SI9300617A - Cooking receptacle - Google Patents

Cooking receptacle Download PDF


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SI9300617A SI9300617A SI9300617A SI9300617A SI 9300617 A SI9300617 A SI 9300617A SI 9300617 A SI9300617 A SI 9300617A SI 9300617 A SI9300617 A SI 9300617A SI 9300617 A SI9300617 A SI 9300617A
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cover portion
contact surfaces
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Slovenian (sl)
Horst Schultz
Original Assignee
Synkrona Ag
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Application filed by Synkrona Ag filed Critical Synkrona Ag
Publication of SI9300617A publication Critical patent/SI9300617A/en



    • A47J36/00Parts, details or accessories of cooking-vessels
    • A47J36/06Lids or covers for cooking-vessels
    • A47J36/08Lids or covers for cooking-vessels for draining liquids from vessels


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Food Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Cookers (AREA)
  • Control And Other Processes For Unpacking Of Materials (AREA)
  • Food-Manufacturing Devices (AREA)
  • Details Of Rigid Or Semi-Rigid Containers (AREA)
  • Frying-Pans Or Fryers (AREA)


A cooking vessel has a bottom (4) linked to sidewalls (3) and a removable lid (1) which closes the inside of the cooking vessel in the area of the top edges (5) of the sidewalls (3). The area of the top edges (5) and the lid (1) have opposite, substantially matching bearing surfaces (5, 6). The object of the invention is to provide an economic and easy to realize solution which allows liquids to be poured from the vessel while solid substances are retained therein, without making its use difficult or impossible. For that purpose, projections (7) and recesses (7) are arranged on the bearing surfaces (5, 6). In the closed state, the projections (7) are engaged in the recesses (8) and when the lid (1) is rotated out of the closed position, the projections (7) lie on the opposite bearing surface (6) and define a slot between both bearing surfaces (5, 6).


(54) KUHALNA POSODA (57) Pri kuhalni posodi z dnom in nanj priključenimi stranskimi stenami ter s snemljivim pokrovnim delom, ki zapira notranji prostor kuhalne posode v zgornjem robnem območju stranskih sten, pri kateri zgornje robno območje in pokrovni del vsebujeta vsakokrat krožno sklenjeni, medsebojno v bistvu skladni naležni ploskvi, je, da bi bilo omogočeno odlivanje tekočin pri istočasnem zadrževanju trdnih sestavin s pomočjo rešitve, ki je glede cene ugodna in jo je moč enostavno izdelati in ki uporabe ne otežuje ali ovira, predvideno, da so v naležnih ploskvah (5,6) vsakokrat razporejene izbokline (7) in vgreznine (8), pri čemer v zaprtem stanju izbokline (7) ubirajo z vgrezninami (8) in pri zasuku pokrovnega dela (1) iz zaprtega položaja izbokline (7) naležejo na nasproti ležečo naležno ploskev (6) in med obema naležnima ploskvama (5,6) določajo režo.(54) KITCHEN (57) In the case of cookware with bottom and side walls connected to it and with a detachable lid that closes the inner space of the cooker in the upper edge area of the side walls, in which the upper edge area and the lid part are in each case circular, a substantially consistent contact surface is to allow liquids to be dispensed while retaining solids by means of a cost-effective, easy-to-manufacture solution that does not impede or impede the use provided in the contact surfaces (5,6) the protuberances (7) and notches (8) arranged in each case, while in the closed state the protrusions (7) are harvested by the recesses (8) and, when rotating the cover part (1), from the closed position of the protrusion (7) the lying contact surface (6) and between the two contact surfaces (5,6) define the gap.

Synkrona AGSynkrona AG

Kuhalna posodaCookware

Izum se nanaša na kuhalno posodo po uvodnem delu zahtevka 1.The invention relates to a cookware according to the introductory part of claim 1.

Pri uporabi tovrstnih kuhalnih posod je mnogokrat potrebno odliti segrete tekočine, v posodi pa kljub temu zadržati trdne sestavine jedi. Za rešitev te naloge že obstajajo razne, deloma zamotane konstrukcije.When using such cooking utensils, it is often necessary to pour out the heated liquids, but still retain the solid ingredients of the dishes in the cookware. Various, partially wrapped structures already exist to accomplish this task.

Spis CH 309 501 opisuje kuhalni lonec s pokrovom, pri katerem so v zgornjem robnem območju lonca razporejeni izlivni nastavki (dulčki) in na robu pokrova so razporejene izbokline. S pomočjo teh je sicer možno tekočine odlivati, ne da bi pri tem skupaj z njimi šle tudi trdne snovi, toda ta lonec izkazuje slabo tesnilno sposobnost. Bolj modernih kuhalnih postopkov, kot npr. kuhanje z malo vode, pri katerih se je treba izogibati izgubam tekočin, pri tem loncu ni mogoče izvajati. Enaka pomanjkljivost se ugotavlja pri več kuhalnih posodah, ki omogočajo odlivanje z bočnim nastavkom (dulcem).File CH 309 501 describes a cooking pot with a lid in which the outlet nozzles (nozzles) are arranged in the upper edge of the pot and projections are provided at the edge of the lid. With the help of these, it is possible to drain liquids without having solids with them, but this pot exhibits poor sealing ability. More modern cooking procedures, such as cooking with little water to avoid the loss of liquids cannot be performed on this pot. The same drawback is found in several cooking vessels, which allow casting with a side nozzle.

