SI26421A - Research reactor simulation system - Google Patents

Research reactor simulation system Download PDF


Publication number
SI26421A SI202300095A SI202300095A SI26421A SI 26421 A SI26421 A SI 26421A SI 202300095 A SI202300095 A SI 202300095A SI 202300095 A SI202300095 A SI 202300095A SI 26421 A SI26421 A SI 26421A
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Slovenian (sl)
Luka Snoj
Jan Malec
Toškan Dan
Original Assignee
Institut Jožef Stefan
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Application filed by Institut Jožef Stefan filed Critical Institut Jožef Stefan
Publication of SI26421A publication Critical patent/SI26421A/en



    • G09B9/00Simulators for teaching or training purposes
    • G21D3/00Control of nuclear power plant
    • G21D3/001Computer implemented control
    • G09B23/00Models for scientific, medical, or mathematical purposes, e.g. full-sized devices for demonstration purposes
    • G09B23/06Models for scientific, medical, or mathematical purposes, e.g. full-sized devices for demonstration purposes for physics
    • G09B23/16Models for scientific, medical, or mathematical purposes, e.g. full-sized devices for demonstration purposes for physics for science of heat
    • G09B25/00Models for purposes not provided for in G09B23/00, e.g. full-sized devices for demonstration purposes
    • G09B25/02Models for purposes not provided for in G09B23/00, e.g. full-sized devices for demonstration purposes of industrial processes; of machinery
    • G21C1/00Reactor types
    • G21D3/00Control of nuclear power plant
    • G21D3/008Man-machine interface, e.g. control room layout
    • G21D3/00Control of nuclear power plant
    • G21D3/04Safety arrangements
    • Y02E30/00Energy generation of nuclear origin
    • Y02E30/30Nuclear fission reactors


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Sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja rešuje problem relativno slabe dostopnosti raziskovalnih jedrskih reaktorjev za natančnejši študij reaktorske fizike. Simulator je pedagoška oprema za pomoč pri predavanjih, lahko pa tudi pomaga pripraviti študente za praktične vaje z resničnim fizijskim jedrskim reaktorjem. Sistem za simulacijo vključuje konzolo z gumbi in opozorilnimi lučkami, ki so povezane s primernimi povezavami na mikrokrmilnik; računalnik z zaslonom, ki je povezan na mikrokrmilnik preko komunikacijskega sredstva; programsko kodo simulatorja, ki se izvaja na mikrokrmilniku; programsko kodo računalnika, ki se izvaja na prikazovalnem računalniku. Simulator ima uporabniški vmesnik, ki ima gumbe, stikala in opozorilne lučke ter druge svetlobne prikazovalnike.The Research Reactor Simulation System solves the problem of the relatively poor accessibility of research nuclear reactors for a more accurate study of reactor physics. The simulator is a teaching aid for lectures, but it can also help prepare students for hands-on exercises with a real physical nuclear reactor. The simulation system includes a console with buttons and warning lights connected by suitable connections to the microcontroller; a computer with a display connected to the microcontroller via a communication means; the simulator software code that runs on the microcontroller; computer program code that runs on the display computer. The simulator has a user interface that has buttons, switches and warning lights and other light displays.


Sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorjaResearch reactor simulation system

Področje izumaField of the Invention

Pričujoči izum spada na področje reaktorske fizike in simulacij jedrskih reaktorjev, kot tudi na področje kontrolnih sistemov in uporabniških vmesnikov. Glede na mednarodno patentno klasifikacijo, izuma spada v razred G09B9 - Simulatorji za poučevanje ali usposabljanje in v razred G21C1 - jedrski reaktorji. Izum se nanaša na sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja.The present invention belongs to the field of reactor physics and simulations of nuclear reactors, as well as to the field of control systems and user interfaces. According to the international patent classification, the invention belongs to class G09B9 - Simulators for teaching or training and to class G21C1 - nuclear reactors. The invention relates to a system for simulating a research reactor.

Ozadje izuma in tehnični problemBackground of the Invention and Technical Problem

Poučevanje reaktorske fizike in jedrskega inženiringa, kot tudi usposabljanje bodočih operaterjev jedrskih elektrarn in raziskovalnih jedrskih reaktorjev trenutno sloni na standardni pedagoški opremi (kreda in tabla) ter na praktičnih vajah izvedenih na majhnih raziskovalnih reaktorjih, kot je na primer TRIGA(Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics) reaktor.The teaching of reactor physics and nuclear engineering, as well as the training of future operators of nuclear power plants and research nuclear reactors, currently relies on standard teaching equipment (chalk and blackboard) and on practical exercises carried out on small research reactors, such as TRIGA (Training, Research, Isotopes , General Atomics) reactor.

Večina izobraževalnih ustanov po svetu nima svojih raziskovalnih reaktorjev oz nima dostopa do katerega izmed raziskovalnih reaktorjev. Odstotnost raziskovalnih reaktorjev in primerne pedagoške opreme za uporabo pri predavanjih, kot tudi težave pri uspešni pripravi na praktične vaje na raziskovalnih reaktorjih, kažejo na potrebo po računalniškem simulatorju ali simulatorju fizijskih jedrskih reaktorjev.Most educational institutions around the world do not have their own research reactors or do not have access to any of the research reactors. The percentage of research reactors and suitable pedagogical equipment for use in lectures, as well as the difficulties in successfully preparing for practical exercises on research reactors, indicate the need for a computer simulator or a simulator of physical nuclear reactors.

Tehnični problem, ki ga naslavlja pričujoči izum, je torej zasnova simulatorja raziskovalnega reaktorja, ki bo učinkovito in zanesljivo simuliral vse aspekte delovanja jedrskih reaktorjev. Hkrati je zaželeno, da je rešitev cenovno ugodna ter hitro odzivna na vnose uporabnika.The technical problem addressed by the present invention is therefore the design of a research reactor simulator that will effectively and reliably simulate all aspects of the operation of nuclear reactors. At the same time, it is desirable that the solution is affordable and quickly responsive to user inputs.

Znano stanje tehnikeKnown state of the art

Nekatera podjetja razvijajo simulatorje reaktorjev, vendar pa so njihovi izdelki namenjeni usposabljanju operatorjev jedrskih elektrarn in niso primerni za uporabo v razredu. Obstoječi simulatorji so manj prilagodljivi in posledično manj primerni za učenje jedrske reaktorske fizike in študije značilnosti jedra jedrskih reaktorjev. Nadalje, običajni simulatorji morajo ustvariti celotno platformo kontrolne sobe, ki je prisotna v pravih reaktorjih ali elektrarnah, kar poviša stroške tovrstnih simulatorjev. Takšne rešitev so na primer opisane v dokumentih US3916444A in US3916445A.Some companies develop reactor simulators, but their products are intended for training nuclear power plant operators and are not suitable for classroom use. Existing simulators are less flexible and consequently less suitable for learning nuclear reactor physics and studying the characteristics of nuclear reactor cores. Furthermore, conventional simulators must create the entire control room platform present in real reactors or power plants, which increases the cost of such simulators. Such solutions are described, for example, in documents US3916444A and US3916445A.

