SI9111780A - Roller dyeing machine for sueface impregnating of leathers and similar products - Google Patents

Roller dyeing machine for sueface impregnating of leathers and similar products Download PDF


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SI9111780A SI9111780A SI9111780A SI9111780A SI 9111780 A SI9111780 A SI 9111780A SI 9111780 A SI9111780 A SI 9111780A SI 9111780 A SI9111780 A SI 9111780A SI 9111780 A SI9111780 A SI 9111780A
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Lino Belluzzi
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Officiene Di Cartigliano S P A
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Priority claimed from IT08563990A external-priority patent/IT1243161B/en
Application filed by Officiene Di Cartigliano S P A filed Critical Officiene Di Cartigliano S P A
Publication of SI9111780A publication Critical patent/SI9111780A/en



  • Treatment Of Fiber Materials (AREA)


Valjčna stiskalnica za površinsko impregnacijo usnja in podobnih proizvodov, obsega nosilno konstrukcijo (2), na katero je postavljen gornji valj (8) za impregnacijo, spodnji pogonski valj (9) in dva transportna trakova (5, 6) postavljena tako, da premikata usnje (P), ki ga imopregniramo, naprej. Valja (8,9) sta med seboj približno vzporedna in razmaknjena, da ustvarita konvergentno-divergentni kanal z minimalnim presekom (11), in je po višini približno enak debelini usnja, ki ga obdelujemo. Naprava za pritiskanje je postavljena neposredno pred minimalnim presekom in deluje upogljivo in enakomerno po celi površini usnja, da ga obdrži v stabilnem dotiku z omenjenim spodnjim pogonskim valjem (9) in preprečuje nagubanje usnja.Surface impregnation roller leather and related products, includes a supporting structure (2) on which the upper cylinder (8) is mounted for impregnation, lower drive cylinder (9) and two conveyors the straps (5, 6) arranged to move Impregnated leather (P) forward. The cylinders (8,9) are approximately parallel and spaced, yes create a convergent-divergent channel with minimal cross section (11), and is approximately equal in height the thickness of the leather to be treated. Pressing device is placed just before the minimum cross section and acts flexibly and evenly throughout surface of the leather to keep it in stable contact with the drive shaft (9) mentioned below and prevents wrinkle leather.



Izum predstavlja stroj z valji za barvanje za površinsko impregnacijo usnja in podobnih proizvodov.The invention is a machine with paint rollers for surface impregnation of leather and similar products.

Tovrstni stroji se normalno uporabljajo za barvanje samo ene strani usnja z impregniranjem enega tankega površinskega sloja tako, da tekočina ne prodre globoko v notranjost. Ti stroji se istočasno lahko izkoriščajo za enakomeren nanos sloja lepila na usnje ali podobne proizvode, da usnje lahko zlepimo med seboj.Such machines are normally used to dye only one side of the leather by impregnating one thin surface layer so that the liquid does not penetrate deep inside. At the same time, these machines can be used to evenly apply a layer of adhesive on leather or similar products to allow the leather to adhere to one another.

Poznane stroje te vrste običajno sestavlja neka nosilna konstrukcija na kateri je nameščen par valjev, eden na drugim ki jih poganja motor. Zgornji valj omogoča nanos barve ali lepila, medtem ko spodnji valj omogoča transport usnja Izpod valja za barvanje. Pred valjem sta nameščena dva nasprotna transportna trakova, ki se gibljeta v isto smer in se delno dotikata med seboj, zaradi premikanja usnja proti področju impregniranja.Known machines of this type typically consist of a load-bearing structure on which a pair of cylinders are mounted, one on top of each other driven by an engine. The upper cylinder allows the application of paint or glue, while the lower cylinder allows the transport of leather from below the paint roller. Two opposite conveyor belts are mounted in front of the roller, moving in the same direction and partly touching each other to move the leather towards the impregnation area.

Oba valja imata vzporedne osi in sta med seboj malo razmaknjena tako, da tvorita konvergentno-divergentni kanal, z zoženim presekom, ki je po celotni dolžini malo ožji od debeline usnja, ki ga obdelujemo. Zgornji valj ima blazinice, ki stalno oblagajo površino valja s tekočino za impregnacijo, pri čemer se ta tekočina prenaša na zgornjo površino usnja v zoženem predelu konvergentno-divergentnega kanala. Spodnji valj se dotika usnja v enem določenem področju dotikanja, tako da na usnje prenaša tangencialne sile, ki so zadostne, da premagajo odpor zgornjega valj med nanašanjem tekočine. Oba valja sta povezana z elektromotorjem preko pogonskih jermenov ali podobnih naprev in se lahko vrtita v isti ali nasprotni smeri.Both cylinders have parallel axes and are slightly spaced apart to form a convergent-divergent channel, with a narrowed cross-section that is a little narrower along the entire length than the thickness of the leather being machined. The upper cylinder has pads that permanently coat the surface of the cylinder with impregnation fluid, transferring this fluid to the upper surface of the leather in a tapered region of the convergent divergence channel. The lower cylinder touches the leather in one specific contact area, so as to transmit to the leather tangential forces sufficient to overcome the resistance of the upper cylinder during fluid application. Both cylinders are connected to the electric motor via drive belts or similar strains and can rotate in the same or opposite direction.

