SI9111903A - Electric heater, especially radiation body - Google Patents

Electric heater, especially radiation body Download PDF


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SI9111903A SI9111903A SI9111903A SI9111903A SI 9111903 A SI9111903 A SI 9111903A SI 9111903 A SI9111903 A SI 9111903A SI 9111903 A SI9111903 A SI 9111903A SI 9111903 A SI9111903 A SI 9111903A
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Slovenian (sl)
Eugen Wilde
Erich Wagner
Leonhard Doerner
Robert Kicherer
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Ego Elektro Blanc & Fischer
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Priority claimed from DE4039501A external-priority patent/DE4039501A1/en
Application filed by Ego Elektro Blanc & Fischer filed Critical Ego Elektro Blanc & Fischer
Publication of SI9111903A publication Critical patent/SI9111903A/en



  • Resistance Heating (AREA)


Rob električnega sevalnega grela je oblikovan z večplastnim telesom (13). To ima lahko obliko preseka U, katerega notranji prostorje napolnjen z dobro izolirajočim materialom. V notranjem prostoru (23) je nameščena, dobro zaslonjena pred toploto in mehanskimi vplivi, senzorska tuljava (27) za sistem za razpoznavanje lonca.The edge of the electric radiant heater is formed by multilayered bodies (13). This may take the form of a cross section U whose interior is filled with well insulating material. It is in the interior (23) positioned, well screened against heat and mechanical influences, sensor coil (27) for system for recognizing the pot.


Električno grelo, posebno sevalno greloElectric heater, special radiant heater

Izum se nanaša na električno grelo, posebno sevalno grelo, s termično stransko omejitveno izolacijo.The invention relates to an electric heater, a special radiant heater, with thermal side limiting insulation.

Neobjavljena EP 0 442 275 A2 (ustrezno patentni prijavi ZDA 650 489 od 5. februarja 1991) opisuje sevalno grelo, v katerega zunanjem robu je v navzven odprt utor vložena senzorska tuljava sistema za razpoznavanje lonca.Unpublished EP 0 442 275 A2 (corresponding to U.S. Patent Application No. 650 489 of February 5, 1991) describes a radiation heater into which a sensor coil of the pot recognition system is inserted into the outer open groove.

DE 37 35 179 Al prikazuje večplastno izgradnjo roba sevalnega grela.DE 37 35 179 Al shows a multilayered construction of the radiant heater edge.

Naloga izuma je, da ustvari električno grelo, katerega stranska omejitev se pri dobri trdnostni in toplotni omejitvi zlahka izdeluje.It is an object of the invention to create an electric heater whose lateral restriction is readily produced with good strength and thermal restriction.

Indukcijska tuljava, ki poteka okoli sevalnega grela, se vloži v rob. To se lahko izvede npr. v notranjosti preseka roba U-oblike, ki se potem zapolni dodatno z drugim izolacijskim materialom, ali pa se lahko tuljava tudi vtisne. S tem je možno, da se namesti pri istočasni električni izolaciji to tuljavo izolirano pred glavnim toplotnim tokom, vendar pa blizu plošče iz steklene keramike. Tudi njeni dovodi in ostali dovodi h grelnemu elementu se lahko izvedejo v področju izrezov roba, ki so lahko vtisnjeni neposredno v oblikovanec. Tudi priključni element se lahko razteza navznoter neposredno v področje robnega izseka. Učvrstitev se lahko izvaja z zaskočno ali zapognitveno povezavo ter s krempljastim vprijemom izštancanega jezika nosilne skodele.The induction coil that runs around the radiant heater is inserted into the edge. This can be done e.g. inside the cross-section of the U-shaped edge, which is then filled in addition with other insulating material, or the coil may also be embossed. This allows the coil to be insulated in front of the main heat stream, but close to the glass-ceramic panel, at the same time as the electrical insulation. Also, its inlets and other inlets to the heating element may be made in the region of the cutouts of the edge, which may be directly imprinted into the mold. The connection element can also extend inward directly into the region of the edge section. The fixing can be done with a snap or bend connection and with a claw-like grip of the extruded tongue of the load cup.

Stranska omejitvena izolacija, torej izolacija robnega področja grela, ki je najpogosteje obročasta, se lahko razdeli v več, zaželenim lastnostim sestavljenih ustreznih plasti. Tako lahko sestojijo npr. mehansko bolj obremenjene strani, npr. proti sevalnemu grelnemu prostoru usmerjena notranja stran, iz mehansko bolj čvrste plasti in tudi na zunanjem obodu je lahko predvidena nekoliko bolj čvrsta plast, tako da se lahko z obročem lažje rokuje in ga tudi montira. V nasprotju s tem bi bila lahko nameščena znotraj mehansko manj čvrsta, zato pa termično dobro izolirajoča plast. Posamezne plasti so lahko opremljene tudi z reflektirajočo plastjo ali lahko vsebujejo vmes položene refleksijske folije. Nanešena plast je lahko kovinska in/ali izvedena z drugimi refleksijskimi sredstvi, npr. kovinskimi oksidi, ki učinkujejo odbijajoče v glavno nastopajočem valovnem področju.The lateral boundary insulation, ie the insulation of the edge region of the heater, which is most often annular, can be divided into several desirable properties of the composite corresponding layers. Thus, for example, mechanically more loaded pages, e.g. A slightly more rigid layer may be provided against the radiant heating space, from the mechanically firmer layer and also at the outer perimeter, so that the ring can be easier to handle and also mount. In contrast, it could be mechanically less rigid and therefore a thermally insulating layer. The individual layers may also be provided with a reflective layer or may contain reflective films in between. The applied layer may be metallic and / or carried out by other reflecting means, e.g. metal oxides that have a bouncy effect in the main waveform.

