SI25935A - Sauce for dishes, the process of its preparation and the process of its use - Google Patents

Sauce for dishes, the process of its preparation and the process of its use Download PDF


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SI25935A SI201900261A SI201900261A SI25935A SI 25935 A SI25935 A SI 25935A SI 201900261 A SI201900261 A SI 201900261A SI 201900261 A SI201900261 A SI 201900261A SI 25935 A SI25935 A SI 25935A
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Prosen Katja
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Izum se nanaša na omako za jedi, postopek njene priprave in postopek njene uporabe. Takšna omaka je sestavljena iz vode, iz enega ali več vrst sladkorjev, tamarinda, česna, čebule, paprike, ribje omake, vsaj ene ali več omak iz različnih vrst čilija, soli, kisa in oreščkov. Z namenom poenostavitve in pohitritve časa priprave omake ob hkratni ohranitvi organoleptičnih lastnosti, lastnosti okusa, vonja, izgleda in teksture omake postopek priprave omake vključuje korake mešanja vode in navedenih sestavin omake tako, da se te sestavine dodajajo ob stalnem mešanju, segrevanju in kuhanju mešanice sestavin omake z izjemo oreščkov in belega sladkorja, katera se v navedeno mešanico doda pred zaključkom kuhanja omake. Omaka se uporablja za pripravo jedi, ki poleg te omake vključujejo še jed iz testenin, mesne jedi, ribje jedi, jedi iz morskih sadežev, jedi živalskega izvora, zelenjavne jedi, jedi rastlinskega izvora in/ali kombinacijo teh jedi ter nadalje še začimbe.The invention relates to a sauce for dishes, a process for its preparation and a process for its use. Such a sauce consists of water, one or more types of sugars, tamarind, garlic, onion, pepper, fish sauce, at least one or more sauces of different types of chili, salt, vinegar and nuts. In order to simplify and speed up the preparation time of the sauce while maintaining the organoleptic properties, taste, smell, appearance and texture of the sauce, the sauce preparation process includes steps of mixing water and said sauce ingredients by adding these ingredients while stirring, heating and cooking sauces with the exception of nuts and white sugar, which are added to that mixture before the sauce is finished cooking. The sauce is used to prepare dishes which, in addition to this sauce, include pasta dishes, meat dishes, fish dishes, seafood dishes, dishes of animal origin, vegetable dishes, dishes of plant origin and / or a combination of these dishes and further spices.


Omaka zajedi, postopek njene priprave in postopek njene uporabeThe sauce bites, the process of its preparation and the process of its use

Področje tehnikeField of technology

Pričujoči izum se nanaša na sestavo omake zajedi, na njeno recepturo ter na postopke njene priprave in postopke njene uporabe.The present invention relates to the composition of the abyss sauce, to its formulation, and to methods of its preparation and methods of its use.

Prikaz tehničnega problemaDemonstration of a technical problem

Tukajšnji izum si prvenstveno zastavlja nalogo rešiti tehnični problem priprave omak za jedi, kjer imajo takšne omake okus, vonj, izgled in teksturo azijskih omak ter hkrati okus, kije prilagojen ne-azijskim potrošnikom, in s tem bolj ali manj oster in/ali bolj ali manj pikanten in/ali bolj ali manj pekoč okus. V stanju tehnike poznane klasične omake vrste Pad Thai, kot so poznane na področju azijske kuhinje, so zelo pikantne ter ostrega in pekočega okusa. Zato jih je potrebno za potrošnike na ne-azijskih trgih, predvsem na evropskem in drugih podobnih trgih, prilagoditi glede na okus potrošnika.The present invention primarily seeks to solve the technical problem of preparing sauces for dishes, where such sauces have the taste, smell, appearance and texture of Asian sauces and at the same time a taste adapted to non-Asian consumers, and thus more or less sharp and / or more or less spicy and / or more or less pungent taste. In the state of the art, the classic sauces of the Pad Thai type, as they are known in the field of Asian cuisine, are very spicy and have a sharp and hot taste. Therefore, for consumers in non-Asian markets, in particular in European and other similar markets, they need to be adapted to the taste of the consumer.

Poleg tega si izuma zastavlja nalogo že tekom priprave omake in prednostno omake vrste Pad Thai ter s tem že v samo omako vključiti sestavine, ki se v klasičnih postopkih priprave končne jedi dodajajo direktno tej jedi in ne k omaki, tako daje pripravljena omaka z vsemi takšnimi sestavinam stabilna za želeni čas hrambe brez uporabe umetnih stabilizatoijev in konzervansov, pri čemer se ob tem doseže in ohrani bogat okus različnih sestavin omake in končne jedi, h kateri se takšna omaka servira. Cilj te rešitve je, da se s pripravo takšne omake skrajša oziroma pohitri čas priprave in poenostavi priprava končne jedi bodisi v masovni količini ali individualni količini takšne končne jedi, ki v klasičnih izvedbah priprave jedi vključuje več korakov zaporednega dodajanja posameznih sestavin za pripravo končne jedi, kar podaljšuje čas priprave končne jedi.In addition, the invention aims to include ingredients that are added directly to this dish and not to the sauce in the classic processes of preparation of the final dish during the preparation of the sauce and preferably Pad Thai sauce, so that the prepared sauce with all such ingredients stable for the desired storage time without the use of artificial stabilizers and preservatives, while achieving and maintaining the rich taste of the various ingredients of the sauce and the final dish to which such a sauce is served. The aim of this solution is to shorten or speed up the preparation time and simplify the preparation of the final dish, either in mass or individual amount of such final dish, which in classic versions of cooking includes several steps of sequential addition of individual ingredients to prepare the final dish. which prolongs the preparation time of the final dish.

Hkrati si tukajšnji izum zastavlja nalogo rešiti tehnični problem vnaprejšnje priprave oziroma predpriprave takšne omake k jedem oziroma zajedi, njene sestave oziroma formulacije, njene recepture in postopka priprave ter postopka njene uporabe v kombinaciji z jedmi, pri čemer bo takšna pred-pripravljena oziroma vnaprej pripravljena omaka k jedem čim bolj ohranila organoleptične lastnosti, lastnosti okusa, vonja, izgleda in teksture omake zajedi v času shranjevanja do priprave omake v končni obliki in to brez uporabe umetnih stabilizatoijev in konzervansov ter da bo te lastnosti čim bolj ohranila tudi v času priprave omake k jedem v končni obliki, ko se servira v kombinaciji z jedmi, ter v času zaužitja omake v kombinaciji z jedmi, katerim je dodana.At the same time, the present invention sets itself the task of solving the technical problem of pre-preparation or pre-preparation of such a sauce for dishes or dishes, its composition or formulation, its recipe and preparation process and the process of its use in combination with dishes, such pre-prepared or pre-prepared sauce to preserve as much as possible the organoleptic properties, taste, smell, appearance and texture of the sauce during storage until the preparation of the sauce in its final form without the use of artificial stabilizers and preservatives and to preserve these properties as much as possible during the preparation of the sauce in its final form when served in combination with dishes, and at the time of ingestion of the sauce in combination with dishes to which it is added.

Podatki o stanju tehnikeState of the art data

Do sedaj poznane rešitve priprave omake k jedem tako imenovane vrste Pad Thai ne navajajo, kako že v omako vključiti sestavine, ki se po navadi pri pripravi Pad Thai jedi v končni obliki dodajajo direktno k tej jedi in na takšen način dodajanja posameznih sestavin podaljšujejo postopek priprave končne jedi.So far known solutions for preparing the sauce for dishes of the so-called Pad Thai type do not state how to include ingredients in the sauce, which are usually added directly to this dish when preparing Pad Thai dishes in the final form and thus prolonging the preparation process. final dishes.

Hkrati doslej poznane rešitve omak in priprave omake k jedem vrste Pad Thai vodijo do omak in končnih jedi zelo ostrega, pekočega in pikantnega okusa ter ne navajajo, kako pripraviti takšne omake, da bodo imele hkrati organoleptične lastnosti azijske kuhinje, vključno z okusom, vonjem, izgledom in s teksturo omake, ter ob tem prilagodljiv okus hkratne sladkosti in kislosti ter ob tem znižan pekoč, oster in/ali pikanten okus.At the same time, the known solutions of sauces and preparation of sauce for Pad Thai dishes lead to sauces and final dishes of very sharp, hot and spicy taste and do not state how to prepare such sauces that will have organoleptic properties of Asian cuisine, including taste, smell, the appearance and texture of the sauce, and at the same time the adaptable taste of simultaneous sweetness and acidity, while reducing the burning, sharp and / or spicy taste.

Do sedaj poznane rešitve priprave omak k jedem vrste Pad Thai tudi ne razkrivajo, kako in s kakšnimi sestavinami pripraviti takšno omako s postopkom pred-priprave in z vključitvijo sestavin, ki se sicer dodajajo direktno h končni jedi tekom njene priprave in/ali tik pred postrežbo takšne jedi, da bo takšna omaka hkrati stabilna brez uporabe umetnih stabilizatorjev in/ali konzervansov in bo ob tem omogočala daljši čas njenega shranjevanja ter ob tem ohranjala aromo oziroma okus, vonj, izgled in teksturo tako tekom shranjevanja vse do časa priprave in tekom časa priprave omake v končni obliki ter tekom časa priprave končne jedi s takšno omako in tekom časa serviranja in zaužitja takšne omake v kombinaciji z jedmi oziroma končnimi jedmi in da bo omogočala poenostavitev in pohitritev priprave in serviranja končne jedi v kombinaciji s takšno omako, kot to omogoča tukaj opisani izum.The solutions known so far for preparing sauces for Pad Thai dishes do not reveal how and with what ingredients to prepare such a sauce by the pre-preparation process and by including ingredients that are otherwise added directly to the final dish during its preparation and / or just before serving. such dishes that such a sauce will be stable at the same time without the use of artificial stabilizers and / or preservatives and will allow for a longer storage time and retain the aroma or taste, smell, appearance and texture both during storage and during preparation. sauces in final form and during the preparation of the final dish with such a sauce and during the serving and consumption of such sauce in combination with dishes or final dishes and that it will simplify and speed up the preparation and serving of the final dish in combination with such sauce, as allowed here described invention.

Najdene objave podatkov in patentnih dokumentov o omakah zajedi oz. k jedem vrste Pad Thai oziroma o tako imenovanih omakah Pad Thai opisujejo rešitve priprave, receptur in sestave omak k jedem, ki se razlikujejo od tukaj opisanega izuma. V knjigah, revijah in na spletnih straneh so opisani različni recepti za pripravo omak k jedem vrste Pad Thai, katere se pripravljajo po tako imenovanem postopku vok (angleško: wok). Večina na trgu poznanih omak zajedi vrste Pad Thai se pripravi bodisi tekom priprave jedi ali pa se pred-pripravi. Nekatere takšne omake se pripravi tudi brez kuhanja.Found publications of data and patent documents on sauces zajedi or. to Pad Thai dishes or so-called Pad Thai sauces describe solutions for the preparation, recipes and composition of sauces for dishes which differ from the invention described herein. Books, magazines and websites describe various recipes for making sauces for Pad Thai dishes, which are prepared using the so-called wok process. Most Pad Thai-type sauces known on the market are prepared either during the preparation of a dish or pre-prepared. Some such sauces are also prepared without cooking.

Spletna stran (posodobljeno 06.02.2019 in dostopno 26.11.2019) opisuje recept in postopek priprave omake Pad Thai ter navaja, daje tamarind ključna sestavina takšne omake, in priporoča, daje ta v obliki tamarindove paste. Za namen priprave čim boljše omake Pad Thai priporoča, da naj ima takšna omaka pri okušanju najprej sladek okus, čemur naj bi sledili pikanten, slan in kisel okus omake. Opisana omaka vsebuje tamarindovo pasto, kokošjo jušno osnovo, ribjo omako, sojino omako, čilijevo omako ali namesto te čili papriko vrste Cayenne (t. j. čili paprika vrste Capsicum Annuum), mleti beli poper in palmin sladkor ali namesto tega ijavi sladkor. Za namen vegetarijanske in veganske verzije Pad Thai omake se kokošja jušna osnovo nadomesti z zelenjavno jušno osnovo. Opisana omaka se pripravi brez kuhanja v času do okoli 10 minut. Po opisanem postopku priprave se najprej doda vse sestavine ter zmeša med seboj, da se raztopita tamarindova pasta in sladkor. Po potrebi se lahko količina sladkoija poveča za namen uravnavanja kislega okusa tamannda. Podobno se lahko poveča tudi količina čilijeve omake ali namesto te količina čili paprike za namen bolj intenzivnega pekočega oziroma pikantnega okusa omake. Tako pripravljena omaka se uporabi za postrežbo skupaj z riževimi rezanci, kjer se tik pred serviranjem takšni Pad Thai jedi doda še sesekljane arašide ali pa narezane sveže liste in stebla koriandra, po potrebi pa še čilijevo omako.The website (updated on 06.02.2019 and available on 26.11.2019) describes the recipe and process of preparing Pad Thai sauce and states that tamarind is a key ingredient in such a sauce, and recommends that this be given in the form of tamarind paste. In order to prepare the best possible sauce, Pad Thai recommends that such a sauce should first have a sweet taste when tasted, followed by a spicy, salty and sour taste of the sauce. The sauce described contains tamarind paste, chicken broth base, fish sauce, soy sauce, chili sauce or Cayenne instead (i.e. chili peppers Capsicum Annuum), ground white pepper and palm sugar or icing sugar instead. For the purpose of the vegetarian and vegan version of Pad Thai sauce, the chicken soup base is replaced with a vegetable soup base. The described sauce is prepared without cooking for up to about 10 minutes. Following the preparation process described, all the ingredients are first added and mixed together to dissolve the tamarind paste and sugar. If necessary, the amount of sweets can be increased for the purpose of regulating the sour taste of tamannda. Similarly, the amount of chili sauce can be increased, or instead the amount of chili peppers for the purpose of a more intense hot or spicy taste of the sauce. The sauce prepared in this way is used for serving together with rice noodles, where just before serving such Pad Thai dish, chopped peanuts or sliced fresh coriander leaves and stems are added, and if necessary, chili sauce.

Alternativno se pripravljeno omako do končne uporabe do dva tedna shrani v hladilniku v zaprtem vsebniku.Alternatively, the prepared sauce is stored in the refrigerator in a closed container for up to two weeks until final use.

Pripravo Pad Thai jedi, ki so lahko mesne jedi, vegetarijanske jedi (namesto mesa se uporabi tofu in namesto ribje omake sojina omaka) ali pa veganske jedi (podobno kot vegetarijanske jedi, pri čemer se te pripravi brez jajc) nadalje opisuje spletna stran (objavljeno dne 8.5.2019 in dostopno dne 11.11.2019). Tradicionalno se Pad Thai jedi pripravijo tako, da se v ponvi pripravi omaka, nato seji dodajo v vodi namočeni riževi rezanci in se pražijo skupaj v ponvi vok. Nato se dodajo jajca, ki se nekoliko popražijo in vmešajo med rezance. Nadalje se dodajo še druge sestavine, med katerimi so popraženo meso, čebula, kalčki, sesekljani arašidi ter različne začimbe (n. pr. čili, limeta). Opisana omaka se pripravi iz ribje omake, sladkoija, tamarinda za namen svežine in kislosti okusa omake ali namesto tamarinda alternativno iz riževega kisa ali nadalje alternativno iz mešanice limoninega in limetinega soka, ter iz čilija in/ali srirača (angleško: sriracha, kije omaka pekočega okusa, imenovana tudi omaka čili, in sestoji iz čilija, destiliranega vinskega kisa, česna, soli in sladkoija).The preparation of Pad Thai dishes, which can be meat dishes, vegetarian dishes (tofu is used instead of meat and soy sauce instead of fish sauce) or vegan dishes (similar to vegetarian dishes, where they are prepared without eggs) is further described by the website https: // (published on 8 May 2019 and available on 11 November 2019). Traditionally, Pad Thai dishes are prepared by making a sauce in a pan, then adding rice-soaked rice noodles to the session and frying it together in a wok pan. Then add the eggs, which are lightly fried and mixed in between the noodles. Further, other ingredients are added, including fried meat, onions, sprouts, chopped peanuts and various spices (e.g. chili, lime). The described sauce is prepared from fish sauce, sweets, tamarind for the purpose of freshness and acidity of the sauce taste or instead of tamarind alternatively from rice vinegar or further alternatively from a mixture of lemon and lime juice, and from chili and / or sriracha (English: sriracha flavor, also called chili sauce, and consists of chili, distilled wine vinegar, garlic, salt and sweets).

Na spletni strani (dostopno dne 15.11.2019) je opisana priprava Pad Thai jedi in Pad Thai omake. Opisana omaka sestoji iz vode, ribje omake, paste iz tamarinda, palminega sladkoija in mletega čilija ter se pripravi tako, da se navedene sestavine zmešajo. Tako pripravljena omaka se doda v ponev vok, v kateri se najprej prepraži mesne ali ribje sestavine ter začimbe za njih in se nato temu doda v vodo namočene riževe rezance ter opisano Pad Thai omako. Vsem tem sestavinam v ponvi se doda jajce in se vse to med seboj pomeša in prepraži ob dodaji začimb. Pripravljena jed se servira in postreže s strtimi arašidi in limeto.The website (accessed on 15.11.2019) describes the preparation of Pad Thai dishes and Pad Thai sauces. The sauce described consists of water, fish sauce, tamarind paste, palm sweet and ground chili and is prepared by mixing the above ingredients. The sauce thus prepared is added to a wok pan, in which meat or fish ingredients and spices for them are first fried, and then rice noodles soaked in water and the described Pad Thai sauce are added to it. An egg is added to all these ingredients in the pan and all this is mixed together and fried while adding the spices. The prepared dish is served and served with crushed peanuts and lime.

Spletna stran (objavljeno dne 12.9.2015 in dostopno dne 15.11.2019) opisuje pripravo Pad Thai jedi in Pad Thai omake. Opisana Pad Thai omaka je sestavljena iz ribje omake, sojine omake, sladkoija ter soka limeta ali limone in se jo pripravi tako, de se te sestavine zmeša in doda v vok ponev, tako da se sestavine v ponvi vok, v kateri so predhodno s praženjem pripravljene druge sestavine Pad Thai jedi, med katerimi so poleg različnih začimb še piščančje meso in/ali tofu ali alternativno rakci in predhodno v vodi namočeni riževi rezanci, prelije z omako. Tik pred serviranjem jedi se doda še arašide in kalčke.The website (published on 12 September 2015 and available on 15 November 2019) describes the preparation of Pad Thai dishes and Pad Thai sauce. The described Pad Thai sauce consists of fish sauce, soy sauce, sweets and lime or lemon juice and is prepared by mixing these ingredients and adding to the wok pan so that the ingredients in the pan are wok in which they are pre-fried prepared other ingredients Pad Thai dishes, which in addition to various spices include chicken and / or tofu or alternatively shrimp and pre-soaked in water rice noodles, pour the sauce. Peanuts and sprouts are added just before serving.

