SI9800038A - Process for production of extracellular keratinolytically active protease - Google Patents

Process for production of extracellular keratinolytically active protease Download PDF


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SI9800038A SI9800038A SI9800038A SI9800038A SI 9800038 A SI9800038 A SI 9800038A SI 9800038 A SI9800038 A SI 9800038A SI 9800038 A SI9800038 A SI 9800038A SI 9800038 A SI9800038 A SI 9800038A
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Slovenian (sl)
Jožica Friedrich
Mateja Žužek
Helena Gradišar
Danielle Mandin
Jean-Pierre Chaumont
Original Assignee
Kemijski Inštitut, Ljubljana
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Application filed by Kemijski Inštitut, Ljubljana filed Critical Kemijski Inštitut, Ljubljana
Priority to SI9800038A priority Critical patent/SI9800038A/en
Publication of SI9800038A publication Critical patent/SI9800038A/en



  • Enzymes And Modification Thereof (AREA)
  • Micro-Organisms Or Cultivation Processes Thereof (AREA)


A process for production of extracellular keratinolytically active protease is typical in that the growing medium containing keratinous or some other complex proteinous material as inductor of enzymatic synthesis, complex components of microbiological culture media, simple sources of carbon, and inorganic salts as a source of minerals, with its starting pH in a slightly acidic up to neutral range, is sterilized and cooled down to about 30 degrees Centigrade, then grafted with spores of the fungus Doratomyces Microsporus to obtain the culture concentration of 108 - 109 spores/L, grown in submersion aerobic conditions at the temperature of 25 up to 30 degrees Centigrade under shaking, fermented for 50 up to 60 hours, after which the slurry is filtered and the enzyme of the following characteristics is isolated from the filtrate: molecular weight 33 kDa, activity against keratinous skin in the pH range between 6 and 12, and activity against keratinous skin in the temperature range between 20 and 55 degrees Centigrade. The applied fungus Doratomyces Microsporus is preserved in the national collection of microbic cultures (Collection Nationale de Cultures de Microorganismes - CNCM, INSTITUT PASTEUR) in Paris under the designation MZKI B399 and registered on December the 23rd 1997 under reg. No. I-1963.


Proteolitične encime, ki katalizirajo hidrolizo zelo odpornih proteinov keratinov, sintetizirajo nekateri mikroorganizmi in insekti. Ti encimi imajo ključno vlogo pri dermatofitozah, saj dermatofitnim glivam omogočajo rast na koži in kožnih izrastkih. Vendar keratinolitični encimi nimajo le negativnega učinka, pač pa so lahko tudi koristni. Njihovo izkoriščanje pride v upoštev na različnih področjih, kjer je potrebna razgradnja keratinskih materialov, kot so zdravstvo, kozmetika, usnjarstvo in varstvo okolja.Proteolytic enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of highly resistant keratin proteins are synthesized by some microorganisms and insects. These enzymes play a key role in dermatophytosis as they allow dermatophyte fungi to grow on the skin and on skin outgrowths. However, keratinolytic enzymes not only have a negative effect but can also be beneficial. Their exploitation comes into play in various fields where the degradation of keratin materials such as healthcare, cosmetics, leather and environmental protection is required.

Patenti, ki ščitijo pridobivanje keratinaz, navajajo kot produkcijski organizem bakterije ali glive. Med bakterijami so patentirali vrste iz rodov Bacillus (Shih, Williams), Micrococcus (Holland) in Streptomyces (Yarrow in Whitefield), med glivami pa dermatofitne glive iz rodov Trichophyton (Blank et al., Plempel et al.) in Microsporum (Plempel et al.). Namen uporabe je različen: odstranjevanje odvečnega keratina pri aknah (Yarrow in Whitefield) ali garjah (Blank et al.), odstranjevanje človeške zaroženele kože (Yarrow in Whitefield, Blank et al., Holland), za vakcino za terapijo dermatofitoz (Plempel et al.), za odstranjevanje dlak v usnjarstvu (Blank et al.), za pridobivanje proteinskih hidrolizatov za krmo iz keratinskih odpadkov, npr. piščančjega perja (Shih in Williams).Patents protecting keratinase production state bacteria or fungi as the production organism. Bacteria have patented species from the genera Bacillus (Shih, Williams), Micrococcus (Holland) and Streptomyces (Yarrow and Whitefield), and among fungi, dermatophytic fungi from the genera Trichophyton (Blank et al., Plempel et al.) And Microsporum (Plempel et al.). The purpose of the application is different: removal of excess keratin in acne (Yarrow and Whitefield) or garages (Blank et al.), Removal of human infected skin (Yarrow and Whitefield, Blank et al., Holland), for the dermatophytosis vaccine (Plempel et al. .), for the removal of hair in leather (Blank et al.), for the production of protein hydrolysates for feed from keratin waste, e.g. chicken feathers (Shih and Williams).