Rob bi bil lahko npr. oblikovanec iz Vermiculita s presekom U-oblike, kije na proti plošči iz steklene keramike obrnjeni gornji strani zaprt in nalega s svojima obema krakoma na preostali izolaciji sevalnega grela. Pri tem je lahko notranji prostor napolnjen z zrakom ali pa obdan tudi z dobro izolirajočim nasipnim materialom ali podobnim. Možna je tudi izdelava s kot sendvič oblikovanimi cevnimi odseki. Predvideno je lahko oblikovanje z vodoravnimi plastmi, če gre predvsem za to, da se oblikuje proti sevalni strani ležečo plast mehansko trdno.The edge could be e.g. a Vermiculite molded U-shaped cross-section, which is closed on the top of the glass ceramic panel and rests with both ends on the remaining insulation of the radiant heater. In this case, the interior space may be filled with air or may also be surrounded by well-insulated embankment material or the like. It is also possible to make sandwich shaped pipe sections. Design with horizontal layers may be envisaged, if it is primarily that the radiation layer is formed mechanically solid against the radiation side.

S tem se lahko ustvari oblikovanje roba, ki povezuje odlično izolacijo z dobro površinsko čvrstostjo. Preostala izolacija se lahko izdeluje v veliki meri plosko in s tem je relativno ugodno in z dobro sposobnostjo toplotne izolacije. Z namestitvijo plasti je možno, da se vpliva na profil toplotne prevodnosti. Tako je lahko npr. blizu plošče iz steklene keramike nameščen most med plastmi, npr. U-krak profila, tako da se lahko tja prenešena toplota odvede prednostno skozi ploščo iz steklene keramike. Oblikovna obstojnost in dimenzijska obstojnost omogočata, da se namesti rob v nosilno skodelo brez posebnih prilagoditvenih ukrepov. Tako lahko s tem drži v nosilni skodeli tudi preostalo izolacijo grela. Tudi izdelava s tekočimi prehodi med izolacijskimi plastmi je možna. Tako se lahko doseže npr. z ustreznim napihovanjem oz. penjenjem izolacijskega materiala v kalupu integralni peni podobna struktura, pri kateri je površina bolj gosta ter se proti sredini specifična teža zmanjšuje in s tem povečuje izolacijska sposobnost.This can create an edge design that combines excellent insulation with good surface strength. Residual insulation can be made to a large extent flat and thus is relatively advantageous and with good thermal insulation ability. By installing the layers, it is possible to influence the thermal conductivity profile. Thus, e.g. a bridge between layers is placed near the glass ceramic panel, e.g. U-shaped profile so that the heat transferred there can be preferably discharged through the glass ceramic panel. The design stability and dimensional stability allow the edge to be fitted in the supporting cup without any special adjustment measures. Thus, it can also hold the remaining insulation of the heater in the load cup. Production with liquid transitions between insulation layers is also possible. Thus, e.g. with proper inflating or. foaming of the insulating material in the mold is an integral foam-like structure in which the surface is more dense and the specific gravity decreases towards the center, thereby increasing the insulating capacity.

Prednostno je lahko izolacijsko telo deloma ali v celoti opremljeno z zunanjo plastjo iz mehansko bolj čvrstega materiala, npr. Vermiculita, ki lahko v danih pogojih celo nadomesti v ostalem običajno pločevinasto nosilno skodelo in je s tem samonosilen, relativno na obrabo obstojen ovoj, ki tvori tudi oporno točko za priključke, temperaturna tipala itd. Pri tem lahko gre za ločen oblikovanec, v katerega so vtisnjeni drugi izolacijski materiali, pri čemer pa lahko poteka stiskanje tudi istočasno z ostalim izolacijskim materialom, pri čemer nastopajo v mejnih ploskvah med izolacijskimi materiali vsekakor zaželena prehajanja oz. medsebojna mešanja izolacijskih materialov. S tem nastane v veliki meri brezstopenjski prehod med temi materiali, ki skrbi za dobro medsebojno sprejemanje plasti.Preferably, the insulating body may be partially or fully equipped with an outer layer of mechanically firmer material, e.g. Vermiculite, which in the given conditions can even replace the usual sheet metal shingle in other conditions and is thus a self-supporting, relatively abrasion-resistant sheath, which also forms a support point for connectors, temperature sensors, etc. This may be a separate molding into which other insulating materials are imprinted, but can be pressed at the same time as the other insulating material, and in the boundary surfaces between the insulating materials are definitely desirable passages or. mixing of insulating materials. This creates, to a large extent, a steady transition between these materials, which ensures a good mutual acceptance of the layers.

