SI20352A2 - Power meter, particularly for single phase ac power - Google Patents

Power meter, particularly for single phase ac power Download PDF


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SI20352A2 SI200000202A SI200000202A SI20352A2 SI 20352 A2 SI20352 A2 SI 20352A2 SI 200000202 A SI200000202 A SI 200000202A SI 200000202 A SI200000202 A SI 200000202A SI 20352 A2 SI20352 A2 SI 20352A2
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Darko Ergaver
Luka Šparovec
Tomislav Košir
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  • Indication And Recording Devices For Special Purposes And Tariff Metering Devices (AREA)
  • Arrangements For Transmission Of Measured Signals (AREA)


The power meter, particularly for single phase AC power, is made from a chassis (1), which holds an inductive electro-mechanical power meter and features terminals (2) covered by a leading panel. The meter also features an additional mark, which is read by an optical reader (3) through the opening (6) inside the chassis (1). The reader (3) is contained in a special chassis (4), which is attached to the chassis (1) on guide rails (5), so that it is light-fitted to the opening (6) and that the chassis (4) and (1) feature leading ears (9) for an independent reader (3) leading



Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je merilnik porabe električne energije, natančneje tovrstni elektromehanični oziroma indukcijski merilnik z možnostjo vgradnje optičnega čitalnika.The subject of the invention is a power meter, more specifically, an electromechanical or induction meter with the possibility of mounting a scanner.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako izboljšati znan elektromehaničen oziroma indukcijski merilnik porabe električne energije, ki bo razen prikaza izmerjene porabe električnega energije na prikazovalniku v merilniku samem, omogočal preko znanega optičnega čitalnika voditi digitalni tovrstni podatek do centralnega odbirnega mesta, kjer bo informacijsko obdelan, pri čemer bo odtipavanje brez fizikalnih motenj, prav tako pa bo optični čitalnik plombiran zaradi preprečitve dostopa nepooblaščenim, ne da bi pri tem oviral dostop drugim pooblaščenim osebam do sicer posebej plombiranih priključnih sponk in tretjim pooblaščenim osebam do elektromehaničnega oziroma indukcijskega merilnega sklopa, kije tudi posebej plombiran.A technical problem solved by the invention is how to improve a known electromechanical or induction power meter, which, in addition to displaying the measured power consumption on the display in the meter itself, will allow through a known scanner to run a digital data of this kind to the central picking point, where information processing, whereby the printout will be free from physical interference and the scanner will be sealed to prevent unauthorized access without obstructing access of electrically sealed terminals to other authorized persons and third authorized persons to the electromechanical or induction measuring assembly, which is also specially sealed.

27603-1 ,doc/IX-00/D24-Vr27603-1, doc / IX-00 / D24-Vr

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Znane so izboljšave elektromehaničnega oziroma indukcijskega merilnika porabe električne energije z dogradnjo optičnega čitalnika, s katerim odtipavamo signal, ki je sorazmeren s porabo električne energije vzporedno z eletromehaničnim merjenjem. Obstaja namreč potreba po opazovanju dinamike porabe električne energije zaradi načrtovanja bolj smotrnejše proizvodnje in plačilnih pogojev električne energije.Improvements to the electromechanical or induction meter of power consumption are known with the upgrade of a scanner, which detects a signal that is proportional to the power consumption in parallel with the eletromechanical measurement. There is a need to observe the dynamics of electricity consumption in order to plan more efficient production and payment conditions for electricity.

Iz tega stališča je znana patentna prijava WO 98/57184 (Abb Metering Systems Limited), po kateri je navedena izboljšava elektromehaničnega merilnika porabe električne energije zasnovana tako, da je na ohišju merilnika pod plombimim pokrovom priključnih sponk nameščen optični čitalnik, nadalje da je v ohišju merilnika ob rotorju izvedeno prosojno okno in da je na osi rotorja dodatno nameščen element z radialno razporejenimi izmeničnimi pasovi, ki odbijajo oziroma ne odbijajo svetlobe in sicer tako, da optični čitalnik odtipava posamezne svetlobne žarke, ki jih čitalnik pošlje skozi prosojno okno v ohišju na element ob rotorju in se odbijejo nazaj vanj od svetlobo odbojnih pasov v danem časovnem intervalu. Ti podatki, ki so premo sorazmerni s porabljeno električno energijo, se kasneje računalniško obdelujejo.From this point of view, the patent application WO 98/57184 (Abb Metering Systems Limited) is known, according to which the improvement of the electromechanical power meter is designed so that a scanner is mounted on the meter housing under the sealing cover of the terminals, further in the housing transducer window with transducer and, in addition, a radially spaced alternating band, which reflects or does not reflect light, is mounted on the rotor axis by scanning individual light beams sent by the reader through a transparent window in the housing to the element by the rotor and bounce back into it from the light reflecting bands at a given time interval. This data, which is directly proportional to the electricity consumed, is subsequently processed by computer.