Encime pridobivajo večinoma z aerobnimi submerznimi fermentacij skimi postopki. Lahko pa je gojenje mikroorganizma v začetku stacionarno in šele po nekaj dneh začno kulturo stresati (Blank et al.). Poleg šaržnega je opisano tudi kontinuimo gojenje (Holland). V enem primeru je bila keratinaza stranski produkt pri pridobivanju antibiotika neomicina (Yarrow in Whitefield). Šaržna fermentacija poteka nekaj dni pri temperaturah med 25°C in 37°C ob zračenju in stresanju oz. mešanju fermentacijske brozge. V gojišču mora biti poleg drugih sestavin prisoten tudi keratinski material kot induktor za sintezo keratinaz (Blank et al., Plempel et al.) ali pa drugi kompleksni viri dušika kot sojin pepton in mesni ekstrakt (Yarrow in Whitefield) ali pepton in kvasni ekstrakt (Holland).The enzymes are mainly obtained by aerobic submerged fermentation processes. However, the cultivation of the micro-organism may initially be stationary and only after a few days the culture start to shake (Blank et al.). In addition to the batch, continuous cultivation (Holland) is also described. In one case, keratinase was a by-product of the neomycin antibiotic (Yarrow and Whitefield). Batch fermentation is carried out for several days at temperatures between 25 ° C and 37 ° C with ventilation and shaking or shaking. mixing fermentation broth. The medium must contain, among other ingredients, keratin material as an inducer for the synthesis of keratinases (Blank et al., Plempel et al.) Or other complex nitrogen sources such as soy peptone and meat extract (Yarrow and Whitefield) or peptone and yeast extract ( Holland).

Po fermentaciji encime izolirajo s filtracijo ali centrifugiranjem in koncentrirajo z ultrafiltracijo. Lahko jih čistijo z različnimi kromatografskimi metodami, dializirajo in liofilizirajo.After fermentation, the enzymes are isolated by filtration or centrifugation and concentrated by ultrafiltration. They can be purified by various chromatographic methods, dialysed and lyophilized.

V nekaterih patentih so opisane karakteristike encimov. Keratinaza glive Trichophyton mentagrophytes ima molsko maso 48 kDa in izoelektrično točko (pl) pri 9,4 (Blank et al.). Keratinazi bakterije Micrococcus sedentarius pa imata molsko maso 30 in 50 kDa, pl pa 4,6 in 2,7. Optimalna aktivnost na zaroženelo kožo je pri prvi pri 40°C in pH 7,1, pri drugi pa pri 50°C in pHSome patents describe the characteristics of enzymes. Keratinase of Trichophyton mentagrophytes has a molecular weight of 48 kDa and an isoelectric point (pl) at 9.4 (Blank et al.). The keratinases of Micrococcus sedentarius have a molecular weight of 30 and 50 kDa, respectively, and pl are 4.6 and 2.7. Optimal activity on infected skin is at 7.1 ° C at 40 ° C and 50 ° C at pH 2.

7,5 (Holland). Encimi niso ozko specifični za keratin, ampak katalizirajo tudi hidrolizo nekaterih drugih proteinov in peptidov (Blank ef al., Holland).7.5 (Holland). The enzymes are not narrowly specific for keratin but also catalyze the hydrolysis of some other proteins and peptides (Blank ef al., Holland).

Pregled patentov na področju pridobivanja keratinolitično aktivnih encimov pokaže, da so uporabljali kot produkcijski mikroorganizem največ bakterije. Ena od prednosti nitastih gliv pred bakterijami je lahka filtracija fermentacijske brozge po fermentaciji, saj glivni micelij preplete trdne delce substrata, s čimer je močno olajšana filtracija. Poleg tega so glivni hidrolitični encimi ponavadi ekstracelularni, zato jih lahko izoliramo direktno iz tekočine in ni potrebno razbijanje celic ali ekstrakcija encimov iz njih. Nekateri patenti se nanašajo na uporabo nitastih gliv za biosintezo keratinaz, vendar gre v teh primerih za glive, ki so znani dermatofiti in so človeku nevarni. Za industrijsko pridobivanje encimov, kjer gre za rokovanje z večjimi količinami, pa je željeno, da delavci ne bi bili izpostavljeni zdravju škodljivim snovem. Zato se zdi primemo za produkcijo izbrati tak mikroorganizem, ki za človeka ni patogen.Examination of the patents for the production of keratinolytically active enzymes shows that they were used as the production microorganism by most bacteria. One of the advantages of filamentous fungi over bacteria is the easy filtration of the fermentation broth after fermentation, since the fungal mycelium entangles the solids of the substrate, thereby greatly facilitating filtration. In addition, fungal hydrolytic enzymes are usually extracellular, so they can be isolated directly from the fluid and no cell breakdown or enzyme extraction is required. Some patents relate to the use of filamentous fungi for the biosynthesis of keratinases, but in these cases these are fungi that are known dermatophytes and are dangerous to humans. However, for the industrial production of enzymes, where large quantities are handled, it is desirable that workers are not exposed to harmful substances. Therefore, it seems appropriate for the production to choose a microorganism that is not pathogenic to humans.