Ta pomanjkljivost je sicer pri kuhalnem loncu, ki je znan iz spisa FR 89 14570, odpravljena, so pa tu uporabljene zamotane geometrije robov tako pri robu lonca kot tudi pri robu pokrova, ki z zasukom pokrova relativno proti loncu omogočajo spreminjanje velikosti odprtine med pokrovom in loncem. Na osnovi geometrije odprtine ta lonec za določeno snov, ki se kuha, ni primeren. Manjši delci, kot denimo riž, silijo k malim širinam reže, tako da odtekanje skozi te odprtine, ki so tedaj zelo majhne, postane težavno.This defect has been eliminated in the cooking pot known from FR 89 14570, but the edges of the edges are used here, both at the edge of the pot and at the edge of the lid, which, by rotating the lid relative to the pot, allow the opening to be resized and pots. Based on the geometry of the opening, this pot is not suitable for a particular cooked substance. Smaller particles, such as rice, force the widths of the slots, so leakage through these openings, which are then very small, becomes difficult.

Kuhalna posoda, ki je opisana v mednarodni prijavi, objavljeni pod številko WOThe cookware described in the international application published under the WO number

90/09133, ima neokroglo telo lonca, ki ima v smeri k dvema stranema usmerjeni izbočenji, ki sta v zaprtem stanju kuhalne posode zakriti s prav tako neokroglim pok2 rovom. Z zasukom neokroglega pokrova relativno k loncu nastaneta stranski reži, ki se ju da uporabiti za izlivanje. Zaradi robnega območja, ki ne poteka krožno, je izdelava tesnilnih naležnih površin bolj težka in dražja kot pri cilindričnih posodah.90/09133, has a non-circular pot body which has two projections projecting toward the two sides, which are obscured in the closed state of the cooking pot by an equally non-circular cover. By rotating the non-circular lid relative to the pot, side slots are formed which can be used for pouring. Due to the non-circular edge area, making the sealing surfaces more difficult and more expensive than for cylindrical vessels.

Razen tega je možnost zlaganja v skladanico te kuhalne posode z drugimi, običajno cilindričnimi kuhalnimi posodami omejena.In addition, the ability to stack this cookware with other, usually cylindrical, cookware is limited.

V skladu s tem je izum osnovan na nalogi, pri uvodoma opredeljeni kuhalni posodi omogočiti odlivanje tekočin ob istočasnem pridržanju trdnih sestavin s pomočjo rešitve, katere cena bo ugodna in izdelava enostavna in ki uporabe ne otežuje ali ovira.Accordingly, the invention is based on the task of enabling the outlet of a cookware to be dispensed with the simultaneous retention of solids by means of a solution which is inexpensive and easy to manufacture and which does not impede or hinder its use.

Ta naloga je rešena z značilnostmi zahtevka 1.This task is solved by the features of claim 1.

S to rešitvijo osnovna oblika kuhalne posode nikakor ni prizadeta; nikakršni dodatni nastavki (dulci) ali izbokline niso potrebni. Ureditev izboklin in vgreznin v nasprotnih si naležnih ploskvah pokrovnega dela in zgornjega območja stranskih sten ne prizadene zasnove naležnih ploskev, ki natančno tesnijo, saj so tako izbokline kot tudi vgreznine lahko majhne.With this solution, the basic shape of the cookware is in no way affected; no additional nozzles or protrusions are required. The arrangement of the projections and cuts in the opposite contact surfaces of the cover portion and the upper region of the side walls does not affect the design of the contact surfaces, which are tightly sealed, since both projections and cuts may be small.

Čeprav se da izbokline izdelati s poljubnimi oblikovalskimi elementi, kot npr. s pomočjo kovic ali vijakov, pa stroškovno ugodna rešitev obstaja v tem, da med vtiskavanjem pokrovnega dela in zgornjega robnega območja stranskih sten v naležnih ploskvah vsakokrat izvedemo vtisnjenja. Zaokrožene izbokline in vgreznine, ki pri tem nastanejo, so mehansko stabilne in zaradi tega, ker so polmeri upogiba majhni, se jih da enostavno čistiti. Enostavno rokovanje se še poenostavi, če so izbokline in vgreznine porazdeljene vsakokrat simetrično vzdolž naležnih ploskev in ima ena naležna ploskev najmanj tri izbokline, druga naležna ploskev pa najmanj tri vgreznine. S tem je omogočenih več raznih položajev pokrovnega dela tako za zaprto kot tudi za odprto postavitev.Although protrusions can be made with any design elements, such as. with the help of rivets or screws, however, a cost-effective solution is that each time an impression is made between the insertion of the cover portion and the upper edge region of the side walls in the contact surfaces. The rounded bumps and cuts that result are mechanically stable and can be easily cleaned because the bending radii are small. Simple handling is further simplified if the bumps and bumps are distributed symmetrically along the contact surfaces each time, and one contact surface has at least three projections and the other contact surface has at least three bumps. This enables several different positions of the cover part for both closed and open layout.

Ni potrebe, da so izbokline kot tudi vgreznine krožno okrogle, temveč so lahko ovalni, zvezdasti, večkotni ali v obliki znaka firme, tako da se jih da bodisi vključiti v dizajn kuhalne posode ali pa je omogočena namestitev storitvene ali blagovne znamke, ki leži v območju vidnega polja.There is no need for the projections as well as the recesses to be circular, but they can be oval, star-shaped, polygonal or in the form of a company sign, so that they can either be incorporated into the design of the cookware or allow the installation of a service or brand lying in field of view.

