SI9800062A - Mobile container for tools - Google Patents

Mobile container for tools Download PDF


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SI9800062A SI9800062A SI9800062A SI9800062A SI 9800062 A SI9800062 A SI 9800062A SI 9800062 A SI9800062 A SI 9800062A SI 9800062 A SI9800062 A SI 9800062A SI 9800062 A SI9800062 A SI 9800062A
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Slovenian (sl)
Damir Jelenko
Original Assignee
UNIOR Kovaška industrija d.d.
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Application filed by UNIOR Kovaška industrija d.d. filed Critical UNIOR Kovaška industrija d.d.
Priority to SI9800062A priority Critical patent/SI9800062A/en
Priority to PCT/SI1999/000007 priority patent/WO1999045221A1/en
Priority to AU32847/99A priority patent/AU3284799A/en
Publication of SI9800062A publication Critical patent/SI9800062A/en



    • E05B65/00Locks or fastenings for special use
    • E05B65/46Locks or fastenings for special use for drawers
    • E05B65/462Locks or fastenings for special use for drawers for two or more drawers
    • E05B65/463Drawer interlock or anti-tilt mechanisms, i.e. when one drawer is open, at least one of the remaining drawers is locked


  • Drawers Of Furniture (AREA)


According to the invention the mobile container is generally equipped with several horizontally located drawers (2', 2''), drawable horizontally from the appropriate mobile enclosure (1). The drawers are intended to hold tools and similar accessories. The container has been developed so far that while featuring the possibility of optimum use of the whole container capacity, a simultaneous opening of several drawers (2', 2'') is made impossible or that with one open drawer (2') the opening of other drawers (2'') is disabled until the open drawer (2') has returned to its original position. For this purpose there's a vertically moving support (4) located inside the chassis (1). The support features locks (7', 7'') to prevent the moving of extensions (62'') on closed drawers (2'') and thus also the closed drawers (2'') in their drawing direction. This is achieved by a vertical movement of the support (4) following the opening of one drawer (2'') thanks to corresponding extensions (62', 62''), which are available on the drawers (2', 2'').


Mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodjeMobile toolbox for hand tools

Predmet pričujoče prijave je mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje, zlasti voziček ali omara na kolesih.The subject of the present application is a mobile hand tools store, in particular a trolley or wheeled cabinet.

Izum je osnovan na problemu, kako mobilni zalogovnik, opremljen z več horizontalno nameščenimi in v horizontalni smeri iz vsakokrat ustreznega mobilnega ohišja izvlačljivimi predali za shranjevanje ročnega orodja in podobnih predmetov, izpopolniti do te mere, da bo ob možnosti racionalne izkoriščenosti celotne prostornine zalogovnika preprečeno sočasno izvlečenje več predalov oz. da bo pri enem izvlečenem predalu onemogočeno izvlačenje preostalih predalov, in sicer vse do povrnitve izvlečenega predala v njegov izhodiščni položaj.The invention is based on the problem of how a mobile storage tank equipped with several horizontally positioned and horizontally drawn drawable drawers for storing hand tools and similar objects in a suitably mobile housing is prevented in such a way that at the same time the rational utilization of the entire volume of the storage tank is prevented pull out several drawers or drawers. that when one drawer is pulled out it will be impossible to pull out the remaining drawers until the drawer is returned to its starting position.