Malo je literature ali drugih javno dostopnih objav o simulatorjih, ki bi jih uporabljali za usposabljanje ekip jedrskih elektrarn in napovedovanje odzivov jedrskih reaktorjev.There is little literature or other publicly available publications on simulators used to train nuclear power plant crews and predict nuclear reactor responses.

Patentna prijava US3082546A opisuje simulator jedrskega reaktorja, ki vključuje premične kontrolne palice, prilagodljiv vir toplote, kontrolno sredstvo za vir toplote, ki je operativno povezan na omenjene premične kontrolne palice, na toploto občutljivo tranzistorsko vezje, katerega tranzistor je izpostavljen viru toplote, in prikazovalnik, ki vključuje vsaj meter prilagojen za prikazovanje odziva tranzistorskega vezja na vir toplote kot kazalnik odziva jedrskega reaktorja na pozicijo kontrolnih palic. Ta rešitev se od pričujočega izuma razlikuje po uporabniškem vmesniku in značilnostih delovanja.Patent application US3082546A describes a nuclear reactor simulator including movable control rods, a flexible heat source, a control means for the heat source operatively connected to said movable control rods, a heat-sensitive transistor circuit, the transistor of which is exposed to the heat source, and a display, including at least a meter adapted to display the response of the transistor circuit to the heat source as an indicator of the response of the nuclear reactor to the position of the control rods. This solution differs from the present invention in terms of user interface and performance characteristics.

Micro-simulation Technology je razvila TRIGA ( simulator, ki se v glavnem osredotoča na reaktorske sekundarne sisteme, manj pa na fiziko reaktorske sredice. Sam simulator je konceptualno napačen, saj vključuje borirano vodo, ki je TRIGA reaktorji ne uporabljajo. Posledično simulacija procesor ne odraža resničnih pogojev v TRIGA reaktorjih. Nadalje, ta simulator ne omogoča spreminjanja fizikalnih parametrov reaktorja, kot so značilnosti zakasnelih nevtronov (efektivni deleži zakasnelih nevtronov, življenjski čas promptnih nevtronov, razpadne konstante zakasnelih nevtronov in prednikov zakasnelih nevtronov), vrednosti kontrolnih palic in podobno. Ta simulator je tudi prepočasen, da bi prikazoval obnašanje reaktorja v realnem času.Micro-simulation Technology has developed TRIGA ( a simulator that mainly focuses on reactor secondary systems and less on reactor core physics. The simulator itself is conceptually flawed, as it includes borated water, which TRIGA reactors do not use. As a result, the simulation processor does not reflect the real conditions in TRIGA reactors. Furthermore, this simulator does not allow changing the physical parameters of the reactor, such as characteristics of delayed neutrons (effective fractions of delayed neutrons, lifetimes of prompt neutrons, decay constants of delayed neutrons and progenitors of delayed neutrons), values of control rods, and the like. This simulator is also too slow to show the behavior of the reactor in real time.

Simulator, ki so ga zgradili na Češki Tehniški Univerzi v Pragi, je namenjen promocijskim, ne pa izobraževalnim namenom. Ima kontrolno ploščo s krmilno palico, s katero se premika kontrolne palice in gumbe za kontrolo simulacije, kot tudi računalniški ekran, ki prikazuje simulacijske parametre: moč reaktorja in temperatura goriva. Več informacij o tem simulatorju ni na voljo.The simulator, built at the Czech Technical University in Prague, is intended for promotional, not educational, purposes. It has a control panel with a joystick to move the control rods and buttons to control the simulation, as well as a computer screen that shows the simulation parameters: reactor power and fuel temperature. More information about this simulator is not available.

V Braziliji je IPEN (Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares) razvil simulator reaktorja (Ricardo Pinto de Carvalho and Jose Rubens Maiorino, A Research Reactor Simulator for Operators Training and Teaching, PHYSOR-2006, ANS Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics, Organized and hosted by the Canadian Nuclear Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2006 September 10-14), ki je zelo podoben mikrosimulacijski tehnologiji tega podjetja in je osredotočen na sekundarne sisteme in ne reaktorsko sredico. Upravljanje z reaktorjem se izvaja preko uporabniškega vmesnika na računalniškem zaslonu. Funkcionalnost simulatorja se razlikuje od pričujočega izuma.In Brazil, IPEN (Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares) developed a reactor simulator (Ricardo Pinto de Carvalho and Jose Rubens Maiorino, A Research Reactor Simulator for Operators Training and Teaching, PHYSOR-2006, ANS Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics, Organized and hosted by the Canadian Nuclear Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2006 September 10-14), which is very similar to this company's microsimulation technology and is focused on secondary systems rather than the reactor core. The reactor is controlled via a user interface on a computer screen. The functionality of the simulator differs from the present invention.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problemaDescription of the solution to the technical problem

Trenutno znane rešitve simulatorjev imajo več slabosti, namreč, so manj realistični, počasnejši in manj fleksibilni v primerjavi s simulatorjem po izumu. Cilj izuma je rešiti omenjene slabosti. Tehnični problem je rešen, kot je definirano v neodvisnem zahtevku, medtem ko so prednostne izvedbe definirane v odvisnih zahtevkih. Del simulatorja po izumu, še posebno fizika delovanja le-tega, je bil opisan v članku Malec in sod. (2020; doi: 10.1016/j.anucene.2020.107630), katerega vsebina je v celoti vključena v ta dokument.Currently known simulator solutions have several disadvantages, namely, they are less realistic, slower and less flexible compared to the simulator according to the invention. The aim of the invention is to solve the aforementioned disadvantages. The technical problem is solved as defined in the independent claim, while preferred embodiments are defined in the dependent claims. Part of the simulator according to the invention, especially the physics of its operation, was described in the article by Malec et al. (2020; doi: 10.1016/j.anucene.2020.107630), the contents of which are fully incorporated into this paper.