Pričujoči patent se nanaša na biotehnološki postopek za pridobivanje ekstracelularne keratinolitično aktivne proteaze z nepatogeno glivo Doratomyces microsporus, izolacijo encima, pripravo surovega keratinaznega preparata, čiščenje encima, karakterizacijo in uporabo. Gliva je bila izolirana v Franciji in je shranjena v nacionalni zbirki mikrobnih kultur (Collection National de Cultures de Microorganismes - CNCM) na Inštitutu Pasteur v Parizu pod oznako MZKI B399, registrirana pod številko I - 1963. Ta gliva doslej ni bila omenjena v zvezi s produkcijo keratinaz, niti kakšnih drugih proteaz. Prednost uporabe te glive je v tem, da ne spada med dermatofitne glive in za človeka ni patogena. Njena keratinaza razgrajuje zaroženelo kožo, nohte, volno in tudi nekatere nekeratinske proteine. Fermentacijski postopek traja od 50 - 90 h, kar je precej krajše od patentiranih postopkov z glivami, npr.: fermentacije s Trichophyton mentagrophytes, ki traja 12 dni (Blank et al.) ali postopka z različnimi dermatofitnimi glivami, ki trajajo 6 do 7 dni (Plempel et al.). V obeh omenjenih patentih, ki se nanašata na uporabo gliv kot produkcijskih mikroorganizmov, je v gojišču naveden keratinski material različnega izvora. V našem primeru se je pokazalo, da lahko keratinski material nadomestimo z drugimi kompleksnimi viri proteinov, kot so: ribja moka, sojina moka, kostna moka ali kazein, ki so lažje dosegljivi in dovolj ceneni, da so primerni za fermentacijsko gojišče. Za gojenje v večjem merilu bi bilo težko pridobiti zadostne količine ustrezno pripravljene zaroženele kože ali nohtov oz. las, ki so težko dosegljivi, poleg tega pa je priprava energetsko in časovno zahtevna. Fermentacijska brozga ni viskozna, filtracija je enostavna in hitra. Surovi filtrat ima že precej visoko specifično aktivnost, kar kaže na velik delež keratinaze med ostalimi ekstracelularnimi proteini.The present patent relates to a biotechnological process for the production of extracellular keratinolytically active protease by the non-pathogenic fungus Doratomyces microsporus, enzyme isolation, preparation of a crude keratinase preparation, enzyme purification, characterization and use. The fungus was isolated in France and is stored in the Collection National de Cultures de Microorganisms (CNCM) at the Pasteur Institute in Paris under code MZKI B399, registered under number I - 1963. This fungus has not been mentioned so far in relation to production of keratinases, or any other proteases. The advantage of using this fungus is that it is not a dermatophyte fungus and is not pathogenic to humans. Its keratinase breaks down infected skin, nails, wool and also some non-keratin proteins. The fermentation process lasts from 50 to 90 h, which is much shorter than the patented fungal procedures, for example: fermentation with Trichophyton mentagrophytes lasting 12 days (Blank et al.) Or the process with various dermatophytic fungi lasting 6 to 7 days (Plempel et al.). In both of these patents, which refer to the use of fungi as production microorganisms, the medium contains keratin material of different origin. In our case, it has been shown that keratin material can be replaced by other complex protein sources such as fish meal, soybean meal, bone meal or casein, which are more readily available and reasonably priced to be suitable for fermentation medium. For larger scale cultivation, it would be difficult to obtain sufficient quantities of properly prepared infected skin or nails, respectively. hair that is difficult to reach and preparation is energy and time consuming. Fermentation broth is not viscous, filtration is easy and quick. The crude filtrate already has quite high specific activity, indicating a large proportion of keratinase among other extracellular proteins.

Priprava keratinskega materiala za fermentacisjko gojišče in encimski substratPreparation of keratin material for fermentation medium and enzyme substrate

Priprava človeške zaroženele kožePreparation of human contaminated skin

Obrezke zaroženele kože s podplatov zbiramo v 70% etanolu. Filtriramo jih skozi filter “črni trak” in jih stremo v tekočem dušiku. Dobro speremo z vodo in sušimo pri 50°C-60°C 24 ur. Suho kožo zmeljemo in presejemo skozi 0,2 mm sito. Delce nad to velikostjo uporabimo za fermentacijsko gojišče, presejane delce pa kot encimski substrat za določanje keratinazne aktivnosti.Trims of infected skin from soles are collected in 70% ethanol. They are filtered through a "black tape" filter and mixed in liquid nitrogen. Rinse well with water and dry at 50 ° C-60 ° C for 24 hours. The dry skin is ground and sieved through a 0.2 mm sieve. Particles above this size are used for the fermentation medium and the screened particles are used as the enzyme substrate for the determination of keratinase activity.

