SI9011187A - Opto-electronic pick-up for energy consumption counter - Google Patents

Opto-electronic pick-up for energy consumption counter Download PDF


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SI9011187A SI9011187A SI9011187A SI9011187A SI 9011187 A SI9011187 A SI 9011187A SI 9011187 A SI9011187 A SI 9011187A SI 9011187 A SI9011187 A SI 9011187A SI 9011187 A SI9011187 A SI 9011187A
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SI9011187B (en
Christophe Pistouley
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Cahors App Elec
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Priority claimed from FR8908268A external-priority patent/FR2648906B1/en
Application filed by Cahors App Elec filed Critical Cahors App Elec
Publication of SI9011187A publication Critical patent/SI9011187A/en
Publication of SI9011187B publication Critical patent/SI9011187B/en



  • Transmission And Conversion Of Sensor Element Output (AREA)
  • Optical Transform (AREA)


Optoelektronski dajalec za vgradnjo v števec porabe energije v gospodinjstvu obsega vrteči se disk (2) katerega hitrost vrtenja je funkcija porabe energije, pri čemer je dajalec (1) postavljen v nosilcu (7) z jezičkom (18) za pritrditev z elastičnim objemanjem dela ploščice (15) znotraj števca, pri čemer jeziček (18) drži dajalec (1) na točno določeni razdalji od vrtečega se diska (2) števca.Optoelectronic encoder for mounting in a counter Household energy consumption comprises a rotating disc (2) whose rotational speed is a function of energy consumption, wherein the encoder (1) is positioned in the carrier (7) by a tongue (18) for fixing with an elastic embrace a portion of the tile (15) inside the counter, wherein the tab (18) holds the encoder (1) at a specified distance from of the rotating disc (2) of the counter.


OPOMBA: Izvirni opis ni v slovenskem jeziku.NOTE: The original description is not in Slovenian.

Prevod opisa v slovenski jezik (str. 1-8) je v informacijske namene opravil Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino.The translation of the description into Slovenian language (pp. 1-8) was done for information purposes by the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Slovenia.


Regourd, 46003 Cahora, FrancijaRegourd, 46003 Cahora, France


Področje tehnike na katerega se izum nanašaFIELD OF THE INVENTION

Izum spada v področje metrologije oziroma prikazovanja in/ali zapisovanja pri meritvah nasploh in se nanaša na optoelektronski dajalec z optičnimi sredstvi, s svetlobnimi žarki zaznanimi s pomočjo fotocelice, kjer ugotavljanje informacije temelji na relativnem premikanju med nosilcem zapisa in dajalca, pri vodenju žarka od izvira do nosilca zapisa oziroma detektorja. Po mednaridni klasifikaciji patentov (MPK)4 je oznaka G 01D 5/34 in G 11B 7/135.The invention relates to the field of metrology or display and / or recording in measurements in general, and relates to an optoelectronic donor by optical means, with light rays detected by a photocell, where the determination of information is based on the relative movement between the record carrier and the donor in guiding the beam from the source to the record carrier or detector. According to the International Patent Classification (MPK) 4 , G 01D is 5/34 and G 11B 7/135.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Izum rešuje problem konstrukcije optoelektronskega dajalca za števec porabe energije prednostno števec porabe električne energije v gospodinjstvu, čigar vgradnja bo enostavna in ne bo zahtevala rekonstrukcije obstoječega števca, in pri tem bodo izpolnjeni pogoji natančne namestitve dajalca z ozirom na vrteči se del števca s katerega se vrši odčitavanje.The invention solves the problem of constructing an optoelectronic encoder for an energy meter, preferably a household electricity meter, the installation of which will be simple and will not require the reconstruction of an existing meter, thus fulfilling the conditions for the exact positioning of the encoder with respect to the rotating part of the meter from which it is made reading.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Poznani so števci porabe električne energije in plina, ki so izdelani s prikazovalnikom stanja porabe na čelni strani, ki obsegajo vrsto cifer, ki kažejo porabo električne energije ali plina. Te cifre občasno odčitavajo zaradi obračuna porabe. To odčitavanje ustvarja velike obveznosti in stroške. Zaradi tega so v patentnem spisu US No. 5,170,051 predlagane številne rešitve v izogib omenjenemu načinu odčitavanja. Vse te rešitve vključujejo postavitev enega dajalca znotraj števca s pomočjo katerega je možno detektirati prehod ene referenčne oznake na obračajočem se disku oziroma koleščku pri vsakem njegovem obratu.Electricity and gas meters that are manufactured using a front-end power consumption indicator are known, comprising a series of figures indicating electricity or gas consumption. These figures are occasionally read out for billing purposes. This reading creates huge obligations and costs. For this reason, U.S. Pat. No. 5,170,051 proposed a number of solutions to avoid this reading method. All of these solutions include placing one encoder inside the counter by which it is possible to detect the passage of one reference mark on a rotating disk or wheel at each of its turns.

