SI9700293A - Energy-reduced cream-butters and process for their production - Google Patents

Energy-reduced cream-butters and process for their production Download PDF


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SI9700293A SI9700293A SI9700293A SI9700293A SI 9700293 A SI9700293 A SI 9700293A SI 9700293 A SI9700293 A SI 9700293A SI 9700293 A SI9700293 A SI 9700293A SI 9700293 A SI9700293 A SI 9700293A
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Pal Agoston
Gabor Katai
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Magyar Tejgazdasagi Kiserleti Intezet Kft.
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Application filed by Magyar Tejgazdasagi Kiserleti Intezet Kft. filed Critical Magyar Tejgazdasagi Kiserleti Intezet Kft.
Publication of SI9700293A publication Critical patent/SI9700293A/en



  • Dairy Products (AREA)
  • Edible Oils And Fats (AREA)


The invention relates to natural, spicy and sweet versions of energy-reduced cream-butters which, if desired have a shelf-life longer than 6 months and to a process for their production. The cream-butters of the invention contain 30-60% by weight of milk fat or the corresponding amount of butter, 2.5-7.5% by weight of non-fat milk solids, preferably skim milk powder or the corresponding amount of milk protein concentrate powder, 0.2-3.0% by weight of hydrocolloids, within this 0.1-2.0% by weight of heat-protective hydrocolloid, preferably native and/or modified starch and/or highly esterified pectin and 0.1-2.0% by weight of viscosity increasing and/or gel forming hydrocolloid, preferably gelatine and/or xanthan and/or guar gum fluor and/or locust bean gum flour and 0.05-0.30% by weight of edible organic acid, and if desired, salt, spices, fruit-flavorings and/or honey corresponding to the flavoring; further drinking water supplementing the above components to 100% by weight. The ingredients of the cream-butter are mixed, heated to 65-90 degrees C, then emulsified. If desired, the product is subjected to UHT heat-treatment. The product is packaged warm, then it is cooled below 10 degrees C.


Magyar Tejgazdasagi Kiserleti Intezet Kft.Magyar Tejgazdasagi Kiserleti Intezet Kft.

Energetsko reducirana kremna masla in postopek za njihovo proizvodnjoEnergy-reduced cream butter and process for their production

Izum se nanaša na energetsko reducirana kremna masla, natančneje na naravne, začinjene in sladke različice energetsko reduciranih kremnih masel, ki imajo lahko, če je želeno, skladiščno dobo daljšo od 6 mesecev in na postopek za njihovo proizvodnjo.The invention relates to energy-reduced cream oils, in particular to natural, spicy and sweet versions of energy-reduced cream oils, which, if desired, may have a storage life of more than 6 months and to a process for their production.

Sprememba prehrambenih navad je imela za posledico nenehno rastočo vlogo proizvodov z nizko vsebnostjo energije na trgu, med njimi tudi mazavih masel z nizko vsebnostjo energije. Najpomembnejša sprememba se je pojavila v izboru margarin, kjer ima večina proizvodov, predlaganih za namene hladnega bifeja t.j. za hladno uporabo, znižano vsebnost maščobe oz. energije. Tudi na področju maslenih proizvodov so se pojavili energetsko revni proizvodi z znižano vsebnostjo maščobe, tako tipa emulzije olje-v-vodi, kakor voda-v-olju.Changing eating habits has resulted in a steadily increasing role of low-energy products on the market, including low-energy lubricating oils. The most significant change occurred in the selection of margarines where most of the products proposed for cold buffet purposes i.e. for cold use, reduced fat or energy. Energy-poor products with reduced fat content, both oil-in-water and water-in-oil, have also emerged in the area of butter products.

Splošna uporaba energetsko revnih maslenih proizvodov tipa emulzije voda-v-olju je bila ovirana, ker je hladna (pod 10 °C) mazavost teh proizvodov s tradicionalno masleno strukturo znatno slabša od tiste, ki jo zahtevajo potrošniki ali od tiste, ki je značilna za margarine (njihova penetracijska vrednost je 40 do 65).The widespread use of energy-poor oil-in-oil emulsion products has been hampered because the cold (below 10 ° C) lubrication of these products with a traditional butter structure is significantly worse than that required by consumers or that characteristic of consumers. margarines (their penetration value is 40 to 65).