Uporaba posode se lahko še poenostavi in zagotovi se zanesljivejši nased pokrovnega dela tudi pri povišanem razvoju pare, če so vsakokratne naležne ploskve relativno k ravnini, potekajoči vzporedno s površino dna, nagnjene. S to nagnjenostjo naležnih ploskev pride do mehansko stabilnega naseda med konično potekajočima naležnima ploskvama, ki ima samocentrirni učinek tudi pri nenatančno nameščenem pokrovnem delu. Nagib, ki poteka v radialni smeri navzven v smeri gor, ima funkcijo vračalnega teka po načinu lijaka za kondenzat v območju naležnih ploskev; s tem se da deloma izogniti se izgubi tekočin pri kuhanju vložka.The use of the container can be further simplified and a more reliable seating of the lid part is ensured even in the case of increased steam development if the respective contact surfaces are inclined relative to the plane parallel to the bottom surface. This inclination of the contact surfaces results in a mechanically stable support between the conically extending contact surfaces, which has a self-centering effect even with the imprecisely positioned cover part. The slope, which extends radially outwards upwards, has the function of reciprocating in the manner of a condensate funnel in the area of contact surfaces; this avoids in part the loss of liquids when cooking the cartridge.

Nagib naležnih ploskev, ki poteka radialno navzven v smeri dol, lahko definira sklenjeno obročasto ročajno letev in še dalje izboljša preglednost nad značilno oblikovanimi izboklinami in vgrezninami.The inclination of the contact surfaces, extending radially outward in the downward direction, can define the closed annular handle bar and further improve the transparency of the typically formed bumps and notches.

S pomočjo v pokrovnem delu in/ali v robnem območju stranskih sten razporejenih izrezov, ki prednostno ne presegajo širine naležnih ploskev, se da s pomočjo povečanja stranskega odmika med pokrovnim delom in stransko steno povečati pretočno količino tekočine pri odlivanju.With the aid of the recesses and / or in the marginal area of the side walls of the recesses, which preferably do not exceed the width of the contact surfaces, by increasing the lateral distance between the cover part and the side wall, the flow rate of the fluid during casting can be increased.

Z ročajnima organoma, razporejenima na stranskih stenah kuhalne posode, ki imata držalna elementa za držanje pokrovnega dela, se da povečati zanesljivost pri odlivanju. Pri odlivanju potemtakem ni več nujno, dotikati se z rokami pokrovnega dela, ki je večinoma segret. S tem ni nevarnosti, da bi se poparili. Če sta držalna elementa narejena iz zavihtljivih locnov ali loput, ki vsakokrat v nazaj zavihtenem položaju nalegata na lupino ročaja v ročajnem organu, v naprej zavihtenem položaju pa bočno točkasto nalegata na rob pokrovnega dela, je možno enostavno in ergonomično prijemanje. Medtem ko palec vsake roke drži locna ali loputi v naprej zavihtenem položaju, lahko z ostalimi prsti zanesljivo držimo ročajni organ. Točkovno naleganje na robu pokrovnega dela zmanjšuje prenos toplote med pokrovnim delom in držalnima elementoma. Če se locna s stranskima podaljškoma vsaj delno raztezata v odprtini ročajnega organa in imata tako elastičnost, ki dopušča neporušno deformacijo locna za odvzem in namestitev locna, se na ta način olajša tako izdelava kot tudi čiščenje kuhalne posode.With the handle bodies located on the side walls of the cookware, which have holding elements for holding the lid part, it is possible to increase the reliability of the casting. Therefore, when casting, it is no longer necessary to touch the hands of the lid, which is mostly heated. This does not put you at risk of popping. If the retaining elements are made of swivel arches or flaps, which in each case in the backward-facing position rest on the shell of the handle in the handle body, and in the forward-folded position, laterally point-pointing on the edge of the cover part, simple and ergonomic gripping is possible. While the thumb of each hand holds the bow or flaps in a forward-curved position, the rest of the hand can be held securely with the handle. Spot mounting on the edge of the cover portion reduces heat transfer between the cover part and the retaining elements. If the extensions with the lateral extensions extend at least partially in the opening of the handle body and have such elasticity that permits non-destructive deformation of the extensible locus, the design and cleaning of the cookware are thus facilitated.

Če sta držalna elementa narejena iz na ročajnem organu zasučno pritrjenih mostičev, ki sta vsakokrat v nazaj zasukanem položaju razporejena vsaj delno pod ročajno lupino ročajnega organa ali v njej, v navspred zasukanem položaju pa štrlita čez določeno območje pokrovnega dela, držalni element ne vpliva na dizajn ročajnega organa. Če mostič razporedimo nad ročajni element, je lahko izveden kot viden, oblikovalen element.If the retaining elements are made of pivotally fastened bridges, which are each positioned at least partially below the crankcase or in the reversely rotated position, and protrude beyond the defined region of the cover portion in the rotated position, the retaining element does not affect the design of the handle body. If the bridge is positioned above the handle element, it can be designed as a visible, design element.

Kotanji za sprejem prstov v ročajni lupini kot tudi povišani kopasti del na mostiču poenostavljajo preprijemanje.The finger picking angles in the handle shell as well as the raised bushy parts on the bridge make it easier to grip.