Kadarkoli je ta oznaka detekirana, elektronska komponenta povezana s senzorjem v dajalcu daje električni signal, ki se pretvarja v porabo električne energije ali plina. Na ta način je možno izvesti odčitavanje na daljavo.Whenever this mark is detected, the electronic component connected to the sensor in the encoder produces an electrical signal that is converted to electricity or gas consumption. In this way, remote reading can be performed.

Pri tem osnovno pomanjkljivost teh rešitev predstavlja otežkočeno postavljanje in pritrditev znanih senzorjev v notranjost števcev električne energije ali plina.The main disadvantage of these solutions is the difficulty of installing and mounting known sensors inside electricity or gas meters.

V praksi je tukaj važno postaviti senzor na konstantno in točno določeno razdaljo od obračajočega se diska oziroma koleščka, ki nosi oznako, da bi se lahko dobile zanesljive in točne merjene vrednosti. Te rešitve predlagane v stanju tehnike do sedaj niso bila zadovoljive, ker so zahtevala spremembe na samih števcih in preveč časa za vgraditev.In practice, it is important here to place the sensor at a constant and precise distance from the rotating disc or the wheel bearing the mark in order to obtain reliable and accurate measured values. These solutions proposed in the prior art have not been satisfactory so far, as they required changes on the meters themselves and too much time for installation.

Bistvo izumaThe essence of the invention

Na osnovi prej navedenega, je cilj izuma ustvariti optoelektronski dajalec za števec porabe električne energije, prednostno števec za merjenje porabe električne energije v gospodinjstvih z novimi tehničnimi karakteristikami, čigar vgradnja bo enostavna in ne bo zahtevala rekonstrukcijo obstoječega števca, pri čemer bodo izpolnjeni pogoji natančne postavitve dajalca na obračajoči se del števca s katerega se vrši odčitavanje.On the basis of the foregoing, the object of the invention is to create an optoelectronic encoder for an electricity meter, preferably a meter for measuring electricity consumption in households with new technical characteristics, the installation of which will be simple and will not require the reconstruction of an existing meter, subject to the precision of installation of the donor to the rotating part of the counter from which the reading is made.

Optoelektronski dajalec za štetje porabe električne energije v gospodinjstvu po izumu obsega dajalec namenjen za postavljanje znotraj števca tako, da zazna prehod ene oznake na rotacijskem organu, pri vsakem njegovem obratu, ko se ta rotacijski organ obrača s hitrostjo, ki je funkcija porabe.An optoelectronic encoder for counting household electricity consumption according to the invention comprises a encoder intended to be positioned inside the counter by detecting the passage of one mark on the rotary body at each turn when the rotary body rotates at a rate that is a function of consumption.

Po izumu je dajalec nameščen na nosilnik, ki je izdelan za pritrjevanje na obstoječem delu v notranjosti števca z elementi, ki držijo dajalec na stalni razdalji od rotacijskega organa števca. Na ta način je olajšana postavitev dajalca in se lahko hitro izvede, ker ne zahteva nikakaršno modifikacijo števca. Elementi za pritrditev nosilnika lahko sestojijo iz ene ščipalke, ki je primerna, da elastično stiska omenjeni del na števevcu.According to the invention, the encoder is mounted on a support that is designed to be fastened to an existing part inside the counter with elements that hold the encoder at a constant distance from the rotary body of the counter. In this way, donor placement is facilitated and can be performed quickly as it does not require any modification of the meter. The mounting elements of the carrier may consist of a single pinch which is suitable to elastically compress said portion on the counter.