V prvem primeru valj za impregnacijo, ki se dotika in neznatno stiska zgornjo površino usnja, deluje s tangencialnimi silami na usnje in doseže njegovo premikanje med nanašanjem tekočine, vendar to ne zagotavlja popolnoma enakomernega nanosa tekočine, ker se ta stalno odbija v stran, k zoženem preseku kanala.In the first case, the impregnation roller, which touches and slightly squeezes the upper surface of the leather, acts with tangential forces on the leather and achieves its movement during the application of the liquid, but this does not ensure a completely uniform application of the fluid, since it is constantly bounced to the side, narrowed. channel cross-section.

V drugem primeru, je v nasprotju s tem, tekočina v neki meri razmazana po področju dotika in je enakomerno razporejena po celotni površini usnja, kar daje rezultate visoke kvalitete. Medtem tangencialne sile s katerimi zgornji valj deluje na usnje, delujejo v nasprotni smeri glede na pogonske sile spodnjega valja in lahko povzročijo lokalno vzdigovanje, ki se kaže kot guba na področju neposredno pred zoženim delom, kjer usnje ni na odgovarjajoči način naslonjen. Ta guba se lahko postopoma deformira in poveča, naredi se resničen zavitek, ki ga navadno imenujemo cigareta. Jasno je, da takšno nakopičenje materiala lahko privede do tega, da je impregnacija usnje nepopolno, kar v določenih primerih lahko povzroči nepopravljive poškodbe, če se stroj v trenutku ne zaustavi.In the second case, in contrast, the fluid is to some extent smeared over the area of contact and is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the leather, yielding high quality results. Meanwhile, the tangential forces with which the upper cylinder acts on the leather act in the opposite direction with respect to the driving forces of the lower cylinder and can cause local uplift, which manifests as a wrinkle in the area immediately before the narrowed part, where the leather is not properly restrained. This wrinkle can gradually deform and enlarge, making a real wrap, commonly referred to as a cigarette. It is clear that such accumulation of material can cause the impregnation of the leather to be incomplete, which in some cases can cause irreparable damage if the machine does not stop immediately.

Tovrstno pomankljivost s v glavnem pojavlja pri obdelavi zelo mehkega in tankega usnje, ker se ni zmožen upreti tangencialnim silam, ki jih povzroča valj za impregnacijo.This deficiency s mainly occurs in the processing of very soft and thin leather because it is unable to resist the tangential forces caused by the impregnation cylinder.

Da bi pri znanih strojih rešili ta problem, so uporabili številne ukrepe, kot so premikanje zgornjega valja naprej glede na spodnji valj, da bi ustvarili nekoliko navzdol nagnjen konvergentno-divergentni kanal, tako bi pri premikanju usnja pomagala sila teže. Druga poznana rešitev je v postavitvi valja za napenjanje transportnega traku, ki je nameščen za valjam za impregnacijo, kolikor je mogoče blizu zoženemu delu konvergentno-divergentnega kanala, da bi čimbolj skrajšali dolžino nevodenega dela usnja.In order to solve this problem with known machines, a number of measures, such as moving the upper cylinder forward relative to the lower cylinder, have been used to create a slightly downward converging-divergent channel, so that the force of gravity would assist in moving the leather. Another well-known solution is to place a conveyor belt tensioner mounted behind the impregnation roller as close as possible to the tapered portion of the convergent divergence channel to minimize the length of the non-aqueous portion of the leather.

Obstaja tudi druga postavitev, ki izkorišča transportni trak, pri kateri se trak giblje skozi konvergentni kanal, ki ga tvorita valja in se nahaja pred in za njima, tako da se pogonska površina, ki je v stiku z usnjem bistveno poveča.There is also a second arrangement which utilizes a conveyor belt in which the belt moves through a convergent channel formed by cylinders and located in front of and behind them, so that the drive surface which is in contact with the leather is substantially enlarged.

Druga rešitev je v oblaganju pogonskega valja z enakomernim slojem gume ali podobnega elastomera, zato da se poveča koeficient trenja in izboljša pogon.Another solution is to coat the drive cylinder with a uniform layer of rubber or similar elastomer to increase the coefficient of friction and improve the drive.

Kljub temu, da ti ukrepi lahko zmanjšajo nevarnost gubanja usnja, ki je debelejši od 1 mm, niso več učinkoviti pri tankem usnju, po določenem času delovanja stroja, zato niso sposobni preprečiti zvijanja usnja in nastajanja cigarete. Zaradi tega moramo stroj ustaviti, ločiti valje in usnje napeti pred ponovnim zagonom stroj. To seveda povzroči znatno izgubo delovnega časa, manjšo produktivnost in stalno prisotnost osebja za kontrolo.Although these measures can reduce the risk of wrinkling of leather, which is more than 1 mm thick, they are no longer effective in thin leather after a certain period of machine operation, and are therefore incapable of preventing leather curling and cigarette formation. For this reason, the machine must be stopped, the cylinders separated and the leather strained before restarting the machine. This, of course, results in a significant loss of working time, lower productivity and a constant presence of control staff.

Osnovni namen predstavljenega izuma je, da odpravimo zgoraj navedene težave s konstruiranjem primernega stroja z valji za barvanje usnja, ki deluje tako, da zagotovi optimalne pogoje za impregnacijo usnja, da ne pride do zvijanja usnja med impregnacijo.The main purpose of the present invention is to eliminate the above problems by constructing a suitable machine with rollers for dyeing leather, which works to provide optimal conditions for impregnation of leather, so that the leather does not twist during impregnation.