Bistvo izuma je v tem, da simulatorski sistem raziskovalnega reaktorja, ki temelji na treh kontrolnih palicah, ki so prilagojene za kontrolo verižne reakcije v simuliranem reaktorju ter posledično njegove moči, vključuje:The essence of the invention is that the simulator system of the research reactor, which is based on three control rods, which are adapted to control the chain reaction in the simulated reactor and consequently its power, includes:

- računalniški program, ki se lahko izvaja na računalniku, pri čemer je program prilagojen za izvajanje sledečega:- a computer program that can be executed on a computer, whereby the program is adapted to perform the following:

o simuliranje obnašanja reaktorske sredice, o izbiranje in/ali prilagoditev fizikalnih parametrov reaktorske sredice, kot je na primer velikost jedra, kinetični parametri reaktorja (npr. efektivni deleži zakasnelih nevtronov, življenjski čas promptnih nevtronov, razpadne konstante zakasnelih nevtronov in prednikov zakasnelih nevtronov), višek reaktivnosti, vrednosti kontrolnih palic, moči nevtronov, načini delovanja, in podobno, pri čemer program vključuje:o simulating the behavior of the reactor core, o selecting and/or adjusting the physical parameters of the reactor core, such as the size of the core, kinetic parameters of the reactor (e.g. effective fractions of delayed neutrons, lifetimes of prompt neutrons, decay constants of delayed neutrons and progenitors of delayed neutrons), peak reactivity, control rod values, neutron power, modes of operation, and the like, with the program including:

- termodinamski model, ki simulira prenos toplote iz elementov goriva in učinek omenjene toplote na simulirani reaktor,- a thermodynamic model that simulates heat transfer from the fuel elements and the effect of said heat on the simulated reactor,

- fizikalni modul, ki rešuje točkovne kinetične enačbe s temperaturo goriva in povratne učinke temperaturnega moderatorja za simulacijo reaktorske sredice v realnem času, pri čemer omenjeni fizikalni modul vključuje:- a physics module that solves the point kinetic equations with fuel temperature and temperature moderator feedbacks for real-time simulation of the reactor core, and said physics module includes:

o sistem za pulziranje, ki spremlja fizikalne parametre pulza in sproži hitro zaustavitev reaktorja po pulzu o kontrolni sistem za kontroliranje kontrolnih palic, prilagojen za premikanje palic med dvema ekstremnima položajema, pri čemer se položaj lahko določi s strani uporabnika ali z avtomatskim sistemom, ki je opisan spodaj, o izračun možne zastrupitve sredice, ki izračuna nove koncentracije produktov fizije na osnovi Batemanovih enačb, o izračun koncentracije nevtronov v naslednjem časovnem koraku, o simulacija varnostnega sistema, ki spremlja toplotno moč, periodo, temperaturo vode in temperaturo goriva, ter po potrebi sproži hitro zaustavitev reaktorja v primeru, da se preseže katerakoli izmed vnaprej nastavljenih mejnih vrednosti, pri čemer se lahko mejne vrednosti določijo in/ali spremenijo s strani uporabnika, računalnik, prilagojen za:o a pulsing system that monitors the physical parameters of the pulse and initiates a rapid shutdown of the reactor after the pulse o a control system for controlling the control rods adapted to move the rods between two extreme positions, which position can be determined by the user or by an automatic system that is described below, o calculation of possible core poisoning, which calculates new concentrations of fission products based on the Bateman equations, o calculation of neutron concentration in the next time step, o simulation of the safety system, which monitors thermal power, period, water temperature and fuel temperature, and if necessary initiates a rapid shutdown of the reactor in the event that any of the pre-set threshold values are exceeded, wherein the threshold values can be defined and/or changed by the user, a computer adapted to:

o izračun vseh fizikalnik količin modelov, o prikaz informacij, nastavitev in parametrov simulacije, kot je na primer časovna odvisnost moči, reaktivnosti in temperature ter prikaz položaja kontrolnih palic in drugih nastavitev simulatorja, na zaslonu, o povezavo na konzolo in za prenos signalov na konzolo oz. računalnik konzole,o calculation of all physical quantities of models, o display of simulation information, settings and parameters, such as time dependence of power, reactivity and temperature and display of the position of control rods and other simulator settings, on the screen, o connection to the console and for transmitting signals to the console or console computer,

- konzolo, ki deluje kot vmesnik med uporabnikom in računalnikom, ki je opremljena vsaj:- a console that acts as an interface between the user and the computer, which is equipped with at least:

- s povezovalnim sredstvom za povezavo z računalnikom,- with a connecting means for connecting to a computer,

- z mikrokrmilnikom, prilagojenim za komunikacijo z računalnikom in za izvajanje računalniške komponente konzole, ki je v bistvu zanka za izmenjavo stanja gumbov in signalov iz računalnika, in- with a microcontroller adapted to communicate with a computer and to implement the computer component of the console, which is essentially a loop for exchanging the state of buttons and signals from the computer, and

- s ploščo, opremljeno z:- with a panel equipped with:

o gumbi za kontroliranje simulacije reaktorja, še posebno tri kontrolne palice, o opozorilnimi lučkami, pri čemer so omenjeni gumbi in lučke elektronsko povezani na mikrokrmilnik.o buttons for controlling the reactor simulation, especially the three control rods, o warning lights, whereby the mentioned buttons and lights are electronically connected to the microcontroller.

Gumbi, ko se prižgejo, generirajo signale za sledeče simulacije:The buttons, when lit, generate signals for the following simulations:

- aktiviranje mehanizma za dviganje kontrolnih palic;- activation of the control rod lifting mechanism;

- spuščanje kontrolnih palic;- lowering the control sticks;

- takojšno ročno zaustavitev reaktorja;- immediate manual shutdown of the reactor;

- zagon kontrolne palice v pulznem načinu;- starting the control stick in pulse mode;

- izbira načina delovanja, ki je lahko avtomatsko, pulzno, delovanje s periodičnim spreminjanjem reaktivnosti (sinus, žaga, koraki), ali uporabniško določeno delovanje s spreminjanjem reaktivnosti.- selection of operation mode, which can be automatic, pulse, operation with periodic change of reactivity (sine, saw, steps), or user-defined operation with change of reactivity.

Natančneje so gumbi in njihove funkcije sledeče:More specifically, the buttons and their functions are as follows:

- gumb »palica navzgor« • ko se pritisne: če je omogočena kontrolna palica, potem se premakne kontrolno palico in magnet, ki drži kontrolno palico, navzgor, • ko se pritisne: če kontrolna palica ni omogočena, potem se premakne magnet kontrolne palice navzgor, vendar pa se palica ohrani v popolnoma vstavljenem položaju, • če je magnet kontrolne palice v maksimalnem položaju, potem se prižge lučka gumba, • če je magnet kontrolne palice nižje od maksimalnega položaja, potem se izklopi lučka gumba, gumb »palica navzdol«:- "stick up" button • when pressed: if joystick is enabled then moves the joystick and the magnet holding the joystick up • when pressed: if joystick is not enabled then moves the joystick magnet up , but the stick is kept in the fully inserted position, • if the control stick magnet is in the maximum position, then the button light is on, • if the control stick magnet is lower than the maximum position, then the button light is off, "stick down" button:

• ko se pritisne: če je omogočena kontrolna palica, potem se premakne kontrolno palico in magnet, ki drži kontrolno palico, navzdol, • ko se pritisne: če kontrolna palica ni omogočena, potem se premakne magnet kontrolne palice navzdol, vendar pa se palica ohrani v popolnoma vstavljenem položaju, • če je magnet kontrolne palice v maksimalnem položaju, potem se prižge lučka gumba, • če je magnet kontrolne palice nižje od maksimalnega položaja, potem se izklopi lučka gumba, gumb za omogočanje palic:• when pressed: if joystick is enabled then moves the joystick and the magnet holding the joystick down • when pressed: if joystick is not enabled then moves the joystick magnet down but keeps the stick in the fully inserted position, • if the control rod magnet is in the maximum position, then the button light is on, • if the control rod magnet is lower than the maximum position, then the button light is off, the button to enable the rods:

• ko se pritisne:• when pressed:

• če je palica onemogočena:• if the bar is disabled:

• signali SCRAM se ne sprožijo: magnet palic bo aktiviran. Če je magnet palice v spodnjem položaju, bo kontrolna palica začela slediti magnetu. Gumb se bo prižgal.• SCRAM signals are not triggered: the bar magnet will be activated. If the rod magnet is in the down position, the control rod will start to follow the magnet. The button will light up.

• katerikoli signal SCRAM sprože: nič se ne zgodi.• any SCRAM signal triggers: nothing happens.

• če je palica omogočena:• if the bar is enabled:

• magnet palice bo onemogočen, kar bo pomenilo, da palica pade v reaktor. Položaj palice ne bo več odvisen od položaja magneta.• the magnet of the rod will be disabled, which will mean that the rod falls into the reactor. The position of the rod will no longer depend on the position of the magnet.

gumb FIRE:FIRE button:

• ko se pritisne:• when pressed:

• Če reaktor ni v pulznem načinu, deluje na enak način kot gumb »omogoči palico« za regulacijo palice, • Če je reaktor v pulznem načinu, premakne kontrolno palico glede na trenutno pozicijo magneta kontrolne palice, gumb SCRAM:• If the reactor is not in pulse mode, it works in the same way as the “enable rod” button for rod regulation, • If the reactor is in pulse mode, it moves the control rod according to the current position of the control rod magnet, the SCRAM button:

• ko se pritisne:• when pressed:

• izklopi magnete kontrolnih palic, kar povzroči, da se kontrolne palice spustijo v popolnoma vstavljen položaj, • »MAN« scram lučka se prižge, • vsi »omogoči palico« gumbi se ugasnejo, gumb za izbiro načina delovanja:• de-energizes the control stick magnets, causing the control sticks to drop to the fully retracted position, • “MAN” scram light comes on, • all “stick enable” buttons turn off, mode selector button:

• če je nastavljen na MANUAL, omogoča ročno kontrolo palic, • če je nastavljen na SQ WAVE, omogoča stopničasti način delovanja, • če je nastavljen na SAVVTOOTH, omogoča žagasti način delovanja, • če je nastavljen na AUTO, omogoča avtomatski način, • če je nastavljen na PULSE, omogoča pulzni način, »MAN« scram lučka:• if set to MANUAL, enables manual stick control, • if set to SQ WAVE, enables step mode operation, • if set to SAVVTOOTH, enables sawtooth operation mode, • if set to AUTO, enables automatic mode, • if is set to PULSE, enables pulse mode, "MAN" scram light:

• se prižge, ko uporabnik pritisne gumb »SCRAM« na konzoli ali na pripadajočem uporabniškem vmesniku na računalniku, • se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom, »POW« scram lučka:• lights up when the user presses the “SCRAM” button on the console or on the associated user interface on the computer • turns off when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface “POW” scram light:

• se prižge, ko moč reaktorja preseže vrednost, ki jo je nastavil uporabnik, • se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom, »VVTEMP« scram lučka:• turns on when the reactor power exceeds the value set by the user • turns off when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface, “VVTEMP” scram light:

• se prižge, ko temperatura vode preseže vrednost, ki jo je nastavil uporabnik, • se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom, »FTEMP« scram lučka:• lights up when the water temperature exceeds the value set by the user • goes out when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface, “FTEMP” scram light:

• se prižge, ko temperatura goriva preseže vrednost, ki jo je nastavil uporabnik, • se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom, »PER« scram lučka:• lights up when the fuel temperature exceeds the value set by the user • goes out when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface, “PER” scram light:

• se prižge, ko reaktorska perioda preseže vrednost, ki jo je nastavil uporabnik, • se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom.• turns on when the reactor period exceeds the value set by the user • turns off when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface.

Izum omogoča prilagoditve in spreminjanje parametrov reaktorske sredice, kot so velikost jedra, kinetični reaktorski parametri (efektivni deleži zakasnelih nevtronov, življenjski čas promptnih nevtronov, razpadne konstante zakasnelih nevtronov in prednikov zakasnelih nevtronov), presežna reaktivnost, vrednosti kontrolnih palic, nevtronske moči, ipd. Izum omogoča prilagajanje vseh fizikalnih parametrov, ki se lahko prilagodijo v programu, ki se izvaja na računalniku, pri čemer procesor in program izvajata vse potrebne prilagoditve glede na fizikalni model in termodinamski model, kar pomeni, da se simulator lahko prilagodi za več različnih raziskovalnih reaktorjev. Zato je simulator splošen in ni vezan na specifičen tip reaktorja. Nadalje, simulator po izumu se lahko uporablja kot orodje za izobraževanje študentov na vseh stopnjah študija jedrskega inženirstva, in ni le orodje za izobraževanje operatorjev jedrskih reaktorjev.The invention enables adjustments and changes in the parameters of the reactor core, such as the size of the core, kinetic reactor parameters (effective fractions of delayed neutrons, lifetimes of prompt neutrons, decay constants of delayed neutrons and progenitors of delayed neutrons), excess reactivity, values of control rods, neutron powers, etc. The invention allows all physical parameters to be adjusted in a program running on a computer, with the processor and program making all the necessary adjustments based on the physical model and the thermodynamic model, meaning that the simulator can be adjusted for several different research reactors . Therefore, the simulator is general and not tied to a specific type of reactor. Furthermore, the simulator according to the invention can be used as a tool for training students at all levels of nuclear engineering studies, and not only as a tool for training nuclear reactor operators.

