SI25955A - Electrically conductive coating - Google Patents

Electrically conductive coating Download PDF


Publication number
SI25955A SI202000013A SI202000013A SI25955A SI 25955 A SI25955 A SI 25955A SI 202000013 A SI202000013 A SI 202000013A SI 202000013 A SI202000013 A SI 202000013A SI 25955 A SI25955 A SI 25955A
Prior art keywords
electrically conductive
conductive coating
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Slovenian (sl)
Dušan Caf
Dušan Caf
Matija Vršič
Matija Vršič
Original Assignee
Dr. Nemo, D.O.O.
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Dr. Nemo, D.O.O. filed Critical Dr. Nemo, D.O.O.
Priority to SI202000013A priority Critical patent/SI25955A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2020/050027 priority patent/WO2021150172A1/en
Publication of SI25955A publication Critical patent/SI25955A/en



    • C09D5/00Coating compositions, e.g. paints, varnishes or lacquers, characterised by their physical nature or the effects produced; Filling pastes


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  • Paints Or Removers (AREA)


Električno prevodni premaz omogoča zagotavljanje električne prevodnosti različnih površin, kot so les, umetne mase, kovine, keramika, ometi, steklo, itd. Premaz je hitrosušeč in vodoodporen. Dobro se oprime površine in je delno fleksibilen, kar zmanjša težave s pokanjem nanosa. Namenjen je predvsem uporabi v grelnih elementih, kapacitivnih senzorjih, zaščiti pred elektromagnetnim sevanjem, elektrolitskem pokovinjanju neprevodnih materialov, izdelavi elektronskih vezji in naprav, omogočanju toplotne prevodnosti površine, ipd. Omogoča dobro prevodnost površine, ki jo je mogoče dodatno uravnavati z načinom nanosa premaza in končno mehansko obdelavo.Electrically conductive coating allows to ensure the electrical conductivity of various surfaces such as wood, plastics, metals, ceramics, plasters, glass, etc. The coating is quick-drying and waterproof. It adheres well to surfaces and is partially flexible, which reduces problems with cracking of the coating. It is intended primarily for use in heating elements, capacitive sensors, protection against electromagnetic radiation, electrolytic coating of non-conductive materials, manufacture of electronic circuits and devices, enabling thermal conductivity of the surface, etc. It provides good surface conductivity, which can be further adjusted by the method of application of the coating and the final mechanical treatment.



Predmet izuma je električno prevodni premaz na osnovi ogljika, ki zagotavlja električno prevodnost površine na katero je nanešen, in postopek nanašanja in naknadne obdelave premaza za zagotavljanje ustrezne kvalitete nanosa na vsakoktrano površino. Izraz »premaz« se v kontekstu te prijave nanaša na sestavek, ki se ga nanese na površino in se ga nato ustrezno obdela, da se zagotovi ustrezna kvaliteta končnega nanosa na vsakokratno površino. Premaz je vodoodporen in fleksibilen. Namenjen je nanašanju na različne materiale kot so les, umetne mase, papir, keramika, ometi, kovina, steklo, tekstil, itd. Premaz je formuliran v tekoči obliki s trdnimi prevodnimi delci dispergiranimi v ustreznem topilu, pri čemer se premaz v tekoči obliki nanaša na površino na znane načine za nanašanje tekočega premaza na površino, kot so na primer nanšanje s pršenjem, nanašanje s čopičem, z valjčki ali na kateri koli drug način poznan strokovnjakom s področja nanašanja tekočih premazov. Premaz je lahko formuliran v praškasti obliki, pri čemer se prašek pred uporabo zmeša s topilom. Nanos v tem primeru poteka enako kot pri zgoraj opisanem postopku za nanos premaza v tekoči obliki. Končni nanos premaza se lahko ne glede na uporabljeno formulacijo premaza in uporabljeno tehnologijo nanosa premaza še dodatno obdela s stiskanjem, kar poveča prevodnost, oziroma zmanjša plastno upornost, in omogoča lažje določanje prevodnega območja, hkrati pa se zagotovi tudi boljši oprijem, manjšo debelino nanosa in izgled s kovinskim leskom.The subject of the invention is an electrically conductive carbon-based coating that ensures the electrical conductivity of the surface to which it is applied, and a process for applying and subsequently treating the coating to ensure adequate application quality to each surface. In the context of this application, the term "coating" refers to a composition that is applied to a surface and then treated appropriately to ensure the appropriate quality of the final application to each surface. The coating is waterproof and flexible. It is intended for application to various materials such as wood, plastics, paper, ceramics, plasters, metal, glass, textiles, etc. The coating is formulated in liquid form with solid conductive particles dispersed in a suitable solvent, the liquid coating being applied to the surface in known ways to apply the liquid coating to the surface, such as by spray application, brush application, roller application or in any other way known to those skilled in the art of applying liquid coatings. The coating can be formulated in powder form, the powder being mixed with a solvent before use. The application in this case takes place in the same way as in the above-described procedure for applying the coating in liquid form. Regardless of the coating formulation used and the coating technology used, the final coating can be further processed by compression, which increases the conductivity or reduces the layer resistance, and makes it easier to determine the conduction range, while ensuring better adhesion, lower application thickness and look with metallic luster.