V okviru tega osnovnega namena je cilj tega izuma, da zagotovimo ureditev, ki omogoča stalen in enakomeren transport usnja med valja, tudi v primeru, ko je le-to tanjše od 1 mm.In the context of this basic purpose, it is an object of the present invention to provide an arrangement that allows the leather to be transported continuously and evenly between the rollers, even if it is less than 1 mm thick.

Naslednji cilj tega izuma je skonstruirati stroj, ki zagotavlja polno integriteto usnja med nanosom tekočine za impregnacijo.It is a further object of the present invention to provide a machine that ensures the full integrity of the leather during the application of the impregnation fluid.

Tako je cilj izuma, tudi izdelati stroj, ki je konstrukcijsko zelo enostaven in zahteva le minimalno vzdrževanje.Thus, the object of the invention is also to make a machine that is very simple in construction and requires only minimal maintenance.

Ta namen, omenjene in cilje, ki bodo razvidni kasneje, uresničimo s strojem z valji za barvanje za površinsko impregnacijo usnja in podobnih proizvodov, po priloženem patentnem zahtevku 1.This purpose, the aforementioned and the objectives which will be apparent later, will be realized with a machine with rollers for surface impregnation of leather and similar products, according to the attached claim 1.

Druge posebnosti in prednosti izuma bodo razvidne iz opisa nekaterih priporočljivih, vendar ne izključujočih se izvedb izuma, prikazanih na priloženih risbah s ciljem ilustriranja in ne omejevanja, pri čemer:Other features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the description of some preferred, but not exclusive, embodiments of the invention shown in the accompanying drawings for the purpose of illustration rather than limitation, wherein:

• slika 1 shematsko prikazuje stranski pogled stiskalnice z valji, opisane v izumu, delno v prerezu vzdolž ene vertikalne ravnine, • slika 2 prikazuje, v povečanem merilu, podrobnost iz slike • slika 3 shematsko prikazuje horizontalno projekcijo podrobnost iz slike 1, delno v prerezu, • slika 4 prikazuje podrobnost, v povečanem merilu, iz tlorisa površine spodnjega valja iz slike 3, obkrožene s krogom IV na sliki 1, • slika 5 prikazuje prvo izvedbo podrobnosti iz slike 1 • slika 6 prikazuje drugo izvedbo podrobnosti iz slike 1 • slika 7 prikazuje tretjo izvedbo podrobnosti iz slike 1 • slika 8 prikazuje, v povečanem merilu, podrobnost iz slike 7.• Figure 1 schematically shows a side view of a roller press described in the invention, partly in cross-section along one vertical plane, • Figure 2 shows, on an enlarged scale, detail from the picture • Figure 3 schematically shows a horizontal projection detail from Figure 1, partly in section , • figure 4 shows the detail, on an enlarged scale, from the floor plan of the lower cylinder surface of figure 3, surrounded by a circle IV in figure 1, • figure 5 shows the first embodiment of the details of figure 1 • figure 6 shows the second embodiment of the details of figure 1 • picture 7 shows the third embodiment of the detail of Figure 1 • Figure 8 shows, on an enlarged scale, the detail of Figure 7.

Po opisanih slikah, stroj z valji za barvanje, opisanem v izumu, splošno označen s pripadajočo številko 1, obsega nosilno konstrukcijo (2) v kateri so nameščeni vsi gibljivi deli stroja, vhodni de! (3) za usnje, ki ga je potrebno obdelati in izhodni del (4) za že obdelano usnje.According to the described drawings, the dyeing roller machine of the invention, generally designated by the corresponding numeral 1, comprises a supporting structure (2) in which all the moving parts of the machine, the inlet de! (3) for the leather to be treated and the outlet part (4) for the leather already treated.

Pri vhodnem delu se nahajata dva transportna trakova (5,6), ki se gibljeta v isto smer in se delno medsebojno dotikata vzdolž središčnega linearnega dela (7), tako da držita in pomikata usnje (P) ter ga istočasno zategujeta in ravnata. Dva, eden nad drugim, postavljena valja (8,9) sta nameščena za transportnima trakovoma (5,6), pr! čemer je zgornji valj (8) predviden za barvanje usnja (P), medtem ko je spodnji valj (9) predviden za transport usnja med impregnacijo.At the entrance, there are two conveyor belts (5,6), which move in the same direction and partially touch each other along the center linear part (7), holding and moving the leather (P), and simultaneously tightening and straightening it. Two, one above the other, rollers (8,9) are mounted behind the conveyor belts (5,6), eg! the upper cylinder (8) being provided for coloring the leather (P), while the lower cylinder (9) is intended for transporting the leather during impregnation.