Simulator raziskovalnega reaktorja po izumu je primarno namenjen izobraževalnim namenom v državah ali ustanovah, ki nimajo enostavnega dostopa do raziskovalnih reaktorjev in za prikaze obnašanja jedrskih jeder v učilnicah izobraževalnih ustanov. Sistem je realističen, saj omogoča prilagajanje parametrov, kot tudi hiter in fleksibilen zaradi termodinamskega modela. Nadalje, konzola ima enake kontrolne gumbe in opozorilne lučke kot običajni rekatorji. Posledično zagotavlja resnično izkušnjo upravljanja z jedrskim reaktorjem. Število gumbov je nizko, njihove funkcije pa so jasne, zato je uporaba simulatorja intuitivna in enostavna.The research reactor simulator according to the invention is primarily intended for educational purposes in countries or institutions that do not have easy access to research reactors and for demonstrations of the behavior of nuclear nuclei in the classrooms of educational institutions. The system is realistic, as it allows parameters to be adjusted, as well as fast and flexible due to the thermodynamic model. Furthermore, the console has the same control buttons and warning lights as conventional rectors. As a result, it provides a real experience of operating a nuclear reactor. The number of buttons is few and their functions are clear, so using the simulator is intuitive and easy.

Metoda delovanja sistema za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja po izumu vključuje sledeče korake:The method of operation of the research reactor simulation system according to the invention includes the following steps:

a) povezovanje konzole na primeren računalnik, prednostno preko USB ai katerekoli druge povezave, in zagon programa na računalniku,a) connecting the console to a suitable computer, preferably via USB or any other connection, and running the program on the computer,

b) nastavljanje parametrov simuliranega reaktorja, pri čemer program izvaja vse potrebne prilagoditve v skladu s fizikalnim modelom,b) setting the parameters of the simulated reactor, whereby the program makes all the necessary adjustments according to the physical model,

c) izbor načina delovanja konzole,c) selection of console operation mode,

d) nastavljanje kontrolnih palic konzole s pritiskanjem na gumbe navzgor in navzdol, e) simulacija moči, temperature, reaktivnost glede na nastavljen način delovanja in položaj kontrolnih palic, pri čemer se v primeru, da je katerikoli parameter izven okvirjev, simulator izklopi tako kot bi se reaktor in prikazuje opozorilni signal.d) adjusting the control sticks of the console by pressing the up and down buttons, e) simulating the power, temperature, reactivity according to the set mode of operation and the position of the control sticks, and if any parameter is out of bounds, the simulator will turn off as it would reactor and displays a warning signal.

Med delovanjem se lahko kontrolne palice ponovno nastavijo, način delovanja se lahko spremeni, ipd., pri čemer se vse prilagoditve izvajajo s procesorjem in programom v skladu s fizikalnim odelom. Dodatno simulator omogoča uporabniku pohitritev ali upočasnitev simulacije, kar omogoča učiteljem demonstracijo dolgotrajnih fenomenov kot so odziv reaktorja na Xe zastrupitev ali odziv reaktorja na majhne, simetrične periodične spremembe reaktivnosti.During operation, the control sticks can be reset, the operation mode can be changed, etc., all adjustments being made by the processor and program according to the physical suit. In addition, the simulator allows the user to speed up or slow down the simulation, which allows teachers to demonstrate long-term phenomena such as reactor response to Xe poisoning or reactor response to small, symmetric periodic changes in reactivity.

Pričujoči izum bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje opisan s pomočjo izvedbenih primerov in slik, ki prikazujejo:The present invention will be described in more detail below with the help of examples and pictures showing:

Slika 1: Shema sistema po izumuFigure 1: Schematic of the system according to the invention

Slika 2: Možna izvedba plošče konzoleFigure 2: A possible design of the console panel

Slika 3: Natančen diagram komponent simulatorjaFigure 3: Detailed diagram of the simulator components

Kot je prikazano na sliki 1, je konzola sistema uporabniški vmesnik simulatorja. Vključuje ploščo 1 z gumbi in opozorilnimi lučmi, mikrokrmilnik 3 in elektronsko povezavo 2 za povezovanje plošče 1 in mikrokrmilnika 3. Slednji uporablja komunikacijsko sredstvo 4 za komunikacijo z osebnim računalnikom 5. Komunikacija med uporabniškim vmesnikom 1 na konzoli in osebnim računalnikom 5 je dvosmerna, kot sledi:As shown in Figure 1, the system console is the user interface of the simulator. It includes a board 1 with buttons and warning lights, a microcontroller 3 and an electronic connection 2 for connecting the board 1 and the microcontroller 3. The latter uses a communication means 4 to communicate with a personal computer 5. The communication between the user interface 1 on the console and the personal computer 5 is two-way, as follows:

i. konzola pošilja status vseh gumbov in stikalov na osebni računalnik. Signal se pošlje preko plošče 1 preko povezave 2 na mikrokrmilnik 3 v konzoli in preko komunikacijskega sredstva 4 na računalnik 5 (primer: prenos signala s pritiskom na enega izmed gumbov na uporabniškem vmesniku).i. the console sends the status of all buttons and switches to the PC. The signal is sent via the board 1 via connection 2 to the microcontroller 3 in the console and via the communication means 4 to the computer 5 (example: signal transmission by pressing one of the buttons on the user interface).

ii. Konzola sprejme iz osebnega računalnika signale o statusu simulacijskih signalov; SCRAM, lege kontrolnih palic, stanja mehanizma za dviganje palic in način delovanja. Digitalni signal iz računalnika 5 potuje preko komunikacijskega sredstva 4 na konzolo, kjer je obdelan z mikrokrmilnikom 3 in skladno s tem prikazan na plošči 1 (primer: prižig eneg izmed opozorilnih lučk na uporabniškem vmesniku).ii. The console receives signals from the PC about the status of the simulation signals; SCRAM, control stick positions, stick lift mechanism states and mode of operation. The digital signal from the computer 5 travels via the communication means 4 to the console, where it is processed by the microcontroller 3 and accordingly displayed on the board 1 (example: lighting of one of the warning lights on the user interface).

Slika 2 prikazuje možen izvedbeni primer plošče konzole, ki vključuje gumbe 7, ki so prilagojeni za kontrolo premikanja treh kontrolnih palic, in dodatnih lučk ter zvočnih signalov 8 in/ali opozorilnih lučk 6, ki so prilagojene za opozarajanje uporabnika o ročnem ali avtomatskem izklopu reaktorja (SCRAM signal) zaradi prekoračene mejne vrednosti reaktorske periode, temperature goriva, toplotne moči, temperature hladilne vode, ali ročnega izklopa. Vsaka kontrolna palica ima določen set treh gumbov 7, to so “dvig”, “spust” in “omogoči”. Nadaljnji gumbi 7 so: - gumb FIRE in - gumb SCRAM, katerih funkcije so opisane zgoraj.Figure 2 shows a possible embodiment of a console panel that includes buttons 7 adapted to control the movement of the three control rods and additional lights and sound signals 8 and/or warning lights 6 adapted to alert the user of manual or automatic shutdown of the reactor (SCRAM signal) due to exceeding the limit value of the reactor period, fuel temperature, thermal power, cooling water temperature, or manual shutdown. Each control stick has a specific set of three buttons 7, namely “raise”, “lower” and “enable”. Further buttons 7 are: - the FIRE button and - the SCRAM button, whose functions are described above.