Nadaljnja trajna in zanesljivo delujoča verzija držalnih elementov sestoji iz drsnikov, ki sta vsakokrat v ročajnem organu držana vzdolžno pomično. V nazaj potisnjenem položaju drsnika segata čez ali pod del ročajne lupine ali ju ročajna lupina sprejme.A further durable and reliably working version of the retaining members consists of sliders, which are each held in the handle body longitudinally movable. In the backward slid position, the sliders extend over or below a portion of the crankcase or are received by the crankcase.

Nobena od izvedb po izumu ne omejuje možnosti zlaganja kuhalne posode v skladanico in ne zmanjšuje običajnega izkoriščanja ali uporabe določenih postopkov kuhanja. Če pokrov med kuhanjem uporabljamo v odprtem položaju, t.j. z režo med naležnima ploskvama, ki jo tvorijo izbokline, je olajšan dovod zraka do vložka, ki se kuha. Možno je pečenje in zgoščanje, da smo zaščiteni pred špricanjem; pri kuhanju lahko dovedeni hladilni zrak zmanjša nevarnost prekuhanja.None of the embodiments of the invention limit the possibility of stacking the cookware and does not reduce the conventional utilization or use of certain cooking processes. If the lid is used in the open position during cooking, i.e. the gap between the contact surfaces formed by the projections facilitates the supply of air to the cartridge being cooked. It is possible to bake and thicken to protect ourselves from splashing; when cooking, the cooling air supply can reduce the risk of overcooking.

Izum je v nadaljnjem v podrobnostih opisan na osnovi priloženih skic.The invention is further described in detail by way of the accompanying drawings.

Pri tem kažejo:In doing so, they show:

sl. 1 del kuhalne posode v preseku po črti A-A s sl. 2, sl. 2 robno območje pokrovnega dela v tlorisu s črtkano nakazanimi izboklinami, ki se nahajo v vgrezninah, sl. 3a, 3b dele kuhalnih posod z nagnjenimi naležnimi ploskvami v preseku po črti A-A s sl. 2, sl. 4a, 4b dele kuhalnih posod, predstavljenih v sl. 3a, 3b, z vsakokrat nameščenim pokrovnim delom, sl. 5 prvi izvedbeni primer ročajnega organa v tlorisu z na njem nameščenim držalnim elementom, sl. 6 prvi izvedbeni primer ročajnega organa v pogledu od strani z na njem nameščenim držalnim elementom, sl. 7 nadaljnji izvedbeni primer ročajnega organa delno v prerezu z nanj pritrjenim držalnim elementom, sl. 8 nadaljnji izvedbeni primer ročajnega organa v pogledu od strani z nanj pritrjenim držalnim elementom, sl. 9 ročajni organ s sl. 8 v tlorisu z nanj pritrjenim držalnim elementom, sl. 10 delni presek nadaljnjega izvedbenega primera ročajnega organa z nanj pritrjenim držalnim elementom, in sl. 11 ročajni organ s sl. 10 v tlorisu z nanj pritrjenim držalnim elementom.FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of the cooking zone along line A-A of FIG. 2, FIG. Fig. 2 shows the edge area of the cover portion in the floor plan with the dashed outline projections located in the notches, FIG. 3a, 3b are portions of cooking vessels with sloping contact surfaces in cross-section along line A-A of FIG. 2, FIG. 4a, 4b are portions of the cooking vessels shown in FIG. 3a, 3b, each having a cover portion, FIG. 5 is a first embodiment of a handle in plan with a mounting element mounted thereon; FIG. 6 is a first embodiment of a handle in view from the side of a holding member mounted thereon; FIG. 7 is a further embodiment of a handle body partly in cross-section with a holding element attached thereto; FIG. 8 is a further embodiment of the handle in view from the side of the holding member attached thereto; FIG. 9 shows the handle body of FIG. 8 is a plan view of a holding element attached thereto; FIG. 10 is a partial cross-sectional view of a further embodiment of a handle body with a holding element attached thereto, and FIG. 11 shows the handle body of FIG. 10 in the plan with the holding element attached thereto.

Kuhalna posoda sestoji v bistvu iz pokrovnega dela 1 in spodnjega dela 2 s cilindričnimi stranskimi stenami 3 in krožno okroglim ravnim dnom 4.The cookware consists essentially of a lid part 1 and a lower part 2 with cylindrical side walls 3 and a circular, flat bottom 4.

Stranska stena 3, ki je na skici sl. 1 predstavljena delno v prerezu, ima v svojem zgornjem robnem območju osno navzven potekajočo razširitev, katere zgornja stran tvori v bistvu ravno naležno ploskev 5. Pokrovni del 1 ima prav tako osne razširitve; pri tem v bistvu ravna spodnja stran osne razširitve tvori naležno ploskev 6. V zaprtem stanju kuhalne posode se naležni ploskvi 5, 6 mehansko stikata, razmik, ki pri tem med njima obstaja, pa je s pomočjo izmenične oblikosklepne zveze držan tako majhen, da že majhne količine uparjene tekočine povzročijo, da nastane sloj kondenzata, ki kuhalno posodo zatesni.The side wall 3 of FIG. 1, shown partly in cross-section, has an extending axially outward extending in its upper edge region, the upper side of which is essentially a flat contact surface 5. The cover portion 1 also has axial extensions; in this case, the substantially flat underside of the axial extension forms a contact surface 6. In the closed state of the cooking vessel, the contact surfaces 5, 6 are mechanically interconnected, and the space between them is kept so small by means of an alternating shape-locking connection that small amounts of evaporated liquid cause a condensate layer to seal the cookware.