Nosilnik v katerega je nameščen dajalec olajšuje uporabo in ga istočasno ščiti.The enclosure in which the encoder is housed facilitates use and protects it at the same time.

Razen tega, ta nosilnik s svojimi sredstvi za pritrjevanje omogoča, v kratkem času, zelo natančno montažo v notranjosti števca.In addition, this bracket, with its fastening means, enables, within a short period of time, very accurate mounting inside the meter.

Po enem izvedbenem primeru, so vodniki, ki gredo iz dajalca zaliti v en tanek izolacijski trak, ki je dovolj tanek, da ga lahko namestimo med pokrovom in ohišjem števca brez potrebe po njihovi spremembi.According to one embodiment, the conductors extending from the donor are sealed into one thin insulating strip thin enough to be fitted between the cover and the housing of the counter without having to change them.

V tem primeru je najbolj primerno, da nosilnik dajalca ima eno stranico opremljeno z elastičnim jezičkom, kije primeren za prekrivanje roba napisne ploščice. Ista stran nosilnika ima omejilnik, ki se lahko namesti na robu okna napisne ploščice v bližini tistega njenega roba, ki je prekrit z jezičkom nosilnika.In this case, it is most appropriate for the donor carrier to have one side provided with an elastic tab suitable for covering the edge of the nameplate. The same side of the bracket has a restraint that can be mounted on the edge of the nameplate window near the edge of the nameplate, which is covered by the bracket tab.

Ko je omejilnik vložen v odprtino okenca napisne ploščice, nosilnik dajalca je zagozden z dveh strani v vzdolžni smeri okenca in sicer na eni strani nalega na omejilnik, ki sloni na konec okenca, na drugi strani pa na dno žleba , ki je določen z jezičkom, ki sloni na rob ploščice.When the limiter is inserted into the opening of the nameplate window, the donor bracket is wedged on two sides in the longitudinal direction of the window, on one side resting on the limiter resting on the end of the window and on the other side with the bottom of the groove defined by the tab, which rests on the edge of the tile.

Razen tega, omejilec zagozdi nosilnik tudi v prečni smeri. Tako se s fiksiranjem nosilnika z ozirom na okence napisne ploščice, omogoča točno definiranje razmaka med dajalcem in rotacijskim diskom, ki nosi referenčno oznako.In addition, the limiter jams the carrier even in the transverse direction. Thus, by fixing the carrier with respect to the nameplate window, it is possible to accurately define the distance between the encoder and the rotary disc bearing the reference mark.

Dajalec po izumo je enako pritrjen na števec za plin pri katerem je v ohišju nameščena vrsta koleščkov z številčnimi oznakami, ki se rotacijsko premikajo in eden izmed njih nosi referenčno oznako.The encoder according to the invention is equally attached to a gas counter, in which a series of rollers with rotatable numerical marks are mounted in the housing and one of them bears a reference mark.

V tem primeru nosilnik dajalca, po najprimernejši rešitvi, ima na eni strani elastični jeziček, ki je primeren za pokrivanje roba ene pregrade, ki se nahaja v notranjosti ohišja, na drugi strani nosilnika pa je izpust, kije določen tako, da naleže na eno ploskev ohišja števca in tako drži dajalec na določeni razdalji od koleščka s referenčno oznako.In this case, the donor carrier, according to the most suitable solution, has on one side an elastic tab which is suitable for covering the edge of one barrier located inside the housing, and on the other side of the carrier there is a discharge which is determined to fit on one surface. the housing of the meter to keep the encoder at a certain distance from the wheel with the reference mark.

Ostale lastnosti in prednosti izuma izhajajo iz nadaljnega opisa.Other features and advantages of the invention follow from the following description.