Konzola lahko dodatno vključuje opcijsko stikalo za izbor metode simulacije delovanja reaktorja, namreč: - ročni način;The console can additionally include an optional switch for selecting the reactor operation simulation method, namely: - manual mode;

- avtomatski način;- automatic mode;

- pulzni način;- pulse mode;

- metoda periodičnega spreminjanja reaktivnosti (sinus, žaga, korak).- method of periodic change of reactivity (sine, saw, step).

V ročnem načinu kontrole palice upravljane s strani uporabnika z gumbi navzgor/navzdol. V pulznem načinu uporabnik simulira pulzne eksperimente, kjer se ena izmed kontrolnih palic hitro umakne iz sistema, kar hitro poviša reaktivnost.In manual mode, the control stick is operated by the user with the up/down buttons. In pulse mode, the user simulates pulse experiments, where one of the control rods is quickly withdrawn from the system, which quickly increases the reactivity.

V avtomatskem načinu simulator preverja, če je razlika med trenutno močjo rekatorja in želeno močjo reaktorja večja od pred-nastavljene mejne vrednosti in premakne želeno pozicijo navzgor ali navzdol, dokler se ne izpolni pogoj pred-nastavljene vrednosti. Žagasti, sinusoidni in stopničasti načini delovanja premikajo kontrolno palico tako, da sledi oblikam valov, ki jih je nastavil uporabnik.In automatic mode, the simulator checks if the difference between the current reactor power and the desired reactor power is greater than a pre-set limit value and moves the desired position up or down until the pre-set value condition is met. Sawtooth, sinusoidal, and stepper modes of operation move the joystick to follow waveforms set by the user.

Lučke 6 na plošči 1 so:Lights 6 on board 1 are:

- »MAN« scram lučka,- "MAN" scram light,

- »POW« scram lučka,- "POW" scram light,

- »VVTEMP« scram lučka,- "VVTEMP" scram light,

- »FTEMP« scram lučka, in- "FTEMP" scram light, and

- »PER« scram lučka, katerih funkcije so opisane zgoraj.- "PER" scram light whose functions are described above.

Slika 3 prikazuje natančno delovanje reaktorskih komponent. Moduli na sliki potekajo od leve proti desni, kot je prikazano na sliki. Prvi modul je upravljalec procesov 9, ki skrbi za povezovanje med fizikalnim modelom in grafičnim vmesnikom ter časovno sinhronizacijo 10. Drugi modul je fizikalni modul, ki izračunava časovno odvisne fizikalne parametre simuliranega reaktorja. Vključuje sistem za pulziranje 11, izračun hidrodinamike 12, simulator nadzornih palic 13, izračun zastrupitve sredice 14, izračun kinetike 15 in simulacijo varnostnega sistema 16. Simulator nato izračuna prikazane parametre 17, poskrbi za branje signalov uporabnika 18 in posodobitev prikaza 19 na zaslonu. Na podlagi simulacijskih rezultatov, uporabniški vmesnik pošlje nekatere izmed simulacijskih signalov na konzolo K.Figure 3 shows the precise operation of the reactor components. The modules in the image run from left to right as shown in the image. The first module is the process manager 9, which takes care of the connection between the physical model and the graphical interface and the time synchronization 10. The second module is the physical module, which calculates the time-dependent physical parameters of the simulated reactor. It includes a pulsation system 11, a hydrodynamics calculation 12, a control rod simulator 13, a core poisoning calculation 14, a kinetics calculation 15 and a safety system simulation 16. The simulator then calculates the displayed parameters 17, takes care of reading the user signals 18 and updating the display 19 on the screen. Based on the simulation results, the user interface sends some of the simulation signals to the K console.