Iz DE 4 324 628 je znana priprava za shranjevanje orodja in materiala, ki sestoji iz ogrodja in na slednjem nameščenih predalnikov. Priprava je v tlorisu pravokotna in v bistvu škatlasto zasnovana. Ogrodje je mobilno in torej opremljeno s kolesci, pri čemer sta npr. na enem koncu priprave kolesci nameščeni na skupni osi, na nasprotnem koncu pa sta kolesci razporejeni vsako na svoji strani priprave in zasukljivi vsako okoli svoje horizontalne osi, s čimer je omogočeno manevriranje priprave med prevažanjem z lokacije na lokacijo. Predalniki, ki so nameščeni na ogrodju, so opremljeni s horizontalno nameščenimi predali, ki so izvlačljivi v horizontalni smeri. Pri tem sta višja končna predalnika na ogrodju nameščena spredaj in zadaj, nižji osrednji predalnik pa med njima. Predali končnih predalnikov so izvlačljivi v vzdolžni smeri ogrodja in torej v smeri naprej oz. nazaj oz. v smeri daljših stranic ogrodja. Predala osrednjega predalnika sta izvlačljiva v prečni smeri oz. v smeri krajših stranic ogrodja in sta običajno tudi lažje dostopna.DE 4 324 628 discloses a device for storing tools and materials consisting of a frame and drawers mounted thereon. The preparation is rectangular in plan and essentially box-shaped. The frame is mobile and therefore equipped with casters, for example. at one end of the preparation, the wheels are mounted on a common axle, and at the opposite end, the wheels are arranged each on its own side of the device and rotate each around its horizontal axis, allowing the device to be maneuvered during transport from location to location. The drawers, which are mounted on the frame, are equipped with horizontally mounted drawers, which are extendable in the horizontal direction. The higher end drawers on the frame are located front and rear and the lower center drawers in between. The drawers of the drawers are removable in the longitudinal direction of the frame and thus in the forward or forward direction. back or. towards the longer sides of the frame. The drawers of the central drawer are removable in the transverse direction or. in the direction of the shorter sides of the frame and are usually also more easily accessible.

Razlog za takšno razporeditev predalnikov je potrebna stabilnost priprave. V predalih je namreč na ustrezen način razvrščeno ročno orodje, katerega teža je razmeroma velika, običajno celo bistveno večja od teže samega predalnika. Zaradi razporeditve višjih predalnikov na sicer težje dostopna sprednji in zadnji konec je pri obravnavani rešitvi oz. pri takšnem končnem predalniku nemara možno odpreti tudi več kot en predal, npr. dva ali tri predale, ne da bi bila pri tem ogrožena stabilnost priprave oz. ne da bi se priprava zaradi teže orodja v izvlečenih predalih prevrnila. Toda če bi sočasno izvlekli več prečno nameščenih predalov osrednje razporejenega predalnika, bi se to zagotovo zgodilo. Prav zato sta pri pričujoči pripravi v osrednjem predalniku na voljo le dva drug nad drugim nameščena predala, ki se nahajata neposredno nad ogrodjem oz. na majhni oddaljenosti od podlage, zato je osrednji predalnik tudi neprimerno nižji od končnih predalnikov. To ima seveda za posledico dokaj neracionalno izrabo prostora, saj je med končnima predalnikoma oz. nad osrednjim predalnikom na voljo precejšen prostor, ki bi sicer po višini dopuščal namestitev vsaj še nekaj predalov oz. uporabo ustrezno višjega osrednjega predalnika. Posledica tega je ob težji dostopnosti končnih predalnikov tudi manjša skladiščna kapaciteta tovrstne priprave.The reason for this arrangement of drawers is the stability of the preparation. Namely, the drawers are appropriately sorted by hand tools whose weight is relatively large, usually even substantially larger than the weight of the drawer itself. Due to the arrangement of the higher drawers on the otherwise difficult to access front and rear end, this solution or. With such an end drawer, it may also be possible to open more than one drawer, e.g. two or three drawers without compromising the stability of the device or the drawers. without overturning the tool due to the weight of the tool in the drawers. But if several cross-mounted drawers of a centrally located drawer were pulled out at the same time, that would definitely happen. For this reason, in the present preparation, there are only two compartments located above each other located directly above the frame or in the central drawer. at a small distance from the base, so the center drawer is also much lower than the end drawer. This, of course, results in a rather irrational use of space, since it is between the end drawers or the drawers. a considerable space is available above the central drawer, which would otherwise allow for the installation of at least a few more drawer units. use of a properly higher center drawer. As a result, the heavier accessibility of the final drawers also results in a lower storage capacity of this type of preparation.