Kratek opis slik načrtaBrief description of plan pictures

Na priloženih načrtih, ki so podani kot primeri brez omejitve:On the attached plans, which are given as examples without restriction:

- Slika 1 je stranski izgled ene prve verzije nosilnika dajalca za števec električne energije,- Figure 1 is a side view of one first version of an encoder carrier for an electricity meter,

- Slika 2 je izgled z nasprotne strani nosilnika,- Figure 2 is a view from the opposite side of the carrier,

- Slika 3 je izgled v perspektivi prikazanega števca električne energije brez pokrova,- Figure 3 is a perspective view of the displayed electricity meter without cover,

- Slika 4 je izgled od strani, ki kaže nosilnik dajalca na svojem mestu na robu napisne ploščice in z ozirom na rotacijski disk,- Figure 4 is a side view showing the donor carrier in its place at the edge of the rating plate and with respect to the rotary disk,

- Slika 5 je izgled v perspektivi, z izločenimi deli in ponazarja pritrditev nosilnika na napisno ploščico,- Figure 5 is a perspective view, with the parts removed and illustrating the mounting of the carrier to the rating plate,

- Slika 6 je perspektivni izgled števca z nameščenim pokrovom,- Figure 6 is a perspective view of a meter with a lid installed,

- Slika 7 je pogled, od strani, na nosilnik dajalca predvidenega za namestitev v znotraj števca porabe plina,- Figure 7 is a side view of an encoder carrier intended to be installed within a gas meter,

- Slika 8 je pogled od zgoraj na del števca za plin brez pokrova v katerega je postavljen nosilnik dajalca.- Figure 8 is a top view of the portion of the gas meter without the lid in which the donor carrier is placed.


Pri izvedbi po slikah 1 in 2 je prikazan optoelektronski dajalec 1 predviden za namestitev znotraj števca porabe električne energije, ki ima (glej slike 3 do 5) rotacijski disk 2, čigar hitrost obračanja je odvisna od porabe in kjer dajalec 1 zaznava prehod oznake 3 na rotacijskem disku 2 pri vsakem obratu le-tega.In the embodiment of FIGS. 1 and 2, an optoelectronic encoder 1 is provided for installation within a power meter having (see Figures 3 to 5) a rotary disc 2 whose speed depends on consumption and where encoder 1 detects the passage of the mark 3 to rotary disk 2 at each revolution thereof.

Dajalec 1 ima eno poleg drugega postavljeno diodo 4 kot vir infrardeče svetlobe, na primer izdelano iz galium arzenida in fototransistor 5, na primer silicijev n-p-n tipa, pri čemer sta dioda 4 in transistor 5 postavljena v telo 6 iz plastičnega materiala.The encoder 1 has a diode 4 placed side by side as a source of infrared light, for example made of gallium arsenide and a phototransistor 5, for example silicon n-p-n type, with diode 4 and transistor 5 placed in the body 6 of plastic material.

Dioda 4 oddaja svetlobo, ki se reflektira od odsevne površine proti fototransistorju 5, ki to spremeni v električni signal. Da bi se reflektirano svetlobo, ki jo emitira dioda 4, lahko usmerilo natančno na fototransistor 5 je potrebno, da je odsevna površina postavljena na točno določeni razdalji od dajalca 1.Diode 4 emits light that is reflected from the reflecting surface against phototransistor 5, which transforms it into an electrical signal. In order to be able to direct the reflected light emitted by diode 4 exactly to the phototransistor 5, it is necessary that the reflecting surface is positioned at a precise distance from the encoder 1.

V primeru števca porabe električne energije reflektirajočo povrčino predstavlja rotacijski disk 2, ki se vrti s hitrostjo proporcionalno moči porabe.In the case of a power meter, the reflective surface is represented by a rotating disc 2 which rotates at a rate proportional to the power consumption.

Ta disk ima na sebi eno črno oznako 3, ki jo dajalec zazna pri vsakem obratu.This disc has one black mark on it 3 that the encoder detects at each turn.