Določnje keratinolitične aktivnosti mg prahu zaroženele kože v 4 ml pufra (0,028 M Tris/HCl, pH 7,5) inkubiramo z 1 ml primerno razredčene encimske raztopine 30 minut pri 37°C ob stresanju 160/min. Po končani inkubaciji encimsko reakcijo ustavimo z dodatkom 2 ml 10% triklorocetne kisline (TCA). Slepemu vzorcu dodamo TCA pred dodatkom encima. Nastalo oborino odcentrifugiramo in supernatantu izmerimo absorpcijo pri λ=280 nm. Eno enoto encimske aktivnosti definiramo kot spremembo absorpcije za 0,1.Certain keratinolytic activities of mg of contaminated skin powder in 4 ml of buffer (0.028 M Tris / HCl, pH 7.5) were incubated with 1 ml of suitably diluted enzyme solution for 30 minutes at 37 ° C with shaking 160 / min. After incubation, the enzyme reaction was stopped by the addition of 2 ml of 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The blind sample was added to TCA before the enzyme was added. The resulting precipitate was centrifuged and absorbance measured at λ = 280 nm. We define one unit of enzyme activity as a change in absorption by 0.1.

Primer 1: Fermentacijski postopekExample 1: Fermentation process

Gojišče ima naslednjo sestavo:The culture medium has the following composition:

zaroženela koža infected skin 5,0 5.0 g/l g / l kh2po4 kh 2 by 4 1,5 1.5 g/l g / l k2hpo4 k 2 hpo 4 1,0 1.0 g/l g / l ZnSO4 x 7H2OZnSO 4 x 7H 2 O 2,0 2.0 mg/1 mg / 1 MgSO4 x 7H2OMgSO 4 x 7H 2 O 0,2 0.2 g/l g / l CaCl2 x 2H2OCaCl 2 x 2H 2 O 0,2 0.2 g/l g / l NaCl NaCl 0,2 0.2 g/l g / l pepton peptone 0,4 0.4 g/l g / l glicerol glycerol 2,0 2.0 ml/1 ml / 1 sladni ekstrakt malt extract 1,0 1.0 g/l g / l glukoza glucose 1,0 1.0 g/l g / l

Izhodni pH gojišča naravnamo na 6,0. Gojišče razlijemo v količinah po 100 ml v 500 ml Erlenmeyerjeve steklenice. Steriliziramo v avtoklavu pri 121°C in 1,2 bar in ohladimo na 30°C. Cepimo s suspenzijo spor glive Doratomyces microsporus MZKI B399, tako da je koncentracija okrog 108-109 spor/1. Gojenje poteka na stresalniku pri 120 obratih/min in temperaturi 30°C štiri dni. Po filtraciji brozge skozi filter papir “črni trak” dobimo filtrat s povprečno keratinolitično aktivnostjo okrog 6 enot/ml in specifično aktivnostjo okrog 10 enot/mg topnih proteinov.Adjust the pH of the culture medium to 6.0. Pour the medium in quantities of 100 ml into a 500 ml Erlenmeyer bottle. Sterilize in an autoclave at 121 ° C and 1.2 bar and cool to 30 ° C. We vaccinate the Doratomyces microsporus MZKI B399 spore suspension so that the concentration is about 10 8 -10 9 spores / 1. Cultivation is performed on a shaker at 120 rpm and 30 ° C for four days. Filtration of the slurry through a black paper filter paper gives a filtrate with an average keratinolytic activity of about 6 units / ml and a specific activity of about 10 units / mg of soluble proteins.


Primer 2: Fermentacijski postopekExample 2: Fermentation process

Sestava gojišča;The composition of the culture medium;

ribja moka 5,0 g/lfish meal 5.0 g / l

KH2PO4 1,5 g/lKH 2 PO 4 1.5 g / l

K2HPO4 1,0 g/lK 2 HPO 4 1.0 g / l

ZnSO4 χ 7H2O 2,0 mg/lZnSO4 χ 7H2O 2.0 mg / l

MgSO4 x 7H2O 0,2 g/lMgSO 4 x 7H 2 O 0.2 g / l

CaCl2 x 2H2O 0,2 g/lCaCl 2 x 2H 2 O 0.2 g / l

NaCl 0,2 g/l pepton 0,4 g/l glicerol 2,0 ml/1 sladni ekstrakt 1,0 g/l glukoza 1,0 g/lNaCl 0.2 g / l peptone 0.4 g / l glycerol 2.0 ml / 1 malt extract 1.0 g / l glucose 1.0 g / l

