SI9700054A - Device for testing physical properties of materials, particularly the resistivity to rolling fatigue of materials - Google Patents

Device for testing physical properties of materials, particularly the resistivity to rolling fatigue of materials Download PDF


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SI9700054A SI9700054A SI9700054A SI9700054A SI 9700054 A SI9700054 A SI 9700054A SI 9700054 A SI9700054 A SI 9700054A SI 9700054 A SI9700054 A SI 9700054A SI 9700054 A SI9700054 A SI 9700054A
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Jože Vižintin
Mitjan Kalin
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Univerza V Ljubljani
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Application filed by Univerza V Ljubljani filed Critical Univerza V Ljubljani
Priority to SI9700054A priority Critical patent/SI9700054A/en
Publication of SI9700054A publication Critical patent/SI9700054A/en



  • Investigating Strength Of Materials By Application Of Mechanical Stress (AREA)


This device for testing physical properties of materials, particularly the resistivity to rolling fatigue of materials represents an utmost simple and universal solution by which it is possible to test not only the prepared laboratory samples but also various kinds of finished products or their components where it is simpler to find an appropriate section for linear oscillatory movements of the test sphere (30) than for a circular one which used to be a condition for presently known test devices. This device features a test sphere (30) which is all along its surface (20) in a holding device (1) against the tested sample (2) in a point-to-point fitting linearly oscillatory guidable in two directions and at the same time exerting pressure provided by the pressuring mechanism (3) which is on the side (32) turned towards the tested sample (2) equipped with a supporting slide (33) featuring a groove (34) spreading in the rolling direction of the test sphere. (30). The mentioned slide (33) supports the test sphere (30) which is in the groove (34) movable in two directions.


Naprava za preizkušanje fizikalnih lastnosti gradiv, zlasti odpornosti na kotalčno utrujanje gradivApparatus for testing the physical properties of materials, in particular the resistance to rolling fatigue of materials

Pričujoča prijava se nanaša na napravo za preizkušanje fizikalnih lastnosti gradiv, zlasti odpornosti na kotalčno utrujanje gradiv. Pri preizkušanju kotalčne odpornosti gradiv se po površini preizkušanca pod določeno obremenitvijo in ob ustreznem številu ponovitev kotali preizkusno kroglo, pri čemer je med omenjeno kroglo in površino preizkušanca zagotovljeno točkasto naleganje.The present application relates to a device for testing the physical properties of materials, in particular the resistance to rolling fatigue of materials. When testing the rolling resistance of materials, a test ball is rolled over the surface of the subject under a certain load and with an appropriate number of repetitions, with point contact between the said sphere and the surface of the subject.

Namen izuma je zasnovati karseda enostavno in kar najbolj vsestransko uporabno napravo za preizkušanje odpornosti na kotalčno utrujanje gradiv, s katero bo dano kar največ možnosti preizkušanja, in sicer ne zgolj vnaprej pripravljenih laboratorijskih preizkušancev, temveč tudi najrazličnejših gotovih izdelkov ali njihovih sestavnih delov.The purpose of the invention is to design as simple and versatile useful device for testing the resistance to rolling fatigue of materials, which will give the maximum possible testing, not only pre-prepared laboratory testers, but also a variety of finished products or their components.

Znano je (npr. iz tehničnih opisov razpoložljivih preizkuševalnih naprav proizvajalca FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schafer AG), da naprave za preizkušanje odpornosti na kotalčno utrujanje gradiv obsegajo vpenjalno enoto, obremenilno enoto in pogonski sklop. Za potrebe pričujočega izuma je pravzaprav najbolj bistvena obremenilna enota, ki je je tako zasnovana, da omogoča vpetje preizkuševalne krogle določenega primera v primemo ležišče, v katerem je krogla prostozasukljivo nameščena in s tem prosto vrtljiva v vseh smereh. Razen tega je obremenilna enota zasučno zasnovana, tako da je ležišče preizkuševalne krogle vrtljivo okoli osi, s čimer je omogočeno premikanje preizkuševalne krogle v določeni ravnini po krožnici vnaprej določenega premera. Še nadalje je obremenilna enota prirejena za izvajanje določene obremenitve, s katero je med preizkušanjem krogla pritisnjena proti vsakokratnemu preizkušancu. Vpenjalna enota tovrstne naprave je prirejena za prejem preizkušanca in zanesljivo vpetje letega, zlasti glede na omenjeno obremenitev preizkusne krogle kot tudi na premikanje krogle po krožnici med preizkušanjem. Pogonski sklop je zasnovan z ustreznimi pogonskimi in nosilnimi deli, ki pri določeni obremenitvi preizkusne krogle omogočajo vsakokrat ustrezno kroženje preizkusne krogle po površini vsakokratnega preizkušanca, vpetega v vpenjalni enoti.It is known (for example, from the technical descriptions of the available FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schafer AG test rigs) that the rolling resistance testers of the materials comprise a clamping unit, a load unit and a drive assembly. For the purposes of the present invention, the most important is the load unit, which is designed to allow the test ball to be mounted in a particular case into a suitable bearing in which the ball is freely rotatable and thus freely rotatable in all directions. In addition, the load unit is rotatably designed so that the bearing of the test ball is rotatable about an axis, allowing movement of the test ball in a certain plane along a circle of a predetermined diameter. Furthermore, the load unit is adapted to carry a particular load which is pressed against the test piece during the test. The clamping unit of such a device is adapted to receive the test piece and securely clamp the fly, in particular with respect to the said test ball load as well as to move the ball around the circle during the test. The propulsion assembly is designed with suitable drive and load-bearing components, which, in the case of a certain load of the test ball, allow the test ball to be circulated adequately on the surface of each test piece clamped in the clamping unit.