Pri snovanju tovrstnih priprav je eden od ciljev namreč vselej ta, da bi bila ob čim lažji dostopnosti tlorisna površina čim manjša in skladiščna kapaciteta čim večja. V praksi se kaže, daje tem zahtevam najbližja paralelepipedna oz. kvadrasta oblika zalogovnika oz. njegovega ohišja, ki obsega prečno v horizontalni ravnini izvlačljive predale. Strokovnjakom je znana vrsta takih zalogovnikov, ki pa se iz že omenjenih razlogov ne morejo odlikujejo po brezpogojni stabilnosti, kar proizvajalci rešujejo na različne načine. Nekateri uvajajo preventivne ukrepe in uporabnikom npr. tudi z napisi na etiketah odsvetujejo sočasno odpiranje več predalov. Drugi s povečanjem tlorisne površine oz. površine med stičnimi točkami s podlago, torej oddaljenosti med kolesci, skušajo izboljšati stabilnost zalogovnika na račun slabše okretnosti zalogovnika med prevažanjem in tudi dostopnosti med uporabo. Razporeditev kolesc izven tlorisne površine zalogovnika sicer pomeni boljšo stabilnost, po drugi strani pa neprikladnost med prevažanjem in tudi v času, ko je zalogovnik postavljen na mestu in uporabnik orodja hodi okoli njega.When designing such devices, one of the goals is always to keep the floor space as small as possible and to maximize storage capacity. In practice, these requirements appear to be closest to the parallelepiped, ie. the square shape of the tank or. its housing comprising a drawer transversely horizontal in the horizontal plane. Specialists are aware of a variety of such storage tanks, which for the reasons mentioned above, cannot be distinguished by their unconditional stability, which is solved by manufacturers in various ways. Some take preventative measures and, for example, users even with labels on them, it is advised not to open several drawers at the same time. Others by increasing the floor area or the surfaces between the points of contact with the base, ie the distances between the wheels, seek to improve the stability of the tank at the expense of the tank's lower agility during transportation and also accessibility during use. The arrangement of the wheels outside the floor plan of the tank means better stability;

Po izumu je uvodoma navedeni problem rešen s tem, da je pri zalogovniku preprečena možnost sočasnega odpiranja več predalov hkrati oz. daje takrat, ko je en predal odprt, preprečena vsakršna možnost odpiranja preostalih predalov, vse dokler se odprti predal ne povrne v svoj izhodiščni položaj. Na ta način je tudi pri razmeroma podolgovatem in visokem zalogovniku s prečno v horizontalni smeri izvlečljivimi in z razmeroma težkim orodjem naloženimi predali preprečena možnost prevračanja zalogovnika. Zalogovnik po izumu spet obsega ohišje, v katerem je nameščen niz v horizontalni smeri izvlačljivih predalov, vendar pa je v omenjenem ohišju nameščen tudi vertikalno premakljiv nosilec, ki je opremljen z zapirali, ki ob navzgomjem premiku nosilca zaradi odprtja enega predala zahvaljujoč primernim nastavkom, ki so na voljo na predalih, onemogočajo premik na zaprtih predalih nameščenih nastavkov in s tem torej tudi zaprtih predalov v smeri odpiranja predalov.According to the invention, the aforementioned problem is solved by the fact that the store prevents the possibility of simultaneously opening several drawers simultaneously or. when any drawer is open, it prevents any possibility of opening the remaining drawers until the open drawer returns to its original position. In this way, even with relatively elongated and high tanks with drawers extending horizontally and with relatively heavy tool-loaded drawers, the possibility of tipping the tank is prevented. The container according to the invention again comprises a housing in which a string in the horizontal direction of the drawable drawers is mounted, but a vertically movable carrier is provided in said housing, which is provided with fasteners which, due to the upward movement of the carrier due to the opening of one drawer thanks to suitable attachments, which They are available on drawers, preventing the movement of the closed drawers of the installed attachments and thus of the closed drawers in the direction of opening the drawers.