Izhodni pH gojišča uravnamo na 6,0. Gojišče razdelimo v steklenice, steriliziramo in cepimo kot v Primeru 1. Gojenje poteka na stresalniku pri 120 obratih/min in temperaturi 30°C štiri dni. Po fermentaciji brozgo filtriramo.Adjust the pH of the culture medium to 6.0. The medium was divided into bottles, sterilized and vaccinated as in Example 1. Cultivation was performed on a shaker at 120 rpm and 30 ° C for four days. After fermentation, the broth is filtered.


Filtrat ima keratinolitično aktivnost okrog 12 enot/ml in specifično aktivnost okrog 30 enot/mg topnih proteinov.The filtrate has a keratinolytic activity of about 12 units / ml and a specific activity of about 30 units / mg of soluble proteins.

Če v istem gojišču ribjo moko nadomestimo s kostno moko, dobimo filtrat s keratinolitično aktivnostjo okrog 7 enot/ml in specifično aktivnostjo okrog 20 enot/mg.If fish meal is replaced with bone meal in the same medium, a filtrate with a keratinolytic activity of about 7 units / ml and a specific activity of about 20 units / mg is obtained.

V primeru, da ribjo moko v gojišču nadomestimo s kazeinom, dobimo filtrat z aktivnostjo okrog 10 enot/ml in specifično aktivnostjo 12 enot/mg.If the fish meal in the medium is substituted with casein, a filtrate is obtained with an activity of about 10 units / ml and a specific activity of 12 units / mg.

Primer 3: Fermentacijski postopekExample 3: Fermentation process

Sestava gojišča:Medium composition:

sojina moka soybean meal 5,0 5.0 g/i g / i KH2PO4 KH 2 PO 4 1,5 1.5 g/1 g / 1 k2hpo4 k 2 hpo 4 1,0 1.0 g/1 g / 1 ZnSO4 x 7H2OZnSO 4 x 7H 2 O 2,0 2.0 mg/l mg / l MgSO4 x 7H2OMgSO 4 x 7H 2 O 0,2 0.2 g/i g / i CaCl2 x 2H2OCaCl 2 x 2H 2 O 0,2 0.2 g/1 g / 1 NaCl NaCl 0,2 0.2 g/1 g / 1 pepton peptone 0,4 0.4 g/1 g / 1 glicerol glycerol 2,0 2.0 ml/1 ml / 1 sladni ekstrakt malt extract 1,0 1.0 g/1 g / 1 glukoza glucose 1,0 1.0 g/1 g / 1

Izhodni pH gojišča uravnamo na 6,0. Gojišče razdelimo v steklenice, steriliziramo in cepimo kot v Primeru 1. Gojenje poteka na stresalniku pri 120 obratih/min in temperaturi 25°C štiri dni. Po fermentaciji brozgo filtriramo.Adjust the pH of the culture medium to 6.0. The medium was divided into bottles, sterilized and vaccinated as in Example 1. Cultivation was performed on a shaker at 120 rpm and 25 ° C for four days. After fermentation, the broth is filtered.

Filtrat ima keratinolitično aktivnost okrog 10 enot/ml in specifično aktivnost okrog 33 enot/mg topnih proteinov.The filtrate has a keratinolytic activity of about 10 units / ml and a specific activity of about 33 units / mg of soluble proteins.

Primer 4: Fermentacijski postopekExample 4: Fermentation process

Sestava gojišča: Medium composition: sojina moka soybean meal 5,0 5.0 g/i g / i glukoza glucose 3,0 3.0 g/i g / i glicerol glycerol 4,8 4,8 ml/1 ml / 1 pepton peptone 0,7 0.7 g/i g / i kvasni ekstrakt yeast extract 0,7 0.7 g/1 g / 1 sladni ekstrakt malt extract 0,5 0.5 g/1 g / 1 KH2PO4 KH 2 PO 4 3,9 3.9 g/1 g / 1 ZnSO4 χ 7H2OZnSO 4 χ 7H2O 3,0 3.0 mg/l mg / l FeSO4 x 7H2OFeSO 4 x 7H 2 O 6,0 6.0 mg/l mg / l MnCl2 x 4H2OMnCl 2 x 4H 2 O 0,4 0.4 mg/l mg / l CUSO4 χ 5H2O CUSO4 χ 5H2O 4,6 4.6 mg/l mg / l MgHPO4 x 3H2OMgHPO 4 x 3H 2 O 4,8 4,8 mg/l mg / l CoSO4 CoSO 4 0,7 0.7 mg/l mg / l CaCl2 x 2H2OCaCl 2 x 2H 2 O 0,07 0.07 g/i g / i