Patentna prijava št. KR 101294761, objavljena 08.08.2013, opisuje omako za pražene riževe testenine in postopek njene izdelave. Opisana omaka se izdela in sestoji iz vode v utežnem deležu od 20 utežnih procentov (v nadaljevanju ut. %) do 30 ut. %, omake iz ostrig v deležu od 20 ut. % do 30 ut. %, sojine omake v deležu od 18 ut. % do 25 ut. %, fruktoze v obliki fruktoznega sirupa v deležu od 12 ut. % do 23 ut. %, rjavega sladkorja v deležu od 5 ut. % do 15 ut. %, iz čilija v prahu v deležu od 1,2 ut. % do 2,5 ut. %, iz paste iz kozic v deležu od 0,5 ut. % do 1,5 ut. %, to je iz živali iz družine kozic (latinsko: Crangonidae) iz razreda višjih rakov (latinsko: Malacostraca), nadalje iz sredstva za uravnavanje kislosti v deležu od 0,2 ut. % do 1,2 ut. % ter karamela v deležu od 0,05 ut. % do 0,3 ut. %. Postopek priprave takšne omake vključuje korak stabilizacije mešanice sestavin in korak pasterizacije mešanice pri nizkih temperaturah. Opisana omaka se pripravi tako, da se v mešalnik dozira in zmeša navedene sestavine v želenih utežnih deležih, in sicer najprej vodo, omako iz ostrig, sojino omako, fruktozo v obliki fruktoznega sirupa, rjavi sladkor, čili v prahu in pasto iz kozic ter se nato tej mešanici doda sredstvo za uravnavanje kislosti, da se doseže kislost pripravljene omake v območju pH od okoli 4.0 do okoli 4.4. Tako pripravljeno mešanico se stabilizira s primešanjem karamela v deležu od 0,05 ut. % do 0,3 ut. %. Sledi korak pasterizacije mešanice pri 100 °C v časovnem intervalu od okoli 10 minut (v nadaljevanju: min) do okoli 20 min. Prednostno je izbran čili tajski čili, kije fino mlet in v obliki prahu. Sredstvo za uravnavanje kislosti je prednostno ocetna kislina. Takšna omaka nudi pikanten okus, ki je kombinacija pikantnega in ostrega okusa in hkratne sladkosti in slanosti, ter daje rjavo barvo ali temno rdečo barvo jedi, ki so praženi riževi rezanci. Hkrati ojača vonj po dimu (tako imenovani dimast vonj) in okus praženih riževih rezancev, kar v celoti poveča užitek okusa, vonja in izgleda navedene hrane pri zaužitju ter poveča apetit po takšni hrani. Opisani so tudi postopek priprave omake iz ostrig, postopek priprave paste iz kozic, to je paste iz mesa rakcev kozic, ki med drugim vključuje olje sojinih zrn, česen in fino mleto sol, ter postopek priprave sojine omake.Patent application no. KR 101294761, published on 08.08.2013, describes the sauce for fried rice pasta and the process of its production. The described sauce is made and consists of water in a weight fraction of from 20% by weight (hereinafter wt.%) To 30 wt. %, oyster sauce in a proportion of 20 wt. % up to 30 wt. %, soy sauce in a proportion of 18 wt. % to 25 wt. %, fructose in the form of fructose syrup in a proportion of 12 wt. % to 23 wt. %, brown sugar in a proportion of 5 wt. % to 15 wt. %, of chili powder in a proportion of 1.2 wt. % to 2.5 wt. %, from shrimp paste in a proportion of 0.5 wt. % to 1.5 wt. %, ie from animals of the shrimp family (Latin: Crangonidae) from the class of higher crustaceans (Latin: Malacostraca), further from an acidity regulator in a proportion of 0.2 wt. % to 1.2 wt. % and caramel in a proportion of 0.05 wt. % to 0.3 wt. %. The process of preparing such a sauce includes a step of stabilizing the mixture of ingredients and a step of pasteurizing the mixture at low temperatures. The described sauce is prepared by dosing and mixing the listed ingredients in the desired weight proportions in the mixer, first of all water, oyster sauce, soy sauce, fructose in the form of fructose syrup, brown sugar, chili powder and shrimp paste, and then an acidity adjusting agent is added to this mixture to achieve the acidity of the prepared sauce in the pH range of about 4.0 to about 4.4. The mixture thus prepared is stabilized by adding caramel in a proportion of 0.05 wt. % to 0.3 wt. %. This is followed by a pasteurization step of the mixture at 100 ° C for a time interval from about 10 minutes (hereinafter: min) to about 20 min. Preferably, the selected chili is Thai chili, which is finely ground and in powder form. The acidity regulator is preferably acetic acid. Such a sauce offers a spicy taste, which is a combination of spicy and sharp taste and at the same time sweetness and salinity, and gives a brown or dark red color to dishes that are fried rice noodles. At the same time, it intensifies the smell of smoke (so-called smoky smell) and the taste of fried rice noodles, which fully increases the enjoyment of the taste, smell and appearance of said food when ingested and increases the appetite for such food. The process of preparing oyster sauce, the process of preparing shrimp paste, ie shrimp meat paste, which includes, inter alia, soybean oil, garlic and finely ground salt, and the process of preparing soy sauce are also described.

Na trgu poznane in v patentnih dokumentih opisane recepture ter postopki priprave omak zajedi vok, zajedi vrste Pad Thai in za omake Pad Thai ne rešujejo tukaj predstavljenega tehničnega problema na enak način in z enako sestavo, recepturo ter postopkom priprave omake, kot ga rešuje pričujoči izum.The market-known recipes described in the patent documents and the processes for preparing sauces include wok, Pad Thai and Pad Thai sauces do not solve the technical problem presented here in the same way and with the same composition, recipe and sauce preparation process as the present invention. .

Opis skic izumaDescription of the sketches of the invention

Slika 1 shematsko prikazuje enega izmed postopkov priprave omake zajedi po tem izumu. To je eden izmed postopkov priprave omake zajedi vrste Pad Thai, ki vključuje zaporedje posameznih korakov v postopku priprave omake po tem izumu z uporabo v tukajšnjem opisu opredeljenih sestavin. Po tem postopku se večji del sestavin omake zameša skupaj naenkrat na začetku kuhanja omake.Figure 1 schematically shows one of the processes for preparing the abyss sauce according to the present invention. This is one of the methods of preparation of the Pad Thai species, which includes a sequence of individual steps in the process of preparation of the sauce according to the present invention using the ingredients defined herein. After this process, most of the sauce ingredients are mixed together at once at the beginning of cooking the sauce.

Slika 2 shematsko prikazuje enega izmed alternativnih postopkov priprave omake zajedi po tem izumu, to je enega izmed postopkov priprave omake zajedi vrste Pad Thai, ki vključuje zaporedje posameznih korakov v postopku priprave omake po tem izumu, ki vsebuje tukaj opredeljene sestavine. Po tem postopku se posamezne sestavine omake dodajajo zaporedno.Figure 2 schematically shows one of the alternative methods of preparing a sauce for the sauce according to the invention, i.e. one of the methods for preparing a sauce for the Pad Thai type, which includes a sequence of individual steps in the method of preparing a sauce according to the invention. After this process, the individual ingredients of the sauce are added sequentially.

Opis nove rešitveDescription of the new solution

Predmet tega izuma je sestava oziroma formulacija omake zajedi, postopek priprave oz. receptura za pripravo takšne omake ter postopek uporabe takšne omake.The subject of the present invention is the composition or formulation of the abyss sauce, the process of preparation or the recipe for the preparation of such a sauce and the procedure for using such a sauce.

Navedene jedi, pri katerih se uporabi omaka po tem izumu, so različne vrste jedi, katere v prednostnih izvedbenih primerih uporabe omake po tem izumu med drugimi sestavinami vključujejo jedi iz testenin. Poleg testenin takšne vrste jedi vključujejo še različne mesne jedi, ribje jedi in jedi iz morskih sadežev in/ali različne zelenjavne jedi ter po potrebi različne začimbe in druge jedi rastlinskega izvora in/ali jedi živalskega izvora.Said dishes in which the sauce of the present invention is used are different types of dishes, which in preferred embodiments of the use of the sauce of the present invention include pasta dishes among other ingredients. In addition to pasta, such dishes include various meat dishes, fish and seafood dishes and / or various vegetable dishes and, if necessary, various spices and other dishes of plant origin and / or dishes of animal origin.

V alternativnih izvedbenih primerih se omaka po tem izumu uporablja tudi zajedi brez testenin, kjer te jedi vključujejo različne mesne jedi, ribje jedi, jedi iz morskih sadežev, različne druge jedi živalskega izvora, različne zelenjavne jedi, različne druge jedi rastlinskega izvora in/ali kombinacijo teh.In alternative embodiments, the sauce of the present invention is also used without pasta, where these dishes include various meat dishes, fish dishes, seafood dishes, various other dishes of animal origin, various vegetable dishes, various other dishes of plant origin and / or a combination teh.

Omaka v smislu tega izuma pomeni bolj ali manj tekočo formulacijo z različno visoko viskoznostjo od zelo redke in/ali tekoče omake do zelo viskozne omake s tako imenovanim kremnim izgledom. Uporablja se za prehrambene namene in najbolj prednostno za dopolnjevanje jedi in še bolj prednostno za dopolnjevanje glavnih jedi, po potrebi pa tudi prilog k glavnim jedem. Namen omake je, da dopolni in/ali izboljša okus oziroma aromo, vonj, videz oziroma izgled jedi, vključno z barvo jedi, in/ali s teksturo jedi, kateri se doda, in/ali da omogoči lažje zaužitje jedi, še posebej kadar je jed bolj suha in z malo tekočine. Omaka se pogosto uporablja z namenom, da poviša dodano vrednost jedem, katerim se doda, in da poveča užitek pri zauživanju teh jedi in hrane na splošno. Zato je pri izdelavi omake pomemben izbor glavnih oz. osnovnih in drugih sestavin, da se doseže želeni okus, vonj, izgled, teksturo in druge organoleptične lastnosti omake, vključno z reološkimi značilnostmi omake in z njeno stabilnostjo.The sauce of the present invention means a more or less liquid formulation of varying high viscosity from a very sparse and / or liquid sauce to a very viscous sauce with a so-called creamy appearance. It is used for food purposes and most preferably for supplementing dishes and even more preferably for supplementing main dishes and, if necessary, side dishes. The purpose of the sauce is to supplement and / or improve the taste or aroma, smell, appearance or appearance of the dish, including the color of the dish, and / or the texture of the dish to which it is added, and / or to make it easier to eat, especially when dish drier and with less liquid. The sauce is often used in order to increase the added value of the dishes to which it is added and to increase the enjoyment of consuming these dishes and food in general. Therefore, when making the sauce, it is important to choose the main or. basic and other ingredients to achieve the desired taste, smell, appearance, texture and other organoleptic properties of the sauce, including the rheological characteristics of the sauce and its stability.

Omaka v končni obliki v smislu tega izuma pomeni omako z vsemi sestavinami po tem izumu, kije pripravljena po tukaj opisanem postopku in ki se nato doda k jedi oziroma h končni jedi ter uporabi in servira v kombinaciji z jedjo oziroma s končno jedjo v smislu tega izuma ter je s tem pripravljena za zaužitje.Sauce in final form according to the present invention means a sauce with all the ingredients according to the invention, prepared according to the process described herein and which is then added to the dish or to the final dish and used and served in combination with the dish or final dish according to the present invention. and is thus ready for ingestion.

V nekaterih primerih se omaka doda jedem oziroma končnim jedem tekom njihove priprave bodisi že na samem začetku priprave takšnih jedi, tekom priprave ali pa na koncu priprave takšnih jedi. V drugih primerih se omaka doda jedem tik pred serviranjem jedi, med samim serviranjem jedi ali pa med samim zauživanjem jedi, na primer s pomakanjem jedi v omako. Izjemno redko se omaka zaužije kot samostojna jed. Omake se pripravijo po različnih postopkih ter iz različnih sestavin in dodatkov glede na želeno funkcijo omake, kar vključuje med drugim tudi različen način serviranja in zauživanja omak glede na jedi, katerim se doda in s katerimi se zaužije. Omake se lahko pripravijo med drugim bodisi vzporedno tekom priprave jedi, katerim se dodajo, bodisi na koncu priprave teh jedi. V drugih primerih, še posebej kadar je čas priprave omak daljši, se omake pripravijo predhodno oziroma pred-pripravijo in se nato hranijo v tako imenovani pred-obliki vse do končne priprave omake, kar je tik pred dodajo jedem oz. končnim jedem oziroma tik pred serviranjem in/ali tik pred zaužitjem takšnih jedi v kombinaciji z omako. Servirajo se lahko z različnimi temperaturami omake glede na jed, kateri se dodajo, to je bodisi hladne, mlačne, tople in/ali vroče. Omake se med seboj razlikujejo med drugim po glavnih oziroma osnovnih sestavinah, po začimbah in po različnih dodatkih kot n. pr. po dodatkih za uravnavanje stabilnosti, gostote (n. pr. zgoščevalna sredstva), viskoznosti, reoloških značilnosti omak, časa hrambe omak in za uravnavanje kakovosti tekom hrambe in/ali skladiščenja omak. Tekom hrambe oz. skladiščenja omake se namreč lahko poslabšajo senzorične oziroma organoleptične lastnosti omake kot tudi reološke lastnosti kot n. pr. gostota, viskoznost, enakomernost porazdelitve sestavin oz. tako imenovana homogenost omake. Med osnovnimi sestavinami omak so po navadi med drugim n. pr. voda, začimbe in/ali po potrebi arome, po potrebi olje in/ali maščobe, po potrebi zgoščevalci oziroma zgostila, barvila, stabilizatoiji, emulgatoiji in/ali konzervansi.In some cases, the sauce is added to dishes or final dishes during their preparation, either at the very beginning of the preparation of such dishes, during the preparation or at the end of the preparation of such dishes. In other cases, the sauce is added to dishes just before serving the dish, during the serving of the dish itself or during the actual consumption of the dish, for example by dipping the dish in the sauce. Extremely rarely, the sauce is consumed as a standalone dish. Sauces are prepared according to different processes and from different ingredients and additives according to the desired function of the sauce, which includes, among other things, different ways of serving and consuming sauces depending on the dishes to which it is added and consumed. Sauces can be prepared, among other things, either in parallel during the preparation of the dishes to which they are added, or at the end of the preparation of these dishes. In other cases, especially when the time of preparation of sauces is longer, sauces are prepared in advance or pre-prepared and then stored in the so-called pre-form until the final preparation of the sauce, which is just before adding to the dish or. the final dish or just before serving and / or just before eating such dishes in combination with the sauce. They can be served with different sauce temperatures depending on the dish to which they are added, i.e. either cold, lukewarm, warm and / or hot. Sauces differ from each other in the main or basic ingredients, spices and various additives such as n. pr. after additives for regulating the stability, density (eg thickeners), viscosity, rheological characteristics of sauces, storage time of sauces and for regulating quality during storage and / or storage of sauces. During storage or. namely, the storage of the sauce may impair the sensory or organoleptic properties of the sauce as well as the rheological properties as n. pr. density, viscosity, uniformity of distribution of components or the so-called homogeneity of the sauce. Among the basic ingredients of sauces are usually among others n. pr. water, spices and / or, if necessary, flavorings, if necessary oil and / or fat, if necessary thickeners or thickeners, colorants, stabilizers, emulsifiers and / or preservatives.

Končna jed v smislu tega izuma pomeni jed, h kateri se omaka po tem izumu doda tekom priprave te jedi v končni obliki, v kateri se po navadi takšna jed postreže oziroma servira. Takšna jed, ki se v kombinaciji z omako po tem izumu pripravi v končni obliki oziroma kot končna jed, je izbrana izmed v tem opisu navedenih jedi, med katerimi so to jedi iz različnih testenin, različne mesne jedi, ribje jedi, jedi iz morskih sadežev in/ali druge jedi živalskega izvora, različne zelenjavne jedi in/ali druge jedi rastlinskega izvora, po potrebi različne začimbe in/ali kombinacija navedenih jedi.A final dish according to the present invention means a dish to which a sauce according to the invention is added during the preparation of this dish in a final form in which such a dish is usually served. Such a dish, which in combination with the sauce according to the invention is prepared in the final form or as a final dish, is selected from the dishes mentioned in this description, among which are dishes from various pasta, various meat dishes, fish dishes, seafood dishes and / or other dishes of animal origin, various vegetable dishes and / or other dishes of plant origin, if necessary different spices and / or a combination of those dishes.

Predmet tega izuma je omaka zajedi, kije sestavljena iz vode, vsaj enega ali več vrst sladkoijev, tamarinda, česna, čebule, paprike vsaj ene ali več vrst, ribje omake, vsaj ene ali več omak iz različnih vrst čilija, soli, kisa in oreščkov vsaj ene ali več vrst, in v kateri so navedene sestavine vsebovane v sledečih količinah:The subject of the present invention is the sauce of zajeda, which consists of water, at least one or more types of sweets, tamarind, garlic, onions, peppers of at least one or more types, fish sauce, at least one or more sauces of different types of chili, salt, vinegar and nuts at least one or more species, and in which the said ingredients are contained in the following quantities:

- voda v količini od vključno okoli 20 utežnih procentih (v nadaljevanju: ut. %) do vključno okoli 40 ut. %,- water in an amount of from about 20% by weight (hereinafter: wt.%) to about 40 wt. %,

- vsaj eden ali več vrst sladkorjev v skupni količini sladkorja od vključno okoli 16 ut. % do vključno okoli 21 ut. %,- at least one or more types of sugar in a total sugar content of about 16% by weight. % up to and including about 21 wt. %,

- tamarind v obliki tamarindove paste v količini od vključno okoli 3 ut. % do vključno okoli 6 ut. %,- tamarind in the form of tamarind paste in an amount of about 3 wt. % up to and including about 6 wt. %,

- česen v sesekljani obliki v količini od vključno okoli 4 ut. % do vključno okoli 6 ut. %, čebula v sesekljani obliki v količini od vključno okoli 4 ut. % do vključno okoli 8 ut. %,- garlic in chopped form in an amount of about 4 wt. % up to and including about 6 wt. %, onion in chopped form in an amount of about 4 wt. % up to and including about 8 wt. %,

- paprika v sesekljani obliki vsaj ene ali več vrst paprik v skupni količini paprike od vključno okoli 20 ut. % do vključno okoli 25 ut. %,- peppers in chopped form of at least one or more types of peppers in a total quantity of peppers of about 20 wt. % up to and including about 25 wt. %,

- ribja omaka v količini od vključno okoli 1 ut. % do vključno okoli 6 ut. %, vsaj ena ali več omak iz različnih vrst čilija v skupni količini omak iz čilija od vključno okoli 0,5 ut. % do vključno okoli 5 ut. %,- fish sauce in an amount of about 1 wt. % up to and including about 6 wt. %, at least one or more sauces of different types of chili in a total amount of chili sauces of about 0,5 wt. % up to and including about 5 wt. %,

- sol v količini od vključno okoli 1 ut. % do vključno okoli 1,5 ut. %, - kis v količini od vključno okoli 1 ut. % do vključno okoli 2 ut. %, - oreščki vsaj ene ali več vrst v skupni količini oreščkov od vključno okoli 3 ut. % do vključno okoli 8 ut. %.- salt in an amount of about 1 wt. % up to and including about 1.5 wt. vinegar in an amount of about 1 wt. % up to and including about 2 wt. nuts of at least one or more species in a total quantity of nuts of about 3% by weight. % up to and including about 8 wt. %.

