TARIFNAME BIR KAPAK MEKANIZMASI Teknik Alan Bu bulus, toz ve gran'i'il malzeme tasiyan treyler/ yari treyler araçlarda dökme ile yük dolumunda kullanilan menhol dolum portlari kapatan kapaklarin, el degmeden uzaktan kumanda ile açilip kapanmasinda kullanilan mekanizma ile ilgilidir. Teknigin Bilinen Durumu Mevcut otomatik açilan menhol kapagi uygulamalarinda kapak, pnömatik lineer hareket saglayan piston ve basit bir mentese yapilanmasi ile açilmaktadir. Bu sistemlerde kapak açilip kapanirken kasilmalar ve takilmalar yasanmaktadir. Sistem zor açilmakta ve asiri sürtünmelere maruz kalmaktadir. Granül ve toz tasiyan silo treylerlerde malzeme, sistemin içine kaçmakta ve sistemin açilmasini zorlastirmaktadir. Bununla beraber aracin üzerinde hareketli ve kapali olmayan bir mekanizma oldugu için, disaridan gelecek müdahale ve/veya araç seyir esnasinda iken etraftan yabanci maddelerin gelip takilmasi sistemin hasarlanmasina ya da bozulmasina neden olabilmektedir. Teknigin bilinen durumunda yer alan TR2019/19807 numarali patent basvuru dokümaninda karayollarinda toz çimento, un, tahil malzemeleri, kalsit, silis kumu ve benzeri 'ürünleri tasiyan silobaslarin dolum-bosaltim operasyonlari esnasinda kullanilmak üzere birbirlerine açilir kapanir vaziyette montajli bir 'üst gövde ve alt gövde içeren bir menhol kapak açiklanmaktadir. Ilgili basvuru dokümaninda menhol kapaklarin el degmeden uzaktan kumanda ile açilip kapanmasinda kullanilan bir yapilanmadan bahsedilmemektedir. Sonuç olarak, yukarida anlatilan ihtiyaçlari karsilayacak çözümlerin konu hakkindaki yetersizligi nedeniyle ilgili teknik alanda bir gelistirme yapilmasi gerekli kilinmistir. Bulusun Amaci Bulus, mevcut durumlardan esinlenerek olusturulup yukarida belirtilen olumsuzluklari çözmeyi amaçlamaktadir. Bu bulusun amaci, toz ve gran'ül malzeme tasiyan treyler] yari treyler araçlarda dökme ile y'uk dolumunda kullanilan menhol dolum portlari kapatan kapaklarin, el degmeden uzaktan kumanda ile açilip kapanmasinda kullanilan mekanizmanin ortaya konulmasidir. Bulusun yapisal ve karakteristik özellikleri ve tüm avantajlari asagida verilen sekiller ve bu sekillere atiflar yapilmak suretiyle yazilan detayli açiklama sayesinde daha net olarak anlasilacaktir ve bu nedenle degerlendirmenin de bu sekiller ve detayli açiklama göz önüne alinarak yapilmasi gerekmektedir. Bulusun Anlasilmasina Yardimci Olacak Sekiller Sekil 1, bulusa konu olan mekanizmanin kesit gösterimidir. Sekil 2, bulusa konu olan mekanizmanin patlatilmis gösterimidir. Sekil 3, bulusa konu olan mekanizmanin treyler 'üzerindeki halinin perspektif gösterimidir. Parça Referanslarinin Açiklamasi 1. Mekanizma 2. Menhol kapagi 3. D'ond'urme mili 4. Pnömatik aktüatör . Döndürme saci 6. Mentese kilit saci 7. Havali conta 8. Menhol bogazi 9. Conta . Rulman 11. Sabitleme saci 12. Baglanti saci A. Treyler i' yari treyler Bulusun Detayli Açiklamasi Bu detayli açiklamada, bulusa konu olan mekanizmanin (1) tercih edilen yapilanmalari, sadece konunun daha iyi anlasilmasina yönelik olarak açiklanmaktadir. Bu bulus, toz ve granül malzeme tasiyan treyler / yari treyler (A) araçlarda dökme ile yük dolumunda kullanilan menhol dolum portlari kapatan kapaklarin (2), el degmeden uzaktan kumanda ile açilip kapanmasinda kullanilan mekanizma (1) ile ilgilidir. Sekil 1 ve Sekil 2'de gösterimleri sunulan bulus konusu mekanizma (1); dönerek hareket eden ve malzeme dolumuna izin veren menhol kapagi (2), menhol kapagininin (2) döndürülmesi için kullanilan döndürme mili (3), döndürme miline (3) kama ile baglanan, hava basinci üreterek döndürme gücü olusturan, ürettigi döndürme gücü sayesinde döndürme milini (3) hareket ettiren ve bu sayede menhol kapaginin (2) açilip kapanmasini saglayan pnömatik aktüatör (4), döndürme milinden (3) gelen güçle menhol kapagini (2) döndüren döndürme menhol kapagininin (2) yukari hareketini sinirlandiran mentese kilit saci (6), siserek menhol kapagini (2) yukari dogru hareket ettiren ve bu sayede menhol