Dandanes je tako za potrošnike kot industrijo pomembno, da so izdelki in naprave kompaktni, poceni in preprosti za uporabo. Glavni napredek pri tem omogočajo novi materiali in novi načini za njihovo uporabo. Prevodni premaz, predstavljen v tem izumu, omogoča prav to pri vrsti različnih naprav kot glavna komponenta ali pa kot dodatek, ki omogoča miniaturizacijo in poenostavitev proizvodnje, predvsem serijske proizvodnje. Osnoven namen premaza po izumu je zagotavljanje prevodnosti površin za prenos različnih signalov, zaščito pred motnjami ali pa pretvarjanje električnega toka v toploto, na primer pri uporabi v uporovnem grelecu. Poleg tega obstaja še vrsta novih načinov uporabe pri senzorskih in drugih napravah, ki jih omogočajo lastnosti premaza po izumu, še posebej odličen oprijem na različne površine, fleksibilnost, vodoodpornost, različne možnosti nanosa, možnost naknadne obdelave nanosa v smislu povečanja prevodnosti točno določenih območji in cenovna ugodnost.Nowadays, it is important for both consumers and industry that products and devices are compact, inexpensive and easy to use. The main progress in this is made possible by new materials and new ways of using them. The conductive coating presented in the present invention enables this in a number of different devices as a main component or as an additive that enables miniaturization and simplification of production, especially series production. The main purpose of the coating according to the invention is to provide the conductivity of surfaces for the transmission of various signals, protection against interference or the conversion of electric current into heat, for example when used in a resistance heater. In addition, there are a number of new applications in sensor and other devices, which are enabled by the coating properties according to the invention, especially excellent adhesion to different surfaces, flexibility, water resistance, different application options, the possibility of post-treatment of the application in terms of increasing conductivity. price advantage.

Primerljivi premazi na osnovi grafita, ki se trenutno pojavljajo na trgu, imajo nizko prevodnost. Predstavljene so bile tudi že možnosti povečevanja prevodnosti premazov z uporabo prevodnih polnil in posebnih veziv, kar pa močno poveča število komponent in podraži proizvodnjo zaradi dragih surovin in zapletenih postopkov izdelave (npr.: DE202014009744U1, DE202016106096U1,Comparable graphite-based coatings currently appearing on the market have low conductivity. Possibilities of increasing the conductivity of coatings by using conductive fillers and special binders have already been presented, which greatly increases the number of components and increases the cost of production due to expensive raw materials and complex manufacturing processes (eg DE202014009744U1, DE202016106096U1,

CN104231749A, CN103146259B, US20150240099A1, JP3400236B2,CN104231749A, CN103146259B, US20150240099A1, JP3400236B2,

GB2526591A, US 2012/0020033 A1).GB2526591A, US 2012/0020033 A1).

Trenutno poznani premazi, ki omogočajo prevodnost povrišin, so po večini na vodni osnovi in imajo dolg čas sušenja, kar omejuje možnosti nanosa na nekatere povrišne. Prav tako je njihov oprijem na različnih površinah slabši in prevodnost nižja. Zaradi tega je postopek nanašanja lahko precej zapleten.Currently known coatings, which enable the conductivity of surfaces, are mostly water-based and have a long drying time, which limits the possibilities of application to some surfaces. Also, their adhesion on different surfaces is poorer and their conductivity is lower. As a result, the application process can be quite complicated.

Prevodni premazi, barve in črnila za industrijsko uporabo se večkrat nanašajo s postopkom sitotiska, kar je sicer primerno za ustvarjanje točno določenih vzorcev na podlagi, predstavlja pa večje težave pri nanosu na večje površine, predvsem pri nanosu s pršenjem.Conductive coatings, paints and inks for industrial use are often applied by a screen printing process, which is otherwise suitable for creating specific patterns on the substrate, but presents greater difficulties when applied to larger surfaces, especially when applied by spraying.

Prevodni premaz po izumu omogoča prevodnost končnega izdelka z uporabo standardnih materialov. Proizvodni proces je preprost in varen, surovine široko dostopne, kar omogoča poenostavitev celotnega proizvodnega procesa v primerjavi s konkurenco. Prav tako je predstavljeni premaz uporaben na več različnih substratih kot so papir, karton, les, tekstil, umetna in naravna vlakna, keramika, beton, kamen, steklo, umetne mase. Z uporabo različnih topil se lahko zagotovi uporabnost premaza na različnih površinah. Dodatna prednost je tudi da je premaz hitrosušeč, kar je zaželeno predvsem pri serijski proizvodnji izdelkov. Fleksibilnost končnega nanosa je zelo zaželena lastnost, saj omogoča prevodnost materialov, ki so izpostavljeni zvijanju in različnim deformacijam kot so različne folije, tekstil, vlakna, papir ipd.The conductive coating according to the invention enables the conductivity of the final product using standard materials. The production process is simple and safe, raw materials are widely available, which allows to simplify the entire production process compared to the competition. The presented coating is also useful on several different substrates such as paper, cardboard, wood, textiles, artificial and natural fibers, ceramics, concrete, stone, glass, plastics. By using different solvents, the applicability of the coating on different surfaces can be ensured. An additional advantage is that the coating is quick-drying, which is desirable especially in the serial production of products. Flexibility of the final application is a very desirable property, as it enables the conductivity of materials that are exposed to bending and various deformations such as various foils, textiles, fibers, paper, etc.

Tehnični problem, ki ga predloženi električno prevodni premaz rešuje je formulacija takšnega premaza, ki zagotavlja vodoodpornost, fleksibilnost, visoko električno prevodnosto in dober oprijem na različne površine z možnostjo nadaljnje obdelave za zagotavljanje višje prevodnosti, česar dosedajšnji podobni premazi ne izkazujejo. Premaz je hitrosušeč in omogoče različne tehnike našanja primerne za industrijsko in domačo uporabo. Zaradi sestave ni omejen na uporabo pri nizki napetosti, temveč se ga lahko uporablja na vseh napetostih ob primerni zaščiti z električno izolacijo. Prav tako ima predstavljeni prevodni premaz povsem novo formulo, ki do sedaj še ni bila uporabljena za podobne premaze.The technical problem solved by the submitted electrically conductive coating is the formulation of such a coating that provides water resistance, flexibility, high electrical conductivity and good adhesion to various surfaces with the possibility of further processing to ensure higher conductivity, which similar coatings do not show. The coating is quick-drying and enables various finding techniques suitable for industrial and domestic use. Due to its composition, it is not limited to use at low voltage, but can be used at all voltages with adequate protection with electrical insulation. Also, the presented conductive coating has a completely new formula, which has not been used for similar coatings so far.

