidir. Söz konusu montaj kismi slotlu yapida olup kaydirilarak ayarlanabilir. Ruletin (170) arka kismina irtibatli sensör, rulet sensör dislisinin (172) tepe noktalarini okuyarak durmasi gereken yeri belirlemektedir. Bulusa konu otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin çalisma rejiminin kontrol ve kumanda edilmesini ve ayni zamanda uzaktan baglanti ile çalismasi servo motor sürücü (190) vasitasiyla saglanmaktadir. Bulusa konu otomatik tütün sarma makinesinin çalisma prensibi su sekildedir; Baslangiç konumunda (20) rulet (170) bosluklari ile kasik (151) otomatik olarak ayni hizaya gelir. Makaron itici parça (121) ambalaj veya makaronu iterek emzige (141) geçirir. Ambalaj veya makaron, emzige (141) geçtikten sonra biçak (143) ileri gelir ve kesme isi gerçeklesir. Makaron tutucu plaka (142) ileri gelir ve ambalaj veya makaronu tutar. Daha sonra kasik (151) ilk vurusunu yaparak kesilmis ambalaj veya makaron, tütünü iterek ambalaj veya makaronun içine sokar. Kasik (151) geri gelirken tütünü bir kismini geri çikardigi için ikinci bir vurusa ihtiyaç duyar. Kasik (151) geri gelince ikinci bir vurus daha yapar ve bunun süresi daha kisadir. Bu ikinci vurus, tütünün ambalaj veya makaronun içine daha iyi girmesini saglar. Ayrica, kullanicinin malzeme hareketine müdahale etmesini saglar. Ambalaj veya makaron emzikten (141) itilir ve dolumu saglayan ambalaj veya makaron, emzikten (141) disariya atilir. Daha sonra tesviye mekanizmasi (90) tesviye hareketi yapar ve pres mekanizmasi (160) ile malzeme sikistirma islemi yapilir. Bu döngü tekrarlanarak devam eder. TR TR TR DESCRIPTION AUTOMATIC TOBACCO FILLING MACHINE THAT MAKES QUALITY FILLING Technical Field The invention relates to a tobacco filling machine that allows tobacco filling into sponge filtered, cylindrical empty paper tubes (sleeves) and similar products. In particular, the invention provides a high-quality filling process by cutting the processed tobacco into the appropriate form after being leveled in a chamber, placing it on the spoon, entering and exiting the paper tube, filling the tobacco in the form by dropping it into the tube, and disposing of the filled paper tube with a second movement of the spoon in an empty state. It is related to automatic tobacco filling machine. State of the Art Today, manually operated hand-held pneumatic and electric motor machines are available for filling tobacco products into cylindrical empty paper tubes (sleeves) with sponge filters. Manual, pneumatic and electric motor machines used in the current technique cannot completely fill the bottom part of the tube. Machines operating with a pneumatic system require an additional compressor for the system to operate. This causes additional costs and additional noise caused by the compressor sound. The sound level of the machines in question is around 70-90 db. At the same time, due to the large size of manual hand-held pneumatic machines, they are difficult to transport and place in the area where they will be used. In general, electric motor machines have an electric motor for movement transfer. Due to the fact that the electric motors that provide power transfer are not mechanically supported and positioned correctly, part breakages and malfunctions may occur in a short time. At the same time, technical service/support becomes very difficult and costly due to the dispersed layout and non-modular assembly logic. Choosing the materials used from poor quality and cheap product groups also triggers the malfunction. Due to the large size of the machine, it is difficult to transport it. In addition, these machines, which are not efficient and fast in serial operation, leave fringes at the ends of the produced tubing. In the research conducted in the literature, the document numbered EP2871981 can be cited as an example of the known state of the technique. Said document relates to a filling device adaptable to different filling cavity lengths. In the invention in question, a manual hand-held device is mentioned. With the mentioned device, three different cigarette tubes can be filled. However, since the filling process is carried out completely manually, it is not possible to work quickly and efficiently with the device in question. As a result, the existence of the above problems and the inadequacy of existing solutions necessitated a development in the relevant technical field. Purpose of the Invention The present invention is an automatic tobacco filling machine that eliminates the above-mentioned disadvantages and brings new advantages to the relevant technical field with quality filling. The main purpose of the invention is an automatic tobacco filling machine that ensures the bottom part of the macaroni is filled completely, does not leave fringe at the ends, and has settings that will prevent the fringe in case of fringe remaining. is to reveal the machine. The aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine that allows the filling process to be carried out quickly and efficiently. The aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine that provides ease of assembly thanks to the modular structure of the movement system and whose parts can be easily replaced in case of possible malfunction. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine that enables easier installation without requiring adjustments and reduces the need for technical service by 70%, thanks to the fixtured structure of the bottom plate made of aluminum material. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine with a bedding system that can perform shearing and automatic dust evacuation with the angled part in the blade system, as well as making the cutting process healthier and not requiring any additional process for dust evacuation. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine with a quieter, better quality and longer-lasting structure, thanks to its motorized and high-pitch shaft-driven movement system, instead of the solenoid or pneumatic piston that pulses and works loudly in the leveling system. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine with galvanized sheet metal and Ptfe fabric covered structure that prevents static formation in the sleeve/packaging chamber. Another aim of the invention is to ensure that the product flow is smoother by constantly changing the location of the empty paper tubes (sleeves) with the hexagonal mixer located in the tubing/packaging chamber. Another aim of the invention is to reduce adhesion by 35% and prevent wear by special heat treatment and coating techniques applied to the knife mechanism. The aim is to create an automatic tobacco filling machine whose durability has been increased threefold. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine that is driven directly from the engine, thanks to the fixtured structure and bearing used in the groin system, and thus prevents possible deviations while moving. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine in which the need for service support in the spoon system is reduced. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine that has 50% more efficiency thanks to the Ptfe surface coating of the plexi chambers. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine that provides remote connection and adjustment to the software. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine with ideal dimensions and light structure. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine that has a sound level of 55dB and thus operates silently. Another aim of the invention is to produce an automatic tobacco filling machine that has a 30% higher quality filling capacity than the filling machines in the current technique. The invention is designed to fulfill all the purposes stated above and that can be derived from the detailed explanation; The outer cabin, which is located on the bottom table positioned on the floor and has a side cover on the front surface and the front cover on the side surface, which allows tobacco to be filled into sponge filtered, cylindrical empty paper tubes (sleeves) and similar products. It is an automatic tobacco rolling machine with a structured product chamber and a product transition chamber that allows the product stored in the product chamber to be transferred into the automatic tobacco rolling machine, - a touch HDI screen located on the outer cabin that allows the user to control the automatic tobacco rolling machine by adjusting its speed and settings, - Leveling mechanism, which allows the product stored in the product chamber to be leveled after the filling process and has a product leveling chamber whose length and width can be adjusted by means of the leveling adjustment lever, which moves back and forth during each filling by means of the leveling step motor, and which is equipped with air ducts and ensures the flow of the product to be filled, - Packaging and tubing chamber, which is made of galvanized sheet material driven (vibration) by a DC motor, which ensures that the packaging or tubing is lined up during filling, and that ensures the ordering and flow of the packaging and tubing in an orderly manner, and has a hexagonal mixer made of chestamid in the section where they need to be lined up, - shovel, which ensures that the packaging or tubing is placed properly in the packaging and tubing chamber, - the tubing and packaging pushing and bearing system, which is positioned at the bottom of the packaging and tubing chamber and enables the tubing to be pushed by the tubing pusher piece moving by the tubing pushing stepper motor and cam, - on the bottom plate connected slide, - cutting filling mechanism that enables the empty packaging or tubing pushed through the tubing and packaging pusher and bearing system to be prepared for filling by means of a spout and to be cut by means of a knife made of 2379 material with discharge and cleaning channels that are resistant to impact operation, - the tubing of the product to be filled by means of the spoon or the crotch shaft carriage, which allows it to be pushed into the package and moves linearly and carries the crotch shaft, the crotch shaft front bearing that bears the crotch shaft, the crotch shaft compression piece that fixes the spoon shaft adjustment, the crotch shaft connection piece made of manufacturing steel, which connects the crotch shaft to the crotch shaft carriage, the crotch shaft on the crotch shaft. Spoon mechanism with a spoon servo motor that provides power transfer, - Press mechanism that allows the product filled into the package or spool filled through the spoon mechanism to be pressed with pressure, - A roulette with cavities in the size of the package and when the filling is completed, the roulette rotates by means of a stepper motor and allows