V naležni ploskvi 5 so izvedene izbokline 7, ki so simetrično porazdeljene po krožnem obodu. S skladno ureditvijo so v naležni ploskvi 6 izvedene vgreznine 8, ki v zaprtem stanju kuhalne posode v celoti sprejmejo izbokline 7.In the contact surface 5, projections 7 are arranged which are symmetrically distributed over a circular circumference. In accordance with the arrangement, the recesses 8 are formed in the contact surface 6, which in the closed state of the cooking vessel fully accepts the projections 7.

Tako izbokline 7 kot tudi vgreznine 8 so narejene s pomočjo pri oblikovanju kuhalne posode z vtisnjenjem izdelanih vdrtin.Both the projections 7 and the recesses 8 are made to aid in the design of the cookware by imprinting the recesses.

V opisanih izvedbenih primerih štrlijo izbokline 7 vsakokrat iznad naležne ploskve 5 spodnjega dela 2 posode. Izbokline pa so lahko tudi narejene v naležni ploskvi 6 pokrovnega dela 1, vgreznine 8 pa v naležni ploskvi 5 spodnjega dela 2 posode. Prav tako se dajo narediti poljubne kombinacije izboklin in vgreznin v vsakokratnih naležnih ploskvah 5,6.In the embodiments described above, the projections 7 protrude above the contact surface 5 of the lower portion 2 of the container each time. The protuberances may also be made in the contact surface 6 of the lid portion 1 and the recesses 8 in the contact surface 5 of the lower portion 2 of the container. Any combinations of bumps and cuts may also be made in the respective contact surfaces 5.6.

Pri nadaljnjem izvedbenem primeru, ki v skicah ni zajet, je na voljo dva- ali trikrat več vgreznin 8 kot izboklin 7. Vgreznine 8 imajo vsakokrat po skupinah v smeri vrtenja zamaknjeno naraščajočo globino. S pomočjo tega se da ustrezno zasukanemu nameščanju pokrovnega dela med naležno ploskvijo 5 in naležno ploskvijo 6 vzpostaviti reže različnih širin.In a further embodiment not covered by the drawings, there are two or three times more grooves 8 than the projection 7. The grooves 8 have, in groups in the direction of rotation, a displaced increasing depth. This allows slots of different widths to be positioned properly by rotating the cover portion between the support surface 5 and the support surface 6.

V skicah sl. 3a in 3b sta predstavljena spodnja dela 2 posod, katerih naležni ploskvi 5 imata glede na pravi kot odstopajočo nagnjenost relativno k stranski steni 3. Kot nagnjenosti je vsakokrat označen s pomočjo dveh z ločno črto povezanih puščic in lahko pri izvedbenem primeru po sl. 3a znaša od 15° do 90°. Kot nagnjenosti pri izvedbenem primeru s sl. 3b znaša od 0° do 45°.In the sketches of FIG. 3a and 3b show the lower portions of 2 vessels whose contact surfaces 5 have, with respect to the right angle of deviation, relative to the side wall 3. The angle of inclination is each indicated by two separate arrows connected and, in the embodiment of FIG. 3a ranges from 15 ° to 90 °. The inclination angle of the embodiment of FIG. 3b ranges from 0 ° to 45 °.

Pokrovna dela imata, vsakokrat prilegajoče se danemu izvedbenemu primeru, naležni ploskvi 6, ki imata v bistvu enak kot nagnjenosti kot naležni ploskvi 5.The cover parts, in each case corresponding to the embodiment, have contact surfaces 6, which have essentially the same inclination as the contact surfaces 5.

Kot je predstavljeno na skicah sl. 4a in 4b, nastane z nagnjenima naležnima ploskvama 5, 6 koničen nased za pokrovni del 1 v spodnjem delu 2, ki ima pri zapiranju vodeč in samocentriren učinek.As shown in the drawings of FIG. 4a and 4b are formed by the inclined contact surfaces 5, 6 of the tapered seat for the cover portion 1 in the lower portion 2, which has a guiding and self-centering effect upon closing.

Dodatno imata lahko, kot je predstavljeno na skicah sl. 8 in 9, tako pokrovni del 1 kot tudi robno območje stranskih sten 3 izreze 9,10, ki ne presegajo širine naležnih ploskev 5, 6 in lokalno povečujejo bočni odmik med pokrovnim delom 1 in stransko stenoThey may additionally have, as shown in the drawings of FIG. 8 and 9, both the cover portion 1 and the edge region of the side walls 3 have cutouts 9,10 that do not exceed the width of the contact surfaces 5, 6 and locally increase the lateral distance between the cover part 1 and the side wall

3. Prosti prostor, ki ga tvorijo izrezi 9, 10, povečuje pretočni kanal, ki je tekočini na razpolago pri odlivanju in izboljšuje razmere med odlivanjem. Izrezi 9, 10 pa se zaradi svoje sorazmerno majhne višine pri nakladanju posod druge na drugo kot tudi pri izdelavi ne odražajo kot pomanjkljivost. V nadaljnjem ima pokrovni del 1 lahko namesto izrezov 9 ali dodatno k njim v skicah nepredstavljene nosove, ki segajo v izreze 10 in v odprtem položaju pokrovnega dela 1 zagotavljajo zasučno zavarovan nased pokrovnega dela 1 na spodnjem delu 2.3. The free space formed by the recesses 9, 10 increases the flow channel available to the fluid at the outflow and improves the conditions during the outflow. Cutouts 9 and 10, however, are not a disadvantage due to their relatively small height when loading containers, as well as from manufacture. In the following, the cover part 1 may have, instead of the cutouts 9 or in addition to them in the drawings, non-represented noses extending into the recesses 10 and in the open position of the cover part 1 to provide a pivotally secured seat of the cover part 1 at the lower part 2.