Valja (8,9) sta vzporedna in malo razmaknjena eden od drugega, tako da se med njihovima površinama ustvari konvergentno-divergentni kanal (10), z zoženim presekom (11), katerega višina (d) je enaka ali manjša od povprečne debeline (s) usnja. Na ta način se usnje, dovedeno s transportnima trakovoma (5,6), premakne na pogonski valj (9) in nato v konvergentni del kanala (10), dokler ne doseže preseka (11), kjer se zgornja površina dotakne valj (8) za impregnacijo.The cylinders (8,9) are parallel and slightly spaced from each other so that a convergent-divergent channel (10) is formed between their surfaces, with a narrowed cross-section (11) whose height (d) is equal to or less than the average thickness ( s) leather. In this way, the leather supplied by the conveyor belts (5,6) is moved to the drive cylinder (9) and then to the convergent portion of the channel (10) until it reaches a cross section (11) where the upper surface touches the cylinder (8). for impregnation.

Poleg valja (8) je nameščen zalogovnik ali blazinica (12), ki vsebuje barvo ali lepilo (13), ki se prenaša na površino valja in nato na zgornjo površino usnja.In addition to the cylinder (8) there is a container or pad (12) containing paint or glue (13) which is applied to the surface of the cylinder and then to the upper surface of the leather.

Pri izvedbi, prikazani na risbah, puščici F1 in F2 kažeta smer vrtenja valja (8,9), se valja vrtita v levo smer, tako da so tangencialne sile teh valjev v zoženem preseku kanala nasprotno usmerjene. Na tak način impregnacija poteka v nasprotni smeri vrtenja valja (8) za impregnacijo, ki na zgornji površini usnja tvori, in v de!u (11), tangencilane sile, ki so nasprotne silam trenja, ki nastajajo med spodnjo površino usnja in pogonskim valjem (9).In the embodiment shown in the drawings, arrows F1 and F2 indicate the direction of rotation of the cylinder (8,9), the cylinders rotate in the left direction, so that the tangential forces of these cylinders are in the opposite direction of the channel. In this way, the impregnation proceeds in the opposite direction of rotation of the impregnation cylinder (8) forming on the upper surface of the leather and in the part (11) tangential forces opposite to the friction forces generated between the lower surface of the leather and the driving cylinder (9).

Ugodno je, opisano v izumu, da se naprava za pritiskanje, splošno označena s pozivno številko 20, postavi med skrajna dela transportnih trakov (5,6) in zoženim delom (11) konvergentno-divergentnega kanaia (10) in to neposredno pred kanalom.It is advantageous, as described in the invention, that the pressure device, generally numbered 20, is positioned between the extremities of the conveyor belts (5,6) and the tapered portion (11) of the convergent divergence channel (10) directly in front of the channel.

Napravo za pritiskanje lahko sestavlja nepremična plošča (21). ki je postavljena pravokotno glede na smer gibanja usnja. Plošča (21) ima sprednji rob (22), oblikovano v obliki lopatke, ki jo vložimo v konvergentni del kanaia (10) in se dotika zgornje površine usnja (P) tako, da pritiska usnje (P) na pogonski valj (9). Zaradi takega pritiskanja se sila trenja, ki nastaja med usnjem (P) in pogonskim valjem (9), proporcionalno povečuje, tako da zagotavlja progresivno premikanje usnja v vseh pogojih. Za dosego tega cilja se med potekom dela vzdržuje minimalen razmik (m) med sprednjim robom (23) plošče (21) in pogonskim valjem (9), ki je manjši os debeline (s) usnja (P).The pressure device may be constituted by a stationary plate (21). which is positioned perpendicular to the direction of movement of the leather. The plate (21) has a front edge (22) shaped like a shovel, which is inserted into the converging part of the canoe (10) and touches the upper surface of the leather (P) by pressing the leather (P) onto the drive cylinder (9). Due to this pressure, the friction force generated between the leather (P) and the drive roller (9) increases proportionally to ensure progressive movement of the leather in all conditions. To achieve this, a minimum clearance (m) between the front edge (23) of the plate (21) and the drive roller (9), which is the smaller axis of the thickness (s) of the leather (P), is maintained during the course of the work.

Da zagotovimo take pogoje pri usnju različnih debelin, je plošča (21) vezana na nosilno konstrukcijo (2) s pomočjo nosilne plošče (239 z vijakoma ah' podobnima primernima deioma (24,25) tako, da položaj plošče (21) lahko uravnavamo in vertikalno in horizontalno. Na ta način se sprednji rob (22) plošče (21) lahko premakne bliže pogonskemu valju (9) in delu minimalne višine kanaia (10), tako da način, na kateri usnje pride na pogonski valj (3) uravnamo po želji.To ensure such conditions for leather of different thicknesses, the plate (21) is fastened to the load-bearing structure (2) by means of a load-bearing plate (239 with screws ah 'similar to the appropriate parts (24,25) so that the position of the plate (21) can be adjusted and vertically and horizontally In this way, the front edge (22) of the plate (21) can be moved closer to the drive roller (9) and to the minimum height of the canoe (10) so that the way the leather gets on the drive roller (3) desire.