kapaginin (2) mentese kilit sacina (6) dayanmasini saglayan havali conta (7), mentese kilit sacinin (6) ve havali contanin (7) baglandigi menhol bogazi (8), menhol kapagi (2) kapali halde iken sizdirmazligi saglayan conta (9), döndürme milinin (3) hareketini kolaylastiran ve sürtünmeyi azaltan rulman (1D), rulmanin (10) oturdugu kanalda hareket etmeden çalismasini saglayan sabitleme saci (11) ve 0:› pnömatik aktüatörün (4) baglandigi parça olan ve rulmanin (10) oturma kanalinin menthol bogazina (8) baglanmasini saglayan baglanti saci (12) içermektedir. Menhol kapaginin (2) açilmasi ve kapanmasi pnömatik aktüatörde (4) hava basinci ile üretilen döndürme gücününün kullanilmasiyla gerçeklesmektedir. Pnömatik aktüatör (4), baglanti sacina (12) baglanarak sabitlenmektedir. Pnömatik aktüatörün (4) mili, döndürme miline (3) kama baglantisi ile baglanarak hareket gücünü iletmektedir. Döndürme mili (3), rulman (10) içinde çalisarak döndürme gücünü arttirmakta ve sürtünmeyi azaltmaktadir. Sabitleme saci (11) ise rulmanin (10) oturdugu kanalda hareket etmeden çalismasini saglamaktadir. Döndürme mili (3), döndürme sacina (5) ve mentese kilit sacina (6) baglanarak menhol kapagina (2) döndürme hareketi saglamaktadir. Havali canta (7) siserek menhol kapagina (2) dayanmakta ve menhol kapaginin (2) yukari dogru hareketini saglamaktadir. Bu sayede menhol kapaginin (2) yukari hareketi tamamlanmis ve kilitlenmis olmaktadir. Ayrica havali conta (7) arada sismis ve sikismis bir sekilde kalarak sizdirmazligi da saglamaktadir. Mekanizmada (1) sizdirmazligi saglayan bir diger parça ise contadir (9). Menhol bogazi (8) ise menhol kapagininin (2) yukari hareketini sinirlandiran mentese kilit sacinin (6) ve havali contanin (7) baglandigi bölümdür. TR TR TR DESCRIPTION A COVER MECHANISM Technical Field This invention is related to the mechanism used to open and close the covers covering the manhole filling ports used in bulk cargo filling in trailer/semi-trailer vehicles carrying dust and granulated materials, with a remote control, without touching hands. State of the Art: In current automatic opening manhole cover applications, the cover is opened with a pneumatic piston providing linear movement and a simple hinge structure. In these systems, contractions and jams occur when the lid is opened and closed. The system is difficult to open and is exposed to excessive friction. In silo trailers carrying granules and powder, material escapes into the system and makes it difficult to open the system. However, since there is a movable and non-closed mechanism on the vehicle, external intervention and/or foreign objects getting stuck while the vehicle is driving may cause damage or malfunction of the system. In the patent application document numbered TR2019/19807, which is in the state of the art, it is stated that there is an upper body and lower body mounted on each other in a collapsible manner to be used during the filling-unloading operations of silobas carrying powder cement, flour, cereal materials, calcite, silica sand and similar products on highways. A manhole cover containing In the relevant application document, there is no mention of a structure used to open and close manhole covers with a remote control without touching the hands. As a result, it has become necessary to make a development in the relevant technical field due to the inadequacy of the solutions that will meet the needs described above. Purpose of the Invention: The invention is inspired by current situations and aims to solve the above-mentioned drawbacks. The purpose of this invention is to reveal the mechanism used to open and close the covers covering the manhole filling ports used in bulk cargo filling in semi-trailer vehicles [trailers carrying powder and granular materials] with a remote control, without touching the hands. The structural and characteristic features and all the advantages of the invention will be more clearly understood thanks to the figures