Na stranskih stenah 3 sta na medsebojno nasprotnih si straneh nameščena ročajna organa 11, ki v obliki U-locnov potekata bočno poševno v smeri gor. V območju osrednjega kraka ročajnega organa 11 je nameščena ročajna lupina 12, ki ima na svoji spodnji strani prednostno kotanje 13 za sprejem prstov.On the side walls 3, there are handles 11 on each other opposite sides, which extend in a U-shaped direction laterally obliquely upwards. In the area of the central arm of the handle body 11, there is a handle shell 12, which has a preferred angle 13 for receiving the fingers on its underside.

Pri prvem izvedbenem primeru zavihtljiv locen poteka prečno čez ročajni organ 11, v nazaj zavihtenem položaju pa nalega od zgoraj na ročajno lupino 12. Locen 14 z bočnima podaljškoma 15 zavihtljivo poteka v odprtinah 16, ki sta razporejeni v krakih ročajnega organa 11, ki potekata v bistvu vzporedno. Locen 14 ima elastičnost, ki dopušča neporušno snemanje in nameščanje locna 14 na ročajnem organu 11. Kot je predstavljeno na skicah sl. 5 in 6, štrli locen 14 v navspred zavihtenem položaju čez robno območje pokrovnega dela 1 in tega trdno drži na spodnjem delu 2 posode.In the first embodiment, the swivel spacer extends transversely over the handle body 11, and in the backward swivel position, it extends from above to the handle shell 12. The spacer 14 with lateral extensions 15 swings in the openings 16 arranged in the arms of the handle body 11 extending in essentially in parallel. Locen 14 has an elasticity which permits non-destructive recording and mounting of loc 14 on the handle body 11. As shown in the drawings of FIG. 5 and 6, the projection 14 extends in a forward-curved position over the edge region of the lid portion 1 and holds it firmly at the bottom 2 of the container.

Pri izvedbenem primeru, predstavljenem na skicah sl. 8 in 9, je na ročajni lupini 12 ročajnega organa 11 zavihtljivo držana loputa 17. Bočna podaljška 18 lopute 17 potekata v odprtinah 19 ročajne lupine 12 in tvorita nihajno os, okoli katere je loputa zavihtljiva. Funkcija lopute 17 se v bistvu ujema s tisto od locna 14, loputa 17 paIn the embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 8 and 9, the flap 17 is pivotally held on the handle shell 12 of the handle body 11. The lateral extensions 18 of the flap 17 extend into the openings 19 of the handle shell 12 and form a pivoting axis around which the flap is swivel. The function of flap 17 essentially corresponds to that of loc 14 and flap 17

Ί prednostno sestoji iz gradiva, ki slabo prevaja toploto.Ί preferably consists of material that conducts heat poorly.

V nadaljnjem, na sl. 7 predstavljenem izvedbenem primeru je na ročajni lupini 12 zasučno pritrjen mostič 20, ki je v nazaj zavrtenem položaju razporejen pod ročajno lupino 12. V tem položaju mostiča 20 od zgoraj ni videti in zato on na dizajn ročajnega organa 11 ne vpliva. V navspred zavihtenem položaju, ki je na skici sl. 7 nakazan s črtkanopikčastimi črtami, mostič 20 štrli čez robno območje pokrovnega dela 1 tako, daje pokrovni del 1 trdno držan na spodnjem delu posode.Hereinafter, in FIG. 7, in the embodiment shown, there is a pivotally mounted bridge 20 on the handle 12, which is arranged in the backward rotated position below the handle 12. In this position, the bridge 20 does not appear from above and therefore does not affect the design of the handle 11. In the forward-facing position shown in FIG. 7 indicated by dotted lines, the bridge 20 protrudes over the edge region of the lid portion 1 so that the lid portion 1 is firmly held at the bottom of the container.

Pri nadaljnji zasnovi po izumu je mostič pritrjen na zgornji strani ročajne lupine 12 in tvori del dizajna ročajnega organa 11 ali pa je v ročajni lupini 12 tako držan, da ga v nazaj zasukanem položaju tako z zgornje strani kot tudi s spodnje strani pokriva ročajna lupina 12.In a further design according to the invention, the bridge is fixed on the upper side of the handle shell 12 and forms part of the design of the handle body 11, or is so held in the handle shell 12 that it is covered by the handle shell 12 in the back rotated position, both from the upper and the lower side. .