Tovrstna naprava je razmeroma zapletena, vendar vsekakor omogoča preizkušanje kotalčnega utrujanja gradiv. V ta namen je pač vsakokrat potrebno razpolagati s preizkušancem, na katerega površini je možno predvideti krožno ροζ po kateri se med preizkušanjem izvrši velikansko število (npr. več sto tisoč ali več milijonov) kroženj ustrezno obremenjene preizkusne krogle, pri čemer mora biti med preizkusno kroglo in površino preizkušanca zagotovljeno točkasto naleganje. Tovrstne naprave naj bi bile po eni strani uporabne bodisi za laboratorijsko preizkušanje posebej v ta namen pripravljenih preizkušancev, po drugi strani pa tudi za preizkušanje gotovih izdelkov ali njihovih sestavnih delov. V določenih primerih oz. pri določenih gradivih (npr. pri vzorcih keramičnih gradiv, dragih in redkih kovinah in podobnem) se že pri laboratorijskih preizkusih izkaže, da je uporaba tovrstne preizkuševalne naprave lahko povezana z vrsto problemov. Zlasti pri gotovih izdelkih pa je - razen morda pri ležajih ali njihovih sestavnih delih praviloma težko najti za kroženje preizkusne krogle primemo površino in pri tem zagotoviti ustrezno vpetje.This kind of device is relatively complex, but it certainly makes it possible to test the rolling fatigue of materials. For this purpose, it is always necessary to have a tester on which surface it is possible to predict a circular ροζ, during which a huge number (eg hundreds of thousands or millions) of circulations of a properly loaded test ball is made during the test, and there must be a test bullet during the test and the surface of the test piece is provided with a point-to-point fit. Such devices should, on the one hand, be useful either for laboratory testing of test specimens specially prepared for this purpose and, on the other, for testing finished products or their components. In certain cases, for certain materials (for example, samples of ceramic materials, precious and rare metals, etc.), it is already proven in laboratory tests that the use of such a testing device can be associated with a number of problems. Particularly for finished products, except for the bearings or their components, as a rule, it is difficult to find a surface to circulate the test ball and ensure that it is properly clamped.

Po izumu je naprava za preizkušanje fizikalnih lastnosti gradiv, zlasti odpornosti na kotalčno utrujanje gradiv, tako zasnovana, daje obremenilna enota s pogonskim sklopom povezana in gnana na ta način, da je omogočeno linearno oscilatomo gibanje obremenilne enote in s tem preizkusne krogle po površini preizkušanca, vpetega v vpenjalni enoti. Pri tem je obremenilna enota prednostno opremljena z navojnim drogom, preko katerega je priključljiva na ročični mehanizem, ki je povezan in gnan z vsakokrat ustreznim pogonskim sklopom. Omenjena preizkusna krogla je po površini v vpenjalni enoti vpetega preizkušanca v točkovnem naleganju linearno oscilatomo vodljiva sem ter tja in hkrati obremenjena s pomočjo obremenilnega sklopa, ki je na proti preizkušancu obrnjeni strani opremljen z naslonsko tečino, v katere žlebu, ki poteka v smeri kotaljenja omenjene preizkusne krogle, je nameščena in oprta preizkusna krogla.According to the invention, a device for testing the physical properties of materials, in particular the resistance to rolling fatigue of materials, is designed so that the load unit with the drive assembly is connected and driven in such a way as to allow linear oscillatory movement of the load unit and thereby test balls across the test surface, clamped in the clamping unit. Preferably, the load unit is provided with a threaded rod through which it is connected to a crank mechanism which is connected and driven to the respective drive train. Said test ball is linearly oscillate-guided linearly and pivotally along the surface in the clamping unit of the clamped specimen in a point-by-point contact, and provided with a load-bearing assembly on the opposite side of the test piece, into which the groove extending in the direction of rolling said test balls, a test ball is installed and retracted.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje obrazložen s primerom izvedbe, prikazanim na priloženi skici, pri tem pa kažeta sl. 1 napravo za preizkušanje fizikalnih lastnosti gradiv, zlasti odpornosti na kotalčno utrujanje gradiv, v narisu; in sl. 2 napravo po sl. 1 v pogledu od strani.The invention will now be explained in more detail with the embodiment shown in the accompanying drawing, showing in FIG. 1 a device for testing the physical properties of materials, in particular the resistance to rolling fatigue of materials, in an outline; and FIG. 2 is a device according to FIG. 1 in side view.