Ugodno je, da je minimalen razmik (n) med prednjim robom (22) in valjem (8) za impregnacijo malo manjši od debeline usnja (P), ki ga obdelujemo, da se tako izognemo premikanju usnja nazaja vzdolž konvergentnega dela kanaia (10). Poleg tega, se pogonski valj (9) vrti na oporah (30), ki so zelo elastične v vertikalni smeri glede na elastične elemente (31), njihova elastičnost se lahko uravnava, in s tem omogočimo pogonskrm valju (9) da se pomakne navzdol, ko se material nagomili do vnaprej določene debeline med prednjim robom (23) nepremične plošče (21) in presekom (11) minimalne višine kanala.Advantageously, the minimum clearance (n) between the leading edge (22) and the impregnation roller (8) is slightly less than the thickness of the leather (P) being machined to avoid movement of the back leather along the converging portion of the canoe (10) . In addition, the drive cylinder (9) rotates on the supports (30), which are highly elastic in the vertical direction relative to the elastic elements (31), their elasticity can be adjusted, thereby allowing the drive roller (9) to move downwards when the material accumulates to a predetermined thickness between the leading edge (23) of the stationary plate (21) and the cross-section (11) of the minimum channel height.

Pri izvedbi prikazani na slikah 7 in 8, naprava za pritiskanje obsega poleg nepremične plošče (21), izmeničen pritiskač (100), ki ima skrajni del (101) postavljen neposredno pred skrajni del nepremične plošče (21). Ugodno je, da ima pritiskač (100) vertikalni zgornji del (101) in horizontalni spodnji del (103). Zgornji del (101) je drsno postavljen v vodilu (102), ki je izdelan iz antifrikcijskega materiala, tako da lahko prosto oscilira v vertikani smeri. Spodnji del (103) pritiskača (100) ima obliko lopatke, in ga lahko namestimo med prosti rob nepremične plošče (21) in pogonjskim valjem (9), eventuelno tako, da ga položimo preko transportnega traku (80).In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 7 and 8, the pressing device comprises, in addition to the stationary plate (21), an alternating presser (100) having an extreme portion (101) positioned directly in front of the extreme portion of the fixed plate (21). Advantageously, the presser (100) has a vertical upper portion (101) and a horizontal lower portion (103). The upper part (101) is slidably mounted in a guide (102) made of antifriction material so that it can oscillate freely in the vertical direction. The lower part (103) of the presser (100) is shaped like a blade, and can be positioned between the free edge of the stationary plate (21) and the drive roller (9), possibly by placing it over the conveyor belt (80).

Pritiskač (100) je priključen na premikač, ki izvaja izmenično premikanje in ga sestavlja, na primer iz palice (105), ki je pritrjena na ekscenter (106) in povezana z motorjem (107).The pusher (100) is connected to a shifter that performs an alternating movement and consists of, for example, a rod (105) that is attached to the eccentric (106) and connected to the motor (107).

Predvidena so poznana sredstva za umerjanje delovnega hoda, kot tudi frekvence oscilacije pritiskača (100). Frekvence se lahko gibljejo, na primer, med 100 Hz in 200 Hz, v odvisnosti od vrste usnja, ki ga obdelujemo.Known means of calibrating the travel stroke are provided as well as the oscillation frequencies of the presser (100). Frequencies can range, for example, between 100 Hz and 200 Hz, depending on the type of leather we are processing.

Vsekakor namesto ekscentra lahko uporabimo vsak drugi premikač, ki omogoča izmenično premikanje, pneumatskega. električnega ali mešanega tipa, vendar ne sme odstopati od obsega izuma.In any case, instead of an eccentric, we can use any other alternator that allows alternating movement, pneumatic. electric or mixed type, but should not deviate from the scope of the invention.

Da bi zagotovili razmak (v) med valjem za impregniranje in skrajnim delom nepremične plošče (21) na minimum, ima le-ta lahko na njenem gornjem delu rahlo zakrivljen profil (22’) da bi spremljala nasproten profil valja (8) za impregnacijo. Natančneje, zakrivljenost profila (22’) je enaka ukrivljenosti valja (8), le da je razmak (v) lahko malo manjši od debeline usnja, da bi se preprečilo vračanje usnja nazaj, zaradi tangencilane sile, ki jo povzroča valj (8) za impregnacijo v smeri, ki je nasprotna smeri transporta usnja.In order to keep the distance (v) between the impregnation roller and the extreme part of the stationary plate (21) to a minimum, it may have a slightly curved profile (22 ') on its upper portion to accompany the opposite profile of the impregnation cylinder (8). Specifically, the curvature of the profile (22 ') is equal to the curvature of the cylinder (8), except that the spacing (v) may be slightly less than the thickness of the leather to prevent the leather from returning, due to the tangential force exerted by the cylinder (8) for impregnation in the direction opposite to the direction of transport of the leather.

Da se poveča prilepljanje usnja na pogonski valj (9), ima lahko zunanja cilindrična površina več zašiljenih konic, ki se lahko zatikajo v spodnjo površino usnja.In order to increase the adhesion of the leather to the drive cylinder (9), the outer cylindrical surface may have several pointed tips that may be stuck into the lower surface of the leather.