V omaki po tem izumu so posamezne sestavine omake vsebovane v količinah, ki so podane v utežnih deležih oziroma v masnih deležih, izraženih v procentih z oznako % (v nadaljevanju zapisano tudi krajše kot ut. %, angleško wt. %), pri katerih je masa posamezne sestavine v celotni masi omake oziroma v celotni masi mešanice vseh sestavin omake podana v deležu v procentih, ki ga ta sestavina po svoji masi predstavlja v celotni masi oziroma v skupni masi mešanice vseh sestavin omake v času dodajanja sestavin v omako. V smislu tega izuma se masni delež posamezne sestavine izračuna tako, da se masa dodane posamezne sestavine deli z vsoto mas vseh posameznih sestavin, ki se dodajo v celotno mešanico vseh sestavin omake, in se nato ta delež pomnoži s 100 %, kar se alternativno zapiše s sledečo formulo:In the sauce according to the present invention, the individual components of the sauce are contained in quantities given in percentages by weight or in percentages by weight, expressed as a percentage marked with% (hereinafter also written shorter than wt.%, English wt.%), In which the weight of an individual ingredient in the total weight of the sauce or in the total weight of the mixture of all sauce ingredients is given as a percentage, which this ingredient represents by its weight in the total weight or total weight of the mixture of all sauce ingredients at the time of adding ingredients to the sauce. According to the present invention, the weight fraction of an individual ingredient is calculated by dividing the weight of the added individual ingredient by the sum of the masses of all the individual ingredients added to the total mixture of all the sauce ingredients, and then multiplying this proportion by 100%, alternatively with the following formula:

Utežni /o posamezne sestavine v omaki = ((masa posamezne sestavine v omaki v kg) x 100%) / (skupna masa vsote mas vseh posameznih sestavin omake v kg)Weight / o of individual ingredient in the sauce = (mass of each ingredient in the sauce in kg) x 100%) / (total mass of the sum of the masses of all individual ingredients of the sauce in kg)

Voda v smislu tega izuma je vodovodna voda oziroma voda iz pipe. V omaki omogoča raztopitev navedenih sestavin ter njihovo enakomerno porazdelitev po omaki, predvsem raztopitev in porazdelitev sladkorjev, tamarinda, soli, ribje omake in čilijeve omake, kisa in drugih sestavin omake.The water according to the present invention is tap water or tap water. The sauce allows the dissolution of these ingredients and their even distribution throughout the sauce, especially the dissolution and distribution of sugars, tamarind, salt, fish sauce and chili sauce, vinegar and other ingredients of the sauce.

Sladkor v omaki po tem izumu je izbran izmed sladkorjev, med katerimi so rafinirani beli sladkor, palmin sladkor in/ali rjavi sladkor, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v gostinstvu, na področju prehrambene industrije in v gospodinjstvu. Navedeni rafinirani beli sladkorje bodisi sladkor iz sladkorne pese in/ali iz sladkornega trsa in je prednostno beli kristalni sladkor. Navedeni palmin sladkor oziroma palmov sladkorje sladkor, pridobljen iz palm različnih vrst, bodisi iz socvetij palm in/ali iz soka palm, najpogosteje iz kokosovih palm. Takšen sladkor ima po navadi priokus karamela. Navedeni rjavi sladkorje nerafinirani sladkor iz sladkorne pese in/ali iz sladkornega trsa. Navedeni sladkor daje omaki sladek okus ter hkrati deluje kot zgostilo in konzervans. Navedeni palmin sladkor in rjavi sladkor dajeta omaki dodatno še okus po karamelu in barvo.The sugar in the sauce according to the present invention is selected from sugars, among which are refined white sugar, palm sugar and / or brown sugar as known and as used in the state of the art in the catering, food industry and household. Said refined white sugars are either sugar beet and / or cane sugar and are preferably white crystalline sugar. Said palm sugar or palm sugars is sugar obtained from palms of different species, either from palm inflorescences and / or from palm juice, most commonly from coconut palms. Such sugar usually has a hint of caramel. Said brown sugars unrefined sugar from beet and / or sugar cane. Said sugar gives the sauce a sweet taste and at the same time acts as a thickener and preservative. The mentioned palm sugar and brown sugar give the sauce an additional caramel flavor and color.

V prednostnem izvedbenem primeru po tem izumu je sladkor v navedeni omaki mešanica rafiniranega belega sladkorja in palminega sladkorja, pri čemer navedena omaka vsebuje rafinirani beli sladkor v količini od vključno okoli 12 ut. % do vključno okoli 15 ut. % in palmin sladkor v količini od vključno okoli 4 ut. % do vključno okoli 6 ut. %. V prednostnem izvedbenem primeru postopka priprave omake po tem izumu se na začetku tega postopka priprave v vodo najprej doda palmin sladkor ter se nato dodajajo ostale sestavine omake po tem izumu, med tem ko se beli sladkor, prednostno beli kristalni sladkor, doda v času blizu konca kuhanja omake, in sicer v določenem času pred zaključkom kuhanja omake oziroma mešanice omake, kar je tik pred zaključkom kuhanja omake. Zaključek kuhanja omake v smislu tega izuma pomeni časovni trenutek v postopku priprave omake, ko mešanico vseh sestavin omake v kuhalni posodi prenehamo segrevati oziroma ogrevati in jo s tem prenehamo kuhati.In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the sugar in said sauce is a mixture of refined white sugar and palm sugar, said sauce containing refined white sugar in an amount of up to and including about 12 wt. % up to and including about 15 wt. % and palm sugar in an amount of about 4 wt. % up to and including about 6 wt. %. In a preferred embodiment of the sauce preparation process according to the invention, palm sugar is first added to the water at the beginning of this preparation process and then the other sauce ingredients according to the invention are added, while white sugar, preferably white crystalline sugar, is added near the end. cooking the sauce, in a certain time before the end of the cooking of the sauce or mixture of the sauce, which is just before the end of the cooking of the sauce. Completion of cooking the sauce according to the present invention means a time in the process of preparing the sauce, when the mixture of all the components of the sauce in the cooking vessel is stopped heating or heating and thus it is stopped cooking.

Navedeni beli sladkor, prednostno beli kristalni sladkor, zgoraj opisanim sestavinam omake, katerim smo že dodali zmlete oreščke, dodamo v kuhalno posodo ob stalnem mešanju v določenem času pred zaključkom kuhanja omake, in sicer od vključno okoli 10 min do vključno okoli 3 min pred zaključkom kuhanja ter prednostno v času od vključno okoli 5 min do vključno okoli 3 min pred zaključkom kuhanja. Ves ta čas od dodaje belega sladkoija do zaključka kuhanja omake takšno mešanico omake kuhamo pri temperaturi mešanice omake v območju od vključno okoli 70 °C do vključno okoli 100 °C. V primeru kuhanja omake okoli 3 ure dodamo beli sladkor v času okoli 2 uri in 50 min oziroma prednostno v času okoli 2 uri in 55 min ali v času okoli 2 uri in 57 min, merjeno od začetka kuhanja omake. V primeru kuhanja omake okoli 5 ur dodamo beli sladkor v času okoli 4 ure in 50 min oziroma prednostno v času okoli 4 ure in 55 min ali v času okoli 4 ure in 57 min od začetka kuhanja omake. V primeru kuhanja omake okoli 7 ur dodamo beli sladkor v času okoli 6 ur in 50 min oziroma prednostno v času okoli 6 ur in 55 min ali v času okoli 6 ur in 57 min od začetka kuhanja omake. Ob dodajanju belega sladkorja mešanico omake stalno mešamo, tako da se beli sladkor enakomerno porazdeli po celotnem volumnu omake, da se v njej razpusti in raztopi.Said white sugar, preferably white crystal sugar, is added to the above-described sauce ingredients to which the ground nuts have already been added, stirring constantly for a certain time before the end of cooking the sauce, from about 10 minutes to about 3 minutes before the end. cooking and preferably in the period from about 5 minutes to about 3 minutes before the end of cooking. All this time, from the addition of white sweets to the end of cooking the sauce, such a sauce mixture is cooked at a temperature of the sauce mixture in the range from about 70 ° C to about 100 ° C. In the case of cooking the sauce for about 3 hours, add white sugar for about 2 hours and 50 minutes or preferably for about 2 hours and 55 minutes or for about 2 hours and 57 minutes, measured from the beginning of cooking the sauce. In the case of cooking the sauce for about 5 hours, add white sugar for about 4 hours and 50 minutes or preferably for about 4 hours and 55 minutes or for about 4 hours and 57 minutes from the start of cooking the sauce. In the case of cooking the sauce for about 7 hours, add white sugar for about 6 hours and 50 minutes or preferably for about 6 hours and 55 minutes or for about 6 hours and 57 minutes from the start of cooking the sauce. When white sugar is added, the sauce mixture is constantly stirred so that the white sugar is evenly distributed over the entire volume of the sauce to dissolve and dissolve in it.

Tamarind v omaki po tem izumu je v obliki tamarindove paste, kot je poznana in kot se v stanju tehnike uporablja v gostinstvu in na področju prehrambene industrije ter v gospodinjstvu. Pridobiva se iz plodov dreves tamarinda oz. mesa teh plodov, imenovanih tudi sadeži tamarinda, ki imajo obliko strokov. Takšen tamarind se pogosto uporablja v kombinaciji z ribjimi jedmi in daje jedem bolj ali manj kisel ter hkrati sladek okus, kar je odvisno od zrelosti plodov, uporabljenih za pripravo tamarindove paste. Poleg tega tamarind daje omaki še barvo.Tamarind in the sauce according to the present invention is in the form of tamarind paste as known and as used in the art in the catering and food industry and in the household. It is obtained from the fruits of tamarind trees or. the flesh of these fruits, also called tamarind fruits, which have the shape of pods. Such tamarind is often used in combination with fish dishes and gives the dishes a more or less sour and at the same time sweet taste, depending on the ripeness of the fruit used to prepare the tamarind paste. In addition, tamarind gives the sauce more color.

Česen in čebula v omaki po tem izumu sta izbrana izmed česnov in čebul, kot so poznane in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v gostinstvu, na področju prehrambene industrije in v gospodinjstvu. Prednostno je izbrani česen sveži česen. Navedeni česen daje omaki okus.The garlic and onion in the sauce of the present invention are selected from garlic and onions as known and as used in the art in the catering industry, the food industry and the household. Preferably, the selected garlic is fresh garlic. Said garlic gives the sauce flavor.

Čebula je med drugim izbrana izmed bele čebule, rdeče čebule, ijave čebule in/ali šalotke. Prednostno je izbrana čebula sveža čebula. Navedena čebula daje omaki okus in tudi barvo ter strukturo.The onions are selected from, but not limited to, white onions, red onions, green onions, and / or shallots. Preferably, the selected onion is fresh onion. Said onions give the sauce flavor as well as color and texture.

Paprika v omaki po tem izumu je izbrana bodisi glede na barvo in/ali okus paprike in je izbrana izmed paprike, kot je poznana in kot se v stanju tehnike uporablja v gostinstvu, na področju prehrambene industrije in v gospodinjstvu. Glede na barvo je navedena paprika izbrana izmed paprike, med katerimi so rdeča paprika, zelena paprika, oranžna paprika, rumena paprika, bela paprika, vijolična paprika, črna paprika in/ali kombinacija teh. Glede na okus in/ali ostrino okusa je navedena paprika izbrana izmed paprike, kije po okusu ne-pekoča oziroma tako imenovana sladka paprika oziroma mila paprika. Paprika da omaki okus in barvo ter tudi strukturo. V prednostnem izvedbenem primeru je navedena paprika ne-pekoča rdeča paprika.The paprika in the sauce according to the invention is selected either according to the color and / or taste of the paprika and is selected from paprika as known and as used in the state of the art in the catering, food industry and household. Depending on the color, said pepper is selected from peppers, among which are red pepper, green pepper, orange pepper, yellow pepper, white pepper, purple pepper, black pepper and / or a combination thereof. Depending on the taste and / or the sharpness of the taste, said pepper is selected from peppers which are non-hot in taste or so-called sweet pepper or sweet pepper. Peppers give the sauce flavor and color as well as texture. In a preferred embodiment, said pepper is a non-hot red pepper.

Omaka iz čilija oz. čilijeva omaka v smislu tega izuma je izbrana izmed čilijevih omak, kot so poznane in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v gostinstvu, na področju prehrambene industrije in v gospodinjstvu ter prednostno na področju azijske kuhinje. Takšna omaka iz čilija je izbrana izmed čilijevih omak, ki so izdelane iz čilijev oziroma iz čili paprik, kateri so izbrani izmed pol-pekočih čilijev oziroma pol-ostrih čilijev in/ali izmed pekočih čilijev oziroma ostrih čilijev in/ali iz kombinacije teh čilijev. Navedeni čiliji so plodovi rastlin vrste Capsicum iz rodu rastlin paprik in so izbrani izmed vrst čilija Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum pubescens in Capsicum baccatum. Ostrina njihovega okusa je odvisna od vsebnosti alkaloida kapsaicina, kije kemijsko 8-metil-N-vanilil-6-nonenamid, in daje plodovom pekoč oziroma oster okus. Po barvi so čiliji izbrani izmed belih, zelenih, rumenih, oranžnih, rdečih, temno rdečih, vijoličnih oziroma tako imenovanih vijola čilijev, ijavih in/ali črnih čilijev. Navedena omaka iz čilija daje omaki v smislu tega izuma pekoč in oster okus ter barvo.Chili sauce or. the chili sauce of the present invention is selected from chili sauces as known and used in the catering industry, in the food industry and in the household, and preferably in the field of Asian cuisine. Such a chili sauce is selected from chili sauces made from chilies or chili peppers, which are selected from semi-hot chillies or semi-hot chillies and / or from hot chillies or hot chillies and / or from a combination of these chillies. Said chillies are fruits of the Capsicum plant from the genus Paprika and are selected from the chilli species Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum pubescens and Capsicum baccatum. The sharpness of their taste depends on the content of the alkaloid capsaicin, which is chemically 8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide, and gives the fruit a burning or pungent taste. According to the color, the chillies are selected from white, green, yellow, orange, red, dark red, purple or so-called violet chilies, ivy and / or black chillies. Said chili sauce gives the sauce of the present invention a pungent and pungent taste and color.

Ribja omaka v smislu tega izuma je izbrana izmed ribjih omak, kot so poznane in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v gostinstvu, na področju prehrambene industrije in v gospodinjstvu ter prednostno na področju azijske kuhinje. Takšne omake so izdelane iz različnih vrst rib in po potrebi iz arom rib. Navedena ribja omaka daje omaki po tem izumu okus oz. aromo in po potrebi vonj po ribah in/ali morskih sadežih.The fish sauce according to the invention is selected from fish sauces as known and as used in the state of the art in catering, in the food industry and in the household, and preferably in the field of Asian cuisine. Such sauces are made from different types of fish and, if necessary, from fish flavors. Said fish sauce gives the sauce according to the invention a taste or aroma and, where appropriate, the smell of fish and / or seafood.

Sol v smislu tega izuma je izbrana izmed soli, kot so poznane in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v gostinstvu, na področju prehrambene industrije in v gospodinjstvu ter prednostno na področju azijske kuhinje. Takšna sol je izbrana izmed kuhinjske soli s kemijsko formulo NaCl, kije bodisi j odirana ali ne-jodirana, morska sol ali kamena sol, vključno s himalajsko soljo in drugimi podobnimi vrstami soli. Navedena sol omaki po tem izumu daje slan okus in deluje kot konzervans.The salt according to the invention is selected from salts as known and as used in the art in the catering industry, in the food industry and in the household, and preferably in the field of Asian cuisine. Such a salt is selected from table salt having the chemical formula NaCl, which is either iodinated or non-iodinated, sea salt or rock salt, including Himalayan salt and other similar types of salt. Said salt gives the sauce of this invention a salty taste and acts as a preservative.

Kis v smislu tega izuma je izbran izmed kisov, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v gostinstvu, na področju prehrambene industrije in v gospodinjstvu ter prednostno na področju azijske kuhinje. Takšen kis je izbran izmed kisa, ki je bodisi vinski kis ali jabolčni kis, v posebnih izvedbenih primerih pa je izbran tudi izmed kisov, kot so balzamični kis, rižev kis, trsni kis, kis iz rozin, pivski kis, kokosov kis, sladni kis. Navedeni kis omaki v smislu tega izuma daje bolj ali manj kisel okus, uravnava kislost omake in daje omaki barvo. Poleg tega kis olajša zauživanje maščobnih sestavin. Prednostno je takšen kis destilirani kis s koncentracijo 5 volumskih % in najbolj prednostno beli vinski kis.The vinegar according to the invention is selected from vinegars as known and as used in the state of the art in the catering industry, in the food industry and in the household, and preferably in the field of Asian cuisine. Such vinegar is selected from vinegar which is either wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar and, in special embodiments, is also selected from vinegars such as balsamic vinegar, rice vinegar, cane vinegar, raisin vinegar, beer vinegar, coconut vinegar, malt vinegar . Said vinegar gives the sauce of the present invention a more or less sour taste, regulates the acidity of the sauce and gives the sauce its color. In addition, vinegar makes it easier to consume fatty ingredients. Preferably such vinegar is distilled vinegar with a concentration of 5% by volume and most preferably white wine vinegar.

Oreščki oziroma oreški v smislu tega izuma so izbrani izmed oreščkov, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v gostinstvu, na področju prehrambene industrije, v gospodinjstvu ter prednostno na področju azijske kuhinje in drugih kuhinj. Oreščki za omako po tem izumu so izbrani izmed oreščkov, med katerimi so arašidi, pistacije, brazilski oreščki, indijski oreščki, oreščki macadamia, lešniki, mandeljni, orehi, semena buč in/ali bučk ter semena pinjole.The nuts or nuts of the present invention are selected from nuts as known and as used in the art in the catering industry, in the food industry, in the household, and preferably in the field of Asian cuisine and other cuisines. The sauce nuts of the present invention are selected from nuts, including peanuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and / or zucchini, and pine nuts.

V prednostnem izvedbenem primeru so navedeni oreščki arašidi. Ti arašidi so izbrani izmed praženih arašidov, praženih nesoljenih arašidov, praženih soljenih arašidov, praženih nesoljenih blanširanih arašidov in/ali praženih soljenih blanširanih arašidov. Najbolj prednostno so izbrani oreščki nesoljeni praženi in blanširani arašidi.In a preferred embodiment, peanut nuts are mentioned. These peanuts are selected from roasted peanuts, roasted unsalted peanuts, roasted salted peanuts, roasted unsalted blanched peanuts and / or roasted salted blanched peanuts. Most preferably, selected nuts are unsalted roasted and blanched peanuts.

V prednostnem izvedbenem primeru postopka priprave omake po tem izumu se navedeni oreščki pred dodajo mešanici sestavin omake oziroma mešanici omake dodajo v določenem času pred zaključkom kuhanja. Navedene oreščke pred tem pripravimo tako, da jih zmeljemo na manjšo velikost premera delcev oreškov, kjer premer takšnih delcev znaša od vključno okoli 1 mm do vključno okoli 3 mm. V kuhalno posodo jih dodamo v mešanico sestavin omake v času od vključno okoli 20 min do vključno okoli 30 min pred zaključkom kuhanja, ter mešanico omake ves ta čas stalno mešamo, da se delci arašidov enakomerno porazdelijo po celotnem volumnu omake. Ves ta čas od dodaje arašidov do zaključka kuhanja omake takšno mešanico omake kuhamo pri temperaturi mešanice omake v območju od vključno okoli 70 °C do vključno okoli 100 °C. V primeru celotnega časa kuhanja omake okoli 3 ure dodamo arašide v času okoli 2 uri in 40 min oziroma v času okoli 2 uri in 30 min, merjeno od začetka kuhanja omake. V primeru celotnega časa kuhanja omake okoli 5 ur dodamo arašide v času okoli 4 ure in 40 min oziroma v času okoli 4 ure in 30 min, merjeno od začetka kuhanja omake. V primeru celotnega časa kuhanja omake okoli 7 ur dodamo arašide v času okoli 6 ur in 40 min oziroma v času okoli 6 ur in 30 min, merjeno od začetka kuhanja omake.In a preferred embodiment of the sauce preparation process according to the invention, said nuts are pre-added to the sauce ingredient mixture or the sauce mixture is added at a certain time before the end of cooking. These nuts are previously prepared by grinding them to a smaller particle size of the nuts, where the diameter of such particles is from about 1 mm to about 3 mm. Add them to the cooking pot in the sauce ingredient mixture for about 20 minutes to about 30 minutes before the end of cooking, and stir the sauce mixture all the time so that the peanut particles are evenly distributed over the entire volume of the sauce. All this time from the addition of peanuts to the end of cooking the sauce, such a sauce mixture is cooked at a temperature of the sauce mixture in the range from about 70 ° C to about 100 ° C. In the case of the total cooking time of the sauce, about 3 hours, add the peanuts in about 2 hours and 40 minutes or in about 2 hours and 30 minutes, measured from the beginning of cooking the sauce. In the case of the total cooking time of the sauce about 5 hours, add the peanuts in a time of about 4 hours and 40 minutes or in a time of about 4 hours and 30 minutes, measured from the beginning of cooking the sauce. In the case of the total cooking time of the sauce about 7 hours, add the peanuts in a time of about 6 hours and 40 minutes or in a time of about 6 hours and 30 minutes, measured from the beginning of cooking the sauce.