Pri prednostni izvedbi izuma je vsak od predalov opremljen z vsaj eno tečino, ki obsega v smeri odpiranja predalov navzdol upoševljen del, zaključen z že omenjenim, vertikalno navzdol potekajočim nastavkom, kot tudi horizontalni, v smeri zapiranja predalov potekajoč del. Na omenjeni tečini je oprto vsakokrat vsaj po eno pripadajoče kolesce, ki je sicer pritrjeno na v ohišju, v katerem je nameščen vertikalno premakljiv nosilec. Slednji je s pomočjo vzmeti držan v smeri navzdol in opremljen z zapirali, od katerih je vsako razporejeno v območju vsakokrat pripadajočega predala. Zapirala so tako razporejena, da se v - proti sili vzmeti dvignjenem položaju nosilca, ko se torej kolesce trenutno odprtega predala nahaja na horizontalno potekajočem delu tečine trenutno odprtega predala, zapirala nosilca v območju zaprtih predalov - gledano v smeri odpiranja predalov - nahajajo pred vertikalno navzdol potekajočimi nastavki tečin preostalih zaprtih in torej na ta način proti odpiranju tudi zanesljivo blokiranih predalov.In a preferred embodiment of the invention, each of the drawers is provided with at least one fluid comprising, in the direction of opening the drawers, a downstream portion terminated by the aforementioned, vertically downwardly extending attachment, as well as a horizontal, in the direction of the drawers closure, a running portion. At least one pertaining roller, which is otherwise fastened to the housing in which the vertically movable carrier is mounted, is supported on said fluid. The latter, with the help of a spring, is held in a downward direction and is provided with fasteners, each of which is arranged in the area of the respective compartment. The closures are arranged so that, in the direction of the spring-loaded position of the carrier, when the roller of the currently open drawer is located on the horizontally flowing portion of the fluid of the currently open drawer, the carrier shutters in the closed drawer area - viewed in the direction of opening the drawer - are facing vertically downwards. the fluid extensions remaining closed and thus securely lock the drawers as well.

Pri tem je še zlasti prednostno, če je omenjeni vertikalno premakljivi nosilec uležiščen v vodilih, ki sta lahko npr. dve in sta npr. privarjeni v ohišju, in če so omenjena zapirala izvedena kot kotniki, omenjena vzmet pa kot natezna vzmet, ki je pripeta na dno ohišja, kot tudi, če so z nastavki in upoševljenimi deli ter s horizontalno potekajočimi deli zasnovane tečine pritrjene na stranicah predalov.It is particularly advantageous if said vertically movable carrier is mounted in guides which can be e.g. two and are e.g. welded in the housing, and if said closures are made as angles and said spring as a tensile spring attached to the bottom of the housing, as well as if the fittings and the considered parts and the horizontally extending parts are designed to be fixed to the sides of the drawers.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje opisan na osnovi primera izvedbe, prikazanega na priloženi skici, pri čemer kažejo sl. 1 mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje, v tlorisu in razen tega v prerezu v horizontalni ravnini;The invention will now be described in further detail based on the embodiment shown in the accompanying drawing, with FIGS. 1 mobile tank for hand tools, in plan and in cross section in horizontal plane;

sl. 2 mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje z zaprtimi predali, v narisu in razen tega v prerezu v vzdolžni horizontalni ravnini;FIG. 2 mobile storage for hand tools with closed drawers, in outline and in addition in cross-section in a longitudinal horizontal plane;

sl. 3 mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje ob pričetku izvlačenja enega od predalov, prav tako v narisu in v prerezu v vzdolžni horizontalni ravnini;FIG. 3 a mobile hand tools store when one of the drawers is pulled out, also in the outline and in cross-section in a longitudinal horizontal plane;

sl. 4 mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje z izvlečenim enim od predalov, spet v narisu in v prerezu v vzdolžni horizontalni ravnini.FIG. Fig. 4 mobile hand tools store with one of the drawers pulled out, again in the outline and in cross-section in a longitudinal horizontal plane.

Mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje (sl. 1) sestoji iz ohišja 1 in predalov 2', 2. V ohišju 1 je nameščen vertikalno premakljiv nosilec 4, ki je v danem primeru nležiščen v vodilu 3. Na omenjenem nosilcu 4 je v območju vsakega od predalov 2', 2 nameščeno vsaj eno zapiralo 7', 7 in vsaj eno kolesce 5', 5; število omenjenih zapiral 7', 7 in kolesc 5', 5 v danem primeru ustreza številu predalov 2', 2. Razen tega je na vsakem od predalov 2', 2 nameščena vsaj po ena lomljena, deloma horizontalna in deloma poševna tečina 6', 6. Število tečin 6', 6 v danem primeru spet ustreza številu predalov 2’, 2, privaljene pa so na stranice 20', 20 predalov 2', 2.The mobile hand tools store (Fig. 1) consists of a housing 1 and drawers 2 ', 2. The housing 1 houses a vertically movable carrier 4, which is optionally secured in a guide 3. On said carrier 4, there is in the area of each of drawers 2 ', 2 at least one lock 7', 7 and at least one roller 5 ', 5; the number of said closures 7 ', 7 and the rollers 5', 5 in the given case corresponds to the number of drawers 2 ', 2. In addition, at least one broken, partly horizontal and partly oblique fluid 6' is placed on each of the drawers 2 ', 2, 6. The number of liquids 6 ', 6 in the given case corresponds again to the number of compartments 2', 2, and are fixed to the sides 20 ', 20 compartments 2', 2.

V danem primeru so zapirala 7', 7 izvedena kot kotniki, premakljivi nosilec 4 pa je prosto nameščen v vodilu 3, ki je v danem primeru v ohišju 1 privarjeno. Premakljivi nosilec 4 je preko vzmeti 8 povezan ohišjem 1 oz. v danem primeru s pomočjo natezne vzmeti 8 pripet na dno 10 ohišja 1. Tečine 6', 6 so v danem primeru prav tako izvedene kot nekakšni kotniki, pri čemer je njihov v smeri odpiranja predalov 2', 2 obrnjen del 6Γ, 61 upoševljen v smeri navzdol proti dnu 10 in zaključen z vertikalno navzdol potekajočim nastavkom 62', 62, medtem ko njihov preostali - torej v smeri zapiranja predalov 2', 2 potekajoč - del 63', 63 poteka horizontalno.In this case, the closures 7 ', 7 are made as angles, and the movable carrier 4 is freely mounted in the guide 3, which is welded in the housing 1, as appropriate. The movable support 4 is connected via a spring 8 by a housing 1 or. optionally, by means of a tensile spring 8 attached to the bottom 10 of the housing 1. The weights 6 ', 6 are, in the case in question, also made as angles of some kind, with their inverted portion 6Γ, 2 facing in the direction of opening the drawers 6Γ, 61. downwards towards the bottom 10 and terminated by a vertically downwardly extending nozzle 62 ', 62, while the rest thereof - thus in the direction of closing the drawers 2', 2 extending - a portion 63 ', 63 extends horizontally.

Na sl. 2 je prikazan mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje, pri katerem so vsi predali 2', 2 zaprti. Premakljivi nosilec 4 je torej s pomočjo vzmeti 8 držan v smeri proti dnu 10 ohišja 1, pri tem pa so kolesca 5', 5 oprta na upoševljenih delih 6Γ, 61 pripadajočih tečin 6', 6.In FIG. 2 shows a mobile hand tools store with all drawers 2 ', 2 closed. The movable carrier 4 is thus held in the direction of the bottom 10 of the housing 1 by means of a spring 8, the rollers 5 ', 5 being supported on the considered parts 6Γ, 61 of the corresponding fluids 6', 6.