Ugodno je, da so te izbokline, izbokline (40), ki imajo obliko piramide s kvadratno osnovo, z stranskimi površinami (41,42) in robovi (43). Stranske površine (41,42) so lahko vzporedne, vzporedne s smerjo gibanja usnja, kot. je prikazano na sliki 3b, ali pod kotom 0° do 45°, kot je to prikazano na sliki 3a. Na teh dveh slikah sta prikazana dva različna tipa naprav za odvod usnja s pogonskih valjev (9), vključujoč glavnik (44) z nazobčanim robom (45) ali vrtečo krtačo (46), za katero je postavljena vodilna površina (47) ali neka podobna naprava za zbiranje usnja preden gre v sledečo fazo proizvodnje. Maksimalno stopnjo stalnega pogona zagotavlja dejstvo, da rob (22) plošče (21) rahlo pritiska usnje (P) na. izbokline (40) s konicami (43) na pogonskem valju (9), da bi se stabilno oprijema. Da se izognemo neenakomernosti, ki ga ustvarjajo izbokline (40) in eventuelno negativno vplivajo na način impregniranja usnja, sta višina in razmik med nazobčanjem med 0.5 in 3 mm, priporočljivo je med 1 in 2 mm. Izbočenost lahko naredimo z narebranjem ali podobno obdelavo cilindra narejenega iz nekega trdega material, kot je lito železo ali jeklo, ki ga nato še kromiramo.Advantageously, these protuberances, protuberances (40) having the shape of a pyramid with a square base, with lateral surfaces (41,42) and edges (43). The lateral surfaces (41,42) may be parallel, parallel to the direction of movement of the leather, such as. is shown in Figure 3b, or at an angle of 0 ° to 45 °, as shown in Figure 3a. These two pictures show two different types of leather-lifting devices from drive cylinders (9), including a comb (44) with a serrated edge (45) or a rotating brush (46) for which a guide surface (47) or similar is mounted a device for collecting leather before going to the next stage of production. The maximum degree of continuous drive is ensured by the fact that the edge (22) of the panel (21) presses the leather (P) slightly. bumps (40) with tips (43) on the drive roller (9) to give a stable grip. In order to avoid the unevenness created by the protrusions (40) and possibly adversely affect the leather impregnation mode, the height and the spacing between the serrations are between 0.5 and 3 mm, between 1 and 2 mm is recommended. The convexity can be made by grinding or similar treatment of a cylinder made of some hard material, such as cast iron or steel, which is then chrome plated.

Druga naprava za pritiskanje, ki deluje na usnje da bi izboljšali njegovo prilepljanje na pogonski valja (9) obsega prednji del zgornjega transportega traku (5), kjer prečnik in položaj valja (60) za zatezanje, ki usmerjata usnje k izhodu ravnega dela (7) traku. Položaj krajnega valja (60) je naravnan tako, da je minimalen razmik (t) med gornjim trakom (5) in zunanjo površino pogonskega valja (9) malo manjši od debeline (s) usnja (P). Na ta način usnje potiska na površino pogonskega valja (9) pri izhodu iz transportnega traku in enakomerno nalega na valj.A second pressure device which acts on the leather to improve its adhesion to the drive rollers (9) comprises a front portion of the upper conveyor belt (5), wherein the diameter and position of the tensioning roller (60) which direct the leather to the outlet of the straight portion (7) ) tape. The position of the end roller (60) is adjusted such that the minimum clearance (t) between the upper strap (5) and the outer surface of the drive roller (9) is slightly less than the thickness (s) of the leather (P). In this way, the leather is pushed onto the surface of the drive cylinder (9) at the exit of the conveyor belt and evenly rests on the cylinder.

Pri alternativni izvedbi, napravo za pritiskanje lahko predstavlja vsaka naprava ali mehanični element, ki ga postavimo preko usnja pod pravim, kotom glede na smer njegovega gibanja, in je postavljena v konvergentnem delu kanala (10) na razdalji od pogonskega valja (9), ki je manjša od debeline usnja. Primer alternativne naprave za pritiskanje lahko predstavlja žični element (70), prikazan v prerezu na sliki 6, ki je na svojih koncih zategnjen z nosilnimi oporami nastavljivimi s podobnima vijakoma (24,25) za nastavljanje na gredi (23).In an alternative embodiment, the pressure device may be any device or mechanical element which is placed over the leather at right angles to the direction of its movement and is positioned in the convergent part of the channel (10) at a distance from the drive cylinder (9), which is less than the thickness of the leather. An example of an alternative pressure device may be the wire element (70) shown in the cross-section of Figure 6, which is tightened at its ends by support brackets adjustable with similar screws (24,25) for adjustment on the shaft (23).

Stroj, opisn v izumu, deluje na sledeč način. Usnje (P), ki ga želimo impregnirati, namestimo na vhodni del (1) med transportnima trakovoma (5,6) ki ga nato povlečeta vzdolž ravnega dela (7) in ga stisneta pod pogonski valj (9), ki se vrti v ievo smer. Koničasto nazobčanje na zunanji površini pogonskega cilindra (9) omogoča, da usnje prispe na valj, usnje se nato premakne proti minimalemu delu (11) konvergentnega kanala (10). Prileganje usnja na površino pogonskega valja (9) povečamo z napravo (20) za pritiskanje, ki je nameščena na konvergentni kanala (10), in je minimalno odmaknjena od minimalnega preseka kanala (11). Prisotnost vakuumske naprave (50) zagotavlja dobro prijemanje usnja na mestu med prednjim robom (22) plošče (21) in prehodnega preseka (11) kanala. Ravno tako je minimalen razmak (n) med prednjim robom (22) plošče (21) in površino valja (8) za impregnacijo, tisti ki prepreči vračanje usnja nazaj in prisiiimo pogonski valj (9), da se zniža, pri čemer so njegove opore lahko povezane z nekim prekinjevalom, ki prekinja električno napajanje pogonskih motorjev, ki poganjajo valj in transportna trakova, s čemer zaustavimo stroj.The machine described in the invention works as follows. The leather (P) to be impregnated is placed on the inlet part (1) between the conveyor belts (5,6), which is then pulled along the flat part (7) and pressed under the drive cylinder (9), which rotates into the hose direction. The tapered perforation on the outer surface of the drive cylinder (9) allows the leather to reach the cylinder, and the leather then moves toward the minimum portion (11) of the convergence channel (10). The attachment of the leather to the surface of the drive roller (9) is increased by a pressure device (20) mounted on the convergent duct (10), which is minimally spaced from the minimum cross-section of the duct (11). The presence of a vacuum device (50) ensures a good grip of the leather in place between the leading edge (22) of the panel (21) and the channel cross-section (11). Also, there is a minimum distance (n) between the leading edge (22) of the plate (21) and the surface of the impregnation cylinder (8), which prevents the leather from returning back and forces the drive cylinder (9) to lower, leaving its supports can be connected to a circuit breaker that interrupts the power supply to the drive motors that drive the cylinder and conveyor belts, thereby stopping the machine.