Pri nadaljnjem izvedbenem primeru so na ročajnem organu 11 razporejeni vzdolžno pomično držani drsniki 21, ki vsakokrat v nazaj pomaknjenem položaju štrlijo čez del ročajne lupine 12. Drsnik 21 je na obeh vzdolžnih straneh voden v kot lastavičji rep oblikovanem vodilu 23 ročajne lupine 12 in ima na svoji zgornji strani povišano kopasto izboklino 24.In a further embodiment, sliders 21 are arranged on the handle body 11, which, in each case, in a backward-displaced position, project through a portion of the handle shell 12. The slider 21 is guided on both longitudinal sides by a swap-shaped guide 23 of the handle shell 12 and its upper side an elevated bulging 24.

Prednji rob 22 drsnika 21 je upoševljen in v navspred potisnjenem položaju drsnika 21 dopušča tenkočutno prilagajanje držalnih sil, ki delujejo na robno območje pokrovnega dela 1. Dodatno pride v tem položaju na osnovi silosklepne zveze med drsnikom 21 in pokrovnim delom 1 do zanesljivejšega samodržečega naseda drsnika 21 v kot lastavičji rep oblikovanem vodilu 23.The leading edge 22 of the slider 21 is taken into account and in the forward sliding position of the slider 21 allows a subtle adjustment of the holding forces acting on the edge region of the cover part 1. Additionally, in this position, a more reliable self-supporting slider seat is obtained in this position. 21 into a swallow tail shaped guide 23.

Alternativno je drsnik 21 v nazaj potisnjenem položaju razporejen pod ročajno lupino 12 ali ga ročajna lupina 12 sprejme.Alternatively, the slider 21 is disposed in the reversely pushed position below or accepted by the handle 12.

Dasiravno smo pri zgoraj opisanih izvedbenih primerih na splošno izhajali iz spodnjega dela 2 posode s cilindričnimi stranskimi stenami 3 in s krožno okroglim dnom 4, je izum uporabljiv tudi pri necilindričnih posodah in pri spodnjih delih posod s poševnimi stranskimi stenami, kot npr. pri ponvah, pekačih ali pri azijskih vokih, če simetrija spodnjega dela in pokrovnega dela dopušča korektno nameščanje pokrovnega dela v več kot enem položaju.In the above described embodiments, we generally proceeded from the lower part 2 of the container with cylindrical side walls 3 and the circular bottom 4, the invention is also applicable to non-cylindrical vessels and the lower parts of containers with oblique side walls, such as e.g. in the case of pan, baking pan or Asian wok if the symmetry of the underside and the lid allows for the correct positioning of the lid in more than one position.

Synkrona AG, zanjo:Synkrona AG for her:


Ljubljana/// 'Ljubljana/// '

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims

Claims (5)