Izhodni pH gojišča nastavimo na 6,9. Gojišče razdelimo v steklenice, steriliziramo in cepimo kot v Primeru 1. Gojenje poteka na stresalniku pri 120 obratih/min in temperaturi 25°C tri dni. Po fermentaciji brozgo filtriramo in dobimo filtrat z aktivnostjo okrog 17 enot/ml in specifično aktivnostjo okrog 23 enot/mg topnih proteinov.Set the pH of the culture medium to 6.9. The medium was divided into bottles, sterilized and vaccinated as in Example 1. Cultivation was performed on a shaker at 120 rpm and 25 ° C for three days. After fermentation, the broth is filtered to give a filtrate with an activity of about 17 units / ml and a specific activity of about 23 units / mg of soluble proteins.

Primer 5: Fermentacijski postopekExample 5: Fermentation process

Sestava gojišča:Medium composition:

sojina moka soybean meal 5,0 5.0 g/1 g / 1 glukoza glucose 1,0 1.0 g/1 g / 1 pepton peptone 0,7 0.7 g/1 g / 1 kvasni ekstrakt yeast extract 0,8 0.8 g/1 g / 1 sladni ekstrakt malt extract 0,4 0.4 g/1 g / 1 KH2PO4 KH 2 PO 4 3,2 3.2 g/1 g / 1 ZnSO4 x 7H2OZnSO 4 x 7H 2 O 2,0 2.0 mg/l mg / l FeSO4 x 7H2OFeSO 4 x 7H 2 O 0,6 0.6 mg/l mg / l MnCl2 x 4H2OMnCl 2 x 4H 2 O 2,1 2.1 mg/l mg / l CuSO4 x 5H2OCuSO 4 x 5H 2 O 2,1 2.1 mg/l mg / l MgHPO4 x 3H2OMgHPO 4 x 3H 2 O 3,6 3.6 mg/l mg / l CoSO4 CoSO 4 2,9 2.9 mg/l mg / l CaCl2 x 2H2OCaCl 2 x 2H 2 O 0,06 0.06 g/1 g / 1

Izhodni pH je 4,4. Gojišče razdelimo v steklenice, steriliziramo in cepimo kot v Primeru 1. Gojimo na stresalniku pri 120 obratih/min in temperaturi 25°C tri dni. Po fermentaciji brozgo filtriramo in dobimo filtrat s keratinazno aktivnostjo okrog 20 enot/ml in specifično aktivnostjo okrog 37 enot/mg topnih proteinov.The starting pH is 4.4. Divide the medium into bottles, sterilize and vaccinate as in Example 1. It was grown on a shaker at 120 rpm and 25 ° C for three days. After fermentation, the broth is filtered to give a filtrate with a keratinase activity of about 20 units / ml and a specific activity of about 37 units / mg of soluble proteins.

Primer 6: Fermentacijski postopekExample 6: Fermentation process

Sestava gojišča:Medium composition:

sojina moka KH2PO4 soybean meal KH 2 PO 4

5,0 g/15.0 g / l

1,5 g/11.5 g / l

K2HPO4 K2HPO4 1,0 1.0 g/1 g / 1 ZnSO4 x 7H2OZnSO4 x 7H 2 O 2,0 2.0 mg/1 mg / 1 MgSO4 x 7H2OMgSO 4 x 7H 2 O 0,2 0.2 g/1 g / 1 CaCl2 x 2H2OCaCl 2 x 2H 2 O 0,2 0.2 g/i g / i NaCl NaCl 0,2 0.2 g/1 g / 1 pepton peptone 0,4 0.4 g/1 g / 1 glicerol glycerol 2,0 2.0 ml/1 ml / 1 sladni ekstrakt malt extract 1,0 1.0 g/1 g / 1 glukoza glucose 1,0 1.0 g/1 g / 1

Izhodni pH gojišča uravnamo na 6,0. Nalijemo v 5 1 laboratorijski bioreaktor z mešalom. Ob mešanju 200 obratov/min steriliziramo 35 minut pri 121°C. Po ohladitvi na 30°C cepimo s suspenzijo spor tako, da je koncentracija spor v gojišču okrog 5 x 108/l. Mešamo v začetku s 300 obrati/min in prepihavamo s pretokom zraka 2,5 1/min. Ko začne parcialni tlak kisika močno upadati, povišamo mešanje na 400 obratov/min in zračenje na 5,0 1/min. Po 50-60 urah brozgo prefiltriramo. Dobimo filtrat s keratinazno aktivnostjo okrog 20 enot/ml in specifično aktivnostjo okrog 30 enot/mg topnih proteinov.Adjust the pH of the culture medium to 6.0. Pour into a 5 1 laboratory bioreactor with stirrer. With stirring of 200 rpm, sterilize for 35 minutes at 121 ° C. After cooling to 30 ° C, administer the spore suspension in such a way that the concentration of spores in the culture medium is about 5 x 10 8 / l. It is stirred initially at 300 rpm and inflated with a flow rate of 2.5 l / min. When the partial pressure of oxygen begins to fall sharply, the stirring is increased to 400 rpm and the aeration to 5.0 l / min. After 50-60 hours, the broth was filtered. A filtrate is obtained with a keratinase activity of about 20 units / ml and a specific activity of about 30 units / mg of soluble proteins.