Možno je tudi, da se uporablja mešanice iz izolacijskih materialov, posebno Vermiculita s pirogenim aerogelom kremenične kisline, ki se lahko oba stiskata suho in tvorita termično dobro izolirajoč, vendar mehansko bolj čvrst material kot sam aerogel. Iz tega materiala bi se lahko oblikovala potem tudi, prednostno enodelno z robno plastjo, nosilna plast, ki nosi grelne upore. Ti se lahko pritrdijo na njej na poljuben način, pri čemer je dati prednost posebno postopku, izhajajočem iz EP 0 355 388 Al. Na ta spis se sklicujemo zaradi podrobnosti.It is also possible to use mixtures made of insulating materials, in particular Vermiculite with pyrogenic quartz acid aerogels, which can both be compressed dry and form a thermally well insulating but mechanically firmer material than the aerogel itself. Then, a carrier layer bearing the heating resistors could then be formed, preferably one-piece with the edge layer. These can be attached to it in any way, with particular preference given to EP 0 355 388 Al. We refer to this file for details.

Te nadaljnje značilnosti izhajajo razen iz zahtevkov tudi iz opisa in risb, pri čemer se lahko posamezne značilnosti uresničujejo pri izvedbeni obliki izuma in na drugih področjih vsakokrat same zase ali več skupaj v obliki podkombinacij in lahko predstavljajo prednostne ter same zase zaščite sposobne izvedbe, za katere se tukaj zahteva zaščita. Prednostni izvedbeni primeri izuma so prikazani v risbah in bodo v nadaljnjem podrobneje pojasnjeni. V risbah prikazujejo:These further features derive from the claims and the drawings as well, with the individual features being realized in the embodiment of the invention and in other fields each time alone or more together in the form of sub-combinations and may be preferred and self-protective embodiments for which protection is required here. Preferred embodiments of the invention are shown in the drawings and will be explained in further detail. The drawings show:

sl. 1 do 7 več variant grel vsakokrat v delnem prerezu, sl. 8 delni prerez skozi izvedbeno obliko po sl. 7 v priključnem področju, sl. 9 podrobnost s sl. 7, sl. 10 drugo izvedbo pritrditve omejitvene izolacije, sl. 11 shematski tloris dvokrožnega grela, sl. 12 delni prerez skozi dvokrožno grelo.FIG. 1 to 7 several variants are each heated in partial cross section, FIG. 8 is a partial sectional view through the embodiment of FIG. 7 in the connection area, FIG. 9 is a detail of FIG. 7, FIG. 10 shows a second embodiment of the fastening insulation, FIG. 11 is a schematic floor plan of a two-circuit heater; 12 partial cross-section through a two-circular heater.

Sl. 1 prikazuje električno sevalno grelo 11, kije nameščeno pod kuhalno ploščo 12 iz steklene keramike in je pritisnjeno ob njeno spodnjo stran z omejitveno izolacijo 13.FIG. 1 shows an electric radiant heater 11 which is mounted below the glass ceramic hob 12 and is pressed against its underside by restrictive insulation 13.

V nosilni skodeli 17 je nameščena spodnja izolacijska plast 15, ki je oblikovana s v pločevinasto nosilno skodelo 14 vsipan in zatem stisnjen pirogeni aerogel kremenične kisline. Ta je izolacijski material pri dobri temperaturni obstojnosti kar najbolje toplotno izolira, vendar pa mehansko ni zelo trden. Na izolacijsko plast 15 je nameščena nadaljnja izolacijska plast 16 iz mehansko bolj trdnega izolacijskega materiala, npr. iz vlaknatega materiala, kot je v prodaji pod komercialnim imenom Fiberfrax, ali iz drugega keramičnega vlaknatega materiala, ki je stisnjeno z vezivi.A carrier insulation layer 15 is housed in the carrier cup 17, which is formed by pouring and then compressed pyrogenic quartz acid aerogel into a tin carrier cup 14. This insulation material has good thermal insulation as well as thermal insulation, but it is not very hard mechanically. A further insulation layer 16 of a mechanically more rigid insulating material, e.g. made from fibrous material, such as commercially available under the trade name Fiberfrax, or from other ceramic fibrous material that is compressed with binders.

V to plast 16 so vložene s svojimi spodnjimi temeni grelne vijačnice 17 iz električnega uporovnega materiala in sicer v občutnem odmiku od plošče 12 iz steklene keramike, na katero se lahko postavijo kuhalne posode. Grelo pa je primerno tudi za druge ogrevalne namene, npr. za sevalno ogrevanje pečic ali za ogrevanje drugih predmetov, npr. kovinskih kuhalnih plošč.Into this layer 16 are inserted, with their lower ends, the heating screws 17 of electrical resistive material, at a considerable distance from the plate 12 of glass ceramics on which the cooking vessels can be placed. It is also suitable for other heating purposes, eg. for radiant heating of ovens or for heating other objects, e.g. metal hobs.

Nad grelnimi upori 17 oblikovani sevalni prostor 18 je obdan z omejitveno izolacijoAbove the heating resistors 17, the radiating space 18 formed is surrounded by restrictive insulation

13. Ta tvori okoli grela obtočni rob, ki štrli nekoliko prek roba 19 pločevinaste nosilne skodele in tvori s tem kontakt k plošči iz steklene keramike.13. It forms a circular edge around the heater which protrudes slightly over the edge of the sheet metal cup 19, thereby forming a contact with the glass ceramic plate.