Nadalje je predmet tega izuma receptura za pripravo omake v smislu tega izuma oziroma postopek priprave takšne omake. V tem postopku začetek kuhanja omake po tem izumu oziroma mešanice omake po tem izumu oziroma mešanice sestavin omake po tem izumu pomeni časovni trenutek v postopku priprave omake, ko v kuhalni posodi zamešano večino sestavin omake začnemo segrevati oziroma ogrevati in to mešanico sestavin omake nato kuhamo določen čas z namenom, da se sestavine mešanice omake razpustijo, omehčajo in/ali raztopijo ter skuhajo. Zaključek kuhanja v smislu tega izuma pomeni časovni trenutek v postopku priprave omake, ko mešanico vseh sestavin omake v kuhalni posodi prenehamo segrevati oziroma ogrevati in ko jo s tem prenehamo kuhati.Furthermore, the subject of the present invention is a recipe for preparing a sauce according to the present invention or a process for preparing such a sauce. In this process, the start of cooking the sauce according to the invention or the mixture of the sauce according to the invention or the mixture of ingredients of the sauce according to the invention means the time in the process of preparing the sauce, when most of the sauce ingredients mixed in the cooking vessel are heated and this mixture of ingredients is then cooked. time in order for the ingredients of the sauce mixture to dissolve, soften and / or dissolve and cook. The end of cooking according to the present invention means the moment in the process of preparing the sauce, when the mixture of all the ingredients of the sauce in the cooking vessel is stopped heating or heating and when it is stopped cooking.

V kuhalno posodo dodajamo sestavine omake po tem izumu bodisi po zaporednem vrstnem redu navedenih sestavin ali pa po poljubnem vrstnem redu. V prednostnem izvedbenem primeru tega izuma oreščke in beli sladkor dodamo v mešanico sestavin omake s časovnim zamikom od dodaje oziroma zamešanja oz. primešanja ostalih sestavin in to v določenem času pred zaključkom kuhanja.The sauce ingredients of the present invention are added to the cooking vessel either in the sequential order of said ingredients or in any order. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the nuts and white sugar are added to the mixture of sauce ingredients with a time lag from addition or mixing. admixtures of other ingredients at a certain time before the end of cooking.

V enem izmed izvedbenih primerov postopka po tem izumu se v vodo, ki je v kuhalni posodi oziroma v kuhalnem kotlu in ima sobno temperaturo ali pa temperaturo vode iz vodovodne napeljave, dodajo na začetku kuhanja vse sestavine omake naenkrat in skupaj z izjemo belega sladkoba, prednostno belega kristalnega sladkorja, in oreščkov. Te sestavine, ki so voda, palmin sladkor, tamarindova pasta, česen, čebula, rdeča paprika, ribja omaka, omaka iz čilija, sol in kis, se v vodi ob stalnem mešanju mešanice navedenih sestavin omake v kuhalni posodi oz. kuhalnem kotlu in ob segrevanju oziroma ogrevanju do temperature mešanice omake okoli 100 °C kuhajo od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 7 ur, v prednostnih izvedbenih primerih pa od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 5 ur. Arašide in beli sladkor dodamo zgoraj opisanim sestavinam mešanice omake v kuhalni posodi nekaj časa pred zaključkom kuhanja omake, kot je opisano v smislu tega izuma.In one of the embodiments of the process according to the invention, all the components of the sauce are added at once and together with the exception of white sweetness to the water which is in the cooking vessel or in the boiler and has room temperature or the temperature of tap water at the beginning of cooking. white crystal sugar, and nuts. These ingredients, which are water, palm sugar, tamarind paste, garlic, onion, red pepper, fish sauce, chili sauce, salt and vinegar, are mixed with the mixture of these sauce ingredients in a cooking vessel. in the boiler and when heated or heated to a temperature of the sauce mixture of about 100 ° C, cook from about 3 hours to about 7 hours, and in preferred embodiments from about 3 hours to about 5 hours. Peanuts and white sugar are added to the above-described ingredients of the sauce mixture in a cooking vessel some time before the end of cooking the sauce, as described in accordance with the present invention.

V alternativni izvedbi tega postopka navedene sestavine dodajamo zaporedno, tako da najprej v vodo dodamo palmin sladkor in mešamo nekaj minut, da se ta v vodi enakomerno porazdeli, razpusti in raztopi. Nato ob stalnem mešanju in segrevanju kuhalne posode oziroma kuhalnega kotla z vodo in palminim sladkorjem dodajamo zaporedno tamarindovo pasto, česen, čebulo, rdečo papriko, ribjo omako, omako iz čilija, sol in kis ter nato vse to skupaj stalno mešamo ob segrevanju do temperature mešanice omake okoli 100 °C, pri kateri vse to kuhamo za navedeni čas od vključno okoli 3 ur do vključno okoli 5 ur, oziroma alternativno do vključno okoli 7 ur.In an alternative embodiment of this process, said ingredients are added sequentially by first adding palm sugar to the water and stirring for a few minutes so that it is evenly distributed, dissolved and dissolved in the water. Then, while constantly stirring and heating the cooking vessel or cooking pot with water and palm sugar, add successive tamarind paste, garlic, onion, red pepper, fish sauce, chili sauce, salt and vinegar, and then mix it all together while heating to the temperature of the mixture. a sauce of about 100 ° C, in which all this is cooked for a specified time from about 3 hours to about 5 hours, or alternatively to about 7 hours.

Za pripravo omake uporabimo vodo iz vodovodne pipe, v primeru da je ta voda biološko in prehrambeno neoporečna. V primeru da vodovodna voda ni vama za uporabo v prehrambene namene in/ali za kuhanje, jo pred tem predhodno ustrezno prečistimo s postopki, kot so poznani in se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike; ali pa v alternativnih izvedbenih primerih uporabimo biološko in prehrambeno neoporečno vodo, kot na primer med drugim takšno vodo, shranjeno v različnih vsebnikih, vključno z embalažno posodo. Temperatura navedene vode, ki se uporabi za pripravo omake in jo damo v kuhalno posodo oziroma kuhalni kotel, ima sobno temperaturo ali pa temperaturo vode iz vodovodne napeljave. Ta temperatura vode je odvisna od letnega časa in pogojev temperature v kuhinji oziroma v prostoru, v katerem se pripravlja omaka. Takšna temperatura, ki je meijena po postopkih meijenja temperature, kot so poznani in kot se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike na področju prehrambene industrije in tudi kemije, niha v območju temperature vode od vključno okoli 5 °C v hladnem obdobju oziroma v mrzlem zimskem obdobju do vključno okoli 35 °C, v določenih primerih pa tudi do vključno okoli 40 °C v vročem obdobju oziroma v vročinskem poletnem obdobju.To prepare the sauce, we use tap water, in case this water is biologically and nutritionally sound. In the event that tap water is not for your use for food and / or cooking purposes, it must first be properly purified by procedures as known and used in the prior art; or, in alternative embodiments, we use biologically and nutritionally sound water, such as, inter alia, such water stored in various containers, including packaging containers. The temperature of the said water, which is used for the preparation of the sauce and is placed in a cooking vessel or boiler, has a room temperature or the temperature of water from the water supply system. This water temperature depends on the time of year and the temperature conditions in the kitchen or in the room where the sauce is prepared. Such a temperature, which is measured according to temperature measurement procedures as known and used in the state of the art in the field of food industry as well as chemistry, fluctuates in the water temperature range from about 5 ° C in the cold period or in the cold winter period up to and including around 35 ° C and in certain cases up to and including around 40 ° C during the hot period or during the hot summer period.

V alternativni izvedbi tega izvedbenega primera lahko poljubno variiramo zaporedje dodaje sestavin omake, z izjemo oreščkov in belega sladkoija, katere vedno dodamo pred zaključkom kuhanja, kot je opisano tukaj. Tudi količine posameznih sestavin lahko poljubno variiramo v območju utežnih deležev sestavin po tem izumu. Tako na primer pripravimo omako po tem izvedbenem primeru z znižanjem količine posameznih sestavin, tako da navedene sestavine oziroma vsako posamezno sestavino dodamo v količini s tukaj navedeno številčno vrednostjo, le daje količina izražena v dekagramih (skrajšano: dag) ali pa tako, da vsako navedeno sestavino dodamo v količini, ki jo znižamo z določenim deliteljem oziroma divizoijem, kjer je takšen delitelj določeno celo število ali racionalno število ali realno število, kije različno od nič in večje od 1, ali pa v količini, ki jo zvišamo z določenim faktoijem oziroma množiteljem, kjer je takšen faktor določeno celo število ali racionalno število ali realno število, ki je različno od nič in večje od 1, pri čemer za enak delitelj pomanjšamo oziroma za enak faktor povečamo količine vseh posameznih sestavin.In an alternative embodiment of this embodiment, the sequence of adding the sauce ingredients may be arbitrarily varied, with the exception of nuts and white sweets, which are always added before the end of cooking, as described herein. The amounts of the individual ingredients may also be arbitrarily varied within a range of weight fractions of the ingredients of the present invention. For example, a sauce according to this embodiment is prepared by reducing the amount of individual ingredients by adding said ingredients or each individual ingredient in an amount with a numerical value given here, provided that the amount is expressed in decagrams (abbreviated: dag) or by each the component is added in a quantity that is reduced by a certain divisor or division, where such a divisor is a certain integer or a rational number or a real number that is different from zero and greater than 1, or in an amount that is increased by a certain facto or multiplier , where such a factor is an integer or a rational number or a real number other than zero and greater than 1, whereby the quantities of all individual components are reduced or increased by the same factor.

Ko omako skuhamo oziroma ko zaključimo kuhanje omake, jo vročo zmiksamo tako, da vse sestavine omake enakomerno porazdelimo po celotnem volumnu omake in da vse večje delce omake z miksanjem zrežemo na manjše delce velikosti premera posameznega delca od vključno okoli 1 mm do vključno okoli 3 mm, po potrebi pa tudi na še manjše delce velikosti premera posameznega delca od vključno okoli 0,1 mm do vključno okoli 0,9 mm. V alternativnem izvedbenem primeru omako pred miksanjem pohladimo in jo miksamo, ko je pohlajena na sodno temperaturo, kar je v območju temperature mešanice omake od vključno okoli 6 °C do vključno okoli 40 °C. Miksanje v smislu tega izuma pomeni hkratno mešanje sestavin mešanice skupaj, tako da se vse sestavine med seboj enakomerno porazdelijo po celotnem volumnu mešanice in da se ob tem večji delci oziroma delci z večjim premerom razrežejo in/ali zdrobijo na manjše delce oziroma na delce z manjšim premerom.When the sauce is cooked or when the sauce is finished cooking, mix it hot so that all the ingredients of the sauce are evenly distributed over the entire volume of the sauce and that all larger pieces of sauce are cut into smaller pieces with a diameter of about 1 mm to about 3 mm. , and if necessary also to even smaller particles with a particle diameter of from about 0.1 mm to about 0.9 mm inclusive. In an alternative embodiment, the sauce is cooled before mixing and mixed when cooled to a judicial temperature, which is in the temperature range of the sauce mixture from about 6 ° C to about 40 ° C. Mixing according to the invention means mixing the components of the mixture together at the same time, so that all the components are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the mixture and the larger particles or particles with a larger diameter are cut and / or crushed into smaller particles or smaller particles. diameter.

Tako pripravljeno omako direktno uporabimo za pripravo jedi, kot so opisane v tem izumu. Alternativno tako pripravljeno omako pohladimo in jo shranimo v hrambene oziroma shrambene posode ter hranimo v hladilniku pri temperaturi od vključno okoli 0 °C do vključno okoli 4 °C za čas od vključno okoli 1 dne do vključno okoli 6 mesecev od datuma zaključka kuhanja omake oziroma skuhanja omake ter zaključka priprave omake po tem postopku, kateri vključuje miksanje mešanice omake.The sauce thus prepared is used directly for the preparation of dishes as described in the present invention. Alternatively, the sauce prepared in this way is cooled and stored in storage containers and stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of about 0 ° C to about 4 ° C for a period of about 1 day to about 6 months from the date of completion of cooking the sauce or cooking. sauce and the completion of the preparation of the sauce according to this procedure, which involves mixing the sauce mixture.

Še nadaljnji predmet tega izuma je uporaba omake, pripravljene po tem izumu, v kombinaciji z eno ali več jedmi oziroma z eno ali več končnimi jedmi, ki so izbrane izmed zgoraj navedenih jedi, med katerimi so to ena ali več jedi iz različnih testenin, ena ali več mesnih jedi iz različnih vrst mesa, ena ali več ribjih jedi iz različnih vrst rib, ena ali več jedi iz morskih sadežev in/ali ena ali več drugih jedi živalskega izvora, ena ali več zelenjavnih jedi iz različnih vrst zelenjave in/ali ena ali več drugih jedi rastlinskega izvora, po potrebi ena ali več začimb in/ali kombinacija navedenih jedi. Takšne začimbe so izbrane izmed začimb, kot so poznane in kot se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike v gostinstvu, v gospodinjstvu in v prehrambeni industriji, prednostno pa v azijski kuhinji. Takšne začimbe so n. pr. izbrane izmed origana, bazilike, rožmarina, koriandra, zelene, peteršilja, timijana in drugih podobnih začimb bodisi v sveži obliki ali pa v posušeni obliki. Navedene začimbe v enem izmed izvedbenih primerov se dodajo n. pr. po vrhu pripravljene jedi za dekoracijo in obogatitev okusa jedi, v kombinaciji s katero se servira oziroma postreže omaka po tem izumu.A still further object of the present invention is the use of a sauce prepared according to the invention in combination with one or more dishes or with one or more final dishes selected from the above dishes, among which are one or more dishes from different pasta, one or more meat dishes of different types of meat, one or more fish dishes of different types of fish, one or more dishes of seafood and / or one or more other dishes of animal origin, one or more vegetable dishes of different types of vegetables and / or one or more other dishes of plant origin, if necessary one or more spices and / or a combination of those dishes. Such spices are selected from spices as known and as used in the state of the art in the hospitality, household and food industries, and preferably in Asian cuisine. Such spices are n. pr. selected from oregano, basil, rosemary, coriander, celery, parsley, thyme and other similar spices either in fresh form or in dried form. Said spices in one of the embodiments are added n. pr. after the top of the prepared dish for decoration and enrichment of the taste of the dish, in combination with which the sauce according to the present invention is served or served.

V enem izmed izvedbenih primerov se takšna omaka uporabi v pripravi jedi vok. V drugem izmed izvedbenih primerov se takšna omaka uporabi v pripravi jedi Pad Thai kot na primer opisuje Izvedbeni primer 3.In one embodiment, such a sauce is used in the preparation of a wok dish. In another embodiment, such a sauce is used in the preparation of a Pad Thai dish as described, for example, in Embodiment 3.

V izvedbenih primerih uporabe omake v smislu tega izuma pomenijo jedi iz testenin testenine katerih koli vrst, kot so poznane in kot se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike na področju prehrambene industrije, gostinstva in/ali priprave hrane v gospodinjstvu. Taksne testenine so bodisi testenine iz različnih žitaric kot na primer iz riža, pšenice, koruze, rži, ajde, pire in drugih žitaric, ter iz drugih surovin, vključno s stročnicami, krompiiji in drugimi gomolji, ali iz mešanice žitaric s stročnicami, krompiiji in/ali drugimi gomolji, in/ali z različnimi zelenjavami, začimbami in/ali aromami. Takšne testenine so med drugim izbrane izmed riževih testenin, testenin iz ajdove moke, testenin iz koruzne moke, testenin iz pšenične moke, testenin iz pirine moke, testenin iz moke čičerike, testenin iz moke leče, testenin iz moke krompiijev (n. pr. moka sladkega krompiija), testenin iz moke tapioke rastline manioke, testenin iz različnih vrst fižola kot n. pr. iz črnega fižola, iz mungo fižola, testenin iz soje in/ali mešanice navedenih surovin ter po potrebi mešanice teh surovin z različnimi zelenjavami, začimbami in/ali aromami. V prednostnih izvedbenih primerih uporabe omake po tem izumu se takšna omaka uporabi zajedi, ki vključujejo testenine, katere so prednostno riževi rezanci in najbolj prednostno praženi riževi rezanci, kot so poznani v azijski kuhinji.In embodiments of the use of the sauce of the present invention, pasta dishes mean pasta of any kind as known and as used in the prior art in the food industry, catering and / or household food preparation. Such pasta is either pasta from various cereals such as rice, wheat, maize, rye, buckwheat, puree and other cereals, and from other raw materials, including legumes, potatoes and other tubers, or from a mixture of cereals with legumes, potatoes and / or other tubers, and / or with various vegetables, spices and / or flavorings. Such pasta is selected from, inter alia, rice pasta, buckwheat flour pasta, corn flour pasta, wheat flour pasta, rye flour pasta, chickpea flour pasta, lentil flour pasta, lentil flour pasta, potato flour pasta (e.g. flour) sweet potato), pasta from tapioca flour cassava plants, pasta from different types of beans as n. pr. of black beans, of mung beans, of soybean pasta and / or of a mixture of these raw materials and, where appropriate, of a mixture of these raw materials with various vegetables, spices and / or flavorings. In preferred embodiments of the use of the sauce according to the present invention, such a sauce is used in the form of pasta, which is preferably rice noodles and most preferably fried rice noodles, as is known in Asian cuisine.

V izvedbenih primerih v smislu tega izuma so mesne jedi različne mesne jedi iz različnih vrst mesa kot na primer iz govejega, telečjega in/ali svinjskega mesa, iz različnih vrst perutnine, med drugim vključno s piščančjim in puranjim mesom, iz različnih vrst rib bodisi morskih ali sladkovodnih in iz različnih vrst morskih sadežev, vključno s školjkami, mehkužci, rakci in drugimi morskimi živalmi, ki se uporabljajo za prehrambene namene, kot je poznano v stanju tehnike. V nadaljnjih izvedbenih primerih v smislu tega izumu so mesne jedi tudi različne mesne jedi iz drugih različnih vrst mesa drugih živali, med katerimi so med drugim meso divjačine in/ali meso drugih živali. V še nadaljnjih izvedbenih primerih v smislu tega izumu so mesne jedi tudi različne jedi, ki se v stanju tehnike poleg mesa in mesnih tkiv uporabljajo in pripravljajo za prehrambene namene iz drugih tkiv, struktur in drugih sestavin živali in med drugim vključujejo drobovino, maščobna tkiva, vezivna tkiva in/ali druga tkiva in druge strukture telesa živali.In embodiments of the present invention, meat dishes are different meat dishes from different types of meat such as beef, veal and / or pork, from different types of poultry, including chicken and turkey, from different types of fish or seafood. or freshwater and from various types of seafood, including bivalve molluscs, molluscs, crustaceans and other marine animals, used for food purposes as known in the art. In further embodiments according to the invention, meat dishes also include various meat dishes from other different types of meat of other animals, among which are, inter alia, venison and / or meat of other animals. In still further embodiments of the present invention, meat dishes are also various dishes that are used in the prior art in addition to meat and meat tissues and prepared for nutritional purposes from other tissues, structures and other components of animals and include, inter alia, offal, adipose tissue, connective tissues and / or other tissues and other structures of the animal's body.