1/51/5 Fig.1Fig.1 Fig-2 —H AFig-2 —H A MIEHIfl* PiSJUiMMIEHIfl * PiSJUiM LJUBLJANA <LJUBLJANA < I —►jAI —►jA 1. Kuhalna posoda z dnom in nanj priključenimi stranskimi stenami ter s snemljivim pokrovnim delom, ki zapira notranji prostor kuhalne posode v zgornjem robnem območju stranskih sten, pri kateri zgornje robno območje in pokrovni del vsebujeta vsakokrat krožno sklenjeni, medsebojno v bistvu skladni naležni ploskvi, značilna po tem, da so v naležnih ploskvah (5, 6) vsakokrat razporejene izbokline (7) in vgreznine (8), pri čemer v zaprtem stanju izbokline (7) ubirajo z vgrezninami (8) in pri zasuku pokrovnega dela (1) iz zaprtega položaja izbokline (7) naležejo na nasproti ležečo naležno ploskev in med obema naležnima ploskvama (5,6) določajo režo.1. A cooker with a bottom and side walls connected thereto and with a detachable cover portion that closes the inner space of the cookware in the upper edge region of the side walls, wherein the upper edge area and the cover portion comprise in each case a circular, substantially consistent contact surface, characterized in that the projections (5, 6) each have projections (7) and recesses (8) in each case, while in the closed state the projections (7) are harvested by recesses (8) and by rotation of the cover part (1) from the closed position of the projection (7) is located on the opposite contact surface and between the two contact surfaces (5,6) they define a gap. 2/52/5 2. Kuhalna posoda po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da so izbokline (7) in vgreznine (8) vsakokrat narejene iz vtisnjenj v naležnih ploskvah (5, 6).Cookware according to claim 1, characterized in that the protrusions (7) and the notches (8) are each made of impressions in the contact surfaces (5, 6). 3. Kuhalna posoda po zahtevku 1 ali 2, značilna po tem, da so izbokline (7) in vgreznine (8) porazdeljene vsakokrat simetrično vzdolž naležnih ploskev (5, 6) in ima ena naležna ploskev (5, 6) najmanj tri izbokline (7) ali vgreznine (8).Cookware according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the projections (7) and the bores (8) are distributed symmetrically along the contact surfaces (5, 6) and have at least three projections (5, 6) at least three projections (5, 6). 7) or indentations (8). 4. Kuhalna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2 ali 3, značilna po tem, da sta vsakokratni naležni ploskvi (5, 6) relativno k vzporedno s površino dna (4) potekajoči ravnini nagnjeni.Cooker according to claim 1, 2 or 3, characterized in that the respective contact surfaces (5, 6) are inclined with respect to the parallel to the surface of the bottom (4). 5. Kuhalna posoda po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da so v pokrovnem delu (1) in/ali v robnem območju stranskih sten (3) razporejeni izrezi (9, 10), ki ne presegajo širine naležnih ploskev (5, 6) in lokalno zvišujejo bočni odmik med pokrovnim delom (1) in stransko steno (3).Cooker according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that cutouts (9, 10) which do not exceed the width of the contact surfaces (5, are arranged in the cover portion (1) and / or in the edge region of the side walls (3). 6) and locally increase the lateral distance between the cover portion (1) and the side wall (3). 6. Kuhalna posoda po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da sta na stranskih stenah (3) nameščena ročajna organa (11), ki imata držalne elemente (14,17,20, 21) za držanje pokrovnega dela (1).Cookware according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that handle bodies (11) are provided on the side walls (3), which have holding elements (14,17,20, 21) for holding the lid part (1). 7. Kuhalna posoda po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilna po tem, da držalna elementa sestojita iz zavihtljivih locnov (14) ali loput (17), ki vsakokrat v nazaj zavihtenem položaju nalegata na ročajno lupino (12) ročajnega organa (11) in v naprej zavihtenem položaju točkovno nalegata bočno na rob pokrovnega dela (1).Cookware according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the holding elements consist of swivel arches (14) or flaps (17) which in each case in the backward-facing position rest on the handle shell (12) of the handle body (11) and in The forward-curved position is positioned pointwise laterally on the edge of the cover portion (1). 8. Kuhalna posoda po zahtevku 7, značilna po tem, da locna (14) z bočnima podaljškoma (15) vsaj delno segata v odprtini (16) ročajnega organa (11) in imata tako elastičnost, ki s pomočjo neporušne deformacije locna (14) dopušča snetje in namestitev locna (14) na ročajnem organu (11).Cooker according to claim 7, characterized in that the bows (14) with lateral extensions (15) extend at least partially in the opening (16) of the handle body (11) and have such elasticity that, by means of non-destructive deformation of the bow (14) permits removal and installation of loc (14) on the handle (11). 9. Kuhalna posoda po zahtevku 6, značilna po tem, da držalna elementa sestojita iz na ročajnem organu (11) zasučno pritrjenih mostičev (20), ki sta vsakokrat v nazaj zavrtenem položaju razporejena vsaj delno pod ali nad ročajno lupino (12) ročajnega organa (11) ali v njej in v navspred zavrtenem položaju štrlita čez določeno območje pokrovnega dela (1).Cookware according to claim 6, characterized in that the holding elements consist of pivotally mounted bridges (20), which are each in each case arranged at least partially below or above the handle (12) of the handle body in the backward rotated position. (11) or protrude over a certain area of the cover portion (1) or in a forward-facing position thereof. 10. Kuhalna posoda po zahtevku 6, značilna po tem, da držalna elementa sestojita iz vzdolžno pomično na ročajnem organu (11) držanih drsnikov (21), ki vsakokrat v nazaj potisnjenem položaju štrlijo čez ali pod del ročajne lupine (12) ali jih ročajna lupina (12) sprejme in v navspred potisnjenem položaju štrlijo čez določeno območje pokrovnega dela (1).Cookware according to claim 6, characterized in that the holding elements consist of longitudinally sliding on the handle body (11) of the retained sliders (21) projecting in each case in backwardly pushed position over or under part of the shell (12) or by the handle the shell (12) receives and protrudes in a forward-facing position over a certain area of the lid portion (1). Synkrona AG Zanjo:Synkrona AG For her: 23422-PR0-ing.SK-XI/9323422-PR0-ing.SK-XI / 93 PovzetekSummary Pri kuhalni posodi z dnom in nanj priključenimi stranskimi stenami ter s snemljivim pokrovnim delom, ki zapira notranji prostor kuhalne posode v zgornjem robnem območju stranskih sten, pri kateri zgornje robno območje in pokrovni del vsebujeta vsakokrat krožno sklenjeni, medsebojno v bistvu skladni naležni ploskvi, je, da bi bilo omogočeno odlivanje tekočin pri istočasnem zadrževanju trdnih sestavin s pomočjo rešitve, ki je glede cene ugodna in jo je moč enostavno izdelati in ki uporabe ne otežuje ali ovira, predvideno, da so v naležnih ploskvah 5, 6 vsakokrat razporejene izbokline 7 in vgreznine 8, pri čemer v zaprtem stanju izbokline 7 ubirajo z vgrezninami 8 in pri zasuku pokrovnega dela 1 iz zaprtega položaja izbokline 7 naležejo na nasproti ležečo naležno ploskev 6 in med obema naležnima ploskvama 5, 6 določajo režo.In the case of a cooker with a bottom and side walls connected thereto, and with a detachable cover portion, which closes the inner space of the cookware in the upper edge region of the side walls, in which the upper edge area and the cover portion comprise in each case a circular, substantially consistent contact surface, to allow fluid to be dispensed while retaining solids by a cost-effective, easy-to-manufacture solution that does not impede or impede the use, provided that the projections 5, 6 have in each case 7 and recesses 8, in which, in the closed state, the projections 7 are harvested by recesses 8 and, when the cover part 1 is rotated, from the closed position of the projection 7, they lie on the opposite contact surface 6 and define a gap between the two contact surfaces 5, 6. / / ,.. . , ... £ £ <5 ^3 <5 ^ 3
Fig. 3bFIG. 3b Fig. 3αFIG. 3α
SI9300617A 1992-11-28 1993-11-26 Cooking receptacle SI9300617A (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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