Po izumu je dajalec 1 nameščen v nosilniku 7, izdelanemu na primer iz plastičnega materiala in, ki ima sredstva, ki mu omogočajo pritrditev s pomočjo elastičnega stiskanja na en del, ki že obstaja znotraj števca, omenjena sredstva pa držijo dajalec na določeni razdalji d (glej sliko 4) od rotacijskega diska 2 števca.According to the invention, the encoder 1 is housed in a carrier 7 made, for example, of plastic material and having means that allow it to be attached by elastic compression to one part already existing inside the counter, said means holding the encoder for a certain distance d ( see Figure 4) from the rotary disc 2 counter.

Na slikah 2, 4, 5 in 6 se vidi da so vodniki 8, 9, 10, 11, ki izhajajo iz dajalca 1 zaliti v elastičen trak 12 iz plastičnega izolacijskega materiala, ki je zadosti tanek, da lahko pride med pokrovom 13 števca in njegovega ohišja 14 brez potrebe po modifikaciji (glej sliko 6).Figures 2, 4, 5 and 6 show that the conductors 8, 9, 10, 11 arising from the donor 1 are sealed in an elastic band 12 of plastic insulation material that is sufficiently thin to reach between the counter 13 and its housing 14 without the need for modification (see Figure 6).

Števec porabe električne energije ima na sprednji strani pokrova 13 napisno ploščico 1 5 s pravokotnim okencem 16 izza katerega je postavljen rotacijski disk 2 z črno oznako (glej sliki 3 in 5).The power consumption counter has a nameplate 1 5 on the front of the cover 13 with a rectangular window 16 behind which a rotary disk 2 with a black mark is placed (see Figures 3 and 5).

Nosilnik 7 dajalca 1 ima eno stran 17 z elastičnim jezičkom 18, ki poteka paralelno s stranjo 17 in, ki lahko prekrije rob 1 5a napisne ploščice 15, kot je prikazano na sliki 5. Ta isa stran 17 nosilnika 7 ima mejnik 19, ki se ga lahko namesti na koncu 16a okenca 16 napisne ploščice 15, v bližini robal 5a, ki je objeta z jezičkom 18 nosilnika 7.The carrier 7 of the encoder 1 has one side 17 with an elastic tab 18 extending parallel to the side 17 and which can cover the edge 1 5a of the nameplate 15, as shown in Figure 5. This isa side 17 of the carrier 7 has a landmark 19 which it can be mounted at the end 16a of the window 16 of the nameplate 15, near the edges 5a, which is surrounded by the tab 18 of the carrier 7.

Dimenzije mejnika 19 so prirejene dimenzijam konca 16a okenca 16 tako, da se lahko ta namesti v okence brez reže.The dimensions of the milestone 19 are adapted to the dimensions of the end 16a of the box 16 so that it can be fitted into the window without a slot.

Na sliki 5 se vidi, da je dno 20a žleba 20, ki se nahaja med jezičkom 18 in stranjo 17 nosilnika 7, enako odmaknjeno od mejnika 19 kot je razdalja med robom 15a ploščice in roba 16a okenca 16. Mejnik 19 je zagozden tako, da pritiska na rob 16a okenca, medtem ko dno 20a žleba 20 pritiska na rob 1 5a ploščice.Figure 5 shows that the bottom 20a of the groove 20, which is located between the tab 18 and the side 17 of the carrier 7, is the same distance from the border 19 as the distance between the edge 15a of the tile and the edge 16a of the window 16. The border 19 is wedged such that presses the edge 16a of the window while the bottom 20a of the groove 20 presses the edge 1 5a of the tile.