V izvedbenih primerih v smislu tega izuma so različne zelenjavne jedi bodisi zelenjavne jedi iz sveže zelenjave bodisi iz predhodno vnaprej pripravljene oz. pred-pripravljene zelenjave, kjer je navedena zelenjava med drugim izbrana izmed različnih vrst paprik, med katerimi so n. pr. zelene, bele, rumene, oranžne, rdeče, vijolične, ijave in črne paprike, ki so n. pr. ne-pekoče, vključno s čiliji oz. čili paprikami in feferoni, izmed različnih vrst paradižnikov, izmed različnih vrst korenja, zelene, zelja, kitajskega zelja, repe, brokolija, kitajskega brokolija, špinače, blitve, cvetače, izmed različnih vrst stročnic, vključno s fižoli in grehom v stroku ali v zrnju, z lečo in/ali izmed druge zelenjave.In embodiments according to the invention, the various vegetable dishes are either vegetable dishes made from fresh vegetables or from pre-prepared or pre-prepared vegetables. pre-prepared vegetables, said vegetables being, inter alia, selected from a variety of peppers, including n. pr. green, white, yellow, orange, red, purple, ijava and black peppers which are n. pr. non-burning, including chillies or chili peppers and pepperoni, from different types of tomatoes, from different types of carrots, celery, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, turnips, broccoli, Chinese broccoli, spinach, chard, cauliflower, from different types of legumes, including beans and sin in the pod or grain , lentils and / or other vegetables.

V prednostnih izvedbenih primerih po tem izumu so to vok jedi (angleško: wok) in druge jedi azijskega izvora. Najbolj prednostno so to jedi vrste Pad Thai.In preferred embodiments of the present invention, these are wok dishes and other dishes of Asian origin. Most preferably, these are dishes of the Pad Thai type.

Vok jedi (angleško: wok) v smislu tega izuma so večinoma pražene jedi, v alternativnih primerih pa tudi dušene, kuhane ali ocvrte jedi, ki so sestavljene bodisi iz različnih zelenjavnih sestavin, iz mesnih sestavin in/ali iz kombinacije zelenjavnih in mesnih sestavin. Bistveno pri pripravi vok jedi je, da imajo njene sestavine pri serviranju in zaužitju pripravljene hrane določeno trdnost, da niso premehke, preveč zmehčane in da ostanejo hrustljave. To se doseže s stalnim mešanjem sestavin tekom priprave vok jedi v tako imenovani vok posodi ali v podobnih posodah.The wok dishes of the present invention are mostly roasted dishes, but in alternative cases also stewed, cooked or fried dishes, which consist of either different vegetable ingredients, meat ingredients and / or a combination of vegetable and meat ingredients. It is essential in the preparation of wok dishes that its ingredients have a certain strength when serving and eating prepared food, that they are not too soft, too soft and that they remain crispy. This is achieved by constantly mixing the ingredients during the preparation of the wok dish in a so-called wok container or in similar containers.

Jedi vrste Pad Thai, imenovane tudi Phat Thai, jedi Pad Thai oziroma jedi Phat Thai v smislu tega izuma vključujejo tradicionalno bolj ali manj ploščate riževe rezance ožjega premera, ki se servirajo z omako z nazivom Pad Thai, katera med drugim vključuje pasto iz tamarinda, ribjo omako, prah iz čilija, palmov sladkor, sesekljan česen, in po potrebi druge sestavine, ki vključujejo tofu in po izbiri meso ali morske sadeže in/ali zelenjavo različnih vrst. Pri pripravi takšnih rezancev se na koncu med praženjem doda jajca, ki se jih zameša med ostale sestavine Pad Thai jedi. Pred serviranjem jedi se doda še razrezane ali sesekljane arašide in po potrebi začimbe, kot na primer sesekljano čebulo, liste koriandra, limeto in druge podobne sestavine in začimbe. Klasične omake vrste Pad Thai, kot so na primer poznane na področju azijske kuhinje, so zelo pikantne ter ostrega in pekočega okusa. Zato je potrebno za potrošnike na evropskem in drugih podobnih trgih takšne omake prilagoditi glede na okus potrošnika ter za zadovoljevanje potreb potrošnika nadalje razvijati različne okuse, arome in druge organoleptične lastnosti takšnih omak.Pad Thai dishes, also called Phat Thai, Pad Thai dishes or dishes of Phat Thai according to the present invention traditionally include more or less flat rice noodles of narrower diameter, served with a sauce called Pad Thai, which includes tamarind paste, fish sauce, chili powder, palm sugar, chopped garlic, and, if necessary, other ingredients including tofu and optionally meat or seafood and / or vegetables of various kinds. In the preparation of such noodles, eggs are added at the end during frying, which is mixed among the other ingredients of Pad Thai dishes. Before serving the dish, add chopped or chopped peanuts and, if necessary, spices, such as chopped onions, coriander leaves, lime and other similar ingredients and spices. Classic Pad Thai sauces, such as those known in Asian cuisine, are very spicy and have a sharp and spicy taste. It is therefore necessary for consumers in European and other similar markets to adapt such sauces to the taste of the consumer and to further develop the different flavors, aromas and other organoleptic properties of such sauces in order to meet the needs of the consumer.

Izvedbeni primeriPerformance examples

Izvedbeni primer 1: Sestava, receptura in postopek priprave omake vrste Pad Thai z arašidi zajedi Pad ThaiEmbodiment 1: Composition, recipe and process for preparing Pad Thai sauce with Pad Thai peanuts

Omaka Pad Thai zajedi Pad Thai po tem izumu vključuje sledeče sestavine:Pad Thai Sauce Pad Thai Sauce according to the present invention includes the following ingredients:

- voda v količini 20 1 oziroma 20 kg, ki omogoča raztopitev in s tem enakomerno porazdelitev sladkorjev in drugih sestavin v omaki po tem izumu,- water in the amount of 20 l or 20 kg, which enables dissolution and thus even distribution of sugars and other ingredients in the sauce according to the present invention,

- palmov oziroma palrnin sladkor v količini 4kg, ki navedeni omaki daje sladki okus in hkrati deluje kot zgostilo in konzervans,- palm or palrna sugar in the amount of 4 kg, which gives the sauce a sweet taste and at the same time acts as a thickener and preservative,

- tamarind v obliki tamarindove paste v količini 3,2 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje kisel okus in barvo,- tamarind in the form of tamarind paste in a quantity of 3,2 kg, which gives that sauce a sour taste and color,

- česen v sesekljani obliki v količini 4 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje okus,- chopped garlic in a quantity of 4 kg, which gives that sauce its flavor,

- čebula v sesekljani obliki v količini 4 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje okus, barvo in strukturo,- chopped onion, 4 kg, which gives the sauce its flavor, color and texture,

- rdeča paprika v sesekljani obliki v količini 16 kg, ki daje barvo in okus omaki po tem izumu, ribja omaka v količini 2 1 oziroma okoli 2 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje okus po ribah in/ali morskih sadežih,- red pepper in chopped form in the amount of 16 kg, which gives color and taste to the sauce according to the present invention, fish sauce in the amount of 2 1 or about 2 kg, which gives the sauce a taste of fish and / or seafood,

- omaka iz čilija v količini 2,8 1 oziroma okoli 2,8 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje pekoč in oster okus ter barvo,- chili sauce in the amount of 2.8 l or about 2.8 kg, which gives the sauce a hot and sharp taste and color,

- sol v količini 1 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje slan okus in deluje tudi kot konzervans,- 1 kg of salt, which gives the sauce a salty taste and also acts as a preservative,

- kis v količini 0,8 1 oziroma okoli 0,8 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje kisel okus, barvo in uravnava kislost omake,- vinegar in an amount of 0,8 l or about 0,8 kg, which gives said sauce a sour taste, color and regulates the acidity of the sauce,

- zmleti oluščeni arašidi v količini 4 kg, ki navedeni omaki dajejo okus po arašidih in maščobah,- ground peeled peanuts in a quantity of 4 kg, which give that sauce a peanut and fat flavor,

- beli sladkor v količim 10 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje sladki okus in hkrati deluje kot zgostilo in konzervans.- 10 kg of white sugar, which gives the sauce a sweet taste and at the same time acts as a thickener and preservative.

V prednostnem izvedbenem primeru po tukaj opisanem postopku izvedbenega primera 1, kot je prikazan v Sliki 1, se večina sestavin omake, to je voda V, pahnin sladkor PS, tamarindova pasta TP, česen ČS, čebula ČB, rdeča paprika PP, ribja omaka RO, omaka iz čilija CO, sol SL in kis KI, doda naenkrat in skupaj na začetku kuhanja omake ter se pred zaključkom kuhanja dodajo še oreščki OR, ki so v tukajšnjem izvedbenem primeru arašidi ORA, in se za njimi doda še beli kristalni sladkor BKS.In a preferred embodiment according to the procedure of embodiment 1 described here, as shown in Figure 1, most of the sauce ingredients, i.e. water V, parsnip sugar PS, tamarind paste TP, garlic ČS, onion ČB, red pepper PP, fish sauce RO , chili sauce CO, salt SL and vinegar KI, added at once and together at the beginning of cooking the sauce, and before the end of cooking, add OR nuts, which in this embodiment are peanuts ORA, and add white crystal sugar BKS.

Začetek kuhanja v smislu tega izuma pomeni časovni trenutek v postopku priprave omake, ko v kuhalni posodi zamešano večino sestavin omake začnemo segrevati oziroma ogrevati in te nato kuhamo določen čas, da se v mešanici sestavin omake omehčajo, razpustijo in/ali raztopijo ter skuhajo.The start of cooking according to the present invention means the time in the sauce preparation process when most of the sauce ingredients mixed in the cooking vessel are heated or then cooked for a certain time to soften, dissolve and / or dissolve and cook in the sauce mixture.

Zaključek kuhanja v smislu tega izuma pomeni časovni trenutek v postopku priprave omake, ko mešanico vseh sestavin omake v kuhalni posodi prenehamo segrevati oziroma ogrevati in ko jo s tem prenehamo kuhati.The end of cooking according to the present invention means the moment in the process of preparing the sauce, when the mixture of all the ingredients of the sauce in the cooking vessel is stopped heating or heating and when it is stopped cooking.

V Sliki 1 prikazan izvedbeni primer kaže enega izmed postopkov priprave omake zajedi po tem izumu, ki je eden izmed postopkov priprave omake zajedi vrste Pad Thai. Prikazani postopek vključuje zaporedje posameznih korakov v postopku priprave omake v smislu tega izuma, v katerih se sestavine omake, kot so opisane v tem izumu, dodajajo v določenem, tukaj opisanem in v Sliki 1 prikazanem zaporedju in nato obdelujejo oziroma procesirajo, kot sledi:The embodiment shown in Figure 1 shows one of the processes for preparing the abyss sauce according to the present invention, which is one of the processes for preparing the abyss sauce of the Pad Thai type. The present process includes a sequence of individual steps in a sauce preparation process according to the present invention, in which the sauce ingredients as described in the present invention are added in the sequence described herein and shown in Figure 1 and then processed or processed as follows:

A) najprej se k vodi V v kuhalni posodi ob stalnem mešanju primešajo hkrati palmin sladkor PS, tamarindova pasta TP, česen ČS v sesekljani obliki, čebula ČB v sesekljani obliki, rdeča paprika PP v sesekljani obliki, ribja omaka RO, čilijeva omaka ČO, sol SL in kis KI;A) first, palm water PS, tamarind paste TP, garlic ČS in chopped form, onion ČB in chopped form, red pepper PP in chopped form, fish sauce RO, chili sauce ČO are added to water V in the cooking vessel while stirring constantly. salt SL and vinegar KI;

B) vse te sestavine omake se v kuhalni posodi nato stalno mešajo, segrevajo oz. ogrevajo in kuhajo (v Sliki 1 tako imenovano mešanje, segrevanje in kuhanje) pri temperaturi mešanice sestavin omake okoli 100 °C do zaključka kuhanja, kar pomeni za čas v območju od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 7 ur od začetka kuhanja in prednostno od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 5 ur od začetka kuhanja;B) all these ingredients of the sauce are then constantly stirred, heated or heated in the cooking vessel. heated and cooked (in Figure 1, the so-called mixing, heating and cooking) at a temperature of the mixture of sauce ingredients around 100 ° C until the end of cooking, which means for a time in the range from about 3 hours to about 7 hours from the start of cooking and preferably from including about 3 hours to about 5 hours from the start of cooking;

C) v času od vključno okoli 30 min do vključno okoli 20 min pred zaključkom kuhanja mešanice sestavin omake dodamo v to mešanico ob stalnem mešanju zmlete pražene oreščke arašide ORA, ki so prednostno nesoljeni praženi in blanširani arašidi, in takšno mešanico nadalje kuhamo (v Sliki 1 tako imenovano mešanje in kuhanje) do zaključka kuhanja pri temperaturi takšne mešanice sestavin omake v območju od vključno okoli 70 °C do vključno okoli 100 °C;C) in the period from about 30 minutes to about 20 minutes before the end of cooking, the mixture of sauce ingredients is added to this mixture with constant stirring of ground roasted peanut nuts ORA, which are preferably unsalted roasted and blanched peanuts, and such mixture is further cooked (in Figure 1 so-called stirring and cooking) until the end of cooking at a temperature of such a mixture of sauce ingredients in the range from about 70 ° C to about 100 ° C;

D) v času od vključno okoli 10 min do vključno okoli 3 min, prednostno od vključno okoli 5 min do vključno okoli 3 min pred zaključkom kuhanja navedene mešanice sestavin omake dodamo v to mešanico ob stalnem mešanju beli sladkor, prednostno beli kristalni sladkor BKS, ter takšno mešanico nadalje kuhamo (v Sliki 1 tako imenovano mešanje in kuhanje) do zaključka kuhanja pri temperaturi takšne mešanice sestavin omake v območju od vključno okoli 70 °C do vključno okoli 100 °C;D) for a period of from about 10 minutes to about 3 minutes, preferably from about 5 minutes to about 3 minutes before the end of cooking said mixture of sauce ingredients is added to this mixture with constant stirring white sugar, preferably white crystal sugar BKS, and such a mixture is further cooked (in Figure 1 so-called mixing and cooking) until the end of cooking at a temperature of such a mixture of sauce ingredients in the range from about 70 ° C to about 100 ° C;

E) po zaključku kuhanja mešanice sestavin omake miksanje tako pripravljene omake bodisi v vročem stanju omake ali miksanje omake po njeni predhodni ohladitvi na sobno temperaturo;E) after cooking the mixture of sauce ingredients, mixing the sauce thus prepared either in the hot state of the sauce or mixing the sauce after it has previously cooled to room temperature;

F) po potrebi embaliranje oziroma pakiranje tako pripravljene omake v posodo za hrambo prednostno v hladilniku pri temperaturo od vključno okoli 0 °C do vključno okoli 4 °C za čas hrambe od vključno 1 dne po pripravi omake do vključno 6 mesecev po pripravi omake.F) if necessary, wrapping or packing the sauce thus prepared in a storage container, preferably in a refrigerator at a temperature of about 0 ° C to about 4 ° C for a storage time of 1 day after preparation of the sauce and up to and including 6 months after preparation of the sauce.

V tukajšnjem primeru se v vodo, ki je v kuhalni posodi oziroma v kuhalnem kotlu in ima sobno temperaturo ali pa temperaturo vode iz vodovodne napeljave, dodajo na začetku kuhanja vse sestavine omake naenkrat in skupaj z izjemo arašidov ORA in belega kristalnega sladkorja BKS. Te sestavine, ki so voda V, palmin sladkor PS, tamarindova pasta TP, česen ČS, čebula ČB, rdeča paprika PP, ribja omaka RO, omaka iz čilija ČO, sol SL in kis KI, se v vodi ob stalnem mešanju mešanice navedenih sestavin omake v kuhalni posodi oz. kuhalnem kotlu in ogrevanju oziroma segrevanju do temperature mešanice omake okoli 100 °C kuhajo od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 7 ur, v prednostnih izvedbenih primerih pa od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 5 ur. S stalnim mešanjem teh sestavin omake v mešanici omake dosežemo, da se vse te sestavine enakomerno razporedijo po celotnem volumnu raztopine in mešanice omake.In this case, all the ingredients of the sauce are added at once at the beginning of cooking and together with the exception of ORA peanuts and white crystal sugar BKS to the water in the cooking vessel or in the boiler and has room temperature or the temperature of tap water. These ingredients, which are water V, palm sugar PS, tamarind paste TP, garlic ČS, onion ČB, red pepper PP, fish sauce RO, chili sauce ČO, salt SL and vinegar KI, are mixed with a mixture of these ingredients in water, stirring constantly sauces in a cooking pot or cooking and heating or heating to a temperature of the sauce mixture of about 100 ° C cook from about 3 hours to about 7 hours, and in preferred embodiments from about 3 hours to about 5 hours. By constantly mixing these sauce ingredients in the sauce mixture, it is achieved that all these ingredients are evenly distributed over the entire volume of the solution and the sauce mixture.

Arašide in beli kristalni sladkor dodamo zgoraj opisanim sestavinam mešanice omake v kuhalni posodi nekaj časa pred zaključkom kuhanja omake in tudi ob stalnem mešanju, kot je opisano v nadaljevanju.Peanuts and white crystal sugar are added to the above-described ingredients of the sauce mixture in a cooking pot for some time before the end of cooking the sauce and also with constant stirring, as described below.

V alternativni izvedbi tega postopka, kot je prikazan na primer v Sliki 2, ki shematsko prikazuje enega izmed alternativnih postopkov priprave omake za jedi po tem izumu, navedene sestavine dodajamo zaporedno, tako da najprej v vodo V dodamo palmin sladkor PS in mešamo nekaj minut ob segrevanju oz. ogrevanju in kuhanju, da se ta v vodi enakomerno porazdeli, razpusti in raztopi. Nato ob stalnem mešanju in segrevanju kuhalne posode oziroma kuhalnega kotla z vodo V in palminim sladkorjem PS dodajamo zaporedno tamarindovo pasto TP, česen ČS, čebulo ČB, rdečo papriko PP, ribjo omako RO, omako iz čilija ČO, sol SL in kis KI ter nato vse to skupaj stalno mešamo ob segrevanju do temperature mešanice omake okoli 100 °C, pri kateri vse to kuhamo za navedeni čas od vključno okoli 3 ur do vključno okoli 5 ur, oziroma alternativno do vključno okoli 7 ur.In an alternative embodiment of this process, as shown, for example, in Figure 2, which schematically shows one of the alternative methods of preparing a sauce for dishes according to the invention, said ingredients are added sequentially by first adding palm sugar PS to water V and stirring for a few minutes. heating or heating and cooking so that it is evenly distributed, dissolved and dissolved in the water. Then, while constantly stirring and heating the cooking vessel or boiler with water V and palm sugar PS, add successive tamarind paste TP, garlic ČS, onion ČB, red pepper PP, fish sauce RO, chili sauce ČO, salt SL and vinegar KI and then all this is stirred constantly while heating to a temperature of the sauce mixture of about 100 ° C, at which all this is cooked for a specified time from about 3 hours to about 5 hours, or alternatively to about 7 hours.