Problem hladne mazavosti je bil rešen pri vseh vrstah energetsko reduciranih maslenih proizvodov tipa emulzije olje-v-vodi. Bistvo teh postopkov je, da ne pride do fazne inverzije, da se ohrani kremna struktura proizvodov in da se s tehnologijo in uporabljenimi aditivi doseže njihova mazava konsistenca. V primeru smetanovega namaza (Streichrahm), kije dandanes priznan proizvod, smetano, kije obogatena z mlekom v prahu, pasterizirajo, ohladijo, kultivirajo, fermentirajo in nato, po dodatku aditivov, toplotno obdelajo.The problem of cold lubricity has been solved in all types of energy-reduced oil-in-water emulsion oil products. The essence of these processes is that no phase inversion occurs, that the cream structure of the products is maintained and that the lubricant consistency is achieved with the technology and additives used. In the case of a cream spread (Streichrahm), a recognized product today, cream fortified with milk powder is pasteurized, cooled, cultured, fermented and then, after the addition of additives, heat treated.

Po postopku iz češkoslovaškega patenta št. 193670 smetano obogatijo, pasterizirajo, ohladijo, homogenizirajo in fermentirajo, jo po toplotni obdelavi ponovno homogenizirajo in nato, dokler je še topla, paketirajo.Following the procedure of Czechoslovak patent no. 193670 the cream is enriched, pasteurized, cooled, homogenized and fermented, homogenized again after heat treatment and then packaged while still warm.

Po postopku madžarskega patenta št. 197 066 obogateno surovo smetano dvakrat homogenizirajo ob porabi tlačnega združevanja, pri katerem je po prvi homogenizaciji navidezna viskoznost smetane 800-1000 mPas in je po drugi homogenizaciji povprečni premer maščobnih kroglic pod 0,5 /xm, njihov indeks združevanja (clustering index) pa je 2,0 do 2,5. Pred toplotno obdelavo dodajo k fermentirani surovi smetani mlečno maščobo, da dosežejo razmerje voda:maščobi 1:3. Penetracijska vrednost, ki je značilna za mazavost teh proizvodov, pripravljenih z zgoraj omenjenimi postopki, je 170 do 220 pri 5 °C. Pomanjkljivost maslenih proizvodov tipa emulzije olje-v-vodi, proizvedenih s postopki, ki so nadrobno razloženi v predhodnem delu, je po eni strani njihov preveč kisel okus, povzročen z nizko pH vrednostjo (4,2-4,7) zaradi fermentacije, in po drugi strani, da se, kljub njihovi dobri hladni mazavosti, njihove mazalne lastnosti razlikujejo od tistih, ki jih imajo masla in margarine, so namreč bolj lepljivi.Following the procedure of Hungarian patent no. 197 066 fortified raw cream is twice homogenized using a pressure coupling in which after the first homogenization the apparent viscosity of the cream is 800-1000 mPas and after the second homogenization the average diameter of the fat balls is below 0.5 / xm and their clustering index is 2.0 to 2.5. Prior to the heat treatment, they add milk fat to the fermented raw cream to achieve a water: fat ratio of 1: 3. The penetration characteristic of the lubricity of these products prepared by the above-mentioned procedures is 170 to 220 at 5 ° C. The disadvantage of oil-in-water emulsion products produced by the methods explained in detail in the preceding section, on the one hand, is their over-acidic taste, caused by the low pH (4.2-4.7) due to fermentation, and on the other hand, that, despite their good cold lubricity, their lubricating properties are different from those of butter and margarine, they are more sticky.

Cilj predloženega izuma je odstraniti zgoraj omenjene pomankljivosti. Cilj izuma je proizvesti kremno maslo, kije dobro mazavo, če je hladno, se ne lepi in katerega kislost ustreza tisti za znana, priznana masla na osnovi kisle smetane. Nadalji cilj predloženega izuma je, če je želeno, podaljšati skladiščno dobo proizvodov do vsaj 6 mesecev.The object of the present invention is to eliminate the aforementioned disadvantages. It is an object of the invention to produce a cream butter which, when cold, does not adhere to a good lubricant and whose acidity corresponds to that of known, recognized sour cream based butter. A further object of the present invention is, if desired, to extend the shelf life of the products to at least 6 months.