Dodatno je lahko premaz po izumu formuliran v praškasti obliki, to je v prahu, ki se mu kasneje dodaja topilo glede na zahtevano aplikacijo. Prevodnost premaza se uravnava s spreminjanjem razmerja sestavnih komponent, z debelino nanosa in z mehansko obdelavo, na primer s stiskanjem končnega nanosa, kar pri podobnih premazih ni mogoče.Additionally, the coating according to the invention can be formulated in powder form, i.e. in powder, to which a solvent is later added according to the required application. The conductivity of the coating is regulated by changing the ratio of the components, by the thickness of the coating and by mechanical treatment, for example by compressing the final coating, which is not possible with similar coatings.

Električno prevodni premaz po izumu vključuje vsaj prevodno polnilo in vezivo. Prevodno polnilo vključuje delce grafita in carbon black. Grafit je lahko naravni ali umetni, pri čemer so delci grafita lahko različnih oblik, in sicer v obliki prahu, in/ali paličic in/ali krpic, in je velikost delcev grafita od 0.5 do 200 mikrometrov, prednostno od 5 do 50 mikrometrov. Navedena dimenzija velikosti delcev grafita se nanaša na najdaljšo dimenzijo posamezne oblike delcev. Carbon black je lahko kateri koli od različnih vrst, prednostno pa visoko prevoden carbon black kot na primer, ampak ne omejen samo na, SuperP. Delci carbon black so lahko različnih oblik, in sicer v obliki prahu in/ali paličic in/ali krpic, itd.., pri čemer je velikost delcev carbon black med 0.5 do 200 mikrometrov, prednostno od 5 do 100 mikrometrov. Navedena dimenzija velikosti delcev carbon black se nanaša na najdaljšo dimenzijo posamezne oblike delcev. Pri nekaterih aplikacijah, predvsem pri izdelavi barve za IR grelna telesa, je pomembna tudi specifična površina Carbon black. Zaželena je specifična površina 50 m2 na gram ali več. Vsebnost carbon black glede na grafit v prevodnem polnilu je od 5 ut.% do 15 ut.%, prednostno od 8 ut.% do 13 ut.%.The electrically conductive coating according to the invention includes at least a conductive filler and a binder. The conductive filler includes graphite particles and carbon black. Graphite can be natural or artificial, the graphite particles being of various shapes, namely in the form of powder and / or rods and / or cloths, and the size of the graphite particles being from 0.5 to 200 micrometers, preferably from 5 to 50 micrometers. The stated graphite particle size dimension refers to the longest dimension of an individual particle shape. Carbon black can be any of a variety of types, preferably a highly conductive carbon black such as, but not limited to, SuperP. The carbon black particles can be of various shapes, namely in the form of powder and / or sticks and / or cloths, etc .., the size of the carbon black particles being between 0.5 to 200 micrometers, preferably from 5 to 100 micrometers. The stated particle size dimension carbon black refers to the longest dimension of an individual particle shape. In some applications, especially in the production of paint for IR heaters, the specific surface of Carbon black is also important. A specific area of 50 m2 per gram or more is preferred. The carbon black content of the graphite in the conductive filler is from 5% by weight to 15% by weight, preferably from 8% by weight to 13% by weight.

Dodatno lahko prevodno polnilo vključuje dodatke za povečanje prevodnosti v obliki prevodnih delcev kovin, na primer srebra ali bakra in/ali drugih različnih oblik grafita, na primer grafen, ogljikove nanocevke, ipd. Velikost teh delcev je med 0.5 do 200 mikrometrov prednostno od 5 do 50 mikrometrov. Masno razmerje dodatki za povečanje prevodnosti:grafit je manjše kot razmerje carbon black proti grafitu, odvisno od želenih lastnosti premaza in uporabljenega materiala, prednostno med 1:10 in 1:100.Additionally, the conductive filler may include additives to increase conductivity in the form of conductive metal particles, for example silver or copper, and / or other various forms of graphite, for example graphene, carbon nanotubes, and the like. The size of these particles is between 0.5 and 200 micrometers, preferably 5 to 50 micrometers. Mass ratio of additives to increase conductivity: graphite is smaller than the ratio of carbon black to graphite, depending on the desired properties of the coating and the material used, preferably between 1:10 and 1: 100.

Vezivo zagotavlja oprijem premaza na površino substrata, fleksibilnost končnega nanosa in omogoča dobro povezavo med delci prevodnega polnila na način, da omogoča električno prevodnost. Vezivo je polivinil butiral, v nadaljevanju PVB, v obliki prahu z velikostjo delcev med 0.5 in 200 mikrometrov, prednostno 5 do 100 mikormetrov. Vsebnost veziva glede na prevodno polnilo v prevodnem premazu je je od 10 ut.% do 30 ut.%, prednostno od 13 ut.% do 18 ut.%.The binder ensures the adhesion of the coating to the surface of the substrate, the flexibility of the final application and allows a good connection between the particles of the conductive filler in a way that allows electrical conductivity. The binder is polyvinyl butyral, hereinafter PVB, in the form of a powder with a particle size between 0.5 and 200 micrometers, preferably 5 to 100 micrometers. The binder content with respect to the conductive filler in the conductive coating is from 10% by weight to 30% by weight, preferably from 13% by weight to 18% by weight.