Karakteristike filtrata fermentacijske brozgeCharacteristics of fermentation broth filtrate

Optimalno pH območje za delovanje na zaroženelo kožo je 8-9, filtrat ni aktiven pod pH 6,0. Optimalna temperatura za delovanje na zaroženelo kožo je 45°C, nad 60°C aktivnosti ni. Filtrat deluje na keratinske substrate, kot so zaroženela človeška koža, nohte, perje in volno. Katalizira tudi hidrolizo nekeratinskih proteinov, kot so hemoglobin, kazein, volovski serumski albumin in “hide powder azur” (Sigma Chemie). Želatine ne razgrajuje.The optimal pH range for exposure to infected skin is 8-9, the filtrate is inactive below pH 6.0. The optimum temperature for exposure to infected skin is 45 ° C, with no activity above 60 ° C. The filtrate acts on keratin substrates such as contaminated human skin, nails, feathers and wool. It also catalyzes the hydrolysis of non-keratin proteins such as hemoglobin, casein, volumetric serum albumin and hide powder azur (Sigma Chemie). It does not break down gelatin.

Pimer 7: Priprava surovega encimskega preparataExample 7: Preparation of crude enzyme preparation

Filtrat po fermentaciji filtriramo preko filtra s porami 0,2 μτη, Tako dobljen filtrat nato ultrafiltriramo skozi membrano, ki zadrži molekule z molsko maso nad 5000 Da. Retentat liofiliziramo in dobimo surov encimski preparat s keratinolitično aktivnostjo okrog 12000 enot/g.After fermentation, the filtrate is filtered through a 0.2 μτη pore filter. The filtrate thus obtained is then ultrafiltered through a membrane which retains molecules with a molecular weight above 5000 Da. The retentate was lyophilized to give a crude enzyme preparation with a keratinolytic activity of about 12,000 units / g.


Primer 8: Čiščenje surovega encimaExample 8: Purification of the crude enzyme

Surov encimski preparat čistimo v prvi stopnji na kromatografski koloni PhenylSuperose HR 5/5 (Pharmacia). Uporabimo pufrski sistem: A: 50 mM fosfatni pufer, pH 7,0; B: 50 mM fosfatni pufer + 1 M (NH^SO^ pH 7,0. Pretok mobilne faze je 0,5 ml/min, tlak je maksimalno 2 MPa. Nanesemo vzorec s specifično aktivnostjo okrog 60 enot/mg topnih proteinov. Po separaciji dobimo v aktivni frakciji specifično aktivnost okrog 160 enot/mg.The crude enzyme preparation was purified in the first step on a PhenylSuperose HR 5/5 chromatographic column (Pharmacia). Buffer system used: A: 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0; B: 50 mM phosphate buffer + 1 M (NH ^ SO ^ pH 7.0. The mobile phase flow is 0.5 ml / min, the pressure is maximum 2 MPa. A sample with a specific activity of about 60 units / mg soluble proteins is applied. separation gives a specific activity in the active fraction of about 160 units / mg.

V naslednji fazi čistimo dobljeno frakcijo na kromatografski koloni ΜΟΝΟ Q HR 5/5. Pufrski sistem sestoji iz A: 10 mM tris/HCl, pH 8,5 in B: 10 mM tris/HCl + IM NaCl, pH 8,5. Pretok mobilne faze je 1 ml/min pri tlaku največ 5 MPa. Po ločitvi izmerimo v aktivni frakciji specifično aktivnost 220 enot/mg.In the next stage, purify the obtained fraction on the chromatographic column ΜΟΝΟ Q HR 5/5. The buffer system consists of A: 10 mM tris / HCl, pH 8.5 and B: 10 mM tris / HCl + IM NaCl, pH 8.5. The mobile phase flow is 1 ml / min at a pressure of not more than 5 MPa. After separation, the specific activity of 220 units / mg is measured in the active fraction.