Poleg tega, kot je prikazano na slikah 1, 4 in 5, nosilnik 7 ima eno stran 21 navpično na stran , ki nosi jeziček 18 in mejnik 19. Ta stran 21 ima odprtino 22, ki je spojena z ležiščem dalalnika 1. Razdalja med mejnikom 19 in stranjo 21 je določeno tako, da se med dajalcem T nameščenim izza odprtine 22 in diska 2 rotacijsko postavljenega paralelno z stranjo 21 na konstantni razdalji d. Ta razdalja d je točno določena tako, da omogoča, da svetlobo, ki jo emitira dioda 4 in, ki se reflektira na disku 2, sprejme fototransistor 5.In addition, as shown in Figures 1, 4 and 5, the carrier 7 has one side 21 vertically to the side carrying the tab 18 and the milestone 19. This page 21 has an opening 22 that is connected to the bearing of the spacer 1. The distance between the milestone 19 and side 21 are determined such that, between the encoder T positioned behind the opening 22 and the disc 2, it is rotated parallel to the side 21 at a constant distance d. This distance d is precisely determined to allow the light emitted by diode 4 and reflected on disk 2 to be received by the phototransistor 5.

Poleg tega nosilnik 7 ima eno stran 23, nasproti omenjeni strani 21, ki ima odprtino 22 iz katerega prihajajo vodniki 8, 9, 10 in 11, ki so spojeni z dajalcem 1.In addition, the carrier 7 has one side 23, opposite said side 21, which has an opening 22 from which come conductors 8, 9, 10 and 11, which are connected to the encoder 1.

Namestitev dajalca 1 in nosilnika 7 v števec porabe električne energije je skrajno enostavna.It is extremely easy to install encoder 1 and bracket 7 in the power meter.

Dovolj je, da se sname pokrov 13, ter da se natakne žleb 20 določen z jezičkom 18 na rob 15a ploščice proti okencu 16, in potem potisne nosilnik 7 proti okencu dokler mejnik ne pride do konca okenca.It is sufficient to remove the cover 13 and insert the groove 20 defined by the tab 18 on the edge of the plate 15a against the window 16, and then push the carrier 7 towards the window until the milestone reaches the end of the window.

Zatem se vstavi trak 12, ki nosi vodnike 8, 9, 10 in 11 spojene z dajalcem 1, čez rob ohišja 14 števca in se nato pritrdi pokrov 13.Thereafter, a strap 12 is inserted, which carries the conductors 8, 9, 10 and 11 connected to the encoder 1, over the edge of the housing 14 of the counter, and then the cover 13 is attached.

Slika 7 kaže nosilnik 25 dajalca 26 namenjenega za vgradnjo v števec porabe plina. Ohišje 27 tega števca (glej sliko 8) vsebuje vrsto koleščkov 28, ki se rotacijsko premikajo. Hitrost obračanja teh koleščkov 28 je premosorazmerna porabi plina. Zadnji kolešček 28 ima eno oznako 29, ki je izdelana na primer kot lepljivi trak, katero zazna dajalec 26.Figure 7 shows the carrier 25 of the encoder 26 intended for installation in a gas consumption counter. The housing 27 of this counter (see Figure 8) contains a series of rotary wheels 28. The speed of rotation of these wheels 28 is proportional to the gas consumption. The rear wheel 28 has one mark 29, which is made, for example, as adhesive tape detected by the encoder 26.

Nosilnik 25 dajalca 26 ima eno stran 30 z elastičnim jezičkom 31, ki je prirejen tako, da objame rob 32a pregrade 32, ki se nahaja znotraj ohišja 27. Druga stran nosilnika 25 ima izpust 33, ki je prirejen tako, da nalega na ploskev 34 ohišja 27 (glej sliko 7) in drži dajalec 26, ki je nameščen na nosilniku 25 na konstantni razdalji od koleščka 28, na kateremu je oznaka 29.The carrier 25 of the encoder 26 has one side 30 with an elastic tab 31, which is adapted to hug the edge 32a of the bulkhead 32, which is located inside the housing 27. The other side of the carrier 25 has a discharge 33 that is adapted to support the surface 34 housing 27 (see Figure 7) and holding the encoder 26, which is mounted on the carrier 25 at a constant distance from the wheel 28, on which is marked 29.