Električno prevodni premaz po izumu dodatno vključuje topilo za formulacijo premaza v tekoči obliki. Primerna topila so organska topila, v katerih je topno vezivo. Primerno topilo je izbrano izmed, vendar ne omejeno na, etanola, izopropilnega alkohola ali butanola ali mešanice le-teh. Za zagotavljanje zakonsko predpisanih mej za vsebnost hlapnih organskih spojin in druge namene, kot so uravnavanje časa sušenja ipd. se lahko topilo redči z različnimi snovmi, prednostno z vodo, torej, da se namesto 96% etanola uporabi na primer ali 80% ali 60% etanol. Pri tem je potrebno upoštevati, da lahko tako redčenje spremeni kvaliteto končnega nanosa v smislu upornosti, oprijema na različne materiala in izgleda nanosa. Podaljša se tudi čas sušenja. Vsebnost veziva, to je polivinil butirala, glede na topilo je od 2 ut.% do 20 ut.%, prednostno od 5 ut.% do 8 ut.%.The electrically conductive coating of the invention further includes a solvent for formulating the coating in liquid form. Suitable solvents are organic solvents in which the binder is soluble. A suitable solvent is selected from, but not limited to, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol or butanol, or a mixture thereof. To ensure the legally prescribed limits for the content of volatile organic compounds and other purposes, such as regulating the drying time, etc. the solvent can be diluted with various substances, preferably water, so that instead of 96% ethanol, for example, either 80% or 60% ethanol is used. It should be borne in mind that such dilution can change the quality of the final application in terms of resistance, adhesion to different materials and the appearance of the application. The drying time is also extended. The content of the binder, i.e. polyvinyl butyral, relative to the solvent is from 2 wt% to 20 wt%, preferably from 5 wt% to 8 wt%.

Prevodnemu premazu se lahko doda različne dodatke, da se ga prilagodi specifični uporabi. Poleg že omenjenih dodatkov za povečanje prevodnosti, ki se jih opcijsko lahko doda prevodnemu polnilu, prevodni premaz lahko dodatno vključuje dodatke za utrjevanje strukture nanosa (npr.: mleta ogljikova vlakna, steklena vlakna), dodatke za preprečevanje nastajanja usedline (npr.: fumed silica), dodatke za spreminjanje videza nanosa, za spreminjanje strukture nanosa (npr.: dodatki za povečanje specifične površine nanosa), za spreminjanje fizikalnih (npr.: dodatki za povečanje ali zmanjšanje viskoznosti) in kemičnih lastnosti nanosa (npr.: dodatki za boljši oprijem na specifične površine, zmanjšanje reaktivnosti, fungocidni dodatki, itd.).Various additives can be added to the conductive coating to suit its specific use. In addition to the aforementioned additives to increase the conductivity, which can optionally be added to the conductive filler, the conductive coating may additionally include additives to strengthen the coating structure (eg: ground carbon fibers, glass fibers), additives to prevent sedimentation (eg: fumed silica ), additives for changing the appearance of the coating, for changing the structure of the coating (eg: additives to increase the specific application surface), for changing the physical (eg: additives to increase or decrease the viscosity) and chemical properties of the coating (eg: additives for better adhesion) on specific surfaces, reduced reactivity, fungicidal additives, etc.).

Viskoznost končne formulacije premaza v tekoči obliki je v splošnem med 19 mPas in 500 mPas.The viscosity of the final coating formulation in liquid form is generally between 19 mPas and 500 mPas.

Vrsta uporabljenega PVB (tj. molska masa, število butiralnih skupin [butyrai groups]) je odvisna od želenih lastnosti končnega premaza kot so vodoodpornost, viskoznost premaza v tekočem stanju, topnost v organskih topilih. Zaželen je PVB s povprečno molsko maso 50 000 ali več s čimer lahko določamo viskoznost premaza in s številom butiralnih skupin [butyrai groups] 75 %mol ali več s čimer lahko določamo vodoodpornost končnega nanosa. Uporabi se PVB z dobro topnostjo v organskih topilih kot so etanol, izopropilni alkohol, butanol, ipd., in primerno viskoznostjo v raztopini za želeno tehniko nanašanja.The type of PVB used (ie molar mass, number of butyrai groups) depends on the desired properties of the final coating such as water resistance, viscosity of the liquid coating, solubility in organic solvents. PVB with an average molecular weight of 50,000 or more is preferred so that the viscosity of the coating can be determined and with a number of butyrai groups of 75% mol or more to determine the water resistance of the final application. PVB with good solubility in organic solvents such as ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, butanol, etc., and a suitable viscosity in solution for the desired application technique is used.

Plastna upornost suhega premaza je med 2 Ω in 1,5 kQ, odvisno od substrata, debeline nanosa in končne obdelave nanosa.The layer resistance of the dry coating is between 2 Ω and 1.5 kQ, depending on the substrate, the thickness of the coating and the final treatment of the coating.

Postopek izdelave premaza je sestavljen iz ustreznega mešanja osnovnih komponent.The process of making the coating consists of appropriate mixing of the basic components.