V zadnji fazi odstranimo zadnje nečistoče z gelsko kromatografijo na koloni Sepharose 12 HR 10/30. Uporabimo 50mM fosfatni pufer pH 7,5 z dodatkom 0,2 M NaCl. Dobimo očiščen encim s specifično aktivnostjo okrog 600 enot/mg.In the final phase, the last impurities are removed by gel chromatography on a Sepharose 12 HR 10/30 column. Use 50mM phosphate buffer pH 7.5 with the addition of 0.2 M NaCl. A purified enzyme with a specific activity of about 600 units / mg is obtained.

Molska masa encima je okrog 33 kDa (določena z elektroforezo)The enzyme molecular weight is about 33 kDa (determined by electrophoresis)

Claims (3)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Postopek za pridobivanje ekstracelulame keratinolitično aktivne proteaze, značilen po tem, da gojišče, ki vsebuje kot induktor encimske sinteze keratinski ali kakšen drug kompleksen proteinski material, kot je sojina moka, ribja moka, kostna moka, kazein, kompleksne sestavine mikrobioloških gojišč, kot je pepton, sladni ekstrakt, kvasni ekstrakt, enostavne vire ogljika, kot je glukoza in glicerol, ter anorganske soli kot vir mineralov, ter ima izhodni pH v rahlo kislem do nevtralnem območju od 4,0 do 7,0, steriliziramo in ohladimo na okoli 30 °C, nato pa cepimo s sporami glive Doratomyces microsporus, tako, daje koncentracija gojišča 108 - 109 spor/L, gojimo v submerznih aerobnih pogojih pri temperaturi 25 do 30 °C in stresanju na stresalniku med 100 - 120 obrati/min v teku 3 do 4 dni, ali v bioreaktoiju z začetnim mešanjem 300 obratov/min in zračenjem 0,5 1/1/min, ki ju v fazi intenzivne rasti povišamo na 400 obrativ/min in 1 1/1/min, fermentiramo 50 do 60 ur, nato pa brozgo filtriramo in iz filtrata izoliramo encim.A method for producing extracellular keratinolytically active protease, characterized in that the medium containing as an inducer of enzymatic synthesis is keratin or any other complex protein material such as soybean meal, fishmeal, bone meal, casein, complex constituents of microbial media, such as is peptone, malt extract, yeast extract, simple carbon sources such as glucose and glycerol, and inorganic salts as a source of minerals, and has a starting pH in the slightly acidic to neutral range of 4.0 to 7.0, sterilized and cooled to about 30 ° C and then vaccinated with Doratomyces microsporus spores so that the concentration of the medium is 10 8 - 10 9 spor / L, grown under submerged aerobic conditions at 25 to 30 ° C and shaking on a shaker between 100 - 120 rpm in the course of 3 to 4 days, or in a bioreacto, with an initial stirring of 300 rpm and aeration of 0.5 1/1 / min, which are increased to 400 rpm and 1 1/1 / min during the intensive growth phase, ferment 50 up to 60 hours, at this is filtered and the enzyme isolated from the filtrate. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da je gliva Doratomyces microsporus shranjena v nacionalni zbirki mikrobnih kultur (Collection Nationale de Cultures de Microorganismes - CNCM, INSTITUT PASTEUR) v Parizu pod oznako MZKI B399 in tam registrirana dne 23.decembra 1997 pod številko I - 1963.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the Doratomyces microsporus fungus is stored in the National Collection of Microbial Cultures (CNCM, INSTITUTE PASTEUR) in Paris under the code MZKI B399 and registered there on 23 December 1997 under number I - 1963. 3. Encimski material, dobljen po zahtevku 1 in 2, značilen po tem, daje v obliki filtrata fermentacij ske brozge v obliki surovega encimskega preparata ali v očiščeni obliki, ki jo dobimo po čiščenju z uporabo kromatografije hidrofobnih interakcij, ionske izmenjevalne in gelske kromatografije, in ima naslednje karakteristike:The enzyme material obtained according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that it is in the form of a filtrate of fermentation broth in the form of a crude enzyme preparation or in a purified form obtained after purification using hydrophobic interaction chromatography, ion exchange and gel chromatography, and having the following characteristics: molsko maso 33 kDa, aktivnost na zaroženelo kožo med pH 6 in 12, optimalno med 8 in 9, aktivnost na zaroženelo kožo med 20 in 55 °C , optimalno pri 45 °C.molar mass of 33 kDa, activity on infected skin between pH 6 and 12, optimum between 8 and 9, activity on infected skin between 20 and 55 ° C, optimal at 45 ° C.
SI9800038A 1998-02-12 1998-02-12 Process for production of extracellular keratinolytically active protease SI9800038A (en)

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SI9800038A SI9800038A (en) 1998-02-12 1998-02-12 Process for production of extracellular keratinolytically active protease

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SI9800038A SI9800038A (en) 1998-02-12 1998-02-12 Process for production of extracellular keratinolytically active protease

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