Na sl. 3 je mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje prikazan v stanju, v kakršnem se nahaja v trenutku, ko pričnemo odpirati enega od predalov 2', 2, v danem primeru predal 2'. Ob odpiranju predala 2' (zadostuje npr. že približno trimilimetrski premik) se v smeri odpiranja premakne tudi pripadajoča tečina 6', tako da se kolesce 5' predala 2' prične kotaliti po upoševljenem delu 6Γ tečine 6'. S tem kolesce 5', ki je pritrjeno na premakljivem okviru 4, povzroči premik okvira 4 v smeri vertikalno navzgor, torej proti sili vzmeti 8. Med nadaljnjim izvlačenjem predala 2' se kolesce 5' sprva kotali po upoševljenem delu 61' tečine 6, dokler ne doseže horizontalno potekajočega dela 63' taiste tečine 6'. Takrat se premikanje nosilca 4 v smeri vertikalno navzgor proti sili vzmeti 8 konča (sl. 4). Vendar pa so v takem položaju nosilca 4 vertikalni nastavki 62 drugih predalov 2 blokirani z zapirali 7, tako daje odpiranje preostalih predalov 2 onemogočeno.In FIG. 3, the mobile toolbox is shown as it is when one of the drawers 2 ', 2 is opened, in the present case, a compartment 2 '. When the drawer 2 'is opened (for example, a displacement of about 3 mm is sufficient), the corresponding fluid 6' is moved in the direction of opening, so that the roller 5 'of the drawer 2' begins to roll after the considered part 6Γ of the fluid 6 '. In this way, the roller 5 'attached to the movable frame 4 causes the frame 4 to move vertically upwards, that is to say against the force of the spring 8. As the drawer 2 is further pulled out, the roller 5' initially rolls along the considered portion 61 'of the fluid 6 until does not reach the horizontally running portion 63 'of the same fluid 6'. In this case, the movement of the carrier 4 in a vertically upward direction towards the force of the spring 8 ends (Fig. 4). However, in such a position of the carrier 4, the vertical nozzles 62 of the other compartments 2 are blocked by the closures 7 so that the opening of the remaining compartments 2 is prevented.

V skladu s pričujočim izumom oz. prednostno izvedbo le-tega je torej je vsak od predalov 2', 2 opremljen z vsaj po eno tečino 6', 6, obsegajočo v smeri odpiranja predalov 2', 2 navzdol upoševljen del 6Γ, 61, zaključen z vertikalno navzdol potekajočim nastavkom 62', 62, in horizontalni, v smeri zapiranja predalov 2', 2In accordance with the present invention or the invention. preferably, each of the compartments 2 ', 2 is provided with at least one fluid 6', 6, comprising in the direction of opening the compartments 2 ', 2 a downwardly considered part 6Γ, 61, terminated by a vertically downwardly extending extension 62' , 62, and horizontal, in the direction of closure of drawers 2 ', 2

Ί potekajoč del 63', 63. Na omenjeni tečini 6', 6 je oprto vsakokrat vsaj po eno pripadajoče kolesce 5', 5, ki je sicer pritrjeno na v ohišju 1 nameščenem vertikalno premakljivem nosilcu 4, ki je s pomočjo vzmeti 8 držan v smeri navzdol in opremljen z zapirali 7', 7. Vsako od slednjih je razporejeno v območju vsakokrat pripadajočega predala 2', 2, in sicer na tak način, da se v proti sili vzmeti 8 dvignjenem položaju nosilca 4, ko se torej kolesce 5' trenutno odprtega predala 2' nahaja na horizontalno potekajočem delu 63' tečine 6' trenutno odprtega predala 2', zapirala 7 nosilca 4 v območju zaprtih predalov 2 - gledano v smeri odpiranja predalov 2', 2 - nahajajo pred vertikalno navzdol potekajočimi nastavki 62 tečin 6 preostalih zaprtih in torej na ta način proti odpiranju tudi zanesljivo blokiranih predalov 2.“Running part 63”, 63. At least one of the corresponding rollers 5 ’, 5, which is otherwise fastened to the vertically movable carrier 4, which is supported by a spring 8, is supported on said fluid 6’, 6 each time. downwards and provided with latches 7 ', 7. Each of the latter is arranged in the area of the respective compartment 2', 2, in such a way that in the emergency spring 8 the raised position of the carrier 4 is raised, when the roller 5 ' currently open drawer 2 'is located on the horizontally running portion 63' of the fluid 6 'of the currently open drawer 2', the closure 7 of the carrier 4 in the area of the closed drawer 2 - when viewed in the direction of opening of the drawer 2 ', 2 - are located in front of the vertically downward extensions 62 of the fluid 6 the remaining enclosures, and thus against the opening of securely blocked drawers 2.