Za izdelavo formulacije premaza v praškasti obliki se vse sestavne komponente, to so prevodno polnilo, vezivo in opcijsko zgoraj omenjeni različni dodatki zmešajo s primernim mešalnikom za mešanje praškastih delcev, prednostno mešalnikom, ki zagotavlja visoko strižno silo (»High-shear mixer«). Mešanje poteka dokler ni mešanica povsem homogena. Na koncu se po potrebi homogeno mešanico še enkrat zmelje v mlinu, prednostno v valjčnem mlinu (»roller mili«) ali krogelnem mlinu (»bali mili«), ali v podobnem mlinu za mletje praškastih delcev, da dobimo homogeno mešanico praškastih delcev. Premaz v praškasti obliki se lahko dodaja v druge premaze kot dodatek ali pa se ga zmeša s topilom in nanaša v tekoči obliki. Za vmešavanje premaza v praškasti obliki v topilo je najbolj primeren mešalnik, ki zagotavlja visoko strižno silo (»High-shear mixer«) ali kateri koli drugi mešalnik narejen za mešanje prašnatih delcev in tekočine. Glavna prednost premaza v praškasti obliki je preprosto shranjevanje, dolg rok uporabe in preprost transport.To make the coating formulation in powder form, all components, ie conductive filler, binder and optionally the above-mentioned various additives, are mixed with a suitable powder mixer, preferably a mixer providing a high shear force. Stirring is carried out until the mixture is completely homogeneous. Finally, if necessary, the homogeneous mixture is ground again in a mill, preferably in a roller mill or ball mill, or in a similar powder mill, to obtain a homogeneous mixture of powder particles. The powder coating can be added to other coatings as an additive or mixed with a solvent and applied in liquid form. A mixer that provides a high shear mixer or any other mixer designed to mix dust particles and liquids is best for mixing the powder coating into the solvent. The main advantage of powder coating is easy storage, long shelf life and easy transport.

Za izdelavo formulacije premaza v tekoči obliki se vsaka od praškastih sestavin posebej, to so prevodno polnilo, vezivo in opcijsko zgoraj omenjeni različni dodatki po potrebi najprej zmelje na zahtevano velikost. Mletje posameznih sestavin poteka v mlinu za mletje praškastih delcev ali trdih snovi to je lahko v valjčnem mlinu (»roller mili«) ali krogelnem mlinu (»bali mili«), itd. ali v kateremkoli drugem mlinu, ki zagotovi mletje na delce zahtevane velikosti. Nato se v topilo pri sobni temperaturi umeša PVB in sicer na način, da se PVB povsem raztopi. To se lahko naredi z mešalnikom, ki je namenjen za mešanje prašnatih delcev v tekočino, predvsem je tukaj mišljen mešalnik, ki zagotavlja visoko strižno silo (»High-shear mixer«) in tudi drugi ustrezni mešalniki. Nato se v mešanico doda carbon black, pri čemer mešanje poteka, dokler ne dobimo homogene zmesi. V homogeno zmes se nato vmeša še grafit in ostala zgoraj omenjena različna polnila na način, da je mešanica povsem homogena. Za vmešavanje prevodnih polnil in ostalih različnih dodatkov je najbolj primeren mešalnik, ki zagotavlja visoko strižno silo (»High-shear mixer«) ali kateri koli drugi mešalnik narejen za mešanje prašnatih delcev in tekočine.To make the coating formulation in liquid form, each of the powder components separately, i.e. the conductive filler, the binder and optionally the above-mentioned various additives, is first ground to the required size, if necessary. The grinding of individual ingredients takes place in a mill for grinding powder particles or solids, ie it can be in a roller mill ("roller mili") or a ball mill ("bali mili"), etc. or in any other mill providing grinding to particles of the required size. The PVB is then mixed into the solvent at room temperature in such a way that the PVB is completely dissolved. This can be done with a mixer designed to mix dust particles into a liquid, especially a high-shear mixer as well as other suitable mixers. Carbon black is then added to the mixture, stirring until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Graphite and the other various fillers mentioned above are then mixed into the homogeneous mixture in such a way that the mixture is completely homogeneous. A mixer that provides a high shear mixer or any other mixer designed to mix dust particles and liquids is best for mixing conductive fillers and other various additives.

Pripravljeni premaz se napolni v posode primerne za shranjevanje ali transport. Pri tem je treba paziti, da med proizvodnimi fazami ne pride do nastajanja usedline, ker v tem primeru premaz nima več zaželenih lastnosti predvsem glede prevodnosti končnega nanosa.The prepared coating is filled into containers suitable for storage or transport. Care must be taken to avoid the formation of sediment during the production stages, because in this case the coating no longer has the desired properties, especially in terms of the conductivity of the final application.

Premaz formuliran v tekoči obliki, se na substrat nanaša z različnim tehnikami, ki so znane strokovnjakom s področja tehnike. Primerne tehnike nanašanja so, vendar ne omejene samo na te: nanašanje s čopičem, nanašanje z valjčkom, nanašanje s pršenjem (ultrazvočne šobe, z zrakom), nanašanje z vrtenjem [spin coating]. Po nanosu premaza na substrat sledi sušenje do formiranja končnega nanosa. Sušenje se lahko pospeši s segrevanjem nanosa z vročim zrakom, v peči, prek IR sevanja, z električnim tokom, z elektromagnetnim valovi (vrtinčnimi tokovi) in drugimi metodami poznanim strokovanjakom na tem področju.The coating formulated in liquid form is applied to the substrate by various techniques known to those skilled in the art. Suitable application techniques include, but are not limited to: brush application, roller application, spray application (ultrasonic nozzles, air), spin coating. After applying the coating to the substrate, drying follows until the formation of the final coating. Drying can be accelerated by heating the coating with hot air, in an oven, via IR radiation, by electric current, by electromagnetic waves (eddy currents) and other methods known to those skilled in the art.

Premaz se lahko po sestavi, predvsem po velikosti delcev in uporabljenih surovinah, prilagodi različnim namenom uporabe. To je še posebej pomembno pri uporabi v serijski proizvodnji, saj omogoča uporabo obstoječih naprav in orodji in odpravlja potrebo po velikih spremembah v proizvodnjih linijah.The composition can be adapted to different applications in terms of composition, especially in terms of particle size and raw materials used. This is especially important when used in series production, as it allows the use of existing devices and tools and eliminates the need for major changes in production lines.