given below and the detailed explanation written by making references to these figures, and therefore the evaluation should be made taking these figures and detailed explanation into consideration. Figures to Help Understand the Invention Figure 1 is a cross-sectional representation of the mechanism that is the subject of the invention. Figure 2 is an exploded representation of the mechanism that is the subject of the invention. Figure 3 is a perspective view of the mechanism subject to the invention on the trailer. Description of Part References 1. Mechanism 2. Manhole cover 3. Rolling shaft 4. Pneumatic actuator. Turning plate 6. Hinge lock plate 7. Air seal 8. Manhole neck 9. Gasket. Bearing 11. Fixing sheet 12. Connection sheet A. Trailer i' semi-trailer Detailed Description of the Invention In this detailed explanation, the preferred embodiments of the mechanism (1) which is the subject of the invention are explained only for a better understanding of the subject. This invention is related to the mechanism (1) used to open and close the covers (2) covering the manhole filling ports used in bulk cargo filling in trailer / semi-trailer (A) vehicles carrying powder and granular materials, with a remote control, without touching the hands. The mechanism (1) of the invention, shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2; The manhole cover (2), which moves by rotating and allows material filling, the turning shaft (3) used to rotate the manhole cover (2), the turning shaft (3), which is connected to the turning shaft (3) with a wedge, creating the turning power by producing air pressure, and the turning shaft, thanks to the turning power it produces. Pneumatic actuator (4) that moves the manhole cover (3) and thus enables the opening and closing of the manhole cover (2), hinge locking metal (6) that limits the upward movement of the rotating manhole cover (2), which rotates the manhole cover (2) with the power coming from the rotation shaft (3). , pneumatic gasket (7), which moves the manhole cover (2) upwards by inflating and thus ensures that the manhole cover (2) rests on the hinge lock plate (6), manhole throat (8) to which the hinge lock plate (6) and air gasket (7) are connected. ), the gasket (9) that ensures sealing when the manhole cover (2) is closed, the bearing (1D) that facilitates the movement of the rotating shaft (3) and reduces friction, the fixing sheet (11) that allows the bearing (10) to operate without moving in the channel in which it sits, and 0: › It contains a connection sheet (12), which is the part to which the pneumatic actuator (4) is connected and which enables the bearing (10) to be connected to the menthol neck (8) of the seating channel. Opening and closing of the manhole cover (2) is achieved by using the rotating power produced by air pressure in the pneumatic actuator (4). The pneumatic actuator (4) is fixed by connecting it to the connection sheet (12). The shaft of the pneumatic actuator (4) transmits the movement power by connecting to the rotation shaft (3) with a wedge connection. The rotation shaft (3) works inside the bearing (10), increasing the rotation power and reducing friction. The fixing sheet (11) ensures that the bearing (10) operates in the channel in which it sits without moving. The rotation shaft (3) provides rotating movement to the manhole cover (2) by connecting to the rotation plate (5) and the hinge lock plate (6). The air bag (7) inflates and rests on the manhole cover (2) and causes the manhole cover (2) to move upwards. In this way, the upward movement of the manhole cover (2) is completed and locked. In addition, the air seal (7) remains swollen and stuck in between, providing leak-tightness. Another part that ensures tightness in the mechanism (1) is the gasket (9). The manhole neck (8) is the part where the hinge lock plate (6) and the air seal (7), which limits the upward movement of the manhole cover (2), are connected. TR TR TR