Omejitvena izolacija 13 je sestavljena iz vodoravno ležečih plasti. Sestoji iz obročastega oblikovanca, ki obsega na svoji, proti sevalni strani 25 obrnjeni, to je npr. na plošči iz steklene keramike nalegajoči gornji strani čvrsto plast 23 iz stisnjenega Vermiculita, medtem ko lahko sestoji preostali del 26 oblikovanca, ki zavzema največji del višine obroča, iz mešanice Vermiculita, aerogela pirogene kremenične kisline in ojačitvenih vlaken. Vanjo je vtisnjena in sicer v področju mejne ploskve med plastema 22 in 26 senzorska tuljava 27 iz oksidacijsko izolirane aluminijeve žice, ki poteka okoli v robu in leži s tem relativno tesno pod ploščo iz steklene keramike, vendar termično izolirano. Ta je tipalo naprave za razpoznavanje lonca, ki pri spremembi indukcije v tuljavi 27 z nameščenim ali tja potisnjenim loncem tega razpozna in vključi sevalno grelo.The boundary insulation 13 consists of horizontally lying layers. It consists of an annular molding which, on its own side, faces towards the radiation side 25, i.e. on the glass-ceramic panel, the upper upper side has a firm layer 23 of compressed Vermiculite, while the remaining portion 26, which occupies the largest portion of the height of the ring, may consist of a mixture of Vermiculite, pyrogenic quartz acid aerogels and reinforcing fibers. It is embedded in the region of the boundary between the layers 22 and 26 of the sensor coil 27 of oxidized insulated aluminum wire, which extends around in the edge and thus lies relatively tightly below the glass ceramic plate, but thermally insulated. This is a sensor for the pot recognition device which, when changing the induction in the coil 27 with the pot mounted or pushed in, recognizes the pot and switches on the radiation heater.

Omejitvena izolacija se lahko izdela s tem, da se vnese v žlebasto poglobitev kalupa najprej Vermiculit z ustreznim vezivom, zatem vloži tuljava in končno material, ki tvori del 26 ter se vse skupaj stisne.The limiting insulation can be made by inserting into the groove deepening of the mold first Vermiculite with a suitable binder, then inserting the coil and finally the material forming part 26 and compressing it all together.

Razvidno je, daje iz materiala roba 19 nosilne skodele 14 izštancan pločevinast jezik 30 in zapognjen nekoliko navznoter, ki se pri vstavitvi obroča vzmetno poda, se pa s svojim navzdol usmerjenim prostim robnikom v obliki nasprotne kljuke zaje v material omejitvene izolacije in jo s tem zanesljivo pričvrčuje v nosilni skodeli (glej sl. 10).It can be seen that a sheet metal 30 is extruded from the edge 19 of the carrier cup 14 and bent slightly inwardly, which, when inserting the ring, is springing up, but with its downward facing free edge in the form of a counter hook, it is captured in the material of the restrictive insulation and thus reliably secures in the carrier cup (see Fig. 10).

Omejitvena izolacija 13 sestoji pri sl. 2 iz oblikovanca iz stisnjenega Vermiculita (napihnjena sljuda). Ta se stisne v zrnati obliki, premešana z vezivom, kot je to opisano tudi že v DE-U-87 02 714, na katero se tukaj sklicujemo. Presek oblikovanca je obrnjene U-oblike, tako da ima omejitvena izolacija 13 notranji krak 20, zunanji krak 21, gornji povezovalni odsek 22 in v navpični smeri razpotegnjeno notranjo obročasto izvotlino 23. V njenem gornjem delu je nameščena senzorska tuljava 27. Tudi tam je blizu plošči iz steklene keramike. Preostali del obročaste izvotline 23 je zopet izpolnjen z izolacijskim materialom. Senzorska tuljava 27 sestoji iz kot spirala oblikovanega navitja izplosko krakastega oksidno izoliranega prevodnega materiala, podobno ozko napeti vzmeti za uro. Trakovi prevodnika stojijo navpično. Ta način navijanja omogoča visoko gostoto tuljavnika pri majhnih izgubah. Stene, posebno v notranjosti obročaste izvotline 23, imajo lahko reflektirajočo plast, npr. z naparevanjem kovine ali z namestitvijo refliktirajočih kovinskih oksidov, tako da je prenos sevalne toplote skozi obročasti prostor 23 zaviran. Obrosta izvotlina 23 v omejitveni izolaciji 13 je napolnjena s polnitvijo 24 iz izolacijskega materiala, katere material se razlikuje od tega od oblikovanca U-oblike. Pri tem lahko gre posebno za enak material, kot je to spodnja izolacijska plast 15 ali pa se lahko uporablja še lažji in bolje izolirajoč material, ki je vstavljen v obročasto izvotlino in v danih pogojih tam nekoliko vtisnjen, da se lahko z obročem lažje rokuje. Pri sl. 2 je uporabljena vrvica iz keramičnih vlaken. Izolacija je s tem mnogokrat bolja, kot bi bilo to pri masivnem oblikovancu. Edino mesto, kjer prehaja oblikovanec od notranje proti zunanji strani, je v področju povezovalnega odseka 22, kjer pa se lahko toplota zlahka odvaja skozi ploščo 12 iz steklene keramike.The boundary insulation 13 consists of FIG. 2 made of pressed Vermiculite mold (inflated mica). This is compressed in a granular form, mixed with a binder, as also described in DE-U-87 02 714 referred to herein. The cross-section of the mold is inverted U-shape, so that the insulation 13 has an inner arm 20, an outer arm 21, an upper connecting section 22 and a vertically extending inner annular bore 23 in its upper part. glass ceramic tile. The rest of the annular bore 23 is again filled with insulating material. The sensor coil 27 consists of a coil-shaped coil of flush-shaped oxide-insulated conductive material, similar to a narrowly tensioned clock spring. Conductor strips stand vertically. This winding mode allows high coil density at low losses. The walls, especially inside the annular recess 23, may have a reflective layer, e.g. by evaporating the metal or by installing reflective metal oxides so that the radiative heat transfer through the annular space 23 is inhibited. The rim cavity 23 in the bounding insulation 13 is filled with a charge 24 of insulating material, the material of which is different from that of the U-shaped mold. This may be in particular the same material as the lower insulation layer 15, or an even lighter and better insulating material may be used, which is inserted into the annular cavity and slightly embossed there under the given conditions to facilitate handling of the ring. In FIG. 2 is a ceramic fiber string used. The insulation is thus much better than it would be with a massive designer. The only place where the molding passes from the inside to the outside is in the area of the connecting section 22, where heat can be easily discharged through the glass ceramic plate 12.