Posebna lastnost predstavljenega premaza je tudi možnost obdelave končnega nanosa, torej premaza po nanosu. Če suh končen nanos izpostavimo tlaku, povečamo prevodnost, kar doslej še ni bilo predstavljeno v segmentu prevodnih premazov. S stiskanjem lahko povečamo prevodnost celotne površine ali pa zgolj dela površine. Za stiskanje večjih površin je primerno stiskanje z valji ali prešo, kar je lahko tudi že del samega postopka nanašanja premaza na substrat, kot na primer ampak ne omejeno zgolj, na nanašanje z valji. S postopkom stiskanja je mogoče še dodatno določiti del površine nanosa, ki bo imel večjo prevodnost. Če je namreč na valju za stiskanje ali pa na preši prisotna matrica, postane odtis matrice bolj prevoden kot ostalo premazano območje. Prevodnost se lahko poveča od 10% do 200% glede na nestisnjen suh končen nanos, pri čemer je povečanje prevodnosti odvisno od substrata, sestave premaza in uporabljenega tlaka. Tako je mogoče z zveznim spreminjanjem tlaka tekom obdelave različnih delov nanosa tudi zvezno spreminjati upornost nanosa, kar je zanimivo za uporabo v senzorskih, grelnih in nekaterih drugih aplikacijah. S stiskanjem in poliranjem dobi nanos tudi svetleč kovinski videz, kar je dodana prednost pri uporabi premaza v sklopu zaključene arhitekture prostora ali pa oblikovanja izdelka, saj odpravlja potrebo po dodatnem nanosu barve ali pa zakrivanju premaza. Tlak potreben za izboljašanje premaza je odvisen od substrata. Vsako stiskanje nanosa bo povečalo njegovo prevodnost, prednostno pa je uporabno stiskanje s tlakom 1,5 MPa in več. Sam tlak stiskanja je odvisen od substrata in nanosa premaza.A special feature of the presented coating is also the possibility of processing the final application, ie the coating after application. Exposing the dry final coating to pressure increases the conductivity, which has not been presented in the segment of conductive coatings so far. By compressing, we can increase the conductivity of the entire surface or only part of the surface. For compacting larger surfaces, it is suitable to press with rollers or a press, which can also be part of the process of applying the coating to the substrate, such as but not limited to roller application. With the compression process, it is possible to further determine the part of the application surface that will have higher conductivity. Namely, if a die is present on the compression roller or on the press, the impression of the die becomes more conductive than the rest of the coated area. The conductivity can be increased from 10% to 200% depending on the uncompressed dry final application, the increase in conductivity depending on the substrate, the composition of the coating and the pressure used. Thus, by continuously changing the pressure during the processing of different parts of the coating, it is also possible to continuously change the resistance of the coating, which is interesting for use in sensor, heating and some other applications. By pressing and polishing, the coating also gets a shiny metallic appearance, which is an added advantage when using the coating as part of a finished room architecture or product design, as it eliminates the need for additional application of paint or covering the coating. The pressure required to improve the coating depends on the substrate. Each compression of the coating will increase its conductivity, and it is preferable to use compression with a pressure of 1.5 MPa and more. The compression pressure itself depends on the substrate and the application of the coating.

Premaz ali pa njegove komponente se lahko uporabi kot dodatek pri proizvodnji drugih premazov, lepil, plastičnih mas, folij, ometov, barv in podobnih izdelkov in polizdelkov kot dodatek za izboljšanje električne in toplotne prevodnosti ter posredovanje ostalih lastnosti, ki so lastne predstavljenemu premazu.The coating or its components can be used as an additive in the production of other coatings, adhesives, plastics, foils, plasters, paints and similar products and semi-finished products as an additive to improve electrical and thermal conductivity and transmit other properties inherent in the presented coating.

Izvedbeni primeriPerformance examples


V 130 ml 99% izopropilnega alkohola počasi raztopimo 5,5 g PVB (KT-30H, proizvajalec Kunshan Chemtech Co. Ltd.). Mešanico mešamo z mešalnikom pri sobni temperaturi dokler se PVB povsem ne raztopi. V vseh korakih uporabimo mešalnik, ki zagotavlja visoko strižno silo (»High-shear mixer«) s hitrostjo vrtenja 1000 obratov/min ali več. Mešamo pri sobni temperaturi. Nato počasi umešamo 5 g Carbon black (SuperP Li, proizvajalec lmerys Graphite and Carbon). Mešanico zmešamo z mešalnikom dokler ni povsem homogena (15 minut) Nazadnje dodamo še 37 g grafita (velikost delcev <50 mikormetrov (>99,5%), proizvajalec Merck KGaA) in mešanico mešamo z mešalnikom dokler ni povsem homogena (15 minut). Premaz takoj po končanem mešanju z valjčkom nanesemo na steklen substrat velikosti 50 x 80 x 1 mm.5.5 g of PVB (KT-30H, manufactured by Kunshan Chemtech Co. Ltd.) are slowly dissolved in 130 ml of 99% isopropyl alcohol. The mixture is stirred with a stirrer at room temperature until the PVB is completely dissolved. In all steps, we use a mixer that provides a high shear mixer with a rotation speed of 1000 rpm or more. Stir at room temperature. Then slowly stir in 5 g Carbon black (SuperP Li, manufacturer lmerys Graphite and Carbon). Mix the mixture with a mixer until completely homogeneous (15 minutes) Finally, add another 37 g of graphite (particle size <50 micrometers (> 99.5%), manufacturer Merck KGaA) and mix the mixture with a mixer until completely homogeneous (15 minutes). Immediately after mixing with the roller, the coating is applied to a glass substrate measuring 50 x 80 x 1 mm.