Claims (9)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja zasnovan na reaktorju, ki ima tri kontrolne palice prilagojene za kontrolo verižne reakcije v simuliranem reaktorju in s tem njegovi moči, pri čemer omenjeni sistem vključuje:1. A research reactor simulation system based on a reactor having three control rods adapted to control the chain reaction in the simulated reactor and thus its power, said system including: - računalniški program, ki se lahko izvaja na računalniku, pri čemer je program prilagojen za izvajanje sledečega:- a computer program that can be executed on a computer, whereby the program is adapted to perform the following: o simuliranje obnašanja reaktorske sredice, o izbiranje in/ali prilagoditev fizikalnih parametrov reaktorske sredice, kot je na primer velikost jedra, kinetični parametri reaktorja, višek reaktivnosti, vrednosti kontrolnih palic, moči nevtronov, načini delovanja, in podobno, pri čemer omenjeni program vključuje:o simulating the behavior of the reactor core, o selecting and/or adjusting the physical parameters of the reactor core, such as, for example, the size of the core, kinetic parameters of the reactor, peak reactivity, values of control rods, neutron power, modes of operation, and the like, wherein said program includes: o termodinamski model, ki simulira toplotni prenos iz goriva v okolico in učinek toplote na simulirani reaktor, o fizikalni model za reševanje enačb točkove kinetike z povratnimi efekti zaradi spreminjanja temperature goriva intemperature reaktorja za simulacijo sredice v realnem času, ki vključuje:o a thermodynamic model that simulates the heat transfer from the fuel to the environment and the effect of heat on the simulated reactor, o a physical model for solving point kinetics equations with feedback effects due to changing fuel temperature and reactor temperature for real-time core simulation, which includes: sistem za pulziranje, ki spremlja fizikalne parametre pulza in sproži hitro zaustavitev reaktorja po pulzu, kontrolni sistem za kontroliranje kontrolnih palic, ki je prilagojen za premikanje palic med dvema ekstremnima položajema, pri čemer se položaj lahko določi s strani uporabnika ali z avtomatskim sistemom, ki je opisan spodaj, izračun možne zastrupitve sredice, ki izračuna nove koncentracije produktov fizije na osnovi Batemanovih enačb, izračun koncentracije nevtronov v naslednjem časovnem koraku, simulacija varnostnega sistema, ki spremlja toplotno moč, periodo, temperaturo vode in temperaturo goriva, ter po potrebi sproži hitro zaustavitev reaktorja v primeru, da se preseže katerakoli izmed vnaprej nastavljenih mejnih vrednosti, pri čemer se lahko mejne vrednosti določijo in/ali spremenijo s strani uporabnika,a pulsing system that monitors the physical parameters of the pulse and initiates a rapid shutdown of the reactor after the pulse, a control system for controlling the control rods, which is adapted to move the rods between two extreme positions, which position can be determined by the user or by an automatic system that is described below, calculation of possible core poisoning, which calculates new concentrations of fission products based on the Bateman equations, calculation of neutron concentration in the next time step, simulation of the safety system, which monitors thermal power, period, water temperature and fuel temperature, and if necessary initiates a fast shutdown of the reactor in the event that any of the pre-set limit values are exceeded, whereby the limit values can be defined and/or changed by the user, - računalnik prilagojen za:- computer adapted for: o izračun vseh fizikalnik količin modelov, o prikaz informacij, nastavitev in parametrov simulacije, kot je na primer časovna odvisnost moči, reaktivnosti in temperature ter prikaz položaja kontrolnih palic in drugih nastavitev simulatorja, na zaslonu, o povezavo na konzolo in za prenos signalov na konzolo oziroma računalnik konzole,o calculation of all physical quantities of models, o display of simulation information, settings and parameters, such as time dependence of power, reactivity and temperature and display of the position of control rods and other simulator settings, on the screen, o connection to the console and for transmitting signals to the console or console computer, - konzolo, ki deluje kot vmesnik med uporabnikom in računalnikom, ki je opremljena vsaj:- a console that acts as an interface between the user and the computer, which is equipped with at least: - s povezovalnim sredstvom (2) za povezavo z računalnikom (5),- with the connecting means (2) for connecting to the computer (5), - s ploščo (1) opremljeno z:- with plate (1) equipped with: o gumbi (7) za kontroliranje simulacije reaktorja, še posebno tri kontrolne palice, o opozorilne lučke (6),o buttons (7) for controlling the reactor simulation, especially three control sticks, o warning lights (6), - pri čemer so omenjeni gumbi (7) in lučke (6) elektronsko povezani na mikrokrmilnik (3),- whereby the mentioned buttons (7) and lights (6) are electronically connected to the microcontroller (3), - in mikrokrmilnik (3) prilagojen za komunikacijo z računalnikom (5) in prilagojen za izvajanje programske komponente konzole, ki je v bistvu zanka za izmenjavo stanja gumbov (7) in signalov (6) iz računalnika (5).- and a microcontroller (3) adapted to communicate with the computer (5) and adapted to execute the software component of the console, which is basically a loop for exchanging the state of the buttons (7) and signals (6) from the computer (5). 2. Sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja po zahtevku 1, kjer so gumbi (7) konzole, ko so prižgani, prilagojeni za generiranje signala za sledeče simulacije: - aktiviranje mehanizma za dviganje kontrolnih palic;2. A research reactor simulation system according to claim 1, wherein the buttons (7) of the console, when turned on, are adapted to generate a signal for the following simulations: - activation of the mechanism for raising the control rods; - spuščanje kontrolnih palic;- lowering the control sticks; - takojšno ročno zaustavitev reaktorja;- immediate manual shutdown of the reactor; - zagon kontrolne palice v pulznem načinu;- starting the control stick in pulse mode; - izbira načina delovanja, ki je lahko avtomatsko, pulzno, delovanje s periodičnim spreminjanjem reaktivnosti, kot so sinus, žaga, koraki, ali uporabniško določeno delovanje s spreminjanjem reaktivnosti.- selection of operation mode, which can be automatic, pulse, operation with periodic change of reactivity, such as sine, saw, steps, or user-defined operation with change of reactivity. 3. Sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja po zahtevku 1 ali zahtevku 2, kjer so kinetični parametri reaktorja delež zakasnelih nevtronov in razpadne konstante.3. A system for simulating a research reactor according to claim 1 or claim 2, where the kinetic parameters of the reactor are the fraction of delayed neutrons and the decay constant. 4. Sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja po kateremkoli izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, kjer so lučke (6) in gumbi (7) na konzoli in njihove funkcije sledeče: - gumb »palica navzgor« • ko se pritisne: če je omogočena kontrolna palica, potem se premakne kontrolno palico in magnet, ki drži kontrolno palico, navzgor, • ko se pritisne: če kontrolna palica ni omogočena, potem se premakne magnet kontrolne palice navzgor, vendar pa se palica ohrani v popolnoma vstavljenem položaju, • če je magnet kontrolne palice v maksimalnem položaju, potem se prižge lučka gumba, • če je magnet kontrolne palice nižje od maksimalnega položaja, potem se izklopi lučka gumba,4. A research reactor simulation system according to any of the preceding claims, where the lights (6) and buttons (7) on the console and their functions are as follows: - "stick up" button • when pressed: if the control stick is enabled, then moves the joystick and the magnet holding the joystick up, • when pressed: if the joystick is not enabled, then the joystick magnet moves up, but the stick is kept in the fully inserted position, • if the joystick magnet is at maximum position, then the button light turns on, • if the control rod magnet is lower than the maximum position, then the button light turns off, - gumb »palica navzdol«:- "stick down" button: • ko se pritisne: če je omogočena kontrolna palica, potem se premakne kontrolno palico in magnet, ki drži kontrolno palico, navzdol, • ko se pritisne: če kontrolna palica ni omogočena, potem se premakne magnet kontrolne palice navzdol, vendar pa se palica ohrani v popolnoma vstavljenem položaju, • če je magnet kontrolne palice v maksimalnem položaju, potem se prižge lučka gumba, • če je magnet kontrolne palice nižje od maksimalnega položaja, potem se izklopi lučka gumba,• when pressed: if joystick is enabled then moves the joystick and the magnet holding the joystick down • when pressed: if joystick is not enabled then moves the joystick magnet down but keeps the stick in the fully inserted position, • if the