Pomanjkljivost te rešitve je v tem, da potujejo svetlobni žarki iz optičnega čitalnika do elementa ob rotorju in nazaj v čitalnik skozi svetlobno nezavarovano polje, zaradi česar lahko čitalnik zazna tudi druge svetlobne žarke iz okolice ter odboje le-teh od reflektirajoČih elementov znotraj merilnika, ki vnesejo napako v odtipavanje. To se npr. lahko primeri med posegom pooblaščenih oseb do priključnih sponk, ko vdre v območje svetlobnega čitalnika okoliška svetloba: naravna in umetna, npr. svetlobni žarki ročnih svetilk.The disadvantage of this solution is that the light rays travel from the scanner to the rotor element and back into the reader through an unsecured light field, which allows the reader to detect other light rays from the surrounding area and reflect them from the reflecting elements inside the meter, which they enter a typo. This is the case, for example. may be the case when an authorized person engages the terminals when the ambient light enters the area of the light reader: natural and artificial, e.g. hand rays of light.

27603-1 ,doc/IX-00/D24-Vr27603-1, doc / IX-00 / D24-Vr

Naslednja pomanjkljivost tega izuma je, da je varovanje pred posegom nepooblaščenih oseb izvedeno s skupnim plombirnim pokrovom, ki pokriva tako optični čitalnik, kot tudi priključne sponke. Vemo pa, da so pooblaščene osebe za delo na sponkah druge, kot tiste, ki smejo upravljati z optičnim čitalnikom s tem tudi njihova pristojnost in strokovna usposobljenost. Glede na poslovno organizacijo obračunavanja porabljene energije in vzdrževanja mreže so lahko navedeni pooblaščenci iz različnih podjetij, kar pomeni, da ni čistega nadzora in pregleda nad dejanskim posegom v območju merilnika, ki ga smejo opravljati samo pooblaščenci. Zaradi različne strokovne usposobljenosti pride lahko do nenamerne poškodbe enega ali drugega sklopa, prav tako pa je beleženje opravljenih posegov ločeno, kar pomeni dodatno oviro pri hranjenju podatkov o posegih na posameznem merilniku, ki ga zahteva tisti organ, ki terminsko pregleduje in potrjuje natančnost merjenja porabljene električne energije v skladu s predpisi.Another disadvantage of the present invention is that protection against tampering is carried out with a common sealing cover covering both the scanner and the terminals. However, we know that the authorized persons to work on the terminals are other than those who are allowed to operate the scanner with their competence and professional competence. Depending on the business organization of energy billing and grid maintenance, proxies from different companies may be listed, which means that there is no pure control and review of the actual intervention in the meter area, which can only be performed by proxies. Different professional qualifications may lead to unintentional damage to one or the other set, as well as keeping records of the operations performed separately, which is an additional obstacle to storing the data on the operations on an individual meter, required by the body which periodically inspects and confirms the accuracy of measuring the consumed electricity according to regulations.

Naslednja pomanjkljivost opisanega merilnika je možnost škodljivega delovanja prahu iz okolice. Merilnik je namreč predviden za merjenje brez vzdrževalnih ukrepov več let, tudi deset let. V tem času pa se lahko nabere prah iz okolice na svetlobnem oknu in optičnem tipalu, kar popači odbiti svetlobni žarek iz koncentriranega snopa v razpršenega hkrati pa bistveno zniža njegovo jakost. Ker tudi snov svetlobnega okna absorbira del svetlobnega žarka, utegne optično tipalo sprejemati prešibko jakost svetlobnega snopa, ki povzroči napako ali celo prekinitev merjenja.Another disadvantage of the described meter is the possibility of harmful dust from the environment. The meter is intended to be measured without maintenance measures for several years, including ten years. In the meantime, dust from the surroundings on the light window and the optical sensor can accumulate, which distorts the reflected light from the concentrated beam into the diffused beam while significantly reducing its intensity. As the substance of the light window also absorbs a portion of the light beam, the optical sensor may receive too low a beam that causes a measurement error or even interruption.

Iz povedanega sledi potreba po novi zasnovi optičnega čitalnika v tovrstnem merilniku brez omenjenih pomanjkljivosti.From the foregoing, there is a need for a new design of the scanner in this kind of meter without the disadvantages mentioned.