Vzorec se suši 15 minut. Izmerjena plastna upornost je 136 Ω, debelina pa 36 pm. Vzorec stisnemo v hidravlični preši s tlakom 5 MPa. Plastna upornost po stiskanju je 63,4 Ω.The sample is dried for 15 minutes. The measured layer resistance is 136 Ω and the thickness is 36 pm. Compress the sample in a hydraulic press at a pressure of 5 MPa. The layer resistance after compression is 63.4 Ω.


V 630 g 96% denaturiranega etanola počasi raztopimo 45 g PVB (KT-30H, proizvajalec Kunshan Chemtech Co. Ltd.). Mešanico mešamo z mešalnikom dokler se PVB povsem ne raztopi. V vseh korakih uporabimo mešalnik, ki zagotavlja visoko strižno silo (»High-shear mixer«) s hitrostjo vrtenja 1000 obratov/min ali več. Mešamo pri sobni temperaturi. Umešamo 25 g carbon black (SuperP Li, proizvajalec lmerys Graphite and Carbon) in mešanico premešamo z mešalnikom (15 minut). Nazadnje dodamo še 300 g grafita (velikost delcev <50 mikormetrov (>99,5%), proizvajalec Merck KGaA). Zmes mešamo z mešalnikom na visoko strižno silo vsaj 15 min. Z valjčkom za barvanje takoj po končanem mešanju nanesemo plast premaza na stekleni substrat velikosti 50 x 80 x 1 mm. Nanos naj se suši 15 minut.Slowly dissolve 45 g of PVB (KT-30H, manufactured by Kunshan Chemtech Co. Ltd.) in 630 g of 96% denatured ethanol. Stir the mixture with a blender until the PVB is completely dissolved. In all steps, we use a mixer that provides a high shear mixer with a rotation speed of 1000 rpm or more. Stir at room temperature. Stir in 25 g of carbon black (SuperP Li, manufactured by lmerys Graphite and Carbon) and mix with a blender (15 minutes). Finally, add 300 g of graphite (particle size <50 micrometers (> 99.5%), manufactured by Merck KGaA). The mixture is stirred with a mixer on high shear for at least 15 min. Using a paint roller, apply a coat of coating to a glass substrate measuring 50 x 80 x 1 mm immediately after mixing. Allow the application to dry for 15 minutes.

Izmerjena plastna upornost je 159 Ω. Debelina vzorca je 25 pm. Vzorec stisnemo v hidravlični preši s tlakom 2,5 MPa. Izmerjena plastna upornost po stiskanju je 127 Ω.The measured layer resistance is 159 Ω. The thickness of the sample is 25 pm. The sample is compressed in a hydraulic press with a pressure of 2.5 MPa. The measured layer resistance after compression is 127 Ω.

Plastna upornost je v obeh primerih merjena s štiritočkovno sondo in izračunana po formuli R = 4,532 x (V/l), pri čemer je V napetost izmerjena med dvema notranjima kontaktoma, I je tok izmerjen med dvema zunanjima kontaktoma (Electrical Measurement, Signal Processing, and Displays. Ed. John G. Webster. CRC Press, 2003, Chapter 7-1. Heaney, Michael B. Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity”. Debelina je merjena s kontaktnim profilmetrom.The layer resistance is measured in both cases with a four-point probe and calculated according to the formula R = 4,532 x (V / l), where V is the voltage measured between the two internal contacts, I is the current measured between the two external contacts (Electrical Measurement, Signal Processing, and Displays. Ed. John G. Webster. CRC Press, 2003, Chapter 7-1. Heaney, Michael B. Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity. ”Thickness was measured with a contact profilemeter.


Z mešalnikom za prašne delce, ki zagotavlja visoko strižno silo (»High-shear mixer«), zmešamo 5 g Carbon black (SuperP Li, proizvajalec lmerys Graphite and Carbon) in 37 g grafita (velikost delcev <50 mikormetrov (>99,5%), proizvajalec Merck KGaA). Ko je mešanica povsem homogena (čas mešanja 5 minut) dodamo še 5,5 g PVB (KT-30H, proizvajalec Kunshan Chemtech Co. Ltd.). Ponovno mešamo dokler mešanica ni povsem homogena (čas mešanja 5 minut). Zmesi carbon black, grafita in PVB dodamo 130 ml 99% izopropilnega alkohola in dobljeno zmes zmešamo z mešalnikom, ki zagotavlja visoko strižno silo (»High-shear mixer«). Čas mešanja je 15 minut, oz. dokler ni zmes povsem homogena.Mix 5 g of Carbon black (SuperP Li, manufactured by lmerys Graphite and Carbon) and 37 g of graphite (particle size <50 micrometers (> 99.5)) with a high-shear mixer. %), manufacturer Merck KGaA). When the mixture is completely homogeneous (mixing time 5 minutes), another 5.5 g of PVB (KT-30H, manufactured by Kunshan Chemtech Co. Ltd.) is added. Stir again until the mixture is completely homogeneous (mixing time 5 minutes). To the mixture of carbon black, graphite and PVB add 130 ml of 99% isopropyl alcohol and the resulting mixture is mixed with a mixer, which provides a high shear force ("High-shear mixer"). Mixing time is 15 minutes, or. until the mixture is completely homogeneous.