Izum temelji na spoznanju, da lahko iz mlečne maščobe ali masla, ali njune kombinacije, vode, nemaščobnih mlečnih trdnih snovi (npr. mleka v prahu) ob dodajanju naravnih hidrokoloidov in organskih kislin in z uporabo enostavnih, običajnih mehanskih in toplotnih učinkov dobimo takšno strukturo, ki ima za rezultat proizvod, ki je dobro mazav tudi če je hladen, pri čemer ta proizvod ni lepljiv in katerega kislost lahko naravnamo po želji. Predhodniki so omogočili tudi toplotno obdelavo v območju UVT (UVT = ultra visoka temperatura).The invention is based on the realization that from milk fat or butter, or a combination thereof, water, non-fat milk solids (eg milk powder), by the addition of natural hydrocolloids and organic acids, and by the use of simple, conventional mechanical and thermal effects, such a structure can be obtained , which results in a product that is well lubricated even when cold, with the product not sticky and the acidity of which can be adjusted as desired. The precursors also provided heat treatment in the UVT range (UVT = ultra high temperature).

Čeprav se ne želimo držati katerokoli teorije, predvidevamo, da se pri dani sestavi, zaradi mehanskih in toplotnih učinkov, razvije koloidno-kemijsko mešan, t.j. mešan emulzijski sistem tipa olje-v-vodi in voda-v-olju, ki ima dobro, maščobi podobno mazavost, tako pri sobni temperaturi kakor hladen.Although we do not wish to adhere to any theory, we assume that a given composition, due to its mechanical and thermal effects, will produce colloidal-chemical mixed, i.e. a mixed oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsion system that has good, grease-like lubrication, both at room temperature and cold.

Sestava kremnih masel v smislu izuma je naslednja:The composition of the cream oils according to the invention is as follows:

30-60 mas.%, prednostno 35-45 mas.% mlečne maščobe ali ustrezne količine masla;30-60% by weight, preferably 35-45% by weight of milk fat or an adequate quantity of butter;

2,5-7,5 mas.%, prednostno 3,5-5,0 mas.% posnetega mlečnega prahu ali ustrezne količine mlečnega proteinskega koncentrata v prahu;2.5-7.5 wt%, preferably 3.5-5.0 wt% of skimmed milk powder or an appropriate amount of milk protein concentrate in powder;

0,2-3,0 mas.%, prednostno 0,6-1,8 mas.% hidrokoloidov, znotraj katerih0.2-3.0% by weight, preferably 0.6-1.8% by weight of hydrocolloids within which

0,1-2,0 mas.% toplotno-zaščitnega hidrokoloida, prednostno naravnega in/ali modificiranega škroba in/ali visoko zaestrenega pektina in 0,1-2,0 mas.% hidrokoloida, ki povečuje viskoznost in/ali ki tvori gel, prednostno želatine in/ali moke ksantan in/ali guar gumija in/ali moke gumija iz strokov robinije; in0.1-2.0% by weight of heat-protecting hydrocolloid, preferably natural and / or modified starch and / or highly esterified pectin and 0.1-2.0% by weight of viscosity and / or gel-forming hydrocolloid , preferably gelatin and / or flour xanthan and / or guar gum and / or gum flour from the field of robbery; and

0,05-0,30 mas.% jedilne organske kisline, prednostno citronske kisline in/ali jabolčne kisline in/ali fosforne kisline;0.05-0.30% by weight of edible organic acid, preferably citric acid and / or malic acid and / or phosphoric acid;

in, če je želeno, sol, začimbe, sadno aromo in/ali med v koncentraciji, ki ustreza aromatiziranju; in pitno vodo v količini, ki dopolni gornje sestavine do 100 mas.%.and, if desired, salt, spices, fruit flavor and / or honey in a concentration appropriate to flavoring; and drinking water in an amount supplementing the above ingredients up to 100% by weight.

Gornje sestavine segrejemo do 65-90 °C, prednostno do 75-80 °C medtem ko jih kontinuirno mešamo in jih nato emulgiramo. Med emulgiranjem se razvije mešana struktura olje-v-vodi in voda-v-olju. Emulgiranje izvedemo z uporabo običajnih znanih mehanskih učinkov in metod. Tvorbo emulzije lahko dobro detektiramo, saj se prvotno motna zmes v trenutku tvorbe emulzije pretvori v sijočo, kar je dobro vidno.The above constituents are heated to 65-90 ° C, preferably 75-80 ° C, while continuously mixed and then emulsified. During the emulsification, a mixed oil-in-water and water-in-oil structure is developed. The emulsification is performed using conventional known mechanical effects and methods. The formation of the emulsion can be well detected, since the initially turbid mixture turns into a shiny moment of emulsion formation, which is clearly visible.