the finished product to fall into the finished product chamber. and the roulette, which ensures that the package or spool falling from the product chamber with vibration is prepared for new filling, - It is related to the servo motor driver that allows the automatic tobacco rolling machine's operating regime to be controlled and operated and also to operate via remote connection. The structural and characteristic features and all the advantages of the invention will be understood more clearly thanks to the figures given below and the detailed explanation written by making references to these figures. For this reason, the evaluation should be made taking these figures and detailed explanation into consideration. Figures to Help Understand the Invention Figure 1: General view of the automatic tobacco rolling machine that is the subject of the invention. Figure 2: Interior detail view of the automatic tobacco rolling machine that is the subject of the invention. Explanation of Part References. Bottom plate20. . Bottom table support leg Outdoor cabin Touch HMI screen Emergency stop button Product hopper Product hopper holder foot Product transition hopper Leveling mechanism Product leveling hopper Product leveling hopper bracket Leveling adjustment arm Upper part of the leveling mechanism Leveling motor carrying part Leveling motor shaft bearing apparatus Leveling stepper motor Screwed shaft shaft counterpart Packaging and tubing chamber DC motor Sleeve and packaging pusher and bearing system Sleeve pusher part Sleeve pusher stepper motor Sleeve pusher sensor Sleeve pusher connection eccentric part Sleeve and packaging holder plastic Cutting filling mechanism Spout holder plate Knife bottom bearing holder foot Kestamite on blade part Cutting and filling lower bed Angled cutting plate inside the front bed 148. Cutting mechanism side bracket 150. Groove mechanism 151. Groove 152. Groove shaft carriage 153. Groove shaft front bearing 154. Groove shaft compression piece 155. Crooked shaft connection part 156. Pub servo motor carrier 157. Pub servo motor carrier foot 158. Pub sensor bracket 159. Pub sensor 1510. Pub servo motor 1511. Pub motor and driver compartment part 160. Press mechanism 161. Press mechanism servo motor 162. Helical gear and rack 163 . Press motor support leg 164. Press motor carrier 165. Press motor support and protection part 166. Press mechanism motion transmission part 167. Press mechanism blade sensor 168. Motor protection cover 170. Roulette 171. Roulette stepper motor 172. Roulette sensor gear 180 Finished product chamber 190. Servo motor driver Detailed Description of the Invention In this detailed description, the preferred alternatives of the automatic tobacco rolling machine that are the subject of the invention are explained only for a better understanding of the subject and in a way that does not create any limiting effect. Figure 1 shows the general view of the automatic tobacco rolling machine that is the subject of the invention. Accordingly, the automatic tobacco rolling machine in its most basic form; The outer cabinet (20), which is located on the bottom plate (10) positioned on the floor and has the front cover (30) on its front surface and the side cover (40) on its side surface, is located on the outer cabin (20) and the speed and settings of the automatic tobacco rolling machine can be adjusted by the user. Touch HDI screen (50), which allows the automatic tobacco rolling machine to be controlled in an emergency, emergency stop button (60), which allows the automatic tobacco rolling machine to be stopped in an emergency, a modular product chamber (70) located on the outer cabin (20) where the product to be filled is stored, a product chamber (70) in the product chamber (20). 60) product transition chamber (80), which allows the stored product to be transferred into the automatic tobacco rolling machine, leveling mechanism (90), which allows the product stored in the product chamber (60) to be leveled after the filling process, packaging and tube chamber (which allows the packaging or tubing to be placed in order during filling). 100), the shovel (110), which ensures that the packaging or tubing is properly taken (placed) into the packaging and tubing chamber (100), the tubing and packaging pushing and bearing system (120), which is positioned at the bottom of the packaging and tubing chamber (100) and enables the tubing to be pushed, sled (130) connected to the lower tray (10), cutting filling mechanism (140) that enables the empty packages or tubing pushed through the tubing and packaging pusher and bearing system (120) to be prepared for filling by means of the spout (141) and to be cut by means of the knife (143). , the spoon mechanism (150), which allows the product to be filled to be pushed into the sleeving or packaging via the spoon (151), the press mechanism (160), which allows the product to be filled into the filled packaging or sleeving via the spoon mechanism (150), with cavities in the size of the packaging. The roulette (170), which rotates by means of the roulette stepper motor (171) when the filling is completed, ensures that the finished product falls into the finished product chamber (180) and that the packaging or spool falling from the product chamber (70) with vibration is prepared for new filling, controls and controls the operating regime of the automatic