Claims (10)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Električno prevodni premaz, pri čemer premaz vključuje vsaj prevodno polnilo in vezivo, in je vsebnost veziva glede na prevodno polnilo v prevodnem premazu od 10 ut.% do 30 ut.%, pri čemer prevodno polnilo vključuje delce grafita in carbon black, in je vsebnost carbon black glede na grafit v prevodnem polnilu od 5 ut.% do15 ut.%, in je vezivo polivinil butiral.An electrically conductive coating, wherein the coating comprises at least a conductive filler and a binder, and the binder content relative to the conductive filler in the conductive coating is from 10 wt% to 30 wt%, wherein the conductive filler includes graphite particles and carbon black, and the carbon black content relative to graphite in the conductive filler is from 5 wt% to 15 wt%, and the binder is polyvinyl butyral. 2. Električno prevodni premaz po zahtevku 1, pri čemer je grafit naravni ali umetni in so delci grafita v obliki prahu in/ali paličic in/ali krpic, in je velikost delcev grafita od 0.5 do 200 mikrometrov, prednostno od 5 do 50 mikrometrov.The electrically conductive coating according to claim 1, wherein the graphite is natural or artificial and the graphite particles are in the form of powder and / or rods and / or cloths, and the graphite particle size is from 0.5 to 200 micrometers, preferably from 5 to 50 micrometers. 3. Električno prevodni premaz po zahtevkih 1 in 2, pri čemer je carbon black visoko prevoden carbon black in so delci carbon black v obliki prahu in/ali paličic in/ali krpic, in je velikost delcev carbon black med 0.5 do 200 mikrometrov, prednostno od 5 do 50 mikrometrov.Electrically conductive coating according to claims 1 and 2, wherein carbon black is highly conductive carbon black and the carbon black particles are in the form of powder and / or rods and / or cloths, and the particle size of carbon black is between 0.5 to 200 micrometers, preferably from 5 to 50 micrometers. 4. Električno prevodni premaz po predhodnih zahtevkih, pri čemer prevodno polnilo dodatno vključuje dodatke za povečanje prevodnosti v obliki prevodnih delcev kovin in/ali drugih različnih oblik grafita, in je masno razmerje med dodatki za povečanje prevodnosti in grafitom med 1:10 in 1:100, in je velikost prevodnih delcev med 0.5 do 200 mikrometrov, prednostno od 5 do 50 mikrometrov.Electrically conductive coating according to the preceding claims, wherein the conductive filler further comprises conductivity enhancing additives in the form of conductive metal particles and / or other various forms of graphite, and the weight ratio between the conductive enhancing additives and graphite is between 1:10 and 1: 100, and the size of the conductive particles is between 0.5 to 200 micrometers, preferably from 5 to 50 micrometers. 5. Električno prevodni premaz po predhodnih zahtevkih, pri čemer ima polivinl butiral povprečno molsko maso vsaj 50 000 in je število butiralnih skupin vsaj 75 % mol in pri čemer je polivinil butiral v obliki prahu z velikostjo delcev med 0.5 in 200 mikrometrov, prednostno 5 do 100 mikormetrov.Electrically conductive coating according to the preceding claims, wherein the polyvinyl butyral has an average molecular weight of at least 50,000 and the number of butyral groups is at least 75% mol and the polyvinyl butyral is in powder form with a particle size between 0.5 and 200 micrometers, preferably 5 to 100 micrometers. 6. Električno prevodni premaz po predhodnih zahtevkih, pri čemer premaz dodatno vključuje organsko topilo, v katerem je topen polivinil butiral, pri čemer je topilo izbrano izmed etanola, izopropilnega alkohola ali butanola ali mešanice le-teh in pri čemer je vsebnost polivinil butirala glede na topilo od 2% ut. do 20 ut.%, in je viskoznost končne formulacije premaza v tekoči obliki med 19 mPas in 500 mPas.Electrically conductive coating according to the preceding claims, wherein the coating further comprises an organic solvent in which the polyvinyl butyral is soluble, the solvent being selected from ethanol, isopropyl alcohol or butanol or a mixture thereof, and wherein the polyvinyl butyral content is based on solvent of 2% wt. up to 20% by weight, and the viscosity of the final coating formulation in liquid form is between 19 mPas and 500 mPas. 7. Električno prevodni premaz po predhodnih zahtevkih, pri čemer je plastna upornost suhega premaza med 2 Ω in 1,5 kO.Electrically conductive coating according to the preceding claims, wherein the layer resistance of the dry coating is between 2 Ω and 1.5 kO. 8. Električno prevodni premaz po predhodnih zahtevkih, pri čemer se suh končen nanos prevodnega premaza izpostavi stiskanju s tlakom vsaj 1,5 MPa, pri čemer se električna prevodnost poveča od 10% do 200% glede na nestisnjen suh končen nanos.Electrically conductive coating according to the preceding claims, wherein the dry top coat of the conductive coating is subjected to compression with a pressure of at least 1.5 MPa, the electrical conductivity being increased from 10% to 200% relative to the uncompressed dry top coat. 9. Uporaba električno prevodnega premaza za povečanje električne prevodnosti površine substrata na katero je nanešen, pri čemer se električno prevoden premaz v tekoči obliki nanese na površino substrata, čemur sledi sušenje do formiranja končnega nanosa.Use of an electrically conductive coating to increase the electrical conductivity of the surface of the substrate to which it is applied, wherein the electrically conductive coating is applied in liquid form to the surface of the substrate, followed by drying until a final coating is formed. 10. Uporaba po zahtevku 9, pri čemer se celotna površina ali del površine substrata z nanešenim suhim končnim nanosom prevodnega premaza izpostavi stiskanju s tlakom vsaj 1,5 MPa, za povečanje električne prevodnosti celotne površine ali dela površine od 10% do 200%.Use according to claim 9, wherein the entire surface or part of the surface of the substrate with the applied dry top coat of conductive coating is subjected to compression with a pressure of at least 1.5 MPa, to increase the electrical conductivity of all or part of the surface from 10% to 200%.
SI202000013A 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 Electrically conductive coating SI25955A (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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