Med zapiranjem odprtega predala 2' se kolesce 5' odkotali po upoševljenem delu 61' navzdol, vzmet 8 pa priteza nosilec 4 v smeri proti dnu 10 ohišja 1. S tem se odpravi tudi blokiranje vertikalno navzdol potekajočih nastavkov 62 tečin 6 zaradi zapiral 7 v območju pred tem zaprtih predalov 2, tako daje po zaprtju prej odprtega predala 2' možno brez nadaljnjega odpreti katerikoli drug predal 2. Po izumu je torej mobilni zalogovnik dejansko izpopolnjen do te mere, da je ob možnosti racionalne izkoriščenosti celotne prostornine zalogovnika oz. ob optimalni skladiščni kapaciteti in ustrezni dostopnosti zanesljivo preprečeno sočasno izvlečenje več predalov 2', 2 oz. da je pri enem izvlečenem predalu 2' onemogočeno izvlačenje preostalih predalov (2), in sicer vse do povrnitve izvlečenega predala 2' v njegov izhodiščni položaj.During the closing of the open compartment 2 ', the roller 5' rolls down in the considered part 61 'downwards, and the spring 8 tightens the carrier 4 towards the bottom 10 of the housing 1. This also eliminates the blocking of vertically downward extensions 62 of the fluid 6 due to the closures 7 in the area previously closed compartments 2, so that after closing the previously opened compartment 2 ', it is possible to open any other compartment without further extension. According to the invention, therefore, the mobile storage tank is actually refined to such an extent that, with the possibility of rational utilization of the entire volume of the storage compartment, or. with optimal storage capacity and adequate accessibility, reliable simultaneous removal of multiple drawers 2 ', 2 or. that, when one drawer 2 'is pulled out, it is impossible to pull out the remaining drawer (2) until the drawer 2' is returned to its starting position.


UNIOR Kovaška industrija d.d.UNIOR Blacksmith industry d.d.

Claims (7)

1. Mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje, obsegajoč ohišje (1), v katerem je nameščen niz v horizontalni smeri izvlačljivih predalov (2', 2), označen s tem, da je v ohišju (1) nameščen vertikalno premakljiv nosilec (4), ki je opremljen z zapirali (7', 7), ki ob navzgomjem premiku nosilca (4) zaradi odprtja enega predala (2') zahvaljujoč primernim nastavkom (62', 62), ki so na voljo na predalih (2', 2), onemogočajo premik na zaprtih predalih (2) nameščenih nastavkov (62) in s tem torej tudi zaprtih predalov (2) v smeri odpiranja predalov (2', 2).A mobile hand tools store comprising a housing (1) housing a string in the horizontal direction of drawable drawers (2 ', 2), characterized in that a vertically movable carrier (4) is mounted in the housing (1), which is provided with fasteners (7 ', 7) which, when the carrier (4) is moved abruptly, due to the opening of one drawer (2'), thanks to the suitable attachments (62 ', 62) available on the drawer (2', 2) , prevent movement on the closed drawers (2) of the fitted nozzles (62) and thus the closed drawers (2) in the direction of opening the drawers (2 ', 2). 2. Mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, daje vsak od predalov (2', 2) opremljen z vsaj eno tečino (6', 6), obsegajočo v smeri odpiranja predalov (2', 2) navzdol upoševljen del (6Γ, 61), zaključen z vertikalno navzdol potekajočim nastavkom (62', 62), in horizontalni, v smeri zapiranja predalov (2', 2) potekajoč del (63', 63), na kateri je oprto vsakokrat vsaj po eno pripadajoče kolesce (5', 5), ki je sicer pritrjeno na v ohišju (1) nameščen vertikalno premakljiv nosilec (4), ki je s pomočjo vzmeti (8) držan v smeri navzdol in opremljen z zapirali (7', 7), od katerih je vsakokrat vsaj po eno razporejeno v območju vsakokrat pripadajočega predala (2', 2), in sicer na tak način, da se ob odprtju enega predala (2') v proti sili vzmeti (8) dvignjenem položaju nosilca (4), ko se torej kolesce (5') trenutno odprtega predala (2') nahaja na horizontalno potekajočem delu (63') tečine (6') trenutno odprtega predala (2'), zapirala (7) nosilca (4) v območju zaprtih predalov (2) - gledano v smeri odpiranja predalov (2', 2) - nahajajo pred vertikalno navzdol potekajočimi nastavki (62) vsakokrat pripadajočih tečin (6) preostalih zaprtih in torej na ta način proti odpiranju tudi zanesljivo blokiranih predalov (2).2. A hand-held mobile toolbox according to claim 1, characterized in that each of the drawers (2 ', 2) is provided with at least one fluid (6', 6), including downward opening of the drawers (2 ', 2) a portion (6Γ, 61) terminated by a vertically downwardly extending nozzle (62 ′, 62) and a horizontal, in the direction of closure of drawers (2 ′, 2) an extending portion (63 ′, 63), each supported at least one at a time the associated roller (5 ', 5), which is otherwise attached to the housing (1) by a vertically movable carrier (4), which is held downwards by means of a spring (8) and provided with locks (7', 7), each of which is at least one arranged in the area of the respective compartment (2 ', 2), in such a way that, when the one compartment (2') is opened, the carrier position (4) is raised in an emergency spring (8), when, therefore, the roller (5 ') of the currently open drawer (2') is located on the horizontally extending portion (63 ') of the fluid (6') of the currently open drawer (2 '), the closure (7) of the carrier (4) in closed drawers (2) - viewed in the direction of opening the drawers (2 ', 2) - are located in front of the vertically downwardly extending nozzles (62) of the corresponding fluid (6) of the remaining closed ones, and thus securely locked drawers (2) against the opening. . 3. Mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje po zahtevkih 1 in/ali 2, označen s tem, daje nosilec (4) uležiščen v vodilih (3).Mobile hand tool storage tank according to claims 1 and / or 2, characterized in that the carrier (4) is mounted in guides (3). 4. Mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje po zahtevku 3, označen s tem, da sta na voljo dve vodili (7), ki sta privarjeni v ohišju (1).A mobile hand tools store according to claim 3, characterized in that there are two guides (7) welded into the housing (1). 5. Mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje po zahtevku 1 in/ali 2, označen s tem, da so zapirala (7', 7) izvedena kot kotniki.5. A mobile hand tools store according to claim 1 and / or 2, characterized in that the closures (7 ', 7) are made as angles. 6. Mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, daje vzmet (8) natezna vzmet, ki je po eni strani pripeta na dno (10) ohišja (1), po drugi strani pa na nosilec (4).Mobile hand tools storage tank according to claim 2, characterized in that the spring (8) is a tensile spring attached to the bottom (10) of the housing (1) on the one hand and to the carrier (4). 7. Mobilni zalogovnik za ročno orodje po zahtevkih 1 in/ali 2, označen s tem, da so z nastavki (62', 62) in upoševljenimi deli (6Γ, 61) ter s horizontalno potekajočimi deli (63', 63) zasnovane tečine (6', 6) pritrjene na stranicah (20', 20) predalov (2', 2).7. Hand held mobile tank according to claims 1 and / or 2, characterized in that the nozzles (62 ', 62) and the considered parts (6Γ, 61) and the horizontally extending parts (63', 63) are designed to be fluid. (6 ', 6) secured to the sides (20', 20) of drawers (2 ', 2).
SI9800062A 1998-03-03 1998-03-03 Mobile container for tools SI9800062A (en)

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