Naprava za preizkušanje fizikalnih lastnosti gradiv, zlasti odpornosti na kotalčno utrujanje gradiv, obsega vpenjalno enoto (1), v katero je možno vpeti vsakokraten preizkušanec (2), kot tudi obremenilno enoto (3), obsegajočo prostozasukljivo kroglo (30), ki jo je možno pod določeno obremenitvijo pritisniti proti površini (20) vsakokratnega preizkušanca (2) in jo hkrati kotaliti po omenjeni površini (20). Pri tem je med omenjeno kroglo (30) in površino (20) preizkušanca (2) vsekakor potrebno zagotoviti točkasto naleganje. Razen tega naprava obsega tudi neprikazan pogonski sklop, ki omogoča ustrezno premikanje obremenilne enote (3) in s tem seveda tudi premikanje preizkusne krogle (30) po površini (20) preizkušanca (2).A device for testing the physical properties of materials, in particular the resistance to rolling fatigue of materials, comprises a clamping unit (1) into which the test piece (2) can be clamped, as well as a loading unit (3) comprising a free-rotating ball (30), which it is possible to press against the surface (20) of the respective test piece (2) under a certain load and at the same time roll it over said surface (20). In this case, it is absolutely necessary to ensure a spot bearing between said ball (30) and the surface (20) of the test specimen (2). In addition, the device also includes a non-illustrated drive assembly that allows the load unit (3) to be moved properly, and thus of course the test ball (30) moves across the surface (20) of the test piece (2).

Omenjena preizkusna krogla (30) je po površini (20) v vpenjalni enoti (1) vpetega preizkušanca (2) v točkovnem naleganju linerano oscilatomo vodljiva sem ter tja in hkrati obremenjena s pomočjo obremenilne enote (3), ki je na proti preizkušancu (2) obrnjeni strani (32) opremljena z naslonsko tečino (33). Slednja je opremljena z žlebom, ki je izveden v smeri kotaljenja preizkusne krogle (30) in v katerem je nameščena in oprta preizkusna krogla (30), ki je v žlebu 34 tudi premakljiva sem ter tja.Said test ball (30) is guided on the surface (20) in the clamping unit (1) of the clamped specimen (2) in a point-by-point contact with the load unit (3), which is opposite to the specimen (2). ) facing side (32) provided with backing fluid (33). The latter is provided with a groove which is designed in the direction of rolling of the test ball (30) and in which the test ball (30) is mounted and supported, which is also movable back and forth in the groove 34.

Pri napravi po izumu je tako ugodna zasnova možna zahvaljujoč dejstvu, da je obremenilna enota (3) z vsakokrat ustreznim pogonskim sklopom povezana in gnana na ta način, da je omogočeno linearno oscilatomo gibanje obremenilne enote (3) in s tem preizkusne krogle (30) po površini (20) preizkušanca (2), vpetega v vpenjalni enoti (1). V ta namen je obremenilna enota (3) opremljena z navojnim drogom (31), preko katerega je priključljiva na primeren ročični mehanizem, ki je povezan in gnan z vsakokrat ustreznim pogonskim sklopom.In the device according to the invention, such an advantageous design is possible due to the fact that the load unit (3) is connected and driven in each case with the corresponding drive assembly in such a way that linear oscillatory motion of the load unit (3) and thus the test balls (30) are enabled. along the surface (20) of the test piece (2) clamped in the clamping unit (1). For this purpose, the load unit (3) is provided with a threaded rod (31) through which it is connected to a suitable crank mechanism, which is connected and driven by the respective drive train.