Za pripravo omake uporabimo vodo iz vodovodne pipe, v primeru da je ta voda biološko in prehrambeno neoporečna. V primeru da vodovodna voda ni vama za uporabo v prehrambene namene in/ali za kuhanje, jo pred tem predhodno ustrezno prečistimo s postopki, kot so poznani in se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike; ali pa v alternativnih izvedbenih primerih uporabimo biološko in prehrambeno neoporečno vodo, kot na primer med drugim takšno vodo, shranjeno v različnih vsebnikih, vključno z embalažno posodo. Temperatura navedene vode, ki se uporabi za pripravo omake in jo damo v kuhalno posodo oziroma kuhalni kotel, ima sobno temperaturo ali pa temperaturo vode iz vodovodne napeljave. Ta temperatura vode je odvisna od letnega časa in pogojev temperature v kuhinji oziroma v prostoru, v katerem se pripravlja omaka. Takšna temperatura, ki je meijena po postopkih meijenja temperature, kot so poznani in kot se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike na področju prehrambene industrije in tudi kemije, niha v območju temperature vode od vključno okoli 5 °C v hladnem obdobju oziroma v mrzlem zimskem obdobju do vključno okoli 35 °C, v določenih primerih pa tudi do vključno okoli 40 °C v vročem obdobju oziroma v vročinskem poletnem obdobju.To prepare the sauce, we use tap water, in case this water is biologically and nutritionally sound. In the event that tap water is not for your use for food and / or cooking purposes, it must first be properly purified by procedures as known and used in the prior art; or, in alternative embodiments, we use biologically and nutritionally sound water, such as, inter alia, such water stored in various containers, including packaging containers. The temperature of the said water, which is used to prepare the sauce and is placed in a cooking vessel or cooking pot, has room temperature or the temperature of water from the water supply system. This water temperature depends on the time of year and the temperature conditions in the kitchen or in the room where the sauce is prepared. Such a temperature, which is measured according to temperature measurement procedures as known and used in the state of the art in the field of food industry as well as chemistry, fluctuates in the water temperature range from about 5 ° C in the cold period or in the cold winter period up to and including around 35 ° C, and in certain cases up to and including around 40 ° C during the hot period or during the hot summer period.

Navedeni palmin sladkor PS, tamarind TP, ribjo omako RO, čilijevo omako ČO, sol SL in kis KI izberemo izmed proizvodov, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo za prehrambene namene v prehrambeni industriji, v gostinstvu in gospodinjstvu. Palmin sladkor PS je v obliki bodisi različno velikih kock ali tablic ali pa drugače oblikovanih delcev in skupkov palminega sladkoija. Navedeni tamarind uporabimo v obliki tamarindove paste TP, kot je poznan in kot se uporablja v stanju tehnike v prehrambeni industriji, v gostinstvu in/ali v gospodinjstvu. Ribja omaka RO in čilijeva omaka ČO sta prednostno izbrani izmed omak, ki vključujejo manjši ali večji delež naravnih sestavin rib v primeru ribje omake oziroma naravnih sestavin čili paprik v primeru čilijeve omake. Navedena čilijeva omaka je izdelana iz čilijev, ki so pol-pekoči in/ali pekoči. V alternativnih izvedbenih primerih takšne omake po potrebi vključujejo tudi umetne arome z okusom oziroma z aromo rib v primeru ribje omake oziroma z aromo čili paprik v primeru čili omake.Said palm sugar PS, tamarind TP, fish sauce RO, chili sauce ČO, salt SL and vinegar KI are selected from products as known and as used in the prior art for food purposes in the food industry, catering and household. Palm sugar PS is in the form of either cubes or tablets of different sizes or differently shaped particles and clusters of palm candy. Said tamarind is used in the form of tamarind paste TP, as it is known and as it is used in the state of the art in the food industry, in catering and / or in the household. Ro fish sauce and ČO chili sauce are preferably selected from sauces that include a smaller or larger proportion of natural fish ingredients in the case of fish sauce or natural chili pepper ingredients in the case of chili sauce. Said chili sauce is made from chillies that are semi-hot and / or hot. In alternative embodiments, such sauces shall also include, if necessary, artificial flavors flavored or flavored with fish in the case of fish sauce or flavored with chili peppers in the case of chili sauce.

Navedena sol SL je izbrana izmed kuhinjskih soli in/ali soli za prehrambene namene, med katerimi so n. pr. morska sol, kamena sol, himalajska sol, kije po potrebi jodirana.Said salt SL is selected from table salts and / or salts for food purposes, among which n. pr. sea salt, rock salt, Himalayan salt, which is iodinated if necessary.

Navedeni kis KI je prednostno destilirani beli vinski kis s 5 % volumsko koncentracijo kisa v vodni raztopini kisa. Alternativno je navedeni kis izbran izmed drugih kisov, kot so poznani in se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike za prehrambene namene, med katerimi so na primer rdeči vinski kis in jabolčni kis.Said vinegar KI is preferably distilled white wine vinegar with a 5% volume concentration of vinegar in aqueous vinegar solution. Alternatively, said vinegar is selected from other vinegars as known and used in the prior art for food purposes, including, for example, red wine vinegar and apple cider vinegar.

Navedeni česen ČS, čebulo ČB in papriko PP pred dodajo v mešanico omake sesekljamo oziroma razrežemo na manjše delce. Po potrebi jih v posebnih izvedbenih primerih nadalje sesekljamo z uporabo električnega mikseija, kije izbran izmed električnih naprav mikseijev oziroma mešalnikov (angleško: mixer ali blender), kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo na področju prehrambene industrije, v gostinstvu in/ali v gospodinjstvu. Takšni mikseiji navedene kose česna, čebule in paprike z rezili razrežejo na manjše delce in hkrati s stalnim mešanjem pomešajo med seboj.Before adding the ČS garlic, ČB onion and PP pepper to the sauce mixture, chop or cut it into smaller pieces. If necessary, in special embodiments, they are further chopped using an electric mixer selected from electric mixer or blender devices, as known and as used in the prior art in the food industry, catering and / or in the household. Such mixes of the said pieces of garlic, onions and peppers are cut into smaller pieces with blades and mixed with each other while stirring constantly.

Česen CS v tem izvedbenem primeru je sveži česen, ki mu odstranimo kožo. Po potrebi namesto njega uporabimo zamrznjeni česen.CS garlic in this embodiment is fresh garlic from which the skin has been removed. If necessary, use frozen garlic instead.

Čebula ČB v tem izvedbenem primeru je sveža čebula, kiji odstranimo kožo. Po potrebi namesto nje uporabimo zamrznjeno čebulo.The black and white onion in this embodiment is a fresh onion, the skin of which is removed. If necessary, use frozen onions instead.

Paprika PP v tem izvedbenem primeru je rdeča paprika, ki je ne-pekoča oz. ne-ostra oz. ne-pikantna.PP pepper in this embodiment is a red pepper, which is non-hot or. non-sharp oz. non-spicy.

Navedene oreščke arašide ORA, kijih pred tem pripravimo, kot je opisano v nadaljevanju, zgoraj opisani mešanici sestavin omake dodamo v kuhalno posodo v določenem času pred zaključkom kuhanja omake, in sicer v času od vključno okoli 20 min do vključno okoli 30 min pred zaključkom kuhanja, ter mešanico omake ves ta čas stalno mešamo, da se delci arašidov enakomerno porazdelijo po celotnem volumnu omake. Ves ta čas od dodaje arašidov do zaključka kuhanja omake takšno mešanico omake kuhamo pri temperaturi mešanice omake v območju od vključno okoli 70 °C do vključno okoli 100 °C. V primeru celotnega časa kuhanja omake okoli 3 ure dodamo arašide v času okoli 2 uri in 40 min oziroma v času okoli 2 uri in 30 min, merjeno od začetka kuhanja omake. V primeru celotnega časa kuhanja omake okoli 5 ur dodamo arašide v času okoli 4 ure in 40 min oziroma v času okoli 4 ure in 30 min, meijeno od začetka kuhanja omake. V primeru celotnega časa kuhanja omake okoli 7 ur dodamo arašide v času okoli 6 ur in 40 min oziroma v času okoli 6 ur in 30 min, meijeno od začetka kuhanja omake.The above-mentioned ORA peanut nuts, previously prepared as described below, are added to the above-described mixture of sauce ingredients in a cooking vessel at a certain time before the end of cooking the sauce, namely from about 20 minutes to about 30 minutes before the end of cooking. , and the sauce mixture is constantly stirred all this time so that the peanut particles are evenly distributed over the entire volume of the sauce. All this time from the addition of peanuts to the end of cooking the sauce, such a sauce mixture is cooked at a temperature of the sauce mixture in the range from about 70 ° C to about 100 ° C. In the case of the total cooking time of the sauce, about 3 hours, add the peanuts in about 2 hours and 40 minutes or in about 2 hours and 30 minutes, measured from the beginning of cooking the sauce. In the case of the total cooking time of the sauce, add peanuts for about 5 hours and 40 minutes, or for about 4 hours and 30 minutes, depending on the start of cooking the sauce. In the case of the total cooking time of the sauce, about 7 hours, add the peanuts for about 6 hours and 40 minutes or for about 6 hours and 30 minutes, depending on the beginning of cooking the sauce.

Pred dodajo v mešanico omake oreščke arašide ORA pripravimo tako, da uporabimo surove olupljene arašide in jih pražimo po postopkih praženja arašidov, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v prehrambeni industriji in/ali v gostinstvu, pri čemer tekom praženja arašidov ne solimo. Za namen priprave omake v smislu tega izuma uporabimo arašide, ki so blanširani tako, daje z njihove površine odstranjena rdeče-ijava koža, in ki niso soljeni, ker sol kot sestavino omake po tem izumu dodamo že v mešanico omake. Pražene arašide pred dodajo v omako zmeljemo tako, da imajo zmleti delci arašidov premer od vključno okoli 1 mm do vključno okoli 3 mm. Pred mletjem oluščenih, praženih blanširanih arašidov preverimo, da niso žarkega okusa, in če so primernega okusa, jih zmeljemo.Before adding peanut nuts to the sauce mixture, prepare ORA nuts by using raw peeled peanuts and roasting them according to peanut roasting processes as known and as used in the state of the art in the food industry and / or catering, without salting peanuts during roasting. . For the purpose of preparing the sauce according to the present invention, peanuts are used, which are blanched so that the reddish-brown skin is removed from their surface, and which are not salted, because salt as an ingredient of the sauce according to the invention is already added to the sauce mixture. Before being added to the sauce, grind the roasted peanuts so that the ground peanut particles have a diameter of about 1 mm to about 3 mm. Before grinding peeled, roasted blanched peanuts, check that they do not have a rancid taste, and if they have a suitable taste, grind them.

Alternativno lahko namesto zmletih oluščenih in blanširanih arašidov uporabimo tudi zmlete oluščene arašide s kožico, kar tako pripravljeni omaki da nekoliko grenak okus in rahlo ijavkasto barvo zaradi kože arašidov.Alternatively, instead of ground peeled and blanched peanuts, you can also use ground peeled peanuts with skin, which gives the prepared sauce a slightly bitter taste and a slightly whitish color due to the skin of the peanuts.

Navedeni beli kristalni sladkor BKS zgoraj opisanim sestavinam omake, katerim smo že dodali zmlete pražene, nesoljene in blanširane arašide ORA, dodamo v kuhalno posodo ob stalnem mešanju v določenem času pred zaključkom kuhanja omake, in sicer od vključno okoli 10 min do vključno okoli 3 min pred zaključkom kuhanja ter prednostno v času od vključno okoli 5 min do vključno okoli 3 min pred zaključkom kuhanja. Ves ta čas od dodaje belega kristalnega sladkorja BKS do zaključka kuhanja omake takšno mešanico omake kuhamo pri temperaturi mešanice omake v območju od vključno okoli 70 °C do vključno okoli 100 °C. V primeru kuhanja omake okoli 3 ure dodamo beli kristalni sladkor v času okoli 2 uri in 50 min oziroma prednostno v času okoli 2 uri in 55 min ali v času okoli 2 uri in 57 min, merjeno od začetka kuhanja omake. V primeru kuhanja omake okoli 5 ur dodamo beli kristalni sladkor v času okoli 4 ure in 50 min oziroma prednostno v času okoli 4 ure in 55 min ali v času okoli 4 ure in 57 min od začetka kuhanja omake. V primeru kuhanja omake okoli 7 ur dodamo beli kristalni sladkor v času okoli 6 ur in 50 min oziroma prednostno v času okoli 6 ur in 55 min ali v času okoli 6 ur in 57 min od začetka kuhanja omake. Ob dodajanju belega kristalnega sladkorja BKS mešanico omake stalno mešamo, tako da se beli kristalni sladkor enakomerno porazdeli po celotnem volumnu omake, da se v njej razpusti in raztopi.Said white crystal sugar BKS to the above ingredients of the sauce, to which we have already added ground roasted, unsalted and blanched peanuts ORA, is added to the cooking vessel with constant stirring for a certain time before the end of cooking the sauce, from about 10 minutes to about 3 minutes before the end of cooking and preferably in the period from about 5 minutes to about 3 minutes before the end of cooking. All this time from the addition of white crystalline sugar BKS to the end of cooking the sauce, such a sauce mixture is cooked at a temperature of the sauce mixture in the range from about 70 ° C to about 100 ° C. In the case of cooking the sauce for about 3 hours, add white crystal sugar for about 2 hours and 50 minutes or preferably for about 2 hours and 55 minutes or for about 2 hours and 57 minutes, measured from the beginning of cooking the sauce. In the case of cooking the sauce for about 5 hours, add white crystal sugar for about 4 hours and 50 minutes or preferably for about 4 hours and 55 minutes or for about 4 hours and 57 minutes from the start of cooking the sauce. In the case of cooking the sauce for about 7 hours, add white crystal sugar for about 6 hours and 50 minutes or preferably for about 6 hours and 55 minutes or for about 6 hours and 57 minutes from the beginning of cooking the sauce. When white crystal sugar BKS is added, the sauce mixture is constantly stirred so that the white crystal sugar is evenly distributed over the entire volume of the sauce to dissolve and dissolve in it.

V posebnem alternativnem izvedbenem primeru po tem postopku pripravimo omako v smislu tega izuma tako, da uporabimo le eno vrsto sladkorja, katerega dodamo v mešanico omake v koraku postopka, ki ustreza navedeni vrsti sladkorja v smislu tega izuma. To pomeni, da v primeru, ko uporabimo le beli kristalni sladkor, tega dodamo v določenem času pred zaključkom kuhanja, kot je opredeljeno zgoraj. Kadar uporabimo le palmin sladkor, tega dodamo v koraku na začetku kuhanja mešanice omake, in če ob tem ne uporabimo belega kristalnega sladkorja, potem v takšnem posebnem alternativnem postopku izpade korak dodajanja belega kristalnega sladkorja pred zaključkom kuhanja mešanice omake.In a particularly alternative embodiment, a sauce according to the invention is prepared according to this process by using only one type of sugar, which is added to the sauce mixture in a process step corresponding to said type of sugar according to the present invention. This means that in the case where only white crystal sugar is used, this is added at a certain time before the end of cooking, as defined above. When only palm sugar is used, it is added in the step at the beginning of cooking the sauce mixture, and if white crystal sugar is not used, then in such a special alternative process the step of adding white crystal sugar before cooking the sauce mixture is omitted.


V najbolj prednostnem izvedbenem primeru postopka priprave omake Pad Thai po tem izumu omako pripravimo v posodi z dvojnim dnom, kjer je med obema stenama posode voda z namenom, da se v posodo dodane sestavine omake pri kuhanju ne primejo na vroče dno posode.In the most preferred embodiment of the Pad Thai sauce preparation process according to the invention, the sauce is prepared in a double-bottomed container, where there is water between the two walls of the container in order to prevent the added sauce ingredients from sticking to the hot bottom of the container.

V alternativni izvedbi tega izvedbenega primera lahko poljubno variiramo zaporedje dodaj e sestavin omake, z izjemo oreščkov arašidov ORA in belega kristalnega sladkorja BKS, katere vedno dodamo pred zaključkom kuhanja, kot je opisano tukaj. Navedene sestavine tako lahko med seboj pomešamo v katerem koli vrstnem redu ali pa jih dodajamo po zgoraj navedenem vrstnem redu. V Sliki 2 je prikazan alternativni postopek izvedbe priprave omake po tem izumu, ki vključuje sledeče korake:In an alternative embodiment of this embodiment, the order of addition of the sauce ingredients can be arbitrarily varied, with the exception of ORA peanut nuts and white BKS crystal sugar, which are always added before the end of cooking, as described here. These ingredients can thus be mixed together in any order or added in the above order. Figure 2 shows an alternative method of performing the preparation of a sauce according to the present invention, which includes the following steps:

Al) najprej se k vodi V v kuhalni posodi ob stalnem mešanju primeša palmin sladkor PS in se ta mešanica segreva oz. ogreva in kuha (v Sliki 2 tako imenovano mešanje, segrevanje in kuhanje);Al) first, palm sugar PS is added to water V in the cooking vessel with constant stirring, and this mixture is heated or heats and cooks (in Figure 2 the so-called stirring, heating and cooking);

BI) nato se zaporedno druga za drugo ob stalnem mešanju, segrevanju oz. ogrevanju in kuhanju dodajajo sestavine najprej tamarindova pasta TP, sledi česen ČS v sesekljani obliki, nato čebula ČB v sesekljani obliki, nato rdeča paprika PP v sesekljani obliki, nato ribja omaka RO, nato čilijeva omaka ČO, nato sol SL in končno kis KI;BI) then successively one after the other with constant stirring, heating or. heating and cooking ingredients are added first tamarind paste TP, followed by garlic ČS in chopped form, then onion ČB in chopped form, then red pepper PP in chopped form, then fish sauce RO, then chili sauce ČO, then salt SL and finally vinegar KI;

Cl) vse te sestavine omake se v kuhalni posodi nato stalno mešajo, segrevajo oz. ogrevajo in kuhajo (v Sliki 2 tako imenovano mešanje, segrevanje in kuhanje) pri temperaturi mešanice sestavin omake okoli 100 °C do zaključka kuhanja, kar pomeni za čas v območju od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 7 ur od začetka kuhanja in prednostno od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 5 ur od začetka kuhanja;Cl) all these components of the sauce are then constantly stirred, heated or heated in the cooking vessel. heated and cooked (in Figure 2 the so-called mixing, heating and cooking) at a temperature of the mixture of sauce ingredients around 100 ° C until the end of cooking, which means for a time in the range from about 3 hours to about 7 hours from the start of cooking and preferably from including about 3 hours to about 5 hours from the start of cooking;

Dl) v času od vključno okoli 30 min do vključno okoli 20 min pred zaključkom kuhanja mešanice sestavin omake dodamo v to mešanico ob stalnem mešanju zmlete pražene oreščke arašide ORA, ki so prednostno nesoljeni praženi in blanširam arašidi, in takšno mešanico nadalje kuhamo (v Sliki 2 tako imenovano mešanje in kuhanje) do zaključka kuhanja pri temperaturi takšne mešanice sestavin omake v območju od vključno okoli 70 °C do vključno okoli 100 °C;Dl) in the period from about 30 minutes to about 20 minutes before the end of cooking the mixture of sauce ingredients is added to this mixture with constant stirring ground roasted peanuts ORA, which are preferably unsalted roasted and blanched peanuts, and such a mixture is further cooked (in Figure 2 so-called mixing and cooking) until the end of cooking at a temperature of such a mixture of sauce ingredients in the range from about 70 ° C to about 100 ° C;

El) v času od vključno okoli 10 min do vključno okoli 3 min, prednostno od vključno okoli 5 min do vključno okoli 3 min pred zaključkom kuhanja navedene mešanice sestavin omake dodamo v to mešanico ob stalnem mešanju beli sladkor, prednostno beli kristalni sladkor BKS, ter takšno mešanico nadalje kuhamo (v Sliki 2 tako imenovano mešanje in kuhanje) do zaključka kuhanja pri temperaturi takšne mešanice sestavin omake v območju od vključno okoli 70 °C do vključno okoli 100 °C;El) for a period of from about 10 minutes to about 3 minutes, preferably from about 5 minutes to about 3 minutes before the end of cooking said mixture of sauce ingredients is added to this mixture with constant stirring white sugar, preferably white crystal sugar BKS, and such a mixture is further cooked (so-called mixing and cooking in Figure 2) until the end of cooking at a temperature of such a mixture of sauce ingredients in the range from about 70 ° C to about 100 ° C;

Fl) po zaključku kuhanja mešanice sestavin omake miksanje tako pripravljene omake bodisi v vročem stanju omake ali miksanje omake po njeni predhodni ohladitvi na sobno temperaturo;Fl) after cooking the mixture of sauce ingredients, mixing the sauce thus prepared either in the hot state of the sauce or mixing the sauce after it has previously cooled to room temperature;

Gl) po potrebi embaliranje oziroma pakiranje tako pripravljene omake v posodo za hrambo prednostno v hladilniku pri temperaturo od vključno okoli 0 °C do vključno okoli 4 °C za čas hrambe od vključno 1 dne po pripravi omake do vključno 6 mesecev po pripravi omake.Gl) if necessary, wrapping or packing the sauce thus prepared in a storage container, preferably in a refrigerator at a temperature of about 0 ° C to about 4 ° C for a storage time of 1 day after preparation of the sauce and up to and including 6 months after preparation of the sauce.