27603-1 ,doc/IX-00/D24-Vr27603-1, doc / IX-00 / D24-Vr

Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem

Merilnik porabe električne energije ima osnovni indukcijski oziroma elektromehanični števec porabljene električne energije. Kot dodatek je na osi koluta, ki ga poganja magnetno polje in katerega vrtenje je sorazmerno z obremenitvijo, izvedena oznaka, ki jo optični čitalnik odtipava. Bistvo novosti izuma je v tem, daje čitalnik izveden v svojem ohišju, ki je namestljivo v ohišje merilnika tako, da v celoti objame svetlobno okno, skozi katero najprej pošilja svetlobni žarek in nato odbitega od oznake na osi koluta odtipava. S tem je onemogočena zunanja svetlobna motnja, ki bi popačila odtipavanje. Nameščenost ohišja optičnega čitalnika je tudi prahotesna, s čimer je v večletni dobi zagotovljena čistost svetlobnega okna in optičnega čitalnika za neovirano odtipavanje svetlobnega snopa. Tako izvedeno ohišje je predvideo za namestitev poljubnega optičnega čitalnika znotraj gabaritov prostora v ohišju glede na zasnovo obdelave podatkov v centralnem odbimem mestu. Razen tega opisana zasnova ne pogojuje namestitve optičnega čitalnika v prvi vgradnji, ampak tudi kasneje, ko je zgrajen celoten sistem obdelave podatkov na daljavo. Ohišje po izumu z optičnim čitalnikom je nameščeno v ohišju merilnika tako, da ga je možno dodatno neodvisno plombirati, s čimer je omogočen legalen dostop do čitalnika samo pooblaščeni osebi. Čitalnik je namreč lociran na ohišju merilnika ločeno od priključnih sponk, ki so dostopne mimo optičnega čitalnika. S tem je omogočeno neodvisno plombiranje priključnih sponk, do katerih lahko dostopa legalno samo za njih pooblaščena oseba.The electricity meter has a basic induction or electromechanical meter of electricity consumption. In addition, a mark is applied to the axis of the disk, driven by a magnetic field, the rotation of which is proportional to the load. The essence of the novelty of the invention is that the reader is made in its housing, which is adjustable in the housing of the meter by fully embracing the light window through which it first sends a light beam and then detects it from the mark on the axis of the disc. This prevents external light interference that would distort the printout. The position of the scanner housing is also powder-coated, ensuring the purity of the light window and the scanner for many years of unobstructed reflection of the light beam over many years. He designed the enclosure to accommodate any scanner within the enclosure dimensions of the enclosure according to the design of the data processing in the central reflected location. In addition, the design described does not condition the installation of the scanner in the first installation, but also later, when the entire remote data processing system is built. The housing of the invention with a scanner is mounted in the housing of the meter so that it can be sealed independently, allowing legal access to the reader only by an authorized person. The reader is located on the meter housing separately from the terminals that are accessible by the scanner. This enables independent sealing of the terminals, which can only be accessed legally by an authorized person.

Pri tem je pomembno, da namestitev optičnega čitalnika v drugi vgradnji ne posega v sam merilni sistem, ki je atestiran s stani pooblaščene institucije in bi vsak poseg vanj povzročil takojšen izreden atest, kar bi povzročilo dodatne stroške.It is important that the installation of the scanner in the second installation does not interfere with the measuring system itself, which is certified by the state of the authorized institution and that any intervention in it would result in an immediate extraordinary attestation, which would entail additional costs.

27603-1 ,doc/IX-00/D24-Vr27603-1, doc / IX-00 / D24-Vr

Podrobneje je bistvo izuma pojasnjeno v nadaljevanju z opisom izvedbenega primera in priložene risbe, na kateri kaže sl. 1 perspektivni pogled merilnika z ohišjem optičnega čitalnika po izumu in brez pokrova priključnih priključnice;The essence of the invention is explained in more detail below with a description of an embodiment and the accompanying drawing, in which FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the meter with the scanner housing according to the invention and without the cover of the connecting jacks;

sl. 2 isto vendar z dvignjenim ohišjem optičnega čitalnika.FIG. 2 same but with the scanner housing raised.