tobacco rolling machine. It contains a servo motor driver (190) that allows it to be controlled and operated via remote connection. The tobacco rolling machine subject to the invention has an outer cabinet (20) located on the bottom plate (10) and with a front cover (30) on its front surface and a side cover (40) on its side surface. There is a touch HDI screen (50) on the outer cabin (20), which allows the user to control the automatic tobacco rolling machine by adjusting its speed and settings. At the same time, there is an emergency stop button (60) on the outer cabin (20), which allows the automatic tobacco rolling machine to be stopped in an emergency. On the lower surface of the sub-table (10), there are sub-table support legs (11) made of 6083 aluminum material, which increase the height and static strength of the sub-table (10). The lower table support legs (11) are combined with the lower table (10) to prevent situations such as stretching. The product hopper (70) is connected to the outer cabinet (20) via the product hopper holder foot (71). There is a product chamber (70) where the product to be filled is stored. The product chamber (70) is made of plexiglass material and has a modular structure. The product hopper (70) may have an electronically controlled automatic product dispensing hopper structure. On the side of the product chamber (70), there is a product transition chamber (80) made of plexiglass, which allows the product stored in the product chamber (70) to be transferred into the automatic tobacco rolling machine. There is a leveling mechanism (90) at the bottom of the product transition chamber (70), which allows the product stored in the product chamber (70) to be leveled after the filling process. The leveling mechanism (90) basically has a product leveling chamber (91), whose length and width can be adjusted via the leveling adjustment lever (93), and which is equipped with air ducts to ensure the flow of the product to be filled. The product leveling chamber (91) in question is connected via the product leveling chamber bracket (92). By means of the leveling stepper motor (97) located on the leveling adjustment arm (93), the leveling adjustment arm (93) moves back and forth for each filling level, and the product leveling chamber (91) is narrowed and expanded precisely. The leveling stepper motor (97) is carried by the leveling mechanism carrying part (95) and the leveling movement is carried out robustly. The adjustment shaft in the leveling mechanism (90) is mounted via the upper part of the leveling mechanism (94) made of aluminum. In the leveling mechanism (90), a screw shaft made of chestamite is used to transfer the circular motion coming from the leveling stepper motor (97) to linear motion. The said screw shaft is supported by the up and down adjustable leveling motor shaft bearing apparatus (96) made of aluminum and movement transmission is provided. At the same time, the said ball screw provides the said motion transmission through the ball screw counterpart (98). On the side of the product chamber (70), there is the packaging and tubing chamber (100), which allows the packaging or tubing to be lined up during filling. The packaging and tubing chamber (100) has a hexagonal mixer made of galvanized sheet material to ensure the ordering and flow of packaging and tubing in an orderly manner. Thus, the flow of even incorrect or different forms of packaging and tubing is ensured to be more regular. Static formation is prevented thanks to the hexagonal mixer being made of galvanized sheet material. The hexagonal mixer in the packaging and tube chamber (100) is driven by a DC motor (101). On the packaging and tubing chamber (100), there is a paddle (110) made of plexi material, which ensures that the packaging or tubing is taken into the packaging and tubing chamber (100) properly. At the bottom of the packaging and tubing chamber (100), there is a tubing and packaging pushing and bearing system (120) that allows the packaging or tubing to be pushed. The tubing and packaging pusher and bearing system (120) in question is basically the tubing pushing part (121) that pushes the packaging and tubing to the spout (141) in the cutting filling mechanism (140), and the tubing pushing stepper motor (122) that enables the movement of the tubing pushing part (121). ), the tubing pusher sensor (123), which determines the position of the tubing pushing part (121), is connected to the shaft of the tubing pushing stepper motor (122) via a grub screw, and thanks to the bearing inside, the movement coming from the tubing pushing stepper motor (122) is transferred to the tubing pushing part (121). It consists of the tubing pusher connection eccentric piece (124), which allows the packaging or tubing to be passed to the spout (141), and the tubing and packaging holder plastic (125), which allows the packaging or tubing to be held. The empty packaging or tubing pushed through the tubing and packaging pushing and bearing system (120) is made ready for filling by means of the spout (141) in the cutting filling mechanism (140) and is cut by the knife (143). The cutting filling mechanism (140) in question is basically the spout (141) through which the empty packaging or tubing is pushed to become ready for filling, the spout holder plate (142) that connects the spout (141) to the bottom plate (10), the