Tudi količine posameznih sestavin lahko poljubno variiramo v območju utežnih deležev sestavin po tem izumu. Tako na primer pripravimo omako po tem izvedbenem primeru z znižanjem količine posameznih sestavin, tako da navedene sestavine oziroma vsako posamezno sestavino dodamo v količini s tukaj navedeno številčno vrednostjo, le daje količina izražena v dekagramih (skrajšano: dag) ali pa tako, da vsako navedeno sestavino dodamo v količini, ki jo znižamo z določenim deliteljem oziroma divizoijem, kjer je takšen delitelj določeno celo število ali racionalno število ali realno število, kije različno od nič in večje od 1, ali pa v količini, ki jo zvišamo z določenim faktorjem oziroma množiteljem, kjer je takšen faktor določeno celo število ali racionalno število ali realno število, kije različno od nič in večje od 1, pri čemer za enak delitelj pomanjšamo oziroma za enak faktor povečamo količine vseh posameznih sestavin.The amounts of the individual ingredients may also be arbitrarily varied within a range of weight fractions of the ingredients of the present invention. For example, a sauce according to this embodiment is prepared by reducing the amount of individual ingredients by adding said ingredients or each individual ingredient in an amount with a numerical value given here, provided that the amount is expressed in decagrams (abbreviated: dag) or by each the component is added in a quantity that is reduced by a certain divisor or division, where such a divisor is a certain integer or a rational number or a real number that is different from zero and greater than 1, or in an amount that is increased by a certain factor or multiplier , where such a factor is an integer or a rational number or a real number other than zero and greater than 1, whereby the quantities of all individual components are reduced or increased by the same factor.

Ko omako skuhamo oziroma ko zaključimo kuhanje omake, jo vročo zmiksamo tako, da vse sestavine omake enakomerno porazdelimo po celotnem volumnu omake in da vse večje delce omake z miksanjem zrežemo na manjše delce velikosti premera posameznega delca od vključno okoli 1 mm do vključno okoli 3 mm, po potrebi pa tudi na še manjše delce velikosti premera posameznega delca od vključno okoli 0,1 mm do vključno okoli 0,9 mm. V alternativnem izvedbenem primeru omako pred miksanjem pohladimo in jo miksamo, ko je pohlajena na sodno temperaturo, kar je v območju temperature mešanice omake od vključno okoli 6 °C do vključno okoli 40 °C. Miksanje v smislu tega izuma pomeni hkratno mešanje sestavin mešanice omake skupaj, tako da se vse sestavine med seboj enakomerno porazdelijo po celotnem volumnu mešanice omake in da se ob tem večji delci oziroma delci z večjim premerom razrežejo in/ali zdrobijo na manjše delce oziroma na delce z manjšim premerom.When the sauce is cooked or when the sauce is finished cooking, mix it hot so that all the ingredients of the sauce are evenly distributed over the entire volume of the sauce and that all larger pieces of sauce are cut into smaller pieces with a diameter of about 1 mm to about 3 mm. and, if necessary, even smaller particles with a particle diameter of from about 0.1 mm to about 0.9 mm. In an alternative embodiment, the sauce is cooled before mixing and mixed when cooled to a judicial temperature, which is in the temperature range of the sauce mixture from about 6 ° C to about 40 ° C. Mixing according to the present invention means simultaneously mixing the ingredients of the sauce mixture together so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed among the entire volume of the sauce mixture and that larger particles or particles with a larger diameter are cut and / or crushed into smaller particles or particles. with a smaller diameter.

Po tem postopku oziroma receptu pripravimo okoli 641 oziroma okoli 64 kg omake z arašidi oziroma tako imenovane omake Pad Thai po tem izumu.According to this process or recipe, we prepare about 641 or about 64 kg of peanut sauce or the so-called Pad Thai sauce according to the present invention.

Tako pripravljeno omako direktno uporabimo za pripravo jedi, kot so opisane v tem izumu. Alternativno tako pripravljeno omako pohladimo in jo shranimo v hrambene posode oz. posode za hrambo oz. shrambene posode ter hranimo v hladilniku pri temperaturi od vključno okoli 0 °C do vključno okoli 4 °C za čas od vključno okoli 1 dne do vključno okoli 6 mesecev od datuma zaključka kuhanja omake oziroma skuhanja omake ter zaključka priprave omake po tem postopku, kateri vključuje miksanje mešanice omake.The sauce thus prepared is used directly for the preparation of dishes as described in the present invention. Alternatively, the sauce prepared in this way is cooled and stored in storage containers or storage containers or storage containers and stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of about 0 ° C to about 4 ° C for a period of about 1 day to about 6 months from the date of completion of cooking the sauce or cooking the sauce and completion of the preparation of the sauce according to this procedure, which includes mixing the sauce mixture.

Po tem postopku pripravljena omaka je obstojna do vključno okoli treh tednov in celo do vključno okoli šest mesecev od priprave omake pri pogojih hrambe v hladilniku pri temperaturi v območju od vključno 0 °C do vključno 4 °C.The sauce prepared after this process is stable for up to and including about three weeks and even up to and including about six months from the preparation of the sauce under refrigerated storage conditions at a temperature in the range of 0 ° C to 4 ° C.

Izvedbeni primer 2: Sestava, receptura in postopek priprave omake vrste Pad Thai s pistacijami zajedi Pad ThaiEmbodiment 2: Composition, recipe and process for preparing Pad Thai sauce with Pad Thai pistachios

Omaka Pad Thai s pistacijami zajedi Pad Thai po tem izumu vključuje sledeče sestavine:Pad Thai Pistachio Sauce Sauce Pad Thai according to the present invention includes the following ingredients:

- voda v količini 20 1 oz. okoli 20 kg, ki omogoča raztopitev in s tem enakomerno porazdelitev sladkorjev in drugih sestavin v omaki po tem izumu,- water in the amount of 20 1 oz. about 20 kg, which allows the dissolution and thus even distribution of sugars and other ingredients in the sauce according to this invention,

- palmov oz. palmin sladkor v količini 4kg, ki navedeni omaki daje sladki okus in hkrati deluje kot zgostilo in konzervans,- palm trees or palm sugar in the amount of 4 kg, which gives the sauce a sweet taste and at the same time acts as a thickener and preservative,

- tamarind v obliki tamarindove paste v količini 3,2 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje kisel okus in barvo,- tamarind in the form of tamarind paste in a quantity of 3,2 kg, which gives that sauce a sour taste and color,

- česen v sesekljani obliki v količini 4 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje okus,- chopped garlic in a quantity of 4 kg, which gives that sauce its flavor,

- čebula v sesekljani obliki v količini 4 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje okus, barvo in strukturo,- chopped onion, 4 kg, which gives the sauce its flavor, color and texture,

- rdeča paprika v sesekljani obliki v količini 16 kg, ki daje barvo in okus omaki po tem izumu,- red pepper in chopped form in the amount of 16 kg, which gives color and taste to the sauce according to this invention,

- ribja omaka v količini 2 1 oz. okoli 2 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje okus po ribah in morskih sadežih,- fish sauce in the amount of 2 1 oz. about 2 kg, which gives the sauce a taste of fish and seafood,

- omaka iz čilija v količini 2,8 1 oz. okoli 2,8 kg , ki navedeni omaki daje pekoč in oster okus ter barvo,- Chili sauce in the amount of 2.8 1 oz. about 2.8 kg, which gives the sauce a pungent and pungent taste and color,

- sol v količini 1 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje slan okus in deluje tudi kot konzervans,- 1 kg of salt, which gives the sauce a salty taste and also acts as a preservative,

- kis v količini 0,8 1 oz. okoli 0,8 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje kisel okus, barvo in uravnava kislost omake, zmlete oluščene pistacije v količini 4 kg, ki navedeni omaki dajejo okus po arašidih in maščobah, in- vinegar in the amount of 0.8 1 oz. about 0.8 kg, which gives said sauce a sour taste, color and regulates the acidity of the sauce, ground peeled pistachios in an amount of 4 kg, which gives said sauce a peanut and fat taste, and

- beli kristalni sladkor v količini 10 kg, ki navedeni omaki daje sladki okus in hkrati deluje kot zgostilo in konzervans.- white crystal sugar in the amount of 10 kg, which gives the sauce a sweet taste and at the same time acts as a thickener and preservative.

Omako po tem izvedbenem primeru pripravimo po podobnem postopku kot omako v Izvedbenem primeru 1, le da oreščke arašide nadomestimo s pistacijami.The sauce according to this embodiment is prepared according to a similar procedure to the sauce in Embodiment 1, except that the peanut nuts are replaced with pistachios.

Omako po tem izumu pripravimo v posodi, kot je poznana in kot se v stanju tehnike uporablja za pripravo omak in podobnih jedi na področju profesionalnih kuhinj in restavracij in ki je med drugim izbrana izmed loncev za pripravo omak, kot so na primer lonci proizvajalcev z registrirano znamko Vollrath®, ameriškega proizvajalca The Vollrath Co., L.L.C., izmed posod in loncev z dvojno steno, kot na primer lonci s tržno oznako Vigor (angleški naziv: Vigor stainless Steel aluminium-clad double boiler) ali pa izmed samostoječih kuhinjskih kotlov, bodisi na električni ali plinski priključek, kot so na primer kotli s tržno oznako Vulcan proizvajalca ITW Food Equipment Group LLC.The sauce according to the invention is prepared in a container as known and as used in the prior art for the preparation of sauces and similar dishes in the field of professional kitchens and restaurants and selected from, inter alia, sauces for preparing sauces, such as pots brand Vollrath®, from the American manufacturer The Vollrath Co., LLC, from containers and pots with a double wall, such as pots with the trade mark Vigor (English name: Vigor stainless Steel aluminum-clad double boiler) or from free-standing kitchen boilers, either to an electrical or gas connection, such as Vulcan boilers manufactured by ITW Food Equipment Group LLC.

V najbolj prednostnem izvedbenem primeru postopka priprave omake Pad Thai po tem izumu omako pripravimo v posodi z dvojnim dnom in dvojno steno, kjer je med obema stenama posode voda z namenom, da se v posodo dodane sestavine omake pri kuhanju ne primejo na vroče dno posode in daje toplota tekom kuhanja omake po celotni posodi čim bolj enakomerno porazdeljena.In a most preferred embodiment of the Pad Thai sauce preparation process according to the invention, the sauce is prepared in a double-bottomed and double-walled container, where there is water between the two walls of the container so that the sauce ingredients added to the container do not stick to the hot bottom of the container. gives the heat as evenly distributed as possible during cooking the sauce throughout the pan.

Zgoraj navedene sestavine rdeče paprike, česna in čebule narežemo oz. sesekljamo na manjše delce in jih tako narezane damo v kuhalno posodo. Za takšno rezanje uporabimo kuhinjske pripomočke za rezanje in sekljanje zelenjave, kot so poznani in kot se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike na področju gostinstva, prehrambene industrije in v gospodinjstvu.Cut the above ingredients of red pepper, garlic and onion or. chop into smaller pieces and place them sliced in a cooking pot. For such cutting, we use kitchen utensils for cutting and chopping vegetables, as they are known and as they are used in the state of the art in the field of catering, food industry and in the household.

Na koncu v zgoraj navedenem času pred zaključkom kuhanja mešanice omake dodamo omaki še fino zmlete oluščene in blanširane pistacije, ki jih podobno kot arašide v Izvedbenem primeru 1 pripravimo s praženjem, pri čemer jih ne solimo. Pred mletjem oluščenih in blanširanih pistacij preverimo, da niso žarkega okusa. Če so pistacije primernega okusa, jih zmeljemo na manjše kosce, podobno kot arašide v predhodnem izvedbenem primeru. Alternativno lahko namesto zmletih oluščenih in blanširanih pistacij uporabimo tudi zmlete oluščene pistacije s kožico (ne-blanširane), kar tako pripravljeni omaki da nekoliko grenak okus in rahlo ijavkasto barvo zaradi kože pistacij.Finally, at the above-mentioned time before the end of cooking the sauce mixture, finely ground peeled and blanched pistachios are added to the sauce, which, like peanuts in Embodiment 1, are prepared by roasting without salting. Before grinding peeled and blanched pistachios, check that they do not have a radiant taste. If the pistachios have a suitable taste, grind them into smaller pieces, similar to peanuts in the previous embodiment. Alternatively, instead of ground peeled and blanched pistachios, you can also use ground peeled pistachios with the skin (non-blanched), which gives the prepared sauce a slightly bitter taste and a slightly whitish color due to the pistachio skin.

Omako po zaključku kuhanja podobno kot v Izvedbenem primeru 1 bodisi zmiksamo tako, da so vsi delci sestavin majhni in da se enakomerno in fino porazdelijo po celotni omaki tako, da pri zauživanju omake ne okušamo posameznih delcev sestavin. V alternativni izvedbi tega primera omako alternativno zmiksamo tako, da delci sestavin omake ostanejo večji, predvsem delci čebule, česna, paprike in pistacij, in da se nato pri zauživanju omake občutijo v ustih, kar daje omaki posebno strukturo in teksturo. V alternativni izvedbi tega primera lahko za ta namen del pistacij zmeljemo bolj grobo tako, da v omaki ostanejo drobci pistacij v velikosti premera od vključno okoli 1 mm do vključno okoli 3 mm z namenom, da spremenimo teksturo in strukturo omake ter poudarimo okus pistacij v omaki.After cooking, similarly to Embodiment 1, the sauce is mixed in such a way that all the ingredients are small and that they are evenly and finely distributed throughout the sauce, so that individual particles of the ingredients are not tasted when the sauce is ingested. In an alternative embodiment of this example, the sauce is alternatively mixed so that the particles of the sauce ingredients remain larger, especially the particles of onion, garlic, pepper and pistachios, and then feel in the mouth when ingested, giving the sauce a special structure and texture. In an alternative embodiment of this example, part of the pistachios can be ground coarser for this purpose by leaving pistachio fragments in the size from about 1 mm to about 3 mm in diameter in order to change the texture and structure of the sauce and emphasize the taste of pistachios in the sauce. .

Ohlajeno in zmiksano omako porazdelimo v posode za hrambo v hladilniku pri temperaturi v območju od vključno 0 °C do vključno 4° C, ker po tem izumu pripravljena omaka ne vsebuje dodanih konzervansov in stabilizatorjev. Prednostno je posoda za hrambo omake steklena posoda, ki ima pokrov in omogoča tesno zapiranje posode. Alternativno so to lahko tudi plastične posode s pokrovi. Navedena posoda za hrambo v hladilniku je izbrana izmed posode, kot je poznana in kot se v stanju tehnike uporablja za hrambo prehrambenih izdelkov v hladilnikih v temperaturnem območju od vključno 0 °C do vključno 4° C. Alternativno se v primeru daljšega roka hranjenja omaka ta lahko tudi zamrzne in se v tem primeru hrani v plastični posodi, kot se v stanju tehnike uporablja za zamrzovanje prehrambenih izdelkov v hladilnikih.The cooled and mixed sauce is distributed in refrigerated storage containers at a temperature in the range from 0 ° C to 4 ° C inclusive, because the sauce prepared according to the invention does not contain added preservatives and stabilizers. Preferably, the sauce storage container is a glass container that has a lid and allows the container to be tightly closed. Alternatively, these can also be plastic containers with lids. Said container for refrigerated storage is selected from a container as known and as used in the state of the art for storing foodstuffs in refrigerators in a temperature range from 0 ° C to 4 ° C inclusive. Alternatively, in the case of a longer shelf life, the sauce is it can also be frozen and in this case stored in a plastic container, as used in the prior art for freezing food products in refrigerators.

Po tem postopku pripravljena omaka je obstojna do vključno okoli treh tednov in celo do vključno okoli šest mesecev pri pogojih hrambe v hladilniku pri temperaturi v območju od vključno 0 °C do vključno 4 °C.The sauce prepared by this process is stable for up to and including about three weeks and even up to and including about six months under refrigerated storage conditions at a temperature in the range of 0 ° C to 4 ° C.

Po opisanem receptu pripravimo okoli 64 1 oziroma okoli 64 kg omake Pad Thai s pistacijami po tem izumu.According to the described recipe, about 64 l or about 64 kg of Pad Thai sauce with pistachios according to the present invention are prepared.

Izvedbeni primer 3: Uporaba omake vrste Pad Thai z arašidi zajedi Pad ThaiEmbodiment 3: Use of Pad Thai sauce with peanuts infest Pad Thai

Omako, ki jo pripravimo po Izvedbenem primeru 1, uporabimo za pripravo končne jedi vrste Pad Thai. Končno jed pripravimo tako, da najprej pripravimo riževe rezance bodisi tako, da jih poparimo z vrelo vodo ali pa da jih namočimo v vodi, da se zmehčajo. V ponev, ki je bodisi ponev vok ali druga podobna ponev, damo nekaj olja, ga na kuhalniku segrejemo in nato v ponev dodamo zelenjavo ter jo pražimo nekaj minut tako, da še vedno ostane trdna in se ne zmehča preveč. Navedeno zelenjavo med drugim izberemo izmed zelja, kitajskega zelja, bučk, kumaric, jajčevcev oz. malancanov, paradižnika, paprike, korenja, kolerabe, redkvice, graha in druge podobne zelenjave, ki jo narežemo na tanjše rezine in/ali kocke. Nato v ponev dodamo zmehčane riževe rezance in jih popražimo nekaj minut, da se segrejejo. Sestavine v ponvi pomaknemo proti robu ponve, da sprostimo sredino ponve in v to dodamo eno ali več surovih jajc ter jih v ponvi popražimo in nato zamešamo skupaj s sestavinami ob robu ponve. Temu dodamo še omako po tem izumu, pripravljeno po izvedbenem primeru 1, ter vse sestavine v ponvi enakomerno premešamo med seboj. Tako pripravljeno končno jed vrste Pad Thai v smislu tega izuma postrežemo z arašidi, ko jed po porcijah razdelimo in serviramo na krožnikih, pri čemer oluščene arašide, bodisi blanširane ali ne-blanširane, dodamo na vrh jedi bodisi cele ali sesekljane na manjše delce. Po potrebi po vrhu pripravljene jedi dodamo še začimbe, kot so poznane in kot se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike v gostinstvu, v gospodinjstvu in v prehrambeni industriji, prednostno pa v azijski kuhinji. Takšne začimbe so n. pr. izbrane izmed origana, bazilike, rožmarina, koriandra, zelene, peteršilja, timijana in drugih podobnih začimb bodisi v sveži obliki ali pa v posušeni obliki.The sauce prepared according to Embodiment 1 is used to prepare the final dish of the Pad Thai type. The final dish is prepared by first preparing the rice noodles either by steaming them with boiling water or by soaking them in water to soften them. Put some oil in a pan, which is either a wok pan or another similar pan, heat it on the stove and then add the vegetables to the pan and fry it for a few minutes so that it still stays firm and doesn’t soften too much. These vegetables are selected from, among others, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, eggplants or. malancans, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, kohlrabi, radishes, peas and other similar vegetables cut into thinner slices and / or cubes. Then add the softened rice noodles to the pan and fry them for a few minutes to heat up. Move the ingredients in the pan towards the edge of the pan to release the middle of the pan and add one or more raw eggs to it and fry them in the pan and then mix together with the ingredients along the edge of the pan. To this is added the sauce according to the invention prepared according to embodiment 1, and all the ingredients in the pan are mixed evenly. The Pad Thai final dish of the present invention thus prepared is served with peanuts when the dish is divided into portions and served on plates, with peeled peanuts, whether blanched or non-blanched, added to the top of the dish either whole or chopped into smaller pieces. If necessary, after the top of the prepared dish, we add spices as they are known and as they are used in the state of the art in catering, household and food industry, and preferably in Asian cuisine. Such spices are n. pr. selected from oregano, basil, rosemary, coriander, celery, parsley, thyme and other similar spices either in fresh form or in dried form.