V primeru prikazanem na sliki 8, ohišje 27 števca ima, nasproti koleščka 28 na kateremu je oznaka 29, eno vdolbino pretežno v obliki črke U, ki je obrnjena in odprta proti omenjenemu koleščku in omejena s tremi pregradami 32, 35 in 36 samega ohišja. Na sliki 8 se vidi, da nosilnik 25 dajalca ima prerez prilagojen dimenzijam omenjene vdolbine, tako da se lahko v njo postavi.In the example shown in Figure 8, the counter housing 27 has, opposite the roller 28 on which the mark 29 is, one recess, preferably U-shaped, facing and open against said roller and bounded by three barriers 32, 35 and 36 of the housing itself. Figure 8 shows that the donor carrier 25 has a cross section adapted to the dimensions of said recess so that it can be positioned therein.

Tako kot v primeru prikazanem na slikah 1 do 6 je montaža nosilnika 25, v ohišje 27 števca porabe plina, zelo enostavna in ne zahteva nikakršne spremembe na omenjenem števcu. Ravno tako, trak 37, ki nosi vodnike spojene z dajalcem 26 se lahko namesti med rob 38 ohišja 27 in pokrovom ohišja, ki ni prikazan.As in the example shown in Figures 1 to 6, the mounting of the carrier 25 into the housing 27 of the gas meter is very simple and does not require any change on said meter. Likewise, a strip 37 carrying conductors coupled to the encoder 26 may be positioned between the edge 38 of the housing 27 and the housing cover not shown.

Razume se, da izum ni omejen na omenjene izvedbene primere, ki so opisani in, da se lahko izvedejo številne modifikacije vse v okviru izuma.It is to be understood that the invention is not limited to the foregoing embodiments described and that numerous modifications can be made throughout the invention.