Uporabimo lahko katerokoli pripravo, ki je znana strokovnjaku, in s katerokoli vrsto priprave moramo uporabiti takšno stopnjo mehanskega učinka, da se tvori emulzija, kar lahko vidimo iz tega, da postane zmes sijoča, kot je bilo omenjeno zgoraj.Any preparation known to the person skilled in the art can be used, and with any type of preparation one has to use such a degree of mechanical effect that an emulsion is formed, which can be seen from making the mixture shiny as mentioned above.

Npr., mehanski postopek lahko izvedemo v naslednjih vrstah opreme in pod naslednjimi pogoji:For example, the mechanical process can be performed in the following types of equipment and under the following conditions:

- Emulgiranje lahko izvajamo v mešalniku z visokim številom vrtljajev (20003000 vrt. na minuto) dokler zmes ne postane sijoča.- The emulsification can be carried out in a high speed mixer (20003000 rpm) until the mixture becomes shiny.

- V kontinuirno delujoči emulgirni pripravi (npr. mikro-mešalniku, dezintegratorju ali koloidnem mlinu) zmes ponovno vodimo do ogrevalnega zbiralnika, dokler ne postane sijoča.- In a continuously operating emulsifying device (eg micro-mixer, disintegrator or colloid mill), the mixture is again led to the heating tank until it becomes shiny.

- V primeru uporabe homogenizatorja, tlak homogenizacije povečujemo, dokler zmes ne postane sijoča.- In the case of a homogenizer, the homogenization pressure is increased until the mixture becomes shiny.

Potem, ko se razvije emulzija, še topel proizvod paketiramo, prednostno pri temperaturi 65-90 °C in nato ohladimo pod 10 °C.After the emulsion develops, the still warm product is packed, preferably at a temperature of 65-90 ° C and then cooled below 10 ° C.

Kremna masla, izdelana po gornjem postopku, so mazava kot maščoba pri 5 °C in njihova penetracijska vrednost je 150 do 200 (t.j. penetracijska globina je 15-20 mm) in njihova pH-vrednost je v območju 4,7 do 5,4 pri 5 °C.Cream oils made according to the above procedure are lubricated as fat at 5 ° C and their penetration value is 150 to 200 (ie penetration depth is 15-20 mm) and their pH is in the range of 4.7 to 5.4 at 7 ° C.

Postopek v smislu izuma tudi omogoča toplotno obdelavo proizvoda v UVT-območju in tako proizvodnjo sterilnih proizvodov s podaljšano skladiščno dobo. V tem primeru postopek izvedemo kot sledi. Potem, ko dosežemo strukturo, indicirano s tem, da se zmes pretvori v sijočo, proizvod segrejemo do UVT-temperature, ki je primerna za proizvod s pH 4,7-5,4, t.j. do 98-120 °C v običajni opremi za UVTobmočje (v laminarnem, cevnem ali narebričenem toplotnem izmenjevalniku), ga nato embaliramo ali pri temperaturi območja UVT v toplotno odporni pakirni material (npr. kovinsko tubo) ali pa ga ohladimo do 60-80 °C in aseptično paketiramo. Proizvod, ki ga proizvedemo na tak način, ohrani svojo kvaliteto pri sobni temperaturi 6 mesecev.The process of the invention also enables the thermal treatment of the product in the UVT range and thus the production of sterile products with an extended storage life. In this case, proceed as follows. After reaching the structure indicated by turning the mixture into a shiny one, the product is heated to a UVT temperature that is suitable for the product with a pH of 4.7-5.4, i.e. up to 98-120 ° C in conventional UVT equipment (in a laminar, tubular or crimped heat exchanger), then packaged or at a temperature of UVT in a heat-resistant packaging material (eg metal tube) or cooled to 60-80 ° C and aseptically packaged. The product produced in this way maintains its quality at room temperature for 6 months.

Nadaljnje podrobnosti izuma so ponazorjene z naslednjimi ne-omejujočimi primeri.Further details of the invention are illustrated by the following non-limiting examples.