Vidi se, daje oblikovanec ki tvori omejevalno izolacijo, stabilen oblikovanec, ki se ga lahko izdeluje z ostrimi omejitvenimi ploskvami, ki pa vsebuje na gornji notranji strani vlakno 53, da bi tvorilo pred zarezami zavarovano optično omejitveno ploskev.It is apparent that the restrictive insulation molding is a stable molding which can be fabricated with sharp bounding faces, but which contains a fiber 53 on the upper inner side to form a notched optical boundary face.

Obročasta omejitvena izolacija varuje tudi izolacijski plasti 15, 16 in jih potiska v nosilno skodelo 14.The annular restrictive insulation also protects the insulating layers 15, 16 and pushes them into the supporting cup 14.

Sevalno grelo je izredno primerno tudi za uporabo v visokotemperaturnih sevalnih grelih, vloženih v kremenčevo steklo, kot so to npr. halogenske žarnice. Tudi za to se lahko izbere enoplastno izolacijsko izvedbo, pri kateri je gornja izolacijska plast 16 opuščena. Grelne vijačnice 17 in omejitvena izolacija 13 so nameščene tam neposredno na izolacijski plasti 15, ležijo na njeni površini in so lahko pritrjene tam npr. s kovinskimi sponkami.The radiant heater is also extremely suitable for use in high temperature radiant heaters embedded in quartz glass, such as e.g. halogen bulbs. Again, a single-layer insulation design can be selected in which the upper insulation layer 16 is omitted. The heating screws 17 and the limiting insulation 13 are mounted there directly on the insulating layer 15, lie on its surface and can be secured there e.g. with metal clips.

Sl. 3 prikazuje obročasto izvedbo z oblikovancem kot v sl. 2, vendar s tuljavo 27 iz okrogle žice in vtisnjeno izolacijo 24 iz nasipnega materiala, ki izpolnjuje izvotlino 23.FIG. 3 shows an annular design with a molding as in FIG. 2, but with a round wire coil 27 and an embossed insulation 24 made up of a filler material that meets the bore 23.

Izolacijska plast 16 ima zvišano robno področje 28, ki leži približno v višini gornje strani grelnih vijačnic 17. S tem se lahko izolacijska past 16 lažje izdeluje, ker se lahko z vtisnjenimi grelnimi vijačnicami položi plosko na suho ploščo, ne da bi se bilo bati preoblikovanj.The insulating layer 16 has an elevated edge region 28 which lies approximately at the height of the upper side of the heating screws 17. This makes the insulating trap 16 easier to manufacture because it can be laid flat on the dry plate with the imprinted heater without fear of transformation .

V mejni ploskvi 29 med izolacijsko plastjo 16 in omejitveno izolacijo 13 so lahko izvedeni tudi priključni vodniki grelnih uporov 17, kot prikazuje sl. 4. Tam sicer U-presek v ostalem sl. 3 ustrezajoče omejitvene izolacije ni enakokrak, s tem da je notranji krak 20 daljši kot zunanji. Ustrezno ima notranji krak 20 na svoji spodnji strani vtisnjene izreze 31, skozi katere lahko segajo priključni vodniki 32.In the boundary surface 29 between the insulation layer 16 and the limiting insulation 13, the conductors of the heating resistors 17 may also be made, as shown in FIG. 4. There otherwise U-section in the rest of FIG. 3 of the corresponding limiting insulation is not uniform, with the inner limb 20 being longer than the outer limb. Accordingly, the inner arm 20 has an indentation 31 on its underside, through which the connecting conductors 32 can extend.

Sl. 5 prikazuje iz izolacijskega materiala sestoječ obročast rob 26 brez notranje izvotline. Na njem leži ploščat, iz mehansko bolj čvrstega izolacijskega materiala, npr. Vermiculita sestoječ obroč 22, v katerega je vložena plosko obročasta senzorska tuljava iz druga poleg druge ležečih žic. Ta ne ščiti idealno samo tuljave, temveč tudi gornjo ploskev roba 26.FIG. 5 shows an insulating annular rim 26 of the insulating material without an inner bore. It has a flat, mechanically firmer insulation material, e.g. Vermiculita is an upright ring 22 into which a flat annular sensor coil is inserted from adjacent wires. This not only ideally protects the coils but also the upper edge of the edge 26.