magnet of the control rod is in the maximum position, then the light of the button turns on, • if the magnet of the control rod is lower than the maximum position, then the light of the button turns off, - gumb za omogočanje palic:- button to enable bars: • ko se pritisne:• when pressed: • če je palica onemogočena:• if the bar is disabled: • signali SCRAM se ne sprožijo: magnet palic bo aktiviran, pri čemer velja, da, če je magnet palice v spodnjem položaju, bo kontrolna palica začela slediti magnetu, in gumb se bo prižgal, • katerikoli signal SCRAM sprožen: nič se ne zgodi, • če je palica omogočena:• SCRAM signals not triggered: the rod magnet will be activated, where if the rod magnet is in the down position, the control rod will start to follow the magnet, and the button will light up, • any SCRAM signal triggered: nothing happens, • if the bar is enabled: • magnet palice bo onemogočen, kar bo pomenilo, da palica pade v reaktor, pri čemer položaj palice ne bo več pod vplivom magneta, gumb FIRE:• the magnet of the rod will be disabled, which will mean that the rod will fall into the reactor, and the position of the rod will no longer be influenced by the magnet, the FIRE button: • ko se pritisne:• when pressed: • Če reaktor ni v pulznem načinu, deluje na enak način kot gumb »omogoči palico« za regulacijo palice, • Če je reaktor v pulznem načinu, premakne kontrolno palico glede na trenutno pozicijo magneta kontrolne palice, gumb SCRAM:• If the reactor is not in pulse mode, it works in the same way as the "enable rod" button for rod regulation, • If the reactor is in pulse mode, it moves the control rod according to the current position of the control rod magnet, the SCRAM button: • ko se pritisne:• when pressed: • izklopi magnete kontrolnih palic, kar povzroči, da se kontrolne palice spustijo v popolnoma vstavljen položaj, • »MAN« scram lučka se prižge, • vsi »omogoči palico« gumbi se ugasnejo, gumb za izbiro načina delovanja:• de-energizes the control stick magnets, causing the control sticks to drop to the fully retracted position, • “MAN” scram light comes on, • all “stick enable” buttons turn off, mode selector button: • če je nastavljen na MAN UAL, omogoča ročno kontrolo palic, • če je nastavljen na SQ WAVE, omogoča stopničasti način, • če je nastavljen na SAVVTOOTH, omogoča žagasti način, • če je nastavljen na AUTO, omogoča avtomatski način, • če je nastavljen na PULSE, omogoča pulzni način, »MAN« scram lučka:• if set to MAN UAL, enables manual stick control, • if set to SQ WAVE, enables step mode, • if set to SAVVTOOTH, enables sawtooth mode, • if set to AUTO, enables automatic mode, • if set to PULSE, enables pulse mode, "MAN" scram light: • se prižge, ko uporabnik pritisne gumb »SCRAM« na konzoli ali na pripadajočem uporabniškem vmesniku na računalniku, • se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom, »POW« scram lučka:• lights up when the user presses the “SCRAM” button on the console or on the associated user interface on the computer • turns off when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface “POW” scram light: • se prižge, ko moč reaktorja preseže vrednost, ki jo je nastavil uporabnik, • se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom,• turns on when the reactor power exceeds the value set by the user • turns off when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface, - »WTEMP« scram lučka:- "WTEMP" scram light: • se prižge, ko temperatura vode preseže vrednost, ki jo je nastavil uporabnik, • se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom,• turns on when the water temperature exceeds the value set by the user • turns off when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface, - »FTEMP« scram lučka:- "FTEMP" scram light: • se prižge, ko temperatura goriva preseže vrednost, ki jo je nastavil uporabnik, • se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom,• turns on when the fuel temperature exceeds the value set by the user • turns off when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface, - »PER« scram lučka:- "PER" scram light: • se prižge, ko reaktorska perioda preseže vrednost, ki jo je nastavil uporabnik, o se ugasne, ko uporabnik ponastavi SCRAM signale z uporabniškim vmesnikom.• turns on when the reactor period exceeds the value set by the user, o turns off when the user resets the SCRAM signals with the user interface. 5. Sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja po kateremkoli izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, kjer so opozorilne lučke (6) konzole prilagojene za prižiganje ali ugašanje, ko je generiran signal s strani programa sprejet na mikrokontrolerju (3) ali računalniku (5).5. A research reactor simulation system according to any of the preceding claims, wherein the console warning lights (6) are adapted to turn on or off when a signal generated by the program is received on the microcontroller (3) or computer (5). 6. Sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja po kateremkoli izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, kjer je konzola opremljena s stikalom za izbor simulacije načina delovanja reaktorja, namreč:6. A system for simulating a research reactor according to any of the preceding claims, where the console is equipped with a switch for selecting the simulation mode of reactor operation, namely: - ročni način;- manual mode; - avtomatski način;- automatic mode; - pulzni način;- pulse mode; - način periodičnega spreminjanja reaktivnosti, kot so sinus, žaga, korak.- method of periodically changing reactivity, such as sine, saw, step. 7. Sistem za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja po predhodnem zahtevku, kjer so7. A research reactor simulation system according to the preceding claim, wherein - v ročnem načinu kontrole palice upravljane s strani uporabnika z gumbi navzgor/navzdol,- in manual mode, the stick control is controlled by the user with the up/down buttons, - v pulznem načinu uporabnik simulira pulzne eksperimente, kjer se ena izmed kontrolnih palic hitro umakne iz sistema, kar hitro poviša reaktivnost, in- in pulse mode, the user simulates pulse experiments, where one of the control rods is quickly withdrawn from the system, which quickly increases the reactivity, and - v avtomatskem načinu simulator preverja, če je razlika med trenutno močjo rekatorja in želeno močjo reaktorja večja od pred-nastavljene mejne vrednosti in premakne želeno pozicijo navzgor ali navzdol, dokler se ne izpolni pogoj pred-nastavljene vrednosti.- in automatic mode, the simulator checks if the difference between the current power of the reactor and the desired power of the reactor is greater than the pre-set limit value and moves the desired position up or down until the condition of the pre-set value is met. 8. Metoda delovanja sistema za simulacijo raziskovalnega reaktorja po kateremkoli izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, pri čemer metoda vključuje sledeče korake:8. A method of operating a research reactor simulation system according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the method includes the following steps: a) povezovanje konzole na primeren računalnik (5), prednostno preko USB ai katerekoli druge povezave, in zagon programa na računalniku (5),a) connecting the console to a suitable computer (5), preferably via USB or any other connection, and running the program on the computer (5), b) nastavljanje parametrov simuliranega reaktorja, pri čemer program izvaja vse potrebne prilagoditve v skladu s fizikalnim modelom,b) setting the parameters of the simulated reactor, whereby the program makes all the necessary adjustments according to the physical model, c) izbor načina delovanja konzole,c) selection of console operation mode, d) nastavljanje kontrolnih palic konzole s pritiskanjem na gumbe (7) navzgor in navzdol,d) adjusting the control sticks of the console by pressing the buttons (7) up and down, e) simulacija moči, temperature, reaktivnost glede na nastavljen način delovanja in položaj kontrolnih palic, pri čemer se v primeru, da je katerikoli parameter izven okvirjev, simulator izklopi tako kot bi se reaktor in prikazuje opozorilni signal.e) simulation of power, temperature, reactivity according to the set mode of operation and the position of the control rods, whereby if any parameter is out of bounds, the simulator is switched off just like a reactor and a warning signal is displayed. 9. Metoda po predhodnem zahtevku, kjer se med delovanjem lahko kontrolne palice ponovno nastavi, spremeni način delovanja in podobno, pri čemer se vse prilagoditve izvedejo s procesorjem in programom v skladu s fizikalnim in termodinamičnim modelom.9. The method according to the preceding claim, where during operation the control rods can be reset, the mode of operation changed and the like, whereby all adjustments are made by the processor and the program in accordance with the physical and thermodynamic model.
SI202300095A 2022-06-20 2023-06-20 Research reactor simulation system SI26421A (en)

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