V praksi je potrjeno, da je stroj, ki je opisan v izumu, izpoinii omenjene cilje v takšni meri, da naprava za pritiskanje, ki pritiska usnje v bližini področja, kjer nanaša tekočino za impregnacijo, preprečuje gubanje v tistem času, ko usnje prihaja med valja, in omogoča da je prihajanje usnja enakomerno in je nanos tekočine za impregnacijo enakomeren.In practice, it is confirmed that the machine described in the invention meets said targets to such an extent that a pressure device that presses the leather near the area where the impregnating fluid is applied prevents wrinkling at the time the leather comes in between roller, and allows the leather to flow evenly and the application of the impregnation fluid to be uniform.

Lahko izvedemo tudi številne modifikacije in variante prej opisanega stroja, ki pa vse sodijo v obseg izuma, kot je definiran v patentnih zahtevkih.Many modifications and variants of the aforementioned machine can also be made, which all fall within the scope of the invention as defined in the claims.

Tako na primer lahko namesto pogonskega valja (9) izdelanega iz trdega materiala s koničastimi izboklinami, lahko uporabimo valj z gladko površino, ki je prevlečen z nekim elastomerom, kot je na primer guma ali podoben material.For example, instead of a drive roller (9) made of a hard material with tapered projections, a roller having a smooth surface coated with an elastomer such as rubber or similar material may be used.

V kolikor tehnične posebnosti v zahtevah spremljajo pozivne oznake, so te pozivne oznake vkijučne predvsem, da povečajo razumljivost patentnih zahtevkov in te pozivne oznake nimajo nobene omejitve na obseg zaščite teh elementov, identificiranih, iz vidika primera, s temi pozivnimi oznakami.Insofar as the technical specifics of the requirements are accompanied by the callsigns, these callsigns are included primarily to increase the readability of the claims and these callsigns have no restriction on the scope of protection of these identified elements from the point of view of these callsigns.