Proizvedemo naravno kremno maslo. V mešalnik odmerimo 40 mas.% brezvodne mlečne maščobe, 3,5 mas.% posnetega mleka v prahu, 1,7 mas.% stabilizatorja Gelkolloid-a GMC-1, ki je mešanica hidrokoloidov, ki so toplotno-zaščitni, ki povečajo viskoznost in ki tvorijo gel, 0,18 mas.% citronske kisline, 0,8 mas.% soli in 50,77 mas.% pitne vode. Zmes segrejemo na 80 °C z neposredno paro ob konstatnem mešanju (750 vrt. na minuto), med čemer se v zmes kondenzira 3,0 mas.% vode, ki dopolni zmes do 100 mas.%. Nato začnemo z mehansko obdelavo, katero izvedemo pri 3000 vrt. na minuto. Konsistenco proizvoda kontroliramo vsakih 15 sek. Po mehanski obdelavi 1 minuto, postane zmes sijoča, zato z mehansko obdelavo prekinemo, produkt paketiramo v skodelice in ohladimo v hladilnici pod 10 °C.We produce natural cream butter. Apply 40% by weight of anhydrous milk fat, 3.5% by weight of skimmed milk powder, 1.7% by weight of Gelkolloid GMC-1 stabilizer, which is a mixture of hydrocolloids, which are heat-protective, which increase the viscosity. and gel forming, 0.18% by weight of citric acid, 0.8% by weight of salt and 50.77% by weight of drinking water. The mixture was heated to 80 ° C by direct vapor with constant stirring (750 rpm), during which 3.0 wt.% Of water was condensed into the mixture, supplementing the mixture to 100 wt.%. Then we start with mechanical treatment, which is carried out at 3000 rpm. per minute. The consistency of the product is monitored every 15 seconds. After mechanical treatment for 1 minute, the mixture becomes shiny, so the mechanical treatment is discontinued, the product is packed in cups and cooled in a refrigerator below 10 ° C.


Začinjeno kremno maslo, aromatizirano s koprom proizvedemo s postopkom primera 1, s to razliko, da surove materiale odmerimo v oplaščen rezervoar, ogrevan s paro in opremljen z mešalnimi lopaticami, nadalje namesto 40 mas.% brezvodne mlečne maščobe uporabimo 50 mas.% masla, ki vsebuje 80 mas.% mlečne maščobe, in kot začimbno aromo 1 mas.% posušenega kopra ter k proizvodu dodamo 42,77 mas.% pitne vode, da dosežemo 100 mas.%. Zmes s posrednim segrevanjem s paro (tako kondenzirana voda ne pride v proizvod) ob konstantnem mešanju segrejemo na 75 °C, nato pa izvedemo mehansko obdelavo v mikro-mešalniku. Zmes ponovno vodimo od mikro-mešalnika do ogrevalnega rezervoarja, dokler ne postane sijoča. Nato produkt paketiramo in ohladimo.Spicy dill flavored cream butter is produced by the method of Example 1, except that the raw materials are dispensed into a steam-heated tank and equipped with mixing blades, then 50% butterfat butter is used instead of 40% by weight of anhydrous milk fat. containing 80% by weight of milk fat, and as a flavoring aroma of 1% by weight of dried dill, and 42.77% by weight of drinking water is added to the product to achieve 100% by weight. The mixture with indirect steam heating (thus condensed water does not enter the product) is heated to 75 ° C with constant stirring, and then the mechanical treatment is carried out in a micro-mixer. Leave the mixture again from the micro-mixer to the heating tank until it becomes shiny. The product is then packed and cooled.


Kremno maslo, aromatizirano z medom, pripravimo s postopkom primera 2, s to razliko, da namesto 0,8 mas.% soli in 1,0 mas.% posušenega kopra, uporabimo 20 mas.% akacijevega medu in to dopolnimo do 100 mas.% z 23,08 mas.% pitne vode. Med tehnološkim postopkom namesto mikro-mešalnika uporabimo dezintegrator.Honey flavored cream butter is prepared by the method of Example 2, except that instead of 0.8 wt% of salt and 1.0 wt% of dried dill, 20% of acacia honey is used and this is supplemented to 100 wt. % z 23.08% by weight of drinking water. During the technological process, a disintegrator is used instead of the micro-mixer.