Merilnik porabe električne energije je izveden iz ohišja 1, v katerem je nameščen indukcijski oziroma mehanski števec porabe električne energije ter na katerem so izvedene priključne sponke 2, ki so prekrite z na slikah neprikazanim plombimim pokrovom priključnice. Na števcu, prednostno na njegovi osi, je dograjena oznaka, ki jo odtipava poljuben optični čitalnik, ki je izveden v posebnem ohišju 3, ki je v vodilih 4 vodeno nameščen na ohišju 1 merilnika tako, da svetlobotesno in prahotesno naseda na svetlobno okno 5, skozi katero nemoteno potujejo svetlobni žarki iz čitalnika do oznake na števcu in od njega odbiti žarka nazaj v čitalnik. Ohišje 3 Čitalnika je lahko opremljeno z zaskočnim zobom 6, ki sodeluje z zaskočnim peresom 7 na ohišju 1, da je ohišje 3 čitalnika fiksirano v ohišju 1 ne glede na njegovo lego. Razen tega sta na ohišju 3 in ohišju 1 izvedeni plombirni ušesi 8 za neodvisno plombo ohišja 3. Ploskve ohišij 1 in 3 so tako oblikovane, da lahko sprejmejo plombirno nalepko kot altemacijo za plombirno plombo z vrvico, ki teče skozi plombirni ušesi 8. Preko ohišja 3 optičnega čitalnika in priključnih sponk 2 je nameščen na slikah neprikazan pokrov, ki je lahko tudi izveden s plombimim elementom, hkrati pa je vodopršno tesen v skladu s standardi.The electricity meter is derived from a housing 1 in which an induction or mechanical power meter is mounted and on which terminal terminals 2 are covered, which are covered by the sealed connector cover shown in the figures. On the counter, preferably on its axis, there is a mark, printed by any scanner, which is made in a special housing 3, which is guided in the guides 4 on the housing of the meter so that it is light-sealed and powder-free on the light window 5, through which light beams pass from the reader to the mark on the counter and from it to reflect the beam back into the reader. The reader housing 3 may be provided with a snap tooth 6 which cooperates with the snap pen 7 on the housing 1 so that the reader housing 3 is fixed in the housing 1 regardless of its position. In addition, the sealing housings 8 are provided on the housing 3 and housing 1 for independent sealing of the housing 3. The housing surfaces 1 and 3 are designed to accommodate the sealing label as an alternative to the sealing seal with a string running through the sealing ears 8. Through the housing 3 of the scanner and the terminals 2 is a non-illustrated cover, which can also be made with a sealing element, while being water tight in accordance with the standards.

Claims (4)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Merilnik porabe električne energije, ki je izveden iz ohišja (1), v katerem je nameščen indukcijski električno mehanski števec električne energije, ter na katerem so izvedene priključne sponke (2), ki so prekrite s plombimim pokrovom priključnice, pri čemer je na števcu dograjena oznaka, ki jo odtipava optični čitalnik skozi svetlobno okno (5) v ohišju (1), označen s tem, da je optični čitalnik v posebnem ohišju (3), ki je v vodilih (4) vodeno nameščen na ohišju (1) tako, da svetlobotesno in prahotesno naseda na svetlobno okno (5), ter da sta na ohišju (3) in ohišju (1) izvedeni plombimi ušesi (8) za neodvisno plombo ohišja (3) in s tem v njem nameščenega optičnega čitalnika in so ploskve ohišij (1 in 3) prirejene za namestitev plombime nalepke.1. An electricity meter derived from a housing (1) housing an induction electromechanical electricity meter and having terminal terminals (2) covered by a sealing cover of the connector, wherein: an insignia added to the counter by the scanner through a light window (5) in the housing (1), characterized in that the scanner is in a special housing (3) guidedly mounted on the housing (1) in guides (4) by sealing the light-proof and powder-like light onto the light-window (5), and that the housing (3) and the housing (1) are provided with sealing ears (8) for independent sealing of the housing (3) and a scanner mounted therein, and housing housings (1 and 3) adapted to accommodate a plombime sticker. 2. Merilnik po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je ohišje (3) čitalnika opremljeno z zaskočnim zobom (6), ki sodeluje z zaskočnim peresom (7) na ohišju (1).Meter according to claim 1, characterized in that the reader housing (3) is provided with a snap tooth (6) which cooperates with a snap pen (7) on the housing (1). 3. Merilnik po zahtevkih 1 in 2, označen s tem, da so priključne sponke (2) plombirane neodvisno od plombirnega ohišja (3) optičnega čitalnika.Meter according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the terminals (2) are sealed independently of the scanner housing (3). 4. Merilnik po zahtevkih 1 do 3, označen s tem, da je optični čitalnik namestljiv v ohišje (3) kadarkoli, tudi kot druga vgradnja, ne da bi bil s tem posegom izničen atest merilnika porabe električne energije.Meter according to Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the scanner can be mounted in the housing (3) at any time, including as a second installation without destroying the attenuation of the power meter. Iskraemeco. d.d.Iskraemeco. d.d.
SI200000202A 2000-08-29 2000-08-29 Power meter, particularly for single phase ac power SI20352A2 (en)

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SI200000202A SI20352A2 (en) 2000-08-29 2000-08-29 Power meter, particularly for single phase ac power

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SI200000202A SI20352A2 (en) 2000-08-29 2000-08-29 Power meter, particularly for single phase ac power

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SI200000202A SI20352A2 (en) 2000-08-29 2000-08-29 Power meter, particularly for single phase ac power

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