V sl. 6 je predviden podoben obroč 22 z izvotlino 23, v katerem leži običajna tuljava na površini roba 26, to je, vložena oz. zaprta je v omejitveni ploskvi roba 26 in obroča 22.In FIG. 6, a similar ring 22 is provided with a cavity 23 in which a conventional coil lies on the surface of the edge 26, i.e. it is closed in the bounding surface of edge 26 and ring 22.

Sl. 7 prikazuje izvedbo z omejitveno izolacijo ustrezno sl. 3 in 4. Predvidena je zaskočna povezava 33 med robom 19 skodele in omejitveno izolacijo 13, ki sestoji iz poševno navzdol in navznoter štrlečega prožnega jezika 30, ki se pri vtiskanju omejitvene izolacije 13 potisne nazaj in vpade potem v na zunanjem obodu kraka 21 oblikovane utore 34, ki segajo samo prek dela višine. (Podrobnost glej sl. 9).FIG. 7 shows a design with restrictive insulation corresponding to FIG. 3 and 4. A snap connection 33 is provided between the edge 19 of the shingle and the boundary insulation 13, which consists of an obliquely downwardly projecting flexible tongue 30, which, when pressed on the boundary insulation 13, is pushed back and then slots formed on the outer circumference of the limb 21 34 extending only beyond a portion of the height. (See Fig. 9 for details).

Sl. 8 prikazuje izvedbo po sl. 7 na mestu, na katerem so priključni vodniki za grelne vijačnice 17 in senzorsko tuljavo 27 vodeni navzven. Razvidno je, da imata tam oba kraka 20, 21 oblikovanca izreze 35, skozi katere štrlijo priključni vodniki 32 grelnih vijačnic 17 in priključni vodniki 36 senzorske tuljave navzven. Ti vodijo do priključnega telesa 37, ki obsega ploske vtične jezike 38 za dovode. Priključno telo je pritrjeno na nosilni skodeli, lahko pa prav tako vprijema v izrez 35 omejitvene izolacije 13. Tudi eventualno skozi sevalni prostor 18 sevajoča temperaturna tipala naprav za omejevanje temperature in regulacijo se lahko vodijo skozi izreze v omejitveni izolaciji. Razvidno je, da tvori relativno oblikovno obstojen in kljub temu dobro izolirajoč rob idelno možnost, da se vodijo priključki navzven, pri čemer se lahko izrezi pri oblikovanju roba že vdelajo. Skupaj s v celoti dobro oblikovno in dimenzijsko obstojnostjo je podana s tem občutna montažna olajšava.FIG. 8 shows an embodiment of FIG. 7 at the point where the connecting leads for the helix screws 17 and the sensor coil 27 are guided outwards. It is apparent that both ends 20, 21 of the molding have cutouts 35 through which the connecting conductors 32 of the heating coils 17 and the connecting conductors 36 of the sensor coil project outwards. These lead to the connecting body 37, which comprises flat plug tongs 38 for the inlets. The attachment body is attached to the supporting cup, and can also be secured into the recess 35 of the insulation 13. Also, possibly radiating temperature sensors 18 of the temperature limiting and regulating devices can be guided through the recesses in the restrictive insulation. It can be seen that it forms a relatively shape-resistant and nevertheless well-insulated edge, ideally able to guide the connections outwards, and the cut-outs may already be embedded when forming the edge. Together with the overall good design and dimensional stability, this gives a significant mounting relief.

Sl. 11 prikazuje tloris dvokrožnega grela, pri katerem sta dve okrogli grelni coni, ki se lahko v danih pogojih ločeno krmilita ali regulirata, zajeti v ovalno oz. kot dolga luknja oblikovano ploščo. Obe coni 40, 41 sta medsebojno ločeni s središčnim odsekom 43, ki je lahko prav tako, kot ovalni zunanji rob 13 zgrajen večplastno po načinu prej opisanih omejitvenih izolacij.FIG. 11 shows a floor plan of a two-circular heater, in which two circular heating zones which, under given conditions, can be separately controlled or regulated, are enclosed in an oval or a heater. like a long hole shaped board. Both zones 40, 41 are separated from each other by a center section 43, which may be constructed in the same way as the oval outer edge 13 in a multilayer manner according to the method of limiting insulations described above.

Tako ima lahko npr. dvojno konkavno oblikovan središčni odsek 43 kot enojni ali dvojni U-oblikovan profil, v katerem so lahko v danih pogojih vloženi tudi drugi senzorji kot senzorji za razpoznavanje lonca, npr. temperaturna tipala ali podobno.Thus, e.g. double concave shaped center section 43 as a single or double U-shaped profile in which other sensors than the pot recognition sensors, e.g. temperature sensors or the like.

K postopku izdelave je še pripomniti, daje lahko senzorska tuljava 27 npr. pri izvedbi po sl. 2 do 4 oblikovana že hkrati z izdelavo oblikovanca. Tako je lahko navita tuljava npr. na prednji robnik jedra kalupa, ki se vstavi v žlebasto oblikovan kalup in tvori izvotlino 23. Po stisnjenju se izvleče in pusti tuljavo v izvotlim. Ta prednostni postopek izdelave ustvari posebno dobro vložitev senzorske tuljave 27 tesno pod ploščo iz steklene keramike.It is further to be noted that the sensor coil 27 e.g. in the embodiment of FIG. 2 to 4 designed at the same time as the designer. Thus a coiled coil may be e.g. to the leading edge of the core of the mold, which is inserted into the groove-shaped mold and forms a cavity 23. After compression, it is pulled out and left a coil in the cavity. This preferred manufacturing process creates a particularly good insertion of the sensor coil 27 tightly under the glass ceramic plate.