Začinjeno kremno maslo, aromatizirano s koprom, pripravimo s postopkom primera 2, s to razliko, da namesto mikro-mešalnika uporabimo homogenizator, katerega tlak povečujemo toliko časa, dokler produkt ne postane sijoč (50 bar.). Proizvod nato v cevnem toplotnem izmenjevalniku segrejemo do 90 °C in ga pri gornji temperaturi paketiramo v tube, nato pa ohladimo.Seasoned cream butter flavored with dill is prepared by the method of Example 2, except that a homogenizer is used instead of the micro-mixer, whose pressure is increased until the product becomes shiny (50 bar). The product is then heated to 90 ° C in a tube heat exchanger and packed into tubes at the above temperature and then cooled.


Začinjeno kremno maslo, aromatizirano s koprom, proizvedemo s postopkom primera 4, s to razliko, da uporabimo narebričen toplotni izmenjevalnik, proizvod segrejemo do 115 °C, ga nato v narebričenem toplotnem izmenjevalniku ohladimo do 65 °C in aseptično embaliramo v tube, v katerih produkt nadalje ohladimo.Spicy dill flavored cream butter is produced by the process of Example 4, except that a finned heat exchanger is used, the product is heated to 115 ° C, then cooled to 65 ° C in a finned heat exchanger and aseptically packaged into tubes in which the product is further cooled.

Claims (9)