Claims (6)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Optoelektronski dajalec za števec porabe energije, še posebej električne energije v gospodinjstvu, kateri vsebuje ohišje (14) s pokrovom (13) kot tudi z vrtečim se diskom (2), katerega hitrost vrtenja je funkcija porabe, pri čemer je na pokrovu (13) postavljena napisna ploščica (15) s pravokotnim okencem (16) nasproti vrtečega se diska (2), pri čemer je optoelektronski dajalec (1) narejen za vgradnjo znotraj števca za detekcijo mimohoda referenčne oznake (3) na vrtečem se disku (2) ob vsakem svojem ponovnem obratu, označen s tem, da je optoelektronski dajalec (1) postavljen v nosilniku (7) na kateremu je narejen elastični jeziček (18) za pritrditev nosilnika (7) na napisno ploščico (15) znotraj števca, pri čemer ta drži optoelektronski dajalec (1) na točno določeni razdalji od vrtečega se diska (2), in da nosilec (7) vsebuje prvo stran (17) z elastičnim jezičkom (18) za elastično držanje z objemanjem roba (15a) napisne ploščice (15), pri čemer je na tej prvi strani (17) nosilnika narejen tudi mejnik (19) za zapostavljanje znotraj konca okenčka (16) proti robu (15a) napisne ploščice (15) objete z jezičkom (18).An optoelectronic encoder for an energy meter, in particular a household electricity, which comprises a housing (14) with a lid (13) as well as a rotating disk (2) whose rotational speed is a function of consumption, with the lid ( 13) an inscribed plate (15) with a rectangular window (16) opposite the rotating disk (2), wherein the optoelectronic encoder (1) is arranged for installation inside the counter for passing the reference mark (3) on the rotating disk (2) each time it is rotated, characterized in that the optoelectronic encoder (1) is mounted in a carrier (7) on which an elastic tab (18) is mounted to secure the carrier (7) to the nameplate (15) inside the counter, wherein holds the optoelectronic encoder (1) at a precise distance from the rotating disc (2), and the carrier (7) comprises a first side (17) with an elastic tab (18) for elastic holding by hugging the edge (15a) of the nameplate (15) , being at these On the first side (17) of the carrier there is also a landmark (19) for neglecting inside the end of the box (16) towards the edge (15a) of the nameplate (15) surrounded by the tab (18). 2. Dajalec po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da so električni vodniki (8,9,10,11), ki izhajajo iz optoelektronskega dajaleca (1), zaliti v tanek upogiben trak (12) iz izolacijskega materiala, in je ta trak potegnjen ven med obstoječim ohišjem (14) in obstoječim pokrovom (13) električnega števca.Encoder according to claim 1, characterized in that the electrical conductors (8,9,10,11) emanating from the optoelectronic encoder (1) are embedded in a thin flexible strip (12) of insulating material, and this tape is pulled out between the existing housing (14) and the existing cover (13) of the electric meter. 3. Dajalec po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je mejnik (19) narejen take velikosti, ki ustreza koncu okenčka (16), da se ga postavi v njem brez reže.Encoder according to claim 1, characterized in that the milestone (19) is of a size corresponding to the end of the box (16) to be positioned therein without a slot. 4. Dajalec po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je žleb (20) med elastičnim jezičkom (18) in prednjo stranjo (17) nosilnika (7) izveden z dnom (20a), ki je na enaki razdalji od mejnika (19) kot je razdalja med robom (15a) napisne ploščice (15) in koncem okenca (16).Encoder according to claim 1, characterized in that the groove (20) between the elastic tab (18) and the front side (17) of the carrier (7) is made with a bottom (20a) at the same distance from the landmark (19). such as the distance between the edge (15a) of the nameplate (15) and the end of the window (16). 5. Dajalec po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da nosilnik (7) vsebuje tudi drugo stran (21) pravokotno na prvo stran (17), na kateri so postavljeni jeziček (18) in mejnik (19), pri čemer je ta druga stran (21) narejena z odprtino (22), ki služi kot ležišče za optoelektronski dajalec (1), medtem ko je razdalja med mejnikom (19) in drugo stranjo (21) nosilnika določena za držanje optoelektronskega dajaleca (1), nameščenega izza odprtine (22), na konstantni razdalji od vrtečega se diska (2), ki se vrti v ravnini, ki je paralelna z drugo stranjo (21) nosilnika.5. The encoder according to claim 1, characterized in that the carrier (7) also comprises a second side (21) perpendicular to the first side (17) on which a tab (18) and a landmark (19) are mounted, the latter being a side (21) made with an opening (22) serving as a holder for the optoelectronic encoder (1), while the distance between the landmark (19) and the other side (21) of the carrier is determined to hold the optoelectronic encoder (1) positioned behind the aperture (22), at a constant distance from a rotating disc (2) rotating in a plane parallel to the other side (21) of the carrier. 6. Dajalec po zahtevku 5, označen s tem, da nosilnik (7) dajaleca vsebuje tudiEncoder according to claim 5, characterized in that the encoder carrier (7) also contains 41tretjo stran (23), ki je postavljena nasproti drugi strani (21), iz katere so izvedeni električni vodniki (8,9,10,11) povezani z optoelektronskim dajalecom (1).41 a third side (23) which is arranged opposite the second side (21) from which the electrical conductors (8,9,10,11) are connected to the optoelectronic encoder (1). MANUFACTURE D’APPAREILLAGE ELECTRIOUEMANUFACTURE D'APPAREILLAGE ELECTRIOUE DE CAHORSDE CAHORS Regourd, 46003 CahorsRegourd, 46003 Cahors FrancijaFrance Zastopnik: ( •41IzvlečekRepresentative: ( • 41Summary Optoelektronski dajalec za vgradnjo v števec porabe energije v gospodinjstvu obsega vrteči se disk (2) katerega hitrost vrtenja je funkcija porabe energije, pri čemer je dajalec (1) postavljen v nosilcu (7) z jezičkom (18) za pritrditev z elastičnim objemanjem dela ploščice (15) znotraj števca, pri čemer jeziček (18) drži dajalec (1) na točno določeni razdalji od vrtečega se diska (2) števca.An optoelectronic encoder for incorporation into a household energy meter comprises a rotating disc (2) whose rotational speed is a function of energy consumption, the encoder (1) being mounted in a carrier (7) with a tab (18) for elastic embracing of a portion of the tile (15) inside the counter, the tab (18) being held by the encoder (1) at a precise distance from the rotating disc (2) of the counter.
SI9011187A 1989-06-21 1990-06-18 Opto-electronic pick-up for energy consumption counter SI9011187B (en)

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