Sl. 12 prikazuje prerez skozi dvokrožno grelo 11 ustrezno sl. 11. Tam se vidi, da lahko nosi središčni mostič 43 ročico senzorske tuljave 27, ki je oblikovana tukaj ustrezno sl.FIG. 12 shows a cross-section through a two-circular heater 11 corresponding to FIG. 11. There, it is seen that the center bridge 43 can carry the handle of the sensor coil 27, which is formed here appropriately FIG.

2. Pri koncentrični razporeditvi grelnih con 40, 41 je lahko opremljen s senzorsko tuljavo 27 tudi samo rob, ki tvori omejitveno izolacijo 13 notranje grelne cone.2. In the concentric arrangement of the heating zones 40, 41, only the edge forming the limiting insulation 13 of the internal heating zone may be provided with the sensor coil 27.

Senzorska tuljava je priključena na sistem za razpoznavanje lonca, ki deluje na indukcijskem merilnem principu. Če se pri namestitvi lonca spremeni dušenje indukcijske tuljave, se vključi sevalno grelo. Ker se vrednosti induktivnosti tuljave pri spremembah temperature spreminjajo, je važno kar najbolj dobro temperaturno zaslanjanje tuljave, tudi za izbiro ugodnega materiala tuljave. Sicer omogočajo dobri sistemi za razpoznavanje lonca, npr. po EP 0 442 275 A2 (ustrezno prijavi ZDA 650 489) izravnavo za temperaturno pogojeno spreminjanje vrednosti tuljave, vendar pa dobro termično zaslanjanje funkcijo izboljša.The sensor coil is connected to a pot recognition system that operates on an induction measuring principle. If the attenuation of the induction coil changes during the installation of the pot, the radiation heater starts. As the inductance values of the coil change as the temperature changes, it is important to maximize the temperature coil of the coil, even for selecting a suitable coil material. Otherwise, good pot recognition systems allow, e.g. according to EP 0 442 275 A2 (corresponding to US Notice 650 489) compensation for temperature-dependent coil change, but good thermal screening improves the function.

Pri odvzemu lonca se vrednosti indukcije zopet spremenijo in sistem za razpoznavanje lonca deluje na krmiljenje grela tako, da ta odklopi.When the pot is removed, the induction values change again and the pot recognition system acts on the heater control by turning it off.