1. Energetsko reducirano kremno maslo, označeno s tem, da vsebuje 30-60 mas.% mlečne maščobe ali ustrezno količino masla;1. Energy-reduced cream butter, characterized in that it contains 30-60% by weight of milk fat or an adequate quantity of butter; 2,5-7,5 mas.% nemaščobnih mlečnih trdnih snovi, prednostno posnetega mleka v prahu ali ustrezno količino mlečnega proteinskega koncentrata v prahu;2.5-7.5% by weight of non-fat milk solids, preferably skimmed milk powder or an appropriate amount of milk protein concentrate powder; 0,2-3,0 mas.% hidrokoloidov, znotraj katerih0.2-3.0% by weight of hydrocolloids within which 0,1-2,0 mas.% toplotno zaščitnega hidrokoloida in0.1-2.0% by weight of thermal protective hydrocolloid and 0,1-2,0 mas.% hidrokoloida, ki povečuje viskoznost in/ali ki tvori gel,0.1-2.0 wt.% Viscosity and / or gel forming hydrocolloid, 0,05-0,30 mas,% jedilne organske kisline, prednostno citronske kisline in/ali jabolčne kisline in/ali fosforne kisline, in, če je želeno, sol, začimbe, sadno aromo in/ali med v koncentraciji, ki ustreza aromatiziranju in pitno vodo, ki dopolni predhodno do 100 mas.%.0.05-0.30 wt.%, Of edible organic acid, preferably citric acid and / or malic acid and / or phosphoric acid, and, if desired, salt, spices, fruity aroma and / or honey in a concentration appropriate to flavoring and drinking water, supplementing previously up to 100% by weight. 2. Kremno maslo po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da vsebuje 35-45 mas.% mlečne maščobe ali ustrezno količino masla.Cream butter according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains 35-45% by weight of milk fat or an adequate amount of butter. 3. Kremno maslo po zahtevkih 1 ali 2, označeno s tem, da vsebuje 3,5-5,0 mas.% posnetega mleka v prahu ali ustrezno količino mlečnega proteinskega koncentrata v prahu.Cream butter according to claims 1 or 2, characterized in that it contains 3.5-5.0% by weight of skimmed-milk powder or an appropriate amount of milk protein concentrate in powder. 4. Kremno maslo po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označeno s tem, da vsebuje 0,6-1,8 mas.% hidrokoloida.Cream butter according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that it contains 0.6-1.8% by weight of hydrocolloid. 5. Kremno maslo po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 4, označeno s tem, da vsebuje kot toplotno-zaščitni hidrokoloid naravni in/ali modificran škrob in/ali visoko zaestren pektin in kot hidrokolid, ki tvori gel, želatino in/ali moko ksantan in/ali guar gumija in/ali moko gumija iz strokov robinije.Cream butter according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that it contains natural and / or modified starch and / or highly esterious pectin as a heat-protective hydrocolloid and as gel, gelatin and / or flour xanthan forming hydrocolide, and / or guar gum and / or gum flour from the robbery professions. 6. Kremno maslo po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 4, označeno s tem, da je njegova skladiščna doba podaljšana z UVT-toplotno obdelavo.Cream butter according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that its storage life is extended by UVT heat treatment. 7. Postopek za proizvodnjo energetsko reduciranih kremnih masel, ki vsebujejo mlečno maščobo ali maslo, mlečne trdne snovi, aditive in vodo, s toplotno obdelavo in emulgiranjem, označen s tem, da 30-60 mas.%, prednostno 35-45 mas.% mlečne maščobe ali ustrezne količine masla, 2,5-7,5 mas.%, prednostno7. A process for the production of energy-reduced cream oils containing milk fat or butter, milk solids, additives and water, by heat treatment and emulsification, characterized in that 30-60% by weight, preferably 35-45% by weight milk fat or appropriate quantities of butter, 2.5-7.5% by weight, preferably 3,5-5,0 mas.% posnetega mleka v prahu ali ustrezne količine mlečnega proteinskega koncentrata v prahu, 0,2-3,0 mas.%, prednostno 0,6-1,5 mas.% hidrokoloidov, znotraj katerih 0,1-2,0 mas.% toplotno-zaščitnega hidrokoloida, prednostno naravnega in/ali modificiranega škroba in/ali visoko zaestrenega pektina in 0,1-2,0 mas.% hidrokoloida, ki povečuje viskoznost in/ali ki tvori gel, prednostno želatine in/ali moke guar gumija in/ali moke ksantan gumija in/ali moke gumija iz strokov robinije in 0,05-0,30 mas.% jedilne organske kisline, prednostno citronske kisline in/ali jabolčne kisline in/ali fosforne kisline in, če je želeno, sol, začimbe, sadne arome in/ali med v koncentraciji, ki je primerna za aromatiziranje, in pitno vodo, katera dopolni predhodno omenjene komponente do 100 mas.%, segrejemo ob kontinuirnem mešanju do 65-90 °C, nato zmes emulgiramo, dokler ne postane sijoča in, če je želeno, toplotno obdelamo z UVT, nato pa paketiramo na znan način in ohladimo.3.5-5.0% by weight of skimmed-milk powder or an appropriate amount of milk protein concentrate in powder, 0.2-3.0% by weight, preferably 0.6-1.5% by weight of hydrocolloids within which 0 , 1-2.0% by weight of thermal protective hydrocolloid, preferably natural and / or modified starch and / or highly esterified pectin and 0.1-2.0% by weight of viscosity and / or gel forming hydrocolloid, preferably gelatin and / or guar gum flour and / or xanthan gum flour and / or gum flour from the robinia and 0.05-0.30% by weight edible organic acid, preferably citric acid and / or malic acid and / or phosphoric acid and, if desired, the salt, spices, fruit flavors and / or honey in a concentration suitable for flavoring and drinking water, which completes the abovementioned components to 100% by weight, is heated under continuous stirring to 65-90 ° C. , then the mixture is emulsified until it is shiny and, if desired, heat treated with UVT, then packaged in a known manner and cooled. 8. Postopek po zahtevku 7, označen s tem, da zmes emulgiramo pri 75-80 °C.Process according to claim 7, characterized in that the mixture is emulsified at 75-80 ° C. 9. Postopek po zahtevkih 7 ali 8, označen s tem, da zmes emulgiramo v mešalniku pri visokem številu vrtljajev, prednostno 2000-3000 vtr. na min., dokler ne postane sijoča, ali jo ponovno privedemo v ogrevalni rezervoar v kontinuirno delujoči emulgirni pripravi, prednostno v mikro-mešalniku, dezintegratorju ali koloidnem mlinu, dokler ne postane sijoča, ali z uporabo homogenizatorja s povečevanjem tlaka homogenizacije, dokler zmes ne postane sijoča.Process according to Claims 7 or 8, characterized in that the mixture is emulsified in a mixer at high speed, preferably 2000-3000 vtr. per min. until it becomes shiny, or it is fed back into the heating tank in a continuously operating emulsifier, preferably in a micro-mixer, disintegrator or colloidal mill, until it shines, or by using a homogenizer with increasing homogenization pressure until the mixture is it becomes radiant.
SI9700293A 1996-11-15 1997-11-14 Energy-reduced cream-butters and process for their production SI9700293A (en)

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EP1332678B1 (en) * 2002-02-01 2006-11-29 Comby Alexandre Milk product
US7658962B2 (en) * 2002-09-06 2010-02-09 Rich Products Corporation Cooking cream
FR3083701B1 (en) 2018-07-13 2020-08-14 Gifrer Barbezat OLEO-ALKALINE LINIMENT

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