spout that allows the packaging or tubing to be cut and operates with impact operation. Blade lower bearing holder leg (144), made of durable 2379 material, for unloading and cleaning, cutter piece on top of the blade (145) that bears and presses the blade (143), bearing the cutting filling mechanism (140) and blade (143). cutting and filling lower bed (146) with mutual cleaning channels, a removable angled cutting plate (147) inside the front bed, located opposite the knife (143) and allowing the knife (143) to cut by shearing, on both sides of the knife (143). It consists of the cutting mechanism side bracket (148), which is mutually connected and made of CK-75 material, which is resistant to the friction of the blade (143). The cutting filling mechanism (140) is associated with the spoon mechanism (150), which allows the product to be pushed into the tube or packaging via the spoon (151). The spoon mechanism (150) in question is basically the spoon (151) that pushes the product to be filled into the tube or package, the spoon shaft carriage (152) that moves the spoon (151) shaft by moving linearly, the spoon shaft front bearing (153) that bears the spoon (151) shaft. ), the spoon shaft compression piece (154) that fixes the shaft adjustment of the spoon (151), the spoon shaft connection piece (155) made of manufacturing steel that connects the spoon (151) shaft to the spoon shaft car (152), the spoon that provides the power transfer in the spoon (151) shaft. servo motor (1510), crotch servo motor carrier foot (157), which allows the crotch servo motor (1510) to be connected, and crotch servo motor carrier leg (157) via the crotch sensor bracket (158), allowing the position of the crotch servo motor (1510) to be adjusted. It consists of the sensor (159), the tray motor, which prevents dust and oil from passing out from the cutting filling mechanism (140), and the driver compartment part (1511). On the side of the packaging and tubing chamber (100), there is a press mechanism (160) that allows the product filled into the packaging or tubing via the spoon mechanism (150) to be pressed. The press mechanism (160) is basically the press mechanism servo motor (161), which provides the movement of the press blade in the press mechanism (160), the helical gear and the rack (162), which provide movement transfer by connecting to the press mechanism servo motor (161) and thus convert circular motion into linear motion. , press motor support leg (163) made of chestamide material, which prevents the press mechanism servo motor (161) from stretching and contracting, press motor carrier (164) made of 6083 aluminum material, which carries the press mechanism servo motor (161), helical gear and rack (162). and the press engine support and protection part (165), which prevents foreign substances from passing through, the press mechanism movement transmission part (166), which transfers the movement in the press mechanism (160) to the press blade, the press mechanism blade sensor (167), which allows the position of the press blade in the press mechanism (160) to be adjusted. ), consists of the motor protection cover (168) that is closed over the press mechanism servo motor (161). A roulette (170) is placed on the front of the cutting filling mechanism (150), which has cavities in the size of the packaging and when the filling is completed, the roulette rotates by means of the stepper motor (171) and allows the finished product to fall into the finished product chamber (180). The roulette (130) in question is equipped with a sensor located at the back so that it can adjust its position precisely with every rotation movement, and the roulette sensor gear (172) is mounted on the head. The mounting part in question has a slot structure and can be adjusted by sliding it. The sensor connected to the back of the roulette (170) reads the peaks of the roulette sensor gear (172) and determines where it should stop. Control and command of the operating regime of the automatic tobacco rolling machine subject to the invention and its operation via remote connection are provided by the servo motor driver (190). The working principle of the automatic tobacco rolling machine subject to the invention is as follows; In the starting position (20), the cavities of the roulette (170) and the spoon (151) automatically align. The tubing pushing part (121) pushes the packaging or tubing into the teat (141). After the packaging or tubing passes to the spout (141), the knife (143) comes forward and the cutting process takes place. The tubing holder plate (142) comes forward and holds the packaging or tubing. Then, the spoon (151) makes its first stroke and pushes the cut packaging or tubing and tobacco into the wrapping or tubing. The spoon (151) needs a second hit because it takes out some of the tobacco while coming back. When the groin (151) comes back, it makes a second blow and its duration is shorter. This second hit allows the tobacco to penetrate better into the wrapper or sleeve. It also allows the user to intervene in material movement. The packaging or tubing is pushed through the spout (141) and the packaging or tubing that provides the filling is thrown out of the spout (141). Then, the leveling mechanism (90) makes a leveling movement and the material is compressed by the press mechanism (160). This cycle continues repeatedly.TR TR TR