Claims (14)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Električno grelo, posebno sevalno grelo, s termično omejitveno izolacijo 13, označeno s tem, daje v omejitveni izolaciji (13) vložena senzorska tuljava (27) za sistem za razpoznavanje lonca.An electric heater, a special radiant heater, with thermal limiting insulation 13, characterized in that a sensor coil (27) for the pot recognition system is inserted in the limiting insulation (13). 2. Grelo po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da sestoji omejitvena izolacija (13) iz ločenega, notranji prostor (18) grela obdajajočega obroča, ki je razporejen na izolacijski središčni plasti in/ali sestoji sam iz več izolacijskih središčnih plasti (20 do 24, 26).2. The heater according to claim 1, characterized in that the insulation (13) consists of a separate, inner space (18) of the encircling ring, which is arranged on the insulating center layer and / or consists of several insulating center layers (20 to 24, 26). 3. Grelo po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označeno s tem, da ima omejitvena izolacija (13) v glavnem presek U-oblike, katerega med U-krakoma (20, 21) nahajoč se obročast prostor (23) vsebuje senzorsko tuljavo in v danih pogojih izolacijsko sredstvo (24), pri čemer je obročast prostor (23) zaprt prednostno proti sevalni strani (25) sevalnega grela (Π).3. The heater according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the limiting insulation (13) has a mainly U-shaped cross section, which has a sensor coil between the U-arms (20, 21) and, in given days, under conditions, an insulating means (24), wherein the annular space (23) is closed preferably against the radiant side (25) of the radiant heater (Π). 4. Grelo po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da vsebuje omejitvena izolacija (13) oblikovanec, prednostno iz stisnjenega Vermiculita, pri Čemer so v oblikovancu voblikovani v danih pogojih izrezi (35) za električne vodnike (32, 36) k sevalnemu grelu in/ali senzorski tuljavi (27) ter v danih pogojih za priključno telo (37).The heater according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the insulation (13) comprises a mold, preferably of pressed Vermiculite, wherein in the mold the cutouts (35) for the electrical conductors (32, 36) to the radiation are formed heater and / or sensor coils (27) and, under the given conditions, the coupling body (37). 5. Grelo po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da štrli izolacijska središčna plast (21) na tisti strani, ki kaže proti zunanjosti sevalnega grela (11), manj navzdol, tam v danih pogojih nalega na zvišanem robnem področju (28) izolacijske plasti (16) in so v tej višini predvideni izrezi (35) za vodnike v omejitveni izolaciji (13) in/ali izolacijski plasti (16).5. The heater according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the insulating center layer (21) protrudes downwardly on the side, towards the outside of the radiant heater (11), therein, in the given conditions, on the elevated edge region (28). insulation layers (16) and cutouts (35) are provided at this height for conductors in boundary insulation (13) and / or insulation layers (16). 6. Grelo po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da je omejitvena izolacija povezana z enim robom (19) nosilne skodele (14) sevalnega grela (11) z zaskočenjem, vpognitvijo in/ali krempljastim oprijemom robnih odsekov po načinu nasprotne kljuke.Heater according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the limiting insulation is connected to one edge (19) of the supporting shackle (14) of the radiant heater (11) by snapping, bending and / or clawing the edge sections in the opposite hook manner. 7. Grelo po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da je omejitvena izolacija (13) na svojem, proti sevalni strani (25) in k sevalnemu prostoru (18) obrnjenem robniku (53) posneta.7. The heater according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the boundary insulation (13) is tapered to the radiant side (25) and to the radius (18) facing edge. 8. Grelo po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da sestoji omejitvena izolacija (13) iz medsebojno stisnjenih izolacijskih središčnih plasti z voblikovano senzorsko tuljavo (27), pri čemer je proti sevalni strani (25) ležeča plast (22) mehansko bolj čvrsta in sestoji iz materiala, kot je to vermikulit, medtem ko sestoji nanjo se priključujoča se plast (26) iz manj čvrstega, vendar termično bolje izolirajočega izolacijskega materiala, kot mešanega iz pirogenega aerogela kremenične kisline z dodatnimi snovmi in v danih pogojih Vermiculita, pri čemer tvorijo prednostno iz različnih izolacijskih materialov sestoječe izolacijske plasti (23, 45), prednostno z skupnim stiskanjem, v svojih mejnih področjih prehodno cono, v katerih obstajajo izolacijski materiali obeh plasti.Heating element according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the limiting insulation (13) consists of interconnected insulated center layers with a shaped sensor coil (27), with the layer (22) being mechanically more oriented towards the radiation side (25). It is rigid and consists of a material such as vermiculite, while the connecting layer (26) consists of a less rigid but thermally better insulating material than mixed with pyrogenic quartz acid aerogel with additional substances and under the given Vermiculite conditions, at preferably forming an insulating layer (23, 45) of different insulating materials, preferably by joint compression, in their boundary regions a transition zone in which the insulating materials of the two layers exist. 9. Postopek za izdelavo grela s termično omejitveno izolacijo, označen s tem, da se senzorska tuljava navije na jedro kalupa ali se na njem namesti, okoli katerega je stisnjen oblikovanec, ki tvori omejitveno izolacijo (13).9. A method of manufacturing a heat-insulated heater, characterized in that the sensor coil is wound on or placed on the core of the mold, around which a molding forming the limiting insulation (13) is compressed. 10. Grelo po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da obsega omejitvena izolacija (13) središčni odsek (43) med dvema odsekoma (40, 41) grela, katera se lahko ločeno krmilita oz. regulirata.Heating element according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the limiting insulation (13) comprises a center section (43) between two sections (40, 41) which can be separately controlled or controlled. regulate. 11. Grelo po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da je izolacijska plast (23) omejitvene izolacije (13) oblikovana z nosilno plastjo (16), ki nosi grelne upore, enodelno.Heating element according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the insulating layer (23) of the limiting insulation (13) is formed with a one-piece support layer (16) carrying the heating resistors. 12. Grelo po enem od zahtevkov 2 do 11, označeno s tem, da se najmanj dve, prednostno vse izolacijske plasti stisnejo suho skupno, pri Čemer se vijačnice (17) grelnih uporov vtisnejo deloma hkrati, pri čemer so v danih pogojih grelne vijačnice med potekom vlaganja napolnjene deloma s polnilnim sredstvom, ki se lahko po poteku vtiskavanja odstrani.12. A heater according to any one of claims 2 to 11, characterized in that at least two, preferably all, insulating layers are pressed dry together, whereby the helices (17) of the heating resistors are partially pressed simultaneously, whereby under the given conditions the heating helixes are between the feedstock is filled partly with a filler that can be removed after the printing process. 13. Grelo po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, da sestoji senzorska tuljava (27) iz navitja ploskega vodniškega traku.13. The heater according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the sensor coil (27) consists of a winding of a flat guide strip. 14. Grelo po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označeno s tem, daje senzorska tuljava zaprta v ploskem, na robni odsek (26) postavljenem obroču, ali v področju ločilne ploskve med tem in robnim odsekom (26) in/ali sestoji iz ploske tuljave z druga ob drugi ležečimi vodniškimi žicami.Heating element according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the sensor coil is enclosed in a flat ring mounted on the edge section (26) or in the area of the separation surface between this surface and the edge section (26) and / or consists of a flat coil with side by side conductor wires.
SI9111903A 1990-12-11 1991-12-09 Electric heater, especially radiation body SI9111903A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE4039501A DE4039501A1 (en) 1990-12-11 1990-12-11 ELECTRIC RADIATOR, IN PARTICULAR RADIANT RADIATOR
YU190391A YU190391A (en) 1990-12-11 1991-12-09 ELECTRIC HEATER, ESPECIALLY RADIANT HEATER

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SI9111903A true SI9111903A (en) 1995-02-28



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SI9111903A SI9111903A (en) 1990-12-11 1991-12-09 Electric heater, especially radiation body

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