Claims (12)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Stroj za barvanje za površinsko impregnacijo usnja in podobnih proizvodov, ki ga sestavljajo nosilna konstrukcija (2) na kateri je postavljen zgornji valj (8) za impregniranje, spodnji valj (9) in najmanj en transportni trak (5,6), postavljen pred tema valjema (8,9), zaradi transporta usnja (P), ki ga želimo impregnirati, naprej, pri čemer sta valja (8,9) med seboj približno vzporedni in neznatno razmaknjena, da tvorita divergentno-konvergentni kanal (10), ki ima minimalni prehodni presek (11) po višini približno enak debelini (s) usnja, ki ga obdelujemo, označen s tem, da je naprava (30,70) za pritiskanje postavljena neposredno pred opisanim minimalnim prehodnim prehodom (11), ki deluje upogljivo in enakomerno po celi širini usnja, da jo ohranja v stabilnem dotiku z omenjenim spodnjim pogonskim valjem (9), s čemer preprečimo nabiranje usnja.A dyeing machine for surface impregnation of leather and similar products consisting of a load-bearing structure (2) on which an impregnating upper cylinder (8), a lower cylinder (9) and at least one conveyor belt (5,6) are mounted in front of these cylinders (8,9), due to the transport of the leather (P) to be impregnated forward, the cylinders (8,9) being approximately parallel and slightly spaced to form a divergent-converging channel (10), having a minimum cross-sectional area (11) approximately equal to the thickness (s) of the leather to be machined, characterized in that the pressing device (30.70) is positioned immediately in front of the described minimum transitional passage (11) which acts flexibly and evenly across the width of the leather to keep it in stable contact with said lower drive roller (9), thereby preventing the leather from accumulating. 2. Stroj, po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je omenjena naprava za pritiskanje sestavljena iz prave plošče (21), ki je postavljena prečno na kanal (10), z robom (22) oblikovanim kot lopatko, ki pritiska na površino usnja, ki ga moramo impregnirati, v prvem področju neposredno pred minimalnim prehodnim kanalom (11).Machine according to claim 1, characterized in that said pressing device consists of a real plate (21) which is placed transversely to the channel (10), with an edge (22) shaped like a scapula that presses against the surface of the leather , which must be impregnated, in the first region immediately before the minimum transition channel (11). 3. Stroj, po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, da je plošča (21) pritrjena na omenjeno nosilno konstrukcijo z vijakoma (24 in 25), in se lahko premika in vertikalno in horizontalno.Machine according to claim 2, characterized in that the plate (21) is attached to said load-bearing structure by screws (24 and 25) and can be moved both vertically and horizontally. 4. Stroj, po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, da je med delovanjem horizontalni in vertikalni položaj te plošče uravnan tako, da je razdalja (m) med njenim robom (22) in pogonskim valjem (9) minimalen, natančneje, neznatno manjši od debeline (s) usnja, ki ga obdelujemo.Machine according to claim 2, characterized in that during operation the horizontal and vertical position of this plate is adjusted such that the distance (m) between its edge (22) and the drive roller (9) is minimal, more precisely, slightly smaller than thickness (s) of leather to be treated. 5. Stroj, po enem ali več predhodnih zahtevkih, označen s tem, da je v toku delovanja horizontalen in vertikalen položaj nepremične plošče (21) uravnan tako, da je minimalna razdalja med njenim robom (22) in valjem (8) za impregnacijo malo manjša od debeline (s) usnja, ki ga obdelujemo, da preprečimo premikanja usnja nazaj v medprostor, med nepremično ploščo in valj za impregnacijo.Machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that the horizontal and vertical position of the stationary plate (21) is adjusted in such a way that the minimum distance between its edge (22) and the impregnation roller (8) is small less than the thickness (s) of the leather being treated to prevent the leather from moving back into the space between the stationary plate and the impregnation cylinder. 6. Stroj, po enem ali več predhodnih zahtevkih, označen s tem, da je izhodno mesto (60) zgornjega transportnega traku (5) premaknjeno naprej od spodnjega traku (6), pri čemer minimalni razmik (t) od pogonskega valja (9) naravnamo, med delovanjem je ta razmik približno enak' debelini usnja, ki ga obdelujemo, tako da usnje vodi in ga enakomerno razteguje preko omenjenega spodnjega pogonskega valja (9).Machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that the exit point (60) of the upper conveyor belt (5) is moved forward from the lower belt (6), with a minimum distance (t) from the drive roller (9). adjust, during operation this distance is approximately equal to the thickness of the leather being treated so that the leather is guided and evenly stretched over said lower drive roller (9). 7. Stroj, po enem ali več predhodnih zahtevkih, označen s tem, da je os okoli katere se obrača pogonski valj (9) naslonjen s svojimi skrajnimi deli (30) s stopnjo elastičnosti, ki jo lahko določimo vnaprej, tako da se pogonski valj odmika od valja za impregnacijo, če bi se usnje gubalo med obdelavo.Machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that the axis around which the drive cylinder (9) rotates is supported by its extremities (30) with a degree of elasticity that can be determined in advance such that the drive cylinder away from the impregnation roller if the leather wrinkled during processing. 8. Stroj, po enem ali več predhodnih zahtevkih, označen s tem, da omenjena naprava za pritiskanje nadalje obsega en neizmenični pritiskač (100) poleg nepremične plošče (21), ki neizmenično poravnava usnje v drugem področju neposredno pred prvim.Machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that said pressing device further comprises one fixed press (100) in addition to the stationary plate (21) which invariably aligns the leather in the second area immediately before the first one. 9. Stroj, po enem ali več predhodnih zahtevkih, označen s tem, da je, neizmenični pritiskač (100) drsno postavljen, zaradi osciliranja v vertikalni smeri proti in od pogonskega valja (9), da izravna vsak možen začetek nabiranja usnja.Machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that the non-permanent presser (100) is slidably positioned to oscillate vertically to and from the drive cylinder (9) to offset any possible start of leather picking. 10. Stroj, po enem ali več predhodnih zahtevkih, označen s tem, da ima skrajni del (22) nepremične plošče (21) zaokrožen prednji prosti rob z gornjim profilom (22’), ki je rahlo konkavno zakrivljen s polmerom krivulje, ki je v bistvu enak polmeru sosednjega valja (8) za impregnacijo, tako da je medprostor (v) med njima minimalen.A machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that the extreme part (22) of the stationary plate (21) has a rounded front free edge with an upper profile (22 ') which is slightly concavely curved with a radius of a curve which is essentially equal to the radius of the adjacent impregnation cylinder (8) so that the space (v) between them is minimal. 11. Stroj, po enem ali več predhodnih zahtevkih, označen s tem, da so na neizmenični pritiskač (100) priključene pogonske naprave (104,Machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that drive devices (104, 105, 106) zaradi doseganja njegovega osciliranja s spremenjljivo frekvenco v obsegu med 100 Hz in 200 Hz.105, 106) to achieve its variable frequency oscillation in the range of 100 Hz to 200 Hz. 12. Stroj, po enem aii več predhodnih zahtevkih, označen s tem, da je pogonski transportni trak (80) speljan preko pogonskega valja (9), da se usnje premika naprej glede na valj (8) za impregnacijo.Machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that the drive conveyor belt (80) is guided through the drive roller (9) to move the leather forward with respect to the impregnation roller (8).
SI9111780A 1990-11-09 1991-11-08 Roller dyeing machine for sueface impregnating of leathers and similar products SI9111780A (en)

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