Po potrebi lahko v takšno končno jed Pad Thai vključimo še mesne jedi, ribje jedi in/ali morske sadeže, kot n. pr. popečeno oziroma praženo piščančje meso ali pa pražene lignje oz. kalamare ali pa enega ali več popečenih oz. praženih rakcev kozic. V tem primeru dodamo mesne jedi v količini mase od vključno okoli 20 g do vključno okoli 100 g. V pripravi takšne kombinacije jedi, najprej pripravimo mesno jed, ribjo jed in/ali morske sadeže tako, da jih popečemo in/ali popražimo ob stalnem mešanju in obračanju, da se enakomerno popečejo z vseh strani v vok ponvi ali podobni ponvi na sončničnem ali palmovem olju za čas od vključno okoli 5 min do vključno okoli 10 min. Nato dodajamo preostale sestavine Pad Thai jedi v zaporedju, kot je opisano zgoraj.If necessary, meat dishes, fish dishes and / or seafood such as n can also be included in such a final Pad Thai dish. pr. roasted or roasted chicken meat or roasted squid or squid or one or more roasted or. roasted shrimp. In this case, meat dishes are added in an amount of weight from about 20 g to about 100 g. In preparing such a combination of dishes, first prepare a meat dish, fish dish and / or seafood by roasting and / or frying, stirring constantly and turning, so that they are evenly roasted on all sides in a wok pan or similar pan on a sunflower or palm oil for a time from about 5 minutes to about 10 minutes. Then add the remaining ingredients of the Pad Thai dish in sequence as described above.

Količine navedenih sestavin izberemo poljubno. V enem izmed možnih izvedbenih primerov na porcijo za eno osebo izberemo 1 del suhih riževih rezancev, ki jih namočimo v približno 0,5 1 mlačne vode, 1 veliko žlico olja, kije bodisi sončnično olje ali palmovo olje, 1 del zelenjave kot n. pr. na kose narezano zelje, 1 jajce, 1 do 2 veliki žlici omake po izvedbenem primeru 1 ter 1 veliko žlico arašidov ter začimbe po izbiri tako po vrsti kot količini začimb. 1 velika žlica v smislu tega izuma pomeni volumen od vključno okoli 10 ml do vključno okoli 15 ml tekočine do roba žlice.The quantities of the listed ingredients are chosen arbitrarily. In one possible embodiment, we select 1 part dry rice noodles per serving per person, soaked in about 0.5 1 lukewarm water, 1 tablespoon oil, which is either sunflower oil or palm oil, 1 part vegetables as n. pr. sliced cabbage, 1 egg, 1 to 2 tablespoons of sauce according to embodiment 1 and 1 tablespoon of peanuts and spices of your choice according to the type and amount of spices. 1 tablespoon of the present invention means a volume of from about 10 ml to about 15 ml of liquid to the edge of the spoon.

Posamezne v tukajšnjem opisu opredeljene jedi oziroma končne jedi same po sebi kot takšne niso predmet tega izuma. V tem opisu so podane, opredeljene in navedene za namen prikaza uporabe po tem izumu pred-pripravljene in končno pripravljene omake k jedem v smislu tega izuma. Sicer pa je predmet tega izuma kombinacija takšnih jedi z omako v smislu tega izumu, to je kombinacija takšnih jedi, pri katerih se uporabi po tem izumu pred-pripravljena in/ali končno pripravljena omaka k jedem.Individual dishes or final dishes defined herein are not, as such, the subject of the present invention. In the present description, pre-prepared and finally prepared sauces for dishes according to the present invention are given, defined and mentioned for the purpose of showing the use according to the present invention. Otherwise, the subject of the present invention is a combination of such dishes with a sauce according to the present invention, i.e. a combination of such dishes in which a pre-prepared and / or finally prepared sauce is used for dishes according to the invention.

Tukaj opisana sestava omake zajedi, prednostno zajedi vrste Pad Thai in/ali jedi vok ter drugih podobnih jedi in njena receptura ter tukaj opisani postopek njene priprave in postopek njene uporabe se lahko alternativno izvedejo z ustreznimi prilagoditvami glede na vsakokratno kombinacijo opredeljenih sestavin, njihovih količin in/ali zaporedja njihovega dodajanja tekom priprave. Zato so v obsegu tukaj opisanega in opredeljenega izuma ter kot je definiran v priloženih zahtevkih lahko možne tudi druge alternativne in modificirane izvedbe takšne omake in postopka njene priprave in postopka njene uporabe v smislu tega izuma, da se reši zastavljeni tehnični problem, saj lahko na podlagi tukaj opisane sestave omake ter postopka njene priprave in/ali postopka njene uporabe strokovnjak s področja tehnike po tem izumu razvije tudi drugačne izvedbe takšne sestave omake, postopka njene priprave in postopka njene uporabe, kar pa ne spremeni bistva izuma, kot je opisan in opredeljen tukaj ter definiran v zahtevkih.The composition of the dressing described herein, preferably Pad Thai and / or wok dishes and other similar dishes and its recipe, and the process of its preparation and the process of its use described herein may alternatively be carried out with appropriate adjustments according to each combination of defined ingredients, their amounts and / or the sequence of their addition during preparation. Therefore, within the scope of the invention described and defined herein and as defined in the appended claims, other alternative and modified embodiments of such a sauce and a process for its preparation and a process for its use in the context of the present invention may be possible. The composition of the sauce described herein and the process of its preparation and / or the process of its use will also be developed by one skilled in the art according to the present invention, other embodiments of such a composition of the sauce, the process of its preparation and the process of its use. and defined in the claims.

Claims (22)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Omaka za jedi, kije sestavljena iz vode, vsaj enega ali več vrst sladkoijev, tamarinda, česna, čebule, paprike vsaj ene ali več vrst, ribje omake, vsaj ene ali več omak iz različnih vrst čilija, soli, kisa in oreščkov vsaj ene ali več vrst, značilna po tem, da vključuje:A sauce for dishes consisting of water, at least one or more kinds of sweets, tamarind, garlic, onions, peppers of at least one or more kinds, fish sauce, at least one or more sauces of various kinds of chili, salt, vinegar and nuts at least one or more species, characterized in that it includes: - vodo v količini od vključno okoli 20 utežnih % (v nadaljevanju: ut. %) do vključno okoli 40 ut. %,- water in an amount of from about 20% by weight (hereinafter: wt.%) to about 40 wt. %, - vsaj enega ali več vrst sladkorjev v skupni količini sladkorja od vključno okoli 16 ut. % do vključno okoli 21 ut. %,- at least one or more types of sugar in a total sugar content of about 16% by weight % up to and including about 21 wt. %, - tamarind v obliki tamarindove paste v količini od vključno okoli 3 ut. % do vključno okoli 6 ut. %,- tamarind in the form of tamarind paste in an amount of about 3 wt. % up to and including about 6 wt. %, - česen v sesekljani obliki v količini od vključno okoli 4 ut. % do vključno okoli 6 ut. %,- garlic in chopped form in an amount of about 4 wt. % up to and including about 6 wt. %, - čebulo v sesekljani obliki v količini od vključno okoli 4 ut. % do vključno okoli 8 ut. %,- onion in chopped form in an amount of about 4 wt. % up to and including about 8 wt. %, - papriko v sesekljani obliki vsaj ene ali več vrst paprik v skupni količini paprike od vključno okoli 20 ut. % do vključno okoli 25 ut. %,- peppers in chopped form of at least one or more types of peppers in a total quantity of peppers of about 20 wt. % up to and including about 25 wt. %, - ribjo omako v količini od vključno okoli 1 ut. % do vključno okoli 6 ut. %,- fish sauce in an amount of about 1 wt. % up to and including about 6 wt. %, - vsaj eno ali več omak iz različnih vrst čilija v skupni količini omak iz čilija od vključno okoli 0,5 ut. % do vključno okoli 5 ut. %,- at least one or more sauces of different types of chili in a total amount of chili sauces of about 0,5 wt. % up to and including about 5 wt. %, - soli v količini od vključno okoli 1 ut. % do vključno okoli 1,5 ut. %,- salts in an amount of about 1 wt. % up to and including about 1.5 wt. %, - kis v količini od vključno okoli 1 ut. % do vključno okoli 2 ut. %,- vinegar in an amount of about 1 wt. % up to and including about 2 wt. %, - oreščke vsaj ene ali več vrst v skupni količini oreščkov od vključno okoli 3 ut. % do vključno okoli 8 ut. %.- nuts of at least one or more species in a total quantity of nuts of about 3% by weight. % up to and including about 8 wt. %. 2. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je sladkor izbran izmed sladkorjev, med katerimi so rafinirani beli sladkor, palmin sladkor in/ali rjavi sladkor.Sauce sauce according to claim 1, characterized in that the sugar is selected from sugars, among which are refined white sugar, palm sugar and / or brown sugar. 3. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 2, značilna po tem, daje sladkor v navedeni omaki mešanica rafiniranega belega sladkoija in palminega sladkoija.Sauce sauce according to claim 2, characterized in that the sugar in said sauce is a mixture of refined white sweet and palm sweet. 4. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1, 2 in/ali 3, značilna po tem, da navedena omaka vsebuje rafinirani beli sladkor v količini od vključno okoli 12 ut. % do vključno okoli 15 ut. % in palmin sladkor v količini od vključno okoli 4 ut. % do vključno okoli 6 ut. %.Sauce sauce according to claims 1, 2 and / or 3, characterized in that said sauce contains refined white sugar in an amount of about 12 wt. % up to and including about 15 wt. % and palm sugar in an amount of about 4 wt. % up to and including about 6 wt. %. 5. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1, 2, 3 in/ali 4, značilna po tem, daje paprika glede na barvo izbrana izmed paprike, med katerimi so rdeča paprika, zelena paprika, oranžna paprika, rumena paprika, bela paprika, vijolična paprika, črna paprika in/ali kombinacija teh.Sauce sauce according to Claim 1, 2, 3 and / or 4, characterized in that the peppers are selected from the peppers according to their color, among which are red peppers, green peppers, orange peppers, yellow peppers, white peppers, purple peppers, black pepper and / or a combination of these. 6. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1, 2, 3,4 in/ali 5, značilna po tem, daje paprika glede na ostrino okusa izbrana izmed ne-pekoče ali sladke paprike.Sauce sauce according to claims 1, 2, 3,4 and / or 5, characterized in that the pepper is selected from non-hot or sweet pepper according to the sharpness of the taste. 7. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1, 2, 3,4, 5 in/ali 6, značilna po tem, daje paprika prednostno ne-pekoča rdeča paprika.Sauce sauce according to claim 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and / or 6, characterized in that the pepper is preferably a non-hot red pepper. 8. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6 in/ali 7, značilna po tem, daje omaka iz čilija izbrana izmed čilijevih omak, kjer so čiliji izbrani izmed polpekočih čilijev in pekočih čilijev in/ali iz kombinacije teh.The garnish sauce according to claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and / or 7, characterized in that the chili sauce is selected from chili sauces, wherein the chillies are selected from semi-hot chillies and hot chillies and / or from a combination teh. 9. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7 in/ali 8, značilna po tem, da so oreščki izbrani izmed oreščkov, med katerimi so arašidi, pistacije, brazilski oreščki, indijski oreščki, oreščki macadamia, lešniki, mandeljni, orehi, semena buč in/ali bučk ter semena pinjole in/ali kombinacija teh.Agave sauce according to claims 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7 and / or 8, characterized in that the nuts are selected from nuts, among which are peanuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, macadamia nuts , hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and / or courgettes and pine nuts and / or a combination thereof. 10. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7, 8 in/ali 9, značilna po tem, da so navedeni oreščki arašidi.Sauce sauce according to claims 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7, 8 and / or 9, characterized in that said nuts are peanuts. 11. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in/ali 10, značilna po tem, da so navedeni oreščki arašidi izbrani izmed praženih arašidov, praženih nesoljenih arašidov, praženih soljenih arašidov, praženih nesoljenih blanširanih arašidov in/ali praženih soljenih blanširanih arašidov.Abyss sauce according to claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and / or 10, characterized in that said peanut nuts are selected from roasted peanuts, roasted unsalted peanuts, roasted salted peanuts, roasted unsalted blanched peanuts and / or roasted salted blanched peanuts. 12. Postopek priprave omake zajedi po zahtevku 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in/ali 11, značilen po tem, da se navedene sestavine omake zmeša z vodo in ob stalnem mešanju in segrevanju oziroma ogrevanju dodaja navedene sestavine omake z izjemo oreščkov in belega sladkorja ter se takšno mešanico sestavin omake kuha pri temperaturi okoli 100 °C.A process for preparing a sauce sauce according to claims 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and / or 11, characterized in that said sauce ingredients are mixed with water and with constant stirring and heating. or add the above ingredients of the sauce to the heating, with the exception of nuts and white sugar, and such a mixture of the ingredients of the sauce is cooked at a temperature of about 100 ° C. 13. Postopek priprave omake za jedi po zahtevku 12, kjer navedena omaka vključuje sestavine po zahtevku 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 in/ali 11, značilen po tem, da se navedeno mešanico sestavin omake z izjemo oreščkov in belega sladkorja kuha pri temperaturi okoli 100 °C od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 7 ur, merjeno od začetka kuhanja.A process for preparing a sauce for dishes according to claim 12, wherein said sauce comprises ingredients according to claims 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and / or 11, characterized in that said mixture the ingredients of the sauce, with the exception of nuts and white sugar, are cooked at a temperature of about 100 ° C from about 3 hours to about 7 hours, measured from the beginning of cooking. 14. Postopek priprave omake zajedi po zahtevku 13, kjer navedena omaka vključuje sestavine po zahtevku 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 in/ali 11, značilen po tem, da se navedeno mešanico sestavin omake z izjemo oreščkov in belega sladkorja kuha pri temperaturi okoli 100 °C od vključno okoli 3 ure do vključno okoli 5 ur, merjeno od začetka kuhanja.A process for preparing a gravy sauce according to claim 13, wherein said sauce comprises ingredients according to claims 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and / or 11, characterized in that said mixture of ingredients sauces with the exception of nuts and white sugar are cooked at a temperature of about 100 ° C from about 3 hours to about 5 hours, measured from the beginning of cooking. 15. Postopek priprave omake zajedi po zahtevku 12,13 in/ali 14, kjer navedena omaka vključuje sestavine po zahtevku 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in/ali 11, značilen po tem, da se zmlete oreščke doda v navedeno mešanico sestavin omake v času od vključno okoli 30 min do vključno okoli 20 min pred zaključkom kuhanja omake.A process for preparing a gravy sauce according to claims 12, 13 and / or 14, wherein said sauce comprises ingredients according to claims 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and / or 11, characterized in that to add the ground nuts to said mixture of sauce ingredients for a period of about 30 minutes to about 20 minutes before the end of cooking the sauce. 16. Postopek priprave omake zajedi po zahtevku 12, 13,14 in/ali 15, kjer navedena omaka vključuje sestavine po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in/ali 11, značilen po tem, da se beli sladkor v mešanico navedenih sestavin omake, ki vključuje tudi dodane zmlete oreščke, doda v času od vključno okoli 10 min do vključno okoli 3 min pred zaključkom kuhanja omake.A process for preparing a gravy sauce according to claims 12, 13, 14 and / or 15, wherein said sauce comprises ingredients according to claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and / or 11, characterized in after that, white sugar is added to the mixture of said sauce ingredients, which also includes added ground nuts, in the period from about 10 minutes to about 3 minutes before the end of cooking the sauce. 17. Postopek priprave omake zajedi po zahtevku 12, 13, 14 in/ali 15, kjer navedena omaka vključuje sestavine po zahtevku 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 in/ali 11, značilen po tem, da se beli sladkor v mešanico navedenih sestavin omake, ki vključuje tudi dodane zmlete oreščke, doda v času od vključno okoli 5 min do vključno okoli 3 min pred zaključkom kuhanja omake.A process for preparing a gravy sauce according to claims 12, 13, 14 and / or 15, wherein said sauce comprises ingredients according to claims 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and / or 11, characterized in after that, white sugar is added to the mixture of said sauce ingredients, which also includes added ground nuts, in the period from about 5 minutes to about 3 minutes before the end of cooking the sauce. 18. Omaka zajedi po zahtevku 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 in/ali 11, ki se pripravi po postopku po zahtevku 12,13, 14, 15, 16 in/ali 17.The sauce according to claims 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and / or 11, which is prepared according to the method according to claims 12,13, 14, 15, 16 and / or 17 . 19. Uporaba omake po zahtevku 1,2, 3,4, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11 in/ali 18 za pripravo jedi, značilna po tem, da jed poleg navedene omake vključuje še jed iz testenin, mesne jedi, ribje jedi, jedi iz morskih sadežev, jedi živalskega izvora, zelenjavne jedi, jedi rastlinskega izvora in/ali kombinacijo teh jedi.Use of a sauce according to claims 1,2, 3,4, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11 and / or 18 for the preparation of a dish, characterized in that the dish includes, in addition to said sauce, a pasta dish, meat dishes, fish dishes, seafood dishes, dishes of animal origin, vegetable dishes, dishes of plant origin and / or a combination of these dishes. 20. Uporaba omake po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11 in/ali 18 za pripravo jedi, značilna po tem, da jed poleg navedene omake vključuje še jed iz testenin.Use of a sauce according to claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and / or 18 for the preparation of a dish, characterized in that the dish includes a pasta dish in addition to said sauce. 21. Uporaba omake po zahtevku 20 za pripravo jedi, značilna po tem, da so navedene testenine riževi rezanci.Use of a sauce according to claim 20 for the preparation of a dish, characterized in that said pasta is rice noodles. 22. Uporaba omake po zahtevku 19, 20 in/ali 21 za pripravo jedi, značilna po tem, da jed poleg navedene omake in navedenih jedi vključuje še začimbe.Use of a sauce according to claims 19, 20 and / or 21 for the preparation of a dish, characterized in that the dish includes spices in addition to said sauce and said dishes.
SI201900261A 2019-12-27 2019-12-27 Sauce for dishes, the process of its preparation and the process of its use SI25935A (en)

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