Na ta način je realizirana karseda enostavna in univerzalna naprava, s katero je možno preizkušati ne zgolj vnaprej pripravljene laboratorijske preizkušance, temveč tudi najrazličnejše gotove izdelke ali njihove sestavne dele, pri katerih je na površini vsekakor bistveno enostavneje najti območje za linearno oscilatomo premikanje preizkusne krogle (30) kot pa za krožno, kar je bilo pogoj pri doslej znanih preizkuševalnih napravah.In this way, a simple and versatile device can be realized, with which it is possible to test not only pre-prepared laboratory testers, but also a variety of finished products or their components, in which it is certainly much easier to find the area for linear oscillatory movement of the test sphere on the surface ( 30) than for circular, which has been a prerequisite for test devices known to date.

Claims (3)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Naprava za preizkušanje fizikalnih lastnosti gradiv, zlasti odpornosti na kotalčno utrujanje gradiv, obsegajoča vpenjalno enoto (1), v katero je možno vpeti vsakokraten preizkušanec (2), kot tudi obremenilno enoto (3), obsegajočo prostozasukljivo kroglo (30), ki jo je možno pod določeno obremenitvijo pritisniti proti površini (20) vsakokratnega preizkušanca (2) in jo hkrati kotaliti po omenjeni površini (20), pri čemer je med kroglo (30) in površino (20) preizkušanca (2) zagotovljeno točkasto naleganje, in razen tega tudi vsakokrat ustrezen pogonski sklop, ki omogoča premikanje obremenilne enote (3) in s tem omenjeno premikanje preizkusne krogle (30) po površini (20) preizkušanca (2/ označena s tem, da je obremenilna enota (3) z vsakokrat ustreznim pogonskim sklopom povezana in gnana na ta način, da je omogočeno linearno oscilatomo gibanje obremenilne enote (3) in s tem preizkusne krogle (30) po površini (20) preizkušanca (2), vpetega v vpenjalni enoti (1).A device for testing the physical properties of materials, in particular the resistance to rolling fatigue of materials, comprising a clamping unit (1) into which each test piece (2) can be clamped, as well as a loading unit (3) comprising a free-rotating ball (30) it can be pressed against the surface (20) of the respective test piece (2) under a certain load and at the same time rolled over said surface (20), ensuring a point-to-point contact between the ball (30) and the surface (20), in addition, in each case, a suitable drive assembly allowing movement of the load unit (3) and thus the movement of the test ball (30) over the surface (20) of the test piece (2 / characterized in that the load unit (3) is in each case a suitable drive unit coupled and driven in such a way that linear motion of the load unit (3) and thus of the test ball (30) is possible over the surface (20) of the test piece (2) clamped in the clamping unit (1). 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, daje obremenilna enota (3) opremljena z navojnim drogom (31), preko katerega je priključljiva na vsakokrat primeren ročični mehanizem, ki je povezan in gnan z vsakokrat ustreznim pogonskim sklopom.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the load unit (3) is provided with a threaded rod (31) through which it is connected to a suitable crank mechanism, which is connected and driven by the corresponding drive assembly, in each case. 3. Naprava po kateremkoli od prehodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da je preizkusna krogla (30) po površini (20) v vpenjalni enoti (1) vpetega preizkušanca (2) v točkovnem naleganju linerano oscilatomo vodljiva sem ter tja in hkrati obremenjena s pomočjo obremenilnega sklopa (3), ki je proti preizkušancu (2) obrnjeni strani (32) opremljen z naslonsko tečino (33), obsegajočo v smeri kotaljenja krogle (30) potekajoč žleb (34).Apparatus according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the test ball (30) is guided, both linearly and linearly, by a linear oscillator in point-to-point contact with the surface (20) in the clamping unit (1). a load assembly (3) provided with a backing fluid (33) against the test piece (2) facing side (32), comprising a running groove (34) in the direction of the ball (30).
SI9700054A 1997-03-10 1997-03-10 Device for testing physical properties of materials, particularly the resistivity to rolling fatigue of materials SI9700054A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI9700054A SI9700054A (en) 1997-03-10 1997-03-10 Device for testing physical properties of materials, particularly the resistivity to rolling fatigue of materials

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SI9700054A SI9700054A (en) 1997-03-10 1997-03-10 Device for testing physical properties of materials, particularly the resistivity to rolling fatigue of materials

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SI9700054A SI9700054A (en) 1997-03-10 1997-03-10 Device for testing physical properties of materials, particularly the resistivity to rolling fatigue of materials

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